#rp: in a mirror twisted
saxhamsurvivor · 1 year
in a mirror, twisted
@saxhamsurvivor asked:
"you should sit down."
@hearthandhomeward | nyx answered:
He should. Really. "I'm fine." Leaning more of his weight on Axis than he really wants to helps a little, even. Keeps him still going, one foot in front of the other as they slog slowly toward the nearest haven, sigils glowing faintly in the distance. "I'm totally fine."
"You're really not," Axis murmurs. He has one of Nyx's arms hooked around his neck, and his left arm firmly around the younger man's waist. He's sorely tempted to just stoop over and drag Nyx across his shoulders, but he doesn't know where Nyx has been hurt so it could do more harm than good.
"Mind telling me what happened?"
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What was the aftermath of Glisten cutting off one of Scraps' ears??
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He doesn’t wanna talk about it I think
Owner 1!!
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hybrid--theory · 11 days
Summoned by a magic mirror to
a world altogether unlike your own,
you arrive at Night Raven College,
a prestigious arcane academy within the world of Twisted Wonderland. With nowhere else to go,
you accept the masked head mage's hospitality and begin searching for a way home. However, you quickly realize that the students of this school are as talented as they are dysfunctional, bickering and competition being the perpetual order of the arcane academy’s teachings. Will you be able to work with them and eventually return from whence you came, or will you stay and learn to live in this twisted world? What secrets lie within the villainous hearts of these students?
Hello and welcome to our Twisted Wonderland roleplay server!
We are an 18+ casual rp server that allows both canons and male and female OCs! We are a college AU, so at minimum all characters are around 18+ (aside from characters like Ortho and Cheka obviously).
We do ask that members keep NSFW out of the server and in DMs ^^
Please! Feel free to join us! We would love to have you here! 💗
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swallowtailed · 3 months
palisade 55 / finalisade pt. 10
this is so fucking funny
incredible. they've done it. double feature finale. i don't even want to try and guess how many episodes are left. sometime around 44 or 45 i said they should do thirty more AS A JOKE
i'm not sure i agree that motion is the loose end that needs tying up with an armor astir sortie, but i still think it'll be fun and i'm really excited to get perennial onscreen. hoping both cori and elle can make it >:)
more to the point i gotta say questlandia did not hit as a finale for me, which i think was largely due to the changes in the pc cast and the lack of rp. it felt like the conclusion to a different season. (wrt all the delegate plotlines in particular.) i'm not entirely sure that this next sortie will resolve that for me, but knowing fatt it might well.
because i'm always curious about stuff like this, i am really wondering when they decided to do another armor astir sortie
okay let's talk epilogues a bit though. with the understanding that any/all of these may cease to be endings per se. brnine:
brnine ends up fulfilling the future they envisioned for themself at the beginning of questlandia--continuing the fight outside the mirage. a millennium break admiral, leading the revolution... it really does change lives huh
character of All Time, btw. not entirely sure if this is their ending as a pc but still. All Fucking Time
sorry to hear they broke up with both jesset and gucci. dating sim fail ending. married to the job [ghost of valence]
delicious however that brnine's kingdom-level "unfortunately" ending is a rise in cults of personality and popular hero-worship. that does feel like an accurate downside outcome of a revolution story focused on a crew of heroes where the broader cause keeps getting beat down and the main character crew keeps winning. (that's one detail that really delivered on palisade, imo.)
august and levi:
i liked the twilight mirage's role in these epilogues because it was so uneven. we have the mirage getting twisted around trying to figure out whether august's justice was done well because they didn't directly experience the invasion, while also starting to join the fight in the broader galaxy per levi's epilogue. the high-minded naivety forced into practice is really compelling to me. (cf volition's conversation with thisbe.) not that we haven't seen idealists before in the divine cycle, but i'm eager to see what an attitude of radical forgiveness looks like outside the mirage.
similarly i found levi's localized approach disconnected from the goals of mbreak/other pcs in a way that is... realistic to the character, but might just get overwritten in the next in-universe push toward connection and coalition building, because i don't really see fatt moving away from that framework. (it's not a bad one necessarily, i just don't think they're leaving it.)
anyway. august. man. deciding to join wakeful and then getting stranded for a week that turns into a year, and never quite getting up to it again... brutal. (also completes a very well structured arc.) there are a lot of voids left by unfulfilled desires in these epilogues.
but not in levi's! very hopeful final beat there. both for the character and for the revolution. partizan ended with mbreak reviled as terrorists, now palisade ends (uh. "ends") with a new movement and new hope known throughout the galaxy.
ctc+eggs breakfast is so accurate
thisbe and cori:
thisbe and cori started out with a mirrored pair of goals and now they have a (differently) mirrored pair of epilogues. seizing your freedom and launching off into the galaxy and then realizing that means you're stuck wandering alone. (which does hit a little close to home. lmao.)
very reminiscent of the sangfielle epilogues, by the way, but doesn't work as well after a full season of crew bonding imo
thisbe being able to know and acknowledge and grasp her own freedom, being able to follow her own curiosity, is such a huge win for her. she's come so far.
tbh i'm disappointed that the scattered shards of divinity goal didn't come to pass, because thisbe did get some wins there! two wins and a... something! so that didn't really feel fair. but the chimeric cadent and the afflictions being out in the galaxy does actually feel kind of hopeful to me.
(man, i really wish we'd gotten more about partial palisade and the planet of palisade.)
i have to say, i really liked how cori's epilogue went despite the massive wave of misfortune. the shift into wandering felt more fitting for cori, since she's had a whole arc about losing her place with the devotees. assuming she's coming back in p3, an arc about finding/rebuilding community would be lovely.
also elle getting yanked back by arbitrage was of course inevitable and thus delicious. i'm considering fic ideas. watch this space.
clem's fortunately/unfortunately was so funny. vindictive. austin being like "there's no one around to tell clem she's done a good job" followed by jack going "and gucci doesn't even like her". and then the only future she can see is one in which she's still powerless and not ruling anything because not even being an oracle can help clementine kesh. satisfying.
so anyway
it was nice to see eclectic again. pleased he didn't fully vanish from the narrative (a ghost!), and the new look is slick. i'm curious whether he's gonna try to mount an escape while separated from wakeful. maybe that's not even an option anymore, though.
who do we think is gonna be on the next sortie? levi for sure, and eclectic (unless leap), and like, it's gotta be cori. are brnine and thisbe coming back? are jack and art playing???
sort of a philosophical question here but is questlandia arguably the holiday special
god it's so funny that they've done this. when i first heard this was happening, i was initially like, this is kind of a failure case of fatt's black box pacing for the week to week perspective. but it is also extremely funny. friends at the table.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
great achievements my piece for the @technoblade-first-try-challenge my prompt was: technoblade braiding his hair highly inspired by this post
/dsmp /rp
Dream shifted uncomfortably beneath the heavy cape.  It was too hot to wear inside the cell, if he were being completely honest with himself, but the weight and coverage granted the illusion of safety.  “Illusion” was the key word here; he wasn’t safe.  Not here, not with anyone.
Yet, Technoblade sat behind him, carefully twisting his long hair into a delicate braid and then curling it within itself, making something of an updo.  A few hours ago, he had Dream crouched over the cauldron and washed through the matted strands the best he could, and then he waited for it dry while occasionally combing through it with his fingers.  Once that was done, he sat Dream down and did his best to put it into a style that won’t get mangled again.
“I’m bored.  Not much else to do,” was Techno’s excuse.
Dream’s excuse would’ve been something along the lines of ‘I had my back to him many times already.  He would’ve hurt me already if he was determined.  He’d wait until I was asleep.’ but he didn’t say it.
“Ya know, there’s no mirror in here.  I could make you look like anythin’ and you’d have no idea,” Techno deadpanned at some point, breaking the silence suddenly and making Dream jump.
“Don’t put a dick on my head,” Dream rebutted.
“Or... uh, that sounds bad.  Uh, don’t... don’t put my hair in the shape of a penis.”
“I was thinkin’ Pennywise hair myself, actually.  Or maybe double pigtails-- a bit of Harley Quinn action.”  He placed two fists on the top of Dream’s skull, miming where pigtails might have sat on him.
“Harley’s cool,” Dream granted.
“You ever see all of my braids?”
It seemed like a dumb question.  They were hard to miss.  There were many brains of different sizes and lengths along Techno’s head, some which were adorned with beads or twisted around a colorful fabric.  “Yeah?” Dream replied.
“They’re piglin culture.  I braid the same things into my hair every wash day, and it takes forever.  They all mean different things.  There’s a warrior one, and another for all the weapons I’ve mastered.  A few spiritual ones.  One that’s matchin’ with Phil.”  He ran his finger along the side of Dream’s temple.  “I gave you one.  It’s a little hidden.”
Dream felt heat rise to his face.  His excuse would’ve been ‘It’s hot under this stupid cape of yours,’ but he didn’t say it.  “What does it mean?”
“It’s for a great achievement.  The achievement bein’,” Techno’s smile was evident in his voice.  He was awful proud of this, “survivin’ in a death box.”
“I haven’t survived it yet.  Neither have you.  Quackity could come back any day now--”
“--and we’re gonna survive it, that’s what I keep tellin’ you!  C’moooon, have some faith, c’mon.  You’re never get the ‘faith’ braid at this rate, c’mooon.”
Dream adjusted the cape on his shoulders a bit, with a smile on his face.
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silantryoo · 2 years
BONUS [ RP STONT ] — iz*one’s ahn yujin?
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y/n and yujin’s first hangout
WARNINGS ; mentions of overworking, death threats, misogyny
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y/n sat quietly as yujin stared at her, wondering what to say to the girl. the hybe idol had just arrived when the news had dropped, leaving the awkward situation much more awkward than it already was.
even though yujin didn’t know the girl well, she felt bed.
“are you okay?” yujin asked, the wind blowing her hair as the two stood against the edge of the railing on starship’s rooftop hangout.
y/n’s eyes moved to scan the city of seoul. she wondered how people could hate her so much for something that they knew nothing about. did people just naturally hate her? was it in her blood?
y/n hated being a kim sometimes.
“i feel like shit.” y/n said honestly, she looked over to yujin with her eyes glazed over. “but yeah, i’m okay.”
yujin looked her up and down. chaewon had mentioned to her that y/n was going to get like this, but yujin had dealt with enough drama in IVE to be comfortable enough to push.
“are you sure?”
y/n stared at her, immediately knowing the worried gaze of a leader.
“if you ask me again, i’ll break down.” y/n winced, realizing that it might have been a bit too hostile.
yujin wasn’t fazed. she understood how hard the situation was. she was couldn’t imagine how tiring it must be to be the scapegoat of the group. the public was brutal, especially when it came to girls who naturally attracted people towards them.
she was just surprised that the public was more repulsed by y/n herself than by the thought of two girls dating. their country may have progressed, but they still hated women.
“i’m sorry. i’m just embarrassed.” y/n apologized. she shook her head as she looked at the business below. “i can’t believe i’m breaking down in front of my bias.”
yujin felt herself blushing, not expecting the girl to be so forward. she covered her mouth, her smile making her eyes squint into a moon shape. “i’m your bias?”
y/n nodded, not sure what the big deal was. “in iz*one, yeah.”
yujin’s face dropped. “not in IVE?”
y/n shook her head almost automatically, hiding a smile as she watched yujin’s face. it was always fun to tease leaders. they usually had the most extreme reactions.
maybe that’s why y/n loved teasing minji so much.
“you have no taste.” yujin rolled her eyes, a playful smile covering her face.
chaewon was right about how the two of you would get along. it was nice to finally have a friend around her age that wasn’t insanely busy all the time (read: shin yuna).
y/n scoffed, leaning back. “you’re just bitter.”
“you’re just blind.”
y/n chuckled, IVE’s leader joining soon after. it was one of the very rare times that the two felt like they weren’t hanging out to make connections, something extremely common in the industry.
yujin finally had someone who she felt like she could talk to about things aside from work, and she knew that y/n felt the same, even if the two of you had more friends than just each other.
the two girls fell silent, once again watching the busy streets of korea.
y/n couldn’t help but start to worry. the media had a horrible way of twisting her into the villian, even back when she was a trainee. she couldn’t imagine minji going through something similar.
it made her angry, and made her fearful for the younger girl. she would never say it out loud, but she would gladly take the hit for minji if it meant that she got to live in a world that wasn’t like hers.
y/n just wanted minji to be okay.
yujin looked over to y/n, noticing that the girl was starting to overthink. she knew that face, yujin saw it in the mirror every time she looked.
“we can talk about something to take your mind off of it.” yujin hummed, y/n’s eyes snapping to the taller girl’s.
yujin sent her a smile, waiting for her to speak.
y/n blushed, not realizing that she had been that noticeable. she nodded, thinking of something to talk about. “i found this 7/11 that sells really niche american snacks.”
“wait what?” yujin stood up straight. her members would’ve loved to go there. “where?”
“i don’t remember.” y/n shrugged, a small grin appearing on her face. “i was with minji and we just ran around until we found something good.”
yujin nodded, squinting slightly as she observed how the shorter girl had started blushing.
“she almost got ran over on our date actually.” y/n reminised, looking back down at the street below.
minji had been in such a big rush, realizing that it was way past midnight and she was definitely going to get scolded by her manager in the morning.
“wait…” yujin’s eyes went wide. “you guys are actually dating?”
“no, like friend date.” y/n laughed, a small pang going through her chest. weird. “minji wouldn’t date me.”
yujin nodded, not believing the girl. “but you would date her?”
“if i liked her, yeah.” y/n shrugged, not sure why yujin was asking such random questions. “she deserves someone who’s good to her.”
yujin hummed. she felt like y/n was hiding something, and yujin knew she was nosey. y/n was her new friend, so pushing a little wouldn’t hurt.
“who would you want her to date?” yujin asked.
y/n thought a little, not sure why the question bugged her so much. “someone who she can have fun around.”
“oh,” yujin smirked, looking at y/n’s oblivious face. “like going on 7/11 dates?”
“yeah!” y/n agreed almost immediately. she turned to look to yujin, wondering if she was hinting at something. “are you dating anyone?”
yujin stopped herself from laughing. “i’m too busy being the leader here.”
y/n scoffed, hearing that excuse before. “you sound like chaewon-unnie.”
yujin gasped, hating the fact that she had been compared to le sserafim’s leader. she was nothing like that.
“chaewon-unnie’s blind.” yujin complained, ignoring y/n’s loud laughing. “she can’t even tell that minju-unnie has been waiting for her to ask her out. i’m surprised she even pulled.”
y/n laughed harder, momentarily forgetting about the entire problem of the night. “sounds like you’re projecting.”
“i can’t pull because everyone thinks i’m dating wonyoung.” yujin whined. she loved wonyoung but not like that. “wonyoung’s not even my type—”
“wonyoung’s not your type?!” y/n shouted, immediately wincing after she realized how loud she had been. “she’s everyone’s type?”
“not mine.” yujin sighed, smiling as she thought of her type. “i like people who can make me laugh without meaning to.”
yujin bit her tongue. she liked funny people, someone who didn’t care about cameras, but who was just themselves. she liked that type of funny.
“minji’s like that.” y/n smiled before glaring at yujin. “you can’t date her though.”
yujin sighed, shaking her head. “i know.”
“i’m serious.”
“i. know.”
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varyupon · 1 year
YouTube mirror link  (1080p HQ) | Vimeo mirror link  | Film Info Page
(Process work can be found on my #super-update tag) Watching in full screen will make me very happy! :D
This was a scene in an rp I did with @everythingelsegoesherethen back in 2015 before she left fandom that I liked so much that I decided to adapt it, so think of it as glorified fanfiction. But eventually, this became my love letter to fandom. 
Everyone in fandom has always been so awesome and creative that, over time, being exposed to such inspiring works has granted me the courage to do the same.  (So thank you!!!!)
I especially admire and look up to and was inspired by a lot of meta writers in this fandom in particular so it feels like a crime NOT to credit those who’s writing has helped me. So BIG shoutout to @neven-ebrez and @littlehollyleaf for scenario inspiration/great character analysis!! Their posts have helped me tremendously in breaking down the show so that I was (hopefully) able to capture the look of SPN in essence while providing my own twists.
If you want to watch another SPN-related film I’ve done, then please view “The Fledgling.” This film was inspired by @whelvenwings, @castihalo, and @consulting-cannibal.
If you like my movies, please stay tuned to my lineup list for my upcoming projects!
This took a lot so I’ll...I’ll just...lie down here now...
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midsommersonnets · 29 days
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🕊 on my hands and knees begging for a plot with a REVENGE trope. i want a dark romance where the m oc is consumed by his STRONG HATRED for f, and embroiled with a need to BREAK HER for his perfect revenge. let us add in a plentiful dose of dead dove tropes and darker kinks (i am open to themes such as dubcon/noncon, incest/fauxcest, power imbalance and corruption). my only hard no's are large age gaps.
the m oc could hate her for whatever reason, it could be the ocs having a past relationship where he endured betrayal from her, or it could be something like her family is responsible for some form of tragedy in his life– whatever it is, let this man be on the HURT and DESTROYED –> VENGEFUL and SEETHING pipeline. i want him to genuinely make her suffer, to make her into his toy because he's so hopelessly obsessed, and she is the prey in his twisted cat N mouse game. the question: could she change the tides, or is she doomed to repent to her new, unforgiving god? this should be a plot ravelled in a lot of push n pull, mindgames and manipulations between the OCs.
preferred settings :: old money (rich and toxic people. with the trope of rich/poor or rich x fallen family), it could be set at a dark academic elite academy OR a workplace OR even a marriage of convenience where he's got all the power, people, influence and she has nothing but her wits and intelligence. **a sidenote, but dear god, if someone is open to making this plot into a reverse harem or a throuple mxmxf, then you'd literally have me at your mercy**. in other news, i am also open to a mafia setting with crime galore. or i may be open to, a historical setting, if the plot is emperor/concubine or king/fallen noble. my preference is modern, though, with the ocs in their twenties.
i would love to use east asian fcs (kdrama / cdrama / thai actors), but this is NOT a hard requirement. i have some western model faces that i'd love to see, too, if my partner is open to suggestions. or no fcs and purely using vibes/descriptions is also fine.
notes :: for this plot, flexible literacy is my preference (i can span from literate to novella and tend to write mirror or based on what the rp requires. details are always beloved.) // i would also prefer to write as the f in a mxf pairing // headcanons, pinboards, plotting n rambling, side threads/text threads and playlists are my lifeblood and a need tbh // discord platform // i'm 21+, so 18+ writers only please.
like, dm or interact if interested :)
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digital-heart · 6 months
Twisted Wonderland: Mirror's Spell
21+ rp server
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It's a new school year for the magic academies. After the repeated overblots of several students the prior academic year and the odd appearance and disappearance of a student from another dimension, NRC has been a touch hectic. But now, more strange appearances of people from other worlds have been occurring; various mirrors becoming one way portals into Twisted Wonderland and sending rather confused people to not only NRC but RSA too. Strange magic is filling the island, and some wonder if more than just simple students may emerge from these mystical portals. Some people say they glimpse a mysterious man in the back of their reflection. New magic, strange occurances, and a budding semester; welcome to Twisted Wonderland.
This is a new TWST RP ! It is establishing a linear plot, but it's got plenty of room to just enjoy rp and chat ! RSA, fem, and Yuu ocs all allowed; almost all canons are available !
Must be 21 plus to join, send a dm for an invite
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thetauntinghydra · 6 months
King Abispa's Folley (TotSS/Wings of Fire Fic)
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Based on a challenge for the WoF RP server I run.
Chapter 1
The Nightwing’s talons felt cold, surely, pressed up against the hard stone like that. Flattening to the wall, he recoils like a creeping vine, all too desperate to shrink away. His claws, now sore, scratch against the coarse grains as he inches further, chipping the keratin of his only lingering weapons. No one could imagine he had much fight left within him, after all, not after the show in the Mirror Gardens. This, of course, only emboldened the hissing guardsmen, who seemed to fill whatever vacuum the escapee proposed. The twilight’s dreary helios barely lapped the sunken wall, illuminated moreso by the desperate fires– now mostly put out– than by the echoes of day. In this, the dark-scaled dragon watched his reflection in the pearly Hivewing spears, only catching a glimpse whenever a new cloud of sparks wafted overhead. 
It all seemed so calm now, despite everything. The ash could meander over as it pleased, drizzling through the space like dying fireflies. Yet Beholder was still forced here, pinned to watch as the Hivewings quickly reverse his frantic bid for revolution. ‘Sanctuary,’ he remembers thinking, ‘what a joke.’ It was in that moment, too, where the ‘savior’ finally reared himself. Abispa, and his gnat of a sidekick glimmered in the dim firelight. Lasius, talons coaxing tighter against her dagger’s heel, seemed to bore into his very being- sharp and sure. Beholder couldn’t help but try and avoid her glare, his eyes dashing instead to the still-bleeding gash on the King’s scarlet neck. Ironic, it was, as he stared into the dribbling sore, how a single lesion would likely be the only lasting wound in his rally for change. “Finally caught up with him?” Abispa starts, his signature lofted tone quite a bit more breathless than usual, “Good. Damned Animus nearly burned down half of Borer. Put a muzzle on his snout before he starts spitting spells again.”
A pair of guards had already been holding one, of course, only ever chomping at the bit. They buzz their wings anxiously- scoffing something in the Hivewing’s nonverbal language, no doubt. They take a few tentative steps, testing the metaphorical waters, and watch how he only ducks away further. Sneering now, they lunge on him, the shrill metal and rough leather caging in around Beholder’s maw even as he stretches away. His teeth flattened painfully against his gums, squeezed against the binds. His only lasting autonomy was his eyes now and his racing thoughts, which raged against the very concept of Abispa’s creation. “Perfect”, the King sighs, a cruel smile twisting across his face, “You won’t be able to mutter a single syllable now, thank you very much. Music to my ears, honestly. Well, save for that awful crackling.” The Hive King huffs to himself, tail lashing. His tone, save for his hint of furious inflictions, was more akin to scolding a dragonet than facing down an escaped prisoner. “A necessary evil, I suppose. All forseen. Better to work out the kinks of the Armada now, before your kin try anything fancier. Inciting a riot, my word, Beholder, how unoriginal.” It's then that Abispa slinks closer, shoving his face mere inches from the cowering Nightwing. His black teeth gnash violently, barely containing the rampant grin across his sniveling features. “You’re all just a single drop in the basket, Nightwing. One… stupid star in my constellation of perfection. Soon you will see… soon everyone will see- the true power of an Animus Army at my very talontips.” He recoils harshly, the cold air filling Abispa’s wake. “A shame I won’t see you on the front lines, but then you were never quite remarkable anyway.” Taking a breath, he stares down the failed attempt before him. Beholder: the firstborn of Shatteredmind, the second animus of the Hive, the third to rebel. Eye twitching in it’s socket, he shoots a poisoned glare to his deputy, spitting his final order. “Lasius, remove the muzzle from the mutt. I want to see if this valiant martyr has any last words for his King.”
The gray Hivewing wastes no time in fulfilling Abispa’s order, skulking forward to slip the leather mask off of Beholder. Almost instinctively, he takes a greedy breath, barely noticing the choked-out smell of smoke. There was little pity in her doings, ghosting along the floor as he'd pant. Her expression wasn't prideful like Abispa's, but cool and calm, her ambition simmering deep within. Stepping back, she only glowers at the Nightwing, eyes narrowing to dangerous slits.
“Speak,” Lasius commands, “Do not let your final breaths fall silent.”
Beholder, his chest heaving, stares down his insectoid pursuers, matching Lasius’s glare with dying ferocity. The stale air buzzed with false anticipation, eyes shifting and staring.
Licking his drying gums, he forces a sigh.
“Your army will never work, Abispa,” rasps Beholder, “Everyone outside your stupid hive knows it.”
He heaves his wings, bracing them back against his scabbing shoulders. The deputy raises a dangerous eyebrow, tapping a message to Abispa on the floor. It takes such effort to step forward, but the look on the Hivewing guard’s faces was all worth it. 
“It.. it won’t be long until the others know it, too,” Scowls, the night dragon, hatred burbling in his core, “Moons… most of them already do. You think I did all this myself? That I’d throw my life away for my own sake? Nah… that's foolish, and you're a fool, too, if you think I’m the only one. The animi are waking up, Abispa, they're learning what you want to do.”
Another step forth, another tightened grasp on the spears. 
“Even now they're watching… listening… learning from my mistakes. Next time you piss us off there won’t be just smolders… but bodies… bodies of you and your soldiers…” His gums flash pale… he knows he doesn’t have much time left-
“But I need to buy my dragons time. Abispa, you wretched nymph, I enchant you to disappear— to dissolve to a time where magic no longer exists! Go there– now– where you can’t harm another animus ever again–!”
The uproar was immediate, but not immediate enough. In the flash of spears and tongues and scales, The Hive King snaps his jaws in a desperate bid for retort— but his words fall flat. In fact, his whole being does, his essence condensing and warping, flung through existence and time.
Chapter 2
Tides are the sand’s best friend, which swoons against the lagoon’s flattening dunes. Lazily lapping, it provides the perfect ambiance to the Summer Palace’s lunching ambassadors. Across its lofty decks, Silkwings, Leafwings, and Seawings snacked above windswept maps. Curling in the breeze, dappled lines and dotted points adorned the scrawled-out LeafSilk Kingdom, its borders’ ink still damp. Few eyes seemed to be upon them, however. Instead, the dazzling indulgence of the midday meal distracted both sight and stomach. Huge platters adorned the nacre laminate, stacked high with aromatic delicacies. Smoked webfoot octopus, stewed softshells, algae poppers, and chia pudding endowed the salty air with enticement.
 To Sundew, who sprawled across one of the driftwood chairs, it was all a bit too salty for her taste, despite her mother, Belladonna’s, ravings. She poked at a serving of shark tartare with a half-thought talon, choosing instead to trace her glances around the smooth oval table. 
Ears pinning up towards her horns, she mayed herself in the conversations of chattier dragons. A small cohort of Silkwings seemed to drone on with a dappled Seawing prince, their words swinging between topics as varied as their scale colorations. Others, like her mother’s, never seemed to deviate much from the topic of their new home to the point where even Sundew was starting to bore.
The clatter of tongues, teeth, and talons, however, only added to the otherwise still atmosphere. That was, of course, until a matt of scales skids across the table. Abispa seemed to collapse from the sheer sky, slipping on his very wings and crashing against the plates. The cacophony sounded through his pinned ears, mirroring the uproar mere seconds before. His lungs seemed to wail against the salt-saturated air, begging for the breath that was knocked from him.
His tail slides across his newfound pedestal of platters, trying to shake the coconut cake from his scales. His eyelids squeeze with a wince, auditory senses returning to the shuffling of dragons. Yet, he wasn’t the first to react, not until the familiar scale-feel of steel slid against his bruising jugular. “The Hivewings sent spies!” cries a grizzled voice, forcing Abispa’s eyes alert. Shuddering from the blinding radiance of Noon, a blur of dark green and gleaming grey forces his head against the table. Blinking fiercely, what could only be described as a Leafwing bores down upon him, albeit slimmer– leaner– meaner. Soon, she wasn’t the only one, her fervor matched by the gang of unusually plump Seawings.
His thoughts were cresting upon him only once he was completely surrounded, a dire turn of events that brought Beholder’s words to the very forefront of his mind. “R-remove your talons at once!” hisses the Hive King sharply, attempting to rise but slipping on seafood, “I am Abispa you fools! Profound Hivewing royalty!” His demands hover in the space a moment, but are only met with the guards' growls and puzzlement from the council before him. Glares flicker between them towards the Hivewing and each other, before turning from Abispa entirely– much to his dismay. “He must be one of the Ladies’ husbands,” announces a paperwhite Silkwing who, to the King, looked rather misshapen and worn, “Look at the jewels… Bloodworm’s perhaps?”
“I am nobody’s husband-” recoils the King, “How DARE you reduce me to such a trophy–” “Who are you, then,” a broad-shouldered Seawing demands, “Hivewings aren’t welcome at this conference. Well, besides Treehopper– but that's not the point–! Introduce yourself. Now.”
“I am King Abispa, you fools!” he roars, “By the moons- Asterope would be broiling by now. Oarfish, even. Now, I DEMAND you remove your claws from my face before my dragons–” He pauses, voice caught in his throat. No one else had fallen with him… no one else had been enchanted by Beholder. “Damned Nightwing-” he jeers curtly, reluctant to finish his threat, “B-but my demand still stands. I am King Abispa of the Hivewings, you WILL unhand me.” Once again, the shout only lofts through the room, hanging in the breeze like a stale vapor. The Leafwings’s jaws clench, and the Seawing’s grips tighten, their eyes falling upon Abispa with deep uncertainty. “You never mentioned a ‘King Abispa’, Belladonna,” the Seawing growls, boring into the King with a startling lour. “There isn’t one,” replies this ‘Belladonna’, “He’s trying to ruse us, Princess. Wasp’s supporters must’ve sent him– I’m sure of it– and this oaf thinks pulling the royal treatment will garner him some sympathy.” “What do you recommend, then, Tsunami?” The paperwhite Silkwing returns to the side of the others– missing her harness– yet gaining a knowing glare, “Do you have somewhere here we can keep him? Question him, maybe? If there's one spy, there might be others.” “I am not some– insolent spy–” huffs Abispa again, rolling his neck in indignity, “If you listen to me, I am simply here by accident– an accident I will QUICKLY remedy once I return to my hive.” Gaining fervor now, he takes a try on his binds– roiling against the Leafwing’s grip, but only met by a flurry of spears. “Stay still,” Belladonna bristles, “You aren’t returning anywhere. Tau, alert your Silkwings, we may be staying longer than anticipated.” “You will do no such thing!” He gasps, jerking again, “I. Am. King. Abispa. The leader and monarch of Borer, the Hive King, the Gilded Throne! I am warranted respect!” With an indignant snarl, he lunges forth, blitzing his wings and slipping the spearhead from his scales. His face curls into a darkened snarl as he frees his head, ebony teeth gnashing. Despite the sudden flashes of silver, he doesn’t relent, racing all the way up to his feet.
Salt wasn’t the only thing stinging the staredown dragons, tension thickened the air like dribbling ichor. Where once sat a council now stood a bracket of warriors. Whatever sort of sick trick that Nightwing played was starting to lose steam, and Abispa- now surrounded by spears, felt the venom seep out of his and the Leafwing’s conjoined stare. These dragons weren’t going to let him go– the prospect swirls in Abispa’s mind as he slices the sight with his stare. Yet, even now, the room itself seemed to favor the King. In the open adornment, he could fling himself out of one of the many balconies, catch himself on the breeze, and fly westward. Even if he was in a different time, as Beholder enchanted, surely he could find a Hivewing willing to help their historic King. ‘Yes-’ his brain hisses, ‘Seawings… Silkwings… Leafwings… they aren’t very good fliers, are they? Slip out the window and lose them in the clouds… then find your subjects…’ The plan seemed simple, the only thing left was to be fought over with talons and teeth. Ambush. Be swift.
Abispa rears, baring his fangs in a braggart roar, clawing down on the Leafwing with a searing strike. The smell of hot crimson stings the senses, but the Hivewing doesn’t care, following quickly into another snapping bite. One– two– his teeth gnash breathlessly against the emerald frill, tainting their vivid color with liquid pain. He swirls around sharply, feeling the hot breath of a Seawing soldier against his nape. He jerks his claws against their gills, thrashing through violently. He was about to strike another blow when Abispa got his own, the blade tip of Tsunami’s spear shone through his membrane- forcing a diving swirl from the King. He snaps at the wood of it, snapping the grain between his teeth and– Crunch crunch
A Silkwing’s dagger digs into bone before Abispa has a chance to think. The pain sears the dire strain straight to the Hivewing’s skull– before another wound opens, and another–! Whoever had a spear, sword, or dagger at that moment was using it– every sharpened blade and coaxed brand trained on Abispa’s form. He lets out a vile hiss- a rapturous howl dripping ire. Soon, it wasn’t his enemy’s blood in the majority, but his own, his very footsteps leaving scarlet wakes. This was bad– what vigor left he had to use to flee– quickly–! This possession of will was wilting from the King, replaced by the hollow of his wounds. Maybe it was blood loss that tore him, maybe it was another shrieking stab, but in that instant, Abispa felt once again as if he was falling– falling and falling and falling– until the scent of flame engulfed him once again.
Chapter 3
“Tap tap taaap, click tap tip tap, bzzzzzt”“Sliiiiiiither– stomp, tap tap bzzzzt, chk chk!”“Chk tap tap chk! Bzzt dmmm sliiithering now… Lasius– there's another one here– one under his wing, too.”“I've got it. ‘I enchant this wound to close like the others… I enchant this wound to close, too.’ Any others, Louse?”“Not that I can see… that's seven countings... Oh– wait, wait a second– Sir? Sir– Your Majesty, can you hear me?”It's rare for a Hivewing to be unable to understand their nonverbal language, but expressing trauma– like nearly bleeding out– would usually be considered atypical circumstances. Even now, as Abispa lays against the familiar– yet different cold floor, he revels silently in the smell of salt dissipating from his nostrils. “I can hear you… yes,” he wheezes, barely gaining consciousness of his own breath, “Where… where am I now–?” “Borer, sir,” the one named Louse replies, “I.. we don’t know where Be– the prisoner– took you… but he's been disposed of. Lasius took care of it.” “How did I return-?” continues the King, weakly peering now. “That was Lasius too, my liege. It took a minute to deconstruct the spell, but Lasius was able to undo it in time. W-we’re sorry it took so long– sir– I understand if… erm, my station lies elsewhere now–” “No…” mutters Absipa, “That isn’t necessary…” The hot basin Absipa lays in quickly dries, magically so, and the scent of his own blood quickly banishes itself from his senses. His wounds, where once searing, now stood still, his tendons and bones barely bruised.
The brain fog of bloodlessness didn’t help, of course, but in that moment– surrounded by his soldiers– Belladonna, Tsunami, Tau… they all felt like figments in a dream, dematerializing to the memories of a dreary midnight gaunt. Better this way, Absipa considered it, even as he adjusted his chin against the cold ground and spread his woundless wings. He can consider the prospects of it all later. For now, he just wanted to rest.
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silvergolddraco28 · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel- open rp- Welcome Home!
So the main premise is that Lucifer became terminally ill after the fight with Adam as his angelic and demonic energies clashed rather dangerously within his body. The only way for him to ‘heal’ was to be reborn as a human on earth but at the cost of all his memory from his angelic and demonic life with his powers being sealed while he is human. Skip to his human life on Earth, he has moved into a rather secluded house after being disinherited from his human family’s succession for being an ‘unwanted freak’ after refusing to have surgery to ‘fix’ his body. Here’s the twist, he accidently falls into a mirror that acts as a portal landing him in Hell right at the steps of the Heavenly Embassy.
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Hi, my name is Newt/Ash, and welcome to my silly little blog! I post fanart, reblog posts and do funny little RP things here or something!
I suspect I may be a fictionkin, due to a connection I feel with Newt from The Maze Runner.
Other Blogs!
My interests are:
Puyo Puyo/Madou Monogatari
Genshin Impact
Danganronpa Antebellum
Persona 5 Royal
Final Fantasy 9
Chocobo Tales
Characters available for asks on this blog:
Young Runelord (Ryuko)
Ocs available for asks on this blog:
Crowsa Rana
Dubul Yuu
((To submit an ask to a character, make sure to address who you're asking, or if you want to ask me, please say so))
About me:
My name: Preferred to be called Newt, but I also go by Ash.
Sexuality — I'm a pansexual
Pronouns — I'm not really too bothered but I mainly go by she/her irl
Age — I'm a minor so don't try anything weird PLEASE
Content I post — Twisted futures, fanart, fanfics and reblogs
DNI Criteria:
People who actively ship me (personally) with Thomas (Newtmas).
I don't mind Newtmas shippers, as long as y'all don't harass me or ship me specifically with him.
Proshippers, pedophiles, racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes ect.
Please be respectful guys!!!
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hybrid--theory · 21 days
Summoned by a magic mirror to
a world altogether unlike your own,
you arrive at Night Raven College,
a prestigious arcane academy within the world of Twisted Wonderland. With nowhere else to go,
you accept the masked head mage's hospitality and begin searching for a way home. However, you quickly realize that the students of this school are as talented as they are dysfunctional, bickering and competition being the perpetual order of the arcane academy’s teachings. Will you be able to work with them and eventually return from whence you came, or will you stay and learn to live in this twisted world? What secrets lie within the villainous hearts of these students?
Hello and welcome to our Twisted Wonderland roleplay server!
We are an 18+ casual rp server that allows both canons and male and female OCs! We are a college AU, so at minimum all characters are around 18+ (aside from characters like Ortho and Cheka obviously).
We do ask that members keep NSFW out of the server and in DMs ^^
Please! Feel free to join us! We would love to have you here! 💗
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roleplayfinder · 4 months
Hey. I’m 18+ F looking for and 18+ partner to roleplay Twisted Wonderland with me, specifically Malleus Draconia for my OC. I’m more than willing to double up for any character you’d like. I mainly rp on discord, and I’m ok with some NSFW and some heavy topics. Please discuss boundaries so we both have a common ground to work upon. I mainly write about 3-5 paragraphs worth for replies, and would prefer a partner who could mirror me.
Like this and I will get to you shortly.
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pastaangelceo · 27 days
glisten, shrimpo, and poppy have to fight each other (no choice)
things to keep in mind
glisten is a mirror (and he can shatter) but he also can teleport around towards other people. his twisted is also super fast, so he might be too?
poppy IS a bubble, but considering ingame twisted dont kill her immediately, im guessing she can take a few hits? also, when she gets hit she goes faster, so that could help
shrimpo is pretty slow, but in rp mode, his room has holes in the walls and boxing bags (or whatever u call those), so he's probably pretty strong.
also they dont have weapons!
so uh yeah... choose 😈
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ocrpfinder · 29 days
🕊 on my hands and knees begging for a plot with a REVENGE trope. i want a dark romance where the m oc is consumed by his strong HATRED for f and is embroiled with a need to BREAK HER for his perfect revenge. let us add in a plentiful dose of dead dove tropes and darker kinks (i am open to themes such as dubcon/noncon, incest/fauxcest, power imbalance and corruption). my only hard no's are large age gaps.
the m oc could hate her for whatever reason, it could be the ocs having a past relationship where he endured betrayal from her, or it could be something like her family is responsible for some form of tragedy in his life– whatever it is, let this man be on the HURT and DESTROYED –> VENGEFUL and SEETHING pipeline. i want him to genuinely make her suffer, to make her into his toy because he's so hopelessly obsessed, and she is the prey in his twisted cat N mouse game. the question: could she change the tides, or is she doomed to repent to her new, unforgiving god? this should be a plot ravelled in a lot of push n pull, mindgames and manipulations between the OCs.
preferred settings :: old money (rich and toxic people. with the trope of rich/poor or rich x fallen family), it could be set at a dark academic elite academy OR a workplace OR even a marriage of convenience where he's got all the power, people, influence and she has nothing but her wits and intelligence. **a sidenote, but dear god, if someone is open to making this plot into a reverse harem or a throuple mxmxf, then you'd literally have me at your mercy**. in other news, i am also open to a mafia setting with crime galore. or i may be open to a historical setting if the plot is emperor/concubine or king/fallen noble. my preference is modern, though, with the ocs in their twenties.
i would love to use east asian fcs (kdrama / cdrama / thai actors), but this is NOT a hard requirement. i have some western model faces that i'd love to see, too, if my partner is open to suggestions. or no fcs and purely using vibes/descriptions is also fine.
notes :: for this plot, flexible literacy is my preference (i can span from literate to novella and tend to write mirror or based on what the rp requires. details are always beloved.) // i would also prefer to write as the f in a mxf pairing // headcanons, pinboards, plotting n rambling, side threads/text threads and playlists are my lifeblood and a need tbh // discord platform // i'm 21+, so 18+ writers only please.
like or interact if interested :)
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