#romy watson
comicwaren · 1 year
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From Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #025
Art by Kaare Andrews, John Romita Jr. and Marcio Menyz
Written by Zeb Wells
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fros-art · 6 months
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someone in the s&co patreon discord told me to draw this so uh. who am i to say no (it wasnt a request it was a command). john podcast watson you are down so so bad
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bicokun · 3 days
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Damn, Marvel’s writers sure do seem to hate Mary Jane. Always having her kids erased from existence. At least she didn’t have to remember May, but they straight up MCU!Scarlet Witched her here.
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Art Credit to Dusty Abell
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jadeleechsupportgroup · 2 months
romeo complains. yuri attempts to cheer him up. (not a ship.) sidecar of music theory free of charge.
also on ao3
cw: blood, gory deaths.
words: 2,393 plus a few unrepeatables from romi.
Romeo had a surprisingly good singing voice. He’d been formally taught the basics as a child, inhaling correctly and enunciation and so forth, but the soulful part came to him as naturally as breathing. The lyrics of this particular song seemed to tumble straight from his heart by way of his tongue.
“~passigiar…sott’er cielo de Romaaa~”
Yuri chuckled to himself. “Homesick and nostalgic today, are we?”
An exasperated sigh broke off his singing from the other room and left the vintage record to continue on without him. “You have no idea,” he lamented. There was the clinking of glasses and liquid fizzing briefly before he returned with one perilously-full drink in each hand. He passed one to Yuri on his way to his favorite chair, but from the way he collapsed into it, it was rather evident that he would prefer to be sprawled across the couch cushions instead.
Yuri sipped the top layer off and closed his eyes to savor it. “Ahhh, so refreshing,” he declared before setting it aside.
Romeo took a healthy swig from his own glass. Yuri guessed this was not his first or second drink of the afternoon. Perhaps not even his third. “These idiots must convene every day to decide how best to piss me off.” He took on a mocking tone. “‘Oooo, look, everyone, four o’clock, what asinine ideas did we come up with today? Gasp! Great thinking, Kaito! That will infuriate him for sure!’ Fucking hell.”
“It would not surprise me.” Yuri passed him a sympathetic look. “We are surrounded and, regrettably, outnumbered.”
“I swear to god, if you start singing Hamilton right now, I’m going to push you in front of a truck.”
Yuri cackled. “I’ll generously attribute that insult to your blood alcohol content. What are you by now, point-oh-five, oh-six maybe?”
Romeo gave an irritated growl. “Whatever it is, it’s not high enough.” He emptied the rest of his glass with an aggravated, less-than-gentlemanly sigh. A watery glance at the goblet told Yuri he was thinking of throwing it in frustration, but a sluggish mental calculation of the monetary value stayed his velvet hand. “Is this better or worse than shooting something?”
“Well, I do advise against the consumption of more than one alcoholic beverage per day, as a matter of course.”
“Why did I invite you?”
The corner of Yuri’s mouth twitched. “Because, my morose little Sicilian transplant, I always know how to cheer you up.”
Romeo’s eyes focused a little more certainly on Yuri. “That sounds like you have an idea.”
“I do have an idea, Watson.” Yuri picked up the leather briefcase at his feet and offered it to Romeo, whose gemstone eyes regained some brilliance at the sight. He set his glass down and took the case.
He spun the codes, and the brass latches snapped open at his touch. He opened the case. “Ooooo…” He gingerly removed a glass vial from the set. “It’s not even my birthday!”
“I presumed you have at least a few specimens available at all times.”
“You presume correctly, amico mio.” He nodded at Yuri’s drink. “Finish that first. We do not waste liquor in this house. And don’t make me wait.”
“Demanding. I shall have to take twice as long now.”
“Non ci pensare!”
Yuri drained the rest of his glass and took both his and Romeo’s back to the private kitchen. Romeo had decided that, due to their repeated incompetence peppered with instances of treachery, he could no longer trust any of the employees to do menial tasks for him - at least, nothing that would allow them to be in his suite unsupervised. Yuri quickly rinsed and dried the glasses before returning to the lounge area, where he found Romeo examining the rest of his new collection.
“May I do the honors?” asked Yuri.
Romeo snapped the case shut and stood. “I’d be insulted if you didn’t.”
Yuri entered the weapons vault and arranged the various unassuming levers and switches to unlock the hidden door, then they both stepped forward into darkness. Romeo’s mood had improved substantially; he was humming now, halfway through the next verse of the song he’d left unfinished, about a couple disappearing together beneath the blanket of a summer night in Rome.
“I don’t suppose you ever listen to real music,” Yuri said snidely.
Romeo called him a word he’d never heard before (and one he suspected Romeo’s mother would slap out of his mouth). “Take that back.”
“I will not. It is just as Mozart says in the film: ‘the only sound Italians understand is banality. Show them one interesting modulation and they faint.’” He didn’t have to see Romeo’s face to know what sort of fury he was igniting. “The Germans are unmatched in their creation of the world’s finest composers. Strauss, Bach, Handel - Beethoven, for god’s sake! Mendelssohn! Wagner!” Yuri had a particular fondness for Wagner. “I could go on for days.”
“And I thought you were here to cheer me up,” Romeo said with disgust. “I don’t need to be insulted like this. Besides, if Germans are such renowned musicians, why is Italian the language of music, hm? All the terminology, the notation?”
Yuri had to bite back a laugh that bordered on maniacal. “So they could take notes on how it should be done.”
It earned him another verbal slap, but it was worth it. Short was the list of people who could get away with taunting Romeo in such a way.
They emerged from the corridor and into the crimson shadows of the auction hall. Yuri could only make out a few faint movements in each of the tall, golden cages, but he could hear the mumbles and groans of the casino’s latest merchandise within them, and it brought out his most sinister smile. He watched Romeo set the briefcase on a table and reverentially open it again.
“Well, well, where to start, where to start…” He swept one finger back and forth across the row of vials as if expecting one to jump to his hand magnetically. He finally selected the one in the center.
“Excellent choice.” Yuri adjusted his gloves and grinned.
Romeo uncapped the vial and poured the contents into his palm. Having honed his abilities over the years, it was nothing for him to control his stigma with a delicate hand, the way a conductor would lead an orchestra through a soft, intricate passage, with mindful restraint and a gradually warming pull through the opening crescendo. He inhaled, then lifted his hand and blew the powder away with a kiss.
The powder thinned into silken smoke that spilled over the cage before him. When he heard the first subject fall with a clang, a little shiver of excitement teased his heart. The others followed immediately and rattled the cage from the impact. Romeo thought he might faint for completely different reasons.
“Incredible,” he whispered as the smoke dissipated to reveal the collapsed bodies. “And without an obvious trace, I assume,” he added over his shoulder without looking away from his work.
“Naturally,” Yuri said with a roll of his eyes. “This is hardly amateur hour.”
Romeo took the liberty of crushing the nearest subject’s fingers beneath his heel as he made for the adjacent cage.
“If I may suggest a prescription,” Yuri said with a sneer as he offered up a second vial.
“As my father would say, ‘You make-a terrible sentences.’” Romeo took the glass tube and uncapped it. The powder within shifted like crushed rubies. He glanced over at Yuri with elation glittering in his eyes and saw his friend pulling on a face mask.
“Best aim carefully with that one.”
O, be still his trembling heart. Romeo could hardly stand it.
He tipped a small amount of the substance into his hand and blew a breath over it. Rather than soft smoke, it shattered into a trillion shards of light that settled like a delicate veil over the test subjects. Just as their voices began to swell in a chorus of pain, Romeo, their brilliant conductor, charged them to sing instead with the blood bubbling up from their vacant mouths like so many fountains.
The choir died as a collective, strangled song.
Romeo felt the shiver again, reverberating through his ribcage with thunderous applause. He could hardly hear his own awestruck voice over the roaring admiration ringing in his ears.
“Che bello.”
Yuri gave a dark laugh. “I’m pleased to hear it.” He removed his mask and offered Romeo the third vial, which contained a thick, clear liquid that moved like warm syrup. “Now, let us say, for the sake of argument, that one of your lieutenants has, unfortunately, killed an informant from whom you had yet to extract information.” Yuri often spoke as if he were a tenured professor at the center of a lecture hall, complete with pacing back and forth. Romeo folded his hands in front of himself like an attentive student. “Or let us say, for instance, that you come upon the scene of a massacre and have no one left alive to interrogate.”
Romeo nodded along obediently.
“This one is of particular value in such a scenario,” Yuri said with a devious arch to his eyebrow and a wicked smile, neither of which he could contain for long enough to pass as a respectable man. “It can be applied using any of the standard methods. Go on.”
Romeo inspected the substance. Liquids were far more difficult to control via his particular stigma, given that few explosives existed in such a state. Solids were easy; powders, convenient; vapors, manageable. But liquids just had minds of their own.
Still, he couldn’t exactly let Yuri show him up on his own stage.
He spread a small amount on the nearest subject’s forehead, channeling the thinnest slice of his power, a mere grace note leading into the intended tone. It suddenly sparked beneath his fingertips and burned quickly into the subject’s skin with an ugly char. He leaned away in disgust, more at himself for failing than at the sight and sound of seared flesh. Heaven knew he’d done worse.
The subject opened its eyes and tried to scream, but the blood coating its throat merely gurgled along.
It was over in moments, and it dropped dead again.
“I suppose I need more practice,” he said with the ghost of a frown.
Yuri tapped his chin in thought - a habit of which Romeo had tried to break him many times. “I suppose it makes sense,” he said contemplatively. “If the subject’s injuries are such that they would be prevented from speaking, they would not be able to respond to questioning.” Romeo noticed belatedly that he was holding a familiar recording device in one hand. “Consult texts in aisle eight, section twelve, rows…five and six, I believe. Need to reformulate to lessen the chance of unexpected combustion.”
Well, at least that made Romeo feel a little better. “Did you steal that from Shinjo?”
Yuri’s mouth curled. “Borrowed, thank you. Mine took an unanticipated leap into the hydrostatic weighing tank.”
“Ah.” Romeo slipped his phone out of his pocket. He swiped away all of the notifications and opened Spotify, then navigated to his usual playlist and hit play.
Yuri shook his head as the opening bars of ‘That’s Amore’ rose in volume around them, courtesy of Romeo’s very expensive sound system and led by his signature serenading tone. “Always have to show off that famous Lucci family singing voice, don’t you?”
There was an audible tinkling sound as Romeo brought his rifle out to play. “Why not?” he asked as he loaded the last of Yuri’s prototype vials into the modified chamber. “It’s not like I’m going to inherit anything else from this fucking family.” He racked the round and briefly closed his eyes to let the song wash over him to clear his head of everything else. The fizz of sweet prosecco and the bitter citrus of aperol lingered on his musical tongue and reminded him of home.
Perhaps he had drunk too much wine. He bent back, aimed high, and shot the light fixture at the center of the ceiling. It exploded and plunged the room into darkness, but the flash powder burst into glimmering stars that rained down in a slow shower like his favorite kind of fireworks, the one that spread glittering strands in all directions and fell in the shape of a weeping willow. Or a chandelier.
As the screams of the remaining test subjects withered into cries and moans beneath the swell of the music, Romeo watched the stars he had wrought into existence shimmer and finally fade into the black.
“I always hated that thing,” Yuri concurred with a nod.
“I need a chandelier. A real chandelier.” Romeo ejected the empty vial from the gun and flicked it back onto its keychain, which he twirled thoughtfully around one finger. “I would invite you along on the trip to Venice if you would not be insufferable about it.”
Yuri scoffed. “I resent the implication,” he said indignantly over crossed arms. “I would behave in a perfectly reasonable manner on the way to Lauscha.”
“And what makes you think I would accept anything less than the finest quality?” Romeo let a bit of the flash powder residue flare to life in his hand so they could find their way to the exit. It flickered in his gemstone eyes.
“Documented reliability,” Yuri said with a smirk and a wave of his borrowed voice recorder. “You consistently choose your arrogant, misplaced pride over objectively better options.”
“You are not my psychiatrist, Yuri.”
Yuri snorted. “Of course not. Such a profession would drive me mad.”
Romeo wondered, sometimes, about whether he should make a foray into another area of his expertise instead of committing his life to the ailing family business. Music, perhaps. He could quite easily imagine himself conducting a one-hundred-piece symphony orchestra at the center of a concert hall. One he would have designed and constructed in order to best showcase his prowess.
Beneath a distinctly Venetian chandelier.
“Very well,” Romeo conceded to his wistful imaginings. “You may serve your German gingerbread as concessions at my concert hall in Rome.”
“What the hell are you talking about, mein Freund?”
Romeo chuckled. “Nothing,” he said. “Just the musings of a genius.”
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bloodyshadow1 · 3 months
while I normally don't care about m/f ships, I do like a bunch. I think my favorite dynamic for m/f ships is "X is the most powerful person in the world, while Y can lead them around by their pinky and X will smile" obviously they still need to be good and cute in other ways and X doesn't actually need to be the most powerful person in their verse and Y doesn't have to be powerless.
Some examples
Clark Kent/Lois Lane Clois superman
Barry Allen/Iris West-Allen westallen the flash
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase Percabeth PJO
Raven/Beast Boy Bbrae Teen Titans
Peter Parker/ MJ Watson Spider-man
Ororo Munroe/Logan Howlet Rolo X-Men
Zidane Tribal/ Garnet "Dagger" Alexandros FF9
Sora/Kairi Sokai Kingdom Hearts
Alibaba/Morgiana Alimor Magi
Rogue/Gambit Romy X-Men
Many more
don't get me wrong, this can be done poorly, a lot of the time when X is a woman, it will be about lessening her so that she is more obedient or fits more with Y . Or Y can be abusive to X, but it's written in a supposedly romantic and X is so powerful that it's okay. That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about isn't control, or obedience, or abuse. What I'm talking about is x being comfortable with letting their walls down and letting Y feel more human (for lack of a better word). It's about Y trusting X to never hurt them even with all their strength and wanting to make them smile. It's about Y standing beside X when they unleash their power because they know X will never hurt them.
Also to be clear, this dynamic can be interesting in F/F, M/M, ships with nonbinary partners too. I personally realized that a lot of my favorite M/F ships fit this specific dynamic.
If you like dynamics like these feel free to add you own.
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goofywhovian · 5 months
Fan of Sherlock related media?
Like animals?
Well have I got the webcomic for you!
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Coming soon to Tapas, Purrlock is a webcomic series based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle.
Synopsis taken from Tapas
**Watson (Breeder given name: John) has just been adopted by a lovely lady called Mrs Hudson after being in a shelter for months on end when his owner left for war and never returned. When he arrives to his new home at 221b baker street he meets Mrs Hudson’s other cat, Sherlock.
Sherlock is the polar opposite of Watson, an outdoor cat. He’s mysterious, always leaving the flat to wander the London streets. One day Watson follows his secretive roommate out the flat, that’s where they find their first case.
Join Sherlock and Watson as they solve the issues and conflicts of animals all throught London and the UK. Discovering themselves and their friendship.
Inspired by the works of Arthur Conan Doyle
Art and Idea by GoofyWhovian
Proofread and checked by Milque and romie.**
We also have a discord server for updates, teasers and much more
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jealousgrl777 · 1 year
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all about bri <3
hiya:) i’m briseis ! and welcome to my digital diary and blog 🤍
pronunciation ; bri - say - is
- a beautiful white swan 🦢 🩰
(i’ll constantly be updating!<33)
i enjoy ; watching horror movies, baking, museums, days at the beach, scrolling on pinterest, music, playing my pink electric guitar and piano, journaling, shopping, and having sleepovers and js hanging out with my smileymileyy<3
she/her 🫶🏼
my color pallet ; cream, white, light pinks, and nudes
fav artist/bands ; taylor swift, twice, the aubrey’s, lana del rey, the beatles, etc.
fav actors ; finn wolfhard, emma watson, louis partridge, timothée chalamet, winona ryder, angelina jolie, brittany mueller, etc.
fav movies ; romy and michele’s highschool reunion, jennifer’s body, to all the boys, girl interrupted, the turning, it, the goldfinch, everything everything, clueless, black swan, etc.
fav shows ; xo kitty, gilmore girls, the glory, the summer i turned pretty, atypical, outer banks, etc.
fav quote ; “ her world was the colour of pearls : pale white and pink. and softly glowing ” - neil gaimon, cinnamon
languages ; english, spanish, french, bit of korean, and italian <33
my sports ; golf, tennis, ballet, basketball, badmitten, soccer, and during the winter i go ice skating! <3
age and bday ; 4teen + july 27
zodiac ; leo <3
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elisysd · 8 days
8. I climbed the tree to see the world when the gusts came around to blow me down
Summary : Kyle Dawson would never be more than a childhood crush to Romy Schumacher and she had made her peace with that fact a long time ago. But when a drunken night leads her waking up next to him, new and old feelings come back to the surface and what started as a mistake quickly becomes an habit. Even if she swore to herself that she would never fall again for the world champion, her heart has other plans. After all, the heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing.
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra ft Patrick Watson
White walls. White medical coats running around. White and cold floor. A bright sun outside. It was definitely not where he expected to spend his break between two races. But he promised Romy to go and visit a specialist and here he was, waiting for his turn in a medical center. When the nurse finally called him, he felt anxiety rushing through him but swallowed it down and followed her to the doctor’s office. He shook the man’s hand and sat down, looking around him and feeling like a kid lost in a crowd.
“What can I do for you, Mister Dawson?”
“I… well… I would need a little eyesight test. My vision gets blurry from time to time. It’s probably nothing, just the stress and the exhaustion but… I’m a racing driver, I need to be at two hundred percent every weekend and I just wanna make sure I’m okay.”
“Yeah sometimes. They don’t last long.”
“Black dots? Feeling like your peripheral vision lowers?”
“I don’t think so… It’s always very short, I don’t have time to analyze what is happening to me most of the time.”
“Okay. We are going to run some tests.”
He did exactly what the doctor told him to do, seriously and without complaining once. It lasted a few more minutes before he was sent back to the waiting room before the results. He didn’t know how to feel or what it was going to be, he just hoped it was nothing bad. If he had to wear glasses he didn’t mind it as long as he could wear contacts. His mind was running full speed and he felt his throat dryer than usual. To occupy himself, he took his phone out and scrolled down through his text messages. Not a lot of people knew about his appointment. Only Ethan, Ludwig and Romy. His best friends only knew the basics. He was doing some check ups to make sure everything was alright. He had not really told them about what was going on. Romy, on the other hand, knew a bit more, she had been there when he made the call to schedule an appointment. Maybe she would like to know how it was going. And he could use talking to someone. Ethan had too much on his plate to be bothered and Ludwig was probably still asleep. Never would he be up in the middle of the morning if he had the choice. Romy was home to Switzerland, resting with her family. He wasn’t sure he wanted to bother her. He didn’t want to be a burden to her as well. They were close, something had shifted since she had confided in him about her past and since she had seen him this down.
I’m at the doctor. I’m scared as hell.
He deleted it. Rewrote it a second time.
I’m at the doctor. Wish you could be there.
Too much.
I’m at the doctor.
Too forward.
Stupid thing to send.
He sighed and locked his phone. He didn’t know what to say without being awkward. And making a fool of himself was not on his to do list today. When finally the nurse came back and told him his results were ready, he felt another rush of anxiety going through him. He walked the same path as he had walked earlier and sat on the same plastic chair as previously.
“So mister Dawson… your results came back,” the doctor started.
“They are good, right?”
“That’s the thing. We are not sure. We need to run complementary tests before giving you any diagnosis.”
“What are you thinking about?” Kyle asked carefully.
“We don’t know right now. That’s why I wrote this letter to give to the hospital. You can see my secretary at the reception so she can book the appointment.”
Coming out of there, he felt like he was floating and not in a good way. He was walking automatically, like in a second world. He thought it would only be a routine appointment, that it would be over in no time and instead of that, he had to go to the hospital to run more tests. It couldn’t be a good sign.
He came back to his apartment and never the silence had bothered him this much. Usually, it was his safe place, but not today. It was too big, too bright, too empty, too silent. Too much and not enough at the same time. All the anxiety came rushing through him as he finally broke down. He was not one to cry. Not that he was ashamed or he thought that men shouldn’t cry, far from it. Over the years he had just learned to compartmentalize his emotions so he would never be overwhelmed, but today, it was all too much for him. So he called the only person that could find the words to make him feel better and who deserved to know the truth.
“Kyle? It’s unusual for you to call when you’re on a break. Missing the training?”
“I don’t feel good, Ledger. I need someone to talk to.”
Hearing how serious he sounded, his physiotherapist knew it was not going to be an easy conversation.
“You know you can tell me everything.”
And he did. He explained everything up until his medical appointment and the complementary tests that had to be run.
“I’m scared, Ledger. For the very first time in my career, I’m fucking scared. What if they find something and it handicaps my racing? What if they tell me I can’t race anymore?”
“You’re getting ahead of yourself, Kyle. Maybe it’s just to be cautious and a preventive measure. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything. Are you alone?”
“Try to relax. Do some breathing exercises. Call your friends. Just don’t focus on that. When are you going to the hospital?”
“Don’t overthink it. Please.”
Kyle gulped and thanked Ledger. He was already feeling a little better.
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It was dark outside. The only source of light coming from the stars high in the sky. Lying alone in her bed, Romy thought about the last few weeks and how much of a rollercoaster of emotions they had been. So many things had happened in the span of a few weeks that her mind was having a hard time processing everything. The biggest thing being, Julia and Ethan. She had not seen it coming. It was so sudden and unexpected that she even had her doubts about the genuineness of their relationship. She thought about her first podium of the season, how it had been even better with Kyle right next to her. Truly, the season was starting well. Audi was competitive and she was sure that with the nice upgrades and strategies she could earn her very first win. She was proud of the work accomplished during the winter. And she was also proud of Samuel, her teammate. He was doing a great job on and off the tracks, providing valuable feedback to the team but still, she wasn’t sure he was fitting totally in the team spirit. But it was only the beginning of the season, he had time to find his own place inside the team.
Her mind drifted to Kyle and the weird arrangement they had fallen into. Even if she wasn’t always leaving before the sun would rise, she was still doing it when she was feeling too much. Sometimes, looking at him when he was asleep made her heart want to jump out of her chest. She was overwhelmed with so many emotions that she felt like fleeing was sometimes her only option. But she was trying to not always do it. She enjoyed waking up next to him. More than what she wanted to. She enjoyed feeling his arm on her bare stomach and his breath down her neck. She was feeling safe there. And even if she was trying her best to not feel it, her teenage crush on him was coming back. And when the feeling was too intense, it was easier for her to act like a bitch even if she could see that it pained him. She could read it in his eyes.
But she was also remembering the pain she felt when he moved on with his life, when she saw him with his girlfriend and how she had felt her heart drop and shatter inside her chest. Despite knowing that it could happen, she had naively thought, at the time, that it wouldn’t change anything.  After all, they had grown up racing against each other, he had always acted like a protective brother with her and she thought it would never change. She had thought that he would remain the only constant of her life, the only person who would never push her aside. Especially after what she had been through, she had believed that he would be the only reliable and trusted person in her inner circle. The feeling of being a burden,  the rejection she had felt, never could she have been prepared for that. It had crushed her. Absolutely destroyed her inside. She was disposable, unimportant and now that they were close again, she was scared it would happen again. A part of her was already ready for the moment he would tell her he met someone. A gorgeous and smart and ambitious woman. Someone perfect. Someone like him. Someone she was not and never would be. He would leave her again. It was like this. She didn’t want to grow attached and yet here she was, already crying for a boy who had not broken her heart yet.
The next few days, she tried to keep her mind busy from Kyle. He had not texted her, and she had done the same. Her routine was helping her. She was proud to say that she was a pro at avoiding thinking about things that could hurt her and right now, thinking about her feelings for Kyle was hurtful. He was one of the rare people, if only the only one she had let herself be vulnerable around. She was only allowing herself to be around her family and on very rare occasions, Julia. But no one besides her family knew about the threats she had received and yet, telling Kyle was easy, natural. She had not meant to break down in his arms and a part of her was feeling guilty to have let him witness that but it had felt good. He had not questioned her, had not said anything, he simply had been there. It meant a lot. More than what she was willing to let herself want. She didn’t want to see signs where there might not be. She didn’t want to fall.
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He received the call from his doctor a week before he had to leave for Singapore. He had spent his days working out and preparing on his simulator to avoid thinking about his medical exams. He had not called anyone, not even his parents or friends, always saying that he was busy which had earned him a few jokes from Ludwig and Ethan. He didn’t even tell Romy about his appointments. Didn’t even speak to her or text her, scared she would see right through him. 
And coming back between those white walls, seeing the serious look on his doctor’s face, he suddenly regretted having kept everything to himself. He expected the worst. 
“Tell me doctor, rip the bandaid off.”
“There is no easy way to say it. You have a rare version of age-related macular degeneration or AMD. It’s not supposed to affect people as young as you but it can happen. I will be honest with you, Kyle, the chances of it going to get better are slim, if not non-existent. It will only get worse. There is a new expensive and experimental treatment based on injections that we can try. It won’t heal it, it will only delay the symptoms.”
“No. I don’t want to risk it. So, I’ll lose my sight, that’s what you’re saying, right?”
“It’s a risk. Some people end up blind, not everyone though. It’s a complicated illness that we will need to monitor closely.”
“And about my career? What does it mean?”
“You won’t lose your sight tomorrow, as I said, it’s degenerative. It will happen progressively so, for now, I think that it’s still safe. As long as you have regular tests. I’ll advise you to rest your eyes as much as you can, I'm going to prescribe glasses and sunglasses. It will help ease the symptoms. I’m sorry, I wish I had something better and more hopeful to announce to you.” 
Kyle nodded, not knowing what more he could say. It was a mess. A cruel joke. Why? Why him? He had always been careful with his health. Racing was all his life, all that mattered. And to think that it could stop? That it would stop, sooner than what he expected and because he didn’t have the choice? It was like an uppercut in the guts. His whole world was tumbling down, crashing and shattering around him, and he was alone. Completely alone.
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Author's note: Those of you who already read Gold Rush knew that it was going to happen. And no matter what, it is still very painful to write. My poor baby Kyle doesn't deserve that. 🥺
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Taglist: @smoooothoperator-admin
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wqbytop100 · 5 months
Top 150 for the week ending April 21, 2024
Weight Of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -2 [1] -10w-
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -1 [1] -13w-
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury feat/Charlieonafriday -7 [3] -17w-
Sleep Tonight (This Is The Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -8 [4] -6w-
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -6 [5] -12w-
Make Me Your Mrs. --Mae Stephens -3 [3] -7w-
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -4 [4] -12w-
Before You Go --Seeb -9 [8] -7w-
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -10 [9] -6w-
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -15 [10] -4w-
Monster --A7S, ALOK -5 [4] -7w-
Low Again --Bakermat -14 [14] -10w-
Kissing Strangers -USHER -12 [12] -11w-
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -11 [1] -9w-
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -16 [15] -12w-
Lonely Dancers --Conan Gray -13 [13] -10w-
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -23 [17] -6w-
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -24 [18] -6w-
Slide Out --Life on Planets -17 [8] -10w-
Beat of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT feat/Ekko -25 [20] -6w-
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -65 [21] -2w-
She's on My Mind --Romy -19 [1]
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -18 [9] -9w-
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -22 [1]
Hell Together --David Archuleta -34 [25]
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -36 [26]
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -29 [27]
Houdini --Dua Lipa -21 [2]
Dirty Desire -Vicetone -20 [5]
Anyone --Margan Page -28 [2]
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -35 [31 -2w-
Electricity --FAST BOY, R3HAB -37 [32]
Weak --Vintage Culture, Maverick Sabre, Tom Breu -26 [1]
Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -39 [34]
Monster --Don Diablo, Felix Jaehn -40 [35] -2w-
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -41 [36] -2w-
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -42 [37] -10w-
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -66 [38] -8w-
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M. Mougleta -43 [39]
Triumph ---Bishop Briggs -45 [40]
Give Me --Will Clark, BURNS -27 [12] -10w-
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -30 [1]
Shipwreck --Mount Kimble -89 [43] -2w-
Mas Que Nada --Oliver Heldens, Ian Asher, Sergio Mendez -47 -2w- [44]
Murder on the Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis Bextor -44 [44]
Don't You Cry ---Sunday Scaries, Discrete -80 [46]
***Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -(new) [47]
Everybody Knows I'm High --SHAED -48 [48]
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -49 [47]
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -51 [50]
Fire --Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I-DLE -50 [26]
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -88 [52]
***Same Drunk --Walker Hayes -(new) [53]
Lie To Me --Jubel, KIDDO -46 [46]
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada, Tribbs, Stephen Puth -52 [7]
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -31 [1]
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Bublé -53 [7]
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -32 [17]
Graveyard --A R I Z O N A (Shoffy Remix) -38 [5]
Texas Hold 'Em - Beyonce -33 [17] -8w-
Kill Anyone --Two Feet, Ari Abdul -57 [11]
It's Love (If We Get It Right) --Anthony Russo -54 [3]
Some Kind Of Static --Neil Francis, Alan Braxe -113 [63] -8w-
I Got Time --Brittney Spencer -63 [49]
Underwater --Dubvision, Afrojack -71 [60] -8w-
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix) -68 [65] -7w-
You Know It --Gorgon City -75 [61] -7w-
Me Before You --Bleachers -119 [88] -8w-
Yes, And? --Ariana Grande -56 [19]
Fantasy --Cosmo's Midnight feat/Frank Moody -128 [70] -9w-
Can't Stop Us --Regard -72 [70]
Bad Blood --Theresa Rex -55 [20]
Count Me Out --Vicetone, Emily Falvey -73 [71]
In Your Arms --Jes Bays, Jem Cooke -74 [62] -7w-
Kettle's Up --Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botan -76 [73] -6w-
Soultrain --Triplism, Nandu, Radeckt -77 [68] -6w-
Out Loud --Cage the Elephant -81 [77] -6w-
Lose Control --Teddy Swims -83 [78]
Karma --JoJo Siwa -90 [79]
Addicted --Zerb, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -85 [78]
All Fckd Up --Kapuzen -59 [9]
One On One --The Knocks, Sofi Tukker -58 [1]
Both --Tiesto, 21 Savage, BIA -60 [4]
Flex --Tony Dark Eyes -61 [20]
Feels Like Us --GT_OFICE, ALWZ SNNY, Robbie Rosen -62 [6]
Me Voy Acostumbrando --Enrique Iglesias -87 [86]
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufzzer -86 [86]
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -107 [94] -6w-
Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali-Koa -108 [95] -6w-
Love Me --INNA -109 [96] -6w-
Come With Me --Claptone -106 [87] -6w-
Everything You Do --AFROKI, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Aviella -114 [91] -6w-
ADHD --Mae Stephens -84 [54]
Beautiful Things --Benson Boone -64 [63] -8w-
Rusty --Layto -67 [50]
Raccoons --Caravan Palace -69 [51] -7w-
Progressive Heart --Pat Premier (Dave Aude Remix) -70 [59] -7w-
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -78 [2]
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -79 [6]
Dizzy --Sick Individuals, LOUI LANE -82 [48]
***Business As Usual --Eliza Rose, MJ Cole (Night Shift Mix) -(new)
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -141 [102]
20 Something --Jessica Baio -91 [91]
Lil Freak --bbno$ -145 [104]
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -103 [86] -6w-
***The Weekend --Anti-Up -(new)
***Good As It Gets --Blanco Brown -(new)
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -144 [108]
Cutting Through the Country --Medium Build -102 [89] -6w-
Dreams --Ali Farben, Maurice Lessing, Emma Wells -120 [92] -8w
***MIne --Michael Gerow -(new)
Sweet Love --Myles Smith -142 [112]
***Keep Your Head Up --We Are Messengers -(new)
***I Hate You In The Morning --Otha -(new)
Human Nature --Yot Club -143 [115]
Kiss Me Better --Julie Bergan -122 [116] -6w-
Say It Right --Dubdogs, Farfetch'd -112 [65] -9w-
***In The Cards --Jamie Miller -(new)
She --Karin Ann (Benny Benassi Remix) -111 [94] -7w-
Fire In My Soul --Yulia Niko, Carn Crua -118 [118]
Need Your Love --Ikay Sencan, KALUMA, Adam Woods -125 [121] -6w-
Good For You --Dimitri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -123 [61]
Without Your Love --Deorro, TELYKAST, Catello -129 [123] -6w-
Can i Have This Groove --Kenyon Dixon -126 [121]
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -131 [125]
Higher Ground --Purple Disco Machine, Roosevelt -132 [126]
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -133 [127]
Next Years Light ---Elliot Moss -92 [24]
Good In Goodbye --Frank Walker, Trivecta -93 [10]
Life Goes On --HU -96 [85] -6w-
Premeditated --FETISH -97 [81] -6w-
Broken By You --Alexander Stewart -95 [82]
No Reason --The Chemical Brothers Chris Lake Remix) -94 [31]
More Baby --Chris Lake, Aluna -100 [5]
Never Be Lonely --Jax Jones, Zoe Wees -130 [84] -10w-
Mirrors --Caravan Palace -124 [73]
Space --Shance Codd -110 [82]
Gravity --Matt Hansen -116 [111]
Lift Off --Dombresky -101 [13]
How Do I Say Goodbye --Adventure Club, Delaney Jane -104 [58]
You --Svidden, Seeb -98 [2]
U Miss Me --Vicetone -99 [1]
Sorry Ain't Enough --Michael Gerow -115 [52]
I Still Believe --Lecrae, forKing & Country -117 [112]
Body Moving --Eliza Rose X Calvin Harris -121 [43]
The Pussy Song --Ken the Man --135 [95]
Powerful Women --Pitbull, Dolly Parton -136 [15] -9w-
Purple Irises --Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton -137 [28]
Shine Love In --Jai Piccone, 1tbsp -146 [146]
Might Just --Walker & Royce, James Patterson -140 [93]
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #024
Art by John Romita Jr., Scott Hanna and Marcio Menyz
Written by Zeb Wells
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ramtracking · 5 months
IPL 2024: Sanju Samson celebrates 10 years with Royals; players laud skipper, say 'That’s the best captain' | Mint [ Rajasthan Royals ]
IPL 2024: Sanju Samson celebrates 10 years with Royals; players laud skipper, say ‘That’s the best captain’ | Mint [Highlights] Team manager Romi Bhinder said that the pink colour started taking over Samson just like Rahul Dravid, Shane Watson and Shane Warne. Ahead of the Indian Premier League (IPL) clash against the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR), Rajashthan Royals players Yuzvendra Chahal and…
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editorialistcom · 11 months
Buy sparkly Jimmy Choo shoes from the Editorialist
If you are looking for a pair of shoes that can make you shine and feel fabulous this season, you might want to check out the glitter Jimmy Choo shoes. These shoes are a product of Jimmy Choo, a luxury fashion brand that creates glamorous and elegant footwear for women.
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The glitter Jimmy Choo shoes are made of leather and glitter fabric and feature various styles, such as pumps, sandals, flats, and sneakers. The shoes come in different colors, such as silver, gold, pink, and multicolor. The shoes are also available in different sizes, shapes, and heel heights.
The glitter Jimmy Choo shoes are designed to be stylish and comfortable, giving you a dazzling and chic look. The shoes are also versatile and easy to match, as you can pair them with jeans, dresses, skirts, or pants. You can wear them as a statement piece or mix and match them with other accessories.
The glitter Jimmy Choo shoes are available at Editorialist, an online platform that curates the best luxury fashion and beauty products from around the world. You can buy the shoes at various prices and discounts, depending on the model and the store.
Some of the glitter Jimmy Choo shoes that you can find at Editorialist are:
The Agnes coarse glitter fabric pointed-toe pumps in goldie, which feature a low cut silhouette, a slim heel, and a signature pointed-toe design. These pumps are playful yet practical, and can be worn for after-dark events or everyday occasions.
The Azia leather sandals in champagne, which feature a square toe, a lace-up front, a logo patch, and a chunky sole. These sandals are sharp and distinct, and can be worn for casual or formal events.
The Romy pointed-toe pumps in platinum ice dusty glitter, which feature a classic shape, a sleek heel, and a fine glitter finish. These pumps are timeless and elegant, and can be worn for any occasion.
The Watson glitter ballerina shoes, which feature a round toe, a branded leather insole, and a metallic effect. These flats are cute and comfortable, and can be worn for work or leisure.
Glitter Jimmy Choo shoes are a sparkling and sophisticated choice for any occasion. They can provide you with glamour and confidence. Whether you are going for a casual or glamorous look, these shoes can help you achieve it. Don't miss this opportunity to get these amazing shoes at Editorialist.
View more: https://editorialist.com/p/love-100-metallic-silver-glitter-fabric-pumps-with-ivory-tulle-overlay-multicolor/
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fanfictionalrogue · 5 years
Hot Bayou Nights by Mercedes Watson
Title: Hot Bayou Nights
Author: Mercedes Watson
Fanfiction Author ID: 280412
Summary: The team is temporarily disbanded and Rogue and Remy have gone in separate ways. However fate draws them back together when Rogue shows up in New Orleans, powerless.
Rate: M
Fanfiction ID: 3033685
Universe: X-Men, 616
Characters: Remy Lebeau/Gambit, Anna Marie/Rogue
Genre: Romance 
Status: Complete.
Published: Between Jul 8, 2006 and Oct 19, 2007
Word Count:  24,276 in 6 chapters.
Content/Author Notes: None
I recommend this because it show a resourceful Gambit when Rogue satisfaction is concerned.
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MET Gala List Part Two
I made a part two. 😊 Also, the gala is TODAY!
(Remember, this is just a list of celebrities I would invite if I was in charge of it.)
201. Sara Paulson 202. Julia Roberts 203. Brandon Maxwell 204. Pierpaolo Piccioli (designer for Valentino) 205. Yara Shahidi 206. Gemma Chan 207. Laverne Cox 208. Lucy Boynton 209. Naomi Campbell 210. Penelope Cruz 211. Salma Hayek 212. Gwyneth Paltrow 213. Rami Malek 214. Sienna Miller 215. Aurora James 216. Carey Mulligan 217. Charli XCX 218. Alexa Chung 219. Stella Maxwell 220. Sofía Sánchez Barrenechea 221. Dapper Dan 222. Aquaria 223. Normani 224. Camila Coelho 225. Deepika Padukone 226. Tommy Hilfiger 227. Violet Chachki 228. Nasiba Adilova 229. Shailene Woodley 230. Ansel Elgort 231. Joe Jonas 232. Megan Fox 233. Laura Haddock 234. Orlando Bloom 235. Willow Smith 236. Jason Sudeikis 237. Ewan McGregor 238. Coco Rocha 239. Ralph Lauren 240. BTS - Jungkook, V, Park Ji-min, Jin, Suga, RM, J-Hope 241. Blackpink - Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo 242. Doja Cat 243. Sam Claflin 244. Kiera Knightley    245. Alexina Graham 246. Rachel Zegler 247. Sophia Lillis 248. Sam Smith 249. Mimi Cuttrell 250. Aubrey Plaza 251. Adam Driver 252. Kate McKinnon 253. Aidy Bryant 254. Thomasin McKenzie 255. Maddie Ziegler 256. Kristen Bell 257. Idina Menzel 258. Michelle Dockery 259. Chris Evans 260. Peter Dinklage 261. Luke Evans 262. Liam Hemsworth 263. Robert Pattinson 264. Christian Louboutin 265. Stuart Weitzman 266. Nicola Glass (designer for Kate Spade) 267. Michael Kors 268. Manolo Blahnik 269. Alberta Ferretti 270. Kim Jones (designer for Fendi) 271. Viktor Horsting 272. Rolf Snoeren 273. Richard Madden 274. Giorgio Armani 275. Isabel Marant 276. Nicky Zimmermann 277. Simone Zimmermann 278. Gimmo Etro 279. Austin Butler 280. Abigail Breslin 281. Lana Del Rey 282. Natalia Dyer 283. Molly Ringwald 284. Adele 285. Giambattista Valli 286. Tamara Ralph 287. Michael Russo 288. Isla Fisher 289. Anastasia Soare (founder of Anastasia Beverly Hills) 290. Charlotte Tilbury 291. Allan Avendaño 292. Danielle Priano 293. Pier Gelardi (founder of Refinery29) 294. Philippe von Borries (founder of Refinery29) 295. Christene Barberich (founder of Refinery29) 296. Justin Stefano (founder of Refinery29) 297. Sara Moonves (editor-in-chief for W Magazine) 298. Arnaud de Contades (CEO of Marie Claire Magazine) 299. Anne Fullenwider (editor-in-chief of Marie Claire Magazine)  300. Lauren Conrad 301. Miles Socha (editor-in-chief of Women’s Wear Daily) 302. Jay Penske (CEO of Women’s Wear Daily) 303. Jessica Pels (editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan Magazine) 304. Rob Zangardi 305. Mariel Haenn 306. Michael Fassbender 307. Elliot Page 308. Betsey Johnson 309. Jonathan Groff 310. Anna Faris 311. Meryl Streep 312. Brie Larson 313. Renée Elise Goldsberry 314. Jasmine Cephas Jones 315. Cindy Crawford 316. Nicholas Hoult 317. Zac Posen 318. Taraji P. Henson 319. Joan Smalls 320. Samira Nasr (editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine) 321. Lily James 322. Thandiwe Newton 323. Ciara Bravo 324. Mary Elizabeth Winstead 325. Phoebe Dynevor 326. Allison Janney 327. Daniel Levy 328. Claire Foy 329. Lisa Eldridge 330. Kale Teter 331. LaQuan Smith 332. Lacy Redway 333. Alexandra DiRoma 334. Alex White (fashion director for Elle Magazine U.S.) 335. Carine Roitfeld (founder and editor-in-chief of CR Fashion Book) 336. Carine Backoff 337. Zoey Grossman 338. Tyler Shields 339. Greg Williams 340. Cass Blackbird 341. Timothée Chalamet 342. Virgil Abloh 343. Owen Gould 344. Tobi Henney 345. Marc Eram 346. Charlotte Prevel 347. Romy Soleimani 348. Rebecca Minkoff 349. Joseph Altuzarra 350. Gabriela Heart (designer for Chloé) 351. Hedi Slimane (designer for Céline) 352. Phoebe Philo (designer for Céline) 353. Jonathan Anderson (designer for Loewe) 354. Saweetie 355. Kelsey Deenihan Fisher 356. Lorde 357. Demna Gvasalia (designer for Balenciaga)
For this list, I include some makeup artists, fashion photographers, hairstylists, editor-in-chief for magazines, and the CEO of magazines. I still don’t understand the point of inviting athletes, so I left them off.
Now, here is who I would NOT invite...
59. Machine Gun Kelly 60. 21 Savage 61. French Montana 62. Chris Pratt 63. Bella Thorne 64. Scarlett Johansson 65. Jennifer Lawrence 66. Emma Watson 67. Vanessa Hudgens 68. Sacha Baron Cohen 69. Dylan Sprouse 70. Barbara Palvin  71. Ashton Kutcher 72. Sarah Jessica Parker 73. Zayn Malik 74. Olivia Jade 75. Channing Tatum 76. Paris Hilton 77. Nicky Hilton
♡ September 3, 2021 September 13, 2021 ♡
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perfectdisastcr · 4 years
💗 i would like a list of all 3 million potential pairings please 🙈
my god, i would love to take the time out of my day to give that to you, and just know that we can ship literally anybody and everybody because that’s all we ever do in the first place and you know how much i love doing that with you too. my favorite writing partner everybody, bre is hands down the best partner in the whole world, and i’m lucky enough to be able to have her at all. she’s mine and i’m never going to let her go because i love her so much! she’s literally the best thing to ever happen to me and i know i wouldn’t be here through the shitty times and all without her! everybody better go follow her right now and send her all the love i swear to god, because she’s the only person on this hell site that shows me the attention that i deserve! also that list of potential pairings is below the cut, and don’t say i didn’t warn you. 👀
send 💗 if you’re open to the possibility of a romantic ship eventually happening between our muses
all these characters are up for shipping with all your characters:
alex gardiner (paul rudd) alexander hamilton (lin-manuel miranda) alex mullner (brant daughterty) alice liddell (madelyn cline) alisha khara (jameela jamil) annie abel (luna blaise/anya chalotra) antonia moreno (victoria justice) apollonia levine (anastasia karanikolaou) arthur pendragon (niall horan) ashley spinelli (ursula corbero) aspen rhodes (sofia black-d'elia) astrid porter (karlie kloss) audrey ramirez (selena gomez) august khalil (rami malek) axel turner (charlie weber/skeet ulrich) aziz hassan (riz ahmed) bailee rose (jenny boyd) bambi prince (lachlan watson) barbie roberts (kate upton) barley lightfoot (michael clifford) beatriz velasco (camila cabello/diane guerrero)  beau hester (froy gutierrez) beck collins (joe keery) bellatrix lestrange (carmela zumbado) belle dubois (margaret qualley) belle summers (candice king) berliouz bonfamille (alex fitzalan) bernard davenport (gavin leatherwood) billie groves (kiana lede/emmy raver-lampman) billy hargrove (dacre montgomery) bindi culver (meg donnelly/rachel mcadams) bo-peep ‘bo’ patterson (amanda seyfried) brady gardiner (nathaniel buzolic) brielle stewart (alexandra daddario) bronwyn pierson (madelaine petsch) buzz lightyear (paul mescal/chris pine) calliope jung (phillipa soo) camille aguilar (jeanine mason) carl fredricksen (tye sheridan) celeste quintana (rosalia/maite perroni) chandler armstrong (iwan rheon) cinderella tremaine (lily james) clementine ahn (jamie chung) cliff egan (stephen amell) colleen lowell (jodie comer) connor catrell (thomas doherty) copper slade (nick jonas) cordelia goodwin (ryan destiny/candice patton) coriander thompson (dacre montgomery/chris evans) cornelius robinson (simon baker) cruella de vil (melanie martinez) cyrus quinney (owen joyner) daisy vaughn (isabella gomez/aimee carrero) dakota atkins (amber midthunder) dale monks (keiynan lonsdale) dalton davis (harris dickinson) daniela ‘dani’ costello (becky g/eva longoria) dash parr (jaden smith) delilah diaz (camila cabello/diane guerrero) delphine washington (antonia thomas) delta montgomery (manu gavassi) denver koch (thomas elms) devon montgomery (iain de caestecker) diego hargreeves (david castaneda) dorcas meadowes (ariela barer) dory blau (julia louise-dreyfus) duke blaise (ashley graham & matthew daddario — reincarnated)  duncan traeger (zac efron) edmund whittaker (richard madden) edwin orwell (nicholas galitzine) elena flores (jenna ortega) eleonora moretti (benedetta gargari) eleven (millie bobby brown) elio montgomery (noah schnapp/brendon urie) elisabeth ‘elsa’ andersson (candice king) elliott murdoch (kj apa) eloise thompson (taylor hill/zoey deutch) elwood leith (sam claflin) emerson wheaton (beau mirchoff) emily sondheim (eve fraser) emmy silverstein (nat wolff/michiel huisman) ericka ‘ricki’ santos (danna paola) esmeralda guybertaut (priyanka chopra) everest sorenson (adam driver) ezekiel ‘zeke’ bauer (neels visser) fa mulan (awkwafina) felix dawson (lukas gage) ferris rockwell (joshua bassett) five hargreeves (aidan gallagher/rob raco/john mulaney) florence prata (barbie ferreira) flynn rider (jacob elordi/steven r mcqueen) frank castle (jon bernthal) gabrielle dupres (louriza tronco) genevieve rizzo (troian bellisario) gill moorish (harrison ford) godwin vivar (diego boneta) grainger anslow (justin hartley) grant wesley (keanu reeves) griffin price (liam hemsworth) guinevere ‘gwen’ flores (ester exposito/ana de armas) gulliver kennedy (robert sheehan) gunner mccoy (miles heizer) halston krogen (nick robinson) hamish duke (thomas elms) harper graves (sydney sweeney) harry potter (alberto rosende) harvey wolff (joaquin phoenix) hawke bradbury (brenton thwaites) helen parr (megan thee stallion/kerry washington) hendrix palmer (mark fischbach) henley howell (dylan everett/paul wesley) henrik nilsen (herman tommeraas/chris evans) hercules sabri (aubrey joseph) hermione granger (quintessa swindell) holden krogen (jack falahee) holly la stella (olivia holt) honey lemon (irene ferreiro) hudson reid (jaeden lieberher/paul mescal/james mcavoy) irving reid (matty healy) isobel evans (lily cowles) jacoba ‘cobi’ abernathy (geraldine viswanathan) jake bennett (joe jonas) jake breckenridge (landon liboiron) james potter (noah centineo) james ‘sully’ sullivan (hozier) jane porter (zoe sugg) jasmine agrabah (naomi scott) jessica jones (krysten ritter) jim hopper (david harbour) johanna ‘jo’ gardiner (carlson young) josefine olive (lili reinhart/maika monroe) joseph ‘joey’ carnegie (chris o'dowd) juliette russo (camila mendes) juno nicks (gideon adlon/linda cardellini) justin miller (michael b. jordan) keaton green (charlie plummer/austin butler/alexander skarsgard) keifer fry (nathan parsons) kennedy sutherland (florence pugh) khalid farid (mena massoud) kiernan jost (jack barakat) kiki penn (natalie alyn lind)  kim possible (karen gillan) kit dempsey (aaron taylor-johnson/michael sheen) kristoff bjorgman (ben hardy) kuzco inca (tommy martinez) lady alvarez (camila cabello/diane guerrero) lake montgomery (jace norman/casey deidrick/jeff goldblum) lazarus (sean teale/tom ellis) lennox wells (billie piper) leonardo ‘leo’ light (armie hammer) levi wesley (gerard butler) liam wheaton (lucas lynngaard tonnesen/dominic sherwood) lilac montgomery (sophia lillis/deborah ann woll) lila pitts (ritu arya) lilo pelekai (courtney eaton) lola carver (carla gugino) macy merritt (kylie jenner) madeline hawkins (rowan blanchard/kaylee bryant) madison bloomfield (gwyneth paltrow) maggie wheaton (virginia gardner) maria deluca (heather hemmens) mariana de la cruz (victoria justice/salma hayek) marianne darden (elizabeth olsen) marisol torres (alexa demie/salma hayek) marlene phan (brianne tju) matilda franks (brooke markham) matthew murdock (charlie cox) max tian (chloe bennet) mckenzie whitman (danielle rose russell) megara creon (ashley moore) melanie carter (brenna d'amico/zooey deschanel) melody burns-newman (camren bicondova) mercutio bellini (giancarlo commare) merida dunbroch (bree kish) michael ‘goob’ yagoobian (dylan o’brien/andrew scott) mickey hader (shawn mendes) miguel rivera (diego tinoco) mike wheeler (finn wolfhard) mildred ‘millie’ brantwood (stella maeve) milo martinez (itzan escamilla/tyler posey) milo thatch (jason ralph) minerva ‘minnie’ winslett (jenna coleman) mischa locklear (jenny slate) moana motunui (auli'i cravalho) molly wheaton (saoirse monica jackson/kristen bell/kristin chenoweth) monet bugg (annie murphy) mordecai ‘cai’ baird (joseph morgan) murray bauman (brett gelman) nadja (natasia demetriou) naomi phillips (hunter king) natalie fuller (krysten ritter) nate gardiner (tom holland/thomas hayes/joe keery/adam scott) nemo fisher (nick robinson) nick novak (jon bernthal) nick wilde (jake johnson) nina baxter (laura harrier) nolan van ness (louis hynes/benjamin wadsworth) nymphadora tonks (kennedy walsh) odessa barnes (inanna sarkis) osbourne russo (oliver jackson-cohen) otis richardson (finn jones) owen monroe (zachary levi) paloma katz (brittany o'grady) paxton gardiner (douglas booth) pearl turner (maia mitchell/aubrey plaza) penny proud (sarah jeffery) perdita ryan (alisha boe/zoe kravitz) perrie wheaton (ariela barer/jessica alba) peter pan (rudy pankow) peter pettigrew (alex lawther) phil mcdermot (leo howard/dylan o’brien) phineas flynn-fletcher (michael provost) piper donahue (millie bobby brown/katherine langford/felicity jones) pippa mei (amy okuda) pollux isola (camila mendes) portia sadler (hayden panettiere) prairie gallagher (lucy boynton) quaid ‘q’ wright (jake gylenhaal) quinton saunders (jamie dornan) rain montgomery (nick jonas) ramona montgomery-wallis (lana condor/ashley park) reed knightley (arthur darvill) reign fentworth (madison bailey/vanessa morgan) reno thames (joshua bassett) richie tozier (finn wolfhard/bill hader) river montgomery (jack griffo/tyler blackburn) robin buckley (maya hawke) roger holtz (ben platt) roger radcliffe (aaron tveit) romy reyes (carmela zumbado) ronald ‘mac’ mcdonald (rob mcelhenney) roosevelt banks (spence moore II) rowan burke (andy biersack) roxanne sutton (lady gaga) rush mccoy (cody fern) russell montgomery (ian harding/hugh jackman) russell montgomery II (jack dylan grazer/timothee chalamet/adam brody) sable rosales (catherine bascoy) saint fentworth (reece king) sally finklestein (marina ruy barbosa) salvador ‘sal’ mendoza (jorge blanco) samson gardiner (cole sprouse) sandy diamandis (christina hendricks) sawyer bell (penn badgley) seamus kennedy (aria shanghasemi/michael sheen) seb seif (zeeko zaki) selena hada (camila cabello/diane guerrero) severus snape (rob raco) shawn taggart (ben barnes) shay strauss (chris wood) shia zoheir (rami malek) shiloh young (devery jacobs) shiri madani (inbar lavi) simba king (john boyega) sloane shapiro (diana silvers/linda cardellini) sofia ramirez (camila cabello/camila mendes/morena baccarin/fluvia lacerda) stefani vidal (louriza tronco) stella romero (adria arjona) steve harrington (joe keery) stevie wagner (anne hathaway/jennifer garner) sutton reiser (katherine langford/kat dennings) tandy hawthorne (giorgia whigham) tanner cohen (ross lynch) tarrant ‘mad hatter’ hightopp (hale appleman) tarryn fischer (giorgia whigham/perry mattfeld) tatum barton (ben schwartz) teddy flood (james marsden) tex navarro (bad bunny) thad abraham (dylan sprouse/chris evans) the handler (kate walsh) thomas gardiner (felix mallard/paul rudd) tierney kennedy (maisie williams) timothy ‘tigger’ trigger (jeremy allen white) tinker bell (sabrina carpenter) tj lieberman (armie hammer) tommy burns (will poulter) topher larkin (alexander hogh andersen) trey turner (jonathan daviss) ursula celia (normani/lizzo) vaughn abel (max greenfield) veronica lodge (camila mendes) vidia viento (emma dumont) vivica lang (madison pettis/tessa thompson) wanda cowell (brenda song) warren wentz (robert pattinson) wendell langston (link neal) wilbur robinson (david mazouz) winnie knox (sophie turner/jessica chastain) wren green (alexander calvert) wynona winstead (sarah hyland/cristin milioti) xander talbot (g-eazy) york pemberton (heather baron-gracie) yusef barlas (zayn malik) zack abrams (alex fitzalan) ziggy (taron egerton) zoey matthews (olivia munn)
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