#rp responsibly
bewitched-bullet · 7 months
Hi Bullet, thank you for answering my ask. You know, I don't get the impression that mods are terrified but that they are not proud of this outcome. Here's what I've noticed of this group. I've followed the characters for about 8 months (I mainly follow artists like you) and this is not a well-organized, well- communicated group. It's not uncommon to takes days for posts to be interacted by characters, even some big posts that were supposed to be pre-organized*. Everyone of them appears to be working on their own, except for the characters who have the same mod (I can kind of tell which ones because of the consistent instant responses).
*For example, John RP's last posted case file "The Adventure of the Speckled Sound". The science details were not in there because it's supposed for Sherlock to show off. Sherlock RP was tagged at least 3 times (John RP and 2 followers) to answer the toxicology aspect of the case, they didn't reply or participate at all (0) while complaining on their blog that nobody asked for the case details. I probably sent an anon ask for the toxicology as well. However, the case before, "The Aegean Sea Smugglers" were organized perfectly among all mods. It was beautifully executed.
*Another example is the both John RP and Sherlock RP didn't know when the New Lestrade RP joined them based on the discrepancies in their responses. Basically nobody informed them when a new member joined.
Those are just some big example of lack of communication; smaller ones are easy to spot as it's really not uncommon. I'm thinking that maybe this group has gradually fallen apart over time. The anon mod did say that John RP said he was gonna quit. I guess at that point nobody was actively managing this group so no actions were taken and now it has become extremely messy. All speculations, of course, based on their group dynamics.
These are very good observations. I haven't gone that far to check that out (yay, life). But if you or someone could gather these examples together, that could be helpful.
When doing roleplay (rp online accounts, Larp, D&D, etc) it's very important to stay coordinated. This helps with story and event continuations, the quality of entertainment (cuz let's be real, online rplayers are unpayed actors providing artistic content. Bless you all.), and in the event an actor needs to switch out, the transition is smooth and not confusing or hurtful.
As a DM, it is my responsibility to coordinate everything and ensure a positive experience for both the players (and when I did this online) for the audience.
If these rplayer decide to rebuild, it may be beneficial for them to get someone that can act as a DM.
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tevintersnakes · 5 months
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back in the fallout pit, fortunately my art has improved since 2016 so I can draw doctors hanging out together somewhat effectively now
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scealaiscoite · 2 months
.☽༊˚ prompts for helping bathe an injured loved one
¹⁾ sitting on the edge of the bathtub and letting them lay their head against your thigh as the fatigue starts taking hold
²⁾ “i know, i know it hurts but hold on for just a little longer and we’re done, yeah? think you can do that for me, pet?”
³⁾ helping them lean up so you can wash their back, and pretending not to notice them shaking in your arms
⁴⁾ “you needn’t be so gentle, y’know. if today wasn’t enough to break me, i doubt an ill-applied handful of shampoo will.”
⁵⁾ using your soapstuffs because the familiar scent will, hopefully, help calm them
⁶⁾ “i can’t believe it took a night like that for you to let me help you with something.”
⁷⁾ having never seen them in a state of undress before and so, trying admirably hard to avoid looking directly at them in such a vulnerable state
⁸⁾ “so mr/mrs surly and serious likes having their hair washed for them, hm? don’t worry, i’ll keep your secret.”
⁹⁾ climbing into the bath/shower with them, more for the physical comfort than practicality
¹⁰⁾ “i wish the first time you saw me like this could’ve been under better circumstances.”
¹¹⁾ stripping down to the same level of undress as them in an effort to try and make them feel more comfortable
¹²⁾ “can we- can we just stay here, like this, for a minute? please?”
¹³⁾ using as gentle a touch as possible to clean them off and feeling your heart break each time they still suppress a pained whimper
¹⁴⁾ “it’s just me now. you don’t have to be brave anymore.”
¹⁵⁾ trying to towel them dry but ending up just cradling them to your chest with the towel pressed aimlessly between you
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mcflymemes · 1 year
please don't mistake silence for hatred. please don't mistake unanswered plotting messages as indifference, or a lack of enthusiasm towards you. considering the ages of most roleplayers, many of us have bills to pay, families to take care of, medical conditions to treat, appointments to make, classes to take, homes to clean, and lives to live away from the computer that are far, far more important than writing on tumblr — life has a tendency to get in the way of hobbies and fun things like this. be patient with your fellow writers. if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. of course you can set your boundaries, keep your space comfortable, and softblock whoever you wish, but do so while recognizing it's probably not hatred or apathy that keeps them from leaping into your dms with message after message. they probably love this hobby just as much as you... but sometimes life gets in the way.
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ballad-of-the-lamb · 7 months
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do you think they're
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shardkn1ght · 1 year
Hueso Raised Leo AU
Main story completed for now
The Next chapter: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Family reunion: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Bad Future: Hueso Jr disigne
Teen life: Working at Run of the mill Leo’s a lil gay guy Leo plays guitar Turtle spotted p1 Turtle spotted p2 Part of a family
Early Life: Meeting your little brother Baby Leo The day Leo was found Missing a brother Gender Fluid Leo! Lil Leo in dresses Glowing boi Uncle Piel! Young life
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dad-galaxy · 1 year
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friezaglasiencold · 7 months
How did you meet Yamcha? It's funny since they didn't recruit him to the tournament because of you haha
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We met just after the Tournament, actually. He approached me out of the blue, not recognizing me by sight and too distracted to feel me out by my energy… he really made quite a fool of himself.
Unfortunately, in my case I’m rather attracted to fools, and so we had a bit of fun that night, and exchanged contact details before I departed. We became sort of like “pen pals” for a while afterward.
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As Jameson drives along through the night he passes various people walking, along with undead hordes passing through the woods by the road, as he watches them pass, suddenly he notices the car jerk as the two front tires start rapidly losing air.
He slams on the brake and stops the car, sighing to himself.
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ellery shows up with ice cream, hair dye, and a comb.
“i th ought may be a ch ange in ha ir col or might b e wh at yo u ne ed ri ght abo ut now? dying m y hai r alw ays he lped m e fee l better.”
Huh. So that's what hearing a door being knocked on and opening it is like. It's deeply weird. Laertes kinda likes it.
"Did you just know the way here? You oughta be more careful, I'd be kinda worried if it was just Marc home."
He leaves the door open for him and flops dramatically onto the couch.
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tanaka-drew · 10 months
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Theme — Starseed by tanaka-drew Preview/Download
A responsive theme.
260x190px sidebar image
70x70 icon image
custom blog title
five custom links
about section (with 60x60px about image)**
tags section**
search bar
option for 450/500*/540px blog posts
option for multiple font families for heading and body
option for 1/0.9*/0.8rem body font size
option for 0.9*/0.8rem uppercase font size
option for hide tags*
option for show tags
back to top*
This is my gift for you all this coming holidays. <3
* denotes default features.
** denotes sections where you have to go into the code to edit.
This theme is NPF posts friendly. :D
Neither ask or submit links would show if you don’t allow people to ask you questions or allow people to submit things to you.
I don’t claim any of the fonts, scripts and/or tutorials I used unless stated otherwise. See full credits here.
Support me on Ko-Fi.
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fromtheberrybush · 6 days
You ever miss someone you have no business missing?? Like i have no right to miss them, but i do
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purplelockscreen · 6 days
*It was downpouring outside. Cooper was waiting for a bus, smoking while he waited.*
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ask-king-freinag · 14 days
How do you feel about... everything? The fact that your second son is dead, your first is now currently recovering, never getting to meet your grandson... how has it all been for you?
It... is excruciating, but I don't have time to focus on that. I can wallow when my time walking amongst the living is up. Clearly, I miss my Delgal, but given what I have heard I can accept he deserves a long peaceful rest. I have to focus on Thistle for now. As for my grandson, I have yet to hear of him. Hell, I heard I have a great grandson but he hasn't shown hair nor hide to me yet. Maybe I should ask around... I wonder if Thistle is up for the day, or maybe that Laios boy could fill me in some more.
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zennore · 4 months
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The wings glowed with a sinister crimson color, pushing down on the both of them, keeping the blonde pinned.
"They are powerful, aren't they?" The Mercy chuckled lowly. "Moira perfected them for me."
"You mean your Moira." Angela snapped back.
"No. Yours."
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lee-and-honey-bee · 10 months
I wanna lovingly squish Honey's face! But I cannot she's a hard working girl.
Can you squish her for me??
Why ofcourse!
Completely understandable. I find it hard to resist squishing her, too.
Here ya go!
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She's so squishy. 💙
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