#riza flame alchemist au
limetameta · 2 years
riza flame alchemist au where she doesn't show roy the tattoos but teaches the alchemy to herself lmao
Riza burned her own back while she was in the Academy. Rebecca covered for her with some excuses.
But unlike how Roy burned her back, Riza was so fucking angry at her father that she burned her entire back. Passed out. Was brought back. Continued. Passed out. Waited to heal. Did it again. Passed out. All until she fully cleaned herself of Berthold Hawkeye's touch.
Riza did not reach out to Mustang after her father died. If anything, she didn't even declare her father dead. She just burned the house down when she realised he was dead in his bed.
Riza is deeply traumatized and unwell. But she's got to be one of the best human weapons Amestris has, so, they just stamp approved on her draft.
But she's also super dead inside so every time Kimblee tries getting her attention in Ishval or tries to draw out a reaction he fails miserably because all Riza does is nod and say that sounds nice for you. I'm happy you found some meaning in this violence. *continues eating rations without another word*
Kimblee kind of becomes the only person Riza talks to in Ishval because nobody else wants to approach this clearly unhinged human weapon. Kimblee, on the other hand, treats this as a challenge.
And Riza's just like, that's nice.
Kimblee: You can't be this apathetic to all of these lives. Surely you must feel something? Agony, pride? Anything.
Riza shrugs.
Kimblee is dying on the inside.
Roy's a soldier lmao. When he finds out about Riza being the Flame Alchemist he asks Riza why she didn't tell him... and Riza just tells him that her father didn't entrust Roy with the alchemy. But to her. But she's very happy to see him, Private Mustang. He's in her company. Just a regular soldier, with a lot of passion and resolve. Nothing extraordinary on the field, but he is considered the best to speak to whenever you're doubting yourself or whenever you don't know what to do. They call him the Spark of Hope. And he wants to become Fuhrer one day and change things from the inside.
Kimblee butts heads with him constantly.
Riza meanwhile is looking at Maes' photographs of Gracia and nodding along, that's nice. She really looks cute. I'm happy you have something to live for.
Kimblee's last ditch effort to get Riza to show some passion for this violence they inflict on the world is to give her the philosopher's stone for one mission. Surely that'll help her. It doesn't lmaoo. She just returns it after the mission and says that she didn't like how hot her flames got with it. She should just stick with what she knew she could control. But thanks for the opportunity.
I cannot explain to you how dead inside Riza Hawkeye is.
Kimblee has a conversation about the ph stone with Riza and her perspective changes his opinion slightly on the matter. So he does end up returning it.
Roy presses Riza that with how dangerous the flame alchemy is, she should destroy the notes so this never gets in anyone else's hands.
Riza just gives Roy a thumbs up, turns around, takes off her shirt, and shows off her giant back scar. ''Don't worry about it.''
Roy is ill. Kimblee's absolutely intrigued.
K: Your father seems like an absolute madman. Honestly I'm sorry for how you grew up.
Roy, who was just about to ask Riza how she could destroy Master Hawkeye's research and house like this, falls dead silent, bites his tongue: Yeah... that sure was fucked up, Major Hawkeye. I'm sorry.
And Riza just shrugs. ''It's fine. I just wish I'd smothered him.'' Then. A pause. ''Actually, I'm not sure if I did or didn't. I set the fire while he had a fever, I think.''
Kimblee: Honestly, good for you! / Roy, head in his hands: Major Hawkeye, I worry deeply.
Kimblee. Oh, she is definitely going to breakdown one of these days when she comes back. Mark my words. All of this will finally catch up with her.
Riza finally breaking down when she meets Edward Elric, who had a fucked up father and whose mother died and who had to do heinous things. ''Oh my god he's me.''
Cue canon events except it's more efficient since Riza is the Flame Alchemist.
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beesbeesdragons · 1 year
In the housewife!roy au, I am writing that he does still finish the military academy. he becomes a state alchemist. but he isn't a combat based one. no. he becomes a research alchemist.
he meets riza again, and he learns flame alchemy, and decides "this is my secret to keep, too." instead of demonstrating flame alchemy to the examiners, he shows off his rather impressive knowledge of medical alchemy.
now, the military is aware that he has dependants and is functionally a single parent. they don't wanna have to deal with the mess of paying for a nanny or whoever to take care of a six and seven year old while Roy is fighting in ishval, so instead, he is assigned to work under Marcoh.
now im not done reading the manga (am up to volume 5) so I'm saying that, until order 3066 was signed, marcoh and roy were stationed in central city, working at a lab. marcoh got sent out on field assignments, while roy stayed in central. because roy, who wants to protect the people he loves, who wants to protect his children, is studying medical alchemy.
but when order 3066 was signed, roy got deployed to ishval, where he met hawkeye. riza, who he hadn't been able to talk to in three years. riza, who he believes he failed. and he only finds her again because his alchemy is medically-based, so he's working with doctors and nurses in the hospitals. that's how he meets knox, after all, and maes, and everyone else.
after the war ends, after marcoh deserts, he resigns his post and proposes to riza. he fell in love with her in ishval, and together, he says, they can work towards rebuilding the country. but he can't hurt people anymore.
so riza suggests that, until he can get back on his feet, he stay home. he can take care of ed and al, who were nine and ten by this point. he can teach them alchemy, and he can live. because before? he was just surviving, before.
and he does. by god, he does. he learns to live again, and then he meets a talented alchemist, and decides to do what she does. he's a house-husband first and foremost, but he is an alchemist. and alchemist, be thou for the people.
he starts building up a network of the other parents at ed and al's school. most of them are the wives of military men, after all, and housewives are nothing if not gossip.
and they love him. this twenty-something newlywed with his two nephews who stays home while his wife (riza, beautiful, strong riza) defends their country? how could they not?
and he stays in contact with his sisters, though instead of dates (because he is nothing if not a doting husband and uncle father), theyre his friends. his sisters, his family. as Riza builds her team with Maes, he builds one of the largest intelligence networks in Amestris, big enough to rival even Madame Christmas's, made up entirely of housewives and the working women of amestris, who have always been so invisible that now, now that they're seen by someone? someone who has seen the worst of humanity and can still smile?
of course they support him. why wouldnt they? he's one of them, after all.
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imorphemi · 11 months
Today on Morph brainrot hours: Hermitcraft FMA AU!
except its kinda only Boatem and also Gem and kind of Skizz because. There's too many hermits I can't accurately au them sorryyyy
So! Role call!
Pearl - Lieutenant Colonel Seyche Pearl, the Shifting Earth Alchemist. She became a State Alchemist before the Ishvalan Civil War and joined eventually joined the war. She was assigned to protect the military doctors. After the war, she was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and transferred to Central, where she now does field work and assists with the alchemical laboratory research efforts, specifically with Gem.
Gem - Major General Taylor Gemini, the Mending Alchemist. She was one of the top military doctors during the war, not just for her skill in the medical field but also in the literal warzone. Though she wasn't involved in the work with Philosopher Stones, she did hear rumors about it from the other doctors. She started researching bio-alchemy, earned her State Alchemist license, and eventually became head of the 4th Laboratory.
Impulse - Major Stevens Impulse. Impulse transferred from East to Central shortly after the war and came under Pearl's command. Old friends with Grian, Scar, and Skizz back from the military academy and through the war. He frequently accompanies Gem and Pearl, who are...notoriously bad at watching their backs.
Grian - The Windstorm Alchemist, I haven't decided on his real name yet but most people just call him by his title. Became a State Alchemist right before state alchemists were called in to Ishval and Impulse, Skizz, and Scar came under his command. Some time after the war ended, Grian decided to remain a State Alchemist for research opportunities and transferred to Central, coming under Pearl's command. Both of his arms are automail.
Near the end of the Ishvalan Civil War, Skizz died during a skirmish. Impulse did not take this very well and was transferred to Central not long after the war ended. Grian and Scar blamed themselves for Skizz's death because Grian was his CO and Scar's negligence was partially the cause of his death (though Grian would argue otherwise). While Scar was not a state alchemist, he does know alchemy.
So Grian and Scar decide to bring Skizz back to life. With predictable results. The rebound cost Grian's arms and Scar's legs. The two managed to drag themselves to Mumbo's workshop, leaving the poor man to freak out over his two friends who are both missing half their limbs.
Mumbo, with some help from his boss Tango, makes Grian and Scar new automail limbs. Scar decides to resign from the military and chills in Rush Valley with Mumbo, but Grian continues with his research.
After Grian transfers to Central, he, Gem, Pearl, and Impulse make some headway into Gem's investigation about Philosopher Stones, discovering the passageway under Lab 4 leading the Lab 5. Gem and Pearl go in first, discovering a philosopher stone and barely escape with their lives, Grian and Impulse following them to give backup. Grian gets ahold of Marcoh's documents before the Library burns down and him, Gem, and Pearl all have an aneurysm trying to decode it. No one is happy with the results when they're done anyways.
Also this is all happening in tandem to the canon events of FMA. This is about all i have right now lol I just needed to spill these thoughts from my head XD thanks for reading
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hawksights · 2 years
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We got a tag, folks. And I'm gonna be brainrotting this for a while. I edited the last post, but consider this post a tag drop for it.
Thank you all for enabling me. Riza and I appreciate it.
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boku-no-anime-phase · 7 months
Some evil FMA AUs etc that I think are fun
Riza Hawkeye creating a squad of flame alchemists loyal to her and using them for her own (or Mustang's) purposes
Mustang's body used as a host for Greed instead of Ling's
Rose joins the military to try to watch over Ed, a la Hawkeye to Mustang
Sibling homunculi defect from Father together with Greed (bonus: to Ed's chagrin, they view him and Al as something like uncles); now they're all on the run from their dads
Ling not feeling easy in his own mind after Greed leaves - it's too quiet in there
Scar gets his brother's reconstruction arm instead
Winry gets adopted & trained by Hawkeye
Re-embodied Al donates his armor to a cat rescue so it can always hold cats hehe
Olivier as the boys' parent figure instead of Izumi
Found family for the boys comprised of Mustang, Hawkeye, the Mustang Gang, and Mustang's family (his "sisters" and Madam Christmas)
Mustang dies instead of Hughes, and Hughes carries on his work to honor his memory, despite not being as ambitious as Mustang was
The boys as Ishvallans
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chrysopoeias · 9 months
I just wanted to say I have been so incredibly enjoying your 03 royai single mother riza au works, thank you for sharing them!
Thank you for enjoying it! It has been eating my brain again for days lol. Blaming theo @courtmartialme (affectionate).
I am surprised that 03 is not used more often for scenario’s like this. I have my own issues/confusions with the ending of 03 and CoS (seriously, how did we get here?), but it has so many good elements to play with...
Like Riza having a baby by herself and struggling with post partum depression. Feeling like she can’t feel love for her child. She didn’t want to be a mother. Now she had a baby with a flame alchemist that’s an absent father, like her own mother. Plus all of her other baggage... Also, in my dollhouse Hawkeye has the same backstory as in the manga because 03 never gave her one.
And the 03 scenario doesn’t have to be only suffering... We came up with a Roy redemption arc. Roy teacher their now 2 year old to say ‘i love you’ to Riza, and when she says it back she discovers she genuinely means it, she loved her baby all along!! Roy gets to know Riza all over again in new and exiting ways since she changed so much these past couple years. They get together and have a second baby on purpose this time when Roy doesn’t feel like running away anymore.
If I could write fanfics it would be over for you all.
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aliflower88 · 1 year
Royai Fanfic Recommendations:
I've posted this in parts before but since it's royai week I thought I'd do a complete fic rec list, enjoy!!
Summary: Riza's upbringing leaves her with scars.
  Most have already read this one since it's so popular, but if not it's a character study of Riza that spans from her early childhood to post-canon. It honestly gives so much more depth and meaning to Riza's character as well as her relationship with Roy.
 Our embalmed hearts, our desolate kingdoms
Summary: "He leans back, palms connecting with the concrete, and looks up over their city, their desolate kingdom. In the rain, Central City might as well be the ruins of Xerxes, empty and grey, and he and she may as well be the last two people on earth."
Or, Love in the Time of Giant Robots
   This fic is an Evangelion au and it absolutely destroyed me. The way the relationships between the characters are written is so complex and interesting. It’s a fantastic slow burn and story overall. (And it’s still really great even if you've never watched Eva.)
Dismantle the Sun
Summary: Dairut is a crossroads. A settlement on the border of Amestris and the Great Desert, a hub of Ishvalan and Xerxian history, it is a place caught between past regret and future hope.
In Central City, Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye prepare to return to Ishval for the first time. In Resembool, Edward Elric navigates the complicated minutia of his personal life, but remains unable to shake the feeling that his work in Amestris is not yet finished. In Dairut, Miles and the new Muhaddith break ground on Al’Arshif, the sacred Archive, in the hope of restoring a sense of continuity to their long-suffering people.
Then archeologist Winnie Stokes uncovers an ancient relic in the desert. Then a mysterious cult called the Risen strip Captain Hawkeye from the Flame Alchemist’s side. Then something monstrous begins to stir in the mind of Selim Bradley. Five years after the Promised Day, Ed, Roy, and Miles must face an evil of apocalyptic scale, before it destroys everything they’ve worked for, and everyone they hold dear.
Dairut is a crossroads. But Dairut is also the end of the line. Things are changing in Amestris, and not everyone will survive.
   My all-time favourite post-canon fic! It has stunning writing and a super well-thought-out plot. It's so much more than royai and even if that is all you're looking for I still urge you to read this incredible story.
The Amestrian Candidate:
Summary: General Roy Mustang—charming, intelligent, heroic—is predicted to be the next Fuhrer of Amestris. But a series of acts of terrorism drive the General into a ruthless race against a magnetic opponent. Mustang and his team scramble to salvage a campaign in the face of rising nationalism, scandal, and international tension. If they succeed, they can save an infant democracy from collapse. Mustang must consider what and whom he is willing to sacrifice, and he must ask himself the most difficult question of his life: can one be a good politician and a good man?
  This fic has an intriguing plot and painfully realistic post-canon politics. I always have preferred romance within a larger plot and this story executes that perfectly.
Summary: Miss Riza's arrival in Resembool has the potential to ruin everything.
  Riza becomes Ed and Al’s caretaker after their mother passes. This fic is wonderful, it feels historically accurate which is great and if you are a fan of parental Riza then you'll definitely enjoy this.
We That Are Young:
Summary: It's a well-known fact that innocents make poor soldiers. Fortunately, Riza Hawkeye's childhood was not entirely innocent. She had to grow up fast... though she wasn't the only one. The early years of the Colonel and his First Lieutenant.
  I believe this was written before Brotherhood so there are a few discrepancies between this and canon but it's definitely still worth the read. The fic details Roy and Riza’s life from ages 3 and 8 to 13 and 17. And is a wonderful coming-of-age story though upsetting at times. 
Beautiful People 
Summary: Soon after the conclusion of the Ishvalan Civil War, Captain Maes Hughes receives a phone call in the middle of the night. The message is short, concise... and perhaps the most terrifying thing Hughes has ever heard.
Hawkeye's apartment. Now. Come alone. Someone has been hurt.
A promise was once made amidst the sands of a distant desert land: oaths will be upheld, and secrets will be scorched away. The sinful had waited too long; Roy Mustang was indebted to his promise, and Riza Hawkeye had come to collect.
  This is probably my favourite depiction of Roy burning Riza's back that I've read. It's super intense and vivid, I really loved it!! 
Baby Your a Haunted House: 
Summary: Riza Hawkeye, aged 11, knows two things:
1. Roy Mustang is a useless city-kid
2. There's a haint in the woods
Roy Mustang, aged 15, knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt that there's no such thing as ghosts.
  This fic has excellent writing and a wonderfully creepy atmosphere. I've re-read it many, many times. (also I adore feral young Riza and this definitely delivers on that.)
When Thou Shalt Come To Judge the World By Fire
Summary: Roy was silent, unable to answer. Hughes was right. There hadn’t been any other girl for him, not really. Something about her. Something about Riza Hawkeye that made her so much more than a memory.
Hughes leaned against the bar, shadows lengthening on his face. “So, what was it? What ruined dating? A regret, or a promise?”
   Pre-canon royai with absolutely gorgeous writing! I adore the depiction of each period in their lives from the time they spent with Berthold to Ishval to before Ed and Al. It's all done perfectly. 
Order 3066
Summary: Everyone who returned from Ishval changed, and Riza Hawkeye was no different. She caused more deaths than any other person - not only with her own hands but also with the weapon she unleashed upon the world. No one could return from a massacre like that the way they were before.
  This fic is a really good exploration of Roy and Riza's time in Ishval. The characterization is great and their descent into war criminals is very well done.
Summary: After six years apart, intelligence agent Roy Mustang attempts to rebuild his relationship with a former partner. But when past and present intertwine, their reunion triggers one of life's most difficult decisions: duty or family.
  The dual timeline of younger royai and older royal in this au is super interesting. This fic is exciting, heartwarming and a really well-crafted story.
Not All of Me Will End:
Summary: Nothing remains of her but what must be left behind.
  In this fic, Riza gets cancer and passes away. I rarely feel sad when reading or watching emotional things but this made me cry. It's beautifully written and made in a way that feels so personal, as though Riza was a real person. It’s a difficult read but ends on a relatively hopeful note.
The Lathe of Hell
Summary: 1908 • Ishval
An uneasy ceasefire grips the ruins of Ishval, but near the medical station at Daliha, Amestrian soldiers are dying. Desperate to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, the 27th Infantry Division sends Riza Hawkeye and Solf J. Kimblee to smoke the assassin out.
But Roy Mustang suspects Kimblee's aim isn't the death of one rogue Ishvalan.
For Hawkeye has a secret, one the Crimson Alchemist hungers for... a power forged in fire.
This is one of the two great labyrinths into which human minds are drawn: the question of duty versus predestination...
There is an old story... perhaps you've heard of it. A man falls asleep and loses his way on the journey through life. He encounters a poet and the two begin a series of travels through Hell where they witness the many punishments for those who disobeyed God during their lives.
   I adore Kimblee in this fic. I know this list is about royai but seeing him interact with them is super interesting. 
Ex Tempore 
Summary: Riza Hawkeye comes into the possession of a family heirloom upon her grandfather's final words: "Keep him safe." Confused and grief-stricken, Riza finds herself pulled in time to Prohibition Era New York, recovering from a gang-related firefight under the care of Dr. Roy Mustang, a reluctant member of the Hughes-Mustang crime family and a self-proclaimed guardian to two boys by the names of Edward and Alphonse.
    This is a 1920s mafia/time travel au, it has such a fun premise that is executed really really well.
Here Dead We Lie
  Following a disastrous operation in Aerugo, Colonel Mustang wakes from a coma to discover his world has fallen apart. Under the shadow of the state, he tries to find impossible answers before it is too late.
   I don't have much to say about this one except that it's very good and has a brilliant story but is also very very dark so be warned before starting this fic. If angst is your thing though definitely check it out!
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dykergang · 8 months
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[slams sketches down on the table]
royai msr au swap
Agent Roy Mustang, secluded to the FBI's basement, uncovers an alien conspiracy amongst the higher ups (in which Bradley takes part in the human colony program and Selim is an alien hybrid or smth). Agent Riza Hawkeye has been assigned to keep tabs on him, however grows sympathetic to his cause and goals to reach the top and change the system.
Flame Alchemist Fox Mulder is determined to discover the truth behind these rumors of immortal semi-humans seen throughout Central and beyond, and what they have to do with the disappearance of his sister Samantha. Lieutenant Dana Scully, who he met during the war as a field doctor, is his right hand and, on occassion, only brain cell.
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skyfallslayer · 5 months
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Part 2 || Part 3
So... what if the MCU meet FMAB? This started with me comparing Yelena and Bucky to Riza and Roy and then this happen (It was also an excuse to play around with different hairstyles for them. lol).
Took me about an hour to write out the whole lore, and I'm sure I'll add more to it with each fanart. Might make a fic about it if anyone's interested 👀.
Major Peter (Stark) Parker - Aliases: “Hero of the People”, Tom (Codename), Underoos, Shorty || August 10th, 1899 (Leo) || Major - The “Iron-Spider Alchemist”
Morgan (Stark) Parker - Aliases: “Armored Alchemist”, Maguna, Armored Girl || May 29th, 1900 (Gemini)
In this AU, Peter and Morgan are full blood siblings born a year apart. Their mother dies a few days after giving birth to her daughter, and out of fear for the safety of his children from a certain “someone”, their father, Tony Stark, leaves his kids with a family friend: Maybelle Parker.
Besides looking like they could be kin, They’re given their “mother’s” last name for extra protection.
May, honoring Tony’s wishes, also never tells the children about him and what he is, and his plans for leaving; For all they know is May’s late husband, Ben, is their real father. 
The kids grow up believing May was their real mother, but sadly, an outbreak of a fatal disease takes her from them. They eventually train in alchemy and attempt the ultimate taboo, human transmutation.
The attempt fails, and Peter loses his left leg, and Morgan loses her entire body. In a split second decision, Peter seals his sister’s soul to an old suit of armor and loses his right arm in the process. 
Peter is eventually scouted out by a member of the military and is offered a way to hunt down information to regain their bodies back without any repercussions. 
Colonel James “Bucky” Barnes - Unit Commander || Aliases: “Hero of Sokovia”, Sebastian (Codename), King, Winter Soldier || March 10th, 1885 (Pisces) || Corporal (Pre-War), Major (During Inhuman War), Lieutenant Colonel (Pre-Canon), Present: Colonel - “Cryo-Flame Alchemist”
Bucky earned the nickname: “Hero of Sokovia” for wiping out most of the inhumans, which are the people who reside in that city. It’s a name that he detested, even more than the other nickname he got: “The Winter Soldier”.
His left arm was severely burned during the war, resulting in blotty patches/scars. 
He was originally known as the “Flame” before being rebranded to “Cryo-Flame” after learning a second alchemy type, which he turned towards after his injury (hence the ice theme nickname).
When the war ended, he was filled with guilt and disgusted how the country was run, and vowed to make sure to protect his loved ones and become Fürher.
Bucky is Roy in this AU because of the lot of similarities in their personalities. They’re both loyal, headstrong, and protective, but they’re a bit of a tease and very flirtatious. 
1st Lieutenant Yelena Belova - Adjutant || Aliases: “The Widow’s Eye”, Florence (Codename), Queen || June 22nd, 1889 (Cancer) || Warrant Officer (During Inhuman War) 
Earns the nickname: “The Widow’s Eye” for being the top sniper in the academy. 
Had a rough childhood, starting with her mother dying early on, and has her father’s alchemy research tattooed on her back. The only person who knows of this was her father’s apprentice, and soon-to-be boss, Bucky.
With guilt eating away, and grateful that Bucky was loyal to keeping it a secret, she decides to assign under him after the war is over, and swears to protect him for as long as she’s alive (or swears to shoot him if he goes out of line).
Despite her “stoic” exterior, she’s just like her MCU counterpart, still sarcastic and has ‘deadpan’ humor. 
Instead of Black Hayate, her MCU dog, Fanny, takes his place. 
2nd Lieutenant Sam Wilson - Officer-In-Charge & Medical Specialist || “The Falcon”, Anthony (Codename), Knight 
Takes place of the lovable himbo: Jean Havoc. They share a lot of similar personality traits and humor.
Earns the Nickname: “Falcon” for sharp-shooting skills.
Completely feel bad that he’ll get paralyzed in this AU too. 
2nd Lieutenant Peter Quill - Investigation Specialist || Chris (Codename), Rook 
Totally did not just made him Breda because they both have strawberry blonde hair 
^But honestly, I was mostly inspired to make him Breda when I rewatched the scene of Team Mustang reunited, and Breda was totally pumped with the idea of overthrowing the government. I’m 100% percent sure that’ll be something Quill would say. 
Quill’s still upbeat and sarcastic like his MCU counterpart, but just like the master thief he is, is intelligent and strategic. 
Master Sergeant Scott Lang - Mechanics & Communication Specialist || Paul (Codename), Scotty, Pawn 
Still has a daughter in this AU.
Both these characters are very kind and have good morals, and both can be rather stubborn if driven to a certain point. 
They’re also both great tacticians and engineers. They’re definitely the definition of “Work Smarter, Not Harder”.
Warrant Officer Stephan Strange - Information Specialist || Benedict (Codename), Bishop 
These two characters are very similar as well, and I chose Strange to be Falman in this AU because they both have a photographic memory. 
But just like his MCU counterpart, Strange still keeps his pride and ego, although it’s minimal here. 
He is still compassionate and can grow vulnerable to the people who are closest to him.
If you made it this far, then congrats? 😅 Hopefully, it wasn't too boring or overwhelming.
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musing-and-music · 8 months
8 and 17 from the writer's ask thingie :)
Thank you for the ask!
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Besides the fic I would like to write for the Royai Big Bang (I still have to settle on a good outline), I have a few ideas for Royai fics, that are in a notebook and in my head:
Sound of Music AU: Ex-Colonel Roy Mustang, wounded in the war, gets custody of Edward and Alphonse Elric after their mother's death. Since he's still recovering, he asks for support to take care of them. Riza lives not far from the Mustang Mansion, and wants to do something else than keeping company to her old grandfather (retired General Grumman), so she accepts
Violet Evergarden AU: During an attack in Ishval, Roy and Riza are both severely wounded. In the heat of the moment, thinking they'll both die, Roy confesses to Riza, before they're separated and Riza saved by the Amestrian army. Roy is MIA, and Riza tries to keep on living, working in the military with Hughes. Until a letter comes to Maes' department, mentioning someone who could be Roy, working as a teacher in some slum in East City.
I also have JB ideas:
Swimmer!Brienne and fencer!Jaime meeting when Jaime goes to the swimming pool to collect his children after their swimming lesson. Sparks fly
A Fullmetal Alchemist AU, with Jaime as the Golden Alchemist (no flames for him) and Brienne as a soldier (? still to be determined)
I don't know wich one of them I'll have the courage and energy to write, but they're here in my head!
17. Do you typically answer all comments/reviews individually? Do you plan to change the way you interact with your readers this year?
I usually reply to each comment, even if it can take some time before I decide to take the time to reply! For multi-chaptered fics, I reply to the comments before posting the next chapter.
I think I'll keep doing so this year!
Fanfic ask for the new year
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blorbologist · 1 year
Hello yes I would like to know more about your Fullmetal Alchemist AU because that was amazing. The Ashari doing alkahestry, *chef's kiss*. Delilah as Envy, genius move. Saundor as Lust, perfect casting is perfect.
Vex with the title of Sewing Life Alchemist, much better person than the original holder of the title. And that Truth took part of her heart, oh that's good.
!! Thank you so much! I love this AU but it has so many moving parts it's hard even for me to juggle them sometimes pfft.
God there's so much to talk about uhhhh:
It's a super complicated AU in part because I'm including Campaign 1 PCs as the older cast (Vex, Vax, Percy, Pike and Grog are all in the military, Keyleth gets a bit of Scar and Mei's roles, Tary is Somewhere) and the Campaign 2 PCs as the younger (Beau and Caleb fill the role of the Elrics, Jester is probably Winry-ish with some Mei elements, Veth is a chimera, idk what Fjord is up to, Yasha is likely Ishvalan, Essek gets to be Ling <3, idk what I'm gonna do to Molly and Kingsley. Probably terrible things. He might be Hoenheim/Father/idk. Maybe he'd fit better as Ling then Greed but I Like Essek Best Ok). Which is complex enough on its own (I can get conflict between the kids and their military babysitters with Beau and Percy butting heads), but what makes it extra dicey is the homunculi. I want to try and ensure that the main villains have a good balance between CR1 ones and CR2's, but whereas many of VM's antagonists are connected (Vecna/Sylas/Delilah/kiiinda Ripley, all the Conclave), the M9's are very disperse - and with all these enemies it's hard to unite them under one goal. Do I include the Conclave? What about the Iron Shepherds? Lucien's group? Avantika? So for the oneshot I just said fuck it and narrowed in on the most Perc'ahlia relevant information (and had Keyleth there instead of Jester, to stick to the C1 cast).
I've shuffled around a lot of the alchemical signatures of several characters due to what fits and what doesn't - for instance, though Vex neatly fills a lot of Roy's role, she is never associated with fire. Caleb, however, is, so the Ed-equivalent gets to be the Flame Alchemist. As a Ranger, Vex is very difficult to make fit into the State Alchemist system, so I made her role more research-focused (while still keeping with the terrible guilt and shame that Roy has that I think fits Vex nicely as well). As the Sewing Life Alchemist, she can be a more successful Shou Tucker: I figure she stumbled on Trinket (an early state-made chimera), tried to learn how to fix him, and so ended up roped into that research division to keep her from blabbing. A lot of her research focused on healing and accelerating growth, and she has a knack for using every ounce of power offered by Equivalent Exchange; as a result it was easy enough to slot her in with the team creating viable human-animal chimeras - the people who originally fucked up Trinket. By that point, it's too late to get out. So she has a lot of Guilt <3 Elaina died either to plague (like Trisha Elric) or got burnt in one of those staged conflicts to get souls/blood for the nation-wide array. Vax gets to snipe up bits of Hughes, Havoc and Nina's roles in the story: I'm unsure of if he's been used to keep Vex in line before, but he certainly gets fucked up by Lust. I'm unsure if the military then steal him away and turn him into a chimera, or if Vex is forced to do that to her own brother to keep him alive. I really want to include some thematic nod to 'take me instead you raven bitch', though, so. Help?
Nixing the up-and-coming Colonel being the Flame Alchemist also impacts Percy's role: I knew I wanted him to be tattooed with secrets like Riza (if you cant tell from Get your hands dirty, I love the concept), but without Flame Alchemy, what could be worth hiding? After some fanangling, I decided that the de Rolos have a decent lineage of military service, especially as State Alchemists, and though Percy never showed the knack for the magic aspect he grasps the theory very well (and instead tinkered with guns). So, as the spare, he offered to get the family's research tattooed on his back. Least he could do - until the estate was swarmed and everyone was killed by some fuckers and Percy was tortured for the code to the notes on his back. Envy (Dewiwah) and Dr.Ripley were behind most of it, with Delilah taking on the faces of people Percy knew both to get her foot in the castle and to torment him. He joined the military in an attempt to protect himself, only to slowly start figuring out that they were the ones who ordered the hit, at which point he stages a lab accident and has Vex heal his back juuust enough to maintain functionality but otherwise ensuring it scars. I'm suspecting the secret was either that his family stumbled on the nation-wide array or something that put Father's plan in huge hot water. Cass is probably a hostage-ward of the Briarwoods and might not know Delilah is responsible for anything given her changing face :D
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limetameta · 2 years
riza flame alchemist au where she doesn't show roy the tattoos but teaches the alchemy to herself lmao
Kimblee: Major Armstrong left the front lines. Are you inclined to follow? Most people here think it's atrocious for a woman to go through this. Oh the atrocities. Everyone here is acting like they didn't know what they were signing up for when they put on the uniform.
Riza: I'm numb to the atrocities, if I'm being honest.
Kimblee, intrigued: Oh? Just numb? How did you manage this? I've never tried that. Seems like it might take too much effort on my part to numb myself when clearly I take pride in my work here. My alchemy is flourishing. As is yours, isn't it?
Riza, shrugging: I mean, objectively speaking I'm well aware what we're doing is terrible from a moral standpoint. And I don't think I'll ever be able to stomach the smell of barbecue, but... *vague hand gesticulation* I can't find it in me to cry or gloat about it. I'm numb. My alchemy is progressing, but I can't find it in me to care.
Kimblee: I suppose it might all catch up with you when you come back.
Riza, shrugging: I don't think so. If my father's death didn't catch up with me in all these years, I don't think this will either.
Kimblee, inching to sit closer to her: Major Hawkeye, really, you continue to intrigue.
Riza: I mean, out of the two of us - I don't feel threatened by you.
Kimblee: Well, of course not! We're comrades.
Riza: No, not that. I know I'm the quicker draw and by the time your palms connected you'd be on fire. So, I feel very comfortable talking to you. I feel like I can tell you many things I wouldn't be able to tell anyone else. Mainly because I know you can't tell them to anyone else.
Kimblee, awkwardly laughing: How quaint! I feel comfortable talking to you, but now much less when I know you've detailed my demise.
Riza: Don't take it personally, please. It's just that you're a very open individual and you manage to draw out things out of people that normally they wouldn't tell you.
Kimblee: Should I treat that as a compliment?
Riza: That's up to you. I'd find it annoying. I can rarely stomach talking to others. Everyone just wants to talk about the war and what they have waiting for them when the war finishes.
Kimblee: You don't have anyone waiting for you?
Riza: I have my Academy roommate, but nobody else, no.
Kimblee: You and Private Mustang are friendly enough.
Riza, scowling: He was my father's apprentice. I had a crush on him as a child. He's still stuck in that time when I can't move away from it fast enough. He was supposed to be the Flame Alchemist, you know.
Kimblee: How intriguing. Mustang would have lamented about his woes every chance he got if he became the Flame Alchemist. I'd rather work with you.
Riza, nodding.
Kimblee: I see. Well, look forward to the things laying ahead, then. And don't focus on ruminating on the scars of your past.
A laugh bubbles out of Riza.
Kimblee stops dead in his tracks. Riza Hawkeye never laughs.
Riza: Scars of my past is a really funny way of putting it. I can't wear a backless dress because of the scars of my past. Ha! *then an idea* Come along, Major, let me show you.
Riza shows Kimblee her completely scarred back.
Kimblee, no filter on him: Did your father really use you as a sheet of paper?
Riza, laughing again: I think you're the first person who phrased it like that. He, did, didn't he? *fanning her hand away and putting her shirt back on* I mean I'm the one who burnt my back. Deliberately. It's just one giant scar. I could have died from the shock. My life has never really mattered to me. Does your life matter to you?
Kimblee, thinking about it: I suppose, yes? If I get killed I wouldn't be against it because it was clearly meant to happen. But clearly I won't want to lay down and let anyone kill me. I'll fight for my life.
Riza, nodding: I can understand that. *thinking about the sheet of paper comment* *wheezing* Oh that was so funny, Major Kimblee, truly.
Kimblee just shrugging. I mean really what do you say to that?
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beesbeesdragons · 1 year
roy, in the housewife!roy au, chose to keep flame alchemy a secret from the world. He still uses it, but only domestically. When Riza shares it with him, he vows that it will never see combat for a reason beyond self-defense.
His reason is simple. He knows how dangerous fire is. Fire hurts, fire burns.
Instead of presenting fire to the state alchemist exam proctors, he chooses something else; he has a jar of crude oil, and uses alchemy to create a polymer; the first time nylon has been created in Amestris. It's revolutionary, and Roy earns his pocket watch, becoming the Synthesis Alchemist.
For the duration of the war, from 1905 to 1908, he is stationed in Central, researching and perfecting different synthetic materials. And he is perfectly fine with this. He's helping. He's home, with Ed and Al.
But then Order 3066 is signed. and Roy, as a state alchemist, is forced to leave his children. He's forced into the warzone, not as a combatant, but as support; his job is to repair things where possible; guns, uniforms, tents, whatever needs fixing.
It is here that he reunites with Hughes, who he hasn't seen since their graduation (and god, wasn't that so long ago), and Riza (beautiful, beautiful Riza), who he hadn't seen since he learned flame alchemy. and they talk.
he tells her of everything. of how he hadn't told the military about it, he swore. no one knew about flame alchemy, save for his two children (Ed and Al each had a pair of gloves, made with ignition cloth and embroidered with the circle for flame alchemy), who were under strict orders that it was for emergencies only. and she listens.
the war ends. ed and al welcome him home, and he meets with Bradley, and hands in his pocket watch. His duty, he claims, is to his family. After all, he had just reignited an old flame in Riza, and they were talking of engagement. The boys adored her, and she lived in his house. All that was missing was a ring.
Bradley accepts his resignation and Roy leaves, marrying Riza shortly after in a beautifully intimate ceremony. Riza ends up under Maes' command, and they're assigned to East City. Roy befriends Gracia Hughes, and as they adjust to East City, he meets the other parents at Ed and Al's new school. The ladies are all so nice, and once they hear of his adoration for his wife and boys? Well, of course they like him!
when he can, he calls his sisters. They're just that, his sisters. Whenever one of the ladies asks, he explains. He grew up in a foster home, and they're his foster sisters.
Roy joins the local craft group, at the behest of one of the ladies, and they talk for hours. They talk about everything; from children, to spouses (Ellery and Katie were newlyweds from Dublith, how wonderful!), to politics and the military.
By the time Ed and Al are leaving school (they were too advanced, anyway), Roy is firmly grounded in his network, and knows all the goings-on in the military, from the lowest janitor's breakfast, to Fuhrer Bradley's wife's favourite brand of tea.
After all, he is one of them. He's their alchemist. And alchemist? Be thou for the people.
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~Riza flame alchemist Au~ .
{funny faces}
I made this drawing by looking at Roy's postures with the grid technique, I tried to make the posture as close as possible, the facial gesture equally.
Enjoy it~
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hawksights · 2 years
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I'm still brainrotting Flame Alchemist Riza AU for reasons. But, like... is that something anyone would be interested in writing with me, or should I just save it for myself? Like, write some fanfiction or something. Because I could do that. It would just take goddamn forever. But like... I want to write it with other people because I think it's a fun idea, but I get if that's not anyone's cup of tea.
Also like... would anyone be interested in ships with Riza? I'm curious. Platonic, romantic, et cetera. Like, just tell me. Here, on discord. Anywhere.
I'm having those stupid self-doubt thoughts, so I'm like, "Does anyone actually like what I'm doing here?" While I know I'm writing for me, I still want validation every once in a while, y'know?
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kyuriart · 5 years
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There's a lot to learn but I'm kinda proud??
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