#sad that they lost the one shipping poll
calicos-stimboards · 1 year
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silverstream x sandstorm stimboard
+ gold and silver, paint mixing
art by niftysenpai
🐱 🏖️ 🐱 / 🥄 🖌️ 🔑 / 🐱 🌊 🐱   
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 9 months
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the ultimate babygirl /silly /goofy, even
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the guy the man ever y'all<3333
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for the prompt 'nive, NL!nine, picking up the pieces.' cws for blood and Poor Mental Health.
"Fuckin'," and Nine takes a ragged breath, on the verge of tears.
"Hey. Hey. Shhh. It happens."
"I just wanted some cereal, man." His voice is thick, and yeah, those are tears. Five doesn't need to be able to see him in the dark to tell. "Fuck."
"I'm not used to this shit." He doesn't just mean the arm. Nine doesn't like to use his telekinesis these days; says it gives him headaches. Five gets the feeling that's not the only reason, but he's not about to pry. He's needed and that's all he needs to know.
"Yeah," says Five, again, because he knows by now when Nine needs understanding more than words. "Me either."
Nine says nothing, just stares down at the shards of bowl around his feet. Five can't tell if there's blood mixed in with the milk that's reached every corner of the kitchen floor. "Did you get cut?"
It's a moment before Nine replies. "Yeah. I think so."
"Alright," says Five. "I'll get you some shoes. And antiseptic. Stay where you are, okay?"
Nine nods mutely. After a moment's hesitation, Five picks up a spoon off the counter and holds it in his fist. Glass crunches under his feet as he crosses the kitchen to stand by Nine; he doesn't need to worry about it, like this.
"Hey," he says, and holds out his hand. Nine stares at it, head turning for the first time, as the moon reflects dully off the metal through the kitchen window. After a moment's thought, Five shifts his feet, feeling out the shape of the glass--where it won't cut under his weight, as long as he doesn't move--and braces his legs; stands solid. And then he drops his Externa, and his hand is pale flesh in the moonlight again.
Nine stares at it for a long time. Five waits. He won't be offended if he doesn't take him up on it, but sometimes he needs a minute.
Just as he's about to lower his hand again, though, Nine reaches out to lay his own on Five's upturned palm. It's clammy and cold, large in his hand as Nine's fingers wrap around him in a death grip that lasts a few seconds. It grinds Five's knuckles together, but he doesn't mind; instead he squeezes back until Nine lets up again. His grip is loose, almost weak, just as suddenly as he'd borne down.
Nine is still staring down at their hands; his eyes are wet in the dark. Five holds him a moment longer. Then he squeezes again, rubbing his thumb across the back of Nine's knuckles, and gently lets him go.
"I'll be right back."
A pause. Another nod. And then Five's skin is silver again, and he's crunching away from Nine's looming silhouette by the window to get the broom and dustpan.
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gffa · 6 months
Over the last week, I decided to go ahead with bookmarking all the fics I've recommended over the years on AO3 since I abide by tumblr poll results always (and man pour one out for all the fic that never made it to AO3 or has since been deleted, sooooo many gems lost to time!) and it was a bit more than the ~3,000 I was expecting:
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Hopefully, this will be easier than browsing the hundreds of recs posts I've made, since you can filter for any of the author's tags now! These are mostly focused on Star Wars and DC fandom, but I did my time in the anime mines and occasional tours through some TV fandoms or movies. You can dig into everything unfiltered and start your own filtering, or the bigger fandoms you'll find:
MAJOR FANDOMS: Each of these should have 100+ at minimum and, in the case of Star Wars, literally almost half of them are in that fandom. Look, Star Wars fandom might be a trash fire in a lot of ways, but it is ON FIRE with some good fic. (Older bookmarks not guaranteed to match my current sentiments, especially re: the Jedi, but they did catch my fancy at that point in time!)
STAR WARS: - All Star Wars -OR- All Star Wars minus the Obi-Wan/Anakin ship - OR- Nothing BUT Obi-Wan/Anakin
BATMAN/DC: - DC can sometimes be tricky, but you can do a Batman* search and get most of them (though, sometimes Nightwing* or Young Justice* or Superman* will catch some of the others). Honestly, though, you might want to just do a search for what character or dynamic you like and have fun from there, because otherwise you're getting a face full of my Dick Grayson Is The Center Of The Universe And I'm Making That Everyone Else's Problem agenda. ;)
MARVEL/MCU: - Marvel* will probably get most of the various properties, though you may want to filter for Defenders* or Guardians of the Galaxy* if you're interested -OR- Marvel* without the Thor/Loki - These focus a lot on the Thor* fandom if you want to witness the results of like 8 years of constant voracious reading in that fandom (Minus the ship), because, seriously, I read a LOT of Odinson family fic. - Bonus, just do a search for Maximoff* to find some really good X-Men: First Class-verse because, listen, I have been ALL ABOUT the Maximoff twins since long before the movies or MCU brought them over and I will DIE ON THE HILL of "Marvel, make Magneto their bio-dad again or I'm never reading another comic of yours ever".
TOLKIEN/LORD OF THE RINGS/SILMARILLION/HOBBIT: - Tolkien* -OR- Hobbit* -OR- Lord of the Rings* searches will turn up most of my Elf-hunting, I primarily focus on the Sindar Elves, but look I can't resist my problematic Feanorian faves or that I will die on the hill that Fingolfin is the best ever. (You have NO IDEA how sad I am that so much fic on Stories of Arda or FFNET is not easily bookmarked on AO3, sob. I externally bookmarked a few of the bigger ones, but sooo many shorter faves are missing from my recs tag.)
CLAMP: - X/Tokyo Babylon legitimately bums me out because it's not a huge fandom and yet so much of what was written was pre-AO3 and lost when CLAMPesque went down or was never brought over from Livejournal, yet this fandom (well, the Seishirou/Subaru pairing) still burns brightly in my heart.
MINOR FANDOMS: Ones that probably only have under 100 bookmarks (often around the 20-30 bookmarks range), but will at least give you a place to start! ANIME/MANGA: Bleach | Cardcaptor Sakura | Dragonball | Finder no Hyouteki/Viewfinder | Katekyou Hitman Reborn! | Kuroko no Basuke | One Piece | Sailor Moon | Madoka Magica | Naruto | Princess Tutu | Trigun | Weiss Kreuz | Yuri!!! on Ice
BOOKS: Chrestomanci | Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
DRAMAS: Nirvana in Fire | The Untamed -OR- Modao Zu Shi
TV SHOWS/MOVIES: Community | Game of Thrones -OR- ASOIAF | Good Omens | Hannibal | Highlander | The Old Guard | Our Flag Means Death | Stranger Things
VIDEO GAMES: Dragon Age: Inquisition | Final Fantasy 8 | Genshin Impact | Okami
BANDS: Arashi
All right, whew, that was actually a fun project, despite how much work it was to hunt down a lot of older faves to see if they were on AO3, hopefully you'll find this useful!
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
A Gift From Thor - Ivar the Boneless x Reader
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(Outfit and hair from this imagine!)
Pairing: Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Prompt: Saved by Lennon Stella and my lack of votes from my deleted poll 😂 sad times man
Description: You are a Viking healer, who travels the world to learn all healing techniques. After an unfortunate tumble from a ship you get lost at sea. As Valhalla becomes more certain you pray to Thor for love and boy does he deliver.
Warning: None really apart from use of a few dirty words for a Manhood.😂
“Please don’t let me die here Thor.” You pleaded towards the sky before going under again trying to not swallow anymore water.
“Please don’t let me die here Thor.” You pleaded towards the sky before going under again trying to not swallow anymore water.
When you came back up you realised the storm was spreading around you. You let tears fall down your face as you decided to float on your back for a while. You stared up at the sky suddenly feeling very tired. You tried to fight it but you had been out here for too long.
You knew you wouldn’t survive this despite praying to Thor so you let yourself slip your eyes shut. You hated that you had yet to do so much with your life. You didn’t regret much but you did have one regret swimming through your head as you felt your body slip into unconsciousness.
‘Please let me fall in love once before you take me to Valhalla.’
“Wake up woman! Come on!” You heard someone scream as your body was being shaken. You let your eyes flicker open and the first thing you saw was blue. You thought it was the sea for a second but then realised it was someone’s eyes.
You shot up and backed into a corner anxiously as you looked around the boat your were on. The Vikings on the boat were staring at you curiously as you assessed your dripping wet clothes. You were only in a white night gown which was wet enough to see through making you cross your arms to cover yourself as you curled into a ball.
“What is your name?” The blue eyed man asked with a small glare.
“Y-Y/N.” You stuttered as a cold gust of wind swept over you.
“I am King Ivar.” You stared into his blue eyes and handsome appearance before looking towards the sky with a laugh. Thor couldn’t be serious you thought humorously.
“King Ivar the Boneless.” You chuckled as you shot him a sweet smile. The ruthless Viking that killed his own brother in anger, conquered England and Kattegat.
“You’ve heard of me.” Ivar snorted before staring you down as if trying to read you.
“Yes the ruthless Viking Ivar the Boneless you are a legend. I also know a lot about your condition.” You muttered pointing to his legs.
“I used to treat someone with the same problem.” You whispered softly with a polite smile.
“So you’re a healer?” He asked with a glare almost like he didn’t wish to talk about his illness.
“I have traveled the world learning every kind of healing knowledge I could. My goal was to be the best healer in the world. But it appears Thor has made my fate known.” You chuckled as you recalled your prayer to Thor.
“And what fate would that be?” Ivar asked curiously as he moved closer to you.
“I think I am here to take care of you.” You muttered shyly as you avoided his eyes.
“Maybe you are right. We’re almost at Kattegat, get some rest.” Ivar snorted before throwing his own furs over you as well.
He didn’t say anything and you chose to just accept the unusual kindness with a smile as you drifted off to sleep. You barely registered when your head leaned onto his shoulder but he made no move to remove you so you fell into a peaceful sleep.
Ivar watched you as you slept thinking about how beautiful you were and kind. You hadn’t even been scared of him when you found out who he was and that made him more curious about what kind of woman you were.
He also justified his fascination of you by telling himself you were a healer and could help him manage his pain, but he knew that was a lie. He wanted to get to know you. Find out everything about you and maybe even test your loyalty to him.
Once you had arrived at Kattegat Ivar shook your shoulder gently, rousing you from your slumber. You stood up before bending down to help Ivar stand with the help of his crutch. He gave you a nod before being lifted off the boat.
You followed closely behind as he walked to what you guess was his throne room. He smashed the door open startling the people inside of the room and he was approached by 3 men who looked at him with various emotions.
“Brother thank the gods your finally back.” The one with the same piercing blue eyes said as he approached Ivar with a hug.
“Yes and it appears the gods may favour this young woman here too.” He chuckled as he guided you by you hand to stand in front of him.
“This is Y/N she’s a healer that has traveled the world.” He explained slowly and his brothers looked you up and down. There was a small amount of lust in each of the brothers face which made you step back into Ivar’s space so you were stood in front of him your back pressed against his chest.
“Get your eyes off her brothers she not a slave she’s a free woman who will be my personal healer.” He huffed irritably as his arm wrapped around you waist. His touch was comforting and if made your heart race which was unexpected but you leaned into his touch and his eyes widened a little at that.
“I would like to wash up before we talk about anything else. If that is okay with you my King.” You muttered softly as you turned in his grip, your face was barely a hand width from his, your face flushed which seemed to amuse him.
“Of course love.” He muttered softly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear sweetly.
You giggled softly at the new pet name, ducking your head shyly as he asked his slave to help you prepare a bath in his room. You were shocked he was allowing you into his room but you nodded as you followed the slave.
Once you had bathed you were dressed in the nicest dress you’d ever seen and the slave braided parts of your hair but left the rest hang loosely around your back. Your dress was pure black with blood red lace wrapped around the sleeves, they also gave you a long fur coat that made you feel like a queen.
You smiled down at your clothes before getting dragged back to the great hall. The slave had barely spoke to you which was a little awkward but once you saw Ivar again you felt more relaxed. He looked you up and down before giving a nod.
You approached him slowly and he pulled a stool up next to his seat at the head of the table. You sat down without a word, laying your hands on your lap as you waited for your next instruction. Slave were bringing in the food when someone finally addressed you.
“I have a question if you don’t mind?” Bjorn asked scepticism clear in his voice.
“Please ask away Bjorn Ironside I have nothing to hide.” You gave him a sweet smile which only seemed to make him more sceptical.
“You know of all our stories?” He questioned slowly and you just gave him a nod.
“Are you not scared of any of us? Even Ivar? No offence but you’re a healer not a shield maiden yet you have no fear of us.” He seemed confused but his question had you laughing which made everyone look at you.
“As you know I was stranded in the ocean when King Ivar found me.” They all nodded and waited for you to continue.
“Before I felt myself drift into unconsciousness I begged Thor for something before I died. It appears he listened.” You added with a giggle.
“What did you ask for?” Hvitserk asked with excitement in his eyes.everyone began eating as they waited for your response.
Bjorn and Ubbe were drinking their mead and Hvitserk and Ivar were eating a piece of meat when you finally spoke up. Let’s just say everyone was shocked by your next sentence.
“To fall in love.” You muttered casually as you vegans to eat your own food.
The drink in the two eldest brother mouth was spat everywhere in shock, Ivar dropped his meat and his mouth fell open and Hvitserk started laughing almost choking on his food as he did.
“You think the gods brought you here to meet someone you will love?” Ubbe asked as he coughed awkwardly.
“No I think the gods brought me here to love Ivar.” You answered simply giving Ivar a sweet smile who flushed a little but his eyes were full of amazement.
“Ivar?” Bjorn asked humorously as he began eating his food.
“Why is that so funny?” You huffed angrily suddenly feeling very offended by how they were treating you.
“Yes, why is that so funny?” Ivar asked irritably, his hand coming down to give yours a reassuring squeeze.
“Because you cannot…you know…” Ubbe muttered awkwardly and you shot a glare his way.
“Because you cannot satisfy a woman.” Hvitserk blurted out and you stood up so fast making everyone jump.
“I can imagine you don’t do a great job at doing it either!” You screamed throwing a cup in Hvitserk’s direction hitting him square it the head. He stood up to retaliate but Ivar stood up in warning.
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Ivar growled as he pulled stroked your hair gently making you smile to yourself.
“I apologise I lost my temper but you should not talk about things you do not understand.” You muttered with a pout.
“He is our brother we know more about him than you.” Ubbe huffed in annoyance.
“Yes about him but not his illness! I have treated another person like him and his cock works just fine from what his wife said. In fact last I heard his wife had given birth to their 4th child.” You snorted as you remembered the joy of the first time his wife managed to conceive.
“How?” Bjorn asked curiously as he leaned his chin on his intertwined fingers.
“The first step is actually getting the person walking and seeing as that has already done all he needs is a special herb from China and a woman to warm his bed.” You answered honestly though the last string of words caused your heart to ache at the thought of another woman enjoying him.
“Kattegat has a few Chinese traders who pass through here maybe one of them has it.” Ivar responded with a small amount of excitement in his voice.
You nodded softly as you stared at your hands and tried not to think about the lucky woman who would be held by this beautiful man. Suddenly you heard Hvitserk laugh at your eyes shot up at the sound.
“And you want to be that woman.” He snorted with a smirk and you frowned.
“I would never presume that a King would want to bed me. I said I was sent by the gods to love Ivar I did not say he was to love me. I will spend my life serving him as his healer and loving him silently.” You muttered with tears in your eyes before standing up and walking out of the great hall.
You could not bare anymore snide comments or horrible things being said about Ivar. How could brothers be so mean to their brother. Not to mention he is their King they should show respect despite being blood.
You were strolling round the markets when you came across what looked like a Chinese trader. You gave him a nod before asking in Chinese if he had the herb you were looking for. He gave you a shocked grin at your perfect Chinese before passing you a bag of the herbs. You inspected it and gave him a nod before telling him you’d be back with gold for him.
You slowly strolled back to the great hall with a small smile but as you entered the hall to see the brothers now drinking around the fire you smile dropped and you walked past them to Ivar.
“I found the herb but I have nothing to trade for it.” You mumbled awkwardly as you avoided his gaze.
He stood up, making his way to his bedroom, you followed him slowly and as you stood in front of him he passed you a bag of gold coins. You gave him a nod and turned to walk out the room but Ivar’s hand grabbed your hand spinning you back around.
“Do you truly believe the Gods sent here to love me?” He asked quietly as he locked his eyes into yours.
“Yes. I feel a connection to you. I feel so calm when I am near you.” You answered him, his hand came up to caress your cheek and you leaned into his touch involuntarily.
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I find it hard to believe you have never loved a man.” He chuckled as if the thought was ridiculous.
“I have spent my life travelling I have never even bed a man before.” You muttered shyly as you averted your eyes from his now wide ones.
Ivar nodded and released you so you quickly ran back to the market and received the herbs. Hopefully this worked because even if it was not you he chose to bed you hoped it would make him happy. His happiness was your only concern right now.
Once you returned you passed the herbs to Ivar who looked at them with a raised brow. His brothers came over to the throne and gave there brother a sign to hurry up. You nodded at Ivar as you took the bag from him.
You took the meat leg in Ubbe hand with a cheeky smile before ripping off a piece of meet and coating it with green herbs. You picked up the coated meat and passed it to Ivar.
“It called Yin Yang Hou. It’s a Chinese herb.” You stated as Ivar threw in his mouth nervously. You waited for what felt like years but really it was only 20 minutes before Ivar’s eyes widened.
“It works.” Ivar laughed as he stood up.
“Yes we can see that.” Ubbe laughed as you all looked at his noticeable erection.
“Very clearly.” You giggled as you looked at his size through his pants.
Ivar hobbled over to you with a smile before he pulled you in for what felt like a hug from a lover. One hand was in your hair while the other was very low on your back. You actually felt his hardened member pressed against your stomach as he held you.
“Thank you.” He whispered in your ear before stepping back.
“So who shall I bring to your room?” Ubbe asked joyfully as he patted his brother back.
“No one.” Ivar answered and your eyes shot to his.
“But you are finally able to bed a woman.” Hvitserk laughed evenly as he frowned at Ivar.
“Y/N would you excuse us for a moment.” Ivar spoke, you gave him a nod before leaving the Greta hall and waiting outside. Ivar watched as you walked out before turning to his brothers with a smile.
“You’re going to bed her aren’t you?” Bjorn snorted with an approving nod.
“No I am going to make her my wife.” Ivar grinned and his brothers laughed and congratulated him.
Later that night there was a meeting called by Ivar, saying everyone must attend. You were already by Ivar’s side as everyone started pouring into the great hall with chatter. You could here people asking each other if they knew what was going on but no one seemed to know except Ivar and his brothers.
Ivar stood up and everyone stopped talking, listening to whatever he was about to say. You bowed you head in respect before lifting it to watch him address his people.
“I have brought you all here to inform you I have found a woman that I wish to make queen.” You stomach dropped as the words left his mouth. Your heart squeezed painfully as you looked down to hide your tears.
“Her name is Y/N and she is a healer.” Your eyes shot up to him who was staring down at you. The tears that had escaped seemed to shock him and he approached you carefully.
“What is wrong my love?” He asked gently and you wiped your eyes with a smile.
“I thought you were going to marry some random beautiful Princess or something.” You sniffled with a pout and he just laughed before cupping your cheek and leaning down.
When his lips touched yours it was like a million sparks exploding behind your eyes. It felt like the most amazing thing you’d ever felt. It was your first kiss and you wished it would never end. He pulled away to look at his people who were smiling.
“Meet your future Queen of Kattegat!” He cheered heartily before leading you to the queens throne. You blushed as he made you sit down.
If someone would if told you as a year ago that you would one day be a queen you would’ve laughed. Yet here you were with the most beautiful man you’d ever seen holding your hand as he tells you he wishes to marry you.
“I am shocked you wish to marry me my King.” You whispered to him as he laced your finger together.
“Why? You are beautiful, kind and know how to handle my legs among other things.” He smirked as he brought your hand to his lips with a lustful gaze. You flushed under his gaze but gave him a smile to show him you were happy.
“I wish to make a sacrifice to Thor as a thank you to him for leading me to you.” You chuckled happily and he nodded his head in agreement.
“And maybe to Freya so she might bless us with a child.” He added making you giggle returned his nod.
You could not believe everything that had happened and how quickly you fell in love with this man beside you but no matter what you knew your life together would be adventurous and for that you could not wait.
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itsnotjustgibberish · 29 days
I started thinking too hard about @grapedemon‘s human vs robot Mind poll so y’all get the ramblings that resulted
I lean more human wanting to be a machine overall, although I think both fit whether that is physical or metaphorically.
To me, they are all human. I LOVE seeing more creature-like designs, and my friends probably know how much I enjoy adding more animalistic and/or celestial pieces to my humanoid character designs. But I have always tried to keep my interpretation of canon HMS mostly human. One of the many things that are very important to me about the story of CCCC is just it’s pure visceral, painful, messy, sacred experience of being human.
I like to think Mind is human. He has mechanical hands, yes. He has metal and wires replacing the occasional cell or nerve, but he is still human [even if he uses those perceived imperfections to his humanity against himself.] He is human and he despises it.
Heart is supposed to be the organic one; the physical piece of their, his, existence. Organic matter is what allows the function of neurotransmitters.
A machine is not burdened by emotions.
Heart was organic, and that made him “imperfect.” Because a machine would never get overwhelmed and break down. A machine would never freeze. A machine would never leave them alone in their room, rotting in bed for days and weeks.
Heart was in control before, and his emotionally— imperfectly— human-driven coping mechanisms gave them no aid. That’s why Mind took the next logical step; they tried to cope with emotions, and it failed them, so, of course, doesn’t it make the most sense to try the complete opposite? To lock away those inadequate emotions that left you to rot? To just keep going and be efficient and make up for all the lost time the failure of your humanity brought you?
Of course it does. You haven’t listened to the middle ground yet.
And yet as Heart releases the last little bit of control he held on to, as Mind steals a throne of “lone” sovereign and Apathy takes hold, it is agonizing. It’s numb. It’s supposed to be numb. It’s meant to be efficient, it has to be the next logical step. So why is it painful? Why does the numbness hurt? It isn’t supposed to be so agonizing.
He’s worked, so, so very hard to become a machine. And he has; he’s empty, he’s a husk of organs fit together like gears, keeping a body upright and moving.
And it’s worse than the rot. It’s worse than the rot. It’s a true sort of rot.
He’s worked so very hard to become mechanical and perfect, but a dystopia falls apart just as easily as this utopia he has dreamed of.
The apathy is agonizing. Why? The very point of the frozen numbness was so it wouldn’t hurt anymore. He misses what it was like to feel, to be human.
But was he not always human? Is he not still human? Do the philosophers care if Theseus’ ship believes itself the same individual?
He wished to be a machine, and put on a mask of such. But he is still human. Something imperfectly sacred; a sad sulking mess, a human that is being.
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the-badger-mole · 7 months
Aang has to be one of the least popular protagonist I have seen on ao3. Out of all the main characters who appeared in season 1 and beyond (aamg, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko) aang has the least stories. I have never seen that happen to a main character before. Aang has like 13,000 stories and he is a side character in a majority, so it makes me think, why do so many people argue aang is such a great main character when he seems to be the least liked even by his fans.
This isn't me trying to do some popularity contest, it just seems like even fanfic writers can't do anything interesting with his character, which is sad because he has a lot of potential to be an amazing character.
Child who lost everyone he has ever known to war and time, waking up a hundred years later with the weight of this new world on his shoulders while still grieving his previous life, is such an interesting character, and the show did nothing with that and so neither did the fans.
You know what show did that premise justice? Futurama.
I think Aang's lack of attention comes down to him being ultimately a boring character. Yes, the premise of Aang had potential, but then Bryke turned him into a Gary Stu. And not even a particularly good Gary Stu. I think the lack of fics centering Aang have few explanations. Making Aang a more interesting character would take a lot of work. A lot more than people who aren't his biggest fans are probably willing to put in. It's easier to treat him like a side character, because frankly, that's what he should have been.
Second, fans who do like Aang- like his canon story and his canon ship- probably don't have a ton to add. I think that's not uncommon with a lot of canon ships. Most of my ships have been canon and although I have written for those shows, I'm a lot more prolific with Zutara- my one non-canon ship. I sincerely doubt I'd still be this invested if Zutara were canon. I'd still love them, but the same way I love Usa/Mamo. Content to just let the story be what it is, for the most part, unless inspiration strikes.
I also imagine some of it has to do with not wanting to admit how awful the canon made him seemingly by accident. In order to make an interesting story about Aang, they'd have to add some conflict, and no die hard Aang fans seem to be anymore willing to do that than Bryke were. Take that with a grain of salt, though. This is just my opinion. I don't spend a bunch of time reading Aang fics.
Third, the lack of Aang centered fics may actually be based on his popularity. I don't know. I think there are way fewer Aang fans than there seems to be, it's just that the main Aang fans are so loud. I wouldn't be surprised. After all, he's the most boring of the main cast, his tragic backstory notwithstanding. I only know two or three Aang/Kataang fans in real life, and they are very, very casual fans. Most of the other ATLA fans I know prefer other characters/ ship Zutara. Obviously, online Aang isn't the most popular character either. Oh, sure, there are plenty of polls that put him/his canon ship at the top, but if you look at the actual fan content...well, you can see for yourself.
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oc-poll-tournament · 5 months
OC Poll Tournament Round 2 Poll 3
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Propaganda below the cut:
Nat Finch (he/him) @albatris: I'd like to submit Nat Finch! he/him, 25 years old, brand new baby vampire. he works the night shift at dodgy petrol and convenience store Stop 'N' Go, where he falls asleep on the clock and encourages shoplifting. he's schizotypal like me and he loves cats, cooking, and his friends! he's the protagonist of my campy gory horror trilogy, though he'd rather not be!
he's short and fat with red eyes and lots of freckles. his hair is long and black, often uneven and choppy in length, because he just cuts tangles out instead of untangling them ❤
he's a sweet boy, earnest boy, awkward boy; he doesn't have many friends at the start of the story due to his paranoia, psychosis, and social anxiety, but by the end of it has a whole bunch of good friends AND a kitty he adores named Grub who purrs like a faulty tractor
in this story vampirism is a sentient entity and all connected via a hivemind known as "the Garble".... it lives in the vampires' blood and can manipulate their thoughts as well as give them heightened strength and speed, claws and fangs, and night vision when they need it. it can be useful, but mostly it's a bully and an inconvenience
at the centre of the Garble hivemind lives the very first vampire, an undead rotting corpse and the god of vampires, and a few of their close friends and confidants. all life force collected by regular vampires flows to them at the centre and grants them immortality and power. it's a sweet deal for the folks at the centre, and a terrible deal for ordinary vampires like Nat who rarely reap any real benefits from their condition, but are threatened and manipulated into participating in this system regardless
Nat's story sees him struggling to solve the mystery of how and why he was turned and trying to balance his kind, caring nature with his new violent condition... and eventually leads him to, "hey, I think I'm going to hunt down and eat the rest of vampire god"
good for him!
some other Nat Facts:
huge drama queen (will play up being sad and pathetic to get what he wants)
vampires are hardwired to seek warmth and coziness so Nat is always down to snuggle 24/7
bouncy cheery overexcited lad who will grin for weeks if you say something nice to him
vegetarian, aside from eating people, which he insists does not count
speaking of eating people, primarily preys on rich pricks and abusive bosses
is too awkward to tell his neighbours he bought them a cute knitted blanket he thought they might like for their corgi because what if that's a weird thing to do. this has been going on for three weeks
is too awkward to tell his neighbours his name is Nat, not Matt. this has been going on for three years
has a giant scary monster mode full of eyes and teeth >:3
please consider voting for my boy!
Conor (he/him) @pen-of-roses: Submitting (to absolutely no one’s surprise, i’m sure) Conor! He/him trans former-pirate current nuisance to most known and some unknown shards of Esharial.
His entire past would be too long to get into, but the spark notes is after waking up with no memories, hoped on ship, died, came back, went a little insane and killed a bunch of people, lost the closest thing he had to family, went a little more insane, and is now trying to figure out how he got his abilities and maybe screw over the deities of Esharial along his bloody and wine filled path of debauchery (current sanity: questionable)
He can’t lie, can hear others lies and their emotions, and though you can kill him, really it’s only a waste of time and energy as he’ll come back and likely kill you for it
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klanced · 1 year
mx katie klanced are we voting voltron straight through in the worst fandom poll or genshin. your troops await
i am so sad i missed this poll. i am now going to hold you all hostage and force you to read my outrage. i know this ship sailed literally two weeks ago but LISTEN TO ME!!!!!
anyway i cannot BELIEVE that voltron lost to south park. the category was "most annoying fandom." this is distinctly different than "most annoying show" or "worst show," and it is NOT synonymous with "most unhinged fans." okay? for this poll, what matters is the group character and cultural staying power of the fandom that organized around the show.
an annoying fandom must be:
incredibly vocal and prominent, to the point that even the most reluctant and detached layperson still has some vague idea of the fandom's biggest discourse/fights, usually entirely against their will; and
annoying, in the sense that the fandom's presence (or even a mere reference to their presence) is enough to actively disrupt or impede one's ability to enjoy online internet spaces; and
the fandom is annoying BECAUSE of the source material in question.
point 1 is fairly subjective, as it's all based on one's own experience or perception of a show's cultural diffusion across the broader public consciousness. so i weigh it less heavily when ranking how annoying a show is.
for point 2 i would argue that south park is annoying, and south park fans are annoying, but the south park fandom itself is NOT as annoying (i.e., the fandom is the least annoying aspect of south park). this is because i firmly believe you can differentiate between south park fans versus the south park fandom.
[[actually if i can be frank -- does south park actually have an organized fandom? obviously they have fans, i have seen them in the twitter wilds (usually in the context of out-of-context incredibly well-developed yaoi art/content of? 10 year olds ?????????). but is there actually a cohesive fandom that routinely interacts and develops concepts together? is there a collective identity ??????? my gut reaction is no, but this is very much an online space i don't enter, so what do i know? i also have no idea what that fandom can even talk about, other than the yaoi (although you could easily say this to the voltron fandom as well). whatever, for this argument i will presuppose that there IS a organized south park fandom with a fairly coherent and cohesive identity.]]
anyway, what i wanted to highlight is that there are certainly incredibly annoying individual south park fans who are outrageous, vulgar, and vile. so you would think that, if you put all these annoying individuals into a single collective, that single group would have skyrocketing amounts of annoyingness. but that doesn't seem to happen. i cannot recall any specific complaints about the south park fandom; personal stories involving individual south park fans, sure, but what does the fandom actually do on a broad scale?? if there is any sort of discourse or mobilization, it seems to be fairly contained and localized.
so how can a collective fandom somehow be less annoying than its individual parts? this brings me to point three: an annoying fandom MUST be annoying BECAUSE of its source material. and this does not apply in the south park fandom's case.
to qualify as an annoying fandom, it is not enough to be a group of annoying fans loosely connected by a shared interest; rather, the source material ITSELF must be the inciting incident that galvanizes the group to organize and THEN become annoying.
is the south park fandom annoying? to some extent yes, of course. but i would argue that the south park fandom is annoying, not specifically because of the show in question, but rather because the fandom is comprised of persons who were already predisposed to being annoying, regardless of whether or not they had ever watched south park. this is a subtle but incredibly important distinction.
south park's vulgar and vile humor certainly enables its most annoying fans, but the continued annoying activities of said fans are NOT dependent on the show's existence. a shithead south park fan was always going to be a shithead, now they just have cartman to idolize.
i have spent a lot of time talking about south park. let us now move on to voltron and the voltron fandom.
in contrast to south park, the voltron fandom qualifies as an annoying fandom because its annoying activities were entirely dependent on the existence of voltron the show. would individual voltron fans still have been annoying even if they had never stumbled upon voltron? of course. but the voltron fandom was an organized collective of people that specifically came together to BE ANNOYING ABOUT VOLTRON. and then they made it everyone else's problem.
the voltron fandom was like an ouroboros devouring its own tail; a symbol of infinity, referencing the literally never-ending fighting; and it survived entirely by maiming and cannibalizing itself. the voltron fandom actively ruined every online space it entered. i saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by voltron.
honestly, i would argue that the voltron fandom's impact has completely altered the way online fandom functions to this day. the voltron fandom capitalized on the momentum started by the steven universe fandom and other early 2010s online fandoms, and spawned an entire new flavor of fandom discourse that was obsessed with morality and virtue. truthfully, it feels disingenuous to frame what happened as something innocuous as "fandom discourse"; it almost feels like a disservice to the levels of personal faith, passion, and vitriol people poured into voltron. the terms "pro-shipping" and "anti-shipping" have been around for ages, but the voltron fandom turned "pro" and "anti" into genuine identity markers.
this post is already way too insane so i need to quit while i'm ahead. but i would just like to conclude by reiterating that south park has annoying fans but not necessarily an annoying fandom, whereas the voltron fandom was annoying specifically BECAUSE it was the voltron fandom. i think the south park fandom could dissolve tomorrow and assimilate into other similar fandoms without a problem. whereas the voltron fandom was like lightning in a bottle; the activities of the voltron fandom are quintessentially wrapped up in the specific details, characteristics, and attributes of voltron. if voltron's characters or story was even slightly different -- if, say, every character was a college-student for example -- then the nature and activities of the fandom would have been irrevocably different.
and that is why voltron is the more annoying fandom and SHOULD HAVE SWEPT SOUTH PARK IN THE POLL.
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Dear diary,
Like how I consider pink and pastels to be my favorite colors if asked by strangers~
Tho while do like them, if its baby blue clothes I so can't help wanting them~
Like blush pink too but it doesn't always look great on me~
To those who voted in poll, thank you. I appreciate the response. I feel like schoolgirl is what I am most comfortable in, like plaids and it's the most conservative. The cream set is totally elegant lady vibes and do like as well. Lastly, always wanted to try dressing more gothic to express the inner melancholy I feel at times or the cliche reference to liking darker stuff~
But I am indecisive so you know, takes forever to decide on stuff and since vast majority voted for gothic aesthetic I am strongly considering it. The thing that's making me hesitate is the shipping for the skirt is estimated delivery dates between 5-7 days or so and the last time I had an extended wait time the item never arrived. I was offered refund but to receive it or to get more tracking info given lost package I'd have to contact customer service which means talking so not an option for me personally~
I mean I could order it and maybe it wouldn't get lost and it would arrive within the dates they gave but I don't know~
I did a few additional sets in workouts today so kinda feel like was productive with goal of trying to lose more weight~
I may not have my goal waistline of 25 inches but I did get down to xs for skirt from Francesca's. So I was happy about that for like a few minutes until the anxiety of if I gain weight might not fit into it and thinking of need to use better self control and resistant to sweets to keep body as is or become hopefully more model like and beautiful~
I looked up movies and there's actually a few I want to see after watching trailers~
Thinking about going, tho when to avoid crowds is the issue since summer so many more people everywhere it seems~
Hot Topic, I visited there and my anxiety was off the charts and I am surprised I wasn't literally shaking cause felt like that internally... why? Because of the people, dressed in ways to indicate if observant enough that reference to certain kinks, and some of the items there I could see as possible use for that as well. I did note some items were reasonably priced and my style so may go back and get them another time~
I worried people might think I was a shoplifter because of how anxious and jittery I was feeling. But no apparently my invisibility must have activated accidentally bumped gently into a group of girl-guys friend group in the store and no one said anything so totally didn't notice me which in some ways was nice~
Then that guy, he was older and attractive but I was so nervous and hope didn't make him uncomfortable since he moved out of section that was glancing around at~
I felt so much better after I got out of store and then visited one of my favorites. I was sad to hear they were closing location but it made for some super great deals. Oversized sweater dress~ like I need more oversized stuff but super soft and cheap price couldn't resist~
Then a cute mini skirt and blue rose babydoll dress. I probably wouldn't have gotten them if not for the fact low prices and knowing they wouldn't be here later since store would literally be gone....~
I was going to go into Victoria Secret to browse but after that decided I'd had enough with the crowds of girls with their besties, and random cute guys etc~
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sleepyowlwrites · 6 months
Sleepy, Mother Dearest, you are giving me too much power. You know I like to make you info dump!
Tell me some facts about Pirate Story! I don’t have anything too specific but unless any of your pirates are sad then I very much want all the specifics.
Didn't you see that poll I made about questionable life choices? Here's the reveal about who did what.
Jaspera told her grandmother she had nothing left to teach her. See more info about that in THIS answer.
Ketki accidentally blew up part of his village while everyone was down at the beach having a "good fishing expedition" party. He's always had fun experimenting with corrosive and flammable substances many of which can be acquired from plants or minerals that are found on the island he grew up on. And he made a bomb at the age of nine and it blew the backs off of several houses. They're made from mud and grass, so decidedly repairable, but he felt so ashamed about it that he ran away on the first ship that docked at the island and uh, hasn't been home since. That last bit is a recurring theme.
Lysandris accidentally faked his death but I can't decide exactly how that went down (I have like three different scenarios) so sorry, you will live in suspense. Needless to say, he hasn't been home since.
Sondran really wanted to learn tailoring and sewing but that wasn't really a thing at home, so he asked some traders if he could get a ride with them, and they said they needed payment, so at 15, Sondran traded his dad's lucky wood carving tools in exchange for passage and has been regretting that shoddy way of leaving ever since. He hasn't been back home.
Mariyen is the one who stole a treasure she wasn't looking for. That happens way later in the story though so I guess me, the empress of giving out spoilers for my stories, will just not tell you about it. There are complications relating to it, though.
Zen lost a finger taking a stupid bet, which he doesn't want to talk about so I won't make him, but he did indeed leave home immediately after losing the bet and, you guessed it, hasn't been back since.
Gemna is the one who believes she's clairvoyant and tell everyone how they're going to die. She's never right about that but she is always right about whether someone is lying or not. She still thinks she's clairvoyant and not a truth sounder, though. She's not a pirate, but also hasn't been home since she lost her family in a fire.
Hope that was enough sad to tide you over, Rainstormdaughterdearest. Tune in next time to hear about the sad yearning in wuxia story.
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mechsbrackets · 1 year
Question: do you have a length limit for the quotes/lyrics? Should we try to keep our submissions strictly to one line? Or can it be a two line quote? For example, one of my favorite lyrics is "faster now and faster in the sun the station sets; it's people damned doomed by a man whose lost all his regrets" from Once and Future King. Technically, that's two lines, which you don't have a rule against, but obviously the longer a submission, the harder your job.
You know what, I'm not really sure. Polls have an 80 character limit for the options, but I've already gotten some pretty long submissions that I don't want to trim down... I may just put full long quotes in the body of the post and shortened options in each poll. Yeah, that's what I'm doing!
So no, there's no length limit, and you can do two lines! (besides, we wouldn't have the classic "fuck the ship" / "I do" if I did limited it to one line, and that would be a very sad bracket indeed without it.) Thank you so much for being so considerate though, I really appreciate it!!
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Reddit and melvin shit
Reddit is so fucking hilarious.... op is saying "it's sad that ppl would join to vote in a joint agenda and ruin other ppl's fun... I'm not a byler shipper and it's sad that they do this kind of stuff... thx to all the ppl who told me abt the tumble ACC who posted the poll" wdym?? girl what are you talking abt??? How did bylers ruin other ppls fun??? We just showed we are organized and civil community that is able to join together to achieve a certain goal! You sad milkvans lost and bylers are still there and fighting?? boohoohoo! cry abt it all you want! it's not gonna change tho. it's not rigged, or biased or whatever shit you come up with. it won't change... mileven lost and bylers are still there... Melvins go barking their bullshit without realizing that this shows how the many ppl hate mister venkman and prefer byler over them...Angry that a queer ship won over the typical cishet one?? sucks to be you, that's called life. cos yeah, queer ships, bi ppl, gay ppl, lesbians they exist!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. they are not some myths you daddy tells you like "the boogie man" or whatnot. they're real ppl. It's super hard to believe, right? But that's life and the problem is that you feel threatened bc if byler ends up being canon then that would destroy your cishet entertainment of "pretty girl and nerdy boy. pretty girl have power!! pretty girl and pretty boy go mwah mwah and kiss kiss!! yay!! pretty girl make pretty girl friend. boy has bad bad boy friend. bad friend try to stop pretty girl and boy. boy mad!!! boy argue!! bad friend sad!! hooray!!! oh! big bad monster appear!! pretty girl go make boom! and kaboom!! and defeat big bad monster!! pretty girl and boy go lovey dovey!! everyone happy!! pretty girl go.... so sad... now boy get sad bc evil friend left!!! oh no! you not sad bc pretty girl left? is duffer brother fault! they bad writers!! they ruin ship!! don't worry pretty girl and boy be happy and kissy kissy!! so good! we don't want evil fag friend. go away! nooo pretty girl left boy!! NO that is not how it goes!! pretty girl NEED boy!! Why is boy with friend?? why is boy with romantic friend?? that is not fair! that is bad!! that is wrong! boyxboy?! ERROR 202: brain cell.exe stopped working: not computing! ERROR!! ERROR!!!"
That's a long post. Here, have potato 🥔
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narhinafan · 1 year
If Sakura was so popular why is she one of the most universally hated female characters of all of anime and manga? I mean seriously you ask a fan of other series who are a fan of Naruto and you will likely hear them say Sakura is one if not their least favorite characters. This was the case long before the fandom lost their shit with Sakura not ending up with Naruto I've heard nothing but non-stop Sakura bashing anybody can go to forms before 2014 on any website and you will see soccer bashing almost Non-Stop these fans completely revise history and count on people being ignorant of the state of the Naruto fandom before the end of the manga.
I'm just being more and more convinced that most Sakura fans just hate the Naruto franchise in general and only like Sakura out of spite they're sad and pathetic people who can't move on that their shitty ship was never Canon and their stupid shit ruined what could have been a good Naruto movie I'm referring road to ninja that could have been great had it not forced a shitty ship that was never going to be Canon. I'm sorry if I'm come off as an angry Hinata fan who's sick and tired of dealing with a bunch of bullies who had done nothing productive with their lives except harass other fans and creators and act like complete children I can't name a signal fandom in any anime that's worse than Sakura if anyone can name one worse I Will Wait cuz I can't find any.
I know what you mean they are in denial, like Sakura had her moments, but 99% of the fandom are aware of how bad she is and notice all the bad things about her and her character and what she does.
Sakura fans try to convince themselves that Sakura is popular, but that was never the case, even in the official polls Sakura only gets votes cause she is shown so much since she is on the main characters teams. Every time Sakura is show you can easily pick out so many negative things about what is happening, what she does or how she acts. Sakura fans are the minority in that they refuse to see how bad Sakura is and basically hate the rest of the fandom and Naruto franchise out of spite.
Road to Ninja would have been really good without it forcing the NaruSaku parts. Like really it could focused more on how Naruto takes RTN Hinata loving him. Even if it wasn't canon would have been nice to see Naruto getting flustered over Hinata and for her to give some heartfelt words for why she looks him. Plus Menma clearly wasn't interested in RTN Sakura so likely he would have gotten with Hinata sooner. They could have made a contrast since Menma seems to have given in to hatred and how people mistreated him after he became a Jinchūriki and how while his life was nice it wasn't all good as Menma wouldn't have gone through the big events that lead to Naruto finally earning acceptance from the village.
And RTN Hinata's personality could have been somthing she developed cause she wanted to defend Menma from the public criticism he got after he became a Jinchūriki. You know how normal Hinata couldn't approach Naruto due to her family crushing her confidence it could have been the opposite with RTN not having her confidence crush and instead becoming protective of Naruto. However because of Sakura he mistakes Hinata for a fangirl. Also having RTN Naruto be the only one to figure out that Naruto wasn't Menma on her own but still notice how similar they are.
They could have played around with the movie in a lot of ways if they didn't force the NaruSaku parts. It's really annoying as it was made after Pain, but also after Hinata and Naruto had that Zetsu scene during the war. Basically feels like the team had NaruSaku fans who weren't happy about NaruHina gaining momentum and tried to force the end ship to get changed by putting NaruSaku as the movie focuses in hopes it would gain traction.
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kidge-planet · 11 months
Kidge summer event
Day 21 : angst
A/N: I apologies for being so late! I was sick and little lazy too.... I think that you are used to see me late on the planing by now... btw, im sorry about that fic, I was going with something way more angsty but after rewriting it 3 times and not knowing how to start the fic, I just wrote something simple... It was supposed to talk about death but, ho well.... If you want me to still post the "death" one, I'll do a poll at the end of the fic. enjoy!
Characters: Pidge/Katie holt/Kogane , Keith Kogane, Lance and Allura
Pairing: pidge and keith : kidge (light Allurance)
Pidge watched from a distance as Lance and Allura laughed together, their affectionate gestures filling her heart with a mix of envy and sadness. They looked so happy together, and for a moment, she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever find someone like that for herself.
But then the familiar feeling of insecurity washed over her, drowning her in doubts and self-criticism. She berated herself for feeling this way, for being so petty and envious of her friend's happiness... She should be happy for them! She felt like an outsider, a nerd who could never compare to someone as beautiful and graceful as Allura.
She walked away, seeking some time alone to sort through her feelings. The weight of her insecurities felt suffocating, and she wished she could just push them away, forget about them.
As she wandered aimlessly through the Atlas, she found herself in a quiet corner of the ship. No one around, just her, facinng the deap space through a huge window. She didn't know what that room was for but fuck it... She sat against the wall
Lost in her thoughts, Pidge didn't notice Keith passing by the door. He noticed her and stoped to take a look. The room was sure pretty dark but it had no door, so it was lighted by halways lights... And well, Pidge's uniform was light green. He was able to see her, curled up on the ground, against this wall...
He thought a second... He is not very good with words but he did helped Hunk when he was in a bad moment... Still, it was Pidge and he couldn't tell why, but it felt like helping her seemed harder. Maybe because she was "the smart one"? No, Hunk was also very smart. Well... Even if he wasn't sure that he could do anything to help, it was Pidge. He couldn't explain it, but he cared a lot about her. He had that urge to protect her and to make sure that she was ok. So after considering all that, he chosed to go check on her and make sure she is ok. ( despite of callig Shiro or Matt or Lance or hunk or ANYONE ELSE ON THAT SHIP. "Why does everyone seem closer to her than me?!")
He slowly apprauched her and hesitantly placed his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, his voice soft and as reassuring as it could be.
She looked up at him, her eyes betraying her inner turmoil. "Yeah, I'm fine," she mumbled, trying to put on a brave front.
But Keith saw through her facade. He noticed the way her eyes darted away when he looked at her, the way she fidgeted slightly as if she was nervous. He couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, wondering if he could find the right words to make her feel better.
"I see that something is wrong... I know you. But im not the best talker and I get it if you don't want to share what's bothering you with me. Just know that you don't have to pretend." he said gently.
She sighed, feeling vulnerable as she admitted, "It's just... It's ridiculous. Trust me." At these words, she kept fidgeting with her fingers and looked down.
"If it makes you feel bad, It is not that ridiculous, I think. You aren't the type to let your emotions take over like that, am I right?"
Pidge sighed. "Promise you wont judge OR tell anyone."
"I swear."
"So..." She thought about a way to explain it simply "Seeing Lance and Allura together, it makes me feel like I'll never find someone who loves me like that... I know I should be happy for them... I mean, I am! But I don't know. Im the nerd one, the weird one, the small one... Even my voice is annoying! It had always been like that. I don't want to change for someone to like me but I feel like if I stay my way, I'll end my days alone..."
Keith's heart ached for her. He wanted to tell her that he cared for her, more then she could ever think. More then how friend should care for each other... She was the one he wanted to be with. But he couldn't find the courage to say those words out loud, afraid of risking their friendship. It wasn't the right time, right now, she needs support.
From a friend.
He sat down next to her, giving her a reassuring smile. "You will, Pidge. And you're amazing just the way you are. Your nerdiness, your intelligence, your quirks, they're all part of what makes you unique and special."
He wanted to tell her that he found her beautiful, that he adored her voice and her height didn't matter to him. But the words got stuck in his throat, and he settled for expressing his affection through small gestures, like brushing a strand of hair behind her ear or lingering a little longer in their conversations.
Pidge looked at him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "But I'm not pretty like Allura... Look at me..."
Keith's heart ached even more, wishing he could make her see herself the way he saw her. He gently took her hand in his, his touch sending a comforting warmth through her. "Pidge, you're beautiful, inside and out. And there's someone out there who will see that and love you for who you are. You don't have to change a thing."
He wanted to tell her that that someone was him, that he already loved her for everything she was. But he held back, unsure if she felt the same way.
"You really think that?" she whispered.
Keith nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "I know it. And I promise you, one day, someone is going to come into your life and love you just the way you deserve to be loved."
Pidge couldn't help but smile. Maybe Keith was right... But how could he be so sure... She blushed.
She lightly shooked her head toclear her thoughts. And smiled again, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you, keith..." She said. She had such a soft voice and keith couldn't help to blush.
They stared at each other's eyes, forgeting everything around them, even forgeting that they were holding hands...
Then they remembered and blushed hardly, getting the moment awkward....
A/N: I haven't corrected my mistake, If you see some, tell me about it! ( also, im pretty tired, sorry if it seem weird written)
( I wont be able to modify the fic because that poll, so if I made mistakes, They'll be corrected on wattpad, where I post every fics of the event!)
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foreverlogical · 1 year
SALEM, N.H.—Well, that was something.
By the time former President Donald Trump left a high school auditorium Saturday afternoon—his return to the campaign trail after an unusually sleepy start to his 2024 campaign—he had ricocheted off many of his standbys: indulging conspiracy theories, nursing conservatives’ fears about race and gender, and offering an alternative reality to his successor’s record. The hour-long diatribe suggested Joe Biden would have been shrewd to throw his son, Hunter, under the bus, that the Taliban were incapable of fighting at night because they lacked “binoculars,” and that wind turbines routinely knock planes out of the sky. [time-brightcove not-tgx=”true”]
It was, in essence, a standard Trump speech, but with a more uneven pacing, and a little weirder and meandering.
For a fragile frontrunner facing criticism for the shaky start to his third bid for the White House, Trump’s initial showing did little to calm the skittishness that the candidate himself acknowledged.
“They said, ‘He’s not campaigning. Maybe he’s lost a step,’” Trump said, mocking his critics. “I am more angry now and I am more committed now than ever.”
Maybe, but words—even hyper-exaggerated and errant ones—aren’t deeds. Trump on Saturday dropped into New Hampshire to speak to the state party’s annual meeting, where he picked up the backing of the party chair who ended his term on Saturday. He then jetted to South Carolina, where he unfurled a pack of high-wattage supporters at the state capitol. As political events go, they were fairly routine and expected steps for presidential hopefuls.
“Together we will complete the unfinished business of making America great again,” Trump said in Columbia, S.C.
Yet Trump isn’t starting as a blank-slate national candidate. The image of Trump is pretty well baked at this point. A meager 5% of Americans said they don’t have an opinion about the only President who was impeached twice and whose actions in the wake of the 2020 election led to a deadly attack on the Capitol, according to the latest CNN poll. Trump may want to campaign as a traditional candidate with the universal support befitting a former President, but that isn’t his core competency, and he seems to lack the requisite skills to keep his ship afloat as some two dozen would-be pirates are on the docks and considering their own next steps.
For potential Trump challengers, Saturday’s showing should not have spooked anyone from the race. Sure, Trump can still butcher political red meat with the best of them; he can slag his foes without a flinch, call the modern Democratic Party a tribe of socialists, Marxists, and communists, and disparage Black Lives Matter demonstrators as criminals. But mentions of Hunter Biden’s errant laptop seemed to land with a thud, and members of the audience seemed to go numb when “Crooked Hillary” Clinton came up in remarks that seemed like a time capsule from six years ago. His boasts about being called “your excellency” now just seem sad.
Trump has a rich reservoir of material to mine, to be sure. If you strip away his crude mannerism and crash rhetoric, his agenda as President actually gave conservatives a whole lot of the wishlist that’s been incomplete since the Reagan era. Trump smartly picked up on the public’s latent—and then not-so-latent—discontent with the border criss, the economic disparities incumbent with globalization, the rampant drug addiction crisis in this country. In turn, he reshaped the modern GOP to fit his needs.
On this new jaunt to New Hampshire, he used a more aggressive pivot to parents’ rights and education—including, unfortunately, a lot of talk about school sports and trans kids—but it was lost amid so much noise.
Ex-Presidents leave office with some truly unique stories, and Trump is no exception. On Saturday, amid a salvage yard of anti-trans exclusionary ideas and the direct election of school principals by anti-woke parents, Trump told the tale of landing in another country and being shocked that Air Force One had to dim its lights and draw the shades for security precautions. He talked about his negotiating sessions with the Taliban and the five telephone operators who stood by to help him place calls. Corporate clients might pay top dollar to hear such anecdotes on the lecture circuit. The members of The Presidents Club command six-figures for an afternoon in a convention center, and Trump’s time in D.C. is certainly ripe for storytime.
Which, if you listen carefully to the activists in the audience at Republican events in recent years—and especially after Jan. 6, 2021—is where many in the party would prefer Trump spend his days. To a tee, they all praise what Trump was able to accomplish but aren’t exactly eager to rush back into the late-night tweets, the performative trolling of anyone not wrapped in a Trump fleece, or the erratic policymaking by hunch. They’re objectively good anecdotes, even if it’s unclear how any of them help convince voters Trump should again be given the nuclear codes.
“I liked President Trump’s policies,” Michael Loftus tells me as we were waiting in the school hallway for Trump to start his speech. “But he’s so divisive,” the 67-year-old retiree from Newport continues. “Going forward, we need someone who is not so controversial.”
That, no matter how much sandpaper Trump brings to his new workshop, will never be the case. Which is why Sen. Lindsey Graham, appearing with Trump in South Carolina, took direct aim at that criticism: “How many times have you heard, ‘We like Trump policies but we want somebody new’? There are no Trump policies without Donald Trump.”
There may be no Republican Party, either.
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