#ronan lynch hc
pillsopa · 2 months
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ronan!!! he is straight up cheesing!!!!!
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speciouspessimism · 9 months
when ronan misses declan he dreams and wakes up with hundreds of bottles of pepto-bismol.
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lizpaige · 4 months
thinking about early pynch headcanons like when adam gets valedictorian or whatever he feels weird telling ronan so ronan finds out from gansey and then they have a lil argument about it like “just cause im a dropout doesnt mean i dont care about your school shit or whatever. this is a big deal”
or like ronan anticipating the AP exams are coming and knowing that adam needs space to study, dropping off food or coffee or something and not lingering cause he knows adam has a timetable study schedule he is trying to stick to. being there in the parking lot to pick him up from the last one.
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forgetriestowrite · 23 days
I’m thinking about Ronan Lynch (per usual)
specifically, I’m thinking about Ronan Lynch being Catholic. Ronan Lynch going to church every Sunday, sitting in the pews and wondering what he is. Ronan Lynch, the gay kid in the southern small town, going to church and asking his God for help.
only he doesn’t get help for that. The Catholic Church has no answers for what the Greywaren is. But it does have an answer for his gayness. And the answer is: you’re wrong. You’re irredeemable. You are shameful.
can you imagine little Ronan going to church hoping for answers, and walking out with nothing but a deep sense of shame for something that not only can he not control, but that has nothing to do with his question? He doesn’t know what he is, but he does know there is something wrong with him.
I just want to give him a hug :(
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squash1 · 1 year
hc of the day:
adam and blue are hanging out in the library/living room/gansey’s bedroom, when, from the kitchen/bathroom they hear gansey loudly but calmly say “i shouldn’t have to tell you Why you cannot growl at people, ronan…there simply isn’t enough time in the day to deal with your shenanigans.”
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karouvas · 2 months
40 + each Gangsey member
40. Favorite book
but I found actually assigning each of them a favorite book too hard so instead I wrote up headcanons about their general tastes, maybe a couple things they would like and what I would recommend for them to read!
. Blue — well we know that she and Maura would read separate books together side by side at night and I have my headcanon based on that little mermaid line about Persephone reading fairy tales to her in their original forms. In my head I think Blue generally likes reading nonfiction about ecology and other things related to her interests, but also likes reading collections of short stories and poems (she has that poem she copied to the ceiling of her room but we never learn which one it is but based on that saying she likes poetry). I think she reads novels less because they’re less suited to her attention span (I see her as the type of person who likes reading but wouldn’t call herself *a reader* if asked because she feels she isn’t traditionally smart enough or quick enough with it and it takes a lot for her to buy into a story in a way if it’s a novel whereas with nonfiction books and articles she knows it’s about something specific that she likes such as nature or animals) than short form like stories or articles, and it’s rarer for her to find ones she really likes but like the few novels that she truly loves would be really impactful to her. Oh and the short stories and novels she is very into would be fantasy, she’d be like I’ll read total nonfiction or total fantasy anything in between is useless to me. 
 If I was giving her recommendations I’d want her to read Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie Mclemore in terms of novels but really generally her books, and The Lady of the House of Love by Angela Carter for a short story. And I’d rec her some Maya Angelou and Fatimah Asghar poems but come to think of it maybe Where The Caged Bird Sings would be her favorite book I could see it.. 
Adam — also reads a lot of nonfiction compared to fiction, but fiction he does read I think is probably either mysteries or classics. There might be an occasional thing he likes that’s ostensibly a tad too whimsical to be *Adam-like* as he would define it (since he often is drawn into those things and people despite himself) but in general realism over fantasy. I see a younger Adam, in what little time he has outside of working and managing school and his parents and all that entails, spending as much time as possible in the library since it means peace and quiet and escape and also knowledge which he is hungry for independently. I like to think he read like, Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew in terms of books for his age range but also probably some like adult psychological thrillers. 
Obviously if I got to recommend any book to him I’d pick Mr. Ripley just to clown on him, I don’t think he’d love it though I think he’d have a lot of ambivalent feelings about it and maybe say that he hated it but think about passages all the time afterwards. For a book he’d actually enjoy in the typical sense… maybe Gone Girl, I feel like it hits a sweet spot in being a mysery and a revenge fantasy that are not too on the nose / have several degrees of separation from his life but still has enough elements that he could enjoy the catharsis of said revenge fantasy. I almost said we have always lived in the castle for similar reasons but then I thought that Adam might find the ending horrifying not because Mericatt kills her family that he would enjoy, but because she traps and isolate herself at the end and that’s her happy ending so he wouldn’t find be able to find that a victory if he related to her a bit, seeing as to him a victory needs to involve being accepted by society. 
Gansey — obviously he reads a lot of history and also I think a lot of mythology, primarily Welsh but I think he’d go on pipelines to read about other things a lot when they relate because so much mythology and folklore intersects. He and Blue once they get together probably read these together all the time and her background knowledge of certain things from 300 fox way probably impressive and turns him on a lot… also he and Adam probably read these together a lot and Adam was probably attempting a perfect balancing act between making sure he got to point things out to Gansey and seem smart so he would respect him and orchestrating moments for Gansey to read to him / lecture him in That Voice … anyway. But aside from that I also do think he reads a lot of different types of fiction, in every genre really but fantasy historical and classics would be his favorites I think. He’d love things like The Night Circus, I like the idea of him reading a lot of Emily Dickinson when he was 14 and recreating his death all the time, Tolkein obviously, probably some Sanderson I have mixed feelings there but do think Gansey would be a fan. I try very hard not to be too projection-y with chars in these types of hc things because that can be unfun, but I do think his favorite Jane Austen book is my favorite Jane Austen book which is Emma (I do have an idea for an au where Gansey is Emma and Blue is Knightley and Adam is Harriet but also maybe some of their roles interchange or intersperse with each other anyway..). For books he probably wouldn’t have read that I would recommend to him … I think reading some more low brow stuff might be good for him in a sense, maybe I’d put together a Shadowhunter books reading list for him. I do think if he read TID and TDA back to back it could help him figure out he’s bi and polyamorous. 
Ronan — well in this case I think it’s basically canonical his favorite book is Alice in Wonderland. I think Ronan’s taste in books is probably like he almost never reads but when he does he’s a huge snob about it, both ends of the spectrum. So I think like he loved Frankenstein obviously, and The Iliad. Thus if I was given the opportunity I’d rec him paranormal things he probably hates as a concept but I think he could get obsessed with if given the opportunity, maybe The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan or the Mara Dyer trilogy. The former he’d definitely project onto a lot since the first book is about brothers who aren’t dissimilar from him and Ronan, and then he’d be betrayed when the 2nd and 3rd books are about women. The latter he would say he hated but I know that man would devour them don’t ask me how I just do. 
Henry — going to confess that I haven’t actually read A Separate Piece but I read a fic once where it was his favorite book and that feels so correct I took it as canon from then on. I would recommend him The Dead Queens Club by Hannah Capin. 
Noah — I think would mostly like graphic novels, and I follow one series of graphic novels that I don’t think he would like much (Monstress by Marjorie Liu). Of the other comics I’ve attempted into the other one that I liked enough that I want to continue with at some point was Wicked + the Divine so maybe that.. I think him getting Ronan into it could lead to interesting results too. 
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bankofwildflowers · 1 year
Blue hates the song Dick and Jane by Sidney York especially when it's applied to her and gansey. So Ronan puts it on once, loudly, in the car with everyone, solely to piss her off. But the melody is so catchy he starts whistling it out of nowhere and then he ALSO gets pissed off with himself.
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kissandscry · 2 months
Ronan, Hennessy, & Burrito
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Since you asked…one of my firmest held head canons is that neither of these fools can cook. Neither wants to learn. Ronan eats *expired* beans from a can (and apparently existed in school on pizza and fast food (didn’t we all))—he could care less about feeding this human body except when he’s hungry when he’ll eat anything and everything laying around. Cooking takes some forethought and preparation so he never bothers to learn beyond maybe grilling. Adam eats because his body needs fuel, but stale hot dog bun or overpriced gourmet waffle—it’s all the same to him. And cooking takes time which he could spend doing more fun and interesting (or money-earning) things. So my HC is that at some point in their 20s when metabolisms start to slow… and acid reflux is suddenly a thing that isn’t only Declan’s… and they’re finally starting a life *together*, less travel, home of their own, Adam resigns himself to learning how to cook. He’s still very gifted at picking up new skills so a couple classes, some books, and he’s crankily cranking out meals. But they’re missing that creativity, that little extra, they’re good but Ronan thinks they’re too recipe book and bland because Adam follows directions to the letter. After some fights and Ronan dumping an entire shaker of black pepper on his potatoes in protest, Adam agrees to try going off-book and the food drastically improves and Ronan realizes he’s been a jerk and takes over some cooking duties too. Finally. And they live and eat happily ever after.🤣
hahahahaha, omg, I love this SO MUCH!
I always consider Ronan has been an okay cook and Adam being terrible at it lmao
But this is A+++++++++
Ronan, dumping an entire shaker of black pepper on his potatoes, staring Adam down
Adam: *Table flip*
Ronan definitely slept on the couch that night while Adam stayed up fuming and then calming down and coming around to the idea of going off-book
The next morning they both apologize and meet in the middle 🥺
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oikawasstofu · 2 years
Ronan n Gansey so different at first glance have been friends for so long
They just get each other in a very autistic way
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speciouspessimism · 1 year
how did ronan and gansey meet? you cannot tell me they weren’t childhood friends. are you telling me they met THREE WEEKS before nial died? no, sorry. even if they did. they supposedly meet over the summer before school. where the FUCK did they meet?? it wasn’t at school so where in the world?
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lizpaige · 1 year
idk who came up with it but thank u bless u for the hc that when declan found out that ronan and adam were dating his immediate response to his lil bro was “when did you and gansey break up?”
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squash1 · 1 year
hc of the day:
one day gansey brings home a goldfish from pet smart because he went in to look for something else and saw that there was only one goldfish left and he felt bad that it was alone. so he brings the goldfish back to monmouth to noah’s delight and ronan’s horror. and to try and get ronan and the fish to build some sort of bond, gansey let’s him name it. and ronan, of course, picks AXE (all caps), and insists that you have to scream the name anytime you refer to the fish otherwise the fish will not feel respected. so they’re yelling about this fish all the time and everyone gets very attached to it. but one day noah comes home and AXE is dead, like belly up out of nowhere. so he immediately enlists blue to help him get a new, identical, fish so gansey and ronan won’t know it died. so gansey and ronan are completely oblivious. but fish die pretty frequently unfortunately so every couple months one of the boys has to replace the fish, not knowing that the others have done the same thing until one day the fish dies when everyone is magically at monmouth at the same time. and they’re all appropriately sad, and then noah says quietly, “i actually replaced AXE months ago. sorry.” and they’re all like wait wait wait I replaced AXE??? and they make a tally and discover that this is actually AXE 5.0 and everyone can feel a little less guilty about goldfish-gate. they bury AXE 5.0 in the back of monmouth where gansey buried all the ones he replaced with a little cross grace markers and decide to maybe invest in an animal that lives longer like a cat.
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clotpolesonly · 8 months
I'm so curious about the Declan was abused by a priest au 👀
my friend Cami and i can't help it, we just look at promiscuous characters with intense trust and intimacy issues and ask "is anybody gonna hc a history of sexual abuse here??" and then don't wait for an answer adlkjfgh
this verse -- (dubbed "the Wesleyverse", after our OC priest, Father Wesley) -- began with "and i am not gonna think about the reputation the catholic church has for sexual abuse of young boys because i have already delivered plenty of trauma and angst upon my boys and it also it feels uncouth alkdfjhadgf 😅 bUT ALSO" which was met with a resounding "I WENT THERE TOO" from Cami, and it spiraled from there
i'm just saying, a quiet self-sufficient anxious boy with an unstable home life and who has already had the importance of keeping secrets drilled into him would be very convenient for a sexual predator. socially isolated and emotionally unfulfilled. the ignored child, the overlooked, no one's favorite -- desperate for the validation and attention that he doesn't get from his parents, at least not the way he wants it. resentful of his brothers and their specialness.
Father Wesley made him feel special. like he was the important one for once, more important than all the other boys, more important than Ronan who he could've chosen instead. Father Wesley gave Declan all the attention and praise and reassurance that he craved, and all it took was playing some private games. secret and unpleasant and ever-escalating "games" that made Declan feel bad in a variety of ways, but Declan was used to that. cleaning up after dad's and Ronan's dreams were games, according to Aurora, and those made him feel bad too. those were unpleasant too. those made him afraid too. those were things he couldn't tell anyone about too.
how is a 6yo supposed to know the difference between a secret that should be kept and a secret that shouldn't be? a game he has to play behind closed doors whether he wants to or not and a game he needs to tell a trusted adult about?
(there aren't many adults he trusts anyway. who is supposed to be more trustworthy than their priest? Father Wesley speaks for god, doesn't he? he's the highest authority. right?)
so anyway. all that lasted a while, maybe from ages 6 to 8, when Father Wesley stopped wanting to play with him. it took months for Declan to realize that he wasn't coming back, that for better or for worse it was over. (relieved, yes. hurt, also yes. abandoned. unfavorite. if Father Wesley doesn't love him anymore, does it mean god doesn't either?) he put it behind him, labeled it as over and done with, and he did everything he could to bury it and pretend it never happened. he never told anyone and he never intended to.
it's been 11 years since the abuse stopped, Wesley's been retired from St Agnes for 5 or 6 years, a whole lot of shit has happened and life has been very busy for Declan (set post-TRK, more or less lol). things are finally calming down a little bit. the Gray Man has the underground shit handled for the time being, he and Matthew are back in town (because reasons, don't ask about georgetown, it's not important) and his relationship with Ronan is stabilizing. everything is fine.
and then Father Wesley gets arrested.
Gansey forwards the article to Ronan. Ronan shows it to Declan when he's stopped by monmouth for whatever reason, like holy shit, this is crazy, can you believe this??? fucked up, amirite??
doesn't notice at first that Declan has gone completely still.
it isn't until he mentions that the police are going through all the evidence to see if they can identify the victims -- indicating that it's not just, ya know, possession of materials from the internet, but actual production, records of his actual abuse -- that Declan fucking bolts. and Ronan is like UMMM?? DON'T LIKE THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT
and here's the thing about the Lynch brothers. they may not get along. they may have a lot of water under the bridge. they may be liable to attack each other at the drop of a hat. but the second someone else attacks one of them? they close ranks. Ronan may not like his brother all that much but it's still HIS brother, thank you very much, his family, and anybody who lays a fucking hand on him is gonna suffer the consequences.
he has to chase Declan down. checks his condo, checks his work, checks the Barns, even calls Matthew to ask if he's seen him. finally finds him at the absolute LAST place he expected -- the church. it's late afternoon on a tuesday or something and there's no one else there. it's just Declan, alone in the sanctuary, with a rosary that Ronan hasn't seen him actually use in years.
Ronan doesn't remember ever having seen Declan cry before, and he's not crying now but it's obvious that he has been. that he's fighting to keep control of himself now. says he came here to be alone.
Ronan says fuck that, he's not just gonna leave.
after a minute, Declan abruptly sits up, suddenly blank and businesslike and steady, and he tells Ronan to ask his questions. which is.........disturbing, for Ronan. because he's seen this face before. he's seen it a dozen, a hundred, a thousand times. it's the cool detachment that's always rubbed Ronan the wrong way, earned Declan accusations of being an unfeeling robot, someone who just didn't care as much as Ronan did about anything or anyone.
had this face always had all this under it? could he really just pull it on over top of.........of ALL THIS and pretend that none of those feelings were there?? hide them that well?? fucking hell.
Ronan refuses to ask any questions. he has plenty, of course, but he's not here to interrogate him. (he doesn't even know how to put his questions into words anyway, fuck, he's just trying to wrap his head around it.) Declan said he wanted to be alone, obviously he doesn't wanna talk about it, so Ronan is gonna sit here with him for as long as Declan wants to be here, and later if Declan wants to talk about it then, then they can talk about it, and if not, they won't, and that's it.
it's silent for a few minutes as Ronan sits stubbornly and tries not to look, but out of the corner of his eye he can see as Declan's face crumbles bit by bit. as he fights so hard to keep his composure and, without opposition to set himself against, fails.
(he's not used to Ronan not pushing back, not being combative or accusatory. he definitely never expected support. and it's hitting him that Ronan knows. that pretty soon, everyone in town is going to know. Henrietta is a small town, it's a gossipy church community, they're only a few years off from when predatory priests were headline news all over the world, this is not staying quiet. and there's evidence. identifiable evidence and a police investigation and calls being made to victims. there is no way that his name is staying out of this no matter what he does. the situation is officially outside of his control, and that's terrifying.)
he's never cried in front of Ronan before, not since they were very small children, but even his prodigious repression skills have a failure point and he's reached it. he's curled in on himself and there are gasping, gulping sobs in the silence of the empty church, and Ronan eventually throws caution to the wind and does what he would do if it were Matthew. he puts a hand on Declan's back, just maintaining contact, proving that he's there and he's not leaving.
this verse goes on and on, my anon friend, this is the set up and we just kept spinning out the thread for literally a year at this point, i think it was jan 2023 that we started talking about this concept 😂 it's not always one linear narrative, we branch off into "ooh i wanna see when X happens" in a patchwork kinda fashion, just rolling around in the sandbox and exploring the premise and also all the relationships and the way this particular trauma interacts with all the other traumas and also Ronan and Matthew's traumas and all their dynamics with each other.
Cami and i lean toward the self-indulgence of letting the Lynches actually make the occasional healthy and productive choice, because there is nothing more cathartic and satisfying to us than having them actually talk to each other, so by god these little fuckers are communicating in a semi-functional manner most of the time. they love each other, goddamn it, they're gonna fucking act like it. also about 30k in we finally got Declan into therapy 😂😂😂 good god he needs it, lmao.
.......i also accidentally got REALLY INVESTED in an OC, Jeremy, who was Father Wesley's next victim, the one he moved on to after Declan. i did not mean to start shipping Matthew and Jeremy, but here i am, a Meremy stan. i love them. #otp
so. lemme know if you want more, lol. i've got so so much more alkfdjh
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unknowablecore · 2 years
Im gonna make my single negative post about Greywaren...
I do think Greywaren suffered from Maggie kind of just wanting to be done with it. I am satisfied with Ronan/Adam's relationship personally (they got theirs) and Hennessey's arc, but otherwise it was the least successful book I think in terms of doing what I love about a Raven Cycle book. The character interactions that we got were good but a lot of it felt sparse. Unlike in The Raven King where I loved the parts that were left open or unexplained (I know this is kind of an unpopular opinion), in Greywaren it felt more skipped over than intentionally open ended and for me and quite a few things feel less fun to speculate on unlike TRK. The Lynch brothers needed more page time together, especially to reckon with all the new information we got. Mor didn't quite work for me, she was to amorphous, why is she at the barns. They kinda forgot about the question of Aurora. Declan's needed to find more of a middle ground. Ronan needed more pov time at the end. Maggie is only human and it's obvious online highly effected her writing of this book. it's mostly just too bad. I don't want to be overly negative about it or sound like I didn't like the book because I did really enjoy it and loved a lot of what we got but, yeah.
I'm just gonna try and hc around what didn't work for me and imagine all their futures sentimental and mushy going forward! :')
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robobee · 6 days
henry and henessey as well, for the ship ask
whether I ship it or not
yes but in a latent, 'fun' way. it works more as a plot device/fwb thing than an actual romantic ship, imho
why I ship it or not
I mean, it's fun🤷‍♂️ they're both very.. extrovert coded.. characters set in the same environment (fairy market) with interesting relationships to the lynches, and having a Girl Ronan on the cast adds a lot of potential for interesting dynamics, esp with jordan/declan. also hennessey is hot AND BISEXUAL(!!)
my opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc)
ehhhh not strong. I think stief was gunning for carlianessey which makes sense to me, I just like Henry and he barely interacts with ANYONE lmao
my opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc)
it's quite nonexistent😭 my poll did result in mutual hatred on sight for them which frankly I agree with . it's better than the Complete Fucking Idiot Henry characterisation I see so I'll take what I can get
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