#sabine will always be best girl
thatchmanger · 1 year
I honestly just love Sabine's arc of becoming the first Mandalorian Jedi since Tarre Vizsla. I love how it started with her finding his long lost Darksaber and using it not only reunite Mandalore but also face her inner demons. I feel like Ahsoka may have seen the potential of that legacy and what it could mean both for Mandalore and a new generation of Jedi, a way to bridge that ancient divide. That's why she took Sabine as her apprentice.
I am also so happy that she is fully force sensitive, I originally was hoping she would be like Chirrut Imwe and just have an underlying connection to force that aided her subtle ways, but honestly I am loving this more.
Sabine is my favorite character from rebels so to see her come so far and evolve so much is such a joy and I can't to see more
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therand0mwriter · 1 year
IDOL-Chapitre deux
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x Male!Idol!reader
When a young American idol and his band tours in France, every one in Adrien's class wants to go. Unfortunately for them, tickets sold out as soon as they were for sale. Fortunately for Adrien, his father was able to get him tickets, but with a cost. Even though theres an underlying reason on why he's going, Adrien decides to take his best friend Nino, and his other two close classmates/friends, Alya and Marinette.
When they all got to the concert and the idol started singing, it mesmerized Adrien, pulling him to the front of the stage. Seeing the idol perform made Adrien feel things he never felt before, and it didn't help when the idol lent down and kissed Adrien's hand. Now that caused quite the ruckus.
"𝐔𝐡, 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭?"
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[The song "Bad Habit" by Steve Lacy does not belong to me]
*Time Skip, 6 Months*
*Adrien's POV*
"Are you guys excited or what?!" Alya shouted, grinning from ear to ear. Marinette enthusiastically nodded her head, "Of course! And I already have all of our outfits ready!" "Great! I can't wait see them!" Alya cheered. "Thats amazing, Marinette. It'll be cool to see what you came up with this time." I smiled at the blue eyed girl. Her cheeks turned dark and a nervous smile made its way onto her face, "Y-Yeah, h-hopefully they look good!" I laugh and smile, "It's you, I'm sure they will!"
Marinette had offer to make me and Nino outfits for Ensnare's concert, but we politely turned her down, not wanting to cause her too much trouble. Speaking of Ensnare, their concert was tonight, and it was the last one for the France tour. From the videos we've seen online, it'll be an unforgettable experience...
*Time Skip*
*Y/N's POV*
"We got two hours until showtime! Chop chop people!" I could hear Sheena practically screaming over the hoard of workers, clapping her hands, all the way to our dressing room. "Can she be any louder?" Kylian mumbled to himself. "You know she can," I chuckled. "Yeah, don't tempt her, especially tonight." Jiraiya added, rubbing his temples. Kylian mocked Jiraiya in a tiny squeaky voice, causing the ravenette to throw his water bottle at the brunette.
Kylian shot up to his feet, shoulders squared and ready for a fight. Jiraiya didn't hesitate to rise to his feet either. "Hey!" I yelled, deepening my voice and making both males immediately paused in their steps and look towards me. "Knock it off." I gritted through my teeth, no room for argument in my tone. Both males glared at each other before sitting back into their previous spots.
"Ooo, papa Y/N does not play!" Kairo laughed from his seat in the make-up chair. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "That's enough out of you," He grinned mischievously but quieted down nonetheless.
*Time Skip, 1 hour*
*Adrien's POV*
Me and Nino were currently in Marinette's living room, waiting as she and Alya finished getting ready. Nino was dressed in a white t-shirt with a light brown button up shirt as a jacket, black jeans with a chain, black sneakers, a light brown flat cap, and his usual colorful bracelets he always wore.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Nino's outfit.]
I was dressed in a black t-shirt, a light blue button up as a jacket, black jeans, and white sneakers.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Adrien's outfit.]
"Would you boys like anything to drink?" Marinette's mom, Sabine Cheng, asked us from their kitchen. "No thank you, we're alright Mrs. Cheng." I answered with a smile, Nino nodding along. Just then, Marinette and Alya came downstairs. "Woah..." Nino breathlessly said as he saw his girlfriend. Alya was wearing a long sleeve, orange and brown dress that stopped at her mid thigh. The dress was almost a geometrical design, definitely making it an eye catcher. She wore brown boots and had a brown purse to match.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Alya's outfit.]
"I decided to go out of my comfort zone this time," Alya smiled, radiating confidence. "You look amazing, babe!" Nino cheered, going and hugging his girlfriend. He kissed her cheek as I added, "Yeah! You look great!" "It's all thanks to Marinette," Alya stepped to the side to show said girl (who was hiding). Marinette was wearing a soft pink sundress that stopped at her mid thigh, a red and white flower design along the dress. She had a white cardigan on, white flats and a matching white clutch purse.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Marinette's dress.]
"You look amazing, Marinette! Very cute!" I complimented her, making her face turn red. Marinette started to uncontrollably stutter, but Alya came to her side, "What she is trying to say, is thank you." I look back to Marinette and she rigidly nodded her head in agreement. "Alright! Let's go!" Alya cheered, grabbing Marinette's hand and pulling her along, me and Nino following behind.
*Time Skip, 30 Minutes*
*Y/N's POV*
We just finished our VIP meet and greet and got back to our dressing room, touching up our look and/or changing our outfits. Not long after, our manager came in, "Is everyone ready?" Sheena asked, looking around the room. "Yeah, Y/N just needs to get changed." Jiraiya said, motioning to me in the make-up chair. "Alright, everyone else, go get into your positions." Sheena said before quickly leaving the room, most likely to go check on multiple other things.
When the make-up artist was done, I stood up and called over my band mates, "Line up." Ever since our very first performance together, it's been tradition for them to line up and have me look them over. The twins were first, then Kylian and finally Jiraiya. The twins were wearing a white t-shirt, a tan jacket, dark green cargo pants, white sneakers and jewelry.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Kairo's and Loyal's outfit.]
I straightened out one of Loyal's pant legs, as one cuff was risen higher than the other, and gave him a nod of approval. I move onto Kairo and straightened out his shirt and jacket, giving him the nod of approval as well. I turn to Kylian to see him wearing a white sweater with the sleeves pushed up, gray skinny jeans with material missing at his knees, white sneakers and his jewelry.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Kylian's outfit.]
I straightened out his messy hair, getting a complaint from him. Once I was done I nodded in approval. When I finally turn to Jiraiya, he was waiting with a smile. I could tell he was nervous, so I smiled at him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, "Relax, you'll be great, you always are!" His shoulder relaxed but his face held... disappointment? Before I could ask what's wrong, he changed the subject, "Thanks, how do I look by the way?" I pulled away and took a look at his outfit. He was wearing a clean, white button up shirt, light blue ripped jeans, white sneakers and his jewelry. "Handsome," I simply said, nodding in approval.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Jiraiya's outfit.]
It looked like he blushed but quickly turned his head to our other band mates, "Okay, let's go. Get dressed and meet us out there." He started pushing the other three members out the door. "See you guys there!" I called out before they closed the door.
*3rd Person POV*
There was an awkward silence among the 4 band members that just left their leader. Kairo opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Jiraiya was trying hard to ignore their concerned glances, focusing on heading to their instruments. That is, until Kylian spoke up, "Y'know, he's not going to treat you any different unless you tell him how you feel."
Jiraiya made a sound of annoyance, "You don't think I know that?" Kylian rolled his eyes, "Oh my god, just tell him!" "I don't want to ruin what we have." Jiraiya said. "Well, your looks of longing and sadness towards our dear leader is making me uncomfortable. So tell him and stop with your moping!" Kylian said, exasperated. Jiraiya halted in his steps and got into Kylians face, "If I tell him how I feel and he rejects me, it's going to be extremely uncomfortable for all of us. Not just you." He pulled away and sped off towards his instrument, leaving the three boys behind.
Kylian stared off in the direction Jiraiya went with a glare, Kairo coughing uncomfortably and Loyal shifting from foot to foot. "That was awkward for us," Kairo mumble. Kylian 'tsk-ed', "Shut up."
*Time Skip*
*Adrien's POV*
After we made our way through a metal detector and the security guard scanned our tickets, we were handed some glow sticks. We cracked them as we made our way into the venue and placed them on our necks and wrists. We scanned the place and gawked, amazed at all the lights and decorations. There was a stand selling the bands merchandise and a couple stands that were selling snacks and drinks.
"Okay! Let's grab the merch now! That way we can leave immediately afterwards! The line isn't that long too!" Alya shouted over the noise of the crowd and background music. "Smart! That way we won't be late for our dinner!" I also shouted. All three of them looked at me, confused. "Uh, what do you mean: 'dinner', dude?!" Nino asked. "Um, our dinner with Ensnare? Did I not tell you we have Deluxe VIP tickets?!" I said, starting to get confused.
Everyone had blank looks on their faces before they screamed/shouted in excitement. "Why didn't you tell us we had Deluxe VIP tickets?!" Alya screamed, shaking my shoulders. "S-Sorry I-I f-forgot!" I tried to say while being violently shook. "This is so exciting! We get to meet them!" Marinette cheered, jumping in her spot, Alya joining her not long after.
"Oh, wait! Let's hurry up and get in line for the merch!" Alya paused, taking Marinette's hand and speed walking towards the line. Me and Nino looked at each other and chuckled, following after the girls.
*Time Skip*
*3rd Person POV*
The concert was about to begin, the four teens waiting with anticipation. Adrien looked down to his hands to see the shirt and magazine he bought at the merchandise stand. The shirt was a long sleeve crew neck and it was white, Ensnare's most recent album cover on the front. The magazine also had the bands album cover on the front, but when you opened it, it was pretty much a picture book. It was full of photos of the members, together and separate. Occasionally, there would be paragraphs explaining what was happening in the picture or why they were doing a that specific photo shoot.
Adrien was embarrassed to admit it, but the main reason he got the magazine was because of Y/N. The vendor for the stand had the magazine on display, and he had it opened to a picture of just Y/N. Y/N was dressed in an all red suit, his shirt slightly opened to reveal his chest a bit. The background for the picture was all red too, making Y/N's head and chest stand out the most, making him eye catching. Adrien convinced himself that he just wanted Y/N to sign the picture and that's why he got it, but deep down, he knew he just really liked that picture and wanted it in general.
Finally, a drum roll started. "It's time! The moment you've all been waiting for!" Once the announcer started, the entire venue erupted into a cheer. "Please welcome, Ensnare's favorite set of twins! Kairo and Loyal!" Said twins ran out onto stage, Kairo going to the edge and high fiving a few fans while Loyal sheepishly waved.
Once they made it to their assigned instruments, the announcer started up again, "Next, we have the bad boy, the heart breaker, Kylian!" The brunette ran out onto the stage, winking and blowing kisses to the female fans. "Second to last, we have the cool, collected, Jiraiya!" He calmly stepped out onto the stage, also waving and making his way to his instrument.
The drum roll sped up, "And finally... the leader and amazing vocalist... Y/N!" Time seemed to slow down for Adrien, the sounds of the crowd drowned out, only the sounds of his breathing, rapid heartbeat and the slow steps of Y/N walking onto the stage were present. But when Adrien saw Y/N... everything went silent, it was like he was deaf. The idol on stage was glowing, his silky hair shined, his eyes were vibrant, his skin clear and smooth... and not to mention his outfit. The male was wearing all black, except for his thin white belt. His dress shirt had the first few buttons undone and was tucked into his skinny jeans, dress shoes and silver jewelry completing his look.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for your (the reader) outfit.]
When Y/N made it to the microphone and greeted the crowd, it snapped Adrien out of his trance, "Bonsoir, everyone!" The blonde male realized how heavy his breathing was and how fast his heart rate was, his face felt hot and his palms sweaty. He wiped his forehead and started to control his breathing, 'What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?' Adrien thought, genuinely confused.
If Adrien wasn't so focused on his breathing, he would have connected that his 'problem' was right on the stage in front of him.
"Thank you all so much for coming to see us tonight! We really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the show tonight, and since it's our last one, we have something special planned for you all!" Y/N explained, a large smile on his face. The crowd screamed once again. "Now, let's get on with it!"
*Time Skip, 1 hour*
The band had just finished playing their final song off of their most recent album. The crowd was screaming, confetti was everywhere, balloons that the stage hand had threw out were bouncing around, it was a moment none of the teens would forget.
Ensnare was taking a break, wiping sweat of their foreheads and chugging water bottles. About half way through the concert the twins had taken off their jackets and Kylian had thrown his sweater into the crowd, a lucky female fan catching it. The male only had an undershirt on now, his bicep tattoo of his guitar with music notes showing.
Y/N took a deep breath before grabbing the microphone again, "Y'all enjoying the concert?!" He got excited screams in return. He laughed into the microphone, causing Adrien's heart rate to spike up once more. "Well, we have something special planned for you all. Since this is the last concert of our first out of country tour, we are going to play a couple of our most favored covers!" The venue erupted.
Y/N laughed once again, and turned to Jiraiya, nodding to start. Said male then started to strum an American pop tune. The band played two covers of songs, but before they played their third, Y/N spoke into the microphone again, "This is our last song for the night! We all really appreciate you coming out here to support us tonight... Y'know, when we started this band, we never thought we would be popular enough to tour across the world. We wouldn't be here without you! WE LOVE YOU, FRANCE!" The crowd went wild, a quarter of the fans even started crying.
Y/N looked to his bandmates and they nodded. He turned back to the microphone and took a deep breath.
"I wish I knew you wanted me." The band started playing and Y/N continued to sing. "I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. What you, ooh, uh, what you do? Made a move, coulda made a move. If I knew I'd be with you. Is it too late to pursue?"
Adrien didn't know what came over him. He mindlessly started to move through the crowd.
"I bite my tongue, it's a bad habit. Kinda mad that I didn't take a stab at it. Thought you were too good for me, my dear. Never gave me time of day, my dear. It's okay, things happen for, Reasons that I think are sure, yeah." Y/N continued to sing and dance. Whenever there was an opening, Adrien moved in, still moving forward.
"I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew (oh), I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew (yeah), I wish I knew you wanted me (oh). I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me." Adrien made it, he was at the front of the stage, so close to the siren known as Y/N.
Y/N saw something catch his eye, a mop of golden blond hair. He saw it belonged to a boy around his age, green starstruck eyes, tan skin with rosy cheeks... he was cute. The singer made his way to the boy, still singing. "Say to me (please just say to me), If this could wind up. I wish you wouldn't play with me. I wanna know (oh no),"
Y/N got right in front of Adrien and held out his hand. Adriens eyes were still wide with wonder as he placed his hand in Y/N's, still not fully processing the situation. No one knew what was going to happen next, except for Y/N. He lent down and kissed the back of Adriens hand, "Uh, can I bite your tongue like my bad habit?" Adriens face, ears and neck flushed red as Y/N winked and pulled away. The fans that were around them screamed in excitement, not ready for what just happened.
"Would you mind if I tried to make a pass at it? Were you not too good for me, my dear?Funny you come back to me, my dear. It's okay, things happen for, Reasons that I can't ignore, yeah. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew (wish I knew), I wish I knew you wanted me (oh)." Y/N continued to dance and sing, oblivious to the angry/pained look Jiraiya was giving him. The other three band members were just surprised about what happened, eyes wide.
Adrien snapped out of his trance when he felt his phone buzzing. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a couple missed calls from Nino and Alya and multiple texts asking where he was. Adrien quickly typed back that he was on his way and looked to the stage once more. He didn't want to leave, wanting to be as close to Y/N as possible, but he knew he needed to get back to his friends.
He turned to head back into the crowd, but finally left the stage after one more longing look towards Ensnare's singer. The song ended when the blond reunited with his friends. "Dude! Where did you go?!" Nino shouted over the noise of the crowd. "Uh, bathroom!" Adrien shouted back.
Ensnare waved goodbye to the crowd, Loyal tossing his drumsticks into the crowd and Kylian and Y/N high fiving a few fans. The band was finally off stage and Jiraiya immediately went to his changing room without a word. Y/N noted that he would have to talk to him about what's wrong later.
Sheena came up to the rest of them, "Amazing work once again, boys! Now, go take a shower and get changed, your dinner is in an hour." They all went off and did just that. Y/N was now wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans, white sneakers and a black jean jacket. Kylian was wearing a black sweatshirt, black sweatpants and white sneakers. The twins were wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, white sneakers and a dark green jacket. Jiraiya wore a white button up shirt with black birds as the design, black ripped skinny jeans, and white sneakers.
The five boys met up after showering and changing (and a touch up from the make-up artists). Y/N instantly went to Jiraiya's side and whispered, "Whats wrong?" Jiraiya brushed him off, "Nothing."
Loyal cheered, "Let's go get our grub on!" At the opportunity to escape, Jiraiya left Y/N and questioned Loyal, "What dishes are you looking forward to?" He smiled. Loyal got stars in his eyes before going on a rant about certain dishes and how to make them. Before becoming a drummer, Loyal's dream job was to be a chef.
Kylian muttered to Y/N, "At least we know if the band ever breaks up Loyal has a fall back." He ended with a chuckle, Y/N joining him.
They made it to the private dining room and opened the doors. None of the band members were ready to see the people waiting for them... more accurately a specific person. Y/N halted in his step and his breath caught in his throat. In front of him was the blonde that he kissed on the back of the hand. He still had those rosy cheeks.
Y/N lightly blushed in embarrassment, 'I never thought I would see him again! Otherwise, I wouldn't have kissed his hand!' But he cleared his throat, stepped forward, and held out his hand with a kind smile, "My name is Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you! What's your name?"
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jessicas-pi · 8 months
Local Smuggler Extremely Disappointed By Boring Reality Of Hyped-Up Love Story: More At Seven
Sabine gives him a knowing smile. “Han, be honest. Are you just looking for advice on how to date a girl who’s cooler than you?”
“No!” he lies, holding up his hands. “I’m curious! I mean, Bridger seems like a nice guy, but… he’s one of those wizards, and from what I’ve heard, your people don’t exactly get along with them.”
Sabine is quiet for a minute, apparently reminiscing.
Finally, she speaks.
“So, Ezra has always liked me. He was almost fifteen when we met, and he was—” She laughs to herself. “He was such a flirt. Cocky, full of himself, overconfident… but he was sweet. Sometimes he was even funny.”
Han gets the feeling she might be fonder of the Jedi in hindsight than she actually was at the time, but he doesn’t interrupt her to point it out.
“We became friends, after a while,” Sabine continues sentimentally. “Best friends. And then some of Ezra’s friends bet him money that he wouldn’t ask me out, and more money that I wouldn’t say yes. So… Ezra and I decided to swindle them.”
Han sits up a little straighter. “Swindle? Antilles and Klivian said—”
“Wedge and Hobbie don’t know,” Sabine cuts him off, grinning. “They think we actually went on a date. And then… to avoid other people constantly asking us out, we kept fake dating. It was our big secret. Our bit.”
“Then, what?” Han asks. “Don’t tell me getting married was fake, too!”
“Yeah, but just for a couple months. But I couldn’t hide my feelings for him anymore, and so I ‘fessed up. And… the rest is history.” She brushes a strand of her hair out of her face and smiles. “You know, I could probably get the girls to bet Leia won’t ask you out, if you wanna give it a try—”
“Who says this is about Leia?” Han demands, bristling.
Sabine just smirks. “It’s nice to see someone who’s worse than me at lying about their feelings.”
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ray-gt · 14 days
A Night at the Quasar Cafe [gtgotcha4gaza]
For: @biggnansmol, @gtgotcha4gaza Prompt: First Date (giant/human) Summary: Sabine Ducote is professionally curious, or at least that's how she likes to describe her work. Part private eye, part bounty hunter, she makes a living dealing in other people's business. But when a favour sends her to a sketchy out-of-quadrant "Boundary Bar" to meet with an informant four times her size, Sabine realises just how dangerous curiosity can be.
CW: side character death, descriptions of minor violence
The Informant
Sabine’s ship communicator flashed a bright red and she didn’t know whether to smile or groan when she saw the ID. She decided on both. She ignored it for a while, focussing on navigating to the jump point, hoping the call would die.
On the back of her neck, the hairs pricked.
Let him wait
But when it began bipping incessantly - angry at being ignored, like a toddler pulling at her pant leg - she finally answered.
“With all this cold calling, Jay, I’m beginning to think you’re sweet on me.”
Jay’s voice erupted with something between a cough, a bark, and a laugh. Sabine could imagine the volcanic ash pouring from his thick, scarred lips, and between his black mandibles, as he sat in his office, looking over the bright lights of Blue Marine, the casino empire he built from nothing to cover an entire moon.
No doubt, there was a Nethulyan cigar between his pincers - Sabine could almost smell the smoke through her ship’s speakers.
“Ah, Saba,” He said with a wheeze. “You know me, can’t be tied down. But if I were to go for one of you gross, fleshy humans, you’re first on my list.”
“Every girl’s dream. Though really, Jay, being first hasn’t exactly done me any favours.”
“The Irixes still on your tail?”
She couldn’t help but tense her fists around the ship controls. She fought every instinct in her begging to turn around, to check no one was sneaking up on her. Rationally, she knew it was impossible for the Irixes to be on her ship, but it didn’t stop the slow wave of goosebumps washing over her skin.
“Yeah, yours isn’t the only list I’m top of.” She muttered, reworking her route to accomodate an approaching comet. “Hugo got life.”
“I heard. Took every lawyer within 20 systems to stop him getting a sunset. Well, that’s the business, ain’t it?” She heard Jay’s mandible’s click together over the line - his equivalent of a mother’s disappointed tut. “Lotta money in the Go’oran trade, but it’s a risky market and the competition’s killer.” This earned another laboured laugh, chuffed at his own joke. “Hugo’s top dog. They’ll be lost without him for a while.”
“And they’re channeling all that loss into finding my arse and roasting it on a spit.”
“Come on, Saba. That’s not their style. They’d much rather spaghettify you in a black hole.”
“Which is why I’m getting as far away from Keridian as I can.”
“This is what happens when you take jobs with the authorities. No protection, no thank you - just a lowballed cheque and lot of enemies. Never met anyone more crooked than a judge, I’ll tell you that much for free.”
“About the only thing you’d do for free.”
“I have something you might like.” His voice peaked in a tease, like a used ship salesmen slapping a claw on a vessel that wouldn’t even reach orbit.
“I’m lying low.”
She knew there was no point hinting with him. It wasn’t that he was daft. He’d pick up a hint, but he’d prefer to crush it between his pretty orange pincers than take it seriously.
“I know, but I’ve always said the best way to get over an old job is to pick up a new one.”
“We’re talking about one of the biggest crime families in the galaxy, Jay, not one of your exes.”
“Eh,” He offered in response, taking a long drag of the cigar. She knew he was rolling his head on his neck, unconvinced. “You want a job.”
“I want quiet.”
“Quiet’s boring. You want something that makes you curious.”
“Isn’t that what kills the cat?”
“I don’t know what that is.”
“Earth thing.”
Her navigator flashed, warning her she was approaching the jump point.
“Look, Jay, I’m about to make a jump and I���m not calling you back.”
Jay clicked his mandibles again and voice became unusually sober.
“I need you to take this job, Saba. I don’t trust anyone else. Consider it the Favour.”
Sabine ground her teeth together and veered her ship off-course, pulling out of the high-trafficked bottleneck leading up to the jump point.
Jay wasn’t a good person but, really, neither was she. He was one of her first clients when she entered the trade and they quickly formed a profitable partnership. Sabine was good at getting information and Jay was good at using it. It wasn’t a question of morality - they’d both happily take money from the sinners and the saints - but there was an unspoken honour code to these things. Once you commit to a job, you finish it. And a favour is always repaid.
She put the ship into an idle orbit around a nearby moon and stood up. Pacing, she took groups of her braids and begun weaving them together into one large plait. She couldn’t speak. It was like she’d been caught snitching by the Moth-Ean cartel and had her jaw sealed shut.
“You still there?”
Sabine rubbed her eyebrows.
“I can’t believe you’re calling in the Favour. With the Irixes sending word to every contact in the Quadrant. I’d be surprised if my face wasn’t slapped on every Keridian bounty board available.”
“Stop acting like this is your first time in hot water. You want safe, Saba? I could’ve given you a job working tables at Blue Marine. The Irixes are no worse than the Tooras, or the Solaris Siblings, the Li Party, or any of the other targets you’ve had.”
Sabine sighed and shook her arms in an effort to rid them of the tickling nerves shivering within. He was right. This wasn’t the first time people had tried to intimidate her and stop her from working - if they killed her or chased her off, that’d be a win for them. She had to keep going like they didn’t scare the living shit out of her.
But, there were very few people as deadly as Hugo Irix. It’d taken more time, resources, and personal sacrifice than she’d like to admit to become a trusted member of his circle, learn the key nodes of the Irixes Go’oran trade network, and systematically turn them in with enough evidence to get Hugo a life sentence in maximum security.
The look she’d shared with him as she stepped up to testify….
“What’s the job?”
“There’s my Saba! I was afraid I’d lost her. Don’t worry, compared to Hugo, this is child’s play.”
Sabine doubted that. Knowing Jay, he wouldn’t use the Favour on something simple. He had a better eye for value than that. She didn’t interrupt him though and he kept going.
“And it’s far enough away from Keridian that the Irixes won’t follow you. They have very little presence.”
“Out of Quadrant?”
“Boundary. Have you ever been to the Quasar Cafe?”
Sabine approached the Reeka woman from across the adjusted bar, weaving past other mixed size gatherings. As she passed, she heard snippets of conversations, locking any interesting details away in case they became relevant later.
Mostly, the folk who occupied the mixed size bars wanted to keep their business to themselves. It wasn’t illegal, per se, to mix with other species of such varying sizes, but it definitely wasn’t the norm. The hushed chatter of business deals or awkward flirting floated around her like the gentle thrum of a ship engine.
There was the shabby business woman whose eyes never left her cradled glass as a large, brick wall of a Hexigal slid a black bag across the table with his pinky. It would take her both arms to lift it. As it was nudged, the bag squirmed but made no sound.
“As promised.” Grumbled the Hexigal. The woman neither moved nor spoke.
Then there was the over-confident human, teething a martini olive as the reptilian skin of the large Olura (nearly double his height) opposite him shifted from a deep blue to a brilliant chartreuse. A blush if Sabine could hazard a guess. Or, at least, close enough.
Next to the Reeka, a Zidirin (half Sabine’s height) and a Vojuk (5 times and then some) spoke in low tones over a game of mahjong. Seeing the familiar Earth game in a Boundary Bar half a galaxy away almost made her do a double-take. How did it get there? Where’d they learn it?
Despite the sea of curiosities that flooded the bar, the Reeka woman stood out, and not just because she was four times Sabine’s height. Reekas were a colourful and extravagant species. Jaunty, gaudy, vivacious. It was said Reeka weddings often ended in funerals when someone inevitably laughed, drunk, or danced themselves to death.
Sabine had never met one before. The few she’d seen were only in passing as they rarely ventured outside their territory. Her skin was a pale green and her hair a vibrant candyfloss pink. And despite the attention she garnered simply by existing, she was nervous.
Her eyes, like polished peridot, kept glancing around - aware of everyone, focussing on none. Her long, slender fingers knotted themselves in the bright orange fabric of her skirt. She’d clearly come straight from work. The clash of orange and red fabric was harsh, even for the Cafe, and reminded Sabine of the uniforms diner waitresses used to wear in the 1950s.
She looked like a fresh hunt, unsure of the cage. Trusting neither the feeding hand, nor the whip. The patter of rain and the rattle of chains were, to her, equally menacing.
Sabine had met with a lot of informants before - blabber mouths who didn’t know the meaning of ‘relevant’ and the tight-lipped types who’d rather have their teeth pulled than give anything up. The opportunists, cowards, good Samaritans.
The ‘What’s in it for me's…
The ‘Maybe if I’d’s…
The ‘You didn’t hear it from me’s…
But for the most part, they looked like this. Baby giraffes on gangly legs, wide-eyed, wondering how everyone else can walk around normally when the ground was shifting beneath their feet.
Most people in the galaxy didn’t know how to turn on a stunner, let alone fire it. Most people couldn’t fly an interplanetary ship, let alone interstellar. Most people heard Hugo Irix’s name for the first time when he was arrested. They weren’t as tightly woven into the fabric as Sabine. The weren’t aware of the back rooms, back alleys, backstabbing.
This kind of informant both comforted and saddened her. Could she even remember a time when the universe shocked her with its real face?
She rolled her neck on her shoulders as she approached.
There was one part of this job which was different from the others. Her first Reeka. Her first… well, anyone this large.
In principle, the big folk handled the big folk. The same went for Sabine and her circles. People kept to their business, and that business only mingled in the most extraordinary circumstances.
Well, Jay, She thought. Consider me curious.
The Reeka’s head snapped up, both over-prepared for and surprised by the interruption. Though her gaze went too high - too used to meeting her own kind at eye-level. It took her a beat to realise the empty space ahead of her and adjust. She seemed, if only just, surprised by just how far her eyes had to travel before they landed on Sabine.
It didn’t matter that she was expecting a human, or that she was meeting a stranger at a Boundary Bar in the mixed section - she still looked surprised. She didn’t even attempt to hide her shock and fascination. Like her childhood doll had suddenly sprung to life and called her name.
She wasn’t alone. Much to Sabine’s own surprise, her skin began to buzz when their eyes met. While she’d dealt with larger folk - mostly walls of flesh valued for the way their arms resembled tree trunks - she could hardly call them ‘big’ now. Here, in a way that was entirely foreign, was a towering creature, both impressive and lithe. Powerful and delicate. Features refined and precise. She existed at scale that should be considered brutish, but there couldn’t be a word less apt. Under her rounded stare - innocent, fascinated, unsure - Sabine was hyper-aware of herself. To be swallowed whole in one glance left her feeling like she was naked with a cold wind tickling across her skin. An odd sensation to be sure, here at the back of an intimate, humid bar in a forgotten corner of the Galaxy.
She cleared her throat, pushing the feeling away with a shake of her head.
“Sorry, I’m late.” She said as she sat opposite the Reeka, adjusting her jacket in a stolen moment to compose herself.
From her pocket, she produced a small, round device. It looked like a standard communicator, mid-range and unremarkable, but had been modded with far more sensitive microphones to record their conversation. She pressed a small, indiscernible button on the side and placed it on the table between them
She wasn’t late. She’d been at the bar since before Vivara arrived, tucked into a corner and watching to see if anyone was tailing her or if she truly was alone. Only when she was satisfied, did Sabine make herself known.
“The IH472A was a nightmare.” She continued. “But you know how the end of the week is.”
The Reeka woman didn’t say anything. Despite their difference in size, she seemed intimidated by Sabine - scattered and frozen like the shards of glass that stared back at you after taking a bat to a mirror. Not that Sabine knew anything about that.
It didn’t bother her, she knew how these things started. Now she was seated and ready to interview, she felt that initial buzz begin to fade to a dull, distant hum.
She met the large peridot eyes again and smiled her best smile, which Jay thought still needed work after all these years.
What the fuck is that, Saba? Are you trying to fuck me or kill me?
It wasn’t the first time he’d suggested mandibles would make her face more appealing.
I know a girl - very talented. She did Charley’s second pair. Unfortunately, she couldn’t do anything about Charley’s personality.
“I’m Sabine,” She said. “Thanks of meeting with me, Vivara. I know this all must be overwhelming.”
At the mention of her own name, Vivara’s green cheeks deepened in colour. It was as if it shook her from her trance and made her aware of how much she was staring. Her shoulders ever so slightly relaxed back onto her chair and she untwisted her fingers from her skirt to tuck a loose strange of pink hair behind her ear.
“Sorry,” She muttered, her voice lower than her pointed, elfin features suggested. “I’ve never been to a place like this.”
She gestured around her with jagged movements. From her jumpiness, her waitress uniform, and the neat curl of her pink hair, that was hardly a revelation. But she suspected there was more in the comment.
Sabine nodded. “That’s ok. I’ve been to enough Boundary Bars for the two of us.” Liar. “They’re aren’t as scary as they seem. Jay’s people chose the Quasar for your benefit more than anything else.”
She frowned. “Really?”
“Yes. They figured you would want a place where no one would recognise you, but that wouldn’t require you to leave Reeka territory.”
“I appreciate that. Can you imagine if people knew I was going to a Boundary Bar.” Vivara’s laugh was breathy, and the sound of it made Saba’s buzz spike. “I feel like I’m so out of my depth here. But if I went into your Quadrant, I don’t know if there would be anywhere I could even fit through the door. And if I could, where I wouldn’t be gawked at.”
There was a harmony in the way she spoke, a natural fluidity that took her from one word to the next. Sabine could see the version of her that existed prior to her being involved in this mess. Open. Free. Unburdened. She decided not to tell Vivara that even here, in the Quasar Cafe, where Reekas were regulars and mixed meetings were the norm, she still drew the attention of everyone present. Every now and then, the focus of the mahjong players on the neighbouring table was broken by a glance in her direction. She didn’t blame them, even Sabine had been shocked when she saw Vivara first arrive.
But it did make things difficult for Sabine. With everyone so aware of the beautiful Reeka in the room, either consciously or subconsciously, they’d be suspicious of why someone like her would be in a place like this. As she chipped away at the wall of strangerhood between them, Sabine worked through options. What legitimate reason would she have for being here? With her of all people.
“You’d be surprised.” She said. “The galaxy is much more diverse than you might think.”
“Are most people in your Quadrant as… - sorry, there’s no other word - small as you?”
For reasons unexplained, Sabine felt her blood go hot. There was something about that word, small, that brought the difference in size between them back to the forefront. She’d never been described as small before, being above average height for a human woman. She’d been called weak - even short by a few of the taller species - but never small. Small felt all-encompassing. An assessment. A metric of how little space she took up. Small could be dismissed with a flick of the wrist.
It set her jaw.
“You’ve definitely never been over the border have you?”
Vivara’s cheeks deepened again. “Sorry. No. I haven’t. I don’t really know what I’m meant to do here.”
Sabine rolled her head on her shoulders, enjoying the way the space between the vertebrae popped as she did.
“There’s no rush, we can start when and where you’re most comfortable.”
Saba read the files Jay sent through a few times when they arrived. This wasn’t even her first interview on the matter. Before arriving at the Qasar, she’d spoken to a few cursory people. But this was her most important.
Jay’s son, Jayron, had, without his father’s knowing, began dealing with a powerful Reeka crime syndicate, with the intent to establish his own Blue Marine in Reeka territory. However, before Jay could put a stop to it, Jayron disappeared.
His last known location? Back booth of a diner, served by the only waitress on shift - a green-skinned Reeka with bright pink hair.
Which is why they were there, meeting at the Quasar. Jay didn’t want a Reeka investigating, having little knowledge of their networks and who was on whose payroll. And he didn’t trust the authorities, particularly when it came to inter-quadrant cases.
“I don’t really know if I’ll be of any help.” Vivara rambled. “I didn’t even know anything was wrong until your friends contacted me.”
Saba’s lips twitched at the implication she and Jay’s network were just a group of friends. That she was there for any reason other than professional obligation. It was sweet - the kind of naivety she was always so hesitant to tarnish.
If she could be honest, Sabine never really liked Jayron. Where Jay’s over-confident irreverence painted him as a seasoned and savvy businessman, those same traits were brash and childish in his son.
“Let me be the judge of what is and isn’t relevant. All I need from you is what you remember.”
“Ok.” Vivara nodded. Then she frowned. “So, what are you? A bounty hunter? A private eye?”
“Sometimes.” Sabine shrugged. “I like to think myself as professionally curious.“
She paused. Behind Vivara, she noticed another Reeka walk past and sit himself down at a nearby table. He had bright orange skinned and blue hair, and when he glanced in their direction, his eyes were cerulean. They flicked between her and Vivara. There was a squint in his gaze and tension in his shoulders, and his fingers danced on the rim of his glass. He wasn’t, as some might assume on first inspection, here for leisure.
He was here for Vivara.
There you are.
She knew they’d send someone. Nothing like a Boundary Bar to make everyone think they’re more discrete than they actually are. That was the real reason for the Quasar - information. Some from Vivara herself, and the rest from what her presence would tease out, like mice from the walls.
The last thing she wanted was to make Vivara aware of anything that would make her even more nervous. Sabine’s priority was to diffuse suspicion and collect the information she needed without putting Vivara in any further danger.
In this instance, she had the advantage of anonymity. The Reeka networks didn’t know her name or face. They had no reason to suspect this was anything more than two people having a drink together.
Just then, a waitress walked past them and Sabine waved her down. She was another Reeka woman with deep blue skin and black hair. While her clothes were dark, her smile and demeanour were bright.
At her approach, Vivara’s eyes found the floor - as if she were embarrassed that another of her kind would find her in a place like this. Even though, to the waitress, they were the least interesting patrons she’d served that week, let alone that night. She worked the mixed section of a Boundary Bar between different sized territories, while striking, Vivara was far too vanilla to be anything more to this waitress than a passing thought.
“Welcome folks!” The waitress beamed. “Can I get you anything to start?”
Sabine smiled, “Just the house for me. Vivara?”
She looked over at her informant. The floor must have really taken her because it took Sabine repeating her name to get her attention. And even then, she seemed to refuse to meet the waitress’s eyes.
“Ummm, the same, I guess.”
“Easy!” The waitress said, unperturbed. “And how long have you two been together, if you don’t mind me asking?”
That got Vivara’s attention. Her head shot up, her face, neck and chest flushed a deep forest colour. But before she could protest, Sabine interjected.
“Actually, this is our first date.” She made a point of sending a coy look at Vivara. “A mutual friend set us up. And we picked the Quasar because… well, you know.”
Vivara couldn’t have looked more lost if she tried. The poor thing could only stare, embarrassed, as Sabine took charge of the conversation.
The waitress placed a hand on her chest as she cooed. “Of course, aren’t you lucky! I wish I had friends like that. Well,” She said with a knowing smile. “I’ll get your order sorted. Have a good night, girls. Sing out if you need anything.”
When she was well out of sight, Vivara leant across the table, her size more pronounced the closer she got and Sabine found herself leaning back and away despite herself. She could feel Vivara’s breath wash over her.
“Why’d you say that?” Her whisper was harsh and it sent an unfamiliar thrill through Sabine’s veins.
“That we’re on a date!”
Sabine shrugged. “It’s always easiest to go with what people believe. Why would I waste the effort trying to conjure a new lie that would barely convince her. You’re so obviously nervous. You’d sweat less if you were trapped in a tin can on Venus - that’s a planet from my system.” She clarified when Vivara frowned. “-You can barely look me in the eye and you’re stammering through every sentence. And that’s normal.” Sabine added softly. “She thinks you’re acting like that because we’re on a date. Let’s roll with it. We’re on a date and you’re telling me a story.”
Vivara pursed her lips. “Usually my dates are taller.”
Sabine felt her eyebrows raise on their own accord. “And mine are more articulate.”
Vivara’s shoulders sagged.
“Sorry,” She said for the third time that evening and guilt wound it’s way around Sabine’s heart and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’ll tell you everything.”
Sabine’s eyes stole a moment to glance at the shadowing Reeka man. He was typing into a communicator. She raised a hand to Vivara.
“Not yet. Let’s start again. We’re on a date.”
“Right. Yes. Wow, it’s been a while since I was last on a date.”
“You’re joking.” Sabine wasn’t even acting. Even if Vivara turned around and told her exactly where Jayron was and all the contacts involved with his disappearance, that at would be the second most surprising thing she could have revealed that night.
Sabine didn’t date often either. She told herself it was because she was busy, or that it was risky. That she didn’t want to bring innocent people into her world, and that the people in her world were too far gone to ever be in a healthy, trusting relationship. Scavengers and bottom-feeders don’t thrive in partnership. They always end up eating each other.
That was her experience at least. A couple of flings that either burned out pathetically or exploded in a violent supernova. And now, she could hardly claim to be the most appealing piece on the market with her back in the firing line of every Irix contact in the Quadrant. The few beds she was welcome in would turn her away now.
She couldn’t remember the last time she made someone blush. She could barely remember how. And she could hardly take credit for Vivara’s nervousness - for her flustered sentences, her dry-mouthed rambling, her fidgeting fingers. The darkness in her complexion and the avoidant gaze were far more attached to what Sabine did than anything to do with who she was.
That was fine. That was the life she chose. If choice was the word.
But Vivara? Was she falsely interpreting the stares of other patrons? Were Reekas just that otherworldly that Vivara’s smooth, lush skin, gemstone eyes, and bouncy fairy floss bob were just average?
Vivara shook her head. “No, I don’t date often.”
“I can relate.”
“I mean, I get a lot of… approaches.” Vivara clarified and Sabine smirked. “Particularly at work, but the kind of clients I get at the diner are hardly the kind of people you’d want to spend any time with.”
Ah, there it is.
The Reeka man was looking at them again. Sabine made a point of laughing, and began weaving her braids together, eyeing Vivara with intent.
Vivara, unaware of their observer, let out a breathy chuckle. She pressed her hands to her cheeks.
“Is it warm in here, or just me?”
“It’s warm.” Sabine smiled, granting Vivara escape from her own flushing cheeks.
“Ok, good.” Vivara fanned herself with her hands. “I was going to say, you usually have to work harder to get me to blush like this.”
At that moment, their waitress returned with two glasses of a clear spirit - one that fit in her hand and one she pinched between her fingers. Of all things, that’s what made Sabine’s palms go clammy.
“Here you go!” She beamed, placing the glasses in front of them with a wink. “You let me know if I can help out with anything else.”
“Thanks.” Sabine smiled and Vivara echoed it with a low mumble.
Any time she became aware of the crowd at the bar, Vivara closed up. Sabine couldn’t let that happen. She needed her to feel confident enough to speak.
She took a sip of the spirit. It was harsher than she was used to, burning the back of her tongue like she was swallowing lighter fluid. She did her best to hide it, but it made her eye twitch.
Vivara seemed to have no issue. She sipped at her glass as if it were water. She met Sabine’s eyes and laughed.
Sabine coughed. She didn’t need to, but it did the trick. Vivara laughed harder, resting a gentle hand on her chest. The sound of it, the music, made Sabine’s tongue feel heavy.
“Much stronger than the stuff I’m used to.”
Vivara raised her eyebrows, “Really? I was about to say it’s a bit weak.”
“You’ve got to be joking.”
Vivara shook her head and her pink hair bounced around her shoulders. “No. What we serve at the diner is a lot more intense than this.”
“I think that would probably kill me.” Sabine muttered. Half of her meant it, wondering what kind of battery acid Reekas drank casually at a diner. The other half of her leaned into the hyperbole, itching for another hit of the Reeka’s laughter. She got it and with it, her whole body flooded with a warm hum - much faster than what anything in her glass would achieve.
“I can’t imagine you at the diner.” Vivara said. “This is strange enough.”
Sabine was too focussed to be offended by that. This was her in. Vivara was talking more openly, more naturally. Their conversation was so boring that any inquisitive ear would have turned away.
“Who do you usually see at work?”
Vivara’s expression became serious as she caught on. It wasn’t ideal, but Reekas weren’t known for their stoicism. All emotions were as easy to read as an alphabet picture book. Her brow settled lower over her eyes and she took a swig of her glass.
Her unoccupied hand returned to burying itself in knots in her skirt.
“It’s a busy place.” She started. “Loud. The tables are always full and we’re always understaffed. We get a mix too - families like it because kids eat cheap, lonely folks like to disappear in the noise, people come during their lunch break or after work. We’re open early until late.”
“Regulars, or mostly strangers?”
“Both. Definitely some I know by name, but also plenty I don’t.”
“And in the case of the night two weeks ago?”
Vivara shook her head. “They weren’t regulars, but they didn’t stand out either. They just struck me as normal businessmen. From the way they dressed, I assumed they were workers from a nearby office. Probably higher paid than most. I’ve been working at the diner long enough to know who will and won’t tip.”
“And this group looked like they would?”
Vivara rolled her eyes. “No. The richer they are, they less they tip and the more they expect you to perform. I knew as soon as they walked in that this group was going to be trouble.” She stopped, and bit her tongue. “But not trouble like -“ She waved her hand mostly in Sabine’s direction. “That.”
Sabine smirked. That. Could she blame Vivara for painting everyone associated with Jayron’s disappearance as that? Victim, perpetrators, investigators - they were all, in their own way, trouble.
“Gotcha.” She nodded. “Wealthy, put together. Enough to make you groan, but nothing to set your alarms off.”
Vivara nodded. “That was until I arrived at their booth to take their order, and I saw… well…”
“Yes. Though I didn’t know that was his name. When I said we usually serve a mix, I meant a mix of Reekas. It was the first time I’ve ever seen anyone from another species in person.”
Sabine had to make a concerted effort to stop her jaw from dropping.
“You’re not serious.”
“I am.” Vivara’s face flushed again. “I didn’t realise my life was so sheltered.”
Sabine whistled. “So, I must really be a freak of nature to you.” She laughed at Vivara’s appalled expression and waved down her building defence. “Only a joke. You’re doing great for a first timer.”
“Thank you.” Vivara said though she looked bashful, embarrassed by her own naïveté. “If I’d known other species were so pretty, I’d have ventured out sooner.”
Sabine felt her own face warm and suddenly her jacket felt too tight. She couldn’t stop her furrowed brow.
Vivara leant in closet and a tension curled in Sabine’s chest.
“We’re on a date, right?” The Reeka offered in explanation.
The tension released and Sabine let out a long breath. She admonished herself for the small twinge of disappointment she felt now knowing it was just part of the act.
Unaware of her own effect, Vivara continued her account.
“I was so rude when I saw him.” Vivara groaned. “I didn’t know what to do. I just stared. And the others at the booth seemed to think that was funny.”
At that moment, their waitress walked past their table. In response, Sabine made a show of leaning over and placing her hand lightly on Vivara’s. She laughed and pulled her braids over one shoulder.
“Oh my god!” She crooned. “That’s so funny. You have to tell me more about it!”
In the back of her head though, she hyper fixated on the smoothness beneath her fingers, the warmth. The size of the hand beneath her own. Every minute pulse and flinch was on display below her. She could feel them in intense detail.
Vivara stared down at the offending hand - at where the two strangers touched for the first time. The waitress passed and they both pulled their hands away.
Sabine’s gaze flicked to the orange Reeka man. He was, or at least pretending to be, distracted by a game on a high screen above the bar. A few patrons were equally captivated. By the sounds of the spectators, the local team was losing. Sabine didn’t recognise the sport - probably Reekan in origin - but she did recognise the way the man’s head flung back.
“Ummmm,” Vivara said, bringing Sabine back into focus. Vivara was still staring at the space where their hands had met. Her cheeks awash. “Sorry, I forgot what I was saying.”
Sabine smiled. “You saw Jayron for the first time. Can you tell me more about that? How did he look, what were they talking about, how many people were in the booth? Those kinds of details are really helpful.”
“He looked… well, it’s hard to tell because he’s so different. But I’d say he looked overwhelmed. Constantly looking at the others, but I don’t know if it was for reassurance or out of fear. He’s about half your size and he was sitting up on the table, which I don’t think he liked. I mean,” She gestured between the two of them. “At least here, there are mixed sections and we can sit here as equals. But at the diner, the power imbalance was scary and I wasn’t even part of it.”
“That’s probably why they picked the diner. Crowded, loud, full of a species so much bigger with no one else to relate to. They would’ve wanted to isolate him.”
Vivara shivered. “That’s so scary. They stopped talking when I approached and I must have looked so stupid! My usual waitress spiel died as soon as I saw him. Then one of the four men prods Jayron with a thick finger and says, I don’t think she likes our pet, Little Jay…and I laughed!” She buried her face in her hands. “It just came out of me. I laughed. He was in trouble and I just laughed.”
Sabine buried the feeling of secondhand humiliation. But it mingled with her exasperation. Of course Jayron had to pick a Reekan syndicate for his first grand venture. Of course the desperation to out-do his father led him well out of his depth. Led to him going missing. Led his father to getting involved. Led to her getting involved. Vivara getting involved. How long would that list get before he was found? If he was found. And, if he was, Sabine knew he’d just go off and do it again. The cycle would start over.
And beneath all of that, there was her sadness for Jay, who knew his son didn’t have the gumption to take on his empire, and yet encouraged him to dream.
Behind Vivara, the Reeka man sipped his drink and watched the game. Then he paused mid-sip when his communicator flashed. He returned the glass to the table and inspected the new message. After a moment, he began typing furiously.
Once, and so briefly you could argue it didn’t happen, cerulean met obsidian and then both glanced away.
“It’s ok.” She said to Vivara, identifying the easy exits she’d scouted when she first arrived. As always, she had back-ups for the back-ups. “It’s a normal reaction to laugh when we’re stressed. Maybe part of you knew something was amiss, and for your own safety, you played along.”
Vivara glanced up from her palms. Her shoulders relaxed and she nodded, almost desperate for the out Sabine offered. “Yeah. Maybe that was it. I think I suspected something. All conversation died when I came to the table again with their orders but later, I heard more of what they were discussing.” She chewed her cheek. “I don’t usually make a habit of eavesdropping, but for some reason - nosiness, fascination, or fear - I was paying extra attention to whatever I could catch whenever I walked by.”
Sabine nodded, she found herself pulling in closer. This would be the lead. Maybe here would be something she could work with.
Vivara took her glass and downed the rest of her drink in a way that would surely burn a hole in Sabine’s throat if she were to do the same.
“It was only snippets.”
“It usually is.” Sabine said, there was an anticipation curling and writhing in her stomach.
“I heard just a few phrases in passing. I remember ’next shipment’, ‘Florean Sector’, ‘Marcho Galvoni’, and ‘each pretty pincer’. But I don’t know if that’s helpful?”
Sabine steepled her fingers and pressed them to her lips. She nodded, committing the snippets to memory. She knew she had the communicator recording everything, but trusted her brain better.
Next shipment.
Florean Sector.
Marcho Galvoni.
Each pretty pincer.
They weren’t answers, but it was enough. She’d worked with less before.
Jayron, you fucking idiot.
“And when they left,” Vivara continued. “I didn’t see Jayron. I remember, despite the rush, looking for him as they left and being confused. But then,” She shrugged. “I didn’t see him when they entered, and the cafe was busy.”
Sabine frowned. “Did they have any bags with them?”
Vivara’s eyes widened like an angel first encountering sin. “Oh yes, they did. I remember. Just a brief case.”
“Would it have..?” She left the question unfinished. Vivara was already nodding.
“I think so.”
“And their colouring? The men in the booth?”
Vivara frowned, and for a second Sabine wondered if there was a better way to phrase that question. Vivara didn’t correct her, but that didn’t mean much.
“One had a deep red complexion and neon yellow hair. Another two were so similar I’m sure if they weren’t twins, they were at least siblings - pale blue skin, mustard hair. But the one who was doing most of the talking was all white - skin, hair, eyes. He was mean - cruel. I struggled to look him in the eye.”
What does that make me? Sabine thought as she could count the few times during their conversation Vivara had actually met her gaze.
She noted the descriptions. This last seemed unique enough for a Reeka that she could get a lead or two. But before she could follow-up, the shadowing man stood from his table, drained his glass, grabbed his communicator and began walking toward their table. She froze and admonished herself when Vivara noticed.
“What?” She frowned, beginning to look around.
“It’s nothing.” Sabine lied.
But then ‘nothing’ stopped beside Vivara at the mixed bar. The two of them together were an impressive sight - all-encompassingly large, dominating her entire view with their bright, saturated colours.
Noticing his presence, Vivara seized. Her whole body when rigid and her gaze once more returned to the floor. Her green face was ashen and Sabine thought she might faint.
But, despite Sabine’s assumption about their shadow, he paid Vivara no mind. Instead, his bright sea-blue eyes bore into Sabine in a way that sent an electric bolt through her nerves and left them sizzling like powerlines in the rain. Now, more than any time before, she was aware of the difference between them - the sheer gap in size, strength, presence. If she were to be cornered by him, there would be little she could do.
She didn’t recognise him but the look in his eye was knowing, which unnerved her even more. She was well-known in some circles. Mostly in circles where being well known did more harm than good.
“Sabine Ducote?” He asked and she didn’t grace him with a reply, simply opting to maintain his stare. If he knew her name and face, this was just performance.  “I thought it was you, but had to check with a few contacts to confirm.”
Vivara’s pink curls bounced as her head swung frantically between the two and their silent standoff.
“What’s happening?” Her voice was rising in urgency.
The Reeka man placed a gentle but firm hand on Vivara’s back, making the larger girl freeze. Her eyes when to Sabine’s with some silent plea for comfort. Assurance. Sabine wondered if this was what Jayron looked like at the diner.
“Don’t worry.” She said and knew it was unhelpful. She wasn’t willing to give anything away yet.
“I agree.” The man smiled. His hand still lingered on Vivara’s shoulder and the Reeka woman’s expression was as if she thought it would leave a stain. “You have no need to worry, love. Your girlfriend though?” He smirked down at Sabine who, was calculating whether reaching for her communicator or her stunner first would be wiser. “Well, see for yourself.”
He placed his communicator on the bar between them. It was huge next to Sabine’s own and what she saw on it made her feel as if all her bones had suddenly dissolved - that she’d flop onto the floor to be mopped up by the waitress later.
There, on the display, was her face - her white, thin braids, her dark skin, the scar across her nose. It was a candid photo but she couldn’t place where it was taken. It was too zoomed in to gauge any location. What she did recognise was the Irix sigil stamped in the upper left corner of the photo.
Bounty brand.
Across the bottom of the photo was her name. Another instance where the Hugo prosecutor’s screwed her over. Instead of using her case alias, they, in front of Hugo, called her to the stand by her full name.
She swallowed when she saw ‘PRICE NEGOTIABLE’ underneath her name. Open priced bounties were beyond rare. This would send every money hungry hunter in the Galaxy after her, even well outside Keridian territory.
“Hugo sends his regards.” The Reeka man grinned.
But before his hands could move to the stunner tucked under his coat, she had hers drawn and ready. One quick pull and there was a pretty new red freckle between his surprised brows. His cerulean eyes rolled and as his body crumpled to the floor, his hand slid off Vivara’s shoulders, causing the larger girl to shriek.
Around the bar, all eyes turned to them and Sabine sighed. Her heart pounded. She was in deeper shit than she or Jay could have ever imagined. As patrons began to stir, uncovering the cause of the interruption, Sabine snatched her communicator and quickly deleted the bounty message from the Reeka’s.
“What’s happening?” Vivara’s voice was wavering and panicked.
Sabine looked at her and peridot clung to her gaze desperately. Her chest aches at the sight. She didn’t have time to explain. Their Reeka shadow knew nothing of Jayron business as Sabine assumed, but was instead there for her - for the mess Vivara had nothing to do with.
For reasons she couldn’t explain, she reached over and stole a precious second to place a sure hand on Vivara’s again.
“I’m sorry.” She said, and meant it. “Thank you for everything. I hope you never have to see me again.”
And then she bolted, leaving Vivara in a stunned silence as fellow patrons and staff of the Quasar swarmed around her. They were intrigued more than anything, and did not share Vivara’s horror at the lifeless form beside her. It was, after all, a boundary bar.
As she ran towards the closest exit, Sabine heard their waitress tut her tongue to a couple she was serving.
“Been there.” She said.
Sabine didn’t have time to think about anything except getting as far away from the Quasar Cafe as possible.
Though lingering in the back of her mind was a stupid thought she couldn’t quite shake.
All things considered, not a bad date.
(@biggnansmol - thank you so much for donating! I'm sorry it's been a while coming. I hope you enjoyed xx
I loved this prompt and wanted to put a different spin on it. And let's be real, if it's a story by me it will have two key components: awkward gay flirting and batshit insanity. And added bonus if it's in space.
I had so much fun with this one. Someone sent me an ask recently about there not being enough wlw stories in GT - happy to make another contribution with these girls.
-ray xx)
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bobbin-buckley · 9 months
The Girl You Once Knew
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Summary: You find the girl you once knew after years of forgetting
Warnings: Slight cursing, mentions of s*uicide, Star Wars violence, slight smut, some praising, knee riding (R receiving)
Y/ls/c: Your lightsaber color
Y/h/c: Your hair color
Y/s/c: Your skin color
You don’t know how long it has been since you’ve seen her, nor do you know where she’s been.
Sabine had been attacked and you weren’t there to see it and help, you were hanging out with Hera and her son Jacen.
Ahsoka had contacted you to hurry to Lothal ASAP since Sabine was in a troubled state. You waisted no time to hurry into your ship and fly to Lothal. You and Sabine were very close best friends, you were never apart of the rebels because you were always with Ahsoka, since you’re her padawan.
Ahsoka was very ennobled to have you by her side, she found you stranded on Aris. You told her you were kidnapped years ago but was never found and never found a way off the planet. Ahsoka was astounded to see you alive, though we’re you close to starvation. She sensed something in you, the force was strong in you, she nearly recognized it’s power.
Later that day, the day you we’re supposed to be watching Heras son but found yourself in a medical room on Lothal, standing in front of your best friend. Sabine had been struck in the torso by a lightsaber, Huyang had told you.
You asked Ahsoka and Huyang who attacked Sabine, they said the person was a girl with blonde hair and feral eyes, a orange lightsaber was held in hand, she had a brawny stance. You also asked Ahsoka of her eye color, she said she didn’t get a good enough look to tell, since it was dark.
Now, you sat in a chair, face in hands and overthinking if it was really her…
“You’re overthinking again young one,” Huyang spoke up. “Mhm,” you hummed.
“You should get some rest, you’ve just been sitting there staring off into the palm of your hands.” You looked up with a glare.
“Y/n, tell me what’s wrong.” Ahsoka provoked. You sighed, not wanting to tell your master why the bother.
“I’m just worried about Sabine is all.”
Ahsoka wasn’t convinced but she didn’t push it. She waited for you to speak first. “Fine, I-I think I know who the person that attacked Sabine.”
“Go on.” Ahsoka nodded.
“The way you described her is different but- I still know it’s her, I sensed her in the force on my way here.” You paused, “her name was Shin, Shin Hati. She was a um…”
A friend? A Best friend? A Home? A Lover…?
She was your only hope when you were younger. Living Surviving on the stranded planet Aris with Shin. You found home and love in her, she was your ‘safe place’ you called her. She called you ‘My light’, you were the light to her dark. It seems cliché but it really had meaning between you two.
After years of surviving together, Shin was taken away from you. Well, I wouldn’t put it that way, Shin left you for power. A man named Baylan came along one evening, he said he sensed something in both you and Shin.
The Force.
You didn’t trust him, he seemed off.
Like there was a dark portal surrounding him, you felt like a black mass was wafting over you. You didn’t feel safe then, you definitely didn’t feel safe when Shin trusted him.
You convinced Shin to stay, to not leave you. But she marked her words.
“If you won’t go, I will.” And with that she left.
“Uhm…a friend, we were very close. We both were stranded on Aris, we built a home in each other. Until a man took her away.” Tears filled up in your eyes, it may have been years but it still damn hurts.
“A man?” Huyang wondered.
“Yeah, he was tall with a bushy beard. He had a hooded cloak covering his shadow. He took her away from me, he took…my Shin.”
Then the tears dropped.
You tensed when Ahsoka put a hand on your shoulder. “We will find her, and we’ll find the map on our journey too.” You relaxed at those words.
“W-what if we don’t find her? Or the map?” “No what if’s, that will slow you down more my padawan.”
Ahsoka was right. The more you overthink It would just bring you down. Ahsoka knew when you’d overthink how you would always give up since that’s how you grew up, doubting yourself.
That’s why you and Sabine got a long, both of you would end up giving up and talk to each other about it.
Ahsoka knew better from you, she knows how you’ll always put up a challenge only to break and forget.
You always think you are a failure to her but all she says is; “There is no such thing as failure”
You can’t help but deny her words.
As you were waiting for Sabine to get ready after she was healed more, all you could think were the possibilities of you encountering Shin. And how you think she’ll hate you for not joining her.
“Shin will be okay Y/n. There’s no need to fear.”Ahsoka spoke wisely, and all you could do was nod.
You stumbled upon Shin for the first time in years. Ahsoka, Huyang, Sabine and you found Shin and her master, along with a witch named Morgan Elsbeth.
You’ve heard the name before, Hera had mentioned her. You haven’t been sure of what power witches had, but you’ve been told in stories that the witches held great power.
Ahsoka and Sabine were fighting off some inquisitor while you chased after Shin into the woods of SEATOS, the Denab system.
You rushed pass the blood colored trees, desperate to find the one you loved before.
Your so called ‘home’
“Shin! Wait! Please! I just want to talk!” Shin came to a stop, hearing your voice.
“Y/n?” She turned around, facing you. Fear and confusion in her eyes.
“Yes, yes it’s me! Shin! It’s Y/n your light.” You stepped closer but Shin tensed back.
“You don’t have to run or hide anymore. I’m here, I’m here to take you home.” You reached a hand out, but Shin sneered.
Her lightsaber ignited, the bright orange beaming off her perfect ocean eyes. The eyes that were now filled with fury and dread.
The couldn’t help but cry on the inside.
Is this really Shin? The Shin you’ve been looking for, for years? Is this really what you called home?
All there is was wrath and pain…
Shin always had anger issues, but this was different. Evil was over her body, covering the sweet blonde you knew and loved.
“Shin- y-you don’t have to do this!” “Yes! Yes I do! It’s to keep you safe!”
Shin attacked first, her arms swinging at you. Luckily your body had time to react and you grabbed your two y/ls/c lightsabers. You blocked just before your face was slashed, a loud clash when the three lightsabers made in contact with each other.
You didn’t want to fight her, you definitely didn’t want to harm her in any way. You wanted her to join you, leave Baylan and the dark side.
The fight between you and Shin was tough, she was incredibly powerful to your surprise.
Shin has managed to get you on your knees, as her lightsaber was pointed at you. You felt weak, maybe if she killed you right then and there you wouldn’t have to worry about anything anymore.
You gave her pleading eyes, Shin knew what you wanted but instead she swung her foot around and it made contact with your head, making you get knocked out right there.
Your vision was blurry, a raging headache was the only thing you could feel other than the pain on your left cheek.
You looked up from the metal floor, to seeing a tall blonde in the way of your exit.
You scoffed, “heh, watching me sleep now too eh? Creepy.”
“I wasn’t watching you sleep.”
Oh that voice, that voice made you feel butterflies. That deep tone made you wanna beg for her to just talk.
Shin looked at you, watching your every movement from the cell door as you stepped up slowly. You noticed you were in a cell, the dark chambered walls. To your assumption you were on her ship.
“What do you want?” You leaned against the wall.
“Pft, same. But blondie here doesn’t seem to like to answer.”
Shin glared at you.
Even her glaring was sexy-
“How are you alive? Last time I remembered you died of starvation on Aris,” Shin ignored your comment.
You didn’t want to answer her, but you also had questions lots of them.
“Ahsoka found me, she had a mission on Aris and- happened to find me. Under a rock….literally.” You tried for some humor, but Shin didn’t even smile.
How you missed that, that sweet smirk
“Hm.” She hummed. “How long have you been training with Commander Tano?”
She was joking right? She kidnapped you to only ask how you weren’t dead and how your miserable life is going?
“Can’t believe you knocked me out and kidnapped me just to ask me about my training. I thought our fight would give you a hint.” You snarked.
“We’ll it seems you haven’t been training long, despite the fact that I beat you.”
You rolled your eyes.
It was silent for a bit, all you could do was stare into Shin’s eyes, waiting for her to say something like an apology for leaving or an ‘I miss you’. But there was silence until she turned away with a small glance, the patter of her feet against the ground then leaving you in the cold cell.
You sighed, the woman you loved left again.
Sabine and you had escaped Morgan’s grasp and found Ahsoka again. You had thought she was dead, when Sabine had told you she died.
It scared the shit out of you. But thankfully she was okay.
You guys located Ezra, Sabines long time friend. He lived with the Noti on Peridea.
Sabine was happy to see him again. You didn’t really know who Ezra was, Sabine had only talked about him a few times.
When you found him it wasn’t long after Shin and her troopers found you. Ahsoka was after Morgan so it was up to the three of you to watch Shin and find Baylan.
After a while of fighting Shin, she lost her army and fled like a coward.
You were sure she wasn’t afraid of losing, she was afraid to hurt you.
You could sense the regret in her, it was very tiny but easy for you to sense. You knew if you asked her she would immediately decline and say she hates you, which is completely un-true.
Hours went on and you didn’t see Shin again or Baylan. You and Ahsoka fought Morgan and stormtroopers as Sabine helped Ezra into Thrawns ship before he’d escape.
With Sabines help of the force he made it, but you and Ahsoka were struggling to fight Morgan and we’re close to losing if it weren’t for Sabine.
Ezra understood that Sabine had to leave him for the two of you, the three of you hoped he found a way off Thrawns ship and to fly to Hera and warn the New Republic about Thrawn.
Morgan was dead. Ahsoka took one final strike and slayed her. (Lol slayed)
Stranded, you three were. Safe with the Noti you decided to stay with them and help them until help arrived and when Ashoka’s ship was fixed (since it was damaged during the flight to Peridea.)
It was nice living with the Noti, they were interesting creatures and the fact they were one of the only species on the planet besides the Howlers and Bandits.
You haven’t encountered the Bandits in a while thankfully, cause Baylan and Shin used them against you to kill you.
Speaking of Baylan and Shin, you assumed they were left stranded by Thrawn, there was no sight of them at the death of Morgan Elsbeth.
Everyday you couldn’t help but worry about her. Day and Night. During the day there was chores, training, hunting, food then sleep. You stayed up a bit later until the stars came out, waiting on top of a hill for Shin. Anxious for her to come home.
Ahsoka and Sabine had asked you if you were okay, sensing the worry in you.
Every time they’d ask your excuse was ‘worried about home’ or ‘anxious about the bandits’.
Neither of them believed you but didn’t push you to tell them the truth.
However, little did you know an angry lone wolf was wishing for you too.
You were out hunting, alone this time. Usually Sabine and you would go together but you wanted to go out on your own, not just to look for food but to find her.
Walking past a small river where fish lived, you sat down in front of the water looking in the reflection of it, seeing yourself. Your (Y/h/c) was ruffled because of training, big eye bags from staying up late overthinking, and the scar on your left cheek from Shin knocking you out.
Tears slipped down from your eyes, vision blurry and sobs that you were trying to block from coming out.
From all of your crying and thinking you didn’t even see another person in the reflection of the water, but you felt a presence.
“Go away Sabine, I don’t want any of your talks. I’m fin-” You looked up, only to find a blue eyed girl with white/blonde hair.
You gasped.
“Shin?” You swiftly got up from your feet. “W-what are you doing here? I thought you were dead!”
You stepped back.
“Shin say something!-”
“I didn’t know what to do, or where to go..” she spoke quietly.
You noticed a bit of blood staining her grey vest, then noticed a cut in her vest that showed the split skin.
“The bandits got to me, I tried to take over them. But- uh…that backfired.”
You stepped forward but she stepped back.
“I’m- im not going to hurt you. Where’s Baylan?”
You noticed tears in her eyes. God did that break you.
“H-he…he left me,” Shin sobbed, “I had no where else to go. He said for me to kill you, Sabine, Ahsoka and Ezra then join Thrawn but- I..I refused….to harm you.”
Refused? That’s a first, you thought she really wanted to kill you after everything. And definitely Sabine.
The way she said your name made your heart thump. A blush to your cheeks.
“Here your going to bleed out, let me help you.” You reached for your bag and brought out some bandages and gauze.
You always kept stuff on you just incase.
Motioning for her to sit, you sat next to her asking her to lift up her shirt and vest.
“This may hurt..” “nothing I can’t handle.”
You smiled, but it faded when you dabbed the gauze on the cut and hearing her hiss in pain.
“I’m sorry,” you winced.
It was quiet as you patched her up, making sure that it was clean.
After doing so, you asked her where she was going to go but she didn’t know either.
“You could…stay with us?”
Shin looked at you if you were serious.
She thought you were crazy, thinking that you’d ever want her in your life again after everything.
“You? Want me to stay with you?”
You hummed.
“Shin,” you placed a hand on her thigh, she tensed but relaxed after a second. “I want you to stay.”
It took Shin a bit to think but she nodded with a slight smile. You smiled like a dumb idiot in love.
You were in love. In fact, you are in love
“Sabine just hear me out!”
This wasn’t going very well. You were standing in front of a furious Sabine Wren with her lightsaber out ready to pounce at the blonde behind you. One arm reached out to make sure Sabine doesn’t get any closer, looking back at Shin every so once in awhile to make sure she doesn’t pounce either.
You brought Shin over to convince Sabine and Ahsoka for her to stay, since she had no where else to go.
“No! I won’t hear you out! Do you not realize what she did to us?!” Sabine yelled.
“Look, I know your angry at me for this and you hate her, but we have history I’ve told you this!” You did in fact tell Sabine about your and Shins relationship. She didn’t believe you at first but it kinda made since later.
“So what!”
“So what?! Sabine she has no where else to go! She’ll die if we leave her on her own!”
“So then let her! Let her starve on this shit hole!”
“Sabine.” Ahsoka finally stepped in.
You relaxed a bit but still kept your guard, as well as Shin. Sabine only strained more.
“You must calm your anger. I understand how our friend here has invoked us, but it isn’t right to leave her alone to die,” Ahsoka trotted over to the Mandalorian. “Shin can stay, but if she ever tries to harm us then she has to leave.”
Ahsoka looked over at you and Shin, as you glanced at her and she nodded to you, understanding.
“Good. Sabine, come with me and Y/n,” Ahsoka looked at you again. “Get her to rest.”
It has been a few days since Shin joined your tribe with the Noti. You think she’s happy to be with you again, well, you know.
Shin has opened up to you more about Baylan, and how he was like a father to her. She cried every time she talked about him, but you were there to hold her and comfort her.
Every day was better now with Shin around. You had more confidence.
You and Shin would sleep in the same tent, wake up and go for a morning walk, chores together (you taught her certain things the Noti taught you), you’d spar with Sabine as she’d spar with Ahsoka (sometimes you guys would spar together), hunt, eat then watch the sunset go down till bed.
You both have gotten close, really close
Shin was always teasing you, like brushing your hip when training, teasing words in your ear when doing chores, winking at you when you’d do something she thinks is hot.
It wasn’t making you mad or annoyed, it made you flushed and having the urge to kiss her right there.
You were eye-fucking each other the entire time every day. You got closer to cuddling in your sleep, and not saying a word about it the next morning.
Sabine had caught on quick about it. You also thought Ahsoka caught on too. Maybe even Huyang! Pretty obvious if being noticed by the wise droid.
Every time Shin would do something Ahsoka would give you a look that made you want to tackle her and frown.
You knew these feelings wouldn’t get unnoticed by your jedi master, Ahsoka always knew things you didn’t or things you’d think she doesn’t know but…knows.
“Are you gonna actually woman up at some point and ask out your girl?”
You almost spat out your soup.
“You know.”
“No, I actually don’t,” you fought.
“Dude,” Sabine sat down on the log next to you, eyeing you then the fire. “You guys are eye-fucking each other every time you take a glance.”
You rolled your eyes, face blushing and hoping the blaze of fire hides it.
“It’s obvious, I bet you the Noti even notice it,”Sabine chuckled.
“Okay, I do really like her to where I think I love her. But I don’t know how to ask her out! I’ve never asked anyone out before! What do I say?” You rambled.
Sabine gave you a look, “just- be yourself, take her on an evening walk or something. Can’t really do any dates.”
“Yeah no shit,” your eyes veered to the ground. “You sure a walk will work?”
“Dude, it will! Trust me, I’m a professional at these things.”
You gave her a look, “mhm..sure cause you are totally a professional.”
Sabine rolled her eyes.
“But thanks..”
“No problem, I just need someone to keep that grimlin to calm down.” You laughed and with that, Sabine said good night and headed off to bed.
You sighed heavily, you know Shin likes you too. You’re just worried if it’s the right time, your gut is telling you to. So that’s what you go with.
Later that evening you were compelling wether or not to wake Shin up and ask her to walk with you. You’d feel bad waking her up, besides you couldn’t sleep thinking about all this.
You finally made the decision of going to wake the blonde. You walked to your shared tent and stepped inside, looking down at the peaceful girl.
She was so cute, her blonde hair a little ruffled, her mouth half open and small snores coming from her.
Kneeling down on your right knee, you gently shook Shin awake with your left hand. “Shin, Shin wake up, I want to ask you something.”
Of course Shin was a deep sleeper.
“Shin!” You whisper yelled.
Eventually you heard a groan from the older girl. “Why?”
You blushed, “I was uh..wondering if you’d take a walk with me? I have something important to talk to you about.” You were surprised you spat all that out.
“Hmp…why not tomorrow?..” Shin sighed.
“It’s really important…”
Shin finally opened her eyes, just a little bit but enough to see her blue glare.
“Fine, just give me a second.”
You nodded and left the tent, waiting for her outside.
Once Shin was ready you both started to walk on a path that led to the river you guys met at.
“Why’d you bring me out here to walk?”
Shin broke the silence
“I was wondering…if uh..”
Shit. What did Sabine tell you to do again?
You question yourself
Shin looked at you with her right brow perked up, as she cocked her head.
“Look Shin. I know it’s been a long time since we’ve been together. But I just want you to kno-”
You didn’t even get to finish cause the next thing you knew lips were on yours.
Soft lips
Her lips were so soft
She kissed harsh. Like she’s been wanting to kiss you for years. (And she has)
You kissed back just the same amount of force. Her hands placed on your hips, pulling you closer. Your arms wrapped around her back, digging your nails into her clothed skin, craving more of her touch.
Shin bit down on your lips, causing them to bleed as she then licked up the red liquid. Teeth clashing as she dug her tongue into your mouth.
You groaned when she gripped your ass, trying to get impossibly closer.
“Lay down for me my light.”
Shin laid you down on the soft grass, kissing you once again as she climbed on top of you.
Her hands now placed on your cheeks, rubbing her thumb rubbing over the scar on your left cheek.
“Shin..” you whimpered as she started to kiss below your chin, gripping the skin with her teeth.
Purple and red marks were decorating your (y/s/c) skin, wet kisses trailed down your neck. You gripped her hair roughly, begging for her to mark you as hers. She implied but biting hard next to your pulse as her younger danced across the reddened skin.
She swimmed back up to capture you in another kiss. “Is this okay?” She asked against your puffy plump lips, you nodded with a sigh as she placed her knee between your thighs.
All you could think of now was her
She was your focus
You focused on her knee, lifting your hips as your clothed clit made contact with her knee making you moan.
“That’s it baby, grind yourself on my knee. Come on darling, make yourself cum on me.” She praised.
You felt so loved by her. Everything she was doing was soft. It made you want to never leave this position.
Shin kissed where your heart was, peppering more until she reached your stomach. Brushing her hand over your breasts causing your back to arch.
“Oh-oh fuck-” you cried. “Sh-Shin…”
“Yes babygirl?”
“I want more…please oh fuck please.”
“Yeah? You want more, what do you want more of?” She teased.
“Yo-your fingers..” you gasped when she pulled her knee away. Only to bring her hand down your pants.
“Mhm..want my fingers eh?”
You nodded, biting your already swollen lips.
Shin rubbed two fingers over your clit, bringing you closer to your orgasm.
“Come on baby, let go, let go for me,” she murmured against your lips.
“Oh shit! Yes! Fuck oh my god!” Shin smirked and eased her fingers inside you.
“Cum for me..”
And with that, your body shook as you clenched around her fingers. Moaning her name over and over until your high came to an end.
“That’s it..”
Shin pulled away and rubbed your thigh while brushing your hair out of your face. She leaned down to kiss you again.
“Let me please you in return baby.” You husked.
Shin blushed but nodded.
You sure were in for one hell of a night. But it’s a night you won’t forget about.
Because you were in the arms of your home.
The ending was cheesy as hell but I did it!
It kinda seems short but also long at the same time cause I needed to find motivation 😭
I hope it’s good!
Let me know if any other requests I might write something with Tara 🤭
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starsfic · 3 months
Red Son is a prince. Which means that he can break curses that can only be undone by kisses from royalty. But it's weird that the Dragon Girl and Noodle Boy keep getting cursed like that...
AU: Red Son, the son of a poor noble family, is ordered by King Long to marry his daughter, her dragon heritage twisted and malformed to make her into a hideous monster. She demands a wedding, but three princes have already been eaten.
AU: One day, Prince Red Son loses a tool in a deep woods. A monkey offers to find it for him...if Red agrees to let him live with him in the palace.
Shermie always knew Stan was Stanford and kept it a secret for him because he honestly preferred Stan over Ford.
AU: Brozone is brought together at the request of Poppy King in order to play at her wedding reception as sort of a band reunion. Yes, it’s awkward with all of them having their own lives now- John Dory having lived out in the woods of the Rockies for decades, Bruce having a family in Hawaii, Clay being Viva’s best friend and co-owner of her golf course, Floyd trying to train the teenage wannabe stars Velvet and Veneer as their manager and BB nowhere to be found- but the last three are excited to reunite and play together, see their old haunts, plus its good money. Shame Poppy couldn’t find Baby Branch in her internet stalking to find them… Until he walks into the meeting to discuss the playlist as Poppy’s groom.
AU where Macaque hears Wukong has a successor, something that's gonna be announced soon, takes one look at this new monkey kid, and goes "My kid now."
A fic where it seems that Spicynoodles and their children are having dinner. Just a cute, fluffy family fic. Of course nothing's off! Everything is fine! Red is with his family. Dark Red.
Azure Lion is sent to investigate a thief and finds a beautiful king instead. In a rare burst of instinct, Sun Wukong is courtnapped and taken to Heaven.
Sabine and PIF are sisters and the Dupain-Chengs (plus Alya) are invited to Spicynoodles' wedding to mend bridges. Much confusion from Marinette and Tom (who assumed that Sabine was from a mafia family, not a runaway goddess family).
Lila Rossi has a history of issues, including a lawsuit by Long Xiaojiao for stalking and harassment. When Lila reappears on the Ladyblog, Xiaojiao decides to step in and help the poor kid running the blog before Lila tries the same stuff. Kinda inspired by the Ali section in this.
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illuminatedquill · 22 days
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Story Summary: An ice cream date ends with Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger contemplating the future and how prospective generations might look upon their lives.
The park in Lothal's Capital City was lively even in the late dusk; families from near and far played in the field of green or lounged with platters of food laid on top of blankets or wooden tables. The occasional security patrol strolled through, garbed in the traditional colors of Lothal's white and green, taking the time to stop and chat with the passerby. Vendors, always looking for an easy opportunity for making money, had set up shop at their chosen spots around the park, selling their wares of food, toys, and clothes - all native to Lothal, crafted from the hard work of locals.
Sabine strolled, hand in hand, with her partner Ezra through the park's pathways, taking in the sights and enjoying their surroundings. They had stopped earlier at an ice cream vendor and had chosen their favorite evening dessert: a single scoop of chocolate ice cream placed neatly on top of a waffle cone.
She licked gingerly at the treat, savoring the rich chocolate on her tongue. The evening air was cooling, resulting in a fresh, crisp temperature that was just perfect for ice cream. Not too hot, not too cool. It wouldn't melt and drip in her hand any time soon.
In the corner of her eye, she saw a glimpse of movement; a pair of human children, a boy and girl, staring at them. Smiling slightly, she gave a little wave with her ice cream cone.
The children waved nervously back and then scampered away, presumably to tell their families about their experience meeting the legendary heroes of Lothal.
"Still not used to that," remarked Ezra.
"Being a hero?" asked Sabine. "Thought you'd be used to it by now."
Ezra shook his head. "Being famous. Lots of other people fought in the Rebellion. Weird that only a few became household names."
She nudged him gently. "Hey, not everyone outsmarted a Grand Admiral. Twice, too."
He snorted. "Well, when you put it that way."
They continued down the path and found a park bench, positioned nicely in the shade of a large tree. Sitting down, the two of them continued to quietly enjoy each other's company and finish their ice cream.
She turned towards him. "Yes, Ezra?"
"You ever think about it? The future?"
Sabine popped the last bit of waffle cone in her mouth and chewed silently, thinking through his question. "In what way?" she asked.
He waved his hand at the scenery before him; all the people gathered in the park, enjoying their peaceful lives.
"How future generations might view our lives, I mean," he clarified. "How would they remember us?"
She raised an incredulous eyebrow at him. "What, a mural isn't enough for you? You want statues on Coruscant too?"
Ezra choked out a laugh. "No, absolutely not. That would be too much." He waved a self-deprecating hand at himself. "Who would want to see this face immortalized in stone or durasteel?"
Sabine smiled and reached out to gently stroke his face. "Oh, I don't know. I certainly wouldn't mind."
He smiled back at her. "You're biased, cyar'ika."
"I have an artist's eye. And you have already been an excellent muse, I might add," she countered.
Sabine leaned back in her seat. "Is it really bothering you?"
Ezra's smile faded. "I'm a Jedi," he confessed. "Kanan always told me to focus on the present. But . . . "
"That was during a period of war," she finished. "And we're in peace time now. Harder to stay busy and not worry about that."
His blue eyes sparkled. "You get it," he said, sounding relieved.
She rapped a fist lightly on his forehead. "We've known each other for how long? And we're married. I think I know some things about the man I love."
"You're not worried about it?" he pressed. "Really?"
Sabine shrugged. "The wheel of the universe keeps turning, Ezra. I have experienced the best - and worst - it has to offer. I've lived through times of great joy and sorrow. I don't mind what others come to think of us."
He cocked his head at her, curious. "Even if they build statues of us someday?"
"They can build all the statues of us they want, cyar'ika. I think we should just live our lives in the here and now. Live - and enjoy what time we are gifted to each other."
Ezra looked at her silently. Then he reached out and grasped her hands, squeezing them together with affection. "You're wiser than a Jedi," he said. "You know that?"
She grinned at him. "Considering the ones I've hung out with, it's really not that hard."
He erupted in laughter, his belly shaking with the force of it. It sounded like music to Sabine's ears. She never tired of hearing him laugh - and hoped that the day would never come when she could no longer hear it again.
When he calmed down enough to speak, Sabine asked him, "How would you like to be remembered, Ezra?"
He turned to look at the park before him, taking in the sights and sounds of Lothal in the evening.
"Someone who did enough," he responded.
Sabine gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Sounds good to me," she said.
Wars come and go in the centuries to come. But Mandalore, in a stunning, gradual reversal of its history, manages to carve out peace for itself.
The people flourish. The land thrives. The culture rises above its bloody history and becomes one of peace and innovation. The New Jedi Order builds a temple there, in agreement with the Mand'alor, to celebrate a budding partnership between the two former enemies.
The younglings of the temple hear stories. Legends of starbirds, of wolves, and star whales. Myths of heroism, of tragedy, of the enigmatic hearts of the people they are charged to protect.
And, of course, they hear stories of love. On the world of Mandalore, one story reigns above all the others.
They hear stories of the legendary Sab'ezzurah. Two figures of myth, whose love for each other burned so brightly that it burned the heavens.
No one alive remembers their names. But they know the deeds - and what they have come to mean to the Mandalorian people.
Theirs was a love so great that it re-defined the meaning for the Mandalorian people. Cya'rika was no longer enough as a term of endearment for a Mandalorian's partner: now it is Sa'bina and Ez'zurah. The nicknames were not assigned based on gender but rather on personality.
The Sa'bina was designated for someone of fiery passion to the point of recklessness. Brave, bold, and never afraid to go after what they want.
To be labeled Ez’zurah in a relationship was to mean you were compassionate, steadfast, and loyal to those you love.
Exasperated parents asked their children when caught in a romantic tryst: which one are you supposed to be - the Sa'bina or the Ez'zurah?
At the Jedi Temple, the Sab’ezzurah are told as an example to how love can empower us in ways both good and evil. Some legends say that the Sab’ezzurah held a love so powerful for one another that it saved the galaxy.
Other versions say that their love doomed it.
No one alive remembers the names - or even if such mythic figures existed in real life.
Privately, among the Jedi and Mandalorians, there is a point of agreement that the myths about the legendary pair are simply fables told to inspire the imagination of younglings. Stories told by an enterprising bard long ago, looking to make a name for themselves.
They had to be made up, the adults agree. Because who would be crazy enough to pair a Jedi and a Mandalorian together?
Near Capital City lies a small field of green daisies, grown in the shadow of an ancient comm-tower. No one alive knows when the field was planted or who tends to it this day.
Wars come and go. But Lothal and its brave people continued to find themselves on the front lines in every one, fighting against injustice whenever it arose in the galaxy once more.
The skies burned, the earth shook, and even the mighty Capital City - the heart of Lothal - was devastated during battles great and small.
But the field of green daisies always remained untouched; an oasis of green in the ruins of war. A small colony of loth-cats made it their permanent home, lounging in the field during the mid-day sun.
In the center of the field is a small stone mural, depicting a young man and woman holding hands. Time and weather have worn away the finer details, but anyone with a working set of eyes can see that the two are the embodiment of love itself, radiating from the smiles forever etched into the stone.
There are no names. But a small caption is scrawled along the bottom, still faintly legible after all these years.
“Love will always remain even after the stars go cold”
Once every now and then, on a day when the wind stands fair and the sun shines high in the sky, a woman garbed in pure white robes comes to visit the field of green daisies. In one of her hands, she bears a staff of unknown design, of similar coloring to her outfit.
If you were to look closely at her face, you would see that she was a young Togrutan female - or, at least, you would believe her youth until the eyes betrayed that image.
Ancient and ageless, they belied a lifetime numbering countless years. But, above all else, they retained a life and light that shone through despite such a long existence - and they were endlessly kind.
Whenever the woman in white visits, she brings a single flower to lay in front of the mural - a Lenora flower, native to Krownest, the home to one of the great Houses of Mandalore.
(The story of their namesake is well-known.)
Afterwards, she sits in front of the mural and chats to the figures carved in the stone. If you were to listen, you might hear the whisper of a breeze that almost sounds like a a pair of voices.
Sometimes, it sounds like a song.
On some visits, the woman laughs. Other times, she cries.
But, always, she leaves - after petting some of the curious loth-cats slinking close with their purrs - with a smile on her face.
The families left one by one as the hour grew increasingly late. Dusk turned into evening; the familiar, dazzling stars of Lothal's night sky became visible overhead.
Sabine and Ezra, holding hands, prepared to make their own way out heading home to their comm-tower. As they passed by a pond, Ezra suddenly stopped.
"Wait one second," he told Sabine. Walked to the water's edge, he chose a small, smooth pebble. Weighing it in his hand, he chucked it into the middle of the pond.
With a small splash, the pond disappeared into the watery depths - but the ripples from the pebble's impact spread throughout the body of water. They spread far and wide, reaching the far side of the pond's length.
Am I the pebble? Ezra wondered. Or the ripples that it makes?
He shook his head. Maybe it didn't matter. A Jedi lived in the present.
The future would take care of itself. Still, a part of him wondered what stories people would tell about him and Sabine.
He privately hoped it would be good ones.
Ezra turned around to find his wife waiting with a small, knowing smile on her face. Somehow, he knew that she had correctly guessed the direction of his thoughts.
She extended her hand. "Let's go home, cyar'ika."
He glanced behind him to see where the pebble had disappeared to. It was no longer visible - but the water still rippled, the small waves reaching to the far side of the pond.
Soon, the ripples would stop.
But the pebble would remain. And only he knew it was there, and that it had an effect on its surroundings.
Ezra reached out with his hand, taking hold of Sabine's. He was still here, and so was she. That was all that mattered. Whatever effects they would have on the world - on the galaxy around them - was out of their hands.
But someone would know, someday. And if it brought a smile to their face - it if it made them feel hope or love or justice when they felt there was none to be had - then it would be worth it.
"Let's go home," Ezra agreed. "And Sabine?"
He kissed her, passionately. "I love you."
She smiled lopsidedly. "I know."
"I should tell you that more often," Ezra realized.
"You should," Sabine said. "But you've been busy saving the galaxy. So, I'll let it slide."
"That's all that matters, right?"
"To me and you, it does," she replied. "After everything else passes, it will probably be all that remains."
"You think people will only remember the love?" Ezra asked.
"I hope so," said Sabine. "I hope so."
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ana-cantskywalker · 4 months
Because this is my current favorite Sabezra song-- them and 11:11 by Ben Barnes?
Confession time; I wrote half of a fic for this and it was going down a VERY angsty and painful path, and then I remembered what I did to you with CLEAR and decided to be nice and write a fluffier and sweeter one. So, yeah.
Also ICONIC song choice Ben Barnes is 1000/10
The base on Atollon had changed some things in how the Ghost crew spent their time. Between their increasingly busy schedules and a designated area where all the other rebels ate, mealtimes spent with just the six of them were not as commonplace unless they were on a mission.
As such Ezra found himself with Wedge and Hobbie. In an attempt to branch out and make some new friends, and also get to know the people he was fighting with, he’d made a conscious effort to take some of his meals with some of the other guys his age. Their constant chatter filled his ears, they were easy to talk to. Debating over which starship models were superior was interesting enough, even if he didn’t really care quite as much about it as them. And yet, he couldn’t stop looking at her.
Who could blame him?
She was beautiful.
All the way across the mess hall Sabine sat, eating with a group of girls he didn’t know, likely trying to do the same thing he was in terms of branching out. Even from such a distance she managed to stop his heart. Her expression held that reserved smile she saved for people she wanted to like but didn’t trust. She was slightly uncomfortable, if the tension in her shoulders meant anything, and he knew it did. He wasn’t surprised, it was months before she was even comfortable around him. Not that he could blame her, he probably wouldn’t have liked the annoying flirt either. It was a miracle she liked him now.
He had left behind the overt flirting as he’d started to grow up, but his feelings remained, lingering under the surface, ready to jump out at any given moment if he didn’t keep himself in check. Sometimes he wished he could rid himself of them, as if it were really that simple, but he had resigned himself to the fact that they were here to stay.
But really, who wouldn’t have a crush on Sabine Wren? Not even considering the fact that she was perhaps the most beautiful girl in the galaxy, she was so much more. She was like a fire that raged across the plains, mesmerizing and dangerous. She was fierce both with her sharp wit in conversation, and her precision on the battlefield. Most who came in contact with her held a deep respect, or atleast a healthy fear of her, because sometimes she was downright terrifying. But he knew her better than most, he saw beneath the plates of armor she wore to protect her heart. She was determinedly loyal and unwaveringly kind to those she felt deserved it, he knew she would do anything to protect those she cared about. He felt blessed to be considered one of them.
He wouldn’t dream of being so bold as to presume she might ever feel the same way, but it didn’t matter, being her best friend was pretty great too.
He wasn’t quite sure when it had even happened, when he had gone from being an annoyance she tolerated to her best friend. Somewhere in between arguing over mission assignments and knowing each other so well that they could predict what the other was going to do before they did it, they had become each other's person. At the end of the day, that was enough for him.
While he would always hold a hope that the stars might align and she might reciprocate one day, it wasn’t the most important thing in the galaxy to him. If he could have one wish, it wouldn’t be for her to feel the same way, it would be for her to be happy. It would be that one day this rebellion would be over and she would be free to live her life in the way that she wanted to. He wanted only the best for her, whether or not that included him. But he would still always be there, in whatever capacity she needed him, for the rest of their lives.
Because that’s what you did for the people you loved.
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kanerallels · 5 months
Happy May the Fourth, friends and enemies!! In honor of it, I'm updating this story for the first time in a while! (and Force knows when I'll post it again. At some point, probably) I miiiiiiiiiiiight post something else today, we'll see how the day goes! First lines under the cut!
Taglist: @accidental-spice @seleneisrising @cassie-fanfics @jedi-nurse @selfish-giant @tarisilmarwen (DM me or comment if you want to be added or removed from the list!)
It wasn’t the first time she’d snuck out of the compound— Sabine had always been a free spirit. But the other times had been different. The other times, it had been for fun. This time it was because she was finally realizing just how stuck she and her family were. The Empire controlled their every move. One slip up, and they’d come down on Krownest like a hammer. So all she could do was play their game, and stay under the radar.
She hated it. Sabine hated being told what to do on the best of times, and this… this was so much worse.
So she’d found some old clothing to hide her armor under, and she’d snuck out of the compound. Alkhu wasn’t as far as she wanted to run— ideally, she’d find a ship and get off of Krownest no matter what it took— but it was a decent start.
Strolling through the marketplace, Sabine had taken in the sights with wide eyes— for a little while. Eventually, she started to see more than just the booths of bright fabric and gleaming wares. She saw the uneasy glances the merchants sent towards the Imperial commandos passing by, and the kids in dirty, torn clothing that clearly had no real home. Most of them were younger than her.
As she watched, one of them edged closer to a stall full of jogans, and the merchant sent the girl a glare. “Watch it,” he growled. “Touch any of my wares, and you’ll lose the hand. Don’t you know the Imperial punishment for stealing?”
The girl yanked back her hand, eyes wide, and Sabine felt a flare of anger in her chest. She was so sick and tired of the Empire dictating their every move.
So she marched forward and grabbed a few of the jogans. “You hungry?” she asked the girl, who hesitated before nodding. “Take these.”
Accepting the jogans, the girl gave Sabine a tiny smile before bolting down the street, and Sabine felt the anger in her chest ease into satisfaction. She’d helped someone. In spite of the Empire.
“Hey! Thief!”
A rough hand grabbed her arm, and Sabine whirled around, trying to yank free. But the merchant didn’t let go as he said, “You just stole from me!”
“I helped that kid, is what I did,” Sabine snapped. “Which is more than you can say, apparently.”
“Well, then you’ll be the one to bear the consequences,” the merchant growled. “Won’t be able to steal much with one hand, will you?”
Fury building up inside, Sabine glared at him. “Do you have any idea—”
“Hey, take it easy, Karl.”
A boy’s voice cut through Sabine’s response, and both she and the merchant looked to see a boy wearing all orange. His hair was black-blue, his eyes blue, and his grin was easy as he said, “She’s a friend.”
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starwarsmum · 19 days
Day 2 for Maribat BioFamily September! Up on AO3 now
Trigger warnings for under the cut: Mention of Miscarriage; Breastfeeding. It's non-graphic, but it is mentioned.
Day 2: It's a Girl!
Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain wanted children. They had always wanted to be parents and share the love they felt for each other with another human. They had picked out names, painted a nursery and done a dozen courses on keeping a baby safe and healthy. The first time Sabine fell pregnant, they had been so excited that they couldn't keep the news to themselves.
But fate was against them, because after multiple miscarriages, and two babies that started growing in her fallopian tubes, Sabine was left unable to have children naturally. The couple grieved, they mourned and then they decided that fate did not get to decide that they could not be parents. The Dupain-Chengs were more than ready and they would find a way.
As a way to find support, Sabine joined a few groups online, filled with individuals like herself and lamented the life she had believed she was going to have. She shared pictures of her babies that had never arrived, of the things that stayed in the attic room because they had never been used.
One day, someone reached out to her from the international group she was a part of. A couple were in desperate need of a loving couple to take care of a baby they could not afford, and they had been moved by her heartfelt messages. Sabine was wary, but her heart leapt at the thought of finally having a baby of her own.
So she messaged the person back and in return received a message explaining that it would be a closed adoption, the parents did not want to be contacted beyond the day the child would be given to them. They also asked that all medical fees be covered, and the biological mother be compensated for carrying the child to term.
Sabine and Tom received a contract that read more like a surrogacy agreement but they were too excited to think about rewording anything and signed happily. And when it came time, the mother came to France and gave birth there, making it a simple matter of taking the child home once they were cleared for release.
Sabine was present for the birth, standing beside the woman, Janet, who asked for an epidural and gave birth three days after her due date. Sabine watched in awe as the baby - her baby - came into the world, giving a loud wail as she was born.
“It's a girl!” The midwife cried, handing the little bundle to Janet to nurse. It had been something they had discussed at length and both had agreed that any nutrients and natural defenses Janet was able to offer the newborn would be for the best. But once she was full and ready for cuddles, Janet immediately handed the baby to Sabine for skin-to-skin contact.
Looking down at the tiny child, Sabine swore that she would do anything for her baby. It didn't matter that she had not given birth herself, this little girl was her baby and she would not allow harm to come to her.
_ _ _
When Sabine went home with Tom and the baby, - Marinette, they had decided to call her Marinette - they fell into an easy routine. Sabine would wrap Marinette in a sling whilst working on the pastries for the day, and Tom often wrapped one around himself when Sabine was working the register.
It felt like no time at all until Marinette was at school and navigating the ins and outs of social life. They had been upfront about the fact that she was brought into their family because they wanted her, that they had waited for her and loved her so much that they had adopted her at birth.
And then, when their baby was fourteen and already struggling with a bully, Hawkmoth had appeared and terrorised the citizens of Paris. They had watched their daughter go from cripplingly shy to confident and they would have been idiots not to guess at the reason.
So when Hawkmoth had been defeated, they had pulled Marinette into a tight hug and explained that they knew she had been Ladybug, had listened to her declarations to the public that it was dangerous for anyone to know the heroes identities and decided to wait to tell her.
And so, they had encouraged her to contact the Justice League and get as much help as possible now that there was no risk of super powered individuals falling prey to Hawkmoth's machinations. They also accepted Adrien to their household immediately, although it was a little disappointing that it clearly wouldn't be as the son-in-law they had thought he would be.
When Marinette received the formal invitation from the Waynes of Gotham to spend time at their estate to get away, they had pushed her to accept. And when she had accepted, they received the bombshell that she did, in fact, have family in Gotham. Her birth parents had been dead for some time, which shocked all three of them, but she had an older brother who wanted to meet her.
Yes, Marinette would get a lot of good from visiting the Waynes, and they would still see her as Ladybug when she was called as a witness for Hawkmoth's trial.
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mae-dwrites · 9 months
A Bundle of Heliotropes - Chapter 3 - Lull
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When Marinette woke up her room was quiet. It was quiet?
Marinette sat up in alarm and scrabbled to get out of bed, “Tikki?”
No response. Her panic started to grow, “Tikki.”
“Guardian, do not panic,” Sass floated to her, making the girl slip and hit her head on the ladder. Sass winced while Marinette rubbed her head, hanging upside down on the ladder. Sass floated down to her face, “The ressst of the Kwami are down stairss with your parents.”
Marinette blinked as she took in the words she noticeably relaxed before pulling herself up to get on the ground. She rubbed the back of her head with a small frown, she felt almost as embarrassed as she was irritated with the injury.
Marinette looked to the snake kwami with mild confusion, “Why are they down there?”
“I don’t know everything, I do know Tikki sssaid that she would talk to them in the morning if they would like,” Sass explained, “eventually otherss joined her asss they got bored up here. None of usss wished to wake you, but there wasn’t much to do that would keep usss quiet. Ssso we joined Tikki, and I stayed ssso that you would be lessss likely to panic.”
Marinette nodded, “Thank you Sass, I appreciate it a lot.”
“Of courssse Guardian,” Sass bowed his head.
“You can join everyone else if you’d like,” Marinette said smiling at the snake. Sass nodded before phasing through her floor to downstairs. Now that Marinette was more awake when she strained her ears to listen she could barely hear the sound of voices from downstairs.
Marinette yawned despite herself and stretched. She pulled on a sweater before having another stretch and rubbed her face. Marinette came down to see the island covered in foods prepared, all things the Kwami enjoyed or favored. Usually the Kwami would be rambunctious when they didn’t have to be careful, but all the Kwami were relaxing, eating, or talking to her parents.
Marinette blinked as she took in the scene before her.
Tikki, Sass, and Longg sat on the coffee table munching on their respective snacks while Trixx and Pollen sat on Sabine’s head; they were listening just as intently to the conversation as some of the other Kwami. Mullo sat in the mother’s hand. Stompp, Daizzi, Barkk, Ziggy, and Orikko all rested contently at various levels of her father.
Lastly Xuppu, Kalkki, and Roarr sat on the island, Xuppu playing around the food but careful to not make a mess. Kalkki made an annoyed but amused neigh as she munched on a sugar cube.
Marinette looked around the room searching for Fluff, she found the time bunny on the shelf observing the scene. A small smile on their face as they munched on carrots, her piercing eyes flicked to Marinette.
Marinette was used to the Kwami after all the months of the group residing in her home, especially with spending most of her time with them. Fluff was chaotic in nature, but time also held order in her delicate chaos.
“Good Morning Fluff,” Marinette smiled and nodded.
“Is it morning? May it be noon? Or tea time? Why is it not dawn,” Fluff sprouted out what would seem incoherent. It was best not to overthink her maze of words.
Marinette’s smile softened, “Sun high, clear sky.”
Fluff beamed at the response and floated over to the Guardian, she nuzzled and rubbed the top of her head on Marinette’s forehead. Marinette giggled the bunny’s fur and whiskers tickled her with affection.
“Good morning sweetie.” Tom and Sabine said in unison.
Marinette looked over to see her parents now facing her. Her father radiated pride and his eyes were glassy, it made Marinette swallow. Her father always wore his heart on his sleeve but very rarely did she see him cry. Seeing her father look at her like this made her heart tight and want to fall on the floor and let it all wash over her, but of course, she didn’t do that.
She looked over to her mother, a woman who always kept cool but was a gamut of raging and unfiltered emotions. A woman who felt everything so wholly under the surface. A small understanding smile was set and Sabine’s eyes crinkled as she took in her daughter.
A strong and confident young woman, her heart ached looking at her now. Her heart had hurt before looking at her, but that was when she was worrying, scared of what would happen to her baby. Now she knew it was far worse than she’d allowed herself to even entertain.
“Good morning,” Marinette smiled back feeling nervous as she looked at Tikki. Her Kwami hadn’t said anything about speaking to her parents. While she believes there was a reason, Marinette feels like she should’ve been there.
Many Kwami sprouted shouts of Guardian and Marinette excitedly, some even coming to her and flying around her talking in rapid succession. The bakers laughed at the magic beings.
Sabine motioned for Marinette to join them. Marinette couldn’t help that her insides swirled as they usually did, although this time was certainly different in multiple aspects.
“Marinette,” Sabine started making said girl straighten up, “we have been speaking to Tikki to better understand what we can and where she can speak of.” Sabine nodded to the Kwami as she floated happily to Marinette.
“While we don’t like it we understand the need to keep secrets surrounding all of this, and that you even telling us is breaking the rules. We,” Sabine stopped for a moment to clear her throat; she took one of her daughter’s hands, “appreciate you for telling us. Even if it’s rather unconventional.”
Sabine chuckled while Tom brought his daughter into a comforting side hug.
“But we do think we need to figure out our own system or set of rules,” Tom spoke up.
Marinette looked at her father taking in their words carefully, she nodded.
“I understand and I agree,” she said thoughtfully, her brows down as her mind went miles a minute thinking over possible ways they could go about this. Marinette soon grabbed out a piece of paper to help sort her thoughts out.
The family and minigods spent the morning discussing her leaving classes, the bakery, her friends, and more. She had permission to say her parents needed for an emergency, or to just straight up leave the class no questions asked.
As they spoke the more they relaxed, joked and simply enjoyed their time together. Marinette was far more relaxed than she had in years.
“It’s not like they can just chase me,” Marinette joked to her parents as a knock sounded on their door. Marinette gasped and leaped across the room as Kwamis hid, “Nino’s birthday.”
Marinette looked back and didn’t see a single Kwami, her parents gave small reassuring smiles. A rapid knock sounded followed by an impatient voice. Marinette finally opened the door revealing Alya and Nino, their eyes were red and puff but they held the biggest smiles on their faces.
The dread that had been previously there faded away, Marinette looked between the two, “Did-”
She was cut off by Alya yanking hers and Nino’s intertwined hands in her face, “Yes.”
Green turtles with black lotus flowers resting on top of the shells sat between their thumb and pointer fingers. Marinette noticed Alya’s turtle was darker in shade but aside from that they were just mirrors of the others.
Marinette pulled them into a tight hug telling them how happy she was for them.
“Here dear, eat something,” Ma Kent said sliding a slice of pie to Damian.
“Thank you Ma Kent,” Damian nodded taking the fork from the older woman.
“Of course, dear,” Ma said with a sweet smile. She turned to cut a slice for herself, “I remember when I got my mark.”
Damian took a breath; of course, Jon had mentioned it to his family. Well, his father must have talked to Clark of course, and Tim to Kon. Damian hadn’t gone out of his way to find out if Tim had told Kon, but Damian did not doubt his reasoning for it was sound.
Ma continued to recount fondly how her sister had teased her and her friends had thrown a party, and when she had met her dear Jonathan.
Damian could not hold malice toward the woman, she only knew so much, but she knew enough. He was sure Ma was just trying to ease any “nerves” or “fears” he had about meeting his soulmate.
And he was not “nervous” or “scared.” That is simply prosperous. He had concerns about meeting them.
What if they were a civilian?
A beat.
What if they weren’t a civilian?
Damian paused for half a second, but that was enough.
“Damian?” Jon who had been doing chores around the farm was now next to him.
Damian blinked. What was worse, he hadn’t actually thought about it. He hadn’t wanted to think about any of it. He never let himself entertain anything related to soulmates, his soulmate. He should have, he should have been planning.
“Dear,” Ma Kent spoke softly in a question.
Damian stared at his half-eaten pie, his brows barely drawn together.
The young vigilante cleared his throat, “I am fine. Just had a thought.”
Ma Kent smiled and gently rested a hand on the boy’s, “It won’t be easy will it?”
Damian looked up to her, sometimes he forgot how similar the woman was to Alfred at times. All observing and knowing.
Ma gave a light squeeze, “I’m sure they’ll be just fine.” Her eyes flickered between Damian and Jon, “Clark was worried too when he got his, no matter what we said.” She fondly shook her head recounting the days of her son.
“Whoever it is, they’ll fit right in,” she stated as a matter of fact.
Damian ever so barely pursed his lips as he looked away for a moment, when he looked back at the woman and nodded with gratitude, “Thank you Ma Kent.”
Robin’s cape flittered behind him in the slight breeze, the smog-filled sky hiding the moon from the beautiful chaos of the city. His family was spread across the city, Robin was awaiting instructions from Oracle for the area he had already run through twice that night. A few muggings around, so simple for him to handle.
For as much as he would like to rest after being up for so long he wasn’t ready to go yet, but he would be called home for the night soon.
The sound of heels made him turn around, not even five meters away from him stood Talia al Ghul.
“Darling you need to be more aware of your surroundings,” Talia chastised with an unsatisfied smile. She looked to her son’s hand where it lay on his katana. Talia straightened in realization, she held a small frown and her eyes softened, “Oh Dami. I promise I’m not here to fight.”
The mask did not hide how Robin looked her over before slowly removing his hand from his weapon. He straightened and raised his chin as he looked at his mother.
“What is it you want,” Robin stayed put, not wanting to let his guard down.
“My blessing,” Talia took a small step forward. “Not that you need it of course, and Nyssa would not approve,” she waved her hand as though to dismiss her sister from the conversation, her disdain bleeding into the words.
Damian looked his mother over again, trying to find the deceit or hidden agenda. There was none to be found.
“Blessing for what exactly Mother,” Damian asked, adding the title hesitantly. He knew what she meant, but he wanted to hear her say it.
Talia smiled amused, “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten.” She knew he hadn’t, but she knew what he wanted. What she had wanted so long ago. “Blessing to let them live.”
She could see him relax, her smile became fond as she looked at her son-
An “oof” came out of Talia, a sound she never made, as her son’s arms hugged her. She reached her arms up holding her precious son close. When he pulled away she held his face, a near pout on her face as she looked up at him,
“When did you get so tall dear?”
Not that his mother could see it, he looked away.
“Robin, there looks to be a kidnapping in process a block away from your current location,” Oracle stated through his comm.
“On it,” Damian stated. He turned to leave but looked back at his mother, “Thank you.”
Talia only nodded before leaving him, her heels not making a sound as he leaped from rooftop to rooftop.
Ladybug’s leg hung off the Eiffel Tower between the bars, laying on her back she watched what stars she could make out with the monument lit for the night. Her hand absentmindedly rubbed her collarbone, her breathing was long and slow.
She was used to her suit changing little bits as she grew up, almost every few months something new changed. She remembers when Chat and her would freak out about it, making jokes about growing into the suits.
Ladybug rolled her eyes fondly.
Alya would rant for hours about the suit changes and chase her during Akumas just to get photos to show every little change she noticed.
She now sported a short cape garment over her shoulders down to her elbows; black on the outside and red on the inside keeping the famous ladybug colors prominent. When it separated it mimicked the way a ladybug’s wings spread when they would take flight. Tikki had been ecstatic over that; loving how much more her lovely insects were represented than just colors; while Alya had deep-dived into ladybugs and other beetles.
Her suit had inverted from her abdomen to her thighs, it helped to work with her hiding from Akumas in dark places. Her suit had become thicker and adjusted to give her proper traction on her soles and heels.
A quiet thump sounded near her, she stayed where she was at ease knowing who was there. Alya usually went home after patrol so she could be there in case her sisters bargained into her room, they did so often; the littles when they had a nightmare or Nora to ambush Alya. All out of trust and love.
A mischievous smile came into her view blocking the sky. His wild hair whipped in every which direction it could. His mask had slowly grown to look more like a second skin on his cheekbones, temples, and lower forehead.
Ladybug believed it was him growing to keep his identity a secret more over time.
“Why hello m’lady, a fine evening is it not?” Chat grinned, his cat ears twitched making his dangling earrings swing.
Ladybug smiled contently, “It is.”
Chat Noir brought himself down with his legs crossed, Ladybug lifted her head and he scooted forward so her head was on his lap. Chat brushed her bangs back gently, careful not to nick her with his sharp nails. Ladybug let her eyes close, the slight breeze brushed over her face.
“Is something wrong,” Chat asked. Her eyes snapped open, Chat frowned, she blinked a few times before replying with a light nervous laugh, “No, no, of course not.”
He obviously didn’t believe her but decided to let her have this, “While I’d hope not, especially since I found this present on patrol.” Chat said back to his puckish attitude.
“A present,” she restated surprised, she shouldn’t be really.
While he didn’t know when her birthday was he did know it was close to the beginning of May, and that seemed to be enough. The first year he had scrambled to get her a present, it had been a very simple one a keychain with a paw pad. Small and cute, easy to hide, also was so basic he wouldn’t figure out her identity if he saw someone with one.
The previous year he had bought her a paw print plush (he had a theme so far) and a bouquet of yellow roses when he had been much more bent on the just friends train. But he had also bought her four bolts of velvet after she had talked about how much she wanted to use it and experiment with it. Marinette hadn’t touched it for months too scared to make the wrong thing or ruin the expensive material; she hadn’t made anything with it till this last Christmas, and that was only with two of them.
She was almost dreading what he’d gotten her thing year with the drastic change between the two years.
Chat Noir nodded eagerly, he took out a moderately sized bag. Ladybug relaxed a bit as she sat up, seeing that he hadn’t gotten so big this time around.
“You want to take a guess,” He asked as she sat up.
“Not really,” she said offhandly.
“You sure,” he pressed, leaning forward.
Ladybug giggled, “Yes I’m sure chaton.”
His ears flattened as he handed the bag over to her, “Fine.”
Ladybug smiled at the feline hero as she took the bag from him.
She took tissues out tossing them playfully at her partner; he glared at her which only made her smile wider. Ladybug looked in the bag to pull out a yellow bouquet of roses, she looked at him exasperated.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop giving me flowers?”
“And yellow roses mean friendship,” he said pleading, “I double-checked this time, you’re not making me second guess this time.”
Ladybug gave him a “seriously” look before lightly whacking him with the bouquet. He hissed at her making her whack him again.
“Rude,” he squinted at her.
“You’re rude,” she stuck her tongue out at him. She grabbed out a small baggy with two little paw charms on hair ties. She smiled at the simple gift, “I love them.”
She reached back in while Chat beamed. She pulled out two envelopes, one white and one purple. She raised an eyebrow at her partner.
“It doesn’t matter which one you open,” he waved, his voice revealing his nervousness.
Ladybug set the purple one down before opening the white one. She noticed Chat tap his fingers on his knee as he watched her.
She took out the pink page that was written in his neat handwriting.
You didn’t happen to get your mark?
There was a box for yes and no.
Ladybug frowned, she knew her kitty’s birthday was coming later in the year. She swallowed as she looked up at him.
“Chat,” She started. He looked at her, his cat eyes piercing her heart. Full of fear and hope, she knew she was about to break his heart. She swallowed again and opened her mouth but no words came out.
She nodded with tightly sealed lips. She blinked tears away rapidly in a poor attempt to not cry. She watched as he made an inaudible, “Oh.”
He covered his mouth as the tears ran down his face.
She quickly put everything back in the bag and setting it aside she pulled Chat into a hug.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” She murmured into his hair and rubbing circles on his back.
“I just wanted one of my best friends,” he hiccuped out. “Just a friend was all.”
“I know,” Ladybug gave a squeeze. “I’m sure whoever it is will be your friend first.”
And if they stayed there longer than normal, it wasn’t like Paris would know.
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airi-p4 · 1 year
Spark joy
Hi! I wrote a new short fic. It's the one I shared for this past Six Sentence Sunday.
When Alya and Sabine scold Marinette, she finally cleans up and tidies her room.
…and her heart.
It all started with her best friend's comment:
"Girl, I have no idea how you plan to find anything in this mess! No wonder you lose and forget everything!"
…Which her mother's scolding seconded:
"Marinette, what's with this mess!? I know it’s summer vacation but you should tidy up your room. C'mon! Clean it up!"
"But-" the girl tried to protest, but was interrupted.
"If you don't, then I'll do it myself. And I'll throw away whatever I feel like. Don't come crying to me if you miss something!" 
Marinette knew from the hands on her hips, the annoyed brows and the threatening tone, that she was being serious.
"No, please! Don't throw anything away! I'll do it!"
"Tomorrow is Sunday. I want to see everything clean and tidy by the end of the day!"
They were both right: her room was untidy. 
A total mess. 
But how was she supposed to tidy up her room? All cupboards, drawers and boxes were already stuffed. Where was she supposed to put all her new staff in these conditions?
A visit to Mylene's house that Saturday afternoon gave her a completely new impression.
Minimalistic. Green. Tidy.
"Wow, Mylene. Your room is so clean and tidy!" Marinette admired it, looking around. "How do you always keep it so nice?"
"Have you ever heard of 'the life-changing magic of tidying up'? Or Marie Kondo?"
Mylene opened her eyes with a new vision of the world.
The main idea of Mylene's advice to tidy up her room was easy: 
You ask yourself a question about a certain item: "does it spark joy to you?" 
If the answer is "yes," it stays, if the answer is "no," it goes away.
Moreover, it is important to take notice of how your body reacts to the object. 
Tidying up with this method consists of repeating this process until only items that spark joy remain.
Even Marinette should be able to do it.
She decided to try it out.
Back at home, she started with the items on her desk.
The sewing machine, the fabrics, the accessories, the glitter, the buttons, the measuring tape, the scissors… all the sewing tools and supplies- they all sparked joy. They were clearly staying.
Her school books and homework… they didn't spark joy. But those were obligations- responsibilities-, just like her earrings. She couldn't throw them away (even if she secretly wished to sometimes).
Her drawing tools and crafting materials; stickers, washi tapes, patterned paper and sketchbooks… They were all surely staying. So much joy in drawing and designing!
She continued looking around when her little friend approached.
"What about this, Marinette?" Tikki asked, carrying a dusty exotic mask around. "I don't think you need this…"
"No! Don't throw it away, Tikki!" She quickly grabbed it. "I got this from one of grandma Ginna's trips! I have to keep it!" 
"Does it spark joy, then?"
"It does! Well, not exactly, but we had a welcome party for her that day, and papa baked a cake that day. It brings back good memories!" She fondly recalled. "The mask stays. And so do all of granny Ginna's souvenirs!"
"What about Ginna's candy…?" 
"Oh- Ugh… I thought I had gotten rid of all of them…" she made a disgusted expression. "Definitely doesn't spark joy. We're throwing them. It's not a secret anymore that I don't like them so…"
"That's true," Tikki nodded, throwing the candy inside the trash bin. 
Marinette moved to her cupboard next.
"All my clothes obviously stay!"
"Aren't these too small for you, Marinette?" Tikki asked at the sight of child sized outfits.
"They are, but I plan to reuse them for creating new pieces of clothing- giving them a second life. There's that '3R: recycling, reuse and reduce' event that Mylene promotes coming soon. We gotta do what we can to save the planet!"
Tikki nodded with a grin, and proceeded to imitate Marinette's arms in a cross shape pose, ready to say a tv program's motto in unison:
"Little changes are powerful!"
They laughed together as they continued tidying up.
"My bed!" Marinette jumped, wiggling her legs. "The cat plushie is obviously staying!" She hummed happily. "And the books and the night light too!" She collected and put them back on the shelf.
"Comfy" Tikki muffled snuggling the long cushion. 
Marinette giggled at her cuteness. 
“Should I throw my alarm clock away…?” she asked, cheekily. “Marinette, don’t!”
“I’m joking, Tikki!” She laughed at the kwami’s protest.
"Okay, next is-" 
Her heart skipped a beat, and suddenly, her mood dropped- body tense and mouth turning into a flat line.
"What's wrong, Marinette?" Tikki asked. But then she looked where Marinette was staring at and she understood.
The cork board… and the photos.
Adrien's photos had been there for a long time. Since that rainy day when he gave her his umbrella and that thunder struck some months ago- and when she (and her friends, including Tikki) had convinced herself that it had been love at first sight, just because of a nice one-time gesture. 
Since then, she had done some crazy things to get Adrien's attention- some on her own and some others encouraged by others- all of them with the same result: a fiasco. Only embarrassment and humiliation from her part. 
It was tiring.
Plus the model boy had never paid special attention to her anyway… 
Well, except-
The lucky charm Adrien gave her for her birthday. 
Right- she hadn't cleaned up that drawer yet…
He did put effort into it, since it was handmade. 
For a "friend," he had said. 
It was so obvious he didn't feel anything more for her. 
The current question was: "Do these photos spark joy?"
She went into deep thought.
"Marinette? What are you thinking?"
"Tikki, I think… I think Adrien's photos do not spark joy"
"I can't recall what's good about Adrien anymore, Tikki. All the girls' plans to get closer to him always fail and I get humiliated or embarrassed in front of him and everyone else as a result. People think I’m crazy… Geez- I can't even articulate a single word or talk to him like a normal person at all!" She sighed. "And after the failure with the statue at the wax museum…" that was probably the last straw. Too much. A turning point.
Tikki looked at her in concern.
"I don't know, Tikki. I think loving Adrien doesn't spark joy to me anymore. At all"
"But, Marinette-!" The kwami gasped.
"You've just seen it, Tikki! Whenever I look at these photos, my mood darkens and I get sadder, anxious, uncomfortable-" she took a deep breath. "Yes, both these photos and going after Adrien do not spark joy" she looked at Tikki. "I'm getting rid of the photos"
"Are you sure…?"
"I'm sure"
"What about the lucky charm? Are you going to throw it away, too?" 
"I don't know… I think I'll keep it. At least for now? I hate throwing presents and gifts away, honestly. I even keep all of Manon's ugly drawings and stones or sticks she picked up at the park because I'd feel bad for throwing them away! So I'll keep the lucky charm hidden in a drawer as a birthday present from a classmate, nothing more" 
"You know what, Marinette?"
"I think this might be one reason why you're so untidy! You can't throw away the presents you've been given!"
"Tikki!" Marinette pouted at the kwami's laugh before joining her. "I think you're right…" she added, remembering a messy little pottery figure Kim gave her many years ago lying somewhere deep inside a drawer. Was it a dolphin? A snake? A monkey? Perhaps a pigeon…? Why did she even keep it if she had no idea what it was supposed to be? 
Yes, Tikki was absolutely right about her incapacity to keep her room tidy…
"Let's get rid of these photos first. I think it's time to tidy my heart as well" 
Tikki didn't question her- she could tell that the girl had set her resolve. Supportively, she helped her remove and throw them away.
With Adrien's photos gone (except the one with the whole class), Marinette could finally smile while looking at her corkboard. 
Photos of her with her best friend, Alya, the girls, her friends and classmates, her family, and-
It took her few seconds to realize the extra spark a certain photo caused her: 
This amazing, patient boy who was always there for her, who had been nothing but respectful and nice towards her and sometimes it even felt like their minds and hearts were completely in sync. A boy who was sweet, caring, that made her laugh and, more importantly, a true friend. Maybe a bit more than that since he… he had confessed his feelings for her some time ago- with the most beautiful words she had ever heard. She blushed at the memory, her heart beating faster. 
That alluring revelation had made her happy. 
Very happy.
And so, looking at Luka's photo felt like-
A great amount of joy. 
He never failed to bring a smile to her face (and redness to her cheeks, too).
"I guess this certain photo does spark joy, then?" Tikki teased her human friend.
"Tikki!" She flustered.
"I guess it stays?" 
"Yes, it stays. He absolutely stays" Marinette smiled warmly at his image. 
That's right, he had been busy lately and barely met up or talked. She didn't want to interrupt his summer music course but… 
She missed him.
Maybe- she could try to give him a call…? Or send him a message?
Yes, that would be nice.
A warm smile spread on her face as she typed.
'Hi Luka'
'I know you're busy with your music course and I hope I'm not disturbing you but I was wondering if you had time to talk…?'
'I mean-!'
'It doesn't have to be now! Just whenever you find the time? If you feel like it?'
Was this okay? What if she'd just disturbed him? She didn't have time to overthink it since a new message arrived on her phone.
'Hello, Marinette'
'You're not disturbing me'
'And for you, I can always make the time'
'What's up? :)'
Gosh- she loved that about him… And his eyes… and his smile..
Wait- don’t get distracted! 
Focus, Marinette!
‘I wanted to tell you something,’ she texted.
Luka: ‘Sure. What is it?’
Marinette: ‘You spark joy’
Luka: ‘???’
Luka: ‘I spark joy?’
Marinette: ‘Yes!’ 
Marinette: ‘A lot of joy!’
Luka: ‘???’
Luka: ‘What’s this about?’
Luka: ‘What am I missing…?’
Luka: ‘I can almost hear you giggling on the other side of the phone’
He wasn't wrong. She was giggling.
This boy lived on the Liberty, a houseboat that was a hundred times untidier and messier than her own room. She didn't expect him to know much about tidying up- even though she knew he and his sister Juleka secretly cleaned when Anarka was out. 
Besides, Marinette really couldn't picture the Captain asking herself if all that junk she had around sparked joy- the image alone was very funny in her head.
Luka: ‘So you're really not going to tell me? I'm curious now’ 
Marinette: ‘Fine, I'll tell you’
Marinette: ‘But only if you agree to go out with me the next day you’re free!’
Gosh-! She did it! She asked him out!
Luka: ‘Sure. I'd love to’
Luka: ‘I'm free on Wednesday’
Marinette: ‘Wednesday it is!’
Luka: ‘Cool :)’
Marinette: ‘It's a date ;) ’
There was a long pause. 
Did she break him (hopefully)? Was he squealing like she had just briefly done after sending the message? Kicking his feet as she did too, a moment ago? Or maybe he was more the type to yell at the pillow…? 
She didn't scare him, did she…?
Her heart was beating fast with anticipation. 
And his reply arrived.
It was a short audio with some happy guitar notes. 
Luka: ‘Great!’
Luka: ‘I’m looking forward to it! :D ’
She giggled happily as Tikki hugged her. 
Marinette: ‘I'll bring macarons!’
Luka: ‘Awesome!’
He sent another audio, this time longer, filled with more happy guitar tunes.
Both of their silly smiles didn’t leave their faces for the rest of the day.
By the evening, her room was clean and tidy to Sabine's surprise and delight. 
What Marinette’s mother didn’t know yet was that her heart was also clean and tidy, probably even more than her room. At some point, she should really throw away all these useless presents she still collected… Sooner rather than later, probably. 
It still amazed her how, with just the removal of a few photos, her heart felt much happier and lighter, filled with a great amount of joy towards a wonderful blue-haired boy as she excitedly awaited their date on Wednesday.
Little changes were powerful, indeed.
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LBSC Sprint Challenge February 2024
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The LBSC Sprint Challenge is now open for writers and artists!
We did things a little differently this month and asked our discord members for Valentine's related prompts, so you get a few extra prompts this month! If you're not feeling the Valentine's vibe, the Wildcard option is always available.
The prompts are:
1. Flower Delivery boy Luka getting an address wrong. Which means the girl who answered the door might just be available. 2. Tom decides to drop some hints to Luka that Marinette is single and Valentine’s Day is coming up. And everyone knows that the best way to a man’s brain is through pastries decorated with not so subtle hints. 3. Florist!Mari- the heat in her shop has gone out, and it's Soo cold. Luka makes a delivery of something that has to be refrigerated. 4. Sabine, seeing Luka and Mari dancing around each other (and maybe seeing Tom fail to get the two together) decides to take matters into her own hands and what better excuse to have Luka around than needing an extra pair of hands at the bakery with the valentines rush coming up? 5. The people of Paris are shocked to discover Ladybug doesn’t like Valentine’s Day. People have plenty of theories, but Luka’s pretty sure he knows the reason why. 6. There's ALWAYS an akuma on Valentine's Day. 7. Conversation Hearts 8. Marinette makes an apron with a conversation heart pattern. Luka takes the 'kiss me' heart very seriously. 9. After all the roses from Chat Noir, Marinette's a little...indifferent to the traditional Valentine's flower. Luka has to get inventive. 10. Kwamis give dating advice with… mixed results 11. Marinette loves soulmate stories and believes in true love. Lately, she's feeling down and starts to give up on the whole idea. Luka tries to put together or act out a Soulmate story/AU in real life to help her feel better/special. 12. Luka trying to work up the nerve to smooch Marinette. Attempts to ask by giving her the "KISS ME" conversation heart. Marinette, distracted by something else: "Ewwwwwww." 13. Luka and Marinette are both doing valentines deliveries and get trapped/stuck in an elevator together 14. Wildcard - pick any previous challenge prompt, or play LBSC Smooch Roulette to generate a prompt!
You have until Wednesday, February 28 to complete your 3 15-minute sprints/45 minute art sprint and post the results. Once you’ve completed the sprints, you have 24 hours to edit (which can include some new writing to smooth transitions and make it feel complete, and whatever work you feel appropriate to get your art to a state you consider ‘finished’).
Please note you may sprint in the language of your choice, and you can either translate the final fic before posting, post it in the original language, or both as you choose. You can join us on the LBSC discord or sprint on your own! Just be sure to tag @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers in your final post so we will see it and reblog it. The rest of the rules can be found here under the cut.
We’ll post a beginning and end date to the challenge, and a prompt.
Writers, If you choose to participate in the event, write for that prompt in up to three 15 minute sprints. No writing outside the sprints until you have completed all three! After the 3 sprints are complete, you have 24 hours to edit (which can include some new writing to smooth transitions, etc). You can also choose to break that 45 minutes up differently if you find a different split works better for you.  After those 24 hours, post what you’ve got. Tag your posts with @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers so we can reblog it to the LBSC blog. If you post your work on AO3 or somewhere other than Tumblr, you can leave a link in our ask box or in the appropriate discord channel so we can be sure to promote it. After the designated challenge end date, we’ll compile a listing of the submissions and post it to the LBSC blog.
Feel free to sprint in whatever language is most comfortable to you! You can post it in your own language or translate it before posting, or both!
Artists, you have 45 minutes to sketch and 24 hours to do any cleanup or coloring you’d like to complete. You can split your 45 minutes up however you like, or not at all. There’s no requirements on your finished piece, just aim for whatever goal seems challenging but achievable to you.  Tag your posts with @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers so we can reblog it to the LBSC blog. If you post your work on Instagram or somewhere other than Tumblr, you can leave a link in our ask box or in the appropriate discord channel so we can be sure to promote it. After the designated challenge end date, we’ll compile a listing of the submissions and post it to the LBSC blog.
If you’re wavering as to whether or not you think you can accomplish anything in 45 minutes, we really encourage you to give the challenge a try. You may be surprised what you can do! Feel free to join us in the discord linked above so we can encourage and cheer you on.
Obviously, this has to run a bit on the honor system and we won’t be tracking your times, but please do your best to honor the spirit of the challenge! If your sprint fic becomes an Entire Thing (these things happen sometimes) and you want to continue it, feel free! However, please still post whatever you’ve got after your 3 sprints with the tag. No fair busting out a fully polished fic or art without showing us what it looked like at the challenge stage!
We want to keep this a positive space and event! This does NOT mean that you can’t write or draw anything critical of a character or episode, but it isn’t the space for character bashing or hate either. Please keep the characters in character and save the more speculative work for another time. NSFW sprint works are permitted but must be tagged appropriately (please use “NSFW LBSC sprint challenge” for easy filtering on the blog) and with appropriate warnings.  (More FAQ about the process here)
This is a Lukanette blog and a Lukanette event, so while Lukanette does not need to be the main ship, it needs to at least be included or referenced and considered endgame (in other words, they don’t have to be together by the end of your work, but the intent is that they’re headed in that direction). The decision about what qualifies for reblog rests solely with the LBSC moderators. If a piece hasn’t been reblogged within a couple of days, either the mods felt the piece didn’t meet the criteria or it was simply missed; you are welcome to reach out in the asks to inquire which. There are plenty of other spaces out there for other ships and OT3s, and people are welcome to use the challenge rules and prompts to write for their own ships! They just won’t be reblogged to the LBSC blog, and we ask that you please not use the event tag (a modified form is fine - “InsertAlternateShipName sprint challenge” instead of “LBSC sprint challenge,” for example).
Happy sprinting!
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starshinedragon · 1 year
SSO - DARK RIDERS Extended/Upgraded Lore (unofficial)
(Full body arts: Sabine, Jess, Elise by Eleanor Nightwalker (Youtube), Katja by @bluelightcore)
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SABINE CLAYMORE Dark Rider Malumi (The Black Knight)
Horse: Kaahn (warmblood) Powers: Fire Circle (Anti-Lightning) -> Fire and Nullification. Energy absorbing fire against Alex’s lightning attacks. Alex's rival.
Role: Strong guy/Fighter of the 5-man band Flaw: Envy and Wrath. Her hot temper can be used against her. Personality: She’s angry, malicious and a hothead. Inferiority complex. She is often sent against the SRs to do the fighting, often used as a simple minion and she hates it. She thinks she’s stronger, cleverer and better, than the other DRs, while at the same time being envious of them, because she knows she isn’t. Argues with the other DRs even when on a mission. Wants: to prove herself. To defeat the SRs alone, so she can prove, she is the strongest DR.
Backstory: always envious. Only daughter of the rich and prestigious Claymore family. A spoiled and jealous horse girl, who tried to be the best in every discipline, and bought her way into success whenever she could. The only ones who could defeat her were Lisa and Linda and she will forever hate them because of that. But her true rival is Alex. Hobbies: mischief and petty crimes, making others frustrated, getting them into trouble. She is happy when others are not. Discipline: Eventing (that’s why she raced both Lisa and Linda) consists of cross-country, showjumping and dressage.
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KATJA HELBERG   Dark Rider Stiria (The Ice Witch)
Horse: Tyrann (arabian) Powers: Frost Circle (Anti-Moon) -> Frost, Ice and Manipulation. While Linda’s visions show the truth, Katja makes Illusions that are Lies. Linda's rival.
Role: Smart guy/Scout of the 5-man band Flaw: Arrogant and Cold, can’t understand love. Her arrogance can be used against her. Personality: A cold and calculating manipulator, planner, master of Lies. The most dangerous beside Elise. Afraid of her, but won’t admit it. No petty quarrel with the others, she knows her importance. Wants: to control everything. Obsession with controlling and leading the Dark Riders, especially after Elise’s arrival. Wants to prove, that love only gets in the way, it is a hindrance.
Backstory: was betrayed. Norvegian father, kallter mother. She lived with the Kallters in the Dino Valley, inherited her mother’s nature powers, but got corrupted by the forces of darkness. Since she was born with white hair, the kallters always thought she was cursed, but her mother insisted she’s good. After an incident got blamed on her, she got into an argument with ther mother, and she finally gave in to the pressure and said Katja’s bad. Katja ran away into the night in the snowstorm, almost froze to death, but got saved by dark magic and recruited to the dark side. She returned to the village days later, and instead of defending the people from the cold, she unleashed her ice powers and froze the valley. The cold lingers in there ever since, even though the rest of jorvik is warm.   Hobbies: to use her frost powers and cause harm with it (freeze flowers, small animals and such). Likes to prove, that people are cruel and cold and love is a lie. Discipline: Endurance riding. Although normal Arabians are heat and not cold tolerant, Tyrann is just like Katja: doesn’t feel the cold.  
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JESSICA JET Dark Rider Umbra (The Dark Princess)
Horse: Erebos (friesian) Powers: Shadow Circle (Anti-Sun) -> Shadow powers and Banishment. Summons shadow seekers to fight for her, when they steal a person’s soul, she locks them in Pandoria. Anne's rival.
Role: Lancer of the 5-man band (to Katja) Flaw: Pride and Hatred. Her hate for Katja can be used to make her help the good guys. Personality: Hates Anne more than anything, since Concorde kicked her back into Garnok’s prison in SSL 3. Short-tempered, proud and hateful. Does little fighting, her minions fight instead of her. Rivalry with Katja, thinks she is better, than her, even though Katja always outdoes her. Wants: to defeat others. To prove that she is better, than Katja, wants to humiliate and defeat Anne.
Backstory: was defeated by Anne. Jordan Jet’s lost daughter, disappeared years ago, causing her to leave the island of Jorvik in grief. Many years later she returned (in Spring Rider) to pursue her dream of leading a dressage stable. She organizes the Rockville – Beauvista – Bayridge triangle in the Spring Valley, when her long-lost daughter shows up again- but on the side of evil. Hobbies: fashion and modelling. Since Anne is also into fashion, Jess wants to beat her in every way she can. They are rivals in the modelling world also. Discipline: Dressage. Picked it up after she was first defeated by Anne. Got her Dark Horse and trained to one day finally humiliate Anne in her own discipline.
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ELISE SAMASSA Dark Rider Nihili (The Night Huntress)
Horse: Acheron (Rocky Mountains horse) Powers: Darkness Circle (Anti-Star) -> Discord, Darkness and Destruction. Opposite of Lisa’s trust and healing powers, Elise only destroys and corrupts. Lisa's rival.
Role: Leader/Heart of the 5-man band (keeps them together, working for the singular goal) Flaw: absolute cruelty, even towards her fellow DRs. Gets rid of anything and anyone that's not useful anymore to her. Their fear of Elise can be used against her. Personality: Has an unsettling energy about her. Doesn’t have family, doesn’t have friends, doesn’t have weaknesses, doesn’t bargain, just destroys her enemies like a force of nature. Even the other minions of Garnok are afraid of her. Wants: to win. To achieve total victory over the forces of good. Obsessed with winning always.
Backstory: very mysterious. To be the perfect soldier in the service of Garnok, she removed everything from her life, that could hinder her. No attachments, no family, just the sheer focus on the mission. Doesn’t play around, her only goal is to defeat the forces of good, doesn’t matter who or what she has to destroy. Discipline: Racing. Hobbies: power-lifting, strength training, airsoft.
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lily-drake · 2 years
Part 4 of timinette siblings with Kon and Bart coming over and bonding?
Maybe they were on an off-world mission of something and they video-called him
A second Anonymous person asked: If you make a part 4 (you do not have to) for the sibling Tim and Marinette, I think its time we see some protective big brother Tim moments don't you think? Stepping in when he spots a guy crowding his sister to suing Lila and Alya when he discovers the bullying, and the blog. Helping Mama Sabine bring evidence to the school board over the mistreatment of Mari, maybe his reaction to hearing Damien calling Mari a 'harlot' or 'tramp' (Tim totally goes to Luka for 'how to be best big bro' advice)
So I’ve decided to put them together. Enjoy!
Siblings Don’t Stand Back and Watch, They Always Get Involved
First <> Previous
Tim absolutely ADORED his sister.  She had done so much for him and he could never thank her and her their parents enough.  Tim had gone from hating who he was and feeling like a tool to be used and tossed away to knowing that he was loved and needed not for his intellect and what he could give, he was needed because he existed and they enjoyed spending time with him.  They were all so supportive of him and his choices, and he almost cried when they said it was okay if he didn’t want to talk some days and just silently stayed with him. No interrogation, no forceful tactics, not even a hint of manipulation, they just loved and cared for him.  
He had explained all of this to Cass during a lunch they had together while Marinette was at school.  She had smiled brightly at him and said,
“Happy for you Little Brother.  They good for you.”
Her tone was gentle and he could hear and feel the joy and love that she felt for him.  Once he was finished retelling everything that had happened since they had seen each other in person he asked her about her time in Hong Kong and about all of the different things she had done and learned there.  He loved the way her eyes lit up as she signed out all of her experiences.  The way she moved her hands with such excitement and the swiftness showed just how much she loved the new city she called home.
After they finished their lunch Cass asked if they could surprise Marinette at school.  Now that Tim thought about it, he’s never actually been to Marinette’s school before, and it had been months.  He quickly nodded and they headed to Collège Françoise Dupont to surprise their little sister at her school.  Once they got close enough to the school they could hear a loud commotion which worried Tim.
“Look at Maritrash!”  
“Where are your bodyguards now, huh?”  
“Not so invincible now, are you?”
“I can’t believe she would do that to Lila!”
“What happened to the sweet girl we once knew?”
Tim and Cass made eye contact for a moment before both rushed through the crowd and through the school in search of the small bluenette.  He had heard things here and there about how cruel some of the people here could be, heard about the girl that could twist anything, but it seems that it was extremely downplayed if this was what was happening during their lunch hour.
They shoved their way toward the center of the gathered mass of students to see Marinette in the center, food completely covering her, and every time she took a step toward the crowd in hopes of an opening to escape, she was pushed back and something else was thrown at her.  And near the center watching what was going on with a face full of sorrow, but eyes full of gleeful malice and Tim snapped.
He yelled while rushing towards her which caused her gaze to snap towards him.  He quickly pulled her to his chest which caused her to start shaking, her breath spiking slightly, his shirt becoming damp.  He needed to get them out of Paris and quickly before Hawkmoth got the opportunity to use her rightful emotions against her.
“Cass, I need you to call Kon.”
He yelled over the cacophony of people yelling and shouting profanities toward him.  He couldn’t focus on that right now though, he had to stay vigilant and protect his sister.  She was priority number one at the moment.  He wondered where the others were, but then recalled that Chloe, Adrien, and Kagami were on a business meeting with their parents out of the country.  It didn’t help that Kagami and Luka were out in different schools, but that didn’t explain where Juleka was, and he couldn’t find her in the crowd at all.  He could feel things begin to hit him, but that didn’t matter because they weren’t hitting Mari.
The entirety of the school froze and turned toward where the noise had come from.  Teachers began to pile out of the room with looks of fury and outrage even before they noticed the crowd of students, but once they did their looks made even Tim shiver in fear.
“So you think it’s funny to trap the entire faculty in the boardroom just so you could cause havoc?  Well you’ve all got another thing coming to you.”
The girl with sinister tear filled eyes spoke, clinging to another student.
“M-Marinette did it!  We tried to get her to-to stop, bu-”
“I’ve heard enough from you Rossi!  After a similar stunt was pulled we were able to get the camera footage sent directly to our phones, we know exactly what happened, and so will your parents.”
At that the girl paled, and Tim felt a vindictive satisfaction.  There was a small yank on his sleeve and he looked to the side to see Cass pulling him towards the doors.  Kon must have arrived.
“Hey, I have a few friends that want to meet you.  Follow me.”
He whispered softly into her ear.  She nodded wordlessly and let herself be pulled along as they traveled past all of the students who were still being yelled at by the teachers and staff.  Once they made it to the stairs Kon ran up to them and looked all three of them over, slightly panicked.
“What happened Tim?”
“Can you take us to the tower?  We need to get out of here quickly.”
Tim urgently replied.
“Lila might become Akumatized.”
Marinette murmured against his chest.  Tim ran his fingers through her hair and whispered,
“It’ll be you if we don’t leave now.”
Tim gently pushed her towards Kon and looked him directly in the eye,
“This is Marinette, take her first and make sure she’s safe.”
Kon nodded and waited till Marinette came towards him before he picked her up and left.  Tim slowly clenched his fists and took in long slow breaths before relaxing them again.  He needed to be level headed right now, he needed to tell their parents about what happened.  Sabine had told him all about how she, Tom, and many other parents protested against the school to the school board and how, because of that, the school had gotten new administration and a stricter zero-tolerance policy.  They needed to know about this.
Cass placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, grounding him, keeping him present.  He carefully placed his hand atop hers, taking one last calming breath before giving her a small nod.
“I need to go tell Tom and Sabine about what’s happening.”
Cass gave a serious nod and once Tim released her hand they made the quick walk to the bakery.
To say Sabine was upset would be the understatement of the century, she was enraged.  
“I knew it!  I knew that it wouldn’t be enough.  We are either transferring to homeschool or to a new school completely.  Kagami said that the school she attends gives out scholarships, I just know Marientte would be able to get one with her designs.  She is never going back to that Hell Hole ever again!”
Sabine yelled as she paced anxiously around the apartment flat.  She made a quick turn and looked Tim directly in the eyes, her face softening as she did so when Tim flinched back.
“Sorry dear.  Thank you for saving Marinette.  Please make sure that she’ll be okay for us.”
Tim nodded.
“Of course.  You’ve all helped me so much, and I’d do anything for her.”
Sabine pulled him into a tight hug that he quickly returned.
“I’m so proud of you Tim.  You truly are one of the greatest souls to be on this Earth.”
Tim could feel his eyes water, but he quickly pushed them back feeling Cass’s gaze on the two of them.  He could feel the soft smile she was sending the both of them.  Sabine pulled away a few moments later only to leave a gentle kiss to his temple.
“Tell Marinette that she can stay with your friends as long as she would like.  It will take some time for me to complete the transfer process, but it will happen.”
Tim nodded, his eyes showing a determined fierceness.
“Of course.”
Tim felt his phone buzz.  Kon was back.
“Be safe.  I love you Tim, and please tell Marinette that I love her too.”
Tim nodded shyly, still unused to the open shows of affection.
“I will.”
A pause.
“I love you too.”
It wasn’t the first time he had told them that, but the words still felt foreign on his tongue.  Sabine softened a little more, placing one last kiss on his temple before she stood up and left.  And with that, Cass and Tim left the small apartment to meet Kon who was waiting for them right outside.  
“How is she?”
Tim immediately asked.  Kon stared at Tim in shock, his heartbeat was through the roof.  
“She was very distraught, but Cassie is taking care of her right now.”
Tim let out a sigh of relief.
“That’s good, Cassie should be able to help her.  Alright, I need you to take us.”
Kon raised a brow, he had so many questions, but from the panicked look on his friend’s (practically brother’s) face, he knew that he wasn’t going to get them until this was resolved.  He bent down slightly, letting Tim climb onto his back before he scooped Cass up and they flew to Titans Tower.
Marinette paced around the room like a caged animal.  There was so much that could go wrong, and she was stuck here unable to do anything.  Cassie and Bart watched her with concerned eyes.  Kon had only given them the briefest rundown of everything, saying that this was “a friend of Tim” and that he had asked for him to bring her here.  
“She doesn't seem very crash.”
Bart stage whispered as he snacked on a bag of potato chips.  Cassie rolled her eyes at her friend,
“No, she doesn’t.”
Marinette wasn’t paying attention to their words though, she wasn’t even aware that they were talking.  All she could do was listen to the thoughts in her mind telling her that something bad would happen and it would be all her fault.  That because she was gone she would not be able to help or save her people if there was an attack which would make her the worst and most useless hero in the world!  Then she would lose her Miraculous, Chat would demand that she pass on the guardianship because of how irresponsible she was, Tim would abandon her when he realized how useless of a sister she was and-
Warm arms wrapped around her causing her racing mind to pause.
“I need you to breathe Mars, I know you’re scared, but everything is going to be okay.”
Marinette sucked in a deep breath, she wasn’t even aware of how shallow they had been, but now that she thought about it she had been seeing small black dots in the corner of her vision.
“That’s it, you’re doing so good now.  I’d never leave you Marinette, you and the others, you’re the last bit of family I have left.  Even if you weren't, you're still my sister, and that means everything to me.”
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she needed to fight them back, she couldn’t have strong emotions, those emotions would attract,
“It’s okay to cry now.  You’re not in Paris, if you need to cry I’m right here.”
She heard a door slide closed behind her, they were moving.  When had they even started moving?  Her body was gently moved down and she could feel herself sitting on her brother’s lap, her head resting against his chest letting her hear the steady beating of his heart.
Thump thump,
Thump thump,
Thump thump.
It was a steady rhythm, soothing in more ways than one.  Gentle fingers brushed through her hair and the dam broke as tears fell down her cheeks and sobs wracked her body.  It wasn’t fair.  She had done everything right, she was kind, patient, tried her best not to cause a scene, she forgave others, she helped them even when they didn’t like her, she had done everything right!  So why did they all hate her then?  What had she done, what was so bad about her, what did she do to make others hate her so much?!
“You didn’t do anything.  It’s all on them, you are so good Marinette, far too good.  They don’t deserve you, I don’t deserve you.  But we’re going to get through this, we’re going to do it together.  I’m not going to leave you to suffer on your own, I’ll stand by you, I’ll be your shoulder as long as you need me.”
Marinette clutched onto her brother, letting her hands fist around shirt.  Marinette didn’t know how long they were there, how long she spent ruining his shirt with her tears and snot, it could have been a few hours, minutes, even a day.  Despite that fact, Tim never once left her, always either rubbing her back, running fingers through her hair, humming, whispering comforting words, and just being the comforting presence that she needed.  It made her heart warm and helped to silence the sobs and slow the tears.  Tim loved her, he was here for.  She had Adrien, Chloe, Kagami, Luka, and her parents too.  She wasn’t alone.  Marinette slowly lifted her gaze to stare at her brother where he gave her the softest most loving smile she’d ever seen on him.
“You feelinging any better?”
He asked.  Marinette nodded, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand.  Tim leaned backwards and grabbed a box of tissues from some corner of the room they were in.  
“Thank you.”
She whispered hoarsely, using the tissues to wipe her eyes and a few more to wipe her nose.  Now that she was thinking a little clearer she began to look around the room.  A mess would be an understatement, but a pigsty would be an overstatement as well.  She could tell it was a form of organized chaos, papers scattered across the floor, boards covering each of the walls with red strings wrapped around them, pens were scattered everywhere on the desk as well as stacks of manila folders filled to bursting with different papers, and when she looked up there was another board up there, this one was empty though, which was strange.  It kind of looked like her room, except it was mostly paper rather than bolts and scraps of fabric.  
“Is this your room?”
She asked, sniffling slightly.  Tim blushed a little in embarrassment as he too looked around his room.
“Yea.  It probably looked a lot worse before.  I have no doubt that one of them was nice enough to clear out all of the trash and coffee mugs.  I’ll be doing the dishes for a month.”
He replied, grumbling the last sentence.  Marinette let out a small hum, leaning into the warmth that was her brother.  So who are your friends?  Tim smiled at that before he let out a long sigh.
“The one that took us here was Kon, he’s the one that we saved from that lab I told you about.  The blonde is Cassandra Sandsmark , though we call her Cassie.  She’s an Amazionian fighter, Wonder Woman’s sidekick, I think you too would get along really well.  Probably too well.”
He mumbled.  Clearing his throat he continued,
“The last one, the one who’s going to absolutely talk your ear off, is Bart.  He’s a speedster from an apocalyptic future that is living here.  So if he says something you don’t know or understand, there’s a high chance we don’t know either.”
Marinette giggled at that, causing time to smile as well.
“Your-er, Mom,”
She snickered again causing him to roll his eyes.
“Mom told me to let you know that she is going to try to transfer you to Kagami’s school.  She’s probably already called her by now to ask her about scholarships and admissions.  I’ll help of course, you deserve the best.”
Marinette sniffled again at that.  She would be leaving her old school then.  It wasn’t technically a bad thing, but it was still a foreign concept in her mind.  That she would be able to leave and escape the cruelty there.  She still had two years of school left and she had a feeling that they would be well spent at Kagami’s school, even if she did have to wear a uniform.  She had once asked Tim why he wasn’t in school, she had learned that he had actually skipped three grades and instead of graduating, like he should have, got an online GED.  He said that it didn’t matter to him since he “was running Bruce’s company before he even graduated”.  Sabine and Marinette had not been thrilled to hear that.
“Can I meet your friends?”
Tim smiled at that, he knew she was just trying to change the subject but he would let it go.  She deserved a break anyways.
“Yea, I can also get you some water since they’ll probably be in or near the kitchen anyways.”
With that marinette slowly stood up, Tim followed after her though he stretched his legs first before he opened his door and began his tour of his home-away-from-home.  
Tim watched from the sidelines with a smile as he watched his friends/family talk with Marinette.  He had no doubt that they would all get along, but it was still a relief and a weight off his shoulders to truly see it happening.  He watched Kon whisper something in her ear, Marinette glanced at him for a second and Tim felt nervous.  The next thing he knew Marinette burst out laughing and Tim was blushing despite the fact that he had no idea what was said.  He glanced over at Kon to see if he could get a hint of whatever story he was telling but only got a sly smirk and sideways glances from a chuckling Cassie.  He didn’t know if he wanted to know what story they told her.  They had so many stories, most of which he didn’t even remember due to his sleep deprived state that it was frankly concerning.  For him at least, they seem to enjoy holding these stories over his head whenever they need something.  
Slowly, Tim approached the group, his family, and hesitantly asked,
“What exactly did I miss?”
Kon shook his head and placed a finger to his lips, smug smirk still firmly in place.  Marinette’s eyes glittered with mirth as she followed suit and shook her head.
“Sorry Tim-Tam, can’t say.”
“And why not?”
He asked, crossing his arms and lifting a brow to look at all of his team members.  Bart zipped right next to him, causing a small breeze in the room before rushing out,
“It’s a secret story.  Maybe one day you’ll be able to find a way to unlock it in one of your side quests.”
Cassie snickered as Tim pouted.  He honestly hadn’t played one of his open world adventure games in a while.  He mostly played any version of UMS with Marinette and her their family. Tim sighed, dropping his hands to his side casually enough as Bart placed an arm around his shoulders.  He could tell that there was some sort of trap here, they were holding out on something but he couldn’t tell what yet.  The kitchen was clean (that was a first); Kon, Cass, and Cassie were all gathered near Mari; and there was nothing that could be considered suspicious on the counters.  There was just a bag of flour, one on his side of the counter and one in hers.
Oh no.  Tim could tell that Marinette knew that he figured out what she planned to do.  So with almost inhuman speed she lord the bag and threw a handful of it at Tim.  He quickly closed his eyes as the dusted wheat hit him square in the face.  Quickly reaching for his own bag he began to throw flour at her, only missing and hitting Cassie instead.  The fight went on for a while, everyone getting involved until they were all white as ghosts.  Marinette and everyone else was laughing, he knew that this was her idea. Probably revenge for the last time he initiated this same kind of fight.  It was worth it though.  She was happy, she wasn’t worried about a thing, and hopefully she can accept his friends.  Let them be a part of their small found family.  Tim never liked standing on the sidelines before.  But just watching her, seeing her happy like this even if it wasn’t fully him that made her smile like that.  Maybe he could make an exception for his dislike, but only if he could see her like this more often.
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @miraculous-ninja @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @trippingovermyfeet @maribatforever @miraculous-ninjabird
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court-jobi · 1 year
Star Wars | The Mandalorian | Din Djarin Masterlist
Tumblr media
Just Mando Things
Reader One Shot: Expert in Distraction (18+)
Reader One Shot: The Nightmare
Reader One Shot: We Have Time (18+)
Part 2?? TBD
Reader One Shot: Trustfall
Reader One Shot: Best Medicine (18+)
Reader One Shot: Screaming Color
Reader Quick Series: Strong Girl Part One Part Two
WIP: Reckless Bo POV (Din/biker!reader)
WIP: Frozen (Din/reader)
WIP: The Touch Barrier (Din/reader)
Vizsla Era:
Reader One-Shot: Just Be Gentle
Reader One-Shot: Sneak Peek: Just Be Gentle pt 2
SW Rebels Era:
Caf and Quiet Time | Kanera (ARCHIVE)
Common Room | Kanera (ARCHIVE)
Mando Lullaby (Sabine-centric) (ARCHIVE)
Sickie (Ezra-centric) (ARCHIVE)
Trust | Kanera (ARCHIVE)
Boba Fett | Book of...:
Short Series WIP (spy!reader??)
One shot: Solar Storm
One shot: Meeting the Boss
When the writing goblins tell me to release my beloved space cowboy fic ideas to the world, I do not refuse... so here is a masterlist of my current fics, and more ideas to come! (This will be linked to my pinned Masterlist for anyone interested in my other works.) Asks are always welcome, if there's something you'd like to see!
P.S. You lovely internet strangers have encouraged me SO much since I began posting my Mando writing just a short while ago... I am blown away by the love these fics have received on Tumblr and AO3!! Who said you could give me all these happy feelings by your kind words?? I'm happy you're here, and hope y'all stay a while and enjoy the ride with me~ Ret'urcye mhi, my loves
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