mondoradiowmse · 1 year
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The Daily Bird Cafe
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hxcgirl666 · 11 months
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Exterior - Traditional Exterior Example of a classic two-story mixed siding exterior home design
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sakuranym · 1 year
Exterior - Traditional Exterior
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Example of a classic two-story mixed siding exterior home design
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crmsnmth · 2 months
Listening to Blitzkid as We Drive Around Riverwest in the Truck You Named Gary
Even knowing how badly it would hurt How broken I'd become after you left I would do it all again, no question It was worth it, it was all worth it
From your kiss, to a stranger's fist From beer cans and needle tips Every memory, both good and bad I cherish them, I'll never foget them
To get a chance to spend time with you even though it would kill me in the end There's no way I could handle losing you again I barely survived the first time
But by god, I'd do it all again just to feel you in my arms and call you mine I'll take the bullet when you close the door in my face I can't lose everything if I just lose my life
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uwmspeccoll · 4 months
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It’s Feral Friday!  
Today we’re highlighting another gem from our zine selection, Decolonizing Library Science by Archivist (and former, long-time UWM Special Collections Graduate Intern) Keahi Ka’iwalani Adolpho. Created on the eve of the 2016 edition of Milwaukee Zine Fest while they were a student in the Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) graduate program at UW-Milwaukee, this zine offers up a compelling reflection on Adolpho’s personal experience as a “non-binary, queer, hapa (mixed Native Hawaiian)” academic and a glimpse into their early research and critiques concerning MLIS graduate education and the field of Library Science as a whole.  
Decolonizing Library Science underlines the importance of rigorous internal critique in the interest of creating truly inclusive institutions and serves as a great example of the power of unregulated, independently, and accessibly produced publications like zines to provide a platform for underrepresented voices and perspectives. And we love the shoutout to the treasures of the Little Free Libraries in the Riverwest neighborhood of Milwaukee at the end!
In addition to their work in Archives and Special Collections, Adolpho is currently a member of the Homosaurus editorial board and co-edited Trans and Gender Diverse Voices in Libraries, which was published by Library Juice Press in 2023. They also co-created the Diversity Residency Toolkit as part of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Residency Interest Group. Their research interests include trans and gender diverse inclusion in libraries and archives, reparative and ethical metadata, and diversity residencies.  
--Ana, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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anti-workshop · 9 months
So, there's a wonderful food co-op in our neighborhood that is really struggling right now. They've been a cornerstone of the community for decades and they're in danger of closing.
Their motto is "Food for people, not profit."
If that vibes with you, and you have a buck to spare, or share this post, it would be awesome. Thanks y'all.
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Guys there is a Swastika in my city. People are fighting over if this swastika mural should be on a prominent corner on a road leading to the freeway. It got pulled down by ‘vandals’ but now the owner of the building and said swastika held a 40 minute press conference with about 15 supporters in attendance. The neighborhood page is people debating its merits. Yes this mural is in reference to the Palestinian conflict, no it does not matter. Don’t put giant hate symbols up on your wall!
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creamcitywriter · 5 months
Driving at dusk down Humboldt
Riverwest sunset
Trees guard the colors of the sun
All I get, a steel blue sky
The radio is both too loud and too quiet,
The drives too short and too long.
I do not cultivate my garden. I do not tend to my daily tasks.
I try to cry but I don't think I'm there just yet.
The lights are all green. I want to wait at a red.
I am empty,
violently hoping for a pouring out of grace
I have not prepared for.
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seafoamchild · 1 year
i can hear the crickets tonight. the air has cooled off a bit, finally. it's been so hot lately and we don't have air conditioning. i haven't spent that much time in the great outdoors this summer. and that is okay, because in previous summers i've been outside a lot and done a bunch of hiking. this summer i've just been working and going to shows and seeing friends and partying.
yesterday i went to another street festival in riverwest and it was so... riverwest. misfits, punk bands, tattoos, people with no shoes, reptiles, people with mismatched shoes on. i found a fabulous skin tight dress with a slit up the side and it was sparkly blue like the rainbow fish. i tried it on and it looked so good on me that a random lady came up to take a picture.
then i wore the dress out later that night to the wine bar where one glass of wine turned into three and then we went to the tiki bar which is always a terrible idea. as soon as we got there i saw so many men staring at me in my dress. i was drinking a lot and people kept buying me shots. this happens every time i go to that goddamn place. this one older dude (who was honestly kind of hot) was very into me and being very frank about wanting to have sex with me. drunk me of course loved the attention. i love to be a tease because it makes me feel powerful in that moment, i guess. i love flirting and making men want me and then disappearing. you can want me but you can't have me. it feels almost like playing a character. i see these men eyeing me up and thinking about sex. but they don't know anything about me. they don't know how funny i am or that my favorite color is yellow or that i can speak several languages or that i've traveled all around the world. and they don't get to know.
i was thinking about how much my relationship with luke sucked. he was so unkind to me. and i really think he resented me for being well-liked and fun to be around. he could not handle having a girlfriend who was funnier and far more magnetic than he could ever be. i truly think he was jealous and that he took it out on me by invalidating my feelings whenever i was down. like "oh everything is so easy for you and everyone likes you so you have no reason to be sad". but then he would show understanding to other people who were going through depression. so it was apparently just me who wasn't allowed to be depressed. and THEN after the infamous night at Chill on the Hill when i called him out for making the evening so fucking awkward and weird and it did NOT have to be that weird, he had the audacity to say to me "you don't get to tell me how to feel". bitch what? that boy has the emotional intelligence of a cinderblock. all in all he's a decent dude but fuck him for making me feel like i was too much. he just wasn't enough. not kind enough, not empathetic enough, not funny enough, and certainly not smart enough.
i have my shortcomings too. i think i have been really unnecessarily mean to men, especially since i broke up with luke. just leading them on and then disappearing. like i said, i relish the attention. but it's just so unnecessary to play with people's feelings like that. especially with austin. i really tormented that dude. or elliott. i straight up ghosted him.
and i need to address my issues with drinking and doing drugs. i have really poor impulse control. and i've been so messy. last night i was throwing up into trash bags next to my bed until 3am. it feels normal because a lot of my friends and coworkers are into partying really hard. but i'm starting to not really like how messy i become. i think alcohol is the main problem, actually. i think i can handle myself on drugs but when i mix them with alcohol that's when shit gets to be too much. i've even put off scheduling a therapy appointment because i don't want to talk about this but i know i need to.
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414graffiti · 16 days
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Riverwest Milwaukee - August 31, 2024
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mondoradiowmse · 1 year
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OWL September 2024 Calendar
O.W.L. (Older. Wiser. Local) is a program created to serve, enlighten & educate area seniors (50 & up). OWL is sponsored by the Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, and Bader Philanthropies.
Time: Thursdays & Fridays 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Place: Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, 926 E. Center Street, Milwaukee 53212
All people, ages 50 & up are welcome. Gatherings are free of charge, free refreshments
Radio Shows:
Tuesdays 7pm on Riverwest Radio, WXRW, 104.1 FM. Stream the show live on riverwestradio. com, if you can't get radio reception. Or listen to the archive anytime at: www.riverwestradio.com/show/owl-older-wiser-local
OWL Calendar for September 2024
Tuesday, September 3 (RADIO)
Karen Beaumont Presents: Yukon (Music & Literature)
Thursday, September 5 (IN-PERSON)
Vince Bushell presents Riverwest Currents Sept. 2024 Issue
Friday, September 6 (IN-PERSON)
First-Friday Drum Circle (& Karaoke?) with guest drum leader
Tuesday, September 10 (RADIO)
Music Spotlight: Pineapple Pepper
Thursday, September 12 (IN-PERSON)
Paper Mache Workshop with Artist Geornica Daniels
Friday, September 13 (IN-PERSON)
DIY Creative (bring your own art project or use our materials)
Tuesday, September 17 (RADIO)
Karen Beaumont Presents: Fog Essay by Ben Hecht
Thursday, September 19 (IN-PERSON)
Old-School Rock-n-Roll Slideshow, by Jeanie Dean
Friday, September 20 (IN-PERSON)
Exhibition-Talk for JGCA Art Gallery: Annual Members Show '24 (Main Exhibition) & Maya Tempel (Small Wall)
Tuesday, September 24 (RADIO)
"The A.M. Book Report," On Media Literacy for Disinformation
Thursday, September 26 (IN-PERSON)
Vision Board Workshop with (birthday-girl) Mari Lynn Young
Friday, September 27 (IN-PERSON)
"Decade-By-Decade Review, Part. 1" Therapeutic Discussion, Writing Workshop, with Show & Tell (bring artifacts & photos from age 1 -10 years old)
O.W.L. is sponsored by the Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, along with Bader Philanthropies.
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The Ultimate Guide to Rental Property Management in Milwaukee
Milwaukee, known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse neighborhoods, offers numerous opportunities for real estate investors. As a landlord, effective rental property management is crucial to ensuring your investment thrives. This guide provides an in-depth look at rental property management in Milwaukee, covering everything from tenant screening to legal compliance.
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1. Understanding Milwaukee’s Rental Market
Milwaukee’s rental market is influenced by various factors, including the local economy, population trends, and neighborhood characteristics. Before diving into property management, it’s essential to understand the market. Research key areas like the downtown, Bay View, and Riverwest neighborhoods, where demand for rental properties remains high. Pay attention to rental rates, vacancy rates, and demographic trends to make informed decisions about your property.
2. Legal Requirements and Compliance
Milwaukee landlords must adhere to local, state, and federal laws governing rental properties. Familiarize yourself with the Wisconsin Landlord-Tenant Law, which covers everything from security deposits to eviction procedures. Understanding the Fair Housing Act is also crucial, as it prevents discrimination in housing. Keeping up with these regulations ensures that you avoid legal pitfalls and protect your investment.
3. Setting the Right Rental Price
Determining the appropriate rental price is crucial for attracting tenants while maximizing your return on investment. Start by researching comparable properties in your area to see what they’re charging. Consider factors like property size, amenities, and location. Remember that setting the price too high could lead to longer vacancies, while pricing too low might leave money on the table. Regularly review and adjust your rental rates to stay competitive in the Milwaukee market.
4. Marketing Your Rental Property
Effective marketing is key to filling vacancies quickly. Start by creating a compelling listing that highlights your property’s best features, including high-quality photos and a detailed description. Leverage online platforms like Zillow, Craigslist, and local real estate websites to reach a broad audience. Additionally, consider using social media to promote your property. Hosting open houses or virtual tours can also attract potential tenants.
5. Screening and Selecting Tenants
Tenant screening is one of the most critical aspects of property management. A thorough screening process helps you find reliable tenants who will pay rent on time and take care of your property. Start by creating a rental application that collects essential information such as employment history, income, and references. Conduct background and credit checks to assess the applicant’s financial stability. Finally, interview prospective tenants to ensure they’re a good fit for your property.
6. Drafting a Comprehensive Lease Agreement
A well-drafted lease agreement sets the tone for your landlord-tenant relationship. It should clearly outline the terms and conditions of the tenancy, including rent amount, payment due dates, security deposit details, and maintenance responsibilities. In Milwaukee, it’s important to include clauses specific to local laws, such as the City of Milwaukee’s ordinance on lead-based paint disclosure. Make sure both parties sign the agreement and retain a copy for future reference.
7. Property Maintenance and Repairs
Maintaining your rental property is essential for keeping tenants happy and protecting your investment. Regular inspections can help you identify and address maintenance issues before they become major problems. Establish a reliable network of contractors for repairs, and respond promptly to tenant requests. In Milwaukee, weather-related maintenance, such as snow removal and gutter cleaning, is particularly important. Consider setting aside a portion of your rental income for ongoing maintenance costs.
8. Managing Tenant Relations
Building positive relationships with your tenants can lead to longer tenancies and fewer vacancies. Communication is key—make yourself available to address tenant concerns and provide clear guidelines for how they should report issues. Establishing a professional yet approachable demeanor can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes. Regularly check in with your tenants and address their needs to foster a positive living environment.
9. Handling Rent Collection and Late Payments
Efficient rent collection is vital for maintaining a steady cash flow. Offer tenants multiple payment options, such as online payments, to make the process convenient. Establish clear policies for late payments, including late fees and grace periods, and communicate these policies in the lease agreement. If a tenant consistently falls behind on rent, take prompt action to resolve the issue while adhering to legal procedures.
10. Dealing with Tenant Turnover and Vacancies
Tenant turnover is inevitable, but minimizing vacancies is essential for maximizing your rental income. When a tenant decides to move out, start marketing the property immediately to reduce downtime. Conduct a thorough inspection of the property after the tenant leaves and address any necessary repairs or cleaning. Offering lease renewal incentives to existing tenants can also help reduce turnover and maintain occupancy.
Managing rental properties in Milwaukee requires a strategic approach, from understanding the local market to maintaining positive tenant relations. By following this ultimate guide, you can ensure that your investment property thrives in Milwaukee’s competitive rental market. Whether you’re a seasoned landlord or new to property management, these tips will help you navigate the challenges and reap the rewards of rental property ownership in Milwaukee. Read more
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theriverwest · 1 month
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All episodes of Midway are now available in their original screenplay format via PDF.
You can find links to each PDF, along with links to the entire series on Wattpad and AO3, in one central location here: https://bio.site/RiverWest
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crmsnmth · 6 months
September Sky Chapter Four, Part 13
"So... when were you going to tell me you can read minds?" I asked,
"What do you mean?" She looked up at my face, confused.
"I've been sitting here, worried that maybe my head stuff would be the reason you poofed out of my life. So, it's like you took a look in my head and snuffed that anxiety."
"I swear I can't read minds. I just thought that maybe you should know that it doesn't bother me."
"I appreciate that in so many ways."
"I'm glad."
I kissed the top of her head. It was just pure instinct and action. Addison nuzzled into my arm, and we went back to watching the water. I lit another cigarette, and after a few drags she took it from me again. When she had her fill, she put the cigarette back in my mouth. I swear her fingers hesitated leaving my lips. It was intimate in it's silence. The passing back and forth of the mouth. Kissing nothing while managing to kiss everything.
I don't know how much time had passed. Maybe none. Maybe forever. According to the clock on my phone, it was after midnight. I was slightly shocked. I could've stayed there all night, but I knew this moment was coming. From the moment she showed up outside my house.
"It's getting late. Maybe we should start heading back," I said, but Addison made no reply. I looked down at her to see her eyes closed behind her glasses. She had dozed off on my shoulder as we sat. I wanted this moment to last the rest of the night. She slept as I held her. I was her protection from the world, while she lay vulnerable. Knowing she felt safe enough around me to literally sleep on me was a whole new feeling that I'm not quite sure how to explain. As much as I didn't want to, I had to wake her. I softly shook her.
"Addison, time to wake up and go home." Her eyes slowly opened and fluttered. Her irises were glowing.
"Oh, oh. I'm sorry. I guess I was tired," she said, yawning as she spoke.
"Don't apologize. Let me walk you home." I stood up and held out my hand. She smiled as I helped her up off the bench. She stretched and groaned.
"My legs feel like Jell-O," she laughed as she took a wobbly step, "there's the pins and needles."
"Wiggle your toes."
"Seriously, wiggle your toes and move your feet in circles. Trust me."
She gave me a look of speculation, but she tried it. In a few seconds she was walking normal again.
"How did you figure that one out?" She asked. I couldn't do anything but shrug. I really didn't know where I had picked up that small piece of information. But it apparently had been drilled into my memory.
"That actually works. I'm going to remember that one." she said, now standing on legs that weren't shaky anymore. I took her hand now. When her fingers interlocked with mine, the fire returned, burning through every ounce of flesh. I was covered in kerosene, and she was a lit match.
The walk back to Riverwest was quiet. Instead of talking, we just walked hand in hand, bouncing off each other as we walked. I was happy to just be in her company, following the sidewalks home. Our walk to the lake had been zigzagging through side streets and alleys. The walk home was straight back. In twenty minutes, we were standing outside the door to her apartment.
"So, how long do I have to wait before I can start bugging you again?" I asked with a grin. I was trying to sound playful and coy, but I'm sure she could see right through the act. She knew it was a kind of serious question. Have I mentioned I wasn't good at this?
"As soon as you want. I don't think your bugging me at all."
"That's good to know."
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