#rose chan
rosechancute · 4 months
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First draw of June 2024!
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jerirose · 1 month
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My Able Sisters is looking mighty cute now 🥰 Can't wait to see my villagers walk around in them hehe
Put the designs up on the Design Portal if anyone wants them 😊🫶🏻 MA-1598-3475-6300
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Official character posters for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
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arwensundomiels · 10 months
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895 notes · View notes
straylightdream · 10 months
rose-colored boy
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𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭: bang chan x reader
↳ Life never goes as planned, when you were younger you always imagined as reaches your mid twenties you would be married with kids. Instead you’re stuck at home helping take care of your sick grandmother and still desperately searching for her fathers approval. The only thing in your life that makes you feel normal is Chan.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: non idol au, romance, angst, smut
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit sex, anxiety, and mentions of depression, crying and lots of emotions.
𝐚𝐧: I’m reworking a story I posted in 2020 here. This story is a one shot right now, but if there is enough interest I might write a part two.
𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲
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The sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach is an all too familiar feeling that you’re a disappointment. Inhaling a deep breath you're listening to your father gush about your brother and his new wife. Your younger brother sports a proud smile listening to your father. This family dinner was exactly like all the other ones you have shared.
“Y/N have you considered going back to school?” Your father asks, pointing his attention back at you.
Closing your eyes you take a deep breath attempting not to roll your eyes at your father. He’s aware that you don’t have time to go back to school. He chooses to ignore the fact that your grandmother's condition is getting worse and your mother needs all the help she can get. Your father tends to live in his own world ignoring the problems you and your mother and his ex wife face. He stopped caring long before he left your mother, so it’s not like this is anything new.
Looking at your brother you give him a pleading look. You wished he would recognize your silent begging for help.
“I would love too, but mom needs my help with grandma,” you try your hardest to keep your tone even. You don’t need your father or your stepmother Hae-Won commenting about your bitchy attitude.
“Your mother needs to put her in a home and move on,” your father’s cold tone stings. He’s always been a more distant man, but at one point he did actually love your mother and her family.
“Mom needs Y/N,” your brother finally speaks up defending you.
“Darling, listen to your son,” Hae-Won rested her hand on your father's arms. Your stepmother tends to be the voice of reason when it comes to your father. Hae-Won is a kind woman and she always attempts to treat you with kindness.
Dinner continues with a blur. Your father has switched his attention back to your brother and his career. Standing up, walking outside desperately needing fresh air and escape from constant judgment. Your brother walks outside with his car keys in his hand.
“Sorry that was so rough,” he finally speaks.
Shoving your hands in your jeans pockets you try to act like you aren’t fazed by their constant judgment.
“Joshua, that was like every single dinner we have,” looking down at your feet you sigh.
“YN, I’m sorry I’m not there for mom,” he reaches his hand out resting it on your shoulder.
“You’re married now, Rosie needs you.”
Your brother being married had nothing to do with him not helping mom. The moment Joshua went to university he found his escape from the life you were now trapped in. If it wasn’t for you your mother would lose her mind. Your grandmother's Alzheimer's started getting bad while you were in high school, and proceeded to get worse while you were in your first year of university. Your mother’s mental breakdown during the summer after your first year pushed you to drop out to help out at home.
“Did you need a ride home?” your brother asks.
Silently you nod.
The ride was filled with awkward conversation. You and your brother used to be close. When he was at home you used to be best friends. He quickly found a life away from you and your mother. You can’t blame him though. If you were given the chance to run away from all this you in a heartbeat. You dreamed of a life away from yours. You want a life when you don't struggle to get by. You want a life that doesn't feel completely trapped. You desperately want to go back to school and get your degree, but it’s just not an option.
Pulling into the drive of your family home Joshua puts the car in park, but doesn’t turn it off. You want to ask if he’s gonna go inside to see mom, but you know the answer.
“You should come over to have dinner with Rosie and I.” He’s always trying to get you to be closer with his wife.
“Okay,” you say, getting out of the car. Glancing back at your brother while shutting the door you see him wearing a sad smile. You wished things between you and your brother weren’t so strained.
Walking inside you find your mother sitting in the living room talking to your grandmother.
“Hi,” you stop and wave at them.
“Are you my granddaughter?” Your grandmother asks, looking at you.
Your stomach drops and you put on your best fake smile you can possibly muster and nod your head. It never gets any easier. The feeling of her not remembering you feels like a dagger slowly being pushed into your chest. You think back constantly to the days where your grandmother was your favorite person. Back to the days when your parents would fight and your grandmother would come and pick you up and take you out to get ice cream. All the sweet memories you used to share have slowly started drifting away. You can’t help but feel mad that you’re watching one of the people you love most in the world drift away. You’re not nearly as patient with her as you’ve been in the past. You curse yourself each time you give the slightest attitude answering the same question for the hundredth time. It’s hard to explain the way you feel. In the earlier stages when you first dropped out of school you used to sit for hours with your mother keeping her company as she watched her mother, but as the more time has passed its grown more difficult to sit there. These days your grandmother could barely maintain a conversation, and most of her questions were about sore subjects. She often asks your mother where her husband is. Or asked if you were married. Your dating life in itself was a touchy subject. You had zero desire to bring someone into your life. You were trapped enough that nobody deserved to be dragged into this life.
“How was dinner?” Your mother asked, standing up.
“Fine,” you lied, turning on your heels and heading down the hallway towards your room.
Shutting the door press your back against the door and let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Reaching into your pocket you pulled out your phone to see a text from Felix. It simply read “come over to mine and Jisung’s for drinks at eight.”
Looking at the clock on your nightstand you saw it was already eight thirty. You already had a rough night. You should probably take a hot shower and call it a night. Holding your phone up you stared at his text for a solid moment before you simply responded, “be there soon.”
Opening your door walking back into the living room you find your grandma sitting alone. Walking into the small kitchen you find your mom pouring herself a large glass of wine.
“Did you need my help tonight?” You prayed she would say no. You needed a night with your friends especially after your dinner with your dad.
“Where are you going?”
“Felix invited me over for drinks,” you give her a small smile.
“I’m assuming your father was in one of his moods,” she brings the red wine up her lips and takes a big gulp.
“I’m nothing more than disappointment, especially when I’m next to the shining star known as Joshua,” you sound bitter, but you can’t help it. You would be lying to yourself if you said you aren’t jealous of your younger brother.
“You’re not a disappointment,” your mother states.
“Dad thinks I am,” you don’t want to talk about it anymore. This subject just makes you feel even worse.
“Your father's opinion doesn’t matter.” You wish that was true, but for some reason your father’s opinion felt like everything to you. You’ve lived your whole life wanting nothing more than your father's approval.
“Go have fun with your friends.”
Stepping outside you're greeted by the cold autumn air. You choose to walk to the boys place. It’s only a ten minute walk, and you know the walk will give you time to clear your head. You need this time to push away the feeling of disappointment and sadness.
Walking up to the door you knock and step back. It takes all of thirty seconds before Jisung opens the door and pulls you inside. Looking around. In the apartment you see a small group of friends. It’s Felix, Jisung and their six guy friends and three girls. You recognize the blonde girl Soomin as the girl Seungmin has been trying to hook up with.
“Drinks are in the kitchen,” Jisung says.
Nodding you walk into the kitchen. In the small white kitchen you find Chan talking to Felix. Felix wastes no time reaching forward pulling you into a hug.
Pulling away, Felix holds your shoulders and looks at you with his eyebrows knit together. “Why are you so tense?”
“I had dinner with my father and Joshua.”
“Is your father still acting the same?” Felix is one of the few people who know your whole situation with your family. Not even Jisung, who you’re just as close to, knows about your whole family situation.
“Yeah,” you sigh, glancing over at Chan who looks at you like he’s studying you.
“Did you want something to drink?” Chan asked.
Felix removes his hands from you. He smiles over at Chan and says, “make the girl something strong she really needs it.”
Felix walks out of the room leaving you alone with Chan. Things with Chan have always been easy. He’s someone who is kind and easy to make conversation with. You’ve grown closer to him over the last couple months. He’s an old high school friend of Felix. Out of all your friends he seems to by far have his life the most together. He works at a bank in a high up position and even has his own apartment. You’ve watched enough women at bars attempt to capture his attention, but the thing about Chan is he doesn’t seem to want theirs. He’s always seemed so driven by work you’ve never even heard of him dating anyone.
Handing you a red cup he captures your attention, “it’s pretty strong.”
“Is everything okay?”
You take a sip of the strong drink and look up at him with hooded eyes. Shrugging your shoulders you aren’t even sure how to respond to that question. Technically everything is okay, nothing has changed. You feel the exact same way you’ve always felt. You’re just doing a terrible job at hiding it. Normally you pride yourself on trying to hide away all your problems that seem to be eating away at you.
“Rough day,” you sigh.
He leans back against the counter and looks at you. You can’t help but let your eyes travel across his body. Chan is very handsome and you aren’t really sure why some girl hasn’t been able to lock him down. He stands there oh so casually dressed jeans and button up shirt.
“You know you can talk to me right? I know Felix is the only one you fully let in, but I like to think we’re friends too. If you need someone to vent to, I'm here to listen.”
“I don’t need to burden someone else with all my problems.”
Chan is one of the kindest and most caring people that you’ve ever met. He’s always been like the father figure of your group of friends. You’ve seen your friends pull him aside to talk to him when they’re having problems. He’s being honest with you when he tells you he’s there to listen to you. He won't judge you for whatever you’re going through.
“You know you aren’t a burden to anyone right? You’re friends with me and all the boys. We’re all here to support you. We just want to help.”
You wished it was that easy that you could just talk about your problems and it would help them go away. You could scream from the rooftop that you’re tired of feeling like a disappointment, but it wouldn’t make the feeling go away. You could scream that you’re tired of being trapped in a life that you didn’t choose, but at the
end of the day you’ll still have to go home. Your mother is still in desperate need of your help. You couldn’t just walk away from your family, like your brother did. You know your brother didn’t leave to hurt you, but it didn’t dull the pain anymore.
“I’m okay Chan. Thank you for your offer though.”
“Come sit on the patio with me,” he says.
You aren’t sure why he wants you to go outside with him, but nod your head and follow him. He slides the glass door open that’s connected to the kitchen. You step outside and he closes the door behind you. The chilly night air feels nice against your skin as you take a seat in one of the two chairs that are sitting in front of a glass table. Chan sits next to you, placing his cup on the table. You look at the cup curious to know what he’s drinking. It’s rare that you ever see him drink. He’s the one who is always the designated driver or the one in charge of looking after your friends who tend to get a little too rambunctious when they drink.
“What are you drinking?” You ask.
“Water,” he lets out a soft chuckle. You can’t help but shake your head. It was rare you ever saw him eat or drink something that isn’t healthy.
“Did you have work today?” You attempt to make small talk with him to avoid talking about things that are too personal.
“Yeah I worked until five.”
Chan was one of the higher ups at a bank in the city. He tended to wear a suit for a living and work nine to five. He probably had his life the most together out of all your friends he followed the path he always planned on following. Your friends all had their lives together, but they all still liked to party and let loose. Sure Minho and Hyunjin were making good money working as dancers but their job wasn’t always super steady. Felix and Jeongin both worked for a tech company that just started up. Seungmin is a teacher. Jisung also worked as a publisher, and Changbin was working as sound technician at a record label. Literally all your friends have their lives more together than you. You dropped out of college to help at home, and you work a retail job barely getting by.
“Did you work today?” He asks.
You shake your head, “no I had to ask for the day off to see my dad.” You tense up just mentioning your dad. You don’t mean to, it’s just a force of habit.
“You didn’t want to come over tonight did you?” He asks as he brings his cup up to his lips. He takes a drink and watches you.
You weren’t sure if you should answer him honestly. Part of you wanted to stay home and take a shower and just attempt to push away the negative thoughts that seem to be eating away at you. You only came over to escape the trapped feeling of being at home.
“I need to get out of my house,” a heavy sigh passes your lips.
“Are you okay?” He reaches over and rests his warm hand on top of yours. There’s something comforting about his touch.
An almost sarcastic laugh passes your lips, “my grandma didn’t know who I was when I came home today.”
His eyes grow wide as he stares at you. He purses his lips together as he stares at you attempting to figure out what he should say to you. He knows that he can’t say sorry to hear that. He knows nobody fully understands what you’re going through. He only knows about your grandma because Felix told him one day. Felix was worried about you because he hadn’t heard from you in two days. In a panic Felix let him know about the stress you were under at home. Felix swore him to secrecy telling him that you couldn’t know that he knows. That you didn’t want everyone knowing about your problems.
“I know you’re probably tired of hearing this, but I’m really sorry you have to go through that. That must be heartbreaking to experience,” his hand remains on yours as his dark eyes stay on you.
Closing your eyes you push back your tears that are trying so hard to fall. You’ve had a rough day and you don’t want to cry, but the overwhelming weight of the world seems to be resting on your shoulders.
“It fucking sucks,” you shake your head.
“Well my offer still stands if you ever need to talk about it. I'm here for you. You also know that Felix and Jisung would go to the ends of the world for you.”
Felix constantly told you that he was there for you. You couldn’t even count the number of times Felix came over to your house and just laid in bed with you listening to you cry about your problems. Felix is your rock. He’s been there through hell and back holding your hand. Jisung would also be there for you if you would fully let him in. He knows details of your problems, but he’s not the one you call when you’re crying.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” You need to know if he’s doing this just because he is pitying you.
“Because you’re a good person, and you don’t need to feel alone,” his thumb brushes across your skin in a calming motion.
“I don’t feel alone. I have Felix,” it was a lie. You felt lonely all the time. You couldn’t seem to fill the empty hole in your chest.
“You can have more people than just Felix that care about you. All seven of those guys in the house care about you. I even care about you. I can see that you’re hurting, and you can put on a fake smile and try to act happy in front of all of us, but you don’t have to. You’re allowed to be sad, and if someone or something is hurting you, you don’t have to turn off those emotions,” his voice is so calming as he speaks to you. He’s saying things to you that you’ve been needing to hear for a long time. Some of the things he’s saying Felix has said to you as well, but for some reason they just feel different coming from Chan.
“I don’t want to be fake happy anymore.” You wanted nothing more in the world to feel real happiness. You wanted that feeling of being a disappointment to fade away.
“Let more people in then.”
The air between you feels thick as you stare at each other. There’s something between you and you can’t seem to put your finger on it.
“What happens if I let you in?” You take a deep breath keeping your eyes locked on him.
“Then I’ll be there for you. I can be there for you just like Felix.”
“You’ll get tired of hearing about my problems.” You knew Felix was probably tired of listening to you cry.
“Believe me I won’t.”
Looking away from his intense gaze, you need to step away from this. This all feels too overwhelming. Chan removes his hand from the top of yours, noticing your change in demeanor.
“I need some water,” you quickly stand up.
He walks over and opens the sliding door holding it open for you. You walk inside heading straight to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. He stands in the kitchen watching you.
“I’m sorry if I overwhelmed you,” he walks closer to you.
“I had a weird day. This isn’t because of you,” you don’t want him to know that you were freaking over letting your walls down around him.
You stand there alone for a long moment. Seungmin walks in letting his presence be known singing a random song loudly. Your eyes snap over to your loud friend hoping he will relieve some of the tension that has formed between you and Chan.
Seungmin’s eyes bounce between the two of you, stopping right by both of you. “YN you’re so tense when was the last time you got laid?” Seungmin speaks, putting his hand on your shoulders and shaking you. Seungmin has never been the best at using the filter between his brain and his mouth. Your cheek burn with embarrassment as your eyes bounce between Seungmin and Chan. Chan is wearing an apologetic look while Seungmin looks all too proud that he’s embarrassed you.
“Seungmin you don’t get to ask me that,” you practically shout, feeling utterly embarrassed. You didn’t want to discuss your sex life with Seungmin of all people. He’s got by far the biggest mouth out of all your friends.
“It’s been awhile if you won’t answer,” he barks out a laugh and looks toward Chan who is blushing. “Chan you also look super tense. When was the last time you got laid?” Seungmin has realized that he can make both of you feel incredibly awkward with zero effort. One of Seungmin 's favorite pastimes is embarrassing his friends.
“Seungmin, knock it off,” Chan responded, completely deadpan.
“Maybe you two should have sex and you can both relax for once,” Seungmin smiles, stepping away from you.
“Well that was beyond awkward,” you respond.
“I mean maybe you two should bang. Maybe both of you could actually have fun for once,” was the last thing he said before walking out of the kitchen.
You’re left standing there with just Chan who seems to be having an issue with making eye contact with you. Pushing your lips together you look at him attempting to even figure out what exactly you should say. Seungmin wasn’t wrong about you probably need to have sex. You’d been so stressed you couldn’t even remember the last time you were intimate with someone. Hell the last time you kissed someone was Felix during a drunken game of truth or dare on his birthday. During that drunken mess of a night you were dared to either kiss him or Seungmin and Felix was the safe bet being your best friend.
Chan nervously scratches his neck and looks up at you finally.
“I take it’s been a while for you too?” He finally speaks.
Talking about sex has always made you feel slightly awkward. You’ve never been a person who would openly share details of your sex life.
“Yeah probably too long,” sighing as you lean against the counter across from Chan.
“If it makes you feel any better I’m in the same boat. It’s been a while.”
You aren’t sure what possessive you to say it but without thinking you say, “maybe Seungmin right, maybe I do need to have sex. I’ve been so stressed with everything.”
Chan cocks his eyebrow and stares at you looking caught off guard. He audibly swallows, not expecting you to agree with his younger friend. In the whole time he’s known you, Chan doesn’t think he’s ever heard you mention anything to do with sex. You had this air of innocence to you. He was well aware you weren’t a virgin, he’s heard you talk about your ex who strung you along off and on for six years. There was just something so innocent about you that the topic of sex made you blush and feel awkward.
“Who would you sleep with?” he’s not sure why he asks. He knows damn well it’s none of his business. He knows no matter who you say he’s not going to like the answer. He doesn’t like the idea of you sleeping with anyone.
Shrugging your shoulder you realize you don’t exactly have men lining up the block to have sex with you. You could try those dating apps people use to hook up, or maybe a friend. You trusted all the boys but you knew certain ones would complicate your life. Felix specifically was off limits, he’s your best friend and you couldn’t do anything to ruin that. Changbin crosses your mind for a small moment. He’s extremely handsome and charming and has even flirted with you before.
“I don’t know,” you finally respond.
As Chan watches you can tell you seem to have a million things going through your mind. He wants to offer up his services but he’s not exactly sure how you would take his offer. He couldn’t lie to himself, he's always been attracted to you, and he’s enjoyed getting to know you. He also appreciates that you seem to be letting your walls down around him.
“If I ask you something can you promise not to slap me?”
You nod not exactly sure what he could possibly ask you.
“Would you be willing to have sex with me?” His heart races as he stares at you trying his hardest to judge your reaction.
You look at him completely dumbfounded. You aren’t even sure if you heard him correctly. Bang Chan is one of the most handsome men you have ever laid eyes on. He’s also got the body of a Greek god, and he just asked if you would be willing to have sex with him. You blink a handful of times attempting to process his question.
“You want to have sex with me?” you blurt out.
He nods and gives you an innocent smile, “yeah.”
“Oh,” you stammer over that simple word. Your mind is still trying to process that Chan actually wants you.
He pushes himself off the counter and looks at you with a guilt ridden face, “you can totally say no. I’m sorry for making this weird.”
He looks cute and completely flustered. Reaching you rest your hand on his arm, “if you’re sure you want to. I would like to relieve some stress with you.”
“Oh,” he opened his mouth and stared at you, completely shocked that you agreed. He didn’t actually have a plan of action if you agreed. He thought for sure you were going to shut him down without even thinking twice.
“Did you want to do it tonight?” You felt so weird asking him if he wanted to leave to have sex. This whole situation was completely uncharted for you.
He nods and gives you an awkward smile, “yeah we can go to my place if you want.”
“Can we please head out now?” You want to leave as soon as you can. You know you should stay and talk to Felix some more, but he seems to be giving you space to talk to Chan.
“Yeah I can drive us.”
“Let me say goodbye to Felix.”
You walk off to the living room where you find your best friend talking to Jeongin. You tap his shoulder and he turns to face you.
“Chan is gonna take me home.” You decide to spare the details that you’re leaving with him to have sex. You know out of all your friends Felix won’t judge you, but he might be concerned about your feelings.
Leaning forward he pulls you into a tight hug and presses his lips to the top of your head before whispering that he’ll see you tomorrow.
You wave goodbye to the rest of the group before meeting Chan at the door. He holds the door open and as soon as it shuts behind him he ever so slowly reaches down, taking your hand in his. A spark goes across your skin as he holds your hand tight. He leads you down to the parking garage below the building and holds your door open as you slide inside. He gets in and starts the car. He turns the radio on to give you some background noise.
You drive in silent with nothing but the hum of the radio for five minutes before you break the silence between you.
You clear your throat catching his attention. He glances over at you and gives you a soft smile.
“So, I’ve never done anything like this. Like I’ve had sex outside of a relationship, but never with a friend,” you’re rambling but you really can’t help it.
“I haven’t either,” he reaches over resting his hand on your thigh.
“So we’re both nervous?” You look over at him trying to read his expression.
“Yeah I’m nervous too.” It’s reassuring to know he feels the same way you do.
Pulling into the parking garage. He shuts the car off and gives you a smile before getting out of the car. You take a deep breath before unbuckling your seatbelt. Hoping out of his car you find home waiting for you with your hand out. You lace your fingers with his without giving it a second thought.
Chan felt like a nervous teenager as he held your hand. This whole situation was something he’s never done before. He has a million thoughts going through his mind as he holds your hand leading you towards his apartment. He has one mission tonight, and that’s to make you forget your problems for a little while. He wants to make you feel good and to relieve all the stress that’s built up.
Entering his apartment he releases your hand as he gives you a minute to look around and take in your surroundings. You’ve only been to his place twice and both times you were with Felix and you weren’t there very long. His apartment is pretty large and has a minimalist aesthetic to it. You’ve heard Chan talk about how much he hates decorating. Stopping in his living room in front of his black leather couch. Chan follows you into the living room. Staring at you, he takes a deep breath. You’ve never done this before. You’ve never agreed to just have casual sex with a friend. You fidget with the bottom of your sweater. You’re not sure who is supposed to make the first move. How exactly was this supposed to work?
“We don’t have to do this,” he says awkwardly. He can’t tell how nervous you are.
“I want this. I haven’t had sex in too long and I feel like it will help relieve some stress.”
He steps closer to you. He hesitates for a moment before pushing a piece of hair behind your ear. “It’s been pretty long for me too.”
“You know you have girls always trying to get with you right?” You try not to laugh thinking about all the girls who attempt to flirt with him. You’ve seen too many girls attempt to get his attention when you go out with your friends.
Shrugging he says, “I don’t feel like having sex with random girls.”
You can’t seem to ignore the nervous feeling in your stomach that’s bubbling. Looking up at Chan you notice his cheeks are flushed slightly. He must be as nervous as you. This whole situation is so strange, never in your wildest dreams did you think you would be going over to Chan to have sex with him. The fact that Seungmin dumb comment about you needing to get laid led to you riding over to Chan apartment is crazy.
“How do we even start this?” you felt like an awkward teen about to lose your virginity.
“We could start by kissing,” he steps closer to you.
Nodding your head you agree that kissing would be a good place to start this. Maybe that would help calm your nerves.
He rests his hand on your cheek ever so gently and stares into your eyes. He licks his bottom lip before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. A warm feeling spread through your body as your lips moved together. One of his hands stayed on your cheek while the other gripped your hip holding you close. The whole time your lips moved together you couldn’t help but overthink everything. You were enjoying the feeling of his lips against yours, but you wondered if he was enjoying it too.
With his lips ghosting yours he whispers, “stop over thinking everything.”
Your eyes snap open and you step back from him. You stare at him with your mouth open, unsure of what to even say.
“Stop overthinking everything. Just let go and enjoy yourself. I’m going to make it my mission to force you to relax tonight,” he leans in to press his lips to your jaw. He places a trail of gentle nips across your skin.
He presses his lips to yours again and you relax against his touch. His hands run up and down your sides as your lips dance. Wrapping your arms around his neck you pull him close to you. Opening your mouth he slides his tongue against yours.
He pulls away wearing a smile. His hands reach for the end of your sweater. He pauses while he waits for your consent. You nod your head silently.
He removes all your clothes leaving you naked in front of him. You stand there watching as he removes his own clothes.
His body is something to be admired. He has probably the best abs you’ve ever seen. Without even thinking you lean forward and run your fingers across his tone stomach. He watches you intently. He wants this whole night to be about helping you find a release. He wants you to enjoy yourself.
Silently he drops to his knees in front of you. His hands run up your thighs. He moves your thighs so he’s sitting between your legs. His eyes are locked on your already wet core. He’s managed to get you worked up with just the idea of what is going to happen and by the heated kiss you shared.
He runs two fingers through your folds as he presses a kiss to the top of your mound. You whimper in anticipation. His thumb brushes your clit for a moment before he moves his fingers to your entrance. He thrust his finger into your tight wall. His tongue laps at your clit as he pumps one finger inside you.
“You’re so tight,” he groans against your core. He dips another finger in you helping stretch you out. He curls his fingers inside you, touching just the right area. You tangle your fingers in his hair. Closing your eyes you tilt your head back, closing your eyes. You’re so close to finding your release.
“Chh… Chan I’m so… close,” you’re a complete whimpering mess.
He picks up his pace knowing you’re so close. He doesn’t stop until you find your release. The warm wave washes over you. You cry out his name loudly. He pulls away sitting on his hunches looking up at you with a proud smile.
“That was amazing,” you say with your chest rising and falling quickly.
He stands up and leans forward to kiss you. You taste yourself on your lips and you can’t lie it turns you on. Your eyes travel down his body to see that he’s already extremely hard and you haven’t even touched him.
“Let me get a condom.”
He jogs off to his bedroom and comes back rolling the rubber down his hardened length. He stops in front of you and leans in for another kiss. You wished that all those months ago you would have dared to kiss him. You can’t believe you’ve gone this far in your life never knowing the feel of Chan’s lips against yours.
“Can you bend over the back of the couch?” He pulls away asking.
You nod and look over at the leather couch. You follow his lead and walk over to the couch. Bending you over the couch he kissed down your spine. His hand grip your hips tightly. You take a deep breath and look over at your shoulder to see his lust filled eyes staring at you.
“Are you ready?” He grinds his hips against yours slowly.
He slides his length between your folds before pushing into you extremely slowly. His hands never leave your hips as he pushes his way in. The feeling of him stretching you is overwhelming. You grip the back of the couch as a gasp passes your lips. He stills is giving you time to adjust.
His chest is rising and falling as he tries to remain calm. “You’re really tight,'' he says with baited breath.
It’s probably been too long since you had sex and you know you need to relax more. “Spread your legs a little,” he puts his foot next to one of yours and gently nudges it. You silently follow his command. One of his hands leaves your hips and he slowly drags it down your spine. His touch feels like electricity running through your veins.
“Sweetheart just relax,” his voice is low and calming.
Taking a deep breath you try your hardest to relax. Sex is supposed to be fun. You aren’t supposed to stress about the problems in your life while probably the most handsome man you’ll ever meet is literally inside you. You nod your head and rest your face against the cool leather sofa.
His hand slowly rubs your back helping you relax. “Did you want to stop? I’m not going to be upset if you want to walk now or at any time during this.”
Lifting your head you look over your shoulder with a shocked look on your face. “I want this. I’m trying to stop overthinking everything,” you explained.
“Can I move?”
“Yes please.”
He leans forward kissing your shoulder before he pulls his hips back. Be pushed back into you, setting a slow pace. With each thrust he fills you completely. You can’t help the low whimpers that pass your lips with each roll of his hips.
The room is filled with the sounds of skin hitting skin, and his low moans, and your soft whimpers. His hands are back to gripping your hips. Everytime he thrust into you, he pushed away the thoughts of the outside world. You try your hardest to get lost in his touch. His pace picks up slowly. His grip on you never falters. Your name has never sounded as beautiful as it does being moaned by him. Dropping your face into the couch you moan his name.
He leans over your body, having one of his hands at your core. His fingers quickly find your swollen bundle of nerves. He brushes it quickly as he’s helping you chase your release.
“Chan,” you whine.
Wet kisses are being placed across the back of your neck. You can’t hold your eyes open, the feeling of the coil in your stomach tightens, almost becoming too much to handle.
He snaps his hips into yours over and over again. You aren’t exactly sure how long you’ve been pushed up against this couch, but you won’t complain. Nobody has ever made you feel the way Chan is. He seems to know exactly how your body ticks. His fingers don’t leave your clit as he whispers encouraging words into your ear.
“Sweetheart, you can go ahead and cum for me.”
You’ve never wanted to come so badly in your life. Pushing your hips up angling them just right Chan is hitting a new area that causes a loud gasp to pass your lips.
“Chan,” you whimper, reaching back for his hand. You need to hold on to him desperately as you’re so close to finding your release.
“I want to see you when you come, pretty,” he says, stalling in you.
Your eyes grow wide confused on why he’s stopped moving. He pulls out of you and reaches out for you. He picks you up and places you on the couch. Laying there on his couch you watch as he moves so he’s hovering over you. He settles between your legs and pushes into you.
“You’re so pretty. I want to see your pretty face when you cum,” his sweet words.
“Chan,” you whimper.
One hand grips his shoulder while the other tangles in his hair. His nose is resting on yours. His pretty lips are parted and low moans pass his lips.
“Kiss me,” you say. You desperately want to feel his lips on yours. His lips crashed against your. The kiss is sloppy and lust filled but you can’t seem to get enough.
Your legs wrap around his waist holding him close. His thrust have slowed as your lips move together.
“Just let go,” he says with his lips ghosting yours.
His command is all that it takes to push you over the edge. The warmth spreads throughout your body as your walls pull on him. You moan into his lips. Your body feels like a live wire. He rolls his hips into you over and over before finally finding his own release.
He stills with his chest rising and falling. He leans forward pressing his face into the crook of your neck. You wrap your arms around his back holding him close as he lays on top of you for a moment. His body weight gives you a sense of comfort. Laying there with Chan in your arms this is the most relaxed you’ve felt in a long time.
He lifts himself up and looks down at you. He pushes away your hair that’s stuck to your face.
“Sorry if I was crushing you.”
A soft laugh passes your lips. He’s so sweet and even post sex he’s still so caring.
“You aren’t crushing me,” you reach up resting your hand on his strong jaw.
He pulls away from you and stands up. You can’t help but watch his naked body walk away to toss his used condom. He comes back to you not even seeming slightly embarrassed that he’s strutting around naked. That probably has to do with his beautiful body, and his amazing abs.
Sitting up you pull your legs into your chest feeling suddenly weird that you're just sitting on the couch completely naked. He sits down on the couch next to you and rests his hand on your knee. He smiles before leaning forward and pressing his lips to yours for a sweet kiss. It was the exact opposit of the last lust fueled kiss you shared.
“You’re so pretty,” he rested his nose against yours.
“Chan, thank you.”
“Did you enjoy it,” you couldn’t believe that he was asking if you just enjoyed the best sex you’ve ever experienced.
You let out a little laugh and nod your head.
“Is it awkward if I ask you to stay the night? I don’t see this as a onel night stand type thing. I would like to spend more time with you.”
He’s a little nervous that you will say no. Chan wants to get to know you even more. He wants you to let your walls down around him. He also just wants your company.
“Are you sure you want me to stay?” You couldn’t believe he was asking you to stay.
“Yeah of course I want you to stay.”
Neither of you bother to put any clothes on. Chan takes your hand and leads you off to his room. His bedroom is somewhere you’ve never seen before. The walls are a bright white and he has a queen size bed under a window that looks out onto the city. He pulls his curtains closed not seeming to care that he’s naked. You crawl onto his bed and pull the blankets back. He lays down next to you and wastes no time pulling you close to his body. Your head rests on his chest as he holds you close. In all your life you had only slept in a man's bed a handful of times. All your ex boyfriends and flames never seemed to hold you like Chan is though.
“Did that help relieve some of your stress?” he asked softly.
“Yeah it did.”
Just being around Chan seems to relax you. This is the first time in the longest time you feel at ease. You aren’t worried about everything going on. You know tomorrow will be a stressful day when your mom asks about where you were overnight, but right now you don’t have to worry about that.
“Thank you for tonight.”
“I told you I want to be here for you, and I’ll be here for you mentally and physically,” his hand rubs your side. “I have tomorrow off. Did you maybe want to get lunch together and hang out?”
You literally spent the whole time you were at Felix’s together and then left with him to have sex. Chan seemed like he couldn’t get enough of you, and you can’t complain. It feels nice to finally be wanted.
“I’ll have to go home and change and check in with my mom, but yeah I’ll get lunch with you.”
A night spent in Chan’s arms is one of the best night's sleep you've gotten in a long time.
Bright morning light shining through the thin curtains woke you up. A yawn passes your lips as you stretch out your sore body. The bed feels cold next to you. You look over to see Chan isn’t in bed. A panicked feeling starts in your chest. Maybe this was a sign that he wanted you to leave. Hoping out of bed quickly you look around the room realizing you walked into his room naked. Looking on the dresser you see a pile of your clothes neatly folded. Chan must have gathered your clothes this morning. Walking towards the dresser you see the master bathroom door is shut with the light peaking out from the bottom. You aren’t sure if Chan is in there but you don’t want to find out. You quickly put your bra and underwear on. As you start pulling on your legging the bathroom door opens and Chan walks out a pair of boxer briefs while he runs a towel through his damp hair. The moment his eyes lock on you, you completely freeze like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Why do you look like you’re running away?” He asks, tossing his towel in the hamper next to the door.
“I thought you would want me to leave,” you say awkwardly.
“Why would I want you to leave?” Chan doesn’t understand what he did or said that could possibly make you think he wanted you to leave.
“I don’t know.”
“I planned on us grabbing lunch. I actually wanted to spend more time with you.” He wasn’t lying to you yesterday when he said he wanted to be there for you.
“Oh,” you’re caught off guard by him actually wanting to spend time with you.
He steps towards you stopping right in front of you. He places his hand right under your chin lifting it so you’re looking into his dark eyes. He licks his bottom lip before saying, “you can relax around me. You don’t have to try to act happy. Let your walls down and try to trust me.” He so desperately wants for you to trust him like you do Felix.
You open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out. You aren’t sure of what to say to him. Leaning down he presses his lips softly to your forehead.
“Did you maybe want some coffee before you run away from me?”
You nod your head silently.
Stepping away from you Chan reaches into his dresser and pulls out a pair of jeans and pulls them on. He doesn’t bother putting a shirt on. You take this time to pull back on your sweater so you aren’t standing around in your bra and a pair of leggings. He takes your hand ever so casually and leads you out into the kitchen. You can’t help but smile that he’s already made coffee.
Reaching into the cupboard he pulls out two coffee cups. He sits down on the counter in front of you. He walks over to the fridge pulling out a carton of cream. Handing it to you, you pour a little into your coffee before handing it back.
There is a comfortable silence between the two of you as you sip on your coffee. There’s something about being around Chan that’s comforting.
Holding his cup close to his chest he watches you carefully. You seem more at ease and it makes him happy.
“What do you want for lunch?” he asks.
“How does ramen sound?” you ask, knowing there are a million places near to get good ramen.
“Sounds good to me.”
After finishing your cup of coffee you follow Chan back to his room so he can get dressed. Sitting on his bed you scroll through your phone to see a text from your mom and one from Felix.
Your moms text read, “I’m assuming you stayed at Felix.”
While Felix read, “were you okay after last night?” Your best friend knows you well and could tell that you had a rough day.
You send him a quick message saying that you’re okay that talking to Chan helped a lot.
Chan stood in front of you in a sweater with his tight jeans and pair of vans. He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile back.
Once again he takes your hand leading you out of his apartment.
Standing in front of his motorcycle you’re at a loss for words. You were well aware he owned a motorcycle, but you hadn’t ever ridden on it. He holds his spare helmet out for you sporting a grin.
“I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle,” you say.
“Are you okay if we take this?” He’s unsure if this is a good idea. You seem so unsure staring at his motorcycle.
“Okay we can take this,” you reach out to take the helmet. He steps closer to you and helps up on your helmet and buckles it.
He gets on the motorcycle and reaches his hand out signaling for him to join him. Climbing on you wastes no time wrapping your arms around him. He starts the bike and heads out onto the main road. You hold on to him tightly.
There’s something about the way you hold him that makes his heart flutter a little. For the longest he wished he could gain your trust. He couldn’t help but be jealous of your friendship you shared with Felix. Sure you and Chan had always been friends, but you always had a wall up around him. You never fully let anyone in other than Felix.
Pulling up to your house, shut the motorcycle off and you quickly climb off.
“Did you want me to wait here?” Chan asks.
Your stomach twists at the idea of having to explain to your grandma who Chan is.
“Yes please if you don’t mind. My grandmother isn’t great with people she doesn’t know.”
“Okay that’s fine. I’ll be here, take your time,” he takes the helmet you had been wearing.
Rushing into the house you find your mom standing in the kitchen holding a cup of coffee.
“YN are you okay?” She asks, stopping you dead in your tracks.
She knits her eyebrows together, studying you, “why are you rushing.”
“My friend is taking me out to lunch,” you say.
“Who?” She’s being nosy like she normally is.
Her eyebrow raises as she slowly smiles, “the handsome man that works at the bank?”
Of course your mom remembers Chan's job, and that he’s attractive.
“Well have fun,” she smiles before taking another sip of her coffee.
Rushing off to your room you start stripping away your clothes. You toss your dirty clothes in your hamper before grabbing a pair of jeans and tugging them on. Reaching into your dresser you pull out a black and white sweater. Heading off to the bathroom you brush your teeth and wash your face.
You practically run out of the house attempting to avoid your mom. Walking outside you find Chan leaning against his motorcycle scrolling through his phone.
He looks up and smiles at you. Handing you a helmet you put it on and he helps you buckle it.
Crawling onto the back of the bike you wrap your arms around him holding your body close to his. He starts driving down the street and you suddenly feel so relaxed as you hold him. There’s something about him that is just so comforting to you.
Arriving at one of your favorite ramen places Chan turns off his bike and he helps you off. He takes your hand immediately. Chan knows you’re shy and a little more guarded, but he doesn’t give you a chance to put up a wall. He holds your hand like it’s the most natural thing in the whole world.
Walking up to the table he holds out your chair for you. This suddenly feels like a date and you get a nervous feeling in your stomach. You aren’t sure why you get so nervous at the thought of being on a date with Chan. He’s literally the most perfect man you’ve ever met, and you’ve already had sex with him. Yet you can’t seem to push away this nervous feeling.
“Why do you want to spend time with me?” you ask after ordering.
Tilting his head he knits his eyebrows together, “because I like spending time with you. I know it seems like it’s coming out of left field, but YN I like you.”
You can’t believe he just said he liked you. You blink rapidly and just stare at them. How do you even respond to him?
“You like me?”
A half smile forms on his lips, “you’re a beautiful girl, you’re kind, and you have an amazing heart.”
“I’m not asking you to suddenly be my girlfriend. I want to spend time with you, I want to be your friend. I want to be someone you feel like you can trust enough to talk to about the things you’re going through,” reaching out he takes your hand in his. He rubs his thumb across the palm of your hand. His touch instantly relaxed you.
“Chan, I'm a mess. I’m not easy to be with. I feel bad Felix has to deal with me half the time.”
He squeezes your hand gently, “stop, I’m not asking you to give me anything here. I’ll just be your friend if anything, but I want you to know how I feel.”
Before you can say anything the waiter walks over and puts your bowls of ramen on the table in front of you.
Staring at the steaming bowl of soup you’re still trying to process everything Chan just said to you.
“Please say something,” he says.
“I want to get to know you more. I also want to spend more time with you.”
A large smile spreads across his face as he grabs a pair of chopsticks.
He spends the rest of lunch answering questions about himself. In the last twenty-four hours you’ve talked about yourself enough. You want to know more about the man who seems extremely interested in spending more time with you.
When the waiter brings over the check Chan hands him this card without even looking at the check. You tell him thank you. You didn’t expect him to pay for you.
Arriving at your house you hop off the bike, and before you can walk away Chan reaches out and grabs your wrist. He turns you so you're facing him. He raises his eyebrow and tugs you closer to him.
“I’m serious about wanting to spend time with you,” he knows he is putting himself on the line right now, but he knows he needs to. “Please give me a shot here. Let me be there for you.”
“Okay,” you say softly.
He leans in close to you and presses his lips to your cheek for a soft kiss. You can help but smile as he pulls away.
“I’ll text you.”
He rides off and you’re left with your head feeling as if it’s swimming. The overwhelming feeling that he’s interested in you makes your head spin. You aren’t sure why anyone as perfect as him could be interested in you.
Everything’s a blur as you walk into your room you lay down staring at the ceiling. Chan sweet words play over and over in your ears. Closing your eyes you could picture his soft smile.
You aren’t sure how long you were laying there when your door opened. Looking at the door you find Felix standing in your room.
Throwing himself onto your queen size bed you can’t help but smile at Felix. His eyes are narrowed in on you.
“So what’s going on with Chan?” He didn’t bother asking anything else. He just jumped straight to the point.
Glancing at him from the corners of your eyes you find him staring at you.
“Nothing,” you lied. There was clearing something going on with Chan, but you just weren’t exactly sure.
“Then why didn’t you come home last night?” He smirks at you. It’s extremely clear he knows you were with Chan.
“Lee Felix, what do you know?” Sitting up quickly you grab a pillow holding it on your lap.
“Well your mother asked me when I walked in how our sleepover was. Like we’re teenagers again.”
Your eyes grow wide at the fact your mother asked Felix about you staying over.
“Please tell me you lied to her.”
He reaches up grabbing the pillow from your lap, “of course I lied.”
“Thank you.”
“Did you stay at Chan last night?”
Biting your lip you contemplate lying. You don’t want him asking details about what happened, but you can’t lie to him.
“Yeah I stayed with him.”
“What happened there?” he sits up.
“Lix,” a heavy sigh passes your lips. You know you can’t hide the details from him anymore.
“Just tell me. I’m not gonna judge you,” he’s sitting on your bed with his legs crossed.
“We had sex,” you sigh.
“I knew it,” he almost shouts.
Shaking your head you try to push away your embarrassment. You never shared anything about your sex life.
“How did that even happen?” Felix knew that you were friends, but he didn’t know that you were nearly close enough with Chan to have sex with him.
“We spent the whole night just talking and stupid Seungmin made comments about us needing to get laid and somehow it got us having sex to relieve some stress,” you ramble on quickly.
He stares at you blinking and processes your statement. A smile tugs on his lips. Felix knows that Chan is a good guy and he won’t do anything to hurt you.
“Please say something,” you say softly, pulling your legs into your chest.
“I think you should give Chan a chance. He’s not gonna hurt you.”
“I’m a mess,” your eyes start to tear up.
“Give him a chance,” he puts his hand on your knee and looks into your eyes.
“I’ll try,” you say softly.
You spend the rest of the afternoon laying on your bed with your best friend. You move away from the subject of Chan which you’re thankful for. Eventually Felix convinces you to watch a movie with him. Your mom peaks her head asking Felix to stay for dinner. Your mother has loved Felix from the moment you met. Anytime Felix comes over to your mom to ask him to stay for dinner. Your grandmother also seems to love him. Even though she can’t always remember his name. She does remember she loves him. He always sits on the couch and will talk to her and tell her cute jokes. There’s a reason you’ve let your walls down around Felix. He’s just always seemed to be there by your side. You hope soon you can let your walls down around Chan as well.
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Regarding taglist:
If you aren’t interacting with my writing outside of liking the new post I’m gonna have to remove your name from the taglist. You will also be removed if I try to tag you and your blog is listed as "invisible". If you've changed your URL and didn't let me know I will also be removing your name. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but my interactions outside or likes feels like it’s nonexistent right now. All of my taglist are still open though. If you request to be added to one via this form, I kindly ask for interactions in the form and feedback and reblogs. To be quite honest, those really encourage my writing.
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ditzymelody · 9 months
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internet girls
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Drew Vamp-Chan and Skulls from @theskeletongames' fic The Skeleton Games. It was fun, I love how much shorter Sans is than Vamp-Chan. (Actually, I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be a bit shorter, but I forgot to check the height chart before I drew it. Oh well.)
Underfell was made by Vic the Underfella. The Skeleton Games and Vamp-Chan belong to Poetax.
200 notes · View notes
twig-tea · 3 months
Quick pitch for Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko
This show has immediately skyrocketed to the number one spot as my new favourite thing I'm watching (and I'm watching EIGHTEEN currently airing series right now not counting the fan-released stuff and the stuff I'm catching up on, HOW).
I am in love with Ayaka Is In Love With Hiroko!
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This first episode is so funny, and perfectly establishes the characters and the dynamic. Both of these women know exactly what they want, and it's misunderstandings that get in the way.
As someone who has come out to girls who were flirting with her to make sure that they didn't feel taken advantage of (only to find out later they were actually also queer and exploring their interests, whoops), I find the premise that an experienced lesbian continually misreads her junior's flirtation as the acts of an oblivious straight girl SUPER RELATABLE.
It seems apparently like they also got lesbian influencers to be extras in the lesbian bar scenes? Incredible.
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Run, don't walk! Airing every Thursday night at 10pm EDT on GagaOOLala
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superiorsturgeon · 3 months
Ruby: *knocking* Jaune? I’m here to help fix up Crocea Mors!
Ruby: …hm…it’s not like Jaune to not answer the door…I hope he’s okay…!
Ruby: *tests door handle and finds it unlocked* …hello…? Jaune?
Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!
Ruby: What’s that slapping sound? Could that be Jaune and Pyrrha…?! 😳
Ruby: They must have forgotten I was coming over! I need to get out of here before-
Pyrrha: *walks up behind Ruby* Hello, Ruby! 👋 😊
Ruby: AAAHHH!!! PYRRHA!!! 😱
Ruby: Wait, if you’re here, then who…? 🤔
Ruby: *pushes door open*
Jaune: *furiously kneading and slapping bread dough* Get gluten! Get gluten! Get gluten! 🍞
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howlingday · 5 months
Ruby: What would you like, sir?
Jaune: Just a french coffee, please.
Weiss: You keep bragging about this French coffee. How is the way it's brewed any different from regular coffee?
Jaune: It isn't, but that's not what makes it French.
Ruby: (Drinks coffee, Leans down)
Jaune: (Leans up, Makes out with Ruby) Mm... Fagnifique~...
Ruby: How about you, Weiss?
Weiss: Er... Just a cafe latte for me.
Ruby: Sure! Just a sec.
Ruby: (Comes back) Here's your cafe latte, bestie~! I used the freshest milk we have~!
Weiss: Fresh? From here?
Ruby: Yup! From our very own local provider, Weiss~!
Weiss: (Looks over)
Yang: (Laying back, Ice packs on boobs)
Weiss: Oh god...
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rosechancute · 1 year
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It's been a while since I posted anything on Tumblr lol
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reashot · 7 months
Dad. I'm Straight (feat. Wolf Faunus Ruby)
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Jaune: Dad... I want to tell you,,, I'm Straight.
Papa Arc: ....Okay?
Jaune: And I also want to tell you... That I have a girlfriend.
Papa Arc: ... Fo' real?
Jaune: DAD!!!
Papa Arc: Okay, sorry. I still find it hard to believe my son is both straight and have a girlfriend.
Jaune: So dad. What do you think?
Papa Arc: Don't worry son. Your mom and I are straight.
As long you aren't a bottom and fucking a faunus I will always accept you.
Jaune: ....
*knocks on the door*
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Ruby: Jaune~ yoo-hoo. I'm here for our date and for our weekly pegging session.
Jaune: *gulp*.....
Papa Arc: ....... I have no son.
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jerirose · 2 months
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ATE [v] [i] [ii] [iii] [iv] © Jeri Rose | INPRNT
[Image Description] Digital realism painting of Bang Chan from Stray Kids. Bang Chan is painted from the chest up and is facing the camera, he is wearing a sleeveless denim jacket with a black tank top underneath. Chan's left arm is raised and he is holding a orange and cream lolipop that he's pressing against his lips. Chan has black hair that messily falling infront of his forehead. Chan has deep brown eyes and is looking straight at the viewer. Chan's cheeks, neck and arms have stars scattered across from in purples, blues and pinks. He's wearing two silver rings and a black beaded necklace with two silver beads. He has several facial piercings including a nose ring, angel bites with spikey studs, and aa eyebrow piercing. He has several piercings in his ears too. Bang Chan sits infront of a mottled duck egg wall.
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem | Teaser Trailer
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In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, after years of being sheltered from the human world, the Turtle brothers set out to win the hearts of New Yorkers and be accepted as normal teenagers through heroic acts. Their new friend April O’Neil helps them take on a mysterious crime syndicate, but they soon get in over their heads when an army of mutants is unleashed upon them.
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jumbledbee · 15 days
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doodles !
32 notes · View notes
christakisbang · 1 year
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164 notes · View notes