#rwby snowleopards
rwby-encrusted-blog · 5 months
Willow: *Staring at Tai* Gods ... such a well braised man ... strong and well cut ... His hands look wonderfully tough~
Willow: *Staring at The Belladonnas* And those two ... Being caught between them ... They look so warm and lively~
Willow: Who to choose, who to choose ...
Willow: ... I'm gonna get them all.
Weiss: Oh no.
Jaune: What?
Weiss: I've seen that look in my mother's eyes before. Something very embarrassing is going to happen
Jaune: *Squinting at Willow* ... Oh, Yeah, I know that look. It's about to suck to be you Weiss.
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humbledoodles · 3 months
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Mornings are for sleepy cuddles
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Vibration Therapy
Weiss: Where's mother?
Winter: I believe she went out.
Weiss: Did she say where?
Winter: She did not.
Weiss: *Sighs* Should I go check the local bars?
Winter: We'll see.
Willow: *Laying in the middle of Ghira and Kali*
Ghira and Kali: *Purring*
Willow: *Having the depression vibrated out of her*
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Taiyang: (Looks left)
White Rose: (snuggling on the couch)
Renora: (Nora sitting on Ren's lap)
Schneewood Forest: (Robyn and Winter making out in the corner)
Taiyang: (Looks right)
Bumbleby: (practically fucking on the bar)
Rosebird: (Summer straddling Raven’s lap in a heavy makeout session)
Snow Leopard: (Kali and Willow cuddled up at Ghira's sides under a blanket)
Taiyang: Wait a minute... There are no fire escapes in this place! (Stomps towards the door) Enjoy the death trap!
Raven: And this is why we kicked him out of the polycule.
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weisscoldglare · 1 year
Kali x willow x ghira has become an ot3
Weiss and blake reacts to this?
That's moose's work, right? Gorgeous work
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
"Blake, are your parents dating my mom?"
@min3nc's post about Snowleopard ripped open the Pandora Box that is some of my headcanons about this throuple (and the subsequent Bellaschneeblings interactions in my post here) so sit tight y'all this list is gonna be long because I absolutely adore this healthy bi4bi4bi poly pilf couple that foils whatever the fuck Divorce Mcgees Summer, Raven, n Tai had going on (don't get me wrong, I adore str-crossed lovers, especially whatever the fuck Rosebird had, but cmon you could power a small nation off of their Divorce Energy alone)
-They have zero in-canon interactions but the thought of Willow slowly healing and learning to love again from two characters shown to be incredibly sweet and patient and understanding and oh so gentle and tender and earnest? Guys this alone should sell you on the ship like!! LIKE!!!
-Takes a deep breath. Wowie. Do y'all get it though do y'all understand the vision?
-I need me vulnerable Willow asking the Pilfadonnas fer parenting advice and the pair to be more than happy to help their girlfriend just so eager to help!! They're so reassuring and tender with her, making sure she doesn't feel like a terrible shit fer asking fer help about this like, "Oh, oh sweetheart. You've been through so much, and it's a good thing you're fighting fer your second chance to be the mother your children need and deserve. It's alright, darling, we're right here with you."
-Furthermore, Willow would feel so much guilt eating at her for her ex-husband's crimes against the Faunus as a whole and the Pilfadonnas, the leaders of the Faunus themselves, would help talk through her guilt and affirm that Willow is not to blame fer bullshit Jacques pulled and help her with the process of finding a good therapist like like like!!! There's so much shit here guys!!!
-"It was by marrying me that Jacques gained access to the resources tied to the Schnee name and carved out the world. I didn't do anything to stand up to him and stop him from ruining my family's name, and so by doing nothing I'm a part of his sins."
"....Babygirl we love you so much but there's SO MUCH wrong to unpack here."
-Also Willow deserves to be bisexually panicked by two hot cat people bc I said so she just deserves okay trust trust trust
-Anyways, the Schneeblings are mad sus of the Pilfadonnas at first because they ALLLLL know what kinda abusive bullcrap their mom went through in her dead marriage with Jackass Schnee but all eventually coming around to really love Ghira's and Kali's seemingly endless unconditional love (Weiss was the quickest to adapt, then Winter, and finally little Whitley)
-The Pilfadonnas are so sweet and loving to their new kids and see 'em as their own straight up but don't pressure any typa connection and respect the Schneeblings so much like, "I would prefer just Kali, but if calling me Ms. Belladonna makes you more comfortable then go right ahead sweetheart" LIKE THEYRE JUST THE BEST STEPARENTS EVER SO MUCH VALIDATION AND PATIENCE AND SWEETNESS!!!
-"Chieftain Ghira, sir, it's good to see you."
"Winter, while I won't stop you from calling me by that title if that's what makes you the most comfortable, you don't have to be so strict with yourself. There's no need to address me like you're a military subordinate, sweetheart."
"...I would die for you, sir."
"Oh! Um! I'm very grateful for that, but, uh, let's also not huh? Wouldn't want you dying anytime soon ahahahaaa."
"You're right, sir, the Maiden powers should not be so carelessly tossed around."
".....Alright so we're going to go find you a good therapist and start working on your sense of personhood-"
-The Pilfadonnas introduce the concept of therapy and healthier coping mechanisms to all of the Schnees REALNESS
-"But OP wouldn't Weiss already have learned that from her super supportive friends?" Weiss' found family is incredible but healthy coping mechanisms are NOT part of that package deal holy shit hypertraumatized child soldiers left and righttt baby
-Anyways, one time Whitley slipped and accidentally called Ghira "Hey dad-" and everyone FROZE before Whitley rushed his question and then ran the f u c k off as Ghira started wiping tears with Kali holding him close and Willow being so emotional at the her son finally has a solid, good father figure in his life oMG HES STARTING TO ACCEPT THE PILFADONNAS!!!
-Eventually, the Schneeblings graduate to calling the Pilfadonnas just Kali and Ghira (and Blake calling Willow by her first name was already established back when she was crashing Schnee Manor in V8 so we chilling) but Whitley, oh my heart, sometimes slips with a 'mama' or 'dad' to his stepparents and down the line he even stops getting embarrassed over it and GOSH does it melt the Pilfadonnas' hearts everytime he calls 'em that it doesn't matter if it's the tenth or the hundredth time they're sosossooo soft
-One time Weiss was practicing her fencing stances and didn't realize the Pilfadonnas were watching her, and then when they started to praise how amazing her swordsmanship is? Babygirl actually starts to cry a little because it was always, "You need to be faster, Schnees aren't supposed to be so slow" and "What would your grandfather say if he saw such sloppy forms? Again!" and never, "Oh, Weiss, honey, you were wonderful out there! You must have trained very hard to be so good!"
-If you give any of the Schneeblings a fucken shred of unconditional praise they will crumple faster than a stale cookie. On a daily basis, Weiss jokes and asks Blake how the FUCK did she not end up more well-adjusted (she knows about the bullshit with Adam but Weiss also knows that Blake is aware she's just messing around)
-So we've established some headcanons of the Schneelings interacting with the Pilfadonnas, but hear me out awkward as fuck Blake and Willow interactions bc Willow has NO IDEA how to interact with her daughter's teammate turned stepdaughter???
-Because, you know, "Oh uh hey my ex-husband exploited and abused the shit out the Faunus for years on end and you were one of the people heavily affected to the point where you, as a literal child, turned to a life of vigilante terrorist justice as a form of fighting back for your own basic rights"
-Blake, like her parents, completely understand that Willow had nothing to with Jackass' cruelty and instead gives her new stepmom an easy smile and starts talking small talk about Weiss' adventures with Team RWBY and!! Yeah!! Willow genuinely wants to know what's been going on in her daughter's life since she was so absent from it during her alcoholic days
-The pair bond over a shared loved of Weiss, and at one point Willow says, "If it isn't overstepping, can I just say I am truly fortunate that Weiss has someone like you in her life to support her" and Blake chuckles softly and replies, "It wasn't easy at first, but yeah, I'm glad she's in my life too" AND ARGAGRGRHRH THE BONDINGGGG
-Speaking of bonding, imagine the Pilfadonnas vibing with Klein and bonding over tea together, and seeing their adoptive dad figure Klein vibe with their new steparents may or may not have sped up Whitley and Winter warming up to the Pilfadonnas justttt a litttttlleee
-When Kali and Ghira see their stepkids flinch at loud voices or innocently raised hands, when they notice the low self-esteem Winter still carries or Whitley's facade of maturity so that adult figures actually acknowledge him, in front of the kids they're very respectful and apologetic of accidental triggers without being patronizing, but when they're alone? Straight fucking murder in their eyes. The Pilfadonnas are fucken e n r a g e d they're fucken seething because how dare Jackass Schnee hurt these sweet kids so fucking much
-They make sure neither the Schneeblings nor Willow are around when they let out their furious vents to each other absolutely slandering Jackass' name with clenched fists and bared fangs because they don't want their anger to trigger anyone but yeahhhh. Yeah, if Jacques is still out there we're adding two bisexual cat pilfs to the waiting list fer ripping his head off
-ANYWAYS, on a lighter note, can y'all imagine the Belladonnas are vibing and purring together all comfy and shit and the Schnees see them and are like, "Shit man they're so HEALTHY and FUNCTIONAL what the HECK??"
-Blake groaning, "Dadddddd!!" when her dad pulls up with family albums to talk about his precious daughter's childhood and, "Not you too mom!!!" when Kali excitedly joins in. As Blake is play wrestling with her parents to get the photobooks away, the Schnees are just witnessing this in various levels of amused but also kinda like, "Damn wow is this what a healthy family's supposed to look like dannggg that's crazzzzzyyyyyyyy"
-Vacations to Menagerie where the Belladonnas playfully make fun of their sunburnt as all hell white family members, and even though some Faunus are wary of the visiting Schnees, others are more open to giving these guys a chance and hey!! Turns out the SDC is actually going to be a good company after the shit Jacques Schnee pulled. Imagine the healing between Faunus relations and the Schnee family name when Willow and her kids pull up to help wherever and however they can
-I'm just saying family dinners would be so healthy and healing fer Willow and her kids after years filled with so many isolated, lonely, suffocating as hell dinners when Jacques still walked these halls. Instead of stiff etiquette and barbed questions throw their way by a spiteful bitchass with a clip-on tie, there's warm laughter and jovial banter thrown about; genuine inquires about their day/interests that lead to invested conversation and freely given praise; large, beaming smiles from three dark color-schemed people who radiantly glow like the sun. It's like the Belladonnas breathed back life into the hollowed out Schnees who barely survived all the different ways jackass had hurt them, and that's just so fucken lovely to think about
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min3nc · 1 year
[At the Bellaschnees]
Winter: Coffee or tea, Belladonna. *Glaring daggers at her*
Blake: Ah. Uh… Tea, please.
Winter: Wrong. *Pours her a cup* It’s coffee.
Blake: *Cold cup of coffee in front of her* Uuugh.
Weiss: Is that… Coffee?
Blake: Winter… made that for me.
Weiss: She WHAT.
Blake: I know, right? I don’t even like coffee.
Weiss: No. You don’t understand... *Mumbling* She's really trying, huh.
Weiss: I-I’ll talk to her, don’t worry.
Winter: *Grabbing at her face, embarrassed* She doesn’t like coffee?!
Weiss: She prefers tea.
Winter: Ugh. *Putting on her jacket*
Weiss: Are you going to...
Winter: Spend my entire paycheck on tea? Yes. *Leaves*
Weiss: *Cooing* She's trying so hard!
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bridgyrose · 10 months
Ghira clapping Willows cheeks while Kali gives Willow pointers on enjoying it. Please.
(This one is a bit short, but... I hope you enjoy)
Willow nervously looked over her reflection in the mirror, gently pulling at the underwear she was given that didnt seem to leave much to the imagination. Her heart pounded nervously as she stepped out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom with Kali and Ghira. “How do I look?” 
“I think you look great,” Ghira said as she walked behind Willow, kissing her neck. “Like a princess.” 
Willow gasped in surprise as she felt Ghira’s hands on her ass, not expecting for him to be so forward. Another gasp of surprise left her as he gave her a gentle smack, her cheeks becoming a deep red. 
Kali smiled and pulled her close, kissing her. “All you have to do is relax. You’re safe here with the two of us and allowed to do whatever you want.” 
“Y-yes, I-” the words Willow wanted to say got stuck in her throat as she pressed into Kali, pleasure running through her spine from the gentleness Kali and Ghira was showing her. She could already feel Ghira pressing against her ass while her own hand started to feel down Kali’s body. As Kali’s hand danced across her hip, Willow started to calm down, pressing into the faunus. 
“Dont worry, I’ll walk you through everything.” Kali gently nipped at Willow, practically purring as she spoke. “And when you’re ready to stop, you dont have to continue.” 
Willow nodded as she gently started to grind against Ghira, feeling his cock start to throb against her. Everything around her seemed to slow as her mind raced with the feelings that she was experiencing. This was her first time going behind her husband’s back, the first time she was put into a gentle situation, the first time anyone cared about her feelings… and she couldnt seem to get into the mood to continue. Finally, she started to pull away from the couple, looking away as she sat down with a pounding heart. “I… I-I cant do this.” 
Ghira sighed and pulled up his shorts to try to look a bit more decent. “I guess we did start with this a bit… quickly.” 
“Its not that, I…” Willow sighed as her blush started to clear up, closing her legs tightly. “I’m not interested in-” she waved her hands around as she tried to find the right words. “-whatever this is. It feels… terrible to me.” 
“Maybe we need to take things slow.” Kali sat down next to her and put a hand on Willow’s thigh. “Take things at a speed that you are okay with and figure out what you want.” 
Ghira nodded, sitting down on Willow’s other side. “Kali and I do like you alot and we’ll take things however you want. You deserve better than what you’ve been dealing with.” 
“Is… is it okay for us to just… cuddle for now?” Willow asked. “Just until I can get myself to be a bit more comfortable with this whole idea.” 
Ghira pulled Willow into a kiss and smiled. “Yes, we can.”
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etinceelle · 1 year
do u ship any crack ships? i’ve heard ppl calling nuts n dolts a crack ship but to me it feels like there was defo some hinting at it in the show
love your art style btw!!💞💞💞
I don't see how Nuts and Dolts is a crack ship, it's literally one of the biggest ship with Ruby with Whiterose, + it's not that weird considering how they interact and are strongly connected x) If we had 1/3 of what Ruby & Penny had but for Whiterose, you can be sure that everyone would be losing their minds right now, so why would it be weird or not a potential romantic path for NND-
But anyway, it depends of what you consider crackship, to me it would be characters who never interacted or not that much/not canon or obviously not meant to be together ! So with that said I don't really see it as a crackship, but Freezerburn (Yang & Weiss) is really cute, I love their divorce energy xD I also love Ilia & Emerald for some reason, I feel like these two would get along pretty well !
As for a real crack ship I'd say Moose on Twitter converted me to Snowleopard (Kali, Ghira & Willow---) krkr
I'm not that much into ships of more than 2 persons (even if think Frozensteel is cute too (Ruby, Penny & Weiss). But man Snowleopard is so funny and also really cute and spicy thanks to Moose's drawings, idk I would love to draw them xD Their dynamic is great
Also thank you so much !! ♥
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ethans-express · 1 year
I see you're a fan of Tired of Retail's OT3 Snow Leopard.
Do you know of any good fanfics for them?
A friend of mine was asking about it, and I was thinking that fanfics would be the best way to share the interest
Yes indeed i am! :3
I’ve actually helped them come up with quite a few ideas for it too
As for fanfics, there’s one i have bookmarked as to keep up with each new chapter, i’ll link it! :D
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krimreader · 1 year
@yokoya-sapphics : sends me one (1) snowleopard post
Me: oh god oh fuck no why
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
Weiss: *Dancing around Enemies, flinging waves of elemental dust as though she were the embodiment of nature itself*
Jaune: ... Whoa ...
Winter: *Rapid, smooth but harsh strikes, with practiced, honed movements earned from years of effort and training*
Robyn: Nice Job~
Willow: *Hefty, certain lunges and swings of a practiced Huntress, tempered by lack of use, Hair coming hair coming free of its bindings as her Hammer crushes Grimm, Pepperbox firing freely into the hoard, the Ferocity compounded by decades of rage*
Ghira: *Nodding* She's Not bad.
Kali: Not Bad at All~
Whitley: *Panicked Firing of a pistol, Followed by a flurry of novice swings with a dagger*
Ruby: *Just side stepping his attacks* Whitley, you need to know how to shoot from standing before you shoot from Running.
Oscar: *Internally* Well I can't not Fuck him.
Ozpin: Oscar Please don't until we figure this out!
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humbledoodles · 11 months
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Faunus RWBY Goes To Vacuo
Alligator Yang: This is nice. Lot's of great places to sunbathe.
Blake, just Blake: Yeah, it's almost like home.
Bird Ruby: *Flapping her wings* Weiss! Are you okay?
Snow Leopard Weiss: *Heat stroke*
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So you've got tiger!Yang and panther!Blake. How 'bout Ruby and Weiss getting introduced to cheetah!Ruby and snow leopard!Weiss? That way we'll have a complete big cat RWBY AU.
Cheetah!Ruby made headlines because of her unique colour mutation. Looking she's got a red sheen to her fur.
Snow leopard!Weiss, being of an endangered species, recently got released from an animal hospital after being shot in the side by a poacher.
Cat!Weiss is/was standoffish with cat!Ruby but has grown to tolerate her presence, whilst cat!Ruby just seems content to have someone near to calm the anxiety cheetahs are known to have.
For shits and giggles, Oscar is sitting with Ilia because he's in the same situation with Ruby as Ilia is with Blake.
I did do a skit where Ruby was a shephard/lab mix that calmed down Cheetah!Weiss, but let's see how this RWBY-ception would work. Let's go!
Weiss: Does anyone else think it's odd that the animals we're caring for are named after our friends...or girlfriends in some cases...?
Blake & Yang: (snuggled together and lounging against T!Y next with P!B draped over their laps) No, not really.
Tiger!Yang & Panther!Blake: (nuzzling noses together affectionately)
Weiss: Of course, you don't. (gently strokes SL!W's fur) You are ridiculously soft.
SnowLeopard!Weiss: (preens proudly)
Cheetah!Ruby: (barrels into Weiss excitedly and rubs up on SL!W while laying on Weiss)
Weiss: Ruby! Get off of me!
Ruby: (sitting on the other side of SL!W) But I'm not on you, Weiss.
Weiss: I'm talking to the cheetah!
Cheetah!Ruby: (rubs Weiss's head lovingly)
Weiss: Yes, yes, I love you too.
Ruby: (starry eyes) You love me?!
Weiss: Again...cheetah.... (quietly) but yes...
Ruby: (pouts and grabs SL!W's cheeks) Well, I love my fluffy Weiss! (rubs noses together)
SnowLeopard!Weiss: (growls happily but puffs up)
Yang: And I love Blake (kisses Blake's cheek)
Panther!Blake: (growls)
Yang: Both of my Blakes. (kisses between P!B's ears)
Panther!Blake: (grumbles happily)
Blake: (kisses Yang back) And I love my Yangs (kisses T!Y's muzzle)
Tiger!Yang: (covers face with enormous paw all flustered)
Ilia: (still in the observing area brooding) This is ridiculous.
Oscar: Brooding over being cockblocked by a big cat?
Ilia: Yup...
Oscar: Mind if I join you?
Ilia: Go for it.
Oscar: Thanks (sits next to Ilia and stares at SL!W in disbelief) How did I lose out to that????
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 4 months
Snowleapords give us more
Willow: *pulverizes grimm with Hammer, turns on another and fans a Pepperbox to shred another*
Kali: Oh me oh my~ She is skilled~ That look in her eye~ What a predator~
Ghira: Perhaps we should see what happens if we corner her~
Kali: Ooh~ Good idea~
~Across the training grounds~
Weiss: Your parents are leering at my mother and are whispering something to each other.
Blake: You shouldn't worry about it.
Weiss: You're right. Yes. I'm sorry, I was worried they might hunt down my mother or something. My apologies.
Blake: I think they are gonna "hunt her down" but not for the reasons you first think.
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