#rolan headcanon
rolansrighthorn · 7 months
Rolan and Dammon In Winter with Human Tav:
Rolan: He entirely ignores his extra body heat existing. He is a big baby in the cold, constantly complaining, so Tav knits him a tail covering to wear the second there is one (1) snowflake in the air. He asks Tav to sit on his gloves and socks to warm them up before they leave; he [secretly] knows he could do it himself and have better results but does this so Tav's scent is on all his stuff.
Dammon: He revels in his extra body heat, and he secretly loves places that get a lot of snow. The cool air is welcoming after long days of working near such a constant, intense heat source. He will frequently bundle Tav up in clothes before taking them out, and the moment Tav's cheeks get pink from the cold he'll take his own coat off and layer it on Tav. He will hold Tav's gloves before they go out to transfer his body warmth to them to make sure their hands stay warm during whatever walk they're taking.
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thetavolution · 15 days
I wasn't tagged for these, but I wanted to talk about this haha. So this is from the BG3 Wedding Season Tag Game!
Food - What kind of food and drink is being served at the reception? Is there a lush feast or simple fare? Is there a wedding cake or some other kind of traditional wedding food?
Gale and Tessa / Gale and Vaira
Gale would dominate the food. He just would. He wouldn't be able to cook for the wedding because he's too busy getting married, but he would carefully decide who is in charge of the food. It'd be his favorite chef in Waterdeep. If we're in the universe where he's marrying Tessa, he'd also bring in a chef from her hometown. He would do his research on who is the best because Tessa would have no idea.
It would be a lush feast and that is perfectly curated to their taste. Gale is less concerned with traditional foods and more about what sounds good, and what their friends would enjoy. His mother, Morena, would 100% take over wine duty. I feel it in my bones.
The Dekarios family most likely has their family dishes that have to be at every function. While I subscribe to the thought that he's an only child, I do believe he has a lot of extended family. He'd also count on his aunt insisting on cooking that eel pie she always brings. She's convinced the whole family asks for it. (They do not.)
Tessa has a few dishes she'd want. She'd be grateful that Gale took care of the chefs. She also comes from a large family. (She's one of 6 kids with plenty of cousins.) The wedding would be huge and she also knows her dad would insist on bringing moonshine. Although she would go back and forth on actually inviting dear ol' dad to the wedding. Gale would support her either way despite fearing he'd ruin the wedding. It's up in the air if he would actually ruin the wedding.
Vaira would just want a lot of protein and she would trust Gale's judgement on the food. She doesn't know anything about food on Faerûn and gith only really eat if they have to. Gale would help her gain an appreciation for food though.
The wedding cake would be magical. It would be layered with several flavors rather than just one. People would have options. It would be oh so slightly enchanted. Since it's made ahead of time, Gale was probably more hands on with the cake. There'd be a perfect replica of him and his partner on top, of course. I think he'd be delighted and a little freaked out how much it looked like them.
There would also be so much alcohol at this wedding.
People will talk about the food at this wedding for years to come. The wedding industry in Waterdeep will hear the phrase "I want food as good as that Dekarios wedding, except for that eel pie" for decades.
Wyll and Minty / Wyll and Lamia
Wyll would lean into the traditional wedding foods and what you'd find in Baldur's Gate. He would also want traditional foods from the culture of whoever he was marrying. He wants the wedding to feel like home for both of them. Yes, he has dignitaries to impress, but his spouse's happiness is more important.
They would also have the traditional Baldurian wedding cake. Right now, I'm influenced by historical British royalty for the upper echelon of Baldur's Gate. They often had an 8-tiered fruit cake for weddings back then. I've tried the recipe for one of these older cakes and they're honestly not half-bad.
Minty would want traditional Kara-Tur foods, like Shan sao fruit stew, roast duck, shark fin soup, fish, prawns, rice, and noodles to represent longevity. Wyll would have actual chefs from Kara-Tur come in to help make everything more authentic. He'd also get advice from Minty's mother. Minty's mom would be the one to make sure they have red twill cakes alongside the traditional wedding cake.
Lamia would just want anything she thinks tastes good. I wish I had more to say for her, but I honestly don't think she'd have a lot of thoughts on the food. She'd just ask for a couple of dishes and let the Ravengards figure out the rest.
Lae'zel and Laura
Lae'zel does not care. Just make sure there's meat and plenty of food.
Laura would want more of an outdoor, picnic-like affair. There'd be homemade bread, fruits, apple butter, soup, Shepherd's pie, and the like. It'd all be rustic.
Instead of cake, Laura would have a pie table with homemade pies and tarts of all kinds. She'd make everything herself and it'd be a very small affair. Lae'zel would be able to tolerate it because it was an intimate affair.
Halsin and Ingrid / Halsin and Paloma
Halsin wouldn't have a wedding per se. It'd be something different. I do headcanon that he wants to settle down in his own way. I think his days of just going his own way are over and now he wants a partner by his side. He's still poly! He's just less "we're just two ships passing in the night" about it. He wants a family to call his own.
But weddings are still too traditional and feel too much like he is staking a claim in a person. He is happy to celebrate his relationship with his community though, and to openly show his love. You could argue that's what a wedding is, but sometimes how you frame it is important.
Halsin and Ingrid would throw a simple party where they would plant a tree together. They would be able to watch it age together. Then they would just have a nice outdoor gathering with friends, food, and drink. (Although Halsin would not imbibe.)
Fun fact: I created Ingrid long before I played BG3 and knew anything about Halsin, but even back then her favorite food was Russian honey cake.
Needless to say, their event would have honey cake.
Paloma and Halsin would have something more concrete. It would be a simple commitment ceremony of sorts. Just in an openly committing to take care of each other and love each other as a family. This is also partially due to the fact Halsin would become a step-dad. This ceremony would also be about giving the kids a sense of stability.
Paloma would want to make sure everyone was well fed, of course. It'd be more like a large potluck or you could compare it to a barn raising wedding. People would bring casseroles, soups, vegetables, fruits, and tarts. If you're thinking of a cottagecore inspired picnic, that's basically it. Paloma would also make goat cheese, honey, and fruit crostinis.
And yes, there would still be honey cake and a honey pear tart.
Astarion and Bex / Astarion and Lamia
Astarion would just need blood, but he'd still have so many opinions on food. He would want the best of the best, real highfalutin stuff. Astarion would want elven food. I like the idea of him trying to get in touch with the life he lost out on and using his wedding as part of that.
He would want the most elaborate and rich wedding cake you've ever seen. Whatever is popular for weddings, he will not be doing. His wedding is too special to be just like every other wedding you've been to. He'd pull some shit like Bonaparte did on his wedding day where he got a pastry chef to make a unique cake. Astarion might even put aside his pride to get a recommendation of pastry chefs from Gale, of all people.
Astarion would totally be a bridezilla. This is important, okay? He's finally found family and belonging. And it's a day where he gets to really matter. So you better make his stupid, giant wedding cake (dessert?) just right.
Both Bex and Lamia would be the chill ones. In Lamia's case, that's a terrifying prospect.
Bex, who has worked as a professional cook, would have a lot of thoughts on food. Sometimes, she and Astarion be on the same page. Other times, they would not. Bex would be annoyed because Astarion doesn't even remember how some stuff tastes, but insists on having it because of optics.
They're the kind of couple that you can watch go at it over stupid shit and then they're over it in the next five minutes, as if it never happened. Outside of the food, Bex would sort of let Astarion have his way though. She's not persnickety about weddings in general.
Lamia just wants to be the center of attention, but she's so much trashier than Astarion. They would argue about her terrible, terrible taste in everything.
Lamia would suggest simple, filling foods. It would drive Astarion up a wall because, I'm sorry, is this a wedding for basic bitches? No, no, no, we're having the best. Lamia wouldn't care that much about the food, but suggesting "peasant food" to rile him up would amuse her.
They would also have to make sure Lamia's bestie, Allie, just gets a ton of meat. I don't even think they'd have to cook it for her.
Viktor and Barcus
God, could these two not give less of a fuck. They care, but only in the sense of "is it good? Cool." Barcus would have some Underdark favorites at the wedding though. They would have deep rothé steak because it is a special occasion.
Overall, they'd have simple, but good food. Gale would have opinions, but he'd really only tell his spouse about it. Astarion would gossip with Shadowheart by how basic it is, unlike his wedding.
Elyse and Rolan
Rolan isn't a bridezilla... but he's pushing it. He is a perfectionist through and through. Everything has to be the best. He's also a little insufferable after Lorroakan. I say this about him with love.
Lia and Cal would constantly make fun of him (lovingly) and Elyse would be the more laidback one. I also think Rolan would also really want to show off to Elyse's fancy pants family even though she wouldn't care about what they think.
Rolan had nothing growing up and now can have anything he wants. He would ask for the best of the best. It'd be based on what he read about in books growing up. Books full of royals and aristocrats stuffing their faces with rich foods. Of course, he'd also make sure that Elyse, Lia, and Cal's favorites were present. He's not totally blinded by his perfectionism.
But it'd be a huge feast nonetheless. There'd be things like venison, roasted pig, poached duck, lobster, fruits, cheeses, breads, and a plethora of vegetables.
They wouldn't have a wedding cake. Since one of Elyse's favorite foods is croquembouche, they would decide to do that instead. Of course, there will be other sweets for guests to choose from. Rolan has thought of everything.
I find food fascinating and could talk forever. That lead to this. I'm always open to random food asks although I do not foresee anyone taking me up on that.
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fourraccoonsinacoat · 7 months
Rolan: You know, if you ever get tired of adventuring, you could always come work at Sorcerous Sundries.
Durge: I don't think retail is the right career for me. My rancid blood desires nothing more than to reap death on this world. I am a vile soul, broken beyond repair.
Rolan: Sounds like an average Tuesday around here... We do have an annual employee picnic, though.
Durge: Does that help to soothe the unyielding rage within?
Rolan: *Sad sigh.* No.
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BG3 Incorrect Quotes Masterlist.
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reverieblondie · 2 months
Could I request headcanons for Gale, Halsin, Wyll, and Astarion with touch starved gn s/o?
I ended up rewriting these a few times but I hope you enjoy reading it! Last Bullet point is NSFW!
Haarlep and Raphael with thouch starved S/O HERE
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Halsin would never say you were obvious, but figuring out you were touched starved was relatively easy to tell. Especially with the game you were playing, it was clear after the nth time you asked for healing from him from a mere paper cut on your finger. Though, could anyone really blame you? After spending so much time on the road, with no friendly touch for weeks, then when Halsin came to your aid to heal you from a particularly nasty hit from a goblin, That was the start of it, the aching for him; you had been healed by others before but…nobody did healing like Halsin. Most healers hover their hands over you, but Halisn would hold you, pressing his large but tender hands to your skin, letting his healing magic flow through from him to you; the touch would send tingling shivers through you; some would argue that it was from the magic…But you knew it was from his touch. Halsin was more than willing to help heal you every time; in fact, the consent wanting his touch helped you two connect. Halsin hoped you would confess you wanted him to hold you one day. But you never did. So when you came for healing from your “terribly painful stomach ache,” he knew he would have to make the first move. “I think I know the perfect solution to your problem,” he whispered before he wrapped you in a tight hug; every ache and pain melted away from his touch. It is truly the perfect medicine anytime you feel touch starved.
Every party of Halsin is perfection in your eyes. Oak father really did a fantastic job when it came to making him. However, the one place you’re always grabbing onto the most is his arms. It’s not hard to see why; it’s nearly impossible to keep from clinging to his massive limbs, snuggling into them, running your hands over his thick forearms. Halsin, the sweetheart, doesn’t seem to mind your clinging, even if he is busy carving away. Now that Halsin has noticed your fondness for his arms, he may or may not start to flex them subtly when gesturing or wearing shirts that expose them so you can see every slight rippling of his muscles. Halsin will let you cling to him as long as he can nuzzle into his favorite part of you later tonight…
Now usually you’re the needy one in the relationship, pleading for hugs and beaming every time you get wrapped up in Halsins arms. Today has been different, however. It started when you woke up with Halsins hands creasing your sides and snuggling into your neck, of course you melted at the touch, thoroughly relishing in the attention, but it didn’t end there. Usually, Halsin would walk through the woods for some meditation and to gather herbs and materials for you two, but today, he didn’t leave your side. Of course, you loved it, but a part of you was starting to get worried. When you brought it up, he grabbed your hands and held them to his chest, “I just find myself wanting to be near you, my heart.” You squeeze his large hands back, “Well, let me help you, my love.” rising to your tiptoes, you begin to pepper kisses all over Halsins face. He grabs your waist and lifts you to meet his lips with yours quickly; the kiss only makes him needier. 
He loves every part of you, from your hair to your adorable toes. But his hands consistently linger on your curves. On those days when you are feeling extra needy. Halsin is more than willing to help…In some inventive ways. The contrast is maddening… The smooth honey slips on top of your heated skin, and then Halsins rough tongue licks up the sticky liquid off your stomach. His hands guide your back to an arch as he keeps his hazel eyes on your moaning face. Sucking and licking as his hands continue to run over your squirming body. Halsin doesn’t know what is sweeter, the honey or you; he will spend all night trying to figure it out. 
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Zevlor has been around for a while but was never too familiar with the term ‘Touched starved.’ Sure, he had heard it back in his commander days from soldiers whispering about needing attention of the flesh but never truly gave it too much thought…until. The idea came to him when he noticed a particular trait of yours. You had no special awareness when it came to him. Consistently, you were leaning into him quite closely, and when you two walked around during perimeter checks, you would often bump into him or brush your hand against his. Of course, you would apologize for your clumsiness, but deep down, you knew what was happening…Your body was burning for him, his warmth, his touch, and it was seeking it out in any way possible. It didn’t click so quickly for Zevlor until he saw you sparing, and there was no inclination of any clumsiness in your movements; even with others, he never saw you bump or run into anything; your movements were precise and calculated…and that’s when he figured it out you were touching him purposely. Zevlors first thought was, why? Then his second was how can he tell you to only ask him for his touch. Finally, one day, as you two were doing your usual perimeter check, you slowly inched closer and closer to him, seeking the slight relief of his touch. Still, as you went to bump into him for only a moment, you found the ex-hellrider wrapped his arms quickly around you keeping you to his warm chest. Eyes wide, you go to apologize, but Zevlor is quick to quiet your worries, “If you need my warmth…please don’t hesitate to ask me…” After that day, you got a hug from him every chance you could…
Zevlor enjoys the sweet intimacy of your relationship. At first, he was not used to someone wanting to hold him so closely and shower him with affection, but slowly, he is getting used to it and enjoying it immensely. Though, you still find ways to surprise him…For example, when you start paying particular attention to his cheeks and horns, you can’t stop wanting to hold his face so tenderly and whisper soft praises to him. “I’ve never seen beauty like yours, Zevy…” he feels his heart melt at every whisper and every gentle touch to his skin. Then, if you happen to caress the base of his horns? Well…you have never heard such a deep pur.  
 It had been the first day in a long while that you and Zevlor spent most of the day apart. He had promised to speak to some recruits in the city, sharing his wisdom, and you had opted to stay at home. You were expecting him to come home at any minute, so you were working hard to prepare a surprise dinner for him. You missed him being home; usually, you would spend the day working in your small garden together and setting out laundry on the line together. It was lonely without him, so you planned to show him how much you missed him. As you were finishing your stew, you felt arms snaking around your waist. You gasped before his familiar voice eased you, “Be still, my dear, it’s only me…” Your body immediately relaxes as you turn to hug him back. “How was your trip?” Zevlor only hums as he buries his head into your neck. “I missed you…the road was lonely without you by my side…” you rub your hands up and down his arms as they hug you. Then you feel one of his arms part from you and hear the stove turn off; before you can ask anything else, you’re lifted and carried away toward your shared room. “Zev! What- What about Dinner?” “It can wait…I need to be close to you, just for a while…” The stew wasn’t eaten until much later… 
“So beautiful…” his breath is warm as he whispers the complement into your neck. Zevlor’s lips caress your tender skin as he moves to your ear. You cling to his broad shoulders tighten, and your legs squeeze his textured hips. “You’re taking me so well. I’m proud of you.” The moan is involuntary as you feel him push deeper, his lips catching and nipping on your ear, his sharp teeth threatening to pierce, but his tongue soothing you so softly. Moving from your ear, you almost let out a whine before he blows a teasing breath on your neck, causing you to squirm and keen at the tickleing sensation. Zevlor’s fiery eyes look down at you, and that soft smile never fails to melt your core. He leans in, lips hovering over yours, his hands softly gliding down your waist, “I love you…” The vow is then sealed with a kiss. 
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Wyll hadn’t thought of you as touched starved until you had to tell him flat-out. To his credit, you didn’t make it easy for him to figure out. When Wyll thinks of the term touched starved, he thinks of someone like him. Someone always willing to give out a hug or a friendly pat on the back; if you’re touched starved and in the proximity of Wyll, you were not touched starved for long. Hells, Wyll would risk the burns of hugging Karlach if she so requested. You, on the other hand, would never seem to be receptive to his friendly gestures, having grown up in a home with little affection and living on the brutal road for a while with a pleasant touch would always be a shock to your system. Especially from Wyll, it was like lightning shooting through your body with a new surge of energy you didn’t know what to do with, so you would tense up. After feeling you clamp up, Wyll simply thought you didn’t like to be touched, so ever the gentleman, he stopped. But that only made you begin to grave him…Finally, after days of seeing him touch and hug your other friends, you felt yourself going to pop. In a spur of the moment, you walked into his tent, staring at his confused features; timidness threatened to take you over, so with shaking limbs, you held your arms open with a shaky beg of “Please…” Wyll’s smile would grow so wide as he embraced you. “I thought you didn’t like to be touched?” “I…I like it when you do it…I crave your embrace…” Wyll will never make you ask please for a hug again…but other things, he might…    
You couldn’t explain exactly why you love it so much, but you find you’re running your hands up and down Wylls strong back every time you get the chance. Maybe it was from seeing all its glory when he returned from the river or in the early mornings when he woke up for training. There’s just something about his broad shoulders that lean down to his narrow waist that makes your hands twitch to touch him. Wyll, of course, isn’t oblivious to how you take him in; that might be why he walks around without a shirt more often. His favorite part about liking his back is when you rest your head between his shoulder blades and hold onto him tightly. It never fails to put a smile on both your faces.  
Between the two of you, you’re the one who is always slow to wake. On a typical day, you usually wake up to an empty left side of the bed, but this morning is different. You wake up to your body being held by what looks like a sleeping Wyll. Your first instinct is to worry and check him for a fever, but you find that he feels normal, and when he wakes, he greets you with a lazy smirk. “Are you okay, Wyll? You’re usually up by now?” Wyll hums softly as his eyes lazily roam over your form, “I woke up earlier but found that I couldn’t part from you…” His sweet words always make you blush, and you go to say you're sorry out of habit, but you’re silenced by him gently stroking your cheek. “Well, How about I make breakfast for us? We could eat together.” As you rise, you are quickly grabbed and trapped within his arms, his lips attacking your neck in a plethora of kisses, making you giggle. “You’re not going anywhere…I am not done with you yet…”   
It’s always so slow, his hands sliding up and down your spread legs while your sex grows more and more aroused. One part of you wants to beg him to stop teasing you, but you both know that the loving pass of his hands on your skin is what you crave. Wyll keeps his eyes on yours as his lips press against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. The attention he gives you makes your mind hazy and your sex quiver in a way that only he causes. A moment of weakness causes you to moan his name. He will look down at your flushed face and smile against your skin before finally sliding his tongue on the spot you need him the most. 
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Rolan is very familiar with the term being touched starved, and from being accused of it by Cal and Lia relentlessly, he was aware of the traits. Not that he thought he ever showed these. Then came you, and it was the end of him being touched starved. Rolan, at first, didn’t understand why every time you were near, your hand would absentmindedly rub in between his shoulder blades or how when you would go out to the tavern, you would sit so close to him, and it wasn’t as if you were unaware of this. No, from how you would look at his curious gaze with a smirk and a sparkle in your eyes, he knew you were messing with him. Though despite this…you two kept hanging out. If anyone would ask you if you longed for touch, you would say you only wanted Rolans and you had no shame about it; you just wished one day he would indicate the touch for once. Finally, one night, Rolan invited you to the tower to do some reading, something you could do at home, but you wouldn’t dream of passing up a moment to be around him. You two had found yourselves on the chaste, sitting very closely, exchanging blushing looks over the edges of your books, and with every passing page, you two would find yourselves inching closer and closer. Then, as your thighs are pressed together, you feel a warmth wrapping around your ankle. Looking down, you see his tail wrapped around you loosely, unsurely. Rolan had finally taken the initiative, and you were beaming. “If it bothers you, I can-” But before he could finish his sentence, you wrapped his arm around you as you curled into him more. You could hear the rapid rushing of his heart, and you could feel how it matched your own. “It doesn’t bother me; I’ve just been wondering what’s been taking you so long…” The teasing only rewards you with a tighter hold. 
You find every part of Rolan to be utterly perfect, from his beautiful horns to his freckled cheeks to his toes. But the one part of him you constantly find yourself playing with is his tail, swaying and twitching like it has a mind of its own. You love to sneak behind him and run your fingers over the ridged base. The shiver and low growl he gives out every time makes you want to tease and touch him more, your hands becoming clammy for it. Today, you’re reading and mindlessly playing with the sharp tip till, finally, he’s curling the tail around your forearm and pulling you closer for a hungry kiss. He says he is being driven mad by your relentless teasing; you can only smile back before whispering, “Then you shouldn’t keep rewarding me…” 
Rolan tries not to let his neediness get the better of him…but some days, he can’t resist your pull on him. Every time he saw you today, his hands roamed over every curve, his nose in the crook of your neck, and he muttered things you couldn’t catch. The attention was well received as you loved his every touch, but when you parted from him to wash up for the night, the look on his face was utter devastation. “I will be quick, then all night I am yours.” Rolan tsked as he let you go, sitting down in his chair where he would wait for your return. You tried your best to hurry into the bath but were not quick enough. As you wet your hair to be ready for washing, you heard the door open and were greeted by the magnificent sight of Rolan in a small cloth wrapped around his waist. He motions for you to make room. He removes his towel and joins you in the bath. You are happy but utterly confused, and Rolan is quick to defend his actions as he gathers soap into his palm, “You took too long, so now I am here to help; now turn so I can wash your hair.” Without any protest, you turn and relish in the feeling of his clawed hands, washing and lathering the soap in your hair, taking the time to scratch your scalp as he cleans you gently. Maybe you should have him wash your hair every time? If you asked, Rolan would be happy, too.  
It started as a pleasant surprise; while you two were working at Sundries, his tail kept brushing against your butt, and when you two would be out of view from prying eyes, his hand would gently caress your ass. These are simple hints of his wants; you are always eager for his touch. Now here you are, pressed against the back wall with Rolan's needy hands grabbing tight handfuls of your butt. Pants are quickly discarded, and he gives you a quick slap to the soft exposed flesh for being such a naughty distraction. You keen and arch, grinding your ass against his burning erection. A deep moan when his nails dig into your flesh as he starts to rut into you deeply. Panting breaths, intertwined limbs, sweaty bodies desperately rocking against each other. It’s the night you learned that the Great Master Rolan is an ass man.  
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You never thought of yourself as touched starved; sure, you had points when you thought of being held or holding someone, but it was never something you would say you were starving for; well, that was until Gale. It was an accident when it happened; you two had offered to go to the morning market to gather supplies for dinner. The morning market was incredibly crowded, and you two kept getting separated. Gale, always the quick thinker, came up with the best solution. As he walked in front of you like a shield, he grabbed your hand and led you through. The gesture immediately stirred something within you, and as you walked hand in hand, looking at the back of him, you found yourself tightening your grip. During the rest of your time at the market, you two held each other’s hands. It wasn’t until you two returned to camp that you realized you held hands the whole way back. After that day, you reached out for his hand more often. Gale, of course, didn’t seem to mind. He liked the extra company, but getting you to let go so he could cut vegetables was challenging. After a while, you will find yourself craving more touches from Gale. So late one night, you crawled into his tent; when you woke him, he was initially surprised, asking you what you needed. “I…I think I’m touched starved…could…you hold me for a bit?” Gale’s heart nearly burst out of his chest, but he eagerly invites you into his arms, delighted to share in cuddles and maybe a few kisses.    
It should be no surprise your favorite place to touch Gale is his hands. They are perfectly soft and fit perfectly within yours. You find that your hands are interlocked together if you’re by him. Gale finds your need to hold him in some way lovely and ultimately endearing. Gale’s favorite times when you hold his hands is when you are fast asleep curled up with him in his bedroll, your hands interlaced with his. He doesn’t dare move them because he knows you will only start seeking them again in your sleep.   
You’re used to holding Gale’s hand, but on days he’s feeling needy, you find that his hands tend to roam. Today had been one of those days; his hands had started lazily, moving up and down your arms, gently grazing you all morning so tenderly. By the afternoon, his hands had found their way to run up and down your back, moving so slowly to send shivers through your body successfully. Then, in the Evening, they moved to trace your sides as his lips caressed the sensitive skin of your neck. Finally, you asked if he was well, his lips smiling against your skin. “Perfectly fine…just being needy for you…does it bother you?” you feel your skin flush, and your lips curl to an excited smile. “No, I like the attention from you…” Gale is always ready to shower you with attention; you just need to ask…   
The man didn’t lie when he told you he had a practiced tongue, and tonight, you are finding that out firsthand. You felt needy when you crawled into his tent; it was late, and he was surprisingly awake. At first, it was innocent, simple hand holding a kiss or two like other nights before to satisfy your need, but tonight, you’re finding your aching for more, and Gale knows this. All you need to do is ask…Your hands grip tightly to the blankets as his tongue works against you. Gales focuses as his hands grip your thighs, and he sucks and licks more. He’s desperate to taste your release all over his tongue, and with him always being so good to you, who are you to deny him? 
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With all he had been through, the feeling of being touched had become unstimulating. Astartion had felt every kind of touch possible. Well, at least that’s what he thought, until you. The energy between you two had been electric from the first moment; you were brilliant, and his usual charms didn’t make you bend like they did others. In fact, for all his teasing, you would give back your own. It was like a game between you two, and it only made you crave each other more. Then it hit its peak…You were admittedly getting lost in his words as he spoke to you, but it was different; it was genuine, and you had never felt so close to others. So when you gently brushed back his hair as he talked, you both found yourself looking at each other in surprise. Your weakness shocked you, and Astarion was surprised by someone touching him so gently, as if he were made of glass. Going to take back your hand, it’s quickly caught by his, and gentle lips pressing to your palm sets your skin ablaze. The kiss was as soft as your touch, but Astarion can never pass up an opportunity… “Couldn’t help yourself anymore, hm?” You would accept defeat this once…
Astarion has never been a fan of cuddling…well, not until he met you. And what did you do to make him change his mind on the slow and intimate activity? Astarion loves the way your fingers brush slowly and carefully through his hair. He finds he has gradually become needy for that soft, gentle touch. On the other hand, you love the feeling of his soft locks slipping through your fingers; actually, there are many things you can adore about Astarion; you find the soft touch of brushing through his hair always seems to relax you. You could spend all night with him in your arms like this…and you do. 
You didn’t know if it was your imagination, but Astarion seemed grumpy today. You had tried to joke around with him and even participate in some teasing and flirting, but he wasn’t receptive. Thinking it best to just drop it, you left him alone for the rest of the day, going about your usual task. Then Evening rolled around; you were getting ready for bed when you heard a throat clearing outside your tent. Poking your head out, you saw Astarion looking…bashful? “Do you mind…if I slept here…with you…I’ve…been feeling off…” One part of you wanted him to explain; he had ignored you, and now he wants to sleep in your tent with you? And wait, elves don’t sleep? But something about the look in his red eyes…he seemed…lonely…Gently, you reach your hand out to grab the sleeve of his shirt and pull him in softly. The rest of the night was spent with you sleeping with your head in his lap as he read to your sleeping form. Being around you made him feel so much better; it was as he thought…he was starting to rely on you, and for once, the thought of depending on another didn’t scare him. 
Sometimes, you can not decide who is needer between the two of you. Of course, you two tease each other about it, but Astarion is always the better tease. You’re rolling your eyes in both pleasure and annoyance as he moves his tongue across your chest, your nipples peaked and sensitive to every feathery touch. You try to keep your moans in, but it’s useless; “You make such pretty sounds, darling, keep it up.” His cold hands move between caressing your chest and your skin to find your sensitive nipples. Red eyes look up at you, filled with mischief. Is he satisfied with just a taste? Or will he bite…
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mooshywrites · 5 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his shy gender neutral crush accidentally sitting on his lap? They get off immediately while apologising the moment they realised!
A/N - Ahhhhh this prompt idea is so adorable ;-;!!!!!
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Art commissions
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Astarion -
~ Astarion would definitely not let you forget something like this.
~ After a particularly hard day full of fighting, I can see the whole camp deciding to relax and pass around one or two (or a case) of wine.
~ The alcohol goes straight to your head and you’re tripping over your feet in no time. This isn’t a problem, that is until… you stumble and trip your way right into Astarion’s lap
~ Your cheeks get all red, your words coming out with a plethora of excuses and Astarion basks in your embarrassment with glee.
~ He’s secretly loving it for another reason, that being the closeness of you against him now. You’ve been much too shy up to this point to even look him in the eye, let alone touch him
~ You’re falling over yourself trying to get up, apologizing more times than anyone can count and of course Astarion has all the petty things anyone could ever say
~ “If you wanted a place on my lap, you need only ask, darling.”
~ He loves it even more the next morning when he notices that now you can’t even look in his general direction without turning a beautiful shade of red
Gale -
~ Gale would be all jokes if you accidentally sat on him, trying his best to ease the awkward tension
~ “You know, I always thought I looked like an awkwardly plush chair” he would tease, lending a hand to help you up
~ I think he would love the flush to your cheeks, knowing you’re absolutely mortified by the experience.
~ He wouldn’t tell a soul about it, not even in jest. He knows how shy you are and knows the accident would only embarrass you further if your other companions caught wind of it, even if part of him wanted to brag
~ Instead, he would playfully point out ever tripping hazard while with you, leaving it an inside joke between the two of you
Wyll -
~ I can definitely see you losing your balance while practicing a difficult attack, landing right into the Devil’s lap
~ Wyll would be as charming as ever about the whole situation, making a dramatic flourish as he “caught you”
~ He’d probably rave on and on about how the ‘Blade of the Frontiers’ often had to catch damsels in distress as they fell into his awaiting arms. Everyone else may think this was because he was a braggart, but you knew deep down he did it to ease your embarrassment
~He would definitely be kind enough to ignore your reddened cheeks, whispering that everything was absolutely alright as you shot up practically shouting an “I’m sorry”
~ From that moment on, though, he always made sure to be the closest one to you, making sure he’d be there if you needed a knight in shining armor’s lap to save you again
Halsin -
~ You would be immensely tired after a long day of traveling, not even looking where your feet planted as you plopped down on what you thought was a log.
~ You practically jump out of your skin when strong arms wrap around you casually, Halsin continuing on his conversation with the others as if nothing happened
~ You would feel the red hot embarrassment in every nerve of your body, hissing to Halsin to let go, apologizing for sitting on him
~ He would cling on for a few moments, letting out a deep chuckle at your blunder
~ “Think nothing of it, my heart, I simply thought you wanted to sit somewhere softer than the ground. Would you prefer to sit on me if I were a bear?”
~ You couldn’t even answer him, smacking his chest and jumping out of his arms
~ Thank goodness it was dark, you wouldn’t want anyone seeing the goofy smile on your face paired with the knowing grin on the gentle giant elf
Dammon -
~ Dammon would be so generously kind as you accidentally sat on him, helping you back up, worried he made you uncomfortable
~ He would definitely be the only one to be more embarrassed than you, his cheeks the exact same shade of red. He’d try to play it off, but the cracks in his voice gave it away immediately
~ Both of you would be an adorable mess of apologies and stutters, trying to ignore how nice it was to be that close only moments earlier.
~ He would finally clear his throat, trying to change the subject as the red in his cheeks began to even seep down to his neck.
~ You both finally relaxed a little, smiling relieved smiles
~ That is until a very loud, very obvious Astarion would gesture between the two of you, “When the hell are you two going to finally admit you like each other! Seriously, this is getting difficult to watch”
~ It would take days before the you and Dammon could make it through a conversation without sounding like a bumbling lovesick kit after that
Rolan -
~ If anyone could be more awkward than Dammon when you sat on his lap, it would absolutely be Rolan. Apparently the invisibility spell he was trying out worked a little too well.
~ You would let out a shriek as you sat down, expecting the chair to feel… well… like a chair. You spun around to an apologetic smile and hands held up in defense
~ Both of you would choke out an “im sorry” at the same time, giggling a little breathlessly
~ “What the hell were you doing as a chair?” You’d complain, trying to swallow away the embarrassment, not knowing it was written across all of your features
~ “We’ll, technically, I wasn’t a chair” He’d say defensively, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of his already crimson skin
~ Neither of you spoke of it after, but you definitely didn’t miss the way Rolan seemed extra attentive in the days after
Zevlor -
~ Zevlor would be sickly sweet about all of it, a little disappointed when you didn’t stay for more than a moment
~ You’d make up for that when your sweet quiet voice would squeak out some apologies, eyes looking anywhere but him. He so very loved when you were embarrassed like this
~ He’d brush it off quickly, pulling up your hand to kiss it gently
~ This would make you blush more but that was probably his whole goal to begin with
~ “I’m completely at your disposal.” He’d say, taking every opportunity to memorize the shy smile you gave him
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underdark-dreams · 7 months
Tiefling Bachelors - Tail headcanons [pining + in a relationship]
Some tail thoughts for Rolan, Dammon, & Zevlor [reader is gender neutral, non-Tiefling]
For anyone who doesn't follow already-- @forgeofthenine creates amazing Tief content! Their headcanons for these three are VERY delicious, including some genius tail HCs that I have been rereading all day!🖤
When he's extra annoyed or excited by something, the tip of his tail will twitch side-to-side behind him slightly like a cat’s
Turns out the same thing happens when he’s got a crush on someone
He can control it with enough concentration, but it could still give him away if you catch him off guard or heaven forbid touch him in an unexpected way
It’s no secret from Cal and Lia—the three of them teased each other ruthlessly about the littlest flirtations back in Elturel, as teenagers do, so they’re used to picking up on all of each others’ signs
The minute they catch Rolan’s telltale (tell-tail?) move while he’s talking with you, you can bet those two will not let it go until you’ve moved in. Probs not even then honestly
If you get friendly enough with Rolan to have long talks about magic or the Weave, his guard will lower and he’ll let his tail do its thing (within reason)
He lies to himself that it’s just because he finds your conversation stimulating. Really, it’s everything about you
If you’re a non-Tiefling, Dammon might comfort himself with the knowledge that you probably don’t recognize the significance of how his tail moves when you’re near
He’s good at keeping his words to you measured and polite. The way his body reacts around you is a bit more instinctive and hard to control
He’s goddamn touch-starved to be honest, this man is practically married to his hammer and anvil & he’s been living alone for years
Whenever he makes you laugh, he finds his tail curls forward toward you a bit—wishing he could touch or hold you with it
Dammon always tells himself he needs to be a bit more careful when you come around the forge. But somehow it goes out the window every time
His tail will sway gently back and forth when you talk to him, not quite wagging, but definitely actively engaged
A fellow Tiefling would immediately recognize the gesture as interest and flirtation
Zevlor thought he was a pro at this: controlling the tail movements, the ear twitches, generally suppressing his Infernal tendencies at all times
But it's been so long since someone made him feel like this. Handsome, desirable, everything
The first time you overtly flirt with him, and especially the first time you touch his arm or shoulder, his tail wags behind him
He stiffens immediately, alarmed and taken aback by his own reaction to your touch. Prays you haven’t noticed
If he can smoothly get away with it, he might excuse himself from your presence to try and collect his composure
He’s very conscious of his role as leader/authority figure among the other Tiefling refugees. He’d be mortified if any of them caught him eagerly tail-wagging like a youth after just a casual gesture from you
From that point Zevlor refocuses his control whenever you’re near, making sure to keep part of his brain aware of his posture around you. The way you keep seeking him out and standing close to him during conversation doesn’t make it any easier on this poor man
More than hand-holding, Rolan prefers to hold you with his tail
Let him loop it around your calf when you’re standing beside each other, or rest the curve around the small of your back
He finds it profoundly comforting to keep in contact and touch you that way
Rolan would love if you let him gently bind you with his tail, whether it’s your hands behind your back or one of your legs pulled open for him
He often wraps it around your waist while you’re topping or riding him
Rolan also likes to drag his tail between your legs while you’re going down on him and he can’t reach you with his hands
It turns into teasing almost every time—Rolan trying to see if he can finish you with his tail before you can finish him with your mouth
Rolan’s tail gets super sensitive when he’s close to coming. Gently tug on the tip, or God forbid suck on as much of his length as your mouth can take—Rolan will come hard with a loud whimper
Finally getting with you is a relief for this man; he was struggling to control his body’s reactions around you anyway
Dammon is very cuddly and touchy with you in general, but he especially loves the freedom to finally touch you with his tail
Naughty man loves to slide it up over the curve of your ass when you’re kissing—even when you’re both standing in his open-air forge where a passerby on the street could glance over and see
He’s super into you, why would he hide it? Unless it makes you uncomfortable in the slightest, of course, in which case he'll do his best to restrain himself
It would turn him on so much if you asked for tailplay in the bedroom
Let him hold you with it, spread you, spank you, help you grind and pleasure yourself with it—anything you want, he’s down bad for
Watching his tail get you worked up super super does it for Dammon, and he will be sure to tell you just how much
Once you’re together, Zevlor won’t hold back from using his tail to caress you
It’s usually when you’re already kissing or embracing each other. His tail will curl behind your knees, or perhaps wrap once around your waist to gently hold you close
He still keeps the gestures mild, out of habit and out of some lingering concern that it might come on too strong for a non-Tiefling. Zevlor also just tends to be reserved when it comes to PDA in general
When he’s bedding you, Zevlor’s tail may wrap around one of your legs in the heat of the moment—it’s a sign of deep affection and trust, and a bit of possessiveness (good luck getting him to admit to that one though)
Beyond that you will have to ask, beg, and plead to get this man to use his tail actively during sex
Despite his chivalry, Zevlor has been around the block and seen pretty much everything during his Hellrider days. But those were different times: here now, with the person he cares for most in the world, everything feels new all over again
Asking him to slip the tip anywhere inside you will render him speechless for a moment
You’ll have the best luck if you’re already naked on top of him when you ask
If you want to give Zevlor his hardest orgasm in a decade, tug and play with the very base of his tail while he’s inside you. He will practically sob against you and finish in record speed
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demigoddessqueens · 2 months
Headcanons of how would Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Astarion, Raphael, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his gn s/o telling them how lucky they are to be with him?
- CV-Non
Sounds so sweet!!
Masterlist 10
Those big brown puppy dog eyes are glistening when you tell him in the most intimate, private setting
Saying something back like “no, it’s I who don’t deserve you”
He thinks it’s sweet of you to say, a charming element to the naïveté and devotion you’ve given him
Kind of similar reaction to Gale’s but in his own way
Pulls you in for a tight hug/deep kiss, “by the Oakfather, I never would have imagined one such as you in my life”
Has a hard time trying to believe you at first (poor dude 💔)
But comes to accept your words, knowing you’re not teasing him or anything, and accepting that you genuinely love and cherish him
If he’s trying to be snarky back, he fails immensely! Truth be told, he’s lost in his feelings when you tell him because it’s genuine
Such a softie for you, and saying this is just the cherry on top! He’ll return the sentiment by roping you into him with his tail for a tight hug
Like the Disney prince he is, it’s a hand kiss or romantically sweeping you away so he can look you in the eyes
“And I could have never imagined you in my wildest dreams, my love”
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theactofknowing · 6 months
Can I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to shy gn crush confessing to him?
⋆·˚ ༘ * the BG3 boys/reserved!reader * ༘˚·⋆
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MILD game spoilers/references to mid-game story progression. you’ve been warned!!
someone who’s reserved isn’t typically what astarion looks for. he’s reserved in a sense—keeping his secrets: conditions and history, close to his chest; but he holds himself up with self-confidence and independence. your quiet and reserved nature is off putting—until he began, reluctantly, talking to you in the hopes of gaining your protection. as time went on, he found out that you weren’t that horrible—maybe he didn’t mind you too much. when you confess to him, he doesn’t find it surprising—it is him, after all. he’ll lightly make fun of you, but he won’t turn you down.
sweet, sweet gale. if you manage to confess before he does, he’s pleasantly surprised—considering how quickly he gets attached to someone. when you confess to gale and you’re unable to meet his eye, he’s not the type to affectionately tease you—he’s preoccupied by the fact that you are actually interested in him. gale is a confident lover when time passes between you, but he spent ages under mystra’s hand and a year locked in his tower—he’s a little rusty. gale and a reserved partner go hand in hand; gale likes to lead in a conversation and in a relationship, and you’re more than happy to put your trust in him.
wyll is graceful and chivalrous. when you come to him in camp one day, obviously nervous, he softly holds one of your hands and soothingly runs his fingers over your knuckles. if you’re hesitant about love and PDA—don’t worry, wyll is the man for you. wyll likes traditionalism, he likes to take it slow. you’ll have time to ease into the relationship because he’s courteous—chaste kisses, fleeting touches.
halsin is someone easy to chat with. his nature is kind and open, relatable—from one leader to another, and it’s easy to fall into a conversation with him time and time again by the fire. halsin says he can sense the good in you, and it’s only natural to fall by your side. when you do manage to confess to him, it’s no surprise. he was simply waiting for you, and it’s only right to slip into this dynamic with him.
you never quite had the opportunity to confess to dammon when he still occupied the grove, so it’s a welcoming surprise when you find him in the grim scenery of the last light inn. dammon always appreciated that you were kind to him as the tieflings were never looked upon favorably, so he’s just as happy to see you. dammon is sweet and soft spoken, willing to take the initiative when you can’t. when you come to him at the inn, visibly nervous and preoccupied with yourself, he indulges you in small talk about his trade until you’re able to speak whatever it is you’re thinking of. it’s easy for him to reciprocate, and he promises you a private date in the city.
it’s obvious rolan saw you in a less than favorable light at first. to enabling his siblings’ wishes to stay at the grove and failing to save them in the shadowlands, rolan wasn’t pleased with you—no matter how pretty he thought you were at first. to his surprise, you save his siblings, and he maybe starts to feel a bit guilty. rolan reeks of self confidence, but finds himself struggling to apologize to you and admit that maybe you’re not that bad. he later laughs when he realizes that he was just as timid as you were during the whole ordeal, entirely standoffish—it completely eases the worries of your confession.
zevlor isn’t someone who looks for romance. he isn’t a terrible bachelor—not unattractive or generally unlikable—he’s just preoccupied with handling himself and the people he looks after. when you came to the grove, zevlor found that he admired you—one leader to another. you advocated for his people, you made sure they were well, and he liked that you were dependable and trustworthy. when you confess to him that you find him just a bit more than admirable a day before the tieflings are set to leave the grove, he’s shocked. the feelings are easily reciprocated, and he wishes to see you again sometime—maybe in the city.
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thank u for the prompt. astarion was the most difficult to write for. feel free to send me requests on my page!
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
Gale Headcanons: pining, dating, marriage & domesticity
pairing: Gale x gn!Reader
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[ masterlist ] [ wip list ]
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this one's gonna be a doozy <3
I did change it slightly from the original description on the poll (which was dating, romance, and domesticity) because I felt like marriage would be a simple add-on.. who doesn't want more Gale content, anyways?
This post will be organized into 4 parts: pining, dating, domesticity, and marriage - so only read the parts you're interested in!
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some nsfw in the 'dating' & 'marriage' sections, but nothing explicitly described
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i mean.... we all played the game, right
in the game, act 1 only includes light courting with Gale, versus the far more intimate moments Tav can have with companions like Lae'zel and Astarion
Tav's relationship with Gale goes from 0 to 100 in the game once you get to act 2, and I'm not a big fan of that
he's just like "hey remember that one time we shared a blink of a moment in the weave and then we never talked or hinted at anything ever again? Great, now let's have sex and also I love you <3333"
Realistically, that's not how Gale would be, so let's rewrite history
Gale's courting tactics involve a lot of info-dumping and complimenting, as we know, and he does this without even realizing it at first
up until the party at camp, that is his only strategy
he realizes he likes you fairly early on, but he actually battles those feelings for a long time - he tries very hard to shove them down and forget about them
but he can't!! everything you do seems to draw him in more and more
at the party when he offers to have a magical moment with you, he does not think you reciprocate any feelings for him
he just wanted to give you a little glimpse into the thing that he loved so much, the thing that he'd spent his whole life learning
it's not something he would do with just anyone, even if it just seemed like a friendly gesture
once he perceives your feelings for him, or at the very least the fact that you want to kiss him, he's elated - hoping to the Gods that the impression on his chest doesn't start glowing at his excitement
it was too risky to do anything with you that night, but it was all he could think about once he was in the privacy of his tent
he thought about what it meant - did you just want to kiss him (was it lust?) or did you mean something deeper? did you want him the way he wanted you? did you admire him the way he admired you?
but then he thought of the danger, and how it was pointless to get close to you or to allow you to get close to him
pointless only because he could literally level a city at any moment
but you just kept being you, and so he kept falling harder and harder - eventually, he just had to confess
upon his confession, he didn't sugarcoat anything, he was brutally honest about his worries
but he was also brutally honest about his feelings for you
the fact that you reciprocated any feelings towards him, the man with the ticking time bomb in his chest, was astonishing
he was so happy... and yet he felt so guilty
you two start dating before the orb is stabilized by Elminster
it's very nerve-wracking for him, but he can't deny how wonderful it feels to be yours
upon your suggestion, he would agree to slowly try to take things further and further, up to a certain point
each night in his tent, you'd experiment with him - starting with just holding him, or sleeping next to him, or kissing his face
Gale made a whole big deal about your guys' first kiss, and you realized that the build-up could actually increase the chances of any unwanted orb activity
so one day you just walk up to him and kiss him
nothing long, nothing deep - just a quick kiss, stepping away right after (the look on his face was priceless btw)
and you were right, all of Gale's inner build-up to it was the issue (poor guy), so once it was over with it was very easy to work up to the point where you could come to his tent and kiss him for hours
one night you start exploring each other's bodies and you're surprised with how well of a hold he seems to have on not allowing his excitement to reach his orb, as you're able to go much further than you thought you would on the first night
but once you get to a point where your hands start exploring lower, under certain pieces of clothing, that's when it is time to stop
Gale would apologize profusely, telling you he'd give anything to be able to please you, but it was too dangerous at that moment - you'd have to keep working up to it (plz reassure him that that's not why you're with him, and you'll wait as long as you need to, even if you're never able to do anything with him PLEASE)
you and the group come across Elminster about a tenday after that, and *poof* the orb is stabilized
that night you and Gale go to "test out" the newfound stability of the orb
Gale's pretty nervous about it at first, but his anxiety is proven to not be needed pretty quickly
he ends up going down on you that night, wanting to save anything further for a more private, intimate setting
your first time together happens once you get to the shadow-cursed lands (the canon in-game scene, whichever you prefer)
after that, you guys have a few more encounters up until the Absolute is defeated - not being allotted much time for private intimacy
the 500 words describing the progression of your guys' physical intimacy aside - Gale is such a wonderful partner
Gale is such a considerate boyfriend, and he's funny!!
He'd 100% brag about you and he'd do it when he infodumps on people
Gale "erm actually ☝🤓, my partner..." Dekarios
He really likes when you sleep in his tent with him, or when you lay with him and let him read to you
He doesn't talk about the future with you - as much as he hopes for a future with you, he tries not to think about it too much because you both very well could die trying to defeat the Absolute
But if he's going to die, he wants to die loving you <3333
but to be honest, he does think about it a lot, he just tells himself it's all hypothetical
his thoughts are like this: "I really want to take Tav back home and introduce them to Tara and mother... THEORETICALLY ☝️☝️"
"HYPOTHETICALLY ☝️!☝️!.... i wonder if Tav would want a ring when I propose"
he just thinks that on the off-chance that you guys survive, maybe he should be prepared
Gale's the type to be like "my love, it's been exactly 93 days since you first agreed to be mine <333"
when you guys get to the city he WILL celebrate your 100th day of being together by taking you somewhere nice :))
okay this is going to be controversial..... but I like the way Gale proposes in-game
it very much feels like an accident, because he probably didn't mean to propose when he said "as a new member of the Dekarios clan" but it just kind of slipped out when he was asking you want to settle down with him
He considers you to be his family, and his asking you that question might've just been to see if you felt the same way
it does seem very Gale for something like that to just kind of happen, so despite the haters, I think it's very cute and very endearing, and I'm kEEPING IT
whether you return to Waterdeep with him or relocate somewhere else together, you get married within 6 months after defeating the Absolute
despite him saying "the Dekarios clan" (and despite popular headcanon), his family is very small - consisting of himself, his mother, and Tara
I'm a subscriber to the headcanon saying that Gale is an only child who grew up without a father and that any other family is spread all throughout Faerun, so he's not particularly close with any of them
so when you agree to marry him, he's so beyond happy at the thought of you joining his family
and perhaps the idea of growing it with you ("Gale as a dad headcanons" coming soon if that's something you're interested in)
he LOVES referring to you as his wife/husband/spouse, and before you guys get married he LOVES introducing you as his fiance!!!
it literally makes his heart jump
"my wife/husband/spouse" this, "my wife/husband/spouse" that
just like when you two were dating, he'd talk about you constantly
no one, not even his students are safe from him rambling about his spouse
taking last names isn't much of a thing in D&D and Forgotten Realms lore unless you're dealing with nobility (most common people don't even have surnames)
BUT THIS IS MY HOUSE (I'm literally a DM irl and I'm about to say fuck canon)
so if taking his last name is something you want to do, do it and he'll have a fucking heart attack
honestly, he'll even take yours if you want him to
he thinks it's romantic okay !!!!!! anyways
Gale organizes something every single year to celebrate your anniversary, and he'll never stop
on your anniversaries, he'll dedicate as much of his day to you as he can (lowkey he might take off of work)
he'll wake you up with breakfast (and maybe other things...), take you out for an activity or two during the day, and then some years he'll take you to dinner, and other years he'll make dinner for you (unless you have a strong preference for one or the other)
and then end the night with a romantic, candlelit bath, more intimacy, and really good sleep
I love the idea of married sex with Gale, guys - it's like just being married gets him off
Gale brings a sort of 'missionary sex with the lights on' vibe to the marriage that some readers don't really like
unless you're happy with that (and how could you not be), you'll definitely have to be the driving force in changing things up in the bedroom once you guys are married
OKOKOK the meat and potatoes of this fucking post
Gale REEKS of domesticity
he does not need the Crown of Karsus when he is already the King of Acts of Service
(nsfw content implied) this headcanon of mine still keeps me up at night
during the events of the game, he will do literally anything he can to make your life easier
the reason he started cooking for the group every night is just because he wanted to take that burden off of you.... and quite frankly he knows he's good at it.... but MOSTLY because he wanted to take the burden off of you!
when you start regularly sleeping in his tent with him, he will start keeping an extra pair of camp clothes in there for you, and an extra bed roll
he takes on the role of alchemist, making healing potions for you and anything else that you might need
when you're in pain, he finds a way to modify Burning Hands or Cone of Cold so that he can direct small amounts of it to his hands and then places them on any aches and pains you have (menstruators! rejoice!!)
After the events of the game, once you two are home (wherever that may be), he takes care of most of the household chores unless you beat him to it
He does the grocery shopping, he cooks all of the meals, he does all of the repairs and maintenance, makes the bed every morning, does your laundry (or sends it out to be done), does yard work or gardening, ALL OF IT
you're like how tf does this man have time to beat me to all of the chores AND work a JOB !?
he has to remind you that he's a wizard and can just cast spells that do things like that, including mage hand
but the fact he even takes any care in doing such tasks for you is just the sweetest shit on the planet
he also loves to run soothing baths for you, and will always join you if you ask him to
if he doesn't have to be up early he will bring you breakfast in bed
he leaves little notes around for you to find, some of them have puns on them but most of them say how much he loves you
*1.6k words later* SEND POST !!
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poetryvampire · 1 month
painfully needy Rolan going into rut
Had this on the brain lately. I don't think it would take much to make Rolan an absolute mess but imagine how worse it would be when he's going into rut. Boy would snap so fast
Rolan x afab non-tiefling reader
Have some 🔥spicy🔥 musings
*this went longer than I wanted lol. But if you like it tell me if you want more 🧡
● Rolan had been doing this dance with you for months now. Both working at Sorcerous Sundries you saw each other regularly, even tried to work together as much as possible (not that he'd ever admit that). The banter, the playful mockery leading to not so subtle flirtation was easy until now.
● The conversations didn't flow like before. A joke about becoming a doe eyed scarcely dressed maiden -like the ones on the covers of those novels you so enjoy- suddenly lead his mind to wander. Any wisecrack replaced with the image of you gazing at him so lustfully. An image that stays with him for the rest of the day (and night).
● Lia and Cal are very vocal about his uptick in irritability. He tries to ignore them but they're not wrong. Ever little thing sets him off. He's frustrated at himself. For letting the feelings get so far without truely noticing. For being too proud or too embarrassed to act on them.
●He often forgets his words as his eyes lingered on your lips, your neck, your figure. More than once you caught him staring and to his surprise no offense was taken. Just a quizzical look, perhaps a soft smile that flooded his face with warmth.
●Rolan would have almost preferred you'd have met him with anger. Now the hope of you ran rampant through him. That if he was ever to give in he may be met with the embrace he so longed for. The need for you was growing by the day. He even took care to not stand to closely to you now. He coursed himself for it. How had he become so starved for affection that even the scent of you sprung his body to life.
●The wizard had spent many nights forced to take action if he was to ever find sleep. He'd be tangled in his sheets, hair wild, trusting violently into his own fist. He tries to keep his fantasies to more abstract forms of pleasure but as hard as he tries the vague shapes melt into crystal clear images of you. It would always be you around him like a vice that would push him over the edge.
● There were times he'd lose himself so throughly he'd cry out your name as he came. Embarrassed by this lack of control, Rolan told himself it was better to happen here than in front of you.
● Going into work that morning something felt off. Rolan's whole body felt extra sensitive, aching. The horrible thought finally struck him at midday. Was he going into rut? Now!? With such little warning? He calms himself. He's not certain after all.
● Until he's been paired with you to clean out and old study turned storage room. He's hyper aware of your scent. Its filling his lungs,making his knees weak. The room isn't exactly small but it's stuffed with stacks of books making moving around a problem. You're constantly having to squeeze (delightfully, terrifyingly) close to each other.
● Luckily you're busying yourself with the task at hand. Rolan prays you won't notice how red (red-er) his face is or the sizable bulge he's currently cloaking with a stack of books. The straining against his pants is almost painful. He's eyeing the door, anything to escape the heat building in his blood.
●His eyes fall back to you and all notions of making a run for it leave his mind. Along with everything else that isn't right in front of him. You looked a vision, standing on and old box body spread across the book self as you attempt to reach something on the top shelf. Not only was it a perfect view of your form, it reminded him of a pose one might see in an old painting.
●Suddenly the box wobbled threatening to send you falling backwards. Your scream was cut short as you felt Rolan catch you, arms wrap around your middle tightly pressing you to him. His face buried in your hair he couldn't help utter a deep groan. The wave of intoxicating aroma washing away his last bit of restraint.
●With ease he flips you around, pressing you into the shelf, a maon escaping your lips. Your hands came to his chest not to push him away but in a gentle caress.
●'Rolan? Please,' was hardly out on your mouth when they were swallowed by his lips. He kisses you like a drowning man breaking the water's surface. Madly, desperately as if any second you may be taken away for him. Hungrily he deepens the kiss and your lips part for him with ease, both of you relishing in the taste.
●It's only when you part for air he realizes he's been rocking his hips into you. An apology catches in his throat as you grind back against him. He's dizzy with lust, his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.
●His lips find your neck, kissing, sucking and biting. Trying his best not to break the skin. Your moans drive him on. His hands are frantic running all over you. Soon your hands lead his to the laces on your dress. He makes quick work of it.
●Rolan takes you in his arms again and lays you down on a near by table. A little too eager he tears your under things away completely. But to his awe you only laugh and spread yourself out for him to drink you in fully. You're a goddess in his eye and he intends to worship.
●Words spill senselessly from him as he lavishes you with his mouth. 'Fuck, Fuck! You're beautiful you're perfect. I need- God's, l need you I need you.' He hasn't the brain for elegance now. He's kissing you everywhere maoning words of love into your skin.
● As he makes it to your thighs he cannot help but bury is face between them. The sweet taste of your sex has him throbbing with out so much as a touch. He wants to make sure you're nice and ready for him. You're not a tiefling after all and he couldn't bare the thought of hurting you. It doesn't take long before you're dripping wet against his tongue as he slides wildly between attacking your entrance and your clit.
●You stifle a scream as an orgasm suddenly rips through you, your thighs shaking in his grasp. Youre still panting but you pull him away, drawing him closer to you. As you pull him into a soft kiss your hands unlace his pants (finally) freeing his erection. Though to hold him lightly his gasp is sharp. He's painfully hard; his head already glistening with precum.
●As he runs he length against your folds he tries to center himself. He doesn't want to be too rough or finish terribly fast. He wants to go slow but when he catches on your entrance he can't help but thrust into you, the relief of his agony so close. You tremble but encourage him on. His name quickly becoming a soft prayer on your lips.
●He's wrapped inside you now, almost all the way. The pleasure overwhelming him he opts for quicker shallow thrusts. He's taken aback by how vocal he is as more sweet lustful nothings spill from him. Rolan's control is fading fast. He's practically shaking, slamming himself into you losing whatever rhythm he had. The sight of your face contorting with pleasure is pushing him to his end. He can feel the hot pull in his gut. And suddenly something else as.
●A chill runs over him as he feels the swelling at the base of his cock. He grasps it and pulls out not wanting to subject you to something he didn't even take the time to explain. In part he's too late. He didn't fully knot but he still comes hard, spilling thick ropes all over your stomach and thighs. Fuck, you're beautiful like this.
● He blushes deeply and panics, apologizing over and over. He didn't want it to be like this. You run your fingers through his hair and kiss him gently. You don't know that much about teifling biology but Gods you wanted to learn. Rolan tries to believe you, that this wouldn't scare you off.
● He adjusted his pants, somehow still as uncomfortable as before. Perhaps it was the sight of you dressing. How you made no move to do away with his mess before you did. He could take you again easily. But not here.
● You convince him to claim illness and leave work early. To take time to rest. He agrees wanting to lock himself away from the world. And yet he also agrees to meet you that night. Then he'd have a more level head. A chance to explain himself and perhaps to hold you in his arms for longer.
Xoxo thanks for reading friends ❤️
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parvulous-writings · 3 months
Could I request headcanons for Wyll, Rolan, and Zevlor react to being stuck in close proximity with gn crush?
Warnings: None!
Notes: These may be a little short/uneven, but these were so cute to write!! Anon, you've become such a prominent asker, that I'd love to give you a nickname of some sort, if you're comfortable with that! <3  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Wyll is a gentleman about the whole situation - or at least he tries to be. He gives you as much space as he is able to, even though he's squishing himself into a corner, he's more than happy to do that so that you're comfortable.
He tries to keep up conversation with you, to try and distract from the somewhat uncomfortable situation; mostly mundane questions, like 'What's your favourite...' or 'Have you ever...' It's also partly to distract you from the fact that his cheeks are burning hotter than the hells. Who'd have thought it'd be easy to fluster the Blade of Frontiers, even if it were only slightly, by being so near to him?
He cannot take his eyes off of you. Not even for a moment. He tries, at first, but finds it astronomically difficult, and eventually just gives in. He loves gazing at you - your presence brings him such peace, even in such a compromising position such as this.
Once the two of you are found/make your way out of the confined space, Wyll apologises - even though it was not his fault - and offers to make it up to you at some point, by however you see fit.
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Rolan is entirely speechless. He cannot find the words to say anything to you, not even a half-handed snappy quip. His eyes rarely meet yours, and are rather more often aimed off to the side, or somewhere above your heads. It's... Quite awkward.
You try anything to break the silence between the two of you; "Can you move your leg, please, Rolan?" Followed by a quiet shuffle as Rolan tries to move a little bit further from you but still remain comfortable. It is of little use on either front, but he tries. Any question of "how are you feeling?" Or "You okay?" is met with either complete silence, or a quiet grunt of acknowledgement.
Rolan doesn't know what to do, he's never been in a situation like this before - much less a situation where he can't find the words to express himself. His heart is pounding against his ribcage, harder than he can recall it ever being in his life. He's entirely tense, and he has no idea what to do; his normal confident facade has completely crumbled away, leaving little besides anxiety, and a slightly fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach whenever you speak.
The first chance he gets after the pair of you can separate, he all but disappears from view - for several hours. You had wanted to talk to him about it, but couldn't find him anywhere. Eventually you do find him, but as soon as you bring up the situation, he turns his gaze from you; "I... Would rather not dwell on the situation... If it's all the same to you." He's just too flustered still to be able to process any of it.
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Zevlor is constantly asking how you're feeling. "Are you sure you're well?" followed a few minutes later with, "Is there anything you need? ... Yes, I am aware I can't go and get anything, but I'm sure you understand the sentiment..."
He constantly asks you if you're alright, comfortable, etc. Neither of you know how long you're going to be stuck in this situation, so is completely understanding of the constant need to shuffle to keep your limbs from going dead. This being said, he'll always tell you if he's going to try and move himself, just so that he can try not to kick you, and you can brace yourself just in case of this outcome.
He tells you of his time in Elturel before it's descent into Avernus, his time as a Hellrider, all sorts. He finds it very easy to share things with you, since he's so sweet on you - it would usually take some probing for anyone to get that kind of information out of him. But, since he would like to establish more of a relationship with you, he's willing to part with some of it.
Once the two of you are out in the open again, Zevlor double checks that you're okay. "I would have hoped to have had some of those conversations in a more... Traditional way. But, I suppose, one cannot deny the deft hands of fate, hm?"
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rolansrighthorn · 7 months
Rolan letting his hair down and shaking his head a little is equal to a woman taking her glasses off to reveal she's way more beautiful than anticipated rb if you agree
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hello. I read your bg3 marriage headcanons and was wondering if you could do a follow-up on what their first anniversary would be like? also add rolan, even though he wasn't in the original. only if you want to.
BG3 - 1st Anniversary Headcanons
[original ask in question X]
What does Gale ‘grand gestures are my love language’ Dekarios have planned for your first anniversary? Oh nothing special.
Just all your favorite meals cooked & ready for you. Starting with breakfast in bed. A small, light picnic at your favorite shoreline spot to watch the tides come in and enjoy the sea air. Ending with a romantic candlelight dinner that would put some of the finest Baldurian restaurants to shame.
He gives you a book of love poems as your present. Paper is traditional for the first anniversary after all. It is furthermore inscribed with his own, original poem on the front cover for you.
He actually isn’t aware it’s your anniversary. Until he is reminded by someone. It’s not that it’s not important to him. Astarion has just never celebrated one before. How could he, when none of his previous lovers ever even stayed the whole night?
He has to work fast. But luckily Astarion is extremely clever and resourceful.
Playing it off like it was his plan all along to ‘pretend’ to forget, only for you to be further surprised is simply part of his plan. He plays it off so well that you believe him when he tells you that he got you a new necklace because ‘it reminded him of your eyes’. He makes a mental note to remember next year and be more genuine in his efforts.
Of course, Astarion remembers the day you officially became his. Body, soul, and now legally.
Part of it may just be the celebration of having something that’s his. He hasn’t had anything for so long that he goes overboard. And with you, his most prized treasure, he can’t help it either.
The day, like all your days, is just about the two of you. He has a portrait commissioned for the two of you and commits to having one done every year, so you remember what you look like & how happy you are together. The old ones are kept in an archive below for safe keeping.
He’s been looking forward to this day almost as much as getting married to you, the love of his life.
If he chose to stay in the Gate and become the new Grand Duke Ravengard, Wyll will host a ball so that you can celebrate with all those you hold dear. Old and new friends. He has the bard’s college compose a new song to commemorate the occasion, one that he can lead his partner out to the dance floor with and waltz them around all night.
If he went to Avernus to continue as the Blade, they will waltz together, alone, on the stoney rocks of the Hells. While Wyll hums a private tune between them to keep the music going.
Halsin isn’t much for ceremonies or constructs of time. Nature and time move hand-in-hand with one another without making much note of their relationship, and he feels that they should do the same.
But…he can appreciate that something like this should be marked & remembered.
He will make time to get away from his duties as ‘Daddy Halsin’ to be a husband for a while; no matter how short it might be. He carves them a beautiful ornament. Something of a remembrance of their year to hang on a tree by their home. Halsin tells them that he hopes, one day, it will be filled with as many happy memories as leaves. The tree growing as with their love for years to come.
Who has time for such frivolities? Rolan has an acclaimed magic shop & literary archive to run, along with the magical commitments he has as the new caretaker of Ramazith's Tower. Surely, as his partner, they must understand that.
Lia gives him an extremely firm talking to about how selfish and narrow-minded he is being. That it’s not just about him anymore it’s about them.
Though Rolan will never admit that she’s right, he does make it up to his spouse. Apologizing to them for being so callous and making an effort to be more ‘traditionally romantic’. He presents them with a single white rose. Enchanted, so that it will never die, never wilt, and never fade. “It will always be as pure and radiant as my love for you. Should I forget to tell you every day, look upon it and remember. Though, I will try to remember to tell you everyday until my last ones.”
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fourraccoonsinacoat · 4 months
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More tweets from these crazy kids. First round. Second round. Third round.
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reverieblondie · 12 days
i would like to hear your take on how the romanceable male companions would react to a teifling partner doing things like purring when around him, or wrapping their tail around his ankle when close to him.
Thank you so much for this request! Sorry it took a bit to get this out! I love teiflings so it only makes sense that I do this prompt at some point! This one may be a tad shorter than my usually ones, last bullet point is NSFW as always. Hope you enjoy!
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You both had been drinking and chatting late at night by the fire. You were feeling the drinks more than he was. The night has been the definition of perfection, you and Wyll swapping stories, maybe a few long glances…some lingering touches… As the night is getting later and the tiredness tries to consume you, but you're enjoying this so much…you don't want it to end… Wyll is getting done telling you another one of his valent stories, and that's when sleep decides to take you. Letting out a chuckle, you can't help but settle your tired head on his shoulder. Wyll feels his heartbeat race and confidence build from the liquid courage; it's the perfect opportunity to put himself out there, to make his feelings known. As he is about to ask if he can kiss you, he feels and hears a soft rumbling. Looking down at you, he sees you fast asleep, a smile on your lips, purring as you drift along to whatever is in your dream. Wyll adjusts slowly for you both to sit in a more comfortable position, your head resting on his chest with his arm wrapped around you, carefully brushing his fingertips along your arm, wanting not to disturb you. It truly was the perfect night. 
You're not one for dancing… but you are a fan of Wyll, so when he asked you to dance, you said yes without a second thought. Wyll led you through the dance to the best of his ability; he even managed to smile through you accidentally stepping on his foot multiple times. Slowly, you two managed to find your rhythm with each other. You started to feel more and more relaxed as the dance went on…till you started to hear groans and muttered, 'Excuse me,' That's when you noticed your damn tail was getting in the way as you swayed to the music, causing you to end up smacking it's against other couples on the floor. You quickly apologize and wrap your tail around your leg to continue your dance with Wyll. You look at Wyll, who is glaring at the person daring to say anything to you when his face looks surprised as he looks at you with a blush rising to his cheeks. You're confused until you feel it; in embarrassment, you wrapped your tail around the wrong leg…it was now tightly wound around Wylls. Completely mortified, you apologize and undo your appendage, but before you can, Wyll is pressing you closer, whispering in your ear, "Please.. don't move it…I enjoy feeling so close to you…" Biting your lip, trying not to scream in excitement, you keep your tail around his leg for the rest of the night per his request. 
You wanted to be careful…but you're finding it hard…Wyll just keeps bouncing you harder, making you take his cock deeper. The ridges slide perfectly against your aching walls, and you feel made for each other. Wyll smiles at your face so beautifully contoured as you get closer and closer to the edge of your next orgasm. Your sharp nails digging into his broad shoulders, so close to drawing blood. Wyll starts lifting your ass higher, his strength making it easy for him as he buckles his hips faster into you at a mind-shattering pace. You've already made a mess of his lap, but he's eager for more, and now your nails are fully dug into his shoulders… you're whimpering out an apology, but he keeps going harder. He acts like an angelic prince in the streets, but in the sheets, he fucks like a devil…
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Gale is always an attentive partner and is always filled with surprises. Since you met him on your journey, he has been interested in learning more about you and your people. It was flattering; even though he was human, his eyes never looked at you with judgment or fear like others. Gale wanted to understand you, to be more connected to you. You couldn't imagine feeling more connected to your partner, but it's just like Gale to strive for more, ambition and all that… So the day he came up to you with a wide smile, you knew he had a surprise for you. Your tail sways excitedly, seeing the mischief in his eyes, "Is there a reason you are smiling so wide?" Gale grins before he speaks. His accent is perfectly deep, and his lips sound like pure velvet. He had been studying how to speak infernal with you, and from how he was expertly nailing the dialect, you remember that his tongue is… well practiced in more ways than one; of course, he would learn a language quickly. The way the slight growl rumbles in his chest makes you purr without you even noticing. Satisfied with himself, Gale kisses your cheek and then walks away to his study. Wizards…always so cocky…
Gale had asked you to play a game of lance board with him; the loser has to make dinner…and you are not very good at lance board despite all your best efforts to get better. You couldn't beat the damn prodigy you so happen to be dating. Now here you are, Gale, very clearly kicking your ass as you try to rack your brain for a plan, but despite your best efforts, you keep drawing a blank. Eyebrows furrowed, sharp teeth biting your bottom lip, Gale thinks he could sit here forever watching you so lost in concentration; despite your best efforts, you still haven't beaten him. Gale could offer you advice, but he would miss seeing your cute face curled in concentration like this. As he bites his tongue, resisting the urge to help you, he feels something curling around his ankle. Looking down, he sees you're so lost in thought you're unconsciously clinging to him. Gale feels his heart squeeze as he falls even more in love with you. The night ends with Gale cooking your favorite over the stove; he might have thrown the game…, but though he lost, he still feels like the winner as you do your goofy victory dance, then wrap him in a huge hug. Maybe he should lose at lanceboard more often? 
His pace is relentless…you blame the lack of companionship in the flesh for some time. Sure astral projection is fun, but there's something about a cock being slammed into you repeatedly that just can't be beaten… Gale keeps whispering praises under his breath then you feel his scratchy beard on your sensitive vestigial wings, soft lips kissing and sucking softly as his hips keep slapping into you over and over. You're getting overly sensitive by the minute. You try moving to adjust, but it's useless as Gale's hands hold onto you tighter. A loud moan leaves you as you feel a mage hand teasing your sex as his lips stay to your back; okay…maybe some projections are okay.  
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You have just finished your bath in the river, and now it is time to brush out your unruly hair. As you're about to tackle the challenge, you hear your tent's flap opening; turning around, you see Astarion with an unusually timid smile. "Already time for a feeding Star?" Astarion chuckles before responding, "No, no, darling, I just…um…could I help you with that?" He points to your comb. First, you're confused because he's usually not the selfless helping type, but you could always use the help with your hair. "Be gentle," you warn with a smirk, holding the comb out towards him. Astarion takes it and starts working on your hair; at first, it hurts slightly as he tugs through the knots, but he quickly changes methods by running the comb and his cool fingers through your hair in sections. Soon, you found he was brushing through your hair smoothly, done with the job but continuing the sweet, calming gesture. You lose yourself in it; then, a pur starts in your throat. As soon as you hear it, you try to stop feeling embarrassed, but Astarion, instead of teasing you, just whispers in your ear, "Just enjoy it darling…let yourself relax…" With that, you purr as the blush fills your cheeks, and Astarion continues brushing. You are smiling at the sound. 
You were having the time of your life at the tavern, feeling so lucky to be around your amazing friends without a single care. You had one too many and were currently enthralled by a story Astarion was telling you. You enjoyed being around Astarion, and it wasn't just because he was easy on the eyes, either. Astarion is smart and funny. Plus, you found he cared about you from how he talked to you when he didn't think the others were listening. He is so wonderful, and right now, in your tipsy state, all you want to do is express how much you appreciate him. So once he finishes his story, and you both share a laugh, you take a moment before you wrap your tail around his ankle; Astarion looks at you confused, and that's when you say what's been on your mind all night. "I appreciate you s-so much Star, I hope you know what you mean to me." Astarion looks at you, shocked for a moment, before he smiles and pats your hazy head, "I know darling…thank you." he pauses for a moment before he finally confesses what's been on his mind all night, "You mean a lot to me too…" 
Astarion has always had the problem of keeping his mouth off you…but today, it seems downright impossible. After feeding from you, his lingering didn't stop. Astarion kept his hands on your body, exploring every curve and bump with his fingertips. His lips and fangs trace over your neck as your body presses itself closer to him. Astarions hands start slowly teasing your aching sex as his tongue traces over your ridges. He's mumbling endlessly about your smell and your addictive taste. Right now, he's full, but maybe he will fuck you until he builds up an appetite.
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You have felt sore lately, and no matter how much you try to ease your body, you can't get this soreness to leave. After trying everything you could think of, you decided it was time to visit your favorite druid for healing. After meeting in Halsins tent, he examines you before explaining that he doesn't have a spell to heal your soreness, but you can try a massage. He offers assistance, and you would be a fool to pass up. Now, with your top off, lying face down in his fur-covered bedroll, his massive hands are working his magic to relieve your knots. The experience is so blissful you start to purr. As soon as you start, you stop apologizing, but Halsin chuckles, saying he likes it, "sounds pretty when you're enjoying yourself." his hands rub down your lower back, applying more pressure, making you bite back and moan. "I hope I get to hear more of it sometime."
Of course, you and your companions have been invited to another grand party in the city; everyone was excited to attend, and even Halsin was excited to participate despite him not being a fan of the city. "A chance to spend more time with you? I would be a fool to refuse." his words stirred your heart; Halsin always said sweet things to you like that. You knew he liked you, and you, of course, liked him too, but Halsin was waiting for you to get over your shyness and take your relationship to the next level…but of course, your nerves kept getting in the way of what could be a blooming romance. Tonight, you plan to change all that! It had been so good that you two had been laughing and flirting all night, and now it was time to initiate some physical contact…maybe something small… like a simple handhold. As you stand next to him, his hand at his side, it's the perfect opportunity…you go to reach for it, but then the slight adjusting of his stance makes you quickly retreat… then closing your eyes, you move your tail to barely be wrapped around his ankle. You wait a long moment before opening your eyes, your face feeling like its on fire. Then you look up at Halsin, his hazel eyes on you with the sweetest smile. You coil your tail a little tighter and step closer…
Halsin watches with practical stars in his eyes. You're gasping moans as you throw your head back with every roll of your hips on his massive cock. So deep…so filling…so perfect. "Cum." you mutter in your lust. Halsin can't seem to register your words from the utter bliss he feels from your walls, constricting his cock so perfectly. You grab his face, your eyes filled with burning lust as you repeat your demand, "Fill me up…cum in me, Halsin." Gods, how could he ever deny you? With a bruising grip on your hips and a rumbling growl from his chest, you feel that hot seed splashing against your walls. His cock throbs as he coats your insides with his seed. Fuck… he's perfect, your excellent mate trying so hard to make you full…before you can think, you're leaning down, plunging your sharp teeth into his shoulder. The indents from your mating mark will last days, and he can't wait to show off proudly.
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While you are not properly dating, you two are always ending up in rather intimate situations. Like now, you two are sitting together on the couch next to the fireplace, sharing a book (you had insisted you two share). Your head on his chest as you absentmindedly play with the ends of his hair. At the same time, he tries to keep steady hands as you two read in silence. It's all so intimate and comforting that he can't help it when his body lets out a pur, closing his eyes and leaning into you more. Right as he realizes how intimate that is and how this is the first time he has cuddled you back and, worse, purred in front of you, he gets embarrassed. Rolan is ready to apologize, but before he can grab him, press his head to your chest and let him listen to your purring chest. Rolans pur starts back up, and he nuzzles and wraps his arms around you; you hug him back burying your nose in his soft hair and taking in his scent; you two forget your book, opting for the purring cuddle session instead. One of you may need to ask the other out already. 
Rolan hates the busy morning markets, but when you asked him to join you, he found that he just couldn't tell you no. Cal and Lia tell him you seem to be his only weakness; imagine if you two dated…Rolan shakes away the daydream of being completely whipped partner for you. As you two walk through the crowded market, he can't help but smile as you seem so excited by everything. After everything you two have been through, he's happy to see you enjoying yourself, and he plans to buy you at least one thing you pick out as a surprise. So, as he is picking up the pouch you have been admiring, he turns to you to find you gone. Rolan immediately goes into panic mode, calling your name and looking through the crowd for you when he feels something winding around his tail; turning around, he sees you smiling with two meat skewers and an apology from your perfect lips. Rolan can't help himself from grabbing you in a tight embrace, telling you not to scare him like that again. The meat skewers almost drop from your hands from his sudden hug, but you don't care; you wrap your arms around him and whisper a thousand apologies. For the rest of the morning, you two enjoy eating your food, looking at the different pop-up shops, your tails perfectly intertwined… it's almost like you two are a couple already…
It was inevitable that this would happen… it's just in your nature for this to happen…you and Rolan had been so careful, but today, your instincts got the better of you two… Rolan's sweaty body glistened as he kept ramming his cock in deeper and deeper, the feeling of his tail wrapped around yours…his musk blending with the mouth-watering scent of sex, sending you over the edge. When you feel the swelling at the base of his cock. You're supposed to let him pull out and let it coat your stomach…, but today, you kept your legs locked and wrapped around his waist as he lost himself rutting into you. Rolan arches your hips up as he continues to growl, his thrust getting sloppier and shallower as his cock swells, so determined to breed you. The stretch is so sweetly painful and right as he locks his cum spurts out, coating your burning hot walls with the soothing seed. Rolans, still steadying his breaths, he stays buried in you. He smiles shyly, apologizing for losing control and locking you two together. You pull him down to press his full weight on you, not caring how long you two will remain stuck together; you love being with him.
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They wouldn't stop their teasing… sense the moment you meet them, Haarlep was determined to hear you purr. They stated it was their hobby to make powerful creatures purr for them. They must have heard a lot about you from Raphael's irritated ramblings of you. However, there is a complement to you from them calling you strong. As you were sitting waiting to conduct business with the master of the house, Haarlep was practically in your lap, cooing and begging to hear that sweet pur. Finally, you had enough and figured to do it quickly and be done with the embarrassing noise. Haarlep leans in their head so close to your chest when they hear the soft thrumming; Harrlep eyes get wide, and so does their smile. From all the purs they have listened to, yours was…so beautiful…As you sit, your face is a bright shade of blush. You try to avoid eye contact when you hear a chuckling and loud laughter. Feeling self-conscious, you push the incubus away, but before they can fall away from you, they catch themselves by your wrist. Their eyes are of a predator…but there is something else in them. "No more purring for you." you pout, which causes Haarlep to laugh more before sitting back at your side telling you not to be so sensitive to some teasing, "besides, if you don't purr at request, I'm sure I can find ways to rip that sweet sound from your throat." you do your best to ignore the taunts that make your stomach do flips; completely unaware of the fact that Haarlep would be tagging along with you a lot more after your bloody meeting with Raphael. Incubuses need to feed, and you were just too delicious to ignore. 
You were passed out, and Haarlep was not too happy about it. They watched you with their tail thumping against the bed in irritation. Haarlep hoped you would come back home and want to play; they had been thinking of new ways to get you to purr. You just had to come back home and go straight asleep…how dull…Haarlep watches as your face scrunches up, soft sounds groaning from your lips as you curl further into yourself. A nightmare, huh? Strange…should they leave you? Comfort you? Haarlep thinks about it for a long moment, their orange eyes studying your trembling form… Usually, they just fuck anyone that even seems the slights bit down, it seems to help, but they don't think that would be appreciated for this situation…Haarlep, cares for you? They don't want to lose you or watch you suffer, but feelings from the heart are not something they are used to feeling… it's against their nature. As Haarlep continues to watch you, your closed eyes start to swell up with tears. All they can think of is to reach out and softly rub your head carefully so as not to nudge the base of your horns too much. That's when Haarlep feels something slightly around their ankle; looking down, they see your adorable tail wrapped around them. Haarlep looks at your face, clearly more relaxed now. Haarlep pulls you in closer with a chuckle, holding you close to their warmth. You will never have nightmares with Haarlep around…they won't allow it…they care for you too much? At least, that's how they feel. Is this love? 
That tail…Haarlep can't get enough of it… you're so sensitive at the base…your whole body trembling as they lick the underside of it, Haarleps two fingers moving in and out of your tight ass. Fingers fill you up, and you're hardly able to keep yourself standing. Right as you're about to reach your orgasm, Haarleps another hand cruelly yanks on your tail, the pain pulling you from your pleasure for a mere moment as they continue to edge you. Tears run down your cheeks as you cry to cum your tail curling around their arm, Haarleps tail intertwined with yours as their forked tongue licks your tail's ridges before they move down to bite your ass, making you squeeze their fingers more. Haarlep will let you cum…when they're done playing.
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sae1549 · 1 month
More very random head cannons. -SFW—NSWF-
Characters mentioned: Astarion, Gale, shadowheart, laezel, Wyll, Karlach, Minthara and Halsin +1
Content warning: hair pulling, oral f/recieving & m/recieving, knife play, size kink, predator/ pray kink.
Word count: 3.2k
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- He has a very gravelly voice in the morning that lasts around 25 minutes.
- He absolutely loves cats. And later you end up moving to the underdark, you both adopt a cat that is able to travel alone to get the things that they need. He sees it as your baby and treats it as such.
- He is the person you go to if you want any gossip. When you both get to the underdark I could see him becoming a bartender or something like that. Where he can swindle people of their money while having fun doing it.
- He can cook. Contrary to him not eating normal food anymore he was once human. But he will look over cookbooks for a while if you tell him that you would like to try his cooking.
- He dislikes flowers, of course he thinks that they are beautiful but they do not live long. He gets sad because he links that thought to losing you. So he tries to keep those thoughts away from him.
- He absolutely loves shoes, he can rant and rave about them, when everyone was in camp he would like to go up to gale the most. He really liked his shoes, even going as far as stealing them. Only to have a grumpy gale walking through camp with his arms crossed pushing Astarion over and taking his shoes back.
- Astarion has to clean himself in his bat form as well as his normal form. So he takes extra long in the shower. But he gets so fluffy!
- He starts seeing a therapist after everything is settled in the underdark.
- He loves to give forehead kisses.
- Astarion loves to be called beautiful!! Call him beautiful often!!!!!
- When you ask him what his natural eye color is he thinks about it for a while getting back to you telling you that they were a steel blue.
- He does not have many things, but he wants to some day. So without him noticing you slowly start to give him little things here and there. Like an extra bedroll that you had, a blanket. Some new pillows, candles, anything that you can find that you think he would like to make him more comfortable.
- He loves horror movie nights!!!!!!!!!
Ascension ver.
- When he is ascended he does not care as much if you get off first.
- He would be a lot more rough, biting much more feverishly and more often.
- He would give you head, but he would not do it for long.
- He knows exactly how good you are feeling, but will make you tell him.
- He is the dominant one.
- He will take up multiple partners as he expects you to do the same. He would go out of his way to ask if you would want to add another partner into your nightly activities.
- His sex drive would increase greatly.
- He sets a brutal pace.
- He likes to tease.
- He would not fall asleep after doing it, but he would ask you about what you liked and how he did.
- He lets you rest your head on his lap to fall asleep after.
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- Man can sing. But mostly does it when he is bathing or concentrating. Quite interesting to hear for the first time when you are in battle together. Singing in a tired gravely voice before shooting off another spell.
- He tried to convince Tara to let him dress her up in a cute little outfit one time. He left around 30 minutes later covered in scratches. That is to say he does not make those comments anymore.
- He likes painting from memory, yes he can control the weave but he would like to have some sort of proof if there was ever a day when he could no longer handle the weave any longer.
- When coming back from a particularly hard day, if you massage his shoulders a bit he will melt into a puddle and fall asleep.
- His favorite juice is apple juice.
- Always likes books more than movies. Does not matter if it is actually a good movie.
- He keeps photos of you on hand so he can show his students. And they know so much about you and he wants to ask if you would visit his class to shed some light on recent events. Totally not an excuse for him to see you more.
- He likes his food hot, even his salads. All food needs to be hot.
- Loves silver jewelry, his wedding ring is silver with purple stones embedded into the ring. You have the matching version obviously but it is a wide band with white and purple stones honored on the ring.
- He is into pulling hair, if things are getting a bit more rough. You are sitting on his lap. Getting into a very heated makeout session, in a heated kiss his hand snakes up onto the back of your head, seating itself into your hair. The other hand softly rocking you back and forth. He breaks away from the kiss. “You are quite breathtaking my love.” He says through slightly labored breaths, he grips and gently pulls on the hair at the back of your head. Swiftly latching his lips onto your neck.
- He does like when there is a bit of lightheartedness while making love, but it is serious so he will always go back to being more serious.
- He likes to lay in the sun after finishing, watching as you also bask in the light, he thinks it makes you look ethereal.
- He would go at a moderate pace, and would not have very good rhythm when he first starts.
- He thinks it is a bit romantic to have music playing while enjoying eachothers company. So there will be soft piano playing in the background.
- He definitely uses magic, mage hand would come in handy, being able to bind your hands for a little rougher session.
- He does not own any toys, but would be okay with owning some if it helped you get off better. He would end up enjoying it immensely.
- Public sex is something that he could be talked into. As long as it is somewhere where less people are. But there is still the thrill of possibly being caught.
- He masterbates from time to time, it is not often. But if you are not around and he is fully alone then he would enjoy himself.
- His stamina is not very high, but he can fully please you and a little more if he is asked.
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- She would keep a collection of rusted or busted knives to fix while at camp. It helps her calm down plus it gives her something to look forward to.
- She would eat dinner at either 5 pm or 10 pm no in between.
- Talks to herself all the time. Saying she is the best therapist she knows.
- Her favorite color is Silver.
- She likes to read before she goes to bed.
- She also likes to sit on a high point at the camp to look at the stars.
- She would be an astrology girl. And would believe it completely.
- She is the top.
- She is a biter, lightly gliding her teeth across your skin. She loves to feel you shiver from the touch she is giving you.
- She is not loud, and does not want you to be loud either.
- She would be 100% serious in bed. No laughing, no jokes.
- She has a moderate sex drive.
- She is a C cup.
- She would not fall asleep directly after having sex. She would wait until you fell asleep before she would sleep.
- She would have a small collection of toys that she would bring into your sex life.
- She has a lot of stamina, she would want to go more than one round if you are up for it.
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- He liked bugs when he was a kid.
- He really likes spicy food, and will go out with Karlach to find it.
- Has a very big sweet tooth, and loves to share it with everyone in camp. He has a whole pocket in his pack dedicated to sweets. Giving them away to children you may meet. It makes him feel extra happy if there is a group that he can give it to. But he has a special place for candy that you specifically like, which he gives to you when you feel down.
- He loves Halsin, and goes to him for advice about his father.
- He loves sensual romantic sex.
- He could get off to kissing. You don’t even have to fully have sex to get him all riled up.
- Man is cheesy, he will set this up when you are living together. Setting out roses leading from the front door to your bedroom. When you walk into the bedroom it is enveloped in a warm soft glow of candlelight dancing over the horned man laying across your bed that is also covered in flower petals in the shape of a heart. “Welcome home my sweet.” He would say in a sultry voice, getting off the bed to meet you. Taking a rose off the table and handing it to you.
- He would be really good at praising you.
- “Tell me how good I make you feel.”
- He is not very experienced, but that is okay, he is very willing to learn.
- He likes things to be more serious in the bedroom, but a soft giggle or smile would not go missed.
- He would have a slow pace, he would want to take his time and enjoy every moment.
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- She loves yoga. And will do it every chance that she has downtime to do it. But it is mostly just her stretching.
- She would be a Hello kitty girl, and would own so many of the stuffed animals.
- She hates classical and post- disco music. But would love R&B and jazz music. Shadow heart in the garden with soft music playing in the background. She hums along while you are on the opposite side of the garden. This was an activity that you both loved to do. She would be dressed comfortably in a shin length skirt that was covered in loose soil. She turned the music on a little louder, swaying from side to side as you both worked together, sharing in kisses here and there. It was quite an eventful afternoon.
- she hates orange juice. Like genuinely hates it and will get upset if you give it to her.
- Likes a good cup of tea. With very little sugar. But if she were to have coffee she would want a lot of sugar but no cream.
- She wants a flower garden.
- She would end up being a plant girlie.
-She is somewhat experienced. Having done it with a handful of people at most.
- She would get her nipples pierced. I think it would make her even more confident than she already is.
- She is very confident in bed, she is fully okay with taking charge or letting you take control.
- She would try almost anything once. Outside of things that would hurt her too bad.
- When you are in the comforts of your own home she is really into bondage. Being bound really excites her.
- She is serious while doing it, you can laugh during it. But she does want it to be a more serious moment shared between the two of you.
- She would prefer a faster pace, it would drive her wild.
-She is a B cup.
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- She gets very protective of scratch, he lays near her when going to sleep for a very long time.
- She loves going swimming since it cools her down. But will refuse anyone to go with her since the water around her would get way too hot. And possibly boil anyone going in there with her. But that is in fact how she has gotten you dinner before. When everyone was literally starving and going off wine and grape soup for the 4th day in a row. Karlach brings back fish. And sets them on the table. She announced that we will be having something different for dinner than the normal everyone was so excited that they forgot to ask. Later on that night she told everyone. And was met with a still silence. Before someone cleared their throat and everyone went right back to conversation.
- She would drink a lot of water to try and cool herself down.
- Her favorite color is Blue.
- She likes doing yoga to stay limber.
- She smells like Vanilla and Amber.
- She is the top, no questions asked.
- She would have nipple piercings if she could. But her heat would have them melting to her skin. So she just settles for real and natural.
- She is not very experienced. Since she was always fighting for others she never got to find much pleasures of the flesh. But don’t worry she is a quick learner.
- She would definitely be goofy in bed, joking here and there. But does know when to be more serious.
- She would enjoy slow and steady pace, she would also enjoy taking her time. But also loves a brutal pace from time to time.
- She is a D cup
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- She would jump out and scare children if she could.
- I feel like she eats the crust first on pizza.
- Despises ranch.
- She ends up wearing glasses later in life.
- She would only eat while standing.
- She likes red wine, and will always ask if you would like to join her in a drink.
- She becomes softer and a bit nicer when you start to get close to her.
- She could fall asleep standing up. She is also a really light sleeper.
- Scary in a hot way.
- She would be into knife play. Holding a knife to yours not the other way around.
- Top.
Her favorite part of her partner's body would be the neck. Thinking that it could be the quickest way to kill you in case you threaten her. But also that it is so sensitive and gives wonderful responses when kissed.
- Gives absolutely amazing head.
- She likes the predator prey dynamic, finding it quite thrilling to chase before taking what is hers.
- loves to see you in skirts (if you wear them) Or really tight fitting pants. And will tell you all about it in confidence later.
- She is quiet, she does not moan too much.
- She is very experienced, she has enjoyed many pleasures of the flesh. And is ready and willing to show you everything she has learned.
- She is very serious during the deed, there would be no laughing.
- Brutal pace or nothing. She wants to go hard and fast bringing herself and you to a high quickly before doing it again.
- She is a D cup.
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- He walks around barefoot. You question how his feet are still intact from all the rough places that you have traveled together.
- He literally sleeps on the ground for more than half of the time he is in your camp. I think he just didn’t know how to bring up that he didn’t have a bed roll and just waited till he could buy one. He will never tell you that though.
- He cannot handle spicy food in the slightest.
Likes plum juice, and would drink it all the time if he could.
- He has joint pain, so he sits on the ground to relieve a bit of the pain and stress off them. He will often ask if you would like to join him for a walk. When you say yes you both walk together for a few minutes before he sits on a rock in the woods. You sit down next to him and continue your conversation. For a long while. You knew why you had stopped, This had become a favorite spot to stop for him while you are in this area. Before he got up and continued walking. He would give you a soft warm smile as you walked holding hands.
- He will carve you small gifts and sneak them into your pack as long as you have the room.
- he would partake in the grass. But would be away from anyone else so they are not bothered by him.
- He likes fruit and vegetables over meat.
- He is quite fluid, anything you want to do or try he would be down to do it.
- He loves when you kiss his neck, the tenderness will make him melt.
- His ideal place to do it is in a field of flowers, or a forest area where there is a soft patch of moss.
- He likes to bite, gently of course. But he gives soft nips and bites any part of their body. Loves leaving hickeys.
- We all know this man is experienced, he is ready and willing to give you all of that experience.
- He can be goofy during, he likes when things are lighthearted but sensual.
- Animalistic pace, or soft and sensual no inbetween.
- High sex drive.
- He only masterbates when he has not gotten action in a long time. But would find a very secluded area to do so.
- It takes him a long time before he falls asleep after. But when he does he sleeps like a rock.
- he thinks you being smaller than him is very hot. Definitely has a size kink.
A little extra…
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- He thinks it is funny when people try to cast magic and it fails.
- He ends up taking on an apprentice.
- When he has down time he would read all the books that were in the tower.
- When he would go back to his tower after the events of the game he would be sad seeing many of the books, but went in to look for survivors that may have been inside.
- He was a spoiled child, but he grew out of the spoiled attitude.
- He is only sweet in private.
- He would not be into PDA. But does kiss you when no one is looking.
- He wants to be able to teach people magic. But, would treat them all wonderfully. He would be a great teacher.
- He would smell like cedar and old books.
- When he blushes the blush spreads over his face and up to his ears.
- His favorite part of his partner's body would be their hands.
- He thinks that it is so hot to cum on your face and chest. The thought alone would make him cream his pants.
- He is not experienced. He has not been able to experiment while on his travels.
- He is loud, his moans can be heard from a fair distance away.
- He loves to degrade.
- Power bottom on a good day. Bottom.
- He can get really shy when asking for alone time.
- He loves when you take charge and tell him what to do.
- He has moderate stamina. But will only want to go for one round.
- He will fall asleep soon after finishing the deed.
I'm sorry for any of them being shorter than others. I have not been able to do all of their story lines yet. I am slowly working towards finishing them all. So if any of my head cannons are very off from the characters I am very sorry! Thank you!!
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