squidpro-quo · 1 month
i feel like i know ur trigger thoughts already so im hitting u with tenns relatives for the chara ask game : - riku - kujo - aya and just for fun also - nagi - mitsuki
This feels like an ask challenge now! I have to get a good grade in ask game, something that is both...so on and so forth lol
Nanase Riku:
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I love him and Iori's monster/handler dynamic because it just feels like yet another example of what makes i7 so good, the human intensity of all the characters and their relationships. Plus that they were so spot-on with Riku even in real life, re: the shrimp chips, the tea boxes, etc. He's got the power, and Iori can see the fallout coming even while his star is not yet going supernova.
Kujo Takamasa:
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Mostly my headcanons have to do with Zero: the Musical and how that whole process went. Did Zero have these songs written after the fact or during the stages when the songs are sung in his story? Was he planning on having a musical of his life, or was that all Kujo's doing, some unacknowledged attempt to get Zero back and lay his own demons to rest finally? Did Kujo save these songs, gut out Zero's place in his search and hide the songs from Haruki, or did Haruki leave them to him in that will in a gesture of "you're the last of us"?
I should go re-read Part 5 again.
Kujo/Yotsuba Aya:
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She's a tragedy, but I do love the scene where Tsumugi almost runs her over as she's trying to get to Tamaki once she hears she's sick. So much happens to her that just breaks your heart.
Rokuya Nagi:
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That conversation at the riverside barbecue in First Beat is still something I look forward to in rewatches, because it impressed me so much when I first saw it. Of course, he surprises them over and over again throughout the series but that was the first layer peeled back on the assumptions we all make with characters like him, with an accent and a love for anime, who else could he be but the joke character who's clueless and air-headed?
Izumi Mitsuki:
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My boiiiiii!! My i7 favorite from the group, his arc was the one that hit the hardest for me and the characterization of him from others as not being especially talented but he tries really hard being his best quality got me right in the heart. The people who make the party go round, who smooth the rails of conversation so everyone joins in and gets along have an unsung job, until someone doesn't do it and then you notice all the awkwardness and the stilted words. I remember Iori put it well somewhere that Mitsuki makes the show go smoothly from the production side, whereas others make the show feel smooth from the audience side. Or something like that, but it was really insightful.
I didn't manage to nail his exact shade on this bingo sheet, but I also love his peachy color.
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agroupofcrows · 9 months
(ships ask) takasugi and kamui
FRENEMIES WITH DETRIMENTS OF ALL TIME. i have no notes. i have no questions. also they are a ship on a ship which makes this especially beautiful
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i think kamui aimed to collect the joui 4 like cards and takasugi was simply the slowest to run
who would win… stoic and diligent war widow with burning love and a shamisen or evil ginger boy who can evaporate your ribcage with a flick of his pinky finger. trick question the drugs won! takasugi is throwing up on a picture of gintoki
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wait i just thought of a good character (that i love btw) that i couldve submitted….. did adam from sk8 get any submissions
He got 4 submissions, so you’ll see him eventually! Once the one two and three submission characters are done he’ll come around
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Li Minshan x Ji Shenchi x Dai Raoshui ( @rosencrantzsguildenstern ) vs Crowcaw x Leora ( @honeydoe12 )
who makes up your ship?:
Li Minshan, Ji Shenchi, & Dai Raoshui
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Friends who stage a coup together stay together... you would think! Basically, all three of them are power-hungry bastards who are just good at it to different degrees. Li Minshan sucks at it, so he gets to be their overworked secretary who hates his life, while Ji Shenchi and Dai Raoshui both know what the other is about but hide it behind layers of flattery and obfuscation. Ji Shenchi is also obsessed with Li Minshan and this concept of him being a traitor- there's this scene I've written where they're drinking together, but they're BOTH faking it because they're worried about their drinks being poisoned. The intricate rituals of it all... Anyway, Shenchi and Raoshui are both nominally in charge and their power struggles have insane amounts of tension and passive-aggressiveness. Fucking would not solve any of their problems, but the sexual tension is so high it's impossible for me to imagine that at least one pair of them hasn't slept together at least once. They never resolve any of this, and in their pursuit of becoming more powerful and better than they were, they devolve enough into petty backstabbing that all they've gained over the course of the story slips from their grasp and all of the other loved ones they 'did this for' hate them now. OT3 <3
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
i got nothing, but the story is called true immortals so u could tag w that
who makes up your ship?:
Crowcaw and Leora
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Leora is the queen of paranoia and Crowcaw is the king of guilt. Their backstory, in short is that their country is ruled under a corrupt theocracy of angel-like creatures known as Prophets. Leora's mom, Soleil, was a revolutionary working to change it, and was killed for it. Crowcaw was chosen to become the newest addition in hundreds of years, and didn't learn about their corrupt nature until years into being one. They were childhood friends and had mutual crushes on each other before everything went south. Leora ran off into hiding and pledged to take them down, and Crowcaw found her. They decided to work together to take it down and be a couple :) Unfortunately, Leora is incredibly scared of Crowcaw even with how much she cares for him. She feels like he'll kill her one day, and constantly keeps track of ways to incapacitate and kill him if it arises. A god killing knife in her dresser, spell sheets under her pillows, and making sure she always goes to bed after him and wakes up before. Crowcaw is aware of this, and just... pretends to be oblivious. He can't do anything about it. He can't confront her, and he has blood on his hands so he feels it's warranted (she doesn't know this). When Leora learns he killed someone, she absolutely loses it. She panics harder than she ever has, and sees him as an immediate, dangerous threat. So, she sneaks in while he sleeps, and kills him, unaware that in doing so she becomes a prophet just like he was. QED Leora and Crowcaw are in love, but Leora's fears prevent her from trusting him and . Crowcaw doesn't think he deserves better, and never fights her on it, or anything. Bada bing bada boom, like all good fictional relationships it ends in stabbing.
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
There's some in my #honeyart tag on my tumblr page, and this video here https://youtu.be/ZFs63kmu_hU
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top 5 women
Obsessed with the ambiguous way that you phrased this. Like fictional, a celebrity, a real person? Just… women. I think it’s so good and I don’t usually use tone indicators but I need you to know I’m not being facetious so /gen
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5. Renee Walker from Nora Sakavic’s All For The Game. “I am a bad person trying very hard to be a good person.” 🥺
4. Haley Graham from Stick It. This movie made me a lesbian I’m like 99% sure and this scene was the cause of it.
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3. Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. Icon. Taught me everything I know about science. Had a pet Lizard. Almost definitely a lesbian. Absolute roll model.
2. Jo March from Little Women. “And I’m so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for. I’m so sick of it. But I’m so lonely…” GIRL we ALL felt that
1. The girl in the middle school restroom that held me while I was crying because life was fucking awful. She was at least two grades older than me and I didn’t know her and I never met her again but she held me like I was precious and I will never ever forget her.
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can i use an image from here for my @holy-war-bracket lol
yeah, as long as you provide credit!
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
10 35 and/or 54?
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
motive motive motive!!! if your villain's motives and ideologies don't hold up your entire story falls apart. not even just villains, but antagonists in general
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
i LOVE getting into character's heads. what makes them tick. why are they like this. what led them to this point. how would different characters deal with this situation, and what makes this pov different. all of my fics are character-centric before all else for a reason and it shows LMAO
[fanfic ask game]
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libraryfag · 1 year
assumption (w zero real foundation when i think abt it) : ur a gay dude, probably w a steady boyfriend of some sort
bi dude which is like, close enough. and I don't have a boyfriend..... yet *twirls hair*
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alienturnipp · 2 years
hmm i think what's nicest is ur coloring style but you post a fair amount of sketches so that's what kind of settled in my brain as ur art style? soft lines either way i think, like ur coloring style has a softness to it and your sketches really do, your lineart doesnt especially tho so this is just my brain association
Thank you!! ❤️💖
I think you definitely have a point - I usually have very different technical approach for my painting vs. lineart, the only thing they have in common would probably be the sketches! After that I prioritize quite different things: speed for my colored lineart, and harmony for my painting. Hence I like to be bold & rough & decisive with my line work so that I can speed up the coloring & shading, the flatter the better 😂 But for the sketches & paintings I really do take my time carving out/defining details & exploring along the way - the result sometimes surprise me, but that's the fun of it!
My colored lineart once upon a time (before I figured out my workflow) looked smt like this:
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And it's not BAD per se but oh boy the shading was so much more exhausting to do - and the result not as effective!
My old paintings aged a little better, though:
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yotd2009 · 1 year
i love your header idk what it's from but it's such a relatable sentiment
ty! it's from fate/grand order, a not very good game in a very good franchise which i still play like there's a gun to my head for... unknown reasons.
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always-a-joyful-note · 3 months
I just had the horrifying thought of an Idolish7 Korean Dub where the i7 boys are played by BTS and -
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17yearcicada · 9 days
tagged by @freddiegoesmetal to list 5 songs i've been listening to recently yayyy
i think i'm going to kill myself elton john
when i'm sixty-four the beatles
leaving on a jet plane peter, paul, and mary
american pie don mclean
the communists have the music they might be giants
umm tagging @raedas @sesamie @rosencrantzsguildenstern @blorb0 if you want no pressure ^-^
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msperfectsheep-posts · 2 months
Ask Meme
I was tagged by @rosencrantzsguildenstern for this ask meme, so why not!
Do you make your bed?
Uhhhh well. Sort of. I definitely make it any time I expect I'm going to have company, but on a weekday when I'm the only one in my dorm room? Nah. I didn't make it when I had a roommate either unless I thought she was going to have company (but she never warned me in advance for that so LMAO)
What's your favorite number?
I'm a lucky 7 kind of gal, but I also really jive with 36 and 81. My factors of 9 <3 <3 <3 If I have to pick one, it's always going to be 7 though
What is your job?
Right now, I work for the US Department of Agriculture! I've worked some other random jobs though, such as a waitress at a high-end retirement home and an assistant at a local hospital
If you could go back to school, would you?
Yes. Absolutely. I would reduce how many classes I take (because haha I am at 22 credit hours right now :')) but I love learning! I don't love all the pomp and circumstance of academia, but I've considered becoming a teacher several times as a career option and I actually have taught in a professional setting before. School's a love of mine that even all the stresses I've put myself through hasn't fully been killed
Can you parallel park?
Yep! My city almost never requires it because it's a newer one and street parking is only really used in our tiny downtown or in neighborhoods, but I can do it!
A job you had that would surprise people?
Uhhhh I think my current job is that, LOL! But even then, once I explain the details of my job, people seem to think it fits me pretty well :)
Do you think aliens are real?
I think that somewhere in space, there's something that could be considered life, but we can't agree if viruses are living, so I doubt that whatever could be "life" in another part of space would fit our current definitions! Evolution is already fucked enough as is, so accidentally going down any path that resembles what happened on Earth feels pretty unlikely to me
Can you drive a manual car?
Yes! I practiced with my grandpa's old car, though I also stalled a few times LOL so I'm not GOOD, but I can do it! With more practice I think I would be fine
What's your guilty pleasure?
I'm not really sure? I'm not really guilty about any of my pleasures because they're all pretty vanilla? In my household it's definitely mayo though. No one in my household likes mayo and I usually have to deal with Bullying of the highest degree if I want to use it when I'm eating with my sister and parents
Nope! And I don't want to get them either. I have an irrational thing of permanently adding things to my body to the point where I had a surgery to remove a part of my flesh instead of having a tiny metal rod inserted in me. Tattoos are filed under the same "body modification" ick mentally
Favorite Color?
A soft lilac! I also really like the darker, desaturated greens, but purple is my eternal love
Favorite type of music?
Things that lean more into the rock side of things! I like harsher sounds, faster tempos, that sort of thing, but also my music taste is literally all over the place. It really really REALLY is a case-by-case basis but if I had to say anything, most Paramore songs are ones I love
Do you like puzzles?
It depends on the puzzle! I like logic and math puzzles, and mysteries are fun as well, but a jigsaw is something I'll only really do if I'm with friends or exceedingly bored
Any phobias?
Well, there's that body modification one I mentioned earlier! I also have an irrational fear of beetles and an even more irrational fear of specifically dropping a kitchen knife into my foot! Yowch!
Favorite childhood sport?
I didn't really play sports as a kid, but if I had to pick one, probably swimming? My current favorite sport is definitely dancing, though (folk and ballroom!)
Do you talk to yourself?
Yep! I use both the singular and plural first person pronouns "I" and "We" when I talk to myself. Generally, I use "I" when I'm more passively thinking, and "We" when I'm being metacognizant.
What movie(s) do you adore?
Back to the Future (1985) by Robert Zemekis my BELOVED!!!! I cannot recommend it enough, and I made a quote from it my senior quote in high school. I also really love The Sixth Sense (1999) and Tangled (2010)
Coffee or tea?
Tea, as I have yet to ever drink coffee! But when I drink my tea, I like it unsweetened and iced
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
First thing I remember was, ironically, a teacher! Some things don't change <3
I'm gonna tag @riinsanity @0mega-x @koi0boi @always-a-joyful-note and @yukimomodivorce but anyone can join in!
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joelletwo · 6 months
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[IDs in alt]
elena 🥺🥺 gave me tiny nyanko so i did these too 🦎 following the trend: one layer, one brush size, and one pen @wehavecometoanend--maybe @deadgrantaires @arytha (fanart of fanart of ur guy) @hyephyep @transjjester (THREE!! ginpachi-senseis) @istherewifiinhell @soppymilkgin @norstrume @rosencrantzsguildenstern
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top 5 books
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In order:
1. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
2. The King’s Men by Nora Sakavic (All For The Game book 3)
3. Hannibal by Thomas Harris [this was a tough choice between Hannibal and Silence of the Lambs, but Hannibal won out]
4. Alice Isn’t Dead by Joseph Fink
5. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
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infected-paul · 2 days
i KNOW it’s a tv show not a stage show. but i also know you love it
so cym runaways!!!
OH YIPPEE i love cyms!!!
also ooh runaways good q. bc none of y'all know shit abt it but um.
ALEX — @rosencrantzsguildenstern hi chitra. alexbeaming you. or smth i think youd be chill as alex
NICO — @kohinoors again u don't go here but bad bitch, bad bitch math checks out
KAROLINA — @theiloveyousong sunshine lesbian. also she isn't all smiles and gets to be a little bitchy sometimes and i think you'd like that
GERT — @dawningfairytale WAIT youd work really well
MOLLY — @mexican-coke-wannabe cinnamon roll that can kill you
CHASE — @loganschwarzy you have chase vibes to me
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