#i’m choosing happiness
squash1 · 1 year
hc of the day:
adam and blue are hanging out in the library/living room/gansey’s bedroom, when, from the kitchen/bathroom they hear gansey loudly but calmly say “i shouldn’t have to tell you Why you cannot growl at people, ronan…there simply isn’t enough time in the day to deal with your shenanigans.”
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billspreston-esq · 1 year
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shepscapades · 2 months
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Posted to Twitter for the first time in 5 years /silly DSFGNFGB So here’s my atttempt at a more finished piece, inspired by Doc’s newest episode :D
Actually recorded a short timelapse for this one too, so that’s below the cut :D
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
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Tiny little guys
(That comic of mine is on its way - wanted to share the little ones from the current wip haha - EDIT: no longer wip!)
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I finally finished The Magnus Archives. How the fuck am I supposed to recover from that?!?
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singing-robot · 2 years
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I was reminded of what Toriel says when she first meets us.
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sincericida · 1 month
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Happy 41th Birthday, Andrew Garfield!
— August 20, 1983.
Today it’s day to celebrate his wonderful life that makes so many other people happier with their light, kindness, charism and their amazing art! Long life, sweetheart! 🎂🎉✌🏼
"I'm always having a crisis of faith, with everything. People who are certain are terrifying to me. That's how religious wars get started."
— Andrew Garfield
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some of u will not understand this and that’s okay but in my mind’s eye suguru is a selfish lover in a sweet way and satoru is a selfless lover in a sad way
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nicomoon69 · 1 month
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I love doing procrastination piece 💖
I’m scribbling away at the colored version of this piece, wip is under the cut :3
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I love having to figure out how to do each part of the shading bc I didn’t think further than the eyes when I did it like this <3
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solargeist · 2 days
Xelqua takes the Saints and the Watchers very seriously, they’re important to him, enough to where he’s named himself after Xelqua the Saint.
Before, if you asked him about family, he’d refer to the Watchers as such, Xelqua could be his dad for all he cares !
After living in Hermitcraft for awhile with Grian, these ideas start to become flimsy, as he gets attached to all the Hermits and this new way of life.
I imagine Xelqua having a good day, busy, but good ! He’s happy, he gets to see everyone and play, he has fresh clothes and plenty of snacks, he flies around on Grian’s back while they do errands.
It’s only when he and Grian get home and start to settle down that he gets upset.
Despite all the fun, Xelquas in full incomprehensible tears, blubbering as Grian tries to figure out why he’s upset suddenly—Grian tells him they’ll see everyone tomorrow, it’s okay, really !
When Xelqua finally gathers the courage, in between hiccups and sniffles, he tells Grian he doesn’t want to go back—he doesn’t want to go with the Watchers or even Xelqua, he wants to stay with Grian.
The Watchers have never threatened this, but in Xelqua’s head this is a huge belief he’s combating, he’s pushing aside everything he believes in and held so highly for Grian.
Grian reassures him, of course he doesn’t have to leave, he can stay as long as he wants, no hermit is going to abandon him.
Xelqua buries himself against Grian’s sweater and continues to cry, but it’s not as intense as it was earlier, more so soft sobs while Grian rubs his back until he calms down fully.
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watchyourbuck · 6 months
I have a feeling that we might actually never get buddie cause making eddie bi and having him paired with buck will just make things complicated for them and also for people around like chris for example (i know he's like their number one shipper but still). I somehow always felt like buck's character was more open to that storyline than eddie.
For some reason I have a feeling that if we go down the Buddie road it’s not gonna be Eddie realizing he’s queer and then falling in love (or noticing he’s in love) with Buck, it’s gonna be the other way around. He’d come to terms with the fact he loves him romantically and maybe then question his sexuality, if he does. Eddie doesn’t seem like the kinda guy who suddenly bumps into his sexuality while strutting through a Walmart AJDJDJSJ, I think he’d simply arrive to the conclusion he likes Buck, whatever that means for him (& it would make sense to me to have Eddie not wanna categorize himself actually)
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hischierschain · 7 months
my duo🤭🤭🤭
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kitkatsgalore · 1 month
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in a world soaked in orange sunlight, you shone so bright the backlight paled in comparison ☼
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myokk · 21 days
before it felt like a sin, ch. 3
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ch.1, ch.2
pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
word count: 2300
summary: Eloise never wanted to be different.
And yet, her differences are what have defined her life up until this point: growing up as a squib in one of the most prominent wizarding families, being exiled to muggle society, and then attending Hogwarts at the age of sixteen.
She finds herself thrust into the life she should have been prepared for from birth but was denied. As she navigates this new life and her new precarious position in her family, she must come to terms with the fact that maybe what she dreamed of her whole life isn't turning out how she ever expected it would.
a/n: this is how I wish the duel could have gone in the game...😇🙏
I also want to reiterate that this fic is REALLY CANON DIVERGENT!!!!! I will NOT be following the game’s plot at all really with this (it really starts to diverge around chapter 6/7 maybe I don’t remember), and I don’t see Eloise as the game’s MC either.
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Eloise was being woken up altogether too soon for her tastes. Something soft was hit her face, and she sat up groggily, pushing it away. She blinked as she looked around, not recognizing her surroundings. It was disorienting not knowing where she was, although, as she rubbed her eyes, it was slowly starting to come back to her…Something happened yesterday, she thought. I…
“Come on, sleepyhead!” exclaimed Imelda, throwing more clothes on top of Eloise. “The house elves left these last night at the foot of your bed while we were sleeping. If you don’t hurry up, there won’t be any more food left for breakfast. And, you know that the first day of classes is the most important…”
As she continued rambling on, Eloise got up and started putting on her school robes. A dark grey tartan skirt with dark green and silver stripes, a cream button-up with puffy sleeves that she tucked into the skirt, a black ribbon to tie around her neck, and her Slytherin robes on top. She didn’t know how to feel about the day that was ahead of her; she felt a strange mixture of elation and apprehension.
“…you’re taking too long. I’ll wait for you in the common room,” Imelda concluded, giving Eloise one last look before striding out of their dormitory. All of the other girls had already gotten ready and left for the morning, which wasn’t really a surprise to Eloise. As soon as her head hit the pillow the second time, she had fallen into a deep sleep and hadn’t heard the bustle of the girls preparing themselves for the day.
She finished lacing up her boots, and after one last glance in the mirror to make sure nothing was out of place, headed out to find Imelda.
When Eloise walked into the atrium, she was struck by how different it felt in the morning. It was truly as beautiful now as it had been eerily peaceful the night before. Once again, light piano music playing in the background - Eloise smiled to herself, recognizing the Gymnopédies by Satie. Her piano lessons had been the only bearable classes at the muggle school, and she had excelled at the instrument, often practicing during her free time.
The piano music blended in with the murmurs of students standing or sitting in small groups around various tables filled with breakfast foods and scrolls of parchment. The greens and blues coming through the windows felt refreshing, and the whole room was glimmering under the reflections of the water playing across various surfaces. She could see plants swaying under the water, with schools of fish weaving between them. It felt…magical.
Eloise’s eyes were drawn to Ominis and she started walking to him, standing by the same window where they had been sitting earlier. Instead of being in shadow, however, he was now illuminated by the rays of sun shining through the water. He was smirking to himself as he listened to the two first-years next to him. As she got closer to them, Eloise heard them speculating about the possibility that they would get to see a mermaid.
“Oh! I think I just saw one!” one shouted at his friend, pointing out the window. “Oh, wait…it was just algae.”
Eloise walked up to Ominis, smiling despite herself. 
“Is this your idea of a good time?” she asked him, while he was simultaneously asking her how she had slept. They both paused as soon as they heard the other start talking, and then both started speaking at the same time after an awkward pause.
“Oh…I’m sorry. I…I slept well,” Eloise said, blushing. “And you?”
“As well as I ever do,” he replied. She noticed that the dark circles under his eyes were still very prominent, although they didn’t look eerie in the morning light. He indicated the first-years with a jerk of his head, changing the topic. “I doubt mermaids find us that interesting. I rather think they purposefully avoid our common room so as to not be treated like creatures in an aquarium.”
Eloise laughed at that and tilted her head playfully. “And just where did those two even get the idea that they might see a mermaid?”
“That, my dear, is a mystery. I surely have never seen one before,” Ominis said, standing up straight and taking his wand out. “I have been hearing a lot of chatter about you this morning, you know. It seems like reality has been mixed with fantasy in the tales of your journey here, and nobody knows the full truth.”
“Except for you,” Eloise pointed out, stepping into place next to him as they walked through the common room. She spotted Imelda, supervising some students playing chess and instructing them on the moves they should be doing. Imelda looked up and saw Eloise, and interrupted her own advice mid sentence.
“Eloise!!” Imelda bellowed as she practically ran across the room. Was this girl ever not purposeful in everything she did? The students around them looked up from what they were doing to watch her, and maybe get the chance to hear a first-hand account of what actually happened to Eloise. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were attacked by a dragon last night?”
“Oh, er…” Eloise couldn’t figure out how to respond to the other girl. Imelda didn’t seem worried or scared about what Eloise had gone through the previous day; rather, she seemed indignant that she hadn’t been told about the attack. Beside them, Ominis was laughing.
“It must have been terribly exciting,” Imelda went on, ignoring any response Eloise may have started giving. “A real dragon and all. I wish I was with you guys, I’ve actually prepared for what I would do in that very situation. I would definitely have diverted its attention away from you on my broomstick, and actually the best strategy would have been to…”
“I doubt you really would have been able to do anything,” Eloise interrupted. “It was terribly frightening, but at the same time the whole thing was over so quickly that I haven’t had time to process it yet.”
“Well, you can tell me about it on the way to breakfast. Maybe once you learn how to ride a broom, we can practice what to do together. You have first-hand experience, after all!” Imelda looped her arm through Eloise’s. She shot a look to Ominis. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’m taking her now. We have a long day ahead of us, lots to do you know. The usual. Anyway, Sebastian’s coming over so it’s not like I’m leaving you completely alone.”
Before Eloise could even react, she was being marched up the spiral staircase that led out of the Slytherin common room and they were off to breakfast.
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“Duelists, take your mark,” Professor Hecat said to the two students standing on top of the platform in the middle of the room. The duelists in question looked at each other warily, steadying their wands. Eloise was exhilarated. This was the type of class she had been daydreaming about while she sat wasting her time embroidering landscapes.
Professor Hecat hadn’t wasted any time putting the students to work. Although at first, many of them had scoffed at the thought of Leviosa being a useful spell in combat, Eloise listened attentively and focused on the correct wand movements. Maybe it didn’t actually matter, but she was determined to make sure that nobody would think that she didn’t deserve to be there. She had a lot of catching up to do, but between the books Professor Fig had given her and the knowledge she retained from reading from her family’s library as a child, she already knew a lot. She was quite pleased when the feather levitated as soon as she said the incantation, as there were other students who struggled to get theirs to even twitch in an upward direction.
Now, Eloise gripped her wand tightly in her hand, shifting a bit as she stared Sebastian in the eyes. He had said that she would get ‘a proper Hogwarts welcome’ and she was looking forward to it.
If the rumors she had heard before class were true, Sebastian was the best duelist in their year, and quite possibly at Hogwarts. Although she felt a little apprehensive at the thought of facing him, she hoped that he wouldn’t hold back on her just because she was new. Even if she had fought the guardians yesterday in Gringotts, she wanted to prove to herself that she could keep her wits about her in the heat of battle. 
Maybe her stance was a little too stiff, her movements too by the book. But that could only be changed with experience.
Sebastian smirked slightly to himself, no doubt thinking that this would be an easy victory. In the background, Eloise heard Professor Hecat say they could begin, but she was more focused on her opponent’s face. As soon as she saw him raise his wand and begin to open his mouth, she shouted “Protego!” and the shield blocked the spell he attempted to send shooting her way. His eyebrows raised in surprise - apparently he hadn’t been expecting her fast reflexes.
Quick as a whip, she shouted out “Levioso” and Sebastian was in the air. She hit him with a few more curses before he fell to the ground, breathing heavily. He pushed himself up quickly and went back into position. Wand out, now more wary of her capabilities. He blocked her next attack and went in for one of his own, which hit her shoulder. Eloise hissed in pain and immediately shot out a volley of quick jabs in his direction, a few hitting their mark before he put up a shield.
Sebastian was grinning as they circled each other, looking for an opening. The rest of the class surrounded the platform they were on, cheering them on. Both continued to attack and put up shields, without any clear winner in sight. It was obvious that they were very evenly matched.
“I’m pleasantly surprised,” he said as they were catching their breath between attacks. “I haven’t had a fight this good in a long time.”
Eloise just grinned in response, before shooting off another spell in his direction. It was expertly blocked with a flick of Sebastian’s wrist; in response he volleyed off a jinx towards her.
Eloise crumpled to the ground, yelping as she grabbed her ankle. Sebastian was immediately at her side, crouching down and looking at her with concern.
“Eloise? Are you okay?” He looked down at her ankle and then abruptly looked up and back at her face, a faint pink redness dusting his cheeks. He may have been dueling her, but it was distinctly different to be so close to her like this.
In response, Eloise grinned mischievously and quickly levitated him off the ground, getting to her feet at the same time. With a few quick curses sent his way, soon Sebastian was lying sprawled on the ground outside of the little arena Professor Hecat had erected.
“Not fair,” Sebastian exclaimed, rushing to his feet. He looked at Professor Hecat, who was looking between the two with a pleased smile.
Eloise smirked at him, only responding with, “Slytherin.”
Sebastian laughed and ran his fingers through his hair, making his brown curls even unrulier than they had become in their duel. He held his hand out to her and she shook it formally. “Good duel. You can definitely hold your own and I won’t underestimate you again.”
Professor Hecat clapped her hands together to get the attention of the class. “I hope you all paid attention to these two. Ten points to Slytherin for an excellent demonstration of what we learned today. On Wednesday, we will continue with practical application of the techniques learned during this class. I expect to see flawless wand work and concentration. I demand excellence from my students as I know you are all capable of achieving it. Class dismissed.”
As Eloise was gathering up her things, Sebastian sidled up to her. “Really, that was quite impressive. You seemed stiff at first, but it would seem you have fought before. You definitely give as good as you get.”
Eloise blushed and tucked some strands of hair that had come undone behind her ear. “Well, really, I had only read about the techniques before. Haven’t really had much time to put all of that theory to use yet.” She smiled shyly ad Sebastian, who was looking at her with his jaw open. “You fight really well, too. I had to use all of my focus. It’s kind of exhausting, actually.”
“But exhilarating, right?” Sebastian asked eagerly. The two of them started to head out of the classroom together, dwindling behind the rest of the students. Entirely absorbed by their conversation. “Everything else goes out of focus and the only thing in the world is you and your opponent.”
“Yes! Exactly that,” exclaimed Eloise. “I’ve never experienced anything like it.”
“Well,” Sebastian said slowly, dragging the word out as he thought. “You know, there might be a way. To continue. I normally would never do this, but…you know…”
“Know what?” Eloise prompted as Sebastian trailed off.
“You’re a really good duelist. Intuitive. There’s a certain exclusive club of sorts, one that may or may not be unsanctioned, where you can continue to hone your dueling abilities.”
“Exclusive and unsanctioned?” Eloise asked with a smirk. “You can count me in.”
“Excellent,” Sebastian replied, smiling broadly. “Sometimes, to make the most out of your experience at Hogwarts, you need to bend certain rules. They’re more like guidelines, anyway.”
“Merlin, Sebastian,” said Imelda, walking up to them and crossing her arms. “Don’t let yourself fall into any of his schemes. That boy is in detention practically every other day.”
“Or maybe,” Eloise said, “he’s just not good enough at avoiding getting caught. I, on the other hand… Come on, Imelda. Let’s go to lunch.”
She laughed as they walked away, leaving behind a dumbstruck Sebastian. He shook his head in disbelief and headed off to his next class.
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next chapter
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jessieren · 2 months
Walks in and looks around…
What happened here?? Honestly, I take one day off sick and it’s anarchy *tuts*
Inspired by the wonderful @librawritesstuff and the post from which the new term ‘Professional Shaun Wranglers’ was born by @too-antigonish
I declare today
Squinchy Little Face Sunday
So we get to post lots of happy Shaun… with the added bonus that because he’s seemingly such a sweetheart there’s a LOT of content to choose from…
Here’s your stater for ten..
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I think these photos are Endeavourneverland and Kati D respectively but if anyone knows different please do credit
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I also had to include this one… he’s just a little shy 🥺
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