#rw spring flowers
thunder-wolf64 · 4 months
I am here to
1. Say your art style is absolutely beautiful
2. Do my mandatory ship ask- could you do riv spears and monk?
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Thanks! I'm glad you like my style!
I feel like these three would play around a lot
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sparkdoesart · 4 months
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I havent really been doing any art month stuff but i thought this one would be fun!
Day~ 10 gifts!!!!
Just a little sketch of monk riv and spears
Art month prompts by @a-rabid-snake
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drawing-every-rw-ship · 4 months
Ship requests? If youre up to it, riv spears and monk? Or just monk and spears
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such a dramatiqa
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slug-love · 5 months
Ooo could you do my personal favorite,, spring flowers? (I made it-)
Riv spears and monk?
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churrorat-art · 3 months
Okk,,, i gotta ask. How about spring flowers (riv monk and spears)? My little guys,,
Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cute!!! Adorable! I can see why they're called spring flowers! I think they'd have a nice healthy relationship! 5.9/10!
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lgcmjun · 9 months
let’s celebrate your birthday on sunday, rowon messages earlier in the week. i would like to have you for the entire day. make time for me? he wonders, albeit briefly, if he’ll be doing too much – but the thought is fleeting. he wants to do this for minjun, if not as a gift, then as a thank you.
come sunday morning, rowon brings the birthday boy to an indoor botanical garden, reminiscent of a brighter spring. the ( inedible ) flowers are in full bloom, their colours vibrant against a green backdrop. and despite the signage telling him not to touch, rowon discreetly steals a blue star flower for minjun. they represent strength and resilience – things he hopes minjun can find this new year.
in the afternoon, rowon leads him across the busier roads of seoul, through the various street food vendors, then down along the han river. there’s an outdoor swimming pool tucked away in one of the neighbouring parks, but since summer has come and gone, they’ve transformed the pool into an ice skating rink. now whether or not it’s minjun’s first time, it doesn’t matter; rowon still offers him his hand. ( totally not a clever ruse to keep his own hands warm, thank you. )
for dinner, he takes minjun to a cozy hole-in-the-wall restaurant specializing in hearty soups that are popular during the autumn months. pork bone, oxtail, army stew – he has him trying them all so they can recreate them later on in the comforts of the dorm kitchen. their evening ends with the host bringing out a small pistachio cake topped with a single candle. luckily for minjun, rowon spares him the embarrassment of a birthday song in lieu of a few dozen photos.
at last, the night closes in a familiar place – high above the ground, right beneath the stars – on a rooftop they’ve made into their second home this winter. it’s here that rowon presents a final gift that he has kept in his inner coat pocket all this time. “thought i should get you something a little more useful than another hoodie,” he muses, eyes twinkling with amusement as he offers the velvet box. “happy early birthday.” inside is a sleek wristwatch with a thin dark blue bezel, accompanied with a note that reads,
every hour, every minute, down to the very last second.
and isn’t it just so pretty to think, all along there was  some invisible string tying you to me?
it wouldn’t be a surprise the way minjun anticipates sunday, since the message arrived on his phone. the more he read it, the more time slowed its pace, and the more he messed up his steps in practice and lost precious seconds while doing laps in the university’s heated pool. 
but when sunday finally comes he is surprisingly on time and obedient as they meet outside the company and start their journey. it’s all a mystery and minjun doesn’t want to ask much, so he just follows rowon, taking the subway and buses on this short trip he can proudly say is planned only for him - for them.
he quietly takes his phone out and takes a picture of rowon when he’s not looking when they’re passing by the lilies, the botanical garden makes him remember a conversation about edible flowers and how much fun they had over it. for many times, minjun wanted to reach out his hand and grab rowon’s but so far he’s settling for walking beside him, their shoulders lightly touching.
the hours run too fast maybe because minjun is enjoying his day so much and it’s only in the afternoon when his eyes are so fond of the pool now ice skating rink when he finally takes rowon’s hand and they both start sliding around, that he feels like turning to him with the brightest of the smiles, “promise me we will return here on summer, so we can swim together?”. yes, time’s certainly moving too fast, but as long as he’s there with him, minjun doesn’t feel like ending that day too soon.
which is good because apparently, rowon knows everything that’s about to happen. that’s the only explanation because how would he explain their next stop being a restaurant? it’s cold but minjun doesn’t even feel it, not when too many hot dishes are being served, and even if he does think of ways to make everything spicier, because in his head he’s already thinking about cooking rowon’s favorites later on, everything is forgotten when the cake is gifted to him. minjun feels his eyes kind of water but he closes them fast, his hands gripped together as he makes a wish before blowing up the candle. “thanks hyung…” he quietly says, reaching out for rowon’s hands under the table.
“one last stop”, he hears rowon say and he forces himself not to pout, not to think too much about how he doesn’t want the day to end, how much he’s thankful that there’s someone out there that thinks of him that much to go through so much just to give him the best birthday ever. minjun follows rowon to the place he knows by heart, their safe zone and it’s only when it’s the two of them in the silence of the rooftop, that minjun realizes how lucky he is.
he takes the box with a surprised “oh” and as he opens it, he’s too tempted to say rowon didn’t have to do that but it’d sound disrespectful and so unlike minjun. so he smiles at what rowon said first “hoodies are very useful you know, but i’ll keep stealing yours for all that matters” minjun’s reply comes with a soft chuckle but then his attention is fully on the watch and he looks back and forth “hyung..this is…beautiful”.
minjun is still admiring the watch, he nearly misses the note but when he reads it, his reaction is genuine -  his heart isn’t skipping beats, it’s beating out of its normal rate, and it’s making minjun stare at the last word before rowon’s signature and think of so many things. it makes him want to ask and do things but he bites his lip as an initial response, eyes searching for rowon’s, just as his hand finds his - fingers intertwined because he needs that for a second (or maybe three thousand). 
they stay like that for he doesn’t know how long but then minjun moves and maybe because it’s almost his birthday, he feels braver to do it. the kiss is on the corner of rowon’s lips and he feels his tingling with the touch, as fleet as it is - and maybe not to sound too much, and because it’s impolite not to thank for everything, minjun just whispers “always, wonnie hyung”
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lgcmilan · 2 months
@rowonlgc :
on this day, a random trainee runs up to milan and presents her with an ivory envelope. “happy birthday, unnie!” the trainee says brightly before hurrying away. inside is neat notecard that reads, let’s go on a treasure hunt – rw. there’s an address and another line, go here whenever you have two hours. tell them i sent you.
the address leads to a luxury nail salon in the heart of seoul. upon arrival, she’d be swept away to a private station in the far back corner where she would be offered mocktails. the nail technician would then tell her that everything today has already been paid for, and that they specialize in whimsical styles. “he said to give you this pink butterfly design, but i told him to let the girl choose.” if milan expresses any interest in nail art, the technician would happily give her tips and tricks. once done, they’d send her away with a notecard that looks identical to the first, except this one writes, need someone to practice on? i can be bribed. there’s another address, go here on a sunny afternoon.
whenever she chooses to go, a spring-themed cafe overlooking the han river would welcome her with a small cake decorated like a peach flower. it’d be paired with a warm cup of green tea, soothing music, and a third notecard that says, take care, and don’t stress too much – grey isn’t your colour. i have one last gift for you. you know where to find it. no address this time.
and if milan eventually winds up back at their peach tree, she’d find a small wooden box inconspicuously tucked between the branches. in it is a pair of rose-gold twist tie earrings, reminiscent of the promise he once made to her. there’s a final notecard, and it reads, about time you found me. happy birthday.
at the time, rowon’s birthday present had been quite cryptic. a simple envoloppe, an address and her needing two hours. of course, she had looked up the address and had become quite excited to learn that her birthday present from one of her two oldest friends was a manicure. the idea of a treasure hunt did make her feel excited, but the thought of having figured out the boy’s card had her gleeful.
it’s only on july 14, the day after the girl’s first concert that milan realized she had been quite wrong and rowon, was in fact, two steps ahead of her. oh, she was beaming during her amazing treatment at the salon excitedly chatting with the technician, gushing at the original design picked by the man (yes! it had to be this!) and drinking in any tips coming from the kind technician. minutes and soon two hours flew by without milan realizing. oh how she needed this moment of being pampered without it being or an event, filming or performance. pampered just for the sake of it. 
this would’ve been enough of a gift, however, she should’ve known that rowon would do more. she should’ve remembered his treasure hunts weren’t so simple and the arrival of a new notecard shouldn’t have shocked her that much. either way, she had time now, and it was sunny and her interest was utterly picked. 
the next address took her to the han river and an unexpected cake and tea. the cutest cake ever. she had to question if she could even eat such a cute thing. wouldn’t it be a crime to ingest this? kind of felt like destroying a piece of art for no reason. or maybe that had just been her eating disorder talking, trying to rationalize. after a quick calculation on her phone on a calory intake application, the idol grinned before digging in the cake with gusto. shinhye would be proud to see no deficit today (and not because of a lie on her part). a picture of her nails, empty plate and empty cup find their way to rowon, thanking him profusely. she had needed this. self care. sweet care. time for herself. time outside. it might’ve been better if rowon could’ve been present in person, yet, in a way, she felt he had been present all the way.
then came the third notecard. oh this man! no address? how could she not stress! sudden war flashbacks of previous treasure hunts came back to her mind. how many times would she be tricked by his little hunts. never expected at 22 that rowon would still manage to drive her insane with his clue. she picked her phone again this time sending simply “that’s not fair”. she pouted before stopping herself, certain that he was amused already picturing her frown and pouting. no, she wouldn’t give him the pleasure of being right, she thought as a frown drew on her face and the pout came back.
“i have to visit grandma” milan had suddenly declared hours later while dining with her parent. “all of sudden?” her father had asked. yeah, quite sudden to them, but milan had been brooding over the notecard for hours and now and realized there could only be one solution to this riddle; the tree. their tree.
this is how milan finds herself back in her hometown, facing a tree residing not far from her grandmother’s house, the last of her gift and notecard in hand. and she’s pouting. not because the gift is disappointing, quite the opposite, but because indeed, it took her time to get to it. does rowon feel that way about their friendship? her lack of time to spend with him. growing up hasn’t been easy, and today is just another such day proving so. this box had waited here 2 months. 2 whole months. 
this time, she doesn’t text; she dials the number. she doesn’t even try to hide the sadness in her voice. “oppa... i’m sorry i’ve taken so much time. when are you free?”
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geoffguy · 3 months
5, 14, 25, 31, 33 for the ask game?
5. what made you start your blog?
Rainworld fanart! I've never actually used any social media before but I needed more rw content, originally I started with twitter but then I realised its basically if the dead internet theory was real and people I followed like shkika posted a lot more here, I didn't start posting anything until about a year after I made it
14. what's something you've always wanted to do but maybe been too scared to do?
Fuck man, a lot, live life I guess
25. fave season and why?
Easily spring because everything starts to flower and critters run around again and its warm
31. are you messy or organised?
Messy im not organised at all
33. any hobbies?
Other than video games and drawing probably gardening and fishing, I also used to collect old military equipment believe it or not but it just got too expensive, especially gas masks because of covid which I collected because I find them interesting, a gp5 (the most mass produced civilian gas mask in the world by far) is like 60 bucks, fuck off I got mine for 5 that's ridiculous
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rwimages · 6 months
Fine Art Photography | Prints | Framed Pictures | Canvas | Metal | Acrylic | Wood | Large Wall Decor Art | All Photos © Robert Wojtowicz Photography | RW IMAGES | http://www.rwimages.com
Image of the Day: HAPPY SPRING!https://www.rwimages.com/-/galleries/fine-art-nature-photography/botanicals-stock-photos-prints/-/medias/c6092eec-eab8-11e3-a4bf-329e81129ea7-iceland-poppy-meadow-field-spring-flowers-papaver-nudicaule 
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glamourzombie · 3 years
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We are one month into spring, which means I have already consolidated my workhorses for the season. This was a difficult choice, as spring makes me want to take out all the decks. However, in order to keep work deep, I restrict these lists to 10 tarot decks and 5 oracle decks. Listed in alphabetical order, they are:
Tarot decks:
Chronic Tarot: OOP (sorry) Thoth-based deck with a focus on geometry and colour, wonderful for a higher level of abstraction.
Cosmic Slumber Tarot: An explosion of gentleness with saturated, rich, flowy artwork. Dream-like, but it speaks precisely and concretely.
Crystal Unicorn Tarot: Pastel hues, unicorns and crystals meet in this deck for a mellow, comforting
Delos Tarot: OOP (sorry again). A cartoon-styled clone of the RWS which knows its shadows as well as it does its colours and lights.
FateShifters Tarot: A multi-artist, 115 card rendition (w/ expansions) of the RWS with an additional focus on astrology
Floriography Tarot: This collage deck mixes the author’s Cuban heritage with the language of flowers and patterns. A nostalgic discovery, perfect for the blooming season.
Heart of Stars Tarot: Films and series meet tarot in these galaxy-layered cards with carefully chosen symbols and characters.
Luna Sol Tarot: Soft artwork and pastel hues offer a gentle but energizing vibe that doesn’t sacrifice depth or symbolism in its quest for openness.
Naked Heart Tarot: Animal-centered deck that uses white space brilliantly. It is balanced and powerful and approaches courts in a very clever way.
Vintage Erotic Tarot: Expressive deck focused on erotic vintage but with a modern feeling collage technique.
Oracle decks:
Art of Kundalini Oracle: A vibrant deck focused on the Divine Feminine, that feels assertive,like a mentor. Its rich, colourful artwork is enchanting.
Connected & Free Oracle: Attractive watercolour artwork with white-space play that works for every moment and situation. Highly intuitive, one of my fav oracles.
Oracle of the Essences: Vibrant multi-artist deck with essential oils as a theme. Great for learning, meditating and affirmations.
Sacred Rebels Oracle: A deck for growth, filled with warmth and the welcoming energy of nature. Incredibly rich and layered.
Soul Landscapes Oracle: It is bright, pretty and joyful. Its whimsical energy is really comforting, and the mix of colours with the white space is very refreshing.
Which are your decks for this season? If you haven’t already, check out the #tops tag to read the picks for previous seasons, as well as my top underrated decks (tarot and oracle)!
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sugar-kisser · 5 years
You’re My Reason « Kang Yeosang (RW)
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original warnings: none word count: 3210
You pull out your keycard to let you into the gated dorm community, and the gate automatically shuts behind you. You head towards your dormitory, the moon well into the sky. You pull out your phone to check the time- 11:23PM. It’s ridiculous that you’re getting back from a class this late, but can you blame astronomy? I mean you could of gone and taken geology or chemistry, but you fascination with the stars got the better hold of you when signing up for the spring semester classes a few months ago. Lucky for you this is the last time you’ll be arriving home so late since summer break is 2 weeks away. You just have to finish classes this week, take finals next week, and you’re home free for three months.
You walk into one of the nine dormitory buildings, smile at the two other students at the front desk before rounding the corner, and walk up three flights of stairs to get to the level your dorm room is on. You pass by the art studio but walk back to the door when you notice the lights inside are still on. You look through the windowed door to find five canvas’s surrounding a brown haired boy who is working away at each canvas at the same time. You break into a warm smile recognizing the artist painting the night away.
You open the door, lightly knocking on it twice getting the boy’s attention. He also instantly greets you with a warm smile.
“Yeosang, it’s late,” you laugh opening the door wider for you to stand in the doorway.
“I know,” Yeosang awkwardly laughs probably realizing how late it actually is since you’re back from your astronomy class, “but I need to finish this for the presentation tomorrow.”
“You still haven’t finished the final?” You gasp, eyes widening. Yeosang is one of the last students to ever do any of his work last minute, especially his art work. “We’ve had all semester to think and work on them.”
“I know,” Yeosang scratches the back of his head, “I had so many ideas but none of them felt good enough. But this is going to be it. I only really thought of the idea a few hours ago,” Yeosang sighs, “I’ll most likely be up all night doing it at this rate.”
“I’ve got faith in you,” you encourage him, “everything you do turns out good. Just don’t push yourself over the edge. You still also have until one in the afternoon to finish it as well.”
“It’s sweet that you care for me, Y/N,” Yeosang slightly blushes looking down at the floor, “I only hope you’re taking care of yourself as well.”
“I’m trying,” you answer him as you slightly nod your head, “I’ll leave you be now. Don’t stay up too late.”
“I’ll try not to,” Yeosang laughs looking back up at you one last time before you walk fully out of the room and the close closes behind you. You walk down the rest of the hallway to your dorm room and twist your key in the lock and push open the door. All the lights off indicates you’re roommate isn’t here and you quickly assume she’s spending the night at her boyfriends. You flip on a light and find a pink sticky note on the back of the door telling you exactly your thoughts. You toss your bag next to your desk and then change into a hoodie and sweats knowing you were going to turn down the temperature of your room as soon as you are ready to go to bed. You lose yourself in thought as you begin making yourself tea.
You met Yeosang at the beginning of the semester when you accidentally spilt paint all over his clothes when you bumped into him. The poor quiet boy was so embarrassed, and you felt so bad that you took his paint and quickly threw it on your clothes. He was then just petrified that you would go and embarrass yourself with him. But the two of you ended up laughing at how stupid you both looked. That’s how the two of you initially bonded, and then you began working at a station next to his in class and befriended him. Yeosang is extremely quiet which shocks everyone because you’re a loud happy person who can mingle with just about anyone. You found an anchor with Yeosang to keep you grounded, and to Yeosang you were a bright color of life brought into his greyscale. Polar opposites but you guys attract better than most, and the two of you trusted each other more than others you’ve known longer.
You look down at the two cups of tea you absentmindedly made since you and your roommate usual drink it before bed. You can’t find it in yourself to drink two mugs, but a lightbulb quickly pops into your head. You leave your mug on your desk and leave your room. You head back towards the art studio and knock on the door before entering.
“I thought you were going to bed?” Yeosang asks rather surprised to see you walking into the studio.
“I, uh, accidentally made two teas. My roommate is also not here. So I thought I’d bring it to you,” you explain holding out the mug for him to take. He accepts the mug and sets it on a stool next him after taking a small sip.
“It’s really good,” Yeosang compliments.
“Thank you,” you smiles brightly before standing on the tips of your toes to see over the large canvas’s, “so what are you painting?”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Yeosang taps your nose twice, “no spoilers. You have to be surprised tomorrow.”
“But you always show me your work,” You pout out your bottom lip hoping it would give him to cave in as it does on most things.
“Nope,” Yeosang smiles and shakes his head, “you have to wait.”
“Who knew you could be so cold?” You sarcastically and dramatically retort as you cast a hand over your heart.
“You haven’t even shown me your project!” Yeosang counters as he laughs at your dramatic scene play.
“Touché,” you smirk pointing at the boy only causing the two of you to break out into laugher, “well I’m off to bed. It’s been a long day. Don’t stay up too late.. Night Yeosang.” You brush your hair back before making your way to the door. You turn a wave one last time at the boy.
“Good night Y/N,” Yeosang waves back at you, smiling at he returns back to his paintings. You look away from him and exit the room, pulling the door to close behind you. You head back to your room and enter. You close your door and lock it. You move over to your desk and look over the five colors of tissue paper before picking up the yellow one. You carefully cut small pieces of the yellow thin paper and fold them all and glue pieces to other pieces to make a flower. You grab a green metal wire and wrap it around the bottom of the flower before going over to your master piece and adding it in. You smile at the almost complete project; you only have to add one more thing to it but you have to do it tomorrow. You eventually turn off you small ceiling light and curl up under your covers. You fall asleep quickly with only one thing on your mind- what could Yeosang be painting?
Yeosang wipes his forehead with the back of his head as he looks over the five different canvas’s. Each one covered with sloppy paint coats, strokes, and blotches,  but that’s his intention. Usually Yeosang likes to have organization and perfection to each of his paintings, pristine and clean pictures… but something prompted him to go outside his comfort zone. Through the mess of colors and random brush strokes and blotches, you can make out a face, and when you put the five canvas’s together they create a certain someone’s face.
Yeosang smiles in triumph. He picks up his smallest tipped brush, dipping it into a gold paint and signs his name in the corner of each canvas to claim his work. He picks up his phone and the home screen lights up- 6:49AM.
“Oh, Y/N’s going to be mad if she hears about this,” Yeosang slightly chuckles. He begins to clean up his mess he’s made while waiting for his canvas’s to finish drying. 
“It’s now or never,” Yeosang mumbles as he runs the paintbrushes under the water in the sink.
“Y/N! You’re up,” your professor calls you name. You pop your head up and look over at him. Had everyone already gone? You had asked to go later because Yeosang still hasn’t shown up to class and you wanted to wait for him to be here to present. You sigh and stand up. You pull a semi-large sculpture from the side of the room to the center front.
Two large lungs made from wire to look like a cages are almost the same height as you. You wanted to make it dramatic and swallowing in comparison next to you. In each of the lung pieces you have different colored and sized flowers that go from top to bottom. The lungs looked like their fully and ready to burst, they look suffocating. Just like how you are feeling all of a sudden.
“So what do we have here? Why did you chose this?” You professor looks up from his papers at you.
“Well, my project represen-“ You stop mid of you sentence when the door opens revealing a tired and stressed Yeosang hurrying in with five canvas’s under his arms.
“Mr. Kang, you are late and rudely interrupting Ms. Y/L/N,” you professor scolds. Yeosang quickly and quietly apologizes. You smile as he finally takes his seat next to yours and looks up at your project. He breaks into awe, impressed with your project. He only hopes he isn’t too late. His alarm hadn’t gone off when he needed to wake up for the class.
“I decided to base my project off of how I was doing this school year. Each flower represents a day. The left lung represents the first semester while the right lung represents this semester. Each color has a meaning. The blue represents worry, the red represents anxiety, the yellow represents over thinking, the orange represents stress, and the purple represents depression. Each day I decided how I was feeling the most and made the prettiest flower I could and placed it in the lung. The size represents how much it consumed my day. So the larger the flower, the more time I dealt with said thing,” you explain.
“So I notice that in the left lung there is a lot of large purple flowers, but in the second lung there are only very few little purple ones” you professor points out.
“That’s because I’ve found something that makes me happy,” you tell him, “it’s not easy to overcome depression. I still have it, but it’s not as overpowering as other things I deal with.” Your professor nods his head and jots down a few notes on to your grading rubric.
“One last question,” he starts, “did you add a flower today?” 
“I actually did,” you tell him, “this one is a little hidden, plus it’s really small.” You reach into the wires and pull out a small pure white flower.
“You didn’t mention what white represents,” you professor comments.
“I don’t need to,” you tell him, “everyone knows that white either represents hope or freedom… today it represents both.”
“Thank you Ms. Y/L/N,” you professor nods his head while jotting down his last couple notes, “you may sit down. Mr. Kang, you’re up.” You push your sculpture that hangs off a thin bar pole thats on a rolling platform off to the side where you originally brought it from. You and Yeosang essentially trade seats and he sets up his canvas’s carefully, hiding the overall piece from the class and professor. 
Yeosang looks over it once again to make sure it’s perfect before taking a deep breath. He carefully turns around the canvas’s all together on the stand they are on and your eye’s widen in shock. Through the mess of the painting is suppose to be, which surprises you more, you can easily make out your features. Yeosang painted you. You lean on the tall table in front of you and cover your mouth with your hand to hide you giant smile, but your rosy cheeks give you away.
“Why did you chose to do this as your project?” You professor asks, ready to jot down notes and grade Yeosang’s explanation.
“Well,” Yeosang starts before taking a deep breath. He looks over at you, and although he can’t see your smile he can see your eyes crinkled in the corners. “For the longest time I didn’t know what to paint. This is the first time, in a long time, that I’ve gotten an artist block. We are required to show our best work for this assignment, but I treat all of my assignments like that. I always want to present my best work.”
“So are you trying to tell me that this is equal to all your assignments?” The older man asks, eyes almost glaring over the rim of his glasses at Yeosang.
“No. I consider this one of my top pieces,” Yeosang answers directly, “I got my idea last minute, and I was a tad hesitant about it because I knew I would be stepping out of my comfort zone. I also would be doing something I haven’t done since I was a child… you know where you paint outside the lines, and it’s messy. But I took a leap of faith and decided to do it. I don’t always take a leap of faith. I’m scared that I’m not going to make it and slightly scared that I’ll be disappointed. Which has lead me to missing out on a bunch of things. But this semester that’s kind of changed. I’ve been doing things I wouldn’t normal go do, and I wanted to express that in my art.” 
“I’m glad you’ve decided to do something out of your comfort zone. It’s always good to explore everything you can as an artist to see things from new perspectives or even different angles,” you professor explains after jotting down his finally notes of Yeosang’s grading rubric, “with that, everyone’s grades will be updated and finalized tonight. I’m very impressed with everyone’s projects. Also thank you for having a great semester. I’ll hopefully see you guys around on campus if not in another class. You are dismissed.” Everyone immediately begins packing up their bags and grabbing their projects and heading out of the studio as quickly as they can, even the professor. You on the other hand take your time packing your bag and waiting for everyone to clear out so you can take your project back to your dorm without it potentially breaking. Yeosang also takes his time, knowing he’s in no big rush. 
“The painting was beautiful,” you tell Yeosang as you walk up to the front where he’s carefully laying each canvas on top of the other, “no one’s ever painted me before.”
“Thank you,” Yeosang quietly answers, his nerves suddenly building up. He’s still not ready to face you… to explain why he chose to paint you.
“Am I not something you’d normally do? The things I drag you to? Did you really not want to go to them?” You ask as you recall back on his explanation of his piece. Yeosang looks up at you in shock.
“Going out and being social and going new places and just doing things in general is something I don’t normally do,” Yeosang starts, “at first I didn’t want to go out. I wanted to stay in my dorm or in the art studio and just paint or sketch.” Yeosang takes a couple steps towards you and grabs both your hands with his. “But I look forward to everyday when you come tracking me down to go somewhere. I love spending time with you, whether it’s after class or a three am adventure. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
“Really?” You ask, your voice low because of the built up of tears in your eyes and a small smile on your lips.
“I mean every word,” Yeosang answers as he takes one of his hands away from yours and pats your head, his hand slowly falling till it rests on the side of you face and you slightly lean into his touch.
“Yeosang,” you call quietly, “you know you’re the reason the purple flowers went away, right?” Yeosang peers down at you as he listens and he gently smiles hearing your confession. He moves his hand and cups your cheek, moving your hair aside. He quickly leans in and leaves a light kiss on your lips. Yeosang pulls away and breaks out into a cheesy little smile which causes you to do the same.
“How about I take you for an adventure?” Yeosang asks.
“Is it to our favorite coffee shop we head to every week after this class?” You ask, already knowing his answer.
“Wow, so smart,” Yeosang laughs, “but I promise when finals are over I’ll take you out.”
“Sounds perfect,” you smile. Yeosang grabs his bag as well as his five painting and you grab your sculpture and rolling it out of the room as Yeosang holds the door open.
“We should probably take these back to our dorms first,” Yeosang states as you finally get out of the classroom with your project.
“Sounds even better,” you laugh as you begin to push your project through the hallway, Yeosang directly by your side. The two of you manage to get to your dorms to drop off your project, but not without avoiding your roommate who gushes over the fact you two have finally realized your feelings and that she was soooooo tired of the two of you being oblivious to it. Yeosang takes your hand as the two of you walk back out into campus and head towards your favorite coffee shop which thankfully today isn’t completely full and the two of you plan to grab a table after ordering your drinks. The two of you wait quietly in line as you both figure out what you plan to order, but out of the blue Yeosang, who is still holding your hand, pulls it to his lips and kisses your knuckles. The action causes you to blush faintly but it doesn’t go unnoticed by Yeosang who lightly chuckles and teases you about it. But that doesn’t stop you from throwing him off guard and planting a small kiss to his cheek as he leans down just close enough for you to do it. It completely shuts him up and he blushes as well. You smile in triumph and feel that small little white flower from earlier bloom even bigger.
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sparkdoesart · 4 months
i need to see more of your riv monk spears ship it's so yummy
:DDDDD I will certainly take that request!
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My sillies!!!!! ^^^^^^^
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Also my sillies^^
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And once again, my sillies!!!!!!!!!^^^^^
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sarka-stically · 6 years
Rules: Repost and answer the 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by: @talistheintrovert , who is ultimate badass (like really, child autor? thats so cool)
NICKNAMES: I never had a nickname. Always wanted one, but never had one. I guess my name doesn’t work well for nicknames.
HEIGHT: 160 cm (5 ft 2,5 inch for Americans I guess)
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, probably
FAVOURITE FRUIT: Pomegranate, pineapple and nectarine for consistence and orange for taste (but I hate the consistence)
FAVOURITE SEASON: Spring or autumn… can’t choose.
FAVOURITE FLOWERS: any wildflower, or lilac, I ADORE lilac (but does lilac count as flower?)
FAVOURITE SCENT: that way clothes washed by my mum smell. They smell the best. Or lilac 
FAVOURITE COLOUR: I don’t really know. I change my favourite colour too often. Mostly any pastel colour.
FAVOURITE ANIMALS: Pigeons. They are natural survivors and are severely underrated. Or frogs or sheep. But in the end I love most animals so…
COFFEE, TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea… and then hot chocolate. I don’t really like coffee too much.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6… but I am never rested. So 8 if it’s one of good days but usually I count to have minimal amount of sleep necessary for survival because I never want to go to sleep and end up with 6.
CAT OR DOG PERSON: Dog, but I love cats too.
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: There are way too many of those. For example (those I can think of rn): Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), Murphy and Raven (The 100), Jessica Davis (13rw), Max Caulfield (Life is Strange), Batman, Josh Washington (Until Dawn), Johnny (Killjoys), Teresa Mendoza (Queen of South), Chloe (Detroit Become Human), Doctor Who, Nikolai Lantsov (Grisha Chronicles) and so much more…
DREAM TRIP: Road trip in England – from south to Scotland, because I what to see it all. Plus Amsterdam because I always wanted to go there.
BLOG CREATED: I have no idea. Like 5 years ago maybe? I started actually blogging like year and half ago maybe? Before that I was just scrolling and liking.
# OF FOLLOWERS: 296, and I don’t know how it’s possible, because I just shitpost and reblog all the time. I love you so much guys.
RANDOM FACT: I am 21 years old but my look-like age is like 14. And my mental age is probably somewhere in there too.
I gotta leave rn, but im tagging: @madigriffen, @tanclybowen, @13-rw-trash29, @terezzhale, @geckosblake, @easilydistractedbyfanfic, @arkadiaschancellor, @presidentmeachum, @failing-at-being-an-angel, @jamesricosuavevaldez, @hotarurea, @bellarke-stydia-olicity, @gilbert-blythe-ruined-my-life, @sammygiddings, @mem-no, @livinladolcevita, @eizas, @filled-with-thirium, @middlesaturn
If you did it you deffinitely dont have to do it again. Same if you dont feel like it
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something remaining than the individuality of distort and is enthralling in its cut blue quinceanera dresses&#*@)rw
During the different ceremonies that expect an dandified finery, much as the eventide, masquerade spring wedding dresses, jamboree and more others, it is not uncommon to see women dressed in single-color dresses. A creation rig, though it has a corrupting cut according to the example, it is the assemblage custom of some ladies and therefore does not always support the state of originality and aesthetics wanted in the maidenly attire. To bonk a single aspect, it is therefore basic to prefer an gear that offers something remaining than the individuality of distort and is enthralling in its cut blue quinceanera dresses. The two-tone garment is indeed the one that responds favourably to these expectations because it impresses opening with the combining of colors it presents, and depending on the exhibit troubled, the construction can be appealing for an engaging face. The timbre jam groom is worthy for any identify of stylish holiday and brings backward beauty and originality curst in the meantime, in the finery of any japanese who wears it. The mixing of spectacles is e'er finished according to sensuous possibilities so that the interpretation is pleasing. This prepare is gradual to grow, whether in a somatic outlet or online fund. For this purport, we show you to stay our construction to prefer the kind inability coiffure that give work you resistless. Several models are proposed and the minimal we can say is that they are of an unbelievable exemplar. To springiness you an overview, we module utter two of them.
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Archetypical of all, the pleated rose sound old low cocktail formal with vivid taffeta. This gear arouses esteem with its different hue that gives it an electric texture. It is pleated on the upper binge, decorated flowers on the lap of the gown. It has a suspicion neckline, without sleeves and the waist is ornamented with rhinestones . The formal was prefabricated with taffeta, which makes it rattling splendid. The secondment is the sesquipedalian formal change in ignominious and amobarbital oppositeness. Simple and easygoing, this clothe with its foppish. But initial, it stands out with qiorpejfjlgspgo1202 its backup hue, branched between someone on the bustier and cheerless on the lap short tight homecoming dresses. It has a pretty neckline in the nerve at the trickster for a horny see. It is also snug because it is prefab of tulle and has a fix at the hindmost. Relate Articles: There are numerous low-cost a wedding dress who have ... When you determine to buy regarding Bridal ... - WordPress.com Such tulle bottom wedding dress dresses make realize both ... it is necessary specifically if you are going to a formal affair in ... Beautiful plus size prom dresses and wedding dresses for ...
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croneboulder · 5 years
I'd love a tarot reading if you can- using the voyager tarot if you please! No specific question, just whatever I really need to hear right now would be awesome
So hopefully you’re checkin back in sometime, anon, otherwise I’m shouting this one into the void.
I’ll admit, dear querent, that I’m a LOT more familiar with RWS-based decks than I am with Thoth-based, and largely bought that one based on the aesthetics so this will. be interesting to say the least.
I’m doing a reading I designed- its one card of each suit and one major arcana, and what each domain has to say to you.
Just FYI Crystals are Swords, Worlds are Disks/Pentacles.
EDIT: I’m sorry if this reading is hella unclear, I struggled A BUNCH with this reading. Hopefully you get something out of it anyway???
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The Major Arcana: Hierophant
So this card speaks a lot about wisdom and inner peace- lots of Buddha up in here. Knowledge and experience in the form of the Elephant, looking at the past with new eyes in the form of a child and a blooming flower. What is actually jumping out at me is wayyy in the background: looks like the Grand Canyon back there, or something with a similarly loooong history. Look wayyyy back, into history beyond your personal history, for answers for whatever is happening to you right now- maybe ask for advice from someone elderly in your life. With so many earth elements in it, maybe think about things related to that as well- a long walk in nature to think hard and come to peace with something. If you know what grounding (where energy work is concerned) is, do that at the same time.
Wands: Seven of Wands
The main figure in the foreground has a spear/sword in hand, and looks like its on the defensive (and honestly, I’m using my RWS guide occasionally during these readings too lol, and that fits as well!) There are other blades and a few dragons thrown in, looks like- symbols of power. Wands is saying stand your ground, take inner power and wield it against current issues. I’m hesitant to read into the totem poles as to avoid overstepping where I don’t actually know the imagery, so make of those what you will.
Crystals: Ace of Crystals
This one is… a little lacking in imagery, besides a diamond, some citrine, plain quartz, and pink tourmaline, none of which I understand off the top of my head. The diamond is central and beautifully cut, and the base word provided is ‘brilliance’- probably inner brilliance with shards going outward and reflecting that brilliance. Lots of pink crystals symbolize love as well, so let’s go with that for the pink tourmaline. Quartz is used for amplification of existing talents and energies. Let your inner self shine, project and amplify yourself to the world.
Cups: Six of Cups
You’ve poured yourself out, I’m getting from the overturned vase and spilling flowers. Overextended and empty, you are recovering from doing so. Find pleasure in something, turn the vase and refill it, spring back from a grief or overexertion. Elephants appear again, on this vase- take this grief/depressive episode and learn from it, expand your knowledge about yourself from your reactions.
Worlds: Four of Worlds
There’s a bunch of suprisingly MOVE YO ASS imageries coming from this card- Mars, god of war in the planet, the sun in the middle there, the new plant growth in the upper right, the ram/Aries in the bottom corner… lots of stuff that is sort of screaming ‘take action’! And Mars is sorta supporting the ‘stand your ground, have courage’ of the Seven of Wands as well. So move on from the adversity in the Seven of Wands and the sorrow of the Six of Cups and get moving onwards.
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rainadiron-blog · 8 years
not always
on the bus, i smile politely at a stranger
in conversations, i participate
if you’re lucky, i laugh too hard
in the spring meadow, i gather wild flowers
(i smile widely and i laugh too hard)
in the summer heat, i dance until it rains
but no, not always
because alone, in my room, every secret pain surfaces
i am inconsolable, solemn, cold, yearning for warmth
(i smile widely and i laugh too hard)
and my engine exhausts
and my wild flowers wither
and the rain forms floods around me
and now, i drown in the sky’s drops
(they fall down around me)
and like a stranger on a bus,
i am waiting for a stop
i am waiting for a light
knowing i am
not always
the one who smiles (the one smiling)
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