#rouge's heart chapter 7
dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 7: Excitement]
The next week dragged on, Shadow and Rouge keeping in touch while they went about their days doing their own thing. The hedgehog searched for a new job and the jewel hunter continued her work as an agent, asking her aloof friend to join her at a night club after she successfully completed a mission.
"I'm not normally one for clubs..." he said over the phone, an upward inflection in his voice.
"Trust me, it'll be fun." Rouge twirled a lock of hair around her index finger. "I'll help you come out of your shell a little; if you want, I can invite a couple of friends to make it a group thing."
Shadow thought for a moment, then replied, "Alright. If you're going regardless, then I guess it wouldn't hurt to get out of the house."
"That's the spirit," the bat said encouragingly. "There's a lively place down the street from me. I'll text you the address and we can meet there tomorrow at 10pm – that's when they start playing the best music."
"As long as you promise not to abandon me halfway through the night," responded Shadow in a subtly playful tone.
"Of course. I'll keep my wits about me, and if you want to leave early, you have every right."
The hedgehog appreciated her offering a way out if the night went sour, concluding their conversation and continuing on with the rest of his day.
When it came time to leave his apartment, Shadow took one last look around to make sure his home was tidy; on the rare chance that he decided to drink, he didn't want to have to clean the next day while his head might still be swimming.
The hedgehog decided to take his motorcycle, the deep rumble of the vehicle thumping through the streets on his way to the club. When he arrived, he parked in the lot behind the musical building, looking around for Rouge's car. Not seeing it anywhere, he sat idly on his motorcycle for a few minutes before deciding to go inside.
Even if she wasn't there yet, he could at least sit at the bar for a bit. As soon as he opened the door, Shadow saw the bat standing near the entrance and looking at her phone. She lifted her head and her teal eyes left the screen to meet with his. A smile spread across her pink lips, the hedgehog returning it and approaching the solitary woman.
"Where are your friends?" he asked.
"On their way. We can grab a drink until they get here!"
"Sure." Shadow turned in the direction of the bar, his eyes remaining on Rouge as he bent his arm at the elbow and stuck it out towards her.
Pleasantly surprised at the gesture, Rouge blushed lightly and wrapped her gloved fingers around his bicep, the two of them approaching the bar together. They each ordered their own drinks and sat chatting until the bat heard her name being called. She turned to see Silver and Blaze walking in, the lavender cat waving.
"Hey, guys!" she greeted, standing from the bar stool.
Shadow turned just enough to speak with them, not jumping up to meet the couple as Rouge was. She introduced him as her friend, the hedgehog unaware that the treasure hunter's friends had already been informed of his presence in her life. He politely nodded towards them instead of shaking hands, mostly remaining quiet as he wasn't ready to converse just yet.
As the four of them grouped together at the bar, Shadow primarily listened to their conversations, giving his thoughts only when asked and not offering up new topics. He designated himself as the one to order more drinks when they'd finished a round, the loner grateful for a few moments of respite from the near-constant chatter of the three friends.
At times, Rouge wondered what the hedgehog was thinking, finding it a bit unnerving that he was so quiet throughout the hour that they spent just talking. She figured he wouldn't be staying long, preparing herself for the moment when he would stand and excuse himself for the night.
But when her favorite song started playing through the speakers of the bustling blue-lit room, the bat saw an opportunity to get closer to Shadow and hopefully entice him into staying a bit longer. She couldn't tell if he was having fun up to that point, but hoped to get another smile from him out on the dance floor.
She turned to him and held out her hand with an eager grin. "Shadow, would you dance with me?"
She saw the hesitation in his eyes – colored a deep purple from the effects of the blue light – but felt giddy when the stoic hedgehog's gloved hand fell into hers. He rose from the seat, Blaze and Silver covertly sharing a knowing look and following them to the dance floor.
Rouge picked a spot that didn't have as many people around, letting the electronic music influence her movements as she and Shadow faced each other. The hedgehog didn't match her energy, mostly tapping his foot and swaying rather than actually dancing.
The bat's friends focused on each other as they grooved nearby, silently bonding over shared dance moves while they avoided bumping into other patrons. Rouge made sporadic eye contact with Shadow in between scattered hip sways and occasional twirls, the man becoming more mesmerized by her as the song went on.
After a while, he got into the rhythm a little more, and a smile slowly spread while his moves started to complement hers a bit better. The woman was ecstatic seeing him jive with the upbeat tempo, biting her lip in excitement and moving in tandem with the hedgehog.
When the song was over, Shadow's movements slowed again and Rouge guessed that he was disinterested in continuing the dance, despite the fun he seemed to finally be having. They left the floor together while Silver and Blaze kept each other company on the vibrant flickering tiles.
The hedgehog declined having another drink as she ordered one, him leaning his back against the bar while she sat on the stool. He lounged with his elbows resting on the bar top, looking at Rouge and contemplating a question as the bartender prepared her drink. When she noticed his lingering gaze, the bat lowered one eyebrow and smirked.
"What?" she asked playfully.
He shook his head a bit, smiling more naturally. "I was just sort of wondering: I didn't see your car in the parking lot – how do you plan on getting home?"
When her drink was set in front of her, she used the small straw to stir the liquid, answering before taking a sip. "I flew here. Didn't really think it was necessary to drive when I live down the road."
"Ah," the hedgehog responded, his head cocking upward in an understanding gesture. He was starting to feel more confident from the couple of drinks he'd had. "Well, if you need a ride back, I don't mind dropping you off."
Rouge grinned again at his offer, catching on that it meant he was willing to stay as long as she did. But it was his next statement that made her eyelids raise as her interest in him skyrocketed.
"I have my motorcycle, so it would be a quick trip." The words tumbled smoothly from his mouth, Shadow not immediately privy to the joy sparking in his company's heart.
"You have a motorcycle?" she asked, stirring her drink again. "I would love to see it."
His eyebrows crept upward as he read her expression. "Really? I can take you for a ride, if you like. I mean, not to leave your friends behind, but I wouldn't mind making a quick spin around the block."
Without another word, Rouge spun around in her seat and looked toward Blaze and Silver, waving her hand to get their attention. She gestured them over and sipped her drink down to half while the couple made their way to the bar. Shadow was feeling more comfortable, the warmth in his chest growing as he and Silver shared a brief, respectful smile.
The bat started, "Hey, we're gonna leave for just a minute – Shadow has a motorcycle and he offered to give me a ride, but we'll be back."
Before she could head to the exit, Blaze spoke up, "You know the drill, Rouge."
"Oh, right." Looking at Shadow, she added, "Just a second, I'll meet you at the door."
The hedgehog nodded, pushing himself from the bar and walking away from the group. Silver casually crossed his arms as Rouge faced them, the fire princess using one finger to outline invisible patterns in the air. The bat copied one after the other, earning a smile from Blaze.
"Alright, you're sober enough," she stated. "Still, be safe."
The jewel hunter nodded, then handed the cat her drink. "I will. Here, you can have the rest."
"Score!" Blaze uttered, briefly stirring the alcohol before removing the tiny straw.
Rouge met Shadow at the door and followed him outside. They walked around the building to reach his motorcycle, colored jet black with bright red hubcaps. The bat clasped her hands behind her back, heels clicking on the ground and her hips swaying flirtily as she took steps around the vehicle.
"Wow, customized and everything," she said, spotting the spiky ruby-colored symbol stamped on the bike's body.
"Yeah, I probably prefer my chopper over the car," the hedgehog admitted, looking down at the vehicle and crossing his arms. "Faster, easier to handle..."
He trailed off as he walked around the other side of the motorcycle, raising one leg and swinging it around to sit on the seat. Rouge joined him, placing her hands on his shoulders as he started the engine.
Shadow's voice rose to be heard over the ignition. "Wrap your arms around me – it's the safest way to hold on."
The bat blushed, her palms leaving his shoulders and slinking under his arms. Her fingers hugged his torso, instinctively pulling herself closer to his back. Once his passenger was secure, the confident hedgehog drove his heel against the kickstand and took them out of the parking lot, turning to drive towards the first traffic light.
Rouge tilted her head up a bit to feel the wind rushing by, Shadow's thick quills fluttering next to her face. She gripped his chest a bit tighter, making the man's heart beat faster as a wider smile tugged at his lips. He made a right turn as the green light turned yellow, the bike's deep growl rattling underneath them when Shadow sped up.
They flew down the long street, the young woman glancing at familiar surroundings while her hair whipped around her cheeks. It was a freeing feeling, riding behind her new friend on a vehicle she'd never experienced before; something that may have never happened had she stayed with Knuckles.
Meanwhile, Shadow couldn't explain why he'd never allowed himself to get out like this before. Having Rouge's arms wrapped around him as they raced down the smooth road felt daring and fun, his smile sticking for the entire ride.
Three more right turns brought them back to the busy night club, the hedgehog finding a new spot as his previous space had been taken. When he stopped the engine, Rouge pulled back and he turned to look over his shoulder – her eyes were sparkling, full of life and elation while she complimented the short ride.
"That was incredible!" Her hands clasped together as they sat for a bit longer. "I haven't had so much fun in a while!"
Shadow couldn't help but glance at the bat's lips as she spoke, the forbidden urge to kiss her rising once more. He had to leave his seat to avoid screwing up his own suggestion of taking things slow. Rouge followed, the pair walking together to re-enter the club.
After meeting up with Blaze and Silver, they each got another drink and stayed a while longer; this time, Shadow felt more comfortable joining the conversation and was able to get on well with the couple until they decided it was time to head home.
They said their goodbyes and the dark hedgehog politely insisted on bringing Rouge home; when they arrived at her place, he idled in front of her yard as she left the motorcycle and turned to face him.
"Thanks for coming out with me tonight," she said, stars in her eyes. "It wouldn't have been the same without you."
A faint blush crawled across his cheeks, Shadow looking up at her with a peaceful expression. "Thank you for convincing me to come along. I had a good time."
The treasure hunter gave him an earnest look before placing one hand on his shoulder, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He didn't pull away, enjoying the gentle affection and feeling a flush of warmth spread across his muzzle.
Rouge looked radiant to him as her posture straightened, backing up onto the stone path that led to her front door. He raised one hand to match her wave, watching her stroll down the walkway and breathing a bit heavier through the thumping in his chest.
The enamored woman allowed a piece of him to linger in her heart as she heard the bike's engine start up again, peering through her front curtains to catch a glimpse of Shadow driving away.
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dayseternal-blog · 4 months
Rouge naruhina please?(sorry of it sounds rude!!)
Sure! Well, I hope these are what you mean by rogue NaruHina, like NaruHina not following orders, breaking the rules, going against Konoha, etc.:
well, first, there's the one you recommended to me
“Naruto: The Mating” by SeventhShinobi - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Now, Naruto has discovered the an ability called “The Mating.” Come see what he’ll do with his new found power
and then there's also
“My Favorite Night” by @peppercornpress - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata harbors deeper feelings for Naruto after three years of being his roommate. Facing hostile relations from her old clan, another odd phenomenon with the moon, and Naruto still hopelessly pining after Sakura; Hinata makes the painful choice to end their sham of a relationship and try her luck in another hidden village. Unbeknownst to her, this move kickstarts a series of events that forces her and Naruto to confront their past, present, and future.
“Distorted Minds” by Cheating Death - Rated E for graphic violence, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Her lavender eyes slowly opened, her vision blurry and distorted for a few moments as she tried to look around. It was then that she realized that she was suspended a few inches off the ground, her wrists cuffed in cold, metal shackles that hung from the ceiling
“White Dog Night” by Nate Grey - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Kiba gives his life to save Hinata, and she and Akamaru must unite to save each other. But with the biggest threat to their lives being her own clan, the only safe place for a shy girl and her little white dog may be outside Konoha’s gates…
“November - Crime AU” from “Still Falling For You” by @chloelapomme - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. When Hinata arrives next to Naruto, she looks for Pain. However it seems Konoha’s enemy is gone. She then turns towards its hero, expecting to see a smile. But she only sees darkness in his sky blue eyes and she doesn’t know where it comes from.
Chapter 1 from "Between the Trees" by @utsus - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Prompt: I'd break a sacred oath to see you.
“Justice” series by autumnsolstice9 - Rated G (?? I think it should be T), Canon-Divergent, 15-parts of related one-shots, Complete. Hiashi wants to give Hinata the caged bird seal. Hinata wants justice.
“Two Lonely Children” by hinatasgreatestfan - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto finds Hinata on the streets during a rainy night. What changes will this seemingly innocuous event lead to?
“A Hyuga’s Honor” by funkychicken67 - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata Hyuga has been gone for 7 years. Naruto and all thought she was dead until one night when she returned more powerful than ever.
"Lost Souls" from "NaruHina Month December 2022" by @sessakag - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. They set off on a journey that’d one day bring them back to their place of birth, and on that day, they’d enact the plan that had given them a sense of purpose.
"A Woman's Heart" by Ookami88 - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Naruto lies in hospital in coma. Sasuke is locked in prison for his crimes. Hinata comes up with a plan that will ensure her beloved man’s happiness, no matter how much it’ll cost her.
That's all I could think of! If anyone knows others, feel free to add on!
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gavroche-le-moineau · 11 months
La mort de Gavroche / Gavroche’s death
Oh it's here, the chapter that breaks my heart to pieces every time. If you haven't heard it before I highly encourage listening to the Original French Concept Album version of Gavroche's death. In my opinion, it is by far the saddest and most impactful version. Below you'll find my translation of the lyrics with annotations. The PDF can be found here: La Mort de Gavroche translation
Gavroche Cette fois, Javert, t’arrêteras plus personne La mort t’a coffré à perpétuité J’espère qu’là-haut, on s’ra pas dans l’même cachot Sur terre déjà, on n’était pas du même combat¹
Gavroche This time, Javert, you’ll no longer be arresting anyone Death has locked you up for good I hope up there, we won’t be in the same dungeon On earth already, we weren’t in the same fight¹
NOTES 1. “du même combat” literally means “of the same fight” but I believe this is using “même combat!” which is an expression of solidarity meaning “we’re on the same side.” I kept the translation in the lyrics more literal since “to be in the same fight” in English can also convey the idea of solidarity.
Courfeyrac Sacré Gavroche, t’as toujours l’mot pour rire² C’est pas la parlotte³ qui te f’ra guérir Marius Ah les salauds, ils ont tiré sur un enfant Ils ont, sans savoir, abattu le printemps Quel dieu cruel s’abreuve du sang des innocents Et combien faudra-t-il pleurer d’combattants?
Courfeyrac Blasted Gavroche, you always have something funny to say² It’s not the gift of the gab³ that will heal you Marius Ah the bastards, they’ve shot at a kid They have, without knowing, shot down spring What cruel god drinks the blood of innocents And how many fighters will we have to cry over?
NOTES 2. “avoir le mot pour rire” is an expression that literally means “always have the word for laughing / a laugh” and is translated as “to make jokes, be funny.”
3. “la parlotte” means “chitchat, chatter, chinwag, talking shop, etc.” I decided to translate it as “the gift of the gab” because that felt like a more appropriate term given the previous line which implies that Gavroche is good at always making jokes.
Gavroche Notre drapeau était par terre Rouge de honte et bleu sali Moi, j’ai bondi blanc⁴ de colère “Allons, enfants de la patrie”⁵
Gavroche Our flag was on the ground Red with shame and dirtied blue Me, I leapt up, white⁴ with anger “Allons, enfants de la patrie”⁵
NOTES 4. “Rouge de honte … blanc de colère” This sequence uses expressions that incorporate the colors of the French flag (blue, white, red). “Rouge de honte” means “red with shame,” as in “blushing with shame” or a “flush of shame” but can also simply be translated as “ashamed.” I haven’t been able to figure out if “bleu sali” is an expression or is simply referring to the dirtied blue of the flag on the ground. “Blanc de colère” is, as in English, “white with anger.”
5. “Allons, enfants de la patrie!” is a reference to the first line of the Marseillaise, the national anthem of France. It means “Let’s go, children of the fatherland/motherland!”
Un mec m’a vu, qui m’a crié : “Qui vive!”⁶ J’ai dit : "Révolution française" Ça lui a pas plu ma franchise M’a mis un pruneau⁷ dans la fraise⁸ C’est comme ça, on gagne pas à chaque fois
A guy saw me, shouted at me “Who lives?”⁶ I said : “The French revolution” That didn’t please him, my frankness, Put a slug⁷ in my face⁸ It’s like that, you don’t win every time
NOTES 6. “Qui vive!” is an expression that literally means “who lives?” but is translated as “who goes there?” Just like the English expression, it has same the context of someone on watch or in a military environment asking an unknown person to identify themselves. However, I chose to keep the literal translation in the lyrics because it ties the pun in the response together. The response is “Révolution française (the French Revolution),” because a common refrain is “Vive la revolution française!” literally, “Live the French revolution!”
7. “pruneau” is argot (slang). The word “pruneau” means “prune” but it was used as slang for a bullet.
8. “fraise” is another argot word. This time the word for “strawberry” means “face / mug.”
Donnez, donnez⁹, ma casquette aux copains C’est tout c’que j’ai et j’en n’ai plus besoin Je suis tombé par terre, C’est la faute à Voltaire¹⁰ Le nez dans le ruisseau, C’est la faute à...
Give, give⁹, my cap to my friends It’s all I have, and I don’t need it anymore I fell to the ground It’s the fault of Voltaire¹⁰ Nose in the gutter, It’s the fault of…
NOTES 9. “Donnez, donnez” is a callback to the refrain used in Gavroche’s introductory song on the Original Concept Album (the equivalent of Look Down).
10. “C’est la faute à Voltaire” – I would have preferred to translate these lines as “It’s Voltaire’s/Rousseau’s fault” but I kept the French wording of “It’s the fault of Voltaire/Rousseau” so that the final line cuts off in the same manner.
As usual, corrections and commentaries are welcome!
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 7 Part 2
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. JP SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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Kicho: “I cherish you. I can assure you that much.”
Mai: “............”
Kicho: "Stay put. This is the last part."
He put some rouge on the tip of the brush and slowly drew it across my lips, making me hold my breath and shiver a little at the tickling sensation.
(The words he said just now...)
Even though I know I shouldn't, I'm tempted to confirm it with words right now.
Kicho: "Okay. That should do it."
Mai: "Oh..."
Coming back to my senses, I hurriedly bowed to him as he moved away and put away the make-up kit.
Mai: "Thank you for everything."
Kicho: "It's what I wanted to do. Let's head to the hall now."
Mai: "Okay."
I got up and was about to leave the room with him when he suddenly turned around and一
Kicho: "Mai."
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Kicho: "It really suits you. You look beautiful."
Mai: "-----!"
With that, he left the room.
(I feel like he's acting somewhat differently than usual.)
(I'll get the wrong idea if he says something like that.)
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The sun was already setting when he led me to the hall, and everyone who had already arrived was playing with their instruments.
Mai: "What's that?"
Kicho: "It's from a foreign country. The big instrument there is a harpsichord, and the one next to it is a viola."
(I've never heard these names before, but they all look somewhat familiar.)
(The harpsichord looks just like a piano.)
I listened carefully to his explanation and beautiful melody.
Mai: "Oh."
His eyes met one of the players, who smiled and moved his hands gracefully.
The other players followed suit and began to play their instruments, filling the hall with sweet melodies.
(I've never heard this song before.)
(I never thought the day would come when I would be standing in a place like this.)
The foreign melody was so gentle that it softly enveloped me as I was about to fidget, unable to fit into the space.
Mai: "I almost feel like a hero of some story just by being here."
Kicho: "Story, huh? What kind of story?"
Mai: "I dunno."
Mai: "But it's weird to become the main character. I'm definitely not that kind of person."
Kicho: "It's not weird. Everyone has their own will."
Kicho: "From my point of view, other people are almost just supporting characters, but I'm sure those supporting characters feel the same way."
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Kicho: "I'm sure they still do."
With his eyes fixed on me, he held out his hand, and I immediately knew what he meant without being told.
Mai: "Sorry. I've never done this before."
Kicho: "No problem. I'll take the lead."
Mai: “Okay.”
I nervously took his hand, and he immediately pulled me closer.
Kicho: “Relax. Think of this as a rehearsal and don’t look away from me.”
Mai: “............”
I looked up at him, and he put his hand on my back and stroked it gently, my heart beating loudly.
(I still get nervous even if he says that.)
I moved my feet to follow the beautiful melody.
(Wow. I can dance properly.)
From the outsider’s perspective, I might look like I was moving awkwardly, but still, I looked up at him, and he smiled gently.
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Kicho: “You’re doing great.”
Mai: “I’m glad. Hehehe.”
I was so happy that I couldn’t help but smile.
(Hm? It seems like the tune has gotten faster.)
Mai: “Kyaah!?”
I tried to keep up, but I ended up stepping on the hem of my dress, almost losing my balance as I did so.
Kicho: "Are you okay?"
He put all his strength into his hand behind my back and held me closer.
Mai: "T-Thank you."
Kicho: "The song just ended. The next song is gonna be a difficult one."
Mai: "Okay."
Kicho: "Mai? What's wrong?"
Mai: "I'm sorry. Just a little more."
I remained frozen on the dancefloor and buried my face in his chest.
(His arms are so warm.)
His large chest, which was hard to get away from, was not only warm but also smelled nice.
(I've been busy worrying about other things that I forgot to put on my perfume.)
His fleeting scent, drowned by the sweet fragrance he always wore, seemed like it would easily fade from my memory as soon as I moved away from him.
(I'm glad I forgot about it, even though I really shouldn't have because I got to know him one more time.)
Feeling regretful, I smiled and moved away from him.
Mai: "It's all right now. Sorry for doing that all of a sudden."
Kicho: "No, it's fine, but is something wrong?"
Mai: "Yes. I forgot my perfume."
Kicho: “Perfume? I see. So that’s it.”
For some reason, I felt impatient when he nodded, as if he was convinced.
Mai: “Did you notice it?”
(This is embarrassing.)
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Kicho: “That’s not it. Rather, don’t put it on tomorrow.”
Kicho: “I don’t really like that kind of strong-scented stuff, to begin with.”
Mai: “But won’t it interfere with your work? It’s for personal appearance, right?”
Kicho: “That was just an excuse. I made you wear it to check your whereabouts.”
Mai: “What?”
Kicho: “That’s why you don’t need it anymore. From tonight onward, you will remain as you are.”
Mai: “That’s...”
(Does that mean he's letting his guard down against me?)
I was happy, but then I felt a prickling pain in my chest.
(No, I shouldn't show it on my face.)
Mai: "I understand. I'll do that tomorrow."
Kicho: "Yeah, then..."
Taking each other's hands, the two of us started dancing again as the tune changed to a gentle one.
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(Tomorrow, huh? Why did I lie like that?)
Our shadows cast by the setting sun reached the bottom of the clock as we beautifully danced.
It was like watching a scene at the happy end of a story.
(I wish all of this was just a story.)
(I wish the curtain would fall here so I wouldn’t have to let go of this hand.)
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Mai: “*sigh* The night breeze feels nice.”
I went outside by myself, saying I was going to take a break.
As soon as I took a deep breath, my lungs began to fill with air, and the heat inside my body subsided.
(Even so, that was amazing.)
(I knew that Kicho was talented, but I never knew he could memorize so many people’s names and hobbies perfectly.)
(I can only remember the faces of the last few people I talked to.)
As the stars began to shine in the sky, the hall soon became crowded as the guests arrived one by one.
The guests immediately dragged Kicho away, and all I could do was smile next to him, feeling very happy to stand next to him.
(It’s almost time.)
(I need to go to my room, change my clothes, and leave this trading post.)
I wanted to say goodbye to him at least one last time if I could. However, I didn’t have the confidence to pretend anymore.
(Is that really the reason?)
(Or is it because I was afraid that if I said goodbye, I would really never see him again?)
Mai: “I’m so half-hearted and selfish about everything.”
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Kicho: “You mean that dance we just had?”
Mai: “Kicho!?”
Kicho: “Dancing like that in front of people, even though it was your first time, was good enough.”
Mai: “I’m not talking about that. Why are you even here?”
(He was just surrounded by guests earlier.)
Kicho: “I was worried about you.”
Kicho: “Wearing something you're not used to, and being in a place like that must be tiring.”
As he approached me, he gently stroked my cheek with the back of his hand, and my skin, exposed to the cool night breeze, felt his warmth instantly.
(He was worried, so he came out.)
Even though I should’ve been happy, my chest tightened, and my resolve almost shattered into pieces at his kindness.
Mai: “Sorry, Um, I got something in my eye.”
Kicho: “You don’t have to fool me anymore.”
Kicho: “It’s time for you to come clean.”
Mai: “What?”
I felt uneasy about his tone, then he sighed and narrowed his eyes.
Kicho: “Don’t tell me you thought I didn’t know you were Nobunaga’s spy.”
Mai: “----!”
Kicho's words made the blood in my body freeze.
I quickly searched for an excuse, but his piercing gaze wouldn't allow me to think, leaving me no choice but to raise the white flag.
Mai: "How long have you known?"
Kicho: "Only now did it turn out to be true."
Mai: "What?"
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Kicho: "I had my suspicions for a long time now. I heard that Nobunaga kept a strange woman with him, a princess to be exact, three months ago."
Kicho: "Other than that, no one knew her background. There was absolutely no information about her."
Kicho: "You told me before that you came to this period three months ago."
(That's when I almost got caught and told him my other secret.)
Kicho: "I had my suspicions but couldn't quite put my finger on it."
Kicho: "There are no signs that you're working together or in contact with the outside world, but I became convinced when I saw your reaction."
Mai: "So you're playing like a fool."
I want to smack myself for my inability to keep the information.
Mai: "Are you going to kill me?"
Kicho: "You came here with that resolve, right?"
Mai: "That's..."
I looked down, unable to nod my head.
(I thought I knew what I was doing when I came here, but I was naive.)
(I wasn't prepared at all.)
Kicho: "I see. It looks like you didn't have that."
Kicho: “Well, it’s tough for a peace-loving person like you to go on a mission where your life is at stake. I know that because your world is full of such people.”
Kicho: “But I find it even more puzzling.”
Mai: “What is?”
Kicho: “Why did Nobunaga send a woman like you?”
Kicho: “There was no other suspicious person in the trading post, so you’re the only spy.”
Kicho: “Also, this is not something you can entrust to someone who has only been in the turbulent world for three months.”
(I see. Well, he’s right.)
Kicho: “Mai. Tell me the truth.”
Kicho: “Why did you come to me?”
Mai: “That’s...”
Mai: “Because I wanted to live.”
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Kicho: “What?”
Mai: “I was a nobody here in this period.”
Mai: “I felt that if I could help everyone, even if just a little, then I’d feel like my existence had some meaning.”
Kicho: “You said the same thing when we talked at the inn.”
Mai: “Yes. You confronted me that night and saved my life.”
Mai: “So I wanted to face you properly too.”
Kicho: “.............”
Kicho: “I see. I understand.”
Kicho: “Even though you weren’t ready to die, you wanted to live and were ready to cling to life.”
Kicho: “That’s not a bad thing. It’s rather a good thing.”
Mai: “Kicho...”
Kicho: “But the clock is ticking.”
Mai: “----!”
He pulled out a pistol, which he seemed to have hidden in his pocket, and pointed it straight at me.
However, he only kept the pistol steady and stared at me sharply.
(There’s no reason to forgive an enemy who lied to him.)
(I know that, but...)
I’m scared. I don’t want to die.
All I can hear is fear and screaming, growing louder and louder in my head.
Mai: “Um, I...”
Kicho: “I know you’re hiding there. Come out.”
Mai: “Huh?”
I heard a rustling in the bushes behind me, where he pointed his gun.
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Mitsuhide: “Oh? You noticed?”
Mai: “Mitsuhide!?”
Mitsuhide: “What’s the matter? Is it that strange that I’m here?”
Mai: “Well, yeah. Because it’s still...”
Mitsuhide: “I thought I’d help you get out of here first.”
Mitsuhide smirked and stood in front of me to protect me, then pointed his gun at Kicho.
Mitsuhide: “Anyway, thank you for helping our lass out.”
Mitsuhide: "It looks like you’ve learned a lot at the trading post, but it’s time for us to take you back.”
Kicho: "Do I look like the kind of idiot who'd let this place slip away?"
Mitsuhide: "No. That's why we're pointing our guns at each other."
(What the hell am I supposed to do in this situation?)
Confused, I looked at them alternately.
All hell will break loose if they both pull the trigger.
Mai: "Wait!"
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Mitsuhide & Kicho: "-----!"
I jumped between them and spread my hands out, almost losing my footing with both guns pointed at me, but I managed to hold on.
Kicho: "What? You're protecting that man?"
Mai: "No!"
Mai: "I know it's my fault that this is happening, but is pointing weapons at each other the only way to solve the problem?"
Kicho: "What do you mean?"
Mai: "You've been suspicious of me for a long time, yet you didn't point a gun at me immediately."
Mai: "You talked to me, so I got to know you, and how kind you are."
Kicho: "I'm human too. I have feelings. I feel joy, anger, sorrow, and maybe I have said and done things you might think are kind."
Kicho: "But what you have seen is only a part of it."
Kicho: "That's why we are in conflict. There's no way for us to reconcile."
Mai: "Still!"
I tried to argue, but I was at a loss for words.
The two of them were cousins, and they had once been comrades in the Oda army.
Even though they had spent much more time together than I had, they were still pointing their weapons at each other because of their different goals.
(That's right. We live in a time like this.)
Kicho: "But not this time."
Mai: "Eh?"
Kicho: "I will lower my weapon depending on your choice."
Mai: "What choice!?"
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Kicho: "Stay here with me."
Kicho: "If you do that, I'm willing to let this guy off the hook."
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Previous Part╏Masterlist╏Next Part
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bannedfromjunes · 1 year
(Persona 5 Rouge) A Persona 5 FeMC retelling
AO3 Link
Rating: M
Chapters: 7/?
You are the Phantom Thief known as Joker, stealing hearts all over Tokyo in more ways than one.
I'm slowly working my way through a fun little alternate version Persona 5 with a FeMC and an all male cast of Phantom Thieves. Enjoy.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 4 months
Spiderwebs Part 7: Daddy's Little Girl
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I feel like this one's relatively easy on the surface. We wanna talk about themes Dressrosa and Wano share, you gotta acknowledge Luffy spends a lot of time early on in both arcs with a girl who is a capable fighter despite a gentle heart. It's not like Rebecca & Kiku are small parts of their respective arcs, both have a lot to do with Luffy's story in particular but get into side plots with other crew mates, both have a story centered around a father figure.
I like this little aside from Luffy as a starting point, because it's a concept echoed with Kiku later. He has a keen eye and likes strong people. Rebecca is very strong. Stout hearted and shows a lot of talent. The way the two girls cross paths with Luffy? The differences give us a starting point. Rebecca is slightly younger and more earnestly nice. The most stark difference I'd point to between Kiku & Rebecca is the same one I'd say is between Kiku & Himura Kenshin. Rebecca actually has a sort of hard vow against nonviolence, and pink hair is very close to red. Kiku's just the type to minimize harm within reason. The former having this more out of a place of naivete rather than deep regret matters too. Not to diminish Rebecca of course, just pointing out where the elder who comes along later improves. Which gets me to a cool element in hindsight:
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A note we don't play here in Dressroba. Rebecca's not anything I'd consider masculine or even really tomboyish aside from simply being a Colosseum fighter. There's a lot of gendered subtext in her story, Kyros would almost certainly treat a son a lot differently, but it's never really shown as an explicit aspect of their tale. Rebecca doesn't complain about any of this being too hard for a girl, Kyros doesn't stop and ruminate on that part of things.
Don't forget you also have the mirror of this like, pushing a girl to war theme in Dellinger & Giolla. When you add Wano later and Kiku as another take on the theme I think there's a cool rumination on honor and how it tames men's savagery and women can take it scarily seriously to the point it's sad. Not to mention the dynamic like you get with Kiku & Hiyori in the same arc through Viola who took the much more ladylike way of fighting back. Let's take a minute for an aside from Viola actually:
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One of the biggest moments that connects all of this to me is the end of the Block D battle. Cavendish/Hakuba and Rebecca telling that story alone is such a big deal. Look at that pair, already went into it with Cabbage. But this moment happens at the end of 734, The Slicing Winds of Rommel to really drive it home in my book. The anime especially lets Wicca tear into this concept but Luffy, Zoro, & Kin'emon have a Bakura Town moment. Wicca tries to stress the exact same logic Kiku will there. The literal next panel is a perceptive, dark-haired beautiful dancer in Viola who appears to bail them out of the dilemma at hand.
For a reminder, my point with this series isn't that every little thing in Dressrosa is part of this grand fil rouge Kiku picks up in Wano. The quieter undertone of that are always at the edge of and bookending the main plot. It's really mostly the setup for and execution of this transition segment. Where the arc makes a big pivot, the plan falls apart, why, and how things get back on another track that will save Dressrosa at the cost of a fuckton of collateral damage. The very next chapter here, 735, will have Fujitora explaining his logic to Doflamingo clearly; he sees the likelihood of Luffy's recklessness and because of that will work with the Warlord for now. But we're having Rebecca's turn so let's get back to a cool moment with Sabo happening in tandem.
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Luffy has these "reminds me of home" beats, but they aren't quite like this. He tends to say it when he sees trash heaps like Gray Terminal. This is that Rashomon-type storytelling. Of course Sabo has a different POV on Goa and it makes a mountain of sense given his status as a noble. And that's just getting us right back to familiar territory. How Kiku & Tama's story showed a different face of common struggles opposed to Hiyori & Momonosuke. It's cool how Kin'emon floats around this too after Momo exits the stage and he pivots to his search for Kanjuro I wish he would have abandoned.
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Bringing this all home though, always pay attention to those whiteout panels. Here Luffy was downright savage despite still being nice. Rebecca's quite brave accepting her fate but it is such a killer Luffy moment to casually block her and keep eating. Stuff we see with Vivi & the girls on the crew too, he's actually quite perceptive. Interesting step pre-Katakuri for showing he's able to outmaneuver someone with solid observation haki.
Her end will show though Rebecca just isn't the type of girl who has that killer instinct. You're incredibly impressive to have that level of observation haki at 16, but you want to honor your promise to Scarlet. As-is, Kiku already brings out the difference. Her story starts at a peaceful ending, seeing the similar Red Peony Gambler part helped solidify this. Way back when we talked about Izo & Kin's expressions telling a story in this arm panel. Kiku's does too. It's not just taking the injury...you're downright defiant getting back up from it.
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swagglessmoth · 2 years
I’m gonna mention a few fics by name that have me hooked (some of them I’m pretty sure that have been discontinued but if there’s no note from the author then I’ll keep waiting 🤞)
1. On the edge of seventeen by Scratchienails (obviously) [ao3]
When I saw that the third chapter came out I went so feral I couldn’t read it for a full 45 minutes. That’s all I’m gonna say, I have three other full posts dedicated to this fic
By the same author theres also “But the sea changes colours” it’s based around the same idea that Roger never died but Roger and Shanks steal baby Luffy from Garp and Dragon (it’s very funny but I think it’s been discontinued)
2. A boy with a scar by Syluk [ao3]
It’s a fic about Luffy having been taken as a slave when he was a child and how this affects the story. It has 33 chapters and counting and IT IS SO GOOD AA. Really love when authors take into account all the consequences the changes of the au would have in canon, I mean, like characters that haven’t met the main crew yet still doing things off frame. And the characterization is on point, I love that
3. Blackout / How to catch a Shikari / Brothers under the moon by rikuai12 [ao3/fanfiction]
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That’s all I’ll say
4. Maybe this is home by Lilian_lav [ao3]
At first I was kind of hesitant bc Luffy was kind of out of character and everyone hated him, but as the chapters went on the little cryptid fuck grew on me and so did on the other characters. It has 24 chapters and counting and it’s really fun how asl interact with the heart pirates (though I’m kind of only interested in luffy but that’s just bc I’m hyperfixating)
5. Beyond blood by Justcallmecookie [fanfiction]
This one has permanently marked me and I will never forget about it. It’s about Luffy running away from the government and trying to find Ace after they find out he is Dragon’s son and call on a buster call on Dawn island. Sadly it’s been discontinued but it’s still a really good plot, story and writing overall
Though there is this fic (Blood is thicker then water by ImHyperfixatingdontBotherMe [ao3]) that is inspired by this one and kind of taking their own spin on it. It’s still ongoing and I do recommend it even though it doesn’t have the same vive as the original
6. Colour the ocean red (to prove my love to you) by Epiphany_Of_SummerSunsets [ao3]
It’s super cute with mer teen Shanks and little Luffy, I love their interactions and with there were more fics about them. I also like the mystery with the murders going around and the fact that they made Rouge Garps daughter. Really in love with the whole Monkey D. Gol D. family with asl + Buggy
7. Luffy is Lost in The MHA/BNHA world, but he gets taken in by the Yaoyorozu's and attends school by AndreiStrambeanu [ao3]
…listen, hear me out..
Okay the title is pretty self explanatory and it may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I was bored and it was entertaining. The writing is kinda ass sometimes and there are a lot of plotholes (of which the author is concious about and doesn’t give any fucks) but it IS the author’s first fic (at least published on ao3) so I’ll give them the pass. It is meant to entertain not be a magnum opus, and it does it’s purpose. It is also still ongoing so I’ll take whatever I can
8. Almost giving up before we’ve even started by Leohanan [ao3]
Incredible piece of literature, I loved every second of it. Rouge adopting asl is the best plot and idea ever and I love it. AND ITS COMPLETE 10/10 would read again
8. Tempus Edax Rerum (I think that’s how it’s spelled) by appl_juice [ao3]
Really cute with little Shanks time traveling and ending up with the strawhats, it only has 4 chapters and unfortunately I think it has been discontinued but it had a really good plot and didn’t feel ooc which adds extra points
9. Oden’s eldest by Alexiledit [ao3]
I’ll be careful with this one cause I know the author is on tumblr
I really like it, but not for the fic itself unfortunately, but for the posts about it they have on their tumblr (which expand much more on the au). The fic has one chapter and I think it’s been discontinued, the writing isn’t magnificent but I like the plot. I’ve actually made several pieces of fanart bc this au stuck to my brain and refused to let go for some time. I have a bad habit of taking characters I love and putting them in already existent family dynamics with characters that have nothing to do with them, so I see why I loved this au so much
There are others like Old truths by GreaterAwareness [ao3] Flashy brotherhood by Airuna [ao3] and Tomorrow before yesterday beguins by Staryty [ao3] (this one I’m still halfway though) which have amazing plots and writing but I got kind of bored (I think bc they focused more on Ace or other characters other than Luffy and I exclusively read Luffy centric fics) but they are amazing anyway and should still be acknowledged like the rest.
This is not a tier list, I’m not ranking them in any order whatsoever. I just like ranting
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crows-home · 1 year
for the get to know your fic writer thing- 3, 7, 17, and 11!
(3 - Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic)
(7 - How do you choose which POV to write from?)
(17 - What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
(11 - Link your three favorite fics right now)
This answer got a little long uh. oops! ^^" Here's my silly answer, but my more in depth answers will be below the cut
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3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
Usually it starts with a little idea in my brain. A "gosh wouldn't this be such an interesting/ fun scenario?" They're usually just for me to play in my own brain as bedtime stories, and nothing more. But sometimes I'm hit with that itch to write and get something out there.
I do what I like to call "word vomit." Just. Writing whatever the hell comes to my mind. Here are some examples I found in my doc that make me laugh looking back now
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The beginning phase is just me going ham!! Throwing ideas at the wall, typing whatever's in my head without spell check or care. Like i'm writing notes to myself.
After that I do "scenes." Basically just breaking down big moments of the fic that I have in my head and writing them down. You know those moments/ideas that you come up with in your head that you can't stop relaying? That.
After that it's just connecting the dots, making everything fit together. I like to think of it like painting. Mixing together colors, seeing what fits and what doesn't, using different brushes. Sometimes I'll get through a scene and realize I'm rambling too much, it has too much dialogue, it doesn't make sense with the story- so I scrap that piece or find a way to save it for a different part of the story.
Then editing. A lot of editing. And hating what I wrote, wondering why people like it. Leaving the canvas alone for a while, coming back and going "actually i really like this. this is so fucking cool, especially for what i have planned at the end hehehe" Sometimes I polish it up in a way that i like, sometimes I go "fuck it. it's good enough"
And THEN it's done :)
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
It's a few factors! Sometimes it's based on what I think would be fun (ex: "What if I wrote a fanfiction from Sonic's perspective. What might he have been thinking/ going through?") But sometimes it's what I want my readers to see.
Like, in the last chapter of "You are at your lowest", I wrote in Rouge's perspective during her meet-up with a certain character. That's because I intentionally didn't want the audience to have the other character's P.O.V. I wanted to leave readers wondering/ guessing/ confused.
17 - What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Depends!! If I'm not feeling inspired, I'll usually check on Tumblr or instagram to get back in the mood/ vibe or read some comments that people have left!! They really pull my head out of a dull space when i need it :) <3 If I've got writer's block, I'll either take weeks off writing or force myself to sit down and just write, no matter how bad it is. Then I just work with what I have.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
aaaaaaa ok i love reccing fics and i have a lot but here's a few:
Slumber Party by Detton
Summary: Edward Richtofen and his traveling partner, "Tank" Dempsey try to survive in an ice apocalypse.
It's been years since i've played CoD- probably almost a decade, now- but a while ago went looking for Zombies fics for the nostalgia of it. And ough, this fic has my heart!! A Dempsey/Richtofen WIP that includes the main four and their interactions in an ice apocalypse. i just really like it a lot, and if this is your thing, i recommend it!! It's super sweet, and has superb writing 👌
The Buzzsaw Dilemma by redpenship
Summary: How do you stop an unstoppable force?
Three weeks after meeting Sonic, Tails is kidnapped by Doctor Eggman and tasked with building a machine capable of defeating the hedgehog. His success marks his first day as the doctor's secret apprentice, in which he must help the Eggman Empire against his will.
Tails becomes determined to use what little power he has to reduce the empire’s harm. When larger threats arise, he realizes that he can use his influence to save the world—and if all goes well, destroy the empire from the inside out, too.
If only alien invasions didn’t make things so complicated.
OUOSUDHFSFHSDH OBSESSED!!! oh man, a WIP about Tails being forced to help Eggman, and I'm super stoked to see where it goes. But heed the tags, because it does say "Major Character Death" and "Animal death"!! I'm so enthralled by the world building and reading this take on Sonic and Tails. Brainworms!!
Lastly I'm gonna link Sometimes the Picket Fence isn't Perfect by @skimmingmilk. It's a whole series on Sonic and Tails finessing their way past Mobian CPS and it's just so hasdkasdbkhas.
i'm still getting caught up, but i watched the last bit of the latest work being written on stream a few days ago and i 🥹🥺😭 they're so cute. They're brothers your honor!!
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dracarialove · 2 months
📄 Posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'shadow's heart' tag if you haven't read chapter 1
[Chapter 7: Delight]
He was awake at the crack of dawn, eyes shooting open while thoughts of Rouge's return filled his head. Shadow had never been so excited to start the day.
The first thing he did was open all the curtains, letting natural light spill into the house. Then, he had a single slice of toast for a morning snack, forgoing coffee this time. He didn't need its warmth to calm him or set the mood for the day; his mood was set from the moment he woke.
Breakfast with Rouge was going to be the best morning he'd had in a while, and he wanted everything to be perfectly prepared by the time she got back. Sometime before noon, she'd said – that was the timeline, so he had to work strategically.
After his snack, Shadow grabbed a bucket from the cleaning closet upstairs, as well as the thickest sponge they had and a bottle of liquid soap. He brought the supplies outside, squinting as the early sun beamed at him, and filled the bucket with water from the hose.
A smile crept across his muzzle when he looked over at his girlfriend's car in the driveway. He could see a few spots, even from a distance, that needed a good scrub; and he would be happy to show Rouge the sparkling cleanliness of its white exterior when she got home.
Though faster than the average Mobian, Shadow took a little more time than he needed to thoroughly soak the Corvette's edges and firmly wipe away the collected scuffs and dirt. He still finished in record time, wringing out the sponge when he could no longer spot any imperfections.
He was dumping the soapy water into the gutter beside the sidewalk when he spotted a camo-green vehicle driving up the street, and a smile grew beyond his control. The G.U.N symbol on the side of it was unmistakable, even from a distance.
He stepped back to wait for it, placing the bucket on the cement, and silently commended himself for getting Rouge's car clean in time. He found it difficult to keep his tail from flicking back and forth as he watched the truck get closer.
It hardly slowed to a stop before the front passenger door opened and Rouge threw herself off the seat, wings spreading out to keep her balance as she hurtled towards Shadow with an ecstatic grin on her face. He opened his arms in time to catch her, spinning towards the lawn with her forward momentum when her hands enwrapped his shoulders.
"Oh, I'm so happy to see you!" she exclaimed, making the hedgehog hug her tighter.
"Me, too."
She gave a nod to the human driver, who returned it and reached over to close the passenger door before leaving.
Shadow planted a kiss on the side of his girlfriend's head. "I'm glad you're home early."
The pretty spy pulled back and sighed dreamily at him. "Yeah... your voice is so much better in person."
He laughed. "The phone doesn't do it justice, huh?"
Her grin closed into a smile and she innocently shook her head, which made Shadow want to kiss her again. He pulled her close and their lips connected, pressing together for a few seconds before reluctantly parting.
"I have a surprise for you," the Ultimate Lifeform told her, and felt his heartbeat quicken at the sparkle in her eyes.
"Really?! What?"
He grabbed the bucket from the sidewalk and turned to look at the white Corvette sitting in the driveway, nodding his head towards it. "Take a look at your car."
Taking the bucket into account, she understood immediately, and her grin returned when she approached the vehicle. "Shadow! You cleaned it for me? Oh, it looks brand-new!"
Rouge fluttered around the car, looking at every side and admiring the new sheen it seemed to have. "How thoughtful! Thank you, darling!"
When she came back around, she landed from her hover and smushed a firm peck against his cheek, then raised her thumb to try and wipe the lip gloss off his skin; but he grabbed her hand and shook his head, smiling softly.
"Leave it," he told her, then slipped his palm onto her lower back to escort her inside their home.
They had the day off to settle back into the comfort of domestic living. The first thing Rouge requested was pancakes, and Shadow was more than happy to provide a bountiful breakfast while she took a shower.
It was good to have her back, and he wanted to make her return special in any way he could – which meant her desires were his to fulfill for the next 12 hours.
He noticed the scent of cherry blossom entering the kitchen while he plated their food, and his beau's pretty voice followed to compliment his cooking.
"It smells heavenly in here," she said, and when he turned around, the bat was right in front of him.
"Oh," left his lips as his gaze drifted down to the lilac-colored robe she was wearing, tied loosely and closing in on his personal space. With his back to the counter, Shadow's hands slid across her hips and around her waist, while her bare palms trailed up his chest to grip his shoulders.
"You really know how to welcome a girl back home," Rouge quipped, and her eyes darted to his lips before she pressed herself against him for a kiss.
They held each other for a quiet, comfortable moment, kissing briefly enough to not get lost in a wave of passion; then they pulled apart and had breakfast together, offering an hour to fill each other in on details about their time apart that they hadn't been able to share over the phone.
Of course, Shadow mentioned nothing of the surprise he was planning, but kept his next move in the back of his mind. He was glad he hadn't booked their trip yet, grateful for his tendency to make sure the moment was right before acting.
Though, now he had to be extra vigilant with the mail. He hadn't expected Rouge to be home before the ring arrived, making his only worry the possibility that she would find the package first.
It would be imperative to keep her as unaware of his intentions as possible. But he could at least prepare for their vacation, and that eliminated some of the uncertainty.
So, while he insisted on cleaning up their dishes, the hedgehog made a mental note to double check the availability at South Island resorts when he had a moment alone.
Not that there would be much alone time with Rouge home, however; she insisted on spending the day in his arms, suggesting they get comfortable on the couch with a lineup of movies to drag the morning into afternoon.
He couldn't deny her that, having missed her touch for the past couple weeks, so they set up snack plates and drinks on the coffee table, then grabbed pillows and blankets to make their setup more cozy.
Though the beautiful lady playfully taunted her boyfriend into having some adult fun, they spent most of their time snuggling and blasting through their watchlist, whittling away the food and drink until it was all gone and the sun was going down.
As darkness crept over the sky, Shadow finally left the comforting squish of his partner's body and stood from the sofa, stretching his limbs and twisting his back to release the built-up tension through satisfying cracks.
He looked back at Rouge, who was still sitting – stretching her wings – and ran crimson eyes down her barely-covered figure. The robe was hanging lazily down either side of her torso and one tan leg rested free from the cover of soft fabric. She grinned when she caught him staring.
"So, now that we're caught up on our movies, what's next?" the woman asked, a hint of slyness in her voice. She stood up and stretched her arms above her head, her bareness only being hidden by the grace of the robe's cinch keeping it closed.
Shadow took a step towards her and let the bat's arms enclose his neck as she relaxed from her stretch; his arms simultaneously slinking around her back. "You know what we haven't done in a while?"
Ivory hair shifted along her shoulders as Rouge cocked her head. "What?"
His left arm stiffened to tighten his grasp around her waist, and the right retracted to grab hold of her hand as he gently swung his girlfriend's body into a dip. His heart warmed at the surprised giggle that escaped her – he'd never felt like more of a romantic.
"Danced," the hedgehog answered in a soft, smooth tone.
"Oh, Mr. Two-Left-Feet wants to dance?" she teased.
"Hm, that's not a fair nickname." He pulled her back up, but his hands kept their positions. "You know I can be graceful when it's necessary."
Teal eyes challenged him with an alluring stare. She retorted, as if quoting him, "It's just almost never necessary."
"That's right," agreed Shadow with a breathy chuckle, and his left hand slipped away from her curves while he took a step back, bending into a bow. "But this would be one of those exceptions."
Rouge couldn't contain the amor she felt from the Ultimate Lifeform's teasing gaze burning up at her with a passionate glint. She firmly tugged him back towards her, embracing her dark lover and locking her lips with his.
It seemed no matter how many times they kissed, the spark between them never faltered, as if every touch added another white-hot flame to their shared fire.
The jewel hunter accepted his idea, of course, and they danced together for a little while – accompanied by a few different types of music to loosen their muscles – until the last sliver of light slipped below the horizon.
With the darkening of the outside world came the time to settle down, so the couple readied themselves for bed, tidying up before heading upstairs for more fun.
And as they lay in bed, curled closely together, Rouge ran her hands along the lean musculature of her man's chest, then spoke quietly through the silent nighttime air. "We should skip the evening shift tomorrow and go on a date. What'ya say?"
Shadow smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Dinner and a drink sounds like a nice time to me. Let's do it."
The chandelier above them illuminated the room with a soft orange glow. The couple were sat across from each other in a familiar restaurant, chatting between bites of their respective dinners while the pretty sounds of soothing violins floated through the room.
The stoic gentleman had a friendlier air about him in the presence of his charming sweetheart. Midway through their meal, he found it the right time to bring up the trip he had in mind.
"So, while you were on your mission, I was doing some thinking," he started, cutting out another chunk of his steak. "And I wanted to know how you would feel about us perhaps taking a vacation – you know, getting away for a week."
"Mm!" Rouge's eyes lit up and she swallowed her bite of chicken. "I'd love that! My, I can't believe how busy you were while I was gone."
He smiled, thinking, 'You have no idea.'
"What kind of vacation did you have in mind?" she asked, giving him her full attention while taking another bite.
"I thought we could go to South Island. I heard from Silver and Blaze that they have some nice beachside resorts out there."
"Oh, you've been talking to them without me?" Her smile added an impressed lilt to her voice. "Good to know you're considering them your friends, too."
Shadow shrugged briefly, accepting her approval, and she continued, "Yeah, that would be a lot of fun. I've never been, but if those two endorse it, then I'm inclined to believe we'll have a fabulous time!"
"Great," his tone lifted, "then we can head out there a week from now. I've already checked their availability; I'll book us a room when we get home."
Rouge paused to smile warmly at the hedgehog, whose subdued expression had been replaced with one of optimism as he dug into his meal again.
She even saw excitement shining in his eyes, and it made her think of how far he'd come from the quiet, reserved guy she'd first been drawn to years ago.
It was endearing to recognize the shift in how open he was these days, at least with her. And she wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
The pleasant, hoppy tone of Shadow's alarm rang out on the nightstand, stirring him almost immediately. He opened his eyes to see the other side of the bed was empty, then sat up and grabbed his phone, looking around for Rouge.
He thought she might be in the bathroom, but as he was turning off his alarm, he heard the muffled – but unmistakable – noise of the front door closing from downstairs.
'Shit!' his brain panicked, thinking she might've just gone out to get the mail, and he threw himself out of bed.
But when he got to the top of the stairs, he heard the bat's voice below, so he took the steps quietly and leaned forward to spot her sooner. She was standing by the door, already dressed and holding her cell phone to her ear. But he didn't see anything else in her hands.
"That's okay, you just stay home, alright?" Her voice sounded sweet and understanding. "I'll run the bar today, it's no big deal... yeah, no problem, just worry about getting better."
Relief spread through the stolid man as he reached the bottom of the stairs. It was business as usual with her, taking a work call. She wasn't concerned with the mail.
"Mhm, you're welcome. Goodbye." Rouge turned to see her boyfriend standing there, his quills disheveled and his body bare except for the inhibitor rings around his wrists and ankles. One of her brows dragged downwards. "Well, good morning, my sleepy king."
"Morning," he grumbled through a slight smile, approaching to give her a hug.
The charismatic woman ran a hand through his hair and kissed his cheek, then pulled away. "That was Jay calling in. Poor thing is sick."
"Ah." He watched her walk away towards the kitchen. "Well, it won't be much trouble to cover for him."
"Not at all," she agreed, then asked over her shoulder, "I've made coffee already, do you want a cup?"
"Please. I think I'll need it." He certainly would, as he'd startled himself into a flurry.
Even the relief of knowing she hadn't found the ring didn't slow his racing heart completely. Today he would rely on the hot soothing influence of coffee to calm him before work. But not before he slipped out the front door to quickly check the mailbox.
And there it was: a small box marked Janey's Jewelry, sitting next to a couple of envelopes. It didn't help his speeding heart rate, but he had to deal with it now. So, he took everything out and brought it inside, hurrying up the stairs before Rouge came out of the kitchen.
It went into the drawer of his nightstand before the love of his life made it down the hall, and he was able to meet her at the doorway without causing any suspicion.
"Thank you," said the hedgehog when she handed him the steaming cup. "I'll have it in here while I get ready."
"Sure thing, sugar. Ready whenever you are!"
He closed the bedroom door when her footsteps started down the stairs, then took his first anxious sip of the bitter drink while walking back over to the nightstand.
He stared at the box inside the drawer, his nerves spiking all over again, and thought about how serious this was. Because it wasn't just the proposal he was stressing over; but what would have to come before that.
The conversation he had to have before he could even go through with it. There was no proposing without knowing, without a sliver of doubt, that Rouge was 100% in with him... even after knowing about his immortality.
Shadow closed his eyes and pleaded to the one spirit he believed in. "Maria... Please let Silver be right."
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nightingaletrash · 4 months
And 5, 7 and 8 for Amicia!
Hehehehe goblin girl
5. Have they killed anyone? If they have would they kill again? If not would they kill at all?
The better question is who she hasn't killed. She murdered and drained Raul and his family in the first chapter, destroyed (and attempted to diablerise) Pattermuster after fucking him over, killed the mortals at the biosphere (sorry about your Uncle, Nomi), diablerised Reremouse, and sold out the entirety of the Tuscon Kindred to the SI in exchange for a free pass out of the city. She took great delight in killing Julian when he confronted her in the chaos of the attack, and now she routinely disposes of problems for the Camarilla in her basement 'winery' at L'Étoile Rouge in Seattle.
So yeah, she's done a whole lot of killing over the years, and she's not done yet.
7. How easy is it to make them cry?
I struggle to think of what could make Amicia cry.
8. Are they trusting or do they refuse to trust?
Trust is a funny thing. As in its funny to entertain the notion of trusting anyone. Amicia is the kind of Kindred who is prepared to burn bridges at any given moment in the name of self-preservation - even the people she's come to love (in her way) find her trust to be incredibly rare, and almost certainly not whole-hearted. A part of her will always be ready to cut and run. Or kill and run, rather.
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 2 years
If I Could Turn Back Time
Larissa Weems x fem!reader
A/N: Cross-posted on Wattpad and Ao3; to the anon who I told that this wouldn't be posted for awhile...uhhh...surprise?
Chapter 7
The next day, I sat on the couch with my cat in my lap. I moved my hand down his back, slowly stroking his fur as I stared at the TV and watched reruns of Grey’s Anatomy, my nose only slightly throbbing today.
A knock on my door drew me from my thoughts and I groaned as Gingie jumped off and ran, meowing at the door until I came over. I looked through the peephole and to my surprise, it was Larissa.
I opened the door to see her standing there, a headscarf covering her hair and her eyes soft–almost solemn. I could see a sense of pity in her eyes as she saw my form–hair a mess, bags under my eyes, and a ripped pair of sweatpants and a tattered oversized t-shirt I still wore after my ex broke up with me a couple years prior. 
“Larissa, what are you doing here?” I asked. 
“Well after our phone call last night,” she said, “I couldn’t help but get the feeling that you weren’t okay. You sounded like you’d been crying.”
I chuckled at her remark. “Was it that obvious?”
“Unfortunately,” she sighed, following it with a soft smile.
“Oh, do you wanna come in?” I asked. “I need to clean up a bit, but it’s nothing too bad.”
After letting Larissa in and my cat becoming completely attached to her, I brought her to the kitchen. “Can I get you anything?” I rummaged through my fridge to get a soda for myself. “Water? Coffee?” 
Larissa set her purse down on the counter. “No. Thank you, though. I just came by to see if you were okay.” There was a moment of silence before she spoke up again. “Would you like to come by Nevermore tonight? I can’t take you right now, I’m waiting for a student, but I could show you around the school before you start teaching there.”
“Of course,” I said. It was hard to hide a smile as I looked at her. “I’d love that. Thank you.”
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For some reason, I had every urge to dress in nice clothes. Why was I going to such great lengths to impress this woman? 
There was something about her. No other woman I’ve come across has been like her. Maybe it’s her perfect lips–painted rouge to match the passion I harbor for her. Maybe it’s her eyes–that sweet blue that even the calmest of waters envy. Or maybe it was something beyond her physical appearance. Something I would never see with my eyes or feel with the tips of my fingers, but see with my heart; something I would experience or hear–how she laughs at the oddest things, how she’s willing to sacrifice herself for the people she loves the most, the way she cared so deeply for me that first night despite the fact that we hardly knew each other. To this day I still cannot pinpoint it, but just the thought of her made my heart race. 
I took a deep breath as I climbed into my car. My hands gripped the steering wheel to the point where my knuckles were white as I approached the wrought iron gates. I had never seen the school in person before, and the pictures of it do not do it justice. It was so much more magnificent in person–especially during sunset.
After putting my car in park, I hesitantly got out, trying to keep calm. When I approached the door, I was careful to make sure it was a push door, not wanting a repeat of the last time I had spent an evening with Larissa.
There were a few students roaming the halls and when one of them directed me to Larissa’s office I thanked them. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest as I climbed the stairs. And when I met the gold plaque that read Principal Weems, I nearly stopped breathing.
I knocked timidly on the large, mahogany door and a quiet voice came from the opposite side.
“Come in.”
When I entered, I was in awe: The office of Principal Weems was like no other room I had seen before–and Larissa made it even better.
“Ah!” she smiled, looking up from her computer. “Y/N! I was hoping I’d see you tonight.”
As I approached her desk, I chuckled. “How could I pass up an opportunity to see you again? But it’s also a pretty large school, and I wouldn’t want to get lost on my first day.”
She stood up and beckoned me to follow her. As we walked through the corridors, her sweet voice graced my ears and part of me felt dazed.
“What?” I could barely recall the past few minutes and we were now standing in front of a door.
She smiled at my oblivion. “I was just saying this is your classroom. My office is right down the hall, so if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate.”
Oh I won’t.
We continued through the school, and every hall we went through, every staircase we climbed or descended, curious looks were thrown our way by students. 
“Is that the new history teacher?”
“I wonder if she’s a normie.”
“Do you think she’s nice? She looks nice.”
Larissa smiled at a group of students exiting the cafeteria, the chipper girls greeting her warmly.
“As you can see,” Larissa said as we continued walking, “this is the dining hall. Teachers and staff are welcome to eat there. I prefer to have my meals in my office, however.”
We took a stop by the trophy case and I admired how many there were. So many clubs and activities were held at this school, and it made my heart ache to know I missed out on it.
“You were on the rowing team?” I gaped.
Larissa smiled brightly. “I was! It was one of my favorite extracurricular activities. It still is. I’ve always loved the Edgar Allen Poe Cup…Ophelia Hall hasn’t won since I was in school though.”
“Ah, so you were the glue holding it together,” I grinned, eyeing her.
“Oh, God, no!” she giggled, her hands clasping in front of her. “No, I was the copilot. But the captain and I were…close. Grew apart with time, of course, but that happens when you graduate.” There was a pause before she turned her head to look at me. “Do you still keep in touch with any of your school friends?”
My smile faded briefly before appearing once again. “No, I never had any close friends in school…I was…troubled.”
“Ah,” she said, smiling softly. “Well, I won’t push you any further.”
After showing me my living quarters (“Of course, you have your own house, but if you ever get tired, you’re welcome to stay here.”), she walked me to the front entrance. “Well, that’s all the necessary areas to show you.”
“I don’t think any picture online could truly capture how magnificent this academy is,” I mused, my head turning at all angles to look around. “Even after the tour I think I’ll get lost.”
Larissa’s lips pursed together in a grin as she walked me to the door and out into the courtyard where my car awaited. “Well, I’ll be happy to show you around again on Monday if necessary.”
Opening my door, I looked back at her and smiled brightly. “With that offer, I suppose I’ll just have to get lost on purpose.”
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Sonadow Fanfiction Week: 002, Days: 5, 6 & 7
So sorry for the delay, but you have been warned that I was in my exam week.
Anyways, now you've got three Sonadow Fanfictions at once! I'd call that a win.
You've propably heard of this one before, " In Due Time " by Poster16, but I still wanted to add it. It's practically a legend!
Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types
Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog
Rouge the Bat
Black Doom (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Eclipse the Darkling
Black Death | Black Arms Leader
Mephiles the Dark
Scourge the Hedgehog
Cream the Rabbit
Vanilla the Rabbit
Black Arms (Sonic the Hedgehog) (Character)
Tumble the Skunk
Original Sonic the Hedgehog Character(s)
Dulcy the Dragon
Blaze the Cat
Princess Elise (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Marine the Raccoon
Gardon (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Longclaw (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Silver the Hedgehog
Maria Robotnik
Gerald Robotnik
Jules Hedgehog
Bernadette Hedgehog
Hamlin Pig
Miles "Tails" Prower
Amadeus Prower
Rosemary Prower
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Knuckles the Echidna
Locke (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Whisper the Wolf
Additional Tags:
Shadow's Full of Surprises
Black Doom is literally Satan
Sonic's Full of Surprises
A Couple of these Guys Need Hugs
Fairy imagery
Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con
Assassination attempts
Alternate Universe - Slavery
Our Main Couple Believes in Lullabies
Blood and Violence
Sing With Me
Daydreams and Nightmares
Rape Aftermath
Slave Trade
Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
cute nicknames
constant as the stars above
Blaze is a Queen
Black Death is literally Satan
Flower Crowns
Broken Heart
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Mental and Emotional Breakdown
Tír na nÓg
Implied/Referenced Drug Use
Proteger al DuendecilloElise is Queen
Currently 132083 words, 33 chapters so far, on going.
Here we have " By All Means Necessary " by TheBookOfShadows.
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: Multi
Fandoms: Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Sonic the Hedgehog (Video Games), Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW Comics)
Relationships: Knuckles the Echidna/Rouge the Bat, Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Knuckles the Echidna
Rouge the Bat
Silver the Hedgehog
Miles "Tails" Prower
Jet the Hawk
Whisper the Wolf
Infinite (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Mephiles the Dark
Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik
Vanilla the Rabbit
Blaze the Cat
Black Arms (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Maria Robotnik
Iblis (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Black Doom (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Scourge the Hedgehog
Surge the Tenrec
Cosmo the Seedrian
Charmy Bee
Vector the Crocodile
Espio the Chameleon
Doctor Starline (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe
Alternate Universe - Dystopia
Blood and Torture
Gunshot Wounds
Psychological Trauma
Psychological Torture
Shadow the Hedgehog Needs a Hug
Speech Disorders
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
Attempted Murder
Panic Attacks
Fluff and Angst
Purring Sonic the Hedgehog
I love the gay hedgehogs
Amy gets a redemption arc
im losing my sanity
Sonic needs a hug
paranormal activity
Rouge is a sweetheart
kinda implied sex..
Sonic and Shadow are in their 20's
Plot Twists
Mentions locations from Sonic media but is not accurately described
Tags May Change
Tags Contain Spoilers
Human Trafficking
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Many characters are only briefly in the story
Not Canon Compliant
Not beta read most of the time
Currently 65935 words, 22 chapters so far, on going.
And, for our last stop, " lover " by Cowboylikemaybelle.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types
Relationships: Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna/Rouge the Bat, Amy Rose/Blaze the Cat, Miles "Tails" Prower & Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower & Shadow the Hedgehog
Characters:. Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Blaze the Cat, Knuckles the Echidna, Rouge the Bat
Additional Tags:
Panic Attacks
Touchstarved Sonic
Fluff and Angst
Non-Sexual Intimacy
Out of Character Shadow the Hedgehog
in the sense that he got therapy and is happy
Out of Character Sonic the Hedgehog
in the sense that I gave him actual issues
sorry buddy
I Wrote This While Listening to Taylor Swift's Music
Character Study
Trans Sonic the Hedgehog
not important to the storyline but its important to me:)
Cuddling & Snuggling
Language: English
25565 words, 6 chapters, complete.
Here you go! Hope you enjoy'em.
The first day
The previous day
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
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I posted 309 times in 2022
That's 309 more posts than 2021!
288 posts created (93%)
21 posts reblogged (7%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 309 of my posts in 2022
#witch's heart - 266 posts
#answered ask - 258 posts
#ashe bradley - 135 posts
#ashe posting - 102 posts
#claire elford - 72 posts
#sirius gibson - 54 posts
#noel levine - 51 posts
#aliceyabusamesoneball - 46 posts
#lime - 42 posts
#ensemble posting - 41 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i think it would be pretty natural to have an existential crisis over the fact that there's more than one of you and that you're not even
My Top Posts in 2022:
so you guys remember the "ashe trapped in a bottle" incident?
well, i, so far, have written two chapters based off of that
linked here
not sure if i'll ever finish it, and if i do it will probably be a while from now
just leaving this here cause, this is where it originally was posted
14 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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ahhhhh! please don't!
18 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
does colorado exist (to everyone) (im so sordy(
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well obviously it exists. why are you-
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of course it's not ashe! what an absolutely absurd idea! saying colorado is real!
See the full post
18 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
hihi ashe!!! - ask-ashe-bradley
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.....how is that even possible?!
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logically speaking there is not even a possibility that there's more than one of me!
See the full post
21 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
noel and rouge do you guys speak french since your names are french 🤔
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no, not really. but i am learning some right now
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non, je ne sais pas français, qu'est-ce tu penses?
See the full post
22 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lovecanbesostrange · 8 days
I kept thinking of that poll from yesterday about writing down a list of 100 fav movies and so I just gave it a quick try...
Alien (don't make me choose between 1&2)
The Breakfast Club
Nightmare on Elm Street (1, 3, 7)
but I'm a cheerleader
Star Wars 4, 5, 6
The Faculty
The Goonies
Terminator (1, 2, Dark Fate)
The Proposal
Barb & Star go to Vista Del Mar
The Lost Boys
Imagine Me & You
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Princess Mononoke
Laputa - Castle in the Sky
My Neighbor Totoro
The Iron Giant
Titan A.E.
The Little Mermaid
Lilo & Stitch
The Emperor's New Groove
The Hunger Games
GhostBusters (this franchise has no bad entry)
Scream (much like with Alien the third comes in last, but here the whole franchise is one big banger)
The Sixth Sense
X-Men: Days of Future Past (I love almost all foX-Men films though, but 2 and DoFP are the best)
Avengers, Age of Ultron, Infinity War, Endgame (let me put them in a row and I will not pick any more from the MCU)
The Dark Knight
Back to the Future
Jurassic Park
The Lord of the Rings (SEE please)
North by Northwest
Witness for the Prosecution
Some Like it Hot
Mulholland Drive
Raiders of the Lost Ark (also Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, no wait probably more so 3>1, the others are fine)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Charlie's Angels + Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
Pirates of the Caribbean (1, 2, 3)
Stephen King's IT Chapter One (funny enough I probably wouldn't qualify Two as a fav on its own, though it's a good and necessary second half of the story, but Chapter One is where it's at)
Carrie (1976)
The Mist (black-and-white is dope)
Stand by Me
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Adventures in Babysitting
The Invisible Man (2020)
Pitch Black
The Cabin in the Woods
Evil Dead (especially 2)
Event Horizon
The Blob (1988)
Death Becomes Her
Steel Magnolias
A Fish called Wanda
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (German Dub supremacy though, Volle Kanne Hoshy)
Stranger than Fiction
An American Werewolf in London
The Silence of the Lambs
Starship Troopers
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Mamma Mia
Little Shop of Horrors
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Moulin Rouge
The Craft
A Chinese Ghost Story
Lady Vengeance
Silver Hawk
Dr. Wai in the Scripture with No Words (had to look up the English title, hey it's Jet Li's version of Indiana Jones and I have a soft spot for this one, even though it's far from Li's best and has so many flaws due to being a nightmare production)
St. Trinian's
Ginger Snaps
The Fountain
Galaxy Quest
Elvira - Mistress of the Dark
Cruel Intentions
St. Elmo's Fire
Shaun of the Dead
Rock'n'Roll High School
The Prestige
Underworld (the first above all else)
Resident Evil (especially Afterlife)
Playing by Heart
The Heat
Kill Bill
Ever After
Donnie Darko
Happy Death Day
Trick 'r Treat
Wait, how have I already reached 100? There aren't even the quirky films (like TiMER) or the fun horror trash (my love for Deep Blue Sea is endless). Didn't dive into European films (Amélie) or specific German stuff (bandits). I can do a 100 list for horror alone easily (omg not even The Haunting on here).
Anyway do not question how my mind wandered from title to title, also there is zero ranking involved. Damn, there are five on the list that I don't own on DVD or BD. hmmmm... What does favorite movie even mean? Who knows. In any case for the past few months I've gone back far more to stuff I already know instead of watching new things (that I plan to watch some day, but well, it never felt right).
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thewatcher727 · 4 months
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast Again - Chapter 7: Metro Mayhem
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast again is a thrilling continuation of the beloved anime, promising action-packed escapades and heartwarming moments as our heroes embark on their next chapter! Available for Reading on AO3 & FF!
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14344080/7/Sonic-X-Gotta-Go-Fast-Again
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54991219/chapters/142186621
Metro Square, while not as bustling or expansive as the Station Square in Chris' World, exuded a distinct charm with its small-town feel. The urban landscape was dotted with quaint stores and modest buildings, presenting a more relaxed atmosphere compared to the grandeur of its counterpart. Sonic, being more inclined towards the freedom of nature, found the confined spaces of cities less appealing, but duty called, and he had to set aside personal preferences for the moment.
As Sonic gently set Amy down in the heart of Metro Square, the citizens around them continued with their daily routines. The townsfolk, though used to the occasional presence of the iconic blue hedgehog, couldn't help but sneak glances in their direction. Sonic's reputation for heroics had made him a beloved figure, and admiration followed him wherever he went.
Sonic, with a nonchalant hand on his hip, remarked, "Been a long time since I came here." Memories of past adventures and encounters in this world flashed through his mind.
Amy, looking around at the familiar but distinct surroundings, commented, "Kind of reminds you of Station Square, huh?" The mention of their adventures in the other world brought a bittersweet twinge to their thoughts. The friends they made, the challenges they faced—those memories lingered, casting a nostalgic shadow over their present reality.
Sonic, shaking off the nostalgic thoughts, adopted a determined mindset. Dwelling on the past wasn't his style; he preferred to focus on the present and the challenges it brought. And right now, the challenge was to find Rouge and retrieve the Chaos Emerald.
Amy, pointing towards a rather upscale building with multiple floors, questioned, "Is that her place?"
Following Amy's gaze, Sonic spotted the luxurious building. Knowing Rouge's penchant for the finer things in life, it seemed fitting that she would reside in a place that reflected her taste for luxury. Sonic grinned confidently, confirming, "Yep, that's the place."
Amy, driven by urgency and excitement, dashed ahead before Sonic could utter a word, her determination evident in every stride. Sonic, amused by her eagerness, allowed her a head start before effortlessly catching up, his natural speed closing the gap between them in a matter of moments.
As they approached the building, it became apparent that gaining entry wouldn't be as simple as walking through an unlocked door. This wasn't an abandoned structure or one of Eggman's fortified bases; it was a residential building where people lived their everyday lives. Sonic and Amy shared an unspoken agreement: they wouldn't resort to force unless absolutely necessary.
Sonic, standing before the buzzer, tapped it with a sense of anticipation, his arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently.
However, there was no response from inside the building. Sonic's brow furrowed in mild surprise as he muttered, "Huh. Guess she's not in."
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theveniceangel · 3 years
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Hey guy's, while we're waiting on chapter nine to arrive, I thought I'd just do a few doodles for fun! (Can you even call these doodles..?) I didn't get to use every idea I had in this image, so I might make a second edition of doodles. Context. 1: Strange Happenings. Basically before Shadow transformed for the first time, he started doing weird things, such as growling (more than usual..) eating ravenously, and he even howled at one point, which is what you're seeing now. 2: The First Transformation. Basically this is when Shadow transformed for the first time, and as you can tell by the picture, he was VERY scared, and confused, he had NO idea what was going on. 3: In Denial. Shadow was naturally terrified when he first saw himself in the mirror after the transformation, he didn't wanna believe that was his reflection, he was hoping this was just some weird dream, unfortunately for him, he was VERY wrong.. 4: Still Got It. Even as a werehog, Shadow's still got his signature tough guy act. 5: A Werehog's Howl. Besides the growling, howling is the only canine behavior Shadow's gotten used to, the rest of it, not so much.. There's actually a chaos power he obtained called Chaos Howl, an ultra sonic howl which allows him to stun his enemies, and shatter any glass like material. 6: A Friend's Support. When Rouge found out about Shadow being a werehog, she was understandably shocked, but once she got used to it, she actually thought it was pretty neat. 7: A Dog At Heart. Shadow secretly loves it when people pet him, he especially likes ear scritches, the thing is though, he only let's a VERY small amount of people do it, that being Sonicverse Kylie Dear, Rouge, Sonia, and Cream, he would let Omega do it if it weren't for the fact that Omega is very rough. Maybe if you asked him politely, he'd let you pet him, but those are the people he's comfortable receiving affection from. Now if someone like Sonic, or Eggman tried to pet him, he'd immediately get defensive, and snarl at them. And that's all I've got for now, I hope you like these, let me know your thoughts in the comments, and I love you my Venice Angels. 💗 Credit to https://sonic-x.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_X_Wiki for the reference photos. Shadow The Hedgehog and Rouge The Bat belong to ©SEGA.
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