#romance communtiy
unnursvanablog · 1 year
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As one kdramas ends (king the land) new kdramas begin! which in this case is My Dearest, which is apparently only 10 episodes and a part 1 to the story for some odd reason according to mydramalist.
Now, I could understand this part 1 and part 2 for dramas longer than 20 episodes (like Alchemy of Soul was) but why not just make a 20 episode epic sageuk like they used to do back in the day.
But anyhow, My Dearest captured my attention pretty much from the start with the almost quiet start to the character introduction and the whole setup, some gorgeous scenery, some folk singing and with the alluring darkness of the Qing invasion.
Depicting the small, simple country life of the people in Gil Chae's small village and the sort of mundane, simple problems that she has to deal with was a good, impactful start because you sort of get this sense that the invasion is coming by the end of episode two and change all of that. It's very good storytelling in my opinion. The buildup was nice.
The leads are really good, the do have a nice chemestry (but it's not sizzling at the moment) and I do find the sort of brass, over-confidance of Gil Chae who seems to have been coddled by her family and by the communtiy that she grew up with. It will be interesting to see her growth as a character as she is thrust into the real world (if the drama does not sideline her for the sake of the male leads storyline).
Jang Hyun is a fun character but I get the feeling that both Namkoong Min and the writers are almost holding the character back right now, making him almost aloof to us and the other characters on purpose. I think it will be a lot of fun unraveling this character as the story progresses.
Despite the first episode starting with darkness and sort of what is to come message here was a lot of light and airyness to the first two episodes without it feeling like a total fluff - like some more youthful romantic focused sageuks tend to feel. This felt romantic and light but still in a sort of growup way to me. Not quite Bossam, but still. It didn't feel YA romance, if that makes sense depsite some sweeping moments that were written there to be swoonworthy (who does not enjoy a good falling of a swing and magically being captured in the air sort of moment).
(but my god… do I want and need it to be like Bossam in like mood and just overall sageuk goodness)
I adores the moment where she was running after the red thread all the way to Jang Hyun because of the symbolism of the read thread tying their fates together.
I am intriqued and hopeful that the more serious part of the story will be interesting. There was just the right amount of palace politics and other things sprinkled into the first two episodes without it being overbearing to the story or feeling info-dumpy. But I do suspect that aspect of the story, the presence of that storyline will only grow and grow with each episode and I just hope the drama will be able to tell both the romance and the other aspects of the story well and make it so it does not feel like two different stories in one.
That sort of thing was the downfall of dramas like Joseon attorney and just made both of those stories very uninterested and sort of meatless.
Because if that moment on the beach at the start is what is to come you need to bring your a-game. Give me drama, give me action and tragedy and some sweeping romance. Like I want to be sobbing by the end of this. I just wonder if splitting the drama into two parts for no real reason is going to kill the momentum, but we shall see. But I for one am eagerly awaiting for this drama to eat my heart and spit it out again.
I was also going to say that those folk singing / pansori scenes reminded me of Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People and then I looked it up and it's written by the same person… so it's going to be great and break my damn heart and the women characters will probably not be totally sidelined and have an impact on the story and omg I can't wait.
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Book number 3 is Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas.
This Supernatural YA romance novel follows Yadriel, a teenage boy with everythng to prove. Desperate to be accepted in his communtiy's traditions as a brujo, he attempts to summon the ghost of his cousin, but ends up with Julian, his school's resident bad boy, instead. Can he solve the mystery of both Julian and his cousin's murder before Dia de Muertos? And even if he does, can he really release Julian's spirit after everything they've been thorugh together?
Find out with us and join our discord read along ahead of the release of our third episode at the end of March.
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pollyssecretlibrary · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
On wednesdays I spread the love... and recommend tumblrblogs. These are beyond amazing, trust me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You can recommend blogs to me too, if you feel like it 😊😊😊
Also, if you want me to stop doing this (I can be a pain in the a**, I know). Just let me know 😊
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“Han Solo” Abed and Annie
Community Season 2, episode 24 “For a few Paintballs more”
My fav!!
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aroaceconfessions · 3 years
I've been questioning if Im some sort of demi ace or demi aro for some time, and I think part of the reason I am struggling to label myself as such and let myself join the community is because of how alienating it can be sometimes
Like, my instagram has been recommending aroace meme pages to me, and the comments are always like "oh, romances are so weird. I don't get it 🤢🤢" or trivializing and invalidating people that want and have sexual/romantic relationships. Like, you can joke about your personal lack of attraction and how you might feel alienated by society, but a lot of what I see is just mean spirited, malicious, and putting down people.
I have a problem with this because 1) allo LGBT people have been facing this kind of scrutiny for so long, so it is unfair for us to lump them in with allocishets when we are joking about these things.
And 2) I am on the very edge of identifying as demi. I still long for a romantic relationship one day, and maybe even a sexual one. But the dismissive tone that a lot of the community has towards these kinds of relationships in general is super alienating and invalidating. And its part of what is stopping me from fully embracing this communtiy.
Sorry for the long rant. I'm not trying to say to silence yourself or your expirience. Just to be more mindful when you describe any sort of relationship/attraction that you dont expirience as weird, cause you might accidentally be lowkey LGBT+phobic without even realizing, or alienating to people within your own aroacespec communtiy. :(
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hisbutterflywings · 2 years
writeblr introduction
hello everyone! my name is apollo, i'm 18 years old, and I go by she/her but they/them is okay. i love angst, drama, and romance. friends to lovers is my favorite trope, but i also like second chance and mutual pining. i've been writing stories since 3rd grade, but they are much better than before. seriously, in a 5th grade writing project, the tempature dropped to negative 50 Fahrenheit in a minute and the characters didn't get hypothermia. my story is called butterfly wings and it's currently being written. it's going to be uploaded here on tumblr and on wattpad (also as hisbutterflywings). my other account is @cuzimitaliano. feel free to dm me, send me an ask, or tag me in anything! i'm look forward to being in the communtiy! <3
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brain-empty · 2 years
I fear aces & aroaces
I fear fully romance-repulsed aros
I fear basically anything lgbtq+ outside of the aroallo communtiy
a romance-favorable aroallo who's had everything negative thrown at it by mostly the lgbtq+ community and specifically aros & aces
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pfreadsandwrites · 3 years
Hellooo. 24 and 35, please. :D
helloo @sachi-sims i!! thanks for the questions!! 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
Proooobably the Alpha/Beta/Omega stuff if I’m honest. I’m not sure I understand it but each time I’ve tried to and clicked on a fic containing it... i’m usually regretting that and click off of it. Or anything that’s like, sex without feeling, I suppose? So like, FWB with no romance or love at the end or just one night stands stories. There are others but the question asks for one and I already broke that rule 😭
35. How much has writing fic changed your life?
A lot! Actually posting fics has done a lot for my confidence, but more than that it’s also enabled me to make new friends (like you 💕!!) and be part of a really nice communtiy! I’m really thankful for the people I’ve connected with whilst writing fic, and all the nice feedback I’ve received, so in that sense, my life has changed, at least online! I think it’s also done me wonders to actually *try* with my writing and improve it, it’s something I was decent at as a kid and loved doing up to my teens, but I stopped for various reasons, so to be able to actually produce writing i put effort into again is great, as much as my motivation lacks sometimes 😂 
Thank you for the questions! 
Ask me about fanfics!
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bi-lesbian · 4 years
Hey!!! I was wondering,,, a lot of times I feel a bit outcast in the aro communtiy because I would rlly love a qpr and stuff and most people there just don’t want anything so,,, And also a lot of the time I feel like I’m “betraying the community” or whatever. Is there any way I could boost confidence in myself?? That would be great! Thank you, have a lovely day you beautiful bi lesbian.
im not the best with advice, but i hope what i have to say helps still :'3!
theres no way you can "betray the community" from your own feelings! all aros want/feel different things- some are repulsed by romance, some are neutral on it, some actively want to date, some are upset at not having romantic attraction, some arent, etc. theres no right or wrong way to being aro- every individual is different, so just do what makes you feel best in your own identity and life! and if having a qpr is what would make you happy, then you should absolutely do it and not feel bad for it!
i know ive seen other aros who like having/want a qpr, so if you feel outcasted in the general aro community, maybe you could try to find smaller subsections of it where theres aros like you who want a qpr! im not sure if theres a term for that or not, but if there is it may help you find those places and people! for starters, going around in cupio areas may help, even tho cupioros want more Romantic relationships than queer platonic ones (but maybe some use it for qpr too idk!).
but anyways, your feelings and wants are valid, whether you find many others who share your feelings or not! i wish you luck in finding spaces in the community you feel more belonging in, and someone you want to be in a qpr with ♡♡♡!!! i hope you have a lovely day too :3!!
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disregardcanon · 5 years
important modern westeros headcanons concerning the extended stark clan for my own modern au 
important details to know 
married couples: brandon and barbrey, ned and cat (duh), rickard and lyarra, hoster and minisa, brynden and unspecified beautiful man, and edmure and roslin
the starks, as we know them, are not The Starks Of Winterfell, they’re like their sixth cousins who live in winterfell the town (not the castle). they still have some runoff money from being related to them but they’re not the absurdly old money that The Starks Of Winterfell TM are. rickard and lyarra and then brandon and barbrey are at the cusp of between upper and upper middle class and then ned, lya, and benjen who didn’t go into the family business are towards the bottom of upper middle. 
rickard stark is a shrewd and calculating businessman. he doesn’t ever coast through deals on the stark name, but he doesn’t like. avoid using it either. out of all his children, legal or good, he gets along the best with barbrey, brandon’s wife. rickard sent all of his children to a upper crust southron boarding school over the school years and then the “summer” (i don’t know how westerosi school years would work yet okay but imagine an equivalent of an american summer vacation) he sends brandon to stay with some friends in barrowtown, where he ended up falling in love with barbrey ryswell. he dies around the same time that bran is born of cancer. 
lyarra stark, nee flint, is dedicated. she’s the one who kept up her husband’s squeaky clean public face, and she was always doing double time for brandon. when lyanna ran off with rhaegar and then came back with a baby to live with ned and cat for a few years, she was doing triple time. lyarra has a sharp wit and is very ambitious. she thinks that all of her children but brandon made a mistake when they chose not to go into the family business and she doesn’t let any of them forget it. she loves her grandchildren, even though she dislikes the circumstances of jon’s birth and thinks that ned might not have gone into police work if he didn’t marry a woman who went into law. 
brandon and barbrey stark are the “someone will die.” “of fun!” couple. brandon is big, boisterous, and friendly and barbrey is hilarious, if you have a cruel and biting sense of humor. barbrey is devoted and loving, if you’re her family, and she’s disapproving of anyone who hasn’t earned her love. she and brandon don’t have children because brandon travels so much for work and barbrey doesn’t want them, but they love on ned and lyanna’s enough you’d think they were their own. brandon takes over the company when rickard dies and babrey is a higher up in her own father’s. she and roose bolton are frequent business partners. 
in less fun news, barbrey’s sister, bethany, was married to roose bolton. barbrey and roose remain good friends until she attends the funeral of the man’s other son after he was killed resisting arrest for serial killing, torture, lots of not great ramsayish things because barbrey’s like “well roose is kinda a dick but it’s not like he wanted the kid to be like that. gotta go support the guy so he feels less bad” and gets a really bad vibe about the whole deal. she cuts off contact after that. 
when lyanna stark was young, her mother and father were always talking about different businessmen she could marry and how she could come north and take over her portion of the family business, and lyanna felt suffocated. instead of coming back up to winterfell after her high school graduation, she runs off with her married poetry teacher, rhaegar viserion. it’s about a two year crazy ride of a romance, and lyanna ends up with a baby and the realization that rhaegar is terrible for her. she moves back up north to winterfell with ned, who was in the midst of a falling out with his parents over his choice to forego college and go into police work and his choice to marry so young, catelyn, and their young son robb. lyanna lived with ned for about four years (seeing sansa’s birth) before she died of cancer. this results in a few year long custody battle with jon’s father to keep him in winterfell. the custody arrangement ends up with jon spending major holidays of the seven and summer vacations with rhaegar and his siblings but all the rest of the year with ned and cat. 
benjen made his way north to work for an expedition company north of the remains of the wall. he has not married and does not plan to. he dated a few women back in college, but it wasn’t really his thing. he tried dating a few men later on, but it wasn’t his thing either. benjen’s just kind of a lone wolf. he’ll spend holidays down in winterfell, and sometimes ned and cat spend the children up for a week or so at a time for a little break and because benjen loves his niblings
the tullys! depending on the way that i’m feeling on a given day they might be named tully and just be so distantly related to the tullys of riverrun that they can’t even prove a connection, “blackfish” as the children of a riverlands knight who admired brynden tully, or just “fish” because that’s a real last name and the idea of it makes me giggle. the family grew up in maidenpool.
hoster is a former physician well respected in the communtiy. he and his wife, a surgeon, made quite a nice living for themselves, and now hoster is in hospital administration, running the one at the university of maidenpool, one of the most respected institutions in the country. 
minisa whent met hoster at the beginning of med school and the two have been together ever since. becoming a surgeon was difficult for minisa because of all of the obstacles that were against her, but she never let any of it stop her. she was said to have the “steadiest hands in the riverlands” and her children remember her for competent as a professional as well as for being kind and compassionate as a mother. minisa died in a car accident when catelyn was fifteen, and hoster was never the same since. 
brynden was a college athlete, a pro athlete, and then a sports announcer. when catelyn was seventeen, he and his boyfriend were outed to the world and he became one of the most prominent gay celebrities, paving the way for more openly gay men in sports. he was always exceptionally close to his niblings, and once they had children, he doted on them just the same.
lysa was always a little bit unstable. she spent much of her life pining after petyr baelish, their neighbor across the street who was always in love with cat but never looked her way once. when she tried to talk to him about her affections, he laughed in her face the same way that cat had to him. when petyr moved away to king’s landing for college, he never came back and never spoke to her again, though catelyn apparently heard from him lots. 
she flitted from interest to interest, always trying to find something that she was better at than catelyn. she took up a job at an after school program for primarily underprivileged kids, and while she wasn’t good at working with groups, she found that she was very good at making individual members feel loved and confident in ways that she never had as a child. she decided to start up her own home day care with high rates that only let in a small amount of kids, so that they could have more personalized attention. 
she never had any luck with romantic relationships, but after deciding that she wanted a child of her own, she went through the insemination process and had robin. unlike canon robin, this robin almost never lacked peers to interact with between his mom’s daycare kids, his winterfell cousins and his maidenpool cousins, he never lacked for friends. and between his grandparents, his cousins, and his aunts and uncles, robin ever lacked for family or love. 
edmure and roslin met at college. while hoster had been trying to pressure edmure into medical school, he met roslin in his intro to psychology classes and fell in love with the subject as he fell in love with her. roslin is the daughter of, of course, walder frey, by one of his later wives. walder is like a donald trump figure in all the grossesness that entails. roslin became interested in discovering why people act the way that they do (and why that way is so often Bad) and how to try to help people like, not do that. discovering a man who was so earnest, true, and kind was a breath of fresh air. edmure only completed his bachelors and ended up going into public relations at a company in maidenpool but roslin went all the way to get her doctorate and start practicing psychiatry and helping people that way. they had three daughters, minisa who’s rickon’s age, bethany who’s three years younger, and celia who’s two years younger than that. 
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[In case anyone gives a shit, I'm ace/bi. I love queer romance etc and when I say explicit I don't mean sex. I mean being bold and upfront is it queer or not.]
man in the past I would rip into 'queer' stories on how they're not good enough, especially since it's 2022 and when love,simon came out I feel as if we're going backwards going back to subtext.
And when I point it out others call me queerphobic and yet there the ones who want to keep the status quo.
you have cartoons that have girls kissing, yet men can't even express they love each other almost leads back to sexism and only lesbians are approved for the male gaze. And the only LGBT rep we get are tv series that no one watches compared to love simon we havn't had any movies with lgbt as the main protagonist.
And as an ace I want ALL romanctic/queer stories written with subtext and good chemistry.
So when you see het having sex and lesbians kissing and barely any other type of stories of lgbt that aren't in high school going to prom.
I'm so sorry that I'm bitter and not sucking disney's dick for doing the bare minimum for doing they're 'first' gay characters that they can easily censor for 'international releases' and sorry I'm not nodding along like everyone happy with the 'scrap' that the western media is giving because I'm looking at all of these chinese releases such as White snake/Untamed that was released in a country that is so anti- lgbt make blatant queer content.
Meanwhile ours barely blurs between friendship and subtly romance and when pointed out we have two others argue it's not/is queer in a area that is SUPPOSED to be open and accepting of LGBT I can't help but compare the two and think,
Like companies that paint their logo a rainbow in june meanwhile actively funding anti-gay bills behind the scnes. Like the media we have thats actually trying to subtly shove true lgbt in the closest and make it straight washed comes across like a lie.
And when you have 'ally's tell the queer communtiy that expresses their sexuality that they're fetishishing the lgbt community when it's like, I'm supposed to find women attractive that's the point?
Either way I can't help but I don't feel very prideful instead I just feel disgusted that in the past I could complain that the community has issues and are silencing queer voices because it doesn't align with their family friendly ideals or influencer friendly.
Like June is slowly turning into a holiday to sell LGBT like merchendice like it's a brand and yet fail to use that money to fund LGBT communties- it's just a cash grab and I'm so fucking tired that no one is talking about it.
That lgbt is being exploited that we're not getting explicit movies about the whole community explaining what trans is or intersex etc a movie about a protag exploring their sexuality, a queer couple as adults who are not kids going to prom.
Worse is when people say "It's not subtext it's queer-code!" We don't need codes anymore. It's either queer or it's not. Queer code was fine in the 90's 20's. It's 2022. We should have MORE stories more quantity so excuse me for wanting better written stories that explores sexuality.
Excuse me for wanting a lot of stories that explore peoples relationship without using sex/kissing etc.
So yeah as an asexual I can't help but feel disgusted that people are using my sexuality as an EXCUSE to keep the lgbt stories as queer-code/subtle combared to the BLATANT hetero stories, and when I express my disgust they immedeitly become vulgur and say that if you want LGBT stories in that way you sexualising it.
As if to say that LGBT is deviant, and sexualised is digusting a platonic relationship/domestic relationship can still be conveyed WITHOUT being fucking gross about it.
Also, the fact that with current media saying something is 'LGBT' even though it's like grasping at straws and reading between the lines for a bare miniumum of a SLIVER of being queer. Is like a slap to the face.
Compared to 2015-18 we had a slew of LGBT media but now sure we have something in a tv series but I was expecting MORE like i don't know.
A love actually type story of multiple queer relationships. Thats completely platonic i don't know maybe I just want rent.
I also hate when I convey that compared to the 90's that had blatant representation current rep just feels watered down I get ally's calling me homoephobic and it pisses me off. ugh
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hi! so i’m v confused. my whole life (or ever since i remember) i’ve been kind of repulsed by demonstrations of romantic affection, with only some exceptions. i’ve always imagined myself married to someone one day but every time anyone demonstrates to like me, i,,,, run away. like. deadass lose all interest, if i had one. i don’t know what to think of this!!!!! i don’t know if any aromantic has ever experienced something like this. can someone help :( (i know i don’t have to use a label fyi!)
Yeah, what you’re describing sounds like very common aromantic experiences. Particularly romance repulsion, which is very common for aromantic people (though can exist in people who aren’t aromantic too). And for lithromantic/akoiromantic people (a gray-aromantic identity) it can happen where they lose all interest in people who show any romantic interest in them.
It doesn’t sound like you’re looking for labels but if you’re looking for people who’ve had similar experiences, on top of the aromantic communtiy in general, romance repulsion and lithromantic/akoiromantic are two others spaces you might have some luck looking into.
Good luck, Anon!
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pollyssecretlibrary · 7 years
[No Spoilers] On the newest book by Mary Balogh
I’m in a cafe, sobbing over my coffee, reading this book, when all of a sudden I’m smiling like an idiot. Like I’m so happy. Is this normal? This emotional rollercoaster?
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targsdaenerys · 7 years
let me tell you all a story. a story of my experience with ouat.
in fourth grade, i was watching american idol. during commercials, i viewed a promo consisting of a dragon and unicorns. now, at the time, unicorns were my ver y favorite, so of course, i was intrigued. i told my mom that i heard about a show with unicrons, but that i didnt know what it was called. she told me how she had heard of it and wanted to check it out. after watching the season one interviews between red and snow, she believed it was too old for me. i agreed. no unicorns. not what i was expecting.
a year passes. fifth grade was a blur, and all i know is that we went to disney. i had no idea what would change since then.
my friends are suddenly starting to talk about this kid’s eyebrows. how they are “so hot” and “sexy”. she showed me a picture off of robbie kay’s instagram and i laughed. ha, peter pan? whatever.
but then, it started to reoccur each monday, they would talk about it. i actually started to look forward to monday lunch periods. i begged them to discuss what they thought of the episode. once again, i was intrigued. 
so of course, i wanted to see what the fuss was about. whats this big deal with peter pan? and who the hell’s rumple after only a few clips, i suddenly loved snow and charming. i needed more. i needed to watch.
so i tried. desperately.  i only had an ipad, and was unaware it was on netlfix, so i tried to watch the first episode of the series by typing in “once upon a time season 1 episode one online free to any platform.i actually was able to find it and went in excitedly the next day to tell my friends. that was when i learned it was on netflix and thati could not wait to get home and watch it. so i did. but the thing is, i was only there for snow and charming scenes.  i literally only skipped to their scenes. thats how i watched the show.
but then, as i was scrolling around youtube one day looking forsscenes for them, i came across “Emma and Hook Kiss scene” my frirst thought? it was between “ew”and “serioulsy?”
i watched it anyway.
and to behonest, it was kind of just a “okay, that happened” kind of thing. it wasnt until my friend told me after the season 3 finle that emma and hook kissed again before i got alitle excited. not much more, though.
then months pass, and suddenly, scrolling around netflix, i come across the hunger games. i held a grudge against the series since it became big with the popular group in my school that year. but i was thirsty for romance. and i heard it had some.
and thats how i fell in love with everlark. one night. the next morning i started following pages on instagram. i look up the ship on googlge. and tumblr posts pop up. i make a tumblr.
i start to follow pages on there with everlark, but then i start to see things on both platforms. emma and hook. and then, i slowly started to fall in love. not much. i just watch a couple of their scenes during season three, come across their second kiss. getting really, really excitated for the fourth season.
at the point, i had written about two everlark fanfictions. i wanted to write one about emma and hook, but i had no i dea how. or what .
but then tumblr inspired me. to the point where i started to freak out over every episode no matter how small the scenes were. in october of seventh grade, i wrote my first captain swan fanifction. i also drew my first drawing that i never thought i was able to do. sure, it was with a sketchbook my aunt got me in second grade and a #2 pecil, but i believe its still beautiful. it wasnt long after i actually found the name, captain swan, rather than using “kemma” or “killimma”.
and from there, my obsession sky rocketed. i stayed up until four every night after an episode, despite schol the next morning. i wrote little drabbles that arelong since gone ever since my laptop broke. i drew more drawings, i rewatched every scene until thats all that was in my head.the s4 finale was as hard on me as everyone else, and i tried to write a specualtion fic to the s5 premiere. i neverfinshed. although, looking back at the writing now, i can still feel the pain i was in by it.
and then season five started. again, i freaked out as much as everyone else. every episode. i still remeber the week after the first episode, we lost someone int he fandom. we miss you, love.
and then it was late october.saturday the 22nd, my mom came into my room to ask me if id seen my friend alyssa that day. she was a year older than me, afreshman in highschool. i didnt, so i told her. i didnt ever think what might have been.the following day, i was working at the food pantry when my mom caled me.they had found alyssa. but she wasnt okay.maybe in her mind she may have been the best shes ever been, but to us,she wasnt.
no one else knew, and i had to walk home in silence. i didnt cry because at the time we werent as close as the year before and it didnt hit me.but then my mother’s words repeated in my head. “Alyssa died, sweetie.” it was asentence i never forgot.
im not the best at keeping my emtions with myself. i always think people will judge me and call me selfish if i cry, and i didnt want it to be like that. so i kept it in.i kept the tears in for so, so long, even to the point here i didnt even cry at her wake where she looked like an angel although the scarf around her neck was something shed never wear. and what kept my sanity? once upon a time. it was then when i realized it was my anchor. 
back in 2015 my mother made me audtion for a vocational school. earlier that year i had found its dance program and wanted to go, but along the way my intrest dwindled. she told me to give it a shot anyway because i had a very low chance of making it in due to my grades at the time. 
i made it in. 
the following months were the worst of my life. every day on the way home from dance wed fight about which high school was better, and although she was right about me going to the vocational one, i wanted to stay in my district. lets just say the only thing that kept me from following alyssa into the darkness was dance competitions. oh, and what else. the damn once upon a time episodes.
she forced me to go to that school, by the way. sure, i enjoy it now, but the people there suck and i still do not like how she went at it.
that fall, i take my friend to our first convention.since i started watching oneupon a time, i wanted others to watch it, and my one friend agreed to. until the end of the neverland arc.  and peter pan died. no more ouat for her. but, since robbie was going to be there, lets go. she got a picture with him, i got a picture with bex. yayay.
last week, we experienced the best sunday of our life. a wedding we never really thought would happen. it was unbelievable. emma got her happy ending(or beginning) aand we got ours. it was so thrilling that even my friend who stopped watching in season three was excited. but as much as it was unbeliable the night, the following morning was too.
that was the most giddiest i had ever felt for school. every more we have a forty five minute bus ride and the but whole time i listened to the musical on repeat. but then, as i looked down to pause the music as we pulled into school, i saw my friends text. Jen’s facebook post.
i was in a daze all day.
it wasnt until lunch, the last period since it was a half day, where i just broke down. people asked me what was wrong and i explained as best i could, but shitty people have shitty outlooks on things and they didnt understand. it was the loneliest ive ever felt.
my mom kind of comforted me, telling me how she felt the same when parent hood ended and that ill find a new show ill like just the same, but one upon a time is special. no show can replace or even add onto what kind of mark it had left on me. it was what started my career in wririting and drawing. in someways it kept me alive. and what did people do when i told them this? they laughed.
it was tuesday night when i ran down stairs, telling my mom about convention tickets for colin and jen photo op i found on sale. we had them in mind for awhile, but never got them. she told me wed look into it. we missed the sale.
so here we were, here i was, aall i was able to think about was how id never meet the people who played the characters that shaped me and my future. until the next morning, my birthday, where i was given the tickets.
and today,to night, was pretty much the end of the storybook. im not going to go into it because i have it on a post from about an hour ago. but thank you everyone, for helping me be me. and thank you for this blessed oppurtuniy, in which i had never and will never take for granted, to be a part of such a magical communtiy. because of this platform i have aspired my career of writing, drawing, and fulfilling my dreams of being a princess by being able to contact disney about the program.if it wasnt for this damned, beautiful fucking shwow, i would probably bedrastically different. this story we created is timeless, a neverending fairytale in both real life and on screen. the story contiues for ever and ever in our hearts and writing and drawing and all of the incredible talents we all have.
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Health and Wellness Expo for the whole Family. PROUD SPONSOR BY LULA ROE - By Amber Belevons & Ashley Fairfield PROUD SPONSOR BY GRACEFUL LIPS BY LIPSENSE - By Gina Bowman PROUD SPONSOR BY Fabulous Fashions DJ Johnnie with Solo Entertainment. Event Photographer by Kayla with Precious Captures. Prizes giveaway every 15 mins. Stage Presentations Fun activities for all ages Vendors with Health Food properations 1. Fit Team by Stacey 2. Plexus by Jerri 3. Simmons Chp. 4. Pure Romance by Tammy 5. Mary Kay by Danielle 6. Allied Hearing 7. Airbonne by Leatha 8. Tupperware by Kristy 9. Usborne books by Sonja 10. 31 Totes by Angie 11. Paparazzi by Vickie 12. Tealightful by Diane 13. Doterra by Kurt 14. Norwex by Rita 15. Thrive by Terri 16. Amway by Lisa 17. Great Lakes Therapectic massage by Healther 18. Pink Zebra by Angela 19. Willing Beauty by Jennifer 20. Young Living by Kathy 21. VA Department of Vetrain Affairs in Saginaw. 22. Wild Tree by Krissy 23. Rodan & Field by Shavona 24. Ariix by Holly 25. Miracle Ear by Lynn 26. Modere by Brittani 27. Agnes & Dora by Tamarra 28. Max & Madeleine by Jaclyn K. 29. LuLaRoe by Amber & Ashley 30. Younique by Anna 31. Lipsence by Regina 32. L.O. Eye Care 33. Alpha Lifestyle Center Central 34. Wakaya Perfection by Sarah 35. The Vitamin Shoppe 36. Initials Inc by Sandy 37. Jamberry Nails by Kristen 38. KOKI Organic Cosmetics by Ivy 39. Real Time Pain Relief by Sheri 40. Isabella Communtiy Credit Union 41. Stone Lodge Supportive Senior Living 42. Rain Soft of Nothern Michigan 43. Mid Michigan Cosmetics with Dr. Tolga 44. Scentsy by Sherly 45. Sleep Number by Dave 46. Exceptional Healing with Monica, CBCP 47. Michigan Hearing 48. Origami Owl by Wendy 49. Writer by Misha M. 50. Sseko Design by LeAnn 51. Expidia Cruise Ship Centers 52. Explorer Chrioprtic in Mt. Pleasant 53. Henna for Morgan 54. Poofy Organics by Roberta 55. Clark Family Funeral Chapel 56. It Works by Corrie 57. Lilla Rose Hair Accessories by Kim 58. Mission chiropractic Family Center 59. A & D Home Health Care 60. Fabulous Fashions 61. Zurvita Vitamin - Mr & Mrs. King 62. Mid Michigan 63. Green Tree Grocery 64. Impact Medical Sup (at Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort)
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