#rrrrr i die
justmwahstruly · 11 months
just some litol doodls
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silly maybe a bit too silly
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me when ragatha hehehehhhehe (looking at you. you know who you are 🫵👁️👁️)
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he’s so stupid <3
(did not draw that pretty face! @annemissingshoe did! nor did i draw the litol gangle, @sallyandganglesimp did! both are very talented!)
and ofc! tadc belongs to @/gooseworx!
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squidsqwag · 2 years
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fuckin gamers n their posture
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maudiemoods · 2 years
It's normal to be in constant pain after work right???
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3knecrotic · 1 year
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velvetwarfare · 6 months
I ain’t even gonna limit one 💖 per person so y’all just gonna hear me gush about my mutuals in one post
💖 - @vehxmence first off Zulu gives 0 fucks and is so unbothered by drama I WANT TO BE THAT. If you’re looking for someone w no sugar coating and a frying pan to the face w blunt honesty, it’s Zulu. And god am I SO grateful for that. Vibes are immaculate too, art is immaculate. Mwah. She got me through a rough patch and I’m eternally in debt honestly I love her sm…..write w me.
💖 - @skxrbrand I know I’m fucking awful and fell off the warhammer boat but I still love seeing Jax’s posts in my dash tbh I will never tire of the shenanigans w Skar. Jax taught me how to get by on Tumblr and took part in a BIG portion of Betty’s backstory w Heliinx and Skaven shit in general. Like, without Jax, Betty wouldn’t have been this interesting and this entirely mad BFGVXBDV thank you for traumatizing her it’s for great character development LMAOOO
💖 - @moonlightsdew Zero get over here so I can love on you. Art? Mwah. Writing? Mwah. Vibes? MWAH. I adore writing with you so much I just RRRRR every time you reply I fucking LAUNCH myself at my phone like YES MORE DRAMA MORE ANGST MORE FLUFF MORE ENTIRELY FUCKED UP PLOTS. That new AU you created? Amazing. I’m hooked. Ily.
💖 - @mothvalentino ughhhhHHHH YOUR VAAAAAAL. I already went off about your portrayal but I’m doing it again honestly LMAO thank you for letting me express Betty’s backstory and not running away because it’s a LOT to unpack but I’ve been thoroughly enjoying our threads 🖤 I also love the backstory you’ve given Val too, it’s interesting to see their similarities and differences and how what was once an entirely uncared for business deal became unlikely friendship in the end. that’s the GOOD SHIT I’m so excited to explore more of them
💖 - @hclluvahctel you deal w my jumble of ramblings and random ideas and I fuck w that so hard because you don’t tell me to shut up and seem to actually enjoy them so thank you GFHDBDGF I love the Candle and Adam interactions, I love little Avalon sm, I love that it was you that inspired her fallen verse to begin with weeps your icons are also v aesthetically pleasing to look at
💖 - @infernal-feminae fucking BETTY AND ROSIE MAN. PAIN. LOVE AND PAIN. LOVE HOW IT GOES FROM PURE ANGST TO THEM CONSTANTLY SMACKING EACH OTHER’S ASSES. LOVE THE CHAOTIC LESBIAN DYNAMIC. I also love your Carmilla sm that dancing event was so cute and I genuinely love seeing you on my dash good shit good food
💖 - @heliacalxrising your lucifer gives me life hello the emotional description and vulnerability has me wanting to squeeze him and protect him like a little flower……what a baby boy. I feel many things reading your writing which is a splendid thing because I admire writers who portray emotion well enough to where I can feel the character’s emotion myself and it’s always this warm soft feeling u give me
💖 - @doublejango bro I’ve only known you for two days and I’d die for both you and blitzo. you are so sweet and the excitement is contagious, thank you for being excited w me to write and with only two replies in I was like oh yeah. oh yeah, this is both hilarious and going to go places. it’s gonna be one of those movies where it’s all funny and crack shit at first then WHAM BAM ALAKAZAM TRAGEDY AND CRUSHING TRAUMA BONDING and I am fucking HERE for it. let’s GO
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sebbiesolace · 1 month
(For context, pretty new to art and just got digital on my phone, drew this with my finger in like 2 hours so its gonna be bad, sea anemone hair, part clownfish, a lil bioluminescent :P anyway time to lock in)
[Cue terrible nature documentary voice]
"Welcome Expandables, to our next entry of "Throwing Harmless Things at Sebastian". Day three! I am Dyna Stick, coming at you live from the Urbanshade Blacksite."
"And over here, we see the elusive Sebastian. Picking off leftover material from the recently perished expandable."
[Takes out makeshift t-shirt launcher]
"Now, in order to preserve the population of the singular one of these wild beasts, we must make sure they have proper nutrients to survive."
[Proceeds to shoot a padded lunchbox at Sebastian with a meal inside before sprinting away]
"Let us hope that he has a lovely day and doesn't die anytime soon in this very harsh habitat-!"
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[He caught the lunchbox in his hand, crushing it effortlessly.]
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
You ARE a great fic writer!! and for that:
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
🥺 thank you so much for your kind words? And for the ask, obviously 😘 yaay, an ask 🎉
3. Probably like with every person who writes/gives it a try, all my fics are my babies. But if I really have to choose, then it's "Unforgiven" (Neil is trapped in the afterlife with his son constantly on his mind) and the latest fic where Billy's Camaro is a real character ("His baby" on ao3). Oh, and "When the unthinkable happens" (where a secret admirer plays a game of "12 notes" with Steve, and Steve has no idea who that is but then puts two and two together when he sees Billy die in Starcourt. Happy ending)
18. Probably
"When Billy finally closes his eyes, and sleep overtakes him, he dreams of the endless beach, blinding sunshine and Steve's hot skin, salty under Billy's hungry lips."
"Billy loves calling Steve "Harrington". Loves the low rumble of it, harrrringtn. Loves the har har of Harrington - Hargrove. It's like two engines rrrrr-ing together, in unison.
Fuck you, Harrington. I'll die for you, Harrington. You're such an asshole, Harrington.
Billy loves rolling it on his tongue. Delicious."
Why are these questions so hard ??🙈
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sereneres · 11 months
wrong kim ⁰
winter/k. minjeong x lsfm 6th member!reader / 1.3k
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summary. — you never thought those tiktok memes about texting the wrong person would ever happen to you but here you were, texting the wrong person.
warnings. — heavily inspired by those “bb lets go out tonight” -> “wrong *insert similar thing*, have fun tho” tiktoks / fluff / yn is a little dramatic
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you never thought you would die like this.
it’s dark outside and since you didn’t share your room with anyone, you were alone. your stomach, the cause of your eventual death, was empty and, other than the soft music coming from your phone, it’s grumbling was the only thing you heard.
morbidly, you wondered how your members would react once they found your dead body the next morning. they would all probably cry once they got over their shock, with kazuha quietly sobbing into yunjin’s shoulder and sakura and chaewon attempting and failing to comfort your youngest member.
you place a hand on your complaining stomach, wishing that you had eaten your dinner like your unnies–namely chaewon and sakura–had told you to do. maybe if you had, you wouldn’t be suffering like this.
granted, you had waken up a little too late and therefore ate your breakfast a little later than normal, forcing you to eat your lunch later than you normally would, causing you to be unable to eat all of your dinner, but still. you really should’ve just eaten it all instead of letting eunchae–and eventually kazuha, who had ‘reluctantly’ joined the former in eating your food–eat it for you.
you blink, momentarily distracted from your hunger.
💬 — hong ew ><
YOU (one day ago) — uhhhh — can u ask her why she wants me dwnst
hong ew >< (one day ago) — dwnst? srsly? just say downstairs smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ — she says she wants u to do smth for her
YOU (one day ago) — if this is another 1 of ur pranks m gonna kill u (seen)
━━━━━━━━━━━ NEW MESSAGES ━━━━━━━━━━━
hong ew >< (Today — 01:22 am) — icant believe the walls are so thin thag ifan hear ur tummy grumbling
you blink again, feeling confused. partly because you were still hungry and more than just half asleep, but mostly because eunchae really shouldn’t be awake right now. she, compared to most of your members, was the type of person to sleep early, so for her to be awake…
blearily, you type out a response before confidently sending it to the other girl.
YOU (Today — 01:22 am) — yruawk — its1 inthe morning
hong ew >< (Today — 01:22 am) — cuz ur tummy isnoisy??? — ijus said that ican hear it thru the wall.
ah. were the walls really that thin?…
now that you think about it, you’re pretty sure that you’ve heard some things come from eunchae’s side of the wall. video game sounds, the occasional watching of fancams, etc.
fortunately for you, you were too tired and too hungry to really give a shit about how embarrassed you should be.
YOU (Today — 01:24 am) — o
hong ew >< (Today — 01:24 am) — u shldve eaten ur dinner
YOU (Today — 01:26 am) — mmmmmmme hungry
hong ew >< (Today — 01:26 am) — ofc u r 💀 — ask one of the unnies to go out w u to get a snack.
hong ew >< (Today — 01:27 am) — i rec going to chaewon-unnie — shes usually too tired to argue at this time (seen)
huh. not a bad idea, considering who it was coming from.
deciding not to respond to the younger girl–she would most likely complain about ‘being left on seen’ later, once the rest of your members were awake–you leave the chat room, scrolling down your endless list of contacts in search of the one you were looking for.
god, why were there so many kims in the kpop industry?!
fortunately, you find the kim you were looking for relatively quickly.
💬 — kim mj :P
kim mj :P (one week ago) — eunchae did a tiktok with karina-unnie and chaewon- unnie did a tiktok with me — i asked her about you and she just shrugged T T
YOU (one week ago) — U DID A TIKTOK W CHAEWON-UNNIE??? — why didnt u do it w meeeee
kim mj :P (one week ago) — mys and fearnots wanted to see us together — us as in me and chaewon
YOU (one week ago) — ;/
kim mj :P (one week ago) — look, ynnie, it’s not my fault our fans wanted to see me and chaewon-unnie together. — yn? — yah, are you seriously going to leave me on seen?
YOU (Today — 01:30 am) — unnie com w me to te stre — unnieeeeee ;((((
nevermind that half of what you sent didn’t make sense. your unnie–especially chaewon–would know what you were trying to say. she always did.
still, she normally would have replied by now. maybe she was asleep? but she had told you that she would be staying at the company to do some catch-up work…
ding! ding!
ah, what was that thing your english teacher had said? ‘speak of the devil and she shall appear’?
kim mj :P (Today — 01:32 am) — yah, you didn’t speak to me for a week and now you’re demanding i leave my dorm just to go with you to a store? — your members srsly spoil you too much :|
reading the older girl’s message, you frown. you had just spoken to the girl a few hours ago. what was she talking about?
though you couldn’t deny that she and your members spoiled you. such was the benefit of being one of the maknaes of a group.
ding! ding!
kim mj :P (Today — 01:33 am) — your spelling is horrible btw — also, it’s 1 in the morning, why are you awake?? go to sleep yn.
YOU (Today — 01:33 am) — h — nn we spk yestdy — whtre u talk abt
kim mj :P (Today — 01:34 am) — ?????? — are you drunk?
at this point, you were beyond confused. was your leader seriously accusing you of drinking alcohol? it was starting to look more and more like she had been the one drinking alcohol.
that said, her words weren’t as messed up as it would be if she was drunk, not to mention that she had said that was going to be at the company…
kim mj :P (Today — 01:34 am) — yn you’re a minor you can’t drink — also we did not speak yesterday. i was literally asleep in my room all day yesterday. (seen)
frowning, you start to type out a message, reporting that you, in fact, did not drink, only to stop upon realizing who you were texting.
“kim mj :P”, not to be mistaken with, “kim mj <3”, from newjeans. “kim mj :P” and not the “kim cw >:(” you thought you were texting.
you weren’t one to curse often, finding such words a little too rude to say normally, but–
hong ew >< (Today — 01:36 am) — i heard that.
double fuck.
why did the world see fit to torture you like this? first you were hungry, then you woke up eunchae, and now you had texted the wrong person just because of your stupid contact naming system.
it could really not get any worse than it was now.
kim mj :P (Today — 01:37 am) — hold on, did u accidentally text me instead of one of your members? — that would explain why our stories aren’t lining up
kim mj :P (Today — 01:38am) — but none of ur — oh — lmfao did u accidentally text me instead of chaewon-unnie?
kim mj :P (Today — 01:39 am) — ig our names are pretty similar — we’re both kim’s. — not to mention that ur names for ur contacts only have the person’s last name, two letters of their first name, and a weird emoticon
kim mj :P (Today — 01:40 am) — wrong kim, yn ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ — have fun going to the store with chaewon-unnie tho (seen)
it most definitely did get worse.
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risaho · 6 years
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pan-fried-autism · 3 years
The Boogie-Man (2021 Horror Film)
The alt title was Disco Bear Kill People He KILL THEM AND THEY DIE grrrr bark bark GEYGFEGDHJGDJEH RRRRR WOOF BARK
I got some lil homemade shit together and now Disco Bear is evil and bad. Happy Halloween >:D
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under cut: lil darling
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remmushound · 3 years
Bay/rise 39!! @errorfreak88 @yarchurr @digitl-art-monstr @brightlotusmoon @sprinklestheditty @dakotafinely @sententiously-sarcastic
Content warning!! Mentions of Violence, Blood, and mental/body trauma!!
It was just dumb luck that Krang happened to look up and see them. Eight turtles staring down at him, white eyes glowing as they looked more like ghosts than mutants. Almost as if some avenging spirits had come out of hiding to enact revenge on the ones that did them wrong in life. Following Krang’s gaze, both Cassandra and Draxum looked upward as well.
“Complete the ceremony.” Draxum whispered to Cassandra before turning his attention to the turtles. “VILE CREATURES! What gives you the right to step foot in the home of my Grand Oni?! You will suffer for this injustice!”
“GET THEM!” Krang hissed, and at the command Shredder gave a roar and charged. He jumped up against the wall, the force of his strike making the technodrone shake as his claws dug into the metal.
“Master Krang!” Draxum pleaded quite suddenly, “You must keep Master Shredder in the circle for the ceremony to work! Please, great oni, let me handle the turtles!”
Krang watched him for a moment, and Draxum felt as if he might finally be called out for his treachery before Krang called Shredder to return. Shredder looked to Krang, and then jumped off the walls of the technodrone and landed right where Krang had commanded him to. Draxum smiled and finally stood to face the turtles. His thin vines shot out fast and tried to strike the brothers out of their hiding place.
Leonardo recognized what was happening almost immediately. Without a word to his companions, Leonardo jumped. His feet found holds on the whipping and swiping vines that carried him just as much as they tried to knock him over.
“LEO!” Raphael jumped after him, and under his bigger feet the vines grew thicker to support him. 
Michelangelo and Donatello were soon to follow, and Raph was more than ready to jump after them before Leo held out his arm to stop his brute of a brother.
“Can’t just sit here, Leo!” Raph growled.
“Just wait.” Leo whispered to his brother.
Leonardo reached the ground, and his brothers were right behind him. Raphael stood as equals with Leonardo, their other two brothers hanging slightly behind them. Leonardo flashed his odachi.
“Leo, what are you—“ Raphael went to say.
“Listen here, Draxum!” Leonardo declared loudly, “If you want my clan, then you’re gonna have to go through me!”
Draxum’s eyes widened just the slightest bit before he caught on, his vines wiping around him in a dangerous display of power as he played along. “Leonardo. Leading your brothers to die? How pathetic!”
“Leo…?” Raphael whispered softly.
“Just trust me, bro.” Leonardo said before quickly stepping up to stand before the full strength of Baron Draxum. “To get to my brothers, you’ll have to go through me first!”
“Very well…” Draxum narrowed his eyes. All at once, Draxum’s vines shot out at Leonardo.
With all the speed he could muster, Leonardo faced the attacks head-on in a charge. Weaving in and out and up and down and dodging the blows that were coming at him like they were actual attacks because they were! Baron Draxum never pulled his punches. When Leonardo got within danger-distance, Baron Draxum side stepped in a manner that Leonardo recognized immediately because he had just gone through the same thing with Leo! Maybe that spar had helped something after all...
Leonardo immediately knew what to do.
Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo charged to their brothers aid. Raphael’s eyes searched up at the glint of metal and he saw Krang first, and then the great monster beside him. Raphael’s blue eyes went wide, and then even wider as he pulled back and stopped his charge. He knew Shredder was going to be here, he had been warned of that, but now he was standing before the great beast that had shred through his carapace like it was paper. And he looked even bigger Raphael remembered him being. Raphael couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to!
Donatello stopped much the same. Imagining those claws coming down on him, breaking his brother in two. The sound of shattering bone rang in his ears and even though he knew it was only a memory, he had to look around to check on his brothers. To make sure they were whole! Michelangelo was the only one to continue his charge, his eyes screwed so tightly shut that no light could get through them. He didn't need to see to know where to go, he could feel it! And sure enough, his shoulder struck Cassandra hard and tossed her to the ground.
Leonardo did a flip, mostly just to show up, and made a portal on the ground on his way down. He made the exit portal a few feet above Draxum’s head. He used the force from his flip and fall and turned it into a stronger attack, flashing his odachi and preparing to slam it down hard on Draxum. The yokai’s ears gave the slightest twitch, and then he spun to face upward, balancing on one hoof as he grabbed one of his vines and it used it as a barrier to block Leonardo’s attack. Leonardo’s sword sank deep into the flesh of the vine, but Draxum still held strong, though sweating.
“I need to get the others out of here.” Leonardo said, “Can you help me?”
Draxum gave only the slightest grunt before tossing Leonardo carelessly. The slider landed hard but was quick to recover against the sting of his flesh and he scrambled to grab his disarmed sword. He grabbed it just in time for a large vine to come slamming down at him.
Raph was helpless as he watched, each passing second only serving to fuel him with even more anxious energy until he thought screw it! And he jumped from the platform without Leo’s command.
“Raph!” Donnie jumped after him, and then Mikey after Donnie. Leo, without much else of a choice, jumped with his brothers.
“RRRRR GET THEM!” Krang commanded, pointing at the brothers as they fell.
Shredder gave a furious roar and charged them like a cat, bounding effortlessly over the fighting below him as his eyes were locked on his target.
Raph’s ivy eyes went wide. “Oh… that’s guys a lot bigger than our Shredder. 
“STAY AWAY FROM MY SONS!” Splinter roared, struggling with all the might of his ten years of training. He started to gnaw at the vines that held him.
The eyes of Leonardo’s brothers, Cassandra, and Krang all followed Shredder’s movements, and Draxum saw his chance. He grabbed Leonardo quite forcefully around his plastron and spoke quickly.
“Portal now.”
He tossed Leonardo hard at the wall, but Leonardo cut his way to safety by the means of a portal before he could hit. Draxum charged after him, and the portal closed the second Draxum passed through.
Then they were somewhere cold and dark and, most importantly, alone.
“Where did you take us?” Draxum asked.
“Don’t ask me!” Leonardo said, “You said make a portal, I made a portal! It’s freezing in here…”
“We don’t have much time.” Draxum spoke urgently, “You have a plan, what is it?”
Leonardo went to answer but hesitated. “I have… a question.”
“Well then ask it!” Draxum spat.
“Hueso said you needed a sacrifice of Hamato blood to defeat Shredder.” Leonardo said quickly, “Does it have to be dad?”
“It must be Hamato!”
“I know that.” Leonardo put his hand to his chest and smile weakly, “But I am Hamato…”
The battle roared on upstairs. In Draxum’s absence, his vines disappeared, and Splinter dropped hard to the floor with a sickening crack. Leo hardly had time to process the heart-wrenching sound before Shredder was upon them, his claws flashing his fury at the invaders. With a quick-thought swipe of his bo, Donnie knocked all his brothers out of the way of the swipe and took the hit himself.
Leo prepared for Donnie to be shredded, but he wasn’t. Shredder swiped him like a cat with a mouse toy, pinning Donnie beneath the weight of his claw and lowering his head to look at the box turtle with a monstrous smile before wrapping his hand around the mutant and carrying him off. Leo swiped at Shredder’s feet trying to get him to drop Donnie, but Shredder delivered a simple, sharp kick to Leo that sent him flying far and hard. Shredder took his position back in the ceremony and waited.
In a flash of swords and vines, Leonardo and Draxum fell from high up in the technodrone. Draxum used his vine to soften their fall ever so slightly, the thorns slicing into him and Leonardo both and leaving long, jacked cuts across their flesh. Draxum landed on top of Leonardo, his hoof planted firmly on the slider's neck. 
“ENOUGH OF THIS!” Draxum summoned up what remained of his power into a final, all-out strike that sent his vines flying outward and striking all turtles who dared make a mockery of his ceremony. Michelangelo was shoved off of Cassandra, and Raphael and Donatello were tossed into the remaining Mikey and Raph. Then the vines all pulled back to form a solid wall around Krang and his prisoners, Draxum, Cassandra, and Leonardo. “The ceremony is almost complete.”
His words were directed in equal parts to Krang and Leonardo as Draxum stepped back to help Cassandra finish her work quickly. Krang finally stepped up, his patience quickly worn thin, and he armed his blasters to fire.
“You were interesting for a time, but it’s time for something far more entertaining.” Krang laughed, “What do you think, Draxum? Should I let my new pet take care of him?”
“Your pet’s savagery knows no bounds.” Draxum commented with a laugh, “He would tear and rip all that flesh and its pretty patterns! Surely you’d want it more preserved if you plan to showcase him.”
“Fair point…” Krang smiled evilly. 
“NO!” The roar of both Raph’s sounded out.
Raphael charged the vines with all his force and tried to slam into them to no luck. He took his sai and both he and Raph tried to slash and cut at the ever-thickening wall. For a moment, Leo was stuck in his own shock and horror, still near the crevice his shell made upon his impact, before he recovered and charged to join. Each slash his katana landed was more quickly mended, but he didn't stop. Mikey and Michelangelo and Donatello all joined in as well, trying to hack and slash and cut away at the vines to get to their brothers.
Raphael was the first to back up. His eyes were like a sea, the shoreline receding in on itself to foretell of a tsunami about to break free. He knew something was up with Leonardo the minute they got there, and now that there was a wall between them and Leonardo was alone in that place with Draxum and Shredder and Krang, the cold truth smacked Raphael worse than any of the blows Shredder could ever deal to him. The tsunami spilled out of his eyes in the form of a torrent of tears and his sobs were like the howl of the storming winds the nature disaster would bring with it. He was the leader, it should be him in there, and if he had his mystic weapons, he could have just busted through those walls! He looked down at the bloody mess of his hands, torn open by the thorns he hardly noticed as he had punched the walls. His Hamato blood flowed out of the wounds and dripped down his knuckles. The faintest sound the drops made when they plopped on the ground were like the sharpest thunder in Raphael’s mind. Then he made two tight fists as the true tsunami made itself known.
He didn't need his tonfa! He was strong with them, sure, but he was just as strong without them! He had survived Shredder without his tonfa, and he had survived fourteen years of his life without the need for them! He didn't need them, but Leonardo needed him. Raphael felt a burning in his chest and at the base of his spine, and this time when his eyes turned white, he was still in control. His tears flowed just as openly as ever, but his lips betrayed them by pulling back in a roar that seemed to shake the very foundation of the structure at his feet. 
Eyes focused. Elbows locked. Stance low. 
“Before I preserve you, I have a show I’d like you to see.” Krang motioned to Cassandra as she eagerly held a blade to Yoshi’s neck, waiting for her cue to slice it.
“Is it Land Before Time? Because those movies? Awesome!” Leonardo risked a few steps forward. He tensed his muscles and grabbed at his wounds to try and make the blood flow from himself faster.
“You’re very obnoxious. It’s obvious your father taught you no manners. So, allow me to be you teacher.”
“You mean I have to stare at your bubblegum-looking self for eight hours Monday through Friday? No thanks!”
“Laugh while you can, little turtle…” Krang went to give the motion for Cassandra to carry through with the ceremony, but at that moment he stopped for some reason, and he looked at Leonardo. No, he looked behind Leonardo.
Leonardo turned in time to see the vines bust open and reveal a furious, almost floating Raphael. His feet just barely graded the ground, his chest emblazoned red with the Hamato Clan sigil, and his eyes glowing like white fire. The vines continued to try and tug and pull at him, resealing themselves behind him. He pulled the vines right back, snapping them in both his hands and his teeth.
“Woah…” Donnie gulped from where he was still in Shredder’s hand, trapped by the force of the great beast.
Raphael stood facing Krang for one long moment before charging. Krang charged up his blasters in preparation to meet Raphael in battle.
Then Raphael did the strangest thing yet. He stopped his charge, his eyes still locked on Krang though with no intent to attack him. Leonardo could see that now. Raphael slammed his fist down hard into the stone, his blood leaking out into the ceremonial markings and staining them red.
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chayacat · 4 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (12)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
WARNING: This chapter include a rather disturbing scene that is an organ exit, specifically, the intestines and...Other things. If you are a sensitive potato, I apologize for the potential disgust or potential nightmare following this passage. But if you are one of those who has already seen much worse with the saga Saw or Leatherface ... I don't know what to say.  ('-') Well then... Have a good read!
Do you like to go out at night, when the starry sky honors you with its presence? It's always a fascinating show and it's even more so when a shooting star or an aurora borealis appear. For some, it's the perfect view, the perfect time to show your feelings to the person you love. For others, it’s the spirits of those who have left us who, from heaven, look at us and protect us. And for the Nordics, the aurora borealis is the bridge that connects Midgard and Asgard.
But tonight, it was just a starry sky. A beautiful and mesmerizing starry sky that Danny was looking, leaning against his van. If he had a cigarette on him, he would have smoked it while watching the sky. But Danny wasn't a big fan of cigarettes, in fact he didn't like it at all. He didn't understand why people were ruining their health with such a poison. And the same was true for alcohol. He had no more than two drinks. He had already had the bitter experience of both too many times with his parents.
Hmph. His "parents." Danny calls them his tormentors instead. He remembers his “life” with his parents, his HELL’S life. Since he was young, Danny’s parents treated him like a dog, beating him and insulting him every time for nothing. He did everything to have the attention and love that a child must have. But he received nothing but hatred and disgust from them. His father was an alcoholic and a huge smoker. His mother smoked very little but was obsessed with religion.
For them, Danny was just a mistake, an unwanted child that they had to treat as such. And that's what they did. And if he thought he would find solace in making friends... he was wrong. His classmates made fun of him, and he found himself alone... always alone. He always avoided problems, but when he had to defend himself from the bullies of his school... He did. And if his parents played the comedy in front of the teachers, once at home, Danny was beaten to the point of losing consciousness once.
His years of college and high school were no better... but no worse either. In high school, he had managed to make friends, with whom he often made the wall to go and have fun at night. At that time, he no longer feared the wrath of his parents, especially his "father". He was a cute little boy when he was a child, and as a teenager he was a handsome boy, who attracted a lot of attention. His current appearance, apart from size, has not changed since.
How many girls wanted to go out with him? hundreds. How much did he have been in a relationship? Just two. And one of those two relationships ended badly. Yet he remembered an evening at the fair where he and his friends consulted a fortune teller. He didn't believe in this stuff but it was always a good time to have fun.
“Your life has been nothing but sadness and suffering my boy. But soon, a new life will be offered to you and one day you will finally find the one that is linked to you. The chosen one of your heart, is not here young man, but elsewhere.” she said. He remembers smiling, holding a laugh so as not to offend the old woman. But later, one of his visions proved correct.
“Where do you think you're going like that, you dirty little jerk?! You're not going anywhere! you hear me??” His Dad shout, beating him again.  
But this time... It had to stop. He had struck him in return, with a force he did not know himself. Her mother squeaked when she saw her husband on the ground, slightly frightened but still angry.
“I've done everything. Absolutely EVERYTHING to have even a little love! AND WHAT DID I GET?! ONLY BEATINGS AND INSULTS! ... But it's over. I get out of here and believe me that you will have NOTHING of me. You can both go to hell. I hope you die in the worst way there is in this f****ng world.”
And since that day, he has never felt so free and so alive. But what this fortune teller told him always kept him in mind. And if that person with whom he was related... the chosen one of his heart... was simply... You?
Since you both met, you are the only person who has been so pleasant, innocent and... kind to him. Of course, you’re acting like this because he was acting as Jed. But if Jed had never existed, if he had only been himself... Would it have been the same thing?  
Maybe... that you'd be in a relationship. He would love you as much as you would love him. He'd protect you, do anything to make you happy. Of course, he would never tell you about his... second "job." But what if you get sick? To the point of ending up in the hospital and dying just like...
“Danny...” He shakes his head. He doesn’t want to remember that. NEVER again.  
“Come on Danny. Stay focused. You can’t screw all you've made until now.” He whispers to himself before he puts his Ghostface’s mask on.  
He faced Mike's house. Certainly, Mckellan had to die first on the list but... the desire to eviscerate Mike was stronger, more enticing, more... Exciting. Danny licked his lips, thinking about how he was going to take care of his next victim. He had prepared everything, orchestrated and imagined the faces of the unfortunates who would find his corpse.
He's going to pay. Oh yes, he's going to pay SO MUCH for all the humiliation that Danny has endured since he started working at Roseville's Gazette. He's going to regret every fucking word he's said about him. Every fucking blow he's given her. And his attempt to strangle him... in front of everyone... will be the fatal blow that Danny will return to him.
Danny took a gift package and sneaked up to Mike's house. Even if he knows that at this time, everyone is asleep in this neighbourhood, it is better to be careful of a potential walker. He had parked in the same place as last time; he knew that no one ever went there.
He reached the kitchen window and saw it slightly open, so he took advantage of this opportunity to enter the interior without making any noise. He immediately walked to the basement, which was right in front of the kitchen, and went downstairs, realizing to the sound of the water that Mike was in his bathroom, taking a shower. Just perfect.
He rediscovered Mike's "playroom", the one in which he practiced his... disgusting and twisted fantasies. And he's the one we call f****ng psycho? Hmph, Danny found the champion in this category. He admits to being a little crooked sometimes, but really far from doing that kind of crap.  
He placed his "gift" on the table before taking an object heavy enough to knock Mike out. As well as a rope to be able to tie him. On the practical side, he didn't need to take anything. Everything was provided to him on the spot, for once.
"How nice you are Mickey... make it easier for me at this point, I would have almost taken you as an assistant ... if you weren’t a fucking pedophile and a drug addict. What a waste. Well, time to call.” Danny said taking out another disposable phone. He hid in a corner of the room, so that Mike would not see him and composed his number. Hoping he got out of the bathroom.
“Hello? Who the f**k is there?” said Mike on the other line. His voice was hoarse and tired. Looks like he smoked more than he should.  
“Hello Mickey...Miss me? I hope so.” respond Danny sneering about this situation.
“You little...motherf***er! I don’t know who the f**k you are but you gonna regret everything you do to me, you little shit!”  
“What a lovely language...Look since you didn't like my previous gift, I brought you another one... He's in the basement. Why don't you open it? I'm sure you'll like this one!”
“Go f**k yourself with your gift! You trapped me once! and it's already too much for me to leave you alive!” Said Mike enraged.  
“You could make an effort Mickey... I bend over backwards to find you a gift to make me forgive and you don't even want to go and see what it is. You're breaking my heart. Too bad... I guess I can send your photos to the authorities... they'll be happy to put you in jail.” Replied Danny getting ready to hang up.
“Rrrrr...Okay Okay ! I'm going to open your gift! You psycho...”  
He heard Mike heading towards the stairs before descending to the basement. the excitement caused Danny to tremble, he was waiting for only one thing: for Mike to open his "gift" and see his reaction before knocking him out. And once attached... the party can begin.
He went deeper into the darkness when he saw Mike advancing towards the table where the gift package was. Danny's hands trembled with excitement as Mike trembled with fear. After a moment of hesitation, Mike finally opened the package and backed away, swearing and holding back from vomiting.  
Remember when I said a "head was going to fall"? Well, a head actually fell. A man's head now stood on this table, and for Mike it was not unknown to him because he was one of his drug dealers, the one who offered him the best drugs.
The head was cut with sharpness and precision worthy of a surgeon. the face was marked by the drug that this man was consuming and dark circles almost as black as coal were plummeting before his eyes. Teeth had been torn off and tongue cut off.
Mike recoiled a few more metres before feeling a hand on his shoulder, when he turned, he had no time to react and received a blow, strong enough to knock him out. Danny looked at his unconscious body, a diabolical smile on his face. He took the rope and a chair, then lifted Mike's heavy body to attach it to it. He weighed his weight the animal!
“Look at this... What a beautiful sight. Ah Mickey... I will make you my most beautiful bloody work the world has ever seen... I'm going to make myself a huge pleasure to cut you pieces into pieces... make you suffer until your last breath.” Said Danny before laughing, thinking about all this.
Mike awoke after 30 minutes and, quickly noticing that he was tied to the chair, he tried to untie the ties. Unfortunately for him, Danny had tightened them up to the max. The latter came up to him, sneering, passing his gloved finger over the blade of his knife.
“Sleep well? I was starting to worry I thought I'd killed you too fast... it would have been a shame after everything I've planned for you... Don't you think so?” He said taking Mike's face with his hand.
“You’re f***ing twisted! You’re a crazy psycho! Let me go! Said Mike giggling in his chair.
“Oh... Not right now. We've just met face to face... I'm not going to shorten this moment so quickly.” replied Danny approaching his knife to Mike’s cheek. “So, do you like my gift? I must admit It wasn’t easy to find him because...He’s like a rat running everywhere in the house to steal some food. But he was so cooperative after I ripped off his tooth and cut off his tongue.
“P-P-Please...Don’t do this! Take everything you want!”
“Everything?” Said Danny before exploding with laughter. “But everything I want is your SCREAMS and you DEATH. After all you did, this is all you deserved. Fair enough don’t you think? But you know what? Since you're going to die... you’ll see your executioner's face.” He replied before taking off his mask.
“Oh, it’s true. My name is NOT Jed Olsen.” He said cutting off each of his hands with a blow, which made Mike scream a lot. “I’m Danny Johnson...The Ghostface. And I'm gonna take a real pleasure to slaughter you for everything you've done to me... You're not going to be a loss anyway. Because unlike you... I don't spend my fantasies on children."
He put on his mask on and thrust his knife deep into Mike's stomach, killing him like a pig. he pulled out the intestines that hung like ropes. he stabbed him many times, piercing his eyes, cutting his virility and his tongue before finishing him off with a sharp blow to the throat. Blood squirted everywhere, and in this show, Danny's crazy laugh was heard, he had nothing to fear, Mike had soundproofed the room for his... Fantasies. No one outside could hear it... and no one was going to come to Mike's house at this hour.
But it wasn't over oh no... He has to finish his work. He took Mike's intestines and cut them into fine pieces before throwing them all over his corpse like confetti that’s thrown at a party. After all, it's a party, isn't it? He took the drug dealer's decapitated head and carefully placed it in Mike's arms with a little message on it: "I, Mike Harris, killed this man without any remorse." And he placed Mike’s d**k on his mouth instead of his tongue which layed on the ground.
“I don't like being robbed of the star Mickey... but I confess that making you look like a murderer on this one makes me laugh a lot... We'll keep you the worst image of your existence, pedophile, drug addict and murderer. Jackpot. Now...Say Cheese!” Said Danny before taking a picture. “One down. There's one left. Sooner or later McKellan...you’ll meet the devil himself. And then... I could focus a little more on my sweet angel.”  
As with every murder, he erased all traces of his passage, and after making sure of it, he left as discreetly as he had arrived. Then he took the road to go home. But before sinking into the arms of Morpheus... A small visit is necessary.
The window of your bedroom was barely open, but that's more than enough for Danny to pass his knife and open the window just enough to pass. You were sleeping peacefully, the blanket almost covering your head but he could still see your face, your little and adorable angel face... He stood frozen in front of you for a few seconds, a smile on his face. Then he took a picture, an umpteenth trophy, an umpteenth memory.
“Don’t worry... Soon, all your problems will disappear... and I'd be the ONLY one to obstruct your thoughts. In a good way. Sleep well, my little sweet star...And never forget...” He said, kissing your forehead. “You’re mine. And only MINE.”
And then he vanished. As if no one had ever entered this intimate place... But little by little... The devil tightens his grip on you. Even if he will continue to scare you... He will do anything to be the only object of your obsessions.
And he won't let anyone near you.
(And it’s done! Phew thinking about Mike’s death wasn’t easy but I've made it! Again, I hope you’ll enjoy it like the other ones and if you got some questions or you just want to talk you can! For now, the French potato girl I am will get some rest! have a good week end everyone! See ya!)
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nightwingvixen23 · 5 years
Damian : *slams open Tim’s bedroom door*
Tim : *in the middle of talking to Kon*
Damian : Drake ! I DEMAND that you move that pile of absolute SHIT stacked fuck high at the den computer that you call “c O m I c  A r T” before I burn it to Hades desire as for him to use each perished sketch as toilet paper in order to wipe his BURNING ASS !!!
Kon : *wide eyed and fearful baby boi🐇* oh wow, that was mighty creative 
Damian : *foot tapping in silent irritation* 
Kon : *whispering to Tim* um...I am  u n c o m f o r t a b l e....and I’m too pretty to die
Tim : yeah. hold on a sec babe. just let me grab my Anti—bitch Repellent 
Tim : *reaches under his bed*
Tim : *pulls out Anti—bitch Repellent* 
Tim : *points the bottle towards Dami*
Tim : *sprays*
Tim : be gone bitch 
Damian : . . .
Damian : *expression unchanging* did you honestly just spray me with lubricant
Tim : Yes, I did. and not just any lubricant, but ‘ON Natural Arousal Spray On Lubricant 
Damian : 
Damian : 
Damian : *suddenly speeding out into the hallway* Faaatherrrrr !!!!! Drake is being a T.H.O.T !
Bruce : *calling out from a distance away * A WHAT ?????
Tim : well that takes care of him. So what were you sayin ? Conner ? babe ?
Kon : *shutting himself in to Timmer’s closet* once your brothers and your father have all forgotten about the fact that I’ve repeatedly taken your virginity then you may knock 2 times accompanied by a very super secret  second knock just to let me know it’s you, it’s only then that I’ll come out. Goodbye.
Kon : *shuts closet door*
Tim : drama queen ass  
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blindbatalex · 4 years
Ooohhhhh carraville with nummer 24 pleeaseeeee 🥺🥺🥺
24. will you hold me? & carraville 
Brrrrr rrrrrr rrrrr
Jamie eyes the vibrating metal and glass creature that is his mobile wearily.  Gary N.eville, the screen is announcing with great enthusiasm, one Jamie does not share. 
It is just- weird, right?  The two of them getting along is weird enough.  If you told him he would be friends- friendly with either of the N.evilles back when he was playing, he would have laughed at your face and then punched you for good measure.  He has slowly, somehow, made his peace with that.  But this-?  Gary N.eville showing up at his door looking like hell, falling asleep on his sofa, eating all of his food, and then in between enormous bites telling him that Jose Mourinho of all people put a curse on him and that he has to be close to Jamie whether he wants to or not-?  That is beyond weird.  That is outright insane.
Jose M.ourinho is outright insane, sure, but a curse-?  Jamie huffs. He told Gary he had errands to run and he would still be in Liverpool so close, which is true enough, but he got out of the house to clear his head as much as for the errands themselves. To figure out what the hell he is supposed to do.  Whether he should call Phil and let him deal with this.
 Rrrrrrr rrrrrr brrrrr
“Look, if you are bored just turn the telly…” he starts saying into the phone in lieu of a hello, not bothering to hide his annoyance, but the words die on his lips, replaced by the sense that something is deeply wrong.  
“Will you- can you please come home?”  Gary’s voice, always so sharp and full of life and annoying is so small now, like Jamie has never heard it before.
He has abandoned his shopping cart in the middle of the aisle and started walking towards the door before he hangs up the call.   
He gets to his car.  Gary did look sick when he materialized at his door last night, said he hadn’t slept or eaten much in the last couple of days.  Mentioned in between conversation doctors and inconclusive tests.  Should he have phoned for an ambulance?  He calls Gary again, running a red light and ignoring the blaring horn of a Toyota, but to no avail.   
“Gary-” he calls as he walks inside.  No answer. “If this is a prank I swear to God I will murder you with-”  He opens the living room door.  Christ.
Gary is slouched on the floor, leaning against the back of the sofa, head tipped forwards to his chest. Jamie runs to his side, trying to find his mobile, patting his cheek.
“Gary, hey-”  
He doesn’t get to do this. He doesn’t get to die on Jamie’s floor.
Gary opens his eyes.  “Took you long enough,” he says weakly and Jamie laughs.  His stupid voice is the best sound he has heard all week.  
“It’s going to be alright, he tells Gary, unlocking his mobile.  “You are okay.”
But Gary is surprisingly agile given his state.  His fingers close around Jamie’s wrist in the blink of an eye, vice-like.
Jamie groans, utterly exasperated.  Trust N.eville to always be this bloody difficult, including when he was unconscious a mere couple of minutes ago.
“Gary, love, we need to phone for-”
“Just hold me.”
Gary says it without a hint of irony in his voice.  Jamie looks at him, his relief that Gary seemed to be okay evaporating in an instant. He must be- he would need to be dying before he would ask, Jamie of all people, to-
Something must be visible on his face because Gary rolls his eyes.  
“It’s the curse, you muppet,” he says, but his annoyed tone is betrayed by the pallor of his skin and his shallow, uneven breaths.  His nails are still digging into the soft skin of Jamie’s wrist. Jamie pries his fingers loose.  He slides to sit next to Gary on the floor, and wraps his arm around Gary’s shoulders. Gary leans into the touch and inhales deeply.
Christ, Jamie thinks, wholly unprepared for the warmth that seems to flood him from all directions, for Gary’s forehead resting against the crook of his neck.
“I still need to phone for an ambulance,” he says gently, typing 999 into the dial pad.
“Two minutes.  I promise it’s because of the curse.  Just give me two minutes and then you can phone for whoever you please.”
“I- two minutes,” Jamie replies, hoping he has not agreed to squander away time they don’t have.  Jose M.ourinho is bonkers, but a curse-?  And just any curse but a curse like- like this?
“Thank you.”  Gary’s breath is hot against his skin even through his shirt.  He ignores the terabytes of information his physical senses are relaying to his brain by the second and sets up a timer on his phone.
“You came running home when I told you to, didn’t you?” Gary asks, some 45 seconds later, head still resting on Jamie’s shoulder, but voice now steady and infuriatingly smug.  “Bet you even ran a few red lights.  You are getting soft, Carra.”
Jamie grits his teeth and stops running his thumb back and forth on Gary’s arm.
“It’s called human decency, you may have heard of it?  The same way you would help a dog drowning in a ditch.”
Gary makes a sound between a scoff and laughter.  “You say the sweetest things, James.”
“I preferred it when you were unconscious.”
He wonders if he imagines it but he thinks he can feel Gary smile against him.
“You don’t mean that.”
“I don’t.”  He really doesn’t, which, in all fairness, is a low bar to clear.  He would have felt similarly glad if G.iggs or B.eckham or Alex F.erguson also did not die on his floor.  It’s called human decency.  He resumes rubbing Gary’s arm with his thumb.  “The police investigation alone-.  I’d never be able to convince them I didn’t kill you.”
Gary laughs softly. Gary really is cursed.  Cursed such that he can never leave Jamie’s side, or else he will quite literally die.  Jamie closes his eyes and breathes, leftover adrenaline from finding Gary on the floor like that still whizzing through his body.  That will have to be tomorrow’s problem.
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scaryscarecrows · 5 years
Out of Hell
AN: I have read the prequel comics (worth it because Alfred. They’re not bad in general but Alfred is the BEST.)
I do cherry-pick however. So this doesn’t COMPLETELY line up, but it’s close enough.
* * *
Joker hasn’t been back for a while. He broke out, Jason thinks, which means Boles comes down every couple of days to feed him and take up the slack a bit. Fortunately, he’s not creative, just an asshole, and he’s an idiot. Usually drunk. Why he’s made it as high up as he has is beyond Jason, but this is Arkham.
Jason’s just grateful Harley isn’t coming down as much. She is creative, and jealous, and he suffers no illusions that she doesn’t want to wind his intestines around a giant spool.
Boles is distracted today, for reasons unknown, and normally Jason wouldn’t care (he’s going to die down here, hopefully sooner rather than later), but…
There’s something shiny in his pocket. He almost doesn’t notice it, but the light catches it just so as Boles is leaning over the table. Knife. That’s a knife. Fucking idiot, doesn’t he realize these animals…
Eh, if Joker’s paying him, it doesn’t matter anyway. But. Knife. Sharp object.
Jason twists his fingers upwards a bit, feels the ropes around his arms. They’re not tight, and they’re not that thick; if Joker had used these at the beginning, Jason could’ve gotten out of them. Hell, when the clown’s here, they’re not in use at all; Boles is just paranoid and Harley’s a bitch.
He might be able to…if Boles is here today, the Joker isn’t expected back for another couple’a days, at least…
He has to try. If he dies, well, he’s out of his misery and that’s fine. Death is better than this.
Boles is nowhere near gentle when he shoves the water bottle against Jason’s lips, and he nearly chokes. That’s okay, though, because the angle the man’s at means he can feel warm metal against his fingertips. He didn’t survive as a kid through being a shoddy pickpocket, either, and he gets enough of a grip to draw it from the pocket and slip it against his wrist.
Boles doesn’t notice.
Jason wants to laugh, or stop breathing because this is a set-up, Joker’s back after all and this is another one of his tricks, but…
But. But Boles leaves, flicks the light off like he always does so that Jason’s alone in the dark, breath ragged in his throat.
Death is preferable. If nothing else, maybe he can slit his own throat before they can get the knife away from him.
He adjusts his shaky grip on the knife. It’s closed, which is a bit of a problem. It’s also stiff, and for a few seconds he’s convinced he’ll drop it before getting it open. But he does manage, in the end-nearly slices his finger open, but still.
It’s difficult to get an angle on the ropes, and the process is both terrifying loud
and agonizingly slow. Every little sound has him flinching and freezing solid, but nobody comes down. Eventually, he hears the slip-slip-shuuuuu of the ropes falling away. His wrists confirm their freedom a minute later and he pulls his arms in front of him. They’re shaking, and they hurt, but they’re free.
He snaps back to reality and saws frantically at the ropes around his legs, nicking through the jumpsuit but who fucking cares he’s getting outta here or dying on the way, so help him god.
It takes a few minutes to actually stand up, and then he’s wobbly and shaky. Walking into the dark is daunting-is anyone down here?-but he grips the knife tight enough to make his hand hurt, puts his other hand out in front of him, and shuffles forward. 
His toes touch the bottom stair. Okay. He can do this. He can do this, if he gets up high enough he can also fling himself back down the damn stairs. Granted, he might end up paralyzed rather than dead, but if he severs the right nerve, the Joker won’t be able to inflict pain anymore. That might be better. There he’d be, unable to fight back, but unable to feel anything.
That’d be fucking hilarious.
Halfway up, now, and he thinks he can see a sliver of light in the distance. He can hear things now, shouting and running and gunfire and oh shit what’s going on?
The sliver of light grows and he reaches out, grasps the doorknob. It’s cold under his fingers and it’s not locked, is it, please don’t be locked, not now--
The Joker’s nightmarish cackle sounds in the distance and he jerks back, presses up against the door and strains to see if he’s behind him, if he’s been following him up the stairs.
No. No, he’s on the other side of the door, he’s…on the intercom?
Jason swallows once, twice, three times and takes the doorknob again, twists it.
It turns and the door opens with a soft click.
This is a trick, or a hallucination, Jason’s sure. But he’s come too far to stop, and that spark of hope that he thought was dead is flickering again.
He goes through the door.
It’s chaos in the asylum proper; there’s corpses and bloodstains and screaming. The halls are foggy with dust and smoke and he’s on the intercom, laughing and laughing and shit he knows he has to know God please no more he can’t he can’t--
He doesn’t know. Or he just doesn’t say; he’s talking to someone who can only be Batman,
Left me you son of a bitch I should look for you make you see what you let him do to me
mocking him. But no one’s coming. Jason’s standing in the middle of the hallway and nobody’s coming.
He runs, sort of, stumbling awkwardly, until he trips out of a side entrance and onto the grounds. It’s raining outside, and there’s mutated plants that can only be Ivy’s everywhere (one just spat spores at some poor, screaming bastard), but.
But he’s outside for the first time in over a year.
Honestly, he has no idea what he wants in this moment. Every single sense is being assaulted; the smell of the plants and the wet chill of the rain and sounds of the trees…
A bath. He does know what he wants, and that is a warm-scalding hot-bath. And...and to avoid...he just…
He wants to be alone, but not...not stuck. He wants to be alone to do what he wants, whether that’s sleep or shower or slit his goddamn wrists open. And to do that, he has to get off the island.
His ankle hurts from his awkward run, but he gives it a mental toughen up, you useless prick, and starts trudging gingerly towards the main gates.
Honestly, he has no idea how he ends up in one of Gotham’s crappy no-tell-motels with a wad of cash (safehouse stash? pickpocket?), but here he is. The clerk gives no fucks and gives him a room on the ground floor.
Jason hasn’t laid eyes on himself since...since Joker got hold of him. So he supposes it’s understandable that he doesn’t recognize the boy in the mirror for a second.
He’s filthy, hair matted and tangled, and the orange jumpsuit he’s been stuffed into is bloody and torn. But that’s not the worst of it. That would be the burn on his cheek, a crisp, clear J that still hurts and is barely healing. When he brushes his fingers against the skin under it, he can feel it shudder as the nerves tingle warningly.
He tears his gaze away from the mirror, lips curling, and runs a bath. While the water’s filling up, he strips the jumpsuit off, hurls it aside and resolutely doesn’t touch the still-healing bullet wound in his chest, pretends it’s no big deal that his ankle doesn’t look quite right.
He eases himself into the tub. The water’s the best thing he’s felt in forever and he adjusts himself so he can dunk his head under.
Oh God yes please--
He stays under until his lungs burn because he can, because he’s in total control of this situation. If he wants to just bob up and down, he can. If he wants to blow bubbles, there’s no one to stop him. No Joker to force him back or haul him up by the hair, no Batman to point and intone, stay back, stay out of my way.
For the first time in...maybe his whole life, Jason Todd is his own man.
And like HELL is he going to let anybody take that from him.
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mcu as solve it squad quotes
scott: i’m pretty sure my etsy store has been lit as of late
steve: now that the house keeping is out of the way. ha. bucky. bucky. Bucky,,, b u c k y. housekeeping. because it’s a hotel.
bruce @ tony: oo i can sense your sarcasm and i don’t appreciate it one bit
tony: vodka, i drank it. (passes out momentarily into pepper’s grasp) nice to meet you, i am addicted to alcohol. (passes out onto the ground)
bruce trying to get hulk to come out: bet he thinks he’s strong but not as strong as rrrrr (trying to break the item but just makes a fool of himself)
natasha: how am i supposed to line these tiny little seams with my weapons??
loki: i’d rather die than give myself up to those shit-eating avengers. sorry, those fucking avengers.
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