#royai marriage
shoujothoughts · 1 year
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"Nothing's perfect, the world's not perfect, but it's there for us, trying the best it can."
Roy, Riza, Maes, and Elizabeth, circa 1931
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mohluskiepedard · 5 months
I love royai art so much but every time it's like their wedding or they're on a date or married with a kid it's like. That has to be an au to me. That is a Different Universe where those people are even remotely normal about each other. Idk what has to change about the timeline to allow that but it ain't the main fmab canon that's not my king
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royai · 2 years
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square enix your bias is showing
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Me: tries to get the Roy AI to do anything remotely horny
Roy: have you considered MARRIAGE
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bisexualriza · 29 days
we know that Berthold was a pretty shitty father to Riza, and we know it's all because of his alchemy research. but because i'm currently in a pre-canon headspace, i've been speculating reasons for his neglect outside of just his obsession for alchemy.
incomprehensible brainrot below.
what if he straight up did not want a daughter. maybe he wanted a son instead, and his wife passed away before they could try for another child. it would partially explain why he showed more favor to Roy during his apprenticeship; Roy was the son he never had.
sexism aside, that can even be simplified to Berthold wanting a child who can perform alchemy. we don't know if Riza never showed an interest in it, or just wasnt able to grasp it, but she definitely isn't an alchemist in canon. (however. fanon secret alchemist Riza, i love u) it also explains his favoritism towards Roy as the prodigy child alchemist he also never had.
hell it could be a combination of both. Riza just wasnt good enough for him :(
on some darker notes, what if he didn't like Riza because, in however many ways, she reminded him of his late wife?
we dont get much information about Mrs Hawkeye, only the fact that she "died a long time ago", said by teenaged Riza in front of her father's grave. i emphasize teenaged because it means that, somewhere in her early childhood was when her mother died, and it's unclear if she remembers her mother, or even knew her at all.
we know that Berthold has been researching flame alchemy for decades, possibly before Riza was born, possibly before he even got married. whether or not that was a happy marriage is up for debate, but it clearly it was....substantial enough to produce Riza. maybe with his wife present, Berthold wasnt so deep into his research. maybe for a short period of time, he was actually a loving husband and father.
but then his wife did die. all he had left was his daughter. instead of the logical thing and, ya know, being appreciative of the only family he had left, he buries himself in his work as a result of his grief. distancing from his very young daughter, neglecting her in the process. why would he do this? because she reminds him too much of his wife.
Riza probably gets her blonde hair from him, sure, but her Big Beautiful Brown Eyes had to come from somewhere else, that being her mom. maybe even some parts her personality, outside of her reclusiveness, are just like her mom, like her sense of humor. he didnt cherish the fact that some parts of his wife were left behind in their daughter. the memories were too painful.
this would be even more emphasized if Mrs Hawkeye died tragically, like in an accident that could've been prevented, or even in childbirth (honestly Riza being "responsible" for her mother's passing would make this even more messed up.....Berthold blaming her for losing his wife, Riza never getting to meet her mother at all....)
anyways those are brain thoughts i've been circulating that i dont know what to do with. save yourselves, i'm too far gone in the pre-canon royai rabbit hole.
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Fanfiction Masterlist.
(Updated 9/7/24)
I started writing fiction again in March, and I now find myself the mother author of nine eleven fanfics. I figure it's time I make one of these. I'll pin this post to the top of my Tumblr and update as more works are added.
It's mostly Royai and some Zutara Trash so if you're not into that, move along.
Death and Taxes
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 5.4K
“You’re proposing we marry,” Hawkeye responds, slow and dangerous, “for tax purposes?”
Something prickles beneath Mustang's shirt collar. He resists the urge to tug at it, instilling his voice with an even coolness as he pretends to examine his cuticles. “A mutually beneficial arrangement, wouldn’t you agree?”
(marriage of convenience)
The Counteroffer
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 2.7K
On the eve of Mustang’s inauguration as Fuhrer, Riza Hawkeye submits her resignation.
My very first Royai fanfic, and my first attempt at creative writing in literal years.
(light angst with a happy ending)
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 1.6K
Riza Hawkeye never intended on living past age thirty-two. It wasn’t that she wanted to die. She simply did not expect to live.
Written for Royai Week 2024, Day 5: Gift
(angst with a happy ending)
The Art of Living On
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 3.9K
She has never done this. Has avoided it at all costs. Because she is unfit, she tells herself. Her hands are made for firearms and filing office paperwork, not soothing fussy babies. Her edges are too sharp, too jagged to provide comfort to anyone. She is scarred and bloodied and barely knows the love of a mother herself.
But the baby wails, pleading.
Written for Royai Week 2024, Day 2: Appreciate
(domestic fluff, light angst with a happy ending)
Uncle Zuko
Katara x Zuko
Rating: T
Word count: 2.6K
Of all the things his hands have held - from dragon eggs and ancient texts to the element of Fire itself - this is by far the most precious, the most powerful: a new generation, one born into a world without war.
Zuko is forced to hold Sokka's baby, and feelings happen. I published this story years ago on FFN under a different title. This is the updated/revised version. I haven't written much of them lately, but Zuko & Katara are, and will always remain, my otp.
(domestic fluff)
The Bookshelf - WIP
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 2.3K
“It has a ladder.” Falman remarks, impressed.
(Or: Fuhrer Mustang gifts Hawkeye a bookshelf, and the rest of the Team starts to figure things out.)
(fluff, humor)
Strong Whiskey and Slanted Light
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: G
Word count: 908
His team is alive. The Elric brothers have their bodies back. Havoc can walk again. And from her place in the driver’s seat, Riza Hawkeye - alive and breathing - glances sharply in his direction, brows raised in a rare moment of removing her attention from the road ahead. He doesn’t miss the way she winces at the sudden movement of her still-healing neck. “Sir?”
“It’s just a question, Lieutenant. I’m curious.”
Written for Royai Week 2024, Day 1: Curiosity
(light angst, mutual pining)
As You Were
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 2.4K
Maybe it’s the fact that she’s dropped his honorific.
Maybe it’s the fact that they are somehow both alive. Maybe it’s the fact that he can see her, when he’d believed with such certainty that he never would again. He can see her and she is beautiful, and for once he doesn’t understand why he ever chose to banish that thought from his mind when it is so clearly the truth.
The Flame Alchemist's Daughter
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 6.4K
The ink is a burden. The knowledge is a curse.
Disclaimer: I wrote this before I fully understood the mechanics of Mustang's flame alchemy (I literally finished the series in March 2024; I'm new here, so my bad). I realized later that some of the implications here would not make sense in canon. That said, I still love this story. I'm proud of it and it's freaking fanfiction so who cares.
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 1.6K
In the wake of his election victory, Roy Mustang makes a very important visit to Fuhrer President Grumman.
Prequel to "The Counteroffer."
(fluff, light angst)
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 2.2K
Each time he has laid eyes on Riza Hawkeye’s tattoo, the course of Roy Mustang’s life has been permanently altered.
(angst with a happy ending)
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Have I ever told you this? (Probably! But I'll say it again, ha) It's been an absolute treat reading your Royai fics. Thank you for joining this fandom!
What are your inspirations? 😃 In terms of writing style, but also ideas, etc. Please indulge us all, and please do geek out about your writing process too!
I always love learning about how fan fic writers work and write!
Thank you, and I hope you have a lovely day~
Hey there!
You are so kind. It's hard to put into words how much it means to have had such a lovely reception from the FMA fandom. I used to write a lot when I was a kid, but eventually stopped due to some unfortunate and painful circumstances. Writing for this fandom over the last couple of months has been an incredible journey. It has healed some very intrinsic parts of me that I’d forgotten were wounded, and I have written more in the last few months than I have in 15+ years.
So, first and foremost, thank YOU.
Inspirations: I've always been a lover of fantasy and science fiction. My very first fandom was Star Wars, followed shortly thereafter by Avatar: The Last Airbender. Recently, I've become a huge Sarah J. Maas fan (I read ALL of her books in the year 2023 - minus the new one that came out in January). I've also enjoyed Suzanne Collins and Leigh Bardugo (particularly her Six of Crows duology).
But really, I just love stories. I love adventure, magic, and romance. I look for complex characters, vibrant worlds, strong magic systems, and rich backstories. My favorites always involve women who embody strength (mental, physical, and emotional), capable leadership, and femininity. Characters who are equal parts war-like and compassionate, fearsome yet soft.
But my very best inspiration comes from real-life: my sweet husband. It's going to sound silly, but I feel like I write about true love because I've experienced it. This guy was 100% written by a woman (lol). He's read everything I've written, and provides the most wonderful feedback and encouragement.
As far as style/process, I feel like I am still developing it? Haha! It's only been a minute since I got back into writing. But it usually starts with daydreaming to music (often songs without lyrics; Secession Studies is a favorite), typically while I'm in the car. With my first FMA fic, The Counteroffer, I was listening to "Beautiful Things" by Benson Boone on repeat. Something about the way he sings "Please stay / I want you, I need you, oh God" really set the tone for that story. That, combined with inspiration from the infamous Chapter 54 of A Court of Mist and Fury.
There's usually an moment or a line of dialogue that pops into my brain first (for The Counteroffer, it was Hawkeye lifting the discharge paperwork to find Mustang has also given her an unsigned marriage certificate). I write that bit, then the rest of the story sort of fills in around it. I write in disjointed fragments, adding chunks here and there and then connecting them together. Sometimes I shuffle things around, moving chunks to different locations in the story to see how it changes the flow.
Beginnings, endings, and titles are usually the hardest for me to come up with.
And here's a few of my own patterns that I've started to notice:
I love stories that read with a poetic beat to them (I think the best example of this in my own work is Hourglass).
I use line breaks for emphasis a lot.
I am intentional about keeping things concise but impactful. When it comes to word count, my personal rule is quality > quantity, always.
I try not to use "said/says" without other descriptive words.
If a portion of the story is dialogue driven, I'll read it aloud to make sure it actually flows like real conversation.
I often drop "and" from sentences when I feel like it messes with the poetic flow ("She became familiar with the space between heartbeats, the squeeze of the trigger, the wet sound of a bullet finding its mark." - Hourglass).
In the same vein, I use a sort of "rule of threes" quite a bit. I break sentences into three parts, offer three descriptions of a character's observation/sensation/emotion, repeat the same phrase three times, etc. (Oh look, I've done it again.)
I write in third person, present tense, always from the perspective of one character at a time. I feel like this puts myself and the reader right in the middle of the action, as it's happening. I dive deep into the primary character's thoughts and senses, both internal and external.
I re-read/re-watch the original content (i.e. FMAB, the manga) often, even if it's just in small parts. It keeps me grounded to who these characters are, and prevents me from going OOC. It's so easy to lose track of characterization if it's been too long since I watched an episode or read a chapter.
Hoo boy this got long. Thanks so much for the delightful ask! It was a lot of fun to dive into my own writing process and habits.
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courtmartialme · 5 months
What coukd You monologue about right now? (bonus points if it's happy rather than angry.)
i've been thinking about royai wedding lately ^__^ i'm not a royai marriage guy usually, but thinking about riza smiling so big and being so radiant makes me happy...! roy being the bigger romantic was the one who wanted the ceremony, and riza doesn't hate the idea but she's much more practical... a part of her thinks it can be a waste of time and money, since getting to be with roy is enough for her...! so she looks indifferent during the whole preparation, but when she's on the altar realization that she's marrying roy finally hits, and all the feelings crash on her at once and she can't stop herself from crying _(:3 」∠ )_ it's embarrassing to be vulnerable like that in front of so many people, but roy is there to ground her... and she decides she can let herself have that on this special day...!
i'm also thinking about transmasc riza but that's a constant. whenever i'm too frustrated about gender i throw all the feelings at him lol i want him to feel frustrated and insecure, but managing it with roy's support who may not understand what riza feels fully but will do everything in his power to make his beloved lieutenant feel better because he loves him in any shape and form...!
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awesomedurraworld · 3 months
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okay I know I told almost everyone about this show, and I know I am late to the party, but you guys, this Kdrama? ✋🏻❤️
I don't even know from where should I start, the plot, acting, relationships, are just super good! This show is what I have been calling a Royai coded couple. Their marriage is so beautiful, and their love is so deep and what they will do to each other is everything!!
So if you were into thriller and love Roy and Riza I HIGHLY suggest you checking this out!
I actually made a silly doodle with the main couple as Roy and Riza and now I am thinking of making a whole au based on this
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shoujothoughts · 1 year
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“I will follow you into hell if you ask me to.”
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musing-and-music · 3 months
The name was a knife, twisting in her belly
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Chapter 3
Sorry for the lack of chapter last week, I was busy with Royai week!
Summary: Brienne grows up in Tarth with the pain that Jaime Lannister’s name inflicts her each time she hears it. She grows up hating her soulmate for his actions and for the pain she feels because of him.
In the dungeons of Riverrun, she finally meets him, and lady Catelyn charges them both with a quest that will change her pain into something different.
Rating T | 6,3k words | Chapter 3/? | Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, POV Brienne of Tarth, Canon-Typical Violence, Tywin Lannister A+ Parenting, This story doesn’t really care about the general plot of ASOIAF, Implied Future Sansan, Implied Future Gendrya | Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
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dearreader · 8 months
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chrysopoeias · 2 years
unpopular fma/royai opinion
Ok one thing that annoys me is seeing people talk/write about royai’s grandpapi getting rid of military fraternization law universally just to specifically benefit them. Those rules exist in military, civilian and school settings for a good reason and why even if consensual, relationships between hierarchies need to be disclosed and still have consequences. I get people have wish-fulfilment fantasies, or want them to get married at all costs. You can do whatever you want within fiction ofc, etc etc. Feel free to ignore me if you don't care. But I think there can be more creative ways to get them into marriage than getting completely rid of rules that exist to protect people from abuse at the hand of their superiors.
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theaceofdragons · 1 year
Have a weird little Royai modern fantasy AU excerpt
(I'm feeling really bad about myself as a writer and I want to share something I actually like. If you like it too, please let me know because I could seriously use the dopamine boost)
Thank you to @goneadrift and @dairogo for useful comments!
Good morning, this is Oakenwald University Radio and I'm Kain Fuery. As most of you already know, a body was found last night on the edge of campus, between April and Cadwallis Streets. We have an update from the Resembool County Police, who suspect the death wasn't accidental. They'll be releasing the victim's name once the family has been notified, and there was no comment on whether this could be related to the library break-in. We'll keep you updated as we learn more, and students and faculty are encouraged to keep an eye on your phones and email and listen to this station for updates, and to travel in groups and follow instructions from campus security. If you have any information that might be useful to the investigation, please call ###-###-####. Evening classes will be online for at least the next week, so check your email for details. We'll have an interview with Julie Adler from campus security at one this afternoon, and we'll be discussing how you can stay safe on campus and in town.
Resembool County Courier, May 5th, 20XX
Body Found on Oakenwald Campus Identified
Police have identified the man found dead on the Oakenwald campus on Sunday.
63-year-old Berthold Hawkeye's identity  was released this afternoon after police were unable to locate his next of kin. Police also confirmed that Dr. Hawkeye's death was not a result of natural causes, and that they had reason to believe it was also not a "random event." Detectives are continuing to investigate, and say there is currently no suspect information. Anyone with pertinent information, or who saw or heard anything suspicious Sunday night, should call ###-###-####.
Correction (1:32PM): An earlier version of this article referred to Dr. Hawkeye as Mr. Hawkeye.
Do you remember when I told you about Riza?
I don't think so
Wait is that the girl who went missing
The dead man they found was her father.
Didn't see that coming
Did you look for her this year
I did my annual social media sweep
The police couldn't find her either.
I'm sorry, Roy
Do you want to talk?
I have to finish this paper.
Call me any time.
Resemblool County Medical Examiner's Office - Autopsy Report
…cause of death appears to be a single stab wound at the midline, the force of the blow fractured the sternum. Further examination revealed roots embedded into the subject’s heart, which has been sent for DNA testing to confirm it is that of the decedent. Further assessment is on hold pending preliminary results…
CAUSE OF DEATH: Terminal damage to organs
Death Notices
Berthold Hawkeye, 63, passed away May 4th in Fieldstone, where he had previously spent five years as an assistant professor of physics at Oakenwald University. He is remembered by colleagues as a unique and brilliant man. Dr. Hawkeye is preceded in death by his wife, Nicola, with whom he has one daughter, Riza.
A memorial will be held Wednesday, March 7, at Oakenwald University’s Paracelsus Garden.
This is Riza Hawkeye. I'm at the bus depot off E-23 and I need help. I wouldn't be bothering you if it wasn't an emergency. Can you help me?
This isn't funny and you have extremely bad timing
When you were thirteen you wanted to ask a boy out and I told you the line you had planned sounded more like a marriage proposal. You got annoyed at me because you would never marry someone who couldn't even [INSERT SCIENCE THING] and gave me a serious talk about how important a commitment marriage is.
I'm almost out of data on this prepaid. Will you help me?
I'm on my way
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fullmetalscullyy · 1 year
I read some of your fics and let me just say that I LOVED them!!!! Riza and Roy's relationship was just beautifully written!!! Can I ask if you have any specific headcanons or aus you want to ramble about?
i will preface this with saying it's been about 5 years since i actually watched fma lmao so my concept of royai in general and canon may be (definitely is) skewed purely by my own self indulgence, delusions, and poor memory (for real, i read a fanfic once where they said grumman's first name was walter and i took that on board and for about 8 years thought that was his canon name 💀 i'm easily influenced hahaha) but who cares i'm thriving anyway so i'm happy 😌
ok so. headcanons
most of these change with my mood or what fic i'm writing to fit in with the story i'm writing. i love having flexibility and things to play around with lol
roy calls riza "my love"
tenderness ✅ affection ✅ adoration ✅
this man dragged himself back from the brink of death/unconsciousness under central just so he could go to riza (and alphonse but shhh just riza)
roy fell first
riza fell slowly
he fell HARD and when riza realised she was like "oh shit 😳"
feelings developed tentatively when they were young (roy was both scared of but impressed by quiet, feral little riza). he was patient tho and eventually, riza fell too
idk when they each realised. i like to play about with that idea like toys in the sandbox lol so it chops and changes depending on my mood
they're both v professional obvs and hide their feelings well but sometimes roy gets a wee bit too into the role he ""plays"" while speaking to elizabeth and hears about it later. but he just shrugs and doesn't care bc how can he be sorry when he gets to pretend he's in love, or close to it at least, w elizabeth - not that there's any actual pretending hehehehehe
they end up becoming a dog family. all the pups. because it's what riza wants
realistically, would they have kids together?? hmmm ask again later but in my mind where there's 0 consequence and things are hand wavey yes 😌 need girl dad roy and mama hawk in my life
there is definitely a way they could play marriage between them and having a family strategically and politically and i've read some fab fics and thoughts where they do but i'm not clever enough to think anything up hahaha but i feel like they absolutely would in the canon world. it would suit them and their goals well if they did
obvs the kid would be loved and doted on don't get me wrong it would just be convenient that it worked out politically for them too
i'm sure i have more rattling about in my brain somewhere but i was up at half 4 this morning for a road trip and this is all i got for now hahaha
in terms of aus, i don't have anything cooking atm. i would love to delve into another one but i've done so many at this point i feel i've exhausted my wee list but!! also accomplished and written everything i've wanted to write for royai 🥰
however. i will say. for years i've been dreaming of a royai/x files au. royai as mulder and scully??? roy the believer and riza the skeptic??? stunning. i would LOVE to write that but i just. do not have it in me anymore unfortunately. that being said, i will never say never!! it might eventually come back around to me. but we'll see :)
thank you for the ask!!!!! and the kindness 🥰🩷
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nightofnyx8 · 2 months
Hello friend :)
For the fanfic writer ask game:
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written! (Maybe trying to get a sneak peek hehe)
Have a nice evening!
Hello my dear friend! Thank you so much for these wonderful questions!
15. I like short, symbolic titles. One striking image that perfectly encapsulates the fic that's also easy to remember. The Woman in Red and many of my royai fics fit into that category. A lot of them have lyrics from songs in them, like As Time Goes By (a popular song during WW2) and i'd risk it all just to be with you. Some are from poems (marriage in a bottle and if the stars could speak), and some are from book titles (All the Things We Cannot Say). My favorite fic title would probably have to be Song of the Raven, as one of the recurring symbols in that fic is music. "Raven" is a term used during the Cold War to describe a male agent who obtained sensitive information through the act of sex. Each of the chapters from Loid's POV in that fic are musical terms to fit the motif.
9. I unfortunately don't have the time to write every day, especially during the school year. I work best when I have a few hours blocked out for it, usually during the weekends or at the very end of the day. Though there is the rare occasion that inspiration strikes at 2 AM and I get no sleep whatsoever (often when my best writing happens though, for some unknown reason).
Here's a sneak peak for the next chapter of As Time Goes By!
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