#rwby snow storm
bonez-yard · 2 years
Me, jokingly: Haha what if Blake/Nora/Weiss were called Snow Storm
Me: wAIT-
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Hey, can anyone help me find my post about RWBY Shoveling snow off the Sidewalks and groveling about it while JNPR sing Shelter from the Storm as they shovel?
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gutz3rfryer · 1 month
some ideas i have for my rewritten version of RWBY MAIDENS Maidens can only control environments and the weather. Also they can change their surroundings, from a high tech hallway to a red maple forest (like an illusion). (so no sword making or whatever just purely environmental) - team rwby becoming the Maidens a. Ruby becomes the Spring maiden (can control flora and wind) b. Weiss becomes the Winter maiden (can create snow storms and ice powers) c. Blake becomes the Fall maiden (tornados and clouds/rain) d. Yang becomes the Summer maiden (heatwaves and thunderstorms) Maidens can used their combined powers to make combos, Fall and Winter making it hail or Fall and Summer making a dessert storm. YANG Technically she shouldve graduated at this point, however she chooses not to, after finding out that Oz invited Ruby (15) to train at Beacon Academy, she managed to convince Oz to let her redo her senior year at the academy to support Ruby. JAUNE the Jaune we know will be put in the bully team from the 1st vol, my version would be more of an androgynous-femme presenting guy BLAKE & RUBY they can make their own little book club :) BLAKE & WEISS I think Blake would stand up for Weiss (and the other way around), especially if Jacques would come to visit Beacon, after finding out that Weiss went to Beacon instead of Atlas Academy. Before Jacques would be able to hit Weiss, Blake would step in and put him in hsi place. BEACON, HAVEN, SHADE & ATLAS ACADEMY DRESS CODE Most strict in dress (1 being most strict to 4 least strict about it/only cares about results) 1. Atlas (has to wear assigned uniform, miss a tie or want to wear pants instead of a skirt? get expelled scrub (also the most discriminatory school)) 2. Shade 3. Haven 4. Beacon (''male student wears a skirt? ok and?'') Beacon Academy ''Dress Code'' Honestly they dont care if you bribe a fashion student or get a tailor to make a longer skirt or flared pants, as long that it has the Beacon Academy Pattern™️ and ''wearing'' the tie, anything goes
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ADAM (vs YANG & BLAKE) Making him more obsessive and weird by wearing Blake's tail (which he cut of before she escaped) as a belt. Also making him more Bull than original, because to this day i still dont see what makes him a Faunus. Like the black colored horns are cute but those can be easily mistaken for colored hair. Fall of Beacon (Adam vs Yang & Blake Round 1) Same story but instead of Yang immediately being defeated after getting her arm cut off, she powers through and uses her firey semblance the stop the bleeding in her arm, while Blake keeps up the good fight. After the bleeding stops Yang steps back into the ring to give Adam a burn scar. After losing too much blood Yang caves in while tries to keep her on her feet. Adam also takes Yangs severed arm Comm Tower (Adam vs Yang & Blake Round 2) Adam teases Yang by throwing her severed arm at her, but shrugs it off and tells him he can keep it. QROW & RAVEN Instead of turning into normal looking Ravens/Crows, they turn into a Nevermore look alike. Originally a power given by Oz, now turned curse by Salem. Both Qrow and Raven now constantly have to fight for control with their Grimm halves. Qrow has partially given up, hence the drinking, so his hands look like bird claws and his body is covered in feathers. Raven keeps her distance to avoid hurting anyone. Unbeknownst to them Salem is using their eyes to spy on Oz. SALEM/White Fang im not sure of this idea but instead of the White Fang (which will be renamed to something else) being a equal rights group, they're followers of Salem, the False Goddess, who gives promises that by serving her, they can save their world/make their world better. And that the Grimm exist to ''get rid of the bad people/sinners'' However i think there is a sort of White Fang group but only in Atlas where the most hate crimes, slavery and discrimination happens. As SDC and other companies in Atlas use Faunus for entertainment (for example Bull fighting for Adam) or for slavery. Yes that would imply that Blake was once a follower of Salem's, but turned around after the train incident. TEAM STRQ this might be the worst idea but hear me out. Team STRQ was a polyamorous quad. (in this version Raven and Qrow are >NOT< related) After Summer's death (at assuming Salem's hand), there was a lot of trust issues after, considering neither Qrow nor Raven told Tai what actually happened, and they slowly drifted apart but they all stayed in touch or checked up on the kids and Tai, Qrow would visit more often, while Raven stayed away for their (R&Y) safety. Raven and Qrow keep butting heads cuz they blame eachother for Summer's death/not saving her, but deep down they still care for eachother. Both Ruby and Yang are their kids (its Remnant they can like make kids in a tube or something). Yang has Qrow's alcohol problems (they sometimes drink together) Ruby has or had Raven's selflessness well thats all the ideas i have, nothing solid, just seeing what sticks to the wall. Admittedly the STRQ one might be a bit out there, considering Qrow and Raven are well known as siblings, and yes its weird as fuck idea to have them being/or were together as a couple. But if you remove the context of them being siblings, and see them having arguments, they argue as if they're a divorced couple. Also Qrow is more of a dad than Tai, protecting the gang when they're going on a trip, when Ruby is 15-16 yrs old (in the actual show). And generally being there for the gang. Even before Vol 4 Tai didnt even visit once, but was able to send Zwei. Qrow stayed the whole time, hanging out with Ruby and Yang but i dont remember in vol 1-3 Ruby or Yang ever calling Tai, y'know their dad? But again these are all ideas, nothing solid, just me rambling about RWBY stuff, uh uhm.... are these good ideas? most likely not feedback and criticism is appreciated :) my team rwby redesign v
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redheartedtramp · 1 year
Waking Up In Team RWBY’s Room...
Scene: Yang just watched Ruby hop out of Weiss’ bed, the snow-hair following after.
Yang: Yeesh, Weiss, if you’re gonna kiss my sister all night, you could try to be a little less shameless about it.
Weiss: Wait, it’s not-
Yang: Ah, I’m just messing with ya. Should’ve warned you about her though. Ruby’s always been a cuddler. Sorry it was you and not me.
Weiss: *rolls her eyes* It’s fine. She wasn’t any noisier then that storm.
Blake: You’re telling me. I barely slept a wink.
Yang: Alright, who wants the shower first?
Blake: You can go first. I’m gonna take a quick jog around campus.
*Yang and Blake then leave the room*
Weiss: ...
Last Night~
Scene: It’s a loud thunderstorm. Weiss is shaking the entire bunkbed and clutching her pillow.
Ruby: Hey, Weiss, you awake?
Weiss: ...L-leave me alone, you dolt.
Ruby: Weiss, you’re shaking the entire bed.
Weiss: It’s just your imagin-
Weiss: *clutches her pillow tighter and whimpers*
Ruby: ...Are...are you scared of thunder?
Weiss: N-no...
Ruby: *raises eyebrow*
Weiss: ...A-a little...
Ruby: *bursts into petals and flies onto Weiss’ bed and appears under her covers*
Weiss: R- *tries to yell, but Ruby covers her mouth*
Ruby: Shhh. Don’t worry, Weiss, I’ll protect you.
Weiss: *muffled* I don’t need protect-
Weiss: *clutches Ruby tightly*
Ruby: ...
Weiss: ...Do not tell anyone about this.
Ruby: Don’t worry, I got you covered. 
Weiss: ...R-Ruby, I-
Ruby: Shhh, don’t worry, it’s our secret. *winks at Weiss* Just make sure if you need me to drag me out of bed, so nobody gets suspicious. 
Weiss: W-why...why let your reputation suffer for mine?
Ruby: For one thing, I don’t have nearly as much to lose. I don’t care if everyone on campus knows me as the super clingy cuddler-type. Cause I am. And if I see my teammate shaking in her bed and too afraid to reach out, I can’t just ignore them. So you can pretend to be super annoyed at me for it all you need to to keep up your image.
Weiss: Ruby Rose...you’re too good to me.
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nightmare-foundation · 5 months
Rwby world building headcanons bc I have nothing better to do
-Dust grows like a plant, but specifically a really resilient plant. You can pop it down anywhere and before you know it, you have a little dust garden. Of course, when harvesting Dust you have to leave a little behind so it grows back, kinda like mushrooms. This is why Vacuo doesn't have a ton of Dust anymore; Mantle and Mistral both mined Dust so thoroughly they didn't leave anything behind. There's efforts to replant Dust though, and Vacuo is slowly getting better.
-Dust is EVERYWHERE, and since it's quite literally everywhere, it has... interesting effects, depending exactly on where and how much. Floating islands aren't unusual at all, and are common tourist destinations. There's thick jungles caused by plant Dust, and the reason why Menagerie has such a wide desert is partly because of Burn Dust. Dust creates many, many mystical sights. Because of how much Dust there is on the continent where the Grimmlands are, the weather and terrain is very volatile.
-Animals utilize both aura and Dust, and are generally far more intense than our animals. Animals have to compete with not just each other, but also humans and Grimm. Another note is that dinosaurs do, in fact, exist on Remnant. Imagine coming across an Ankylosaurus that has earth Dust in its tail, or massive scorpions that use lightning Dust. Yeah, this is the kind of shit people regularly deal with.
-Everyone and everything on Remnant is connected by a pretty minor telepathic field. It's how Grimm can sense emotions.
-Everything on Remnant varies a lot in size, and everything is generally more intense than on earth. Animals can be absolutely massive, and storms are naturally more powerful on Remnant. The power of hurricanes are a bit more strong than ours, and are very devastating. Animals are essentially buffed too.
-Humans/Faunus are far, far more powerful on Remnant due to a mix of evolution and aura. The most average of Huntsmen can easily lift thousands of pounds, and can run as fast as a cheetah. They also have 2 hearts to deal with the added stress on the body, and more powerful lungs (I'm not a biology nerd, don't ask me how it works). Size varies a lot as well, so people can be as small as 3-4 feet tall, to even up to 8 feet tall. They're also naturally far more intelligent, given everyone went from 1700s to scifi in less than a century and regularly make complicated mechashift weapons as children. The senses are also naturally boosted (and faunus still have far better senses. Good luck sneaking away from them).
-Vale is tropical and is much like Florida in terms of climate. Yes, there's tons of little lizards all over the place. However, it's colder in the winter, so they do occasionally get snow.
-Humans are far more resistant to things like temperature and radiation. Because of this, despite the constant blazing heat in Vacuo and the freezing cold in Solitas, humans could somewhat easily live there. It's definitely still possible to freeze to death or get heatstroke, though.
-There's many Oasis' in Vacuo that are there because of naturally occurring plant and water dust.
-Beneath Vacuo is an extremely large maze-like cave system. In the past, over the years, it was used as a sort of catacombs. Now, people are forbidden from venturing inside themselves. If you go in, there's a very good chance you'll never come back out. This cave system causes many sinkholes all over the desert, and Grimm and animals use it to travel.
-Around where Atlas is located, Solitas has a massive frozen sheet of ice connected to the rest of the continent. Atlas is located where the beach would be if the ice wasn't there.
-The naturally occurring metals on Remnant are far more tough, and the man-made metals are as well. These metals are often used to make Huntsman weapons due to their durability, and to reinforce and even make buildings in dangerous places.
-Years are 6 months long, but the months are twice as long as ours, being roughly 8 weeks long. Years are about the same length, but are a bit longer (rather than 365 days, there's almost 400 days).
-Humans naturally live a bit longer, if you don't consider the Grimm. The oldest recorded person was 120 years old.
-There's 4 zodiacs people use. The Grimm zodiac, the Dust zodiac, the animal zodiac, and the fairytale zodiac. Most of them range from 12-16 signs, but the Dust zodiac only has 6. Specific kingdoms are more likely to use specific zodiacs, such as Atlas using the Grimm zodiac, or Vale using the fairytale zodiac. The Animal zodiac was created by Faunus, and is slowly becoming widespread amongst Faunus outside of Menagerie. The White Fang use the Grimm zodiac alongside the Animal zodiac.
-Mistral is the most rich in resources, and while it's not the kingdom that has the most Dust, it still has quite a lot. Atlas is home to the most Dust-rich continent. The 'dragon' land in Mistral rivals it in how much Dust there is.
-Humans can be naturally born with unusual colors, like purple or red eyes, bright white hair, etc.
-Vale and Mistral are home to the oldest mountain range on Remnant, not unlike Appalachia. Yes, there's many superstitions.
-Ghosts do actually exist on Remnant, but they're more of a leftover of aura. They're not totally sentient beings.
-Each kingdom has their own language. Atlesian is the closest to English, but Mistralian can be compared to Japanese (with some places having languages similar to Korean or Chinese). Vacuan is similar to Arabic, but there's people who speak languages that are similar to Afrikaans or Xhosa. Valian can be compared to Welsh or Irish Gaelic, and there's also places where languages differ, and some languages can be compared to German, which is also widespread in Vale.
-Remnant in general is kind of a death world where everything wants to kill you.
-Theres descendants of the old royals of the kingdoms that are still alive. The King of Vales family, the Regalia's, are a wealthy and well known family, and even are part of the Vale council. The same can be said for the Mistrali Emperors descendants, the Yings.
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maor-koren · 1 year
RWBY illusions (taken from RWBY wiki) - Team RWBY & Penny
Ruby Rose - Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)
Ruby wears a red, hooded cape, much like Little Red Riding Hood.
The "Red" Trailer, which introduces Ruby, features her walking through a forest and being attacked by a pack of Beowolves, which are wolf-like Grimm. Little Red Riding Hood traveled through a forest, followed by a wolf, which later ate her grandmother and attacked her.
Roman Torchwick's nickname for her is "Red".
During "Heroes and Monsters", Roman call her "Little Red".
She is referred to as "Little Red" again by Cinder Fall during "The Coming Storm".
Weiss Schnee - Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)
The literal translation of Weiss' name, from German to English, is "White Snow".
The song Mirror Mirror heavily references the evil queen's use of a magic mirror, with the lyrics "Mirror, tell me who's the loneliest of all" referencing the queen's line "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" This song first plays in the "White" Trailer, which serves as Weiss' introduction.
The pendant on the necklace Weiss wears with her original battle outfit is an apple, referencing the poisoned apple that Snow White takes a bite of.
Advertisements for Schnee Dust Company merchandise bear the slogan "The finest of them all", referencing the evil queen's phrase "who's the fairest of them all".
Blake Belladonna - Belle and The Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
Blake loves to read, much like Disney's version of Belle.
In the episode "The Shining Beacon, Pt.2", Blake is seen to own a candelabra, which references Lumière, the living candelabra from the Disney adaptation. According to Miles Luna, this was part of an attempt to surround her with lots of "Belle-related items".
Red Like Roses has the lyric "Black the Beast descends from shadows”.
Like The Beast, Blake has animal traits and is ostracized for them
Gambol Shroud's asymmetrical dual wield form is inspired by her duality of being both Belle and The Beast.
In BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Blake's two Distortion attacks are called Untouchable Beauty and Ferocious Beast.
Yang Xiao Long - Goldilocks (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
The "Yellow" Trailer, which serves as an introduction for Yang, takes place in Hei "Junior" Xiong's nightclub. During the course of the trailer, she knocks out a DJ who is wearing a bear mask and fights Junior. The literal translation for Junior's name, from Chinese to English, is Black Bear. That, added with his nickname, Junior, makes him the "baby bear" to her Goldilocks.
Yang's first fight in the series proper is against a pair of Ursai, bear-like Grimm, in the episode "The Emerald Forest". This again is another allusion to the three bears in the story of Goldilocks.
Yang places great value on her long, thick, golden-blonde locks of hair.
Her Volume 4 "DGAS" outfit has a patch on the left leg of her pants depicting three Ursa masks, thus referencing the three bears.
In "Welcome to Haven", there is a fuel station called "Just Rite". In the fairy tale, Goldilocks tries the bowls of porridge, chairs and beds successively, each time finding the third "just right". In the same episode, the Shady Man and Yang herself describe her body as being "not too bulky, not too lean" but "just right".
Later during RWBY Volume 5:Yang Character Short, Yang was again seen battling another Ursa Grimm.
Penny Polendina - Pinocchio (The Adventures of Pinocchio)
The name "Penny" is similar to "Pinocchio". Her last name, Polendina, comes from the derogatory nickname that Pinocchio's creator, Geppetto, was given, due to his yellow wig bearing resemblance to polenta in the original story.
She is a sentient robot. Pinocchio is a sentient wooden puppet.
In "A Minor Hiccup", Penny says "I'm not a real girl." This statement is similar to Pinocchio's statements of wanting to be "a real boy".
In the same episode, Penny hiccups whenever she tells a lie, just as Pinocchio's nose would grow in length whenever he told a lie.
She manipulates her swords through the use of very thin wires, similar to how a puppet is controlled with thin strings.
Penny receiving the power of the Winter Maiden from Fria is an allusion to her finally becoming a real girl due to the power only being able to bond with Aura, similar to Pinocchio becoming a real boy upon receiving the Blue Fairy's blue magic.
Multiple instances throughout Volumes 7 & 8, Penny is referred to as a "toy" or "magical puppet".
Ambrosius making Penny a human body is another reference to Pinocchio becoming a real boy.
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asha-mage · 8 months
The Warrior in the Woods [RWBY]
[Send me in an Ask with one my WIP titles from this post, and I'll post a snippet of it and tell you a bit about it!]
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Listen. Listen. It's ON THE LIST okay. I just have to work more on my posted WIPs first. Also probably need to rewatch RWBY at some point.
This is my 'Jaune and Adam are stranded together in the frozen tundras of northern Anima circa v5 au and have to work together to survive, causing Jaune to learn Adam's messy history and get a new perspective on him, and forcing Adam to question a lot of his assumptions about the cruelty of the world now that he has his lowest point and finally encountering someone who seems to just be good in a uncomplicated straightforward way, but is a human which runs so hard against Adam's lived experience that he doesn't know how to deal with it' au
(I wonder sometimes if my inability to sum up my ideas in a succulent fashion is why so many of my works use references and song lyrics as working titles)
Jaune stood there, staring at Adam who lay on the ground, motionless. The snow had not stopped falling, if anything the storm was growing more intense as the moments passed and Adam’s body started to collect a light dusting of snow, his gray clothing quickly covered in a layer of faint sparkling white. Jaune could faintly hear the strident cries of the huge Strix, likely still circling up there somewhere overhead. And the huge Cereian would be  back for revenge as well, soon enough. Jaune’s best chance was to find shelter in the castle and wait them both out, while his Aura recovered. But if he had to drag an unconscious Adam on his shoulders while he did that, his chances of making it through the next few hours would go down sharply. But Adam’s chances of surviving if Jaune left him here, were nothing. You don’t owe him anything. He only worked with you to save his own skin, then only with his teeth clenched the whole time. Jaune told himself. He tried to kill you. He dropped you to your death. He ambushed you while you were fighting Grimm. He helped Salem at Beacon and Haven, and has probably killed dozens, maybe hundreds of innocent people. He hurt Blake. He hurt Yang. He wants to hurt everyone. No one is here to judge you, and if they were they wouldn’t. He’s a monster. But you are a Huntsmen. A voice that sounded a lot like Pyrrha’s whispered in the back of his mind. And Huntsmen do not leave people to die. Jaune exhaled and forced his feet to walk forward. He leaned over to dust off some of the snow from Adam’s body, and gave a start as he realized the blindfold had fallen the rest of the way off, exposing his left eye. The pale skin around it was twisted and gnarled red as if it had been burned, the darkest pieces raised into rough ridges that spelled something out. SDC. Schnee Dust Company. Jaune felt his skin prickle, his stomach lurching in horror at the sight. So this was why he had worn the Grimm Mask, and then the blindfold. Before Jaune could stop himself he had reached out to thumb open the eye, and instead of icy blue a pale milky white iris and pupil stared back at him, filmed over the way a corpse’s eye was filmed over, the whites so blood shot they seemed red. Jaune pulled back his hand as if burned and felt the urge to shiver for reasons that had nothing to do with the cold. He steeled himself, and gently as he could manage, rewrapped the blindfold around Adam’s eyes. He had chosen not to show this to the world, and Jaune felt the need to respect that. Then he lifted the other man into his arms, feeling a stab of surprise at how light he was, and set out to look for a place they could shelter, before the cold and the Grimm killed them both.
I've always had this weird soft spot for Adam/Jaune, because I genuinely think their dynamic could be fascinating and challenging to both characters, and also I am huge sucker for dark knight x paladin style relationships (Someone whose power is draw from anger and rage at a unjust cruel world, who can believe in their strength to see them safe, and a person whose power is drawn from an ideal, tirelessly working to create a world where their isn't suffering and pain and refusing to let either thing burn them down- delicious). I defiantly want to return to this work and flesh it out properly. Probably will once Vol 10 finally drops and I descend back into RWBY hell.
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aleafinacup · 9 months
Hello!! Long time no post 😭 but I’m here again to drop off some bees for the new year!
Title: Snow Banks and Sleeping Bags
Summary: When the weather takes a turn for the worst during a mission, Yang and Blake find themselves seeking shelter in a cave, trying their best to sleep through the storm. However, Blake hates the cold, and Yang is more than willing to warm her up.
Things escalate.
Word Count: 6,386
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electronicyarn · 9 months
A Different Shade of RWBY: Volume 2 - Chapter 23
RWBY - Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee
Read From the Beginning
What if happily ever after was just the start of something greater? What if fate was waiting right around the corner? Nearly a year after circumstances brought Yang, Blake, Weiss, and Ruby together, sinister forces will seek to tear them apart.
Read on AO3 | Read on FF.net
An endless and pristine field of white lay before Ruby. She was trudging through snowdrifts that came up above her knees, following a tiny blip on the scroll in her hand as she desperately searched for Yang. At least the storm had finally passed, leaving a beautiful sky of pure blue in its wake.
The flight back to Atlas from Creek Basin Mine had been agonizing for Ruby knowing that her sister was in danger. She’d wanted to turn the airship around and go looking for Yang immediately, but Weiss had convinced her that they couldn’t do that. It had been more important to get all the evacuated mine workers to safety. However, Weiss hadn’t been idle during the trip home. She’d arranged for a smaller, faster airship to be waiting for her and Ruby. And the moment they’d landed in Atlas, they’d left May behind to oversee getting all the workers off the airship in an orderly manner and had gone racing back again to the north in search of Yang.
Between the flights both from and back to Creek Basin Mine, it was actually the morning on the day after the evacuation, but in some ways Ruby supposed it was better that they’d arrived now. It would’ve been nearly impossible to search for Yang in the dead of night.
Ruby paused as she reoriented herself in the direction her scroll was indicating. Now that she was no longer moving, her knees began to tremble. She was wearing a pair of winter leggings which, while warm, hadn’t been designed with wading through deep snow in mind. They had quickly gotten soaking wet, and now the soggy garment was clinging to Ruby’s skin. Ruby could barely feel her feet much less her toes anymore, but she didn’t have time to worry about that. She had to find Yang. The signal she was receiving was strong, so Yang must have been nearby. But all Ruby could see around her was snow and a wall of towering cliffs ahead.
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darkmoonravewolf · 1 year
Thinking about a wizard101 and rwby crossover more so just them playing the game rather than being in the world
Ruby is the most confusing to me. I feel like her style doesn't really got anything. I'm a bit tempted to say Life because in the beginning she wants to be opposite of the dark but as the game goes on she just ends up liking the aesthetic of a dark healer. Her pet is absolutely a cool corgi tho
Weiss I can see as myth. I know ice is literally right there but I think the whole summoning minions thing works really well for her. Or balance! Cause of her glyphs! She's a myth wizard with a lot of balance cards! She can have a snow beast or an ice bird as a pet tho
Blake is it cheating to say death? Not cause of the colors but because how she used to be riding solo until she joined team rwby. And now that she's part of a team she works really well with them and provides buffs. She has a winged catastrophe as her pet.
Yang is either fire or storm. I'm heading more towards storm tho. I can imagine her planning to hit, boasting and then all the team laughing when she fizzles. She has a party corgi to match with Ruby
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Snafu (RWBY AU)
“For too long have we mammals suffered under the tyranny of the dinosaurs!” The small rat-like creature shook his fist in the air. “For countless aeons they have used their size and their magic to dominate the world! But no more! At long last, we mammals have unlocked our own magic! And what we lack in size, we more than make up for in numbers... and the ability to survive cold winters!”
The throng of mammals cheered. Banners proclaiming death to dinosaurs and and end to the reptilian hegemony were waved around.
“For years, we have worked in secret, working a great and terrible magic! Now, at long last, all of our efforts shall come to fruition! Tomorrow the Long Winter begins... and the Age of Dinosaurs ends!”
“Death to the dinosaurs!” the crowd cheered. “Kill the reptiles!”
X     X     X
Weiss, also known as Bureaucracy, glanced up as a familiar dog arrived in her office. Zwei hopped up onto her desk and promptly rolled over. The implication was obvious. He wanted a belly rub.
“You really are shameless, aren't you?” Bureaucracy drawled as she reached over to scratch Zwei’s belly. “But why are you here?”
Zwei rolled back onto his feet and barked. A scroll appeared, and he caught it in his mouth before giving it to Bureaucracy.
Bureaucracy unrolled the scroll. Her eyes widened. “What...?” Getting to her feet, she rushed out of her office and into the broad, open space of her realm. The countless lesser gods and spirits that served her snapped to attention.
“Most Exalted Goddess,” one of them intoned solemnly. “How may we serve you?”
“What’s going on with the dinosaurs?” Bureaucracy growled. “I distinctly remember assigning several gods to watch over them.”
“Uh...” The lesser god’s face contorted. “The gods you assigned, uh, went on coffee break a few minutes ago.”
Bureaucracy’s eyes narrowed ominously. “Is that so? Pull up a view of the mortal realm and tell me what you see.”
The lesser god did... and he almost fainted when he saw what was happening.
The entire surface of the planet was covered in a thick layer of cloud. Ice and snow filled the air, and what had been a pleasant spring had been plunged into a winter deeper and more terrible than any the mortal world had ever seen. All over the world, the dinosaurs were in full retreat as hordes of angry mammals stormed their towns and cities.
The bitter cold made it difficult for the dinosaurs to even function, and the sheer number of mammals allowed them to bring the dinosaurs down beneath barrage after barrage of spell craft. Sure, the average dinosaur wizard was ten or twenty times stronger than the average mammal wizard... but the mammal wizards outnumbered them a hundred to one and were far better suited to the cold.
Already, dinosaur numbers had dropped by twenty percent, and that number was climbing.
“Oh.” The lesser god gulped. “I... I’ll call them back.”
“No need.” Bureaucracy rolled up her sleeves. “I’m going to the break room to pay them a visit.” She glanced down at Zwei. “Zwei, tell Ruby to hold on. The unexpected increase in dinosaur souls needing to be collected should be stopping shortly.”
Zwei gave her a cheerful bark, and then Bureaucracy vanished. However, if Zwei listened very carefully, he could actually hear panicked wailing and screaming as Bureaucracy reappeared in the break room with murder on her mind. Oh well. Gods weren’t like mortals. As long as Bureaucracy didn’t send them straight to Oblivion, the souls of gods could simply be pulled out of Death’s realm. Of course, that was assuming Death was inclined to let them go, and he had a feeling Bureaucracy would be lobbying his mistress to let them stay down there and suffer for a while. He hoped they died with cookies because bribing Death with cookies was probably the only way they’d get out of her realm.
X     X     X
The Winter War between dinosaurs and mammals would be one of the shortest but bloodiest wars in mortal history. It came to an end when Bureaucracy herself ordered both sides to stop fighting. The war would eventually end up in Divine Court where the mammals would argue that the Age of Dinosaurs had come to an end and that the Age of Mammals should begin.
The case itself was still in debate when a bunch of dinosaurs wizards attempted to bind the goddess Nora to their will. Their attempt would fail, and Nora would retaliate by hitting the capital city of the dinosaurs with an extinction-level asteroid.
The mammals would subsequently win the case, on account of all of the dinosaurs being dead.
It was later found that the dinosaur wizards were influenced by the Fallen Goddess, Salem. Apparently, she found the whole extinction thing hilarious. Needless to say, Salem was not invited to the next Divine Conclave, nor did she receive any cookies from Death during Death’s next cookie bonanza.
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curewhimsy · 1 year
UTAU/crossover RWBY AU bios so far
I'm only on volume 3. STORY ROLES COMING SOON
Haku Yowane Theme color: Snow Haku is a sincere and gentle girl from the small territory of Verdant who wanted to be a huntress because she was insecure and bullied in the past, often due for being albino and having white hair in a kingdom filled with green-haired people known for the most beautiful hair in Remnant. Haku has extremely low self-esteem. She wanted to become strong to prove her strength to herself. Haku’s weapon is named Wanderess. Her semblance, called Spiral of Ice, has to do with ice and misfortune. Her powers grow with intense emotion, but become easier to control with confidence. She unlocked her semblance when standing up to bullies for the first time. Haku is Dell’s half-sister. Dell is a faunus. Haku isn’t a faunus because those genes came from Dell’s mother, Teru Honne. Haku’s mother is Murasaki Yowane. Her and Dell’s father is Gin Honne, a corrupt villain of a man. Haku grew up living with her mother, with her father and Dell nowhere in sight. Haku’s cousin on her mother’s side is Miku Hatsune. Haku’s battle partner is Neru Akita. They get along because they’re both misunderstood, and try to rise up together.
Neru Akita Theme color: Ochre Neru is a misunderstood girl with a temper. She has a similar reason of becoming a huntress as Haku, but is less likely to admit it. Neru is very stubborn. Her weapon is called Lightningrod. Her semblance is that her emotions manifest as physical powers. It’s called Storm. Neru is often ostracized for her anger, and people mistaken her for a bully or violent. In reality, Neru never attacks first, or without a reason. She fights to defend others, and even though she might be impulsive, she has a broken heart through years of being picked on. Neru is a kind and funny girl deep down. Neru and Haku get along due to similar pasts and internal conflict. Neru’s battle partner is Haku Yowane.
Taya Soune Theme color: Cobalt Taya became a huntsman because his father recommended the path to him. He found it scary and difficult, wanting to give up, but didn’t want to disappoint his father. Taya’s true passion is music. Taya fights in a dramatic fashion, with the form of ballet. Taya’s weapon is a chain sword named Harmonis. His semblance has to do with sound. He uncovered it when his childhood friend Saya mysteriously went missing and was never found alive. The distress of Saya’s disappearance triggered Taya’s semblance. Taya had been struggling as a huntsman and relying on Saya, but when Saya went missing, Taya had to be brave on his own. Yes, Taya has trauma. Taya meets Saya again during the Vale festival, shortly before conflict in Vale broke out. Taya is overjoyed and filled with emotion that Saya is still alive. But Saya is then killed during the conflict, shortly before Taya is sent back home alone, where it’s safer.
Ruko Yokune Theme color: Indigo Ruko is a lively party person who can be surprisingly introspective. Their personality is similar to Yang’s. Ruko’s semblance has to do with their heterochromatic red and blue eyes. They can shoot lasers from them. The color and effect of the laser corresponds to which eye it’s from. Their pronouns are they/them.
Uta Utane Theme color: Violet Uta is a stoic girl wanted to be a huntress because she’s a thrill seeker, and also to prove she has a heart. Uta was always too scared to pursue music, (her other passion,) but not to fight Grimm. Uta is a sentient robotic humanoid, and is capable of emitting an aura. But like faunuses, she is prejudiced against for it. She is also treated like a machine by her creators. Uta’s weapon is called Synthesis, and is a magical machine gun that doubles as a battle axe. The name of her semblance is Glitch, where she can basically make herself and her surroundings “malfunction” to her benefit. Uta unlocked her semblance when she decided to rebel against her creators. Uta gets along with Ruby, Penny, and also Taya. Teto is her battle partner. Uta trusted Teto enough to tell her she is an android before revealing it to anyone else.
Amelie Suagr Theme color: Candy Ame was inspired to be a huntress after seeing a movie. This is why she started. She’s clumsy and too idealistic. But Ame didn’t want to give up… Ame’s weapon is giant paintbrush-shaped spiked weapon, that into a sharp elemental scepter that is also a jumping stick that can propel her. It’s usually a cane in the shape of a giant key, but she turns it into a weapon when needed. The name of her weapon is Whimsicalibur. Ame has a creation semblance called Whimsy. She unlocked her semblance after finding her self-worth. Her battle partner is Saga. Ame gets along with Haku because through her bubbly and cheerful exterior, she is very insecure. She understands both Haku and Neru, even though Neru didn’t like Ame at first.
Momo Momone Theme color: Peach Momo’s semblance is a healing semblance. She’s soft, demure, and apologetic, (even saying “sorry” out of habit when killing Grimm,) but has quite a dangerous weapon. She has a chain mace as a weapon! Momo is nurturing but timid, and feels it’s difficult for her to do things on her own. But there will come a time she may have to.
Teto Kasane Theme color: Cerise Teto is a bat faunus who wields a giant lollipop-shaped hammer. Her wings are non-functional. Her semblance is called Chimera. With her semblance gains the power of a beast, and her wings can carry her. Uta is Teto’s battle partner. Uta trusted Teto enough to tell her she is an android before revealing it to anyone else. Teto has a silly and chaotic personality.
Ritsu Namine Theme color: Scarlet Ritsu Namine is a faunus with traits of a marten (red weasel.) He was part of the White Fang once but quit once he realized how corrupt the group had become. Ritsu may be seem rough, but feels deep inside he doesn’t deserve forgiveness, as his role in the White Fang was quite significant. He acts tough because he knows no other way to act, but being with his friends helped him grow and show his sincere side. Ritsu’s weapon is called Inferno. It’s part-flamethrower. His semblance is called Loud. it has to do with loud sounds. He hates Adam. Ritsu loves being loud and chaotic but hates when people judge him for it and seems him destructive. He hates being thought of as a bully. Ritsu carries a lot of remorse and guilt between his fun exterior.
Koto Fuuga Theme color: Orange Koto is a wild daredevil who loves wildlife, and wanted to become a huntress to protect animals from Grimm. She isn’t the brightest with book-smarts, but has incredible street-smarts. Her weapon is called Birdwing. Her semblance has to do with summoning birds.
Ruby Rose Theme color: Red Ruby unlocked her semblance when mourning the death of her her mother, Summer Rose. Ruby will do anything for her friends and cares about them deeply. She isn’t the best at showing how noble she truly is until a dire circumstances arise. Ruby is a pure soul who believes the least she can do is be kind.
Weiss Schnee Theme color: White Weiss is an heiress of the Schnee Dust Company who was once prejuduced to Blake due to being a Faunus. Deep inside, Weiss and Blake aren’t all that different. She realizes this with time, and grows a trusting and tender relationship with Blake. She often regrets being ignorant in the past.
Blake Belladonna Theme color: Black Blake is a quiet and reserved girl who believes in change. She believes people can change, and that they can change what’s around them. Blake believes in changing the world.
Yang Xiao Long Theme color: Yellow Yang may seem like she has a rough temper, but she is super caring, doting, and loving to her friends and her precious little sister Ruby. Her friends are her family, and her family are her friends. She can be easily agitated, but it’s out of righteousness towards those she loves.
Akaito Shion Theme color: Crimson Akaito has fire-related semblance powers. His younger brother Kaito has ice. Akaito is a skilled huntsman in training who is a bit stoic. He may seem intimidating but he is actually quite caring and patient. He is the strong and quiet type. He can be quite shy, only opening up with his close friends. He is good with children. He has 5 younger brothers.
Rhona Hydra Theme color: Blue Rhona is a calm huntress with an intense love for the ocean and its creatures. She wants to protect the ocean. She is also a marine biologist. She cares deeply about her teammate Nagisa. Her weapon is a trident that can both stab and shoot projectiles. The name of her weapon is Aequor. Her semblance is controlling water. It’s called Deep Blue.
Luana Kai Theme color: Teal She uses a sword which seems a bit old-fashioned, but is great with it. The name of her weapon is Sparring Wave. She has a speed-related semblance.
Nagisa Onda Theme color: Magenta A girl who is not so confident, and insecure about her fighting skills. In the meanwhile, Rhona is trying to help her as much as she can, but Nagisa wants to become strong enough to do things on her own and stop being Rhona’s “burden.” Her semblance is swimming though air, as if the air is water.
Joy Smiley Theme color: Carnation Joy’s weapon is a sharp scepter that shoots proejctiles when twirled and creates force fields when waved. Her semblance is healing-related. Joy is an optimistic girl who is regarded as clumsy and annoying. Joy is very expressive and has very drastic emotions. She is “as expressive as the color-changing sky.” She is a wholesome comedian and tries her hardest to make people smile and laugh.
Tsubomi Hanasaki Theme color: Pink Tsubomi leaves cherry blossom petals behind when she fights and uses her speed semblance, a lot like Ruby with her rose petals. Tsubomi is Erika’s battle partner. She was first too shy to face Erika, who is very clingy.
Erika Kurumi Theme color: Aqua Erika is an excitable girl who wants to be friends with everyone. Her semblance is water-related. She is Tsubomi’s battle partner.
Renri Yamine Theme color: Lavender Renri is a mysterious girl… but it turns out she is being mysterious on purpose. She fakes being mysterious, poetic, and brooding to get attention. The real Renri is actually quite a goofball.
Saga Theme color: Chartreuse Saga wields a giant hammer. Her semblance is illusion-related. Saga seems intimidating at first. Her extreme shyness is mistaken for bitterness. Her quietness is mistaken for coldness. Saga is very hesitant to show emotions, as she was raised with the notion that they make you weak. She is quite troubled and tends to suffer in silence. Deep down, Saga is a cheerful and quirky girl who wishes to come out of her shell. She is jealous of Ame for being so open with her emotions. Her battle partner is Ame.
Miku Hatsune Theme color: Teal Miku’s semblance is related to music and sound. She has a very dance-like fighting style. Miku is Haku Yowane’s cousin on her mother’s side. Therefore, she isn’t blood-related to Dell, and not a faunus, but considers him close family and is worried about him. At first, she resented Dell for his White Fang activity.
Dell Honne Theme color: Silver Dell is a wolf faunus and a member of the White Fang, although he quits within the story’s events. Dell feels he is very misunderstood by everyone. Dell is Haku’s half-brother and they were separated at a young age. Dell is a faunus and Haku isn’t, because those genes came from Dell’s mother, Teru Honne. Haku’s mother is Murasaki Yowane. Haku and Dell’s father is Gin Honne, a corrupt villain of a man… Dell lives with his father, who corrupted him and emotionally abused him.
Kaito Shion Theme color: Azure Kaito has ice-related semblance powers. His older brother, Akaito, has fire.
Doremi Harukaze Theme color: Strawberry Doremi’s weapon is a magical broomstick that can create force fields when “swept” through the air or on the ground. It also is a blunt weapon.
Hazuki Fujiwara Theme color: Auburn Hazuki’s weapon is a violin which also doubles as a bow and arrow, and projectile shooter.
Aiko Senoo Theme color: Cerulean Aiko’s weapon is a staff with a harmonica as a hilt. The harmonica emits powerful sound.
Miles Edgeworth Theme color: Puce Edgeworth’s semblance is summoning strong gales by pointing his finger.
Phoenix Wright Theme color: Navy Phoenix’s semblance is summoning sound waves by pointing his finger.
Maya Fey Theme color: Purple Maya’s semblance is partly-spirit-channeling dead Grimm to make her more frenzied and destructive in battle.
Umiko Theme color: Cyan Umiko is a seal faunus.
Makoto Kino Theme color: Green Makoto’s semblance is thunder-related. Her giant hammer weapon’s name is Jupiter.
Roy Theme color: Royal Roy’s semblance is vision-related.
Ilia Amitola Theme color: Gray
Sowon Moon Theme color: Periwinkle Sowon has an ice-related semblance.
Luna Amane Theme color: Salmon Luna is a rabbit faunus. Unlike her golden hair, her ears and tail are white.
Rosa Theme color: Pastel Rosa’s motif is a pastel-pink rose.
Gumi Theme color: Lime Gumi is a huntress with a fururisric weapon and motif. Her weapon is a bit like a light-saber.
Gakupo Theme color: Lilac Gakupo is a huntsman who fights like a samurai. His weapon is a Katana.
Azusa Nakano Theme color: Midnight Azusa is a cat faunus. Her weapon is an electric guitar named Mustang.
Aoi Asahina Theme color: Madder Aoi is Sakura’s partner. She is a good enough swimmer to fight effectively in deep water.
Chai Theme color: Clover Chai is an iguana faunus. He is very stealthy.
Reisei Kiyone Theme color: Sky Reisei is a bunny faunus with floppy ears. He can fight well with the aid of his aura, but his heart/lung condition means he can get very exhausted afterwards. His semblance is speed-related. Reisei has incredible speed, but lacks long-distance stamina.
Scarlet David Theme color: Tomato
Reika Aoki Theme color: Blueberry
Minako Aino Theme color: Sunflower Her weapon is a magical chain with a heart shaped weapon at the end. It is called Venus Love Chain.
Enzo Theme color: Denim Enzo is a ballet dancer who incorporates his swift and graceful movements into combat. He is outgoing and cheerful but a little awkward. He is a nerd when it comes to history, legends, and lore.
Yuri Tsukikage Theme color: Powder Yuri is associated with moonlight.
Franziska von Karma Theme color: Aegean Franziska is a cat faunus. Her weapon is a whip sword. She hides her delicate emotions and inferiority complex under a cold exterior and fake superiority complex.
Nagisa Misumi Theme color: Ink Nagisa has gauntlets for weapons. She is Honoka Yukishiro’s partner.
Honoka Yukishiro Theme color: Moonlight Honoka is Nagisa Misumi’s partner. Her weapons are gauntlets.
Akane Hino Theme color: Vermillion
Nao Midorikawa Theme color: Veridian
Merry Kohaku Theme color: Maroon She has a circus and clown-themed fighting style.
Itsuki Myoudouin Theme color: Flaxen
Miyuki Hoshizora Theme color: Magenta
Luka Megurine Theme color: Mauve Luka’s semblance is related to singing. She makes waves rise and fall with her voice. Luka develops a friendship with Haku.
Usagi Tsukino Theme color: Coral Usagi’s weapon is a giant magical frisbee—it also comes back to her like a boomerang.
Bianca Luna Theme color: Cloud
Penny Polendena Theme color: Copper Penny gets along with Uta, as they are both aura-generating artificial humans. Penny also loves Ruby. Penny has an optimistic personality and can be a bit awkwardly enthusiastic. She comes off as a bit strange.
Nora Valkyrie Theme color: Bubblegum Nora is hyperactive and funny. She loves to pump people up. She is Ren’s childhood friend.
Lie Ren Theme color: Fuchsia Ren is sarcastic and chill, and often can’t keep up with Nora’s hyperactivity and antics. They have been friends since childhood.
Ritsu Tainaka Theme color: Khaki Her weapon is a pair of drums. Ritsu wants to think she is a rough rebel, but she’s surprisingly chicken when it comes to authority. She is a good girl who does the right thing, much to her dismay. Ritsu is highly energetic and chaotic however.
Sora Suiga Theme color: Honey Sora’s semblance has to do with the sun’s light.
Yufu Theme color: Mint Yufu’s semblance has to do with snow. Yufu is strict on her team and despite her short stature and looks, is a tough fighter.
Pop Harukaze Theme color: Rose Pop is one of the youngest students in the academy at the age of 14. She is precocious yet inside quite childish. She has a projector wand weapon.
Ami Mizuno Theme color: Sapphire Ami’s semblance is related to bubbles that both are destructive and vision-enhancing.
Hana Makihatayama Theme color: Melon Hana is eccentric and odd. She is Doremi’s battle partner and quickly grows to be her best friend.
Rei Hino Theme color: Ruby Rei’s semblance is fire-related. She is associated with the planet Mars.
Sakura Ogami Theme color: Pearl Sakura fights with a giant pair of spiked clubs. Her semblance is doubling her already-massive strength.
Jaune Arc Theme color: Lemon Jaune cheated to get into Beacon. He wants to be a hero but has no fighting experience at first. He tries his best, is incredibly selfless, and noble, but he is a novice battler. He is a mess when it comes to tense situations. However, Pyrrha’s guidance is a major help to him. Pyrrha loves Jaune for his noble qualities.
Pyrrha Nikos Theme color: Flame Pyrrha is put on a pedestal by nearly everyone she meets. She deeply appreciates Jaune for who he is, charming and selfless. Pyrrha has a crush on Jaune, but Jaune is oblivious and hits on other girls who he THINKS he would have a better chance with. Pyrrha is very calm under pressure and also kind despite her image as a perfect.
Octavia Forte: Theme color: Garnet Octavia’s semblance is a lot like a vampire’s, though she drains energy force instead of sucking blood.
Reina Cantata Theme color: Jet Reina’s semblance is related to darkness.
Zatsune Theme color: Abyss Zatsune’s semblance is related to necromancy.
Tsumugi Kotobuki Theme color: Platinum Tsumugi is a very rich and privileged girl who wanted to live the precarious life of a huntress on purpose. Her weapon is a keytar. Tsumugi has grown to care deeply about her friends, and rebel against her protective parents who don’t want her near those friends.
Rie Hibine Theme color: Spring Rie is a hyperactive girl who leaves behind four-leaf clovers when she battles, like Ruby with rose petals. Rie breakdances during fights.
Anna Nyui Theme color: Carmine She has a circus anc clown-themed fighting style.
Sonata Coda Theme color: Wintergreen
Onpu Segawa Theme color: Plum
Sage Ayana Theme color: Sage
Yatsuhashi Daichi Theme color: Pine
Neptune Vasilias Theme color: Seafoam
Fox Alistair Theme color: Cinnamon
Bow Asane Theme color: Jade Bow is a lynx fauna. She is very good at gymnastics. Her semblance is related to jumping very high and fast.
Sunhee Theme color: Emerald
Zhenyi Theme color: Nutmeg Zhenyi’s weapon is a saw.
Aster Theme color: Flamingo
Soraya Theme color: Olive
Mako Nagone Theme color: Smoke Mako is a skunk faunus with a big tail. Her weapon is similar to Blake’s (with some differences.)
Shiina Theme color: Sienna Shiina uses a magical boomerang as a weapon.
Yui Hirasawa Theme color: Brown Her weapon is an electric guitar named Sunburst. Yui affectionately nicknames it Giita.
Meiko Theme color: Rosewood Her weapon is a mace that becomes a
Anya Theme color: Pewter Anya is a quiet and bookish girl who loves adventure, be it reading about them or going on them. She uses a wheelchair, which she also incorporates in battle. She likes fun combat with others and hates being seen as lesser for her disability.
Sun Wukong Theme color: Beige Sun is a monkey Faunus and once a thief. He is good-natured despite that.
Velvet Scarlatina Theme color: Umber Velvet is a bunny Faunus who is quiet and calm, but can get intense. She loves photography.
Coco Adel Theme color: Tan
Mio Akiyama Theme color: Coal Her weapon is an electric bass. She knew Ritsu Tainaka since childhood. The two are very close. Mio is left-handed and has a complex about it, as left-handed bass weapons are rare. Mio admires Weiss because Weiss is left-handed.
Candela Theme color: Burgundy
Blanche Theme color: Ultramarine Blanche is stoic and seems mysterious. They are known to be strict and harsh, but deep inside, Blanche hates that this is how they are and wishes to be more charismatic. They use they/them pronouns. They are very close to Candela and Spark. The three were together since childhood.
Spark Theme color: Gold
Momoko Asuka Theme color: Canary
Yayoi Kise Theme color: Saffron Yayoi’s semblance is thunder-related and how strong it is relies on chance. Her semblance is called Rock Paper Scissors, and is performed by playing the game of the same name.
Rin Kagamine Theme color: Mango Rin is a mouse faunus along with her twin brother Len. She has powerful cleated boots as weapons.
Len Kagamine Theme color: Banana Len is a mouse faunus along with his twin sister Rin. He has powerful cleated boots as weapons.
Sayu Yurika Theme color: Ice Sayu’s weapon is a giant flute.
Carmella Theme color: Brick Carmella is a squirrel faunus with a big tail.
Miri Theme color: Hazel Miri is Azalea’s battle partner and girlfriend. She is a sensitive girl who loves animals. She wishes she could be braver, but Azelea reminds her she is braver than she thinks she is.
Azalea Theme color: Cotton Azalea is Miri’a battle partner and girlfriend. She is a bit of a tsundere and protective of Miri. If anyone makes Miri cry, Azalea gives them hell.
Margot Theme color: Ivory Margot is a distant relative of the Schnee family. She is from Atlas. Margot is very insecure. She has been bullied and is constantly looking to prove herself.
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cell151 · 2 years
I’m a fan of your fics, do you have a master list posted?
Thank you and sorry for the delay. It's been a long time since I have a master list
The Avatar & The Engineer (LOK)
Manhunter (Undertale)
Dangerous Days (ATLA)
On the Record (LOK)
Office Visit (ATLA)
Face Paint (ATLA)
Empty Nest (ATLA)
The Delicate Sound of Thunder (ATLA)
Dimming of the Day (RWBY)
In The Shadow of Harmony Tower (LOK)
Dusk (ATLA)
Evening (ATLA)
Morning (ATLA)
The Best Laid Plans (ATLA)
Home (ATLA)
Bad Day (ATLA)
Airport (LOK)
One of the Last Times (ATLA)
Storm (ATLA)
Sukka Family Prompts (ATLA)
Snow Day (ATLA)
Great Uniter (LOK)
Coming Back to Life (ATLA)
Departure & Return (LOK)
Through this process I discovered a lot of stories that I had forgotten about and some which hadn't been posted on AO3. I can't attest to the quality of the older ones but here they are
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redheartedtramp · 3 days
RWBY Jukebox - Movin' Right Along
Scene: Team RWBY is riding car. Weiss is driving, Ruby in shotgun. Blake and Yang in the back.
Weiss: Movin' right along in search of good times and good news With good friends you can't lose
Ruby: This could become a habit~
Weiss: Opportunity knocks once let's reach out and grab it~
Blake: Yeah!
Ruby: Together we'll nab it~
Yang: We'll hitchhike, bus or yellow cab it!
Blake: (...Cab it?)
Yang: (shrugs)
RWBY: Movin' right along!
Ruby: Footloose and fancy-free~ Getting there is half the fun, come share it with me Moving right along
Yang: Doog-a-doon doog-a-doon~
Ruby: We'll learn to share the load
Yang: We don't need a map to keep this show on the road~
Weiss: (Uh, did she just throw the map out the window?!)
Yang: (It's fine~)
Scenario: Yang is now driving with Blake in shotgun and Ruby & Weiss in the back
Yang: Movin' right along, we've found a life on the highway And your way is my way~
Blake: So trust my navigation
Yang: California here we come, the pie-in-the-sky-land Palm trees, and warm sand Though sadly we just left Rhode Island
Weiss: (We did what?!)
Yang: (Oh, pipe down!)
BY: Movin' right along
Yang: Doog-a-doon doog-a-doon~
Ruby: Hey LA, where've you gone?
Weiss: *looking at her scroll* Send someone to fetch us, were in Sasketchewan!
RW: Movin' right along
Ruby: Doog-a-doon doog-a-doon~
Yang: You take it, you know best Hey, I've never seen the sun come up in the West...?
Scenario: Ruby is now driving with Yang in the passenger
Yang: Movin' right along we're truly birds of a feather We're in this together~
Ruby: And we know where we're going! (Right?)
Yang: Movie stars with flashy cars and life with the top down We're storming the big town
Weiss: (Yeah, storm is right, should it be snowing?)
Blake: (Uh, no I don't think so...?)
RWBY: Movin' right along,
Weiss: Do I see signs of men?
Yang: Yeah, "welcome" on the same post that says "come back again"!
Ruby: (Nice town!)
RWBY: Moving right along
Ruby: Footloose and fancy-free
Blake: You're ready for the big time
Ruby: Is it ready for me?
RWBY: Movin' right along Movin' right along Movin' right along Movin' right along
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
Could you make a top 10 list of favorite semblances?
What are your favorite semblances and why?
Hello anons!
Thank you fo much for these asks! I have been wanting to make a list of my favourite semblances for a while now :)
So, let’s go!
1) Glyphs
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The Schnee Family semblance is about reconciling your own unique self with your family legacy. How can you not lose yourself in the snow storm? The answer is to become your own special snowflake.
Klein: Please don’t worry, my snowflake, it had nothing to do with you.
Glyphs illustrate this dychotomy very well! On one hand it is a gift shared by all the family members. On the other hand different people go through different struggles and as a result they are able to summon different avatars. In a sense the Schnees are nothing, but Grimm trainers :’’’) Gotta catch them all!
Moreover, the way each family member uses their semblance says a lot about how they relate to the family situation.
Weiss initially excels at combining her glyphs with Dust, but can’t summon. This is because she is still dependent on her family name and on the SDC influence. Once she gives up her persona as the SDC heiress, she finally succeeds and by facing a world different from hers, she adds more options to her summoning arsenal.
Of course each summon is symbolic of a part of Weiss’s self. Arma Gigas is her becoming a Knight who saves herself and serves the people:
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It is also symbolic of her purifying her family from his father’s poisonous influence since the armor (Nicholas’s symbol) was originally possessed by a Geist.
The Queen Lancer conveys instead her being both a queen (a Schnee) and a lancer (a support fighter):
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We’ll see what the Nervermore will come to represent:
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As for now, I think it will be about Weiss’s familial bonds since the Nevermore was killed by team RWBY in their first fight together and has been teased the first time in an episode centered around the Schnee Family as a whole.
Winter is great at summoning, but is rarely shown combining her glyphs with Dust. This is because she has cut herself off from the family. Once she accepts her feelings and reaches out to Weiss, she is shown using Dust powered Glyphs much more. Now that she has finally become “a real girl” and “the blue fairy” thanks to Penny’s gift, it would be interesting if she used her magic to elementally charge the glyphs. It would be very cool and fitting symbolically. She doesn’t need to use her father’s Dust anymore and can make all kinds of Glyphs independently because she is finally her own person.
We know almost nothing of Willow and her semblance, apart that she can summon. This may suggest that she used to have a strong sense of self. However, her marriage with Jaques and alcohol consumed her and she lost it. Still, the love for her kids has who she really is emerge once again:
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Very fittingly, she manages to summon a Boarbatusk to protect Whitley. After all, boars are famous to be aggressively protective mothers :’’)
Finally, Whitley has yet to unlock his semblance:
Weiss: Is that why you hate me? Are you jealous of my abilities? Of Winter's?
Whitley: Hmm... no, not really. Honestly, I find it barbaric. It's beneath people like me. Like Father.
This is because he has tried to conform to his father’s ideals to survive abuse. We’ll see if he will be able to unlock glyphs and how he will use them.
Other than this, I found very cool that in the fight against the Queen Lancer it seems that Weiss can perceive the world through the Knight and that the Knight can use Glyphs to teleport. I would love for these aspects to be explored more.
For example, would it be possible to send a mini Knight to scout around? Or can Glyphs be used to communicate? It would be very cool if now that the family is repairing their relationships, it turned out the Glyphs of the family members can be connected somehow. They could create some kinds of portals summons can travel through, so that they can exchange information (kind of like HP patronus). Anyway, it would be fitting if after seeing how the Glyphs represent family legacy and individuality, they were used also to explore family bonds. I think this may already be happening thanks to Weiss’s new summon.
As a side note, Weiss’s ability to turn savage Grimms into docile allies ties very well with her allusion as Snowhite. Snowhite can enchant the forest animals thanks to her singing. Weiss charms people with her voice and Grimms with her semblance.
1) Hallucinations
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Emerald’s semblance is at the very top of my list together with Weiss’s and yet I have not written a Semblance of the Soul meta for her. This is because I am waiting for her arc to reach a more climatic resolution. Right now, it has been put on hold at the end of volume 8.
That said, there are still many things that can be said about Hallucinations.
First of all, I love that Emerald, just like Weiss, is mostly a support fighter. In a sense, their abilities are both about controlling the field, but in completely different ways. Glyphs are exceptional to use the battlefield in a smart and flexible way physically. Yet, Hallucinations is just as great at affecting the way a fighter sees the battle mentally. The first is focused on the outside, while the second on the inside.
At the same time, I think that Weiss and Emerald as characters might have to move in different directions when it comes to their fighting styles.
On one hand Weiss starts as very self-centered and has to grow into a good teammate:
Weiss: "Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader. Just know that I am going to be the best teammate you’ll ever have!“
On the other hand Emerald is too dependent on others when it comes to both her life and her fighting style:
Tyrian: So devoted to someone so incompetent.
She has decided to dedicate herself to Cinder completely. She depends on Mercury’s fighting ability while facing opponents (just like he depends on her semblance) and she generally lets others take the lead. It is indicative that even when it comes to her own redemption and despite Em’s importance as a character... she is not really the protagonist of the episode she leaves Salem...Hazel is:
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Hazel is the one making the choice, figuring himself out and finalizing his arc... Em tags along and is saved by him.
In short, just as Weiss has evolved her fighting style and semblance so that she can be of support to others, Em might have to become able to stand on her own two feet.
Secondly, Hallucinations, at its root, is nothing, but a strong coping mechanism Emerald uses to protect herself from the world. It is born from the idea that the world is a scary place, that Emerald is alone and weak in there hence she needs to hide herself and to trick others to survive.
Still, there is more to it than just that. Em is scared, but she is not motivated by fear. Very strong wishes are her drive:
Cinder: Follow me, and you'll never be hungry again.
She wants love so badly that she does not hesitate to trick herself like she tricks others to keep the illusion of her happy family with Cinder alive.
So, Em’s semblance is about all the lies we tell others and ourselves to navigate our lives. It strikes a nice balance between fears and wishes. Hence it is very potentially rich thematically.
So, her illusions materialize what people fear:
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But also what people want:
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Thirdly, there may be additional sides to this ability Em is still not using to its full potential:
Emerald: I knew I sensed some weak minds nearby.
It is telling that this is the same episode Ren shows he can find people through empathy. It hints to the fact that there is an empathic component to Em’s power which is hidden behind the fear and the selfishness. All in all, Hallucinations is nothing, but a very flawed way to interact with others. It would be interesting to see how it changes as Em herself grows in a healthier environment.
Finally, it is a semblance I enjoy because so far it has been highly plot relevant on multiple occasions.
It is instrumental to Beacon’s fall which ties thematically with the idea of distrust, fear and manipulation being among the major weapons Cinder and Salem can use to confuse people’s minds and bring destruction.
And yet, once Emerald defects those same weapons are used against both Salem herself and Ironwood aka two individuals that like playing Gods and that feel superiors to others. Still, they are easily tricked by a frail and scared kid, who does not even have to try too hard.
Finally, Hallucinations being used to introduce the protagonists to Salem is interesting. It conveys perfectly how scary Salem is, but at the same time she is nor real. In this way RWBY and JNRO have a glimpse of what they are facing, but have time to prepare themselves for a real encounter. As if the ability to face your fears in a relatively safe way could actually be helpful in overcoming them.
Speaking of which, I actually like how Em uses her semblance here to help Cinder train and hold on mentally:
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Sure, here it is used very unhealthily, but think how useful Em’s semblance would be to help a person in a panic attack or with claustrophobia or even to reach the right mental state to use Silver Eyes.
It would also be interesting if the idea Hallucinations is rooted in - the ability to modify the sensory information in a person's head while their brain is processing it - could be used with other senses other than sight and listening. Imagine having a situation where tricking taste could be useful or also imagine messing with one’s tact, etc.
Could you keep pain at bait for a short period of time? If so, it would be interesting for this ability to be used to honor Hazel.
Anyway, even as it is, Hallucinations remains one of the most interesting, powerful and flexible semblances we have seen imo. The basic idea is simple. Its uses are many.
3) Overactive Imagination
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Neo’s semblance really shines in Roman Holiday for me to the point that it went from I don’t really care to number 3 on my list!
Thematically, I love it because of this:
In conclusion, Overactive Imagination is an ability that has something surprising to say about what identity truly is. Specifically, it says that identity is nothing, but an illusion and yet, it is something very real.
A person’s identity is not a unit, but is made of different parts. Some visible only to the person. Others experienced only by others. And yet, all these parts are real. Identity is also not static, but changes with time to the point that the person of tomorrow might be completely different from the person of yesterday. Finally, identity can shatter and needs to be rebuilt.
All these attributes are attributes of Neo’s illusions, which are the result of multi-faced fragments coming together, let her transform and shatter like glass.
Tying the idea of identity with the theme of reality and illusions to affirm that one’s self is in a sense an illusion and yet this does not make it less real is great.
A person’s identity changes, shatters, is rebuilt. It is contradictory and can’t never be fully understood. Some parts will remain illusions either because fantasies in the person’s mind or because they are masks the person wears. And yet, they are still parts of the self. This is why thematically Neo’s illusions have substance differently from Em’s.
I really like the creative ways Overactive Imagination is used in the book.
From Neo using it to survive her fall (a pretty improvised landing strategy) to her using it to save Roman. From it making the world more similar to Neo’s mind to it being perfect to navigate society anonymously.
It is the perfect power for a lonely and imaginative child. And it is also the perfect power for a lethal spy.
In the main series, I think Neo’s semblance is interesting because it comments others’ interiority:
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This is something illusory powers tend to be perfect for :P. After all, Em does the same:
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Interestingly, Em’s illusions in the Mistral arc have mostly been about the protagonists’ enemies. Cinder, Raven and Salem are all opponents our protagonists must fight. This is fitting in an arc centered around overcoming fear.
Neo’s illusions in the Atlas arc have instead been the protagonists’ loved ones. Not only that, but the two characters she has used them against are characters who have been repressing their feelings. Once again, the perfect illusions for an arc centered around accepting one’s emotions.
Other than this, it is not by chance that both Emerald and Neo end up working for Cinder, who uses smoke screens and manipulation to reach her goals. Illusory semblances are perfect for her plans and to comment on her illusory (this time for real) sense of self.
4) Scorching Caress
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Speaking of whom, I quite like Cinder’s semblance. It starts out as nothing much. Just the ability to emit heat from the hands:
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The perfect ability for an abused child, constantly under pressure and ignored by everyone. Nothing to really worry about, right? Just not very ladylike, at most.
And yet the heat grows:
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And grows:
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And grows:
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Until it burns the world.
Scorching Caress ties with Cinder’s cruel twist of the original Cinderella. In the fairy-tale, the protagonist is called Cinderella because forced to sleep in the ashes to keep herself warm. It is a visual representation of her abuse. In the story, this metaphorical representation of abuse becomes Cinder’s own semblance, the essence of her soul and her major weapon.
She was burnt, so she burns.
At the same time, she also uses her power to make glass objects. This effect has two opposite meanings.
On one hand there is what Cinder wants to do, i.e. purify the dirt of her past into something beautiful and refined:
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On the other hand glass has to do with her abusive environment, which was a hotel full of glass statues called The Glass Unicorn. This is not by chance because ultimately Cinder’s own personhood is made of glass. She was a frail child broken by the world around her. Still, when glass is broken it can cut you deeply.
In general, both major effects of her semblance are linked to the cycle of abuse:
Cinder is instead a person, who has been molded through violence just like the glass statues in the hotel. She is forced to endure until she can’t take it anymore and she explodes.
She herself is the Glass Unicorn, which shatters like Cinder’s innocence when too much pressure is added. Not only that, but Cinder too has started molding others to her will. She has been grooming both Emerald and Mercury for her own ego. This is why the name Scorching Caress fits her so well. It is because behind every act of care it is hidden an act of manipulation. And this happens because Cinder too has been treated utilitaristically and the only kind of love she experienced (Rhodes’s) was a “weak” love Cinder ended up perceiving as fake.
On one hand she was burnt and so she burns her enemies. On the other hand she was molded by her abusers like glass, so the only care she shows to Emerald and Mercury is to shape them after herself. Just like mirrors made of glass.
Finally, I quite like how she uses her magically charged semblance to decompose and reshape her weapons:
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No matter how many times she is broken. She always manages to put herself back together in a new way. And at the same time, this constant erosion and burning of the self is not helping her.
This is also conveyed in how she keeps creating and destroying new weapons with her magic. In how she has managed to make even their destruction dangerous to others - for example, she makes them explode, she breaks the glass to free the tornado of fire within them, she turns even their fragments into bombs.
All of this is just Cinder’s coping mechanims at its finest. She keeps hurting others and changing just to avoid true growth and vulnerability.
5) Polarity
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Pyrrha’s semblance may come from pyrrhotite, according to the wiki. Pyrrhotite is one of two minerals found naturally magnetized. I quite like the trivia, which conveys the rarity of Pyrrha’s talent and how special she is as a fighter. Still, I am mostly interested in what her semblance has to say about the metals of RWBY.
Many characters have a metal motif in RWBY. Well, some of the most important ones have come into contact with Pyrrha’s semblance in ways that are both plot-driven and thematically resonant.
Jaune’s arc is about going from lead to gold. He starts as unrefined and is molded by Pyrrha who helps him grow both as a fighter and as a person. This is symbolically shown by Pyrrha revealing her semblance to help Jaune find the right stance while fighting. At the same time, her semblance foreshadows the tragedy of their relationship in how she pushes him away because of her distress over the Fall Maiden business. 
Penny is a robot because she is symbolically weaponized by her society. Pyrrha accidentally killing her as a result of CEM’s manipulation drives home what will be Penny’s conflict up until the very end. Her society and her enemy seeing her as a puppet when she is a real girl.
Mercury uses his legs, so his trauma as a weapon to hurt others and to bring them down to his level. So, it is fitting that he uses his legs (what his father forced on him) and observational skills to discover Pyrrha’s semblance (what his father stole from him).
Interestingly, the other important metal character introduced in the Vale arc has no interaction with Pyrrha. Still, his destiny and storyline are foreshadowed. Ironwood has his robots hacked by Watts, just like in the very end he himself will be manipulated by his enemies and will become nothing more than a drone, symbolically.
Anyway, other than this, Pyrrha’s semblance is actually tied to the theme of destiny. She can control a battle, just like she is in control of her destiny. When she starts having doubts about it, she loses control of her powers, but in the end she pulls herself together and uses her gift to its utmost potential against Cinder.
Very fittingly, she can’t defeat an enemy whose weapons are not made of metal, so someone that is symbolically an unseen factor in her life. Still, she manages to foreshadows Cinder can’t escape consequences forever because time will catch up with her:
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Finally, Pyrrha being able to manipulate all the metals she touches can be seen as her having left a strong impression on her loved ones (the people she “touched”) despite her premature death.
6) Petal Burst
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Ruby is an interestint case because the power which is at the centre of her arc is not really her semblance, but her silver eyes.
Still, I quite like Petal Burst! Initially, it clearly symbolizes Ruby’s precosciousness and quick thinking:
Ruby: I'm not slow, see? You don't have to worry about me!
As the story becomes more serious, it comes to represent Ruby’s determination to move forward no matter what and her flexibility in overcoming obstacles. As her intelligence and ability to see things from outside the box grow, so does her semblance!
Not only that, but she becomes able to both inspire others and to lead them hence her power becomes effective on others too:
Penny: Do not worry, Ruby is capable of traveling at an extreme velocity from one point to another by breaking herself down to her molecular components, thus negating her mass and then reassembling them at the destination, theoretically making it possible for her to transport all of us in the same way, as mass no longer matters.
Ruby: I, uh, what?
Penny: You can use your Semblance on all of us.
In general, I have liked how she has become able to use Petal Burst in more inventive ways, like when she frees herself from Harriet thanks to it and how she uses it to trick Neo in the volume 8 finale.
All in all, Ruby’s semblance lets her move faster and more freely than others. It opens new ways, just like she is able to find new solutions to problems.
At the same time, it is a power that also foreshadows Ruby’s issues, like her tendency to spread herself too thin and to scatter:
Maria: You know, you don’t give yourself enough credit.
Ruby: Oh… Thanks.
Maria: That wasn’t a compliment.
7) Aura Amp
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Jaune’s semblance is foreshadowed since his introduction, is a call back to his relationship with Pyrrha and is the perfect ability for a leader. It is about caring about others (healing) and having their best traits come out (strengthening their semblances).
Still, I am mostly interested in its limitations and how they will be overcome. In volume 8, we have seen how Jaune can’t heal everything:
Jaune: Ah, sorry. No matter how much I boost you, they won’t go away.
Jaune: Did… I stop the virus?
Penny: No. It’s still there.
And in the volume 8 finale he has to kill Penny. It will be interesting to see how Jaune is challenged by this truth and if his semblance will evolve with him or not.
When is it that a person can’t heal themselves, no matter how muchyou are there to assist them? And what should you do in those circumstances?
8) Tranquillity
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I have just written a meta on Ren’s semblance, so I do not have much to add. I just really liked what they did with it. How they made a power that describes emotional management and had it  be extremely useful in battle since it can hide from Grimms.
I also really like it aesthetically since they managed to tie it to Ren’s flower motif and to the use of colors. It will be interesting to see Ren using it in different ways as the story goes on! I wonder if maybe with time he will also become able to influence others’ emotions in other ways than just “tranquility”.
9) Kindred Link
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A semblance that describes Raven’s contradictory views of bonds perfectly.
On one hand it is a power centered on bonding. On the other hand it highlights how Raven makes her bonds with others unbalanced. She can reach out to them when she wants, but others have no way to contact her.
At the same time, it is ironic how a person whose whole ability is rooted in bonding with others is extremely selective in her relationships and also she has cut off all her loved ones.
10) Photographic Memory
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Velvet’s a minor character, but I quite like her semblance.
The photographic motif is very cool and I love how it is used by both her weapon and her special ability. At the same time, it could be very interesting if explored thematically, as it partially is in the books where Velvet’s memories about Vale and her lost friends turn out to be both her major strength, but also a weakness if she does not learn to move forward.
What is more, her power is basically the opposite of that of her partner Yatsuhashi (Memory Wiping). I doubt it will happen, but it would be a very good juxtaposition to explore. The girl that can’t forget anything and the boy that makes others forgets. Their powers would be good to explore how memory is at the root of human identity, but also how it can be used to change into a new person (Velvet copying others’ fighting styles). When is it good to remember? When is it good to forget?
Finally, I quite like Velvet’s fighting style and how her memory complements her intelligence and knack for technology.
Other semblances I quite like are Misfortune, Pocket Dimensions, Numbing Agent and Telepathy. Basically, I really like psychic semblances, teleportation ones and sometimes elemental ones. That said, it really depends because for me what makes a semblance great is not the power itself, but the character and how it is used in the story, both to drive the plot further and to explore coping mechanisms and themes.
Thank you for the ask!
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bridgyrose · 2 years
some more snowed in au? Cinder decides to tag along with rwby's mission, much to the annoyance of Yang and Blake
Yang frowned as she watched Cinder walk over with Ruby to the airship. After her talk with Ruby, she wanted to believe her when she said that Cinder wasnt causing any harm, but now it was becoming painfully more obvious to her that Ruby was no longer acting for herself. She slowly walked over to Ruby and pulled her aside. “We need to talk. Alone.” 
Ruby nodded once she had gotten the subtle okay from Cinder and started to walk with Yang. “I tried to tell you that she asked to come around-” 
“And what happened to you coming without her?” 
“She… made a valid point. We’re going off to Mistral to fight who knows what and having an extra person with us wouldnt be a bad plan.” 
Yang sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Normally I’d say you’re whipped, but I’m worried about you Rubes. I’m telling you, there’s something going on between the two of you ever since you spent that night in the snow storm together.” 
Ruby shook her head and pulled back. “W-what? That’s… ridiculous. There’s nothing going on between us.” 
“Ruby, you hated her a year ago. Hell, just a few months ago, you were asking about moving in with Blake and I.” 
“The only thing that changed was that we managed to come to a bit of an agreement with our living situation.” 
“And what exactly is that agreement?” 
“One that’s not any of your concern,” Cinder retorted as she walked over to Ruby and pulled on her. “Now come on, we’re going to miss our flight if we’re not careful. All the bags have been loaded and you two are the only ones that havent started boarding yet.” 
Yang frowned as she watched Cinder and Ruby walk off. “I dont know what she’s doing to Ruby, but I dont like it.” 
“And what if she’s not doing anything wrong?” Weiss walked over and motioned for Yang to follow. “I know we’re all worried about Ruby, but so far, there’s nothing to suggest that Cinder is actually hurting her.” 
“I know, but… I dont trust her.” 
“Can you at least try to trust her for the flight?” 
“I… can try.” 
Yang and Weiss boarded the airship after Ruby and Cinder to get ready for the flight. It was one they had done plenty of times before, and they had all made sure to come prepared with some sort of entertainment for the flight. Weiss had a book she was reading that Blake had lent to her, Yang had her own handheld gaming system, and Ruby… 
Yang glared over her game system as she watched Ruby and Cinder together. It was hard to imagine the two ever hated each other with how close they had become, but that only made Yang worry more. Even if Ruby was laying on Cinder’s lap and Cinder was playing with her hair, there still had to be something more to it. Something she wasnt seeing. 
Cinder looked over to Yang and smirked. “Jealous?” 
“Jealous?” Yang asked. “Jealous of what?” 
“Of how close I am to Ruby. I’ve seen the way you look at her-” 
Yang stood up and pulled Cinder up by her collar. “I dont know what you’re doing to her-” 
“Yang, drop her.” Weiss didnt bother to look up from her book, though she could still see what was going on just over it. “I know you didnt want her to come along, but we have to at least get along for this.” 
Yang let go of Cinder and went to sit down again. “I have my eyes on you.” 
Cinder smirked. “Then I hope you dont disappoint.” 
Yang pulled up her game system and tried not to focus on Cinder and Ruby. She leaned back in her seat and let out a sigh as she spoke under her breath. “This… is going to be a long mission.” 
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