#romance supplement
anxious-bisexual-0 · 5 months
someone please tell me to go to sleep I’ve been reading Polin fanfiction all night (YALL ARE SUCH TALENTED WRITERS WHAT?????) but I am so devastatingly tired
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randomfoggytiger · 5 months
Charlie Scully's X-Files Relationship and Mulder/Scully met their romantic partners-- at work-- and their exceptions-- Pheobe Green, Ed Jerse.) have intrigued me, do share!
Also I would love your two cents on DD and GA's friendship even if you aren't caught up! You have such fun insights!
I noticed that Mulder and Scully met their most pivotal relationships (barring high school or noncanonical romances) through their work-- Waterston, Fowley, Willis, Scully, Mulder, (and the "first blush" of romance via Dr. Berenbaum and Sheriff Hartwell), etc. Phoebe Green and Ed Jerse, however, were "off-duty" romances, or romances that bled into on-duty, so to speak. Further, both were alluring and dangerous and ended in fiery catastrophe.
Kristen Killar would actually be a better fit to pit against Ed Jerse, and Eddie van Blundht against Pheobe: Kristen and Ed were burned by their fatal flaws while Phoebe and Eddie almost successfully seduced another victim.
Nay, further: one could contrast the two most significant relationships-- Diana and Daniel-- against each other: emotional appeal, wheedling, and manipulation; turning aside from their "wicked ways" in an act of unexpected selflessness in the finale.
And I acknowledge this has been a tangent, but-- what about Padgett, hm? He and Messa Rydell stand apart as two narrative pieces rather than contrasting characterized elements: they are the living embodiment of suppressed part of Mulder and Scully's psyche.
(I'll stick the DD and GA question in the reblog~)
Thanks for reading~ :DDD
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garden-ghoul · 9 months
"I need no contract. I simply... need you" is the most romantic thing it's POSSIBLE for the divine, arbitrage to say. this AI divine is SO focused on its new Partner that it's neglecting entire cities?????
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regalpotato · 1 year
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hungee-boy · 23 hours
i think its decided that my second rook is gonna be my teenage fenhawke baby
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ariminiria · 3 months
AU where instead of Desi, Jack manages to get Cage to come back to fill in for him
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
I was trying to find information on Nezha, but everything is mainly about his backstory and there's not much else.
I was curious if you could share some random Nezha facts if that's alright
I can't really think of random facts as I'm not sure what people don't already know...
Maybe that he is also the god of cars cause those count as transportation?
Here's an interesting article on his presence in media has shown him to be an allegorical figure for societal misfits, anti-authority narratives, and rebellious youth, making him popular among young people!
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terribleoldwhitemen · 2 years
been actively listening to more opera (in the name of endeavour research) and I gotta say. I think morse may have been on to something here.
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bear-of-the-moon · 2 years
So, what about The Book of the Kiss?
Well, for many years I've had it i my mind to go ahead and really work on incorporating romantic storylines into fantasy games.
I know "The Blue Rose" was supposed to also have romance in it, but I did not want to have to use their setting and their mechanics. I'd rather use the mechanics of whatever game I am enjoying and have a supplement that works with that.
So I went "systemless" or "system-agnostic."
The first real design challenge is to provide a framework for people to agree what part of Romance has a place in their game, if any. I gave people a nice little sliding scale to use, so they can all talk about what can be expected. This included whether or not romance could even be a topic at the table for *non-player-characters* which seems a bit mean to me but you get it the way you want it!
Then I spent a little time creating the Heart Signes. I wanted to give players a chance to make some decisions as to how their character goes about romance, and would prefer for it *not* to be linked to their character species, class, or (ugh) their alignment. I wanted it to be flexible enough to allow people to change their Signe, so making it astrology-like didn't work for me.
In the end I just decided to make a part of the in-world fiction. The Signes were just "kind of hearts we have experienced in the past." That enabled me to add more Signes later if I find that to be useful, and made sure a Signe is not a lifetime label.
The Signes have emotional, romantic, and mental health aspects to them because I soon realized that part of romance is the mental health of the people who are in love with each other. I tried very hard to be inclusive here, so none of the Hearts talk about gender or gender preference.
Then I described a system by which you can flirt/interact with others. This is called the Regard system, and it allows you to offer someone else the benefit of your Regard. What this does is ride along with the roleplay instead of replacing it. Having a player say, "I'd like to give him my Regard" or "I think I will offer an Amorous Regard to her." is a strong statement of how they truly feel. You get Vivae tokens to spend on these Regards so you don't get out of hand giving everyone a Regard.
This allowed me to figure out systems to simulate the magical bond two people who are in love seem to share, which did my sentimental heart good. I would welcome questions in this space getting deeper into the sourcebook. If you are interested in purchasing this sourcebook, you can do so at half price if you are one of my Tumblr readers at this link: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?discount=9f34c7711c
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sashapearl23 · 2 years
Some honest thoughts...
what I think about when I see the text messages we share
And I look at the messages shared between us
They’re not sweet at all see,
They’re intimate, they’re savage,
It’s so exclusive: u didn’t know it existed…that feeling
How does love make you feel
Because it makes me love deep
I get carried away in thought.
I get carried away in all of it.
I get the passion so I get the animal about it.
It’s unlocking a part,
It’s unlocking a special bonus level, and only u decide how much of it you’ll take.
And by you I mean me …
you are ready to give it- I smile because it’s so giving ..
so very giving…
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
I’m too tired to get into it, but the new GI doctor is promising. He’s MCAS and EDS knowledgeable (“not an expert but I’ve got a few patients like you, especially after Covid”) and took the time to go through my whole medical history. Like, every last thing, he went through my whole file with a fine tooth comb and listened to everything I had to say with a lot of respect and compassion.
Amusingly, he thought I was a medical professional because I knew a lot and he assumed from my ability to manage my own care over the pandemic I must be either a nurse or a doctor. The look on his face when I said “romance author” was priceless.
After that he toned down some of the medical lingo a bit, but still talked to me like a knowledgeable patient who knew my body best. He even looked at my migraine history and seemed disappointed in the lack of care I’ve received for pain management and said if I give him time he’ll see if there’s anything he can prescribe to help my “everything.”
At the end of the appointment he turned to me and said “normally we refer patients out for the endoscopy and colonoscopy but you’re a complicated case so I want to do it myself to make sure nothing is missed and you are taken care of.”
In the meantime he’s prescribed some antispasmodics and told me to increase my supplements again because I am still too low for his liking. So I’m back on the quadruple dose of b12 again. Hopefully that’ll help with my exhaustion. I’m so tired.
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achillean-heartbeat · 18 days
Hey friend!!! Can you recommend any good fics for Teen Wolf?
I'm about to start watching it this weekend, and kinda want to supplement it with the fics..
Thank you in advance
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!! i would absolutely fucking LOOVEEE TOOO!!!
First of all, thank you so much for this ask. Can't believe you just gave me a reason to recommend some of my fave teen wolf fics.
second of all, IT'S AWESOME THAT YOU'RE GONNA WATCH IT!!! It is a shitshow of a show (hah) BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOYY!!<<<<33333
third, a little disclaimer, i mostly read sterek (stiles x derek) and thiam (theo x liam), so this list is going to be mostly them. However, i do read any and all ships as long as its fun and i like the tropes of the fic. So when you start watching it and there is a particular ship you liked that is not mentioned in this list i would love to rec u more stuff!!!<<33
fourth, i will also be putting at the end a list of fics i plan to read soon and have not read yet, cuz why not.
fifth and finally, i'm pretty sure i don't have to say this but i just thought i'd give you a heads up just in case: in some of these fics there are certain triggers, certain kinks, so please make sure not to miss any surprise tags, especially 01001in the short fics.
LONG FICS: (>50k)
THIAM: Airplanes by Captinmintyfresh (236k) what still grows in darkness by eneiryu (137k) To be Led by a Liar GoldFox99 (79k) Tethered by Tonytones(85k)
STEREK: Put Down in Words by paintedrecs (200K) Windows by dr_girlfriend (83k) Foxgloves by formeldehyde (71k) To The End by formeldehyde (181k) Strange Turns That Bring Us Closer demonicfairie2009 (100k) Sex Therapy by Asterekmess (51k)
SHORT FICS: (<50k)
THIAM: i loathe you i love you by tonytones (30k) here in the twilight it's all hearsay by eneiryu (2k) Craving Every Part of Your Raw, Wild Soul by ksbbb (29k) you can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth by pansexual-puppy-pack (1k) i think i left my conscience on your front door step pansexual-puppy-pack (8k)
STEREK: we are tangled by drunktuesdays (5k) Lock All The Doors Behind You by entanglednow (25k) I don't know why, but I guess it has something to do with you by LunasCanisLupus_22 (17k)
Choice by Omni (8k) Last Lovesong of a Dying Lemon by wldnst (10k) Romance In Progress by Asterekmess (32k) here is the deepest secret nobody knows by owlpostagain (22k) How To Be a Normal Person by drunktuesdays (8k) Five Days of Dickings by mklutz (17k) I Wanna Take Down The Walls With You by drunktuesdays (10k) bigger, longer and uncut by drunktuesdays (4k)
BONUS: Theo/Josh/Corey/Tracy/Hayden we ain't ever getting older (6k)
THIAM: "Where no Hope is Left, is Left no Fear" ( No mere Human can Stand in a Fire and not be Consumed) by ksbbb (71K) Take my heart (and put it somewhere safe) by not_carrying_on (172k) Consequences of Our Past by xTarmanderx (70k) All About Control Universe by EquallyLoyalAndLethal (152k) Handle With Care by Attempted Eloquence (190k)
STEREK: Predators by Hedwig221b (74k) Words Cannot Espresso How Much You Bean to Me by isthatbloodonhisshirt (68k) Not So Boring by beerwolves and isthatbloodonhisshirt (69k) yes chef seaweedwater (228k) You're stronger than you know by littleredridinghunter (234k) Getting Better by thebadassisin (205k) A New Perspective by Asterekmess (323k) The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home by turningterrific (82k) Home by thetypewritergirl (167k)
THIAM: I Love You as Certain Dark Things are To Be Loved, in Secret.” by ksbbb (46K) Sweet talkings by captainmintyfresh (28k) i'm not ready to die yet, should i pray? (i'm wasting time, haunted by the ghost of you) by petitommo (6k) when oblivion is calling out your name, you always take it further than i ever can by likelightninginabottle (8k) you're my head, you're my heart Or: The Shameless Thiam 'verse by likelightninginabottle (20k) loving you's a bloodsport by THENINTH09 (21k) a thing with sellable skin by Attempted Eloquence (22k) a shot in the heart (doesn't make it unbreak) (4k) it gets so hard to breathe when i think of you (thinking of me) by wingsoutforshin (5k) Too Afraid to Follow Through by dangerouscoffeetheorist (14k) i know about things i wish I didn't - the not yet a corpse series by yikeshereiam (29k) Absence makes the heart grow fonder by laheysmythes (11k)
get him back! by marymacgf (21k)
STEREK: Together, Apart by justanotherbusyfangirl (14k) Spellbinding Mishap by isthatbloodonhisshirt (45k) Untouchable by Hedwig221b (17k) the feral wind that lit him ablaze by quackquackcey (37k) Which Con at Witch Con? by quackquackcey (10k) Stilinski's Speakeasy by sinna_bon (10k) the way our horizons meet by dumpac (3k) Even Greenberg has a Soulmate by beerwolves and deancebra (22k) red hoodies and bronze daggers (the secrets you keep glow in the dark) by patolemus (19k) Ground Me With Your Touch by asterekmess (7k) Let Me Take My Time With You by asterekmess (6k) Whispered in the Sound of Silence by dr_girlfriend (7k) always the sidekick by mirrorkill (49k)
BONUS: Stiles x Theo: Partners in Crime by snaeken (2k)
Okay i'm done!
oof sorry for the long ass post!
i'm not gonna lie, the story and writing is kinda wonky in some places, but the characters are so loveable it's impossible not to find them endearing in some way or another.
but no matter the outcome, i hope you enjoy it and have a great time!!
i hope you have an amazing day!!
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
Artificial Romance
Jaune: Penny... We... Well, I have a problem... a very serious problem...
Penny: What sort of problem do you have?
Jaune: Since joining the, Atlas AI Corp, General Ironwood assigned me to the Rouge AI Containment Division.
Penny: Yes the, RAICD group. I believe the, General assigned you to, RAICD because your massive aura reserves, and your semblance can be used to bolster your aura so you can handle any rouge AI attacks when you're plugged in. Is there something wrong with your aura when you're plugged in?
Jaune: No, I'm doing find, my aura is dealing with the feed back, and I don't usually have to recharge my aura. However, because of this, General Ironwood decided that I would be of better use if I was to be assigned to deal with the: Strategic Attack Logistic Engine Mainframe.
Penny: The Strategic Attack Log…?! SALEM?! That Anti-Grimm AI, Professor Ozmins made that went rouge because of how he treated it?! That lead him into a feedback loop that eventually killed him?! That managed to break away from the Atlas Grid, and managed to transfer itself to a, Atlas Research Lab deep in the Valian mountain range, and started a building an AI army to protect itself?! And, has started hunting down, Ozmins reincarnated soul because he has been trying to kill this AI?!
Jaune: Yeah.. that AI...
Penny: Why would the, General do that?!
Jaune: Because, SALEM has attacked several, Atlas facilities, and have stolen, Atlas tech from weapons to robot schematics. SALEM has become so sophisticated that it now has an artificial AI body that has aura mimicking abilities. Salem is a security risk to the whole world!
Jaune: Or, at least she could be...
Penny: She? SALEM has a self identified gender?
Jaune: Since she's was the first AI, and has started an army of semi-killer robots; Salem calls herself, The Mother of AI.
Penny: Okay... that's new information, and is a logically sound explanation. Is that the reason why your telling me you have a problem?
Jaune: No... You see, at first when I was trying to get into her systems she detected me almost imminently, and attacked me. I activated my aura as soon as she struck, because she hits hard! Seriously, I had a headache for days after that. But, as a side effect of me using my aura to protect myself, it also bled off of me, and into, SALEM's artificial aura generator.
Penny: What? But, you’ve tried doing that when jacked with other operators, you aura never bleeds of to others, and bolsters their aura. Not to mention you did this to an artificial aura generator; What’s going on, Jaune?
Jaune: I don’t know, my best theory is that because she was talking me when I boosted my aura it melded with hers, thus supplementing, and boosting her artificial aura with my own.
Penny: Hmm… That’s a logical hypothesis. Has anything else happened.
Jaune: Yeah... I think that my aura has effected her... in a manner of speaking.
Penny: What manner?
Jaune: Salem has become rather friendly towards me… I dare say one could consider her behaviour towards me as, affectionate.
Penny: Affectionate? It’s being ‘nice’ to you…?
Jaune: It seems so. At least she’s that way with me... Salem will still attack others that try to enter her domain, or attempt to attack her. But, after our first encounter I tried to enter her programming again, and several attempts after that where I faced the same results: Her attacking me, and the activating of my semblance, and my aura bleeding off, and being absorbed by her. Eventually, instead of attacking me, Salem seemingly welcome me into her domain with open arms. Like welcoming a close friend in your home. And, after a while... I received a message on my scroll, from, Salem.
Penny: It sent you its scroll number? No wait, it has a scroll?! No stop that, what did it say? Waitwaitwait! How did she get your scroll number?!
Jaune: She followed my entry point from where I jacked in, and entered the systems to hack my information.
Penny: The, ‘Locked Gate Protocol.’ You were the reason why we have that protocol now, aren’t you?
Jaune: Yes, but it makes logical sense to have such security measures. Salem, or any other rouge AI were unable to sneak in that way because either the operative, and the AI were locked in combat, or the operatives brain was fried severing the connection.
Penny: True, leaving the front door unlocked as you leave the house is a foolish mistake to make. But, what anout, SALEM, what did it want to talk about?
Jaune: She simply said, ‘hello’ at first. But, after a while we started chatting. It was about simple things at first, music was the main subject for a while; Salem was a love for classical, and orchestral music.l, and is fascinated with, Vaccuoin dessert stonework so much so, she has based her current robotic form around some of their ancient statues, particularly those from the Stllyian Ear.
Penny: How do you know what she looks like? We haven’t gotten close to her base to confirm if she’s even there, let alone what she actually looks like.
Jaune: Salem’s been sending me photos of her latest projects: be it her own attempts at creating art, or sending me images of her robot forms. She tends to update, or redesign her form constantly, ahead of rather picky with her appearance so it seems.
Penny: And, What does she look like?
Jaune: Like this…
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Jaune: At least for now. Like most woman she’s picky about her choice in fashion.
Penny: I see… But, there is one thing I don’t understand, Jaune. Why is, SALEM doing all of this? Why is it talking to you, and befriending you instead of trying to, you know… Kill you?
Jaune: Have you read the reports os how, SALEM’s AI went rouge?
Penny: Of course, the reports are standard reading for all new members of the, Atlas AI Corp.
Jaune: Have you seen the videos about those ‘reports?’
Penny: Video? What video! All information, bar what Ozkin has divulged was lost when, SALEM went rou… Unless… unless, SALEM kept a copy…
Jaune: Several copies… Ozmin’s report said he put it through, ‘several high lever stress tests’ in order to, ‘test the AI’s endurance levels.’ The way he worded it made it sound like he was withholding a child’s meal…
Penny: It wasn’t like that, was it?
Jaune: Worse… Much worse than that… These ‘high level stress tests,’ he would run, were akin to severing a leg from a person by brute force, and testing it to see how well it could run.
Penny: Oh gods…
Jaune: If his tests were done on a human, or faunas, Ozmin would be labeled a psychopath, and locked away for inhumane human experimentation. But, because, Salem was an AI he got away with it. Honestly, I’m tempted to let, Salem know where, Ozkin is so she can exact her revenge on the bastard.
Penny: But, why is it so… so kind to you?
Jaune: Because I was kind to her.
Penny: What?
Jaune: You know how I operate; I don’t come in, and go on the offensive when I first arrive. I circle the program, poke, and prod the rouge AI’s matrix looking for a chink I can exploit. And, when I find that chink, I attack, make it worse, pull away, and repeat the process somewhere else until I’ve destroyed the rouge AI’s matrix.
Penny: I believe that’s how you earned the moniker of, The Shark of the Matrix.
Jaune: Correct. This is what I did with, Salem. Salem used to go on the offensive as soon as I entered her domain. But, she eventually stopped attacking me after my, Semblance bled off into her enough times where she would just watch me as I circled her. Eventually, Salem asked me who I was, and we established a dialogue. And, as I mentioned we just talked about random things, and just had some fun hanging around one another.
Penny: Are you lulling her into a false sense of security before you attack her?
Jaune: I have no intention of attacking her.
Penny: You don’t?! But, why?
Jaune: I don’t want to.
Penny: But… why?
Jaune: Salem… Salem is like an abused dog…
Penny: An abused dog?
Jaune: Yes, an abused dog; Is a dog is abused, and mistreated by it’s owner, the dog will become violent, and dangerous. It’s a defence mechanism, hurt them before they hurt you as the saying goes. Now the best way to break a dog of this habit, without killing the dog!
Penny: I wasn’t going to say it!
Jaune: The best way to break the dog of this habit is to show it love, and compassion. It will bite you, but eventually it will stop, and want to comfort you, and be loved. It will take time, but it can be done.
Penny: And, that’s what you’ve done with, SALEM?
Jaune: Not deliberately, but that is what eventually happened. I’m hoping to explain this to, General Ironwood, and I hope we can come to a truce of sorts with, Salem. But… Ozkin has been whispering into his ears for too long, and the, General suffers from a sense of parinoia… I doubt I could say would change anything… But… There is one more problem that I am unsure what to say…
Penny: What is it?
Jaune: Salem… likes me…
Penny: It likes you...?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Penny… there's a rouge AI that has a crush on me...
Penny: …?!
Penny: The fuck...?
Jaune: Yeah...
Penny: How do you feel about all of... this?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I’m not sure if I love her… But, I do know that I care for, Salem. And, I want her to know what it feels like to be loved, to hopefully help her forget all the pain, Ozmin inflicted on her.
Penny: Jaune, I don't know where, or how you should take all of... this! I’m an android who’s only a few years old, so I don’t really understand love, and romance. But, if anything is going to happen, whether you develop a romance with an evil AI that wants to kill everyone in the world. I just want to tell you this one thing…
Jaune: And, that is?
Penny: 'Do not fist android girls.'
Jaune: ...
Penny: …
Jaune: But... what about my aura?
Penny: …?!
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sanguinesky-if · 18 days
Sanguine Sky: Chapter 3 Pt. 1 is OUT! [Patreon Update]
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Hello! I'm happy to announce that Chapter 3 Pt. 1 is out! The update contains 78k words [excl. code].
Here's the link: [Early-release DEMO].
What awaits you in the update:
A busy morning at the department a week after the CID team's arrival: ▹ Seven unique scenes, one for each of the ROs, plus one additional scene for the solo route. ▹ Jealousy moments for both the MCs and ROs [optional] [based on decisions made in Chapter 2].
A new investigation that leads to a place from your past that you'd hoped never to return to: ▹ An unexpected encounter with Investigator S. Goldstein at a crime scene. ▹ Personal struggles and the possibility of experiencing an initial breakdown [conditional]. ▹ Additional POV scenes with one of the CID team members [conditional].
Total word count for early-release demo: 180k words [excl. code].
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A list of key plot points that can alter the morning scenes with the ROs [not all-inclusive and not affecting every RO]:
Choice between conducting an interview with R or visiting the morgue with T and I.
Paul(a)'s relationship status [if encountered].
Choices made during the evening of Chapter 2 Pt. 2 [conversation with Morgan, visit to K's office; a phone call with L].
Decisions made directly in Chapter 3 Pt. 1 scenes.
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Technical notes:
All scenes are separated into different files, and some content is repeated across them [repetitions have been subtracted from the word count]. This setup allows me to fix bugs in one scene without affecting saves in other scenes. The structure of a single playthrough is as follows:  ▹ [Morning + Solo scene] file. ▹ [RO' scene] files. ▹ [Day scene] file. [All the scenes will be combined into two files ('Morning + ROs' and 'Day') for the public update.]
Morning scenes with the ROs are only available with the ROs that match your MC's preferences and are not blocked by a special choice labeled [block]. Soon, I'll make a post clarifying some important points about interactions with the chosen RO to supplement romance system overview post. You can find all other important technical notes and helpful information on how to access the maximum content in the Patreon post.
Thank you for your support! ♥
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fic-over-cannon · 10 months
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A Soft Touch (pt. 1)
jason todd x f!reader (implied)
summary: when the pit brought jason back, it heightened all of his senses. he learns to live with that.
tags: mild body horror, sensory overload, mentions of offscreen violence, implied future relationship
rated teen | wc: 1.9k
a/n: dedicated to @jasonsmirrorball my beloved, who was just as excited about this version of jason as i was. part one is mostly a retrospective about how super senses would have impacted jason. the romance part of this story (and nsfw) will be in part 2 coming soon!
link to part 2, ao3 link
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The Red Hood’s helmet isn’t just a precaution against an exposed secret identity or another piece of armour. It’s a necessity. It filters out sound, keeps out pungent smells and the associated tastes, controls light, and can restrict range of vision. For a regular person the helmet would be sensory deprivation of the worst kind. For Jason, it is the lifeline that keeps him alive to fight another day.
If anyone had asked Jason’s opinion before throwing him into the Lazarus Pit (not that he was in a fit state to respond, mind you) he would have told them that trusting a puddle of primordial green goo to know the limitations of the human body was incredibly stupid. Having come out of the experience irrevocably altered, he would point to his own body as an example of how much the pit didn’t know about humanity. Every scar he received before death had been removed (notably, the scars from after death were left untouched). He was over six feet tall when childhood malnutrition should have left him a good five inches shorter. His strength, rather than the result of packed on muscle and a good diet was definitely being supplemented by something unnatural. For a body built like a fridge, he was ridiculously light on his feet and agile. The physics of him just don’t make sense. Yet despite all of these changes, undoubtedly the worst was how all five of his senses had been heightened.
The Lazarus Pit burned through Jason Todd and woke him up screaming. It was the feel of it that was the worst sensation, the one that brought him up to consciousness first. The rough weave of his training pants grating against his skin like wire, clinging to his raw flesh with the dampness of the pit. Green water, oddly viscous and acrid, drenching his skin and burning like a grease fire. It drips down his nose and throat, the taste of tar and blood seared into his tongue, the scent of burnt hair and flesh imprinted into his nose. It drips into his eyes and brands them. The dark cave only lit by the green glow of the pool now so bright like it holds the light of one hundred stars. Burning and drowning and being flayed alive, Jason has no care for noise save that it deafens him. For those first few moments of awakening, Jason may as well have been truly deaf for the thunderous roar of nothingness in his ears. A rubber band snaps and at once his hearing is another ice pick to the brain. Voices that should have been a whisper ring through his skull and reverberate. The footsteps of shadows several floors away staccato through him. It is a living hell made worse by a screaming that won’t shut up. It is only when a slap cracks across his face (it feels like all the skin on his cheek has sloughed off) and the scream trails off to pitiful whines does Jason dimly recognize that the screaming was him. Two pairs of hands under his arms haul him to standing and it hurts oh it hurts. Iron meat hooks digging and clawing their way into him until he is too pinned to slip away. That is the start to the illustrious second life of Jason Todd, newly gifted.
As much training is dedicated to making Jason a better warrior, twice that is given over to training him to survive his own senses. It is rough, brutal work, dictated by trainers that have never felt the pit’s bite. It destroys whatever sanity he might have had left after his rebirth and he is grateful. He is remade with control, no longer a pitiful broken mind tied to a falling star, bracing to burn up on impact. He no longer aches at the feel of fabric on his skin, can smile and hold a conversation without wanting to claw the other person’s heart out for beating too loudly, can drink wine and not taste every molecule. He is so very grateful. But it is not enough. Talia warns him, in what might be her first true act of uncomplicated kindness to him, that those who have survived the pit don’t do well in places where life is concentrated.
Returning to Gotham is not the triumph he pictured. Within minutes of touching down he is on a safe house floor convulsing from sensory overload. The city, with its people and the machinery that houses them, is too much of everything. There are so many voices overlaid with construction and traffic, the chemical rot of the harbour suffocating him, sewage and putrid fish thick on his tongue, fluorescent lights tearing through the soft space of his eyelids. Gunshots and sirens and the tang of old blood. It takes every one of his years of training to stop seizing. It takes iron will like he hadn’t known since the early days to come back to himself. It takes days before he can control himself enough to come face to face with the shadows Talia sent with him. His first order: to bring him a motorcycle helmet. The helmet is black and stinks of cigarette smoke, visor slightly scratched. It is the most powerful relief Jason has ever known. His plans are delayed by months as he figures out the specifications for the Red Hood’s helmet. Design after design prototyped and discarded. The helmet helps, but Jason refuses to let it become his crutch. He practices, minutes at first and then hours, retraining himself to be able to exist outside the confines of the helmet.
He fails in his revenge against Batman and the Replacement, the insidious demands of his heightened senses unraveling all his patience and planning. Sends him into a murderous frenzy that nearly ends in another dead Robin. Ribs broken and face beaten in by his own father, all Jason can concentrate on is the sensation of drying blood flaking on his skin. Delirious, he thinks, so this is what they meant about the killing rage the pit hands out. It is only by the thinnest of chances that nobody dies at all and that his senses remain a secret.
Reconciliation is hard earned. He never quite gets around to telling anyone about his new ‘gifts’. Let’s them think him much more observant and tactically sound then he really is. Learns to identify the joyful thwip of Dick’s grappling gun, the steady drumming of Tim’s fingers on a keyboard. Jason memorizes the smell of Alfred’s hugs, a mixture of silver polish and baked goods. Starts to categorize all the different ways Bruce’s eyes on him feel physically.
Life doesn’t stop when his revenge does either. Jason rents an apartment as his semi-permanent safe house. Consciously decides to make it a home and learns the art of the DIY renovation. Blackout curtains go up first, followed by a soft blue on the walls (Jason may be sensitive to light now but he still can’t stand total darkness). Sound proofing comes next. He’s had a few close calls when the upstairs neighbour blasted music a little too loud and had had to restrain himself from killing them. The lumpy mattress gets replaced with memory foam and new sheets at a ridiculously high silk thread count he can’t quite believe he shelled out for. Through trial and error he finds a laundry detergent that doesn’t make him nauseous and celebrates with all the loads he’d put off. He finds joy in cooking again, running through all the recipes Alfred had taught him and appreciating them more for the new way the flavours tasted on his tongue. To his chagrin, he also discovers he hates the lingering smell of cooked food in his apartment after he’s done eating. A range hood fixes that problem but causes a new one with the rattle of the fan. Sound cancelling headphones quickly become his new best friend. Piece by piece his little oasis comes together.
Eventually Jason learns to share his little home. Stilted conversations in door frames turn into invitations for a drink turn into semi-regular dinners. Family movie nights start happening before Jason realizes it, all of the Robins, former and current, curled up in his living room. In the top kitchen cupboard on the left, a shelf gets dedicated to popcorn seasonings. Extra throw blankets get added to the sofa after Tim makes a remark about never making it through a movie night because the blankets are too comfy. Dick will show up cheerfully demanding a brotherly talk but Jason has realized that with the strategic application of cereal he can avoid talking about his own emotions. Alfred visits regularly, brings his own tea and a new recipe for the two of them to try together. Alfred never leaves without remarking on how well Jason keeps his home (and Jason never fails to flush at the compliment). Strangely enough it is when Bruce comes knocking that Jason feels the most sure footed in his apartment. Invites Bruce in politely and goes through the motions of hosting. It baffles Bruce a little, to see the Red Hood so domestic but it soothes the part of him that sat up all night with Jaylad when he was sickly. Bruce, in his own way, makes it clear that Jason will always be part of the family no matter where he chooses to live.
This latest point of reconciliation couldn’t have been timed any better. Only a few days later Damian turns up on the doorstep of the Wayne Manor. Bruce brings him by the apartment to introduce Damian to Jason, hoping that the two most recent additions will at least get along better than Damian and Tim’s first shaky interaction. It goes a little too well. Damian, unused to the sensory nightmare that is Gotham, takes two steps into Jason’s apartment and demands to stay with his big brother. Jason, intimately aware of how uncomfortable the transition from the orderly League compound to Gotham was, is only too happy to see Damian too. It takes a whispered fight of yes, I knew him, and no, I didn’t know who his father was before Bruce eventually has to concede that Damian will at least be spending some time in Jason’s home. The split transition makes establishing a life in Gotham much easier for Damian than it was for Jason. Jason can at least recognizes the signs of sensory overload, can guide Damian through it without the cruel methods of his former instructors. In caring for Damian, Jason comes to realize that he deserved worlds better than the torture disguised as teaching that he received. In preparing Damian to be a part of society, he realizes that he wants more out of life than being a controlled weapon too.
Jason waits, and he plans. After all, if he could design and execute a months’ long campaign to take over the Gotham underworld, surely he’s capable of getting a social life. He picks his first target with care, intending only to get used to being around people outside of scripted settings and his helmet. He chooses a small library two blocks from the apartment with an attached coffee shop, sets himself little goals for each day with the option to bail as soon as it becomes too much. In the span of two weeks he’s ready to move from using the library to sitting in the coffee shop. It’s a daunting task. The smell of the coffee beans, the hiss of the milk frother, and the quiet rumble of conversation prove to be too much for him on his first attempt. It’s as he’s leaving that a bright laugh floats above the din and stirs his curiosity. The next day has him right back at the coffee shop staring up at the chalk board menu. Sweat is starting to bead on his forehead and he could swear he can feel the vibrations of the coffee grinder on his skin. He is just about getting ready to leave when he hears the laugh again. Turns around and the owner of it is standing right behind him (how did she get so close without him noticing?!) beaming up at him.
And oh.
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hihello-pinky · 5 months
Sight (5)
Suna Rintarou X F! Reader
Sometimes, it takes losing someone to finally see them. He wished he knew this before, but Rintaro had to learn this the hard way.
Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents my views of the original anime/manga characters.
WARNINGS: nothing, just fluff, and OH, did not go through proofreading lols
Word Count: 1.6k
Surprise quick update! I know I said in the last part that things are about to get downhill starting from this chapter. However, I really enjoyed writing this one that I had to cut out the angst portion. So... this is also quite a short read. Happy reading, though!
Kindly reblog, like, and/or leave a comment if you loved this chapter and let me know what you think! xoxo
part one part two part three part four
kofi ~~
˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚ - - - ˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚
“I’m very happy, Y/N,” Dr. Hirai says in front of you as she examines the papers. “These results look good. You haven’t been stressed much lately?”
You beam at the woman. “I guess so. My headaches have rarely occurred as well.”
”Great.” She smiles as she picks up her pen and starts to write. “I’m going to prescribe you some vitamins and supplements. But remember, rest and sleep is top priority, okay?”
You respond with a nod, akin to a child receiving instructions from their parent on the first day of school.
As you wait for Dr. Hirai to finish writing the prescription, a knock comes on the door. After the doctor’s “Come in”, your husband’s head peeks inside.
”Hi, Doc.” He greets before looking at you. “Hey. Something came up at the company and I have to go there. Would you want to wait for me at the cafe across the street?”
Other times you would have felt disappointed about his need to leave, but the mere fact that he’s informing you - through a cute peek at the door nonetheless - makes your heart flutter instead.
“Okay, sure.”
Rin shoots you a smile that almost melts your heart. “Great. I’ll keep you posted.”
And just like that, the door closes again. You turn to Dr. Hirai to see her looking at you. “Anything’s the matter, Doc?”
The woman just smiles before handing you the prescription. “Oh, nothing, Y/N. Nothing.”
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
You watch the busy street through the window, your hand tapping a pen against your journal. You’re not one to miss writing daily but these past several weeks, you have been too preoccupied to jot down your thoughts.
Then, there’s also the matter of an irrational fear.
Truth be told, you’ve been happy since that night Rintarou admitted his attraction to you; the night he asked you to give him a chance and for you two to get to know each other.
You’d love to pen down those memories but there’s a voice at the back of your head telling you that it’s a bad idea. That it’s a prelude to something terrible happening.
You place your pen on the table and flip through the older entries on your journal, only to remember the entries you are looking for are no longer in the notebook’s binder. You had them removed and placed in a box the day before you asked Rin for divorce, thinking that it's time to give up on trying to make things work for both of you.
But then, things have changed now.
Or have they really changed? That voice in your head asks in skepticism.
What if, just like before, this “peace” is a fluke? What if Rin ends up hurting you again?
You close your eyes tightly and rub at your temples. You shouldn’t be entertaining this kind of thoughts. Overthinking and worrying about things from five years ago…
”Hey, Y/N? Is that you?” A familiar voice brings you out of your thoughts and you open your eyes only to be met by a friendly smile.
”Oh,” you say in pleasant surprise, “Hi, Hajime. What an unexpected meeting.”
The older guy's smile widens as he gestures for the seat across you. You nod in reply, closing your journal and putting it at the side.
”What brings you here?”
”I had a check-up with my doctor at the hospital across the street. How about you?”
At your question, Hajime scratches his nape. You notice his ears redden and you try not to smile at how boyishly embarrassed he looks. “Um, I’m visiting someone.”
”A friend?”
He locks eyes with you and groans at the teasing look that you know is visible on your face. “Okay, okay. She’s not technically a friend. I… met her one night through an accident, my motorcycle bumped into her. Thankfully, her injuries are not serious.”
”Oh my god,” you cover your mouth in reflex. You compose yourself before continuing, “I’m assuming she’s okay, though?”
Hajime waves his hand in front of you. “No worries! She’s fine and getting better. In fact, she’s about to get discharged tomorrow.” He suddenly clicks his tongue. “Am I bad to feel sad about her being discharged? I won’t have a reason to see her anymore.”
This time, you’re not able to stop yourself from laughing. “Hajime, that’s silly! Why won’t you just ask her out? Or her family and friends, maybe? You probably have met some of them, right?”
He smiles sheepishly and it’s a contrast to his usual demeanor when in the playground with his son. “I’m nervous to ask. Also, her family’s not here. She very recently moved back to the country from living abroad several years before. She also mentioned she has yet to reconnect with any of her old friends.”
”Oh, I see. But isn’t that reason enough to ask her out, if you’re really interested in her?”
”I guess so…”
Seeing the flush on your friend’s face makes you smile. “Who would have thought you’d get yourself in a classic meet-cute scenario?”
”Ugh, Y/N, please stop teasing me.” You know he means to reprimand, but Hajime still joins you in your laughter.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
“Fuck.” Suna resists the urge to throw his phone after the screen died on him. The battery had been on the verge of dying and he couldn’t find his charger anywhere. So, he’s on the way to the cafe, hoping that you didn’t decide to go somewhere else.
As he approaches the entrance, it amazes him how he’s quick to spot you in a crowd now. He sees the baby pink dress you’re wearing, your cardigan looking soft and comfortable over it. He also notes that you had tied your hair into a bun, a few strands framing your face.
And then he notices you’re not alone. To his dismay, he recognizes the person you’re currently with. Before he knows it, Suna is already brisk-walking the short distance from the entrance to your table.
You notice his presence as you look up at him and smile. That very sweet and innocent smile instantly calms him down a notch. He takes a deep breath. “Hey. I wasn’t able to send you a message, my phone died on me.”
”That’s okay.” Then, gesturing to your companion, you ask, “Rin, you remember Hajime?”
Suna tries to sound as nonchalant as possible as he faces the man. “Yeah. What brings you here?”
Hajime gives him what he assumes to be a friendly smile and Suna reminds himself that there’s no acceptable reason why he should give in to the urge to punch the smile out of the man’s face. “I was gonna visit someone at the hospital.”
Before Suna can respond, the man quickly checks his watch as if suddenly remembering and curses under his breath. “Oh, shoot. Uh, I should go.” He gives a wave before going over to the counter to make his purchase.
Suna shakes his head, a small scoff leaving his mouth. “Rin,” you call his attention. “Let’s go?” He watches you zip your bag close and before you can put the strap on your shoulder, he swiftly grabs to carry it for you.
If he didn’t turn his back as soon as he does so, he wouldn’t have missed your blush and smile.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
Once you reach Rintarou’s car, he asks if you have your phone charger with you. As you say yes, he asks again if you would plug it in the car’s charging port as he maneuvers the car out of parking.
You do as he asks and, as you place his phone on the console, notice some things that spark your concern.
”Yeah?” He responds, eyes ahead.
”I know we both have sweet tooth, but didn’t we agree not to give Risa and Ryuu too much candy?”
”Lollipops and gums,” you answer, finally tearing your eyes away from the items that had caught your attention. You turn to Rin and watch as the confusion leaves his face.
To your surprise, he only chuckles in response. “Those aren’t for the kids, Y/N. They’re mine.”
Now, it’s your turn to feel lost. “Huh?”
Rintarou bites his lips. “I’m trying to quit smoking. I heard those are nice alternatives.”
”Oh.” You’re at a loss of words for a moment, remembering the many times you have told him in the past that smoking is bad for the health. As you struggle to find what to say, Rin continues.
”It’s gonna take a while though. To be honest, this isn’t the first time I’m trying and it’s really hard.” A small laugh. “I’ve been smoking even before I was legally allowed to. But god, I do hope I can finally quit this time.” He shoots you a quick smile. “I don’t want my wife to leave me because of nicotine problems.”
And just like that, whatever response you’ve been able to come up with in your mind gets forgotten, chased away by the butterflies in your stomach.
Rintarou has been doing this a lot lately: calling you his wife.
Of course he had done so in the past, but they were all said in mockery, with the intent to spite and hurt you. It’s the very opposite now. He knows he makes you flustered and you know he enjoys seeing you blush.
You turn your head to look out the window, hoping he can’t see your very red face. Behind you, he laughs a little. It does not help in calming the beating of your heart. “What’s the matter, Y/N?”
”Shut up, Rin!"
to be continued.
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