#sad wet cat behaviour
chiosblog · 1 year
The duality of man
Baby boy Baby
Slutty Manwhore
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jedi-starbird · 8 months
Time Travel is my favourite trope and I think we need more fics where both Obi-Wan AND Qui-Gon time travel together because no matter when they get sent it's chaos. They're saving the galaxy and being physic flash-bangs to everyone around them.
like before Bandomeer?
The entire council is baffled to watch as Qui-Gon 'never taking a padawan again' Jinn has suddenly cut off his post-Xanatos depression tour to return to the temple and beeline to the creche with a frantic energy. His wild eyes immediately single out a fluffy, red-haired initiate.
"You." he exhales with a pointed finger, slightly ominous as he towers over the child. Said child starts vibrating with delight. "Me." he agrees, launching himself at the man. Qui-Gon drops to his knees with a thud that cannot be healthy. Obi-Wan's attempts to clamber into Qui-Gon's robes and maybe onto his shoulders is thwarted by the fact that Qui-Gon's massive hands are cupping Obi-Wan's tiny squishy cheeks. He stares at the initiate for a few minutes with an intensity that is starting to worry people.
Finally, "You're so small." Qui-Gon sounds like he might cry.
'What the fuck?' Plo Koon projects at Mace.
"I'm 9! That tends to be the case!" the child chirps back.
"You're nine." Oh. Ah. Qui-Gon's eyes are distinctively misty. He squishes the boy in a hug so hard he squeaks. Mace makes a series of gestures that imply the need for a head-scan. Depa obligingly drifts off towards the halls. Qui-Gon scoops the child up onto his hip and claims him as his padawan on the spot. The assorted council members and creche-masters burst into noise. Mace tells Depa to bring some space ibuprofen as well.
after Naboo?
Anakin is a little apprehensive of his place in both the order and Obi-Wan's life, but then one day Obi-Wan wakes up and is suddenly a lot less sad in the force?? In fact, if Anakin didn't know better he'd say he was almost giddy, but he's watched Obi-Wan try to pretend his world hasn't fallen apart for the past few months so it can't be that, right? And um, Miss Bant? He knows grief is a funny thing that affects people differently but he's pretty sure 'massive mood swing' and 'having full conversations with invisible people' is not...great? and you said to tell you if Obi-Wan got really weird in any way.
Anyway after a lot of medical exams, intense consultation with the archives, and a couple exorcisms, Anakin ends up being raised by his 'real' master and his ghost master. He is far more well adjusted emotionally and far less well adjusted for what counts as normal people behavior(not talking to thin air). When questioned on this, all he ever says is that he's talking to Qui-Gon. Isn't he...dead? Well, yes. Wait, he's a ghost? Ghosts are real? ...Well this ghost is real.
This starts a great number of existential crises among non-force sensitives and incredibly heated theological arguments amongst the Jedi. Whenever Obi-Wan is questioned on this, all he ever says is some variation of "the force got to know him for 5 seconds and kicked him back out." Mace backs him up on this even though that reasoning is technically blasphemous. Qui-Gon is having the time of his un-life. He's ascended to his final form, his sheer existence is a heresy, this is truly all he has ever aspired towards.
the Clone Wars?
The minute they get dropped back Qui-Gon immediately goes and haunts the shit out of Dooku. They have a signed terms of surrender and promise of info on the Sith Lord within the year. Only half of it is because Qui-Gon's giving Dooku complexes that are only perceptible to shrimp, the other half is because they now have a ghost spy that is not bound by the laws of physics nor spacetime.
Obi-Wan only nominally pays attention to this as he immediately goes and implements his 19 step seduction plan with Cody (he had to focus on something on Tatooine to pass the time). It fails. Spectacularly. Publicly. Ah right. Tatooine was not exactly the height of his sanity. Everyone in the GAR and temple is now riveted by High General and Councilor Obi-Wan Kenobi's attempts to go on a date with his Commander, who bats him away him like a particularly annoying stray and seems one bouquet of cactus away from committing mutiny. Anakin is worrying if it means his master knows about his secret marriage and this is some sort of really weird power play. (It is, but not in the way he thinks)
The next time Dooku goes after Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon spends a good few months appearing tear-stained at the edge of Dooku's perception and only communicating in terrible wails and discordant mutterings of 'padawan. my padawan. my little one.' 24/7.
"Wait, you're annoying Dooku into surrendering?"
"Oh no Anakin, we're crushing his psyche like a bug. :)"
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aerascreamer · 23 days
I’ve been seeing a bunch of posts about the Batkids calling Dick out for being a cop and although I find them funny, the actual discussion would be going like this (also pardon me for any inconsistencies):
Jason: no way you actually became a cop Dickward-
Dick: I did. I saw how evil spread so deeply in Blüdhaven. I saw how the police contributed to the darkness of the city and the corruption running rampant. And I believed I could change this. I believed I could fight corruption from the inside and find good cops willing to fight for justice. For the longest time I supported and was supported by Gordon, Montoya and many more dedicated police officers who believed in the same cause as me. But I underestimated the corruption. I underestimated the depth the root of evil has reached. The officers on the top cared only about status and power, they only stick up for each other and if you didn’t comply and give up your morals, you’re harassed, isolated, driven out of the precinct. Fuck did my mental health took a toll. I constantly had to navigate disgust at the other’s behaviour, the stress of trying to fight back, and the hopelessness of the situation. And I had to keep up being Nightwing on top of it. So I needed to leave. I had to give up and lose this battle so I could continue the war. Had I stubborned my way into this wall, I don’t know if I’d still be here today…
Jason: … I’m really wondering how Gordon is able to handle that kind of pressure if you couldn’t.
Dick: In my opinion, he cleaned up the GCPD years ago from a ton of bad weeds so its current state is much more manageable than Blud’s police. And he had the help of Batman, me, yours and all the others.
Jason: That make sense… also you need a god damn therapist.
Dick: No.
On a more serious note, typing this post made me realised how many other posts made Dick into a goofy character and even a joke.
Although I’m a sucker for fire fighter or gym teacher Dick, I recognise the potential Dick as a police officer has for storytelling, for exploring Dick’s resilience and morality as well as the harmful establishment that is the police system. I have yet to see someone explore this path with Dick either succeeding and becoming a figure similar to Gordon, or failing and having to fall back in vigilantism to make a change. Yet this possibility is rehashed as a joke, much like Dick himself.
In many more lighthearted post, he is treated as this bubbly over the top character who is poked fun at (being a cop, the Discowing, the mullet, obsession with cereal, butt jokes etc.), much like Tim is reduced to sad wet cat coffee addict. To me, Dick is a steady figure careful of each of his moves. He is a man who’s life is dedicated to hope, justice and positive change. He is a competent leader who wears a smile to reassure everyone and give them strength when heading for battle. He is a fierce protector whose anger you don’t want to be on the receiving end.
It’s fine to make him chirpier and more extravagant but to the point of becoming an almost comic relief? The JLA did not choose him and his team to fill in for them for nothing.
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arggghhhsstuff · 4 months
my fav thing about the cat king is that he's such a loser. he gives off sad wet cat energy. he saw that cute edwardian detective ghost one (1) time and he was GONE. that's peak loser behaviour.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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LUCIFER x gn!Reader 0.4k Words | SFW | Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort -> Prompt: Watching Hachi/Hachiko with Lucifer [ obey me! masterlist ]
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You wipe your eyes with a bashful huff of amusement and turn to the demon sitting next to you on the sofa. You thought Lucifer would enjoy this movie, but the question you want to ask catches in your throat when you look at him more closely.
He’s not looking at you, or even at the television screen—his entire body is angled away from you, and his head is turned towards the opposite wall. If you didn’t scrutinize his strange behaviour, you might miss the way his shoulders are trembling. When you hear the quietest sniffle, you smile sadly and place your hand on his back and soothe him with wide, circular motions.
“Lucifer? Are you okay?” you ask him gently, knowing that he’s probably trying to save face.
He sniffles again and clears his throat as he turns back in his seat towards you. He’s still not looking at you directly; he glances at his lap and brushes invisible lint from his pants before he stands up. “I’m fine,” he says, although his voice is a bit thicker than usual, “I was surprised by the film, that’s all.”
He finally glances at you, and you can see that his lash line looks wet, and his cheeks are flushed and tear-stained. “It seems like an unusual movie choice for you. I thought you didn’t care much for dogs?” he asks you curiously.
You shake your head. “I might be more of a cat person, but I know you like them.”
I chose something I thought you would like to watch remains unsaid.
He offers you his hand and you accept his help off the couch. He laces your fingers together and squeezes gently, and you return the gesture. The side of his mouth finally ticks up in something resembling a small smile.
He glances at the clock on the wall behind you and sighs. He sounds tired, and a little sad. “It’s getting late,” he states quietly, but there’s something hesitant in his watery voice.
“How about we go see Cerberus first?” you suggest, leading him from the room. “Maybe he can stay with us tonight—how does that sound?” Bringing Cerberus upstairs from the underground tomb could be a hassle due to his size, but there were ways of making it work.
Lucifer stops following you without warning and tugs on your hand, and you turn around to see what’s wrong. Your breath hitches when you look at him; his eyes are so warm and fond that it makes your cheeks heat up with the unsaid emotions flickering in his gaze. 
“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” he murmurs as he pulls you closer and brushes a kiss against your brow. “Thank you.”
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acatnamedloki · 8 months
Why Mycroft Canner is crying (and is the most sopping wet cat character of all time)
In the book 'The Will to Battle' Mycroft spends half the book crying so in order to recover from my insane Book Hangover I decided to write a list of all the reasons Mycroft is crying in this book (some of them are even valid!!)
If you haven't read Ada Palmer's 'Terra Ignotia' series, this list contains extremely out of context and vague spoilers and not a lot of plot information so give it a read and see if he's a character you'll like (and then read the series and go insane with me)
Chapter 2
Someone said they trust him
He's not exactly crying but he is sitting on a bench, hugging his knees and trying to ignore his hallucinations while people are debating the future of the human race (pure wet cat behaviour)
Chapter 3
He saw the Mediterranean sea
Now he's in Crete and the sea smells salty
He was told he couldn't join a meeting (to be fair, he just did a bunch of traveling to get to the meeting)
Chapter 7
He saw a pretty boy
Recovers for a bit, has a whole ass conversation then starts crying again for the same reason (also because the pretty boy is looking all sad and vulnerable)
Someone was kind to the pretty boy (he at least tried to weep silently here)
He found out someone cares about him enough to try and track him (OK but this bit is crazy because Mycroft was just beat up, is bleeding, kidnapped, has a collar of knives around his throat, tied up, electrocuted, pushed to the ground and having a heart attack. He is totally fine with this. But then starts sobbing out of GRATITUDE because he found out someone kinda sorta cares about him!!!!?)
Ok NOW he's finally crying because he's scared (he described it as "strange" that he was crying and "tinged my eyes with salt". Good job Mycroft! Way to under-react to the situation)
Chapter 8 (still kidnapped and just been double-stabbed)
Someone threatened to kill a 17 year old boy who Mycroft believes is god
Someone asked where Bridger was (ok this bit is actually sad I started crying too)
Someone tried to start WWIII and Mycroft had a mini freak out
He saw an old building covered in graffiti
He got told off because he didn't try to kill his kidnappers (Mycroft actually tried to protect??? the original kidnappers - this is kind of a nesting doll kidnapping situation)
Chapter 11
A really old document got stolen
Caesar (his sort of president/sort of master) is wearing a new suit (its noted that he is sobbing for like 3 pages here)
Chapter 12
Pride, relief and grief (an odd mix but ok)
Chapter 13
He was hallucinating and (understandably) freaked out. Then started crying when someone asked if he was ok.
Chapter 14
Theres like a super intense argument happening between Caesar and god
Caesar put a really harsh punishment on some people who deserved it and Mycroft had a full on existential crisis because he believes he deserved it too (like he passed out and started sobbing because he deserves worse? than being a slave?)
Chapter 19
The scary space people decided to join a war (not crying because a giant lion is sitting on him, happy because at least its muting his sobs)
Chapter 21
He saw some fireworks
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porcubus · 2 months
i think we should stop mischaracterizing cathy and also look at lintons actions and behaviour towards her in a way that isnt Sopping wet cat gets rejected sad compilation
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disasterinbound · 9 months
cat prince souyo hehehe... save me cat prince souyo..
maybe yosuke saves a cat from being run over on his way to work, and a new person shows up in town. those two events are definitely not in any way related.
yu is the cat prince who comes to inaba to experience what life is like to humans and how to blend in. dojima and nanako are cat royalty as well so he gets sent to live with them for a bit. yes they can turn into cats.
yosuke saves cat!yu from being run over by a car or something. the next night after, theres a knock at yosuke's door, and yu shows up, thanks yosuke for saving his life and tells him that he wants to show his appreciation.
yosuke is of course really confused, and he's like what?? so yu goes into his cat form and stands up on his hind legs. yosuke is starting to think that this is a dream and he really should start saying no to taking those extra shifts if this is the dream he's gonna get
also yosuke being yosuke is like "nah man s ok it was nothin" and yu is like "no, no, i insist" before he leapts off and yosuke's left wondering why he's dreaming of a hot guy turning into a cat
like a day later a basket of fish appears in his kitchen and he's like ??? where did this come from until he remembers what happened. he then starts going FUCK ok ok first of all the fish. i need to give it back to him because i don't like fish. then he hops on his bike and realises FUCK where does he live. so he keeps it in the freezer for the time being until he can figure out what to do
yu then shows up at JUNES going did you like the fish :3 and yosuke is like "im so sorry dude but i actually don't like fish..." but yu looks so crestfallen like a cute cat who's sad and yosuke is about to pat him on the back until he perks back up and goes "wait for tomorrow :3" and speeds off as yosuke realises that he never asked where yu lived so he can give back the fish
cue the next few days becoming extreme tomfoolery when yu gives him gifts that cats like because he doesn't get how humans work yet and he didn't ask nanako and dojima, cats who have been more accustomed to humans and their behaviour for help. smart move bancho.
until yosuke's had enough and just tells yu that he really doesn't like the gifts but yu just looks so sad like a wet cat that yosuke goes what if you took me out to eat or hang out because he's been affected by yu's charms.
after that surprisingly fun date outing, yosuke thinks that's the end of it, until yu shows up the day after like "hi lets go out :3"
and then??? he just shows up everytime??? and they both have fun together??? and then yosuke begins to fall for bancho (and vice versa) as they both get to know each other more??? (i mean, you do seem pretty good with your hands) astounding, brain. bravo. maybe yu tells yosuke more about the cat kingdom and how he doesn't know that much about humans
one day, yu decides to confess via courtship, and starts becoming really touchy with yosuke. like in his cat form he rubs up against yosuke more, and in his human form, he purrs a lot around him and links their hands together. And yosuke's like ??? (flushed) but he's not saying no because maybe its just a normal thing in the cat kingdom. definitely not cuz he likes yu or anything.
but yu thinks yosuke is giving out a lotta mixed signals to his courting, like shying away sometimes (he's embarrassed because they were in public) or accepting it but not leaning into it, so he goes to dojima for advice.
dojima: did you ever tell him you're courting him. he probably doesn't know what you're doing.
yu: ...oops :3
and off he goes to fix off his mistake! dojima sets him a few things straight and awkwardly tells him about dating and stuff before he goes to meet yosuke on the riverbank.
funnily enough that's also when yosuke decides to confess to yu, so when yosuke goes "I like you!" all blushing and after yu also reciprocates he's like "is this a good time to mention that I've been courting you"
yosuke: you've been WHAT
yu: :3
and so they became official boyfriends!! (and maybe cat husband kings but thats for later)
yosuke gets to tease yu about it for a week until yu kisses him til he's dazed and yosuke promptly falls into a trash can.
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wingedqueenlynx · 3 months
Hey!! Love your art as always! But I have to ask, what drew you to the riddler as your favorite Rouge? 🤔
HI! What drawn me into having the Riddler as my favourite rogue?
Well, when I was playing the Arkham games as a kid I've always found him enjoyable and funny while playing his missions, he kept my both entertained and somewhat frustrated collecting all the trophies but I didn't mind, it was fun.
But at that time, Catwoman and Red Hood were my favourites during that time until I got too busy and didn't play the games for a handful of years after that. It wasn't until last year that I watched a Riddler edit video on YouTube that is where neuron activation hit me like a truck lol
After that, I started replaying the games again and reading more into his character - really getting deep into his lore. The more I did, the more I grew to enjoy and felt sorry for him. Between how he started out in Origins and became what he did in Knight was so interesting- watching his mental and physical health decline with each loss, making him more desperate, and how he started out as a morally grey character as well before becoming a evil crazed genius. In some behavioural aspects (not all), I somewhat understand what it's like for him, having very few people or nobody to consider friends and being left out of groups by others, often acting out for attention even it's a little sliver of it. I understand what that's like to some extent. He's just a sad wet cat of a man that I just wanna wrap up in a warm towel.
I started drawing my OC Foxy soon afterwards and a whole ass Au so she could interact with him and be that positive influence his never got ;<; He's just a lil guy. And it was because of him, I found out i was also on the autism spectrum as well and everything started to make sense to me :3 Riddler had easily become my most treasured comfort character since then and has a very soft place in my heart because of it, and it always makes me excited when I see a new piece of Riddler media, fanart or anything really. 💚
Sorry if I went full ramble mode here- I just love this blorbo with all my heart, and he is such a joy to draw whenever I'm down.
And thank you for enjoying my art of him and everything along with him, it really means a lot that people like my funny lil doodles 💚💚💚
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
I have this theory and I made a post about it but I love your Sammy stuff and consider you like a premiere expert so I'm genuinely curious.
Canonical after re-reading the books (and are they canon anymore LoL but). Did canon!Joey *know* Sammy was tripping the light fantastic on ink?
Like the passage where he tells buddy 'why please a man when you can please a god' seems to imply wet cat prophet man is pissed about Joey and feels let down -
And then *later* Joey's like 'Sammy lured them all down here...but I couldn't use them' and I'm like ho-shit did bro become the guy's Walter white
Also hi your art is amazing and if you have original work I would read instantly.
LMAO GOSH, thank you for the kind words!!! also golly gee THIS LINE FROM JOEY DRIVES ME NUTS because JOEY COME ON MAN TELL ME MORE!!!!
There’s several little things in the background that implies SOMETHING between these two but we don’t get to see it! Thomas surely reported Sammy’s weird behaviour to Joey like he said he would (Sammy did not make a compelling case for himself in their argument), but the ink doesn’t disappear from Sammy’s closet until weeks later, so did Joey like… know about it and his only response was “huh interesting, let’s see where he goes with this!” or did he just blow off Thomas’ warnings as unimportant b/c Sammy is his special perfect genius who can do whatever he wants, or what!!! Also the thing where Joey is the one who’s furiously interrogating everyone about Sammy’s whereabouts when he goes missing, before anyone else had even noticed he was gone, and Buddy thinks Joey’s emotion seems stronger than the situation warrants – so how intense was Joey being, for his upset at being unable to find the guy who writes ALL THE MUSIC to seem like an overreaction?
I don’t understand breaking bad references, but my interpretation tends to be that by the end of DCTL Sammy had snapped enough that Joey had no real power over him, and this is part of why Joey was so angry at Sammy’s disappearance – for once, Joey didn’t have control over him and didn’t know how to take control. I think Sammy’s accusation of “living your sad little lives to please Joey Drew” is projection – that’s what SAMMY had been doing in his 15+ years at the studio, and he now condemns it as pathetic. I don’t think he was willingly or knowingly aiding Joey at this point.
Joey, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to have a master plan so much as an ability to just… roll with whatever happens and make it work for him. He tells Buddy, simultaneously, that this was “meant to be” and “the plan all along,” but that he didn’t actually know what he wanted to do with Buddy until the moment he saw him in the demon’s jaws. So, like, this was just a lucky break for Joey, a moment where the right person just happened to be dead in front of him at just the right time for him to turn that person into a cartoon, and it worked out great!! He didn’t orchestrate this – it was a series of accidents that he retroactively decided was a plan. Joey Drew is an opportunist! And I think the fact that he didn’t find Norman and the others until after “the ink had infected them for days” points to the idea that Joey didn’t plan that either, since he didn’t find them until much later. My reading is that once Sammy started murdering people, instead of getting that under control, Joey just kind of followed him to see if he could take those lemons and make lemonade, so to speak.
That said, I like the idea that Joey knew; it was the first canon-adjacent thing I drew in this fandom! I don’t think they were in cahoots in canon, but it’s still an idea I’m really fond of. There are a lot of little things that could be used to suggest that Joey knew what was going on with Sammy and enabled it for whatever reason (my favourite evidence for this is still the “who does a god worship” convo in The Illusion of Living – the idea that Joey really wanted to see if he could make something Sammy would worship gives him a solid motive here, and becomes interesting when Sammy is the ONLY person whose infection ends up with these religious overtones, see the end of this post), but it’s equally possible from what little we know that Joey was simply negligent, caught up in his own nonsense, and never thought to look into it until Sammy became an obstacle to his own goals.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Strawberry🍓, my Love (platonic).
May I please request some Warden Ingo x Cat!Reader? (And by cat I mean, y’know, neko person) Either SFW or NSFW would do.
You were found injured and unconscious by Ingo, who brought you to safety.
He doesn’t know what the heck you are. A person? A Pokémon? Even you don’t know. (People like you don’t exist in the Pokémon world. One day you just blipped into existence I guess, no memories and all.)
No one except Ingo knows of your existence. It’d be dangerous for others to find out about you (HELLO KAMADO).
So you just chill at his hut, occasionally going out to explore and bring back food and gifts, as cats do. You have several feline behaviours, although most of the time you’re oblivious to them. Ingo finds it cute and Lady Sneasler enables you.
Ear scritches, belly rubs, etc. - you want them all.
🥺 cat spouse?? With ears and tails?? And purrs?? 🥺🥺🥺
Ingo is a cat person, everyone knows it. So you are a perfect companion to him. Of course, no one else knows you’re even a thing, but people can see Ingo’s lightened demeanor even without knowing he has a new housemate. Ingo rests easier with you in the house, snuggled up to him, gently purring as he strokes along your ears and back. He’s very grateful to your companionship in the lonely mountains.
Lady Sneasler adores you as well. She’s taken to raising you like one of her kits, complete with showing you how to hunt and giving you tongue baths when you get dirty. Ingo can only laugh at the strange ways your hair sticks up afterwards, as his does the same when Sneasler tries to bathe him. Ingo takes you to the hot springs afterwards, and coaxes you into the warm waters. He bathes you gentle touches, since you’re already not happy about being wet, trying his best to make it at least a little enjoyable. You return the favor beat you can, claws pleasant along Ingo’s scalp and scarred skin.
The gifts you bring back to Ingo are appreciated, even if the warden doesn’t like how long you’re gone. He gets nervous when you’re not around either with him or in the hut. He wants to protect you from the dangers of this world, but he forces himself not to cage you, and let you be free, since you can’t see anyone besides him. You always come back, though, with something for him in your hands. Sometimes it’s a pretty stone, or one shaped like something you think he’ll like. Other times it’s pretty leaves, flowers, plants you’ve gathered for him. Sometimes it’s dead Pokémon for him to eat, but you’ve stopped bringing those as often since he always forces you to bathe afterwards
You get endless affections from the man. You’re too cute to deny. Sad eyes and wanting purrs break Ingo down far too easily for a man that prides himself as a warden and battle expert. But he can’t help it when you look so cute and lonely. Your favorite place is in his lap or lying against him, his hands brushing through your fur. It’s how you fall asleep most nights, and Ingo finds peace in the soft expression you make while slumbering. He kisses your head, and slips happily into dreamland after you, nightmares diminished in the presence of his little guardian.
It’s grating on him, though. The way you easily handle Lady Sneasler’s kits, playing with him, taking care of them, soothing their tears and lulling them to sleep with soft purrs. All Ingo can see is you with kits of your own, ones he’s given you. He wants it sorely, and the want only grows as the days creep past. Ingo worships the ground you walk on, and begs, please, have kits with him. He wants a family, he wants normalcy with you. He wants the domesticity that children bring, and he will make sure neither you nor the kids ever want for anything. He swears it
So please?
A catty lover is a good choice for Ingo, Hisui’s resident cat dad. He’s gonna get so soft over you with the kits tho
Have a good day, lovely!
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wandering-lane · 10 months
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The sopping wet beast won. Now I get to yell about him.
This is Valvir, or "Archer", a Tiefling rogue. He's overall just a sad little man. He started pickpocketing at a very young age to provide for himself, which slowly evolved into a bit more than just pickpocketing.
He currently works at a stable on the edge of town, helping with traveler's horses. He rifles through their stuff when they go to town, and collects anything valuable enough to have worth, but not valuable enough to actually be missed. He's saving up to steal a horse and be off to who-knows-where. (He certainly doesn't!)
Valvir has a bad habit of getting himself into trouble. He has a somewhat combative personality, which often times means accidentally picking a fight with the biggest guy in the room. Other than that, he leans into the stigma's surrounding Tieflings as a sort of defense, and excuse for his behaviour. People automatically assume the worst of him, so if he acts badly, then there isn't really any disappointment. He's just doing what people already expected. (If you know the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik, he's like Tharkay! But Tharkay as a sad wet cat.)
Funny little things about his design-
I modelled his tail off of a biturong's. They're very interesting little beasts, AND I still get to draw a fluffy tail. Fully prehensile!
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Other than that, he's blue (dabadee dabadi). He has normal feet I promise I just can't draw them, so I didn't.
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henrysglock · 1 year
Here's a snippet I'm writing. I feel like you would appreciate it lol. Featuring an adult catboy!Henry having to get a bath because he fell into a muddy ditch.
He would also undoubtedly be getting coddling from almost every person in the building, as his yowling had been rife with ‘poor, unfortunate, innocent creature forced to experience The Horrors’ and not even Jane could resist that level of dolefulness.
Henry’s twin, Edward Creel, who hated his name with a vengeance and ‘would much prefer to be called Dee, thank you very much Jane’, would scoff at his behaviour and mock him, completely ignoring that, as a snow leopord-hybrid, he wouldn’t be feeling the cold water nearly as much as Henry would.
Or maybe he just liked riling up his younger brother (by one whole minute which was apparently a large gap in twin time). That seemed more likely, if Jane was honest with herself, seeing as Henry’s preferred mischief was filling water in empty milk cartons and then randomly swapping them in with the actual milk whenever his twin was over. And only then. He never did that when it was Alice visiting.
Henry and Edward pulling shit on each other like that is The most canon accurate thing to me sdjfhjksdhf like the way cat's bap each other or siblings push each other's faces into their birthday cakes
also Big Sad Wet Eyes Henry is so so real. He can pack a punch but most of the time he's soooo so pitiful.
also i offer henry with his pitiful little face staring at people like:
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survey--s · 2 years
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Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No, they’re not really a “thing” here in that sense. People do live in them, but they’re more retirement communities than anything else. Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement? No - again, not really a thing over here. Do you think it would be cool to have a lion as a pet? Nope. What do you think about those little dogs that ride in purses and strollers? Personally I think it’s ridiculous and it’s why so many little dogs have behavioural problems. Treat them as dogs, not accessories. How many times in the past week have you eaten fast food? Zero.
In the house shoes, socks, slippers or bare feet? Slippers, socks or bare feet. Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets? Inside pets, for sure. If you kept dogs outside here, you’d probably end up being reported to the RSPCA. Do you read books for pleasure? Not really anymore - I do sometimes, but to be honest I don’t really enjoy reading all that much anymore. What’s your favorite piece of furniture in your house? The sofa or the bed, lol. Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s parent? Nope. I honestly find that a bit gross. Do you prefer carbonated or uncarbonated drinks? It depends on the drink. I find carbonated drinks really refreshing. Favorite thing that you can see up in the sky? The northern lights, sunrises and sunsets, stars. would you like if they sold disposable undies in a pop-up box? I mean, they’d be useful if I got caught out with my period, but otherwise no.  French fries. Yay or Nay? Yay! What kind of monster doesn’t like French fries?! Which of your friends has the most annoying sibling? I mean, that doesn’t really apply to adults as you never need to see your friends siblings lol. wood floors or carpet? I love the look of wood floors but they’re not good in wet, damp climates like the UK, so we have carpets.  would you rather eat at the table or in your room? I never eat in my room really - normally on the sofa in front of the TV. A teacher says she’s noticed you’ve looked sad; do you confide in her? Nope. Friend asks you to hide drugs, booze etc. for them, do you do it? I mean, we’re all adults so. Would you rather have a gooey cinnamon bun or awesome cheesy pizza? It depends on the time of day - I love both. Do you like the sound of birds singing when you wake up, or is it annoying? It’s fine as long as it doesn’t directly wake me up. You fill your best friends Xmas stocking, what do you put in it? Fishing stuff, food. You fill your worst enemies stocking, what do you put in it? I mean, why would I waste my time? You fill your OWN stocking, what do you put in it? Wax melts/vouchers, money, riding stuff. If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it? I mean, we already have three cats so practically speaking - probably not, though I’d be really tempted ha. What’s your ideal activity for a rainy day? Sleeping, watching TV, snacking lol. favorite type of cracker? Cheese flavoured ones. I love those cheese TUC biscuit/sandwich things. Banana sandwich..yum or yuck? I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches but I’ve not had one for years. animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out? Snakes. Have you entered the Lays create a flavor contest? Nope, not really applicable in the UK. Bagels or English Muffins? Bagels. I love cinnamon-raisin ones. Do you like or hate to buy new shoes? I hate it - I have really awkwardly shaped feet lol. Do you keep your phone on you at all times or forget it a lot? I pretty much always have my phone on me, or at least near me. Who is a family member you look forward to seeing on a holiday? I used to love seeing my mum’s sister and all her family. Are Easter baskets only for kids? I mean, they’re just not a thing here. Do you do anything to recognize St Patrick’s Day? Nope. Do you think nutcracker figurines are creepy or cool? Neither, really. Speaking of nuts, do you like them? Yeah, I love honey roasted peanuts. Favorite TV show as a kid? Arthur. What do you do when you are nervous? Fidget, play on my phone or with my hair. Is there a turntable and vinyl records in your house? No, but my dad still has one. I’m not sure whether he uses it anymore, though. Does your family have an SUV or pickup truck? Nope. Do you enjoy doing things outdoors? Yeah, as long as the weather is good. Which of your parents do you laugh more with? My mum by default as I pretty much have nothing to do with my dad. Have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral? No, I’ve never attended a funeral before. Would you like to get married one day? I’m already married. Who mows the lawn at your house? Mike does for the most part, but I do it sometimes too. Where do you keep your phone at night? On my bedside table. Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money? Sure, but I have no reason to. What’s the last thing you lost? My temper lol. If you could have your own car or an apt which would you choose? I already own a house and a car, lol. Have you ever experienced buyer’s remorse over an expensive purchase? Sure. how do you like your eggs? Bleurgh, I hate eggs. after a date do you call your friend to tell them how it went? I used to do that as a teenager, sure. Favorite Mexican food? Nachos or Quesedillas. favorite thing to eat with a spoon? Ice-cream. upcoming event you are dreading? Nothing really? I mean, certainly nothing is coming to mind lol. Best Happy Meal toy you ever got? Those mini beanie babies. Do you make lists? No. Do you make pro/con lists before making a decision? No. Do you have a favorite pen? What kind? Nope. What’s the best meal you cook? I can’t really think of much as I’m too lazy to cook for the most part. Do you do more surveys during the day or night? During the day or early in the evening. on lunch break do you eat or do other things? I don’t get a lunch break lol. Smoothies? Bubble tea? Fancy coffee? none of the above? Fancy coffee or smoothies. do you like romantic gestures, or do they make you feel awkward? They’re cute. Five things you need to throw out? Nothing comes to mind. do you like the toilet paper your family uses? I mean, it’s just toilet paper lol. Just shampoo, or shampoo + conditioner? I use both otherwise my hair would be so dry. separate scariest driver you’ve ridden with? Danny - my teenage boyfriend’s older brother lol.
have you or do you plan to go to college? I graduated over a decade ago. do you write in cursive? Yeah, sometimes.
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yyxgin · 4 years
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PAIRING: neighbour! minho x gn reader
GENRE: fluff + angst
WARNINGS: eating behaviours, sad ending aaand I can't really think of anything else
this is a part of the @districtninewriters dear skz, with love event !! make sure to read all the other wonderful stories other members wrote for this !!
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You studied the envelope you were holding, flipping it over a few times in your hands. The quality of the paper was nicer than normal, almost like whatever inside was more important than just a regular letter. You weren’t expecting anything, let alone anything important or special.
But it was definitely your name on the front.
The handwriting was oddly familiar-- the loopy curves and edges of your name bringing you the so well known feeling of longing as you recognised the owner of the handwriting, making your heart thump with the black ink on the envelope. You quickly opened it, revealing what was inside-- a letter written on a piece of lined paper you were so sure he tore out of the notebook you gave him a few months ago. 
Your eyes skim over the sentences, making your eyes well up with tears. You curse at Lee Minho under your breath, because how dare he say those things to you over a letter? Did he really have to be such a coward not to tell you to your eyes? 
You throw the letter back to the floor of your hall-- to the place where you first found it, concluding he must have slipped it under your door when you were still asleep, opening the door and sprinting down the staircase leading to his floor. 
You weren’t going to let him leave like this.
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Your eyes skim over his room-- the room you’ve been to multiple times before, but now it looks a little different when it’s half-empty and the posters that were hanging on his walls were taken down into a big cardboard box. You hear his feet shuffling around the bedroom, making you look up from your place on the dark gray rug he had placed in front of his bed, locking eyes with the owner of the apartment-- your neighbour, Lee Minho.
You’ve met him the first week you moved into the apartment. It wasn’t anything romantic, how the teenage books always used to say, he didn’t even help you with the oh so heavy boxes you carried into your apartment all by yourself because the elevator just had to be broken the same week when you decided to move in, hell, he didn’t even take out his mail without a shirt on like the movies used to show. No. The way you met Lee Minho was kind of unpleasant and you’d be more happy to meet him any other way but this, but it seems like god had different plans for the two of you.
You met Lee Minho under bad circumstances, and those were that your washing machine broke exactly the first time you tried to use it. Well, it didn’t even break, to be exact, it just wasn’t really plugged well into the canalisation, as your neighbour himself told you when he paid you a visit after you managed to successfully be unaware of the whole thing and accidentally flood out his apartment with it. 
His face was scrunched up in frustration back then, yet he still acted polite and explained the matter to you in a calm way. When you let him into your apartment, shocked, he not only fixed your washing machine, but managed to steal your heart right there and then-- in his grey sweatpants, crouching on your wet floor. 
“I am so sorry, I really had no idea it wasn’t done properly… my cousin did it for me, since I’m totally useless and I just trusted him with it, but it turns out that I really shouldn’t have…” you mumbled, hands shaking and your lower lip nervously trapped in between your teeth. You wanted to give off the best first impression you could, yet all you managed to do was embarrass yourself in front of your neighbour and on top of that, flood his entire bathroom, which meant he had to get the walls repainted.
“It’s okay, you didn’t know. Let’s hope it won’t happen again.” he smiled, the frustration leaving his face in the instance, the furrowed eyebrows replaced by a welcoming glint in his eye instead.
“I will pay you for the paint you’re going to use for this-” you gestured to the wet spots on his walls. He managed to invite you over to his apartment that was situated exactly below yours to show you the damage, which you accepted, because it was your fault, after all. You felt terribly bad and embarrassed to be the cause of his trouble.
“No! It’s okay,” he smiled again, subconsciously squeezing your shoulder, “you don’t have to. You can… come help me repaint it and then we’ll be even.” he grinned at you. 
And that’s how you ended up at his apartment a few days later, a paintbrush sitting in your hand and a paper hat made of newspaper decorating your head made by your neighbour so you wouldn’t dirty your hair with the white slicking off the ceiling. See, Minho told you he knew how to do it himself, but the truth is, the renovation of his bathroom was clearly all just improvisation and neither of you knew how to do such a thing, but it only made it more fun for the two of you. 
You bonded over your shared frustration when trying to keep his three cats out of the small room that day. I mean, he couldn’t thank you enough when you saved Dori from drinking up the paint he left opened on the floor, a relieved sigh escaping his lips being all you needed to hear to make your heart burst with adoration.
“What are you thinking about?” Minho tears you out of your reminiscing, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Oh, nothing,” you mumble, drifting your eyes to your hands in your lap, sighing, “I just remembered how the two of us met. I’m surprised you even wanted to be friends with me after I flooded your bathroom back then.” you grin, hearing him giggle.
“I was so mad that day I seriously thought I was going to throw a fit, but when I saw your scared eyes, I just couldn’t do that to you.” he laughs, sitting next to you and offering you a glass of orange juice. He discovered your addiction for it when you bought a whole carton of it last winter and managed to drop it on the stairs, making it spill everywhere with a loud curse leaving your lips, resonating through the whole apartment complex. 
You take a sip from the glass, smiling at him and looking him in the eye again. “I would have cried if you threw a fit.” you snort.
“Oh I know, I could tell, trust me.” he laughs. It seems like Minho always knew what was the right thing to say in moments like these. Over the past few months, Lee Minho grew into your best friend. There is only so much stuff you can hide from your neighbour-- with the walls being thin and rumours spreading quickly from the elderly ladies living in your apartment complex, but to be honest, after all this time, you would trust him with your whole life.
You can’t even count the times he must have heard you crying in the middle of the night, or the times when he made the effort to go up the stairs and knock on your door when he did just so you didn’t have to cry alone. You felt a little embarrassed the first time he did it, but after a while, it was nice to have somebody to lean on when things got rough. He was always there-- exactly 20 stairs below you-- and you knew you could always count on him with everything.
“You knew me too well even back then,” you roll your eyes at him, catching the playful glint in his eye once again. 
“I wish I could un-know some things though, you know-”
“Don’t even start-”
“-like the time when you ran out of toilet paper and called me to bring some in, like seriously, Y/N?” he glares at you, teasing even the last bit of you in his so familiar nature. Yes, this was the Lee Minho you knew.
“Not my fault you used it all up the evening before when you came over! It was totally not my fault!” you yell out, accusing him.
“Not my fault your cooking made me sit on the toilet for 30 minutes-”
“Let’s just stop talking about this.” you cut him off, laughing to yourself.
It felt kind of pathetic, but he really knew every bit of you. He knew every centimeter of your apartment, and it wasn’t just because it was the exact copy of his-- just decorated differently-- it was mainly because he’s spent so much time in it. Minho was your neighbour, your first friend in this big town, he was your closest friend and your companion. You felt connected to him on a whole another level you never knew even existed before. It was crazy.
“Right. I still have to pack these things,” he nods, motioning to a few of his books sitting on his bed-side table and the cat toys laying in the corner of his bedroom. Soonie, Doongie and Dori were at his parent’s house for the time being and the apartment without them seemed even more empty now that the tree creatures weren’t walking around the rooms and jumping into your lap. 
You sigh, nodding along with him. You get up, bringing the cardboard box closer to your feet and start carefully placing the books into it, avoiding eye contact with him at all cost. With every item disappearing into the boxes and bags sitting by the door in his hall just waiting to be moved, you feel like a bit of your soul is leaving, bit by bit. It doesn’t feel right.
“Thanks for coming to help, by the way,” Minho cuts through the silence, making you look at him. His eyes look at you with sincerity and longing in them and maybe you understand the feeling way too well, but neither of you dare to act up on it. Not now, that he’s not going to be your neighbour anymore.
“It’s nothing, really,” you mumble, “that’s what friends do. Besides, I doubt you’d be able to do it all on your own, since you clearly need my help with everything in your life.” you tease, grinning at him.
He shakes his head in disbelief, poking your side. “Yeah, you’re right,” he laughs out, “but really, I mean it. It’s hard enough for me to… you know… leave… but you helped me so much with sorting out my feelings and the mess in my apartment as well, so I’m really thankful.” he nods, giving you a warm smile that always used to leave you breathless.
“It’s okay. I know it must be hard for you.” you say, closing the box and moving it to the door of his apartment. You look back to the room-- the only thing left in the small space was his grey rug you used to lay on more times than you can count, staring into the ceiling as you listened to your friend rambling about his day next to you, and his bed you, admittedly, slept a little too many times in for the fact that your own bed was literally 20 stairs away. 
“And you?” he asks, voice small and hazy.
“Me? What about me?” you furrow your eyebrows, taking a seat back next to him.
“Is it hard for you too?” he repeats.
When he first told you about the job offer he got from the other side of the state, you were a tornado of emotions. You felt lost and terrified of being lonely, but the emotion overtaking all of it was joy-- pure joy and pride that your friend was finally being recognised for his hard work and skills. You hugged him tight that day, leaving a shy peck on his cheek you regretted in the instance when you saw his reddened cheeks, telling him how proud of him you were and how he should definitely take the chance. 
It was the best thing that could ever happen to him-- and that is exactly what you told him back then. 
“Do you think I should go?” he asked, voice unclear and coated in nerves.
“Do what your heart desires.” you told him. Although you never wanted him to leave, to move out of the safe space he created for you in the apartment below yours, you never wanted him to miss the great opportunity he just had. His career and his well-being meant so much more to you than your own happiness.
And so he took the job offer and here you were, almost two weeks later, helping him move out to the other side of the country, and it hurt you, it hurt you so damn much, but there’s nothing you would have done differently.
“This isn’t about me,” you mumble, staring into his eyes. You wonder if they tell on you-- if he sees the sadness in them, the fear of losing him forever. They say your eyes are the window to your soul and you wonder if Minho sees inside, because you are inviting him in. You’re going to miss him, but you will probably never tell him. Because that would only make it harder for the two of you.
“Tell me.” he insists, taking in your emotions, his voice barely louder than a whisper in your ear as he comes closer to you, intertwining your legs on the fuzzy rug.
You scoff, shaking your head. “What do you think?” you ask.
There’s no way he doesn’t see the state you’re in. You haven’t slept in days, your dark circles making their visit under your eyes ever so often since you discovered the possibility of losing the person that is the closest to you. You tried to put a happy face in front of him, you really did, but Lee Minho knows you too well. You know he knows. You both just pretend he does not.
He rests his forehead against yours, your breaths mixing. The closeness of your bodies makes your heart race. Sure, you’ve been this close before, but it has never felt as intimate as now. You stare into his eyes for a moment before you let your eyes instinctively close on themselves just so you don’t let them wander to his lips, because that would surely let him know a little too much about the feelings you have for him. 
“It’s hard to let you go, but I know you’ll truly shine there, you know?” you let out, whispering. You open your eyes to find him staring at you, eyes filled with sadness and fear, flicking in between your eyes and your lips, just how you were scared of doing a few seconds ago. You wonder if he’s going to kiss you, if he’s going to give you the last goodbye, but he doesn’t.
His lips reach your forehead instead, placing a loving kiss onto your skin, but the butterflies in your stomach act on it with the same intensity as if it was a real kiss.
“You’re going to do amazing, Minho. Don’t be afraid. I believe in you.” 
And with that, you pay your goodbyes. Neither of you say it, but the both of you know that it might be for the last time. It feels like an end-- maybe because it is, but hell, you still treasure these moments just as much. You really did have fun with Lee Minho in your life.
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Your feet reach the bottom floor, hands hurriedly banging onto the wooden door. Your breathing is quick, hands shaking from nerves. There’s no way you’re letting him leave like that. You know you already said your goodbyes at his doorstep yesterday, but after reading the letter, things were put into a whole different perspective.
You recall the words on the paper, the sentences running through your head like a broken record as you continue to bang on the door.
Dear Y/N,
I know we already said our goodbyes, but I can’t sleep and I feel like I have to write you this letter. There are so many things I want to tell you, but can’t, simply because I am a big coward and I’m also, coincidentally, bad with words, but I guess… here goes nothing.
I know you felt it last night. I regret not kissing you on my crusty grey rug you love so much (you can keep it if you want), but at the same time, I regret nothing. Perhaps ending it all with a kiss would make it only harder for me us.
From the day I met you, I knew you were going to be someone special. And not like, special in a way that you are special, because we are all just ordinary normal people, but special to me. You stole a big chunk of my heart and you never gave it back, so I guess I’ll just let you keep it haha. I know I told you I didn’t yell at you for the washing machine because I didn’t want you to cry, but it was mainly because you were too beautiful and I got nervous, so…
You told me to do what my heart desires when I first told you the news. I know it sounds cheesy, but what my heart desires the most has always been you. I know you’d feel bad for keeping me here, though. We have always been dreaming together and my dream has finally come true. It hurts me to know you won’t be there by my side to live it with me and it hurts me to know your dream hasn't come true yet, but I am rooting for you. You know that.
Anyways, I am spiraling a little. I wish this wasn’t so hard for me. 
I should have asked you out on a date long, long ago. I missed out big time. But I guess it’s too late to do that now. 
It hurts me to know I won’t be just a floor away from you now. It hurts to know there will probably be another dude moving in in a few days that will get to live though your first meeting (and I hope it won’t be as disastrous as ours was), but at the same time, I don’t want you to be hanging on me. 
Promise me to be happy. Promise me to never change. 
And the most important thing I wanted to tell you is that I love you. I’ve always had and maybe I always will, who knows. I know it changes nothing. I guess I just selfishly, desperately wanted you to know. In case you didn’t know it already.
Oh, and your cooking’s actually nice. 
I love you. 
I’m going to I miss you already. 
— sincerely, your favorite neighbour, partner in crime, washing machine repairer, pain in the ass, and the most fabulous best friend,
Minho. ♡
Once you finally realise you own a spare key you were supposed to return to your best friend last night before saying goodbye, your hands instinctively take it out from the huddle of keys from your own apartment and unlock his front door. 
Your feet dash through his apartment, reaching his bedroom, but finding it empty. 
You nervously turn around, seeing the boxes from next to his door had disappeared, just like his suitcase had, when it truly hits you one last time-- he is gone.
He is gone and there’s nothing you can do about it now. You loved each other, but now, it’s too late.
You reach his bedroom and find the grey rug still there, waiting for you. Your feet wobbly meet the middle, letting you fall to the floor as you hug yourself on the floor, laying in the emptiness of his room, missing the way he’d always lay next to you and his cats crawled on top of your body. 
And you finally let yourself cry-- you let it all out, because the truth is, even though you never said it to him, it is so damn hard for you. It feels like a piece of you left with him.
But perhaps, what hurts you the most about it all is, that it’s never coming back. 
You didn’t even get to tell him you love him.
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onetwofeb · 2 years
(I give it capitals to make it into a Thing that can be killed)
“For Behaviour Therapy (I give it capitals to make it into a Thing that can be killed) is an easy way out. All that is necessary is for therapists to be agreed on a morality. It is wicked to suck the thumb, it is wicked to wet the bed, it is wicked to mess and to steal and to break windows. It is wicked to defy parents, to criticise school regulations, to see faults in university curricula, to hate the prospect of a life at the conveyor belt, or to boggle at a life ruled by computers. It is open to anyone to have a personal list of good or bad, and for a company of behaviourists with more or less identical moral systems to get together and set about producing symptomatic cures.
There will be failures, but there will be many successes, and there will be children going about saying, “I’m so glad I don’t wet the bed any more thanks to…an electric bell apparatus, or some other ‘response-shaper’.” All that is necessary is for the therapist to exploit the fact that human beings are a kind of animal with a neurophysiology like that of rats or frogs. What is left out is this, that human beings, even those with intelligence of quite low grades, are not just animals. They have a great deal that animals do not have at al. I personally would think of Behaviour Therapy as an insult even to the higher apes, and I would include cats.
It is sad that there are not enough case-workers, and that there never will be. It is a far sadder thing to think that Miss Holder’s last paragraph should perhaps be used by those responsible for Children’s Departments to justify handling this “economic and sensible procedure” to the child-care officers, a procedure designed to make naughty clients good.
Obviously, I am trying my hand at response-shaping. I want to kill Behaviour Therapy by ridicule. Its naivety should do the trick. If not, then there must be a war – and the war will be a political one, as between the dictatorships and democracy.”
Winnicott, D. W., originally published in Child Care News, Issue 87, June 1969.
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