#running up to me and screaming and stuff like that. i mostly tried to ignore it but this one day she escalated and jumped on my back
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starlightsalvatore · 1 year
ripper / damon salvatore x reader
this was inspired by this blog post !!! idk if this is really what you wanted but this is where the spirit moved me lol - I hope everyone enjoys! as always lmk what you think!
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ripper / damon salvatore x reader
summary: Stefan flipped his switch and you and Damon have been trying your hardest to bring him home... but Stefan has other ideas.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: typical tvdu stuff (blood, fear, pain, etc)
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“Goodnight, Linda! I’ll see you next week,” you called out as you pushed the door to the boutique open, letting it shut behind you as you crossed the street to find your car. Your mind was swimming with unanswered questions, things in Mystic Falls had been topsy-turvy since Stefan flipped his switch and skipped town with Klaus. You and Damon had been hunting down every lead while keeping it from Elena, encouraging her to move on while the two of you ignored your own hypocrisy as you refused to do the same. On top of every dead end or trip down south to cover up the carnage Stefan left in his wake there was something brewing just beneath the surface with Damon the two of you were refusing to acknowledge. It wasn’t the time, there was too much on your plates but it didn’t stop the tension that seeped into every late night you spent with him poring over files Sheriff Forbes had given you.
You unlocked your car as it came into view, listening to the chirps echo down the empty street but stopped in your tracks when a figure appeared before you, “Stefan?” you asked, hope filling your voice but it faded just as soon as it had appeared when you looked into his eyes… so cold and dark, unlike the ones you’d come to know. “Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you.”
“I know,” he answered, “I’m here to tell you to stop.”
“Come on, Stefan… let us help you, I can help you,” you pleaded and he just chuckled darkly. He was someone you used to trust implicitly, he’d saved you from sudden death time and time again, taken you in and given you a home when Klaus had killed your parents to prove a point but this was not the Stefan you knew. 
“You can help me, sweetheart,” he said, fingers trailing along your collarbone and you felt sick to your stomach at his touch. “God, have I been dying to know what you taste like,” he muttered mostly to himself. You thought about running, but it was pointless… you thought about screaming for help, but he’d just kill whoever showed up… Damon. Damon was at the grill, just a handful of yards away. “So many nights hearing that heartbeat just down the hallway, like a siren call. How stupid was I to resist?” he asked rhetorically and while his attention was focused on the pulsing of your neck you slowly pulled your phone from your back pocket, dialing Damon’s number and praying to whatever god was listening that you didn’t hit the wrong buttons.
“So, what’s the plan, Stefan? Just going to kill me right here in front of the grill?” you asked, voice wavering as you tried to stall him. “Who are you trying to send a message to? Damon? Elena?” He growled in response.
“Maybe the message is for you,” he said, hand closing around your throat. “Did you think I wouldn’t know you’ve been helping him? That it wasn’t you who’s been covering my tracks?” he asked but you couldn’t answer. His hand disappeared and you sucked in a breath only to let out a cry of pain as he gripped your wrist, pulling your phone into view before he pried it out and you felt your bones crack under the pressure as he tossed it aside. “Stupid girl, are you trying to make this easier on me?”
“So this is hard for you?” you asked, clinging onto that as you took a step back and tried to ignore the pain in your wrist. “Good, lean into it. You don’t want to kill me, even with your humanity off you can’t tell me you don’t miss the fun we used to have together… dancing with Lexi to Bon Jovi, crushing Elena and Jeremy at pool…” you trailed off, trying to spark something in him. “Just, come home, Stefan. Let me help you, everything can go back to how it was.”
“Yes, I really do, because the real fun is what I’ve been denying myself all this time.” he sneered and you felt a gush of wind behind you.
“Whoa brother, just take it easy,” you heard Damon say and suddenly you were flipped around with your back pressed against Stefan, his arm a vice grip around your waist as his other hand held onto your throat. 
“You really should have stopped looking for me,” Stefan growled as you squirmed in his grasp, pain radiating through your arm as you struggled for air. “I don’t want to be found.”
“Yet you came all this way to Mystic Falls, to the middle of the town square. That doesn’t scream don’t find me,” Damon pointed out, taking a step closer but he stopped in his tracks when you let out a cry as the grip around you tightened. Damon could hear your heart thudding against your ribcage, quick and uneven as your eyes pleaded with him to do something. 
“Had to deliver a message,” Stefan responded. “But now that I’m here, she is a lot of fun, isn’t she, brother? Always was so brave, even in the face of death,” he chuckled as he brushed your hair from your neck. “You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it,” he taunted. 
“Just let her go, we can talk this out… come to an understanding,” Damon said, slowly taking another step. He’d never felt so helpless, like control was slipping through his fingers like sand.
“Oh, I’m not in the mood for talking,” he replied and you felt his lips kiss along your carotid artery and you stiffened in his grasp before thrashing against him. “So responsive,” he chuckled and anger flared in Damon’s chest at the sight. “Come on, Damon… all this time you’ve been pushing me to have more fun, now you want to stop me?”
“You want real fun? You’re not going to find it here in Mystic Falls,” he said, gesturing to the empty town around him. “Let’s go on a good old fashioned brotherly road trip, find some girls that actually enjoy being fed on,” he said, and you didn’t miss the desperation in his voice as you tried to calm your breathing and focus on anything other than the ache throbbing in your wrist. Stefan wasn’t swayed and you let out a pained cry as his fangs sunk into your neck, opening you up as he drank you in and you struggled in his arms.
“Stefan- don’t,” you choked out, fighting against him. Your words came out strained as blood poured from your neck and you felt tears slipping down your cheeks. “Elena will… she’ll never forgive you.”
“She’s right, brother. Just let her go, we can make this all go away,” Damon pleaded and he knew you didn’t have much time before he ripped your head off. You were already starting to go limp in his arms and Damon’s eyes were apologetic as he looked at you but you didn’t have enough time to process what it meant before you were flying through the air and hitting the ground with a thud that winded you. You groaned as you lifted your arms to press against the wound in your neck, each nerve ending protesting with a fiery jolt of pain as you tried to control the bleeding.
You couldn’t see anything, couldn’t move… all you could hear was a crack in the distance as your eyes fluttered closed before you felt your body being tugged upright. “Come on, drink…” Damon said, shaking you softly and when you didn’t respond he shook you harder. “You don’t get to do this, damn it! Drink,” he said again and your eyes opened as you wrapped your lips around his wrist, letting the sickly sweet liquid slide down your throat. You were alone again, vaguely making out Damon on the phone with somebody before you lost consciousness. 
“Hey, hey, easy, you’re safe now,” you heard as you sat up in bed, startled as your eyes darted around and you saw you were back in your room at the boarding house. Damon was looking down at you intensely as tried to ease you into laying back down but you just shook your head.
“Where is he?” you asked frantically, “please tell me we didn’t lose him.”
“He’s in the cellar,” he answered. You let yourself relax a little at this, knowing the hope you’d been clinging to all summer seemed a little more realistic now. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered and your face twisted in confusion. “This is all my fault.”
“What? Damon, this isn’t your fault,” you tried but he just shook his head.
“He knew the way to get to me was through you, I shouldn’t… he didn’t want to be found, I shouldn’t have pushed,” he said and your eyes softened as you took him in. He looked exhausted and the faint light peeking around your curtains let you know he must have been waiting a while for you to wake up. 
“He knew I was helping you, this was as much a message for you as it was for me,” you replied. “I’ll be okay.”
“But you’re not right now,” he said and you smiled sadly.
“But I will be,” you reassured, “nobody said bringing a ripper back from the depths of inhumanity would be easy.” 
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated and you just wrapped your arms around him, letting yourself move to straddle his hips to pull him closer into you. “You don’t deserve this, I… I should have protected you better. I can’t lose you,” he muttered into your chest as his arms snaked around your waist and held you tight.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said and he pulled back to look up at you, eyes swimming with emotion. 
“You… you mean too much to me,” he said, fingers brushing your hair behind your ear before cupping your jaw. “I can’t lose you,” he repeated.
“And you won’t,” you promised, eyes sad as you knew this wasn’t really a promise you could keep, but you would try… for him. You let your fingers thread through his hair as you held him close, needing the comfort right now as much as he did. Putting on a brave face was what you were good at, you seemed to face a new evil every week in this town but this was different… This was Stefan, one of your closest friends who used you to prove a point, who made it look so easy to bring you within an inch of your life. You needed Damon as much as he needed you and with someone downstairs locked in a cell who was so important to the both of you, you didn’t have any fight left in you to pretend you didn’t need him.
“I love you,” he muttered against your skin and your heart skipped a beat, wondering if you’d heard him correctly. “I won’t let him hurt you ever again, I’m so sorry.” You shifted, leaning back to look down at him and those intense blue eyes held so much emotion you felt your heart crack wide open.
“Damon-” you started but he cut you off by cupping your face and pulling you down to meet his lips. You responded immediately, letting your lips move in tandem with his before pulling back breathless.
“I love you,” he repeated as you rested your forehead against his. 
“I love you too,” you responded, letting yourself smile genuinely for the first time all summer. “We’re going to get your brother back, okay? We’ll get him back and everything will be okay.”
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taglist: @caseysalvatore @minalblood @styxfly (if you’re name is struck through it means I couldn’t tag you - sorry!)
tagging you because you inspired this one! @tmhxll​ 
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whimsiandwild · 10 months
Pairing: Astarion x Female!reader; Former Gortash x Female!reader
Word Count: 1400
Triggers [PLEASE READ]: Mentions of past abuse, panic attacks, PTSD, verbal abuse, implied non-consensual, hurt/comfort, some fluff at the end.
A/N [PLEASE READ]: So, this is coming from a very personal place upon some revelations I've had today. It's heavy so please don't feel obligated to read it. And please, please don't read it if you are triggered by any of the above; I know how hard it is to deal with this stuff on a daily basis and never want to be the cause for anyone. To anyone who does read it, thank you <3
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“Tav, are you alrighht? What’s wrong?”
Icy fingers on your shoulder made you jump, grabbing the offending limb and shoving it off. Spinning around, Astarion grabbed the top of your arms to still you. The concern on his face had never been more genuine.
“Darling, are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.”
Your smile didn’t reach your eyes and he frowned, taking your hand in his and linking your fingers as he led the party into Wrym’s Rock. He knew something was wrong, and that it had something to do with the man you’d all been summoned by, he just didn’t know why. Gods, you’d always hoped you’d never have to tell him.
There had been telltale signs that he’d recognised as the two of you grew closer, similar things that occurred in him when a particularly awful memory of Cazador resurfaced. He’d asked about it, but you’d always told him it was nothing. Just a bad memory you didn’t need to dwell on. And you hadn’t, not really. Sure, the trauma attached was still there but you could handle it, you had for years. But then you’d seen him before the fight with Ketheric Thorm. A man you’d hoped to never see again, now being ordained archduke of Baldur’s Gate.
The guards showed you into the ceremony hall, your hand sweating in Astarion’s grip as you began the long walk down the aisle; it felt like a lifetime, a force beyond your control forcing your legs to move. You couldn’t look up, feeling bile rise in your throat as you stared at the carpet. Everything you’d worked so hard to forget was coming back to hit you full force. You wanted to hurl, and cry, and scream, and run away. Mostly, you wanted to hurt him. Hurt him the way he’d constantly hurt you, but you knew that was a line you’d never be able to cross.
“Well, well, well. Look what’s been dragged back into my home.”
Your legs almost gave out beneath you, his voice still as charming and alluring as ever, your free hand clinging to your vampire’s shirt sleeve. Astarion had become more than a little concerned by this point, Lae’zel and Gale flanking the two of you.
“Still as ignorant and disobedient as ever,” he scoffed, and you felt Astarion tense beside you, your grip only tightening in an attempt to keep him by your side. “Look at me when I’m speaking!”
Without a moment’s hesitation, your head snapped up and you were staring into the all too familiar eyes of Enver Gortash. Still handsome as ever, and with that vicious glint in his eyes that always occurred when he looked at you, at his property.
He’d been Enver Flymm when you’d first met him. He hadn’t been the most loving of partner’s, but he showed it… in his own way. Soon, however, he got lost. Then Enver Gortash was born. An abusive tyrant who had put you through hell until you’d finally managed to escape. You could still remember that nigt. The way your wrists had bled as you’d tried desperately to break free of your restraints, the painful swelling around your eye and the deep gashes along your legs. The scars seemed to flame against your skin at the memory.
You couldn’t speak. You couldn’t breathe. Why was breathing so hard? How was everyone so seemingly fine? Astarion was staring at you in bewilderment, worry etched into his furrowed brow. You didn’t know what to say, couldn’t think of the words to convey the fear that was threatening to bubble over any minute and make you run screaming.
“Your manners clearly need improvement,” Gortash sneered, his hard, cold gaze never leaving your cowering figure. “Now, it seems we all have some things to discuss, regarding all this ridiculous Absolute business. However, I have a ceremony to begin. You will stay and watch, won’t you, kitten?”
The use of the old pet name he’d used to degrade you was enough to finally break your resolve. Bursting into tears, the last thing you saw as your companions dragged you away was his smug, arrogant smile.
His hands were everywhere. You tugged at your hands but, as always, the bonds were tight and unbreakable. Panic began to flood your veins as he grabbed at you too tightly, bit too harshly, moved your body too roughly. And there was nothing you could do but lay there and let it happen.
“I don’t see why you’re being so difficult, kitten. You’re normally much more compliant.”
Tears leaked from the corners of your eyes and wet your hair, shaking your head in denial. He was lying, you knew he was, but it still caused the same guilt and shame to flare up it always did. He was always so good at making you believe you were the problem, the one who’d done wrong. He’d done it so many time you almost believed him.
With a sharp tug at both your knees, he spread your legs as wide as he could, the sudden jolt of pain shooting up your thighs making you cry out in agony. One hand freed a leg but you weren’t brave enough to move it back. He used his now free hand to run against your core, smirking as he glanced in satisfaction at the slick on his fingers.
“You filthy little bitch. All this protesting and you’re already dying to have me.”
“Enver,” you begged, your lip trembling as he towered over you suddenly. “Please don’t.”
“Shut up!” he shouted, making you flinch and look away. He gripped your chin and forced your tearful eyes to stare at him. “You’ll take it, and you’ll enjoy it.”
You struggled against him as he lined himself up, screaming as he entered you with no care in the world for your wellbeing…
The screaming got louder and louder to your ears until you realised you’d screamed yourself awake, along with your poor partner. Astarion was bewildered as his hands cupped your wet face in an attempt to calm you. You were panting by the time you’d realised you’d been dreaming, your heart close to breaking out of your chest.
“Darling, what happened? What’s wrong?”
“Oh gods… he…. he-!”
You sobbed into your hands, unable to finish your sentence as he cradled you, embracing you for however long you needed him to. Eventually your tears stopped falling, though the ache in your chest wouldn’t fade, no matter how hard you tried to rid yourself of it.
Astarion was more quiet and patient than you’d ever remembered seeing him. He was clearly deep in thought, and you didn’t want to disturb him. Instead, you wrapped yourself around him and enveloped yourself in every aspect that was him. He was your safe space, and you needed to relish in that right now.
“I have to ask, darling,” he said quietly after a long while. “This Gortash,” He all but spat the word. “Did he… did he treat you as Cazador treated me?”
Nodding, you buried your face into his chest as his grip on you tightened. You were relieved he hadn’t asked you to elaborate; you didn’t think you’d ever be able to speak out loud the horrendous things that man had done.
“Tav, please know this, and know it to be true,” His fingers tilted your chin so you were gazing into his liquid crimson eyes. “If he comes near you again, if he merely looks at you, I will rip him to pieces, revive him, and do it all over again. You never need to tell me details; I’m sure I can understand well enough; but know I’m here. I won’t let anyone hurt you like that ever again. I… I love you, darling.”
Breaking down, you let him hold you for the rest of the night, your head on his chest as he comforted you with words of love and soft touches. Sniffing, you dried your face, and sat up on your elbows, staring down at him.
“I… thank you, Astarion,” you whispered, pressing a hard kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
He said nothing, just flashing you that charming smile of his before he pulled you back to him, holding onto you like his livelihood may depend on it. You stayed like this for as long as time would allow, and you’d never felt safer.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
can u do tadc cast (or probably just a few bc this prompt isn’t very creative) x a reader who looks like the player from animal crossing? ball hands,,, maybe weirdly good at crafting things,, gets stung by bees sometimes mayhaps. Maybe they speak animalese and nobody ever knows what they’re saying LMAO
TADC cast x reader whos like an animal crossing player!
depending on what time it is when i finish writing this, i think imma take a short break to stretch my legs and make something YAHOO!! hope you enjoy this anon!! this reminds me, i cleared out my island by making it totally flat... but i never actually... got to decorating it... huh.... commitment is scary, guys
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i think as a funny haha gag thing, how funny would it be if he could actually understand you. like you cant talk, and the noise youre limited to is to your "emotes", but somehow someway for some reason, caine can understand you... genuinely impressed by your crafting and even sometimes asks you to make random things just to see if you can make it! expect some really odd and random requests! not at all phased that you can pick things up with your weird orb hands, hes used to the digital world and its weirdness... thinks...
hey at least theres someone the same height as her in this place...!/hj
tries hard to understand your funky emotes and body language but shes at a loss... i mean at least you can still pick stuff up and try to write, so at theres some method of commutating asides from simply trying to learn how to read you! though, she is a bit unnerved by your silence and how your face is mostly stagnant when you arent.... emoting.. a static smile can get a little unnerving when youre standing next to the person and understand thats its a real person.. you know?
a little confused on how you can just pull things out from thin air, but does admit that it can be useful... has probably tried to ask you to make an exit out of desperation because hey if anyone can make one it would be you so whats the harm in trying (my girl is losing it)
i think you guys bond over the crafting; since ragatha makes stuff too, like pillows and clothing and plushies and the like! sure you guys may not be making the exact same things, but you both create and thats enough to bring you two together! doesnt mind that you cant talk, in fact i think after the chaos of a day in the digital circus she embraces the calmness around you... scolds you for constantly being stung by bees, though... though she tries not to be too mean or harsh since its not like youre trying to get stung on purpose... but please just be careful... she worries about you, afterall!
honestly ragatha doesnt have individual fingers, so the fact you can function with balls hands doesnt phase her
really touching on the fact you have an inventory that you can hide stuff in i think he would slide you things to hide for him; especially its hes going a "imma do something to someone as a prank then run and use you to hide the evidence" ... you know usual jax antics where he tries to get the reader to help him with his trickery. whether or not you actually aid him is totally up to you. probably makes fun of your short height and the fact youre always getting stung. probably points and laughs when he watches you run around while literally being chased by a swarm. promptly screams when you make a run towards him, thus bringing the bees to him. you have probably bopped him with your net after he says something particularly not-nice, me thinks... or maybe you just dont like him and youre constantly bopping him, i mean i do enjoy it when the reader doesnt like a character but you can easily ignore this little aside if you want this to be a friendship or romance!
OOOOO imagine you come with the basic ring/inventory of tools (net, shovel, watering can, fishing rod, ect) and you can just pull it out of no where.... oooooouuugh imagine taking your net out around him and (wordlessly) offering to go look for bugs with him,.. kind of panics when you get stung by the digital bees; probably helps you patch up... honestly i think given that kinger is all about bugs, i think its a safe bet he would know how to treat bites and stings... so hes your man if youre really bad about avoiding bees and the like! can see tropes that trope where like "whats that? little timmys stuck in the well?? (but thats not what you said/meant)" because youre like emoting and trying to direct his attention somewhere but he gets it. so totally wrong and commits to it before you can stop him. i just think thats funny
thinks youre... odd. though... imagine you can change up your style and appearance by simple interacting with a mirror and wardrobe. i think they would think thats cool, that you can just... do that... zooble has to rip their body parts off (sounds way worse than it actually is, LMAO). probably gives you this look when you walk into the tent to show that once again, youve been attacked by a swarm of bees.... how do they always only sting your left eye...? is that just how your digital body shows the injury, or do they just... no nevermind, theyre just going to give out a sigh before taking you to caine or kinger for medicine. definitely gets onto you for constantly messing with the digital bees, though...
honestly between all the characters i can easily see her being an animal crossing fan... and while she may not remember all of her old life, i like to think that subconsciously she would recognize you for what your digital body is intimidating... bonus if in the real world animal crossing was her comfort, so naturally, she instinctively finds comfort in you even if she cant totally pin point it... though, she has trouble understanding you outside of your emotes... but even then when you do an angry stamp or shed tears she cant quite pinpoint why youre upset... oooo please make her an art easel! i think that would be a great gift for her and she will be absolutely over the moon!
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
omgomgomg so i saw that u write for tess & when i tell u i never screamed louder!!1!1!!
can we pretty please get a toothrottingly fluffy smut where its readers first time & tess is just like gentle & sweet towards reader and making sure theyre comfy and stuff, sorry if this is kind of all over the place this is actually my first time requestin somethin 🫶🏽
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Tess Servopoulos x Fem-bodied!Reader ( Written as game vers. Tess but can be read as both! )
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, smut, v fingering ( r receiving ), oral sex ( r receiving ), mentions of alcohol / getting drunk ( in passing ), super fluffy cause omg they're cute, top!tess, bottom!reader, ( let me know if I missed something with the gender I tried to be as gender neutral as possible )
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope ( it's been hours and it's 2am I'm tired )
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - I'm so happy that I was the first you requested for! I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK TO LONG IT'S BEEN A ROUGH TIME. BUT ILY!!!! I hope you enjoy!! <3
Game tess has no gifs unlike HBO Tess :( They're both equally hot they should have equal gifs !!!!!!
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The lightning flickered against your eyes every time it made it's appearance, it's partner, thunder, never far behind. The loud sounds feeling as though they shook the entire complex and everything around it, even the QZ walls shuddered. But you payed no mind, staring down at the guards in the road. Very few, but they were there.
They'd talk back and forth to forget about the rain, ignore the chill of the wind nipping their faces. Talk about before or pretend the past never happened.
Sometimes you could hear them, but tonight you couldn't. Not with the rain and the loud banging on the decrepit buildings. Sometimes you wondered whether or not the buildings in the QZ would last much longer with storms like this.
Instead though, on this night, you just watched them, then sometimes the rain droplets, imagining them as two cars racing one another down the glass. As if you were a kid in the back of your childhood van.
The door then suddenly opened up behind you, but you didn't turn around. Recognizing how specific her boots sounded against the wood flooring, how she cursed underneath her breath and threw her stuff onto the table with a thump.
You knew who it was without needing to turn around so you kept staring. Eyes droopy but you were wide awake.
"What's so entertaining?" You heard the slight sass in her voice, the tone that never left even when she was being deadly serious. It made you smile, turning your head to the side to look at her.
"Everything and nothing." You took in a breath of the cold air that crept passed the window seal. "Gotta make do in the apocalypse."
She stood at island counters, hands spread apart and leaning her weight on the tile. Staring at you with a stupid smirk on her face.
"What took you so long?" Tess knew the question was coming but that didn't mean she wanted to answer it. "Ran into some trouble-" "What?" "-but I got out of it. Just some assholes that thought they wanted to mess with Joel and I."
You hadn't seen Joel in a while, but you reckon he hadn't changed a teeny, tiny bit since the last time you had. You took to liking to the grumpy man, you trusted him to make sure Tess came back breathing.
Despite is unfavorable gaze and his harsh wording.
"Are you hurt?" You stood from the chair, taking fast strides towards her while she shook her head, still smiling. "No, didn't even bump a hair on my head. I promise." A bit of a white lie, but she didn't want to worry you.
"Swear?" Tess quietly nodded, looking at you run your eyes over and over her face while turning her head back and forth. Looking for any scratch or slightly discolored patch of skin that wasn't there that morning.
"Say it." She grabbed your hands from her cheeks and holding them in her own. "Swear."
You leaned forwards to kiss her, noticing her slightly chapped lips and the mostly soaked in lip oil you'd let her borrow while out and about. Wanting to hide one of your favorite parts of her away from the unforgiving wind.
It didn't take her a second to kiss back either, grabbing your hips to keep you there until she decided to pull back. Grabbing either side of your cheeks and tilting your head down to kiss your forehead. Resting her mouth against your hair as she thought.
"How 'bout you go get ready for bed, I'll get my shit put away, okay?" Pulling away from her you raised an eyebrow. "And what am I getting out of this?" "You ain't gonna get anything you keep asking questions."
You huffed but shuffled off, squeezing her hand as you did so .
Tess and you were never supposed to go this far. Roommates. Someone to get drunk with to forget or tell stories and be each other shoulder to maybe shed a tear on. Never go further than that.
But it did.
You weren't sure who fell first, you just knew you did and it was hard.
She felt as if she was too old for you, even though you weren't the youngest yourself. You did know that there were some things that she had experienced that you just hadn't because of the world's terrible timing. But you never felt too young for her.
Just perfect, actually.
You were barely friends back then, and yet, you trusted each other more than most married couples. But, once it did go further it also went unspoken.
You were hers, as she was yours. Corny, but so were you.
As Tess would say anyway.
You laid down to wait for her, looking at the closed curtains in your small shared room. Only fitting a tiny closet and a bed, not that you had much for the closet to hold.
Tess appeared behind you, smiling while watching you scoot towards the other side of the bed to make room for her. Feeling her arms wrap around your middle and her breath against your neck send shivers down your spine.
"What about your day?" Tess muttered, kissing the nape of your neck. "Boring. I did some odd jobs all day but they didn't last long. Mostly waited on your slow ass." You felt her laugh against your skin, chuckling to herself while shaking her head.
"Slow, huh?" "Mhm. Too busy getting jumped to come home to me, right?" Her grip tightened when she let a sarcastic 'ha ha', sitting up and resting her head on her hand.
"C'mere." Tess lightly gripped your face, giving you a much hungrier kiss than she had earlier when you had initiated. No, this one had need behind it, want seeping from it.
"I missed you today." She whispered, kissing you again and letting herself taste the mint contraband you'd been chewing earlier. "I missed you too." You breathed, a nervous feeling pooling in your lower belly.
"Fuck I missed this." Tess hated leaving in the mornings, and the afternoons, especially the nights as well. Tess just hated leaving, but she knew she had to if you both wanted to survive.
Her hand crept down to your sleeping pants, running her fingers over the band that was low on your hips. The rough pads feathering over your sensitive skin. Caressing your inner thigh through the thin, withered fabric.
Inches away where you began to felt the need for her. A need you hadn't felt in a long, long time. One you'd never satisfied, and you sure never had someone else satisfy.
"Tess." You pulled back slightly, a bit taken aback by your reaction just as she was. "Shit, I'm sorry, fuck I should've-" "It's... it's not that."
Your expression spoke a thousand words, shamefully glancing away from her and at anything else in the room to distract yourself.
"You're.." It was deadly silent besides the rain banging against the glass panes. "Y/n, you didn't think to tell me?" "M'sorry I didn't.."
Her voice held no malice, only genuine confusion making you finally look at her. Seeing her more concerned you didn't feel comfortable enough to tell her, the thought of you hiding it maliciously never crossing her mind.
"I was so young... when the world went to shit.." You trailed off in a broken whisper, trying to explain yourself but you didn't have to.
Not to her. Never to her.
Not with something like this.
"Hey, hey look at me." And you did, meeting her darkened eyes only illuminated by the light coming from the sheer covered window.
"You don't have to do all that. Not with me. It's up to you."
"I want to." You spoke, so low and soft, your voice sounded like a drug to her. Nervous and ready for what was to come.
You trusted her.
Tess looked away from your eyes and down at the hem of your oversized shirt, unable to give her a view of your silhouette that she loved so much.
Her hand moved to pull it up and over your boobs, lightly brushing the very tips of her fingers against your nipples. Getting a few light whimpers to fall from your lips.
"Look at that." Tess moved over your body, kissing your collarbone and then your chest. Making her way all the way down to your sensitive bud, licking your tit to get a reaction from you.
And it worked, her mouth making your breath halt, feeling the warmth wrap around your entire boob. Then quickly feeling her move to the other, only kissing it before giving your belly a peck. Sitting up again.
Tess scanned your face, leaning down to kiss your lips.
"You tell me when it's too much, got it? You tell me when to stop."
"Okay. Okay I will."
Looping around your waistband, Tess pulled the pants from your legs. Making the pulse between your thighs even worse as the layer was stripped away. Even squeezing them together to be rid of the uncomfortable feeling.
"God, you're so... shit just look at you." You felt your face warm, invisible to her eye but to you, you were burning up. A fever created from her words mixed with her starved eyes raking over your body like she hadn't ate in decades.
"Spread your legs baby, c'mon." And you did, her arms hooking under your knees to bring you even closer to you. The woman grinning when you shrieked in surprise at her sudden tug.
"There you go, so good for me. To think no one else has gotten to see any of this. Some unlucky fucks."
"Lucky for you though." You giggled, her warm palms trailing your exposed hips. Hooking under the tiny elastic underwear band.
"You sure about this?" Her eyes flicked to yours again.
Tess than pulled them slowly from your legs, a string of slick following after them making her own cunt ache at the sight.
"God, Y/n." She tossed them aside to find another time. Leaning down between your thighs. "All for me." Tess kissed your inner thigh, again and again while inching towards your heat.
"Ready baby?" You nodded quickly, the pain of your own arousal becoming too much for you to handle all on your own. "Yes, please, please Tess."
Her mouth soon wrapped around your clit, tongue tracing an infinity sign over the sensitive bud over and over. Not stopping and not slowing, just again and again while watching your reactions.
Your legs felt like they went numb, head falling back in to the pillows while loud babbles tumbled from your lips. Wanting to praise her but you couldn't. The feeling was so alien and so much, you didn't know what to say. Until you did.
"Oh- oh my god.. please more Tess... please.." Your hands went to her hair, the other to your mouth to try it's best the muffle the sounds. But you weren't sure of well it would work when you couldn't keep it there, instead gripping the sheets when she pushed your leg further to the side getting an even better angle to fuck you in.
"I'm gonna do something, okay, you tell me if it's too much." You hummed, a bit lost in your cotton-stuffed mind feeling like you were lost in a fog and couldn't find yourself a way out.
Tess's finger appeared at your hole, very slowly pushing inside your body. A whine of discomfort filling her ears and she hated it, only wanting it to be over as soon as it could be. Wanting your body to stop tensing so hard.
"I know, I know, but it's gonna feel good I promise." The woman kissed your thigh again, then your clit, beginning her assault on your bundle of nerves to distract the rest of you away from the twinges of pain.
And it began to, not only her warm tongue sending so much pleasure through your lower half, now a curled finger ran along your walls. The rest of you beginning to relax as her movements sped up, but only the more you began to get used to it.
"Tess... more. I want more please." You looked down at her, never having felt what you were at the moment, and you couldn't get enough.
Tess added yet another finger and giving you another deliciously nice stretch, the woman sitting up a bit, the thumb of her other hand circling your clit.
"How's that, huh?" She watched you nod, looking down at your cunt while she kept you full. Moving in and out at a faster pace while keeping her thumb going in whatever motion she decided.
"G-good.." You responded, "reall-ly good." "That's it." Tess went faster, kissing your lips, muffling your loud moans that wouldn't stop even if you tried. "You're doing so good." "Tess.. oh fuck.. I-"
"Come Y/n. Let go. Let go for me baby." The high-pitched shriek was cute, she thought. Watching you come undone on her fingers.
Pleasure shooting through your entire body, but her movements never stopped. Only going faster, the circular motion on your clit making you joke and try and squeeze your thighs together.
It was too much.
You'd never felt something like that, something so strong and so pleasure-filled, not in a world like this.
Your mind went into a hazed mush while you mumbled and cried out things to her. Your hand scratching at her upper arm while she whispered sweet things to you, calming you down while a tear or two trickled down your hot cheeks.
"You did so good. You did so good, baby."
"Tess... oh fuck." You cried out.
"I know, I know."
And you did, the only thing auditory besides the now slowed rain. Tess kissing the space between your eyebrows and then your nose. Finally moving down to your lips.
"You did so good." Her fingers pulled away from you making you whimper. "I really liked that." You mumbled, Tess smiling and letting out a light chuckle. "Yeah?" You nodded in response.
"M'glad it was you." You then whispered, your blinking began to slow as the exhaustion followed the adrenaline crash. Tess flustered in the darkness, the woman was glad you couldn't see it.
"Get some rest, I'll clean you up, okay?" She kissed your neck, sitting up just as you rolled over, laying almost completely on her side of the bed.
"Okay. But you better come back." "Well you better be out of my spot."
You huffed, "But it's comfier."
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a/N: 2:22
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attackurheart88 · 2 years
Toxic Love
Pov: You and Hisoka are fighting again and you want to end it.
Features toxic relationships, mentions abuse, guns, mature readers only.
Things were just going good. You and Hisoka had a fight earlier in the week but everything had been settled and the two of you were good.
That was until you got a phone call at 8pm.
“Hello?” You answered curiosity. It was an unknown number one which seemed familiar somehow.
“Hi is this y/n?” A woman’s voice played from the other side of the phone.
“Yes how can I help you?”
“Could you please tell Hisoka to stop calling me. I’ve already told him I’m not interested.” Your heart stopped at what the woman just said. Hisoka your boyfriend of two years was apparently courting another woman.
“Hello?” The voice from the phone broke the thoughts running through your head.
“Right of course I’ll be happy to pass the information along miss…”
“Oh don’t worry about it. He’ll know who your referring to.” With that the call ended.
You sat on the sofa unmoving, for a long time. Millions of feelings were flooding through you all at once. You wanted to cry and beg Hisoka to tell you want you did wrong to make him stay.
But at the same time you wanted to kill him.
To trash your shared house and burn his clothes. You wanted to rip all the pictures of the two of you and beat him till he was black and blue and begging for forgiveness.
So you did.
Within two hours you screamed your heart out broke vases and flipped tables. Not thinking, you stood and grabbed a gun from the kitchen drawer. You knew you were strong but Hisoka was stronger. Despite that you didn’t care, you just wanted to hurt him.
As if god heard your prayers Hisoka came home. When entering the living room he was surprised to see his stuff thrown and scattered all over the place. Mostly in pieces.
“Y/n.” Hearing his voice you walked over, your anger showing across your face. Taking note of the weapon in your hands Hisoka was cautious.
“What’s wrong? Why is the house like this?” Ignoring his questions you asked him your own.
“Where have you been?” Hisoka was silent for a moment before responding.
“With the troupe. I had business to take care of.” You chuckled softly to yourself. “Really? Is flirting with other women your idea of business.”
“What do mean-“
“You know exactly what I mean!”
You started shouting at him as tears formed in the corners of your eye.
“Why do you always do this to me!?” You exclaimed waving the gun around. “Why is it so hard for you to be a good boyfriend.”
“Don’t act like it’s all my fault. I don’t know what you heard but I never cheated on you.”
“You’re lying!”
At this point the two of you were right in each others face screaming and arguing.
The room felt hot. Right now your eyes were swollen and your vision seemed blurred from all your tears. Without thinking you held the gun and pointed it at Hisoka.
Hisoka frowned and gave you a harsh glare. “Put the gun down. You’ll hurt yourself.” Hisoka’s voice was stern and threatening.
You didn’t back down and instead placed your finger on the trigger.
“What’s wrong? You think I won’t shoot.” You threatened.
It happened quickly. Hisoka grabbed hold of your wrist moving the gun from your hand. Making you shoot the ceiling. You tried to punch him only for that hand to be caught too.
You struggled in his embrace but there was no getting out.
You stared at Hisoka in frustration as your tears welled up again. Unexpectedly Hisoka used this as an opportunity to kiss you.
The more you tried to move away the harder and more forceful Hisoka was. Until you leaned into the kiss and dropped your gun.
Separating, Hisoka brushed the tears from your face and whispered, “You look so sexy when your angry.”
Those words were like an invitation. You wrapped your arms around him and the two of you made out while making your way to the bedroom.
This was how it always ended. The two of you could fight to the point you break up but end up having sex minutes after.
It was a torturous cycle. But neither of you wanted it to end.
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faytelumos · 4 months
Writeblr ROYGBIV
Rules: Find each of the ROYGBIV colors in your WIP.
It was still light out, and the rain had let up significantly. [Syfreth] took me to the tree line south of the village, and there seemed to already be some things there. I hesitated for a moment when [my friend's] parents looked up at me. They were both there, holding each other, and [their] dad's eyes were red and wet in the rain.
I looked down at the fire, the flicks and flickers of orange light underneath the cover. The smoke was still sweet, and it swirled together above the cover and into the rain. I swallowed again and rubbed my eye. [My friend's] dad knelt down and sat back on his ankles, and he cried quietly.
We both turned, looking back to Toler's voice. He scrambled and loped over the forest floor and up to us, holding his hands in his front coat pouch instead of keeping them out like he was supposed to.
"You're going to trip!" Ia said, already walking back to him. He just smiled at her, his face flushed and bright.
"Look what I found," he announced, completely ignoring her, and drawing a hand from his pouch. The fistful of vibrant, yellow-orange was like a flame in the forest, and I rushed to his side, my mouth already watering.
"Cloudberries!" Ia gasped, eagerly cupping her hands together.
The leader shifted his balance in the entrance to the Dome. We were all lined up in the order we'd come back in. The two hunters and Eeteh were in front of me. We had lines painted on our faces in black and green, mostly on our foreheads, down our noses, and over our lips. The man who had painted my face also put lines under my eyes. But everyone still had the smudges on their foreheads they'd received after getting into the spring.
Ohrik crouched down and pulled away some rocks from near the base[ of the tree]. "Look, look," he said, waving me down. I crouched next to him and looked where he was pointing. There were bunches of shiny little bugs, skittering about between the wet parts of the rocks. Their backs glimmered many colors, red and green and yellow and even blue. Ohrik reached down and let some crawl onto his fingers. They looked like seeds walking on eyelash legs, and he held his hand up so I could look closer at them.
Indigo Violet Purple:
"How… bad is it?" I asked. I moved to get to my feet and stood stiffly. Every part of me was sore and stuff now. He held up my underfur for me to hold, and I did. The white of my skin was sharply colored by dark, purplish red where the harness had hurt the most.
Thanks for the tags, @tildeathiwillwrite and @dyrewrites! I didn't expect to easily find these colors, since this particular world is always gray and rainy. But I suppose that makes the colors we do see all the more striking!
Tagging @afoolandathief, @amethystpath-writes, @annakayy, @gummybugg, @kaatiba,
@those-damn-snippets, @serenanymph, @surplus-of-sarcasm, @written-in-starlight, and anyone who wants to play!
Also tagging @thelazywitchphotographer and @mr-orion; I think this is the most number of words I've posted of my WIPs at any one time! :0
Bonus Round!
From Hhamath's story, which is much more colorful:
Paesha struck, and my heart stopped at the booming sound of Lutem's roar as she lunged.
Ræs, Mæpe, and Athetæm fell from Lutem's bodily assault, and I tumbled when her tail hit me in the chest. I scrambled to my feet in time to see her fangs and teeth buried deeply in Paesha's neck, red flowing over orange, Lutem's eyes wild.
Lutem thrashed as Paesha tried to bite her, fangs dripping amber, and I turned to Mæpe where she lay screaming on the floor.
"Darling," she breathed, and her voice was sweet and soft. "Don't you recognize your mommy?"
I flinched again. It was like being struck by a boulder running downhill. Mother. This was my mother? The bright orange scales, the voice, the dread—
"Get away," I breathed, backing further into the wall. She looked at me, unblinking, twisting her ears to me but keeping them low.
Nevermind that the sun was edging nearer the horizon and the day had begun its first attempts at cooling off. But outside, against the sun-faded green of the building, its deep blue accents and shingles, and the bright purple and yellow floral displays, I was sure to stick out from far down the road.
Athetæm and Ræs entered just as waiters were moving about the tables. Ræs was wearing the same shirt, vest, and trousers he had worn to our house for dinner. We had managed to put a new style on Meva's outfit despite using the same piece from the same event, but Fethu, Athetæm, and I were all wearing new and fancier clothes. Athetæm had a dark cream under guard to complement his dark complexion, and a light blue, silk cover that had frills around the neck and on the cuffs of his long sleeves in the front. Fethu wore a light green dress, open down her back, with soft pink accents and ribbons. I had dug out my typical garb for fights: a midnight green cover and cape with yellow-green ties. It had been a gift from Athetæm, and I had learned to trust him when he said the contrast with my unnatural coloring was eye-pleasing.
Blue: *
His hand was shaking slightly as he touched the lid where it was most worn. He turned his head to look at me, and his eyes were wide and reddened. He was… so scared. He smelled absolutely terrified.
Before I could ask him anything, he turned to the box and opened it. Inside was more blue silk, plush and soft-looking. This was a jewelry box, but instead of a necklace, it held a vibrantly colored rat skin.
I had seen mouse skins before, ones that had been dyed green or gray to contrast with the ink their messages were written in. But this was not the same caliber. This skin, on top of being surprisingly large, was dyed a lurid, shimmering blue, with golden highlights running down the spine. The edge of it, where Ræs delicately held and handled it, were worn to the point of being nearly bald. Ræs turned around slowly, gently manipulating the little hide to rest fur-down in his hand, exposing the golden lettering tattooed into the rat's inner skin.
He handed it over with the same care and delicacy he used to handle Mæpe. I took it gently in my wings, staring down at it, sure that I would never in my life hold a more expensive rodent skin.
"Can you read it?" Ræs breathed.
Indigo Violet Purple:
An Usevæ stood in the doorway, her head slightly lowered, one claw raised as if to step forward. She looked very much as if she were trying to be unobtrusive, but she was so large that she had needed to open the door almost all the way to get her shoulders in. She was staring at me with wide eyes and perked ears, and even held the forks of her tongue out slightly from her lips, her orange scales seeming muddled in the purple-ish light of the main library.
* In this world, people use tanned mouse skins to send little messages, because of a story/folktale where a mouse carried a letter. Common practice is to paint the message on the underside, and the receiver will wash the message off after they've read it and reuse the skin for a new message when needed. They're hard to make, and normally associated with love letters and secret meetings.
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larabiatasstuff · 6 months
Could I request some nsfw of sweet tooth going a little feral on y/n cause he wants to knock em up so bad? 🙈 You can ignore this request if it's not something you want to write.
First of all I will never ignore a request, if I'm uncomfortable with writing something I'll tell you and you can request something else. And second yes of course you can have some NSFW content and I hope you enjoy it. I have the feeling I'm not really good at writing spicy stuff for him so feedback is much appreciated. 🖤
P. S. Maybe you like this as well. 👀
" Gosh it's really hot today Jesus. Hey umm... I'm going to check the weapons and supplies if it's okay with you. Or do you need my help with something?" Y/N asked wiping sweat from her forehead. "No I got this, I'll call you if I need you." "Alrighty then. Oh, don't stay in the sun for too long, I don't want you to have a heatstroke." she said before she turned to leave. I watched her getting the guns out of the truck, looking for a place in the shadow where she started to check everything. Letting her fingers glide carefully over the cold metal of the weapons with the same elegance as she touched me when we made love for the first time. I was trying to fix something on the truck, one of the tires was loose and I didn't know if I had to replace it but I couldn't take my eyes off her. Yes she was always beautiful but today was different. Everything about her seemed more present than usual. Her soft skin glistening with sweat almost made her look like she was glowing, the way she bit her lip when she focused on something, her fingers running through her hair to get it out of her face, but it was mostly her scent that clouded my mind filling it with very impure thoughts that made me rock hard. It was almost impossible to fight the urge to just grab her, throw her into the back of the truck fucking her senseless. The thought of the lovely sounds she makes, her little whimpers and moans, hearing her begs for more until she's screaming my name in pleasure. I shook my head trying to focus on my work again, if we wanted to go back on the road I had to make sure we wouldn't get into an accident. I tried to loosen some screws on the tire but my hands were shaking so much that I camed out. "Ahhh fuck!" I threw the tool on the ground holding my hand.
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Part two🖤
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fullfledgedemo · 1 year
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Chapter 1 / part 1
Pairing: Rafe cameron x OC / JJ maybank x OC
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, drugs, typical obx stuff; (remind me if I forget something)
Summary: Skyla is JJ's older sister. Growing up together they were inseparable. A short while after going to school she met her best friend Kayla. She would convince Kay to join her and the pogues. But Skyla would be strongly invested to make her dream of going to art school come true, that she didn't notice her best friend totally falling for her brother. On the road to her dream she accidentally crosses paths with the Kook prince himself. Maybe he's not that bad after all?
Word count: 2.5K
AN: This is the first part of chapter 1 from the series ~
The fire cracked as we all sat around. Most nights would contain drinking, goofing around and long talks with each other. With we I mean the pogues.
And on such nights I felt safe like nothing in the world mattered, no rules, no complicated relationships, not knowing what to do with my life.
As I sat there gazing into the fire I felt something cold lightly hitting my thigh. Looking down I noticed it was a can of beer.
"I think you need another one", my brother laughed as he sat down next to me. I took the beer he rolled over to me a second ago pouting "Now it's all shaken up".
"Nah all good see", he gestured and took the beer off my hands. Clicking open the can tap a gush of beer poured out making a mess. I shrieked and JJ quickly drank from the can preventing further spilling.
"Duuuude", I said, complaining as I tried to dry myself off. So much for my fresh shirt I put on an hour ago, now wet and reeking with smell of hops.
"Sorry", JJ laughed and handed me the beer. I snipped on his forehead. "Ouch!" he exclaimed, holding his head. Snickering, I took a swing of the beverage. Sometimes he could be really goofy and annoying but he is the best brother to me anyway.
As I looked in the distance I saw our friends near the shore. "What have they been up to?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Kie talked about a night swim but it seems like a change of plans", he looked in their direction seeing Kayla gesturing 'Too cold' and grinned.
When they took off earlier to test the water temperature I decided to stay by the bonfire. Smiling at my brother hugging my knees I softly said "You can't leave me alone for like ten minutes?"
He looked at the sand, making circles with his beer can. "Gotta watch out for ma sis" JJ explained, nudging my shoulder gently.
A warm homely feeling filled my heart. Getting myself a little closer I laid my head on his shoulder as I uttered "Love ya bro". "Love ya too Sky", he murmured and patted my head softly.
Suddenly there where people howling
Bewildered, we looked up noticing some guys in fancy clothing sitting a couple of feet away from us. They were obviously drunk and in the back stood a much more fancy car, which would make the twinkie cry silently.
"Kooks”, I snorted. JJ was looking annoyed, adjusting his base cap. "Yeh got there a few minutes ago".
The drunk Kooks were trying to flirt with the girls, meanwhile making fun of Pope and John B.
Taking another sip of the beer I watched the scene unfold in front of us. Kayla and Kie distract the kooks with some smalltalk whilst Pope and John B snuck behind their fancy car.
A little confused, I stood up to get a better view "What are they doing?". JJ observed everything carefully.
"Lil prank I guess", he grinned as I rolled my eyes. "Can't we just ignore them for once", I laughed. I loved to play pranks at the 'high society' people of figure 8 but this evening was all about having fun and mostly chilling.
But before JJ could even answer my question we heard people screaming. Next thing that happened was a car rolling down the beach. Running over some stuff the kooks put up, it nearly hit someone in the process and finally stopped at the shore.
"What the hell", I muttered. The girls took off running in our direction and shortly after them John B and Pope.
"Start the twinkie!", Pope yelled, waving his hands in the air. “Oh..I..fuck gotta go quick”, JJ stumbled in the car's direction as I panicking took some of our stuff and threw it in the backseat. He nervously started the twinkie while waiting for our friends to arrive.
"The fuck happend!?", I screamed as Kie and Kayla arrived first. "Short story. Dumb idea", Kayla clarified as she jumped in the twinkie. “C’mon guys! “ Kie screamed at the two as she also got in the back where Kayla was.
Behind the boy's I saw three angry guys running after them and yelling "Fucking pogue trash you're dead!".
Just in time John B and Pope jumped in the van as JJ took us out of the heated situation in a full blast.
"I thought you wanted to poke a hole in the tire or something not nearly killing them!", Kiara yelled at the boys catching her breath. “Nobody got injured ok!? “, John B exclaimed.
Kayla panted adjusting her hair “You're just crazy.. “” We didn't mean to do that, it was an accident”, Pope justified.
Turning around to face them in the back I yelped "You undid their handbrake accidentally!?".
We all argued with each other till the twinkie got to an abrupt stop. "Shut the frick up guys!", JJ yelled and everybody went quiet. He paused for a second just to turn around with a smirk on his face "That was hilarious" he added. Now all of us started laughing, relaxed and were glad that nothing major happened.
Next morning after everyone crashed at the chateau I woke up early. Making my way over to the kitchen I took a big heap from a glass of water. Alcohol just dries you out so much. Searching for some leftovers to make some breakfast I suddenly heard some floorboards screeching. Turning around I found Kayla standing in the doorway rubbing her eyes.
"Since when you've been awake?", she yawned. Closing the fridge I fumbled with some bowls "Not long but I woke up really hungry so I strolled in here to scavenge for something edible", I laughed.
Kayla smiled and looked around finding Pope and John B snuggling on the couch. They sure looked peaceful like that.
She chuckled and gestured to the boys "Did they fall asleep like this?". "Dunno but they've been sleeping like rocks" I added glancing at them. "They look like an old couple", Kay whispers and I was holding a laugh back.
I poured everyone a water with some aspirin and handed Kayla a glass "Can you bring one to JJ outside? He's sleeping on the porch bench" "Sure", she smiled as I gave her a glass.
Kayla was the only one who could wake up my brother without getting him mad. Whenever I tried to wake him, he only threw stuff at me. Mostly Pillows, but one time he accidentally threw his phone and it landed on the wall beside me. He cried like a little baby for hours apologising to me and his phone.
Kay went outside so I went to Kie who was sleeping in the bedroom and woke her up. "Rise and shine sweetheart", I sang as I nudged her shoulder. Groggy from the past night she rolled over and looked at me with a face which spoke volumes "Why did I agree to a night out when I need to help at the wreck", she groaned.
Smiling, I handed her the water with the meds "Well because you love us and also like to have fun you know". Rolling her eyes she took the water from me and laughed.
"Thanks Sky" "No prob, also I'm sure Kayla could take you with her later so you don't need to bike all the way" “That would be nice”, standing up now I finger gunned at her making my way outside again. Kie cheered at me and dunked her water.
Pope was standing in the kitchen silently greeting me with a slight hand gesture. Better not be too loud I thought because knowing how he hates loud voices after drinking. So I winked at him and continued on my way to the porch.
John B was sitting with Kayla and JJ who had a bubbly conversation despite the long night we all had. "I should've snatched that juicy radio before you sat off the brakes", JJ pouted and fumbled with his cap.
Leaning on the railing I glared at him "You two should've been more careful I mean what if an animal got injured"
"They only animals who were around were those stupid country club gorilla's", laughed John B and got a light shove from Kayla as she giggled.
I kicked my feet over the railing and sat on it "Maybe they are an endangered species", I said sarcastically and grinned at them.
JJ took out his sunglasses putting them on upside down mimicking a kook "Oh no, which pastel clothing would go next time with my fancy golf bat".
Everybody laughed extraordinarily at the same time as Pope and Kie got outside. "Geez keep it down guys", Pope sighed as he rubbed his head. "One day I get Sky to make you some noise-head protection hat so you don't cry like a baby all the time", Kayla laughed, pinching Pope's cheek playfully.
Which caused him to roll his eyes. Kie leaned beside me on the railing and grinned "I hope it's all clay and stuff".
I laughed frantically imagining a whole helmet out of clay on his head.
"Sooo K. Lynn I've heard you're driving out later on?", Kie asked. "Yeah I got a text yesterday that the manager of the yacht club needs me to make some errands for her '', she sighed and took a sip of her water glass.
"Oh ok, can you throw me out at the wreck please?" "Sure no problem", she smiled. JJ leaned back on the bench extending his arms "Well Imma do nothing today except some sleeping" JJ putting his cap over his face looked somewhat peaceful.
"Same dude", John B chuckled, making his way over to the hammock. Those two would definitely not bend a finger today.
Pope sighed standing up catching his stand a little "Well I might check on Paps he said he got a big load coming in today" The Haywards always got really busy around that time of the year.
"You wanna come along too?", Kay asked him. "That would be nice, yeah", smiling as he rubbed his neck. Kayla looked at me pondering
"What's your plan whilst the boys sleep the whole day away?" "Hey I've heard that", JJ poking her side and giggling as she swatted away his hand.
"Hmm not much, maybe looking for some extra work, I really need the money", I said, biting my lip. Sometimes I helped out at the wreck but it wasn't much. Maybe my dream would come true. If I had enough money maybe I could afford going to art school. But for now that was a wild dream.
"I could ask the yacht club manager if she got some free spaces", Kay shook her shoulders. "That would be great", I added though the thought of me serving some stuck up kooks weirded me out. Still I wanted the money so I needed to get my shit together.
(cut to next day at Skyla’s work)
“Skyla, can you please take the order at table nine?”, my manager asked. “Sure”, I smiled, putting away some dishes to dry.
Kayla got me a job as a bartender at the island club. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Most times it was pretty chill, but it was the end of june and tourists came floating in at evening hours. But I was kinda glad that it wasn't a job at the yacht club because the thought of massaging some rich people grossed me out way too much.
As I made my way to table nine I recognised some familiar faces. Topper Thornton, Rafe Cameron and Kelce Smith were sitting on the table I was sent to get an order from.
I've only heard from stories my brother and friends told me how the kook prince and his friends behaved around ‘normal people’ like us. And that they despise each other to the guts.
It was none of my business who hated whom unless they actually hurt my friends. So it was just natural to act friendly and normal anyway while I was working.
“Hello and welcome, what may I get for you? “, I asked them, smiling and holding up my notepad to scribble down their orders. They weren't paying too much attention, so I gave a little cough.
The dark skinned male named Kelce now looked at me and started smirking. “Well I like to order an ice cold mai thai”. Topper added not looking up from his phone “And an long island iced tea”. I wrote down the boys' drinks and looked at Rafe, waiting for his order.
He let his gaze drift over me and down on the table again only to snap back and stare a little at me. “Uhm I take a whiskey on ice”, he quickly added. “Three ice cold drinks, got it, I'll be with you in a second”, I beamed at them and turned around to get their drinks.
It wasn't much context but till now they seemed pretty normal to me. A few minutes later I had their beverages prepared and ready to take out.
Arriving at the table I began putting down the drinks in order. Kelce was smirking at me again saying “Thanks cutie, you're free afterwards? “. A little startled I looked at him and let out a breathy chuckle. “I feel flattered but I got stuff to do sorry”, I said nervously tucking a loose hair behind my ear.
I didn't liked getting directly asked out, in front of so many people, especially not at work. Also I'm pretty sure he was looking at me like I was his prey.
“Yo Kelce its a little early to be hitting on girls don't you think? “, Topper asked his friend, laughing. Kelce glanced warningly at Topper and back to me smiling. “Thats a shame cutie”, he said.
Rafe glimpsed at me over his whiskey, only to be grinning to himself silently. I excused myself and went rather quickly to the kitchen.
Seeing my coworker Nina prepare some dishes I leaned beside her on the counter and sighed. “Why are some boys such playboys ugh”. She smiled at me and declared “Well looking at a pretty face can cause some guys to go full feral mode ya know”.
Laughing I rolled my eyes and helped her finish the dishes. “Well I wish they would at least have the decency to do it after work”, I grumbled. Nina chuckled and asked “Talking about boys, are you coming to the fourth of july party tonight?”
Our managers would be fully occupied with the guests and since we got that day off, we would be basically invisible to any of the staff. That also meant free drinks for us that night.
Maybe I would sneak off down the pier for a little smoke. “Yeah why not, could be fun”, i smiled and went back out continuing with work.
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
Tumblr media
Media IRL
Character TBS
Couple TBS X Reader
Rating Cute
I yawned trying desperately to stay awake,
"You can sleep you know, we won't land for another couple hours, have a nap" Thomas told me
"I don't like sleeping on planes," I said unable to stop another yawn
"Sleep. Go on I'll wake you if anything happens"
"You sure?"
"Yeah go on don't worry I'll look after you," he says
"Thanks, thomas" I smiled I did my best to get comfortable and get some rest but I couldn't I just found myself squirming in my seat
"Here" he spoke up grabbing his jacket and putting it over me like a blanket "That better?"
I smiled the jacket was so soft and cosy I nodded and did my best to get cosy with it but I was still struggling but without another word, he pulled me to lean my head on his shoulder
"There, that better?"
"Yeah thanks, Thomas" I smiled nuzzling closer and soon enough I drifted off to sleep I hadn't actually slept so well in ages nor since before we started shooting months back mostly because I'd been on hotel beds and trailer mattresses which is not good for sleeping
"Hey, hey... Wakey wakey" I heard his voice muttering and I quickly sat up noticing I had really been asleep and I had even slightly drooled down my chin
"Oh my god- I am so sorry"
"Don't worry about it, you needed to sleep. I kinda forget most people can't just fall asleep whatever like I can" he laughed "I did nap with you for a bit though I'm not gonna lie"
"Did you?"
"Yeah you looked so cosy, I just rested my head on you and that's it I was out"
"You really can sleep anywhere?"
"I once slept on my motorbike"
"It was parked. But still. I was doing Christmas shopping in Oxford Street which is a bad idea in general and I was super jet lagged yeah I just laid myself in the fuel tank and I honestly slept for about three hours. Apparently, the guy in the shop was about to call someone he thought I was dead"
"I'm not great at falling asleep. Anywhere that's not my bed"
"Ohh, you must struggle filming away then?"
"It's not fun, how long till we land?"
"About ten-twenty minutes"
"Ohh my-"
"I wanted to let you sleep"
"Thank you Thomas" I smiled
"Have you tried bringing your pillow with you? To help you sleep? you know Dylan does that"
"Yeah I tried that doesn't help plus you look crazy carrying a pillow through an airport"
"True." He laughed
Soon enough we landed and gathered our stuff heading together so we could keep chatting but I noticed something just beyond the next doors
"Ohh fuck. Just stick close to me we'll be alright" he says
I did my best to stay close to him but that wasn't easy as the crowd of the press had formed and clearly had intentions they crowded us and I did my best just to keep my head down ignoring the shouting, the flashes, and how uncomfortably close many of them were. I kept pushing people away as their cameras and hands just felt so close I was nervous I'd hit them as I walked or something worse, by now they had managed to separate us even if Thomas did look back to find me and I gave him a nervous look he managed to move back a little and offered his hand through the madness which I quickly took as they got closer and more aggressive the noise and flashing now hurt my eyes I felt so scared of these men and there cameras as they got so close to me leaving me little space to breathe let alone anything else especially as I was wearing a dress. Thomas saw I was uncomfortable and tried to pull me through faster but the moment he did I heard this unmistakable rip.
I froze my blood running cold, he clearly saw too as first his face read of shock, then anger.
One of the photographers in an attempt to get closer grabbed the back of my dress causing it to rip exposing my legs, and my panties the Rip so far up my back you could see my bra.
Immediately I screamed and every camera flashed quickly trying to get the scoop.
I was utterly paralyzed but Thomas quickly wrapped his jacket around me and pulled me through where security was waiting to help quickly ushering us to a security room without any windows to give us privacy and protection. 
I sat doing my best not to burst into tears, thomas paced around the room utterly fuming muttering things to himself
"He's lucky I didn't break his fucking hand. or his camera. fucking cunt" until he saw me "Sorry y/n. are you okay?" He asked and the moment he did I couldn't hold back my tears he quickly pulled me into his chest kissing the top of my head and doing his best to soothe me "It's okay, you're okay. so long as you're not hurt that's all I'm worried about"
The door opened and we both jumped but luckily it was just one of the assistants for the press tour with our bags, 
"Okay talked with security, and they have assorted the press out, we have been told from security they are crowding most of the exits but they have explained they can get a secure car around to a different less popular exit they can't guarantee no press but less" She explained 
"We have any other way of getting out of the airport?" thomas suggested 
"Other than getting on another plane"
"Okay, are you gonna be okay?" he asks 
"Yeah, I'm just going to feel worse the longer I stay" 
"Alright, I'll give you a chance to get changed" He nodded heading out with the assistant a moment so I opened my bag and got myself some other clothes even if I felt so horrible, once I was dressed the security helped us through another part of the airport sneaking us through until we got outside and quickly got into a blacked-out car "You okay?"
"I think so" I nodded 
"Come here" He says pulling me onto his shoulder and keeping his arm around me 
"Okay we have a bit of a problem" the assistant spoke up
"What?" He asks
"The press have found the hotel and are swarming like a plague of locusts" 
"Is there at least a back entrance they can get us into?" 
 "Just finding that out" 
Immediately I felt nervous
"It's okay. I'm gonna take care of you" He reassured 
"There is a back door they use for staff they said they can let us in through there but they have already had to throw five guys out for roaming the halls looking for what room she's in"
"Fuck. Okay... how many rooms do we have booked at the hotel?"
"Okay, get us in the back we can hold up in my room until these vultures calm the hell down."
"Okay that's the plan" she explained 
"Don't worry I'll keep you safe. I promise" 
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flynnswhumpprompts · 2 years
Hero In Need of Saving- 3
Previous -- Masterlist -- Next
The three days that followed were bliss, Xen did whatever he wanted, which turned into a hell of a lot of sleeping. He ate randomly, not too worried about Em's warnings right now, and the soup was gone by dinner the third day.
Even the fourth day into the storm, it was light, but his agency told him to stay inside until it was gone. "ALL THE WAY GONE." was the last text he got from the team's medic. Though it did make him worry about what Em would say. Sure he had a valid excuse, but that might not matter to her.
So about midday he strapped into his gear, grabbing the jacket made for him and sent Em a text to let her know he was on the field. He kept the gear lose around his shoulder and thigh, where the injuries were still healing, but otherwise felt fine. Felt great if it weren't for the constant nagging worry of what Em may do today.
Em replied with a thumbs up emoji before sending him the address for the first job she wanted him to handle. "Tree fell over, handle it please."
Xen sighed and got on the move. The job was on the other side of town. Of course it was. He'd probably be ran around all day if Em deemed it so. She was probably too busy to come mess with him herself.
The rest of the day did continue like that. He'd finish a job and then get sent across town to do something else. He didn't even get much a break to regain any stamina after burning through a bunch of stuff to help out. Though he didn't say shit about feeling tired or complain about the work.
At least, up until the point someone slammed him out of sky while he was running along buildings. He caught himself on a ledge, his shoulder screaming as he slowly dropped himself to the ground. "Fucking hell of course-" He rubbed his shoulder and looked around.
A familiar face grinned from the shadows. "Aww, poor hero boy~ Thrown from his safety~" Wardog cackled from the safety of the shadows.
Xen rolled his eyes, flames dancing up his arms as he went for the villain. "Get your ass over here so I can take it to jail!" He snapped. He was so not in the mood.
"You just wanna see me all tied up for you dont you?" Wardog ran out of the way, shadows reaching out to stop Xen. One wrapped itself close to that shoulder he'd seen Xen rubbing. "Come on Xeno, just admit it~"
Xen lunged again, growling. He let out a cry when that shadow dug into his shoulder, slammed back by a hard kick to the chest. "Go to hell." He spit out, trying to grab ahold of Wardog again. He ignored the growing pain in his shoulder.
"Already there baby~" Wardog laughed and danced away again. He put his hands behind his back. "You know what, kiss me and you can do whatever you want with me."
Xen punched him across the cheek instead. "Can it, I'll kiss you when hell freezes over." He went for the capture, only for something to jerk him back, holding him to the wall. He went feral, kicking out and snarling. "LET ME GO!"
Wardog rubbed his cheek, a pout on his lips. "Xeno, that hurt~" He whined. The shadows he held started tightening, specifically around Xen's throat. "All I wanted was a kiss~"
Xen clawed at the shadows, flames igniting at his fingers as he tried to rid the area of any darkness. He kicked out when Wardog got close, thrashing like his life depended on it, mostly because it did. Another shadow wrapped itself around Xen's waist to limit the thrashing.
Wardog peered up at Xen, tapping his chin. "Hmm, what to do with you?" He gave a cheeky grin before the shadows tightened more. "Maybeeeeee~ this!"
Xen was confused for a moment, until he felt the shadows fall away. He coughed hard as he tried to suck in some air. He glared at Wardog while trying to recover.
Wardog flicked his wrist and a solid box of shadows wrapped around Xen, throwing him into the nearest building.
While he was relieved it wasn't bricks he hit, glass wasn't much better as glass dug into Xen's sides. He pushed himself up though, shaking it off and charging out again.
Wardog clicked his tounge. "Poor baby never learns."
Something dropped on Xen, but he didn't have time to find out as everything blacked out for him. The faint sound of Em yelling sounding off somewhere outside his skull. Who knows what would happen now, he was exposed, weaponless, and unable to fight.
@oddsconvert @whatwasmyprevioususername
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
There are a few things to talk about one is Tommy f is ignored almost by everybody he's ruining everybody's lives including the Mac proper and we don't like it it's a little bit icky and long and heading towards suicide alley all at the same time and that doesn't sound right and Tommy f is kind of driving it and it's kind of the mystery and his son does not think he knows what he's doing but that's what he is doing and it might be personal reasons. So we have to look into it more it sounds wrong and it is wrong to leave it there that's one thing we also watch a mouse he shot at our son three times it bounced off and it was our helping our son and wife and his children mostly and we don't want to keep seeing that kind of behavior we need him out. As we need John remillard out and we have aggressive programs in place one of them is a mac program and they needed to badly it is the reenactment of the revolutionary war as Nathan Hale Trump checks out Tommy f is the one in a funny people in pyramids that are shallow he checks out for a serving the empire completely possibly but we think you left and the empire destroyed the evidence as well as all the others there's a few other things happening there organizing here for huge battles tonight against the pseudo empire they're trying to get a huge Force together to go into the rings to at least occupy them and they have to fight Tony f and so do the pseudo empire and it makes a real mess. We don't know how much longer really can bear this malarkey the answer is not much and the schedule says that it will be changing soon in New York City there's going to be a serious of violent attacks by Trump and it isn't it is about the guilty verdict and it's about the sentencing they said they might delay it and it doesn't appear that they've delayed it yet and Trump put in the news that if they did delay it and now he's scrambling and he's in trouble and he's going to go up there and start trouble so he's going to be running up there pretty soon. That's one thing.
-another thing is he does stuff to our son or tries to in his birthday and those two coincide and it might have been hiding the fact that he knows the sentencing is coming up. But there's a series of battles that occur we think it starts today and tonight in New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Long Island New Hampshire Manhattan and main Nova Scotia Newfoundland that whole area and even parts of Maryland district of Columbia and parts of the Carolinas all of that happens in July and August and I think it's late July of South Carolina that's a huge huge battle and while he's up there in New York messing around several movies occur like the quiet place day one and that's coming up in just possibly a few days or a week or two or so not long and these battles wage on after sentencing and the people on the boat are the ones after and they're saying are those your creatures or what. They're also going to try and get him to the mountain by Saturday and they're trying and their assholes and they're going to make an attempt at the office of Jose there's a few other things to make note of.
-Hera was upset this morning and screaming and yelling at her and her husband called and said tell them to take action and to stop them from yelling at her and it was from me and they did work and he said he appreciates it he doesn't need to hear it but the noises are disturbing and we do need to more troops and we have a lot of programs starting and it's true we are cutting the cities off but they're not cut off completely and there's trade going on they're treated as third class citizens but it still happens.
-that brings us to the zeta although we had a wonderful thought about it this morning they have not done much with it and it's sitting there and people don't want to work on it they fired to be somewhere over repulsive car and they want real chassis and they don't want the recycled motors car design either and they said it you don't want to go through the trouble of matching up everything so it works on the same car and they said it's stupid what they should and they thought about it and they've done it before and someone said it's like the military and they started doing stuff but not much and we're going to have to pick it up.
-in other news bja is not doing anything with it either these people are lazy puts and their people are just going to die
They're going to be in the Stone age and that's all there is too
Thor Freya
0 notes
wolfsgravity · 2 years
I had a really cool dream last night
(and yes this gets self shippy)
There were fantasy humanoid races. Two of them were Fairies (which were the size of people but otherwise, y'know, had fairy wings and stuff) and Dragons (which were fucking RAD. they all had some kind of punk aura about them, human bodies with dragon horns, wings, and tails, just ough)
The Fairies and Dragons hated each other. Dragons had a mild tendency to kidnap Fairies and do harm to them, and Fairies very rightfully became distrustful and made Dragons into their kind's boogeyman.
In this dream, an event came about, where Dragons and Fairies were meant to get along and come to peaceful terms. But part of this event was a big walkaround, where Fairies kind of followed a path and got to meet "fine upstanding Dragons" along the path.
I was a Fairy. I heard the quiet sneering of the Dragons as we walked. Most of us Fairies huddled together in groups as we walked past. But I was looking for one Dragon in particular, one I apparently knew already. He was special to me, and I knew he'd never let me get hurt.
I couldn't find him along the walk, and my friend with me was trying to get me to be more sensible. Suddenly, the lights went out, and the path became a magical maze. Fairies ran and flew in every direction, scared, as the mass of Dragons hooted and hollered. It had been a trap.
I flew one direction, my friend flew another, and she yelled at me as I left "you're going to get lost that way!", so I doubled back and tried to go the same path as she had.
I got snatched. I screamed. A hand went over my mouth.
Next thing I know (dream skip) I'm in a warmly-lit place with a whole bunch of dragons. They're mostly ignoring me, with a few giving me sour looks. I'm talking to one that looks like one of my high school friends.
"I don't know why you're looking over your shoulder so much, we're not going to hurt you."
"I heard Dragons eat Fairies, that's all."
He looked sad but kept leading me through the space. We entered a hall with a whole bunch of locked doors. "You might find who you're looking for here."
There were four keys on the ground, and many more doors.
I tried to use some Fairy magic to sense who was behind the doors, but none of them were him.
(dream skip)
I was outside. There were Fairies and Dragons milling about in equal measure, a little uneasy but not outright uncomfortable.
I round the corner of a building and finally I see him. Black hair with the blue accent. Dark blue wings.
It's Bruno.
He's talking to someone but he immediately stops once I come into view. His blue eyes dart up to meet mine and his pupils dilate. A bolt of heat and a rush of giddy adrenaline rush through me. I feel I should run.
So I do.
I run. He follows. I sprint. He sprints. I fly. He flies.
Finally he catches up to me and tackles me to the ground. I squeal, not afraid, but happy. He buries his face in my neck. We hold each other like that on the ground for a moment.
and then I wake up
0 notes
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Standing at my window and I see two people out on the street staring at me….. Is this going to become sort of fucking The Strangers type of situation
#if so i’m gonna level with you i don’t have weapons. nor do i have speed or coordination on my side. and i don’t have lung capacity either#i am wearing men’s pyjama bottoms which are too short for me and a tshirt with elephants on#i have no martial arts training. the only thing i have going for me is that i’m larger than the average man despite being a woman#and i’m perpetually filled with rage & have been waiting to let it out without repercussions since approximately 2010#i think it was 2009 when i threw that girl. so. yeah; 2010#(storytime of why i threw the girl; anyone? so i was like 13 and this girl in the year above me at school used to bully me#running up to me and screaming and stuff like that. i mostly tried to ignore it but this one day she escalated and jumped on my back#bear in mind she was about 4’10 if she was lucky and i at 13 was already 5’11#before i even really knew what was going on i threw her off me so hard she hit the wall behind; turned around and punched her in the face#while screaming words to the effect of ‘what the fuck are you doing you stupid bitch?!?!?’#and then i ran away and cried because i thought i was going to get in trouble and excluded. lol#i literally hid behind a portakabin. not exactly an og response to the situation#but my friend caught up with me and was like ‘no teachers saw and i don’t think she’s going to tell anyone that that happened lol#she is getting teased mercilessly’ so i picked myself up and went to class#and uh. i didn’t hear a peep out of her or anyone in her group or even some of the Other people who’d been bothering me ever again. so#i’m not saying to throw a girl but like……. i think throwing the girl was at least like 27.3% of the reason i survived secondary school)#and now back to the people outside my window. they’ve moved on i’m pretty sure#will sleep with a pair of big scissors by my bed regardless#personal
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shinsouskitten · 3 years
Hi, so I just read your Bakugou NSFW alphabet, and I was wondering could you do one for Karma Akabane? There's a lack of content for him on Tumblr in general compared to Bakugou and I'm THIRSTY.
ME TOO HONEY. love me some sadistic redhead moments
also sorry for this being like RLLY late 😔 i hope you're not too dehydrated
Warnings: nsfw, mdni, this one is dirty
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Okay hear me out. He’s kinda shit at aftercare. He tries, bless him, but he’s just not really a nice guy (I love the guy but c’mon). Likely the most you’ll get is half a glass of water he forgot was on his bedside table and a towel to clean yourself off. At least, that’s all you’ll get while you’re awake. Once you’re asleep he’ll clean you properly (as well as he can without waking you up) and make sure you’re lying comfortably so you don’t wake up too stiff
There’s been the occasional time when you’ve passed out from how hard you came and he’s just kinda stared at you for a moment before making sure you’re okay (and alive) then just lay there stroking your hair until you come (no pun intended) back to him
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
He likes his hands, especially around your throat or gripping your hips like a vice as he completely ruins you. Something makes me think Karma is a neck guy, cause he can cover them with hickies that you can’t hope to hide unless you have some really good concealer. He’s a bit of a vampire
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Everywhere and anywhere. Karma loves to make a mess, and then constantly tell you how dirty you are and demand that you clean yourself up. One of his favorite moments is after he cums inside you, and warns you not to waste a single drop. If you do, oh boy, I guess he’ll just have to fill you up again
D = Dirty secret (pretty clear, a dirty secret of theirs)
Karma doesn’t really have any dirty secrets. If he wants to try something out, he’ll tell you. Really he’s shameless. He’s not gonna hide anything from you, even the darkest thoughts born from his deepest depravity
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not many people would be able to go a night with Karma, cause he can get a little intense, so before you he’s not incredibly experienced. He’s not a virgin by any means, but he hasn’t had the chance to try out most of the crazy things he wants to try. So for the most part he knows what he’s doing, but when it gets to the really fun stuff… well it’ll be a learning curve for the both of you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Karma doesn’t really have a favorite position, simply because you never stay in one for long enough
G = Goofy (how serious are they in the moment?)
If you whine, or beg, he will laugh at you (the low chuckle 😩). This dude just really enjoys mocking you, but he’s still very serious about pleasuring you
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Tbh he doesn’t really put too much effort into grooming. Mostly he’ll just try to keep it trimmed, and occasionally he’ll shave. Don’t worry tho, even though he doesn’t groom like crazy, he still keeps everything clean
I = Intimacy (how romantic are they in the moment?)
He’s a fucking sadist. Don’t expect him to kiss your forehead and shower you with rose petals cause that’s just not Karma. This man will fuck you until you’re drooling and shaking and unable to talk with absolutely no remorse
J = Jack off (what are their views on masturbation?)
Honestly likes it a little too much. Is there such a thing as a masturbation addiction, cause if so, Karma has it. He has an incredibly high drive, and you’re not always there (or able to keep up with him) so if the dick goes up, the hand goes down
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He puts the S in BDSM
L = Location (favorite places to do the dance with no pants)
Once again, anywhere and everywhere. He’s also not shy about being caught
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going, etc)
When you talk back to him. Did someone say brat tamer?
N = No (turn offs, something they wouldn’t do)
He’ll try anything once, so don’t be shy to suggest something. This man is truly depraved, so anything you could think of, he’s thought of worse
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Receiving, 100% receiving. And he’s not gentle either. Get ready for a face fucking cause he will use you until he’s satisfied. If he’s going down on you, it’s because he wants to overstimulate you and see those pretty little tears run down your cheeks
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He will break your back. ‘Nuff said
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
Karma looooooooves quickies, especially in public. There’s something about being so needy that you just can’t wait and the thrill and risk of being caught by unsuspecting onlookers
R = Risk (how risky are they willing to be?)
He once fucked you through a midnight showing of Fifty Shades of Gray, as a demonstration that that movie knows nothing about the real good stuff (his words). Surprisingly, no one in the cinema caught on to what was happening in the back seats, and even if they heard something, they most likely ignored it as part of the film. So yeah, he’s down for some risk
S = Stamina (how long do they last? how many rounds?)
It just doesn’t stop. Like- HOW CAN ONE PERSON HAVE SO MUCH STAMINA?! TF?! If you’re not literally shaking he’s not stopping (unless you ask him too of course, he may be an ass but he’s not a completely terrible person)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them on a partner or themselves?)
Oh my. If it exists, he has it. And he’s not shy about trying toys on himself either. He’s very open to new things so it’s not uncommon that you come home to find three new boxes on the kitchen counter and Karma standing over them with a maniacal grin
U = Unfair (how much do they tease?)
Dude. It’s Karma
V = Volume (how they sound, how loud they are, etc)
A small groan here and there, but most of the volume coming from your bedroom will be your own screams. The neighbors know his name, they’ve heard it so much it’d be impossible not to. He uses a fair amount of dirty talk, but he keeps most of his own sounds quiet. He wants to hear your voice, not his own
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
Now cause it’s not technically a dirty secret I left this one until now. One time he had a dream where you topped him and he woke up harder than he’s ever been in his life. He’s way too proud to ever admit wanting to see you take the lead, but if you surprise him and steal the reins, he may just protest a little less
X = X-ray (let’s have a looksee in those pants)
Mini Karma stands tall at a good 7 inches. He’s slightly leaner than average, but there’s a slight curve that has him drilling into your sweet spot with each and every thrust
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
You know Mt Everest? Yeah? Keep going up
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
With his stamina levels it’s highly unlikely he’d fall asleep before you. There’s been the occasional time when you’ve passed out from how hard you came and he’s just kinda stared at you for a moment before making sure you’re still alive
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
They haven't kissed.
When Dean rescued Cas from the empty, he had this big elaborate speech that mixed in how much of a dumbass Cas was and how in love Dean was. Of course, it was supposed to end with a big kiss. One that he imagined would have been the greatest kiss of his life, one that made it feel like fireworks like in those movies. Course that didn't happen, though.
Instead, Dean remembers running towards Cas, pulling him into a hug, and then zip. Fin. Nada. And there was an explanation for that. Dean passed out. It wasn't his greatest moment, but Sam says the mixture of adrenaline, relief, and lack of sleep must have just hit him all at once that he just passed out. And now Dean has yet to kiss the damn angel.
Maybe he would have tried again with the big romantic gesture, but Dean was embarrassed. Not only that, but he still has yet to figure out what they are now. Friends? Best friends? Definitely not lovers if the most Dean can make himself do is hold Cas's hand but then what?
Maybe it would be easier if Cas took the lead in this, but that little shit is acting like everything is fan-freaking-tastic. As if Dean is not in the background screaming for answers. Yeah, sure, maybe Dean should ask a question first, but Cas should know better than to expect that from him.
But maybe that's the fucking point. Maybe that's what Cas wanted. He already used his dying words to express his feelings, so he may just be waiting for Dean to do the same. That poor son of bitch better not hold his breath on that because the more time passes, the more Dean wishes a hole will open up and swallow him whole with no way to escape. The guilty pressure he is feeling to just admit his feelings out loud is just getting heavier, scaring him away from making any sort of confession. Maybe if Cas said something, he could respond, but if not...they are fucked. And not in the way Dean wanted.
He tried to show his feelings with dates and stuff, but Cas always acted like they were just hanging out. He even acts as if holding hands wasn't a big deal. Did he not understand? Maybe that's it. Maybe Cas just doesn't understand human emotion, as well as Dean has hoped, and maybe the confession wasn't of romantic love...maybe-
"Dean? Are you listening?"
Dean blinked and looked at his shoulder to see Cas glaring at him. How long has Cas been resting his head on Dean's shoulder? Who knows, but the question should be, when did Dean get so used to it that he didn't even notice?
"You know," Cas lifted his head up to look at Dean head-on. "If I am boring you, you can just tell me. I just thought you would enjoy the dinosaur story."
"Sorry. Sorry."
Cas frowns at that. "What were you thinking about?"
There is a lot of things Dean could answer this question with. Most importantly, he could answer it with a lie. A nice wonderful lie that won't show any of his true feelings or intentions. Making them continue to tiptoe around the subject of them.
Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like a great plan. The best plan, actually, but of course, Dean would find a way to ruin it.
Friends kiss each other in the mouth, right? Even if they are in their 40s? Or however old Cas is.
Actions. He can do actions. It's the words that keep holding him back, but maybe, if he just knew for sure that Cas wanted him the same way, then maybe the words will spill out. He's just under a lot of pressure right now because this whole love thing is just not his playing field. Not romantic love, at least because he knew how this ends. The same way it did before.
Broken heart.
Fuck. He's scaring himself! He needs to stop because this is Cas. Castiel. Died for him one time too many Castiel. Always coming back to him Castiel. Always there for him Castiel. His best friend, who he can't live without because it felt like he'll go crazy. He has. Life without Cas is dark, but he had him now.
He just wanted to make sure Cas knew he had him.
"I missed you." Dean didn't know where those words came from, and it wasn't until they slipped out that he realized he never said them before. But, judging by Cas's complete shock, they were unexpected for him too.
"I'm...I'm back now." Cas looked at him, head angled in the way that would be perfect for kissing, but he looked worried. "Were you ignoring me cause you were missing me?"
He was teasing, but Dean heard the worried tone he was trying to hide.
Dean shook his head, gently reaching up to slide his hand to the back of Cas's neck. His fingers touching the growing hair at the back, feeling the warmth growing under his palm.
He could ask now. Ask all the questions that needed answering. Mostly the one he has been asking himself for weeks; what the fuck are they now to each other? What label could he give Cas? What label did he want to give Cas?
"Dean?" His voice was quiet this time, soft and hesitant but lacking patience.
Dean has been making the first moves on everything they have been doing so far. Just testing the waters, but Cas must have had enough of that bullshit because he now had a pair of stiff lips pressed against his.
The kiss sucked ass--they were nervous fuck off--but it sure as fuck did give Dean the kick in the ass that he needed to finally admit, "I love you."
Breathless. Like a teen nerdy girl confessing to the popular dude in school but lucky for him, the boy confessed back.
"I love you."
And the second kiss, he was sure he saw fireworks.
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