#sad nigga hours
they ask you how you are and just how to say that you're fine, but you're not really fine, but you just can't get into because they would never understand...
...Why you're CRYING
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wordsneveruttered · 1 year
My Secrets Are Safe With Me
Venting to anyone just makes me feel like a burden. I would rather hold it all in and keep everything to myself. People don't really care anyway. My issues are just another piece of gossip for them to discuss.
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mansorus · 1 year
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Please correct me if I’m lying 😭😭😭😭
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fearless-franklin · 1 year
Late night vibes💟
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azaleasdawn · 2 years
sometimes i feel like I'm that sadness who'd contaminate every happiness that would encounter me, i try to stay away from happiness and happy people as much as i can, I'm the plague that happiness should avoid.
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darylspissslit · 2 years
Sorry I'm gonna be sad for a minute because Tumblr is my only safe place to talk about it because no one actually knows me in real life on here.
So I should be over this but I'm not. It's may seem small and petty to you but it wasn't to me. I'm pretty sure this time of year will affect me every year.
When I was pregnant I had 4 people as my support system and that's fine y'know it could be worse and I could've had no one. But it was my bf and our moms, and my dad. So I could only talk to them about so much. I needed a friend while I was pregnant. I needed my best friend. But at the time my other friend was also pregnant and she was further along then me so we were there for her and my best friends family was there for her too. I was hoping when I found out I was pregnant she would be there for me too but they weren't. My best friend wasn't excited when she found out, her parents were happy though but her parents love me like their own child. Anyways after I told my best friend I was pregnant she wasn't hanging out with me as much. All of a sudden she was busy all the time or she was sleeping. Which I understood because she worked graveyard shifts and those tend to have you drained the next day. But it turns out she was hanging out with our other friend all the time and just wasn't inviting me. I planned and threw my friend her gender reveal but when I asked my best friend to plan my gender reveal she said sure and then never asked me when I was finding out so she could plan and didn't do any planning when I told her what day we were finding out. So a few months later I started planning our friends baby shower but I was further along in my pregnancy and I was stressed at the time so I asked my friend and her family to help plan it and they got pissy and stopped letting me in on the planning. After a few days I told her since she was doing our friends baby shower she didn't have to plan my gender reveal and her response was "thank god cause I really didn't want to" and then refused to understand why her response was shitty and how it hurt my feelings. Our friendship basically ended on our friends baby shower because I realized she went above and beyond for our friend but didn't wanna do the bare minimum for me. I had went the majority of my pregnancy being rejected by the people I was so close to. And to be friends with someone for 10 years and wanting them there more than anyone during such an important time just for them to basically shut you out hurt me more than anyone has. I've never had my heart broken by a boyfriend or something instead it got broke by my best friend. And when I confronted her on it she turned into a manipulative person and brought her family in on it and basically gaslighted me into thinking I did some wrong the entire time.
And the worst part is the friend that she did all of this for wasn't even a good person. She knew her for 3 years and the whole time that friend would talk shit about her and her family, manipulated them for attention constantly. She wasn't a good person especially not to my best friend.
I missed every "important" event of my pregnancy. No gender reveal, maternity photos (I have 2 dark polaroids of my baby bump and that's the only pictures I took the whole pregnancy), no baby shower. I didn't even get to have my baby how I wanted because complications brought him too early. My entire pregnancy was a shit show and I did it without any friends. And up until 3 months ago I still didn't have any friends after. Now I have 1 friend who was an old friend from highschool and now she's my best friend and has been a better friend in 3 months than my ex best friend was almost our entire 10 years. Anyways this time of year makes me big sad until Halloween and then I'm fine.
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6fer19 · 2 years
Life right now feels like having a diamond in the middle of an apocalypse.
You can’t sell it, and you can’t gift it
All you can do is save it in memory of its value
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iluvvvvhk · 2 years
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cosmiccartwheel · 9 months
marvel fatigue
Some context before I jerk myself off, I was about 10 when the first iron man movie came out and I probably didn’t see it until I was like 15. I was a self-proclaimed marvel fan up until the end of phase 3. I loved the movies but more than that I loved the world, the idea that even the side character I saw on screen for a few minutes and fell in love with could end up leading their own small franchise just lit up my tiny little mind as a kid (R.I.P. Phillip I hope the afterlife is a magical place) and is genuinely what kept me going back to the films. I loved them all even the Thor films and especially iron man 2 and as the mcu started to bloat I got sad but it didn’t matter. I mean things always had a chance to get better as the universe matured and as the cracks were filled up and as more structure was added.  Even the bad films had the chance to get better in hindsight. I have watched most of phase 4 holding out hope that the universe will get better but after the new guardian’s movie It just seems like the time to give up. now this may sound weird I mean it isn’t that bad a movie its actually one of the better ones that have come out but the way rockets story was handled just pisses me off. Marvel knew what they were doing the story was heartfelt and painful to watch and it will remain of my fondest memories of the entire mcu but it felt disrespectful. Yes, I know he is an animated racoon and if you don’t get it, I genuinely wish I was in your shoes but it felt like he deserved more. maybe its just growing up and finding out magic is slight of hand or maybe I’ve become cynical but I wish the mcu was willing to give more and at this point it just feels like they wont .
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lowkeychelsea · 1 year
Y’all I blocked this guy bc he was treating me like shit but now I really miss this nigga and idk I just feel really bad but I’m not going to unblock him because as I stated he was treating me very poorly but I also am codependent on people so there’s that:(
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i can see you laughing, through dreams of perfect sleep
sleep away from me, you know what's in my mind
when you go i'm crying, dream dream away from me...
let the Lord embrace you, bow down spare the reed
when i close my eyes, your fate shall be free
when i see you drowning, i'll dream dream away from you...
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thehaves3 · 1 year
var tumblr_sellers_family_protection = {
"title": "Sellers Family Protection: A Global Movement",
"description": "Eddie Murphy and his family have long been at the center of the fight for protection and justice. Now, we're taking it global. Join us and help make Sellers Family Protection a global movement.",
"tags": ["Eddie Murphy", "Sellers Family", "Protection", "Justice"],
"image": "https://example.com/image.jpg"
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wordsneveruttered · 1 year
A Short Story
I’m tired of being everyone else’s sunshine.
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mysterysis · 1 year
I am having a mental breakdown and a voice is asking me to dump my phone into a bucket of water. This is so pathetic!
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dearroxanne · 2 years
💀 just found out they gotta tag called “sad nigga hours”
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lanegritaalma · 1 year
A few things I learned tonight.
1) Preconceptions about ppl are FORREAL. This man thought, just by looking at me, that I was with an OG than anyone else. I’m single and was just out with my girls for the night.
2) MISOGYNOIR IS FUCKING REAL! My girl Meg get bashed and dogged in all types of convos where her name gets brought up by the other party first. But then that same party turns around to defend a man who don’t feed, fuck, finance, or otherwise enrich their life.
3) Trying out Rico Nasty makeup looks is a great way to gain confidence and shake the table! I felt so confident with it on! SEND ONE UP FOR THE GIRL RICO NASTY BABEY!
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