#road less taken(headcanons)
instantartific · 2 years
Neon thoughts today.
He had the honor of getting his badges blood pinned while in the Navy, and he still wears those scars from them with so much pride.
Nearly twenty years later, the proof of his loyalty and the things he's earned are still right there, etched into his breast.
The process hurt like a bitch, though. Would not do it again. Kind of a one-and-done experience for each pin.
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cranberrv · 11 months
dating dallas winston headcanons
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ a/n : aghhh first post on here!! lowk kind of nervous, but i thought this would be a strong way to start since everyone loves dal <3 i really hope you enjoy lovelies !! requests are open ! ( not proofread btw, ignore any mistakes <3 )
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- dating dal is something special, because he doesn’t really do long-term
- so people know that you’re different, a girl he actually wants to keep in his life for a while
- it’s electric, to say the least. it’s hard to keep your hands off each other
- even in a non sexual manner, he finds himself always wanting to touch you in some way
- keep in mind he is much less than a gentleman, forgetting to open doors for you and not bringing you flowers on dates
- but he cares. and that’s something
- small gestures like a hand around your waist or always keeping an eye on you at parties. brushing down a fly away piece of your hair with his hand, making sure he’s on the side of the sidewalk closer to the road, to keep you safe.
- that’s how you know he cares about you, not through grand, movie-like gestures
- sometimes he cares a bit too much, getting too overprotective
- some drunk guy talks to you at the bar? he mysteriously leaves with a black eye. and god forbid someone touches you in a manner he doesn’t approve of, someone might be ending up in the hospital.
- you get into arguments about that sort of thing, saying he’s being too dramatic or that you were capable of defending yourself.
- actually, you get into arguments about everything
- he’s usually the one to start them. if he’s in a bad mood, he will find anything to argue about. wether you teased him and he took offence, or you stole his jacket because it was chilly
- he’s defensive and cocky, and will not end an argument until he gets the last word in
- maybe muttering some rude name at you under his breath, or interrupting you until you finally give up
- you should not expect to win any arguments with him and his stubbornness
- he’s not gonna apologize either, unless it’s something really serious, like if he made you cry
- then he’ll ghost you for a few days, then come back and apologize
- other than that, most arguments either end in cuddling or him ghosting you for a week or so
- speaking of cuddling, he only really likes it whenever he’s tired or tipsy. he’ll lazily wrap his arms around you in bed, and keep you there. there’s no way you’re getting up
- rubbing your back with his hand, holding you to his chest, planting kisses on your head are normal occurrences during these peaceful moments
- cuddling him is about as rare as the northern lights, so you take advantage of it
- other than that, most nights end in make-out sessions
- sleepy kisses are his absolute favourite, his lips lazily caressing yours
- he’s always in control, don’t even try
- his big hand holding your head in place, and his other hand holding your waist
- he loves kissing you. everywhere he possibly can. head, lips, cheek, forehead, neck, shoulder, everywhere.
- he loves making out at the drive-in (or more cough cough), it’s so risky and he looooves PDA
- he often takes you to the drive-in or the dingo for dates, nothing fancy
- he always picks you up at your house, he doesn’t wanna meet you there in case you’re first and it looks like he’s late
- the torn leather of the passengers car seat becomes a common place for you to sit, he loves driving around with you
- your parents don’t trust him or his driving, based on the amount of times dates have been cut short because he’s been pulled over and taken to the police station for speeding
- so because of your parents aversion to him, whenever he wants to visit you, he just sneaks into your bedroom
- he thinks he’s being subtle with that, but yet your parents can always smell the cigarette smoke and leather the next day
- in conclusion, dating dallas can be very layered and complicated, but overall, very fun and exhilarating <3
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canisalbus · 9 months
I hope this isn’t unwelcome but here are a few of my personal Vascete modern AU headcanons:
As a child, Vasco was usually voted as a team captain when playing sports with other kids. Not necessarily because of his sporting ability, but rather because of his leadership qualities and general agreeableness and ease with others.
Machete always uses perfect grammar when he texts, but can take a while to respond. Vasco often responds instantly but with less attention to grammar. Machete texts in unbroken paragraphs (when he has a lot to say) but Vasco’s texts come through in small, sporadic flurries.
Machete is very familiar with hospitals, particularly so in his childhood due to his various medical issues. As a result he actually finds their cleanliness, and the politeness of the doctors, comforting. These experiences also made him more patient than he might otherwise have been.
Vasco donates blood and is on an organ donor registry.
Machete always carries hand sanitiser around and is constantly offering it to Vasco, who always carries hand cream around, and is constantly offering it to Machete.
Both are well-versed in music and have refined musical tastes.
Vasco hums wholeheartedly whilst doing the dishes - a chore Machete likes to avoid where possible. Vasco knows this, so he pretends he doesn’t mind doing them.
Machete often has a headache and Vasco’s usual first response to this is to ask Machete if he’s had enough water today. He’s often right.
Vasco scarcely thinks of the other paths his life could have taken. Though he knows pain, he feels very fortunate for all the good he’s been dealt in life, and attributes his good luck mostly to happy accidents. Machete on the other hand has unexpected moments of stark awareness of all the possible forks in his road. It’s a sudden deja vu that creeps up on him when he’s alone, almost as if he can remember all of his and Vasco’s past/ potential lives together. The feeling vanishes just as soon as it arrives.
Hot dang anon I LOVE these. Unwelcome UNWELCOME? You come to my house and present me with thoughtful interpretations of my characters, I feel nourished.
I can definitely see Vasco being a popular choice for a team captain. He's physically active but not ultra sporty, and even though he can get excited and carried away, he's never been that competitive (he's got that 'I just hope both teams have fun' sort of vibe that people tend to like).
The texting bit is terribly cute. Vasco rapid firing message after message vs Machete intermittently slapping half an essay in the chat.
Machete is hypochondriac and his threshold for seeking threatment is low, especially if he's experiencing anything he's not already familiar with. To my understanding Italy has a good quality universal public healthcare, but he typically chooses to go with private sector anyway and has been investing in pricey health insurance for years (probably way more extensive than what is necessary or reasonable).
I also thought of Vasco as a habitual blood donor. He wouldn't like it per se (medical surroundings unnerve him), but I think he might just get a kick out of being a good boy and potentially helping people. (I know gay, bi and msm men used to be banned from donating (or at least severely restricted) but it looks like many countries have revised their criteria significantly in recent years and there's a good chance he'd be eligible these days.)
The hand sanitizer/hand cream combo is so good. It made me chuckle. (Are you a hand sanitizer person or a hand cream person?)
Their respective tastes in music and cinema have more overlap than you might initially think, and they keep aligning closer and closer over time.
Machete wouldn't like doing dishes. Having to touch wet food (weird texture + unhygienic) is bad times all around. But he genuinely enjoys a little bit of vacuuming, dusting, laundry and general tidying and organizing. He doesn't leave that much for Vasco to do, just the occasional visibly messy jobs that squick him out more than he cares to admit.
That's very considerate of him. That's a very considerate thing to do to anyone in general. Dehydration and low blood sugar can really sour your mood and you wouldn't even notice they were the reason you're feeling so bad all of a sudden. (When I'm having a difficult day I try to remember to ask myself whether things are truly collapsing or am I potentially just a little too thirsty and hungry and unaware of it. Usually it's the latter).
Ah yes, Machete and the horrors. Vasco might be aware of the horrors as well, but perhaps he possesses the specific kind of galaxy brain that is near immune to this particular flavor of existential dread.
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tumbleweed-run · 11 months
Hello! I love your writing <3 May I ask, do you have any headcanons for Gale? I have a few (eg: his mother raised him alone - he's an only child - as much as he enjoys homecooked meals he's very well known in Waterdeep's fine dining establishments) I'm interested in hearing what you imagine about Gale outside what the game tells us!
Lighter stuff
I agree with you on pretty much all points
Gale might appreciate wine but he strikes me as a fancy whiskey boy. It's a vibe I get
His mother hates the beard, which is why he didn't grow it out until the hermit stage
He loves all books. Magical tomes, history of Faerun, tawdry bodice rippers. And he has a system to his library but it makes no sense to anyone who is not Gale
Personally, I think he's well-known in all Waterdeep's dining establishments. He's in the Yawning Portal at some point as an adult but I also feel like he visits the finer restaurants- probably with his mother
he was raised wealthy, I know he like "oh I haven't dabbled in wealth" but my dear boy was Top Teir middle class at best. I don't think they were 'own the world wealthy' but I believe he grew up with more than just a housekeeper, not having to worry about money. Mama's got Sea Ward money
And of course (because I pointed out his 'tower' is in the Dock Ward) I think as an adult Gale moved to the "rough and tumble" part of town to prove himself. (which is probably why they know him in the poorer establishments )
His tower is a freaking row home, maybe its like two floors taller. But it is a house. Gale is just a fanciful man. Or he's manifesting that shit, idk
I also think he goes home to mama in the sea ward at least 2x a week
Gale is a sorcerer
Gale is 300% a sorcerer whose mother(not magic) was fed up with her shit being set on fire, so she sent him to train in magics the way she was most familiar - Wizard Apprenticing
Less Light Stuff
Gale mentions 'parents' once (I think during the I was denied a kitten speech) I think his father was there at first and then left. Maybe he couldn't handle Gale, or he was just a shitty guy. I think that was the road to Gales "I'm not enough, I must prove I'm enough" syndrome.
I also believe he first encountered Mystra in the Sea Ward at the 'House of Wonder' which is a temple devoted to her. I believe he was young like 13/14 but my guess is she was aware of him from a younger age. (Most wizards apprentice starting at 13... and usually have no spellcasting abilities which is...)
I don't think his favorite color is purple. I think it was Mystra's color and therefor it became his favorite (which is why I like dying all his clothes NOT Purple). Judging by the only room we saw, it's red/maroon/burgundy- but he doesn't know that
I think some of his stunts at Blackstaff were not just his own hubris though he sees it that way, but also at "hey mystra look at me" thing. Which I think she encouraged
I also believe that he was a young adult when the muse-to-lover transition took place. Maybe a few years after he left his apprenticeship, he was old enough to be a 'man' but it was definitely a product of grooming.
I don't think he was ever truly her Chosen. Most gods bestow cool powers (look at the dead 3) or at least protections. She just... screwed him? Taunted him with stuff she knew was going to keep him hooked on her?
When he saw Mystra's interest waning he panicked because he didn't have very many friends (his only named or mentioned friend is Elminster who has the most messed up history with Mystra) and he'd certainly not taken a lover once she 'chose' him. And I assume this was years before the netherese orb disaster. He probably did increasingly dangerous things/adventures to keep her attention, just like he did as a boy.
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sludge-wizard · 1 year
List of my headcanons that are real from the movie:
-Luigi struggles to keep up with Mario for health reasons (He states he has bad knees in the opening) -Luigi is scared of big dogs -Luigi 100% swears ("That HELLhound is gonna escape!") -Luigi was a gifted kid ("You're bringing your brother down with you", the refusal to talk back at dinner, the block castle) -Luigi 100% eats whatever Mario doesn't like (Taking the mushrooms from his pasta, eating it when Mario doesn't want to) -Mario and Luigi are VERY SMALL GUYS -Mario was NOT a golden/perfect child -Luigi is a bit of a mama's boy, likely due to being shy and her needing to do things on his behalf (Giving him his soup directly after he struggled to get any bread or salad, THANKS UNCLE TONY) -The boys share a room -Mario sucks as video games but still plays them because he's stubborn -Large immigrant family living together -Mario is an INCREDIBLY stubborn person -Princess Peach is less of a ruler and more of a guardian/protector/spokesperson -King Boo and the presence of boos in Bowser's strongholds implies he's taken over their former spaces when they were alive ("the darklands. they're under Bowser's control") -The shell is NOT part of the Koopa's body (The dry bones had a separated spine from the shell) -Coins are pretty big -The blue shell is the highest ranking troop, with other shell colours indicating rank as well. -Power ups are as much a tool as a weapon -Cheep cheeps are just fish -There's an entire kingdom of Kongs, containing both monkeys and gorillas -Cranky Kong is Donkey Kong Senior, and Donkey Kong's father -Mario was not a natural at all, even if he was a sporty kid -Power-ups can actively transform the body and not JUST augment it (The super-bell giving mario cat reflexes and adjusting his joints to operate like a cat's. also a plus, he purrs when grooming himself and makes biscuits on DK's back briefly) -Shortcuts to skip worlds are real (The cannons, rainbow road) -Anti grav can be toggled, but will auto enable under certain conditions -Bowser's green scales run down his back and under his shell (it's hard to see but noticeable in the fake proposal scene) -Mario is a kart guy and peach is a Bike gal -Koopas tend to greatly admire feats of strength and power, and sparing somebody is seen as very romantic. -bullet bills are sentient -all humans are cartoony -Bowser isn't just a bully, he's actually a sad and hurt person who grew up alone and likely fought for the throne
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firefly--bright · 5 months
punctured tires and sunsets.
jean kirstein x reader, modern a.u. , roadtrip headcanons!
requested by ; @jeanscremebrulee
a/n ; this kinda just turned into an unofficial fic :') i LOVED writing it tho!! thank you so much for the request :D also! there's alot of mentions of jeans music taste in this fic so here's a playlist I made with songs I think he listens to :) I know it's too late to say this but happy jean bday day to you guys <3 he's so find I won't him so bad
warnings ; none!
taglist ; @holding-infinity-and-a-book , @mrsnobodynobody , @jeanscremebrulee , @berrijam , @hopeless-anti-romantic , @cherrypieyourface , @imgayandshesanime , @moonmalice , @kivernova , @potaho3frog , @xakilicious , @katestrophes .
main masterlist ✿ enter my taglist ! ✿
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• obnoxious packer. he has ALL the snacks because he has always been used to packing alot of snacks because of...reasons (ahem, sasha) but he also packs alot in general. not in an anxious way, he just likes the volume, it makes him feel like he has everything he needs (he doesn't). he has the most useless shit in there but would 100% forget to pack his underwear.
• best believe he has a really amazing playlist lined up. he asked you to join a collab one a couple days before the trip just so you two could have premium music playing on the day of :)
• I have this headcanon/trope that none of his plans ever go right for him...like he plans stuff to the t but they always end up going awry from the midway mark and this is no exception. the plan was to reach his mother's houss by dinner time, so that the two of you + his mom could unwind with a glass of wine before going to bed after a hearty dinner that jean was sure she was planning to make for you both. while on the way to her place though, there's a really pretty beach that jean has been wanting to show you ever since the beginning, so the two of you would make a pitstop just around sunset time so that the weather wouldn't be too hot and you'd get to see the pretty sky with him, you'd spend a bit of time there, and after the sun sets, you'd resume driving. his mom's house wasn't that far from there, thankfully, so it would've taken an hour or less to reach.
• things actually are surprisingly going according to plan!! until the tire punctures and you two have to wait for help to arrive. thankfully it's only noon at this point, and jean thinks you'll still be able to make it to the beach and see the sunset after getting help. and you're also helping him maintain his cool by telling him that it's not as if you're on a time sensitive mission or anything; you two can take your time since you're just going to meet his mom for the long weekend
• it does help him quite a bit!! the road is extremely empty since it's not one that's taken often, people usually take the highway too much resulting in traffic, but this road is direct and jean discovered it his first year of college
• so you wait :) everytime jean calls the mechanic, he tells him there's been a "delay", and someone will be there shortly. meanwhile, you two share the sandwiches you had packed and decide to spend the time talking and playing some music. the sandwiches are balanced on the front of his car over a picnic blanket, along with some redbull and your prefered drink that he had packed for the way.
• he has a mouthful of sandwich when you're telling him a funny story about your childhood friends, and he chokes on the sandwich as he tries to not laugh. you have to pat his back in between laughs of your own so that he doesn't inhale the food and die.
• the playlist plays on a loop, the weather is surprisingly not too hot, with the occasional wind blowing in your face reminding you that nature isnt that cruel. the two of you add more songs and you have to surpress a smirk when you add like,,, 2000's pop songs. lady gaga, taylor Swift's older songs, Katy Perry, imagine dragons, all that
• jean, on the other hand, adds songs that he wants to slow dance with you to. everytime he tries to be romantic at home and pull you in for a dance, you two are reminded how cramped the room is, and you have to try not to step on his feet. the last time the two of you tried to dance together in your living room, he ended up stubbing his toe and falling on you because of it :') and then he tried to brush it off by saying that that was his plan from the beginning, and it resulted to a week's worth of teasing from you everytime he tried to walk near the same table
• so now that you have all of this empty space, he adds cute cheesy songs with the intention of pulling you in, disregarding your complaints of you not knowing how to dance.
• it's a nice mix of songs that make you want to twerk and/or reminisce the times the songs you added were popular, and slow dancing with giggles in between. both of you get to do what you want in the end, the playlist being put on shuffle.
• jean and you scream sing hot n cold by Katy Perry, shouting in eachother's faces as if you're an old married couple bickering, acting out the music video in some bits. and then after the song finishes, the next song just so happens to be more than a woman by the bee gees (ofcourse)
• let me set the scene : the two of you are holding your drinks in your hand, taking a sip after singing the song to eachother, laughing, he takes a sip of his redbull that he has to stop himself from wincing because of it being warm and not chilled. and then more than a woman comes on, and his eyes light up mid-sip as he turns to face you almost immediately. you do the same, you brows shooting up and a knowing look on your face.
• "you know the rules,* he says, placing the redbull on the car, taking your hand in his and pulling you in softly. "of I step on your toe, it-" " you won't. spin," he says, pulling apart from you a little so you had the space to do it. he tells you about how his mother used to play this song every Sunday while making pancakes for him on slow mornings, and she'd make a passing comment about how she'd have loved to dance to the song on her wedding day if she had the chance. jean told you that he had made a mental promise that he would dance with his future partner on his wedding day to the song, and it only added to his love for the song.
• you had to refrain yourself from kissing him senseless after he told you about it, instead opting for a hum with a wide and soft smile, resting your forehead on the crook of his shoulder.
• ANYWAY, the two of your spend the time like that, dancing and talking while the music plays in the background. the hours pass by fairly easily, munching on the snacks you had packed
• jean does get a little ansty near the 6 o clock mark. not only had the mechanic promised to be here by now, the time to reach the beach was running out :( he'd already called his mom and told her that they probably wouldnt make it in time for dinner, so somewhere deep down he kinda knew that you two wouldn't be able to catch the sunset anyway.
• noticing his disappointment, you spoke up after he called his mother. she understood, of course, told him it was fine and she'd wait up for you two anyway, with the same meal she had planned.
• "we still have the blankets we packed for the picnic. and the pillows, too." you say. jean sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. "i know, I'm sorry, we had to pack that for no reas-" "no, I mean, we can pop open the trunk and set it up. the sun is going to set on this side," you say, pointing your thumb out, taking a step towards him and taking a hold of his hand, rubbing circles on the back of his palm. "we can still watch the sunset. i know its not what you wanted to show me, but it's alright, I don't mind. i got to spend time with you, anyway, and besides, we can try to catch it while coming back home." you tell him.
• his shoulder relax and his eyes soften immediately, pecking your lips and agreeing with you. and so it's settled; you two open the trunk and set up the blanket and pillows so you could sit comfortably, your phone playing the songs still, albeit softly. you pop open another energy drink for him and then one for yourself, he stretches his limbs before settling in with you.
• it's beautiful. the sun sets with your head on his shoulder and his pride is too inflated to admit that this was far prettier than watching the same scene at the beach, although he knows it's mostly because of you being there with him. he occasionally lays kisses on the crown of your head with you humming along to the songs.
• the mechanic arrives just as it starts getting dark, before too much panic settling in the both of you about the lack of light. he replaces the tire, jean pays (obviously he does), and you two continue driving. thankfully, it's not that bad, and despite the caffeine in your body, you doze home with the blanket wrapped around your shoulders and your knees pulled up to your chest.
• jean glances at you from time to time, and everytime a song he knows you'd like comes on, he gently kisses the back of your hand :)
• you two reach far later than expected, he has to wake you up softly, greeting you with a kiss. he doesn't let you touch any of the luggage, preferring to haul the bag himself. not that it's hard for him. after eating the meal his mother made, he promptly falls asleep on the couch as you and his mom talk with the promised glass of wine on the floor.
(his mother leaves to get the bottle for a refill, coming back to your eyes closed, your back against the couch, your face turned towards jean. she obviously takes a picture to put in her photo album.)
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taki-yaki · 6 months
What if Tav is a fey from feywild, or part fey? I don't have a particular race in mind, just wanted to see Astarion and fey Tav to be chaotic gremlins together
Love stuff to do with the fey, Tav from the fey wilds would create so much chaos together with Astarion. Although in usual D&D terms, the closest to part fey would most likely be a Hexblood. So I’ll be doing a Hexblood Tav who was mainly raised in the fey wilds for most of their life.
Hexblood Fey Tav Headcanons
You began your life as a creature of the fey before a deal gone south with a hag forced you out of your plane to the realm of Torri.
Of course, you would try to get by in this realm with your usual fey antics, of course not too long after, whilst on the road to your next performance, you get abducted by the nautiloid. 
Making you curse the chaotic whims that fate throws at you.
Upon meeting your new travelling buddies for the first time, you try to keep your distance from them at first, in fear that they might try to offer you something, believing it to be a trap, binding you to them, forced to do their bidding. You even give them a fake name, instead of telling your real name, taking any precautions from being enslaved any further.
However after the third night of attempting to cook for yourself, you eventually cave after the sweet savoury smells of Gale’s cooking plague you, giving in to the temptation and never looking back since.
Most members of the group saw you as too carefree at times, rather choosing to do what you like at random times. It isn’t until you reach the swamp and finally meet Auntie Ethel, that you seemly completely switch, tearing into the hag with a sense of rage, trying to reenact your revenge upon the kind who stripped you of your home.
Most of your companions are initially taken aback, stating how you could have gone about a less brutal way of defeating the hag, but what’s done is done. Astarion though, just watches over the scene with joy, seeing your victory as a sign of strength. power. 
Later that night Astarion approaches you with the offer for a romp in the woods, this makes you hesitate for a second before he says that it’s a fair offer after you gave him some of your blood. At first, you mainly see your relationship as transactional, in fear of being permanently indebted to him, but it isn’t until over time you both start to see your relationship as less transactional. At first, it feels weird to you not to do anything in return for him at times, but you quickly get used to it.
“So I don’t have to sing you a song and dance before receiving a kiss?”
“Well no, but if you want to, then I’m more than happy to watch you flap around like a headless chicken.”
During most of your early travels with Astarion, he would be in awe over how much colour there is during the day, but you state how it seems drab compared to the bright wonders that the fey wild had to offer.
Throughout your travels to Baldur’s Gate, whenever someone approaches you with a request to solve an issue or problem they are having, you’d usually reply with a, “What’s in it for me”, then proceed to go about solving the issue either destructively or chaotically.
A rat infestation? Well, a large fireball in such an enclosed space will make it quick and easy.
Need to clear out the nearby goblin camp? A few powdered keys should do.
Aside from your destructive tendencies, you also love to play tricks on others, whether they deserve it or not, it doesn’t matter. With you and Astation being a tag team duo, while you would create a crowd to distract people with a song or dance, Astarion would sneak around attempting to pickpocket as many people as he could. 
Other antics would include trading for weird items, such as attempting to purchase a sword or magical artefact, you would cast an illusion on some nearby rocks to give them the appearance of gold pieces. Followed by having to run from the now enraged shopkeeper, whilst Astarion is in hysterics.  
Despite most of your fey traits mainly giving other members of the group grief, one condition you hated was your weakness to iron, even if a ring was placed on your finger for a few seconds, it would leave a slight burn mark in its place. 
This came especially apparent one time, during a fight in which you were surrounded by bandits each brandishing an iron dagger or blade, ready to strike at you. 
As soon as the first blade makes contact with your flesh, you let out a loud shriek of pain as the tip of the blade leaves a large burn mark on your skin. Alerted by your cry Astarion rushes to your side, quickly taking out the rest of the bandits, before carrying you to safety.
Back at camp, he’d tend to your wound, and whilst holding you close to him he’d softly chastise you mainly out of concern. 
“Be lucky that this is only a small wound, just next time stay by my side and don’t rush out like that next time.”
After the fall of the netherbrain, realising how much this realm had to offer to you, Astarion suggests going around exploring more of faerun as hunters, maybe even finding the hag that cursed you and enacting your revenge. After all you did free him from his tyrannical ex-master. Over the 6 months the two of you spend travelling all across faerun, you eventually learn to bask in the wonders that this plane has to offer.
One late night, whilst lying in your shared tent, you turn to face Astarion, feeling as if you have a heavy weight to lift from your chest, you speak “I have something to tell you.” He’d look at you with slight surprise, were you going to break up with him after all this time, “It’s about my name” you spoke sheepishly 
“What about it my love, I think it’s a nice name.” 
“Well, I may have given you a fake name, I was worried you would use it as leverage to bind me into a contract of sorts”
He laughs a bit upon hearing this, and you swiftly reply with “Well it may not seem like much to you but it’s a big deal to us fey.”
“Alright, would you do the honours of telling me your name my love?” whilst trying to do a small bow motion while lying down. Leaning closer, you whisper into his ear in your native tongue of Sylvan, your true name, before leaning back waiting for his response. He looks at you for a while before the expression on his face goes soft “Well I think it’s a beautiful name, regardless of what it is, you will always be my darling.”
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genji-centric · 2 months
Hi I saw your request were open and I was wondering if you can do headcanons of hanzo,genji,cass,d.va and tracer meeting a nullsector trooper robot thinking it was evil but the twist it that the nullsector trooper somehow became sentient like normal omnics and is rebelling against nullsector themselves
Ofc!! This is such a cool idea. I'm excited to write it. The sull sector, in general is cool, and I'm looking forward to the direction Overwatch takes with it. Hope you enjoy!! ^^
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Hanzo has travled around, his road to redemption long and tiring. Having a past such as his, he grew to expect threats at every corner, assassin's of the former Shimada empire after him was no small feat. Yet he carried on, accepting it as punishment for his actions. But he learned more about the world, omnics, the awakening. All historic facts he didn't learn much, instead training to be the next Shimada leader.
It's ironic how fate comes out. When he went under the radar away from the prying eyes of the assassin's nowhere near his skill, he stepped foot onto Null Sector land. Enemies from the Null Sector were no threat to him. His bow and arrow could pierce through the metal platings with enough accuracy.
This is why he wasn't afraid to see another null sector robot, more specifically a Nulltrooper. He had acquainted himself with the different models during each run-in with a troop. This is why he was intrigued to see one alone, and it didn't seem to be of any threat to him. But still, Hanzo held his bow firm and his body ready if a fight were to break out.
Once he ensured the being was of no threat, he asked it yes or no questions. Figuring out its true motives, it was aware and wanting to be free of the jobs it was forced to do. Hanzo, out if all people understood the feeling. Either out of pity or just simple respect for the Nulltrooper, he would offer it the chance to travel alongside him for a bit.
It was up to the Nulltrooper what it wanted, but he was respectful and surprisingly understanding. Perhaps he was a good ally to have, especially when going against something like the null sector.
He was one of Overwatch's fighters. He knew firsthand the null sector and its uprising. He took down countless drones, troopers, and slicers, you name it. Genji was well aware of how they operated, at least how attacks did.
Which is why he was shocked to see a Nulltrooper, alone and.. aware. It acted similar to the omnic Bastion did, and Genji could see intelligence behind its actions. This is why he only held onto his blade, not fully drawing it.
He knew the Nulltrooper before him was more than it seemed. Genji, in fact, prided himself on his understanding of omnics having Zenyattta as a teacher and his body being mostly machine. This is why he started talking, learning its awareness and need to uprise. A goal he could agree with, sure getting the information was a lot of yes and no questions. Some charades and whatnot, but he saw the value in a robot like this before him.
Genji offers the Nulltrooper the opportunity to join Overwatch, both sharing the goal of shutting down Ramattra and his revolution against humanity. But it relies on them to work together.
Now, Cole Cassidy often seemed to not particularly care about the major fights. He was more of a solo man who just so happened to be associated with Overwatch. At least, that's what he thought. Cassidy, under the guide of Overwatch he has seen the Null Sector, the threat it caused, and what they are. He knew what robots did what, how to counter them, and so on.
As he walked down the alleyway behind old buildings, humming some country song and smoking his cigar, he was taken off guard by the sight of a Nulltrooper. It was alone, but that didn't make him any less on edge.
He gripped his hand around the big iron on his hip, ready for a fight. But was shocked to see the robot lift its hands, as if it didn't want to fight. Odd, Cole decided to hear it out. He was surprised to learn it was aware, like the other Omnics he interacted with on occasion. Cassidy knew this was a sight to behold, especially from a trooper he just accepted as being one of the least intelligent robots.
Now Cole knew he wasn't the one to make any major decisions. But he did know people who could. He had his connections. Having a Nulltrooper on Overwatch's side certainly didn't sound bad, and if it was up to him to get this trooper to the place it needed to be, that's something he was willing to do.
Hana Song was intelligent. She fought for the safety of Korea and the world. Her mech was a piece of powerful art that made fighting possible. It gave her the ability to do something, to make a change, and to fight for what she believed in. Her and the other mech drivers shared this belief.
She took down her fair share of null sector robots when harm was a possibility. She had gotten a good look at their machinery, and she had a good idea of their coding. Alarm bells struck her when seeing the lone Nulltrooper. It was different.. too different from any robot from the null sector she'd seen.
Readying her bot for a fight D.V.A. was amazed to see it beg for mercy. Through a jarble of frantic beeps, she took pity on it, wanting to know the reason for its distress.
After a while of figuring it out, she learned of its wishes to rise against the null sector itself. Hana saw herself somehow, fighting for what was right even in the eyes of danger. D.V.A. wanted to help, shoe she would offer to get the robot some connections to people who were fighting the same war.
Who knows, maybe she might find it some upgrades for proper speak if she liked the trooper enough.
Along with Genji, Tracer was more invested with all the happenings with the null sector. But Tracer had a different approach. She grew to deeply care about the omnics under King's Row and having one of her close friends being an omnic. Lena knew the different perspectives, and she truly wanted the best for all those involved.
Which is why she didn't immediately reach for her duel guns. The robot in front of her seemed to be.. alone. And she couldn't help but feel sorry for it. Perhaps a soft approach would be best. And besides, if something were to happen, she could rewind time and make use of her machinery.
But Tracer was right on that hunch. The Nulltrooper was, in fact, passive. Lena knew the ways of understanding Bastion, well at least kind of. So after some yes no questions, some charades and maybe a drawing or two she figured it out.
The Nulltrooper was in the same fight she was. It was aware and wanted change. And Lena couldn't help but admire that. In fact, it reminded her of King's Row and her role in that. And Tracer just loves to tell stories, so of course she just had to ramble on about the uprising and what Overwatch's plan was.
Regardless of what the Nulltrooper wanted, all it could do is beep and boop as a response. After a while, she pauses. Thinking over her words.
"Sorry bout that love, I get carried away. Say, how would you want to join me? Overwatch is full of great people, and I just know Winston would be happy having a new addition to Overwatch?"
She's so sincere, and after all the ramblings about Overwatch, the offer seems tempting to the Nulltrooper. But it's up to the robot to decide if it joins Overwatch, regardless of what it decides. Lena will always be a friend.
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solcorvidae · 9 months
Modern Witcher AU: My Headcanons: (part 3 of ?)
Geralt smells of coffee, caramelized sugar, kerosine, and mineral oil. The sugary scent is from his favourite fragrance (Vanilla Woods—The 7 Virtues) and it mingles well with his natural body chemistry and environmental scents. It’s very subtle but distinct and it works shockingly well for him.
Jaskier is determined to figure out what fragrance Geralt wears but is looking in all the wrong places. He assumes some of the “masculine” notes from the environment that linger on his skin and clothes are a part of the perfume. It takes Geralt explicitly telling Jaskier to look in the feminine and/or the unisex sections (of fragrantica) for him to actually do so and finally get put on the right track.
Jaskier smells of lavender and chamomile. His hair also retains the smell of his shampoo exceedingly well so he always smells clean. He uses solid fragrance that’s reminiscent of “Chamomile and Lavender Milk Tea” by The Dua Brand. It has notes of honey and raw almond milk that gives it a good balancing effect and works well with his body chemistry.
Jaskiers extended family organizes regular family reunions at grossly lavish locations at least once a year. Most of his family besides his parents and a few cousins don’t know about his cross-country road trip… or Geralt. When Jaskier brings Geralt along one year to a reunion at a rented out ski chalet he wants to make sure Geralt makes a good impression. Little did he know, most of his family would adore him and think he is such a doll. Geralt had no less than two people at any given time chatting with him for the vast majority of the weekend. As an introvert, he was exhausted by the end of each day. Jaskier is secretly convinced his family loves Geralt more than him after just a few days; however, Jaskier is more than happy to show him off so it never really bothers him much.
Geralt has a stiff gait. It stems from extremely tense muscles in his hips and lower back as a result of so many hours on the road and not enough proper stretching. Jaskier makes it his personal goal to get Geralt into physiotherapy and at the very least, flexible enough to touch his toes comfortably again.
Geralt’s nausea inducing alcohol of choice is tequila. Eskel’s is flavoured vodka. Lambert loves to get a reaction out of them over it.
Geralt can't have tequila (especially margaritas) anymore because of the near-two day hangover he had after drinking with his brothers on New Years Eve one year. Not even the night he came of age could compare to the sheer amount he knocked back that night.
Eskel's grievance against (lemonade) vodka started after a night out at the bar in his early 20's. He doesn't remember how many times he threw up that night (and he doesn't really want to either).
Lambert can hold his alcohol well but gets hangovers extremely easy, unlike Geralt and Eskel who rarely get more than a headache that's readily manageable with a single ibuprofen capsule. Lambert started keeping a bucket under his bed for this exact reason. He doesn't have a gag-inducing alcohol because if he did, all options would be exhausted with the amount of times he has been ill after a night out.
Geralt’s personal vehicle is a baby blue rust bucket of a pickup truck. It’s a sturdy but rough looking 1990 Ford Ranger.
Eskel drives a grey 2013 VW Jetta that was not taken care of too well by it’s previous owner. It’s a secondhand shitbox but it’s his secondhand shitbox.
Lambert refuses to buy his own car and when he’s not working, he makes Vesemir or his brothers drive him places when he can’t/doesn’t want to catch the bus.
Eskel gets extremely bad caffeine withdrawal symptoms since he has a much lower tolerance and rate of consumption than Geralt, who has a worrying dependency. Geralt says he's fine, but his blood pressure says otherwise.
[Modern AU Headcanon Masterpost]
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purplekissinger · 10 months
~ Masterlist ~
Tumblr media
here's my AO3 (this is where i post ✨serious✨ stuff)
A picture above is me offering you this questionable texts. Yandere themes (a lot), but little to no nsfw (i just don't do that). Feel free to send me a request ^^
I DO NOT support yanderes irl. It's not love, it's a disease. Please, read tws.
I use pics to illustrate my drabbles, and although I usually make sure that it's not someones art, this can happen. If see your art on the cover of one of my texts and want it taken down, please contact w me, I'll do that.
Tom Riddle
x deardiarydeardiarydeardiary
Y/N’s been acting strange lately. She may contain the urge to run away, but Tom holds her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks.
x The cat that looked at a King
The first magical war. Animagus Y/N spies on the Dark Lord. When she is caught, Voldemort decides against killing her.
x Ten points to Hufflepuff
“Now it’s all done, Becky. And always after this, you know, you ain’t ever to love anybody but me, and you ain’t ever to marry anybody but me, ever never and forever. Will you?”
x Five times when you were stronger than Tom Riddle and one time when he was stronger than you
“Maybe you are taking in turns to look, and keep missing each other,” said Hermione, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards.
x That day no farther did we read therein
wordcount: 300. warnings: none. Tom: will definitely corner you as soon as the lesson is over.
x amalgam
The night Tom told you about Horcruxes. Soulmates au.
x The roads we take, the collars we choose
Y/N is a werewolf in the servitude of the Dark Lord.
x I am the pretty thing that lives in the castle
Y/N became a ghost instead of Myrtle. She couldn’t care less about Tom. He wishes he could say the same.
x The girl with the snake tattoo
‘Give me your hand, Y/N,’ he will say softly.
x hypnosis
'Men have wasted away before it, entranced by what they have seen, or been driven mad, not knowing if what it shows is real or even possible.'
x The tower, the princess, the snake
Soulmates AU.
x Death and the Maiden
Y/N revives the Dark Lord. “why, I am growing quite sentimental… But look, Harry! My true family returns…”
x Hansel and Gretel
Siblings au. Platonic.
x Thirst
Y/N Malfoy is Draco's older sister, this takes place in 1998, nsfw implied but no details.
Bunny Corcoran
You’re the entire circus
Bunny Corcoran being sliiiiiiightly obsessed with you 
Henry Winter
Seven deadly seeds
Henry Winter being heavily obsessed with you 
Yandere OC
x Hungry heart
Your yandere is the ‘hide the zombie bite’ type of guy. 
x Yandere zombie x reader headcanons
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hotgirlmythology · 5 months
The OIAR's very well funded response team headcanon (I havebbeen watching Torchwood too much)
Now, we know that Mr Bonzo is On His Way to deal with anyone the OIAR sics him on, but there is only one Mr Bonzo. What happens when one needs to catch a group of people in a building with a door they can all just leave through once Mr Bonzo arrives? Clearly, the OIAR needs their Response part to complement the Assessment.
The OIAR has terrible funding, just like the magnus institute, and so I'm guessing that any kind of response element would also be badly funded. Presumably the assault rifle carrying crazies who showed up at the hilltop road charity shop and proceeded to shoot everything and then firebomb it were an external organisation, associated with another Entity maybe. Thus we should base our OIAR crack hit squad on an even less well equipped group: The british police force.
We already have section 31, so the police clearly have some knowledge of paranormal activity and respond to it. The OIAR does not need to manage the entire country, in that case. So the team directly associated with them would be fairly small and deployed when the target is not going to be moving off anytime soon. Isolated avatars and creatures, and localised cults are unlikely to get wind that they are about to be attacked by a sleep deprived paramilitary who have to travel by train so this probably isn't much of an issue.
The equipment of this group would probably be based on british police equipment, though obviously with some modifications for dealing with possible paranormal activity. British armed police generally carry pistols and have taken up using rifles recently too. However, let us think. Does it seem likely that an eldritch touched being is likely to buy body armour. Not really. If a weak bullet doesn't stop it long enough to be dealt with a rifle bullet probably won't either, and given the cost constraints it would probably make sense that this response unit has pistols all around and perhaps a sniper rifle. Some kind of night vision or thermal imaging may also be useful in the case of entities messing around with the time of day, which does seem to happen rather a lot. To round out the actually reasonable equipment, a flashbang might help. It's hard to concentrate on using your mystical powers of death and destruction when your ears are bleeding.
Now we move to the more silly equipment (:3). Rope! Rope is great for when you are nervous about losing your way or climbing into a pitch dark hole. Maybe string would help too, come to think of it. Glowsticks should also be useful for testing the aforementioned pitch dark holes, or to make sure nothing is creeping around behind you (would leave a shadow). For that matter stick a torch on the guns. Some kind of analogue recording device would probably be nice as entities seem to be able to wreak havoc with any kind of electronics, so paper and pen basically. Motion sensors are quite cheap and easy to set up, so we can give them some of those too. Pepper spray is terribly boring but I think it might be useful.
The most important part of these people is obviously going to be their esoteric knowledge of entities and ability to keep a clear and logical head when everything goes pear-shaped and their friends get turned into pineapples or something. Ideally they should understand the broad strokes of meditation exercises, be able to get past contradictory sensual input and have experience being a part of at least one paranormal group (so that they understand the modus operandi of this type of thing). Additional helpful tricks might be being able to shoot very accurately, some kind of self hypnosis to force oneself to snap out of delusions of fear or literally being an avatar themselves.
The Eye runs the OIAR as it ran the Magnus Archives and I think we can all agree on this. The Eye is probably also very interested in the prospect of being able to subsume allll the knowledge that this response team manages to nick from the people they black bag and drive off in trucks with. So on some level the response team is just as much a branch of the Eye as the assessment people. I'm thinking mmm unusually keen eyed (miraculous recovery from needing glasses), people becoming compliant when interrogated, maybe a compulsion to be extra thorough when turning the target's house upside down for secret books, but only when there is one to be found (the Eye is good at secrets). Obviously the Hunt is going to be involved somewhere too but likely to a lesser extent than the Eye.
I did consider having them drive around in the alcoholic equivalent of a clown car but honestly this would probably get them found out rather easily. Instead, it's more likely that they would take the train with some kind of identification to allow them to travel with weapons (or the Eye just helps them not be noticed when they are on it). And THEN they get into the clown car, which is actually a "requisitioned" unmarked police van. Of course, not everywhere they go has these to spare. In fact, they seem to magically get misplaced as soon as the Voyeurs (nickname for how they sometimes get caught nose deep in filing cabinets) show up. In which case, it's time for walkies
TLDR: Group of understaffed paramilitary kick in your cult's front door and somehow know precisely where all your EVIL TOMES are kept. And then when you try to cast an incantation upon these poltroons they throw rocks at you. An alternative interpretation is if someone was to be going around making people think they're falling out of the sky, deploying a bunch of people of whom some have actually fallen out of the sky will probably help them keep it together.
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summertimemusician · 1 year
Linktober Shadow Day 3
Definitely self indulgent, just a small thing I managed to throw together after a sleep deprivation filled day.
My Twilight Princess lover side definitely comes out on this one, as well as some vague headcanons in a short drabble, as always can be read as platonic or romantic.
There was something special, you think, about the way autumn came in a howling moonson of glory into the Era of Twilight, heralding the coming of the temperate strokes over the woods in flowering tones of russet, bronze, maple and amethyst in gilding gold over the evergreen of Hyrule’s eternity in warmth even as the weather turned ever colder, the late afternoon sunset fleeting in it’s mercurial transition into the hour of twilight, only matched in honor to the abandoned forests of the Era of Sky, the enduring wealds of the Era of time and the untamed thickets of the Era of Wilds. Oh so contrasting to it’s hero but no less lovely for it was a perfect balance, when you first met Twilight (or well, got properly acquainted, really, but that’s a story for another day), it was clear he was no less captivating than his homeland, as steady as the oaks and pines stretching towards the heavens and with the kindness of it’s people, was it any wonder then, that you found it easy to love the man with the loyalty and eyes of wolf to match the divine beast in his soul?
So it was why through a long, long period of trying to make the true extent of your feelings as unseen as a dream after waking hours and trying to hide just how enamored you had slowly become, that you became well acquainted with the tells that showed something weighted on his mind as you left Ordon’s Spring after washing Epona for the long road ahead tomorrow. The way his head hang just a little, ears lowering to match the way Wolfie’s would when he gently nudged one of the members of the Chain into holding him after a nightmare as his walls attempt to come back up, as solemn as a wolf in mourning.
Ever so responsible, ever steady. Trying to take the world onto his shoulders as any hero would.
He should have know it wouldn’t work on you, not after all you’ve been through.
“Rupee for your thoughts?” Your tone gently broke through the stillness of the stream as you fed Epona an apple, Twilight’s ears twitch as he turns towards you, softening as he notes the way the twilit enchanted sunlight lingered upon your visage in a most ephemeral way, shadows holding affectionately and brightening the stars of your eyes and the liminal nature of this moment and how Epona neighs, gently nudging the side of your hand for more rubs or maybe apples he knew you loved sneaking to her when he wasn’t looking, making your airy, fae like laughter free to be taken by the breeze.
“Reminiscing, is all.” He answer you, tone a low rumbling of the fall winds and like handling mirror shards into something new and beautiful as he privately holds onto the memory of your smile, holding it with claws and teeth for he can never quite be sure for how long he’ll have it, “It feels like a lifetime ago since...”
Since the start of his journey, since the beginning of his new one in the throes of attempting to settle in Ordon to lick his wounds after the lingering shaded reality of another realm settled into the crevices of his soul and marrow after grabbing the neck of the beast inside his being and biting down onto the hackles had left the injury open to bleed again.
Since losing Midna shattered his heart and killed him all at once, leaving him to live a life of haunting his own existence until you looked at him, all of him, and guided him back to life. Picking the shards of his heart and slowly putting them back together with the care of someone he’d seen mourn for an unfortunate nightingale on the road even as you cut yourself when he attempted to push you away.
You nod, gently resting your head on his shoulder, your gaze flicking to the Shadow Crystal, you don’t press about Midna and Twilight feels so, so warm, breathing out, you were both working on it, slowly but surely. Midna may not be dead, but he knew her absence left you haunted too, “Does it still hurt?” The twisting of reality upon his form, drawing from a well of ambition from long gone spirits who’d attempted to grab at the Goddesses throat, and the way the darkness so fiercely claimed any part of his he could touch. Making both of your shadows darker as the veil between worlds thinned, refusing to allow anything else to attempt a claim.
He shakes his head, gently putting his chin atop yours, “No, not anymore.”
You hum, gently nudging his chin in a sweet, adoring nuzzle, “I’m glad, then.”
You both remain on the spring until night falls, basking into one another’s presence and soaking into the timeless moment of learning to love one another as you can.
Twilight silently wishes that, just this once, he’s allowed to keep this the same way the Twilight Realm still keeps the old him.
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My theory is that Mimzy was once Alastor’s best friend, he maybe even thought he might have been in love with her at one point, in that manner aroace people who don’t know they’re aroace often do, that she was then sacrificed by this cult, and that Alastor had them infiltrated and taken down every member of that cult over decades, losing more and more of himself each time as those he killed grew less and less directly connected to the crime, “sorry you just got in my way, maybe I enjoy it just a little bit does that make me insane”, but that in the act of doing so, that contradiction of righteous intent and pure depravity, along with whatever ritual for power the cult had initially started upon, let’s say in honour of Roo (the root of all evil in the Hellaverse, a character yet to be introduced), and that on Alastor’s eventual death, he then found himself in Hell all-powerful, and set about bringing down those Overlords beneath his power continuing this moral code, until he hit a wall, finding himself having ended all Overlords less powerful than him / otherwise came to his senses on meeting Mimzy again and finding her to have gone to hell, recognising that “weren’t you an old pal of mine” and really nothing more and deciding mere power, entertainment is all he now desires. But that still, out of obligation, that he must kill Lucifer, the Devil, for a sense of completion, while still being allowed to exist himself afterward. Which leads to whatever deal he ended up trapped in seven years before the events of the series, and him getting Charlie to make a deal with him to “harm no one” at a certain point in the future: to ensure that when the time comes that he will be able to kill Lucifer, and the one person able to stop him won’t be able to. To really make Alastor a true Exterminator, more measured, the embodiment of how the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
My first message on this blog! Everyone feel free to do so. I be happy to heart thoughts or possibly give opinions or disscussion.
That's interesting. It keep overlooking the concept of cults when I theorize. I just slips my mind its a thing. I wrote something about Vox and someone mention him being a cult leader, and I have to admit....it makes sense. He fits cult leader material perfectly. The charisma, the hypnotism. "Trust us..." Which, would an added layer to their rivalry of Vox recognized Alastor as the 'notorious cult member killer' from decades before his time to fit your theory.
I personally headcanon the reason he was so powerful when he fell was voodoo. I haven't done a 30 minute research for me to flush it out tho. But based off my very poor memory of Disney the princess and the frog...Alastor was into Voodoo while alive.
Been mention through the show, "His voodoo magic." And maybe, his voodoo aided him to be a successful serial killer. Basing Dr. Facilier to Alastor, (remember my memories are sketchy) and my non existent knowledge of voodoo,he sold his soul already to someone in Hell while he was alive to perform voodoo, and his body count counted to the demon he sold his soul to power. Aware but not fully digested the weight of that action and what it truly entailed to sell his soul. That Hell is forever. So when he died, his master pretty much granted him immense power for a job well done as well treat him like a lieutenant type of underling. Every time Alastor increase his power, it increase his master. He nearly has free range do whatever he wants but he still has commands to follow.
I think that's why Charlies dream seem so laughable to him.When Charlie asked Alastor if he thought it was possible for the souls can be redeemed. He said (paraphrase) "There's no undoing what is done while they were alive, and now they pay the price in their after life." Which tbh, Alastor right...that's what Hell is about. But I think it may have a stronger meaning to Alastor. His deal he made while alive.
I agree with the Lilith and Eve theories for as his master, which does check out. But I'm not throwing Zestial out the window. I find it odd that Alastor nearly wiped out all the older generation overlords but he remained. Also, how everyone overly fears him when the show introduced him and literally did nothing with him. (I have a feeling he minimal use is keeping him on low profile until he becomes a big player later.) Alastor did seem a tad apprehensive when Zestial appeared calm enough knowing harm not coming his way. The only reason I haven't made a post of it because Zestial question the 7 year absence/-which I can't explain. I think he would know what his powerful underling been up too.
The reason he got into killing I assume is his father. Alastor is a momma boy and I can see him taking out his father trying to defend his mother. Then it just kept morphing into a defender of woman and selecting men who rape woman and children or he see a very abusive man to his wife and it just keep recalling the memories of his own parents. His soul already damn, might as well put it to use, can't damn it more! He found himself good at cold murder, enjoying it. Or rather...entertained. The stalking, planning out every detail, the chase. He gives me slow death vibes, relishing their 'song and dance' as they scream and writhe in pain. It gave him a high,holding that much power over someone, the power of their life in his hands (god complex we get to witness) Then the satisfaction of getting away with it. It becoming more of a game then a (in his mind) service of justice.
Maybe he got into cannibalism when he fed come gaters to rid of the evidence and was like 'hmmm, maybe them gators have something there..." and kept a calf to try and was hooked since then. Then the killing became more of feed an appetite and boredom, that he had to seek a suitable victim to fulfill his needs. When it use to be, he witness/has knowledge of a deplorable act, he killed to end it from continuing. His 'kind' service became a greedy hunger of flesh, power, and entertainment.
But the last part of you message was extremely interesting. I never consider Alastor deal with Charlie is to use his favor to have her not get involved and stop him from fulfilling a task he needed/wanted. It really clever and keeps the harm no one part.
Love the part that Hell was paved with good intentions, because of the apple of knowledge/free will what created Hell. Such a lovely and fun way to put it. Then applied it to Alastor with what started as good intention murders.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 8 months
Six of Crows Fan-Written Script
Okay so I haven’t done a great job up until this point of actually separating this into clear scenes so I’ve gone through and corrected that and part 4 is the very end of scene 3, all of scene 4, and the start of scene 5. I’m wishing that I’d put better thought into this from the start so I could’ve posted a scene at the time but unfortunately I didn’t have enough foresight for that so I guess we’ll just have to see how it goes and hopefully at least by episode two I’ll have a more sensible structure going on
As usual: Be warned I've taken a little artisitc licence (eg inserting a reference to my personal Anya headcanon in the opening part) but most of this is direct quotes/takes on direct quotes - and also I've never written a script before so my formatting is my own made up method I hope it makes sense. I’ve had to make some strides away from the book in order to match Show!canon but I’m trying to remain as true as possible. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Recap: The last part ended with Kaz and Inej having a conversation after leaving the exchange, with Inej leaving after she said “Men mock the gods until they need them, Kaz”
Also: sorry if there are spelling mistakes in names I’m working mostly from audiobooks because neither of my copies of the books are with me right now
Episode One - Part 4
[KAZ shakes his head, then keeps walking. After a moment he raises his head again, aware he once more isn’t alone. He glances around him briefly, then cuts down a dark alleyway alongside a canal. The scene suddenly darkens as there are no street lamps along this new road, the water of the canal is murky and the yellow reflection of the moon can be seen broken across its surface in between small boats bumping against their moorings as they bob with the movement of the water. KAZ seems to relax once more. A shadowed figure appears ahead of him]
KAZ: What business?
[The figure lunges towards KAZ. He swings his cane towards the attacker and the camera moves in close to the moment that should have been contact - the cane passes straight through empty space that a moment ago was the attacker’s legs, and KAZ stumbles forwards as his momentum pushes him. He rights himself and looks up to discover he’s face-to-face with the attacker. The attacker punches KAZ in the jaw and the camera follows his movement as he falls back then swings his cane around again - only to empty space. The cane hits the wall and then is torn from KAZ’s hands. The camera movements are choppy and confusing, remaining focused on KAZ and showing little of the attacker - we essentially see what KAZ sees: a ghost. A figure steps through the wall - appears as mist and then slowly forms itself into a silhouette wearing a hooded cloak, only the edge of the figure’s face visible in the low light - and KAZ stumbles backwards, terror written across his face. The camera moves close on KAZ’s face as he panics, turning in every direction until a needle is seen being inserted into the side of his neck. His eyes roll, then close, and he collapses out of frame as the screen fades to black]
[THE CROW CLUB. The club is busy; there are patrons at the bar, players at every table, people shouting and jeering. The camera follows the hand of a dealer spinning Makker’s wheel; players shout their joys and sorrows as it lands, completely oblivious to INEJ slipping past them. The club’s patrons are all brightly coloured, a few in the crowd even wear the masks of the Komedie Brute though that’s less common here than on the other Stave, but INEJ is the opposite. The camera watches her from above, moving silently and unimpeded through the crowd, she is an inkblot crossing the bright tapestry. When she stops at a card table the camera moves down through the scene to level with her, and turns to Jesper and two Ravkan tourists sitting at the table. The dealer at the table is ROJAKKE, moving quickly and impressively as he sets up the hand. JESPER is glad to see INEJ. It’s fair to assume she’s spoken to him since her return to the city and he was unfazed by her appearance at the Exchange tonight, but he feels a distance between them that he desperately wants to close. As she approaches, he smiles up at her over his shoulder and references his cards]
JESPER: What do you think?
INEJ: You know exactly what I think
[JESPER looks away. He was trying to emulate the closeness he feels they’ve lost and now fears he had inadvertently made things worse. INEJ turns to ROJAKKE as he finishes handing the final cards of the hand to the tourists]
INEJ: Rojakke, I need a private word - walk with me?
[He frowns but nods, excusing himself from the table and following INEJ towards the private gambling parlours at the back of the club. JESPER glances over his shoulder at them, then shrugs and places two cards onto the table. The tourists play their hands and JESPER grins triumphantly, leaning in to take his winnings when he is suddenly interrupted by ROJAKKE yelling as he marches back into frame - INEJ hurrying after him]
ROJAKKE: It’s not fair - I ain’t no cheat!
[JESPER gets to his feet and the camera follows his steps across the room towards INEJ and ROJAKKE]
INEJ, much quieter: Take it up with Kaz
JESPER: And keep your voice down, you’ll scare off the pigeons. There’s no fights on the Crow Club floor, you know that
[ROJAKKE sneers]
ROJAKKE: Where even is Brekker?
INEJ: I don’t know
[There is genuine concern in INEJ’s tone and she glances at the clock on the wall behind her as she speaks - KAZ has already been gone longer than expected]
ROJAKKE: You always know everything about everything. Isn’t that what Dirtyhands pays you for?
JESPER, murmuring: Not anymore
[INEJ silences him with a look]
INEJ: I don’t know where Kaz is and I don’t know when he’s getting back, but I do know that you won’t want to be here when he does
ROJAKKE: Give me my cheque. I’m owed for my last shift.
INEJ: Brekker doesn’t owe you anything
ROJAKKE: Can’t even face me himself - sent a little girl to gimme the boot. Maybe I’ll just shake a few coins out of you
[ROJAKKE reaches out towards her but he’s slow and has clearly been drinking. INEJ dodges him easily and the camera catches her slipping her fingers into a pair of brass knuckles as she moves. JESPER steps forwards but INEJ shakes her head, then turns and punches ROJAKKE in the face. Use the movement to transition into Kaz’s head movement in the opening of the next scene]
[HOEDE’S OFFICE. Use the sudden movement of ROJAKKE’s head when INEJ punches him to transition into the sudden movement of KAZ’s head at the opening of this scene as a hood is pulled off him. KAZ is tied to a chair in a plush office; mahogany panelled walls with decorative carved shapes, including waves and the three flying fishes of Kerch, grand bookshelves, and an oil painting of a woman with a book open on her lap and a lamb at her feet (with a small but notable signature in the corner says ‘DeKappel’ and possibly a plate on the frame as well to prove its authenticity) are notable features of the set. At first the camera remains focused entirely on KAZ so we cannot see who he is with; someone behind him has removed the hood but they aren’t entirely in frame. KAZ has clearly taken an injury from the fight and there is blood on his face; whatever he was injected with has had him knocked out for an unclear amount of time and he is struggling to right himself. The camera pans back slowly to reveal a MEDIK crouched in front of KAZ, moving forwards to wave a small linen pouch (wolf salts) beneath KAZ’s nose. KAZ shoves back from him as far as his restraints will allow, attempting to kick at the MEDIK but unable to move his legs]
KAZ: Get away from me
[The MEDIK looks at KAZ with distaste as he slips the wolf salts into a small leather container and returns them to his bag. KAZ looks around him with veiled confusion; he expected to wake up in the den of a rival gang but instead is in the plush surroundings of a merchant’s house. The camera moves slowly around the room to introduce us to the scene just as Kaz is: he notes the armed members of the stadwatch at the door, the act that the painting is a genuine DeKappel, and as the camera rotates a broad hardwood desk is revealed, behind which VAN ECK is seated. VAN ECK appears more than simply prosperous. He’s in his forties, has a gaunt air about his face, and has a distinctly receding hairline. His outfit is noticeably similar to KAZ’s and distinctly different from the common trappings that have been seen in the Barrel. He leans on the desk studying KAZ, trying to hide his eagerness and not doing a particularly good job of it]
KAZ: What business?
[VAN ECK appears to be ignoring KAZ. He nods at the MEDIK]
VAN ECK: You may go. Please send me you bill - and I would of course appreciate your discretion
[MEDIK exits. VAN ECK stands and collects a sheath of papers from the desk and the camera cuts close to focus on the gold laurel leaves that make up the fob of his pocket watch and the large, perfect ruby on his tie pin]
KAZ: Van Eck
[It is clear he would have preferred to say something quite different. VAN ECK nods]
VAN ECK: You know me, then
KAZ: I know of you - the Red Laurel crest. You’re one of those merch crusaders always trying to clean up the Barrel
VAN ECK: I try to find men honest work
[KAZ laughs]
KAZ: What’s the difference between wagering at the Crow Club and speculating on the floor of the exchange?
VAN ECK: One is theft and the other is commerce
KAZ: When a man loses his money, he may have trouble telling them apart.
VAN ECK: The Barrel is a den of filth, vice, violence-
KAZ: How many of the ships you send sailing from the Ketterdam harbours never return?
VAN ECK: That doesn’t-
KAZ: One in five, Van Eck. One out of every five vessels you send seeking your fortune sinks to the bottom of the sea, crashes on the rocks, falls prey to pirates. One out of five crews dead, their bodies lost to foreign waters, food for deep sea fishes. Let’s not speak of violence
[VAN ECK is clearly affronted - and clearly trying to hide it]
VAN ECK: I won’t argue ethics with a strippling from the Barrel
[The camera cuts to KAZ’s fingers feeling as far along his chains as he can, subtly adjusting the position of his wrists]
KAZ: Well, if you didn’t bring me here to philosophise: What business?
VAN ECK: I have a proposition for you - or rather, the council does
[KAZ veils his surprise]
KAZ: And does the Merchant Council begin all negotiations with a beating?
VAN ECK: Consider it a warning - and a demonstration
[KAZ frowns, thinking of the way the figure appeared and disappeared like a ghost. He is trying to make himself stop thinking of ghosts]
KAZ: What possible use would the Merchant Council have for me?
[VAN ECK studies the papers in front of him, reading and looking over the top of the page at KAZ as he speaks]
VAN ECK: You were first arrested at ten
KAZ: Everyone remembers his first time
VAN ECK: Twice again that year, twice again at eleven. You were picked up at a gambling hall a few years ago and there was a warrant for your arrest six months ago - but you were found to be incorrectly charged, and haven’t served any time since you were fourteen?
[KAZ grins, shrugging]
KAZ: I cleaned up. Found honest work. Live a life of industry and prayer
VAN ECK: Don’t blaspheme
[VAN ECK’s eyes flash briefly with anger and KAZ notes it - he is keeping track of everything he knows about VAN ECK so far. He’s prosperous, pious, a widow recently remarried to a bride a similar age to KAZ, and there’s a mystery surrounding his son. VAN ECK continues to flick through the papers. As the conversation continues the camera moves between three positions: focus on KAZ, focus on VAN ECK, and a side view showing both their profiles backlit by the window]
VAN ECK: You run book on prize fights, horses, and your own games of chance. You were floor boss at the Crow Club for two years-
KAZ: Still am.
[VAN ECK frowns, looking between KAZ and the papers]
KAZ: We’ve reopened
VAN ECK, continuing as though Kaz never spoke: You’re the youngest to ever run a betting shop and you doubled its profits in that time. You’re a blackmailer -
KAZ: I broker information
VAN ECK: A con artist
KAZ: I create opportunity
VAN ECK: A bawd, and a murderer
KAZ: I don’t run whores - and I kill for a cause
VAN ECK, distastefully: And what cause is that?
KAZ: Same as yours merch: Profit
VAN ECK: How do you get your information, mister Brekker?
KAZ: You might say I’m a lockpick
VAN ECK: You must be a very gifted one
KAZ: I am indeed. You see, every man is a safe, a vault of secrets and longings. Now there are those who takes the brute’s way, but I prefer a gentler approach: the right pressure applied at the right moment, in the right place. It’s a delicate art
VAN ECK: Do you always speak in metaphors, mister Brekker?
[KAZ smiles widely]
KAZ: It’s not a metaphor
[KAZ jumps up from the chair and the chains clatter to the ground behind him. He leaps across the room towards the desk, snatching a letter opener with one hand and grabbing VAN ECK’s shirt with the other. He presses the blade against VAN ECK’s throat. KAZ is noticeably slower than usual, groggy from the injection and with no access to his cane, but he can still easily get the better of VAN ECK and the stadwatch officers in the room- and he is immediately more comfortable now he’s holding a weapon. The guards turn to him with weapons raised, a mixture of guns and swords]
KAZ: I don’t think I need to waste breath on threats. Tell me how to get to the door or I’m taking you through the window with me
VAN ECK: I think I can change your mind
KAZ: I don’t care who you are, or how big that ruby is, you don’t take me away from my own streets and you don’t try to make a deal with me when I’m in chains.
VAN ECK, calling towards the door: Mika
[A figure walks through the wall of the office in the same format of dissipating and reforming from mist as the figure in scene three and becomes a young boy, MIKA, in a slightly faded Tidemaker’s Kefta with a red laurel crest pinned to the lapel. He is clearly ill; his cheeks are hollow, there are large dark circles beneath his eyes, and his face is paled. KAZ panics - he thinks he’s hallucinating from some kind of drug Van Eck has given him]
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catacombbee · 4 months
some danganronpa v3 characters if they lived in the world of @arcaneafterhours's magic system
because ho boy i love their magic system and ho boy i love danganronpa
got inspired by Arcane making the school bus graveyard (webtoon) cast in their magic system. if any of this is out of character for how your magic system works im so sorry bbg pls forgivnn mneee
warning: minor spoilers for v3, particularly Rantaro's talent being mentioned. he's the last of 5 here though so!! you can skip looking at his if you wanna avoid that.
so quick basic tl;dr for how the magic system works, pls see Arcane's account for the actual funzies. someone's eye color determines what powers they have! each color is called a "concept" and can result in powers under that concept
because of that, and so that i can give them powers that i think suit them, some of these characters will have different eye colors.
lastly. i cannot draw. so enjoy having their sprites instead
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Kokichi Ouma
Concepts of Perception & Light
(purple & yellow. taken from his beta design having purple and yellow eyes / common headcanon drawing him with heterochromia)
Perception: Kokichi can manipulate how he is perceived by others, but only in a physical sense. He can make someone perceive that he has blue hair instead of purple, or he could make someone perceive that he looks hideous, but he could not outright make them think they fear him. The more drastic the difference from his actual appearance, the less time he can maintain the image.
Light: Kokichi can manipulate electricity to some extent. He cannot create electricity from himself, but he can control it around him. the further it is from him, the harder it is to control. everything about within a typical room size of his location is easy.
EDIT FOR KOKICHI: Arcane clarified in a reblog: "my only tidbit is that with kokichi’s he would likely only be able to control electricity if it were physically emitting light like a lightbulb and stuff he cant pull electricity out of like the walls (cuz technically hes controlling the light the electricity makes not the electricity itself)"
He often uses his powers for pranks, such as not bothering finding a scary mask to scare someone with and just making them perceive him as a grotesque monster. Or hiding in a room and making lights flicker or explode. One time he made an electric car stop in the middle of the road, just to see if he could. Luckily the rest of the road was clear.
Using the concept of perception expends more energy because of how often he uses it to such drastic degrees for pranks, but it's gotten a lot easier after years of practice. The biggest thing that built endurance and strength was using this concept simply to make everyone think he had two yellow eyes. He spent an entire year in middle school having somehow convinced everyone he only had the concept of light.
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Shuichi Saihara
Concepts of Movement and Pursuance
(blue & brown. given to him simply because of what power i want him to have. his eyes are yellow and not brown right? either way i. don't care. this power is swell.)
Power: Shuichi can track "movements" of people that have already happened. Essentially, he has an x-ray vision for footprints, fingerprints, bloodsplatter, etc. He can only directly recognize/identify these “movements” if they are from someone he knows well; otherwise he can just tell that something is there.
So he can look at a mug with a stranger's fingerprints and say "oh there are fingerprints on that mug." but if he looked at Kaede's mug he would sense that they were her fingerprints because he knows her pretty well
Shuichi, of course, uses his power in his detective work. Though he's unable to look at a set of fingerprints left on a weapon and immediately connect them to an individual, he is able to locate them simply by looking at whatever object they're on, eliminating the need to dust things thoroughly and speeding up the process.
Once movements have been located, he can identify matching ones. For instance, if at a crimescene he could see that someone walked through the house and left through the back door, he can later recognize the same footsteps in another seemingly unrelated crime scene, allowing him to connect the cases.
it really doesn't have anything to do with how they look per say, it's just that he can see them there and gets a gut feeling about it? like he looks at it and it just immediately connects in his mind. I have been picturing everything showing up like a glowing blue when he uses his power
It also comes in very handy when dealing with his mischievous friends. When he's asking who broke something, the culprit (coughs. Kokichi) knows there's not much use in denying it because Shuichi recognizes their fingerprints already.
One time Kokichi duped him by making him perceive that he had an entirely different set of fingerprints. Shuichi had a crisis over a broken mug for 2 hours before Kokichi finally gave in.
i hope i explained this as well as i wanted to? im not sure if the wording is clear but oh well
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Kaede Akamatsu
Concept of Connection to the Living
(pink. i cannot tell if her eyes are pink or purple sometimes. they're pink. her eyes are pink. pink makes more sense they're pink for this)
Connection: Kaede can sense other people's emotions. She experiences it sort of like synesthesia, in that when sensing someone's emotion, she can hear a certain melody in her mind that correlates to how they feel.
There are times that Kaede doesn't hear a melody she recognizes. Sometimes when she does recognize a song, the emotion causing it isn't necessarily the emotion intended for the piece, but rather some other association or even sentimental value.
One of her favorite places to take a nap is near Himiko, who almost always sounds like a lullaby.
One time she watched Kirumi rushing around working and could hear nothing but Flight of the Bumblebee for 30 minutes. She figured it was because of how often Kirumi is called a “busy bee”
If someone played Wap or CPR on a piano, well that's what Miu sounds like sometimes
Gonta also has sounded like Flight of the Bumblebee before! it was when he couldn't find some of his bug friends, he was so frantic. Kaede gave him a big hug to comfort him.
Kokichi often avoids her around the others when he's feeling sad, because he can't stand the knowing looks she gives him. But sometimes she finds him alone and just sits there with him, quietly listening to his melancholy piano. It slowly brightens the longer she sits with him; she knows that it makes him feel better to know she gets what he's feeling. He doesn't like being alone.
The only time Kaede ever hears Clair de Lune is late at night, with Shuichi at her side. Every now and then they find each other beneath the stars. They exchange no words, barely glances. They just sit together, thinking about their time in the killing game. She always knows when he's thinking about it; she can hear Clair de Lune long before she can see him. Many a night has she been roused from her bed, following the sound of the piano oozing off of her best friend.
(i don't really ship shuichi and kaede myself but if you wanna see this as romantic ofc ofc idc)
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Himiko Yumeno
Concept of Creation
(red. her eyes are like reddish brown so im going with red)
Creation: Himiko can create objects, within reason. Depending on how close she's creating the object and how small it is, it could range from being easy to really straining.
Himiko uses her power in her magic tricks. “I will pull a rabbit out of my hat!” [shows empty hat] [creates stuffed rabbit in hat] “tada!”
She also likes making snacks for herself and Tenko when they're hanging out. “Hey Himiko do you have any candy” “check your pocket” “[pulls candy out of pocket] Himikooooo 🥺🥺🥺”
Every now and then Kokichi can talk her into helping him with more tame pranks. Like the time she created a whoopee cushion under Miu as she was sitting down.
idk her power isn't really that complicated, the concept of creation is a very simple power as arcane herself will say but it works well for a mage doing magic yk? “is this your card [creates a copy of the card so it's right]”
she probably has a room full of random junk that is extra copies of things. at some point she'll have an entire new deck of cards gradually made from creating a copy of one card at a time just to make a trick work.
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Rantaro Amami
Concepts of Growth and Pursuance
(green & brown. his normal eyes but with sectoral heterochromia, his right eye will have brown in the bottom half)
Power: Rantaro can track the growth rate of any living thing. It creates sort of like a timer in his mind? For instance he can look at a plant and know that it will be exactly two days three hours fourty seven minutes and twenty one seconds until it blooms. This also works for things like injuries: he can know how long it'll be until it heals, or if it will heal at all (as in, will lead to death.)
If he expends extra energy he can speed up this growth process to cause something to grow/heal faster.
His power came in handy having so many sisters; any little scratch or booboo was quickly mended by a magic kis it better by big brother Rantaro. It was also useful when adventuring; if he was hurt, he knew how severe the wound was and by extension how much attention it needed just by looking at it.
If he decides to stop adventuring, he'd go into healthcare. He cares about others a lot and it makes him happy to help people, plus it's handy having a power that lets him give people a near-exact estimate for how long the healing process may take. Sure, he could only help in physical injuries, but thats better than nothing. If not healthcare, maybe a florist. Imagine Rantaro having a flower shop. swoons.
also yes he can grow avocados /j
anyway that's all
thank you for reading this far i suppose. Arcane i know you're gonna read this cus i told you i was doing it so um hi. hope you liked it. im sorry if i horrifically defaced your powers or smth. ily <333
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svetzzi · 2 years
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knightklok stuff Is it headcanons or an au? I don’t know, but either way I sure as hell wrote about it.
Timeline: 1450’s-1480’s
Main Location: Pre-Sherborne/Sherborne, Sherborne Abbey Cathedral
Content Warnings: Character death, Christendom, religious fundamentalism, mentions of torture, mentions of social and systemic racism, mention of alcoholism.
Note: I subscribe to the implication that Dethklok, or even so the other people foretold in the prophecy, have been subjected to reincarnation for eons. Whether or not reincarnation is a normal aspect for everyone’s life-death cycle in the Metalocalypse universe is unknown to me as of writing this, but here I am making it certain for the pawns of the prophecy. Personally I find that the prophecy cave art in season 4,  the “ancient animal forms” from season 2 and onward, and the lyrics of Blazing Star are evidence for this notion. Every force included in the prophecy are doomed to their fates; despite being placed in deadly situations time and time again, they can make it out totally unscathed until their death. Said deaths may seem sudden or untimely on a surface level, but they are always decided by destiny or the universe (or perhaps The Devil if we lean more into the Satanic narrative). Here we see a version of Dethklok from their long line of reincarnations (that also happen to be ancestral to the present-day members), who had failed to fulfill the prophecy and thus had to die and start over.
If there are severe historical inaccuracies, then my apologies, I am not a buff and I made this for fun. If it helps to ease the pain at all, I am certain if this were to actually happen in the show, it would also be incredibly historically inaccurate.
I am also not Catholic, so some things may be wonky in that context as well.
Noah Eruption
Nationality: English / Roma
Weapon: Morningstar
The surname Eruption evolved to Explosion as the English language advanced.
His looks and demeanor forgave his non-chivalrous attitude, however being a man of few words made the public mistake him for chivalrous. Nonetheless his stature and steadfast fighting ability granted him both knighthood and the role of leader for the Sherborne Guard. Born in Canterbury, Noah traveled to Sherborne for personal independence and to no longer deal with those that knew of his mixed Romani bloodline. His morningstar was his closest companion.
Fled and retired to The Western Isles post-exile. In retirement he turned to cattle farming.
Death: Drowning (reason ruled unknown, speculated to be either suicide or accident)
Aengus “Picil (The Ruthless)” Barrel
Nationality: Irish 
Weapon: Dual-Wielded Scottish Dirks
The surname Barrel derives from his English grandfather’s favourite pub.
Picil, freeloader son of a shepherd, lived at his village’s pub. Of course, this habit kind of ruined his life and reputation within his hometown, however he did get some decent knife-tossing skills out of it. The pub eventually changed ownership, and consequently he was banned for being a pest. In some spark of clarity, the young man decided to start off on a clean slate. He packed a bottle for the road and headed for England (I reiterate short-lived clarity was mentioned, not intelligence). As a stumbling Irishman his time living there was incredibly difficult, but upon meeting Noah and Bishop Offgyrdd seemingly by coincidence he was “taken in,” so to speak.
And yes, his classic dirks slightly resemble penises, like God intended.
Fled to Wales post-exile.
Death: Went into the wood at night in a typical drunken stupor and was never seen again.
William “The Barbarian” “The Royal Guard’s Boil” “Barnacle Meat” Murdgruff
Nationality: English-Italian/Ethiopian (see Medieval Ethiopian Discovery of Europe) 
Weapon: Battle Axe
William Murdgruff fled from Italian slums as a young adult, in fear of further discrimination and possible death. He hid in a cart of hay bales and went wherever it took him. Sherborne did not treat him much better upon his arrival, even less so than expected, but the Bishop of the village saw his potential. Murdgruff then proved himself to be a merciless fighter, and with the strong persuasion of Bishop Offgyrdd, he was knighted by the Lord and assigned to the small guard sanctioned in that very town. An exchange was brought in return for his knighthood– that he would keep his appearance a secret from the public, as it would damage the church’s reputation. They even commissioned a custom helmet in order for him to fulfill such an order. He did as told, however that did not stop him from becoming the town’s punching bag due to how he held himself (and having the most non-chivalrous of attitudes, obviously). 
Fled to Germany post-exile.
Death: Tortured and Executed via Wheel at the beginning of The Werewolf Trials after fleeing to Germany.
Sigfrøðr / Sighfridh Swkigelf 
Nationality: Geat 
Weapon: Knightly Sword, though prefers Falchion
Irregular for the time and place, Sighfridh was born to closeted Heathen parents. Their Geatland patriotism imprinted onto him, but he found himself drawn to the Christian environment surrounding his family. Sighfridh saw himself not only in Odin, but in both the Lutheran and Catholic depictions of the Lord. In interest of visiting an authentic Roman Catholic cathedral, he decided to journey west. His stay in England was supposed to be temporary, especially after Toki began to accompany him on his journey, but finding good work with the Sherborne Guard (along with acclaim from all the English ladies…) Sighfridh stayed until the group’s exile.
Before England, Sighfridh was an ice harvester.
Returned to Scania post-exile.
Death: Disease of Totally Unknown Origin (it was definitely not syphilis).
Toki Wartúþr
Nationality: Norwegian/Norse
Weapon: Knightly Sword
(To my knowledge the name Toki has existed since like ~7th Century AD, so I find it perfectly sensible that the name Toki would be present multiple times throughout his family tree.)
He was a Sami boy adopted by Christian parents as a babe. Blessed with the spirit of death, his parents eventually blamed him for the unorthodox deaths of crops and farm animals, even if he was not tending to or near the area at the time of death. Their negative superstition surrounding their son grew more, soon blaming him for the rot of their food and the harsher winters. Believing him to embody the antichrist, they intended to kill him, but Toki found this out and escaped before they could execute their plan. He was a homeless wanderer for years, getting by on stolen goods and river water. It was when he ran into the traveling Sighfridh that Toki finally found some sort of path in life. To Sighfridh’s dismay, Toki was enamored with him and his journey, and so tagged along. 
Death: Murdered.
Bishop Offgyrdd
Nationality: English/Welsh
Weapon: Holy text, witchcraft, sabre
Under the guidance of his most trusted companion, Sherborne’s Archbishop, Offgyrdd was devoted to the underbelly of the church. He typically kept an eye out for any newcomers during the day, and was a transcriber at night. Before the mysterious and gruesome death of Canterbury’s Archbishop, Offgyrdd was– although emotionally distant– an average abbott. Even though transcribing was work for a lower monk, Offgyrdd happily took on the task for The Church of The Black Klok. The loose lips on the group of knights he brought together was ultimately his, their, downfall. From Sherborne Castle, the royal guard was demanded to put an end to this heresy, but they refused. Because they liked Offgyrdd. He was pretty nice to them after all, you know? Their Lord allowed for word— panic— to get out due to this. Reeves and the rest of the general public ended up taking matters into their own hands. The traitorous royal guard’s executions were debated. The enraged mob was still somehow infatuated with them, despite their association with witches. Out of fear of his own life, the Lord mercifully damned the knights to exile. After the beheading of the Archbishop, the last thing Offgyrdd saw was Noah watching his demise from among the crowd.
Thankfully, the actual Black Klok meeting grounds were never found by authorities. 
Death: Executed; burned at stake.
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