#rory x eleven
kitkatopinions · 1 year
Anyways, I'm trying to forget the drama and the hate anons who were attacking me, so I'm going to talk about one of my stupid kind of niche little ships.
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Don't ask me why I ship these two little idiots so much though it probably has something to do with the fact that I was and still am deep into the definitely not true but fun to think of Rory-is-the-Master theory.
But seriously, I wish everyone would watch the Matt-Smith-Amy-Rory Era of Doctor Who through the lens of a Doctor-Rory slow burn, because the pining. Like, just imagine it. The Doctor starts having feelings for Rory right around the Hungry Earth and then he DIES and the Doctor is the only one who can even remember it, so maybe he indulges a little in his feelings because who is he hurting when Rory doesn't even exist anymore but then he comes BACK and the Doctor literally calls him a miracle and then Rory is two thousand years old and married to Amy, and the Doctor has that moment where he bittersweetly calls Rory 'the boy who waited' while he watches him and Amy dance and reading that as the Doctor pining for what he can never have is so good! And right after that the Doctor is like 'maybe I should go and you two should stay here,' and that's not supposed to make he think he felt guilty about his feelings and also didn't want to watch Amy and Rory be happily in love? And then I'm sorry but the Doctor in season six almost always treats Rory like a peer who he respects and he hates when Rory is mad at him and then there's the whole thing where Rory was talking about Howie overcoming his stutter in the God Complex and 'not all victories are about saving the universe' and the Doctor is just so soft about Rory, and then he remembers Rory's favorite car, and he's always a little too super supportive and happy for Amy and Rory and tries to get them back together when they break up, but every time they kiss he's all annoyed? Huh, fancy that! And Rory is less obvious than the Doctor (I say 'obvious' but most of this is nothing but headcanon even though the Doctor also did kiss Rory full on the mouth) but at the same time, here's the thing for me. Rory tries so hard to be the guy who doesn't fall for the Doctor or his way of life, and yet he fits into it actually incredibly well, he's super intuitive when it comes to the Doctor and no matter how jealous he got, he never actually disliked the Doctor and actually believes in him a lot! I feel like Rory spent so much of his life making Amy the most important thing and revolving around her, but then when it comes to the Doctor, Rory works as a duo with him easily and does things like go back for the Doctor in Vampires of Venice. It's like he's always getting pulled in two different directions, part of him wanting to avoid the Doctor and TARDIS life and the other part of him just gravitating towards it and towards him anyway. I think that making headcanons for Rory in regards to this ship, I'd say that he probably just blocks out his feelings because obviously he loves Amy and he doesn't understand that he might be able to love more than one person, and the way he loves Amy is different than the way he loves the Doctor so he doesn't even make the connections. And also, the whole scene in the Wedding of River Song where Rory doesn't remember the Doctor or Amy or his regular life and the Doctor is like "you should date Amy," Rory can be read as interested in both Amy and the Doctor, and inwardly being like 'the attractive and amazing man we've been trying to get in contact with is telling me to date the attractive and amazing woman I work for wow.'
And I really don't know if I ship them as eventual endgame or if I just ship them as this underlining never spoken tension that just hurts the Doctor even more when he loses both of them, but either way, I can't get over it and I just really really ship it. Also I have so so so many problems with volume 5-7 DW, but the actors are all amazing standouts who made the characters great and I love all of them but I can't properly write for them and it's frustrating! XD
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Her family history is a little ~complicated~
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 10 months
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Amy's boys | The Vampires of Venice / The Big Bang
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jennalouisecolemans · 6 months
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you know you're doing something right when you, as the author, are shaking and crying and autistic hand-flapping when re-reading over the scene you just wrote
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comicaloverachiever · 3 months
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Poor Amy. He always leaves you, doesn't he? Alone in the dark.
Doctor Who | The Eleventh Hour / A Good Man Goes to War
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nortism · 4 months
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the thrilling sequel
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moodywho · 1 year
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Eleven’s run as Reductress Headlines - Bonus post
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ghoulie-67-baby · 5 months
Tally- Doctor Who.
Summary: You’re running from the silence. You’ve been separated from the doctor and the Ponds and life seems to be slowly coming to an end. What if the madman doesn’t come to save you?
Warnings: Fear, pain, mentions of death, dehydration, exhaustion, pet names, mentions of hallucinations, crying.
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor x GN!reader. (Platonic or otherwise.)
Word count: 1,151.
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The rushing of blood echoed in my ears and my limbs ached with exhaustion. I had been running for god knows how long and I just seemed to get more lost. I allowed myself a break, falling to my knees in the fine, desert sand, chest heaving as I caught my breath. Dizzying pain ripped through my ribs from the stitch I had; I knew I couldn't stop for long. I didn't know what I was running from, but the fear that had acclimated forced me to run. Whatever it was, my body was in fight or flight and my senses told me it was something life-threatening.
An assortment of tally marks stained my skin, and though I knew I was the one who put them there, I couldn't remember why and that chilled me to the bone. The marker pen in my pocket seemed to dig into my flesh as my ears caught a gurgling sound behind me. My head turned slowly to face the noise as my hand grappled to pull the pen from my jeans as the creature came into view. My body felt as though it was sinking into the ground as I scrambled against the ground.
The wind seemed to pick up out of nowhere as it lumbered closer to me, kicking sand into the air around us. I groaned in pain as it blew into my eyes, blinking furiously.
My mind felt fuzzy as the sand finally cleared and I sat up, shaking my head to clear it before standing. My heart was beating a million miles an hour, but I didn't understand why. Fresh markings littered my skin and I stared at them, questions and fears rolling around in my head. My eyes watered as I scraped through my mind to work out what was happening but all I could work out was I was terrified and whatever I was terrified of was causing me to lose my memory.
I let out a few sobs as I fought off my panic before huffing out a long sigh. Now wasn't the time to break down, now was the time I needed to run and find someone who knew what was happening. I had to keep moving. I was in a desert with no food or water and was constantly moving. I wasn't stupid, I knew I had days to live in this condition and I didn't know how long I had been running for.
In the past hour, I had gained a total of 11 extra tallies despite the empty desert around me. My legs were barely holding me up, knees trembling with exertion but I forced myself to keep going. I longed for the wheezing of that beautiful blue box to fill the dry air, desperate to feel the cold metal of her interior on my scorched flesh. And that madman's voice to just tell me everything was okay, that he had fixed everything and I was safe but I had slowed to a stumble.
I didn't have the energy to run anymore and soon I would collapse, the sand would cover me and I would be forgotten to the world. There was no TARDIS on the horizon, no Doctor to save me and no Ponds to make me feel better.
Precious tears streamed down my face as my body gasped for breath, pain flaring through my body as my knees buckled beneath me. I didn't want to die, not like this and not in such a beautifully dangerous place but as hope drained from my body, I was slowly coming to terms with it.
"Y/N!" My head snapped up at the voice and my eyes zeroed in on the gorgeous blue monument ahead of me. "Don't give up, keep going," I scoffed at the hallucination of the Doctor, of course, it was him my dying brain would imagine. "You're nearly there now, Love." I clambered to my feet unsteadily, if I was going out then I might as well use every ounce of energy.
The sun glared into my eyes as I trudged along, feet slipping against mounds of sand. The TARDIS seemed to get closer and I had a horrible feeling that as soon as I reached her, I was going to die. She was like my light that people warned you not to walk into. So be it, I'd die happy if they were my afterlife.
"Nearly there, come on, you can do it." He coaxed me closer, holding open the door as I kicked up sand in my fight to reach him. I held my hand out towards the Timelord, his hallucination blurred by tears as I closed my eyes to welcome death.
But death never came. Instead, my hand was met with the calloused skin of another as fingers curled around my own. He was never a hallucination.
My eyes shot open as the hand pulled me forward, the familiar creaking of the TARDIS door behind me, as I all but fell into the police box and into waiting arms. The pen in my pocket clattered to the floor as I gripped the tweed jacket and buried my head against the time lord.
"I know, you're safe, Love, just breathe." My sobs echoed through the console as my body became overwhelmed with relief and pain, dragging me through a tidal wave of emotion.
I gasped as we sunk to the floor; pain, exhaustion, confusion, fear, relief, and happiness all at once. The chest beneath my head vibrated as softly spoken words carried me through the feelings.
"I've got you, you're safe," he whispered into my ear, my gasps settling to shuddering breaths. "I'm so sorry Y/N," my body leant against him bonelessly as his hand smoothed over my hair, the other rubbing gentle circles into my back. "That's it, good job, Love." Silence followed as I clung to him, the ambience of the TARDIS comforting me. After a few minutes, I tilted my head to look into those beautifully old eyes and smiled weakly.
"Knew you'd find me," I whispered, ignoring my hoarse throat. "Cutting a bit short weren't you." I teased, his green eyes glazed with tears as he smiled down at me, wiping my cheeks gently.
"We had some trouble," he chuckled, "Someone didn't want us to find you but I couldn't let that slide now could I? Not for one of my favourite humans eh?" I forced my arms to wrap around him, gripping the back of his jacket in a hug and buried my head in his neck as the past few days caught up with me.
I was safe now, my body had clocked on to that fact. I couldn't help how my eyes slipped closed as I relaxed into the Timelord's grip, finally letting my body and mind shut down to recover from the ordeal.
He would always save me, no matter what.
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chodoyodes · 2 months
Remember that outfit swap you did for Nine and Eleven back in November? (well I did)
How would their respective companions react to their new looks?
Also, what is your favorite class to play in DnD?
I do remember the post in question
Here are the reactions I cooked up haha
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As for my fav dnd class, it’s gotta be warlock, I have a current warlock character who is STUPIDLY min maxed and powerful but he’s only 16, super fun time
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He’s recently sold his soul to his patron though so that’s not great
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khruschevshoe · 5 months
You know I'm starting to realize that my basis for my favorite Doctor Who pairings is people who change/affect each other on a fundamental level, character arcs entwined with each other's in some rather impossible (and often in both hopeful and tragic ways) and that's why although I like TenRose well enough, I ADORE NineRose (and NineRoseJack, under the same parameters). I will ship some version of TenMartha forever. TwelveMissy is my beloved. Even ElevenAmyRory functions somewhat under that same umbrella.
The trick is just that the change has to go both ways, so ElevenRiver and Thasmin (though both have their merits) just never vibed for me PERSONALLY.* River and Yaz were both changed on a fundamental level by their Doctors, but their Doctors didn't always seem to be changed fundamentally in return. Like, clearly, canonically, Eleven and Thirteen both loved River and Yaz respectively, but their character arcs and growth and/or devolution at characters were not inextricably linked by other's influence on their life.
*This is an extremely subjective opinion. Not trying to start any flame wars. Just my take on things.
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expectiations · 2 months
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The Doctor sneaking out of the tardis like a teenager sneaking out of his parents house while Amy and Rory are asleep to go on dates with his wife their daughter is my favorite thing in dw ever. My beloved Pond family
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briony-tallis · 11 days
no matter where you land on the "river is the amyeleven baby" theory, i do think it is undeniably and emphatically hilarious that the writers went so hard to convince the audience to believe in the potential for the theory that they ended up having to do mental gymnastics to work around the fact that she was half time lord. what were they doing man. what was the plan.
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captain-trainor · 2 months
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i love them with all my heart
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You know, there is something really satisfying being able to write an asexual character in a poly relationship or an asexual character be interested in by a character who is very frank with their sexuality who even loves the asexual character a bit more because of their asexuality because it opens up different avenues than they're used to or an asexual character that is accepted and loved and cherished and desired anyway
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