#and uh. i didn’t hear a peep out of her or anyone in her group or even some of the Other people who’d been bothering me ever again. so
lake-archive · 3 months
Scene 19
AO3 Link
Fandom: Persona 5
Character (main): Anja / Luka (OC)
Scene 18 - Masterlist - Scene 20
This chapter deals with the following topic(s):
If any of this makes you uncomfortable, I advise you to skip this one!
The laughter is audible when walking across the streets, the gazes all too obvious. Even when Anja has not really been doing in particular nor had been in her usual company… Or did she just imagine things? Maybe but maybe not? Uh, it was so hard to focus on anything. Keeping up the front of a regular person – Female and male. Two separate lives, though not by choice. And yet, some people recalled this mere fact and it started to spread like wildfire yet again… 
“Don’t forget that she’s also a crossdresser.”
“Crossdresser? What? Is she a guy?”
“I dunno… But I’ve seen her wearing guy’s clothes too when out.”
“What!? No way!”
“Yeah yeah! I heard that she started in middle school! Wanted people to call her by another name too whenever she did.”
“Wait what? Ugh… That’s disgusting~”
“Right right?”
‘ Don’t let the words get to you. They don’t know what they are talking about. ’ That was what Anja decided to live by. Just ignore those remarks and move on with your life. They know nothing. They don’t know how you feel. They cannot look into your head. They do not understand. And yet there would always be a stomach ache shortly after. Whenever passing by such remarks, no matter where she went. Anja swore that she could hear the whispers, that she heard someone say something across those lines…
“Hey look! It’s that Crossdresser!”
“Eww, is he wearing a skirt? Creep is trying to peep at women, isn’t he?”
“I heard that’s a she. Bet she’s trying to get a glimpse of the guys inside the public restroom. Pervert!”
“Does anyone even like her? I’d never touch her with a ten foot pool!”
“Maybe Akechi–Kun knows and is taking pity on her. After all, no one would want to be around a creature like that.”
“She’s not right in the head. Or is it a he? Eh, whatever. Got a screw loose.”
“Disrespectful brat. Doesn’t cherish the name the parents gave her.”
“No way I call them by that lame name! Ugh…”
“She’s still not out of her phase? What’s wrong with her!?”
“There’s no need for failures like her.”
“Right right? Bet she’s trying to compensate for never finding a guy. Can’t say I pity her. She’s a freak.”
Each time she heard laughter she believed to have heard something. It made her heart stop for a moment, her feet freezing as she turned around several times, as if trying to spot someone. However, when having taken a closer look inside the crowd Anja just saw a group of girl surrounding one with a phone, laughing at who knows what. Though knowing that made her sigh in relief before clutching onto her bag for a moment. She then continued to move, though be it slowly. Yet each step was heavier than the last. She could barely carry herself lately. Was it the fault of the medication? Or had she just eaten a little too much? 
No, none of that. She was fine this morning… It had only started recently again, when having bumped into an all too familiar face again… Watanabe, was it? Watanabe… Maki, right. Her. One of Anja’s former classmates in middle school. And the two kept bumping into another from time to time yet the chats were never pleasant. In fact, when thinking back on her face the other day, when the two had seen each other yet again…
“ Ah, if it isn’t our local Crosdresser~ ”
“ It’s… Nice to see you again too, Watanabe–San… ” A forced formality yet Anja had no choice, did she? And honestly she had no energy to deal with Maki for long… 
“ Hey, what’s your big deal anyways? Clinging onto Akechi–Sama? ” Maki had scoffed. “ Then again, he’s probably so generous that he takes pity on a weirdo like you. Don’t read too much into it. ”
Anja didn’t even reply to that. It was not worth the time. She had been told so several times by her mother when the two happened to speak of it. ‘ Dearie, don’t waste your breath. This girl isn’t worth it. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about most of the time! ’ Mother is right. Yeah, she is… But at the same time… It hurts. It always did.
“ No one would even think about some girl stuffing herself in guy’s clothing. Even worse if she roleplays you know. ”
No answer, only Anja turning away as she was clutching onto her bag tightly, to the point she had felt her hands hurt. “ So what? ” She said coldly. Can’t this bitch shut up already!?
“ Oh? The silent treatment again? Well, whatever. Good luck roleplaying, Crossdresser! Then again, not like me and the others will miss you anyways~ ”
That she dared to still speak about it so casually… It was her fault after all that everyone found out in middle school… It was Maki who forced Anja to come out with the truth… All because she had yelled it out loud at the time when Anja had dropped her bag once, revealing the male tailored clothes inside. “Eww! Look at her everyone! She’s crossdressing! Told you she was weird!” And shortly after that laughter ensued from all sides… And since then isolation if not more than that. It had even reached a point where one day Anja had found a flower on her desk and—
Ah no! What was she thinking about? That all was… No way Maki knew anything about Anja’s current circles… Right? Well, then again… When looking at some forums—
No, no, no! Snap out of it! She’s wrong! She has no idea what she is saying! … It was easier said than done. It was hard to believe. Because… Well… If some people knew that she was always one and the same, even as Luka, then— 
This isn’t middle school anymore! Ah, whatever! Just forget about it! Just forget… About… 
“ Then again, not like me and the others will miss you anyways~ ”
… “Please, just shut up in my head at least…”
Scene 18 - Masterlist - Scene 20
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Standing at my window and I see two people out on the street staring at me….. Is this going to become sort of fucking The Strangers type of situation
#if so i’m gonna level with you i don’t have weapons. nor do i have speed or coordination on my side. and i don’t have lung capacity either#i am wearing men’s pyjama bottoms which are too short for me and a tshirt with elephants on#i have no martial arts training. the only thing i have going for me is that i’m larger than the average man despite being a woman#and i’m perpetually filled with rage & have been waiting to let it out without repercussions since approximately 2010#i think it was 2009 when i threw that girl. so. yeah; 2010#(storytime of why i threw the girl; anyone? so i was like 13 and this girl in the year above me at school used to bully me#running up to me and screaming and stuff like that. i mostly tried to ignore it but this one day she escalated and jumped on my back#bear in mind she was about 4’10 if she was lucky and i at 13 was already 5’11#before i even really knew what was going on i threw her off me so hard she hit the wall behind; turned around and punched her in the face#while screaming words to the effect of ‘what the fuck are you doing you stupid bitch?!?!?’#and then i ran away and cried because i thought i was going to get in trouble and excluded. lol#i literally hid behind a portakabin. not exactly an og response to the situation#but my friend caught up with me and was like ‘no teachers saw and i don’t think she’s going to tell anyone that that happened lol#she is getting teased mercilessly’ so i picked myself up and went to class#and uh. i didn’t hear a peep out of her or anyone in her group or even some of the Other people who’d been bothering me ever again. so#i’m not saying to throw a girl but like……. i think throwing the girl was at least like 27.3% of the reason i survived secondary school)#and now back to the people outside my window. they’ve moved on i’m pretty sure#will sleep with a pair of big scissors by my bed regardless#personal
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luimagines · 3 years
First Kiss! Part 2
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Part 1
Part 2 will include Sky, Legend and Time
Content under the cut!
Walking through the town was something mundane and simple.
Walking through town hand in hand with your boyfriend Sky was comforting, a journey and a delight.
You always seemed to see things differently when he was around and you’re not sure why but walking with him always made things look brighter, happier, more enjoyable. You never wanted it to end.  
The two of you turned into the town square and watched the others of the group disperse into the natural inclinations for civilization. You laughed and leaned against Sky as they went away, the two of you not having a destination in mind.
“I don’t actually want to do anything right now.” Sky admitted as you walk. “Is there something you had in mind or can we go?”
You hum and think for a moment and realize that there’s not much you think the town can offer you at the moment that would be worth staying and shake your head. “Nope. I’m good.”
Sky smiled and begins to drag you along to the outer rings of the place, making random turns at random times just trying to create distance no matter how imaginary.
“I thought we were leaving.” You snort and stop in your tracks, keeping Sky from moving forward.
Sky blushes a little and uses his other hand to scratch the back of his head. “I realized we would need to check in with someone and I didn’t know where any of them went. So-”
“So we can’t leave because someone could go looking for us?” You raise an eyebrow.
You snort and cover your mouth with your free hand. “I should have known.”
“You’re too much of a good boy to just ditch people.” You grin and tilt your head. ”Which is cute but I should have known there’s no way you’re a bad boy, even for as something as trivial as knowing where we are.”
You shake your head good naturedly and feel Sky get closer. “Honestly I should have-”
Sky gets into your personal space and the close proximity stuns you into silence.
Sky raises an eyebrow and leans even closer. “I can be a bad boy, if I wanted to.”
The air suddenly feels charged and while you’re not sure with what, you somehow manage to get your tongue working again to shape the words you need to say. “No offence dear, but I doubt that.”
Sky leans in and you lean back to gain some space, less he collide with your face only to feel your back collide with a wall behind you.
You’re trapped. 
You gulp and look up into Sky’s eyes with confusion, only marginally intimidated by his actions.
Sky smirks and you feel a blush cover your face as you bite your lip. You look down out of embarrassment and try to figure out what’s going on with your heart at the same time. Sky finally lets go of your hand and brings his arm over your head to rest his weight on it, his other hand coming up to put a finger under your chin, lifting it just a little higher for you to properly look him in the eyes.
The action combined with the somewhat devilish look on his face and his action have you go weak in the knees and you press yourself deeper into the wall for some semblance of stability.
Sky looks you up and down at the sight and tilts his head, the smirk ever present.
He’s enjoying this.
Your heart is pounding, all you seem to hear is your blood rushing in your ears and your whole body feel too warm and ice cold at the same time.
Sky leans into your face and you can feel his breath on your cheeks as he places little butterfly kisses against you. He brushing his nose against yours on accident but it fails to feel that way. If anything it makes the moment more intimate and charges something in you.
The little kisses he leaves on your face are a kind of sweet torture you’re not sure you can bare for any longer.
You gulp and flutter yours eyes open- not sure when you closed and gasp for a breath. “Oh my god, kiss me.”
Sky stills and you think you might have pushed something just before he angles himself in front of you again and presses his lips against yours.
Your close your eyes and lose yourself in the feeling.
Your hands travel up his check and rest on his shoulders before closing in by his collar bone and snaking behind his head to tangle themselves in his hair.
Sky keeps his arm on the wall but uses his other hand to tilt your head even higher, pushing himself against you as he kisses you deeper.
A loud cough has the two of you jumping away from each other and you can’t help feeling a little pissed that someone interrupted your moment.
There stands Time, a smirk and knowing look in his eye. “Pardon the interruption, but I believe I was tasked to bring Sky to Warrior for a consultation. That is.... unless you’re busy.”
Sky coughs and steps away from you. “No, I... I can go.”
You glare at Time, not at all subtle in your intentional message you’re trying to send.
Time holds back his snickers... barely. “Good. I’ll him know you’re on your way.”
Sky blushes at being caught and laughs a bit when he sees you. “We’ll continue later.”
You blink and only then feel a little shame at also being caught- or it shame for how much you enjoyed it.
You nod at Sky and watch him- his phantom touch still on you.
You collapse against the wall and sigh.
That was not what you were expecting.
You and Legend were running through the castle trying to lose the tail of the guards that have found out that you two were very much not supposed to be there. Your party clothes billowed behind you and your steps echoed through the mostly empty hallways, more of them thundering behind you as more guards joined the cause.
“This is the last time I follow you blindly, Link.” You hiss and nearly trip over yourself.
Legend spins with little to no trouble at all and grabs your shoulder, helping you get back onto your feet and throwing you in front of him.
“It’s not like I asked for this.” Legend hisses back to you and pushes you to keep running through the hallways.
You want to stop and breath and leave but you’re lost and Legend knows this place better than you do so you’re stuck with him if you want to survive and not get caught.
Without waring Legend pulls you into a sharp turn and closes a door you didn’t notice behind you only stopping at the last moment to not slam it and instead rest it gently, closing even the small gold threaded curtain over the little peep window. 
Around you is a somewhat closed off spiral stair case and another door in front of you that leads into another unknown area but you can hear people.
You’re still not safe but no one seems to have heard you come in just yet.
“This must be one of the servant stairwells.” Legend says as he pants, resting his hands on his knees. You had though that when Legend had first appeared next to you in his finery that he was very handsome. And even when he’s all disheveled and exhausted, you still find yourself appreciating how every curve and sharp angle is accentuated by the outfit.
But this isn’t the time for that.
“Can we get out through here?” You ask, leaning up against the wall. there’s not  a lot of space between you and Legend where you stand but you’re too tired to compute it at the moment.
“Not without getting seen by more people.” Legend sighs. “We’ll just wait for the guards to pass and then head out the other way.”
You nod and continue to pant, placing your hand over your heart as if that would stop it from beating out of your chest.
Legend takes a few more breaths and walks over to stand next to you and places his weight against the wall as well. He opens his mouth to say something before abruptly shutting it with a click and forcing you to duck down as well when you hear the guards that were chasing you just outside the door that hide you from their gaze.
You stop breathing entirely, leaning closer to Legend who places himself between you and door.
You wait.
They leave.
The two of you nearly collapse into each other when you hear them take their leave to continue their search for you somewhere else.
You both stand up again and Legend reaches for the door.
Someone begins coming down the stairs.
Your eyes widen, body ready to run out the door but you’re being pressed against the wall with Legend on top of you before you can think of moving a muscle. 
Legend presses his lips against yours and traps your body there with his own. He attempts to coax a response out of you as the steps continue to descend, his hand burring itself into your hair as the other pulls you closer by your hip.
Your eyes flutter close and your hands come up to cradle his face, kissing him back like you’ve been wanting to do the entire night.
Legend groans a little as he deepens the kiss and angles you closer to his body.
You begin running your hands all over him, trying to map out his curves and angles that you’ve eyeing the entire night with your hands.
Legend responds favorably and even bites your lip when you refuse to let him kiss you even deeper.
“UM!” A voice squeaks. “My apologies but uh... you can’t be here.”
You break away and Legend turns around to address the poor maid that had caught you two.
“Sorry.” He flushes and waves her away. “We’ll be on our way. We didn’t know.”
You swear you blush all the way to your feet and can’t even bring yourself to look the poor girl in the eye as you both leave.
Legend subtly looks around for anyone who might still looking for you even you both leave and you both calmly leave the stairwell and the maid and begin to make your way out of the castle.
You hand finds its way to your mouth, the phantom touch of his lips on yours still tingling in the present moment because of it.
“I’m sorry.” Legend blurts in the quiet moment, his face a deep red as he looks down. “I panicked... but that doesn’t make that ok. It was the heat of the moment but... I probably could have found another solution or maybe we could have just ran.”
You bite your lip and hold your hands behind your back. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“I just assaulted you-”
“You’re a good kisser-”
You both stop in your tracks and stare at each other wide eyed.
“What did you just say?” You speak at the same time.
You gulp and shake your head. ”I didn’t think you... If I didn’t want you to...Um...” You look away first and try to hide behind your hair. “I wanted to kiss you all night, so.... I’m not complaining.” 
“You- you did?”
You blush deeper and try to walk away from him as you talk, as if that would negate how he would still be able to hear you even now that you’re both outside. “For awhile now actually, but.... uh... you look very handsome like that, so the urge was stronger than usual.”
Legend doesn’t say anything for a while but you keep walking, trying to get away from the awkwardness Your friendship is going to change after this night and you can feel it. You just don’t want to acknowledge it.
It was a good kiss.
Footsteps begin thundering behind you and you turn around to see what’s got Legend in a panic before he tackles you to the ground- ruining your party clothes in the dirt before trapping your lips against his again.
He lifts himself off of you as he pants. “You can’t just say that and then leave.”
“I wasn’t trying-”
“You look gorgeous tonight, it was so hard to control myself.”  He kisses you again.
You blink and stare into his eyes when he lifts himself off of you for the second time, letting a moment of silence over you before you take a breath. “Kiss me again.”
He grins and leans down.
If this is the change to your relationship, let it be known that you’re certainly not complaining.
You sigh and watch the sun set just beyond the mountains in the west.
Every bone in your body felt tired and sore and there was nothing else that you wanted to do. You thought that one more person wanted to talk to you today you were going to lose it.
Time comes to sit next to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. He leans over to look in your eyes before he nods to himself and shifts his weight so that he sits with his front to your side.
Gently he coaxes you to move around also and you follow his lead without much question.
As soon as you’re with your back to him, his hands comes to rest on your shoulder and begin to knead.
You almost groan with the immediate pleasure and relief it brings you but the others are still nearby and you don’t want to give them any ideas.
You have no idea how he does it but Link always seem to know what you need without you saying anything and even before you even know. 
You sigh and try to relax even further under his touch.
Time continues with his massage and travels all over your shoulders, upper back and neck.
Your eyes close and you lean back after a few minutes of this, right into Time’s lap. “Thank you.” You say and smile more genuinely toward him. “You didn’t have to but I feel better now.” 
“Good.” He says and plays with the hair that falls over his leg. “You looked tense.”
“Everything was sore and not happy with me.” You blinked your eyes open and look up into his. “That felt nice.”
“Well you’re welcome.” He smiles back.
You grin and sit up again much to the protest of the rest of your muscles. With a small shimmy, you turn around and hop up to place a little kiss on Time’s cheek before you lose your nerve. “Payment.”
You don’t know where your boldness comes from but you’re not so shameless as to kiss Time fully while the whole group is very much nearby.
Time stills completely before he stands up after you.
You attempt to walk away and go back to the group before he can say anything but he catches your hand and pulls you back with a spin, trapping you with an arm behind your back and your chest against his.
You blush at the close proximity and try to pull away. “Time, the boys-”
Time lets go of the hand behind your back to free that up but he instead rests his hands on your waist and pulls you flush against him. “What about them? I believe that if that was the payment that you’re a little short on the change.”
He’s smirking when he says this. 
He leans down and brushes his nose against yours. “If you’re ok with it that is.”
You gulp and stare at him wide eyed. You bite your lip in thought and you can see Time glance down at the subtle movement.
You grin and push yourself into him, closing the distance between you two with more vigor than either of you expected. The force pushes Time back a step and you throw your arms around him to stabilize yourself. 
He kisses you back with as much passion as you want to believe he’s been holding back. You start to crumble from under him and he follows you down when your knees fail you, bending over to keep kissing you, to kiss you deeper and to pull you closer even if you’re bent in half at this point.
You don’t care. 
Together, you lose yourselves in each other and try to memories each factor of him.
The broadness of his chest, the way his toned arms hold you, the way his lips move against you and your skin and how he moves from your lips to your neck-
“Oh for crying out loud-  GET A ROOM!” Legend yells from across the camp and you pull away from time in shock.
Time calmly looks over and pulls you back on to your feet again. “Do you see one?”
“Time.” You whisper yell and smack his arm a little, your blush on your face clear as day even as the sun sets beyond the horizon.
He smirks and turns back to you, capturing one more kiss from you before he steps away with a low and frankly dangerous kind of chuckle. “Later.”
“Later?” You looks after him and cover you lips with your finger tips. “What do you mean by later?”
Time doesn’t turn around to answer you ad you don’t know if you’re excited for it or too embarrassed at the blatant wanton behavior of yours to even think beyond anything than going to bed and starting the next day.
Who are you kidding?
How are you going to sleep when time has frankly put your mind on over drive that that?
It’s going to be a long night.
Part 3
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Guys I’m having another Bakugo brainrot
Tw: bullying, noncon, nonconsensual peeping, manipulation
Remember that one episode of MHA where the class goes to the sauna and M*neta tries to check da girls out over the wall?
Imagine the same scenario, but years later when they’re all older
The class wanted a reunion, just to relax and blow off some steam
You’re with the girls, and you all lay back in the hot water reminiscing about the older days when everyone was still getting the hang of their own quirks
Mina brings up this exact same scene but years ago.
“Ohmigosh, do you guys remember the last time we came in our first year here and Mineta totally tried to get a peek at us?”
“Ugh, I hope Iida is keeping a good hold on him right now,” Ochacko giggles, kicking her feet up to rest on a rock
You hum in agreement, tilting your head back to rest against the wooden wall separating you and the boys.
As it was, Uraraka was almost spot on with her hopes. Except, Iida and Tokoyami were out getting refreshments for the rest of the boys, leaving the remaining group to their own plot.
Which was lead by Mineta, of course, who had the brilliant idea to spy on the girls, just like they almost did years back.
“Guys, come on, please they’re right there!” He practically salivates, wildly gesturing to the tall wooden wall in front of them.
Most of them shift uncomfortably and groan about him being a creep as usual, but the rest stay silent.
Mineta takes their lack of outright refusal as fuel to keep blabbering.
“Look, we almost got away with it back then-“
“-You mean you got away with it, we didn’t do shit. And you didn’t exactly get off scot-free, Kota completely demolished your attempts and you landed ass down on Four-Eyes’ face,” Bakugo drawls, leaning his head backwards and looking up at the obsidian sky. The boys laugh, remembering the ridiculous event.
The night is cool, the stars littering the inky atmosphere take the pressure off of Bakugo’s lungs. For weeks now they’ve been training like dogs, battling each other and even minor villains for extra practice of their quirks. This trip was supposed to be a leisure getaway, not a free porno.
But the grape-headed perv is insistent, scoffing and waving the blond’s quip off like some annoying fly.
“You know, there’s something in it for you too, Bakugo. I’ve seen the way you look at Y/N.”
This causes a murmur and a couple of light beers towards the blond, who in turn snarls and ignites his hand to quell the commotion. All of them had an inkling that Katsuki Bakugo had finally set his sights on some poor girl, and that was you. It was such a rare sight to see his face flush slightly when you walked past him, the way he stuttered over his words a bit when you two would be conversing amongst the same group, and best of all, when they would see how he would excuse himself to the bathroom or locker room occasionally when your hero suit would tear in certain places after battles.
“Shut the fuck up 3’2, unlike you I don’t need to ogle at those brain dead bimbos.”
“Oh? I didn’t realize you thought of Y/N as a ‘brain dead bimbo’, Bakugo, I’ll be sure to let her know how you feel” Mineta grinned maliciously, and the boys ‘oooo’ed at the jab.
Bakugo’s voice caught in his throat.
“You wouldn’t,” he growled, rising slightly out of the water.
“I already know you’ll kill me afterwards, but I’m prepared for the repercussions if you don’t help...cooperate here,” Grapehead inspected a cuticle and feigned a yawn.
“Come on Bakugo, it’s not like it’s gonna hurt anyone! Well keep this to ourselves,” Denki chimed in a little too eagerly.
“Yeah, I mean, we’re only asking for your and everyone’s support so that we can focus better on training y’know? A little fun never killed anyone.” Sero threw his arm over Kirishima’s shoulder, who blushed at the whole ordeal but kept silent all the while.
Katsuki looked around. Slowly, others were starting to really listen in and look interested at the outcome of Mineta’s plan. Surely a little peeping wouldn’t be too bad would it? And plus, it was only a one time thing.
Shoto was faring the same way as Kirishima, quiet and maybe embarrassed at what they were planning on doing, but no outright refusal. Even Deku had a weird longing glint in his eye, the same kind he would get when he used to fawn over All Might.
He thought about it for a minute more, a chance to see you, naked, honest, and pure, splashing around with your friends as you let your femininity dangle as it pleased.
“Do whatever the hell you want. I’m not taking blame if the bird and glasses come back, though.”
Hushed cheers and excited murmurs erupt from around the spring, and they huddle together to form a plan.
A couple minutes later, the boys were grouping around the wooden panels. Todoroki had burned a hole into the soft wood, and sero had used his transparent tape to cover it up so that the girls couldn’t see it from their side.
And there they were, completely bare, hair flowing, curves showing, voices mature and high pitched giggles emanating from around the water and bank.
Bakugo seeks you out immediately after the hole is made, shoving his way through the crowded bodies much to the amusement of others. But he doesn’t care, all he wants at the moment is to see you in your most honest element.
He doesn’t have to look long, because you’re right there, you’re right in front of them, only a few meters away. Your back is facing them, but the sight of your smooth, naked back and the round curve of your ass squishing against the rocks underneath you is enough to make Bakugo’s cock bob painfully above the water. It’s not too hard to hide his erection since the boys’s attention is elsewhere at the moment.
Your hair is open, and he wants nothing more than to feel it in his hands, run his fingers though your scalp and pull so hard that your neck is snapped back, he wants to know what kind of noises you’ll make for him, would you sound shrill and high pitched or would you wail and bellow for him to let go?
They can hear the girls talking amongst themselves, the hole in the wall makes their voices more audible and clear.
“Quit playing coy, Jirou, we know you’ve got your eye on someone,” Hagakure’s body is nowhere to be found as usual, but her chipper voice rings out from the middle of the hot spring.
Jirou is a few feet away from where you sit, her body also being shown for everyone to see. Bakugo glances at Kaminari to confirm his suspicion, but gags and quickly looks away when he gets an eyeful of his friends’ erect cock.
Not that Bakugo himself has room to talk, though.
“I mean, not really, it’s not a big deal.” The ravenette shifts and hides her head from the rest of girls’ cooing.
“Uh huh, sure. You’re not fooling anyone Kiyoka, I’ve seen the way you look at Denki. You two can’t keep your eyes off each other, it’s cute,” you purr, and Bakugo holds himself back from shoving the other guys out of the way just so that he can hear your voice the best.
Squeals and sounds of splashing fill the air, and Sero and Kirishima whisper excitedly and clap their red-faced friend on the back. Denki can’t keep the 50K watt smile off his face, and even Bakugo grunts and knocks shoulders with him, letting him know that he was happy for the human charger.
But then Jirou claps back with her own snarky observation, and the boys fall hush at the new revelation.
“Alright, you wanna talk about ogling Y/N? Then tell me, how’s Deku doing?”
“Or Bakugo, too,” Mina adds slyly, and now all the girls’ attention, as well as the boys’, is on you.
Bakugo felt like he had whiplash. He would’ve been elated, on Cloud 9 even to hear that maybe you had something for him too, had shitty Deku’s name not have been thrown in there too.
And he looks around wildly for the green haired freak, the freckles dusted across the expanse of his face even more prominent from the deep blush quickly forming, his scarred hands holding the sides of his face shaking in awe and gleeful shock.
But the rest of the boys aren’t as oblivious to how Bakugo seethes at his rival’s joy, from the way the water gets hotter from his quirk sparking underneath the rippling waves. Kirishima scoots closer to his friend and gently lays a hand on his shoulder as if to say, calm down, man. Not right now.
And so the hothead leaves it for the time being, opting to hear your response.
“I-it’s really nothing, they’re both just good classmates like the rest of the guys,” and although your back is turned to them, it doesn’t take a genius to know that you’re embarrassed too, your leg skittishly bouncing in front of you is making your ass jiggle from the back, much to the delight of the salivating boys.
Bakugo wants to spill blood when he suddenly realizes your body is being shown for the rest of these dogs to see
The girls start teasing you, your splutters being drowned out by their playful accusations.
“Come on L/N, whose cuter?”
“Dont act all coy now, I know how nervous you get when you’re all close to Bakugo. I mean I don’t blame you, have you seen his muscles? He could crush someone’s head with those things!”
“Yeah, but have you seen the way she giggles when Deku starts his mumbling tangents? That’s a classic crush right there.”
Bakugo is getting desperate to hear your answer now, some of the boys have left, feeling like they had their full of excitement for the night. They saw some tits and ass, heard some gossip, end of story.
The only ones remaining were Bakugo and his gang, as well as IcyHot and Shitty Deku.
Shitty Deku, who seemed equally eager to hear your response.
It pissed him off that he wasn’t getting the message to fuck off, even after all the growling and death stares he was receiving from his childhood friend.
But he guesses after a lifetime of dealing with it, it doesn’t scare Deku as much as it does anymore.
Maybe he’ll have to amp it up, later
“W-well I mean both of them have their own respective...flaws and strengths I guess..sometimes Deku can be kinda hard to talk to ‘cuz he’s so shy, but Bakugo can be a real jerk at times, too.”
You trail off, and Bakugo scoffs to himself. Him? Flaws? Those two words didn’t go well in one sentence together, but nonetheless he continues to listen. He wouldn’t refute the notion of him being an asshole, he wasnt that delusional.
“And yeah, I mean Bakugo definitely intimidates me sometimes with how aggressive he can be, but Deku is definitely getting up there in terms of physical prowess. But in terms of who I like, I’d have to say-“
“Midoriya! Bakugo! What are you two doing over there?”
Iidas voice booms across the water, and all 6 of the boys jump back, startled at the intrusion.
“No, wait-“ Bakugo hisses, clawing his way towards the hole to hear the rest of what you had to say, but Sero and Todoroki shove him back and patch the hole up with fire and tape, shutting off your confession.
Deku waves his arms around wildly, stammering some excuse of dropping his towel in the spot where they all were sheepishly gathered. They eventually waded their way over to where Tokoyami had set the drinks down, but the blond was shaking with hot rage despite the cool refreshment that was shoved into his hand by a wary Kirishima.
“Don’t sweat it dude, it’s not like her and Midoriya are gonna da-“
“Finish that sentence and I’ll blast both your and his head off,” he glowers at the redhead, shorting a dark look to where an all-too-happy Deku was chatting with Todoroki, as if they hadn’t been drooling over their naked classmates merely a couple minutes ago.
Kirishima backs off with raised hands in surrender, leaving Katsuki to mull over the situation by himself.
You couldn’t seriously be interested in that green haired freak, right? I mean he could barely talk to a girl without tripping over his own damn tongue, for fucks sake.
Not that he was any better himself. He failed to acknowledge the times where you had merely asked him for an extra pencil, when he snapped at you for being such a fuckin’ dumbass that you couldn’t even remember to bring your own shit. He had done that out of pure impulse, but he regretted it the moment he saw your face fall, his heart clenching at the sight
He’d have to show you that he was the better option, regardless of if you wanted it or not.
And so when they had all gotten out of the water and gotten ready for food, Bakugo already knew what he had to do.
You were all eating outside in the camp pavilion, each at their own separate tables. He was sitting with the boys, all of them joking around and throwing food at each other while he was staring you down.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off you. How could you expect him to, after he had seen half of you bare already? It was sinful almost, the way you were completely in the dark about what he had seen and heard, while he himself was fantasizing about what you looked like and felt like on the front.
So when Deku came by your table, no doubt also having the same conversation of the springs in mind, wanting to get closer to you, Bakugo felt his sanity snap.
The fork he held in his hand started melting in his ignited hand, steam curling from his palm. He watched as the green-eyed fuck made successful shitty attempts to make you laugh, his eyes trained on where you gently laid a hand on his shoulder after something he said that made you throw your head back and howl with glee.
“Hey man, your fork-!” Kaminari yelped, pointing at the disfigured mess of metal in his friend’s steaming hand.
“Huh?” Bakugo was pulled out of his irate daze, and he quickly dropped the fork when he saw what he unconsciously did.
They all looked at him for an uneasy minute after noticing the expression on his face, no doubt understanding he was furious about being compared to Deku once again in front of you.
“Look, Bakugo, don’t really take what Y/N said to heart. We don’t know who she actually likes, and Midoriya’s just her friend...” but Sero trails off hesitantly after glancing in your direction, seeing Deku’s dreamy expression as your hand still continues to rest on his shoulder.
“Just let her come to you, yeah? You don’t wanna force anything on her, that’ll make her really uncomfortable-“
-“Shut the fuck up Shitty Hair, and mind your own damn business,” Bakugo interjects, abruptly unscrewing his drink and standing up, unable to lose you to some broccoli- headed bug-eyed fuck.
He stiffly walks across the pavilion to where you two sit, and feigns a swig from his bottle. Your focus is still on Deku, so you don’t notice him approach until he comes up behind you two and ‘trip’s, falling forward and strategically spilling the liquid all over Deku’s back and your front.
You squeal as your blouse is drenched, and Deku shoots up from his seat to grab some napkins while searching for the perpetrator.
“What the- Kacchan?”
Bewildered, you look at the two while dabbing the wet splotches on your shirt, Mina and Tsu jumping into action to help you.
The boys exchange a weird look, and although Bakugo gave his version of an apology, he doesn’t look very sorry. In fact, if you saw it right he looked almost...smug? With a bit of anger?
Deku wasn’t any easier to understand either. His voice was lilted as usual while he grabbed napkins, but his gaze never left his childhood friends’ and his eyes weren’t exactly the big doe-eyes you had grown fond of.
They were darkened, and narrowed as they bored into Bakugo’s eyes. Neither one of them was looking away from each other, and there was a weird tension in the air that everyone could sense.
But you couldn’t focus on that right now, you had to go and wash up.
“I gotta change and maybe take a shower, I can feel it sticking to my skin,” you scrunch your nose in disgust and tell Mina as you stand to leave. Deku offers to walk you, but you wave him off kindly.
As you pass by Bakugo, you can feel his eyes rove up and down your body, very obviously staring at the way your white shirt clings to your chest from the liquid, sending chills up your spine.
But he doesn’t come after you, not yet.
It’s only after everyone has finished up from their dinner and headed off to bed almost 20 minutes later that the showers finally, finally warm up enough for you to dip a hesitant toe in.
Curse the old pipes.
He watches you from the dark, the only light you’re provided with is the dim emergency light from the rusty bulb, the camp counselors having been shut the facility’s lights off merely a half hour ago. But you were stubborn in waiting for the water to warm up so you were left alone in the showers, shifting uncomfortably in your sticky wet clothes.
And then miraculously you get up for the umpteenth time to check the temperature of the water, and it’s finally deemed appropriate for you when you sigh in relief and start taking your shoes off.
He hides in the door partition, his cock hardening slowly as he thinks of you alone with just him and his mercy. You were going to pay for almost breaking his heart and prancing around with stupid fucking Deku instead.
But asides from his rage, he still liked you, a lot. He wanted you to want him as much as he wanted you, so he decided to try and attempt to make your first time with him as gentle and as special as he could in the dirty cabin showers.
Bakugo waits with bated breath for the right moment, and the second your hands grip the end of your shirt to pull it up, he slowly emerges from the dark.
“You know, I’m glad you came here alone, at night. It’s almost like you wanted this.”
You jump violently at the low voice coming from seemingly nowhere, and you wildly look around for the source until you see him...coming at you slow from the inky abyss of the room, like a predator stalking his prey.
His figure seems to loom even larger than he actually is, the shadows of his tall body bouncing off the walls and grazing over the top of your head. He seems to be in no rush, taking his time with his hands in his pockets, eyes flashing dangerously at you as he stalks forward until he’s backed you up against the deteriorating wall, chest to chest with you.
“W-what the hell, Bakugo,” you stammer nervously. “This is the girls room, you can’t be here-“
And the hand you raise to push him away is caught in his calloused ones, your other wrist is quickly seized as well and slammed above your head. You cry out in pain and try kicking out, but he wedges a bulky knee in between your thigh and shoves his face mere millimeters away from yours, a mean leer adorning his normally-attractive face.
“What, I can’t be here? And here I was thinking that you almost liked me. But oh, I forgot, Deku’s your favorite, right?” The grip on your wrist tigthens and his leg flexes from in between your thighs.
You squirm and sob, about to ask what the hell he was talking about-
Oh no.
He sees the understanding pass over your face, and he laughs cruelly at the horror that comes with it.
“You heard me? How?”
“Not just heard. I saw you, too.”
He lets his eyes drop from your neck, to your chest, and then to the juncture between your legs which was being massaged by his knee.
Tears well up in your eyes as you realize he was watching you this entire evening in the springs. How he got away with it, you didn’t want to even know.
“I saw your hair open for the first time, and not in that stupid hairdo you always do for school.”
He trails his hand softly up the sides of your body and up your neck until he reaches his big hand into your scalp. You whimper and gasp as he laces his fingers through your locks, seeming to caress you but then harshly yanking your head back so you had no choice but to look at him head on.
“I saw your ass pressed up against the rocks, and I wished it was up against my cock instead.”
He removes his hand from your hair and snakes it down to your bottom, kneading and slapping it lightly. You writhe even harder now, too scared to make a noise in case he hurts you even worse, just wanting him to get the hell off of you.
“But I didn’t see the front of you. I imagined what you would look like with tears streaming down your face while I was stuffing you full of me”
He plays with the edge of your shirt, a dark look in his eye as he plays with you. You try to budge your hands but to now avail, only serving in annoying him and shoving his knee up further into your crotch. The pressure on your clit is immense, and your legs start shaking as you’re forced to be suspended almost midair on his knee.
“Take this off,” he says softly, the rasp catching in his voice.
“Bakugo, please. You don’t have to do this, I swear I won’t tell anyone-“
“You think I’m worried about if you’ll tell anyone? Hah! I already know you won’t, wanna know why?”
He leans in, inhaling the scent of your hair and grazing his nose along the side of your neck. You force yourself to breath in and out, feeling an impending heart attack.
“‘Cause if you do, I’ll make sure to fuck you in front of everyone, especially on Deku’s broken body.”
And then you can’t stop them, the tears fall from your body shaking in pure fear at his threat.
You knew he wouldn’t actually do something like that, but hearing it snarled in your ear so softly made you believe it all the same, the power he held while you were fucked, literally and metaphorically.
“Now I’m not gonna ask you again. Take this shit off before I burn it, bitch.”
You don’t want to piss him off further, so with trembling hands you lift the edge of your sticky uniform and start to pull it off, but he stops you with a frustrated grunt.
“Slowly. I wanna savor this while no ones here.”
You bite your lip and suppress a scream as you do what he says.
And oh, does he ever savor it. The shirt clings deliciously to your breasts, and he licks his lips as it ruffles up and over your head. Your skin is perspiring from the humid air, a sheen of sweat lightly decorating your collarbones. Bakugo can’t hold himself back any longer, and you yelp when he comes at you suddenly.
He lunges at your face and pins your arms down by your side again as his lips mesh against yours, his kiss filled with clacking teeth and a thrashing tongue against your lips. The knee you’re straddling is bouncing lightly up and down, jostling you on it and causing your cunt to pulsate with heat.
You let out a distressed moan, and he swallows it greedily, using the advantage of your open mouth to delve deeper into your wet cavern. You open bleary eyes and flinch when you find his already wide open, staring back into unforgiving vermillion orbs.
He pulls back slightly, panting. “I bet Deku didn’t get this kind of treatment, huh? It’s all for me right?”
You don’t know if he’s genuinely asking you or just being insane, so you don’t answer him. Fortunately and unfortunately for you, he doesn’t care for your response, rather more focusing on dragging you by your neck towards the hot showers.
You slip and stumble as he shoves you in a stall, gaining your balance only too late when he turns and locks the door.
“Look, I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, just forget you saw or heard anything at the springs, it was just girl talk, stupid stuff that didn’t mean anything-“
“-even if it didn’t mean anything to you I’ll make sure you believe what you’ll feel after I fuck you senseless.”
And with that, he tugs off his clothes and licks his lips at the sight of you cowering against the wall, naked and oh so vulnerable.
He slowly shifts towards you, pressing his body flush against your trembling one. You can feel the outline of his erection on your thigh, and you swallow at how big it is.
“I don’t wanna have to close your mouth or restrain you when I’m balls deep in that tight cunt. So don’t do anything stupid and this’ll be a whole lot easier for you.”
He reaches a hand down and lightly strokes your labia, relishing in how you whimper and jerk against him, but don’t dare try to stop his hand.
Smart girl
Another hand finds its way to your tits, tugging and pulling at your hardened nipples. You gasp and arch into his touch, slowly coming undone from his ministrations. He humps against your leg like a teenage kid, grunting while he does so.
His mouth is attacking yours once again, but now you’re too tired from the constant surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins to even move your head. You just let him play with your body, your heart, your soul.
“I think the princess is wet enough for me now,” he leers at you when he pulls his fingers away, scissoring his digits to show the strings of wetness he pulled from your pussy.
You squeal and grab onto his chiseled arms as he suddenly hikes his hands underneath your upper thighs and picks you up, forcing your legs to wrap around his middle for support.
He slams you against the wall, the water cascading down your head is making your hair stick to your face, and in a strange and sudden show of intimacy Bakugo softly moves your locks away from your eyes. Your gazes lock, yours desperate and tear filled while his scarlet hues show no signs of mercy, but rather a strange predatory hunger.
Your arms scrabble behind his head and on his shoulders for balance as he slowly sinks you down on his length. You hiss and throw your head back at the sensation of being filled, and he eats it up.
He watches the way your mouth opens, your eyes widen, as every sinful sound your body can make escapes you.
As if he needed more of an ego boost
You wail as the last inches are sucked into your dripping hole, and he lets out a mean breathy laugh.
“Fuck, you really were ready huh? I should’ve taken you weeks ago, little slut.”
Your brows furrow and you try to turn your face away but he snatches your chin in a hardened grip.
“Uh-uh, none of that shit. You were doing so well, don’t turn away from me now.”
He slowly starts to roll his hips minutely into yours, not exactly thrusting but enough movement to make your cunt flutter and throb.
“What do you want me to say? You got what you wanted!” You whisper to him, more tears falling down freely down your cheeks.
He can’t help himself, he groans and surges forward to lick the salty rivers up, gripping your ass tightly when you flinch.
“Tell me you love me. Tell me how much you want me, how much better I am than that green-haired bastard and I won’t shove it up your ass.”
You can feel his abdomen clench and shake from the effort he’s making not to completely batter your cervix so you give in quickly, afraid of what he’s like when his thin strands of self restraint snap.
“I...I love you Bakugo. I really want y-ooh!”
The last bit of your sentence is choked off as he lifts you up all the way to his tip and slams your hips down his length. You gasp and weave your hands through his hair for support, your legs violently shaking at the pain.
He grunts and starts really giving it to you, setting a fast pace as he bounces you on his cock. Your head is bobbing around, you’re fairly certain there’s drool coming down your lips but you can’t find it in you to care as he fucks you into oblivion.
After a couple of more painful thrusts he pushes you against the wall and removes your hands from his hair, holding them above your head against the wall. You’re trapped with your upper half plastered against the dingy tile while your lower half is wrapped his dick.
Your cunt swallowing him down is the only leverage you have, so your whole body weight presses down on his shaft. He moans loudly at the pressure on his tip, your gooey hot walls clamping around him from every angle and you yourself can’t help it when your eyes roll back at the sensation.
He rocks his hips up, and up you go as well, whining and clawing at the wall behind you, desperately grappling onto your sanity as well. Your tits bounce with each thrust, and his glinting eyes take perverse joy in their obscene movements.
Bakugo starts moving in earnst now, deeming the slow strokes enough prep for you. He batters your womb, reaching places not even your fingers could access, making you go cross eyed.
He sees this and snickers at your pathetic state.
“Fuck yeah you little whore. You’re gonna learn no one else can satisfy this slutty pussy like I can.”
You give him nothing but a choked gasp in response. You head moves like a bobblehead, you can’t even see clearly from the water cascading into your eyes. He’s just a towering blob of ashy blond hair and large muscles.
His hips start stuttering in their rhythm, drawing to a close from his contrasting pounding minutes earlier. Your nails rake over his forearms, holding on for dear life as he pants and groans into your ear like an animal. His dick spasms inside you for a second or two, and then Bakugo suddenly holds you tight against him, wet bodies pressed against each other as he cums.
He lets out a loud moan as you whine into his shoulder at the sensation of his hot seed filling you up. You’re held against his heaving chest for a moment of two, the both of you catching your breath until he slowly backs up and lets you slip to the ground.
It’s suddenly very quiet, the sound of the shower is drowned out by the ringing in your head. You’re shaking, shock overcoming your abused body as you refuse to look at him.
But he won’t have any of that. He steps forward, and you flinch yet again, scrambling backwards to put very necessary space between him and you.
“You got what you wanted. Please leave, I won’t say anything to anyone.” You breath out shakily.
He’s silent for a moment before you hear him chuckle. His low chuckles grow louder and more derisive, he’s booming with sinister laughter and you snap your head up in horror at him.
“You think this is done?”
He crouches to your level suddenly, elbows on his knees as he cocks his head at you, eyeing your naked body that he so recently claimed as his. His gaze travels down to where his cum seeps from between your legs, and you quickly cross your limbs over to prevent him from seeing the lewd sight.
“You’re mine now, Y/N. I already told you, you’re not gonna be talking to Deku, or any other guy apart from me. You think they’ll even want you when they find out how you loved being fucked in the dirty showers? Everyone’s gonna call you a slut, nothing else.”
“No, that’s not true you-“
He crawls to you, and it’s so mesmerizingly terrifying to see a man of his build crawl to you like some deranged humanoid that you shut up, words caught in your throat.
“Shut the fuck up.” He says softly. “You’re my bitch now, and you’ll do whatever the fuck I say, when I say it.”
Bakugo might’ve felt a little bad to see the girl he liked so scared of him all because of his doing, but the way you trembled and crossed your legs like the stupid, helpless little girl that you were erased every hesitancy from his mind.
He grabbed your cheeks and smushed them together, paying no mind to the pleas and whimpers you let out in retaliation.
Licking a long stripe up your neck, you shivered when he growled, “now clean up and be outside in 10 minutes, you’re sleeping in my bunk tonight. The guys are all asleep so we’ll just take an empty room in the cabin.”
He released you and stood back up, grabbing a towel for himself along the way. Drying his hair off, his back was turned to you as he started picking his clothes up too.
You just sat there in a daze, wondering what the hell just happened.
“Oh, and Y/N?” He was dressed, and he was at the door now.
“If you think about doing anything stupid or take longer than 10 minutes, I’ll come back in and get you personally. And I’ll make sure that we stay here for the rest of the night, just in case you like your little time alone that I’m giving you too much.”
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liz-allyn · 3 years
shudder, part 3/6 [agent mobius x gn!reader]
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You're undercover on a mission with the team, and Mobius' affinity for cowboy culture is making things unexpectedly difficult.
Part 1 | Part 2
Series Summary: Pre-Loki series. You are one of the most dangerous variants the TVA has ever recovered, but Mobius knows what makes you tick. Five times he made you shudder, and the one time you returned the favor.
Words: 1.6k
Chapter Warnings/Tags: Language, period/canon-typical gun violence, cowboy!Mobius (valid as a warning), mutual pining, flirting, fluffy and fun, at least one naughty thought.
A/N: let me know how you feel about longer chapters!
The next time it happened, it was 1881, and you looked ridiculous.
Your clothes were too tight and the leather smelled like the cattle you were wearing was still alive. You didn’t get to pick your uniform for this mission, and since you were supposed to be deep undercover in an active timeline scenario where reset charges were not permitted, wearing a TVA-issued “Variant” jacket wasn’t going to work.
So now here you were, sweating your ass off in what would one-day become the Las Vegas desert, with your partner wearing a giant 10 gallon hat holding a revolver to your back. He definitely looked ridiculous, and you let him know that. But to be fair, it was almost... cute. Sort of.
Variant T-3051 was the target, this stagecoach robbery at gunpoint was the trap, a Skrull artifact locked in a safe was the bait. And you were technically also bait, disguised as the hapless hostage.
Mobius laid it on extra thick for this one; you were pretty sure he was enjoying himself.
“Easy does it, fellas,” he said in a honeyed voice. “Everyone move nice and slow.” With one hand on your shoulder and one hand on the gun trained on your back, he urged you forward with a gentle double-squeeze near your collarbone. It was a little secret communication between you two. “Keep your hands up where I can see ‘em, sweet thing.”
You struggled not to overtly roll your eyes as you lifted your hands slightly higher. You were 99% sure that Mobius had never held a revolver in his life and probably didn’t know how to fire one. The man’s idea of excitement is debating top historical time periods at lunch with you or fantasizing about jet skis. Or whatever he fantasizes about.
You glanced at the team around you, a mix of Minutemen led by B-15 - on a giant ass horse holding a rifle steady with only her eyes visible behind a black bandana, and a band of outlaw civilians who were T-minus 9 minutes from their destined massacre. The mission, simply, was that one of these people was not like the others.
U-91, also dressed as a Frontierland cast member, barked an order to hand over the chest or else. While he was monologuing on about whatever “else” was, you were scanning the group carefully waiting for the Skrull variant to reveal himself. Or you were, until—
“Hey,” you heard Mobius softly whisper behind you. You glanced to the side without turning around as he leaned closer to you. “Nice work infiltrating the gang.”
You could feel the heat of his breath on the side of your neck, and your stomach was doing something odd because of it.
“Okay,” you whispered back, trying not to move your lips. “Now is an inappropriate time to—”
“Where did you learn to ride a horse like that?” he exclaimed under his breath. “That was incredible.”
You weren’t sure if it was the anxiety of the situation, the harsh sun off the surrounding mountain range, or his praise that was making your skin flush.
“Um,” you softly replied, taken aback that he was actually impressed, “I mean- my aunt used to have this pony ride business. They’d do birthday parties—”
U-91 snapped at you, the talkative hostage, “Hey! I said shut up!”
Mobius reared back his grip on your shoulder and suddenly you crashed back into his chest. You cried out as he wrapped his arms like a vise around you.
“That’s right, I said shut your trap!” he hissed at you, playing to the audience around him.
It wasn’t often that he got to play the bad guy, but he gave it a valiant effort. You could feel the (hopefully) unloaded barrel against your back. He brought his other hand up to your throat, firmly squeezing, pulling a gasp from you.
He leaned into your body, pulling you tightly against him, as he dripped sugar-coated poison in your ear. “Not another peep outta you, ya hear?”
The first thought that sprang through your head was remembering your kink for authoritative bad boys.
Uh-oh, was the second, third, and fourth thought in your mind.
Your core was tight and you realized how heavily you were breathing when his grip loosened slightly from your throat, slipping down just a tad. You felt the warmth of his hand and resting on the skin of your chest. B-15 was already giving orders, but your brain wasn’t following the conversation anymore.
“Are you okay?” Mobius breathed in your ear. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You slowly exhaled the heat of your breath, shaking your head ‘no’ and ‘yes’ for some reason. You could feel your pulse thrumming in your neck and you knew he could feel it too.
“Did I scare you?” he asked, inquisitively. You could hear the edge of a grin in his voice.
Your brow furrowed. “What?”
“Did I scare you just now?” Your eyes darted back to the group of outlaws as B-15 began to round them up. You were definitely supposed to be paying attention to the mission, but all you could think about was how heavy his hand was on your chest. He could curl you into himself if he wanted to.
If he wanted to, and if you wanted him to, he could keep playing cowboy outlaws. He could steal you away from your bed in the middle of the night. Or maybe he could turn you in for a bounty and visit you while you’re locked in a jail cell, making you do favors for him in exchange for freedom…
He leaned in a little closer. You could feel the shadow of his lips at the nape of your neck. “I felt you shudder just now... Did you get scared?”
“No!” You replied, almost too loudly.
“Oh. Are you cold?”
“What? Why?”
“I mean, if you’re trembling and it’s not because you’re cold, and it’s not because you’re frightened, there must be some kind of reason, right?”
Your face was burning. You’re pretty sure it’s the sun. Heat stroke. You’re dying, probably, definitely, maybe.
You gritted your teeth. “Why. Are. We. Talking about this?!”
“It’s not me, is it?” he replied coolly, like taking a sip of bourbon and lemonade on a hot day. You could hear the smirk on his lips. “You’re not intimidated by me, are you?” His cast his eyes over your rosy cheek with a satisfied gaze. “Maybe I make you a little... nervous?”
“WHA’THUH HELL—?” A terrified twang rang out and you both were snatched out of the clouds. You looked up to see a green-faced cowboy, cow-Skrull? Skrull-boy? - hostile variant reach into the the side holster of one of his outlaw posse. As soon as the Skrull had his hands on his “partner’s” weapon, he shot his partner through the back, killing him (just a few minutes before his time).
Variant T-3051 was fast. As B-15 fired her rifle, he was already pulling another stunned outlaw in front of him as a shield. T-3051 raised his gun towards B-15 and fired towards her horse. The animal raised up on its hind legs, bucking her off.
“Take cover!” Mobius ordered, pulling you down with him, but there wasn’t much around.
T-3051 fired a shot blindly, striking U-91 in the arm. He dropped to the ground and crawled in a one-arm dash for cover.
In the chaotic confusion and fear, the other outlaws drew their weapons and began to fire on the TVA team and each other.
The horse that B-15 was riding began to trot off, trampling a fleeing outlaw. B-15 struggled to grab her weapon off of the ground, but T-3051’s boot dropped down on the rifle, pinning it beneath his foot. She looked up to see the barrel of T-3051’s gun pointed at her, sights trained.
You had already grabbed the single-action revolver out of Mobius’ hand. He reached for you, but you leapt out of hiding with his gun raised high.
You shot the gun out of the variant’s hand before he could fire. Stunned, T-3051 dropped backwards onto the ground as the other handful of living outlaws turned their attention towards you. With one hand rapidly pulling back the hammer as the other hand steadied your aim and squeezed the trigger, you knocked them down like bowling pins.
A few shots later and it was over. T-3051 attempted to crawl towards the stagecoach, but B-15 leapt on his back and collared him. With a push of the button, he was frozen in time.
“Target acquired,” she stated into a radio, winded from the skirmish.
Mobius jogged towards U-91 as he pulled himself to his feet. He deftly inspected the Minuteman’s injury. “U-91 is injured,” he reported into his own communications device. “Alert the infirmary. B-15?”
“All clear,” she nodded.
Mobius’ eyes searched the area frantically until they rested on you. You walked up to the safe as B-15 retrieved the alien artifact - a twisty, metallic, (oddly) phallic-shaped thing.
You snorted. “This is the bomb that could rip a planet in half?” you asked incredulously.
If you didn’t know any better, you thought you saw the tiniest smile on B-15’s lips. She radioed in, “Artifact is secure.”
Grinning with an amused chuckle, you glanced over and spotted Mobius gazing at you proudly, watching the sun rise and set in your smile. You felt your cheeks flush, dropping your eyes to the ground and biting your lip. God, this was bad. He could not look at you like that.
“Incredible,” you heard him breathe.
Part 4
A/N: Did you like it? Reblog & let me know! Also seriously, I feel like my chapters are getting long. If that’s a bummer for anyone, please say so.
@aloyssia @generalhugzzz
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Persistent (Request)
Marvel cast x f!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst-ish, fluff
Request Description: Hellooo! Could you write a all the marvel cast men x teen! reader? Like they all go out to eat and hangout at a mall or something and when she goes in the women’s part of a store while they are all on the men’s side, some creepy dude keeps on hitting on her and like after she tries to politely decline his attempts and stuff rdj and the rest are like nuh uh this ain’t happening lol
Warnings: language, hints at smexual stuff, harassment, persistent asshole 
(A/N): this story includes anthony mackie, winston duke, sebastian stan, chris evans, robert downey jr and mark ruffalo. im sorry i didnt include alllll of the marvel dudes, but i just find it hard to cram them all into one fic :((( ALSO sorry if the ending is shitty hgssghsgsh
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“You don’t have to bring me with you.”
“It’s too late, we’re bringing you.”
“Y/n, you are not spending your birthday alone!” 
You and Anthony were bickering like always. There was a short break in filming the next marvel movie, and while many people, including you, were planning on going home for the week, Sebastian, Anthony, Winston, Chris and Tom and arranged a ‘guys night out’, if you will. 
You were going to enjoy your birthday that day with your family, but a couple of days before your family had cancelled, because of exams and overloading work. They promised you’d celebrate some other day, but you were still bummed out.
Anyway, Anthony had somehow reluctantly made you admit that you were celebrating alone, and had decided to instead drag you with him and the guys to their ‘night out’. 
“I don’t wanna come and just be a bother to everyone,” you mumbled. Anthony sighed and looked at you. He then diverted his eyes back to the road. 
“You’re not bothering anyone, N/n.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to cancel your plans to the strip club or whatever you were gonna do!” You stressed. Anthony gasped like a TV mean girl.
“Did you really think we were gonna go to a strip club? Y/n, that’s private business, you don’t do that with your guys.” 
“Well, what then?” 
The mall, apparently. 
You and Anthony both stood with your necks craned to look at the proud and boasting sign, ‘mall of America’. He’d shut up after your question and just parked the car, leading you to stand exactly there, in front of that famous mall. 
“You’re gonna go shopping?” you looked at him. 
“Yeah, and what about it?” 
Before you could start another argument with Anthony, you heard a familiar ‘hey!’ and snapped your head in the direction of the caller. Winston, Sebastian, Chris, Robert and Mark were all gathered together, seemingly waiting for you two. 
“Hey, there you are! We were waiting for you,” Chris said with his usual big, dorky smile on his lips. Him and Anthony hugged and then he pulled back to look at you. 
“Y/n, you okay with spending your birthday with us?” 
“Whatever, man,” was all you could say, making the group burst into laughter. 
You would never admit it to Anthony, or any of the others for that matter, but it was actually a lot of fun. You went into many stores for no apparent reason. The guys bought and helped you make a Build-A-Bear, which you named Svenbjorn, and he had a little detective suit and a little bag. 
You ate at a Denny’s, where Mark unfortunately, but rather predictably, spilled maple syrup on himself. Then you looked around stores for fancy suits and clothes and gifts for their loved ones. Your mood was brightened, and the guys sure didn’t seem to be displeased that you were there. 
“Let’s go in here real quick,” Sebastian had said, and everyone walked with him into the clothing store. You hadn’t actually bought anything that day, so you decided that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to look around a bit.
“I’m gonna go to the women’s section,” you said, pointing to the area at the other end of the store. 
“Sure,” Robert waved you off, as him and the others crowded around a blue suit. You rolled your eyes and bounded off to the women’s area. 
Your eyes found a pretty yellow shirt hanging on a rack near the back. You quickly made your way to it, standing and admiring it, checking the fabric and the price. 
“Hey, babygirl,” a cocky voice sounded beside you. You turned your head to see a boy around your age, an ugly smirk on his lips. His words almost made you vomit the Denny’s pancakes you’d just eaten, but you shook off the feeling. 
“Uh, hey,” you mumbled, turning back to the shirt. Now you fiddled with it nervously. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone, huh?” his voice was strangely predatory, something about it just didn’t sit right with you. It made you feel alerted and uncomfortable. 
“Looking at shirts..”
“I bet you’d look good in this one,” he said. You didn’t have to look to know he’d found some sheer-ass, see through, titty exposer. You did however peep, and, yes.. You were right. 
“Look, I’m not interested,” you sighed. 
“That’s too bad, girlie, I could make you feel real good.”
You scrunched up your nose in disgust. Your fingers gave up their grasp on the shirt, deciding that it would be best to just get out of there. The sound of your boots hitting the shiny floor sounded, as you began padding away.
“Hey, wait, where are you going?” you heard him walking behind you, the action of persistence making your heartbeat speed up. You were now panicking.
“Hey! Why are you following her?” you breathed out in relief. Winston was standing not too far away, Sebastian and Anthony behind him. He had lowered his voice to sound more threatening, which you normally would laugh at, but considering the situation, you were pretty relieved he did it. 
All the three men looked pretty damn angry. You didn’t know how much of the conversation they’d heard, but obviously enough. Hearing another set of boots, you snapped your head to see Chris, Mark and Robert jogging towards the scene. You made eye contact with Chris, who furrowed his brows in confusion. 
The boy was now looking at the six angry and buff men, swallowing fearfully. He was shaking and surely starting to sweat. You smirked. Asshole. You walked over to stand between Sebastian and Chris.
“Are you okay?” they both murmured, searching your eyes worriedly. The fact that they were so protective of you made you smile a bit. Although, the thought that you needed several men with you to the mall to protect you kind of sucked.
“I’m alright,” you said. Meanwhile, Winston, Anthony and Robert were approaching the kid with disapproving looks. 
“Didn’t your mom ever tell you to respect women? Huh?”
“What’s your issue, kid? You had such a big mouth just a moment ago?”
“Don’t ever talk to any woman like that ever again, you hear me?” 
They didn’t even touch him, just the anger and seriousness in their voices and on their faces was enough to get the message into the kids head. He nodded, breath shaking. Then, he dashed off between Winston and Anthony, running out of the store, like a dog with its tail between its hind legs. 
When the other three turned back to you, they were still angry. 
“I can’t believe him! I can’t believe that asshole!” Anthony muttered, disbelief ridden in his voice. Winston had grown softer, looking down at you in concern. 
“Are you okay, N/n? He didn’t touch you, did he?” You could tell he was actually worried. 
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s okay, guys, it really wasn’t that serious,” you explained, wanting them to calm down. You couldn’t be the reason why their ‘guys night’ was ruined.
“Not that serious? Y/n, he wasn’t backing off when you told him to!” Robert seemed even angrier that you were denying the severity of the issue. You just shrugged.
“This kind of stuff happens all the time, this time I just had you guys with me,” you explained. By the looks on their faces, that wasn’t the most reassuring answer. In fact, even Chris and Sebastian and Mark (the sweetest human being ever, theoretically incapable of feeling anger) were angry now, scoffing. 
“That’s not- That’s-” Chris put his hands on his hips like an angry mom. Sebastian squeezed your shoulder, making you look at him, to see his jaw clenched. 
“Y/n, if that ever happens to you, no matter how big or small, just call us, please,” Anthony said, eyes catching yours to express how serious he was. You nodded. “I mean that shit.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll call you.” 
There was a moment of silence where everyone just basked in their anger, before Mark spoke up. 
“Hey, how about we just continue as planned and go watch a movie at the cinema?” 
Reluctantly, everyone started walking to the cinema. You noticed how your walking formation had changed, almost caging you in, protecting you. Although you, Mark and Winston kept a pretty solid conversation, you couldn’t help but overhear the other’s talking about how angry they still were. Of course, they had every right to. 
The night turned out alright again, as they slowly shook off their anger. The movie was great, and it created something new to talk about other than the ‘disrespectful little shit from earlier’. 
When Anthony drove you both back to the hotel you were both staying at, he had another serious conversation with you. He talked about staying safe and keeping a backup weapon and such.
He wasn’t usually serious, so you listened carefully. You were thankful that they had been there that day. So were they. And from that day on they all were a little bit more protective with you - whether it was in interviews or just in daily life - they kept you close and was always slightly suspicious of anyone talking to you. 
It meant a lot to you, and you thanked them, both for their protection, for an awesome birthday, and for one bitchin’ build-a-bear :)
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @eviemarvel @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun
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daydream-believin · 3 years
What About the Smaller Picture (2)
Summary: Merlin knows best. And what he feels is best for you and Douxie right now is to sit around and wait for him to come back from New Jersey, Merlin-knows-when. (2) Your first day in Arcadia, it sure is something. (1) - (3)
Warnings: swearing, proofing is for nerds
Word Count: 2211
a/n: i hope to be able to make you feel the awkwardness radiating off of every part of this series
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Hisirdoux’s special welcome tour didn’t exactly do its job of making you feel welcome. You supposed that was more of a problem with you than the town. It definitely wasn’t of any fault of Hisirdoux’s. If anything, he was being a little too warm. It almost felt fake.
People appeared to like Hisirdoux. All across town, he would greet friends, introduce you to them. Kinda like he was showing you off. You did not know what for. He barely knew you, yet he talked about you like you were an old friend returned to him. Like he was proud of you or something. You supposed he was establishing a cover story. And you weren’t sure why. Why not just say you were new in town? What tracks was he trying to cover here.
You stopped paying too much attention to what Hisirdoux was telling others about you. He was telling them that he cared for you. That he missed you. It was a lie, sure. But just hearing those words come out of someone else’s mouth were making you melt. It had been so long that it was hard for you to recall the last time a person said such nice things about you. That was sad. You supposed the blush on your face did good to add to the story he was telling. Made it more believable. You felt really pathetic that this guy you barely knew lying through his teeth about you was actually making you blush as if it was real. As if anyone really thought those nice things he said about you in real life. Man that’s really sad. Moving on.
The town itself looked a little rough. Like it had seen better days. It was apparently a hub of magic, so it probably had. A lot of the damage you saw looked very recent though. That made sense. The whole reason you wound up here was because you befriended a girl traveling with a pack of trolls migrating from this very town. When asked why they were migrating, Claire, the girl, had told you that their home had been destroyed in a recent battle. “The Eternal Night” they called the battle. You, of course, knew about such eternal night. You had heard of the prophecy, you just didn’t expect it to happen in your lifetime. And you may had freaked out just a tad when it came along earlier that month, the unexpected solar eclipse confusing you and your studies before you figured out what was happening. However, you had assumed the battle took place underground, you know, cause trolls. The town you explored with Hisirdoux told a different story. At one point you saw a troll walking by, under an umbrella, following a red-headed human woman with a baby in her arms. And the locals didn’t seem to care. No one batted an eye. Strange town.
What really baffled you though was what happened later in the day, back at the bookstore, when you cast a simple spell. Nothing too flashy, just a little levitation on a book Hisirdoux had sent you to find up on a high shelf you couldn’t reach. When he saw you, Doux made a really panicked gasping sound. He threw himself in front of you, shielding you from the people who were not even there, startling you, and throwing off your focus. The book landed on both of you with a thunk.
“You can’t do that,” his voice was hushed despite you two being the only ones in the shop at the moment, “It’s business hours. The mortals don’t know about wizards and they shouldn’t see magic,” he stressed.
“But- uh,, They look just fine with the trolls?” Confusion was written across your face.
“That’s different. It’s different. Look, the situation is weird, okay,” He made a little X with his hands. “But I can’t have you casting spells around the shop. Or in public, period. The mortals can’t see anything, okay?”
“Okay, okay. My bad. I won’t do it again- Promise.” Your face was hot with embarrassment. This was your fault for assuming. Fuck, he probably thinks you’re a wild card now or something. Not a good start to your professional life here. Or your relationship with this Adonis who’s reprimanding you.
“While there are some other wizards around town that I’ll introduce you to tonight, to stay safe, generally just keep the magic for when we’re alone and out of sight.”
“Oh, yeah, uh- Okay”
He grinned. Suddenly, he leaned in, catching you off guard. “It can be a special thing,” His voice was even softer as he was so close to you, “just between the two of us.”
Oh. So he meant when just You and Him were alone and out of sight. Ooookaaaayyyy. He winked to you as he separated himself from your side, and went off to the back of the store to continue unpacking a shipment he had just got in. He left you there, clutching that damn book to your chest, face now hotter than before, if that was even possible at all. Oh no.
Fuck, it was fucking day one. Day one! Day fucking one and you were developing a crush. NOPE. This was not something you were going to do. Uh-uh. Nein. There was no fucking time for this. Well, you didn’t really know how much time you had with Merlin and his addiction to being perceived as mysterious or whatever the hell was wrong with that asshole you worked for now, but the point is you did not have time for this! Hisirdoux was too much. Merlin really should have had the decency to warn you that he was hot. This wasn’t fair. Not only was Doux beautiful, but he was a touchy person. You weren’t going to stand a chance.
The thing is you had been sooo worried about how you and Hisirdoux were going to get along, you even brought up the concern to Merlin. To be honest, you had thought the old wizard to just be annoyed at your worrying, and that’s why he reassured you it’d all be fine. That you and Hisirdoux would get along swimmingly or whatever just get out of my hair kid. You were so afraid Hisirdoux would have to warm up to you like a cat being introduced to a new kitten. Afraid that he’d resent you since you were technically Merlin’s apprentice too now in a sense. And he was used to being number one, no one else to compete with for Merlin’s sparse pride since Morgana went astray. Merlin assured you Hisirdoux was very friendly. But like, would it kill the geezer to give you a warning that he’d be too friendly.
While you were having your little crisis, Douxie was humming along to the song in his head, stacking up the new books onto a display, trying his absolute dilly darndest not to think about what just happened. What he did. That wasn’t weird, right? Oh fuzzbuckets, he did something weird. He was just so used to playing up the flirty persona he’d developed he hadn’t even stopped to think about if he’d be making you uncomfortable. And he really wanted you to be comfortable. Plus, he felt pretty guilty he had to stop your tour around town to go accept a shipment he forgot. Strangely, he was really concerned about the impression he was giving you. Caring about what another person thought of him was not very in character for him. Not counting Merlin, of course. He was going to have to make this up to you. He really needed you to think he was cool. For professional reasons, of course. Definitely.
~ ~ ~
“SO! I recommend the steak because it’s the least disgusting thing on the menu.”
You gaped at the wizard sitting across from you in this sticky booth, peeping your head over the kitschy French-themed menu you held. He had no menu. In fact he refused to even touch it. Great. What did he know.
“I- What do mean ‘least disgusting’, Casperan.” You were almost afraid to ask.
“I mean that kitchen is filthy and the steak is your best bet for something edible.”
“Why. Why would you bring me here if the food is terrible.”
You were always weary of greasy chain restaurants, but you had expected this one to be at least a little decent, since it was a smaller Cali chain and Hisirdoux had fucking brought you to it your first day in the town. Surely he was kidding.
“I just wanted to show you where I worked nights. So you’d be able to find me easier if there’s any trouble. Besides, you can’t say you’ve been to California if you haven’t had Mr. Benoit’s. It’s like In-N-Out burger. Remind me to take you to an In-N-Out burger later this week.”
You blinked. “Oh – uh, okay.”
Hisirdoux continued, “I can’t have my phone turned on during my shifts so you’ll have to come get me directly if it’s a big enough problem. Make up an emergency. Are you good at improve?”
You looked around the restaurant, getting a feel for its layout, taking notice of where the kitchen and back doors were located, making mental notes of all exits. “Ah, well, I’m good at lying, if that’s what you’re asking…”
“Good enough.”
The waiter came to take your orders. Hisirdoux shared an inside joke with him. It should have been awkward, them laughing away at something you didn’t understand why you sat there quietly, but you were a little too fixated on how pretty Hisirdoux looked when he laughed. It was mesmerizing. The waiter took your order. You got the steak.
~ ~ ~
It was very important for you to establish connections in Arcadia’s wizard underground. Or at least that’s what Hisirdoux thought. You weren’t particularly a social butterfly. It’s not that you didn’t like having a large group of friends or anything, you just never really had a reason to have one. And Doux was hell bent on introducing you to every person in this town in one day apparently. You had met twenty-three wizards in counting over the last hour being shepherded through this off-brand apple store. You had so far learned no names. How did he expect you to remember these peoples names.  Scratch that. You knew one name. Zoe. Just because she was very annoyed at your and Hisirdoux’s presence in her workplace, and was very vocal about it. That being said, she didn’t make any real effort to get you to leave. You wished she would though. You were getting overwhelmed. Today had been incredibly stressful, with a lot of information to take in, and with only a brief rest when Doux was handling things at the bookstore. You wanted to go home. Geez, home. You realized that Hisirdoux had yet to show you home. Where was home.
You tugged on his hand to grab his attention. “Hey, I’m- uh – tired? Really tired. Can - can we go home?”
“OH. Yes! Home. Right away. Yes.”
Douxie possibly maybe had been avoiding home all day. It just, it wasn’t much. He had no idea how you were going to react. His space was small already without adding another person to it. Of course, it wasn’t any smaller than any of the one-room cottages that entire families used to share, but it was tiny for modern standards. Okay to be frank it was a back room. Not technically even an actual apartment. But it was his home. And now it was your home too.
Okay, so Hisirdoux lived in his bookstore. What was probably supposed to be a break room was his entire living space. It was… cozy. You set the backpack that carried everything you owned down on the floor and headed for the lumpy plaid sofa. It was nice and old, like a sofa should be. The plaid pattern covered any stains that might have been there. Hisirdoux sat down next to you, starting to fiddle with his hands. You looked around, took it all in. The was a kitchenette off to one side, a bed to the other side. The sofa was in the sort of middle ground. Notably, there was no table, barely any counter space, and various teacups on the coffee table, so it was a safe bet that he just ordered take out every night and ate it on the sofa. The twin bed was on the ground, and the quilts that covered it had visible holes. It struck you that this bed was the only one in the room. The one room.
“So I’ll take the sofa, until we get you a bed. I’ll, uh, figure something out with the space. We can put up curtains or something.” It was if he had read your mind.
You nodded, unsure of anything to add. This was,,,, going to be fun. A challenge. A test to see how long you can act normal while living in extremely close quarters with a funny medieval supermodel. Merlin help you. Something moved in the corner of your eye. You gasped.
“Oh, that’s Archie.”
“Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Talking kitty. How bout that.
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moonchildstyles · 4 years
the guys at the shop probably poke fun at harry too! like someone went on a date and they’re talking about how hot it was and how hot the girl is a harry is just not interested???? and they say it’s because he’s so whipped for her and say things like “Harry doesn’t fuck he makes love doesn’t he?” and he rolls his eyes at almost everything except if they start talking about how hot y/n then he just can’t handle them even thinkin about her like that
omg ur sososoosos right🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Maybe, they all had gone out together but h stayed home bc ofc he did, there’s no other place he’d rather be than with his girl. A couple days later, everyone is back in the shop and Niall tagged along with Louis to get another tattoo. They’re all talking and exchanging stories after they all had split up that night, and Harry is just... uninterested. Even when they get into the more wild aspects of the stories, H instead just texts (Y/N) and starts taking a look at the books for tomorrow so he could plan out taking her to dinner after he finished up. It wasn’t until Zayn nudged his shoulder, having splayed himself over the couch in his office while Harry sat at his desk, that he perked up to listen to what was being said. 
“Harry, are you even listening?” he had laughed, raising his brows as Niall divulged details that once would have Harry joining in on the fun and interjecting his own experiences. Now, it just seemed rather boring. 
“Uh--Yeah,” he mumbled, nodding his head though he was sure his lie wasn’t bought. 
“Yeah, and you’re not texting (Y/N) either,” Liam joked, the attention now being placed on Harry. 
“Oh, is Harry too ‘in love’ now to listen to our stories?” Niall smiled, rolling his eyes with his chest rumbling in a laugh. 
“Nah, he’s just whipped,” Louis interjected, pulling more laughs from the group around them. 
Harry huffed a laugh, his lack of details being shared being the running joke of the shop for the past couple of months. “Is it so bad to go home with the same person every night?” 
“Not if you’re getting laid when you go home, but you haven’t said a word about anything like that since you started seeing her,” Niall poked, prodding for information they all knew harry wasn’t going to divulge. 
“That’s cause ‘s none of your business what we do when I go home,” Harry cemented, checking his phone to see if (Y/N) had messaged back yet. 
“Oh, that’s right!” Niall perked up like he had a eureka moment, “It’s cause you don’t fuck anymore, you make love, right?” 
The room erupted into laughter at Niall’s comment. Harry couldn’t help but quirk a smile at his words. (Y/N) didn’t seem to mind when he referred to it as such, so he didn’t really care what the boys thought. 
Today seemed to be Niall’s day to pick at Harry as he didn’t appear to give any of the other boys a chance to butt in. “I don’t know how he keeps it so clean, though,” he pondered aloud, seeming to address the room instead of Harry alone. He quirked a brow at the tone of voice Niall implied, wondering just where he was planning on taking this. “I wouldn’t be able to keep it all in if my girl had an ass like (Y/N)’s.” 
Muffled laughter came from his left, Zayn covering his mouth as Louis nudged him. Liam adverted his eyes from Harry completely, turning his back to him to avoid all contact. They all knew how this was going to end, but Niall seemed ready to see just how far he could take it before that end would be ushered in. 
“And she’s got that good girl thing going for her, could only imagine just how sweet she is between the sheets.” 
Zayn wasn’t able to keep his laughter in at that one, his final line of defense manifesting in a fake cough to cover the outburst. Harry’s attention was directly placed on Niall with his arms crossed over the broad of his chest, his jaw set and eyes hard. Niall cast his eyes in Harry’s direction, his teasing smile flushing his skin the more he held in his own laughter. 
“Keep going, would love to hear what else y’think about my girl,” Harry prodded, daring his friend to further over the line he had crossed the second he bought (Y/N) into their discussion. 
"H, c’mon, you know I’m just kidding,” Niall relented, knowing that if he pushed Harry just a hair further he might be banned from the premises (again, the first time being when he took his friendly flirting with (Y/N) a bit too far for Harry’s taste). 
“’S not funny,” Harry deadpanned, “Y’can talk about those girls y’take home all y’want, ‘s none of m’business, but we don’t bring (Y/N) into this.” 
Harry didn’t want to be a buzzkill, but he knew just how uncomfortable (Y/N) would feel if she heard any of the speculation leaving their mouths. She didn’t want to share any of those details with anyone but Harry. 
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry,” Niall apologized, raising his hands with his palms out in surrender, “Just think she’s pretty, is all.” 
“And that’s where y’can leave it,” Harry dismissed, shifting his attention to the texts waiting on his phone from his girl. He didn’t even pay attention to see if the conversation drifted onto other avenues, only focusing on the plethora of heart emojis filling his screen from the blue messages on his phone. She seemed happy with the dinner plans tomorrow. 
Until Niall peeped up again. 
“And she has a nice ass.” 
“Niall, I’ll ban you again, I don’t need you here.” 
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
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a/n: @tom-hlover i hope this was to your liking! it was a lil hard but i do love tom holland’s spidey so here it is! i just assumed that it was a romantic relationship too !!
lets get it!
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okay so first things first?
yall are ATTACHED at the hip
ned and mj clown peter for this all the fucking TIME
like he always walks you to class and sits next to you in class
peter we get it you want this melanin dial it back
and you are a superhero FIEND
anyone who knows you knows you go feral for superheroes and spiderman specifically
mj knows this, ned knows this, peter definitely knows this
mj always just gotta give peter a look like
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whenever you start gushing about whatever spidey did that night
“peter did you see him last night?! he looked so amazing!”
“ah yeah n/n i saw!”
internal SCREAMING
like his beautiful amazing talented spectacular crush and best friend is fawning over him ???
mind boggling brothers
i mean your lockscreen is one of those press hold ones that move? so at first it’s a group picture of you, peter, mj and ned then you hold and boom its spidey swinging
peter found this out by accident and simply lost his mind in his room
you would do ANYTHING to see spidey in action and anYTHING TO HELP
bbg just wanna be a hero too 🤪
this day peter couldn’t come over to your house this time bc of his internship and had to leave early
aka code word for spidey shit to do lmao
and you’re a lil bummed
“but petey it’s wednesday and we were supposed watch mean girls and legally blonde.”
“i-i know i’m sorry n/n i’ll make it up to you”
mj and ned heard that and LOST IT
you frowned watching peter book it outta there like the lights were out
i mean my mans usain bolted it
mj and ned couldnt go home with you either so that sucked
you didnt usually walk home by yourself and honestly you really didn’t want to
it mf queens man. it’s not the safest place in the world
you started walking home and decided to buy some snacks n shit bc you saw them glazed donuts lookin real SCRUMPTIOUS AND FRESH in that packet
now you got the snacks secured in your bag and ready to go
you’re walking down the sidewalk when you hear some grunts and scrapping sounds?
you look down the alleyway and literally see your idol spiderman cornered
nuh uh not on your watch
you dropped your bookbag and tied ya braids/locks/afro back and took a running start
just as spidey was about to get punched you KICKED that mf straight in the cheek
spidey is like ????
“get got bitch!”
y/n???? awSHIT
its YOU
on one hand that was badass and two WHY ARE YOU HERE AND NOT HOME???
you grabbed a random pipe laying around and went ham on that bitch
peter is like confused and panicking as he stands up
you are handling your shit you aint need no mf powers
you got the black nasties on that was powerful enough
you are deadass yelling BITCH each time you hit them
peter snaps outta it and pulls you back
bc damn they knocked out alr you were bashing that hoe IN
you drop the pipe and turn to spidey with that big ol smile
peter felt his knees buckle
“you okay spidey? you looked like you needed some help?”
holy shit?
“u-uh t-thank you y–miss”
he had to speak from the belly with that
(i can hear my chorus teacher going SING FROM YOUR DIAPHRAGM)
while yall chatting it up another villain swooped in and threw some shit at yall?
idk how to describe it but it damn near almost impaled you but thankfully peter’s spidey sense kicked in and he pulled you out of the way
even though now you’re in fucking DANGER you’re losing your mind bc you are pressed up against peter’s chest
like damn spidey you really built like that?
peter on the other hand is like shit
cant let the loml aka crush slash bestfriend get hurt but i gotta fight these mfs....
he’s like fuck it man we gon dip just this once and picks you up
“hold onto me real quick?”
“o-oh okay????”
you’re living the fuckin DREAM and wrap your arms around his neck
peter’s trying to stay professional but ... girl you smell good asf and you basically intoxicating babyboy
then he just tHWIPS it outta there and hooks his foot onto your bookbag
shit was sexc even tho that didnt make much sense
yall SWINGING thru the streets with a lil funk and soul
you’re fully living the dream now baby!
he kinda just kicks his foot up and you catch your bookbag before wrapping your arms around his neck again
he swings yall onto a building roof top and you’re in awe
you’ve never seen queens like this before
he lets you go
“beautiful right? one of the benefits of being able to swing around”
“i know thats right...”
he’s just admiring you now
lil did we know tony stark PEEPED that shit thaNKS KAREN
you noticed spidey just staring at you and you lwk feel your cheeks heat up (bc black people don’t blush ❤️)
spidey you deadass left two CRIMINALS out in the open like hurry up
“h-hey can we take a picture together? i wanna show my petey that i met you!”
“o-oh uh sure? also who’s.... who’s petey?”
“oh he’s my best friend! technically his name is peter but i love giving him nicknames.”
bitch oh???
you turned on your phone and show him your lockscreen pointing at peter
“isnt he just adorable?”
palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy
“ah. do you. do you like him?”
you kinda just unlock your phone while looking away
“y-yeah i mean who wouldn’t? he’s perfect... 👉🏽👈🏽”
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“you like peter?”
“peter parker?”
“oh thank god”
“i beg your pardon?”
“oh i um i said that b-because i know him and im pretty sure he likes you back”
“y-yeah. he talks alot about you”
my mans are you really... snitching on yourself?
he really being his own wingman...
“yup. i get it too. you’re. you’re beautiful.”
you went
are my eyes deceiving me or is spiderman calling me BEAUTIFUL???
now yall both flustered
you’re thankful for your beautiful melaninated skin
peter’s thankful for that mf mask
“t-the picture”
“o-oh right”
cue tony PLOTTING like a mf
yall take two cute lil selfies together before spidey realizes he on the fuckin JOB
“ah i have to go let me take you home. where do you live?”
and you tell him your address even tho he already had it memorized by heart
he swang you to your doorstep and waved you goodnight before going back to handle those criminals
after that peter’s finally on his way home when tony pipes up
“was that the girl you always talk about”
“m-mr. stark??? you saw that??”
“all of it. she’s badass i want her on our team.”
that night you got an email from tony stark and you RANG UP PETER SO QUICKLY TO LOSE YOUR SHIT ABT NOT ONLY TONY BUT SPIDEY TOO
“t-that’s amazing n/n!”
the next day at school you absolutely GLOMPED him and mj
you are BUZZING with energy
mj’s kinda like?? did peter dick you down or some shit why you this hyped in the morning???
peter alr knows and is internally screaming into the void bc you like him back????
you’re already showing mj the pictures like “BRO LOOK HE EVEN HELD MY WAIST YESTERDAY!!”
ned is like 😏
mj is like 😌
they giving peter the LOOK
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bc bro.... cmon now peter.
mj and ned dip leaving you to gush to peter alone
“do you think i can really be a hero petey?”
“d-definitely n/n i mean you did save spiderman yesterday”
“you’re right!”
peter has lost his shit too many times
“also petey. i like you alot.”
cheek kiss and dip
petey boy is stunned standing there in the halls like 😳
then he revives himself like ik this pretty bitch didnt just kiss and dip me like that
now he chasing you
alls good
mj and ned got blackmail too
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thenamesblurrito · 4 years
Has Bumblebee visited his "big bro" Orion at the academy? :)
It’s been ages and ages since I got this ask but! I’m finally answering it for Bumblebee week fsdshdsh. Today’s prompt is Hugs!
Bumblebee is small. He knows that. But even Aunty looks tiny next to the enormous security towers of Orion's special school. He tilts his helm back aaaaall the way to see the very top of the towers, letting himself be dragged along by Tracks.
It's Visitor's Day at the Academy and some of the Pax Compact are supposed to be here to visit Orion, but Bumblebee thinks he'd rather have stayed home.
"Come on," Tracks grumbles. "Quit walking so slow."
The entrance to the campus looms before them as Aunty steps inside the welcome center to check them in. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker trail after her, each holding hands with Chase and Heatwave. The threshold of the door is as tall as Bumblebee's knees, and Tracks heaves on his hand to get him up. Bee's plating contracts a little bit upon seeing all the other people inside, a whole mess of group homes and families come to say hello to students. Has he ever been in a space this big before? The echo of metal and chatter and movement swells as they make their way further inside. Tracks is trying to look as aloof and haughty as a little nymph can, so Bee steps on his pede to make him stop.
"Ow! Quit it!"
Bee snickers at Tracks' expression, and so do the other four children when they turn around to look.
"Tracks, would you walk up here with me please?" Aunty asks mildly, still scanning the room for an available help desk.
"I would if Bumblebee would stop being so slow! It's his fault!"
Sideswipe hoots when Tracks stomps his pede on the floor.
"Well then Bumblebee can come up here too." She holds her hand out expectantly.
The other children look back to him. Chase peeps, "Uh oh!"
Oh no. Walk up front with her? With everybody around? Bee would rather stay tucked behind her bulk. He hunches his shoulders but allows Tracks to pull him forward.
"Thank you," Aunty says, prim and satisfied, taking Tracks' hand. Bumblebee is far too short to hold hands but shuffles along next to her anyway, staring resolutely at the ground.
"Who's that?" Heatwave says behind him.
"I dunno. A kid," Sideswipe replies.
"And who's that?"
"I dunno!"
"And who's that?"
"I don't know! Heatwave, we dunno anybody here!"
"We could know people here," Sunstreaker says slyly. "Bet I can make a friend before you."
"Nuh uh!"
Bumblebee stumbles as the twins dash past him and weave their way towards the closest knot of other children.
"Hey!" Chase squeaks. "That's against the rules!"
Aunty heaves a sigh. They had only just made it to a help desk. "Wait here for a moment, you four, I'll be right back."
Doorwings held flat and optics dim, Bee watches her go forlornly. The only familiar, comforting presence in the whole building, and she left them! The noise level ticks up. Tracks has gotten into an argument with Heatwave and raises his voice to be heard. Bee notices adults standing along the walls, watching over the crowd. One of them is looking in their direction. He shies back.
He doesn't wanna be here with all these strangers!
He glances up at the desk. The staff member there is too busy with another person to have noticed them, so he ducks around the corner of the desk and makes towards the far corner of the room. There's a very fancy-looking setup with placards and holographic pillars of names, but the only thing that matters to Bumblebee is the sparkling sized nook behind the base. He squirms into the little space and folds himself up.
Finally. Some peace and quiet.
It lasts for maybe two minutes before Bee hears pedesteps just outside and groans. Then a face peeks in with wide optics.
"Oh. Hi. Sorry."
It's a nymph he's never seen before, a seeker from what he can see of their frame, with blue paint and pointy helm kibble.
"I didn't know anybody was in here."
Bee wiggles around to face him better. "Why? Are you hiding too?"
The nymph shrugs, bending to sit just outside the little nook. "I dunno. It's loud in here. I don't want anybody to pay attention to me."
"Me too!" Someone sensible at last. Bee likes this person already. "Do you wanna come in here with me?"
"I don't think I'd fit, even by myself." He shrugs again, looking gloomy. "My trine are probably gonna find me eventually anyway."
"That's okay. My name's Bumblebee Pax, what's yours?"
"Dirge Safeguard." Dirge holds out a hand with a very serious expression. They shake solemnly. "Nice to meet you."
Dirge, he finds, is not very chatty, but that's okay. Bee has enough to say for the both of them. The nymph doesn't look like he's condescending to listen to a dumb little sparkling, so he's already a better listener than Tracks. If he's listening at all. He honestly might not be, his expression is flat and his gaze swivels lazily from the room at large to Bee in his nook.
Dirge stiffens a few times, looking up like someone's approaching, and Bee goes quiet until he relaxes again. It would be such a pain if anybody found them there and interrupted them. Unless it was somebody just looking to hide like they are, that would be okay. Oh! They should start a club! Bee isn't too sure what a club is or does but it sounds nice so they should do it. Maybe Dirge could come over to the Pax house sometime and they could be friends.
Again Dirge stiffens and focuses on something coming closer. Bee puts his claws over his mouth. He hears pedesteps approaching and sees a shadow grow on the wall.
Noooo..... why now??
Bumblebee sets his jaw in a pout. He is not going to leave his spot no matter what!
"Hey there," a friendly voice says. "Do you think you could help me?"
Dirge offers a sullen shrug.
"I'm looking for someone, a yellow minibot sparkling."
Bumblebee gasps. It couldn't be...
"He's a grounder frame with doorwings, he should be around here somewhere. Have you seen anyone like that?"
Side-eyeing the little space, Dirge mutters, "Maybe. I dunno."
"If you see him-"
"ORION!!!" Bumblebee shrieks, throwing himself onto Dirge's legs to escape the nook.
Between Dirge flailing in alarm and his own scrabbling to get upright, it takes him a few seconds to get a good glimpse, but there he is. It's Orion, he showed up, he's here!
Bee moves to tackle his pedes in the same instant Orion bends down to grab him, and he ends up hoisted against Orion's chest, shaking with the youngling's laughter.
"There you are! You ran off before I got here, Aunty's been looking for you!"
Clamping his arms around Orion's neck, Bumblebee squeezes him tight and tunes out. Something about Heatwave kicking Tracks in the shin, and Sideswipe tripping a random nymph named Strongarm from the Ambus Compact, and Aunty asking everyone where he might have gone, but he doesn't care very much.
Maybe it was worth it to come here today. Lots of things are worth going through if there's a hug from Orion at the end of it.
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harringrovetrashrat · 4 years
(We had a romcom month in Nov and y’all are gonna be subject to my bs.  This one is While You Were Sleeping inspired)
Steve groaned when there was knocking.
“Tommy, for the last time, no, you can’t move in, no I’m not in black underwear, and no--” He swung the door open to a smiling Billy, one eyebrow raised teasingly.  Steve flushed.  “Sorry, thought you were Tommy.” He said, shoving his hands into his pajama pockets.  Billy chuckled.
“Happens all the time,” he said.  He stood there a moment before ducking his head and licking his lips, wry smile on his face.  “Can I come in?”
“Oh, yeah!” Steve chirped, moving out of the way so Billy could enter.  He moved into the living room, letting Billy follow.  “Sorry,” he said with a wince, gesturing to the mess.  Billy shrugged.  It was quiet a moment before Billy cleared his throat and pointed at Steve’s chest.
“Deciding on ties?” He asked.  Steve looked down, looked at the navy blue, dark green, and coral neckties he had on.
“Oh,” Steve chuckled, pulling them off.  “Yeah, just uh, just seeing what will work.  For tomorrow.” Steve stared at Billy, taking him in.  Billy was looking at the clothes Steve had laid out, at the options he’d pulled out for the impromptu wedding.  It made his heart clench, made his lungs feel heavy.  He wanted Billy to say something.  “What did--”
“I’m sorry,” he said, face set.  “For all the trouble I gave you.” Steve’s words were stuck in his throat as Billy spoke.  “I’m gonna be really happy to, to call you my brother in law,” he said, smiling at Steve.  It didn’t reach his eyes quite right and Steve wanted him to fucking say something.  Billy hummed softly and pulled a small package out of his pocket.  “Oh, I got you a wedding gift,” he said.
“Yeah?” Steve’s voice was soft and Billy looked up at him through his lashes.  Steve gently took the present, unwrapping it carefully.
“I saw it in the window on a job and just--”
“Billy,” Steve breathed.  It was a snow globe.  Nothing fancy, but it was of Florence.  Steve shook it, watching the snow fall.  “Billy I--”
“Tell me a reason why I shouldn’t marry Heather,” he said, cutting Billy off.  “Tell me a reason and I won’t.”  Billy froze, gaze sad.  But, he didn’t say anything.  Didn’t utter a peep.  Steve gripped the snow globe tighter and smiled, nodding reflexively to the rejection, trying to push through the way it felt like his heart was breaking.  “Okay.  Yeah.”
“Steve,” Billy said, voice soft.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?  At the--” Steve took a breath.  “At the ceremony.” Billy looked like he wanted to say something, wanted to say a lot of things.  But again, he didn’t.  Just nodded and put his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah,” he replied, voice quiet.  “Tomorrow.” Steve shut the door behind Billy as he left, leaning his forehead against it to cry.  He took shuddery breaths, tried not to cry the day before his wedding, but for once, he couldn’t stop the tears.
Steve couldn’t believe he was late.  Couldn’t believe he was going to be late to his own wedding.  Yeah, maybe he wasn’t looking forward to it as much as he would have been a month ago, but he didn’t want to be late.  He skidded into the hallway and quickly found the room where everything had been set up.  Hop and Joyce were standing and talking, Murray was just sitting and watching the show, and Billy--
Billy was standing and waiting on Heather’s side.  Because of course he was her Man of Honor.  Steve walked in, waving.  He made it halfway down the aisle before he realized he’d left his jacket on.  So he ran back, put it on the hook, and walked down the aisle towards the family again.
“Finally!” Hopper boomed, smiling.  “You didn’t get cold feet did you?” Steve chuckled and shook his head.
“No, no.  Let’s uh, let’s do this.” Steve nodded to the rest of the family and looked at Billy.  Billy looked away from him as soon as they locked eyes and Steve once more wished for a lot of things.
Music began and Steve watched Heather walk down the aisle, Hopper leading her along.  They were smiling and Heather pulled her IV along, beaming at Steve.  He smiled back, thinking about how she and Billy had the same dimples.
Then the priest had started to speak and Steve looked in Heather’s eyes and--
“I object,” he said quietly.
“He what?” Hopper said, leaning forward.  Heather just blinked, tilting her head.  The priest gave him a quizzical look.
“We haven’t gotten to that part yet,” he said.
“I’m sorry but I can’t do this,” Steve said, letting go of Heather’s hands and stepping back.  “I--” He looked at the family.  “I’ve been lying to you.  To all of you.  And I can’t go through with this when I love--” He looked at Billy, heart slamming against his ribcage.  Billy stared, jaw slack.
“Billy?” Hopper groaned.  “Boy, what did you do?” Billy snapped out of his shock, furrowing his brow.
“What did I do?  I didn’t do anything!”
“He didn’t!” Steve cut in.  Everyone fell silent again.  “He didn't.  This is all on me, okay?  I’m not.  I’ve never been Heather’s fiancee.” The family collectively blinked.  “There was a miscommunication when she arrived and I didn’t correct them and then you guys came and--” He choked up a little, anxiety and regret filling him.  “You were all so lovely,” he  breathed out.  “A big, loving family that annoyed each other and ragged on each other but still loved each other at the end of the day.  I never… My parents stopped living at home when I was 13.  They didn’t stay at home with me for more than a week at a time.  I’ve never had real, good family in my life and…” He looked at them, all in varying degrees of shock.  “I fell in love with all of you,” he said, voice soft but strong.  Sure.  “And I was selfish and held onto it for too long.  Let this keep going when Heather doesn’t even know me.” He looks at her then, finding her smiling, even if it was sad.  Steve had let go of her hands during his little speech, but he took one again.  “I’m sorry,” he said to her.  “It was unfair to you and-- I’m just sorry.” Steve looked at Billy, who seemed unsure if he was shocked, angry, sad, or happy.  Steve understood that.  “I’m sorry to you too, because somewhere along the way of falling in love with your family, I fell in love with you as well.  And it wasn’t fair to… To want that when you didn’t know the truth.”
Before anyone could say anything else, the door burst open.
“I object!” A short, redheaded woman yelled from the doorway.
“Anyone else?” The priest asked, annoyed and ready to go home.
“Who are you?” Hopper demanded, brows drawn together.
“I’m Heather’s real fiancee!” She snapped, stomping down the aisle.  Heather’s eyes bugged out.
“Carol?  You said no!” She protested.
“Yeah, well I changed my mind--”
“What the fuck?” Joyce mumbled, pressing a dainty hand to her forehead.  The family got mixed up in the commotion and Steve quickly slipped out before anyone could pay him any mind.  It was easier that way.  He could slip out of their lives as easily as he slipped in and let them get back to normal.
Steve scratched a line on his notepad with his pen, cheek resting on his hand.  The day was slow, most people quietly bustling their way along in the cold of Chicago.  He sighed, letting his head fall forward to the desk.
“Listen,” Robin said from behind him, spinning around in her chair.  “It’s literally painful watching you mope.  Let’s get drinks tonight or something.” Steve didn’t look over his shoulder, just shrugged.
“Not feeling it,” he mumbled.  Robin sighed.  She opened her mouth to say more, maybe snark some sense back into him, when she saw a group approaching.  Steve still had his head down, shoulders slumped as he tried to make himself small.
It had been a long week since everything and Steve was tired.  Was tired, was sad, and didn’t really want to exist.  He’d been looking at plane tickets while holding Billy’s snow globe like some sort of creep for most of the week.  If he imagined being able to bring Billy along, no one else needed to know.  But it was the only thing he could think of to do.  To take some steps to enjoy his life, even if he had to do it alone.
He really didn’t want to do it alone.
There was a clink in front of him and he grabbed the change, not looking up or even saying his customary hello.  Once he had the pass printed, he slipped it back under the window and a hand quickly placed itself on top of his.  Steve’s breath caught.  He knew those fingers.  Knew those rings.  He’d memorized them.
Blue eyes were gazing down at him when he looked up, mouth opening in shock.  Billy smiled at him, small and hopeful.  Hopper and Joyce were doing a particularly bad job of hiding behind the pillar and watching.  Murray and Max had foregone trying to hide and were just watching, smiling at the sight.  Steve’s mind was racing.  Were they here to tell him off?  Were they mad?  Were they--
“Wanna go on a trip with me, pretty boy?” Billy asked, voice gentle and loving and everything Steve had been wanting to hear for the past month.  He gaped, mind working too slow to catch up.  Billy looked a little nervous at his silence, obviously chewing on the inside of his lip.
“Oh my god,” Robin said as the silence dragged on too long. “He so fucking does.  Please, take his moping ass on a date so I don’t have to drown him myself.”
“Robin!” Steve hissed, turning red.
“You’ve literally been depressed all week and it’s been bringing my vibe down.” Her look softened as she smirked, small and just at Steve.  “Go get your man.  I’ll cover for you.”
Steve could have kissed her.
Instead, he stood, shoving the door to the booth open and jumping the turnstile to cup Billy’s face and pull him into a kiss.  Billy’s hands settled on his waist as he smiled against Steve’s lips.  Joyce let out a Yes! that was probably louder than it should have been, but Steve didn’t care.  Didn’t think about anything except the lips pressed against his.  When he pulled back, Billy was smiling, bright and happy and Steve loved him.
“I’d go anywhere with you, Blue.”
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1000roughdrafts · 3 years
Family Secrets: Chapter Seventeen
God, are you out there? Oh, right, that’s me.
Summary: Allanah connects you with Nathan, a man who might have the answers you seek, but will he be wiling to share that information with you?
A/N: I completely lost interest in this series, and had no real intentions of picking it back up because I didn't think anyone would actually care to read it. Its my least popular series after all. Then, recently, it started to gain a bit of traction, and i got a request to finish it. so I re-read what I've already posted and after cringing and laughing a bit at my past self, I started working on an ending to it. This is the start to that ending. Thank you to @hannahcoursey for the push to finish this. It definitely needed closure. This chapter is a bit slow paced, but only so that I could tie up some loose ends and get back into the groove of this series.
Warnings: cursing, some angst, much suspense,
W/C: 2.3k
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Standing on the roof of a desolate parking garage as you wait for Dan, you’re safe from the worst of the storm for now. As the day fades into night, the waters start to calm and you keep your eyes on the streets that have turned to small rivers. With your arms bundled tightly against your wet body, your jaw chatters from the cold.
Everything up until this moment had been moving so fast. It had been one thing after another, not allowing you any time to think, let alone process any thoughts that did manage to slip through. And the ones that do sneak past your guards crush you. Back on Earth you reach out in your most desperate moments for a God that, should he exist, doesn’t know or care about your existence, much like you hadn’t known about the exist of those praying for your help.
Ignoring Sam and Allanah as they mumble behind you, you keep your attention on the mostly wiped out town, and you can’t help but to feel responsible for it all. You were the one to create it in the first place. How could you be so selfish as to create a world and neglect it for thousands of years?
Now, though, as you stand still, just waiting in the near silence, your mind roams to the darkest and apparently the loudest parts of these thoughts. They write themselves on your face, broadcasting to those around you just how destroyed you feel.
Sam removes his jacket, draping it around your shoulders and nods at his brother. Dean, now at your side, wraps his arm around you and you lean into him, accepting the embrace without removing your eyes from the damage that surrounds you. However, the more you think about the town’s ruination, the less of it you can see. Through blurred vision, you take your eyes off the town and turn to Dean.
He pulls you completely into him, staying silent as he wraps his arms tightly around you. The comfort he provides you with is all you needed in order to let go. Tears fall quietly as he rubs your back, cooing and shushing you. A third hand rubs a soft circle on your back and between your shoulder blades and you turn around to see Allanah. Standing behind her is Dan and Nathan. They talk amongst each other in hushed tones. After a short moment, they turn to face you, taking slow steps over.
”Allanah, good to see you,” he says with a nod. Your eyes squint as you look over at her tight smile, and you make a mental note to ask her how they knew each other prior to this wretched day if her instructions had been to not intervene. “Y/N, Sam, Dean, this is Nathan,” he says, palm up, gesturing to the old man. “Nathan, these are the people I was telling you about.”
Nathan nods somberly, and to your annoyance, speaks slowly. “It’s nice to meet you,” he says, taking in a deep and heavy breath as he glances around, “although unfortunate for the circumstances.” If you hadn’t been watching him so closely, you might have missed his smirk. He looks at Dan, clearing his throat, “uh, Dan says you have some questions for me?”
You walk towards him, standing only a few feet away, “sorry to cut to the chase here, but I want to know what you meant when you told Tullie that ‘you never know who is listening’.”
His eyebrows furrow. You suppose Dan left that part out when talking with him prior. “How - how,” he starts looking over at Dan, then back at you, “how do you know about that? That was a private conversation.”
“These are the creators,” Allanah says softly, pointing at you and Dean before moving to stand by your side, “well, not exactly them per se, but their souls,” she sighs, “it’s a long story.”
You try your best to remain calm, but the more time that passes means the less time you have to save the people you came here for to begin with. A knot ties in your chest, and your heart thumps rapidly.
“Well, all right,” Nathan says slowly. “Look, I’m not sure what your intentions were in building or creating this world, but,” he sighs, shaking his head, “things haven’t gone right for a while. The separation between regions has become bloody, and that’s not even the worst of it. People in Ira are fighting for their lives. Their hospitals are overcrowded, and not equipped enough to handle what’s happening. Nor are the others!” he shouts, throwing his hands in the air.
Despite your reservations about the man, you can understand why he’s so frustrated. Before you knew this world existed you questioned whether or not God on Earth is real, and if he is, how could he let such horrible things happen? Has he forgotten about Earth the way you and Dean forgot about Teraw and the other regions? Or has he moved on all together, starting anew?
“By the sounds of it, they never were,” you sigh. “I’m very sorry for the state of this world, and I’m incredibly embarrassed that something I created has turned into a place that fosters such evil, but we don’t have time to be talking about the history of this hell like we’re at a fucking tea party,” you say, voice elevating. “If I had it my way, this whole world would never have been created in the first place, but past me was a selfish bitch, and I’m here to correct her wrongs. Luna, Ana, Tullie and two men are currently tied to chairs in Mr. Grant’s house, and we’re here talking formalities. In fact,” you say, “hours have already passed, so we may not even know where they are now,” the words scratch your throat on their way out.
“With all due respect, Nathan,” Allanah starts, “she has a point. Time is of the essence here,” she pleads, “at a later time I’m sure we’ll be able to discuss what needs fixing here, but our top priority needs to be finding them.”
“If it’s because you’re worried he’s going to hear you,” you say in a calmer voice, “it’s all over. It won’t even matter once I get my hands on him.”
“Fine,” Nathan sighs, “it’s not exactly a secret,” he scoffs. “I mean, half the town knows that he spies on us.”
“What do you mean by spying? Hidden cameras, recorders, people undercover, voodoo? I mean, what?” Dean impatiently spits, nearing your level of irritation.
“Spells,” he says, “location spells, peeping spells, the like.”
Sam’s eyes squint, ever the observant one, he says, “why are you so hesitant to share with us? What are you so afraid of?”
Nathan steps closer, “I have a family to protect!” He shouts.
“So do we!“ you say, matching the ferocity in his tone, “and we’re here to save them, and through that, we could save yours.”
He shakes his head, “you don’t know him like I do.”
“Enlighten us, then,” Dean shrugs.
”By doing so, I would be committing a crime comparable to no others,” he says, eyes focused on the ground, “I just can’t divulge any further information. I’m sorry,” he says, turning to walk away.
“What does he have on you?” Sam shouts after him.
“What does it matter?” You glare. “Do you know where he lives, Nathan?” You ask.
He turns to face you, and you notice the hesitation on his face. Asking again, more aggressively, he nods.
“Take us there,” you say, taking a step only to be stopped by Dean throwing his arm in front of you.
“Y/N, wait,” he interjects, gripping onto your arm. “He saw us there, he’ll know we’re coming. We need to be smart about this, come up with a plan,” he says in a low whisper.
“That’s the only advantage he has,“ you frown, “since we have been there, we’ll know where to hide until we’re ready to attack. Then, once we have them, we’ll be able to take him down from there. Sounds like a fine plan to me,” you shrug.
Allanah steps in, her hand resting gently on your shoulder, “I’m afraid Dean is right.” She turns her body towards you, gesturing towards the ledge to step away from the group, “a moment, please.”
Following her over, you fold your arms in front of you. With soft eyes, and a soft smile, Allanah sets her hand on your forearm. “Y/N, I hate to sound blunt here, but you’re acting a bit like your late partner.”
Your eyes widen at the comparison, and you drop your arms to your side, “what?”
“You’re bloodthirsty and I completely understand why, but it’s blinding you. We all want nothing more than to save them, but this abrasive and zealous nature you’ve taken on is likely to get us all killed if you don’t take a step back and realize that.”
Rolling your eyes, you look away to glance at the purple sky, remembering the night for what seems like the millionth time. You remember the way you pleaded with Jolie to wait until you had more people, a better plan, but her desire to gain revenge in the name of her son is what took her life. You want to hate Allanah for speaking truth, for reminding you yet again of such a painful memory, but you can only blame yourself for letting this get the better of you.
Witch a sigh, you relax your body, “fine. You’re right,” you concede.
“I know,” she smiles somberly, her hand finding its way back onto your arm. “Listen, we’re going to get them back safe, I promise you that. But to be honest, I think it’s time to reunite them with our world,” she says. “It’s ultimately a decision for you and Dean to make, but I believe that it’s time to bring this world to its end. It was created in vein, and I empathize with your mindset at the time of creation, however due to these circumstances, I’m afraid the foundation is rocky, and these things, no matter who is here, will keep happening until we put a stop to it for good.”
Pausing for a moment, you soak in this information, “how do we do that?” You ask.
"I'm not sure, yet," she says, letting her eyes fall to the concrete you stand on. "I'd have to think back on what you two did to create it and try to reverse that somehow, but with no powers here, I'm afraid that's going to be easier said than done."
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you look around at the falling sky and swimming infrastructure. Shaking your head, you look back at Allanah, “I can’t give up on this place. Not like Earth’s God did,” you sigh. “In a last ditch effort to save lives,” you say, tilting your head, “I’ll entertain the idea, but for now… I have to try and do right by the people here and fix what I started.”
Allanah nods, “I understand,“ she says with a smile. “Then we’ll figure it out.”
After a brief moment of thought, you question the events leading up to this moment, much like you had earlier, and before you could stop it, you blurt out, “can I ask you something?”
Allanah nods, “anything.”
"Why did you take me from my family?" you utter, grateful for the cutting wind that prevents the tears from falling.
She sighs, “honey, I never wanted to come clean about this as to not taint your view of your father, but,” she sighs again, “Mary wasn’t the only one in the Winchester’s circle to make a deal with Yellow Eyes. Your father, he,” she pauses, looking away, “he couldn’t have known what was to come. You know how sly and manipulative demons can be, and Yellow Eyes,” she shakes her head, her eyes meeting back with yours, “he was by far the worst I’d encountered. I had already begun my operation to build a coven, and despite what you may think I never took children from the clutches of loving families, but rather, like in your case, saved them from evil. Soon after your birth, he kidnapped you, and once I caught wind of it, I’d already begun to gain memories of this world. I absolutely knew I had to save you. It cost me a great deal of trouble, but I would stop at nothing in order to keep you safe.”
You scoff, crossing your arms, “if that were true, why were you so vicious when you had me? The memories you forced me to see all over again, the way you talked about the Winchester’s. You made me question my entire life,” you spit.
In an effort to gain control of the conversation, Allanah steps closer to you, “I know it’s unforgivable, but I needed to make sure you would stay away from him until we were ready. It was absolutely the wrong way to go about it, and I understand that now, but I was trying to make sure you remembered your powers, how to access them.”
“You had me shaking in anger! What would you have done if I killed him?” You shout, never minding how the guys look over in worry.
Allanah, however, does notice, and smiles at them before lowering her tone to a soft whisper, “I knew you wouldn’t. The bond you two share, as you know, goes beyond and deeper than a single lifetime. But, if it had gotten to that point, I’d have intervened.”
The lies are endless, and right now, you can’t even bare to look at her. Glancing back at the others, you’re immediately distracted by the disappearance of Nathan and Dan. “Hey!” you shout at Dean, “where the hell did he go?”
Dean shrugs as you storm over, “I tried to stop them,” he says breathlessly, “before I could get my hands on him, the bastard zapped outta here.”
“Shit,” you harshly whisper, throwing your hands onto your face, and pressing firmly as you bring them down your chin.
PermaTags<3 @waywardblueshun @81mysteriouslyme @drakelover78 @soab1967 @shutupandfeedmethings @pollywantacracker666 @sonnierae26 @obsessed5sosfreak @tlovescoffee @noodledoodlebug @hobby27 @cluz1babe @emptycanvasposts @suckmyapplejacks @sigrunsavestheday
Family Secrets<3 @lilulo-12 @vicmc624 @cluz1babe @idksupernaturl
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h4nsoluvr · 4 years
got7 reactions: confessing↠ hyung line
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“y/n what do you think of me?” jaebeom suddenly blurts out as he helps you tidy your apartment once the rest of your friends had left.
you paused before bending over to pick up the takeaway boxes that were scattered across your floor.
“what do you mean jaebeom?”
“i mean, what do you think of me?” he repeats, “genuinely.”
“well...you’re nice, passionate at what you do and you never fail to make me laugh. i think there are a lot of things i could say about you. why do you ask?” you give him a quizzing look.
“what about my dazzling good looks?” jaebeom teases, dramatically doing his best model pose.
“yeah that too.” you nod in agreement. jaebeom stops in his tracks.
“w-wait, you think i am handsome?” he stammers.
“of course jaebeom, i am not blind. but apparently you are as you haven’t picked up on the hints i’ve given that i have liked you ever since we first became friends” you stated.
“oh...” he drifts off as he sheepishly picks up the last of the rubbish.
“yeah. the others even said i was being painfully obvious”
“oh.” jaebeom echoes as he internally facepalms.
“so are you free for a date this saturday?” jaebeom, gains the confidence to speak up after a moment of silence, “just to clarify i am not asking you out just because of what you just said you now...i’m saying it because i’ve liked you a lot too...” he says, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as a pink flush creeps up his cheeks. “not that i didn’t like what you said! i mean, you’re very pretty also!”
you find yourself being amused at this flustered side of jaebeom that you haven’t seen before.
“yes jaebeom, i thought you would never ask.” 
“cool,” he says shyly, trying to ignore the feeling of his heat practically beating out his chest. “i’m gonna go now y/n.” 
“okay, goodnight and get home safe.” you give him one last smile before closing your front door.
on the other side of the door what you didn’t see is jaebeom with his head in his hands, “oh you are such an idiot jaebeom.” he says to himself as he walks away whilst smiling from ear to ear.
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you gently knock on the door to mark’s room before entering, upon hearing a noise from inside you peered your head around the corner to see mark slumped over in his chair, engrossed in a video game. 
“cover me, cover me, cover me! ahhh!” he yells, pushing away from his desk in half frustration and half laughter as his team loses the game. taking off his headphones he glances behind him to see you standing at his door.
“oh hey y/n!” he greets and you give a nod back.
“hey, i cooked too much food earlier so i thought i might bring the leftovers for you.” you say, gesturing to the food in your hand.
“oh my god is that sweet and sour pork?! y/n you’re the best i swear.” mark licks his lips in hunger as he stares down at the food you had brought him.
before you could open your mouth to respond you are abruptly interrupted by a voice from his computer.
“hey mark are you joining the next game? or are you with that cute girl you’re always talking about?” the voice says as mark’s eyes grow wide.
“errr...i thought i muted this...” mark says, totally mortified as he clumsily rushes to turn off his computer.
“oh my god y/n, i am so sorry, i can’t believe-” he plucks up the courage to finally turn back to look at you, in his state of panic not realising that you had been laughing this whole time.
“you really think i’m cute?” you ask.
“i-well-err...yeah. yeah i do. but if you want to be just friends i am more than happy with that.” mark states, with embarrassment still evident on his face.
“mark, i would like to give being more than friends with you a go if you are okay with that.” you reply, sitting comfortably on his bed and grabbing the tv remote. “do you want to watch a movie?”
in shock, all mark can manage is a nod as he moves to sit next to you.
“you’re cute when you’re embarrassed.” you giggle, teasingly poking at his cheeks.
“shut up.” mark pouts, a smile playfully tugging at his lips.
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“okay guys, smile!” you friend declared as you and jackson smile for the photo. you and a few other friends had gone on a short trip as a break from city life whilst the weather was still warm. at the last second before the picture jackson sneakily put up a peace sign behind your head as you grinned cluelessly.
“cute!” your friend says as she gives you back your phone and skips away to the rest of the group who were further ahead. you playfully shove jackson to the side as you notice his hand in the picture.
“hey! you’re stronger than you look you know y/n.” jackson winces, rubbing his arm exaggeratingly.
“no, you ruined the picture jacks!” you exclaim.
“nuh-uh, i made it better,” he says, looking over your shoulder to peep at the picture, “i like it. send it to me so i can make it my lock-screen y/n.”
“why would you want to make it your lock-screen?” you look at him curiously.
he shrugs, “it’s cute. plus we look like a couple don’t you think?” jackson smiles as he sends the picture to himself from your phone. “see?” he says as he finally shows you the picture now displayed on his phone.
“and that’s a good thing?” you ask, mentally telling your heart to calm down a bit.
“of course it is” jackson declares, “then if anyone see’s the picture and asks me who the pretty girl in it is i get to say ‘oh that’s y/n, she’s pretty cool’.”
you were sure that by this point you were blushing, “yeah i guess i am pretty cool...”
jackson laughs in response, “so does that mean that you like me too?”
“yes, jackson.” you say coyly as you link arms with him.
jackson leaps up in joy, fist bumping the air whilst still holding you tightly with his other arm. “she likes me too guys! wait up, she likes me as well!” he shouts to your friends in the distance who had now stopped to turn around to see what all the fuss was about. jackson winks at you before dragging you towards the others in order to celebrate.
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“thanks for picking me up jinyoung.” you mumble as you trudge solemnly alongside your best friend. in order to take your mind off of your crush on jinyoung, you had agreed to go on a date with this guy on the same course as you at university. but alas, you had been stood up. tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you both walk down the street heading towards your house. you pause to take off the heels you had on, cursing under your breath at the realisation they were making your feet sore.
“ugh jinyoung i feel like a total idiot, he told me we were going to some fancy restaurant to i made such an effort and for nothing.” you groan.
“if anyone is the idiot here it’s that jerk, you look great y/n.” he says, patting you on the shoulder.
if it were anyone else you would feel awkward with such a gesture, but as jinyoung gently touched your skin you immediately felt reassured.
“yeah i guess you’re right jinyoung.” 
“of course i’m right y/n, i am never wrong.” he pointed out with a smirk, you roll your eyes back with a chuckle, wiping the tears away which had formed in your eyes.
“you don’t deserve to cry over any man you know that right?” jinyoung says and you nod. deep down you knew he was right but you couldn’t help but feel annoyed at your failure to move on from your feelings for him.
“i also went on a date tonight,” he announces and your heart instantly sinks.
“and how was it?” you ask, feigning a smile.
“it was good,” jinyoung continues as he runs a hand through his hair, “but as i was on the date i couldn’t help but wish it were someone else to be honest.”
“hm i see, that must’ve been one uncomfortable date.” you say, your eyes drifting to the elderly couple walking sweetly hand in hand across the road. you look back away as soon as you feel a slight pang of envy.
“not really actually, as soon as i realised this i explained it to the girl and she was very understanding about it all. and then i upped and left and decided to go to the girl i actually like.”
“and how was that?” 
“i don’t know, she actually just got stood up by an absolute asshole who didn’t even deserve her to begin with and i am starting to realise how much better i could treat her...” jinyoung turns to you with a smile and you abruptly stop walking.
“huh?” you blurt out and jinyoung chuckles at your surprised expression.
“i like you a lot y/n, i am sorry it took me so long to realise.” he confesses.
“i...i like you too jinyoung.” you say as jinyoung laces his fingers with yours.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (3)
Ao3 | FF.net
The walk to the Principal's office wasn’t that long, but it felt like it with the dagger’s Adrien was staring at him. 
“I know what you’re going to say—“ 
“You knocked him unconscious.” 
“What was I supposed to do? Let him drag me all the way back to the mansion, making me escape again?” 
“You’re doing this all wrong! Father doesn’t like disobedience! He’s just going to tighten the leash every time you act up! It’s better if you just apologize now and then follow his orders to a T.”
“Listen to yourself, Adrien.” Plagg paused one the hall. “Orders? Disobedience? You make him sound like a prison warden, and not a father! You always followed his rules and it’s gotten you nowhere.” 
“I was better off then than I am now...” 
“Yes, you were.” Plagg admitted. “Not going to lie, this is going to get way worse before it gets better. But I’ve already made my intentions known to him, so he’ll know that I’m not just being rebellious without due cause. I’ll just have to keep pushing until he cracks.” 
“I hate this.” 
“Cheer up kid. Just enjoy the ride. I’ll take care of everything.”
Adrien just groaned as they reached the Principal's office and he dove back into his pocket. 
Plagg knocked. 
“Yes yes, come in.”
Inside, Mr. Damocles only spared Plagg a glance. “Yes, Mr. Agreste, what do you need?”
“I don’t know.” 
“Then can it wait until after school? I’m very busy.”
“Okay.” And he walked back outside.
“You were supposed to tell him about what happened in class, and he was going to punish you!” Adrien chastised. 
“I don’t want to be punished.” Plagg shrugged. 
Adrien just groaned again. “You will be the death of me.” 
“Adrien, don’t be so dramatic.” Plagg impersonated his father. “Emotions are for peasants. We rich people have no need for feelings.”
“Damn, that’s really accurate.” 
“I practice.” 
Adrien floated out of the pocket. “By the way…why didn’t you tell me Marinette was Ladybug?”
Plagg halted and leaned against the railing. “How’d you figure that out?”
Plagg snorted. “I bet she felt pretty stupid for letting that slip.”
“She said you’re a cheater.” 
He shrugged. “She has the same ability as me. She’s just too much of a goody-goody two shoes. Anyway, I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t supposed to.”
“You’re also not supposed to put cheese in my shoes, but that doesn’t stop you.” 
“That’s different. The whole identity rule was put in place by the Guardians. Master Fu, the guardians before him, and now Marinette. That’s a little more binding.” 
Adrien wilted, knowing he was beaten. 
“But you’re on board with my plan now, right? Flirting with Marinette?”
“Sure, but Tikki said she’s already in love with me.”
“That’s true, but she doesn’t know you’re in love with her. And instead of just confessing, I’m going to slowly convince her that she’s the one you’re in love with.”
“Why do it slowly?”
“Two reasons.” Plagg held up his fingers. “One: I want to leave the mushy gushy confession stuff to you, and B: it’s more fun this way.”
“You’re a piece of work, you know that?”
“Yes. One worthy of the Louvre. I’m glad you’ve finally noticed.” He swiped Adrien out of the air and tucked him into his pocket. “Now, we must get back to class. While I certainly lived the Hundred Years War, you still need to know what’s going to be on the test.” 
Plagg walked back into the classroom, completely unbothered.
Miss Bustier looked surprised to see his return. The Gorilla was propped up against the wall with a washcloth on his forehead. He was still unconscious. “Back already? What did Mr. Damocles have to say about your behavior?”
“He took away one of my good noodle stars.” 
Someone in the back of the room snorted.
Miss Bustier sighed, as if she had been expecting this. “Alright, take your seat, Adrien. I better not hear a peep out of you for the rest of the day.” 
“You got it, teach!” 
At lunch, Plagg turned in his seat and addressed Nino. “Hey, you busy after school?” 
“Uh...Alya and I had a date, but if you’re free I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I postponed!” 
“It’s a little rude to cancel plans without consulting the person you made them with, don’t you think?” Alya snarked, leaning forward. 
“Oh my apologies, madam.” Plagg bowed. “Dost thou mind if thine beloved joins me on an errand after school?” 
“But Adrien,” interrupted Marinette. “Don’t you have fencing after school?” 
“Hmm, you’re right. I have to keep up appearances.” 
“After fencing then.” 
“Hmm, how about this,” suggested Alya. “What if we come watch your fencing practice, and then we all go together.” 
Plagg blanched. “Eh, I don’t really want to be a third wheel.” 
“You wouldn’t. Marinette’s coming too!” 
“Oh!” He hopped up on his knees, eagerly getting into her space. “Like a double date? That sounds like fun!” 
“Date?!” Stuttered Marinette, “Uh, yeah! Sure!” Then her face pulled into a wince. “That is, if you don’t want to go with Kagami instead...” 
“Nah, this is an errand meant for the OG crew. Wouldn’t want anyone else! So what are we doing for lunch?” 
“You don’t have to go home?” 
“Sure, I have to, but I don’t want to. Let’s see...” he took out his wallet. Inside, there were several credit cards, but only one in Gabriel’s name. 
“I’ll cover lunch, let's hit the most expensive restaurant there is! Daddy’s paying!” 
After lunch, the group walked back to school, with the boys taking the lead while the girls hung back a few steps. 
“Okay, as much as I love new Adrien,” Alya whispered. “There’s definitely something up with him.” 
“Yeah. I noticed the minute I saw him this morning. I’m really worried about him.” 
“Eh, I wouldn’t be worried about him. I’d be worried about everyone else.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I just mean...he’s gotten a taste of power somewhere, and it’s bound to explode outward. I’m sure that triple digit bill at lunch is not going to go over well with his father. If he’s messing with his dad and with Lila...when is it going to stop?” 
“No. Adrien’s not like that. I think he’s acting out for attention.” 
“You think he’d do that?” 
“I...I don’t know. But I think it’s closer to what’s happening. Adrien is good and kind, he’s not snotty like Chloe. I think this is just honest to goodness rebellion.” 
Plagg turned around and called back to the girls. “Do you think a tattoo would suit me?” Then he grabbed his leg in pain. “Ouch! Cramp!” 
“Definitely rebellion.” 
After school, Nino, Alya, and Marinette took a seat under the shady courtyard stairs so they could work on homework and watch Adrien’s practice at the same time. 
Nino spread out his books and then leaned back on his elbows. 
“You guys noticed how frickin weird Adrien’s been acting today?” 
“Yes!” The girls said unanimously. 
“We were just talking about that at lunch!” Said Alya. “Marinette says it's a rebellion. I say he’s tasting the rich boy power.” 
Nino screwed up his lips. “I think you’re both wrong. I think he’s magically switched bodies with someone...or something...” 
“Dude, what the hell are you talking about?” Alya stared at him, blank-faced. 
“Come on, you can’t seriously rule that out! What if there’s a body swapping Akuma out and about that we don’t know about yet?” 
“You think Adrien’s an Akuma?” 
“Or under the effects of one.” Nino clarified. “Maybe someone out to ruin his reputation...or something more sinister...” 
“If that’s the case, we should grill him. Ask him questions only the real Adrien would know.” 
“Yeah!” Nino stood. “Like that one episode of Spongebob!” 
“We should definitely not take advice from a children’s show.” 
“Or…we should.” 
Adrien emerged from the locker room, foil in hand and dressed in his gear. There was still something off about him. Were his pants on backwards?
“Hey Adrien!” Nino called. 
Like an excited puppy, Adrien trotted over. “Sup homes?”
“What’s your favorite vine?”
He rubbed his chin. “Odd question. But I suppose it’d be a trumpet, or perhaps a Honeysuckle.” 
“Uhh…” Nino raised a brow at him, suspicion rising. 
“Oh, you mean one of your silly little internet videos.” Immediately, Adrien dropped into a fighting stance. “DON’T EFF WITH ME! I’VE GOT THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE! AHHHHHH!” 
“Yep, that’s Adrien.”
While Alya and Nino got to work on their homework, Marinette was constantly distracted by Adrien. Nothing new, of course, but it wasn’t all ‘grace’ and ‘elegance’.
It was ‘sneaky’ and ‘unlawful’.
Whenever Adrien’s partner was turned away, Adrien grabbed the tip of his saber, and bent it, only to release it a second later to snap on his opponent’s rear end. 
“You had a fly.” 
“Mr. Agreste!” The coach called. “I don’t tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct! One more goof, and you’re out of practice!” 
“Just one more?”
“One more!”
“Out you go!”
“Thanks!” And Adrien walked right off the mat and over to the locker room. He came out a few minutes later, looking even more disheveled than he was this morning. His hair was a sweaty rat’s nest.
“Now that I’ve been kicked out of fencing, who wants to run some errands!?” 
Alya slammed her book shut. “Me is ready. Me can't read anymore!” 
“Well, me is hungry,” said Nino. “Can we get food first?”
“Snacks it is!” 
But before they could even go anywhere, Kagami appeared, looking rightfully confused. “You’re skipping fencing today?”
“Correction, was kicked out of fencing today!” 
Her eyes widened in horror, before she frowned hard. “That’s not something to joke about Adrien.” 
“I’m not joking, I was goofing around and Coach kicked me out of practice.”
She shook her head. “That’s disappointing, Adrien. I expected better from you.” 
In Plagg’s pocket, Adrien gave a little gasp of pain. Hearing his father’s disappointment was one thing, but hearing that from Kagami was horribly painful. 
But Plagg rolled with it easily. “Kagami, let’s talk.” He turned to his friends. “I’ll be back in a little bit, think about where you want to eat.” Then Plagg led Kagami over to a secluded corner so they could speak privately. 
In the pocket, Adrien prayed that Plagg would be nice to her. 
Once they were a distance away, Kagami crossed her arms and levelled a glare at him. “If you are going to tell me to loosen up, I am. But you know how important fencing is for me. I want you to have friends, but I don’t like you blowing off responsibilities.”
“Kagami,” Plagg folded his hands in front of him. “This is bigger than us.”
Her face paled. “What? What are you saying?”
“I’m saying, you and I are leading different lives—“
“You’re breaking up with me?” She sniffed. 
“Ah ah, technically, we were never really dating in the first place.” 
“I’m going to explain something to you, and I want you to listen and hear it objectively, as much as it will hurt. Don’t take it personally, alright?” 
She nodded sadly. 
“You think you’re in love with me, because you think you should be. I’m the only male friend you have that’s our age, and because of the affection you have for me, you’re assuming that it’s infatuation, when really, it’s just a connection.”
She blinked, frowning, but her eyes weren’t tearing up anymore. 
“I’m in a similar boat to you, where I started to like my first female friend on instinct. It was only until I made other female friends that I realized what I felt for her was really love, and not just the thrill of having a friend that’s a girl.” 
“Then…how do you know I don’t feel the same? I get what you’re saying, but I think I really love you.”
“Do you? Or do you love the idea of me? Do you love the idea of having a male companion that you can bond with?”
“I do like that…”
“Can you imagine it being someone other than me?”
“I don’t know who else it would be…”
“Make up a person. Pretend you’re talking to someone else, getting ice cream with someone else. Do you feel like you could get the same thing you want from me from someone else? Or is it something only I can give? Is it companionship? Or is it my sense of humor, my topics, my interests, my opinions?”
Kagami crossed her arms, now deep in thought.
“Kagami, I don’t want to hurt your feelings. I do care a lot about you, and I really enjoy fencing with you. But…I can’t see myself spending the rest of my life with you. We’re too alike, and yet too different. Our discussions are shallow, and I don’t think you want the same things from life as I do. But I think you want a boyfriend, and I was the closest boy available.” 
Kagami unfolded her arms, and raised her head to look at him levelly. “Yes, I suppose that is an accurate assessment. You do do things that irritate me, like fooling around in serious moments. Every time I brought up the future, you clammed up. I can see you live for the now and not for tomorrow, which is difficult to build a relationship on.” 
Both Plagg and Adrien sighed. She was taking this extremely well, given her track record for akumatizations. 
“I suppose I do need to make more male friends. I think that would be smart to learn more about what I want in a partner. And we can always revisit our relationship in the future, right?”
“Umm, maybe…?”
She frowned again. “Oh, yes, you said earlier that you are in love with someone else. It’s Marinette, isn’t it?”
Plagg grinned. “Pretty obvious, isn’t it?”
“I was in disbelief when you called her a ‘really good friend’. I saw it a mile away, but since neither of you were making a move, I decided to ‘shoot my shot’ as they say.”
Plagg figured that’s how it was, but Adrien was gawking at her from inside the pocket. She knew?? And she didn’t tell him?! 
“I suppose I should have expected this conversation as well. But I appreciate your insight. I think you’re right. I just want a boyfriend.” She shrugged. “I guess it doesn’t have to be you.” 
Plagg sighed again. “Thank you, Kagami.” 
“No, thank you, Adrien. Thank you for breaking this off before I got too invested. You know how much I hate wasting time.” And with that, she walked off. 
Once she was out of earshot, Plagg whistled lowly. “Whoa, burn. Dodged a bullet there, pal.” 
“The time we spent together was not a waste!” Adrien protested. “Anytime spent with friends should be cherished!” 
Plagg cupped him in his hand, rubbing right between the ears. “Hey, come on kid. She didn’t mean it like that. She can be as cool and calm as she wanted, but she’s still hurt. But I swear, it’s better for both of you this way, especially since you’re in love with Marinette.” 
“I know…it just…sucks.” 
“Sure it does. But it won’t forever.” Then he popped him back inside the pocket. “Come on! Let’s meet up with the others! We have some shopping to do!” 
“What are we shopping for, exactly?”
“Tools to use to piss off your old man.” 
“Uh, been there, done that?” 
“Oh no, my teeny tiny friend, we have much left to do. Much left.” 
“Touching me…”
“Touching you…”
“Now,” Nino interrupted their little impromptu karaoke down the sidewalk, “my English might not be very good, but I’m pretty sure it’s ‘Sweet Caroline’ not ‘Sweet Camembert.’”  
“Aw,” Plagg waved his hand. “It’s not important what the lyrics are, it’s just important that you feel the song.”
Nino, as a DJ, looked aghast. “Of course it’s important to know the lyrics! Why do you think they’re written that way?”
“Relax, I love making cheese parodies of songs. I’m not going to go to Jagged Stone and argue that my lyrics are better.” 
“Um…since when do you make cheese parodies? And aren’t you like, low key lactose intolerant?”
“Allergies can’t stop the cheese, my friend. Why do you think I take so many bathroom breaks?” 
Adrien pinched him from inside the pocket, but Plagg just swatted him back. Did he not see the opportunity he was just given? A perfect cover for when he had to go fight akumas!
All he had to do was become the weird cheese kid. Such were the sacrifices of being a hero. 
“Oh!” Marinette exclaimed as they walked past a boutique. “That is adorable!” She stared at a dress in the window. 
Plagg’s ears metaphorically perked up and he swooped in to make a move. He laid an arm on her shoulder. “Oh, yes Marinette, that’s extremely cute. I think it would look nice on you! Can I buy it for you?” He gave her a smooth smile. 
Adrien facepalmed in his pocket. 
“What! You want to—for me? No! No…I can certainly make it on my own!” She snapped a picture of the dress. “I think I could find a print I like better too.” 
Plagg was not deterred. “Oh, then perhaps I could buy the fabric for you? It’s not often that I get to buy things for my friends!” 
“Dude, you bought us lunch today.” Said Nino, with some concern. “You okay? Like…you’re not going to start giving away your personal belongings, are you?”
“No, unless I have something you want? A video game perhaps?”
“Stop it. You’re freaking me out.” 
This actually did give Plagg pause. In all his experience of human history, supplementing friendships with presents was the easiest way to manipulate people. What was he doing wrong? Was Adrien not generous enough?
“You know…” Nino scratched the back of his head, “they say when your friends start being super nice and giving stuff away and talking about personal things…it’s a sign of them being suicidal.”
Adrien’s bite was sorely deserved, Plagg decided as he flinched. “No! No no, gods no!” He laughed awkwardly. “I just…decided to be a little more…generous?” 
Marinette laid a hand on his arm. “Adrien, never feel like you have to buy our friendship. We like spending time with you, no matter how we get it.” 
Plagg tightened his jaw. He knew what he had to do, but mushy-ness and feelings were his least favorite thing in the world. 
He took her hand and held it. “Thank you Marinette. I love you, all of you. It’s so important to me that I get to spend time with you too, and I’m happiest when I’m with my friends. I just wanted to show my appreciation.”
Nino sniffled and wiped his eyes. “We love you too man.” 
Slam dunk.
The shopping trip went splendidly. His target was horribly gaudy clothes that would offend his father. He used Marinette as a litmus test. If she gaped in shock, it was perfect. 
Most of his purchases ended up being cheap tourist shirts, ‘Hawaiian’ shirts as they were often referred to. 
After the initial shock of Plagg subjecting them to the eye sores, it started to turn into a game. 
“Look Adrien! This one’s got little  croissants on it!” Marinette said with glee. 
“I love it,” Plagg stated, holding it up to Adrien’s body in the mirror. “But, all of these shirts are still just a little too normal. I think it’ll piss my dad off, but it’s not enough to push him into absolutely indignant.”
Marinette shrugged. “I mean, we are in Paris, the fashion capital of the world.” 
Nino was the one that held up two shirts together. “I mean, you could wear these two at the same time.” One was a sunset orange, and the other was a vibrant Microsoft Blue Screen of death blue. It was painful to look at them next to each other.
Marinette made a loud, gasp, it almost sounded like a honk. “Nino.” 
“What? I thought we were going for gaudy?” 
“We are, we are, you’re a genius!” 
“I mean, of course I am, but what did I do?” 
She took the two shirts and examined the seams. “I might doom myself, but I can separate these shirts and re-sew them. Basically, making two new shirts!” 
Plagg laughed maniacally. “Oh Marinette, my dear, that’s downright diabolical!” 
Marinette blushed, but she smiled proudly. “I can probably do a couple of these shirts, as long as they’re the same style. It might take me a few days—“ 
Plagg hugged her from the side and kissed her cheek loudly and obnoxiously. “That would be amazing! Thank you Marinette!” 
Gauging by the way the girl melted into the floor, Plagg assumed he had scored a few points. 
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
ride or die | colt kaneko x mc (ellie wheeler)
an au where everyone is college friends and logan is getting married and the best friend of his ellie always hated is going to be logan’s best man. as the maid of honor, she’s probably expected to be at least a little nice to him. 
for @rodappreciationweek, of course! day 7/wild card
(spoiler alert: i bent the rules of weddings for plot reasons so go easy)
tags: @choicesarehard, @lovehugsandcandy, @pixeljazzy, @troublemakerinspace, @dancingboba, @yaushie, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @tempesrature, @zigtheeortega, @beccadavenport, @theeccentricbibliophile 
~15.5k words | M (18+)
she squealed, clapping her hands excitedly in view of the laptop’s webcam. “i’m so happy for you guys! seriously, this is amazing.”
from across the country, ingrid beamed, still holding her left hand aloft so ellie could see her ring. “did you know?”
ellie shook her head. “i knew he’d bought a ring but i didn’t know he was proposing now.” her attention turned to logan, “i thought you were waiting until your anniversary?”
he shrugged, looking just as excited as ingrid did. “i couldn’t wait anymore, it was driving me crazy.”
ingrid leaned her head on logan’s shoulder. “ellie, say you’ll be my maid of honor.”
“oh my god, of course i will!” ellie gushed, blinking away a sudden wave of emotion. “please, you guys know i’d do anything for you.”
the two of them exchanged a glance. “glad to hear you say that,” logan said slowly, “because i already asked colt to be my best man.”
the smile dropped off her face. “are you kidding me?”
“come on, it won’t be that bad,” ingrid rushed to assure her, “you’ll hardly have to deal with him. but -- while we’re breaking bad news to you...” she pursed her lips, and then shrugged. “we already set a date, too.”
“it’s in three months,” logan interjected helpfully.
ellie felt her eyes bug out. “three months?”
“el, we got our dream venue,” ingrid sighed wistfully, “you’re going to die when you see it. it was the only saturday they had available for, like, the next five years. it’s in santa monica overlooking the water and it’s just -- it’s perfect.”
“that’s really soon,” she said dumbly, “we have a lot to do.”
“totally.” ellie watched as ingrid shifted from blushing bride in love to ruthless, no-nonsense delegator. “we’re going to cram as much of it in as we can when you’re home for spring break. i already made us appointments to go look at dresses and tuxes and then -- we’ll figure everything else out when you’re here.”
the thought of spending her spring break shopping with colt kaneko was already making a headache start to throb behind her eyes. but ingrid and logan were her best friends. and they deserved the wedding of their dreams.
she pasted the biggest, most extreme smile she could muster on her face. “sounds great, you guys.”
ellie relished the long flight home from new york to los angeles, well aware that it was probably going to be the last moment she had to relax until the end of the summer. 
there had to be some irony in the fact that she was midway through pursuing her ph.d and more stressed out about her college friends’ wedding than anything else. 
but her coursework was going well. everything in her life was falling into place perfectly, exactly how she’d always envisioned it. 
this was the wrench in the plan. how she was supposed to make time to come back home for ingrid and logan’s wedding when she’d already committed to spending her summer in miami doing field work was a problem she didn’t need.
so she spent the flight napping, enjoying the five hours in the air as the only chance she’d get to kick back during her spring break. if she knew ingrid at all, she was going to be barking orders from the moment ellie’s feet touched orange county soil until the second they left. 
still, there were at least a few hours she could spend delaying the inevitable.
riya picked her up at the airport and ellie threw herself into her arms eagerly for a giant hug. “oh my god, i am so glad to see you. thank you for picking me up -- i pretty much have bridal boot camp all week.”
“ingrid’s got it all planned out, huh?” riya asked, helping her get her suitcase in the car with a grin. “look, it probably won’t be that bad. you’re you -- when darius and i got married you were the reason we didn’t even need a wedding planner!”
“that was different,” ellie explained, as riya started driving them back to the city, “you and darius are normal. maid of honor doesn’t mean the same thing to ingrid that it meant to you, trust me.”
“well, i believe in you,” her oldest friend declared, “and even if it’s awful, just come over afterwards and we can drown ourselves in wine.”
“done and done,” she sighed. “i’m sorry i probably won’t be around much this week otherwise. i know it’s been forever since we caught up.”
“please, i can’t even imagine how busy you are,” riya said, waving her apology off, “you’re getting close to the home stretch, eh?”
ellie shrugged. “i still have two more years of study, but -- yeah, pretty much. it’s crazy.”
“so crazy,” riya agreed, “but you will absolutely see me and dare in miami as soon as you get set up there.”
the thought of it, with everything she knew was ahead of her this week, sounded like nothing short of paradise. “can’t wait,” she said genuinely, sighing as the car slowed to a stop in front of the house she’d grown up in. “wanna come in and say hi to my dad?”
“uh uh,” riya chided, “i’m done being the buffer between you two. sooner or later, you’re going to have to have that long overdue heart-to-heart.”
“okay, dr. phil,” ellie groaned, “thanks a lot.” her phone lit up with a text from ingrid as soon as she closed the car door. 
be at your house in 5 it said, pulling a sigh of relief from deep within her. 
saved by the bell.
ellie only had a moment to drop her bags and shout a quick hello to her dad before she heard a car horn honk and rushed back outside, leaning over the car’s center console to give ingrid a big hug hello. 
“boy, am i ever glad to see you,” her friend said. “everything is already such a disaster. the venue is giving me such an attitude about moving our ceremony outside and my sister is an out of control diva who is, like, demanding to be allowed to read a poem before we say our vows and -- i swear i’ve almost killed logan at least twice.”
“wow. okay, well -- all of that sounds fixable.” though already she knew the next three months were going to be nothing like the ramp up to riya and darius’ wedding. ellie stifled a sigh. 
“oh, it will be,” ingrid threatened darkly, “we’re doing everything at once today. dresses -- tuxes -- groomsmen, bridesmaids. i tried being nice about it, but do you know what i realized? some people don’t deserve to be allowed to make their own decisions. so i changed our appointment and i’m going to supervise and everyone who acts normal will be allowed to come help me pick out my dress at our new appointment on wednesday.”
ellie blinked. “whatever you want,” she said finally, her brain still working to process what the hell she was talking about, “it’s your day.”
“yes it is,” ingrid agreed viciously, “i’m glad you’re on board. come on.”
ellie followed behind her into the boutique they’d arrived at, immediately catching sight of eight or so of their closest friends from college, plus logan’s cousin and ingrid’s sister, the latter who was staring at a long, pink dress with her arms crossed petulantly over her chest. “i’m not trying that on,” she said, as ellie stepped closer, “it’s going to accentuate my shoulders.”
“look, brat,” ingrid started, lowering her voice to the dangerous timbre ellie had come to associate with group project members who weren’t pulling their own weight, “get in that dressing room and put this on right now or so help me god --”
she turned around and saw logan, the distressed look on her face instantly melting into one of relief. “oh my god, hi,” she laughed, rushing over for a hug, “it’s so good to see you!”
“hey, back at you,” he grinned, “seriously, i know this probably isn’t how you wanted to spend your spring break, but -- thank god you’re here. ingrid needs all the help she can get.”
ellie pulled out of his arms and saw that he was wearing an elegant black tuxedo, the lines of which settled nicely on his shoulders and seemed to suit him perfectly. “okay, but -- this is a great tux.” she called out to ingrid over her shoulder. “come look at this one.”
ingrid walked over and gave logan a cursory glance. “i hate it. get changed.”
logan shot her an amused glance, but dipped back into the dressing room without a word. bless him, ellie thought, before drawing in a deep breath and asking, “okay, where do you want me?”
as if on cue, a harried shop attendant immediately dropped a pile of gowns into ellie’s arms. “follow me.”
the first dress she tried on was bright pink and heavily ruffled -- so ugly she honestly didn’t even want to show everyone. 
but she hitched up the skirt and stepped out of the dressing room obligingly, standing in front of the mirrors and the rest of the bridal party for ingrid’s judgment.
you have the ideal body type, ingrid had explained nonsensically to her as they herded her off with the gowns, so you’ll try on all of them and then once we find one we like everyone else will try it on, too. 
ugh. “it’s not... that bad,” ellie said delicately, once she was situated on the platform in front of the group.
“not if you’re little bo peep.” 
god. she’d know that smug, arrogant, self-centered, self-obsessed, narcissistic egomaniac voice anywhere.
“hi, colt,” ellie said pointedly, without turning her head, “nice to see you, too.”
he stepped closer, directly into her field of vision. there was no avoiding looking at him, then. 
colt was just as handsome as he’d been the last time she’d seen him, over a year ago at logan’s twenty-fifth birthday party, but this time, he was in a navy blue tux that had no business looking as good as it did. 
he smirked at her. “as if anyone could miss you in that thing.”
ellie sighed, rolling her eyes toward the ceiling. formalwear could only go so far when it came to making him appear tolerable, it seemed. “do you always have to be the most insufferable person in every room you’re in?”
“not always, no. but i like to win.”
“it’s disgusting,” ingrid declared abruptly, before ellie could snap back at him, “please take it off. can you try on the purple one next?”
she ducked back into the dressing room, thunking her head softly against the wall once the door swung shut behind her. why me, ellie thought miserably, i’m a good person. this isn’t fair.
it took two and a half hours, but eventually, she’d tried on what felt like every single dress at the store. finally, once she’d wiggled into a gown that was a soft, sky blue, figure-hugging with thin straps and delicate lace accents over tasteful cut-outs, ingrid gasped, “that’s it! that’s the one.”
every bridesmaid, including ellie, sagged with relief. “great,” she smiled, “i’ll just get out of the way so everyone else can try theirs on, too.”
just before she stepped back inside the dressing room to get changed, she caught sight of colt, who was still standing around on their side of the shop for some reason. he was staring at her, face carefully blank -- though there was something in his eyes she couldn’t quite place.
as soon as he noticed she’d caught him looking, he stormed off.
once ellie was back in her street clothes, ingrid said, “i’ll finish up over here. can you please go make sure the guys are on the right track?”
ellie winced as she approached the men’s side of the store. half of logan’s groomsmen were dressed in navy, the other half in black -- logan had a white jacket on and one of their friends from college, brent, was inexplicably wearing pants that were powder blue.
“oh my god, ingrid’s going to kill you,” she said to logan. “i can see why she sent me over here to babysit.”
“hey, i’ve got it sort of under control,” logan said defensively, “she said she wanted slate grey. look at this.”
ellie cringed again as he held a jacket on a hanger aloft in front of her eyes. “that’s charcoal grey.”
the determined look on logan’s face crumpled immediately. “fuck. can you help me?”
she was already nodding before he finished his question. “just -- get in there and get that off before anyone sees. i’ll pull tuxes for everyone.”
it was only a few minutes before she was passing out new outfits, herding each of logan’s groomsmen into their respective dressing rooms one by one. 
only one of them gave her any trouble about it. as soon as she passed him his tux, colt scowled, asking, “what is this?”
“a tuxedo,” she answered tersely, “presumably you’ve seen one before? like, an hour ago? those are all called tuxedos. maybe you never learned the word?”
he merely rolled his eyes at her. “why are you giving it to me?”
“because i want you to put it on. now. like, immediately.” 
still, he just stood there. “i already tried on forty of them.”
“then one more shouldn’t make much of a difference.” she shoved his shoulder expectantly. “go.”
ingrid wandered over just as they all started to emerge. as they stood in a line outside the dressing room, she laid a hand to her heart and gasped. “oh my god, they’re perfect. baby, you did such a good job!”
“actually --” logan started, though he stopped abruptly as soon as he caught sight of the way ellie was frantically shaking her head from behind ingrid’s back, “uh, thanks. i want everything to be perfect for you.”
“oh my god, you guys can do something right,” ingrid sniffed, “i’m so happy. okay -- fuck it, let’s go get drinks. i’ll get the first round.”
a few of their friends cornered her as soon as she got her first drink. it was the same every time she came home; everyone wanted to know how new york was, how school was going, what the dating pool was like on the east coast and if she’d met anyone. they asked the same questions every time ellie was able to make it out so they could catch up, and she gave the same answers.
it was exhausting. she gulped down her glass of wine as quickly as humanly possible, just so she could have an excuse to escape back to the bar. 
the bartender slid her a shot when he passed her refilled wine glass back to her. his smile was sympathetic. “you look like you need this.”
ellie grimaced at him, but immediately lifted the shot to her lips and knocked it back. “that obvious?”
“oh, yeah.” he placed his palms on the bar top and leaned in close, grinning brightly at her. “let me guess. family reunion?”
“worse,” she sighed, “two of my best friends from college are getting married. in three months.”
he whistled, slowly shaking his head. “brutal. i don’t think we have enough alcohol in the bar to help you with that.”
“tell me about it,” ellie laughed, taking a sip from her wine glass to chase away the burn of the shot she’d done, “you don’t even know the half of it.”
“well...” he smiled charmingly at her again. “my shift is over in twenty minutes. i’ll gladly listen to you complain, if you want.”
she blinked. “oh, i --”
“hey, don’t look now, but that guy over there has the angriest eyebrows i’ve ever seen.” the bartender leaned in a little closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially. “boyfriend?”
“what?” ellie turned around and followed the line of his gaze. 
sure enough, colt was glaring at them from the booth with the rest of their friends, his eyebrows drawn together thunderously. 
“oh my god, no,” she said, turning back around as quickly as possible, “never. we don’t even like each other.”
“right. well -- listen. if you do wanna pick this up some other time, here’s my number, okay? no pressure.” 
she watched, dumbfounded, as he wrote it down on a cocktail napkin, printing his name evenly below it. ben. 
all the girls cheered for her when she got back to the table.
“is that a phone number?” julia demanded, her grin wide and wickedly sharp. she reached over and plucked the napkin out of her hand. “jesus, ellie. you’ve been back in the city for, what, an afternoon?”
“give it,” she said, stepping forward as the rest of the girls passed it around the table, out of her reach, “oh my god, he was just being nice.”
“no, please,” gemma laughed, holding the napkin up over her head, “tell us again how you’re too busy to date.”
“i am too busy to date.” she bounced up on her toes and snatched the cocktail napkin out of her friend’s hand, folding it up and tucking it into the pocket of her jeans. “and i live across the country, remember?”
“hey, that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun while you’re home this week, right?” brent asked, making her aware, all at once, that the guys were officially clued into their conversation, too. “speaking of, ryan moore keeps asking me about you.”
beyond brent’s shoulder, colt was still staring at her. he looked tense, his grip firm on the glass in his hand. his jaw was clenched tight.
“can we talk about something else?” ellie asked finally, lifting her wine glass to her flushed cheek. “my love life can’t be that interesting to you guys.”
logan reached out and ruffled her hair. “hey, you’re our last single friend. you can’t blame us for being invested.”
“colt’s single,” she reminded him, before she could bite her tongue. ellie risked another glance his way and found him scowling at her.
“colt doesn’t count,” ingrid interjected, “he doesn’t have any social skills. you are a catch. you just need to put yourself out there.”
“and i promise, once i have my ph.d, you can set me up with anyone you want.” a discussion they’d had at least a thousand times before. ingrid looked as pleased about it as she’d ever been, which was to say not very much at all. before she could respond, ellie continued, “hey, will someone please play pool with me? i haven’t shot in forever.”
to her surprise, colt offered, “i will.” ellie slowly turned towards him and found him smirking at her again. “who knows what’d happen to your virtue if you went over there alone?”
fucker. he’d probably volunteered to go with her on purpose -- now there was no way for her to get out of it. and if she stayed at the table for one minute longer she was going to scream.
her eyes narrowed at him. “thanks.”
colt set up the table like she wasn’t glaring at him bitterly, humming to himself while he racked the balls and then passed her a cue.
“you’re awful,” she said, as she snatched it out of his hands.
he just grinned at her. “thank you. break?”
ellie leaned over the table to line up her shot, knocking the cue into the balls. two of the solids slid into the corner pockets. her hip leaned against the table as she watched him survey the setup critically, and she took advantage of the fact that his eyes were elsewhere to study him in turn, making note of what was different about him since the last time they’d seen each other.
he’d recently gotten a haircut, but was otherwise unchanged -- he wore the same leather jacket, had the same smug smile, was still so insufferably arrogant she found talking to him pretty much impossible.
“so, what’s your deal?” he asked suddenly, pulling her from her thoughts and knocking the striped number eleven ball smoothly into one of the side pockets, “you a rocket scientist or whatever yet?”
ellie rolled her eyes, trying not to flush when he lifted his head and looked directly at her. despite his many, many flaws, she’d always found him unnervingly hot. “my degree is in chemistry. so -- no. i still have two more years in the program.”
“yeah, but what are you going to do with it? once you’re a doctor.” even the way he said the word sounding mocking. 
she ignored him in favor of focusing on the table, and knocked one of her balls in. once it was his turn to shoot, she answered, “if you need to know, my specialization is in environmental science. one day i’ll hopefully work alongside some of the best in the world to ensure environmental hazards are at an all time low.”
“so whaddya moving to miami for?” he asked, effortlessly sinking two balls into the pocket at once, “their environment is already pretty sweet.”
“the department is sending me to collect data from the water and air outside of the city,” she answered, her eyes on the table as she tried to locate her next best shot, “it’s for my dissertation. it’s only for the summer.”
“shame,” colt murmured, laughing under his breath when her next shot went wide, missing her target completely, “i’ll be stuck dealing with this mess on my own.”
“somehow i doubt that,” ellie said, “it’s only a timezone change. there’s still phones and video calls and plenty of ways for all of you to bother me.”
“only if you pick up.” smoothly, he sunk the last three striped balls, one after another. she scowled at him. “the way the rest of them talk about how hard you are to pin down you’d think you were the president or something.”
“i have a demanding course load,” she huffed out defensively, “so we should get started on planning their bachelor and bachelorette party before my flight back on sunday. that should be the only thing that’s still up in the air after all our appointments this week.”
“don’t even get me started on the concept of a joint bachelor party,” colt sighed, leaning over in front of the eight ball, “it’s going to be the lamest trip of all time. side pocket.”
“i don’t know,” ellie murmured, resting on her cue as the eight ball sailed effortlessly into the side pocket as indicated, “i think it’ll be fun.”
he straightened up and smirked at her, spreading his hands out wide as if to say look at me. what an asshole. “you would.” colt nodded at the table. his smirk lengthened. “looks like you still suck.”
ellie shoved her pool cue back into his open hand. “one thing you’ll never know,” she promised, spinning on her heel and striding back to the table as quickly as possible.
“thanks for all your help today,” ingrid said sweetly on the drive home. “i know it wasn’t easy -- dealing with my idiot sister and all of those guys.”
“colt was as terrible as ever,” she mused, officially thinking too much about it. “i don’t know how he never gets tired of himself. he is such a prick.”
“totally,” ingrid agreed, even though ellie knew she’d softened to him, lately -- though she wasn’t sure she’d ever understand why or how. “but he just picks on you because he likes you.”
ellie lifted her head from where it’d been leaning against the passenger side window and turned towards ingrid with a look of confusion contorting her expression. “what? no.”
“yes,” she insisted, “he’s wanted to bang you since freshman year.”
“okay -- you’re too drunk to be driving,” ellie laughed, though even she could hear the undercurrent of nerves in the tone of her voice, “he’s an asshole to everyone. it doesn’t have anything to do with me.”
“well, he sure doesn’t talk to me like he talks to you.”
ellie waved her hand dismissively. “because you and logan have been dating for, like, a hundred years. i’m positive he’s just as big a dick to gemma and julia and christie.”
“okay,” ingrid mouthed, arching her eyebrows at the road. 
she furrowed her brow. “he is.”
“forget i said anything,” ingrid said breezily as the car slowed to a stop in front of her dad’s house. “i’ll pick you up tomorrow at nine, okay? seriously, thanks again for all your help.”
dread filled her stomach as ellie dragged her feet up the path to the house. all the lights were on inside, which meant her dad was still awake. “hey pumpkin,” he greeted her, as soon as she toed off her shoes and dropped her bag, “long day?”
“you have no idea.” ellie walked straight to the sofa and flung herself down onto it face-first, groaning into the cushions. for a moment, it felt like she was back in high school, without a care in the world other than coursework and group projects and prom. she drew in a deep breath. “planning this wedding is going to be a headache.”
“you’ll pull through,” her dad assured her, “you always do.”
ellie pressed her forehead to the fabric of the couch and scowled, the freedom of her hair covering her face allowing her to express how she really felt. that was what everyone always said: she’d be fine. she’d figure it out. she’d make it happen.
part of her was so tired of always bending over backwards, always finding a way to make things work -- always being perfect. 
some first day back it was shaping up to be.
“i guess,” she mumbled, letting herself sulk for one more long moment before finally lifting her head and sitting up straight. “are you working tonight?”
“yep -- on my way out now. glad i caught you, though. i feel like i haven’t seen you in forever.” 
she winced, turning away from the disappointment in his eyes. “ingrid has a pretty full schedule for us this week, but maybe we can have dinner tomorrow.”
“sure thing,” her dad said brightly, pausing by the couch on his way out the door to gently grasp her shoulder. “i’ll see you in the morning, then. hang in there, kid.”
ellie slumped back into the couch, watching him go blankly. half of her was so exhausted she couldn’t imagine doing anything other than collapsing into bed for as long as humanly possible, but the other half of her still felt anxious and unsettled, the way she always did whenever she had to come home. 
being back in los angeles always felt like losing control of her life. there was something about being around her old friends and her dad and other people’s expectations that made her feel not like herself -- like some kind of persona she was putting on so everyone would perceive her a certain way.
so she could look like she had everything figured out, so everyone would keep saying you’ll pull through. you’ll figure it out. you’ll make it happen.
the thought of keeping it all up for an entire week of wedding activity with ingrid and their college friends was daunting. worse still was ingrid and logan’s engagement party on friday night, hanging over her head as the last obstacle between her and her flight home to the solace of her silent new york apartment, where she’d be able to analyze soil samples in peace until her mind was quiet again.
the week passed by in a blur. true to form, ingrid kept her busy for a majority of her waking moments with dress shopping, fittings, a trip to the venue, the florist and the bakery and, finally, last-minute preparations for friday’s engagement party, which left ellie tying ribbons around party favors late into the night on thursday.
“i could kill logan,” she complained to riya in the middle of the one free hour she’d been able to steal away for a mani-pedi, “i swear to god i’ve been playing the part of the fiance since i got back.”
“it’ll all be over soon,” riya hummed sympathetically, “the wedding will be here before you know it.”
as she dressed for the engagement party, she repeated the words to herself over and over again in the mirror. it’ll all be over soon.
she arrived at the venue early. the first person she saw after she stepped out of her rideshare was colt, who was loitering by the entrance to the restaurant, smoking. 
“some dress,” he smirked at her as soon as she got close enough to hear him, not even bothering to pretend like he wasn’t looking her up and down, “you trying to get laid tonight?”
“you know, ‘hello’ works just fine, too,” she said, pushing past him without a backwards glance. her face felt hot as she considered the comment, looking down at herself self-consciously. fuck him. i look nice.
fortunately, the party itself was less exhausting than she’d expected it to be. it was actually sort of nice to catch up with people she hadn’t seen since they’d graduated, and though she had to run through the familiar talk track she was getting sick of over and over again -- how’s school? how’s new york? what are your plans for after your thesis? -- the open bar made her hate it all a little less. 
eventually things started to wind down, until it was late and only the wedding party was left. ellie teetered in her heels as she pretended to help ingrid clean up, shuffling around as inconspicuously as she could manage, given the drinks she’d had.
“are you drunk?” 
she jumped, startled by the question. ellie’s lips pulled down into a frown as she noticed the out-and-out delighted expression on colt’s smug face from where he was suddenly standing next to her.
“no,” she lied, “and shhh. someone will hear you.”
“god forbid.” the shit eating grin on his face stretched further. “you want a ride home?”
ellie blinked. “from you?”
colt wasn’t at all deterred by the high arch of her eyebrows. he shrugged. “if we get out of here now we can probably avoid carrying presents to the car.”
that was all it took to convince her. she followed him out to the parking lot with a laugh, drawing up short when he stopped her in front of his motorcycle. she propped a hand on her hip and asked, “you still ride this thing?”
“it’s part of my image,” he answered, and as he came closer ellie found herself staring at the gentle slope of the smirk on his face. maybe it was the low lighting of the parking lot, but he looked a little softer than he had all week -- almost like when she’d first met him, in college, before he opened his mouth to say something rude and their relationship devolved into exchanged barbs and sidelong glares. 
colt cleared his throat, looking down at the helmet in his hands. “here.”
she flushed, pulling it on as quickly as possible in the hopes that it’d cover her face before he noticed. 
in all the years she’d known him she’d never actually gotten on the back of this thing. she’d seen him pull up to parties and speed away from them with plenty of girls holding onto his stomach, but she’d never actually thought she’d be one of them herself.
the bottle of wine she’d had was making it seem like no big deal, though, so she pressed up snugly behind him and rested her cheek on his shoulder like they’d done this enough times to form a habit.
and then they were back at her dad’s house, so quickly that ellie was almost sad about it. colt was actually mostly alright when he was quiet -- the speed of the bike hardly facilitated conversation -- and he was warm and solid against her while he drove, comforting her to the point that she was half asleep when they finally stopped.
she slid off the bike with a yawn, clumsily yanking the helmet off and handing it back to him. “thanks,” she murmured, glancing at the house and cringing once she realized all the lights were still on, meaning her dad was waiting up for her again. ellie lingered silently beside him, fidgeting. 
colt hesitated. after a moment, he killed the engine. he pulled his own helmet off so she could see his face. “you okay?”
“yeah.” she pursed her lips, then exhaled, blowing a messy lock of hair out of her eyes. “i guess i am a little drunk.”
his lips pulled back into that stupid, familiar smirk. “i know. i saw you guzzling chardonnays back there.” 
ellie leaned in over the handlebars. “stalk me much?”
“you wish.” 
movement in her peripheral vision caught her eye and ellie sighed as she saw the curtains shift. colt followed her gaze to the house, then turned back towards her with an eyebrow quirked.
“is there a reason you’re still standing here?”
she rolled her eyes at him. “it’s complicated.”
he laughed. it was after midnight, and the sleepy street she’d grown up on was completely silent and dark, save for that sound. “don’t tell me little miss perfect has daddy issues.”
“what, you thought you had the monopoly on them?” she shot back, too drunk to stop herself.
surprise flashed across his expression for a split second before he laughed again. “touché,” he murmured, “i probably deserved that.” 
ellie still didn’t move, standing at the front of the bike. they stared at each other, silence hanging in the air between them. it had to be the longest amount of time they’d gone without arguing since their freshman year. 
that felt like a lifetime ago, but she still remembered what she’d thought when they first met at orientation. 
cute, and then, once she found out that he was in the honors college like her, and smart, and eventually, once he opened his mouth, but a jerk. 
“what are you staring at?” he asked finally, and though he was difficult to read on even her best day, when she had one-hundred percent of her faculties intact, she was pretty sure there was no malice in his voice -- just genuine curiosity.
“nothing. you’re being weird.”
he laughed again. it took her a moment to realize why it sounded so different than it usually did; most of the time he was laughing at her. but not tonight. “no i’m not.”
“yes you are.”
“okay -- you’re trashed. do you need me to walk you inside?” 
all the lights were still on. yeah, that was just what she needed. the thought of colt and her father coming face-to-face made her own mouth curve into a grin. “no. but thanks for driving me home. that was almost decent of you.”
“well, i’d hate to be fully decent.” even his smile was different when he wasn’t making fun of her. 
ellie forced herself to take a step away, though it was difficult -- some strange magnetic pull seemed to want to keep her in his orbit, to see if she could maybe make him laugh softly at her again. 
as soon as she stepped back, the bike roared to life, though he didn’t pull out of the street until she’d wobbled all the way up the path to the front door and turned back to wave at him.
huh, she thought to herself as she ducked inside, wine-drunk acid swirling in her stomach with something else unidentifiable along for the ride, weird.
it wasn’t until she was tucked in bed that she privately acknowledged to herself, nice, though, too.
as expected, ingrid filled the weeks after her spring break with questions and complaining and dozens of skype calls.
ellie did her best to balance it all with school, which was ramping up as they got closer to the end of term, and packing for her move to miami, though on any given day she felt torn in at least ten different directions while she struggled to get everything together. 
the sound of another incoming facetime call was going to haunt her nightmares. with a groan, ellie fumbled for her phone blindly, not taking her eyes off the instant noodles slowly spinning in her microwave. 
“what now?”
“hello to you, too,” said a voice that definitely wasn’t ingrid’s, and ellie turned her head to see colt staring at her expectantly from the screen of her phone, jolting both from the surprise of seeing him and the sound of the microwave going off. 
“colt?” she blinked, suddenly aware that she was in her pajamas and tugging self-consciously at the cropped tank top she was wearing. “what do you want?”
“we have to go over some things for the bachelor party,” he sighed, and when he shifted she saw that he was reclining in bed. her face flushed.
“bachelor and bachelorette party,” she corrected.
“whatever. is now a good time?”
ellie cast a glance around her apartment, which looked like a tornado had recently swept through it. her kitchen table was covered in textbooks and pages of notes, though the living room had half-packed boxes covering every available surface. “i guess. one second.”
she set her phone down to retrieve her instant noodles and then leaned it up against her toaster, standing in front of the counter to both stay in her phone’s field of view and shovel noodles into her mouth as quickly as possible.
“seriously?” colt said, “isn’t it ten p.m. where you are?”
“i’ve been busy,” ellie answered defensively, between bites, “some of us have lives.”
he rolled his eyes. “did you book your flight yet?”
she paused, fork halfway to her lips. had she booked her flight yet? “i think so.” ellie pursed her lips, and then remembered, “yes! it gets in at seven. i’ll meet you guys at the hotel.”
“okay. the rest of us are driving down together, god help us all.” he scowled.
“relax. it’s only, like, four hours to vegas, anyway.” she was the one who was going to lose two entire days to travel and timezone changes. 
“do you want to sit in a car for four hours with everyone?” he smirked at the look that crossed her face. “i didn’t think so. how are the dinner reservations coming along?”
“good,” she nodded. at least she’d remembered to do that. “we’re all set for friday and saturday night. we can walk to both restaurants from the hotel.”
colt had been adamant about planning everything else, and she’d been all too happy to let him take the reigns. the last thing she needed to worry about was getting them into nightclubs and securing bottle service and busting her ass only for him to ultimately turn his nose up at it and declare the whole thing lame. 
“that should be everything, then.” she just barely saw the way he narrowed his eyes at her when she tipped her head back to get the last of the styrofoam cup of noodles down her throat. “except for whatever girly shit you have planned.”
“hey, you’re going to have to be the one to tell logan that your bad attitude is what got all of you excluded from mani-pedis and facials,” she shrugged, resting her elbows on the counter and leaning in toward the screen. “just so you can do what on saturday? smoke cigars and play darts?”
“someone has to draw the line somewhere,” he said, revisiting the argument they’d had at least four or five times since she was home the month before. 
“you’re impossible,” she sighed, her mouth stretching with a wide yawn. ellie pulled a face at herself, shaking her head. she had at least another two hours of coursework to do once they hung up. 
“you’re the one who looks about ten seconds away from combusting,” he smirked. “you can say no to things, you know.”
“i’m fine,” she insisted, “and i do say ‘no’ to things. when i have to.”
“right. it’s not like we haven’t known each other for eight years or anything.” 
ellie rolled her eyes at him, her cheeks still flushed red. like he’d paid attention to anyone other than himself and whatever girl he was fucking when they were in college. “everything’ll calm down after the wedding.”
“whatever you say,” he shrugged, “just don’t miss your flight to vegas, okay? i’m going to need someone to talk to who doesn’t make me want to blow my brains out.”
what? colt hung up just as she opened her mouth to respond, leaving ellie staring at her phone background in confusion. 
she took one last glance around her apartment, slowly trailing her eyes over the dishes in the sink, the schoolwork on her kitchen table, the piles of shoes that had to be bubble-wrapped and boxed up in her living room.
then ellie turned on her heel and headed off to bed. for once, it felt pretty fucking good to do the wrong thing. 
when her flight got in she sent logan a long, detailed text with all the information he could possibly need -- what time her rideshare was going to get to the hotel and how much time she was going to need to get up to the room and get changed -- and asked where she should meet everyone when she was done. 
his response was two short words. casino. craps. typical.
she rushed to get into her dress and get some makeup on and found everyone standing around the same table when she got downstairs. of course, the only available space was just to colt’s left. ellie squeezed in with a grin. “hi!”
“hey, you made it!” eager cheers from around the table greeted her and the tight hugs she was forced into let her know that she had a backlog a few drinks deep to catch up on. 
when she turned back around, colt shoved his hand in her face. there was a pair of dice sitting in his palm. “blow,” he said, staring at her expectantly. 
“excuse me?”
“blow,” he repeated, smirking at her, “it’s for luck.”
“i’m not going to --”
“come on, ellie,” logan grinned, “he’s up, like, two thousand dollars. you have to!”
“this is so demeaning,” she grumbled, but pursed her lips and blew on the dice as requested. colt stared at her the entire time, not even breaking eye contact to roll.
it was only when the croupier said, “another easy eight,” and the table broke out into cheers that he looked away, directing his gaze down at the stack of chips that was pushed over to him. 
“okay, what’s the next one?” he asked, taking the dice into his hand again.
“what am i rolling?”
“oh.” ellie glanced around the table and found everyone looking at her expectantly. “seven.”
“okay, any seven.” colt shook the dice in his hand, then held them out to her again. “come on.”
she leaned in a little closer. “you know, i’d love a drink at some point.”
“if we get this one i’ll find you a whole bottle of dom,” he promised. “blow.”
ellie blew on the dice. she grabbed colt’s arm anxiously as they waited for them to land.
they did, a moment later. she craned her neck and saw them facing up, over the line -- five and two.
all the noise they were making was starting to draw a crowd. ellie found herself sharing a grin with colt when he looked back at her again.
“another seven,” she instructed, head already bowed towards his hand.
he rolled a three and a four. the people gathering around the table were enraptured.
she blew on the dice again. a one and a six.
the forearm of his jacket had indents where her hand kept grabbing at it frantically, but colt never showed any outward signs of nervousness. if anything, he seemed to get more and more excited as ellie called out the numbers and he rolled them, one after another -- an eight. a six. a ten. another seven.
“holy shit, that’s twenty thousand dollars,” ingrid breathed finally, her mouth open in shock.
colt picked the stack of chips up, nodding at the roulette table behind them. “come on.”
“where are we going?” ellie asked, but followed him to the table anyway, her heart racing. all of their friends fell in line around them, hushed. 
“we’re gonna double it,” he smirked. “red or black?”
“you’re going to bet it all?” her eyes went comically wide.
“ellie, red or black?”
everyone within hearing distance, including the attendant, was staring at her. she looked down at the table, and then at the screen, which was displaying the outcome of the last few rounds. her mind raced as she tried to calculate all the ways it could become more complex than just a fifty-fifty probability.
colt noticed her staring and shook his head at her. “just pick.”
“black,” she blurted out, and watched in horror as he dropped the entire stack of chips down onto her choice. “oh my god, i’m going to throw up.”
his arm wound around her waist as the ball dropped into the table and started to roll around. instead of recoiling, ellie held onto him in return, digging her nails into the fabric of his suit as she stared.
there was dead silence at the table when the ball dropped neatly into the slot.
“twenty-nine,” the dealer announced, smiling at the both of them. “black.”
sound exploded all around them. their friends were jumping all over colt and the table, clapping him on the back, cheering and screaming. the spectators who’d been watching them joined in, and ellie couldn’t stop a deliriously joyful laugh from escaping as she looked, beaming, from the stack of chips on the table to colt’s face.
he was already grinning at her, and reached out to shove her shoulder excitedly before pulling the chips off the board and towards their end of the table -- four stacks of ten.
logan pushed between them, a beer bottle dangling from his fingers. “jesus christ. that was insane. way to make an entrance, el.”
“me?” she demanded incredulously, “what kind of person puts twenty thousand dollars on black?”
“what can i say,” colt shrugged, eyes still bright when they settled on her again, “i’m reckless.”
well, that was the understatement of the century. she slowly shook her head as the rest of the players at the table moved on to the next round. “i can’t believe that just happened.” 
colt reached out and grabbed her wrist, then unceremoniously dropped five chips into her palm. “here. your cut.”
ellie blinked down at her hand like she’d never seen a casino chip before. “five thousand dollars?”
“hey, all you did was blow on some dice.”
“no, i --” she shook her head, trying to shove the chips back onto his pile with a laugh, “you don’t need to do that. it was fun.”
he shrugged. ellie watched in surprise as colt smiled at her, fixated on the upturned corners of his mouth. “whatever. remember i did the next time you’re pissed at me.” 
colt walked off before she could try giving the money back to him again. she stared down at the chips in her hand for a moment, staring at all the zeroes that looked back up at her.
if what had just happened was any indication, it was probably going to be a strange weekend.
after dinner they went to a nightclub. her buzz was kicking in, so the lights and the music hardly bothered her as much as they might have on a normal night, and though she was loathe to admit it, colt had actually done a pretty nice job setting everything up. they had a booth to themselves and bottle service with sparklers, themed shots and props for both logan and ingrid -- sashes and buttons and crowns for the both of them.
seeing how happy everyone was made all the aggravation of the last six weeks worth it. before she knew it, she’d had more shots than was probably wise and her feet were killing her from dancing, leaving her flushed and sweaty when she stumbled back to the table.
as soon as she sat down, ingrid rushed over and grabbed her arm. “come on! i want to introduce you to a hot guy!”
“no,” ellie moaned, digging her heels into the booth while ingrid tried to drag her out of it, “stop, we’ve been dancing for hours. i need five minutes.”
“okay, but he’s so hot,” ingrid insisted, “and you could get laid tonight!”
“or we could just enjoy your bachelorette party!” she screamed back, over the music, “that’d be so fun, too.”
“oh my god, you’re impossible,” ingrid sighed, dropping down dramatically into the booth beside her. "look, he’s right over there.” 
ellie followed the line of her eyes and saw an admittedly very hot guy standing with a few of their friends. she lifted her hand and waved at him, and he smiled charmingly back at her, waving in return.
from behind her hand, when she pulled it in to cover her mouth, ellie said to ingrid, “he looks kind of stupid.”
“oh my god,” ingrid groaned again, “forget it. i’m done trying to set you up.”
before she could argue further, logan ran over to refill his drink and pulled ingrid back up to her feet, dragging her away from the booth and back onto the dance floor.
ellie watched them go, then turned her eyes to the half-full bottle of vodka in the ice bucket on the table. she was in the middle of trying to decide whether or not she was one drink away from puking when colt walked up to her.
“hey, loser. you wanna dance?” he asked, just as she made up her mind and reached for the bottle. he wasn’t loud enough to be heard over the music, but ellie could see the shape of his mouth make each word clearly, mostly because she tilted her head up to stare at him in complete confusion as soon as he got close. 
“with you?” 
“i thought you were supposed to be smart,” he said, and she recognized the easy grin on his face from dozens of late nights out with all their friends in college; he was drunk. “come on.”
she stumbled to her feet and followed him without thinking too much about it, even though there was no way their friends weren’t looking at them as they found a spot on the dance floor together. 
“you know how to dance?” ellie asked, blinking down at colt’s hands, which settled confidently on her waist, in absolute, total surprise, “since when?”
“since always,” he answered, lowering his mouth to her ear, “you just repress all my positive traits.”
“you don’t have any positive traits,” she shot back, though she gave in and wound her arms around his neck a moment later, letting him pull her in close.
“ouch,” colt murmured softly into her ear, and ellie sunk her teeth into her bottom lip at the low tone of his voice and its proximity. “that really hurts.”
her head tipped back to stare up at the flashing lights in the ceiling. colt didn’t say anything -- of course, he loved to get the last word -- and after a moment she forgot how utterly strange it was to be close to him at all and let herself enjoy the dance, smoothly moving her hips against his.
it was unnatural how natural it felt. she was dancing with colt kaneko -- it should have felt insane. they didn’t dance together. they didn’t get along. 
except that evidently they did, and she kind of liked it, too. 
when he dragged everyone out of the nightclub at three o’clock in the morning he wouldn’t tell them where they were going. even ellie was surprised to hear about a planned part two of the evening, though the way he seamlessly swiped a bottle of dom perignon from a table they passed on their way to the door and presented it to her as soon as they stepped back into the lobby of the hotel made her laugh with her whole body.
“you didn’t even pay for it,” she grinned, cradling it in her arms like a baby. 
he looked around, then started leading everyone down a side hallway. “i never said i would. hang on.”
logan caught on as soon as they all stopped in front of the fancy glass doors marked pool, and ellie kept watch at the end of the hallway while the two of them worked to get the door open. one by one, their friends filed quietly inside to the hotel’s closed indoor pool, giggling while they stripped out of their clothes.
“this feels illegal,” ellie said, while ingrid helpfully lowered the zip on her dress for her, “no?”
“it’s only a crime if you get caught,” logan answered, running past and jumping in the pool directly in front of where they were standing at its edge, splashing them both.
“oh, you’re in for it,” ingrid promised, jumping off after him. 
ellie self-consciously pulled her dress off the rest of the way, walking over to the steps and wading into the shallow end carefully. she swam out to join the rest of the group, head spinning from the drinks she’d had.
she turned around and came face-to-face with colt again, staring at what she could see of his bare chest, sticking out of the dark water before averting her eyes with a flush. “we’re totally all going to jail,” she said, apropos of nothing.
“that’s the plan,” colt returned, still smiling that easy, open smile. but he’d always been a lot more fun to hang out with when he was drunk. 
“why’re you being so nice to me?” ellie asked abruptly, reaching out to hold onto the pool wall and treading water to stay afloat in front of him. “it’s weird.”
colt laughed. his own arm braced on the side of the pool beside hers, and she looked over at the way the water slid of his muscles, her mouth suddenly dry. 
“guess i like the reactions i get,” he answered, effortlessly short-circuiting her brain as she tried to figure out what the fuck that was supposed to mean. “plus, it looks like you’re my good luck charm.”
“that was pretty crazy,” she acknowledged with a soft smile of her own, “i’ve never done anything like that before.” in fact, it’d been almost more excitement than she could handle.
“there’s so much i could show you.” 
the look in his eyes was intense -- searching. she wasn’t sure what to say, but fortunately the noise from the rest of their friends splashing around covered the too-loud pounding of her heartbeat as he stood there staring down at her.
it was the most alive she’d felt in months. before tonight, she hadn’t even thought she’d want a break from her routine -- from school, from her work, from everything that made her her.
wading in the pool now, with colt, all she wanted was more.
before she could find something to say, logan and brent swam by, kicking up water with a splash. “come on!” logan called out as a wave of chlorinated water hit her smack dab in the face, “we’re doing back flips.”
she forced her eyes down and swam off after them, hurrying to put some space between them. 
drunk as she was, it was a struggle to even stay afloat.
the semester wrapped up quickly; before she knew it, it was time to start shipping her things down to miami. ellie saw and heard from everyone less and less as she finished her coursework and switched into summer mode, even as the date of logan’s wedding grew closer.
finally it was time to hand her keys over to the girl who’d be subletting her apartment for the summer and catch her flight; when she stepped off the plane she forgot, for a moment, that she wasn’t home in los angeles -- it was humid and sunny and everyone around her looked happy, a far cry from the scene she’d left behind at jfk.
ellie went straight to her summer housing and checked in, a little astonished by how nice the apartment was. there was a pool in the back of the building and the beach was only a short walk away; there were floor-to-ceiling windows exposing the view to her and illuminating every last one of the boxes she’d have to unpack where they were cluttering her new living room floor.
her eyes landed on one marked kitchen stuff and ellie tore into it, using her keys to rip the tape. the still-sealed bottle of dom perignon from the bachelorette party was sitting on top of everything else, wrapped in bubble wrap.
the trip or the heat had probably made it go flat but she pulled it out anyway, sitting on the floor and popping the cork. ellie took a sip from the bottle and grimaced -- all expensive alcohol was disgusting.
she set it on the floor and took a photo for her pictagram story anyway, the boxes and the view in the background. it was only up for a few seconds before her phone screen lit up with an incoming message.
it was colt. dork was all he’d written, when she opened her direct messages. the little animation beneath his words indicated he was typing something else. how is it?
pretty bad she wrote back honestly.
guess i’ll have to work harder to impress you
she stared down at her phone, rereading the words twice before she huffed out a genuine laugh. ellie had been avoiding checking in with most of her friends while she focused on moving, but it felt pretty nice to talk to colt again. the new peace that had settled between them had admittedly been a welcome respite, distracting her from every stressor in her life. 
with a shake of her head, she gave in and wrote back guess so.
everyone in the wedding was spending the entire weekend in santa monica, and ellie was grateful for the opportunity to avoid awkward conversation with her dad, heading straight to the hotel when she flew in on the morning of the rehearsal dinner.
things were already in full swing even though it was early in the day when she arrived; though she was exhausted from her flight and the work she’d left behind on the east coast ellie still let ingrid pull her up to her suite to start getting ready together.
one by one the rest of their friends started to trickle in, chatting excitedly about the wedding the next day, and eventually, after they’d gone over saturday’s schedule at least a thousand times, it was late enough in the afternoon that she had to go back to her own hotel room to get dressed for dinner.
ellie was the first of the girls to finish getting ready and logan and the rest of the guys were already downstairs at the lobby bar when she came out of the elevator. logan pulled her into a hug as soon as she got close, kissing her cheek hello.
“are you so excited?” she asked, squeezing his arms, “big day tomorrow.”
“i can’t wait. i know we did this fast but it still feels like we’ve been waiting for forever.” he looked adorably eager. “you look nice, by the way.”
“thank you,” ellie said primly, stepping out of his arms to spin in a circle, the skirt of her dress swishing around the tops of her thighs, “not half bad for an all-nighter and a cross-country flight, eh?”
“thanks for flying out so early. i’m so glad you’re here.” logan called the bartender over as she moved down the line to say hi to the rest of the groomsmen, and when she came back around to his other side to accept the drink he held out to her she noticed there was one person missing from the group.
“where’s colt?”
logan arched an eyebrow at her. her face flushed pink, and then worsened when that voice she could pick out of a crowd said from behind her, “miss me?”
the smart remark that was waiting on the tip of her tongue died when she turned around and saw him. he always wore formalwear well, but something about how he was dressed tonight captured her attention in a way that was impossible to ignore. she swallowed.
“just wondering if tonight might actually be peaceful or not,” she said finally, lifting her eyes from the few buttons that were open on his shirt at the front of his throat to look him in the eyes. “i guess it won’t be.”
he shrugged, leaning around her to signal the bartender for a drink of his own. “i promised i’d behave this weekend.” 
“yeah, and you’d better follow through or ingrid’s going to come after us both,” logan grinned, waiting until colt had his glass in his hand before sticking his own in between the three of them. “cheers.”
“cheers,” ellie smiled, clinking her champagne flute delicately against the two rocks glasses in their hands, “congratulations. i’m so happy for you guys.”
“you can back out at any time,” colt said, and then, as ingrid finally walked over and hit him on the shoulder, “ow. what? you can back out, too.”
she linked her arm through logan’s, tilting her face up for a kiss. “no one’s backing out. come on.”
they filed into the restaurant, where everyone’s families were already waiting at one end of the long table. ellie sat down on ingrid’s right and came face-to-face with colt, who was sitting directly across from her at logan’s left. he smirked at her from the other side of the table, bumping his foot into hers underneath the tablecloth. 
she kicked him back, turning her cheek to stifle a smile when she saw him wince as soon as her high heel collided with his shin. 
dinner was surprisingly pleasant, making her cautiously optimistic for the way the rest of the weekend was going to go. tomorrow was sure to be exhausting, with a full day of primping and photos before the ceremony and reception, and the after party following late into the night, if she knew their group of friends at all.
but it’d probably be pretty fun, too. at least she could start drinking heavily as soon as her toast was over.
though she was woefully sober after the cake had been cut and the night started to wind down, certain that a hangover would be a wrench in tomorrow morning she just didn’t need, with the day ahead of her. 
they all took their time saying goodbye and slowly started to head to the elevator. just outside the restaurant door, colt caught her elbow and asked, “wanna go for a walk?”
she stared back at him dumbly. why? “huh?”
“come on, the beach is right there.” his hand slid down her bare arm to curl around her wrist, and he tugged her towards the french doors that would lead them outside onto the hotel’s back patio before she could protest.
ellie slipped off her shoes as they moved down the steps and out into the sand, silent when they both walked off down the beach together. the stretch owned by the hotel was private and closed for the night, so they were the only two people making their way down to the ocean, though she still wasn’t exactly sure for what. 
“how’ve you been?” she asked finally, when it felt like it’d been quiet for too long.
“fine. how are your... water samples?” 
her eyebrows arched. part of her was amazed he’d remembered, and a little warmed by his thoughtfulness. “um, good,” she answered slowly, “well -- not good, they’re contaminated, but... good for me? to have something to study?”
out of the corner of her eye, ellie saw his lips twitch. it was good to know he still found her embarrassment amusing. “that’s good.”
“are you nervous for your speech tomorrow?” she asked, because she was certainly nervous about hers. his smile spread.
“no.” he’d long since let go of her arm, but colt still only shoved the hand on the other side of his body into his pocket, letting his other arm dangle near hers. “i’m just gonna wing it.”
“you’re going to -- i’m sorry, what?” she demanded, completely horrified. “you cannot just wing it.”
“well, i’m going to,” he shrugged, “so don’t lose sleep over it.”
“oh my god,” ellie groaned, “i feel sick just thinking about it. please tell me you’re joking.”
“you know i’m not,” he laughed, that same soft sound from the night of logan and ingrid’s engagement party, when he’d given her a ride home. her cheeks flushed just thinking about it. “don’t you ever get tired of being so self-righteous?”
“no,” she sniffed, “don’t you ever get tired of being so...”
ellie trailed off as she searched for the right word. colt stopped suddenly and turned in the sand to face her, grinning widely when their eyes locked. “so what?”
arrogant. smug. obnoxious. insufferable. reckless. “so...” she paused, tongue darting out to lick her lips, “well --”
colt leaned in and kissed her before she could decide which word she wanted to settle on. the hand that’d been in his pocket landed on her waist, and he lifted the other to her jaw, cradling her cheek in his palm when he pulled her closer to meet his lips.
she froze. part of her had been expecting this, though it still felt so unbelievably beyond imagining -- colt kaneko was kissing her after they’d spent the last eight years at each other’s throats, and tenderly, too, his lips soft and gentle when they brushed against hers.
ellie sighed quietly into his mouth, then looped her arm around him and kissed him back, sliding her fingers into his hair at the back of his head. 
he was a good kisser. not that she’d thought about it, or anything, outside of one or two times --
fine, a few times... 
colt snaked his arm fully around her waist and pressed his body in against hers as close as they could get; there was only the sound of the waves on the shore while they kissed for what felt like an eternity, with all the familiarity of two people who’d done this dozens of times before.
there was something about being alone with him that eased the tension being home always brought with it. something about the new calmness in their relationship reminded her of her apartment and new york and the places she’d always felt most like herself, almost like colt understood her and the things she wanted to say but wouldn’t without her even having to say them. 
finally, his thumb pressed into the hinge of her jaw and he broke them apart, tipping his forehead against hers to stare into her eyes.
in the dark, with the moon behind him, the depths of his gaze consumed her entirely. ellie worked to catch her breath while staring back at him seriously, though there was surely some shock on her expression.
“um,” she said finally. “i --”
he swept her into another kiss and she was grateful for the chance to collect her thoughts before being expected to say something, though every last one she had left her abruptly when their lips met again. all she could focus on was how good the kiss was -- how it felt like giving into something she’d been holding off on allowing for far too long. 
this time, when he pushed her away, he spoke up. “do you want me to apologize?”
ellie realized her fingers were still curled into his hair and forced them to relax. she dropped her hand onto his shoulder. “no.” her eyes lingered on the minute upturn at the corners of his mouth. “an explanation would be helpful, though.”
the hand colt had on the small of her back dipped lower. she raised her eyebrows at him again. “i want to spend the night with you,” he said bluntly, “if you want.”
she pretended to think about it, even though she already knew what her answer would be. judging by the look on colt’s face, he knew she was only acting, too, though he stayed quiet for once and let her go through the motions of looking back at the hotel in thoughtful consideration. “yeah,” she said finally, with a nod, “let’s go to your room.”
colt’s room was on the other side of the hotel, and he’d forgotten to pull the heavy-duty shades shut the night before, so the sun filtered in through the gauzy curtains and hit her in the face early, waking her up before she was ready.
ellie rubbed at her eyes and took in the sight before her: the muscled arm slung across her waist was attached to a set of broad shoulders and a sculpted torso, though colt was sleeping on his stomach so she could only see his back, the sheet draped low over his hips. 
his face was squished into the pillow and he was still peacefully asleep, his breathing even and quiet beside her.
she stared at him for a few seconds before a deep sense of dread started to set in, filling her with slowly dawning horror.
you slept with colt kaneko! her brain screamed unhelpfully at her, like she didn’t already know. what the fuck were you thinking?
okay. this was fixable. all she had to do was get to her clothes and get out of his room before he woke up. she could make it back to her suite before anyone noticed she was gone, right? 
his body stirred beside her as soon as she shifted to the edge of the mattress. ellie watched colt’s arm slip off her waist and stared as his eyes slowly blinked open, his jaw cracking with a yawn. “hey,” he murmured, voice thick with sleep and perfectly cozy-sounding, halting her progress out of the bed and almost enough to make her turn right back around. “what time is it?”
“seven,” she returned just as quietly, and he flopped back against the pillow with a groan, scrubbing a hand down his face.
“the fuck are you doing up?” he grumbled. “christ.”
ellie shifted another inch to the edge of the bed. “we need to all start getting ready soon. pictures are at two.”
“it’s seven,” he sighed, “she can’t possibly expect you to --”
“she does.”
colt groaned again, louder this time. he rolled onto his back and pressed both palms against his face, then pushed his hands through his hair. “we’ll get up in ten minutes,” he declared decisively, dropping his cheek into the side of the pillow. his eyes were half-lidded when they landed on her. “come here.”
ellie hesitated at the edge of the bed, biting her lip. 
that was probably a mistake. 
she cleared her throat, averting her eyes. maybe all of this had been a mistake. it was so unlike her -- flirting with him, kissing him on the beach, having a one night stand. he’d never even liked her before she started doing all of these things that felt so wildly out of character for her. in fact, he’d always hated her. 
what the fuck did he think they were doing, anyway? 
panic was starting to set in, hot and desperate. “i should really get going,” she said, then stood and snatched her dress up off the floor before she could be sucked in by the curve of him against the mattress. “ingrid’s going to wonder where i am.”
there was complete and total silence as she pulled her clothes back on quickly, piece by piece. finally, colt said, “okay. i’ll see you later.”
his voice was slow -- carefully measured. ellie didn’t look at him before double checking to make sure she had her phone and room key and nodding blindly in the direction of the bed, doing her best to keep her voice faux-chipper. “totally,” she called out mindlessly, rushing out the door.
her chest squeezed tight with anxiety and refused to relent for the entirety of the morning. ellie found herself fighting off a meltdown through hair and makeup, through hours of gushing over ingrid and how beautiful she looked, through a session with the photographer in the bridal suite. 
her thoughts were elsewhere during the group photos with everyone. it took every effort not to look colt’s way when they all got together before the ceremony to take so many pictures her face was hurting from maintaining her fake smile.
still, her mind drifted. the part of her that was adamant she’d made the right decision couldn’t seem to quiet the little voice beneath it wondering what if, her curiosity needling her brain incessantly. 
now she’d never know what he might’ve been about to say or do. she wouldn’t have to deal with the reality of having two pieces of her life that didn’t fit together -- new york and school and los angeles and colt -- because there was no knowing if anything would’ve even come from it.
maybe that’s for the best, said the larger, more rational part of her brain. 
all the excuses she’d used a thousand times before came back to her at once. she was too busy to date, probably, and ill-equipped to have a boyfriend. guys she’d dated in the past had complained about her being hot and cold, either clingy or distant depending on where she was with school or in her professional life. the only parts of herself she could actually tolerate most of the time seemed to be the biggest turn-offs: she was too driven, too focused on her passion projects. 
each word felt hollow, now. maybe she hadn’t done the right thing.
ellie’s pulse raced dangerously as everyone lined up at the edge of the cliff for the outdoor ceremony. she and colt stood just behind logan, side-by-side. 
he wasn’t looking at her. her stomach twisted unhappily. 
she gently reached out to touch his arm. her voice was barely a murmur when she leaned in close and said, “hey, can i talk to you?”
colt looked down at her like she was insane. in front of them, logan started down the aisle. “now’s not really a good time.”
fuck. she was almost definitely going to lose her nerve, but he was right. she pursed her lips, looping her arm through his. her free hand clutched her flowers tightly.
colt felt stiff beside her, at odds with the easy way he’d held her last night. she used all her focus not to trip as they walked down the aisle together and then separated on either side of the altar, the both of them looking anywhere else but at each other.
fortunately, the ceremony provided a welcome distraction from her swirling thoughts. logan and ingrid had written their own vows, and she cried the entire time they spoke to each other, tears silently dripping down her cheeks as she watched two of her oldest friends profess their love.
even the poem ingrid’s sister read made her heart skip a beat, her bottom lip wobbling through the ceremony until the officiant finally pronounced them husband and wife.
ellie was still smiling through tears after they’d kissed and started back down the aisle together. she forgot to be nervous about walking with colt until he took her arm in his and said, “seriously?”
then everything that had happened rushed back to her at once, and she was uneasy and miserable again.
“come on,” ellie sniffed, dabbing delicately at her eyes, “that was beautiful.”
“it was something,” he mumbled, so quietly the excited din of the crowd nearly drowned him out. “i’ll catch up with you later.”
he dropped her arm as soon as he possibly could, disappearing into the venue. ellie watched everyone through the glass windows for a moment before following him inside with a sigh.
bathroom, then bar. even if the first thing she needed was a large glass of wine, the absolute last thing she needed was smudged mascara. everything else could wait.
it was almost the end of the cocktail hour when logan found her at the bar. ellie grinned at him wholeheartedly and passed him the champagne flute she’d taken for herself, signaling for another.
“thanks,” he said, reaching out to squeeze her arm, “like, a thousand people have already tried talking to me. you never told me this was going to be so exhausting.”
“getting married is a huge deal,” ellie laughed, “of course every single person here wants to talk to you. you’re going to be making the rounds all night.”
“just -- keep me occupied for a few more minutes,” he said, gaze darting around the room, “make it look like we’re having a really serious talk. start with whatever put that look on your face.”
“i don’t have a look on my face,” she argued, though she knew it was futile.
logan arched his eyebrows at her. “ellie.”
“what?” she asked. she shuffled her feet anxiously and then continued, “look, i’m sure colt already told you we slept together last night, so --”
logan started coughing, spitting champagne back into his glass. he set it down on the bar with wide eyes. “oh my god, you what?”
ellie felt her own eyes bug out to match. “he didn’t tell you?”
“no,” logan hissed, then coughed again. “what do you mean you slept together last night?”
“um,” ellie started, her voice high as she swiveled her eyes to the ceiling, “well...”
“jesus, i can’t believe he finally went for it.”
she slowly lowered her gaze back to his. her brow furrowed in confusion. “what?”
“oh, man. he’s liked you for forever. i didn’t think he was ever going to...” logan trailed off as he caught sight of the expression on her face, which cycled from confusion to realization to horror so quickly it made her head spin. “wait, how’d you guys leave it?”
“um,” she said again, cringing, “well...”
“yikes.” logan matched her look with a wince. “you should probably talk to him.”
she wandered into the ballroom as if in a daze. ellie found her seat at the table with the bridal party and breathed a sigh of relief once she noticed colt was far away from her at the other end -- at least ingrid had done her one favor. 
after the toast, she told herself with a nod, i’ll talk to him. 
after the toast she could have the hard drink she’d need to get through the conversation. they could take a few minutes to themselves.
but first she had to actually get through the toast, and that meant sitting politely while colt gave the best man speech, which he did unflappably well, of course, even though he hadn’t prepared for it at all.
ellie was reminded all at once what’d made her hate him in the first place: colt was good at everything without having to worry about it. in college, he’d effortlessly pulled perfect grades in even the most impossible classes; tonight was no different. he made jokes that landed perfectly with the crowd, getting the appropriate amount of laughs, and finished with something surprisingly sentimental that garnered lots of applause -- both ingrid and logan beamed at him when he sat down again.
and she had to go next.
she pointedly ignored him as she stood with her glass. “hey, everyone. i’m ellie. for those of you who don’t know me, ingrid and i met on the very first day of college -- eight years ago. i’d just turned eighteen and i was away from home for the first time. i actually bumped into ingrid in the parking lot...”
ellie hit all the marks, too: what she loved about her friends, what made them perfect for each other. “-- and i knew he was the one just from the way she’d talk about him. she always got so giddy, it was like there was a whole other side of her i’d never seen before. every day she’d have something new to say about him: ‘oh, logan said this,’ and, ‘oh, logan showed me that’ --”
everyone was crying by the time she wrapped up. ingrid blew her a kiss as she lifted her glass into the air, and ellie grinned brightly back at her and logan before the band came back on and she could finally sit down again.
the girls around her were gushing about how good her toast had been, but ellie leaned around them to catch colt’s eye at the other end of the table.
her eyebrows lifted meaningfully. she nodded at the dance floor.
colt rolled his eyes. she watched him shake his head.
ellie thrust her bottom lip out into a pout. 
he looked sort of close to smiling, setting a swarm of butterflies loose in her stomach. it was both better and more dangerous than the thought of him being angry at her had been. later, he mouthed, turning away before she could frown at him any harder.
that was fine. it’d give her a little more time to work up her nerve -- hopefully.
she grabbed ingrid on her way back to the bar.
“oh my god, i can’t believe you,” ingrid sighed, squeezing her tight in a huge hug, “that was only the most beautiful toast of all time. you ruined my makeup, you bitch!”
“okay, you still look perfect,” ellie argued, squeezing her hand, “you’re the most beautiful bride ever. don’t even start.”
ingrid sighed wistfully, looking off towards the sweetheart table at the front of the ballroom. “i am pretty beautiful, huh?”
“are you kidding?” ellie demanded, “the whole thing was gorgeous.”
ingrid’s grin sharpened. out of nowhere, she said, “logan told me you totally fucked colt last night.”
“shhhh!” ellie cast a glance around desperately, but they were blessedly alone at the bar. “oh my god, i didn’t --”
“yeah, right. why didn’t you tell me?!”
“it’s your wedding day,” she laughed, “i wanted to -- i don’t know. it just happened, it was weird.”
“what’s he like?” she asked, passing ellie a glass of champagne.
“can we not do this?” ellie ducked her head behind the glass, trying to hide her flushed face. “isn’t it time for your first dance?”
ingrid waved her hand dismissively. “in a minute. so? spill!”
“oh my god, it was obviously incredible,” she mumbled into her champagne, “now get out of my face, this is exactly why i didn’t tell you.”
“fine, but we are so not done talking about this.” she reached out and tugged on one of the neat curls of her hair before linking her arm through ellie’s to walk back to the front of the ballroom together. “and you’d better save me a dance.”
she didn’t get her moment alone with colt until after the entrees. ellie had given up on trying to catch his eye, so she was surprised when he walked over and said, “i’ll take that dance, now, if you can stop crying long enough to make it happen.”
“people with souls cry at weddings,” she huffed, standing and taking his hand in hers, “i’m sorry you can’t relate.”
“you’re forgiven,” he smirked, so that she could almost pretend there was absolutely nothing weird going on between them as they walked out onto the dance floor.
but his expression shifted when the song changed and her hands laced together behind his neck, absolving her of that illusion near-immediately. she cleared her throat as his hands settled on her hips and they started to sway together.
“i’m sorry,” she said again, more seriously this time. 
he pursed his lips, then shrugged. “for what?”
“for being weird this morning. i don’t know what you were going to say -- um, if you were going to say anything, but i totally freaked out and i obviously didn’t even give you a chance to get to it, so. that was uncool. sorry.”
colt’s gaze was calculating on hers. she wondered what he was thinking. “don’t worry about it,” he said finally. “it’s nothing.”
she drew in a deep breath. well, if he wasn’t going to give her an inch... “logan said you’ve always liked me.”
ellie watched as his eyes narrowed. “logan’s lucky today’s his wedding day,” colt murmured darkly. his hands tightened on her hips briefly, then released. he turned his head and leveled his glare on her. “so?”
“so -- i thought you hated me,” she laughed, that thread of nervousness back again. “you never -- i mean, why didn’t you ever say anything?”
he rolled his eyes at her. “okay, you’re always, like -- smiling and happy and constantly surrounded by people. when we were in school you were in, like, student government and on debate team and running a thousand clubs or doing extra lab hours and everyone always liked you -- so you wanted me to, what, exactly? just walk right up to you and be like, hey, do you want to see a movie?”
ellie gaped at him, her mouth open in shock. “i -- yes! you could have just asked me out.”
“right,” colt snorted, “that would’ve gone over well. you thought i was a total asshole.”
“colt, you were a total asshole,” she reminded him.
he shifted back and forth on his feet. ellie stared in fascination as the tips of his ears went red when he dipped his head to avert his eyes. “i didn’t want you think i had a crush on you or anything.”
it felt a lot like she was having an out-of-body experience. “well... did you have a crush on me?”
colt cleared his throat. “you weren’t like everyone else,” he said, in lieu of an answer, “you’re still not. but i get that you’re busy. this doesn’t have to be, like, a thing.”
“hang on, i’m still processing.” whatever this was, it was officially bizarre. 
it seemed impossible to wrap her head around what he’d just admitted: that he’d always liked her, even at her most neurotic, at the most school-obsessed, five-year-plan focused she’d ever been. 
so she didn’t have to change.
for once, it didn’t feel like she needed to put up some front that was, frankly, exhausting to maintain.
everything just felt -- nice.
“done yet?” he demanded, “the song’s almost over.” 
ellie leaned in and kissed him, uncaring of anyone who might see. his hands were warm over the cutouts in the dress at her sides and she was breathless when they finally broke apart, long after the song had changed.
the look on colt’s face was a mixture of self-satisfied and surprised when he pulled her off the dance floor and out onto the terrace. “i am busy,” ellie said, once they were alone.
colt nodded, looking out at the view of the beach below them. “i know.”
“but -- if you really don’t mind that i have to split my focus with school... and the distance... and the time difference...”
“are you trying to talk me out of it?” he asked, sounding amused.
“...then obviously i’d love to date you or whatever.”
“huh.” colt was smiling as he stared at the ocean. “i guess i probably should have just asked out you five years ago, then.”
“it might’ve been easier,” ellie allowed, shifting to lean her shoulder against his. she reached for his hand and laced their fingers together. “but that’s not really our style.”
colt turned and pressed his lips to the top of her head. “true,” he hummed, and then, “you smell like you have a whole can of hairspray in your hair.”
“i probably do.” she hesitated, looking down at their joined hands. “are you sure you want to do this?”
“yeah.” ellie looked back up at him and found colt’s eyes still stuck thoughtfully on the view. “i’ve wanted to for a really long time.”
“that’s so crazy to me.”
“why?” he finally turned and looked at her, his gaze no less intense than it had been last night by the ocean. “ingrid’s right. you are a catch. it’s crazy to me that you’ve stayed single all this time.”
“well, i was --” she bit the inside of her cheek to avoid again using the word busy, and then pivoted to a more uncomfortably honest answer, “-- never interested in compromising. before now.”
his lips spread into a smile. she felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of it, soft and genuine and open on his face. “figures i’d be the one to break your streak,” colt said, in that same overconfident way she always used to hate.
“oh my god, do not start,” she huffed, using their joined hands to push his side until he stumbled a step away.
colt retaliated by spinning her around and pulling her in close, trapping her against the ledge of the balcony before she could move. “why?” he challenged, “what are you going to do about it?”
she was going to kiss that stupid smirk right off his face, for one.
and he was going to spend the night dancing with her and later hold back her hair when she had too much to drink.
then they’d both spend most of sunday in bed, skipping brunch with the rest of their friends to put the hours before her flight to better use.
colt would drive her to the airport. they would say their goodbyes on the curb.
and she would be too excited to sleep on the trip back to miami.
“just wait,” she threatened, though her voice was sweet; she tilted her chin up to brush their noses together. “you’ll see. i have it all planned out.”
the look in his eyes made her feel like she was doing something dangerous; colt looked both fond and delighted, content and sweet and sure. his free hand lifted to thumb at her cheekbone, like part of him was still surprised to find the both of them out here, wrapped up together like they were. 
“i’ll bet,” he returned, his voice low and full of promise. “that work ethic is one of the things i like most about you.”
“you’ll have to give me a list of the rest,” ellie laughed, eager to hear his take on it all from what was arguably the most unique perspective in their friend group. 
“eh, you can wait,” colt shrugged, gently pressing her in along the stone ledge behind her back on the balcony, leaning over her with another grin, “there’s a few other things we have to catch up on first.”
fair point, she thought, though she’d be damned if she ever actually agreed with him out loud. she had a lot to fill him in on, too. 
he’d probably waited long enough, though, so ellie folded first and gave him that kiss she’d planned, colt’s smirk dissolving as expected when his mouth pressed against hers. 
when they finally broke apart and turned to head back inside, they drew up short outside the doors to the balcony. every last one of their friends was standing in front of the glass facade, staring at them, their eyes wide and their mouths open. ingrid and logan in particular looked unreasonably overjoyed. 
“christ,” colt sighed, as ellie instantly flushed bright red beside him, “is this what this is going to be like all the time?”
“no take backs,” she said, squeezing his hand. she turned to look up at him just in time to catch his eye roll, and the subsequent glare that made the group watching them from behind the door scatter with raucous laughter.
“fine,” he answered, sounding put-upon, but she hadn’t looked away yet and so she still caught the private smile that tugged his lips up against his will.
perfect, ellie thought to herself, and then, for the first time in as long as she could remember, nothing else -- no self-doubt, no exhaustion, no pretending. 
colt was probably going to have to help her get used to how it felt to have everything she wanted.
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
The Fiancé: Chapter Four
Characters: Steve Rogers x Female Plus-Size Reader
Rating: The whole series will be E, 18+ ONLY
Summary: A lie about your best friend at a Christmas party spirals into world news, but a previously unknown threat leaves you having to now live the lie of Steve Rogers being your fiancé.
Originally based on the prompt ‘Character A’s ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A’s fiancé,’ by @alloftheprompts​.
A/N: The whole series will include swearing, alcohol, threat, violence, apartment sharing, protected sex, and more tags to be added!
The Fiancé Masterlist
All Works Masterlist
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Please don’t copy or steal my work, and please don’t post it on any other sites; credit does not count.
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Can I Tell You Confidentially, Ain’t You Sweet
“This is a fucking nightmare,” Steve mutters, leaning against the wall and looking out of the window, Sam the other side.
  Staring down at the seemingly growing crowd, his agitation is growing with it, but all he can think about is how you must be feeling.
He’d nearly hurled his phone into the God damn Reflecting Pool when Fury had told him.
“Now, hang on a second, what?”
“This is a great opportunity to find out who these guys are and stop them, Steve.”
He’d scoffed, a hand on his hip as he’d paced. “So we’re putting a civilian’s life in danger, my civilian friend’s life in danger, who not only has absolutely no training in any kind of operation but is also just an innocent human being?”
A sigh had come through the line. “Steve... What these groups are talking about doing is getting worse, and they’re recruiting, not just people to assassinate you but for other operations as well around the world.”
His jaw had moved as he’d stopped, staring into the water. “There has to be another way.”
“There isn’t.”
“Nick, I can’t see—”
“This isn’t a request, Steve, it’s an order.”
So here he is, a soldier with his orders, putting his friend’s life on the line for his own... And even though they’d appeared to give you one, you hadn’t really had much of a choice.
He hates it. But... as Nat had said, you couldn’t be safer. Part of him was actually relieved that you would now officially be under the watchful eye of SHIELD and the best agents he’d ever known, especially after the letter he’d received.
Sam shifts, mirroring Steve with his folded arms. “Yeah, you’re not wrong,” he murmurs. Shaking his head, he looks to him. “Only for six days, man. Just keep tellin’ yourself that, six days.”
Steve releases a breath, a muscle in his jaw moving. “Yeah, ‘cause nothing goes to shit in six days, huh.”
“I’m coming over the moment work finishes, if I can get out of the damn building.”
You lick your lips, balancing your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you carry a box to your bedroom door.
“Uh, actually, Bridge’, I’m packing right now.”
“You’re packing? Oh my God, please don’t tell me you’re eloping, I want to be there!”
“No, no, we’re just moving in together.”
“Oh my God, your place or his?”
“Uh... a new place.” You lift a suitcase onto your bed, unzipping it.
“I’m not sure, actually, Steve’s chosen a place.” You move to your wardrobe, stare at it for a second and then grab an armful of clothes and turn, dropping them onto your bed.
“Ugh, it’s like he’s gifting you an apartment, that’s amazing. Oh, Y/N...” You pause your half-hearted folding of a sweater at Bridget’s sigh. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Licking your lips, you place the sweater in the suitcase. “Well, we’re... we’re such good friends that we wanted to keep it a secret, just in case it didn’t work out so it wouldn’t be weird with our friends or for anyone. And, you know... the whole world seems to think it can be involved, as we’d, uhm, as we’d expected.“
You hear them hiss. “I know, I can’t believe what some people are writing, it’s such trash.”
“Yeah.” You haven’t dared to check the notifications that have been making your phone buzz, even as you’ve been speaking to Bridget, and their angry tone doesn’t exactly fill you with confidence.
As you fold another sweater, you hear the clicking of a computer mouse on the other end, and then Bridget gasping. “Oh my God, is the ring really from Tiffany’s?!”
“Uh...” You glance at the ring on your fourth left finger. The ring Nat had removed from a box she’d taken out of her coat pocket and unceremoniously handed to you, telling you to put it on. You have absolutely no idea where it’s from. Does SHIELD just have a storeroom full of these? Does Nat? “... I don’t actually know, Bridge’, but, you know me, I’m not really bothered by that kind of stuff.”
“Oh, I know. Is it new? Old? What does it look like?”
You continue to stare at the alien object. “It’s... silver. And new. Got a diamond in the middle, three smaller ones either side, going down the band.”
“Ugh, simple and elegant, love it. Can you send me a picture?”
“As soon as I’m done packing.”
“Good. And let me know where you’re moving to, please! I want to drop by unexpectedly every day.”
“Oh, I will as soon as I know.” Having finished folding, you zip the suitcase up and place a hand on it, exhaling a short breath.
There’s a small pause.
“Are you okay, babe?”
“Yeah, I just...” You rub your forehead before making yourself smile even though they can’t see it. “... This is just all happening so fast and it’s a lot, truthfully.”
“Oh, I bet. You know we all love and support you here, right?”
That makes your smile soften. “Yeah, I know.”
“And you’re still okay for drinks with me and Doll’ on Wednesday, right?”
“Oh, yeah, absolutely.” 
I fucking hope it’s okay, I know I’m gonna need those drinks and giggles. 
“Good, we’ll blow off some steam then.”
Hauling the suitcase off the bed, your eyes dart to the door as someone knocks on it.
“Come in,” you say, raising your voice slightly.
It opens and Sam appears, smiling. “Hey, you ready?”
“Just about.” You pass the suitcase to him, him lifting it like it weighs nothing, and the expected sharp inhale comes from the other end of the line.
“Is Sam there?” Bridget whispers.
Your lips twitching, you nod as you say, “Yeah, Bridge’, Sam’s here.”
The man of the moment pauses, looking back at you as his lips lift higher. “You’re talkin’ to Bridge’?”
“Yep.” You have to control your smile.
“How, uh, how’re they doin’?”
“How are you doing, Bridge’?” you ask, raising your eyebrows slightly as you hear them clear their throat.
“Uh, tell him I’m fine, thank you... And that I would like to have a secret engagement with him,” they finish in the quietest of whispers that has your lips twitching again.
“They say they’re fine, thank you.”
Sam nods, pauses for another moment before he moves to turn again.
“Oh, hey,” you say, a wholesomely sneaky idea coming to you. “Sam, why don’t I give you Bridget’s number, then you two can plan the respective bachelor and bachelorette parties together?”
Bridget’s almost squeal of an inhale gives you their answer as Sam looks at you and grins. “Yeah, sure. I’d like that.”
“Oke doke, I’ll give it to you in a bit.” You smirk to yourself as Sam heads into the hallway.
There’s half a second before Bridget launches into a speech. “Oh my God, I love you so damn much, I’m gonna throw you the best damn party ever, I’ll get you whatever you want, whoever you want...”
Okay, maybe I can joke about with this situation now... Just with myself.
It takes you twenty-five minutes to pack. You haven’t packed much, only what you need for the week, and any food that will be going out of date soon, and it isn’t like you are actually moving out, so... the essentials it had been. Like you’re going on holiday. A bizarre, unwanted holiday. Nat has assured you there’s towels, cutlery, glasses, bedsheets, etc, all at the new place, you just need your clothes, toiletries, laptop, phone and anything else you might want to entertain yourself, her words. The last part had made you think of the box you keep under your bed, an array of toys you’ve accrued over the years inside.
... I mean... This is going to be a very stressful week... I’ll take just one... The silent, water-proof one.
That had disappeared into your backpack after you’d, quickly as you could, fumbled with the box and pulled it out and your toy cleaning wipes, sweating slightly as you’d heard the three of them moving around outside your door.
I will not humiliate myself further this week, no thank you.
Well, Nat would probably just nod in approval, Sam would probably actually do the same or just not even react, but Steve... There’s some things that you didn’t talk about, no matter how close you are.
Pulling your coat back on and the bag, hoping Nat doesn’t want to rifle through it this time, you step out of your bedroom, closing the door.
“So, what now?” you ask as they turn to you, Steve carrying your suitcase, Sam holding two boxes in his arms, Nat typing on her phone.
She slips it into her pocket and clasps her hands together as she speaks, “We leave, quickly and safely as possible. Sam and Steve are gonna take your things and Steve’s and head down to the parking garage, Sam’s got his car there, and they’ll come a little behind us. You and I are gonna head out the front, draw some of the crowd away and head to the new place.”
“Right.” You can’t work out if this is nice or not, having someone else take over and make all the decisions. At any other time, you’d be railing and demanding an input, but with this situation...
Carry on, Nat.
“All right, let’s go,” she says, as if having heard your thoughts, and moves to the door, peering through the peep-hole, checking the hallway, before she opens it.
“See you later, Y/N,” Sam says with that lovely warm smile of his as he heads out and, actually, between remembering the people who are now going to be looking after you and having decisions taken away from you, you’re starting to relax a little.
You meet Steve’s gaze and smile as he raises his eyebrows a little. “Well, I guess I’ll see you at home, then,” he says, a smile pulling at his own lips.
“Yeah, I’ll put the kettle on,” you reply, making his smile widen a little more.
“I look forward to it.”
You watch him as he heads out and into his own apartment, Sam having already opened the door. As he closes it, Nat steps out into the hallway, gesturing for you to follow, and you obey. Pulling your door shut, you lock it and turn to her, your keys disappearing into your coat pocket and you zip it closed.
As you both head down the hall, she pulls her phone out and starts typing again, her thumbs moving rapidly. You press the button to herald the elevator, and grip the straps of your bag, staring at the closed outer doors.
You try not to think about anything in particular, but you’re definitely feeling a lot more mellow. 
Just six days, I can do that. Six days is fine, it’ll fly by. I just won’t watch the news, stay off of social media as much as possible and keep my head down with whatever Nat plans for us to do. Steve’ll want that, too, it’ll be fine.
Cheered by your new resolve, you breathe a little easier as the elevator arrives and you step in after the doors open. Nat presses the button for the ground floor as she steps in and glances at the ceiling corners, probably looking for bugging devices.
Pushing her phone into her pocket as the elevator begins to descend, she leans against the back wall, folding her arms and looking at you.
“We’ve got a couple of agents in the crowd and in the building along the street, so don’t worry, we’ve got eyes from every angle.”
“Okay,” you answer, having to stop yourself from saying ‘thank you’ because you know she’ll just smirk and arch an eyebrow.
She pulls the sunglasses down from her head to settle over her eyes once more and you raise your eyebrows.
“... Can I ask, what’s with the glasses?”
“They scan people’s faces, log and check them on a database we have.”
Oh. Facial recognition.
That unsettles you a bit.
Licking your lips, you look back at the doors. “Where is the new place?” you ask after a moment.
“Other side of town.”
She doesn’t elaborate. You don’t know why you even bothered asking.
The elevator slows and she straightens, glancing at you. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” you murmur, clinging onto the calmness you’d felt only minutes before.
The doors open and you both step out. Aaron is stood close to the door, his hands on his belt, frowning, and there’s another guard with him, one you recognise as usually taking the night shift. Aaron must have called him... and as your eyes dart to the windows, you can see why. The faint, jolly music is still playing and it’s a bizarre juxtaposition to the muffled shouting and screaming from outside because the crowed have spotted you now. People are trying to peer through the floor-to-ceiling windows, craning their necks and shoving each other out of the way to get a better look at you, filming on their phones and trying to take pictures.
Aaron turns to you and gives you a small smile as you approach, Nat a step ahead.
“How’re we looking?” she asks him and from his blinking and surprised expression, you guess he isn’t one of the eyes she was talking about.
“Uh, well, no-one’s tried to get in, yet. Someone seemed as if they were about to follow someone who lives here in, but other’s started yelling at them that we could then call the police, so, seems like they’re seasoned.” He glances at you, giving you another smile.
You return it because, God, he’s probably not trained for this, and he’s such a nice guy.
“All right, well, they should go soon once they realise Steve and Y/N are moving.”
“You’re leaving?” He looks rather crestfallen as he meets your gaze again, and you don’t quite know what to do, but it’s left to you to say something because Nat’s moved off to the other guard.
Lying to him almost feels as bad as having to lie to your friends. He’s been working here for quite a few months now and he’s always ready to have a goofy laugh with you, especially when you come back from after-work drinks. It was always nice, too, to come back from a shitty day and see him, smiling and asking you how your day was.
“Well, tomorrow’s a new day,” he’d always say back, to the point where you both just ended up saying it together.
Do you just say bye? Do you give him your number, or promise to add him on Instagram or Facebook?
Yes, please.
Yeah, all right, you have a tiny bit of a crush on him, but it’s fine and you won’t ever act on it, so it’s fine.
“Yeah, sorry,” you say to him, offering a slightly sheepish smile.
Why am I apologising.
He smiles quickly, a beam that you’d come to enjoy seeing. “Well, I wish you luck with your new life, you two always seemed happy together, I don’t know why I didn’t figure it out.” He laughs and you make yourself join in.
Oh, it’s because it’s not truuueee...
“Thank you, Aaron, I appreciate that.” You pause for a second before continuing as you don’t know what else to say, “I’ll see you around.”
He nods. “Yeah, we follow each other on Instagram, so...”
“Do we?” Oh God, that’s embarrassing, as is the tone of surprise you hadn’t quite managed to stop. It’s like you’ve forgotten about him or don’t care, oh my God...
“Yeah, we...” He pauses to let out a chuckle. “You just took my phone that one time, when you came back from a friend’s birthday party, and followed yourself on my account, then promised you’d follow me which you did, so...”
Dolly’s birthday party. Tequila shots.
“Oh, right, yes, sorry, I remember.” Your face feels too warm. “Well, I’ll make sure to say hello.”
“I’d like that.” He smiles and takes a breath before clearing his throat “Goodbye, then, good luck with everything.”
“Thank you,” you answer, but he’s already turning and moving back towards the other guard, Nat giving him a brief smile as they pass each other and she returns to you.
Arching an eyebrow at you, a smirk hints at the corners of her mouth.
“Already initiating an affair?” she murmurs as she places a hand above your backpack, gently guiding you towards the door.
“Shut up,” you mutter, very much aware of how warm your face still is.
Her mood shifts the moment you’re in front of the door, the other guard gripping the handle, ready to open it.
“Okay, just keep moving towards the car, all right, don’t worry if you feel me pushing you, just keep your feet moving, and look straight ahead.”
“Okay,” you whisper, and from the corner of your eye you see her nod.
The guard opens the door and steps out, pushing people back, and then you’re out and through the door.
The moment you feel the cold air touch your skin, it’s pandemonium. People scream, cameras flash, and questions are yelled at you, so many you can’t even make them out properly. You keep your feet moving but your eyes are darting all over, trying to take it all in, there’s so many people. Your anxiety comes flooding back as the guard and Aaron try their best to keep people back and Nat keeps pushing you forward, silent. You just can’t believe they’re all here, in the freezing cold, just to see you.
Well, not just you.
“He’s not here! He’s not with her!” you hear a man shout next to you, making you flinch.
Suddenly, your hands are on Nat’s Corvette and you’re fumbling for the handle. Finding it and tugging it open, Aaron has to really push against a group beside you to allow you space to open it and so you can get in. With your bag still on your back, you slide into the seat and call a “Thank you!” to Aaron. He doesn’t get a chance to turn and acknowledge it as Nat closes the door and the group surges slightly, trying to press against the car. Keeping your eyes down, you lean forward to slide your backpack off and drop it between your feet.
Your hands shake slightly as you buckle your seatbelt, so you clasp them together in your lap once you’re done. It takes Nat a few more moments than last time to get round to her side, but then she’s there, swiftly getting in. Slamming the door shut, she secures her seatbelt and turns the engine on, the sound of it, luckily, making people step back.
Within moments, she’s pulling you both away and down the street. Staring through the wing mirror on your side, you’re grateful for the first time for her speed, knowing by the time the group scatters and gets into their cars or news vans that you’ll be blocks away.
Closing your eyes, you try and cheer yourself.
The hard part’s over. That’s it. You did it.
The hard part is definitely over.
This is the fanciest fucking place I’ve ever seen in my life.
You don’t think your mouth’s closed once from the moment you stepped into the building let alone your new penthouse.
It’s huge. All open-plan and white or stripped wood furniture, lush, thick, beige carpeting throughout, except in the kitchen where it’s polished stone, and the bathrooms where it’s white tile with thin flashes of gold. The dining room is decorated to a show-room standard, with a long, glass table and white cushioned chairs, cutlery set out waiting to be used. The living room, with its two ridiculously comfy beige couches, darker than the carpet, with terracotta blankets draped over them, a huge TV, brick fireplace, and intricately carved coffee table, meets the floor-to-ceiling windows and a glass door that opens out onto a balcony and a view of the city. A swinging chair and four, regular, but as equally comfy-looking, chairs are on it with a stone table, and to the right there’s a pool and more couches and a firepit. To the right of the living room area, behind a door, is a gym room, complete with, what you assume is state-of-the-art, equipment. The kitchen is to die for with its black marble counters and island, accompanied by stools to sit at, and the huge silver fridge and the white beech-wood cabinets and the bedrooms...
There’s two, one’s going to be yours, the other’s Steve’s. You very much agreed with Nat when she said, as you were the first here, that you get first pick but, truthfully, you’d have been over the moon with either of them. The one you have chosen, though, is the first one you come to after walking up the stairs. The king-sized bed is the most comfortable thing you’ve ever lain on, and the grey and white striped duvet and sheets are so soft. The wardrobe is a walk-in, you have your own en-suite, featuring a clawfoot bath, a huge shower and an ornate sink, and the windows in the bedroom are also floor-to-ceiling, the view gorgeous.
Maybe this will feel like a holiday, maybe this won’t be so bad after all, oh my God, even the toilet paper is the softest thing I’ve ever felt, I never want to leave...
As you finally pull yourself out of the room, you lean against the landing railing, gazing down at the open-plan floor below. It looks even more gorgeous from up here, perfect, coordinated, a dream.
Nat stands by the balcony door, talking to someone on her phone, and as you practically float down the stairs, she brings it to an end and hangs up, pushing it into her jeans pocket as a smile begins to form.
“So, everything is satisfactory for you, ma’am?”
“Oh, Nat, this is beyond anything I could have ever imagined.” Crossing the room, you sit on one of the couches, leaning back and looking at her. “How did you find this place?”
She folds her arms, leaning against the window. “We keep a few places on hold, just in case.”
Your head tilts forward, your eyes widening. “This place is a safe-house?!”
Her lips twitch. “Not anymore. Clint’ll be pissed.”
Before you can respond, the front door opens and you both turn, watching Steve and Sam enter. Sam lets out a whistle as he walks down the short hallway, his eyes wide. “Oh my God, can I move in?”
Grinning because this feels good, this feels nice to find it exciting rather than terrifying, you raise your eyebrows. “Hey, I wouldn’t mind, there’s probably room for ten people here.”
“Yeah, Sam snores, so I don’t think so,” Steve quips as he passes the other man, setting the three suitcases, one of them yours, he’d been carrying down by the kitchen archway. He seems just as impressed, though, if a bit more quietly so, his eyes roaming the interior. They arrive at you.
“You happy with it?” he asks, and it makes your chest ache with how sincerely he says it.
“Are you kidding me?” You maintain your grin, wanting to keep the tone light. “I can probably sleep in the wardrobe I have up there and there’s a pool outside.”
“It’s winter, Y/N,” Sam says, but he’s craning his neck to peer outside as he puts your two boxes on the kitchen island.
“It’s heated,” Nat says casually, making you and Sam gasp quietly.
I’m never leaving.
“Right,” Nat continues, moving away from the window as Sam takes her place, her arms still folded. “There’s food in the fridge and cupboards, plenty of towels in the downstairs bathroom cupboards, there’s a washing machine and tumble dryer in there, too, and I’m gonna advise you to not order take-out this week for safety purposes.”
If that’s the sacrifice I have to make to live here then fine.
“Steve, come with me, I’ll show you how the machines work, Sam you take Y/N’s things upstairs and help her unpack.”
“I know how a washing machine works, Nat,” Steve sighs even as he follows after her.
“Oh, not this one, trust me.”
Your gaze darting to meet Sam’s, you both grin.
“Please show me this wardrobe, I’m dyin’ to see it.”
Rising off the couch, you gesture towards the stairs with a flourish of your arm. “This way, then, please, sir.”
Striding across the floor, he grabs your suitcase in one hand and manages to carry both boxes in his other arm before turning to you. “Take me there, ma’am.”
You feel like a giddy child as you both head up the stairs, nearly running.
Nat shakes her head as they listen to you both and she meets Steve’s gaze, her lips twitching. He smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
Even though she knows you nor Sam will be able to hear her in the bathroom she and Steve are stood in, she still softens her voice. “You okay, old man?”
A corner of his mouth lifts a little higher than the other. “Yeah. It’s just gonna take some getting used to.”
“I know,” she murmurs, leaning against the washing machine, instructions forgotten, and she knows not needed. “I know this isn’t exactly how we planned on locating these guys but we couldn’t let this opportunity go—”
“I know, I know,” he sighs, a note of exasperation to it. “Fury said the same thing.”
She looks at him, the tightness in his jaw, despite how relaxed he appears. “She’s going to be safe,” she says gently after a few moments. “I know I don’t have to remind you, but we’re doing this for her, too.”
That makes him stiffen slightly, but she knows he needs an objective for this, something to fight for, something personal, his own life not being enough. He nods after a short pause, then his eyes meet hers and he gives an easy smile.
“You gonna show me how to use this thing or what, huh?”
You wish Nat and Sam could’ve stayed longer. Could’ve helped you both settle in, maybe even shown you how to operate the TV, even though you knew... Could’ve stayed longer because they helped to keep the excitement up.
The moment the door closed after they’d said their goodbyes, barely an hour after they’d arrive, said adamantly to call if either of you needed anything, and that the building was already being watched by agents, silence descended.
You’d both been stood by the front door to bid farewell, Steve holding it open, and you’d watched them cross the small circular foyer to the elevator that only someone with a passkey could get into and come to this floor with. You, Steve, Nat and Sam were the only people to have one. As the latter two disappeared, the elevator doors closing and Steve closed your own door and the silence came, you just looked at each other. You couldn’t think what to say, not quite in the mood to crack a joke, some of your energy having left you. Steve had appeared to feel the same way, his hands sliding into his pockets as he gave a light smile.
As the silence went on a second too long, you had returned his smile, though wider, and made some excuse about having promised to video call Dolly and Bridget to show them the place. He’d just nodded and joked about keeping out of the way.
You hate this. Hate that there’s some kind of... disconnect between you two now, though, you hope, you’re the only one to feel it. You don’t want to become awkward strangers to each other, you don’t want to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed every time you want to speak to him because how the hell are you going to get through the week? Or beyond it? You know it’s all your own doing, your own insecurities and embarrassment holding you back, but you just need... a few minutes to adjust.
The video call with your friends doesn’t exactly help. They’d gasped and squealed at everything you’d showed them, so delighted and excited for their friend, and you don’t know where you’d found the energy from to be ‘on’, to be at their level, and the level of an excited, engaged woman. You had quickly excused yourself after half an hour, though, saying you and Steve still have some things to unpack. 
You hate lying to them. You hate it so much.
You'd felt tears pricking at your eyes as you’d waved goodbye, catching their blown kisses like you usually would but unable to return them with quite the same goofiness. If they’d have asked, you just would have said you were tired, which wouldn’t have been a complete lie.
When you end the call and drop your phone onto your bed, you close your eyes, wiping at them after a moment to eradicate any stray tears.
Six days. Just six days. And it’s to help save your best friend’s life.
Changing into a sweater and pyjamas trousers, you leave your room, your phone held in one hand. A quick glance around as you descend the stairs shows no sign of Steve, but as you reach the bottom you hear sounds of a machine in the gym room despite the door being closed. You leave him to it, knowing he’s probably got his own adjustments to reckon with.
Despite his status, he’s still a private guy, and he probably hates the limelight now being shone on him once more.
There comes the guilt again, gnawing at you from the inside, and swiftly comes the challenge that without your lie you wouldn’t be able to help SHIELD find whoever wants to hurt him... Then comes the sadness, anger and helplessness.
You sit on the nearest couch, grabbing the remote, and turn the TV on. The channel you’re on is showing an advert, so you skip through until you land on a talk show. You pause for a moment, before lowering the remote.
“... also have a statement from June & Mayflower Publishing,” a woman is saying, text appearing on the screen beside her.
You don’t bother to listen properly or read it. Nat had called Yvette while you’d been packing, and she and her assistant Alice had drafted a statement saying the whole company was delighted. She’d sent it to you while Nat had been driving you here to read beforehand but you’d just replied to the email saying it was fine, you trusted her.
You tune back in when a man speaks, and a weird feeling rises in your chest as a picture of you and Steve, from probably only a few months after you’d moved to D.C, walking in a park and smiling, pops up on the screen.
“Y/N has actually been sighted with Steve before, they’ve actually been neighbours for three years, isn’t that romantic?”
“Awh, so cute!” the woman says, beaming.
“I know, right? People were asking if something was going on, we were desperate to know if our boy in red, white and blue had finally found the one again, but after months of quiet speculation we all knew they were just good friends.”
You wouldn’t have exactly called it quiet. You can still remember the shock and surprise of leaving your building and someone coming up to you to ask questions about you and Steve every other day, but it had soon faded, and had been nothing compared to what you’d experienced today.
“Now what we’re all desperate to know is is it going to be a winter wedding?”
“Yeeesss,” the woman says, clapping her hands together. “Now, some of us may think that that’s unusual but they are becoming more popular, and if the wedding of the century is going to a winter one, then, well, cancel Christmas, wedding planners, you’ve got work to do!”
As they laugh, you cringe, playing with the sleeve of your sweater. Unused to wearing a ring the size of the engagement one, it keeps catching on it.
“Now, we have Chrisse Christianson on the line from Chrisse’s Boutique, the store that specialises in all things weddings right here in New York, hi, Chrisse, have you been contacted by the couple?”
“Hi, guys! No, I haven’t been contacted yet,” she laughs, the trilling sound echoing across the studio, “but as Steve is from here we’re hoping they decide to shop local, and—”
As the gym room door opens, with lightening speed you change the channel, landing on a documentary of some kind.
Clearing your throat and lifting your head, you smile at him as he steps out... and you can’t stop your gaze from travelling him. His shirt is sticking to his skin with sweat, beads of it trailing down his neck and temple. His muscles somehow look bigger, straining under the sleeves of the shirt. You swiftly lift your eyes as you catch yourself, and his warm smile is what sets off the fluttering in your chest.
“Hey,” he greets, closing the door.
“Hi,” you manage to say nonchalantly.
Glancing at the TV screen, he then looks back to you. “Dolly and Bridge’ okay?”
“Yeah.” You fold your arms as you smile a touch wryly. “Can’t tell if they’re more excited about the engagement or the apartment.”
He chuckles, wiping the back of his hand across his forehead. You have to stop yourself from watching his muscles flex. “Well, they’re only human.”
Your smile softens as you exhale a laugh. As he crosses behind the couch to the stairs, your eyes return to the TV, but you hear him pause on the bottom step.
“Hey, after I shower I’ll cook us something to eat, okay?”
You look to him, your smile returning as you nod. “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
He nods and ascends the stairs, and you make yourself look back at the screen.
Well, there you go, you’ve spoken and it wasn’t awkward. Hey, you’d even laughed. That was good, fine. It would just be a little weird adjusting, that was all.
You focus on the documentary, which you realise is about birds. You focus very hard on it.
Cutlery quietly clinks against plates, the only sound that fills the air of the penthouse. Usually when you both cook together one of you will put music on, more often than not the playlist you’ve curated together over the years that holds a charmingly eclectic mix of music ranging from the 20s to now. Today, though, neither of you felt much like listening to any.
You’d just stayed on the couch, anyway, when he’d reappeared, showered and dressed, and cooked, almost frozen to the spot and staring at the TV screen. It was nice to drift away for half an hour or so, be distracted by something. He’d gently called you when the pasta dish was ready, and you’d both decided to sit at the island, something too unspokenly formal about the dining table.
And so silence has fallen.
Steve watches you as you both eat quietly, your head slightly lowered. The only thing you’d said was how good it tasted after your first mouthful, and he’d thanked you. You haven’t said another word since. He himself is slightly slumped in his chair, his shoulders down, his arm resting on his thigh, back a little curved. You’d laughed the first time you’d seen him with such an unsuperhero-y posture, fully relaxed. He’d just smiled, and you’d realised over the years that that was how Steve Rogers sat and how he always had, even pre-serum, almost like his body was curving in, protecting himself.
Your fork lowering onto your plate pulls him from his thoughts, his eyes focusing back on you. Running a hand down his mouth, he clears his throat.
“How are you doing?” he asks quietly.
You just look at your plate for a moment as you push it away, your hands clasping together in its place. You’d known this was coming the whole time you’d been eating, before even. Taking a breath and exhaling it, you swallow before you finally look at him. His features don’t change, just watching you.
“Steve, I’m so sorry, about all of this,” you say, your voice just as quiet as his. “For what I said at the party, all of this, I just...”
“Why?” he asks when you don’t carry on.
You raise your eyebrows slightly, a faint expression of surprise. “I used you. I used you to get back at someone who doesn’t matter, and I hate that I did that, I hate it. It’s what everyone else does to you, they use your status and the symbol of Captain America, they take advantage of it, I’ve seen people do it, they pretend they’re your friend just to get something, and I never wanted to be the person that did that, I’m so sorry, I’m your friend because I like you, not because I want to look important or have some kind of status, but that’s what I wanted in that moment, I wanted him to look at me and think I was important and he’d missed out, and I could do better than him and now I’ve just thrown that all away, I’m a hypocrite and I’m so sorry.” You stop abruptly and inhale a slightly broken breath.
He didn’t interrupt you as you got it all out to him, finally, his expression didn’t change, he just sat quietly and listened, knowing the thoughts have probably been rolling around in your mind incessantly. His features soften now, though.
“Y/N...” he says after a moment, “... It was a bit of fun.” You just look at him, your lips slightly parted. “Sure, it’s spiralled, and here we are, having to pick out cake decorations...” He trails off with a smile as you exhale a laugh, your own smile finally breaking out across your features. When he continues, he’s still smiling but his tone is sincere. “I know the kind of person you are, Y/N. I know when I’m being used, despite how old I am I’ve still got all my marbles, but it was just some fun, and I was glad to do it for you, he seemed like an ass.”
Your smile has lingered, your shoulders relaxing in relief as you inhale a breath. “Yeah, he was.” Shaking your head, you look at him. “God, you’re just...”
He arches an eyebrow, his head tilting. “What?”
Your smile widens. “Incredible, Steve Rogers.”
He chuckles, his hand falling into his lap. “You are, too. And Y/N, you are important—”
“I know, I know,” you say quickly, feeling your face warm. You can’t bear to hear one of his pep-talks now, it’ll just make you feel like even more of a child for having done what you did.
Mercifully, he takes the hint and leans his elbow on the island, his fingers brushing over his lips. There’s a small pause before he speaks again.
“Look, I’m not the best at all this undercover stuff, I’m quite bad at it actually, I’m surprised Nat hasn’t entertained you with the tales, but I think having to do it with you will make it a little easier.”
Your gaze lifts to him, the heat lingering on your skin, and you smile softly. “Well, thank you. You, too.”
You want to cry. You have some kind of emotional release from the day, but you know that would just make him feel guilty.
You attempt to lighten the tone again, raising your eyes to take in the penthouse once more. “So why don’t you live in a place like this?”
“What do you mean?”
You shrug. “Your apartment’s the same size as mine, but you probably have ten times what I do. Don’t give me that look,” you swiftly continue, the corners of your mouth lifting, “They published it, and I couldn’t help but accidentally read it, and I’m just saying, why do we split the bill.”
He arches an eyebrow, a smile threatening. “Because you insist.”
“Well...” You scoff, raising your eyebrows. “I’m gonna stop insisting.”
He chuckles and shrugs, his hands clasping in his lap. “I like my place. And where could I find a better neighbour, huh?”
“Oh, well...” You shrug a shoulder as you smile faux-demurely, shaking your head. “You couldn’t, so, good.”
“I know, I know, God’s gift,” he concedes with raised eyebrows, his smile betraying his tone. Moving off the stool, he takes your plate and his and heads to the sink, placing them in and turning the tap on, letting the water run over them.
Placing your arms on the island, you exhale a long breath. “So... How are you gonna spend your first afternoon here in paradise?”
The corners of his mouth lift as he turns the tap off and leans against the counter beside him, his hands in his pockets. “Think I’m gonna give Buck a call, and Nat, see what’s goin’ on. You?”
You wrinkle your nose, shrugging. “I don’t think I’m technically not working just yet, so, I’ve got a few things I want to take care of and send to Yvette, then...” You shrug again. “... The shower in my room looks great, actually, so I might spend about three hours in there.”
“Yeah, mine was life-changing, so...” He smiles as you laugh, sliding off of your stool.
“Oh, good, maybe I’ll spend four hours in there, then.” Tugging your sleeves over your hands, you grab your phone and return his smile. “All right, I guess I’ll see you in a bit, then.”
“Yeah. Don’t work too hard.”
“Oh, I’ll try.”
And there it is again, that weird, unfamiliar awkwardness returns, not too overt, but definitely there. As you climb the stairs, you once again hope he doesn’t feel it, but, you are relieved that you got out what had been rattling around in your mind since the morning. Relieved that he was so understanding, too, but when is he not? That’s what you lo— admire about him so much. Empathy is seemingly a rare trait these days so it’s nice to be reminded that people do have it. And, oh, you’d had a normal conversation. You almost laugh at the boost it’s given you.
You push him, the day, everything out of your mind, though, as you enter your room and close the door. Taking your laptop from your backpack, you turn it on and sit back against the luxurious cushions on the bed, closing your eyes for a few moments to get your brain into work-mode. 
This will distract you for a good few hours, be something that you can handle and focus on.
Opening your eyes, you sign into your laptop and straighten your back.
Oke doke... Hello, my actual life.
You manage to waste more than a good few hours sending emails, receiving them, taking calls, approving events and posts, planning out the next few months of what you want to get done and make public. You ignore the emails that have ‘CONGRATULATIONS!!!’ in the subject line, hoping people will just think you’re too busy being desperately in love to reply to all the well-wishers. It’s almost bliss, to lose yourself in your work and think of nothing else, even though you do have to block a few numbers from tabloids every half an hour or so.
As darkness falls, though, and everyone else ends their working day, you force yourself to send your last email, to Yvette, explaining, as Nat had asked you to, that you would be taking the week off. Yvette already knows, of course, but Nat had requested you to do it just in case someone hacked into your emails, or the company’s. Shutting your laptop down and closing it, your gaze drifts to the window. The sky is an inky black, and the bedside lamp you’d turned on an hour or so before illuminates the room in a warm, gentle glow.
Moving off the bed with a slight, stiff, wince, you pull the curtains closed, and take a moment to let your thumbs caress the silver, velvety material.
Ugh, just perfect.
Blowing out a breath, you turn back to the room.
What now? 
Time for that shower, I think.
You take another moment to once more take in the beauty of your bathroom, before you open the shower door and stare at the buttons because it has buttons and not knobs and taps like you’re used to. Thankfully, they’re easy to understand and in seconds a warm stream of beautifully pressured water is pouring down onto the floor.
You dart back into the bedroom to grab your phone, wanting to play some music, and as you wander back into the bathroom, you unlock it. As you search for your desired playlist, an Instagram notification suddenly appears at the top of the screen. It’s a message—
You pause.
A message from Aaron.
You feel your face heating up, and it’s not from the steam of the shower, as you tap on it to open the app and read it quickly.
Hey, I hope you’re settling in okay, and your new door guys aren’t as funny as I am.
You smile, quite touched by the sweetness of it. Your thumbs start to move before you can stop them.
Hi, thank you so much! It’s all fine here, and no, they certainly aren’t, so you can rest easy.
Feeling faintly like a giddy teenager as you quickly close the app in case he comes online and sees you’re active, (and oh my God, did I reply too quickly?), you start your playlist and place your phone by the sink. After undressing, leaving your clothes in a pile on the floor, and spending a moment considering if you should remove the ring in case you damage it but deciding to leave it on, you step into the shower and are unable to stop a soft groan as the warm water washes over you.
This is so much better than the water in our building... then again, it’s not hard to beat it.
You take your time to shower, washing every inch of your skin with the new bottle of body-wash that was already in there and smells divine. When you finally turn the water off and step out, you pull a cream, fluffy towel from the nearby rack and it rivals the bed in softness. After patting yourself dry and moisturising with the new pot of cream that was in one of the cabinets under the sink, and comes from that fancy shop you and Dolly go into every month for samples, you wrap the towel around yourself, take your phone and head into the bedroom.
Checking for notification as you sit on the bed, you find Aaron has answered.
Oh, good, to both of those. My reputation remains intact.
Your teeth graze over your lower lip as you reply.
Absolutely, I’ll let them know here that they seriously need to do better.
Being on the app reminds you to make your account private as, oh, boy, strangers commenting on every single photo you’ve ever posted is overwhelming. You’re about to exit out of the app when you decide to have a look at Aaron’s profile. It’s a standard grid, photos of him at bars or parties, by the looks of it, selfies, photos of him at the gym...
Wow... His uniform kinda hides those muscles.
Stop it.
Locking your phone, you lie back on the bed, not quite ready to change just yet.
God, that was a good shower.
Wonder if Steve’s shower was really good. If the water pressure was good like mine, not if he had a nice time, if he just really enjoyed it as much as he said he did.
You stare at the ceiling, swallowing lightly.
Your eyes drift to your backpack on the floor.
Where your toy calls quietly to you.
... This would help the unwinding to continue.
Moving off the bed, you reach inside your backpack and grab the toy, pulling it out of its drawstring bag.
It’s one of your favourites; smooth, rose-gold silicone, medium length, a ribbed shaft, silent, different speeds and patterns, water-proof, you can use it anywhere, anytime, and do whatever you want with it.
Lying back again, you shift into a more comfortable position and close your eyes, your thumb finding the familiar button to set the vibration at the first, low speed.
You think about what you usually do when you can’t be bothered to look a stimulus up online; a faceless mouth on your neck, on your breasts, licking and sucking at your nipples, on your thighs, hands pulling them apart, gliding down to your wet pussy lips, caressing and stroking.
A rush of breath escapes you as you glide the head of the vibrator up and down your cunt, your hips jerking slightly at the initial contact. You’re wet already, and you hum gently as you stop at your clit, leaving the vibrator there.
Your free hand tugs the towel open so you can reach your breasts, your fingers going between your nipples and, tugging and pinching them along with your fantasy. You increase the speed by one as you start to lose yourself in the pleasure thrumming throughout your body.
... And you can’t stop yourself from not thinking about it anymore.
You picture Steve in the shower. 
You’ve thought of him a couple of times before while masturbating, accidentally. Like when you've been drunk he’s just slipped into your mind... or just at the last second when you're coming his face has appeared in your mind and his name from your lips. You just can’t help it.
The faceless mouth and hands become his as you rock your hips, quiet moans sounding from your throat. He whispers your name into your ear, telling you how good you feel, how wet you are, what a good girl you are, how he can’t wait to sink his cock into yo—
Two gentle knocks sound on your bedroom door.
Your eyes snapping open, you stare at the door.
Oh my God, it’s like I summoned him.
“... Yeah?” You try to sound as nonchalant as possible, your voice just a touch higher than normal.
“Can I come in?”
“Uh...” You’re off the bed in seconds, the towel falling to the floor as you thrust the vibrator behind one of the many pillows and clear your throat, “... Hang on, two seconds...”
You can’t answer the door to him in just a towel, you can’t, where—
You find the robe you’d spotted earlier, still hanging on the back of the bathroom door and grab it, pulling it on and tying the cord tight.
God, that’s soft...
Clearing your throat again, you take a breath and open the door, smiling widely as your eyes fall on him.
“Hey, sorry, I just had a shower.”
He takes an almost involuntary step back, his back straightening. “Oh, sorry—” 
“No, no, it’s fine.” You’re still smiling, and he’s returning it, albeit a bit softer and less forced, his eyes on yours.
“Right, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie? I can make some dinner for us while you change?”
He’s just so fucking nice, how can I think such filthy things...
“Yeah, that sounds great.”
“All right, I think it’s your turn to pick the movie.”
“All right, I’ll get thinking.”
I hope I don’t sound as manic as I feel.
You watch him descend the stairs for a moment before you close the door and lean against it, closing your eyes.
Oh, God...
It’s good actually, that he turned up, you shouldn’t be thinking about him, it’s wrong, he’s your friend— 
Stop. Just stop thinking about it.
Opening your eyes, you exhale a long breath and move towards your new wardrobe, finding your pyjamas.
Right, now to just get through the evening without any awkwardness... and the rest of the week.
Perfectly easy.
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Tagged: @herb-welch​​​, @jobean12-blog​​​, @gifsbysimplysonia​​​, @multireality​​​, @saltyspiceduh​​​, @sergeantangel​​​, @sarcasm-is-my-native-tounge​​, @lex-is-up-all-night-to-get-bucky​, @dispatchvampire​​​, @superapplepie​​​, @rynabarnesrogers-reading​​​, @im-not-great-at-making-up-names​​​, @imaginedreamwrite​​​, @thesefleshfailures​, @mrsbarnes32557038​, @tellthemall-i-saidhi​, @tacohead13​, @opalsandlace​, @notsomellowmushroom​, @river-soul​
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