chinesehanfu · 2 years
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[Hanfu · 漢服]China Tang Dynasty Chinese Traditional Clothing Hanfu Photoshoots-【姹紫嫣红的秋天与绚烂的大唐色彩 】
📸Photo: @摄影师梁咩咩
👗Hanfu:   @佳期阁 @嵠上 @花朝记
🧚🏻‍ Model:  @国风金小鱼, @茶瓶儿ya, @张宇莹-小花
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sadecedoruk · 5 months
Akıl almaz bir kölelik.
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Pata Seca. (Kuru Ayak)
Bilinen 249 çocuğun babası bir köle.
19. yüzyılın başlarında Brezilya’da kölelik hüküm sürerken Sao Paulo’da dünyaya gelen ve doğum tarihi kesin olarak bilinmeyen Afrika kökenli Ruque Jose Florencio, tüm insanlığın geçmişinde rastlanabilecek en sıra dışı figürlerden birisi.
2.18 metre boyuyla, yaklaşık 150 kiloluk atletik ve güçlü vücuduyla, yapılı bacaklarıyla muazzam bir iş gücünün örneği. Sahipleri tarafından üremeye zorlanan bir meta..
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yonatanyanggara · 2 years
Random Thought : Qs Maryam (19 : 23 -24)
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Tidak hanya kita 
Nyatanya tidak hanya kita yang pernah mengalami ujian dan tantangan. Dunia senantiasa menyajikan kontestasi perjuangan seseorang dalam melawan tempaan kehidupan.  “ Alangkah baiknya aku mati sebelum ini” lirih Maryam. Menggambarkan betapa beratnya ujianya. Seorang Maryam,  Public Figure yang terkenal di tengah-tengah Masyarakat punya personal branding sebagai pribadi yang amat sangat menjaga kehormatanya tiba-tiba hamil tanpa ayah. Sungguh beban psikologis yang amat berat sekali. 
Dalam belahan waktu yang lain, seorang ilmuwan muslim bernama Imam Al-Bukhori  sangat amat terbebani secara psikologis ketika beliau ditahzir oleh gurunya yaitu Muhammad bin Yahya Az-Zuhli .Sehingga majlis Imam Bukhari yang tadinya penuh sesak, menjadi kosong melompong. Seluruh murid beliau meninggalkan majlisnya, kecuali satu muridnya yang setia, yaitu Imam Muslim . Imam Bukhari tidak kuat menghadapi fitnah ini, ia khawatir keikhlasan dan akidahnya akan goyah dengan ujian yang luar biasa ini, akhirnya beliau meminta kepada Allah agar nyawanya segera dicabut. 
Jadi masihkah kita berani judge orang yang sedih dan mungkin punya niat bunuh diri dengan kekurangan iman di dalam dadanya?
Everything shall pass
Pada akhirnya, setelah mengalami berbagai ujian tadi Maryam kembali lagi ke kaumnya. Mendapat penghormatan yang jauh lebih baik lagi. Bahkan ceritanya pernah dibaca seperempat penduduk bumi dan terus dibaca hingga saat ini.
Jika pekatnya malam pasti akan bersambut cerahnya pagi, jika derasnya badai akan bersambut teduhnya pelangi, jika indahnya cahaya akan bersambut pekatnya malam, maka begitu pula kebaikan dan keburukan, ketenangan dan kesempitan, pertemuan dan perpisahan . Kesemuanya tidak akan menetap lama dalam diri manusia. Semua bergantian hadir dalam perjalanan hidup manusia
Prasangka baik + Sabar = ......
Ternyata rumus matematis beberapa generasi terdahulu saat mengadapi ujian yang berat adalah prasangka baik juga sabar. Dua hal ini yang akan menghasilkan kebaikan setelahnya (kenaikan kapasitas). Prasangka baik, dimaknai sebagai kesadaran penuh bahwa apa yang terjadi diluar kontrol diri kita adalah yang terbaik untuk kita. Gagal dan berhasil, ditolak dan diterima, dihina atau dipuji, diapresiasi atau dicaci semua adalah hal yang memang terbaik bagi kita saat ini. Sabar, dimaknai dengan terus berusaha pada jalan yang sesuai syariat Allah. Evaluasi ketika gagal lantas mencoba lagi. Kontemplasi ketika ditolak lantas berjuang lagi. Berkaca ketika dicaci lantas berdiri lagi. Ingat-ingat, bahwa kualitas diri kita tidak terletak pada apa-apa yang diluar kendali kita. Dua hal ini simpel, tapi tidak mudah. 
Murid terpintar
Saya jadi ingat di zaman sekolah dulu, hanya murid terpintarlah yang diminta menjawab pertanyaan tersulit. Agar, yang bodoh-bodoh turut belajar serta mengambil pelajaran  tanpa perlu melalui pertanyaan ujian yang sama. 
Sudah kah kita mengambil peklajaran dari Maryam atau generasi terdahulu yang ujian hidupnya sangat jauh jauh lebih sulit dari pada kita?
Hati seluas samudera 
Pada ayat 24 nya, Malaikat berseru “Jangan bersedih hati”. Pada hati, semua bermuara. Banyak orang yang ujiannya tidak seberapa namun sudah menyerah sedang disisi lain banyak yang luar biasa ujianya namun masih lapang menghadapinya. Sayangnya, ketenangan hati itu bukanlah mind made, namun pemberian. 
Karenanya, dalam menghadapi apapun mintalah ketenangan dan kelapangan hati. Karena hanya hati yang seluas langit dan sedalam samuderalah yang mampu menanggung tempaan kehidupan.
Ditulis menjelang berangkat kerja 
Ruqu dt, Yogyakarta | 04-07-2022
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Is it bad that everytime paintball anon writes "Rook" I keep picturing my dnd character?
Like, her name isn't spelled or exactly pronounced that way (Ruque, pronounced R-ou-k)
And I can't help laughing whenever I picture her in place of Rook because Ruque is an emo wood elf druid and the thought of an emo wood elf druid in 141 is hilarious to me
That's such a clever name !! I love the vibes that it gives off !!
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kesacamelya · 1 year
Rida dan Diridai
Perjalanan pertamaku bersama komunitas Sahabat Al-Qur’an (SQ) dimulai dari batch 10 pada bulan Februari tahun 2022. SQ punya dua program utama, yaitu ziyadah (menambah hafalan) dan muraja'ah (mengulang hafalan). Aku mendaftar pada program ziyadah dan setelah seleksi tahsin dinyatakan lulus bersyarat. Alhamdulillah, aku tetap diizinkan untuk mengikuti program ziyadah dengan syarat mengikuti kelas tahsin tambahan dari SQ. Namun, aku mendapat keringanan untuk tidak mengikuti kelas tahsin tambahan karena di saat yang bersamaan aku sedang belajar tahsin di Rumah Qur'an Jatinangor (Ruqu).
Di penutupan Batch 10, teteh founder SQ menyampaikan bahwa batch 10 adalah batch pertama dan terakhir ada "lulus bersyarat". Suatu hal yang sangat aku syukuri. Meskipun pernah lulus bersyarat, alhamdulillah sampai sekarang aku masih boleh lanjut untuk ikut program SQ tanpa harus seleksi tahsin ulang.
Sekarang, aku sedang mengikuti SQ batch 15 dan untuk pertama kalinya aku hanya mengambil kelas muraja'ah. Sebagian dari diriku merasa belum sanggup jika harus menambah hafalan ketika menyadari bahwa hafalan yang ada belum seutuhnya diikat dan diamalkan. Aku mulai lagi muraja'ah dari juz 30.
Hari ini, alhamdulillah aku sampai pada surah Al-Bayyinah. Salah satu surah di juz 30 yang menurutku sulit untuk dihapalkan karena ayat-ayatnya mirip dengan ayat di surah yang lain. Aku tertegun sejenak ketika membaca ayat terakhir surah ini.
جَزَآؤُهُمۡ عِندَ رَبِّهِمۡ جَنَّٰتُ عَدۡنٍ تَجۡرِى مِن تَحۡتِهَا ٱلۡأَنۡهَٰرُ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَآ أَبَدًا ۖ رَّضِىَ ٱللَّهُ عَنۡهُمۡ وَرَضُواْ عَنۡهُ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ لِمَنۡ خَشِىَ رَبَّهُۥ Balasan mereka di sisi Tuhannya adalah surga ‘Adn yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai. Mereka kekal di dalamnya selama-lamanya. Allah rida terhadap mereka dan mereka pun rida kepada-Nya. Itu adalah (balasan) bagi orang yang takut kepada Tuhannya. [Al-Bayyinah: 8]
Seketika ingatanku melayang ke beberapa hari lalu ketika membaca surah Al-Fajr ayat ke 28.
ٱرۡجِعِىٓ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرۡضِيَّةً kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan rida dan diridai. [Al-Fajr: 28]
Dua ayat ini mengingatkanku kembali untuk terus beramal baik, sekecil apapun, dengan hanya mengharap rida dari Allah. Berusaha agar suatu hari nanti bisa dengan mudah mengatakan alasan mengerjakan atau meninggalkan sesuatu adalah karena Allah suka dan Allah rida. Berharap agar ketika waktunya pulang nanti, Allah izinkan untuk meninggalkan dunia ini dalam keadaan husnul khatimah, dengan rida dan Allah ridai pula, aamiin.
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444names · 2 years
breton names from tes BUT excluding "a" and including "e"
Bedries Begric Belec Belell Beler Belexin Belexine Beley Belie Belien Belins Belleine Bellet Belley Bellon Belly Belyne Benne Benno Berique Berolwyn Berrent Berric Berslene Beruquis Bervele Beryse Bethele Betigue Bette Binette Blierrys Boise Bovercyn Bovinte Brene Brenniff Brent Briel Brinisne Bruren Bruse Bucene Celeon Celine Celle Cellex Cenet Cette Chedwinn Chele Chend Chene Chenne Cheone Chewice Chine Chredgen Chrette Chrice Chrie Chrieles Cieliot Ciusel Clier Cogen Coppe Cottere Cresse Crobouze Crose Curie Dednelle Deline Delle Dellever Dende Deniert Denne Derenile Derst Derth Devel Devole Diquelle Ditte Donte Dorey Driel Dubes Duffes Duffie Duffret Dundie Durette Dystower Eddine Edilipel Eding Edren Edrick Edrie Edrine Edunyr Edwen Edwic Edwin Edyvyr Einien Elelle Eleses Elette Eleyn Elient Eline Eling Elleom Elley Ellie Elotheng Elrenk Elylvey Elyng Emelien Emert Emilden Emitile Emord Emouing Enden Enique Entine Enton Erele Erieldey Erine Erling Ernitte Eroene Eroft Eshcrose Estont Etone Ettel Etten Eurdill Evelle Evelon Event Everier Everrise Evert Every Exine Feldine Felien Felivine Fenemin Fenne Feric Ferwiele Fient Fixte Floureen Foncel Forge Freviren Friese Gedwynyn Gedyne Gelie Gengte Genne Geodio Geoft Geomel Geoppe Gerne Geroft Gerros Gerth Gertord Geryd Gesen Gespert Geste Girnoive Goine Goiseph Golle Gonne Gorey Gorge Grefiert Greine Grele Grelie Grenyn Greyn Grien Grine Guden Guele Gurtime Gusque Guybie Gwine Gwyne Gwynetie Gwyriene Helley Helreny Henton Heque Heric Herofte Hibel Hiene Hille Hilloche Hipper Hubedel Huber Hugulie Ileyne Illedyn Imber Ingsmine Isine Isnette Jenne Jenric Jenrin Jeroctot Jerther Jesser Joetus Joste Jostone Jurole Jurseld Jusert Kette Kilbele Kinique Knotten Lemier Lenne Lestyrir Lettend Lexine Lienck Lienique Lisine Liste Livien Lodenne Loeud Logine Lorend Lorette Lorier Lozibel Lumert Lyste Lywyvel Lyzen Melirges Menrette Mentie Mergete Merthyne Mienton Mierene Mique Mithen Mitte Mittel Molbely Mondrine Monien Monnine Monriend Montille Mooren Moree Moremon Morete Morey Morie Morne Mouckine Munole Niles Noberine Noiseves Norent Odine Ogeodyr Olbedric Ordette Oriene Orysse Oulue Ourrice Oweld Owine Pelles Pelley Pelloe Penwoort Perch Periert Peris Pernis Perroft Perste Petort Pette Pheober Pheoft Pheons Phirelen Phryrice Physylle Piene Pienne Pruree Pynien Reenwine Reithien Reline Relvie Relyn Resbynn Ricele Riene Riven Robermer Rodeben Rodel Rodhne Rodstyne Roine Roloette Rolwine Rondine Ronether Roque Roreleyn Roserec Roste Rouce Rourique Rowenric Rozend Ruque Selles Sepheon Sephimen Sepierj Seppel Serrein Serric Setill Shsle Siele Siline Simbucie Solien Solusse Sondier Stile Stine Styriene Styrre Suree Susebese Sybelf Syrre Syste Thelline Theodie Theody Theome Theort Therick Thielph Thilvel Thippel Thondise Thstynne Thynte Tiele Titte Tivinet Trenie Trien Trine Trole Tuette Tureloz Tusquel Uline Urele Velete Veley Velley Vemit Veque Veric Verien Vicely Vickine Vidie Vienette Viert Vilbose Vineline Vinghe Vippert Virem Vithelle Voinie Vycine Vyctone Vyctotte Vyctrien Vyrre Vysybie Wenthend Weyne Wices Winitie Winse Winsie Woodwen Yeode Yeodsle Ylvernie Ysebe Yssine Zurelle Zyssene
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So...we gave up and we skipped the last ten eps of Explore with the Note and went on to Tomb of the Sea.
We're on ep 9 and my initial impressions are
1) Pangzi is gonna whoop Wu Xie's ASS when he hears aboutbwhat he's been up to.
2) Wang Meng is best boy
4) Both Wu Xie and Zhang Rishan are cases of your daughter calls me daddy too and I am HERE FOR IT
5) The teacup fight between Rishan and Ruque was hot as hell
6) I need the three school friends and the doctor to get dropped in an escape room that they think is a legit tomb so that Wu Xie, Pangzi, Rishan, and Li Cu can watch the inevitable mass breakdown.
I will keep ya'll updated. Despite lack of Xiaoge this might be my fave so far.
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kurakuray · 3 years
Karena Kita Keluarga
Aku juga sama dengan kalian, masih butuh banyak belajar.
Agenda kemarin, mungkin kita buat untuk adik-adik di panti namun sebenarnya membuat yang beririsan untuk kita juga.hiiihi Sebelum mencari pemateri, salah seorang tim menyampaikan,"put topiknya yang beririsan dengan kita dong. Jadi selain untuk adik-adik, mengena juga untuk kita.
are u okay? nanti aku carikan ya. Maaf ya aku hanya bisa menjadi pendengar dan mendoakan yang terbaik, belum bisa memberikan aksi nyata perihal itu. Aku juga masih berproses dan berbenah. Mungkin aku kurang bisa membantu apa yang kamu alamin. Doa-doa terbaik dan semangat dari kami untuk kamu, kita (atau siapapun yang berada pada masa itu). Aku juga ngerasain yang kamu rasain kok.
Kamu gak capek, put? Capek euy kalau ditanya. Nggak ngerasa berat put? Berat. Bahkan kadang bingung, kok gak bisa mulu ya. Tapi perjuangan kita masih panjang. Dunia emang tempat capek kan? Semangat ya, tidak mengapa lelah. Nggak salah kok. Kami juga ngerasain hal yang sama pula. Kita saling mengingatkan aja ya, saling menyemangati (tagline kita #karenakitakeluarga). Semoga Allah kuatkan, mudahkan, lancarkan segalanya.
Pemateri yang pertama, tidak bisa karena sedang di Jakarta. Alhamdulillah dapat saran dari teh Alvi untuk coba hubungi teh khalida. Setelah di stalking, oh ternyata teh Khalida alumni Ruqu juga, anak smart171 dan sekarang di adaide. Alhamdulillah, teh khalida bersedia dan sedang di bandung. Materi dari kak khalida, beneran dah akhirnya bukan hanya untuk adik-adik tapi kami juga. Hhuhu. Ngerasa tertampar banget dengan apa yang disampaikan teteh. Apa aku pun banyak mengeluhnya ya? Hmmm... Semoga bisa menjadi pembakar semangat untuk kita juga ya.
Kalau lagi ada yang berat, yang lagi kita jalani, gapapa
Itu bukan akhir dunia
Tanpa kamu ketahui, kamunya juga lebih kuat dari yang kamu pikir loh
Karena kamunya juga lebih berani dari yang kamu pikir, kamu juga sebenarnya lebih cerdas , lebih pintar dari yang kamu pikir dan lebih baik dari yang kamu pikir.
Jadi, jangan pikir problemnya tuh lebih gede daripada kamu.
Kamunya yang sebenarnya jauh lebih gede daripada yang kamu pikirin untuk menghadapi problem dan situasi seperti itu
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Allah tidak mungkin menguji seorang hamba diluar batas kemampuannya. Sebesar apapun ujian itu, memang karena kita yang sanggup.
"La Yukallifullahu Nafsan Illa Wus’aha"
Kita, sama-sama belajar ya. Putri juga masih butuh dikuatkan. Terimakasih sudah menjadi partner terbaik dan dari kalian pula saya belajar banyak hal. Bismillah, insha Allah bisa!
Bandung, 20 April 2021
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sister-ruan · 4 years
How You Handle a Knife
“Let’s go on a walk, hm?” Meili-Jia’s proposition seemed innocent enough, so Wen Ruquing had no reason to refuse. As they walked through the gardens together, not much was said besides admiring the view. Because it was late, not many people were out besides guards. At one point, they sat at a small tea table by the lake.
“Is something on your mind, sister?” Ruquing asked, looking over at her senior.
“Quite a lot,” Meili-Jia said softly, “But my mind is always busy. Though never so much that I’m unaware.”
“It must be troubling for you,” Ruquing sighed, shaking her head, “But many of your troubles will be over soon, yes? With me helping you, you’ll have less to worry about.”
“I wish I could agree,” the older concubine mused. She tore her eyes away from the lake to look at Ruquing, green irises looking almost black in the dark.
“What do you mean?” the junior looked perplexed, “Isn’t the Empress your greatest concern?”
“No, she’s my greatest irritation,” Meili-Jia stated, “I’ll be forward; had you not been Ruyan’s sister, I would consider you my enemy. And even while I consider you currently neutral, I still don’t trust you farther than I can throw you.”
“B-But why?” Ruquing gaped, “I’ve been nothing but kind!”
“So was the sister of Ling Ruo, but she betrayed us rather quickly. She even went as far as to nearly causing my miscarriage,” Consort Virtue stood and walked around the table, “I can name several girls who I thought I could trust who ended up betraying me in the end, including a girl I was childhood friends with. As the saying goes, ‘fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.’ I will not be hoodwinked again.”
“What if Ruyan found out?” Ruquing narrowed her eyes, “She loves me more than anything, and you’re making baseless accusations.”
“Accusations? Heavens no, I’m stating a fact. I’m stating that I don’t trust you nor this plan you supposedly concocted,” Meili-Jia offered her hand to the younger girl, “As for Ruyan, she knows of my wary nature. She’d be hurt, but she knows me well enough to understand why I’m hesitant. I’m still just as eager to get to know you, and that means that I want to know everything.” Their eyes locked as if a battle of wills, and Ruquing tentatively took the Consort’s hand. She was pulled up and they started walking together.
“How can you be eager and wary at the same time?” Ruquing asked as they started to walk back.
“The same way you are eager to cook food. Between the fire, the knives, the ingredients that are poisonous until cooked, you have to be careful,” Meili-Jia explained, “But that doesn’t lower the excitement of what there is to come. The satisfaction of knowing you made something work and avoided the potential threat. I hope I’m wrong about you Ruquing, but I won’t let my guard down any time soon.”
“I appreciate your honesty, sister,” the young woman curtsied before catching up to Meili-Jia, “Have you told my sister?”
“No, but I suspect she already knows,” Meili-Jia stated, “We’ve been together for five years, by now she can read me like a scroll. And even if she doubted it, Yunyue probably told her.” Ruquing sighed, shaking her head. This… might be harder than she had anticipated.
Author’s Notes:
Okay, now that that’s out of my system. After Consort Peace and Tong Lilou, Meili-Jia tends to be very wary about new comers. Sure, she’s excited because, hey new potential friends! But she keeps most people at arm’s length. And after Nian Suyan’s baby died and Ruquing defended the Empress, Meili-Jia went from arm’s length to five foot rule. But because Ruyan is her dear friend, she decides to give the younger Wen sister a fair warning.
Meili-Jia isn’t mean, she just doesn’t mix words. She says what she means and means what she says. But I feel kind of badly that all my writings for her have been of her being a bitch. Oops. Maybe next time I’ll write about her having some quality time with her friends or with her kids.
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chinesehanfu · 2 years
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[Hanfu · 漢服]China Tang Dynasty Chinese Traditional Clothing Hanfu Photoshoots-【自芬芳】
👗Hanfu:  @朝露之城
💄Makeup: @我只会做兔兔头
🧚🏻‍ Model: @李焖饭 ​​​
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icarus-imagines · 5 years
Tom Riddle X Female!Ravenclaw!Reader
The request is much too long to write down but to summarize this came from the requester's dream. Long story short Tom Riddle is a flirtatious person who develops a soft spot for the Reader and saves her when she is in trouble. Now she must also save him in an unpredictable way.
-Mod Icarus ଘ(੭ºัᴗºั)━☆゚
Word Count: 6,209
Category: Harry Potter
~To Love Unconditionally~
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It was eerily quiet, the particular hallway you had decided to travel down. But how could it not when it was way past curfew? You had known it was a bad idea to break the rules, and you were one not to do so, but temptation had gotten a hold of you. You had lain there, in your bed of dark oceanic blue sheets, tumbling, turning, and creating a tiny ruqus trying your very hardest not to do what you shouldn't. But is was as you lay there, (E/c) eyes wide open staring at the top of the bedpost, that you knew the urge to go the library would not relinquish itself unless you did just that.
So succumbing to your want to study to get your mind off of the death that had occurred not too long ago you slipped out of bed as quietly as you could. You slid on some slippers, the (F/c) fuzziness of them warming your feet, offering a comforting difference from the cold blue carpet.
Careful to not rouse anybody form their peaceful sleeping you retrieve your wand from your bedside table. The (W/t) wand warmed up in your hand, it's small life magic happy to be in your presence again. Smiling with satisfaction you tiptoed across the threshold of the Ravenclaw common room, eyes scanning over the sleeping people in their beds, hoping to Merlin that nobody would wake up at this godly hour to discover someone-which was you-were out of bed and planning to sneak off. If it was a normal person you could try to scamper off saying you needed the loo, but if it was perhaps the Head Girl you would more than most definitely get a scolding.
Truly it was more often than not that a person had woken up and decided to read to pass the time or at least get sleepy enough to go back to the confines of their bed, but you had plans a bit tweaked from everybody else's ideas. While yes, there was piled high bookcases behind the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, your house patron, you needed something different. You had all but read most of the books in those bookcases in your free time, so reading them again would do you now good. Perhaps something in the much bigger library downstairs would hold something that would intrigue you.
Scampering off out your common room door you quickly made your way towards the library, your wand with the casual and easy to produce spell 'Lumos', making it easier for you to navigate the dark hallways. And truth be told the hallway you decided to go down was quite eerie. Way past curfew you prayed upon everything that nobody would be wandering about and discover you were out of bed. After gathering so much courage how could you just go back? If you were sent back, laying awake would be all you would do and that was something that you knew would not be any fun at all.
Continuing on down the various hallways and stairs the huge castle of Hogwarts held within itself you arrived at the library in no time. Walking steadily in between the several dozen bookcase ailes your hand, the one without your wand in it, simultaneously trailed over the books spines almost as if you were tickling them, Enticing them to drop into your hand and let you dive into their worlds of fantasy and make believe. One of the many reasons you loved to read was to escape and dwell in a world remembered only when a book was open, letting its ready indulge in the words upon white sheets of paper stacked together.
Only taking a few books you relished in the thought of joy it would bring you to settle back into your bed, you books sitting nicely on your bedside table alongside your precious wand.
Wand held tightly in one hand, the low light guiding your way, and books secured in your elbow pressed to your breasts you began to make your way back to your common room. After your little journey to the library you had finally started to feel a bit sleepy so going back right now would be a good idea.
It was only when you were always back to the checkpoint that were your warm bed sheets that you heard whispering. A strong glow of a few wands producing 'Lumos' illuminated almost half a part of the whole hallway. The only thing that intrigued you the most was they sounded familiar and the fact they were not hushed. If they were students, which they obviously were, they would have been frantic whisper shouts, but the people speaking now seems calm and relaxed. Talking together in a group like they had gone out on nightly outings like it was a regular occurance.
Normally you would have scurried past in hopes they wouldn't notice or follow you but today you were feeling risky. You had just stolen books from the library without anybody catching you. Confidence was soaring in you. These students seeing you wouldn't be a problem, right?
So with your accumulated pride and confidence you moved forwards, moving from their peripheral vision into their direct eyesight. Some of them continued chattering to each other, not caring about a random student coming forward, while some merely glanced at you and returned to their conversations. The only one that truly paid attention to your presence was the one person you had never wanted to meet at this type of conference.
Tom Riddle.
Seventh Year Head Boy who had gotten Outstanding marks on all his exams, even received a Medal of Merit, plus gotten verbal praise from Dumbledore himself.
A swoon worthy wizard with power unimaginable literally dripping from his fingertips.
You froze right then and there, embarrassment driving itself into your veins realising you had snuck down in your (F/c) pajamas and slippers to steal a book from the library and had encountered the one man you had always wanted to meet. But to think the meeting would happen like this was something that made your insides scream.
You must have looked like a loser in front of him, a simple Seventh Year Ravenclaw girl, standing awkwardly in front of him. The Slytherin Heady Boy regarded you slowly, his dark grey eyes holding secrets beyond belief analyzing your figure with slow sweeps of those gleaming orbs. His raven colored hair had that tantalizing swirl upon his forehead that made your knees feel weak. Paired with sharp cheekbones and a flesh cutting jaw you wondered if you would be able to leave without fainting.
The girl he was talking to turned her head towards you. At first you thought of her as a pretty little Slytherin girl in her Sixth Year, like you were currently, but the moment she looked at you her flirty appearance morphed into this type of disgust. She eyes you up and down like Riddle, but unlike like him, she was criticizing everything you were. It was obvious by the way her nose scrunched up like she smelt something horrible that she didn't approve of you. It was easy to tell she must be one of the many girls who were trying to win Riddle's love and maybe even marry him.
But somewhere deep down you knew he would not marry her. He didn't seem like someone to be so easily swayed by flirtatious talk that held no backbone. From what you heard in rumours, is that he is a true Slytherin. A man oozing cunning ambitious and determined intelligence. The carbon copy of what a Slytherin would be. If that fact was true then that meant Riddle, by all means, would know that the Sixth Year girl trying to win his affection was just trying it to rise herself up and a catch a more than handsome husband so she could live the rest of her life in luxury.
Her snappy voice knocked you out of your inner thoughts. "And who are you?" Her face was still scrunched up and not to be rude but, she looked like a toad.
You almost let out a chuckle when Riddle to glance at her in what looked to be some sort of bafflement. Like he himself was offended by her cold remark and attitude towards you. Just as you suspected her face changed, lips curling into a soft smile. Her demeanor changed quicker than you could say a simple spell.
"It's pretty late, shouldn't you be in bed?" Her voice was sickly sweet and it must have been obvious to even those that are less observant that she was faking it. Putting up an easily damaged facade.
You nodded slowly, pressing your books up against your chest and breast feeling a bit like a kicked puppy. Riddle was an elite. The top on the pyramid that consisted of the Hogwarts pyramid. These are most definitely a few of his 'followers'. You cringed at the thought a bit. You understood having a posse could raise your popularity, and Riddle was the most popular, but did they really need to be called followers?
"Then you must be off, you don't want to be caught by any Head Boy or Girl on your way to Ravenclaw Tower now would you?" Somehow her voice was like smarties gone bad, it's taste revolting on your tongue. You also found it odd though, that she was scolding you about a Head student finding you all when Riddle himself was Head Boy of Slytherin.
You stood there for a few seconds wondering what you should do and this must have upset her immensely. She took a threatening step forward, her wand pointing at you in a warning even though it was a mere lighting spell. "Are you even listening to me? I told you to-"
Riddle cut her off with a wave of his hand, the other occupied by a big brown book, and you swore you say her whole body freeze and slightly shake in terror. She was merely a follower, and that meant following the leader no matter what. To cause Riddle distress would mean trouble for her.
"No need to get physical, now do we?" His voice, a complete difference from hers, was warm. It was sweet, but nicely so. Like cotton candy that dissolved the moment it hit your tongue. He looked from the girl towards you. Head tilted just the slightest as he paused and then spoke again. "It is true though, you are up way past curfew, you wouldn't want anybody to catch you sneaking off with some books from the library?"
"Of course," you replied quickly, wanting to appease him. "Yes, your right, sorry."
With a wave of his hand he dismissed the girl saying a small 'Behave' as she huffed and started conversing angrily with his other followers. You glanced at her once more before taking a single step to retreat back to your common room, but to your surprise Riddle called to you.
"Wait," he said curtly, but in a way that told you he wished to simply talk with you. Stopping in your tracks you look back up at him. You felt small staring up at his tall stature so in a bit of shyness you you brush a piece of (H/c) hair behind your ear. "I must apologize for her careless and crude behaviour towards you. Truly I meant no ill misfortune."
Listening to him talk was like being praised by an angel. His words were immaculate, such perfect structure and conviction. It was almost as if he had spent years perfecting his words so that anybody who listened to him would truly listen to him. Such perfection was this boy you had developed a crush on in your First Year at Hogwarts.
"It's quite alright, " you say once your mouth had stopped feeling dry like a desert. "I can understand how she may have felt threatened when I stole away your attention being on her."
"My attention...," he says slowly, a handsome smirk coming upon his face. "Many people vie for that spot, but not many can fill it."
His apparent comfortable stance around you grows you confidence once again. He didn't appear to be repulsed by your presence like the girl had been and probably still was. He seemed to maybe even enjoy your company. This feeling willed you to stay, even if for just a few seconds.
"And what kind of people can fill that spot?" You ask trying to seem simply curious, while on the inside, you hope for an answer that may pinpoint you as someone who could fill it. Fill that very special spot, even if it was more than impossible if you thought about it realistically.
Despite your beliefs his eyes started to gleam with something akin to mischievous intent. That look could have stolen the (F/c) slippers right off your feet if you had been imagined this in a dream and it was not reality.
"People I find interesting," he answered, his smirk driven with amusement and interest.
You hummed as you started to slowly creep away, knowing full well that if you did not return to your bed you may opt to staying and talking to him forever. But you didn't want to upset the jealous girl that would glare at you the whole time from behind Riddle's back.
Clutching your books close you look over your shoulder feeling his steel grey eyes burning in the back of your head like a hawk. (For a second you wanted to punch yourself for using your House as a pun during a time like this). Upon looking back you were more than surprised when he tilted his head in the most provocative way and winked.
Tom Riddle just winked at you.
A silly little Ravenclaw girl.
If it was on instinct or something else entirely you didn't know what but you automatically winked back. The small sliver of astonishment you saw on his expression that quickly turned into merriment caused your insides to morph into jiggly jelly. Shyness was returning to you in no time. So with a hot flushed face and sheepish goodbye smile equipped with a wave you scurried away up a flight of stairs and around the corner.
Just as you turned and rested you back against the cold stone wall, to quickly catch your breath after your escape, you hoped you had not embarrassed yourself by daring to do something so bold. After a few seconds you listened in on the conversation that commenced once you left their eyesight. One between the Slytherin girl and Riddle.
"You find her interesting?" The Slytherin Girl's voice is is one of the most obvious to detect. It's pitch a bit too high, like it was a forced habit.
There was more than needed long pause and you wondered what was happening, but from where you were standing you couldn't see. You wouldn't take the chance for fear you would be caught and embarrassed further. Digging a deeper hole was something you did not want to do.
Somebody's voice comes next, one you do not recognize. "She's right Riddle," he teased a bit. "You seemed to be acting like a smitten First Year." A few others provide their agreement along with him.
Finally, the familiar deep voice of Riddle arises from the smoke of followers around him. "Maybe I do find her interesting," he drawled the slightest like he was in deep thought over it. "Do any of you have a problem with it?"
His last sentence strikes a frigid chord within you. It was one that could draw fear in anybody, but against rationality you felt exhilarated. Everytime he spoke he invoked this feeling deep inside you. This daredevilish desire that could only be described as the start of more than just a simple blossoming of infatuation.
Quickly you heard rapid responses in hurried recessions all explaining how it was a joke and they didn't mean to trouble him. They had made a misstep and needed to get back in line, if not Riddle would make sure they knew their place. To insult him in any way would result in something most woeful.
You heard the huff of the Slytherin Girl as she too finally gave in and said she didn't mean to be so rude. This must have made Riddle content, more confident now that he knew his followers would still do his bidding. But just as you began to recede back to your safe bed you heard Riddle speak up once more.
"Glad to know you you all know your place," he said calmly, voice silky and smooth. "You all are aware what happens when somebody gets in my way, corect? When somebody blocks something I desire?"
The air filled with something cold that nipped at the back of your neck, hair there rising from the temperature. Quiet answers of 'Yes, my lord's and 'Of course, my lord's. It struck you as dangerous information to know something like this, but you shouldn't dawdle on something like that, you were a simple Ravenclaw and you intended to draw away any drama that would come your way.
Riddle's voice though the next time he spoke could have easily compared to obtaining the feeling of being kissed by a Dementor.
"Happy to know you all agree. Now," he said, the rustle of his book being shifted in his arms heard, "I'll be retiring to my room. Disturb me and I won't hesitate to deal with you." You could hear his followers nodding from the movement of clothes.
Only a second passed and if you could see what was happening you imagined Riddle walking away, his footsteps steady on the cobblestone, stopping momentarily to look over his shoulder. You could just visualize the way his steely grey eyes would close half way into something like a glare, a deathly cold smile on his perfect lips.
You couldn't stand the tension anymore, and while his obvious display of interest and praise for you was nice, standing here would drain you of any energy you would have for tomorrow. So quickly, once Riddle had disappeared down his hallway, and you disappeared down your own, you held onto the exuberant feeling that Riddle was attracted to you. So settling back down in Ravenclaw Tower, you dreamt of the man who had captured your heart for so many years.
How lucky, yet how unlucky you were to catch someone as dangerous as Tom Riddle's attention and affections.
Somehow after meeting him officially that one time late at night, he had began to approach you more often through the weeks and eventually moths that followed. Anytime Ravenclaw and Slytherin had combined classes he would sit next to you, conversing with you in such a comfortable way that sent butterflies to the pit of your stomach. He even wished to collaborate on projects and homework assignments, which surprised you immensely since he was one to always work alone and get Outstanding marks either way.
While you had believed you would never be able to keep up with his intelligent mind, you proved yourself worthy time and time again against all odds. Keeping up with him through all you work and studies was a breeze. Both your collective minds working together in ways that were unlike your partners in the past. He had even asked you to help him with editing and revising his work. He had learned quickly your Ravenclaw ways were useful and liked watching you do your finest work.
He always showed his high appreciation with small gestures like warm smiles and compliments that were so unlike him around other people. For this you relished in the delectation that resided in you body when given those small body cues. Anything and everything he did made you happy and you never wanted this feeling to leave. Without it you wondered if your lungs could ever breath correctly. He was the oxygen that filled your empty lungs.
Thinking back on when he grazed his fingers with your own when he passed you your edited parchment lit your heart on fire. Everything about him was an intoxicating display of dominance and power hungry behaviour. It was like he fed you personally from his cupped hands, everything he gave you a small blessing you always felt unworthy of. But he continued to do so. Dishing out praise your way whenever you both crossed paths like you were lovers who had been apart for far too long.
Just like what was happening currently.
The Ravenclaw House had been combined with the Slytherin house for today's expedition into the Forbidden Forest. Professor Kettleburn, teacher of the class Care of Magical Creatures, was in the front of the huge group talking excitedly about this new creature that had been recently found in France. A species rumoured to be extinct until now.
While you had wanted to listen intently to what he was saying you couldn't seem to focus. Your mind was wandering off and it was obvious to everybody you were truly not engaged in the lesson today.
It wasn't entirely your fault that your mind had decided to run off instead of planting itself in the lesson. Once again your mind was on Riddle-no...Tom. You had grown close fast and now called each other by your first names. It was a high privilege to call him Tom while everybody was ordered to call him by his surname. To know you meant that much to him was something your relished in.
The problem was you wished to reveal your feelings soon, really soon. You doubted he didn't know about your feelings anyway. That cunning Slytherin was an observant one. Nothing got past his watchful eye. So with that in mind you found it even more embarrassing to know he was probably waiting for you to make the first move.
While he was prominently the one to draw his sword first in most situations, he was known to wait patiently for things he exceedingly yearned for. With that information it was easy to say he may even yearn for you.
He wanted you to make the first move.
And the first move you shall.
It was with that thought you smiled to yourself. Raising your head from looking at your shoes treading on the forest floor your eyes widened when you realized you had made a terrible mistake. The familiar robes of clashing green and blue were gone along with the voice of Professor Kettleburn. Nobody was around and it the day was progressively getting darker. It would continue to do so if you didn't find your way back to your group or out of the Forbidden Forest.
It was when you heard a twig break that you knew you were in trouble. Swiveling your body around quickly you stared in terror at what lay before you. A more than gigantic wolf with a jaw that drooled tremendous amounts of shiny saliva from his his jaw. It's bared teeth look sharp and you feared for you life. But despite wanting to run, your body had frozen in shock on the spot. Tremors ran through your body like an internal earthquake as you stood there. You could them, tears beginning to well up on your waterline and almost obscuring your eyesight.
It was quick, you had taken the tiniest step backward and before you knew it the wolf with matted gray fur launched itself forward. Haunches rippling with heavy muscle and strength you knew you wouldn't be able to defend yourself at all. Your wand was buried in your pocket and the speed you had stood no chance of battling their own.
Right then you accepted your ill-wished upon fate, but you still felt bitter over the knowledge that you would never get to tell Tom what you felt for him. All the feelings that had pent themselves before he knew you to the months after, would never be unleashed out into the open like you had initially intended to. Even if he already figured it all out himself, you had never actually actually outwardly exclaimed your presumed crush on him with your own verbal words. A tear ran down your (S/c) cheek, both that had grown rosey with fear and pent up emotions.
The moment you had finally accepted your fate, about dying and never telling the one person you love that you loved him, was the moment it went off course and changed.
A bright flickering spell made of flickering hot wisps shot forth from a wand in the brush and hit the wolf squarely on the head. It tried to shake it's giant craneum to release itself of its impending doom but it could do nothing to stop it. They became delirious in no time, the effects of the spell working as quickly as it could to periodically confused it's unwilling victim. Having absolutely no time to observe the wolf further in any way, a figure jumped out of the lush green bushes like a prince saving a damsel in distress. It was only when you looked closely at the figure, now out in the open, that you came to realisation that the person you had been most embarrassed to talk to had leapt in front of you.
Tom's shamrock hued tie was the slightest bit crooked and his normally ebony hair disleve. His appearance made it appear that he had been through particularly a rough night and had just woken up to start his day. His chest heaved under his dark robes of pitch black and you quickly gathered up that he had been running beforehand. Evidence that he had noticed your missing presence in class and strayed to find you and bring you back to safety. This struck you as a gesture you would never be able to repay. He had just saved your life from being eaten by a ravenous wolf. An act of this degree was something you didn't know if you could ever return in the same way of some kind.
Before you could offer your thanks for his heroic deed, Tom rushed towards you, the wolf behind him digging into the muddy dirt floor in irritation. "Hurry!" He prompted urgently, eyebrows scrunches in concern. "You have to run before the spell wears off!
You responded quickly, "I can't leave you here to fend it off yourself! What kind of person do you think I am?" No anger or hurt was in your voice, like most would think would be combined with those sentences, for it was simply anxious panic you held for him.
He had saved you, but who was going to save him?
"I'll be fine," He persisted, both his hands coming to grab each of your shoulders. He squeezed them in a reassuring manner to help ease you troublesome thoughts of what his fate would be. "Go get help, Professor Kettleburn may know how to stop it." You nodded knowing he was right.
While Tom could fend off most anything on his own, you were much more used to a quill in hand along with parchment vs a wand used to battle an enemy.
"I won't be long."
Tom smiled softly in relief, his expression one that looked like weariness. Almost like he was exhausted, yet happy at knowing you cared so much for his well being too. You cared if he died. You had no idea, but this meant a lot to him. He truly was infatuated with you.
Hands sliding down from your shoulders, over your elbows, and to your hands he held them gingerly in his own. Your hands and his face moved at the same time and a blush set itself upon your cheeks when his lips pressed ever so softly upon your flesh. The spot was warm and a small buzz lingered even after he had parted. Dark grey eyes moving up to stare into your own E/c) orbs, you saw a flicker in them. You couldn't tell what it meant or signified, but you did know something had been set into motion with your relationship.
"Be quick."
"I would never leave you, Tom," you promised.
With a lingering stare you eventually had to break away. Your hands slipped through his own slowly until you both seperated. Running as fast as you could you dare not look back at the sounds occurring behind you. But human nature and curiosity got the better of you and you peeked behind you.
You wish you had not looked, but you had done so anyway.
The wolf wasn't truly a canine creature. For they were truly a Boggart. It had gained backs its bearings and had transformed in to Tom's worst fear. A big snake, like the Basilisk's you read about a year or so earlier. It's scaley skin a unique shade of green that reminded of poison. You feared for his life even worse and as you ran faster towards help you wondered if you would make it in time.
"Are you sure you alright?" Your voice was laden in pure worry.
"For the 100th time (Y/n), all is well," Tom replied, a weary smile on his face.
You sat on the edge of the of the bed, the white sheets clean and soft, similar to that of cotton beneath your weight. You were both in the Hospital Tower, in the Hospital wing talking. You were there to keep him company. (You had heard you were the only one who he himself had requested visit him vs those who just showed up of their own leisure).
He had been here for a few days, almost a week recovering from the Boggarts attack. You would have never guessed that his fear was a basilisk, but after he confided in you about his ancestor being Salazar Slytherin you started to understand. On the outside he was prideful and perfect, but on the inside he was honestly an insecure and damaged individual.
After he saved you life, and you had gotten help and saved his, you had grown closer than ever before. You both had shared your deepest secrets with each other. Your dreams, aspirations, anything that could come to mind was spoken between you too. All your free time was spent here. Sitting. Talking. Learning more about each other.
To be held dear like this was like something from the fairytale books you liked to read so much.
"I know, I just," your (E/c) eyes wander down to your hands that are interlocked at the fingers," need to know everything is fine."
Tom's eyes crinkled a bit at the corners, their steely grey shining in the rooms dim lights. Leaning forward he pressed his lips to your own with a small tilt of his head. His lips were warm and you wondered if you could ever live without the touch of them upon your own. He left to early though, your lips feeling as if they were instantly numb from his mellow touch.
"I will be perfectly stable wherever you reside," he said calmly, his charm activating your insides to shake. He always talked like he was some kind of royalty. You were more than sure that even if we talking to a baby he would still use correct phrasing and immaculate structure.
"How romantic," you giggle as you both lean into each other, foreheads pressed together.
After months of developing this relationship, you had confessed your feelings the exact moment he awoke from blacking out. He was surprised to say in the least when you had seen you, sitting in a chair by his bedside, head rested in his lap as you you slept. Tears had stained your cheeks with their water marks and this had driven him to wake you up with a slightly rub and shake of your shoulder. The second you had woken up with no signs of deliriousness clinging onto you you had engulfed him with a hug. While you tried not to suffocate him or break any of his ribs, you still held on pretty tight.
It took a minute or so of you crying into his shoulder about how heartbroke and sorry you were about getting him hurt that he finally took action. His arms had wrapped around your waist, his head nuzzled into your neck. It was obvious he had never counseled anybody in his life, but it showed he was trying his best. The way he softly rubbed your back, with some accompanying pats, was nice in a way. You had eventually stopped the tears from flowing to lean back.
It was a burt of 'I love you' and 'I thought you had died, because of me' that both left your mouth as you tried to explain everything that had happened after he had fended off the Boggart. With his help you calmed down your frantically beating heart and once you realized your first mistake he had to stop you from running away in embarrassment.
With a flushed face, Tom's restful voice persuaded you to look up at him. Hand brushing a stray piece of (H/c) hair from your face he declared his love for you. He thoroughly explained though he didn't know how to love. He could feel attraction both romantically and sexually but the boundaries that separated simple infatuation and love was something he had yet to comes across. It was bit difficult to understand where he came from due to having an entirely opposite upbringing on your part, but you tried your hardest to see it from his part of view.
To be told his Mother had given his father a love potion to make him fall into a desperate love with her was horrifying. She had done it for so long that they had bore a child from the mix. She had felt guilty, it what Tom assumed when she let the love potion wear off. She thought Tom's father loved her after so long together, but her presumption about his deep feelings had all been wrong. He had left her with their newborn child, alone, without any help.
Driven deeply with sorrow and chronic depression she could do nothing else but give up her child. Leaving him at a muggle orphanage with nothing but his birthed name she had taken her own life in the bottomless sea that was her sorrowful grief.
An awful way you, you thought, to leave behind your child. To never tell them exactly why you had left them at somebody else's doorstep. You could only imagine what Tom had gone through, living in a world with noe magic. Living not understanding how he could make supernatural things happen around him. No guide, no friend, no family to help him.
If you had been in his place you would have been driven mad with your own type of grief and hysterical thoughts. Isolation would do dreadful things to those most susceptible to their sway of persuasion and temptation.
You had listened, a few slow nods on your part, to the whole story. There was a lot to take in but you processed it all and told him, that no matter what, you would help him. Help him know what it felt like to truly be loved by another person. Love in soul, body, mind, and heart in all aspects of life. You wanted to aid him in his growth of understanding the possibilities that life has to offer. You wouldn't let Tom believe he was exactly like his parents. He could be better, do better. He was already better, but you would be there to help him take the steps he could not take by himself.
"You have no idea...," you whispered softly, the hand not holding his own, coming up to his face. The thumb of that hand softly rubbed back and forth over his sharp cheekbone in a romantic gesture. "No idea, how much I love you."
"I don't," he replied quickly, eyes casting down for a few seconds before rising back up to stare directly into your own. "But hopefully I will. Hopefully someday in the future, I can learn what it means to love you. To fall in love. To stay in love."
"I'll wait patiently," your murmured as he leaned close, his lips brushing against yours. His warm breath mingled with your own and you could smell the dark coffee he had drank earlier that morning. "Wait for you to learn to love, unconditionally."
~The End~
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questionsonislam · 4 years
How did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) practice his prayers?
Our Prophet’s way of practicing prayers is as explained in Islamic catechism books. This issue is explained in fards, sunnahs and wajibs of prayers. However, the psychological state of the Prophet when starting prayer is very important.
Hazrat Aisha narrates: The Messenger of Allah talked to us and we talked to him. However, he was as if he had not recognized us when it was time for prayer, and he turned to Allah with his all existence. (Fazail-i A’mal p.303).
The Companions asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh):
- “Allah the Glorious states in chapter al-Fath that He forgave you totally. So, why are you still practicing so long and infinite prayers?”
The Lord of the Universe (pbuh) answered:
-“Why shall I not be a thankful servant to Allah?”
As stated in a hadith, while the Messenger of Allah was practicing prayers, a sobbing cry sound like the sound of a grinding mill used to come from his blessed chest.
As narrated from Hazrat Aisha, while the Messenger of Allah was practicing prayers, some sounds like sound of boiling pot used to come from his chest. (Ibn-i Maja, Mukaddima, 3).
As our reverend mother Hazrat Aisha narrated, the Messenger of Allah used to continue practicing tahajjud prayer at nights for a very long time until his blessed feet swelled up. His reverend wife, impressed by this situation, asked: “O the Messenger of Allah, although your sins committed and to be committed have been already forgiven, why are you still doing like this?”
He replied to this: “O Aisha, shall I not be a very thankful servant to my Lord?” (Bukhari, Tahajjud, 6).
Hazrat Ata narrated as follows: I asked Hazrat Aisha to tell us the most astonishing event she witnessed about the Messenger of Allah. Hazrat Aisha cried and said: “Whatever was not astonishing about him? One night he came and got in bed with me. My skin touched his and he said: “O Abu Bakr’s daughter, let me off! Let me worship my Lord.” I said: “I love being with you, but I prefer to do as you wish.”
I let him. He got up and went to ewer. He took ablution. He did not waste water by using it too much. Then he started praying and started to cry. He cried so much that his tears flew down through his chest. Then he bent for ruqu and cried. Then he prostrated for sajdah and still cried. Then he raised his head from sajdah and still cried. He continued to cry until morning. When it was time for Morning Prayer (fajr), Bilal came and recited adhan (call to prayer). And then I said: “O the Messenger of Allah! What is that makes you cry? Allah ha forgiven your sins committed and to be committed.” He said: “Shall I not be a thankful servant to Allah? Shall I not give Him thanks?”
While the Lord of the Universe (pbuh) was about to submit his blissful soul to Allah, his last advice to humankind was being careful about practicing prayers and this was the last hadith narrated from him. Hazrat Anas narrates:
“When the time of death came upon the Messenger of Allah, the whole of the advice he made before he submitted his soul is as follows:
“Do not neglect Namaz (prayers) and be fair about your slaves’ rights.”
When the time for prayer came, the Messenger of Allah used to become a hundred times happier and more excited than the happiness and excitement of a person who is given the news that a beloved one has come. He was at the zenith of humbleness (khushu) and modesty to his Lord and he was much delighted in invocating and begging to Him as a servant. Once, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) described prayer as follows:
“Prayer (namaz/salah) is practiced in twos. In each two rakats, there is a tahiyyat. Prayer is to feel humble and to lower yourself… You raise your hands upwards; palms turned to your face, for the Lord and beg saying O Lord! O Lord! Whoever omits this, his prayer is incomplete.” (Tirmidhi, Salat, 166). In other words, prayer means for servant to understand his helplessness and impotence compared to the Creator and to show his neediness with cries and storms in his inner world and to invocate and supplicate Him.
Muslims would practice five times a day, which is fard upon them; however, the Messenger of Allah would also practice nawafil prayers such as midmorning, ishraq and tahajjud in addition to daily prayers. Although all Muslims practice seventeen rakats of fard prayers which are fard upon them everyday, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to practice about 50-60 rakats of fard and nawafil prayers day and night in a day. The feeling of love for Allah in his heart during prayers was superior to any other feelings for the Messenger of Allah. He used to extend ruqu so much that anyone seeing him from a distance would think that he forgot to prostrate.
Huzaifa narrates: One night, I started prayer together with the Prophet (pbuh). He started reciting the surah al-Baqarah. I thought to myself that he would bend for ruqu when he cited the hundredth verse. However, he continued reciting when he reached the hundredth verse. I thought to myself that he would practice two rakats with this surah. He continued reciting. I thought he would bend for ruqu when he finishes this surah. Then he started reciting al-Nisa. When he finished it, he started reciting al-i Imran. He was reciting slowly. When the invocation verses came, he said “subhanallah” and when supplication verses came, he supplicated. When istiaza verses came, he sought refuge with Allah. Then he bent for ruqu. He started saying “Subhana Rabbiya’l-Azim”. His ruqu lasted as long as his qiyam (standing). Then he stood up saying “Semiallahu limen hamideh. Rabbena leke’l hamd.” He stayed in qiyam almost as long as ruqu. Then he prostrated. He said “Subhana Rabbiya’l A’la.” His prostration (sajdah) was also as long as his qiyam. (Muslim, Salatu’l-Musafirin, 203).
He used to practice his prayers, from the beginning of revelation on, in the yard of Baytullah, before the eyes of idolaters who gave him hardships and tortured him mercilessly. Some of the idolaters attacked him while he was praying and yet he did not stop his praying because of fearing them. During war, when both sides came across and their swords crushed each other, their spears flew whizzing and their hearts beat crazily, Muslims used to line up and practice their prayers, with the Prophet being their imam in the front, at the time of prayer.
Abu Huraira narrates: During a war expedition, the Messenger of Allah encamped somewhere between Dajnan and Usfan. Idolaters said: “They have got a prayer which is more precious for them than their fathers and children. It is Asr prayer. Get ready and attack them all together at once!”
Gabriel the Archangel (Jibril) came and told the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) to divide his companions into two groups, told one group to wait in alert together with their weapons while the other group is practicing prayer with Prophet. He told him to practice one rakat with the first group and then one rakat with the second group so that each group would pray one rakat with the Prophet and the Prophet would have practiced two rakats this way. (Tirmidhi, Tafsir, 4/3035).
The Messenger of Allah’s desire for being in Allah’s presence was so great that he practiced not only fard prayers during war but practiced prayers at nights until morning. Actually, Hazrat Ali, while describing Badr Battle, says:
“At Badr, there was no other cavalier than Mikdad amongst us. I know it well that all of us slept then except for the Messenger of Allah. However, the Messenger of Allah practiced prayer and cried until the morning under a tree.”
This was his loyalty to Allah. He practiced his prayers always in time. Moreover, he did not miss any prayer when his illness, which caused him to die, was at its zenith. His illness got so severe that he was eventually so weak and tired. He went to masjid with the help of two people for Dhuhr and Asr and practiced them with people. Although he was writhing in pain of death, he reminded his people the most beneficial issues for them and his last words were “Prayer! Prayer! Fear Allah about the slaves you own!”. (Abu Dawud, Adab, 133).
The issues which our beloved Prophet found useful to remind us before he died must, of course, be those which are the most important ones for humankind’s duty of religious service. The first one is the pillar of Islam, prayer (salat) which lets human beings closer to the Creator and the Beloved One. And the second one is fair treatment to the weak, our workers and wives, whom Allah entrusted to us, which will save us from rolling down into Hell.
One day, while the Messenger of Allah was waiting for praying time in masjid with his companions, a man stood up and said to the Prophet: “O Messenger of Allah! I committed a sin.” The Messenger did not respond to the man.
When the Messenger finished praying, the same man stood up again and repeated his words. The Messenger asked him: “Did you not practice this prayer with us? And did you not take ablution properly for it?”
The man said: Yes, o the Messenger of Allah!. The Messenger said: “So, that prayer will redeem for the sin you committed.” (Heysemi, Majmau’z-zawaid, I, 301).
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asampadeh · 5 years
"Hidup kita ini sama kaya huruf Hijaiyah yang dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan sekitar, seperti huruf 'ra' yang kadang dibaca tebal atau tipis. Yang membedakan kita dengan huruf Hijaiyah cuma satu, kalau disetiap perubahannya huruf Hijaiyah selalu membawa kebaikan kepada para pembacanya. Sudahkah kita juga dapat membawa kebaikan dalam setiap perubahan hidup ini? Seminimalnya kebaikan yang dapat bermanfaat untuk diri kita sendiri." - Teh Ema Ruqu
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srisulastri · 5 years
Rihlah ke Curug
Mendaki gunung, pergi ke curug (air terjun), pergi ke pantai dan wahana alam lainnya adalah suatu hal yang menyenangkan bagiku. Nuansa alam selalu tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan. Keindahannya, kesejukannya dan semua pesonanya. Aku selalu menggebu-gebu memburunya.
Suatu hari, organisasi yang aku ikuti yaitu Ruqu (Rumah Quran) mengadakan Camp Qur’an selama 2 hari 3 malam. Diakhir acara tersebut ada agenda rihlah (jalan-jalan) ke curug. Aku sangat semangat untuk mengikutinya. Pesertanya banyak, sekitar 30 orang. Semuanya ikut rihlah. Peserta dan panitia. Kebetulan aku menjadi salah satu panitianya.
Tempat kita camp disebuah desa yang sangat jauh dari hingar bingar kehidupan kota. Jauh diatas bukit. Sebuah pondok yayasan Quran di daerah Cilembu, Kabupaten Sumedang. Untuk menjangkau tempat tersebut harus sewa angkot atau pakai motor sendiri. Tidak ada kendaraan umum menuju ke sana. Curug yang akan kita tuju, lebih jauh jaraknya dari tempat camp. sekitar 2 jam perjalanan dengan jalan sempit dan tanah semua.
Kamipun memulai perjalanan pukul 08.00 pagi. Jalan yang kita lewati diawali oleh pematang sawah. kemudian kami masuk menyusuri hutan. Ternyata curugnya ada di dalam hutan dan diatas bukit. Setelah pematang sawah kita lewati,  lahan luas perkebunan warga terhampar. Dibawah lereng gunung nan indahnya. Terus melaju akhirnya memasuki hutan. Jalan setapak yang terjal, licin dan banyak pohon tumbang. Sungai dan bebatuan pun kami lewati. Ditambah dalam keadaan jalan yang menaik (nanjak).
Kamipun istirahat sesekali untuk minum dan sekedar melepas lelah. Kemudian lanjut jalan lagi. Begitu seterusnya. Aku selalu semangat untuk mencapai titik puncak air terjun tersebut. Sudah bnyak yang ku bayangkan diatas sana. Air yang mengalir dari ketinggian, kesejukannya, jernihnya, segarnya dan semuanya. Maka dari itu aku jarang merasakan cape ketika sedang rihlah.
Karena keadaan perjalanan yang curam dan mencekam, tiba-tiba ada seorang peserta yang menangis. Masih di tengah jalan. Masih harus berjalan sedikit lagi untuk mencapai puncak. Kemudian perjalanan dihentikan karena menurut teman-teman yang lain itu yang terbaik. Ada teman kita yang nangis karena gak kuat capek, kata mereka.
Aku bersama satu orang temanku yang sama-sama ngambis pengen ke puncak bertatapan heran. Kemudian berbisik “Kok capek nangis sih? capek itu ya istirahat, minum dulu, makan dulu atau apa gitu. Kalau sedih baru nangis. itu korelasi yang pas” bisiku pada teman disamping. “Aku pun tak ngerti kenapa capek larinya ke nangis. Yah jadi kita gak sampe puncak dong”. timpal temanku.
akhirnya kita istirahat dan makan di air terjun bayang-bayang, bukan curug utama. Aku ikut kesepakatan bersama, walaupun dalam hati ingin sekali ke curug utama. setelah istirahat selesai kami kembali ke tempat camp dengan melewati medan yang sama seperti berangkat. Adzan dzuhur kami sudah sampai kembali di tempat camp.
Sebelum pulang, acarapun ditutup terlebih dahulu. MC mempersilahkan peserta camp untuk menyampaikan pesan kesan selama mengikuti acara. Kebetulan MC menunjuk orang yang tadi nangis. Dan diapun menyampaikan kesannya.
“Sebelumnya saya mau minta maaf kepada teman-teman semua karena di perjalanan tadi saya nangis. Mungkin saya terlalu cengeng, maaf jika teman-teman kurang berkenan. Saya tadi sebenarnya nangis itu karena pas melewati jalan setapak yang ada turunan curamnya, yang membuat terpeleset, kepikiran gimana kalau kita melewati jembatan syirotolmustaqim di akhirat nanti ? medan di sini aja udah bikin aku takut dan jatuh, gimana nanti di akhirat harus melewatinya sendiri, tidak ada yang menolong, dan bisa saja terpeleset dari jembatan ke neraka. itu sih pelajaran yang saya dapat ambil dari rihlah kali ini”. Ujarnya sambil menyeka air mata.
“Wihhhh...beda lah kualitas seorang hafidzhah. Bisa kepikir sampe ke sana” bisiku kepada teman yang lain. Ya, anak itu adalah seorang hafidzhah.
Aku mendengar penjelasan itu jadi malu sendiri. Berasa ditampar-tampar, yang awalnya sudah berfikir dia nangis gara-gara capek doang,ternyata peserta tersebut punya pemaknaan tersendiri. Itu tadaburnya dia terhadap alam saat rihlah. Aku yang sedari awal ingin mencapai puncak menjadi merenung kembali, apakah harus puncak yang menjadi ambisi? menemukan makna dari setiap prosesnya, itu lebih penting. 
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444names · 2 years
arabian names BUT excluding "a"
Becheen Begui Behbouni Belouk Benussi Bhosen Bhour Bhoussi Bhouttin Bhuri Bhury Bhyoud Bhyoury Bibury Bislel Boshiddi Boudeh Boumi Boundeh Boundi Bouni Boury Bousi Boussim Bubil Buche Buddi Buderi Bukhou Buleh Bulruk Buslim Cheed Cheez Chegh Cheiki Cheri Chuseim Chusmer Chusoud Chuter Courd Couri Coushibi Coushur Couzmin Dhussef Dilek Dilmen Dineeb Dodeen Dodhi Doobry Dooque Dosein Dosse Douri Ebsif Ebsim Ehbeebsi Ehbir Einehdi Eleem Elidil Elimo Elmor Elmouri Ezheel Ezizk Ferezeen Fishi Foureez Foweem Freed Freer Freqi Friyed Frosny Frour Fukri Fuksoub Fuleh Gebibib Ghbelib Ghbeny Ghbiry Ghbohmer Ghbood Ghdie Ghdil Gheem Gheer Ghemi Gheri Ghibib Ghoineh Ghosouri Ghteen Giedi Goseef Gosef Gounnoof Gouri Guidi Guidin Guloud Guls' Heezel Heide Heisim Helshem Hemil Hemim Hilem Himureb Hinusrid Hirzief Hoebi Hoeleyid Hogby Hoghidek Hogji Hoines Hoorse Horzes Hosem Hoshif Hosohid Houhd Houri Houry Houten Hukrour Hureel Husel Husim Husin Husmini Husni Husuleer Hüsedil Hüseeli Hüsein Hüsel Hüsem Hüsen Ibihsir Ibiry Iftem Isheem Ishibir Ishim Ishukki Ishut Isrood Jibir Jimusry Joweh Jujoy Jumni Junic Keebit Keelrus Keshoo Keydh Kfoun Kfouri Kfowed Kheen Kheiri Khidi Khleidi Khloeb Khoin Khorzoud Khosen Khoseyid Khoud Khouddi Khoue Khoun Khoundeh Khouni Khout Khreen Khteed Khusni Kokhor Kokhrif Kooqi Kourkir Kurdel Kurid Kurkil Kurseil Kustif Leery Lemer Limuh Lobri Looqi Losdin Losem Lotim Loudel Louri Loury Louser Loveem Lowed Lower Lubib Lubis Lused Lusem Lussi Mcket Megul Mineh Moften Moftiq Moftoom Moheef Moheini Mohib Mohishi Mohmoin Mohton Mokhoun Momil Moodi Mooni Moorsy Mosef Mosnyer Mosti Mothe Mothi Moudi Moumi Mounisil Mourd Moureb Mouri Mourkis Mourroub Mourthes Moury Mouseim Mouseini Moushi Mrisli Mubio Muddeed Muddil Mufto Mujoy Mukhli Muls' Muneh Munzem Museen Musem Muser Mushfoun Mushi Mushibeh Musrou Mussi Musso Musubi Mutteh Muttim Mutty Noofti Noohdy Noolimi Noord Noorsed Nouddi Nujum Numblem Nusem Nusni Nusuf Obrour Odhuk Ofter Oftif Oftopul Omeet Omeredim Omili Orzen Osdin Osdiq Ossin Othery Othsitun Otiff Otmir Pirdeh Pirthi Popul Populmi Qubri Quddi Quedi Queib Quein Quibet Reber Rejjeem Ridiq Riqui Ritun Romimr Rourour Rourout Ruque Rursher Rusoud Russi Ruzmil Seery Seikheh Seini Selib Sembleeb Semed Senesmi Serhout Sfisi Sfoor Sfowzy Shdid Shedi Sheeb Sheef Sheelsim Sheem Sheen Sheer Shegh Sheid Sheil Shein Sheswes Shfid Shfoum Shidi Shiminus Shirbir Shishini Shiyed Shoordem Shosdi Shosoord Shoub Shoun Shour Shoury Shreel Shrid Shteem Shton Shudd Shudi Shukheem Shumed Shury Sleet Slein Sliqbour Smeed Somim Somsud Soons Soori Souddi Souddoor Soudek Sudhriz Suhdidi Suleh Sullir Sulmoseh Suloud Sulruteh Sulsi Sweher Teeme Thinyes Thiri Thisin Thissemi Tifez Tohid Toori Topulem Touriz Ulmus Uteib Wehmi Wehmoun Womiri Wooqi Yoneh Yonehbeh Youbi Youddi Youde Youdi Youfiry Youmbi Youqi Youri Yourif Yourki Youry Youthse Yumin Yusine Yusli Yusmil Yusser Zeebed Zeerie Zeezem Zegulmil Zelel Zelshor Zenein Zessi Zgher Ziessem Zoukheh Zourif Zubneh Zuleem Zuljum Zully Zulmer Zuzmir
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gegirti · 3 years
libbu ruqu
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