#road rage is real
asexualash · 1 year
gets into the driver's seat and immediately transforms into a feral beast
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lowkeyren · 3 days
"blade is genuinely a nice guy, he js starts tweaking when the mara strikes"
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these reddit comments got me giggling for the past 5 mins
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and he's sleep deprived LMAO, i swear hoyo purposely made the worse possible person to drive 😭😭
also topaz's voiceline:
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bro commits crimes against humanity but NOT tax fraud 💀🙏🏻🔥🔥
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seat belt ain't gonna do nothin when u start hearing "of five people..."
and the next thing you know he's swerving off the road!!!!!!
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aeriondripflame · 7 months
wait so im new to asoiaf why do people hate jaehaerys ?
jaehaerys is the bogeyman to every woman he comes in contact with. i can’t speak for everyone when i say this is the reason (there is no shortage of hateworthy men in asoiaf… looking at you hoster tully) but for me the absolute rage i have for jaehaerys comes down to him being at the center of every targ girl’s downfall. rhaena was disinherited for him. he disinherits his own daughter on account of her sex saying well she’ll be the queen as if that is any real power in the world he sets out to create. he cages his own wife (his sister) in the prison of queenhood leaving her to quote unquote more womanly pursuits like i don’t know getting rid of first right and domestic abuse? not to mention him marrying off his very young daughters to old ass men over and over again. not to mention the saera debacle and it’s many implications for his relationship to his daughters. and then of course when he disinherited yet another woman through rhaenys (and his own firstborn son just because his heir was a woman).
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oconist · 1 month
yuki congratulating the team and dric on his p4, god such an angry little man isn't he?
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
Ok but what do you think the experience of teaching the kids to drive was like for Alicole? I’m literally laughing at all of the images lollll
Alicole is gonna have some grey hairs after teaching 4 kids, their kids in particular, to put it one way.
all of them are, lovingly, nightmares when it comes to driving, and they give their parents a run for their money with how many ways they can be nightmares.
Aegon's a natural driver, he's just anxious as all hell, he has no trust in people or the rules of the road to actually keep him safe, he stalls and flounder's a lot, especially when crossing lanes of traffic to get somewhere. he's convinced driving is useless the first close call he experiences, cause this is just too dangerous and there are too many variables and people are stupid. but as time goes on and he is forced to drive more and more, his parents supporting him to just let himself get used to it, he begrudgingly goes for his permit and then his license, and while he's still an anxious driver, he doesn't mind it. (he likes driving late at night on back roads, cause there's never anyone out there). he definitely choked both his mum and his dad with his harsh stops, initiating the seat belt lock as they slam into them. Criston nearly lost it when Aegon stalled out on a 5-lane intersection, they don't like to talk about it.
Helaena is very literal when it comes to rules of the road. she's definitely like me when I first learned to drive, going exactly the speed limit, trying to drive straight by making sure her steering wheel is perfectly center instead of making little corrections here and there, so she ends up going more or less diagonally at times, a little heavy on the gas. plenty of things that makes her parent's anxious, especially cause a lot of people on the road get angry about her going "so slow". but once she gets the hang of it she's a good driver, though she prefer's to be a passenger princess, as she likes to be able to continue her daydreaming, and is a bit of a speed devil. definitely listens to audiobooks and bug documentaries in the car.
Aemond took forever to learn to drive, cause he not only had to learn the basics, but he had to learn to drive down an eye and with a bunch of driving accommodations. he's really committed and not all that bad at it, his parents anxiety mostly comes from the fact that he wants to drive a big ass truck and that he is a very confident driver with multiple large pinches of road rage. it's a lot less of them trying to teach him to drive, he picked that up over night, it's trying to keep him from committing vehicular manslaughter.
Daeron, like always, as he was raised by his siblings, picked up both the best and worst of them. He's very all or nothing, he's either going smooth and fast or slamming the breaks, super focused or his head's in the clouds, can be very apologetic on the road, but if he gets pushed around too much, he's going nuclear. he's truly their source of grey hairs, after Aemond, they make him wait till like... 18 or 19 to actually get his license, and it isn't helped by the fact that he's the baby of the family, so they're naturally a little overprotective. funnily enough, when him and his siblings are doing things they probably shouldn't, he's the designated driver, even prior to him getting his license (just wait till Alicole finds out they're going to have a stroke).
the kids all stressed them out, but they love them.
Bonus: The kids and their cars.
Aegon has an older Volvo sedan, it might have been golden at one point, but the paints worn to hell, so it's now a yellowy silver color, its like his baby, not in like... a car fanatic way, but in the teenage boy with his first care type of way... there's a difference I swear. its got black leather interior that he takes care of like his life depends on it, the passenger seat is only clean of trash for his sweet sister, the outside is all sorts of dinged and scratched (mostly prior to getting it) but he still takes it to get washed every two weeks, spends an hour in the self help section vacuuming it out and using all the sprays and tools. he defintly has to do a little dance to get it driving but he refuses to get rid of it till after the babes come and they need to upsize (he kept it and planned to give it to his kids when they got older, ignoring the fact it was pothole away from crapping out).
Helaena has a white kia soul, probably from the early 2000s. she saw it at a used car lot and liked 'face' it had (I think those cars look sorta... buggy? Idk I'm not a car person, it just felt like a car she'd float towards). takes good care of it, but isn't like Aegon. she keeps it clean, gets it cleaned once a month or two, and decorates the hell out of it. Crocheted steering wheel wrap, seat belt covers, seat covers, things to hang from her rear view mirror and hand holds, etc. (all the kids had her make ones for them too) and they're all bug/nature themed.
Aemond has a huge green truck, I'm talking diesel 4-door, you have to use the footstep to get into it and even then you need to like, pull on the seat to give yourself enough momentum. this thing is his baby, in the car freak sorta way. its getting cleaned every week, he puffs it and waxes it and does all that weird 30 different products, 12 microfiber towels, and a blood sacrifice shit car guys do. it has extra mirrors for him so he can see easier.
Daeron has a jeep, his car's newer, does basic upkeep on it, but is a little rough. he likes taking her (he definitely refers to his car as 'her' and 'she' and 'my girl') off road, likes taking his dog with him (mentioned in a previous post, he has a dalmatian) after going on hikes and to watering holes. she's seen some shit, is covered in a perpetual layer of dirt and dog hair, but he loves it. keeps the top of 90% of the year. his dog is his passenger princess. his siblings sit in the back 9/10 if Tess (his dog) is with them. only person who gets the dog booted is his mom and dad, and later on once they've grown a bit, his niece and nephew's. (I do think Daeron would be the sibling to fix up an older sports car, but I can't decide on what he would pick to fix up)
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hellofears · 19 days
having issues with men, the associations the instant distrust, which i dont like i dont want it i want things to be different, just all of it so much just the dynamic i have the relationship all of it the way the world is atleast online and having a younger brother. I wouldn't trade him for the world, I try and talk to him where I can and will continue to do so i adore him but i fear. i believe in him i want joy for him. I fear that his peers will feed him fckn brainrot and it scares me. not even just that he'll fall into that thinking that his fuckn upstanding that his unwillingness to follow ppl will hurt him. crazy shit at schools, like why tf r ppl dying kids young teens killing eaachother with knives? ??I don't want to loose him i don't want to see him loose who he is and the heart that he has i don't and i hope he rises above it all and will continue to. i feel like im stating what he has to be or smth but all i could ask for is his wellbeing, respect, humanity, that he treats himself well know what he deserves and has some sense of self, some gravity. I feel like shit sometimes for this aspect that i'm concerned that i just idk, i dont like the whole 'dont disappoint me' thing he owes nothing to me other than basic human decency and respect, hes a reason why i live but to i just that intrusive thought of there is no different the hell u think of is real about men to someone i hold so fckn dear to in a way show me their fckn fuckery its idk, like another? it'd hurt me, it'd hurt me bad.
i've never understood men or boys, amab, who go on about their connection or like protectiveness of their sisters of their mother but treat other women like shit like their familiars aren't women? you don't want to fuck them so its different? what is it like just whats the difference why does it have to pertain to you for you to care? do you care or do you see them as an extension? is it a personality trait for you? a 'lover boy' thing? a signal to women, women u imagine u want and is going to be 'ur woman' but u cant even like visualize them in a way that doesnt pertain to your sexual interests? a signal so people can say oh he loves his mother so hes good to go and prime? a 'mummys boy' ? are they not real women just because u dont feel that sort of way? talking about women that way with your friends? do i have to bring up the fact those same people could date your sister etc for you to care? those people could make the kids that surround your kids, your daughter. idk.
its like okay u want sex so u respect them less? did no one hear dont bite the hand that feeds you? what the fuck is going on. you cant fuck them so its all good? the demeaning-ness? lack of gravity, venom is just rapid, vapid
#*txt🗣️#real world issues#i instantly think of counter points before i say anything especially online and i hate it because its like im accustomed to ppl being accus#atory. at being contrary. shitting on vulnerability. shitting on emotions. shitting on hhumanity. shitting on the ability to care.#women can be pieces of shit men can queer folk can i can be you can be to me theres an ability just as people and the world of choice that#-e have. im not saying everyones on the brink of doing the worst and makes a choice not to either if ur going through that u need to seek#help or some sort of sincere dialogue well and truly. but the world around me has made me who i am just as much as my reaction. not all etc#is a no brainer. ppl dont have a neon sign on their forehead. its understandable why the caution has been fckn drilled into so many afab so#many women in the hearts of many and thats hurt fear and absolute rage simmering anger for bs. i understand proventitive cautions to ppl#especially those who tend to be the direct target demographic but to drill in fear to woman to afab not even just on a personal level imsur#everyones experience is different on that front and their thoughts but on a society level and then take no action to then be like atleast t#my knowledge or its just not fckn working bitch its crickets. men should be able to feel safe enough to share their fears and worries to be#vulnerable but that isn't coddling bs and pointing the fingers at women at afab. theres weight in the way both sexes have been socialized#its cause and effect i refuse that it can't be helped. i refuse it. i reject it. thats not me discrediting or trying to come at gender(s)#at ppls gender identity etc. i mean everything makes us who we are. its all part of a journey. ones sex doesn't invalidate such a thing.#humans are so complex to say someones just pulling shit out their ass for the giggles is wild. no matter what it rings true for people#its not for us to choose for eachother we don't choose what others want to share we can't decide how someone else feels we can't read them-#back a book they feel like they've never heard or is bs and give them the finger. u can't tell someone they're the authour and they didn't#write the book or they didn't hire you or agree and want u to write it for them? ur not a ghostwriter bitch ur writing perception#i mean the way we're brought up the way society has become accustomed it effects results its a world in of itself made#to no fruitful benefit atleast to me for any party. when desire grips you at the throat when you allow your will you allow your every whim#the desire isnt even desire anymore. now you're creating a loop you're creating a possibility for a life with no balance#if men are so upstanding they aren't like one another they aren't the bad ones why is the refusal to move forward and write past men up#write them wrong feel so heavy or resound so heavily atleast to me. write for better because you're better. know you're better.#excitement as it once was turns into not enough then again and again. and the core issue even thbere i care for other parties responsibilit#relationships are a back and forth dont choose for others what they want dont decide for others. ask them.#u shouldn't have to constantly prove ur different but heres the thing if in ur life those who know you atleast if u have walked the road#u speak of the valiant road you've trecked supposedly there'd be nothing to prove. you've walked it. if a new person comes along you dont#need effort to show you have basic respect for another. and if u dont have that respect dont get mad at those who dont want u in their live#u took yourself out their market. life is a in moment custom experience. buckle up. not me talking about love like a business worker or smt
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 7 months
back at it again with OrangeJuiceVerse headcanons that only matter to me, this time it’s
Driving Related
except I don’t know the breeds of cars
• Stan: blue truck that used to be randys. It kinda starts crapping out on him in his late twenties but Kenny helps him keep it running and he won’t just sell it and get a new one bc the guy is a SENTIMENTAL LOSER and there are too many memories (c’mon he and Kyle having a lil stargazing date in the bed of it and that’s when they kissed for the first time aaaaa). It is kinda ancient tho. He named it Glamdring The Foe Hammer (curbs are the foes in question btw). Guitar pick hanging from his keys. He’s a pretty good driver except he blasts the music too loud, brakes abruptly for squirrels, and sucks at parking.
• Kyle: grey car since high school. He didn’t know what to name it so Cartman calls it the Bitch Mobile, and he takes great care of it, he’s one of those guys to have an organizer in the console. Despite the guys calling him “mom” and “grandma” he has HORRIBLE ROAD RAGE especially because he is obsessive about the rules of the road and obeying them exactly. The guys know they’re safest with him driving but the yelling at drivers who don’t use their blinkers makes him the last choice when the 5 drive lmao. Made a 97 on his driving test and almost retook it to get a perfect score.
• Tweek: silver suv that he got as a graduation gift from his parents (before he knew it was bought w drug money rip) he didn’t name it because that’s too much pressure. He HATES driving like he only got his license because he HAD to, and as an adult doesn’t do much more of it than errands around town. HAS to have the radio on an even number if he even allows music in the car at all and will go SO FAR OUT OF HIS WAY to avoid making a left turn without a light. Has so many unorganized emergency supplies in the back plus half his jackets and random shit he finds when out but doesn’t bother to bring inside.
•Craig: “nice and boring” black car that he keeps clean and simple. He named it Stripe (it does not have a stripe) and is LITERALLY THE BEST DRIVER IN THE OJV. Very calm and collected on the road even when Tweek’s in the passenger seat freaked out about them merging or something. Won’t let anyone behind the wheel other than himself and (if his husband is only going a short distance) Tweek (and Kyle that ONE TIME after they witnessed a gas station robbery and Craig had a meltdown). Guinea pig keychain, and his car always smells good.
•Kenny: also a truck guy, he fixed it up himself in hs and it isn’t particularly consistent about starting. Most of it is brown but one door is blue and the tailgate is green. Named it RESURRECTION. Radio doesn’t work and the seats are mismatched, he likes to say that it’s “made of spare parts just like himself” and is very attached to that thing. Even when he gets a new truck (baby blue, he named it Butterfly) after his art takes off, he keeps it around. One of those tacky hula dancers on the dash and SO many bumper stickers. He’s a decent driver, just reckless unless he has a passenger.
• Cartman: oh my god he totally has one of those stoner vans with a custom paint job in that 80s pondering my orb style of HIMSELF RIDING A FIREBREATHING CAT!!! (I will die on this hill) he calls it Eric Triumphant. Since he has the biggest vehicle and actually isn’t too bad of a driver (unless he’s trying to activate Kyle’s road rage) the m5 tend to use it for excursions. He picks the music though, every time, and sings LOUDLY.
• Marjorine: can’t drive bc ojv marj is, in fact, blind in the ninja star eye sorry queen
• Stan and Kyle take turns driving the other to school and sports every day in hs. Sometimes Marj and Ken will join if Kenny’s truck isn’t working.
• the group also coordinates occasional days where they all ride the bus for old times because THEY ARE ALL NOSTALGIC LOSERS, even the ones who won’t admit it.
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
Hey, just read your Vampire Silco fic part 2 and I really love it !
Especially the fact that Silco can't drive 😆 I have a question on this, is it a Silco thing or is it caused by his eye ?
Thank you! I had a lot of fun with it!
I also just headcanon he is a terrible fucking driver. Modern AU, current Arcane, this man drives on the sidewalk and complains that people are walking in the middle of the street
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i NEED to do a big gender themes analysis of knives in tristamp i’m listening to the melanie martinez album and milk of the siren is soooo knives i’m going to lose it. i gotta write about him AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!
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another-corpo-rat · 1 year
i would love to do the Sinnerman questline
unfortunately i cannot drive worth shit in this damn game and they decide to make my hell worse to get this quest started
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confuzing · 7 months
Anyway, I've had people flash their high beams at me at intersections to indicate I sound go first and it fills me with a great and terrible rage.
I would fight these people if I thought I would win.
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godlyicarus · 1 year
oh left outside alone by anastacia how you get me <3
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wtfuckevenknows · 11 months
Some people should not own drivers licenses 🙄
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n-x-black · 1 year
Loves rage and by extenstion ptolemaea is slso about marginalized peopel and the mistake of wanting to be the oppressor instead of actually having the goal of eliminating oppression . Or something . Vaguely . the sentiment was there as uou can see
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queer-ragnelle · 2 years
The incandescent rage I feel for the American healthcare system cannot be overstated.
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robustcornhusk · 2 months
everyone is liking my treadmill runs on strava...
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