Rogue: “I can make him better” this “I can make him worse” that, listen I have a knife I can make him dead
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Egyptology tumblr. Help. One of my coworkers at a construction site knows I'm an archaeologist and asked if I knew of Graham Hancock. We had an... interesting discussion. He seems reasonable and open to considering different ideas, but he is *convinced* there are no records of the Giza Pyramids being built and thinks that their construction is still a mystery. I told him otherwise, and he seemed legitimately interested if I could find sources and challenged me to do so. @somecunttookmyurl @thatlittleegyptologist @rudjedet and anyone else who might be able to help, if you happen to have sources or resources about construction of the pyramids. Please share if you're able/have the time. I can probably find some stuff on my own but if anyone has sources on hand that would be amazing.
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
if you "OP is a TERF >:(" at me on a reblog of literally anything based on nothing (like there are 0 other indications) except "they're marked red on shinigami" i am blocking you by the way.
shinigami cant even consistently mark people - the same person can be marked red for some, green for others, and NOT MARKED AT ALL for other people. both me and @rudjedet are simultaneously marked red, green, and none.
if your whole basis for any kind of accusation is "this really unreliable thing said so and no i didn't verify it but i will make a fuss about it" i want you nowhere near me lest that kind of lack of thinking is contagious
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rudjedet · 2 years
This is also transphobic latently… men having sex with people with balls isn’t inherently gay. Could be a cis man and a trans woman… meanwhile a cis man and a trans man is gay and the cis man is not going after balls.
@cryptotheism is trans and funny it's not that deep lmao
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museum-spaces · 2 years
seeking advice
Hello my dear academics - and other various nerds.
I am looking for advice for my current PhD application; I am finalizing my Statement of Purpose and I have space in it to talk about my autism diagnosis and Ianto being a service dog.
However, the dilemma, would it be used against my application or not/ should I wait to hear if I get in before telling them I need accommodations like for a job or should I use it in the essay. This application does not have any sort of 'my struggle' essay to write, just a writing sample - my MA thesis - and the SOP.
I already said in it that I wrote and implemented the Egypt Centre's first autistic accessibility program.... which is literally how I found out I'm autistic. So it does fit in, and I have the space.
But it is a disorder that is discriminated against.
going to tag a few folk but I want as many opinions as you have for me so please comment/re-blog whatever. I have also decided that 1 like = 1 vote to disclose so feel free to just like if you don't feel chatty.
@13faeinapenguinsuit @saintartemis @queenanne1532 @chaotic-archaeologist @autie-j @micewithknives @bundibird @rudjedet @sisterofiris
as usual; the above is a non-exhaustive list of the people on here whose opinion I admire and trust. there are always people I have left off because remembering all y'all's handles is impossible.
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interstellar-lamb · 2 years
I like to think I'm a nice person but then @rudjedet gets into a fuss about someone fucking up something Egyptian and I'm here chanting for her to draw blood
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ikchen · 2 years
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So it's actually from a video game, the Horizon Zero Dawn series. I was streaming it recently and we were wondering if they just took something pre-existing and slapped it on there or what have you - and thanks for taking a look!
Hey! Ty for the contribution :)
I'll elaborate this tomorrow (super long day at work oof) but, short answer: It's gibberish, unfortunately. It's also repeated in bits and pieces on other parts of that tomb, from what I've seen.
Slightly longer answer (courtesy of @rudjedet ): some of the glyphs seem to be from the stela of Paatenemheb (https://www.rmo.nl/collectie/topstukken/stele-van-paatenemheb/) - I'll try to make and post a better comparison tomorrow!
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sepdet · 1 year
Ok, that does it.
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Apparently Elno is rebranding, and so am I. I've meant to do it for a while, but that's the last straw. I don't want to remind anyone, including myself, of his BS.
X-cetra was a pun on Aeris expiring halfway through Final Fantasy VII, but it made more sense when this was the "...and everything else" sideblog to my gamer blog.
I was once gonna change this account to "Fandom Auntie," until a friend heard me say it aloud and looked alarmed. Eek, no, that's not what I meant at all! 😳
The first two are related to my real name, which I'm eh about.
@sepdet is my favorite. Tons of people on the internet know me by that old nickname, since I started using it in '1993, on MUSHes and LJ and fan forums.
The only problem, as @rudjedet would point out, is that it's an outdated EAW Budge transcription of the Egyptian name Sopdet, aka Sirius. (Egyptian scribes often skipped vowels, so scholars use "e" as a placeholder until they find more info). I wonder how much "sepdet" would make actual Egyptian scholars wince. Sopdet sounds derpy to me, but they'd probably say the reverse.
(i was toying with Kasey Ann Frost, an anagram of Nyssa of Traken from a recent Tenth Doctor audio, but I really need to stop accumulating new online handles.)
Also, I may bite the bullet and flip this account with my primary, even though it'll make the archives of both confusing. I hate replying/liking from that anciet gamer blog on my sideblogs. It won't entirely resolve the issue, unless I make my Doctor Who blog @circular-time the primary, but I really don't wanna mess up the archive on that one.
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late-to-the-fandom · 1 year
Last Line Tag
Thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the tag! I am literally only writing when I see these because I currently have the motivation and attention span of an ill toddler.
Renathal assumed a subtly defensive stance, but the earth-colored eyes Dawa fixed on him were filled with neither righteous indignation nor the rage to which he was arguably entitled.
Trying to tag some new people, if you don't like to be tagged just let me know: @toburnmykruge @falesiacatwrites @jojomills @deaddovestellnotales @emwhyarentyouwriting @breath-of-eternity @rudjedet @fluffleforce-mysdrym @aquadestinyswriting @tsunderewatermelon
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isaakbutler · 1 year
@thatlittleegyptologist So @rudjedet is TikTok famous...
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beowulf22121 · 1 year
Hi, you mentioned following an egyptologist on a recent post about misinformation. Would you mind sharing their blog with me?
@rudjedet and @thatlittleegyptologist are a good start.
Keep in mind that studies of the pyramids, culture, geography, as well as different time periods, are all different speciality studies, and they may not be able to answer everything. If you've got no idea where to look and are desperate for an answer to something they don't specialize in, they're more likely to know where to look than I am. But don't go saying I said that's a sure thing, because it's not.
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somecunttookmyurl · 9 months
Hello! Normall I would ask rudjedet this but I know she's not really answering questions about Egypt these days. My 7yo watched a youtube video about Ancient Egypt and was super fascinated. I'd like to get him some books about Ancient Egypt for further learning (that I can read to him; he's starting to read on his own but he can comprehend a lot more than he can read by himself yet). Do you have suggestions for good informational kid's books about Ancient Egypt?
Hullo! After discussion with The Bitches(tm) including Rudjedet we have come to the following conclusions:
Children-friendly books tend to be very regional and so we can't really do specifics but look for age-appropriate books in your library network. The more recently written the better as those are less likely to contain, like, slave myths
Honestly Horrible Histories really isn't terrible! We all still genuinely like them! Terry Deary is a general historian not an Egyptologist so there are still some things in there that are wrong, but at that age it's fine really.
When kiddo is a touch older, The Complete... series (complete pyramids, complete valley of the kings, complete temples etc etc) are really very good and written for a layperson. They might be a bit in-depth for as young as 7 though. But that depends on your sprog.
The same goes for The Cultural Atlas of Ancient Egypt.
Cultural Atlas these days can be a bit pricey. You didn't hear it from me, but if your library network doesn't have it the Internet Archive does
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rudjedet · 1 year
FTR I've gotten so many asks on scent and smelling that I'm not publishing them all, not because I don't think they're interesting, it's just been a lot more than I expected to get.
One last thing about anosmia from my part: I know I tend to only talk about it in the har har funny Rudjedet doesn't know how smelling works way, but it's still a disability, and some of y'alls otherwise well-meant messages made it clear not many people really understand that. I spend my life wondering if today is the day I put people off with my own body odour, and worrying about gas leaks I can't smell. I'm used to it, I can cope with it - with humour, evidently -, but it still sucks when my kid gets a bum rash because I missed another poopy nappy y'know?
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laurelindebear · 2 years
Last Line Tag
Holy cow senpai noticed me??
Erm, so I was tagged by @rudjedet! I was previously tagged by @belphegor1982 and I put off answering because I'd been away from my WIP so long I didn't remember what the last line I'd written was! (I don't always write in order, I jump all over as I think of things. My brain, she is no so organised.)
I finally got to write again the other day and the last line was either:
From what I've seen, he cares about you a great deal.
(which I remember thinking was very dull and unlikely to survive future edits), or
'Family' has meant empty graves and a big old house with a man who doesn't want her in it.
(which I hope is somewhat better.)
Tagging: @tinydooms, @tishinada, @belphegor1982, and anyone else who's interested, but no pressure!
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shatar-aethelwynn · 2 years
Sorry, but to what "academics" who would write authoritatively in their "area of expertise" and who would have sent "The Greek" (sic) to "cry" in the same "corner" with the "faience frog anon" do you refer exactly? The truth is that, if one among your friends has a PhD in Egyptology, the curricula of most of the rest as they present them in their blogs are not particularly impressive or they are in some cases even problematic, and anyway their credentials are not sufficient to make them some kind of supreme academic authorities on ancient Egypt, as you see them. Moreover, it seems that none of your friends is currently active in the field of Egyptology: currently they are tumblr, not real life egypologists. Most importantly, your friends even believe that Late Period Egypt was not "culturally Egyptian", they admit that their knowledge of that period is deficient, and their knowledge and understanding of the Classics are inexistant. So, on the basis of what expertise and authority exactly do they reject totally and with scorn or even hatred major classical authors as sources on Late Period Egypt, but also more generally? Now, concerning the dispute between rudjedet and an anon about the cute faience frog recently excavated in Egypt, I see that your friends defend the ancient Egyptian cultural heritage and its value, and they are absolutely right in doing this! However, the same persons did not have any problem to vandalize on this site the cultural heritage and the classics of other people, moreover classics whose work is immensely more important than the Egyptian faience frog artefact, and you supported them in this with fanaticism. And of course your friends and their stupid fans had no compunction about waging vulgar internet campaigns of character assasination, including through the ad nauseam use of ethnic slurs, against persons who dared to defy the tumblr egyptological gang and to defend their cultural heritage and their classics, campaigns which also had your total support. The double standards of your group are outrageous!
LMFAO oh my god, is that you my dear? Have I finally been graced with your charming presence? You have got to get a better hobby, this obsession thing you've got going on is soooo last millennia.
This is hilarious. "No credentials"? I'm "fanatical"? A single Greek manuscript is "more important" than any Egyptian artifact for learning about the reality of life in ancient Egypt? You have the relevant credentials to back up those claims? Every single accusation in this is bullshit. Thank you for providing an amusing start to my day, the morning looks better already.
Just a reminder for everyone: Egyptology is not a part of the Classics field and is therefore not required to hold the Greek authors as sacrosanct in regard to factual matters of Egyptian history. Anon here clearly hasn't heard about the thing in academia where new data that contradicts old data is a thing that is taken seriously, no one is above scholarly review amd critique, and that historians can find uses for ancient authors without believing them to be infallible, and being Greek doesnt automatically make a source relevant for all of historical work. Nor does Anon understand that culture changes over time.
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As I have announced in my last post, I decided to take a break from posting on tumblr. But I learn that bizarre things take place on this site. 
As it is perhaps known to people who follow me, I had some time ago a feud about Herodotus with a group of tumblr egyptologists (the “f..k Herodotus” and “Herodotus is my b...ch” mob, none of whom is in fact active as Egyptologist outside tumblr), who tried many times to have my account deleted and even to have the...UK police take action against me for “stalking”! 
I am now informed that one among the tumblr egyptologists (rudjedet) had earlier today a dispute with an anon about the historicity of the Book of Exodus and suddenly, under the influence of some illumination, she decided that this anon was...me! As if I were by definition behind every critical anon message that her and the others of the same group receive... 
So, as I learn and I see in screenshots sent to me by a friend on this site, she launched in a totally crazy rant with many slurs another campaign of reports against me. But this time she enlisted the help of a user presenting themselves as member of the tumblr staff (@jv), who in a totally scandalous way promised publicly in a note rudjedet and the others of her ilk that they will act in order to have my account deleted! 
I have reported all of them for harassment immediately after this whole story reached me and, moreover, I have reported again rudjedet for hate speech because of her use of ethnic slurs of racist character (”greekb...ch) against me. I don’t know what will happen with this affair, I don’t know whether this account will survive or not, but the sure is that I will not cower before this sad bunch of people and their intolerant, dishonest, and bullying practices.
PS: I learned also that the ‘scholar” with the very beautiful name somecunttookmyurl took part in the negociations of the tumblr egyptologists (via notes under a post!) with the user jv (supposedly a member of the staff of tumblr) in order to have my blog deleted. I reported this person too for harassment and hate speech because of her many posts in which she uses against me the racist and hateful term ‘greekb...ch”.
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