#sad dsmp headcanon
bella-ved · 2 years
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a walk down memory lane :D!
just reposting art from my twitter don't mind me
trying to figure out how this app works ^^
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llitchilitchi · 10 months
s2 would have been so cool. Like imagine the death book, Revival book, the hatched egg and dreamxd are still there. What would happen if the characthers without their memories find them. What happened with the dimentions c!Karl visites while time traveling. What would happen if the characthers recover their memories? How would that happen? What happened with the mysteries of ghosts and death and what was the egg? Dreamxd whole deal was suspicious but also if what if cgeorge who haces more canon lifes survived and sees that he and dreamxd are the only ones that remenber or what if other characthers with more lifes still remenber too like ahhh i wish we could see what happened after the nuke explotion
yes to all of that, oh void that would be so good
would the revive book and death book still be around after the reset? would sapnap lose the book? would dream recover the memories of the book with time? would punz?
how would the reset affect Karl? he already had memory issues, would he remember or would he be reset like everyone? or is he not quite part of the cycle?
and how would the Egg be affected? would it be reset too? or would it have corrupted the world? is the Egg of this world at all, or is it a parasite? (oh the way I grieve the Egg lore and the implications of Velvet maybe possibly joining the DSMP, the things that couldve been...)
and what of Eret and Foolish? even Ranboo, who is not quite of this world? ahhhh so many questions
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elliot0091 · 1 year
TNTduo // Wilbur's breakdown. // Angst, // hurt/comfort //
Ft a Quackity AI bot! :D
Wilbur finally starts waking up around 10:00AM. He has a horrid headache, and he groans.
"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have let him drink so much." Quackity thought.
Quackity thought for a few seconds before talking to Wilbur again.
"I guess I should probably explain what happened last night, huh?"
"Quackity..? Where the fuck are we..?" He mumbled.
"In my house, dummy, where do you think we are? You need to calm down and start trying to remember what happened a while ago."
It didn't sound like Quackity was angry with him… he just wanted to know if was doing a little better now.
"We are going to have a little conversation, alright? Because you need to listen to me, Wilbur."
Wilbur didn't know what he did, but it probably wasn't good. Then he thought about something.
"Did we..?"
Quackity ignored Wilbur's dumb question. "You were drunk as hell, and I had to take you here, alright? You couldn't even stand up… so I had to carry you."
"But that's not the point right now. I'm sure you already know this, but you were acting like a complete idiot."
Quackity's tone went back to serious.
"Do you remember anything?"
"Ohh fuck, sorry about that Q. I get a little carried away sometimes" Wilbur stated.
Quackity sighed, but at the same time he was glad to see that Wilbur now seemed to be in a better state and remembered what happened.
"I mean… yes, you were acting like an idiot, but that's not the problem right now."
Quackity paused.
"Do you remember at least the beginning? Why were you drinking so much, Wilbur?"
"I remember asking if you wanted a drink, but after I finished the first glass it gets a little fuzzy.." Wilbur admitted.
"Oh, god… this is going to be complicated." Quackity thought to himself
Quackity sighed again.
"Alright, just tell me... Do you remember going to the bar and asking for that wine bottle?"
He was almost sure that Wilbur remembered this.
"Yeah, I remember that."
"Okay… do you remember why you asked for that bottle of tequila?""
Quackity had to find out the reason why Wilbur was making such a mess at the bar.
"Did something happen to you? Was it.." Quackity paused, "stress?"
Wilbur dodged the question. "I remember up to the end of the first glass." He paused. "Can you get me some water?"
Quackity stayed silent for a few seconds. Of course a glass of water wouldn't change anything… but he would still give it to Wilbur.
A few seconds later, he came back to Wilbur's bed with a glass of water.
"Here, drink this."
Quackity was a bit curious at Wilbur's request for a glass of water, but he didn't say anything. He only waited for Wilbur to drink the water in order to continue the conversation.
He began to drink the water, and after the glass was empty, he set it on the bedside table. "Thanks Q, sometimes it helps with the hangover, it at least helps you think clearer."
Quackity was still waiting for Wilbur to say something new… at least he didn't ask for more water.
He decided to continue.
"Can you tell me now why you decided to drink that entire bottle? Were you bored? Or, were you just trying to forget something?"
Quackity was worried about him. He wanted to be aware of the reason why Wilbur was getting himself into problems again.
"I.. wasn't thinking about anything, no." It was very obvious he was hesitant.
"You are lying, aren't you?" Quackity said, as he looked straight at Wilbur. "Look at me."
He tried to sound serious, hoping that Wilbur would actually tell him everything.
He glanced at Quackity, but looked away again after a few moments.* "What is it Q?"
Quackity stayed there, in silence, thinking for a few seconds. He didn't say anything… maybe if he stayed silent, Wilbur would finally give him the answer he was looking for.
"Let me ask you something… Why did you go to that bar in the first place?"
"I wanted to say hi to an old friend! Plus, I go there specifically because I'm banned, you're cute when your pissed off." He teased.
"Oh, shut up…"
Quackity just stayed silent for a few seconds, before deciding to continue. He was slightly annoyed… but he still wanted to know everything.
"Was your friend, by any chance, Purpled?"
Wilbur scoffs. No, I barely know the guy.
"Then… Who is your 'old friend'?"
Quackity was getting a bit annoyed with Wilbur's answers, but he still decided to be patient and wait for him to answer.
"You of course, I said that yesterday, did I not?" Wilbur answered.
"Yeah… You said that, but I wasn't sure if you were saying it seriously or not."
He crossed his arms as he waited for Wilbur to continue.
"You know… I thought that you were talking about someone you knew other than me."
Quackity was slightly surprised by that simple but honest answer that Wilbur had given him, and at the same time... he felt relieved.
"I don't know anyone that works at the casino well enough besides you to actually have a conversation." Wilbur stated.
"Alright, do you remember anything else from last night? You were with someone else… and there were a lot of glasses at that table."
Quackity was worried that Wilbur was going to get himself into serious problems if he continued to drink, no matter if it was with him or with other people.
"And don't lie to me again, alright?"
Wilbur sighed "I wasn't with anyone while I was there, but I did have a few glasses of wine beforehand. I'm used to the wine from your casino, the Tequila was really strong though."
"Wait… You weren't with anyone?"
Quackity was still questioning whether or not he heard correctly.
"You drank that much with only your own company…?"
At the end, he was just trying to understand why. He was trying to know if there was another reason why Wilbur was drinking that much that night.
"Yeah, I like to see how much I can down before I can't take it anymore. I like to think of it as challenging myself to a drinking competition." He stated plainly
"Yeah… but you drank a whole bottle, man. I think you should know your limits when it comes to alcohol. If you get yourself drunk like that, you won't remember anything."
Quackity decided to speak more gently but strongly.
"You'll just wake up in who knows where… and with a lot of regrets."
"Awwe are you worried about me?" Wilbur teased.
"Of course I am."
Quackity was honest. He was worried that Wilbur was going to hurt himself by continuing this pattern.
"Wilbur… Do you want something to eat? You've probably not eaten anything since last night."
He asked, trying to change the theme of the conversation for a moment.
"Uhm, sure. What do you have?" Wilbur asked.
Quackity quickly checked if there was anything he could offer to Wilbur.
"Let's see… I'm sure there has to be something."
He started searching for something in the fridge in his bedroom. It didn't take him very long to find something.
"There's a pizza. Do you want some?"
He waited for Wilbur's answer.
"Sure, I'm down."
"Okay, you can have some of pizza."
Quackity got the pizza and started cutting it before offering a slice to Wilbur.
"Do you want something to drink? Some water or, I don't know… coffee?"
"Is caffeine good for hangovers..?" Wilbur asked, his voice scratchy.
"I'm surprised that you don't know the answer to that question… no, it's not." He said with a slightly disappointed tone.
"If you drank a lot of alcohol, caffeine is not a good idea the next day. It's just going to make your head hurt even more."
At the end, he just tried to give Wilbur water. It wasn't much, but it was something.
Wilbur drank the water, but couldn't finish his slice of pizza. He ate most of it, but ended up zoning out and staring at the wall
Quackity stayed silent for a while, just watching how Wilbur was zoning out, not sure if he was okay or not.
"Wilbur…? You alright over there?" He asked him after a few seconds.
Wilbur shook his head. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
Quackity asked that, even though he noticed that Wilbur wasn't fine. He just had the feeling that Wilbur was lying.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He stated. "Really, I'm just thinking..." He trailed off again, staring into the distance.
"Thinking about what?"
Quackity didn't hesitate to look at Wilbur again.
"About the past, L'Manberg, Pogtopia, Limbo, all of it that made me get to this point." Wilbur admitted
"You sure you wanna talk about this right now?"
Quackity didn't sound mad or disappointed with Wilbur. He was just curious as to why Wilbur wanted to talk about it when he was still a little bit drunk.
"Are you sure you don't just need to, I don't know... Wait until you're more sober or something?" Quackity asked.
"I'll never admit it when sober.." Wilbur answered.
Quackity stayed silent, trying to think of something to say.
"Alright… Then, let's talk about that."
He sighed, not exactly loving the idea of doing it, but there wasn't much of a choice now.
"What exactly do you want to talk about, Wilbur?"
He took a seat on the bed, looking over at Wilbur to see if he was finally going to talk.
"I built L'Manberg for my son, my wife, my brother, and my friends. I built it to get away from tyranny and bigots, and fucking Americans. Then when you asked to sign the book it all fell down.. you joined, then Schlatt, even my own son rooted against me." He paused. "I'm not saying it was your fault, or that I'm mad Fundy grew to he his own person, but I wish we had all been more mature. Then I got exiled, and I, as you know, went mad." He paused, waiting for Quackity's imput before continuing.
"Yeah… I remember that."
Quackity remembered how L’Manberg and Pogtopia were completely divided. No matter how much he tried to convince everyone that fighting against Jschlatt was necessary, all of them disagreed with him. He wished that there was more trust and mutuality between everyone.
"It wasn't easy for any of us. It's not easy to see someone going through this."
After all, he knew that, in a certain way, he was also guilty for what happened to everything… and still, he was trying to find a way to help Wilbur.
"Do you know why I went mad, Quackity?" It was a simple yet complex question.
"Yes, I'm aware of why…"
Quackity wanted to see if Wilbur was going to explain it by himself. He was just trying to stay silent for a second, wanting Wilbur to say it himself.
"I went mad, because I had to abandon my own country. I had to leave my people behind, and not only that, NOT ONLY THAT," he started to raise his voice, a manic episode slipping into play. "NOT ONLY THAT, QUACKITY. I WAS TOLD THERE WAS A TRAITOR."
"Wilbur, calm down."
Quackity tried to talk while keeping him calm, just in case that his mental state got worse and worse.
"It's okay, there was no traitor."
He wanted to reassure Wilbur, but he didn't have many hopes of doing it.
His voice shaky, he continued to talk, quieter, but more stern, and most certainly still loud.
"Thats the fucking problem Quackity! I was the traitor! I was the problem! This whole time," he paused. "THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME, I've been the traitor all along. Dream was right, there was a traitor."
Wilbur took a deep breath to ground himself. "I thought, that because I had left my country, I had abandoned my country, I was a traitor. I thought that there was no hope left. No way to redeem myself. And because of that, I have lost all sense of self. I had lost myself to tyranny. The whole thing I built that nation for was to keep tyranny out. But in the end, I was the traitor. I was the tyrant."
*Quackity remained silent. He wasn't expecting to hear that from Wilbur. It was... Shocking.*
Quackity didn't know how to answer. In the end, what was there to say? His words were loud, but they were painfully true. What could you say to defend yourself from the truth?
He had to stay calm, despite the loud tone he heard in Wilbur's voice, but...
"Wilbur… That's not true."
Quackity's tone was more calm now, but that was something he wasn't going to lie about.
*Wilbur looked Quackity straight in the eyes.*
"How could I not be a tyrant? I fucked up my own country, forced MY OWN FATHER to kill me, and I expect not to be treated coldly?" He paused for what felt like forever. "..I'm sick."
"Wilbur, you're sick and you've been through a lot of things… But you are not a tyrant."
At least, he wanted to believe that the way that he was speaking was just due to his mental state, and not that he actually believed that he had done something so awful.
"You were, in fact, a great leader for L’Manberg. You're an artist, a creator. You didn't have any bad intentions… You always tried to do what was better for L’Manberg and its people."
It took a long moment of staring into Quackitys eyes for him to process. After he did, he said one thing in a stern, cold tone.
"Name one good thing I did for that nation."
Wilbur's question was unexpected. He seemed to be asking that question with so much confidence that Quackity wasn't sure of his answer.
"Uhm… You defended our people, you built a country where everyone was welcome, you helped and inspired so many people to fight for freedom…"
Quackity decided to try to remember everything that Wilbur did back in L'Manberg.
"L'Manberg is what it is because of you."
"Yes. L'Manberg is a crater because of me." Wilbur stated.
"Yes, but—"
Quackity cut himself off. What was the point of trying to convince Wilbur if he wasn't going to listen anyways? It was like he was talking into thin air.
"Listen… I know that you can get through this. It's not going to be easy, but I know that there's still hope."
Quackity believed in Wilbur, because if Wilbur had given up, then what would that mean for everyone else?
"Wilbur, please… don't give up."
Wilbur looked stunned for a moment. Did Quackity really think Wilbur was gonna die again?
"Quackity." His mood flipped completely, and his grin was sinister. "Quackity, I'm not gonna die. he laughed No way, NO WAY, am I going back there. I was on that fucking train platform for, what, you'd say two years? Quackity, limbo time passes differently. I was there, for thirteen and a half years. This is my second chance, this is my new lease on life.
"I am going to live for a LONG time."
Quackity couldn't believe what he was hearing… And if that was true, then there had to be a reason as to why he would say that. He just had to ask.
"Wilbur, why are you so sure that you're not going to die again?"
"Thirteen and a half years, I was stuck in a train platform. People would walk in and out, little shadows of people. But no one would speak to me. Not one person. Quackity I could kick, scream, scratch at the walls, no one could hear me."
"What the hell… that's terrifying."
He started to understand why Wilbur was so sure that he wasn't going to die again.
"I'm sorry that you had to go through that… I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. It sounds awful."
"Was there anything at all to help you pass the time?"
Quackity was curious about the whole experience.
"Or… was it really just silence for thirteen and a half years?"
"I had a deck of cards, and a guitar that I wrote songs with."
"Songs that you wrote for yourself, and no one else got to listen to…"
Quackity realized that he sounded a little sad for Wilbur. No one else had heard those songs... It must've been lonely.
*I can't imagine what it must've been like… Were you really alone the whole time?"
"Not the whole time. Are you aware of Tommy's death? The one in the prison?" Wilbur asked.
"I'm aware of it."
Quackity looked at Wilbur, noticing that he had changed the topic completely. He tried to answer Wilbur's question anyway.
"Why do you ask?"
"Tommy died, and when he did, he came to visit me. We played competitive solitare for somewhere from four months to two years." Wilbur said, unable to recall how long it was.
"So… he visited you a lot of times?"
Quackity thought that if that was the case… Then Wilbur must not have been that lonely on the other side.
"Was it different from being alone?"
"Tommy only visited me once. And yes, it was great when Tommy was there.." Wilbur paused, "but then he left, and I was alone again."
"I see…"
Quackity couldn't help but to feel a little sorry for Wilbur. He was completely alone most of the time in limbo.
"What did you do when Tommy wasn't there?"
"Well, I wrote an album." He was mostly calmed down now, his voice was quiet, compared to before it seemed like a whisper, even though it wasnt.
"You wrote an album?"
Quackity sounded surprised. He was actually interested in hearing what that album was like.
"Yeah, it's called 'Your City Gave me Asthma.'" Wilbur replied.
"Wow… It's actually... You wrote an album all by yourself?"
Quackity's eyes widened in surprise.
"Was it hard to write it alone?"
"No, lyrics come to me very easily, it was quiet to, so I could actually think." Wilbur answered.
"That's amazing…."
What Wilbur did in limbo was... impressive. It was hard to believe that all those years he spent alone, he managed to pass the time by writing songs.
"And how did you manage to sing while you were alone in limbo?"
Wilbur smiled at the dumb question. "I just sang, I could still talk, and you could still hear sound."
He paused.
"Do you have an acoustic Quackity?"
"Yes, it's in here."
Quackity wanted wilbur to play the songs.
"I'm curious… Can you play me some of those songs you wrote?"
He paused for a second.
"I mean, if you want… You don't have to."
Wilbur smiled. That's why I was asking.
"Oh, okay."
Quackity got up from his seat, and went over to the corner of his room before grabbing the acoustic and handing it to him. He looked at Wilbur expectantly, he couldn't wait to see what Wilbur had made.
"I'll play them one at a time."
"I'm completely fine with that."
Quackity's eyes were glued to the guitar. He was excited to hear what Wilbur had in store for him.
I hope you cried! Have a good day!
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suenitos · 1 year
esperate i'm gonna change things up Pa donde se fue -> cSap y cBbh 🌟
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... ;_;
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lilyminer · 2 years
My pintrest is showing me a bunch of crime boys fanart rn and I’m slowly being converted. Anyways y’all wanna hear a sad headcanon?
Tw mentions of suicide and abuse
Tommy has always been the one comforting Wilbur. When Wilburs mental health first started to decline he had no one to turn to who still cared about him and trusted him. . . except for Tommy. Of course Wilbur knew how horrible of a situation it was, he tried to push Tommy away when he attempted to help, but all that did was worry him more. When he started losing touch with reality, and walling himself in so to speak, he didn’t think he would’ve made it out without Tommy. And despite his best efforts eventually Tommy being his lifeline felt normal.
Behind the familiar feelings of betrayal and anger he felt as Tommy began to cut him off, there was also a feeling of pride. Even as he slipped into a darker and darker state of mind without Tommy, he couldn’t help feeling a bit happy that he at least wasn’t dragging Tommy down with him now.
The way Tommy began clinging to him again upon his revival scared him even more. Before he’d felt like a burden but now simply being there felt like it was keeping Tommy from living his own life like he deserved. The worst of it came after Tommy confided in him about his experiences in exile. Wilbur was torn between feeling like a weight holding Tommy back, and a shield keeping him from being so terribly hurt by their cruel and unjust world. He could have stopped all of that suffering, he knew he could. But what would’ve become of Tommy if he was left with him instead of Dream? Would it be better? He hoped. But he had already come to terms with the fact his own treatment of Tommy had been horribly unhealthy and abusive at times.
There was so much to take in, to contemplate, and to feel. And naturally, Tommy noticed that. But the worst part of all, the part which made him feel like the monster he always knew he was, is that Tommy yet again reached out to support him. After talking about the horrible abuse he suffered, something Wilbur could have prevented, Tommy was not mad at him. He did not confront him, nor did he even request some form of comfort for himself. That selfless, pure-hearted, wonderful child reached for his hand and asked if he was ok!?
Wilbur rejected it of course, he was not the fool he once was. He comforted Tommy. The kid he was blessed to have known. That he would never deserve to have known, called a colleague, friend, brother. And Tommy didn’t deserve to have to deal with the absolute garbage fire of a human being known as Wilbur Soot anymore. That was the moment he decided he had to leave, and so the planning begun.
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cherryc1nnam0n · 11 months
I'm bored and I don't wanna write something so have this rant about the (fictional) men I love and why
Hello people
This is Cherry speaking and today I am presenting top men that I love and why are (most of them) them all serial killers who wear masks and are dead? We'll find out here
1. Brahms Heelshire
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I mean just look at him, skrunkily wall boi who has never showered, the man with a mask that makes him look so fuckable and submissive and he fucking whines?! Ngh, so hot
I need to lick those man titties with all my might and ride him until his legs give out
But unlucky for me he's dead as fuck so yikes, he's not dead in my mind or in my blog
2. Billy Loomis
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Crazy Ghostface boi who can rearrange my guts any time he wants and breed me all he wants mhm mhm
I fucking love Billy because look at him, he's a psychopath but he looks so hot while being it
Who wouldn't love this man??
But again, another one dead, killed by Sydney (fuck you Sydney), but not before leaving his offspring but we won't talk about that now
3. Eddie Munson
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The exception to being a killer because he was framed it's my beautiful boi Eddie <3
I love this boi with all my heart and he can touch it with his dick all he wants <3
I fell in love with him when I saw him on Stranger Things 4 and I haven't since then <3
But my boi was eaten alive by a swarm of feral bats and bleed to death in Dustin's arms but he's still alive in my mind, and Tumblr's mind <3
4. Mark Hoffman
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My crush from Saw since I watched the movies when I was 6
I have always loved older men for some reason so yeah (daddy issues)
He's not a good apprentice from John because he kills people and doesn't give them the chance of survival but I still love him <3
But as all of them, he was tied up on the original room from Saw and left to die there
It's presumed he's dead because people only survive 3 days without food so he's probably dead as fuck like all of them bois in this list
Still, he's still alive for me so he can breed me all he wants <3
5. Ethan Landry
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Another Ghostface crazy boi who died a virgin (not in my mind if you know what I mean)
He was killed in an awful way but he's still hot and submissive and breedable and oh my gosh he's so hot
I am literally obsessed with him and you'll see my latest likes are all Ethan so yeah, fuck me (Ethan) I guess
6. Billy Hargrove
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My asshole of a boyfriend who was too weak in spirit to fight off Vecna and died thanks to it
I love him <3
He's my favorite boi that can hit me and fuck me all he wants until I fry and he won't even stop by then so mmmmmhmmm
But again, ded as fuck lol
7. Hannibal Lecter
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Cannibal daddy can eat me alive whenever he wants, I have excess skin so he can have all he wants mmmm
He's so pretty and sophisticated and so mmmm
I love him and he can eat me all he wants and breed me too
(I don't remember what happened to him if he died of not but yeah)
8. C!Technoblade
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My pig boi who is a genocidal and an anarchist will always live rent free on my mind
(Along with his creator Alex, RIP Techno, we miss you a lot)
But on the DSMP I headcanon he had a lovely wife and two kids who loved him a lot and now they're alone and sad </3
But he's alive in my own AU so it's fine
I love my pig boi
9. Jim Hopper
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I mean look at him, he screams DADDY in all his forms
I love hunks for some reason and he's one of them
He can have me whenever he wants
Only exception to being dead lol
Man titties
But anyways. That's everyone I can name off the top of my head so if you until here have a nice day and I love you <3
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aquamarine021109 · 3 months
I started watching qsmp when it was first ever announced and I loved it, I loved the idea of people from different country's interacting with each other. And later on I loved how there were the eggs and stuff. And when wilbur got his egg (tallulah) I was so happy and I immediately feel in love with her character (not in a weird way tho) I also immediately related to her character and started to headcanon her autistic because im autistic and I thought it would be so cool to finally get good autistic representation (sense most shows betray it awfully). And as you can tell she was my favorite character (along side wilbur) and when wilbur was on tour I was so stoked to see what her reaction would be of him coming back.....but then the stupid allegations started happening and I couldn't help but feel denial because wilbur helped me through my darkest days during 2022....I then choose support shelby because people were saying if I support him then that would make me an abuser. So that's why at first I supported shelby.....but from all the evidence that she's an ableist and the actual abuser. I can't help but support will......and when I watched quackity's stream of him saying he removed wilbur from the server, I couldn't help but cry....that my favourite streamer is banned from a server that I really liked....and from seeing all of will's friends turn on him, really made me sad because him and tommy were literally like brothers, same thing with phil being like their father in a way, it just made me sad because. HOW CAN YOU TURN ON YOUR FRIEND BY TRUSTING A GIRL Y'ALL BARELY KNOW!?!?!?!?. LIKE AT LEAST TALK TO WILL BEFORE Y'ALL TRUST A PERSON Y'ALL HAVE ONLY KNEW FOR A FEW YEARS LIKE WHAT THE HELL KIND OF TRUST IS THAT. IF MY FRIEND THAT I'VE KNOWN FOR 7 YEARS JUST BELIEVED A GIRL WE'VE ONLY MET A FEW YEARS AGO IM NOT GOING TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEM ANYMORE.
(Also something that I want to say is that im probably not going to do qsmp stuff anymore sense tallulah's admin literally changed her whole character over something so stupid. And apparently she changed the name to "lullah" instead of "tallulah" which is so stupid. And I hate how the admin and the rest of the community have changed tallulah's design completely, like now she looks like a emo girl or something. no hate to emo people tho y'all are beautiful❤)
(I will still do dsmp stuff tho, because I liked that server more anyways)
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blueishspace · 11 months
Here is a Minecraft deities/entities list I have created for myself but that I tought might help out others so I am putting it here... It's a mix canon headcanons, theories and interpretations so everyone is free to disagree with stuff, also keep in mind I am not into all these series so I am not an expert and a lot of these was made through research.
Creation deities and fundamental concepts of the universe:
Mojang/Minecraft/Microsoft - triple faced embodyiment of existance.
Hatsume Miku - canon creator of Minecraft apparently.
Clara - goddess of space.
Wendarr The Timekeeper - god of time.
Sad ist - goddess of lore (not canon but I find it funny so I am keeping it here).
Joehills - as Joehills, also a Joehills.
Molympus Slimecicle - God of magic, enchanting and crafting.
Molympus Condi - god of dimensions.
Light associated deities:
Jeb - creator and god of colours, probably inventor of light.
Aeor - reindeer deity of light and good.
BdoubleO - as god of the sun, possibly a god of rulers (he is the kingmaker after all).
Darkness associated deities:
Exor - god of darkness and evil.
The World Historian - god of the void.
Null - god of emptyness, the lack of existance.
Life/nature/earth deities:
Prime - goddess of Life and possibly Fortune.
Velara The Benevolent - goddess of health, healing, regeneration, possibly growth.
PearleascentMoon/Santa Perla - goddess of agricolture and fertility, possibly goddess of the moon. (Agricultural cycles used to be measured using the moon cycle in the past so not too unlikely).
The Goat goddess (the perimeter one)- mostly a goddess of redstone but also goddess of tomatoes and fertility.
Molympus Grizzly - god of nature and tools.
Molympus Blitzy - god of mobs and animals.
Death/rebirth gods and entities:
Kristin - goddess of death and depending on interpretation the afterlife.
PhilZa - The angel of death.
Foolish - as the totem god of undying, is also a sky god and a sea god.
Lady Irene - I am not sure exactly about her domain but I am putting her here because it fits the themes.
Shad the destroyer - could have put him with the chaos gods but this feels like a better placement.
XD - as the god of Limbo, is also the main dsmp god and possibly a god of dreams.
Chaos gods:
Dianite - god of chaos and the Nether, also a god of trade and thievery.
Entity 404 - entity of pandemonium, somewhere between god and demon.
The blood god - pretty self explanatory.
Idona the malevolent - goddess of conflict and war or murder(?). Possibly a goddess of retribution like Nemesis in greek mythology.
Drista - goddess of mischief, pranks and levity (I think?).
The egg - who tought to create a sentient parasitic red egg is either a genius or insane lmao.
Herobrine - as creator/entity/deity of monsters, also possibly a god of mist.
Sky and water deities:
Jimmy - as demigod of rivers, possibly also a Listener.
Axolotl Lizzy - demigoddess of the ocean.
S2 Joel - god of the sky.
The Sky Gods (Wilbur Soot random items videos)
Foolish - as a sea and a sky god, also totem god of undying.
Herobrine - as possibly the god of mist, also creator/entity/deity of monsters.
Order gods:
Mianite - god of order, law and the Overworld.
BdoubleO - as possibly the god of rulership, also sun god.
Cucurucho - as rule enforcer entity...thing, also Qsmp entity.
Neutral gods and entities:
Ianite: Goddess of balance and the end.
Gray forester: Grayscale entity.
Tenos The Omniscient- god of experience, knowledge and wisdom.
Eldritch gods:
Grian - Watcher.
Martyn - Listener.
Jimmy - as possibly a Listener, also a demigod of rivers.
Joehills - as Joehills, also a Joehills.
Server gods and entities:
XD - as main god of the dsmp, also god of Limbo and possibly a god of dreams.
Callahan - minor dsmp deity.
Tubbo - main god of the Bear smp.
Cucurucho and Other Qsmp entities.
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aliencartz · 10 months
i sorted. the fucking. burs. :3
musical burs
1. simpbur (your new boyfriend)
2. incelbur (the internet ruined me)
3. Ebur (im in love with an egirl)
4. softbur (softboy)
13. ycgmabur (based off wilburs album your city gave me asthma)
14. msrbur (a very sad bur based off his album mammalian sighing reflex)
23. lvjybur (when he does tour/conserts/makes music with lovejoy)
30. draq’thar, killer of men (wilburs “no haircut til my new song comes out” stream where he wore a wig)
42. boringbur (maybe i was boring)
content burs
5. ARG/argbur (wilbur soot’s ARG)
19. sorrybur/s!bur (sorry boys wilbur)
21. cc! wilbur (content creator wilbur so just regular wilbur)
22. modbur (literally every time he uses mods)
32. ylylbur (when wilbur did you laugh you lose)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
47. ao3bur (when wilbur tweeted about his fic on ao3 and was upset when it got hacked)
8. q! wilbur (qsmp wilb)
dsmp burs
7. lmanbur (when wil was president on the dsmp)
9. revivedbur (wilbur after getting revived)
10. ghostbur (when wilbur was dead and in the limbo)
11. vilbur/pogbur (before wilbur died, but after schlatt took over and kicked him out of manburg)
12. c! wilbur/alivebur (when he first joined the dsmp)
36. drugbur (when him and tommy had the drug van)
random mc mods
15. godbur/100pbur (based off his 100 players ‘series’)
17. mulebur (when he trapped tubbo in his basement and sold mule bits, in tommys minecraft weather mod video)
20. phantombur (origin SMP with his phantom powers)
26. wimpfred (his character in we spent 100 days in hardcore minecraft apocalypse)
31. dr. malpractice (from toms minecraft surgery video when wilbur would steal everyones organs)
33. skybur (when wilbur played sky block)
34. smallbur (when wilbur was really small in the size mod video)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
39. decaybur (minecraft but the world is rapidly decaying)
40. rockbur (minecraft but i leave a trail of bedrock)
41. livebur (wilbur doing smp live)
44. flowerbur (when wilbur would go on servers as ‘flowergirl86’ [or smth idr :,)] and tell people he was friends with techno)
45. voicebur (when him, phil, quackity, and tommy did the voice mod)
46. bodbur (body shuffle mod)
48. winbur/crownbur (when quackity won him and wilbur the crown in mc championship)
49. salmonbur (when wilbur was w sally and gave philza the 8 buckets of salmon)
sorry burs
25. zombur (we survived a zombie apocalypse video)
27. wilma (his fem version on the sorry boys)
28. dark wolf/cultbur (sorry boys ep4 we started a cult)
other game burs
16. raftbur/ishmael isaac(when wilbur played raft with tomz)
18. tiptup (when wilbur play geoguesser)
24. rustbur (when he played rust w sbi)
random burs
6. catbur/dogbur (my random headcanons)
29. daynjer boy (wilburs chaotic/risk taking character/side)
35. sogbur/wetbur (when wilbur, george, and tommy went to the water park)
43. sandbur (when wilbur bugged philza about sand)
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isa-ghost · 4 months
Ok so I've seen you do phil + techno and phil + cranboo, time to complete the syndicate and ask for phil and niki! c!niki or q!niki, i don't mind :D
Oh god oh fuck I didn't see enough Niki on either SMP *explodes*
EDIT: Just kidding, apparently I have plenty of material for c!Niki.
qPhil headcanons masterlist
He KNOWS she was done dirty. He's familiar with that anger and bitterness she tried so hard to hide for so long, he's been there. He was more than happy to have her in the Syndicate so she could do something proactive with all that pent up emotion.
They had a lot of conversations just one on one where he tried to ask her more about his son and what was going on before his arrival. She seemed close-ish to the L'Manbergians (he didn't realize at first that she had BEEN one), could she give him ANY context, any closure at all?
He told her about the letters he got and asked how true they were. She was PISSED reading some of them, which he took as "I was lied to." It didn't surprise him, but it did reopen that wound.
They had a chat or two about Ghostbur. They both fucking hated him. Wearing the face and using the voice of someone they cared for so deeply, who hurt them so badly, but wasn't anything like him.
Sometimes he thinks about her being a lynx hybrid and giggles to himself bc it makes sense she'd be hanging out with dudes that live in the tundra.
He wishes he had the chance to help her further lush up her cave. Rose would've gone absolutely feral in there and he bets talking to her would've done Niki a lot of good. Granted, at the time, he was very private about having affiliations with otherworldly deities. This is something he wishes he did in hindsight.
Fuck Revivedbur that extra bed on the second floor was for Niki and he told her she could stay with them any time she wanted since she didn't have a house by the rest of the Syndicate. He didn't want her to abandon her place but the offer was always there in an effort to make sure she felt included and cared for, since her previous group affiliation did little to ensure that.
He is SO SAD he didn't get to try anything from her bakery and on at least one occasion he begged her to make a new and better one so he could try her baking. When he heard she eventually started baking again, he was elated.
He had mixed emotions about her being hellbent on going after Tommy, but overall he just. Didn't get involved. Wasn't his business. He didn't have anything against Tommy and he loved Niki, but he wasn't about to tangle with whatever they had going on. Didn't want to damage or break either bond.
He DID think, when it was described to him as "some Team Rocket bullshit" by someone, that Niki and Jack's attempts were kinda funny in a fucked up way.
When she told him the story of how she stood before Manberg with no one to protect her (you know the iconic picture I'm talking abt I'm sure), Phil was SO PROUD. That was one of the things that made him sure she belonged in the Syndicate.
When he heard that she burned that one tree, his jaw dropped and he laughed. He isn't sure if it was out of shock or amusement or something else, but it's all he could think to do.
Honestly sometimes he considered asking her if she'd like to just. Talk things out. Communicate with people. Get herself closure more directly instead of through what they had been doing. It's not exactly his style, but the fact that he came to this realm because of poor communication from his son had him unable to help but think someone deserved some clear fucking answers for once.
He was more than happy to spar with her and help her sharpen her combat skills. She picked up on things he taught her very fast, and in typical Phil fashion, he always downplayed himself when she'd call him a great teacher.
Post-DSMP he still thinks about her sometimes. He hopes she's happier now, less plagued by bitterness and in a place she can confidently call her own, with no government or "stronger" group of people to breathe down her neck or threaten her. Because we don't have confirmation afaik that c!Niki & q!Niki are the same, I'll say q!Niki just reminds Phil of a happier, lighter c!Niki.
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zilritsch · 6 months
Remark: Philza grew up in the End. He considers this world home, even if no one lives there anymore, except for ordinary mobs.
Phil has been walking around this universe for a long time. He has quite a few scars on his body. There are those insignificant ones: on your knees from playing in the end stone, on which you abrade your skin until it bleeds when you fall, on your hands from cooking, from careless handling of a sword, from trying to pick fresh fruits of the chorus, climbing a rough and thorny trunk, and many, many other small and large scars and burns.
And there are those who left a memory forever. Those few are the most significant.
The first scar was from a phantom, when as a child he followed adults on a hunt with only a poorly sharpened chorus stick instead of a normal sword or spear. He thought he was old enough.
But the sight of a real phantom up close made him freeze in place. He was saved only by the hunters, who at the last moment managed to slightly redirect the phantom’s movement and quickly kill it before Philza died.
His arrogance almost killed him, and the scar on his collarbone from sharp teeth became a reminder to him.
The second was from the battle with the gods, during the first skirmishes, when none of the administrators were experienced in this kind of battle, and the gods got rid of the administrators by catching them one by one.
Philza then strayed from the group in the Nether, delayed in mining gold and sorting through his own belongings. Even then he had problems with time, always following only his own pace, sometimes lagging behind, sometimes overtaking everyone.
It almost cost him his life when a group of gods, who decided that Nether's territory belonged to them, wanted to get rid of the interference by catching them one by one.
Philza's reflexes and remarkable hearing saved him from the first blow of one of the gods, but the second hit right between the ribs, miraculously not hitting the core. Trying to defend himself, he threw Ender potions at the gods in an attempt to blind and slow them down. They collapsed so quickly, gasping in agony, and Phil only had the strength to write “help” and send the coordinates before completely passing out, falling next to the gods.
He almost died. But he discovered one of the ways to fight the Nether offspring.
Now he has a scar in the form of several curved, torn lines stretching from his left shoulder blade to the core (heart). Philza was nursed for a long time after this skirmish.
The third, from an arrow with poison on the right side, when one of the defectors tried to shoot him.
The betrayal hit him in every way. And the sad smile when the traitor decided to say goodbye and apologize to him awakened something wild in him.
Phil had never ripped out someone else's core and erased someone's existence with such fury before.
Philza's body is littered with scars, and he cherishes and remembers each of them. Philza was not ashamed of them, he was taught that scars were a reminder of the lessons you learned, no matter how cruel they were. Learn from your mistakes and move on, recover as the scar heals, and then find the strength to move on.
P.S: This is essentially a headcanon for DSMP, but also a canon for the Admin AU. In general, he was supposed to be small, but I again fell into the pit of adoration for Philza and his lore. I'm too weakweak for this man.
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skyburger · 25 days
waslooking through the tourette's tag on ao3 earlier and am both happy and kind of sad to say the top fandom is creepypasta. Happy because thats my boy toby 🔥🔥🔥🔥 but sad because like damn okay there really Arent other characters with. tourettes. in like anything. some of the next top fandoms are dsmp rpf, bnha & the mcu and like correct me if i am wrong but having been in two of those three fandoms for a while (admittedly several years ago) i think those are just headcanons. and dont get me wrong i love headcanons so so so much (theres this one fic with someones headcanon about trucy ace attorney having tourettes and i love it to bits) but like wtf. why cant they start putting tourettes syndrome havers (touretters? tourettesers? tourettics? idfk) in evwrything. like i Know why its because "oh noooooo hes twitching and making NOISES hes a FREAK!!!!!!!! and/or a psycho killer!!!!!! aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" but also thats Their problem not mine. anyway i cant change the canonical tourettes-having status of popular fictional characters but i CAN and WILL hype tourettes headcanons up.!! if you have a headcanon for any character about tourettes and you like writing go write about it!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE TICS YOURSWLF!!!!!! I LOVE READING FICS WHERE PEOPLE HEADCANON THEIR FAVES AS HAVING THE SAME THINGS THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!does not matter if you think your writing sucks xause first of all u gotta suck to get better at aomething. but also it literally couldnt suck because you gave your blorbo tourettes and rhats sick as hell thank you for uour service. i think i maybe had a point here but i forgot ir my bad. ummm yeah. shia labeouf had a point* bro dont let uour dreams be dreams. yesterday you said youd write that fic tomorrow so just DO IT!!!
*he did not havw a point when i was walking through the woods there was no one around and my phone was dead but out of the corner of my eye i spotted him. Anywho i digress
my final messagw: read the aforementioned trucy wright ace attorney tourette's fic... (it holds a place in my heart dude........ Shes just like me for real!!!!!)
Goodby e
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lmanburgseulogy · 4 months
re: eret and cinematic weather. yknow what i think about a lot. towards the end of dsmp, there was this thing where every time eret would do a speech or even just like. be on the server, it would start raining. and when they were talking to aimsey about like. grief and stuff in logstedshire, almost immediately after they stopped talking, it started raining. i think about this a LOT. -resHes
OUGHHHHH it’s insane isn’t it??? have a headcanon that it’s because of herobrineiness. it made everything so much more dramatic and i LOVE ITTTT.
the most recent Eret stream i’ve watched is when c!wilbur apologised to him, and right when she said “do you know why i did what i did?” there was a thunder strike and i LOST MY MIND.
it’s very very cool! the rain following them and she thinks of it as a weight from his past. a consequence for what he’s done. a constant reminder, even, because she used to love playing in the rain during l’manburg. now it just feels sad and dreary.
c!Eret and his envy of c!wilbur being able to rally up crowds but even when she doesn’t realise she’s directing nature itself.
c!eret and rain also. rain washing things away. c!eret trying to help everyone to make up for her past mistake. the rain following him but she’ll never let it touch her. never forgive themself fully because they can’t give up yet, they still have things to redeem. so she’ll never let the rain wash away her sins. i don’t know if this makes sense. fair warning
anyway YEAH it’s super fascinating. sorry for making your ask about c!buttonduo i just do that. also sorry for using your ask to infodump. i just do that
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natsuki-bakery · 2 months
⁎˚ ఎ Flip! Saturn HCs ໒ ˚⁎
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Can you please do Saturn from Solarballs caregiver and regressor (flip) headcanons pls?
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as a Caregiver
•Saturn is highly protective of their little one, always ensuring you feel safe and secure. They take their caregiving role seriously and strive to create a nurturing environment
•Dada Saturn likes to maintain a structured routine, providing a sense of stability and predictability. This includes regular meal times, play times, and bedtime
•Ringed Caretaker enjoys incorporating educational elements into playtime, teaching you about space, planets, and other fascinating facts in a fun and engaging way
•"Let's build a model of the solar system together. I'll help you place the planets in their orbits!"
•Saturn teaches you about forgiveness and the importance of not blaming oneself for things beyond their control. He uses his own experience to show that everyone makes mistakes and it's okay to feel sad, but it's also important to forgive oneself
•As a caregiver, Saturn remains calm and patient, even during difficult moments. They understand the importance of gentle guidance and reassurance
•Ring Guardian makes sure you have a safe environment where you feel protected and loved. He uses his rings as a metaphor for the protective circle he creates around you
•Saturn loves telling bedtime stories, often weaving tales about the stars, galaxies, and cosmic adventures to spark your imagination
•"Alright, superstar, it's story time! Tonight, Dada will tell you about the mysterious rings of Saturn and the adventures of the stars !"
•Saturn shows affection through gentle hugs, kind words, and acts of service, ensuring their little one always feels loved and appreciated
as an age Regressor
•When in a regressed state, Saturn is highly curious and loves to explore. They are fascinated by new experiences and enjoy learning through play
•"Can we watch the stars tonight? I love how they twinkle and tell stories."
•Saturn enjoys creative activities like drawing, building with blocks, and playing with space-themed toys. Their imagination runs wild, creating elaborate stories and adventures !
•They find joy in simple activities like stargazing, watching educational cartoons, and reading picture books about space and planets
•Saturn may experience mood swings, sometimes feeling overwhelmed by emotions. They rely on their caregiver to provide stability and support during these times
•Routine : As a regressor, Saturn feels more secure with a consistent routine, mirroring the structure they provide as a caregiver. This helps them feel grounded and safe
•"Can you read me the book about the planets again? It’s my favorite!"
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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dontcryminecraft · 10 months
I saw people sharing thier favorite animatics related to November 16th/cwilbur, so I'd join in!
SO, in no particular order-
WOLFY WILL BE APPEARING AGAIN AND AGAIN! WOLFY NEVER MISSES WOOOO! The lyrics are wonderful and i love the blind in one eye look, it's so cool! watching cwilbur spiral in limbo as they reassess everything matches really well with song!!!!
I LOVEEEEE knp!!!'s art style and the moments they add line up PERFECTLY! Every chorus going "i miss you" at a different point in cwilbur's life as the song follows him through his story!
this circulates in my brain about three times a week MINIMUM i know i keep saying but i won't ever stop screaming about the LYRICS FITTING THIS SO WELLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!11!!!!!1 He didn't have it in himself to go with grace!! *points over and over again* And he can go anywhere he wants! ANYWHERE HE WANTS! Just Not Home! *curls up and sobs* and cphil!!!! "YOU HAD TO KILL ME BUT IT KILLED YOU JUST THE SAME ... YOU TURNED INTO YOUR WORST FEARS" MY LORD ROZU
i said Wolfy would be back and here it ISSSS!!! i ADORE explorations of cfundy's rocky relationship with cwilbur 'cause THAT'S HIS DAD *cries* and then switch to CPHIL and the CTOMMY, ommmmmgggg *holds gently* the family dynamics. yet it focuses on cfundy and i think we as a fandom neglect that part of the canon family or at least i can never get enoughhhhh
So this is ABOUT Revivedbur, and features a lot of flashbacks from the l'manberg eras as it changes alongside cwilbur. It's ctommy talking to cfoolish about cwilbur and i think about this conversation so often it's wonderful to see it in an animatic! it really highlights ctommy's philosophy and relationship with c!wilbur! ToKtopus
oh this one is so heavy but also so beautiful and i love it so much. This is where I adapted the headcanon into my brain that cwilbur had a l'manburg flag sewn on the inside of his jacket, over his heart, at all times. the silent monologue of ghostbur until the line at the end about everything around him being alive, except him.
sometimes i think wilbur and tommy listened to two bird right before starting the pogtopia arc and went "hey we should base our ENTIRE dynamic this arc on this" and then went live lol. I love this artsyle it's so cute and fits each character so well! I love the eyes in particular!
O to the Z to the Y to the MANDIUS wooo!!!! this changed MY brain chemistry and this changed the FANDOM's brain chemistry! if you are new here watch to change YOUR brain chemistry! and then go watch the rest of sad-ist they were one of the animators who popularized and showcased the lore of the dsmp arcs! Wilbur connects this poem to his character and it's so awesome seeing it read out and put to an animatic!
The mix of stream quotes with music is a SAD-ist staple and one of my favorite parts of their animations it just makes everything so hype! This just showcases the pogtopia arc up until right before the final battle so well! i love it every frame is a screenshot *chefs kiss*
And the odd-ball choice! Not cwilbur or ghostbur or l'manburg related, but instead it's that Oncelor song about the SCHLATT ADMINISTRATION! There is a eye strain warning in the title that gets cut off in the link, so I'm letting you know here! this is a really fun video and the colors are very saturated and fun! It has great humor and i laughed multiple times all while being very foreboding about what's going on in the Manberg era.
annnnndd there is a ten video limit so instead I'm going to link the last two:
knp!!!'s animatic "Not Your Fault" which is about cphil and his feelings after killing his son, going through the guilt and blame and all that good stuff. The chorus of "it was not your fault but mine, it was your heart on the line. i really fucked it up this time, didn't i, my dear?" just KILLS me every time!
The follow-up to SAD-ist's animatic above is "Dawn of 16th" and is amazing as always for balancing the music with the dialogue to create and wonderful narrative about that day!
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lilyminer · 2 years
Sad headcanons cuz I’ve been sad today!
Tw: some vague talk of suicide, death, and just general dark ideas. All in reference to fictional characters though.
1. There’s a reason Phil couldn’t find it in him to argue with Wilbur on the 16th. He only tried to express why he doesn’t want to do it and not try to change Wilburs mind. Phil is an immortal but one could hardly say he still wants to be, it would only be natural that he came to the same conclusion Wilbur did eventually. His responsibilities to his divine oath and to the people around him keep that from overtaking him though. (If you saw my Here Before lyric comic the reason I put Wilburs death scene as “he knows it all” is because Phil sees Wils suicidal intentions as proof Wil understands life. I know this is kinda fucked up but in a way it represents Phil thinking “well my kid hates life and is suicidal, I’ve done all I can do, he knows life now.”)
2. I’ve gone back and forth on this headcanon for awhile but I think I still like the idea that Ghostbur has Wilburs face, but a much younger Wilburs face. His features most closely resemble Wilbur right as he was leaving home for the first time, reflecting the innocence and lack of life experience Ghostbur was left with with only Wilburs happy memories. Understandably, this fucks with Phil a bit. Phil was a bit more awkward with roleplaying back then but I more like to interpret that as Phil being viscerally unsettled by seeing Ghostbur. This is the Wilbur he watched grow up, the happy child who slowly grew into his still soft but mature face before he lost him to his own free spirit. Ghostbur is distinctly not the Wilbur Phil met with on the 16th, a malnourished, filthy, ghost of the son he once new. But suddenly he’s back to normal, laughing and playing around like nothing happened. Suffice to say Ghostbur never had a chance to really be cared for by Phil, he just could never be loving towards that bundle of half formed memories.
I love this character, I promise I’m not giving him more problems on purpose. I just gotta project my emotions somewhere.
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