#s19 fic
supercorphypes · 2 months
Marina fans!
If you're interested in having a character from either Grey's Anatomy or Station 19 judge/review in a joking manner your Marina fics, let me know who you'd like to see doing it! I've got a couple ideas, but let me know. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out my masterlist. I review SuperCorp fics as Lillian Luthor. It's fun(ny) to me.
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robotnuts · 11 months
thinking about washchurch. need to talk to someone more intelligent with me about washchurch. 
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upat4amwiththemoon · 9 months
If you still write for Station 19 can I request a Marina x reader fic where Maya and Carina find out R has asthma while on a evening walk? Like the weather is nice and all three are off so they decide not to waste it and go for a stroll? Thanks in advance and if you don't write for S19 then disregard this 😅
Summary: Sometimes there isn’t enough air.
Pairing: Marina x female!reader
Warnings: asthma attack that borderlines a panic attack
Word count: 681
a/n: this is for everyone who has to try to hide their wheezing while going up the stairs with someone <3 this fic is literally what happened to me lololol (I have asthma!!)
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Maya, Carina, and Y/N are walking along a small park near their home. The sun is setting down alongside a hill, and the cool autumn air is moving the few already fallen leaves around. There aren't many clouds in the sky, making the brightest stars already visible on the evening sky.
Y/N smiles, closing her eyes as she takes a deep breath, smelling the fresh air around them. They all wanted to get out of the house, starting to feel a little like the walls were falling down on them, especially Y/N, as she doesn't have the same crazy schedules as her girlfriends.
"Want to go up the hill to see the sunset better?" Maya asks, knowing how much Y/N enjoys seeing the sky change its colors.
They all decide it's a good idea, so they start to walk towards the hill. From further away, it deosn't seem like a too big of a climb. However, as they continue walking, Y/N can properly see how steep the hill is. She can feel her breathing get heavier and quicker the moment they step foot on the base of the hill, but she doesn't say anything. It's just a hill, she feels embarrased to struggle while her girlfriends walk on with ease. At the middle of the hill, Y/N's pace begins to slow down. Her breaths in and out are short and quick paced, but she makes them as quiet as possible so Maya and Carina wouldn't hear. She continues pushing on.
Right before the top, the hill becomes even steeper. Maya and Carina are already at the top, enjoying the way the sun is painting the sky. At the last steps, Y/N's breathing turns audibly wheezy, getting her girlfriends' attention. They walk over to her, worry clear on their faces as they try to ask Y/N what's wrong, but she can't hear properly through the thumping in her ears.
She feels Carina’s hands gently pushing her to the ground. She sits down, her panicked eyes moving between Carina and Maya. “I c-“ she gasps, her lungs feeling like they’re collapsing, “I can’t breathe.”
“You have to calm down, bellezza.” Carina rubs her back, while Maya helps her take off the tight shirt she is wearing. “Take long and deep breaths for me.”
Y/N follows Carina’s instructions to the best of her abilities. It takes a while for her breathing to settle down, which scares both Maya and Carina, as they’ve never experienced something like this with Y/N.
Once Y/N’s breathing is normal, though slightly heavier, Maya grabs her still shaking hand. “What happened?”
“I have asthma.” Y/N tells with a sheepish look on her face.
Her girlfriends look shocked, and slightly alarmed they weren’t made aware of her condition. “Where’s your inhaler?” Maya is frowning.
“I don’t have one.” She mumbles, biting her lower lip. “Well I do, but I haven’t picked up my new dose yet.”
“That could’ve ended very badly, bellezza.” Carina sets her hands on Y/N’s cheeks, making her look at her. “You have to tell us these things so we know what to do when something like this happens. You also need to have an inhaler with you at all times.” Her doctor voice comes out, which Y/N usually finds very attractive, but right now she just feels like a scolded child.
“I know. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Maya helps Y/N up, giving back her shirt that she slips on. “Tomorrow morning, we’ll go and get it right when the pharmacy opens.” She states, leaving no room for negotiation.
Y/N nods with a small smile, her gaze moving to the sky. “The sun has already set.” She pouts, feeling guilty they missed it because of her attack.
“It sets every night, we’ll catch it again.” Carina tubs her back while they start walking down the hill and back to their house, now in a much slower pace. “But lets not up that hill again.” She grins, kissing Y/N’s cheek.
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smilysstuff · 1 month
I expected it through a mile even a lightyear, tried to give it the benefit of the doubt but with the company practically going to be deleted- it's like through their rush they forgot that s19 was continuing directly off the part where the reds and blues were ready to die together, then Red team later in the movie ditched caboose to be almost strangled to death by his possessed teammate and friend?? There is moments where I mildly laughed yeah but some of the serious scenes just didn't made me emotionally connect. I was vividly chanting in my head that there's no way they got rid of Sarge just like that, and I was in full belief that Sarge is gonna dig out of his grave any second now right? Right?? Also where's donut. Beamed when I saw Sheila but what about freckles? Grif is a private again?? What about his title as captain???? It all felt like some sort of unserious crack plot, and that's literally also rvb's entire thing and they failed at it. Had to admit, Tex coming back folded me backwards like a lawn chair in the best way possible, but again, is it just me or did the fight scene at the almost end felt like some sort of death battle video.
I'm more upset about the fact that everyone else had a mild reaction to Tucker as the Meta, I was so especially excited on what Carolina's and Wash's reaction would be to Tucker losing himself in the same process that took a friend away. The horror the devastating potential of Meta!Tucker, ended with an off screen joke, alright. Gonna cutely wait for the fix it fics to flood in soon enough.
Anyways tdlr : should've ended with grimmons making out 😒😒😒
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englishstrawbie · 2 months
I've been away this weekend, so it's taken a couple of days to get my head around the news that CBS has cancelled NCIS Hawai'i as I've been trying to keep on top of all the posts and tweets and messages.
This one hurts. There is so much more character exploration to do, so many more backstories to tell. I want to know more about Lucy's family, I want to know more about Kate's relationship with her parents, I want to hear them talk more about marriage and to see their dreams come true. I want to know more about Jane's mom and why she left. I want to see more of Kai's relationship with Camille. I want to know if Ernie and Chase will ever get to together. We haven't even met Heather Boone yet!
I'm not ready to say goodbye to another wlw ship. I love Kacy, I love their dynamic. I love how they bring out another side in each other, how they appreciate and love each other's idiosyncrasies.
It's another successful show, led by a woman of colour, with a prominent wlw ship - just like Station 19 - that has been deemed expendable in favour of other stories. In Hawai'i's case, straight white male stories like Gibbs and DiNozzo. And don't get me started on CBS investing in Michael Weatherly. 🤬
The way these networks make these decisions and surprise them on the cast and crew is horrible. And, unlike S19, we don't even get a final season to wrap up any loose ends - and, from what I've heard, season 3 is going to end on a cliffhanger. ☹️ We're lucky that there are some brilliant writers in this fandom who, I'm sure, will gift us with fic - but it shouldn't be this way, the show should get the chance to say goodbye properly.
I'm gutted for the cast and crew. I'm gutted for the fans. I hate that it's the second time this has happened to one of the fandoms I love within only six months. I hate that there's another fight to be had. So yeah, this one hurts. 💔
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somber-sapphic · 15 days
Hiya! if you are open to requests can I ask for a sick Carina fic set during a clinic day where Carina drags herself in despite Maya telling her to go home, but when shes there, s19 has to go on a call, by the time theyre back shes exhausted herself and barely awake (Maya finds her asleep on one of the beds)
"You've really got the sniffles today, haven't you?" + “If you sneeze one more time, I'm going to start getting worried." + "It's not like you to get this sick."
Clinic Daze
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〖Summary: Sometimes Carina doesn't have any choice but to work while sick, luckily Maya (and the a lumpy bed) are there to help her〗
〖Word Count: 1.6k〗
〖Pairing: Sick Carina x Maya〗
〖Notes: After watching s7e9 I needed some comfort, thank you for this ask. Also my hand started cramping up while I was finishing this so that's fun
Carina sneezed into her mask and sniffled, pushing a stray piece of hair out of her face as she tried to make sense of the chart sitting in her lap. She knew her report was hard to decipher; she just needed to be sure others could read it. She was done for the day, this was the last thing on her list and then she was going home, Maya had promised to take her home if she had to stay the whole day. 
“Carina, why are you still here?” The brunette looked up to see her wife striding over, one eyebrow raised in disapproval. Carina straightened automatically, feeling as though she was a small child being scolded. Maya had told her not to come to work and had been telling her to leave between patients. She sneezed twice instead of responding, the bursts coming in quick succession. 
“If you sneeze one more time, I'm going to start getting worried." The EMT said, her tone serious. When she had seen her this morning she had been slightly concerned for her health but as the day went on the ball of anxiety in her stomach grew. 
“They couldn’t get anyone else, I need to be here,” Carina replied, her voice grating and weary. She had laughed at Maya when the woman suggested that she not come into the clinic today, she hadn’t felt bad at all, just a bit run down. Another sneeze rattled her body and she ducked away, shame coloring her cheeks. She had been so wrong.
“You’ve really got the sniffles today, haven't you?” Maya said sympathetically, offering the doctor a tissue from the box sitting next to her. She accepted and pulled the mask down, revealing a mess of snot and a bright red nose. 
She tossed the mask in the trash, no longer having any use for it. The patients were gone and Maya was pretty much bound to get sick considering the two lived together, plus it had been ruined by her frequent sneezing.
“Oh, you poor thing,” Maya paused and glanced down at her phone, relieved to see 5:00pm flashing across the screen. “Okay, the clinic's closed. Finish up whatever you’re doing right now and I’ll take you home, I don’t want you driving like this.” Carina nodded in silent agreement and grabbed another tissue, blowing her nose with a gurgling sound. 
Maya bent down and kissed her hairline, her lips meeting hot damp skin. The fever was an obvious next step but she needed to be confident it was there so that she could figure out what exactly she wanted to do to help her wife. 
Just as Carina tucked the file away and was about to stand up an alarm sounded throughout the station requesting the truck and aid car. Maya looked up helplessly as her team began to gear up, torn between staying to take care of Carina and going to do her job. 
“Bishop, we need you, let's go!” Andy shouted, noticing Maya’s hesitation. The captain glanced between her second and the obviously sick doctor and felt a prickle of guilt in the back of her neck. “Bishop, I’m sorry but we need you. Carina, go make yourself comfortable, we'll be back as soon as we can.”
“Go, it’s okay. I’ll wait here.” Carina rasped, punctuating the sentence with a grating cough. Maya pressed one last quick kiss to the top of her wife’s forehead and bolted towards the truck, gearing up at record speed. 
Carina watched in admiration as she leaped into the fire engine and sped away. She felt a little safer every time she watched 19 work together, the way they all moved with such confidence made her feel better not only about the safety of the people of Seattle but for the woman she loved. 
With a shaky sigh, Carina stood, wobbling slightly as she angled her body toward the stairs. It was technically a part of her job to clean up after clinic day but she was too dizzy and tired to think it worthy of her time. The firefighters could get in and out just fine which was all that she cared about. 
The brunette stumbled her way up the stairs, needing to pause halfway up to sit and catch her breath. She hadn’t been walking around much the last few hours, opting to roll around the bay of the station in a wheely chair. It had done wonders for keeping her young patients entertained and had been far faster than walking would have. 
The heat in her face and behind her eyes told Carina that she had a fever but she was freezing, her thin scrubs doing nothing to combat the chills raging through her body. The doctor in her knew that she should find a thermometer, take her temperature, and treat accordingly but the patient in her wanted to go crawl into bed and stay there until she felt better. 
She lurched toward the bunks, stopping off at Maya’s locker to snag a sweatshirt on her way. She decided that a doctor would probably also tell her to sleep so she would be listening to the imaginary doctor for the time being. 
After at least ten minutes of trying to remember which room Maya slept in, Carina found what she hoped was the right one and crawled into what she hoped was her wife’s bed. She figured that they couldn’t be too mad at her if she ended up in someone else's bed and if they were she could pull the fever card. 
Carina pulled the sweatshirt over her head and buried her face in the front, pretending to be held in Maya’s arms. It wasn't anywhere near the real thing but at least she had some piece of the medic there, something to hold. She curled up in the hard bed, drawing the blanket over herself. Part of her was worried about intruding in a space she knew she wasn’t entirely welcome but she felt too sick to do anything else.
A sudden clap of thunder crashed outside, making the sick woman flinch. She wasn’t afraid of storms but it had caught her off guard and the sudden shift in weather was disorienting. Had she been paying more attention to her surroundings she likely would’ve noticed the clouds rolling in and the steady rain that had begun over an hour ago but her delirious mind hadn’t been worrying about anything but staying awake. 
The thunderstorm came to be a welcome comfort that replaced her feverish thoughts about Maya’s safety and how cold she was. She wished that she had stolen a blanket from the laundry room before lying down. Soon that thought faded away too as the brunette sunk into the depths of sleep, her subconscious void of dreams leaving her in blissful quiet. 
When Maya returned to the station she expected Carina to be eating dinner, watching TV, and maybe even still charting. They had only been gone a half hour, the fire had turned out to be a smoking toaster and the injury a minor burn. After giving the woman who had called them a lecture on when it was appropriate to call emergency services they had taken their leave, driving off into the storm. 
After searching every place she could think of Maya finally checked the bunks, wondering as she did so if her wife had left. She had never shown much interest in being in the living quarters of the station, actually taking great lengths to avoid intruding into the other firefighter's space. When she found Carina tucked into a little ball on her bed Maya understood how sick her wife must’ve been feeling.  
“Oh bella,” She whispered, sitting down on the bed beside her. She rested a palm on Carina's forehead, sucking in a breath at the heat she felt radiating from the doctor's skin. She pulled the hood of the sweatshirt down taking great care to not wake her up. Maya was touched that Carina had gone looking for something of hers for comfort but also felt guilty that she had left her alone.
“Is she okay?” Andy’s voice floated into the room, pulling Maya from the thoughts swirling around in her head. She shrugged and stroked Carina’s hair, eliciting a small whimper from the sleeping woman. 
“She will be. I wanted to give her a few more minutes of rest before I took her home.” Maya murmured, hesitating to wake her. Even on the uncomfortable mattress, wearing scrubs and a beat-up hoodie, this was the best she’d seen Carina sleep in weeks. She had been stressed about work and only averaging a few hours a night at best. 
“You can let her stay here if you’d like, the beds aren’t the most comfortable but it’s pretty bad outside. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got called in for a flooding rescue.” The last sentence was directed more towards Andy herself as she mused on how prepared they would need to be to deal with extreme weather circumstances. 
“Are you sure? I know she’s really not supposed to be here but it would be great if she could try to sleep some of this off uninterrupted.” Maya sat up a bit straighter, relief tinging her words. The idea of waking Carina up only to have to take her outside in the rain even for the walk to her car was something she would rather avoid.
Andy smiled slightly and nodded. 
“Yeah, I’ll leave you two alone for now. Let me know if you need anything.” with that she walked away, leaving the blonde to care for the ailing doctor. 
“It’s not like you to get this sick,” Maya said to her still-sleeping wife, noticing a bit of drool in the corner of her open mouth. The way she was lying with her mouth open and nose wrinkled up she would’ve looked so silly if not for her illness. “Oh, I’m so using that for payback.” She snickered and took a quick picture before wiping the drool away and pressing a kiss to Carina’s temple. 
“Sleep well amore, I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @juststuckhereforever, @chairhere, @goldenempyrean
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joltning · 1 month
just thought of the most awful way a s19 grimmons fic could end
Grif is already standing one foot on the helicopter, ready for liftoff. It’s hard to hear over the whirring of the vehicle, but if you listen close, you can hear the sound of boots clanking, heavy and desperate.
Simmons’ grabs a hold of Grif’s wrist, again. Still unwilling to let go. Hold on.
Grif’s head turns, slow, and with that same care and knowing that he’s always had. They’ve always had strong body language.
He doesn’t say anything. Neither of them say anything. Hesitantly, Simmons pulls his hand back towards himself, like Grif is something to be feared. Maybe they’ve already said all they need to say.
Grif turns away from him once again. Simmons doesn’t know that Grif wants him to beg for him to stay, and Grif doesn’t know that Simmons wants to come with him. But they never say anything out loud.
They’re not looking at each other anymore. But Grif knows he’s still there. And soon, he won’t be.
“…I loved you, too.”
And the past tense means it’s over.
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mellaithwen · 3 months
Can the 118 also get a cuddle pile? I want them to all lay there and hold each other just because.
Let’s manifest together anon :)
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Also not to shamelessly reblog myself or anything but that s19 scene was the inspiration for putting buck on top of the engine in my tag-fic for 5x05:
After telling everyone his plans for transferring, Buck can't sleep, and when Eddie finds him hiding on top of the fire-engine they talk (it's been a long time coming).
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riderkaitlyn5 · 1 month
Don't let your dreams be dreams. Be that crazy bastard. Write the fic yourself❤️
Dude I would love to be that crazy bastard but I don't know how to write those idiots. There's a reason I stick with the freelancers. They're easy (kinda) to write. Those unhinged pool noodles are rubik's cubes and every time I think I've solved it, I realized no I freaking haven't
Even if I did try, I'd somehow make something worse than s19 lol
Nah, I'd rather cheer someone on and see what they create
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grimmons · 29 days
my non-rvb fan partner wrote a one shot s19 fix-it grimmons fic based on the base level info they've gotten from me and my rvb fan partner rambling abt it
should i help them edit it and post it
(it IS semi crack treated seriously but im soft on it)
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nocticola · 17 days
Ooh for your ask game, I would love to know more about your Grey's Anatomy fic!
Oh, I actually mentioned this to you before.
Season 19 introduced a new group of interns, including Lucas Adams (middle name Shepherd). He's played by Niko Terho who is half Finnish with a very Finnish name. Lucas is also half Bajan (from Barbados) like his actor and I think that's cool. He also realises that he has ADHD towards the end of s19.
I really like his character and since he's related to like half the hospital, I want to write about his familial relationships. I have the basic idea/outline for the chapters with Meredith and Addison (who I love, I have all of Private Practice).
The issue is the show didn't reveal in s19 who exactly his mother is and I'm not sure if s20 did either (I'm not watching at American pace and the strikes made the season much shorter than usual). I feel it's pretty crucial to know who exactly his mother is so I can make proper sense of his relationships with his aunts. Meredith is probably doable since she barely interacted with Derek's sisters but Addison would have had a particular relationship with his mother. I can fudge it based on the little canon we have re: Lucas & Addison but I like to be thorough and sure.
Also the writers did some weird things early on with his storyline with Amelia that's going to be annoying to deal with.
I am doing a rewatch of s19 and maybe then I'll move on to s20 and actually write this. I'm not married to the title but that line revealed his Shepherdness to those in the know in 19x1.
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n-evermores · 1 year
Hiiii I love your Alden Parker stories, they’re amazing 🥹. Is it possible to request some fluff with Parker x ncis!reader and Parker’s dad Roman? Anything that might inspire you.
I thought the S19 finale with his dad was funny and adorable. Especially when he was still upset Alden wasn’t able to join the Navy. 😆 (Like imagine if reader was former Navy so brownie points there for them!) Thanks !! ❤️
This Love is Ours (1/2)
Thank you so much! Your support is very much appreciated! I was so excited to get a Parker request haha. I hope this is what you were looking for!
Paring: Alden Parker x fem!ncis!reader
Word Count: 3,100 +
Genre: Romance, Fluff / Warnings: Age gap
A/N: This is my fourth Alden Parker x Reader fic and I have another one in the works. I just can't stop writing for the man. And after writing this one, I now want to write one where Parker takes the reader birdwatching. Let me know if anyone would be interested in that.
Part Two
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"Are we still going birdwatching Sunday?" You asked as you fell into step with Parker. His brows bounced, and he halted his steps, all while grabbing your shoulders to turn you toward him. 
"Hey–" He sighed, shaking his head apologetically, "I'm sorry, I forgot Sunday is risk with my father." He scoffed, "I would rather go bird watching with you, but–"
You felt a surge of disappointment but forced a smile anyway, "Oh, no, that's fine." You reassured him, "We can just go another day." 
"I know you were really looking forward to it." He lamented, "I just forgot about my day with dad."
"I was looking forward to it, but I was mostly looking forward to spending time with you. I enjoy it." You admitted, your gaze searching his eyes after your daring confession. 
He quirked a brow at your words, curiosity glimmering in his eyes, "Well, if that's the case. Why don't you come with me? I'm sure dad won't mind." He shrugged a shoulder, looking almost nonchalant about the suggestion, but you were over the moon by it. 
"I'd love that!" You bit your bottom lip, "Are you sure he won't mind?" You only wanted to go birdwatching to spend time with Parker. It did interest you, but the only reason it interested you was because of how much Parker loved it. You were looking forward to the alone time, and now you'd have to share him with his dad, but you didn't mind as long as you were together.
"Not at all." He said before you both headed into the squad room. You couldn't help but smile as you made your way to your desk. The day had been mostly slow, and it gave you time to get a few reports done. You glanced up at Parker as he lifted the phone to his ear to make a call. He locked eyes with you briefly, a warm smile reaching his face, and you felt your chest expand as warmth spread throughout your entire body like a fiery golden liquid. His gaze always felt like the sun, just a little too bright to handle and left your skin feeling hot and flushed.
Sunday came all too slowly, and you found yourself ready hours before Parker said to be, and now you were burning holes in the wood with your pacing. The air was cool, yet your insides were burning. You were nervous. You always were when it came to spending time with Parker. At work, you were okay knowing you were in a controlled environment, but being alone with him outside of work always had your mind reeling. You were terrified to do or say something to deter him. It's not as if you and Parker were dating, but it almost felt like a date when you over-thought every outfit you tried on and waited anxiously by the door for him to pick you up.
You heard a knock, pulling you from your thoughts. You quickly pried the door open and smiled. You wiped your hands against your thighs, your skin feeling clammy and hot as your anxiety rose again. 
He gave you a once over, a crooked smile curling on his lips, "Ready?"
You nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Yes, just let me fetch my bag." You said before searching around you, trying to remember where you last put it. You cleared your throat, feeling a wave of dizziness fill your head, and you took a deep breath. "I can't remember where I put my bag." You chuckled, giving him an apologetic glance. 
Parker tilted his head at you, and his gaze gentled on your face. "Are you okay?" He asked before stepping into your apartment and reaching for you. His large hand wrapped around your forearm, and he pulled you closer while placing his free hand against your forehead. 
Your throat tightened and you swallowed, "I'm fine." You croaked, "Just a little flustered."
"How come?" He asked, before removing his hand from your forehead, "Are you sick? We can reschedule."
"No!" You interjected almost too quickly, "I'm fine. I'm not sick. I just need to find my bag."
He chuckled, "Okay, is it right there?" He pointed to the closet door without even looking at it. You followed his finger to see your bag hanging from the doorknob. 
You felt stupid. "Oh, thanks." You murmured as you snatched your bag and grabbed your keys from the trinket dish beside your door, "At least I know where my keys are." You jingled them in front of him, but he only made a non-committal sound as the two of you left your apartment. 
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine, Parker. I promise." You assured him. He must have let it go because he didn't say anything more. Instead, he started talking to you about his dad. You laughed at his stories before getting into his car. Parker gave you a few warnings as you walked down the corridor of his dad's apartment complex. He lifted his fist to knock, winking at you, and you just smiled and tightened your jacket around you. 
He noticed the gesture and frowned, "You're acting funny today. I'm really starting to worry." He admitted, "Are you sure you're up for this?"
"Parker," You warned, giving him a hard stare, "I'm fine. I swear I'm perfectly fine. Just nervous, I guess." You cleared your throat, unsure why you willingly admitted that to him. 
His brows creased, "To meet my dad?" 
"No. That's not what I meant." You wanted to crawl inside a hole and never come out. You probably sounded like a complete nutcase, but how could you explain your feelings without actually explaining how you felt. 
He mulled over you momentarily, the wheels in his brain turning like clockwork. "Do I make you–" But before he could finish his sentence, the door opened to reveal a much older man than Parker. 
"Ah, there you are." His dad said with a broad smile. "Come in." His eyes never left you as you entered his apartment, "And who is this lovely lady?"
Parker glanced at you, "This is Y/N. She's part of the team."
"Ah," he took your hand gently, "It's nice to meet you. I am glad you are here, but–" his eyes drifted to Parker, "Why is she here? Protection detail?"
"Um, no. We were supposed to go birdwatching today, but I forgot I made plans with you. So I invited her. I hope that's alright with you."
"Of course it is! The more, the merrier. I just wish you had warned me that such a pretty girl was coming over." He winked at you.
You felt your face flush, and you elbowed Parker, "You didn't tell him?" You said through gritted teeth, throwing him a side glance. 
Parker shrugged, "Forgot, I guess." He said as he removed his jacket before turning you around and helped you remove yours. You felt your face flush hot while Parker hung your jackets together.
"Would you like a piece of pie?" Roman asked you, and you nodded.
"Sure. Thank you." You said before moving to sit down. Parker sat beside you on the couch, and you smiled at him. "Your dad seems nice."
He rolled his eyes, scoffing at your words, "If you say so."
"Parker. He's your dad." You countered with a look of disbelief on your face. "And he's old. So be kind to him."
"I am kind." Parker defended before giving you a sour look, "Whose side are you on anyway?" 
"His." You decided, and Parker just opened his mouth in disbelief. 
"His? Over me?"
"I should have left you at home." He smirked, and you just poked his arm teasingly.  
"Next time don't tell me where my bag is then."
"I won't. You'd lose your head if it weren't attached to your shoulders."
"How original." You fired back just as Roman returned to the room with your piece of pie. He glanced between the two of you, obviously overhearing your playful banter. 
"So, Y/N, tell me about yourself." The older man sat in the chair beside the couch, turning his body to face you. 
You lifted the fork thoughtfully before trying a piece of the pie, "Well, what would you like to know?"
"Did you always work for NCIS?" He asked curiously. 
"No. I was in the Navy before and–" But you paused as Roman gave his son a long look. 
"Hear that, Alden? She was in the navy."
"Yeah. I heard." He grumbled before throwing you an almost childish expression as if it was all your fault his father was on his case.
"Did I miss something?" You asked, looking between them. 
"Yes. Alden here is the only Parker not to join the navy."
"Oh." You looked at Parker in question. "Why is that?"
"My record." He said, releasing a long sigh. "I thought we were here to play risk."
"We will. After I get to know more about your Navy friend." He said, giving you a warm smile that reminded you of Parker's. You spent well over ten minutes talking to Roman about your career in the Navy, and finally, when Parker had enough, he dug out the risk game and set it out on the table. 
"Let's play." He said as he sat down, slumping slightly in the kitchen chair. You bit your lip as you watched him pout like a little boy. It was cute how his father brought out that side of him. He seemed so young at that moment, like an eager little boy who felt like a disappointment to his dad. It was sad in a way. You stood from the couch and moved around Parker to join him, but not before squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. Roman noticed this, his eyes following you as you sat close to his son. 
"So, Y/N." Roman said as he sat opposite his son and started setting up the game, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
You swallowed, your eyes drifting to Parker briefly before shaking your head. "Nope. Single as they come." 
He smiled, "Well, you're not going to find one spending so much time with an old man like Alden." He teased his son, and Parker shot him a fiery look that was almost terrifying if you didn't know any better. 
"Um, no. I like spending time with him." You admitted, "He's fun."
"Fun? I hope he doesn't get you into trouble."
"I'm well past those days." Parker said, "You know that."
"I know, but look at her. She's an angel." 
Parker laughed at this, "She's not."
"Hey!" You interjected, and Parker must have caught onto your defensive tone because he gave you a sweet smile, almost too sweet. 
"I'm your boss. I know all your bad habits." He said, and you scrunched up your nose, shaking your head. 
"Well, if that's the case. I'm putting in my notice tomorrow."
"Over my dead body." Parker said, "I need you."
Your face flushed as a warmth spread throughout your body, "I'm glad you feel that way." You said before Roman clapped his hands, snapping the two of you away from whatever was happening, and pointed to the game. 
"Let's play." He said, starting the game.
You found yourself watching Parker more than the game. Honestly, his concentration face was so attractive it was painful. You must have looked like a lovesick puppy because you felt the weight of Roman's gaze and stole a glance his way. You felt your face pale at the knowing look in his eyes. Your palms were sweating as anxiety began to fester inside you again. "I need the restroom. Where is it?" You asked suddenly, and Roman jutted his chin toward the hall. 
"Just in there to the left." He said, and you thanked him before quickly leaving your seat and heading to the bathroom. You closed the door behind you, turned on the water from the sink, and looked at yourself in the mirror. Parker may have been oblivious to your little crush on him, but Roman obviously saw right through you. You splashed water on your face before pulling yourself together and making your way back., but your steps were halted by the alarming conversation coming from the kitchen.
"Is there something going on between you and that girl?"
Parker glanced up at his father in surprise. "No. Why do you ask?"
"She's a woman, and the two of you–" But Parker cut him off. 
"I can't spend time with a woman without it being sexual?"
"That's not what I'm saying." Roman lifted his hand to calm Parker, "I'm just saying don't break her heart."
"Don't break her heart?" Parker released a humorless laugh, shaking his head, "That's a joke, right? For me to break her heart, first she'd have to–" He paused, his lips pursing together thoughtfully, and you knew something must have clicked inside his brain. 
You thought back to when you were standing out in the hall. Parker was about to ask you if he made you nervous as if he was catching on, but you were interrupted. 
"I'm too old for her." He decided. "She doesn't see me like that."
"Oh, but I think she does." He said, "You didn't see how she looked at you just then. Before she went to the restroom."
Parker lifted his head, his eyes searching his dad's for any sign of humor. "What look?" 
"I think your little navy teammate has a crush on you. Why else would she agree to come here? I can imagine so many other things a young person like her could be doing today, but instead she chose to spend it with you and me playing risk."
"We were supposed to go birdwatching." Parker reminded.
"Yes, and does she actually like birdwatching? Or does she enjoy Alden watching?"
Parker's face flushed, and he reached for the top of his collar, "Doubt it." Was all he said before you decided you heard enough. You entered the kitchen and sat down, looking between them. "What are you two talking about?" You asked, fishing for any sign of anything from Parker. 
"Oh, the weather," Roman said with a wry grin, his eyes flickering up to Parker, but Parker refused to meet his gaze. 
For the rest of the game, Parker's entire demeanor changed. You knew it was his conversation with his father, but you wished he'd look at you at least once. But he never did. He avoided your gaze like the plague, and just like that, you became a persona non grata. It was infuriating and a little embarrassing. After a few games and lunch, you headed out. 
Parker didn't speak for most of the drive, and you sighed, leaning back in your seat and looked out the window. You huffed a few times, which must have caught Parker's attention because he finally looked over at you. 
"Okay. What's wrong?"
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" You asked him now that you had his attention. 
"Nothing." He said, "Just a conversation I had with my father."
"About him thinking I have a crush on you?"
Parker turned to stare at you, a look of surprise in his hazel eyes, "What?"
"You two whisper like opera singers. I heard every word of your conversation."
He looked embarrassed as he nervously tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. "Well, my father is insane. I know that isn't true." He said.
"What if it is true?" You asked, the words unwillingly slipping from your lips. You wished more than anything to take them back, but it was too late, and you may as well embrace the truth. 
"I'm your boss."
"Pretend you're not for a second. You think you're too old for me, don't you?"
"Well, aren't I?" He asked.
"Maybe. But what if I didn't care?"
"What if I do care? It's inappropriate. We both know that." He sighed, "You're an attractive woman. I'm not blind. I enjoy spending time with you and I do love our talks. I like how your mind works. I think you're kind and funny. You're too smart for your own good and always keep me on my toes. I suppose you are the type of woman I'd fall for." He admitted, "But I never allowed myself to entertain that thought. I'm your boss, and you're way out of my league. So thinking of you in that way just never occurred to me." 
"Until now?" You asked hopefully, and he threw you a reprimanding glance. 
Despite the expression on his face, his words betrayed him, "Until now." He agreed, "now that I know you're interested, which I don't understand by the way, I'm maybe starting to think about whatever this is between us in a different light."
"You were going to ask if you made me nervous. The truth is. You do. That's why I've been a wreck all day. You make me feel like I'm a teenager again with a school girl crush. I just want to please you."
Something about those last words must have set something off inside of him, because you saw his grip on the steering wheel tighten until all color drained from his knuckles. "You don't have to try so hard." He told you before reaching out to grab your hand in his. "I'm not saying anything is going to happen, but we can take it one day at a time. I still plan on taking you birdwatching."
"I was hoping you'd say that." You grinned, "It's a date."
“Y/N.” He warned despite squeezing your hand and turning to smile at you. "Are you crazy?"
"How do you mean?"
"Why on earth would you have a crush on me?"
"I like older men." You shrugged, "What's the big deal? And you're annoyingly attractive, Parker. Like really attractive. Do you not know that?"
He shrugged, "I suppose yeah, but I didn't think I would be to someone like you."
"Well, get used to it because I'm not interested in anyone else." You told him.
"Well, if that's the case. At least my dad will be glad you were in the Navy." He teased.
"All the more reason to date me." You grinned, before reaching out to brush your thumb over his jawline, gripping his chin between your thumb and index finger. He turned to look at you, his eyes searching yours. "Eyes on the road." You warned softly before releasing him. 
He just chuckled before turning his gaze back to the road. "Oh yeah, you're going to be the death of me," Parker said suddenly, shaking his head. 
"I'm looking forward to it." You grinned, knowing exactly what he meant by that. 
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decreare · 1 month
because I commented on @titan-walls post on a s19/20 epilogue fic outline that got me thinking about the state of blood gulch, specifically Caboose, and my own ideas for an epilogue trip. Now out of everyone Caboose might be the most mature out of all them (this is slowly being flash-banged with loss so many times, not actual maturity), so he might see everyone moping, and try to do something about it. First is him cooking them all a semi-edible breakfast, second is him speaking to all of them in a more stern voice, third is stealing commands from wash and trying to do things like drills and such, all of which is overclocking his poor little brain. So I imagine the rest of blue team as follows: Wash is doing art, terrible, depression art of all the people that died. This wouldn't be so bad if Caboose didn't seem him crying while making them (and art is supposed to make you happy!-Caboose). Carolina is a "blood gulch hunter", meaning she goes around trying to find animals to fight but instead ends up in the caves, where she is constantly reminded of her past as a freelancer and with the Director. Mostly screaming in them all day. Tucker is just becoming Griff, with added lonely masturbation jokes. Simmons is probably pretending everything is normal, trying not to pin over his not-boyfriend and painting a sack of potatoes orange. Now after Caboose ask Simmons for leadership help in trying to drag Blue team out of being sad sacks (something that constantly reminds him of Griff) and some depression adventures, Caboose remembers Tucker has a kid. "Let's go see Tucker's alien baby!" (Maybe we can handwave that Sheila somehow became a ship and lopez her pilot, finally married, but still having to deal with all the idiots) so now rvb road trip, they visit Junior, Catch up with Donut along the way, an old bar that the freelancers used to visit and finding some of them ALIVE (and giving wash some advice on moving on), Carolina's old home which they all burn down, and finally Hawaii have Simmons talk to Griff kicking and screaming. Sister is there and gets turned on by Tucker being depressed. Throughout all of this Caboose is talking with the mental versions of his dead friends in his head so we might hear him speak in a pirate accent once or twice or pretend to be a girl. Standard Caboose fridge horror. I could see the end being them going to the moon to visit Caboose's family, and realizing that they all have each other, even if they can't be there mentally. Caboose asking if they all want to still go home and they find a new valley with two boxes in the middle of nowhere. The ghosts of Church and tex and all that died watching on.
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 month
I have a couple fanfic ideas I've already began to write, so I'm just curious what y'all want to see from me first
Fixing s19 for Tucker and Grimmons would be two vastly different fics, hence why they're two different options
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Grey's anatomy back ! Station 19 too! Intimacy between couples is back baby!! Here too more if only I could see that for my fav fictional couple but more ideas for fic inside my head I have for them! 🤣
We're back, baby!! And yes, give me all the intimacy!
I do wish we got to see more for Chenford. Like, just once, I want to see Tim come up to Lucy from behind, wrap his arms around her waist and push her hair to the side before he leans down and kisses along her neck, paying special attention to her tattoo🥵
Buuuuttt, in the meantime, I will settle for fanfiction!
If anyone hasn't read it yet, @makeitastrength has a fantastic collection of one shots that helps fill in the blank, and you can read that here.
For now, I'm glad intimacy will return to my screen via Grey's and S19. Very interested to see what will happen between Maya and Carina, Jules and Blue, Vic and Theo, and Lucas and Simone this season.
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joltning · 3 months
bro I am so bad at staying focused. Literally so excited for s19 and I’m thinking about geotah again it’s over for me the meds are wearing off send me the markiplier jingle jangle cause I need it. s19 right now or 1000 geotah fics. gay son or thot daughter
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