#pynch hcs
Since you asked…one of my firmest held head canons is that neither of these fools can cook. Neither wants to learn. Ronan eats *expired* beans from a can (and apparently existed in school on pizza and fast food (didn’t we all))—he could care less about feeding this human body except when he’s hungry when he’ll eat anything and everything laying around. Cooking takes some forethought and preparation so he never bothers to learn beyond maybe grilling. Adam eats because his body needs fuel, but stale hot dog bun or overpriced gourmet waffle—it’s all the same to him. And cooking takes time which he could spend doing more fun and interesting (or money-earning) things. So my HC is that at some point in their 20s when metabolisms start to slow… and acid reflux is suddenly a thing that isn’t only Declan’s… and they’re finally starting a life *together*, less travel, home of their own, Adam resigns himself to learning how to cook. He’s still very gifted at picking up new skills so a couple classes, some books, and he’s crankily cranking out meals. But they’re missing that creativity, that little extra, they’re good but Ronan thinks they’re too recipe book and bland because Adam follows directions to the letter. After some fights and Ronan dumping an entire shaker of black pepper on his potatoes in protest, Adam agrees to try going off-book and the food drastically improves and Ronan realizes he’s been a jerk and takes over some cooking duties too. Finally. And they live and eat happily ever after.🤣
hahahahaha, omg, I love this SO MUCH!
I always consider Ronan has been an okay cook and Adam being terrible at it lmao
But this is A+++++++++
Ronan, dumping an entire shaker of black pepper on his potatoes, staring Adam down
Adam: *Table flip*
Ronan definitely slept on the couch that night while Adam stayed up fuming and then calming down and coming around to the idea of going off-book
The next morning they both apologize and meet in the middle 🥺
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speciouspessimism · 11 months
adam parrish looks different every time you see him. that’s partially demonstrated in the first chapters of cdth, but sometimes his hair is red. sometimes it’s a spunky strawberry blond, or a golden brown, or hay colored yellow. the skin under his eyes is so thin that it gets all purple and veiny, especially when he’s tired but that’s kind of always. sometimes his skin is a sickly sort of grayish yellow but others it’s a dusty tan, a product of working on his cars in the virginia sun. his clothes always seem to fit him differently, it’s the way they hang or perhaps the way he holds himself. every once in a while he has these scary, angry, blue eyes, an inherited gift from his father — but more often theyre the same muddy grey as the sky he looked up at, clouds rolling in overhead, from when he was young. he is stringy and small and six feet tall at the same time. unlike gansey, this has never been “all there is.” and it never will be.
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Oh so that's how he deals with Dani's cooking...
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Totally believe this to be canon. She has the aesthetic lol
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About what...? ABOUT WHAT!!????
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lizpaige · 4 months
thinking about early pynch headcanons like when adam gets valedictorian or whatever he feels weird telling ronan so ronan finds out from gansey and then they have a lil argument about it like “just cause im a dropout doesnt mean i dont care about your school shit or whatever. this is a big deal”
or like ronan anticipating the AP exams are coming and knowing that adam needs space to study, dropping off food or coffee or something and not lingering cause he knows adam has a timetable study schedule he is trying to stick to. being there in the parking lot to pick him up from the last one.
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emmerrr · 1 year
adam parrish hcs
because it’s his day!! it’s today!!!
adam always kicks off his shoes without undoing the laces then gets annoyed when he has to untie them to put them on again
so for his birthday ronan dreams him up a pair of velcro sneakers
they’re super bright and obnoxious (neon green or something) but they ALSO light up when you stomp your foot AND they glow in the dark
adam: “they’re hideous. i love them.”
he hums when he concentrates really hard but doesn’t really realise he’s doing it
usually 70s or 80s songs that play a lot on the radio when he’s working at boyd’s
so he gets a lot of songs stuck in other people’s heads accidentally
adam: *humming the final countdown by europe while doing his homework*
ronan, later: 🎵it’s the final countdown, na na naaaa naa, na na na na na naaa🎵
adam: why are you singing that
ronan: are you fucken kidding me
he’s forever fixing things around the barns or 300 fox way
leaky faucet, loose door-handle, stiff window, squeaky hinges? adam’ll fix it
i already have a hc that ronan makes adam a new mixtape every time adam heads back to college for a new semester
but i think that adam makes mix-cds for ronan too
he has an older laptop that still has a cd-drive in it because it’s second hand
so he makes cd’s for ronan’s car, filled with songs that ronan finds irritating as a payback for the murder-squash song
think like uptown funk, hollaback girl, call me maybe, happy, somebody that i used to know -- stuff that probably got way overplayed and/or was annoyingly catchy
he leaves them in ronan’s car after he drives it so the next time ronan drives it and presses play he’s bombarded with 🎵A FEW TIMES BEEN AROUND THAT TRACK SO IT’S NOT JUST GONNA HAPPEN LIKE THAT CAUSE I AIN’T NO HOLLABACK GIRL🎵
(but maybe adam sneaks some songs on there that remind him of ronan too. maybe. just maybe)
gansey teaches him how to play chess and adam rapidly becomes better than him and now every time they play he wins
gansey always thinks this will be the time he wins until adam makes a move that turns the whole thing around and gansey realises adam could’ve ended it several turns back but was just humouring him
through carefully cultivated habit his expectations for his birthday are low to non-existent
but he has friends who think the world of him and who also have the worst poker faces of all time
so when blue arrives to take him out for a birthday breakfast it takes him all of two minutes to get her to admit they’re throwing him a surprise party
“you better act surprised or ronan is going to murder me”
they get back to the barns later on and there’s a bbq going and lights floating in the air around the deck and gansey, henry, matthew, ronan, opal and the fox way ladies are all there.
adam, trying to act surprised: um wow thank you guys oh my god what a shock
ronan, narrowing his eyes: sargent i fuckin’ knew you’d cave
anyway he spends his birthday surrounded by people who love him who would do anything for him :’))))
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squash1 · 1 year
hc of the day:
adam and blue are hanging out in the library/living room/gansey’s bedroom, when, from the kitchen/bathroom they hear gansey loudly but calmly say “i shouldn’t have to tell you Why you cannot growl at people, ronan…there simply isn’t enough time in the day to deal with your shenanigans.”
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bankofwildflowers · 1 year
Blue hates the song Dick and Jane by Sidney York especially when it's applied to her and gansey. So Ronan puts it on once, loudly, in the car with everyone, solely to piss her off. But the melody is so catchy he starts whistling it out of nowhere and then he ALSO gets pissed off with himself.
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
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Remember how I said I made them girlfriends?
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oikawasstofu · 2 years
Adam: why do you hate me?
Ronan internally: my funking god i love you, you piece of shit
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Fluffy Pynch hc: the first night they sleep in the same bed together is actually an accident. Adam has been hinting at it for awhile but Ronan is hesitant because he worries about his nightmares but also it feels like a Big Step in their relationship. So when it eventually happens, it's not intentional, they're just making out and talking and then Ronan wakes up, no memory of falling asleep, with Adam's head on his chest, feeling better rested than he has in years.
YES! I love this so muchhhhhhhhhhh!!! I adore unintentional falling asleep together and being all snuggly and cute and really indulging in waking up together. And feeling so comfortable about it after!!! I love itttt! Thank you for sharing, this is so cuteeeeeee!!
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robobee · 6 days
henry/adam for the ship thing
whether I ship it or not
frankly i REALLY disliked henry x any variation of pynch for a really long time due to all the microaggressions but the concept has grown on me. especially with cdtheu's harvard!adam, who is doing EXACTLY what henry is doing in trc and doesn't realise it. i think in the venn diagram of all gangsey characters adam & henry are the closest (w/ blue as circle #3) so they have potential IF its fairy market henry and a more humbled adam. postcanon for sure
why I ship it or not
i think we all like a good enemies to reluctant lovers position. i also like the concept of them both being hissing cats trying to vie for gansey's attention. i personally REALLY enjoy adam realising henry kind of exactly fits that magazine printout sleek model-selling-fancy-watches vibe he saw in greenmantle but being horrified its a (gasp) pee oh sea . very good opportunities for adam to realise henry is a mobster baby and being VERY angry that its hot
my opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc)
oh never. in the context of the gangsey polycule they would MAYBE graduate to metamours OR a rebound post-pynch-divorce-number-three affair situation
my opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc)
i think it falls into my general distaste w pynch+henry which erases their canon assholery to him, but there are certain fics that do it REALLY well (the spy fic, rafi's fae au, wopbau's fae/evilsey au) so im overall ambivalent. i think i prefer it being niche because im. Scared. of what they could be made into lol
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speciouspessimism · 1 year
hc that some nights when ronan fought with his brothers he would sleep in the church. and after adam moved to st. agnes sometimes he would come with pillows and sleep on a pew next to ronan. because he was a little afraid of what ronan might do left to his own devices.
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Because is ACE DAY I have to post this sketch.
I hope you guys recognize the characters 💜💚
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lizpaige · 4 months
ronan dreams up some horses and adam’s more skittish around them then they are with him so ronan’s like 🙄 “time to face your fears parrish” and just forces him up onto one of them to ride. and its like embarrassing and silly cause he’s walking the horse around with adam on the saddle like they’re at a kids petting zoo or something, but adam ends up relaxing eventually and they go on rides together thru the summer.
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oldeubagel · 2 months
I think that you already know what TFRB ships I will ask (⊙_⊙;)
I promise that regardless of the answer I will not bite
Cody Burns x Priscilla Pynch
Heatwave x Madeline Pynch
Blades x Bee
Alr let me put in three parts
Cody x Priscilla
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Tbh I don't see nothing wrong with the shipp, it's not even a bad shipp in my opinion, I'm just kinda not interested in it I guess?
I personally hc cody as aroace, and I don't really see him getting a crush on someone, but I kinda can see Priscilla getting a crush for him tbh, so I guess that maybeee it could work.
At the end it's just not really my cup of tea, but I'm open to that
Heatwave x Madeline
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This is pretty much a interesting pair (but I can't really dig the vibes), I gotta admit, I never saw any shipp with madeline before but eeeeeeeeeh, nah.
Honestly, I'm really a big fab of cybertron x human, not that it's bad, just again, not my cup of tea, and I have nothing against peoples who shipp these a bot with a human (except it one of them is a kid or smth weird like that)
Although I said it's interesting, it's still kinda, "eh?", They for me have really nothing to make a couple tbh, their kinda like bread with water, I can't explain, it's just, meh :/
But honestly the shipp isn't that bad at all, if you love that pair, keep shipping that pair.
Blades x bumblebee
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Ok this one is a pretty cute one, ngl, even thought I don't really shipp it, I can see why peoples shipp it.
Blades as a clear big celebrety crush over bee, like it's super obvious he is gay, and I think that the shipp could maybe happen at some point (and I think it SHOULD) they look cute together, blades really loves him alot, but I'm sure if he feels the same about bee, he probably could just see him as a regular fan of his, but who knows? Maybe some day their feeling will be mutual :]
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squash1 · 1 year
hc of the day:
one day gansey brings home a goldfish from pet smart because he went in to look for something else and saw that there was only one goldfish left and he felt bad that it was alone. so he brings the goldfish back to monmouth to noah’s delight and ronan’s horror. and to try and get ronan and the fish to build some sort of bond, gansey let’s him name it. and ronan, of course, picks AXE (all caps), and insists that you have to scream the name anytime you refer to the fish otherwise the fish will not feel respected. so they’re yelling about this fish all the time and everyone gets very attached to it. but one day noah comes home and AXE is dead, like belly up out of nowhere. so he immediately enlists blue to help him get a new, identical, fish so gansey and ronan won’t know it died. so gansey and ronan are completely oblivious. but fish die pretty frequently unfortunately so every couple months one of the boys has to replace the fish, not knowing that the others have done the same thing until one day the fish dies when everyone is magically at monmouth at the same time. and they’re all appropriately sad, and then noah says quietly, “i actually replaced AXE months ago. sorry.” and they’re all like wait wait wait I replaced AXE??? and they make a tally and discover that this is actually AXE 5.0 and everyone can feel a little less guilty about goldfish-gate. they bury AXE 5.0 in the back of monmouth where gansey buried all the ones he replaced with a little cross grace markers and decide to maybe invest in an animal that lives longer like a cat.
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