#sadly momo is not in the game
littlemisspinky · 2 years
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"my sword is for protecting the things you care about, Mio"
Momo from blue reflection ray! ive also been playing its sequel game, blue reflection tie, and having a lot of fun doing so <3
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nitunio · 2 months
IDOLiSH7 Hunger Games Simulator
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I used to play this thing all the time with other characters and fandoms. Now it's time for them to go through it!
Im using this website, you can press "Load Season" and paste the code XKs4qINi to load the main cast, then press "Edit Cast", scroll to the bottom, press "Submit" and you can proceed afterwards!! (the edit cast part is for it to refresh the whole thing, otherwise you will be playing my simulation ^__^"")
Now for the main attraction! I did one run of it and oh. . Experience under the cut! (VERY LONG POST)
Most people run away from the cornucopia, with the exception of them:
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WHERE DO I BEGIN. Mitsuki's furious rage (contained in such a short body) made Tamaki give up. At least Sougo scored a mace for them (violently). Ryou loses also.
Minami fights Anesagi for a bag too, and Riku and Touma fight as well. Minami and Touma get their bags.
Weapons obtained: Nagi - sword, Torao - pair of sais, Okarin - handful of throwing knives (oh!), Momo - bow and arrows
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Manager uses violence! Basket of bread obtained.
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Not even the break of dawn, Momo already is set out for ZOOL. His archery skills are... admirable. Sorry Touma, your fight for the bag didn't save you
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On this episode of Torao Needs A Therapist - WHAT. And on another note - Riku would probably be the worst person to go to with that request, I'm glad he went to him
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Mitsuki also has a very... depressing thing going on, in spite of fighting so vigorously with Tamaki over a bag. And Yuki would never hurt his kouhai (with an, cough, exception).
Some of the other contestants sadly weren't lucky enough.
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Nagi and Banri are killed gruesomely (an explosion and whatever torture Ryou did to Nagi). It's unclear if Gaku had an intention for murder, but we'll see later.. as for Ryou, he should find a better way to vent his anger after failing his fight for supplies.
In other news!
Sponsor items - Iori receives medical supplies, Okarin receives clean water
Takanashi Papa goes hunting.
Haruka picks flowers.
Minami and Yaotome Papa search for firewood. (separately)
Takanashi Papa goes hunting.
Anesagi discovers a river.
Deaths - Touma, Banri, Nagi
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Starting the night off with something light - they're all decently equipped, and Momo is dealing with some stuff after killing Touma, but as always, not showing it. Mitsuki probably needed this mood lift too, since he didn't do too well before.
Tenn sees their fire but decides to stay hidden, trying to calculate his next move.
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And continuing the trend of going to the worst people possible to be making this request to - we now know that what Gaku did was most likely an accident, and Banri just got caught up in it. Sorry, Gaku, you're gonna have to live with it.
In the distance, Takanashi Papa is trying to gather resources...
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Other contestants find themselves alone...
Utsugi questions his sanity. Tsumugi questions her sanity too.
Anesagi cries herself to sleep.
Yaotome Papa attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Ryou goes to sleep. (as one should after murdering a guy, you sick sick man)
But wait.. AN AMBUSH?!
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Iori, Tamaki and Minami are no longer alive, because their attempt at ambushing was gravely unsuccessful. For all the planning Iori and Minami could do, there is no stopping Tamaki from acting rash..
And as a cherry on top, Torao finds new powers within himself after Riku's kind words this day and decides to-
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Fatally injure Yamato! What an end to this night.
Maybe a nap would help...
Deaths - Takanashi Papa, Iori, Minami, Tamaki, Yamato
As the Sun's rays creep up on the grounds, people wake up and start their day with-
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More bloodshed! Torao, I think you're getting WAY too into this, perhaps it might not be the best time to "give it your all"?
Other contestants seem to be doing better, possibly to balance out Torao's kill count.
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As the remaining center of ZOOL, Haruka is doing his best to cover for the teammate in the "mercy" department. Thank you for sparing Sougo.
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And Tenn is doing his usual thing.
In other, minor news:
Momo discovers a river.
Okarin diverts Tsumugi's attention and runs away. (Tsumugi CAN be scary, believe me)
Utsugi thinks about home.
Ryou fishes. Yuki constructs a shack. (treating it like a farming sim, I see)
Yaotome Papa travels to higher ground. (as he always does in his life)
Deaths - Ryuu, Mitsuki
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Districts 2 and 9 are wiped out! Torao has the highest kill count (3) (I don't count Riku, Ryuu and Yuki in that because they were a team in killing the ambushers, and there's no way of telling who contributed the most)
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Okarin and Sougo really love their campfire stories. And now that Tenn has calculated his moves from the past night, he can safely be in their company, now with his brother too.
Utsugi receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Momo thinks about home. Yuki looks at the night sky. (sighss)
Haruka passes out from exhaustion.
Yaotome Papa and Torao both see the campfire, but stay hidden for the night.
A peaceful night indeed.. Wait!
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An unlikely (by threat or withholding resources) alliance of Anesagi and Ryou is going after Tsumugi and Gaku! The Manager-Idol duo survive through their sheer power (Tsumugi) and the urge to protect (Gaku).
Deaths - Anesagi, Ryou
Usual day, as usual it can be.
Haruka fishes.
Sougo tries to sleep through the entire day. (uncharacteristically so, perhaps from exerting himself too much)
Tsumugi runs away from Momo. (knowing his archery skills, it could have been a worse outcome. glad Momo's not out for blood)
Yuki attacks Gaku, but he manages to escape. (Gaku, what did you say to him?)
Yaotome Papa steals from Tenn while he isn't looking. (TRIGGER's property is his property too, right?)
But there's more!
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Riku plays with some dangerous toys and finishes Torao's kill streak by exploding him, with Utsugi getting caught in the explosion too (That's the second manager who barely did anything and exploded. Stop exploding your local managers)
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And maybe give your managers medicine next time too? Okarin received clean water earlier, but it clearly wasn't enough to stop the deathly infection.
Deaths - Torao, Utsugi, Okarin
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District 8 and 11 got wiped out! 2 members of i7, 2 members of TRG, the entirety of Re:V and 1 member of ZOOL are alive. Tsumugi and Yaotome Papa are still alive too.
Surprisingly devoid of spilled blood, the night is spent peacefully
Haruka thinks about home.
Momo and Tenn run into each other and decide to truce for the night. (best interest in mind, and looking after a kouhai too! great!)
Yuki, Yaotome Papa, Riku, and Gaku sleep in shifts. (unexpected to see Gaku team up with his old man, but things happen! Riku and Yuki decide to continue their alliance from before)
Sougo receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. (so that no people can die from infection injuries ever again.)
Tsumugi questions her sanity. (i would too)
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Yuki and Gaku get into a fight over raw meat, but Yuki gives up and runs away. (he needs it for his makeshift soba, Yuki!)
Haruka decides not to go to The Feast. And as we see, it was one of the better decisions.
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Yaotome Papa decides to end all sorts of rumors and blow up Riku. Unfortunately, Tenn's "twin sixth sense" couldn't make him get there in time to lead Riku away, but at least they're together now. Two kills on Yaotome Papa (and, like son like father, both he and Gaku are responsible for most explosion deaths. brilliant. please don't continue!) (also fun that Riku was playing with explosives earlier and now died. because of them)
The Feast also brings us a fight!
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Sougo has had a mace since the beginning, and now he decided to use it well! And well, he used it. Momo's bow/arrows and Tsumugi's raw strength just couldn't compare.
Deaths - Riku, Tenn, Tsumugi, Momo
Yuki camouflauges himself in the bushes. (already looks the part)
Yaotome Papa constructs a shack. (what else to do after setting off an explosive)
Sougo tends to Haruka's wounds. (very cute moment after a double-murder, but now these medicals supplies are getting some use!)
Gaku practices his archery. (did you not hear what they did to another archer moments ago?)
Yaotome Papa and Yuki tell stories about themselves to each other.
Gaku receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. (GREAT.)
Sougo tends to his wounds. (efficient and great! probably one of the better doing contestants)
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Here's an example of a contestant who's not doing well.
He'll sleep it off, I'm sure.
Yaotome Papa starts the day off by making a wooden spear. Let's see how others are do-
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BETRAYAL! After all the injuries have been healed, and Haruka's mind cleared off from screaming, he went straight for it! What a twist!!!!!! WHAT A MOVE!!!
And Sougo might not be the only one with the bad luck today.
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Gaku gets betrayed by the ice and his own body, and drowns in the lake. Sadly the received hatchet will never be used.
Let's see how Yuki's doing.
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Oh. Alright.
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And now it all comes down to these three.
Haruka and Yaotome Papa talk about the tributes still alive. (not a lot of them, and you make 67% of the population now. this is just Yuki gossip)
Yuki accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. WHAT.
Deaths - Yuki
Yaotome Papa accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
Hey. I think the land mines might be faulty. What the fuck!
And the winner is - Isumi Haruka, the lucky man who did not want to arm the landmines! His journey was tough, but in the end it all came down to not touching explosives.
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wintersbitterfly · 1 year
ditto : 너를 상상하지 (i imagined you)
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genre: fluff, ending angst
pairing: mina x tenth!member
content warning(s): brief hints of anxiety
ditto short series: nayeon, jeongyeon, momo, sana, jihyo, dahyun, chaeyoung, tzuyu
»»————- ♡ ————-««
your favorite penguin, ever.
you’ve always thought mina was extraordinary. and very talented. ever since she came to the jyp training program and onto sixteen, she's always been a mysterious person to begin with. and you liked that about the japanese girl.
although you both didn't talk much during your trainee days, she always kept an eye out on you. not for any bad reasons, just because you were so young, and even though you were competition, she cared about you.
it was momo and sana who had actually introduced you closer to mina. you both were shy, and didn't know korean that well, so you both helped each other.
you often complimented mina on her soft singing, and her dancing. she is very talented, she thanked you for that compliement.
once you both saw you were debuting in the same group, you hugged each other so tightly. from then on, besides chaeyoung, you became her quiet buddy.
she loved the fact that you two could sit in a room filled with silence, with only a few words spoken to each other, and back to silence. you both would both be comfortable with that.
you often did small activities with the older girl, such as knitting, doing puzzles, or even mina's favorite thing to do; build legos. you both even had a vlog where you both built a harry potter lego set together.
it sits on mina's shelf as of today.
you both even took naps together. almost anywhere as long as it was appropriate. such as at places like music bank where you would all be in your dressing room. getting ready, and after you did, you'd take a nap with your head on mina's shoulder, and her head on top of yours. a blanket draped across both of your laps.
when mina went on her hiatus, you sent her a gift basket with a card as much as you could to wish her the greatest and that you can’t wait to see her again, you’d wait as long as it took.
and you did wait.
when mina came back on that stage, your hand didn’t leave hers once, you were a happy ball of joy as mina stood by your side with a grin on her face. the hug you both shared was filled with love and tears.
and whenever mina would have little moments where she absolutely needed you, you were there. you’d squat with her, telling her to take the deep breaths. she’d be squeezing your hand tightly.
when you both had down time, you both did your favorite thing to do together ever; playing games, such as minecraft.
but mina hasn't been playing the fun game at all these past few weeks, even longer than that.
the news from their manager broke not just hers, but the rest of twice's hearts hearing you wouldn't be able to promote, or perform with them after the music video for moonlight sunrise was filmed.
it hit all of them like a brick.
that day when mina found you in your room, her cries and panics shouting for whoever was in the dorm at the time to hurry and call for help.
ever since promotions had ended, mina hasn't left her room, unless she was hungry or thirsty.
but other than that, she didn't leave. all she wanted to do was be with you at that moment. but she couldn't.
she sighed pulling out her nintendo switch, more so yours that's decorated with each member's lovely sticker, and switching on to minecraft.
she logged in with her account, loading up in your world you both made where you built a big house.
your name was offline.
"wish we could play one last time, y/nnie." mina sadly smiles with tears in her eyes.
that was the last game mina ever played.
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helloijg i saw ur post for requests, can u do Momo (Stray) x Reader things? 😁
Definitely! Your my first request ask! Ever! So you get a medal 🥇! :)
Stray game Momo x gn!human!reader
Summary: b12’s ‘death’ , has sadden your good friend/crush Momo. Mario kart can fix that!
Note: this definitely doesn’t make any sense in canon, and is probably very incorrect from the canon but I think it’s super sweet! :D
This takes place after b12 saves everyone
(Can be read as platonic or romantic, also some very tiny platonic clementine x reader, just being good friends)
(They/them for the reader,this is probably gonna be short. Angst to fluff!)
“Poor kitty” you said out loud, watch the poor cat cuddle the most likely dead b12, a single tear goes down your face. Doc, standing behind you, walks up to the cat and slowly takes b12. “I think i can fix them..” doc said, the translator on your arm, no longer working. But there was no need for it, since you learned the language long ago. Momo silently watching doc pick up b12, sad. At the fact that b12 died. Sad at the fact that b12 had to sacrifice themselves for the robots. “Hey, it’s alright. Doc said he can probably fix them” you say hopefully, putting a hand on momos shoulder. “I dont…i don’t think I wanna be here anymore.” Momo said sadly, walking away, presumably to his apartment.
You remember, you had a Nintendo. Or found one, it wasn’t really yours. But you do remember it! You quickly leave. With a very small “goodbye” and had left to find it. It was in mid-town, you found it whilst following the cat. You walk around mid-town, watching everyone look at the sky, and realize that there is an outside. It was beautiful, but you had a mission. To get the Nintendo switch and make your friend feel better! You start to run quickly, trying to find the Nintendo. “Looking for this?” You turn around and see clementine, holding the Nintendo. “Clementine! Wait- how did you get here? Weren’t you with doc?” You ask, curiously. “I followed you- that doesn’t matter, just get this to Momo and make him feel better!” Clementine says quickly, handing you the Nintendo.
You grab it, “thanks Clem, I’ll have to repay you some day!” You say whilst running to the slums. “That kids gonna make it far” clementine says smiling. You were already at Momos apartment looking for him, “Momo!” You yell into his apartment, “over here..” you hear him say. You walk to towards him, holding the Nintendo. “Hey…i brought a game we can play,” you say to him, smiling sadly, “it’s a Nintendo, we can play Mario kart!” “Mar-Mario kart..?”
“Yea!” You say cheerfully. You sit down next to him, opening the Nintendo and placing it on tissue box to see the screen, giving the blue controller to him. “ to hop, press R/SR, and to look behind press X/Y” you slowly explain the concept and controls. “Ok, let’s play now!” You said happily, Momo joining in. “Yea!”
The rest is history of Momo beating your a$$ in Mario kart, but it was quite alright, cause the look of happiness on his face/screen was all that mattered…
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mikaharuka · 1 year
Slash Ships to Get to Know Me
Bleep (@bleepbloopbotz) resurrected this tag game from the depths of her notifications and tagged me and Annie (@udaberriwrites) on it, and of course, Annie being Annie went and tagged me too, so yay~
It got me thinking a bit, and I figured I might as well, since I never actually sat down and listed all the ships I had - slash and femslash alike. I'm only listing the major slash ones for now, but I'll continue my list beyond that... for real, though, I need to do this same exercise for my femslash ships (yes, I saw your tag, Annie, and will get to it soon!)
**Rules**: Name at least five (no upper limit) slash (M/M) ships you love. Each from a different fandom. (Sadly, I have no pictures here).
1 - Twilight & Life and Death
I'd be pretty remiss if I didn't mention the two slash ships I'm actually writing right now - Carlisle/Beau (MM Bellisle) and Edward/Mike. Being the only writer of the former ship (as of today) is quite the interesting experience! At first, they were just convenient characters to carry out worldbuilding plans... but jokes on me. I became a massive shipper as I wrote and I suckered Annie into them too XD
2 - Teen Wolf
I need to mention both my slash OTP, Steter (Peter/Stiles), as well as the Sterek (Derek/Stiles) ship that is so popular and well-known. I almost chose Teen Wolf as the fandom for my concept instead of the Twilight/Life and Death combination I settled on, and if I had, I'd be writing Steter and my femslash Teen Wolf OTP, Allydia, right now.
3 - Fire Emblem Three Houses
I'd also be pretty remiss if I didn't mention the slash ship that got me writing fanfiction in the first place - Ferdibert (Hubert/Ferdinand). I have no idea what about these two managed to get me writing after 15+ years of silent lurking, but they somehow did and I'm grateful, since it ended up in me being here, meeting so many lovely people!
4 - NBC Hannibal
Quite a few people know how I love the Hannigram (Hannibal/Will) ship - and I love that it's canon. It's the perfect darker ship for me! Heck, fun fact - I was heavily influenced by NBC Hannibal's fantasy-like sequences when I wrote Apricity's Azure Mystique dreamscape!
5 - Scum Villain (SVSSS)
You know what's interesting? Scum Villain is the only MXTX novel I've read, despite MDZS and TGCF being way more popular. I'm quite the fan of the main ship Bingqiu/Bingyuan (Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan), but I also love the dark ship that is original Luo Binghe and Shen Yuan.
6 - Ace Attorney
Decided to end this list with one of my more lighter, older, and cuter ships in Narumitsu/Wrightworth (Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright). Also, Momo is selling me on Klapollo (Apollo Justice/Klavier Gavin), so there's that! I love Ace Attorney in general and I'm pretty confident Capcom was intentionally making the whole thing ridiculously gay lol
You know, looking at this, I noticed two similarities across all of them.
First, that they all have at least a shade of darker themes among them. Heck, even Ace Attorney's Narumitsu isn't free of the ambiguity either, with the angst and all.
Second... I strongly favor the magical and supernatural stuff. I mean... there are vampires in #1, werewolves in #2, dark magic in #3, magical themes despite technically not being that in #4, heavenly demons and cultivation in #5, and the sheer absurdity present in #6
Tagging @udaberriwrites @axolotlsupremacyowo @alpaca-clouds @sliebman10 @0nelittlebirdtoldme @mrsmungus and the open tag for anyone else interested.
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Hi, I''ve come back to the Snape fandom recently (I've never stop being a fan, I was just caught up on other stuff) and sadly a lot of pro-Snape blogs are now inactive. Could you recommend some current pro-Snape tumblrs that almost only blog about Harry Potter and Snape, please? I love your blog, btw!
Heyo welcome back and thank you!
I'm not at the top of my game following the newest & hottest blogs due to lack of time lately and this is by no means an exhaustive list - please add your blog if I left yours out or feel free to add more
In no specific order here are a few:
Meta - snapedefender, thecarnivorousmuffinmeta, casasupernovas, urupotter, pet-genius
Art - chipartwork, mrvirian, myobscureimaginarium, foxyx, dranna, serpenera, kedroboiz, serosvit, zeiame, starn707, cavedogman, girilimoni, luendland, potion-papa, ham-tuitui, momo-t-daye, turpinsimp-blog
Miscellaneous - snapecelebration, sneverussape, dementedlollipop, snapecentric,  prosnapeblogging, snapeslips, sayssnape, tiphprince, the-witches-son, keister-meister 
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Anyone else already tired of seeing the swarm of fanart of the kids in Miriko’s outfit? It’s filled up so much on Reddit and I can only imagine what it’s like over at Twitter.
And Horikoshi just HAD to know what was going to happen. Putting kids in the outfit of someone who’s been sexualized A LOT by the fandom? Like what was he thinking? I’ll give Horikoshi this: the kids aren’t really in any questionable poses like his sketch with Hagakure, so yay for that. But the fact we can see a peek of the goin area of minors because of the costumes is like…really?
Also, poor Jirou. Like, Ochako and Momo have had their share of “them thighs” fanart drawn by horny people. But over these last few days, in that outfit, Jirou suddenly is as curvy as Momo in these fanarts!
(Also love how Bakugou can be the series’s cash cow but NO NO, don’t put HIM in that outfit! It’s too scandalous! Everyone else is free game though!)
Sadly this was inevitable 😞. The power of the horny attracts the creeps and causes people to draw things like this. For me, horny posts are something I don’t care about, but I don’t search them up cause I’m not interested in them, so I completely understand the frustration of horny posting clogging the internet when all you want is simple fan art. As for the whole sexualizing part, if a teenager does this with a fictional teenage character I don’t really mind but all the adults doing this are unbelievably sus.
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sunkingwrites · 1 year
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Hello hello, I'm Kasper- you can call me Kasper (obvi), sun, king, or literally any cheesy petnames!
If you call me a slur, I will not hesitate to block you!
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☀ I'm a trans dude, he/him and they/them pronouns are fine
☀ May 13 (Taurus sun, Taurus moon, Gemini rising)
☀ I'm panromantic and polyamorous (aka I shove poly bakusquad in your face and you enjoy it)
☀ Inhabiting Canada, where the lakes flow with maple syrup and poutine, the beavers sing their silly tunes, and petting the foxes is sadly off limits
☀ I use petnames for a lot of my mutuals so so often, so lemme know if you're uncomfortable with me using petnames for you!
☀ I'm fluent in English (even tho sometimes I don't act like it), and I have intermediate French,, I'm trying to learn Spanish and Japanese but I'm so easily distracted and can't retain information to save my life 😅
☀ Avid enjoyer of spicy foods, sour candy, artificial banana and strawberry flavours, and cheesecake
☀ If you send me an ask, I will almost always do a little happy dance-- but no, you don't get to see it ;P
☀ I'll add more to this when I remember more things about myself :')
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Kasper's Bakusquad - me x the entire bakusquad (this includes bakugou, kirishima, sero, denki, mina, jirou, and shinsou) they're my poly bunch of loovvess
Kassou - me x Hitoshi Shinsou (apocalypse au)
Yasper - me x Momo Yaoyorozu
Kashima - me x pre transition!Eijiro Kirishima, prob happened in highschool or smthn
Kasawara - me x Koshi Sugawara
Katsukatsu - me x Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (soul eater au)
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My Hero Academia: Denki Kaminari, Neito Monoma
Bungo Stray Dogs: Chuuya Nakahara
Haikyuu!: Kozume Kenma, Tadashi Yamaguchi
Demon Slayer: Zenitsu Agatsuma
The Way of the Househusband: Masaru Akamiya
The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting: Toichiro Aoi
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video games
Baldur's Gate 3, Beat Saber, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Among Trees, Firewatch, My Time at Sandrock, Slime Rancher (1+2), Civilization (mostly III cuz nostalgia), Red Dead Redemption II, Graveyard Keeper, Kynseed, Don't Starve, Terraria, The Sims (mostly 4), Genshin Impact
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My Hero Academia, One Piece, Haikyuu!, SK8 the Infinity, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Demon Slayer, Bungo Stray Dogs, Cowboy Bebop, The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting, Hunter x Hunter, Cells at Work!, Zombie Land Saga, The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
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☀ navigation ☀ rules ☀ about me ☀ masterlist ☀
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Hello good sir! I’m here to wish you the spoopiest of halloweens.
I wish the same to you my friend!
Now, let me see what I can give you *Spins the wheel*
Something I’m Researching
Old boomer shooters, more specifically BLOOD, for something I’m working on.
Sneak Peak At A WIP
“Good? Bad? *Heh* I’m the guy with the gun!” The blood drenched gunslinger hissed at the raven haired heiress.
“YOU KILLED THEM!” Momo shouted, her stomach churning at the carnage in front of her.
“What the hell do you think bullets do? Make all the ouchies go away? I mean if you hit them in the head it does, makes' em pop like a balloon!” The man laughed cruelly before returning his guns to their place in that coat of his that seemed to hold everything a killer like him could need.
The young woman glared at the killer and the killer gave her an equally withering stare in return.
Soon however the green haired gunslinger relented, and began to speak to the girl who, for the foreseeable future, was his boss.
“*sigh* Listen little lady, I was hired by your mother and father to protect you, they knew who I am and my reasons for even agreeing to galavant around the world doing charity work with you, especially considering I ain’t the type to deal with snobby bitches and bastards like the fuckers at those charity events all too well without shoving two barrels into their mouth before feeding them some double-ought-buck for dinner. Just know this, anyone I put in the ground deserves it, I don’t just kill for the sake of killing, not usually at least.”
Behind The Scenes Of A Published Work
This is actually from a Fic I very, VERY rarely mention, The One Who Will Inherit The Dark, And The Choice He Will Make, which is a Cross-Over of MHA, Castlevania, and Tsukihime.
While I can’t let too much slip about it, I do have more than a few things I can say about the development and early drafts.
Originally it was going to be a Dead Cells crossover, luckily before I got too far into that the Castlevania DLC for the game came out, reigniting my interest in it, and more specifically, Aria Of Sorrow. This meant I almost immediately pulled a 180 to write it.
To begin with, Izuku was going to be working through the castle with Soma, but I quickly scrapped that idea due to how complicated it would’ve been to write. Izuku was also supposed to be a Belmont when I started this, I even had a whole ass explanation with Izuku’s grandma on his father’s side being Julius Belmont’s sweetheart before the fate of the Belmont clan pulled them apart violently, causing a curse to be placed upon her that forced Julius into action if he wished to save his love, and although he didn’t know it, his unborn son. Sadly I changed my mind about that early on, though if anyone wants to they are more than welcome to take the Idea
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miloscat · 1 year
[Review] Go Go Cosmo Cops (DS)
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A touchscreen novelty.
After playing some Umihara Kawase-adjacent games on and off stream, I’m looking into other games with grappling mechanics. This is an obscure one, developed in Japan but only released in Europe (the planned Japanese version was cancelled), and using the DS in “book” orientation which was quite rare outside of adventure games and visual novels. It was created by Noise, who were behind the small-time Nintendo franchise Custom Robo and seem to still be around despite only developing a handful of titles since the last Custom Robo game in 2006, including this and the Japan-exclusive Katamari/Pac-Attack game on DSiWare.
Cosmo Cops revives the tradition of classic Namco heroes Wonder Momo and Bravoman, with Leo and Jenny meeting an oddball alien and becoming suited superheroes. This cartoony premise sets the stage for fantastical settings like the giant cake world, haunted castle, under the sea, etc., while the kids get the power of energy grapples from their new transformations. These are handled by the unique control scheme, entirely touch-controlled on the sideways-held bottom screen.
This innovative control method is the selling point, as you tap, flick, and swipe your way around. You have to move between anchor points in these often vertically-oriented stages, and can attach to two to fling yourself. In this way (and its tone and setting) the game reminded me of DK: King of Swing and Jungle Climber much more than Umihara Kawase, with perhaps a hint of Hyper Lode Runner. Sadly Cosmo Cops has a similar problem to many which try to stuff too many actions into a wobbly touch/motion control mechanism, where accidental actions can mess you up and there’s a gap between what the player wants to do and what the controls allow them to do.
For example, to move between grapple points you can either tap on them (which the game in fact never tells you that you can do!!) or flick in their direction, but hold your press just slightly too long and you go into double hold/fling mode. This caused me a lot of trouble at first, but given time I got the somewhat fiddly inputs to work for me, until they became a pain point again in the later, more demanding sections. There’s also the frequent gimmick segments with pogo sticks, hoverboards, car races, etc., which are... fine. The best I can say for them is they’re over quickly.
So no Umihara Kawase feels here but I was pleasantly surprised to get a game that came out so similar to Paon’s Donkey Kong peg-swingers. The controls and device orientation are enough of a novelty to get you in the door, but I wouldn’t blame anyone for stopping once that novelty wears off. Pick Jenny first though, her levels are more interesting I reckon.
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historyhermann · 11 months
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story Season 2 Spoiler-Filled Review [Part 2]
Continued from part 1
Although there, sadly, wasn't a kiss between Eve and Aoi, the series was filled with gay subtext. While some may call it yuri-bait, it is more charitable to describe it as yuri subtext. In any case, the show was a fun ride. It wrapped up far too quickly, with many time jumps. Despite this, the ending of the series makes clear that the game between Aoi and Eve continues forever. There is the implication that they won't be apart and may even play again.
The ending could have been stronger, but I don't detest it. There is enough space and possible storyline, especially during the two aforementioned time skips, that a third season or even an OVA could expand upon. Such a season, or OVA, could focus on Eve and Aoi, or the growing closeness between the two caddies, Amane and Ichina, shown in the final episode. There is fan support for another season, or OVA. It remains to be seen if executives think the same.
There are other praiseworthy elements of Birdie Wing. The music complements the action. It accompanies the strong, flowing animation. The two highly skilled series composers, Kōtarō Nakagawa and Hironori Anazawa, make the series that much better. The former composed music for Gosick and Chivalry of a Failed Knight, while the latter did music for Scarlet Nexus.
Birdie Wing is nothing like any currently airing series produced by Bandai Namco Pictures, or those by Sunrise. Such series are supernatural action, mecha, or military science fiction. Bandai Namco Pictures is known for Gintama, Brave Beats, and Aikatsu!. Another division of the same company, Sunrise (also called Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc.), is recognized for other series. This includes Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, Love Live! Superstar!!, Love Live! Sunshine!!, Love Live! School Idol Project, Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, Tiger & Bunny, Dirty Pair, and Cowboy Bebop.
The series director, Takayuki Inagaki, worked on Fuuka, KanColle, Kokoro Library, Princess Tutu, and R.O.D. the TV. Yōsuke Kuroda, main writer for Birdie Wing, worked on Kokoro Library as well. He served as a head writer for Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid and Madlax.
The voice cast are just as seasoned and have often voiced queer characters. Akari Kito, who voices Eve, voiced magical girl Momo Chiyoda in The Demon Girl Next Door, Kanata Konoe in Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, Touko Usagihara in Akebi's Sailor Uniform, and Sakura Adachi in Adachi and Shimamura. Asami Seto, voice of Aoi, previously voiced Yoshino Takatsuki in Wandering Son, Charlotte Scherzen in Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid, Fena Houtman in Fena: Pirate Princess, and Nene Saionji in Yuri Is My Job!
Seto is scheduled to voice Yori Asanagi in Whisper Me a Love Song in January 2024. M.A.O. (voice of Kaoruko Iijima) will voice Kohaku in Yohane the Parhelion: Sunshine in the Mirror. The latter is a Love Live! Sunshine!! spinoff which recently premiered on Crunchyroll. The voice actor of Amane (Ami Koshimizu) voiced Yang Xiao Long in RWBY: Ice Queendom, Elda in Otaku Elf, Maria in Management of a Novice Alchemist, and Sailor Jupiter in Sailor Moon Crystal. All these characters are directly or indirectly queer.
Akira Sekine, voice of Lily, previously voiced Sora/Cure Sky in Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure and Princess Charlotte in Princess Principal. Saki Fujita, who voices Ichina, previously lent her voice to school president Mitsuki Sonoda in Sakura Trick. Sonoda had a huge crush on Haruka Takayama. Other voice actors are known for their roles in Maria Watches Over Us, Yurikuma Arashi, D4DJ, Akebi's Sailor Uniform, YuruYuri, Strawberry Panic!, and Sweet Blue Flowers.
Birdie Wing will likely not be continued. Similar themes were likely added to the video game associated with the series. The connection to Madlax, since it is in the same universe, will remain a topic of ongoing fan speculation. I will always remember this anime fondly. It may be some time before another anime can shoot me right through, as Eve says to her opponents, like this one.
All 25 episodes of Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story can be streamed on Crunchyroll. The second season can also be purchased on Prime Video or on the Microsoft Store.
© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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lustspren · 2 years
Backup Material ft. Momo
TWICE's Momo X Male Reader.
lenght: 4.5k words.
Genres: smut, titjob, oral, amateur porn vid.
Request by @subunitwice.
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Telling the story of how you became the boyfriend of one of the most beautiful, talented and desired female idols in the entire industry was a surreal thing. The only ones to know were your closest friends and family; but all the reactions led to the same thing: disbelief. You couldn't blame them, since the story sounded like fiction even to you, as if it had been taken from a fanfic in which they fell in love with the reader in full concert or at a fansign.
The funny thing about it was that, indeed, that was the case. Things hadn't happened as fanciful as they might have in a fanfic, but considering Hirai Momo's social status, it sounded ridiculous for a person like you to be with a Goddess brought to earth. Whatever story it was. You were a simple programmer for a video game company, and she was a member of the largest girlgroup in all of Asia.
But there were you both, huddled in spoon position under the covers while watching a movie on Netflix, all from the warm comfort of the sofa she had bought for the apartment you both lived in. The warmth of her body was comforting, as was the soft touch of her fingers when she rubbed your forearm and interlocked your hands; and her hair flooded your nostrils with a sweet peach scent. Still, none of that was more satisfying than the fact that this woman was yours, and only for you. A dream come true.
Unfortunately, you were going to be forced to let her go for a while.
"And ... how long will it be?" You asked in a low voice, to one side of her ear. The two of you had the conversation an hour before you started watching the movie, but you still weren't completely resigned.
"Hm... about two months. Maybe a little more," Momo replied sadly, followed by a slight sigh. She turned her face a little so your gazes could meet, and you saw yourself mesmerized by her big, bright eyes.
"You are not sure?"
"Not really, we don't know the dates yet, but if everything is like Twicelights, it will be two months."
"Fuck, what am I supposed to do without you for two months? Without being able to kiss you, or touch you, or..."
Momo cupped your cheek with her hand, leaving you with the words in your mouth. You sighed at the delicacy of her touch.
"I suppose you will have to give your hand other uses," she said with a naughty smile, teasing you.
Again, the words didn't finish coming out of your mouth when Momo placed a hand on your thigh and pulled her butt back, pressing against your crotch.
"You will be well supplied, don't worry about it," just her look was enough to know what she meant by having you well supplied, the idea caused a tingle in you.
“I mean… the photos you send me are fucking hot, and I love them, but you know… I won't be able to fuck you for two whole months.” You couldn't help but gasp as you felt your girlfriend's firm round ass moving slowly against your dick as soon as you finished the sentence.
"We could… I don't know, have a backup for both of us?" she bit her lip, looking into your eyes and then your mouth.
"What are you talking about?"
"Let's fuck like animals, and record everything... like a porn video, but only for us." Momo leaned over to you and bit your lower lip, bringing the hand that was on your thigh between both bodies to squeeze your bulge over your shorts.
A porn video, of you and Hirai Momo. Was this some kind of miracle gifted by the holy spirit?
"Fuck… let's do it."
Without hesitation, you plunged fully into her neck, delivering a few kisses there and then on her jawline until her lips met like two magnets. You merged in a passionate kiss, both tongues exploring each other's oral cavity in search of raising the temperature. You squeezed one of her breasts over the shirt—she wasn't wearing a bra underneath, so it was easy for you to feel the shape and the unmatched soft firmness, a strange way to describe that sensation, but that's how they were, just like two big stress balls.
Momo moaned against your mouth and reached into your shorts and boxers to wrap her hand around your cock, stroking it slowly. You decided to return the favor. With a little tug you pulled her shirt out of her pajama bottoms, slid your hand under it and again squeezed her delicious mound, this time playing with her nipple with your fingers.
"Enough… let's go to bed," Momo said with her breath already a little shaken.
You two got up at the speed of a comet. Momo took the lead towards your room, and you followed her from behind. As soon as you both entered, you closed the door quickly and took off your shirt.
"Should we use my phone or yours?" Too bad we don't have a GoPro," you asked, as Momo sat on the edge of the bed and you moved the nightstand to make a spot for the makeshift tripod.
"I don't care, just start filming and get that dick here."
You turned to see her, realizing that she was already naked from the waist up, her shirt on the floor next to yours. Your sight went straight to the perfect pair of round breasts of hers, which screamed to be eaten. But she had other plans for now.
You took your phone out of your shorts pocket and quickly accessed the camera, to go and stand in front of her. Momo let her hair down, and that was your sign to start recording with the phone at your chin level.
Momo gave the camera a dirty smile and got down to business. Her hand went to the hard bulge between your pants, squeezing it between her fingers to caress it several times with her entire palm.
It didn't take long for her to drop your shorts and boxers, your throbbing cock now released hit her face. Momo giggled, and then placed her hands on your thighs before plunging her face fully into your shaft, kissing the base and then your balls.
A little gasp escaped your mouth as Momo played with your balls, sucking both of them until they were drenched in thick saliva. She looked at you again through the screen with her big eyes and bit her lip sensually, moved away from your balls and took your cock between her fingers to slowly stroke it.
"I'm gonna miss this juicy cock so bad."
She wrapped her lips around your tip and slowly sucked on it for a few seconds; then she licked the entire underside of your shaft, tasting it like ice cream. You brought your hand to one side of her face and tenderly caressed her cheek with your thumb, while she continued to wet your cock as much as possible, giving you long licks and kisses.
"Maybe you should take me with you," you joked.
"You know I can't, we wouldn't have privacy at any time," she replied, with your cock in her hand. "Now shut up, and make sure you capture this."
Momo brought you straight to her mouth, her lips wrapped a few inches beyond the tip; you let out a low moan, feeling the matchless warmth of her wet cave as she carried you in and out of it. She did it slowly at first, taking no more than half of your shaft, but with the increase of intensity came the increase of distance that her lips traveled, closer and closer to the base.
"Fuck honey..." you pursed your lips, your breathing now heavy while she takes you to her throat. Her nose rested against the base of your cock for about 5 seconds, during which Momo had her eyes closed and made a small gag sound. She wasn't great at deepthroats, but they were good enough to make you go crazy with pleasure.
She pulled you out of her mouth to take a great breath of air; she licked her lips, quickly rubbing your cock polished by a thick layer of saliva.
Momo didn't even give you a moment of break by taking you back inside her. This time she started sucking on you like her life depended on it, with such fury and dedication that you thought she wanted to drain your soul. You clenched the right fist and closed your eyes, you wanted to concentrate to not explode at that precise moment.
"S-stop… I want to fuck your tits." You managed to say between gasps.
The beautiful Japanese girl stopped instantly; your cock was free again, strands of saliva connecting your tip to her lips. She gave you an excited smile, and you could have sworn her eyes were shining.
"Come here, then."
Momo put both hands behind her and crawled further into bed; she reached out one of her arms to reach for a pillow to place in the center of the mattress, and lay her head on it.
Your left arm was tired of having it raised for so long while you filmed, so you switched your phone from one hand to the other while climbing into bed with her. You straddled her body, and placed your cock between hers two luscious mounds; she leaned in and sucked on the tip for a few seconds, to grab her tits and press them on either side of your shaft. That was your green light to start moving your hips back and forth.
“Holy fucking shit…” you moaned, fucking Hirai Momo's wonderful tits. The warmth and softness of her mounds around your slippery cock was overwhelming in every way. You saw the scene with your own eyes and then from the screen of your phone; a little chill ran down your spine, knowing the end result was going to be the hottest thing you would see while Momo was on tour.
You thought that the pleasure you felt at that moment could not increase, that you were going to be able to do that all night without getting tired so that you could use her perfect tits for as long as possible, but your senses were once again triggered with the addition of Momo's mouth to the equation. The girl had leaned her head forward again, sucking the tip of your cock with each thrust.
Fortunately you had a very good pulse, otherwise you could not have recorded that scene correctly without looking like you suffered from epilepsy. You kept the hand that was holding the phone as still as possible, while your cock in and out of that soft meat sandwich. You felt your peak of ecstasy very close; you clenched your teeth, and closed your eyes as the electricity took over your body.
"Oh my god, I'm fucking cumming." You growled.
"Do it honey, paint my fucking tits with that big load"
That was it for you.
You pulled your cock from between her breasts, but Momo held them together with her hands while you jerked off furiously on them; seconds later, you exploded. Thick strips of cum shot from the tip of your cock one after another, all falling on both mounds and part of her collarbone. Your vision went black for a few short seconds, and if it weren't for Momo holding you by her forearm, you would have fallen to the side of her.
The opacity in your eyes disappeared little by little, until finally you could see the hot and lewd scene below you. Momo's tits were filled with your thick hot liquid, which ran free to her chest, abdomen, and then to bed.
"Such a big fucking load huh?"
Momo collected as much of your cum as possible with her fingers; anticipating what she was going to do, you made a perfect close-up of her angelic face as she brought them to her mouth and swallowed it with an insanely sexy expression.
"Mmmm delicious." She stuck her tongue out for you; not a single trace of your load.
“God, I want to fucking eat you”
You quickly got out of bed, leaning your phone from the small pile of books that you had placed on the nightstand as a tripod; you made sure the angle was correct, before you went back to bed and found yourself (again) to the surprise that Momo had gotten ahead of you, and had removed the pajama bottoms herself.
She was spread-legged, two fingers rubbing her shiny, juicy flesh between her legs just for you. You licked your lips, eager for the exquisite feast of Japanese food that you were going to serve yourself at that moment. You got on the bed and lay down with your chest against the mattress, your face inches from her beautiful pussy; You wanted to jump right into the action, eat her like the world was going to end tomorrow, but Momo loved foreplay.
A couple of puffs of hot air over her slit was more than enough to make her moan; you smiled, and went straight to her pale, well-trained thighs; you spread a long series of kisses across her skin, always stopping when it seemed you would reach her pussy.
You wanted to keep playing with her, but the temptation was too big at that point; you couldn't help but plant your tongue against her cleft, giving her a slow upward lick, followed by a kiss. Momo's back arched for a moment, and you directly attacked her pussy with everything you had, tasting her like you were a hungry dog. Your girlfriend was a shivering mess in seconds. Her fingers gripped the sheets on either side of her hips as she let out cute moans and her back squirmed.
You didn’t waste time and went to her clit; you caught it with your lips, sucked it gently and quickly began to stimulate it . Momo let out a louder moan and closed her legs around your head, so hard you thought she would crush it like a watermelon. But that didn't matter to you, it just fueled your arousal like firewood to the fire.
Momo's hand went straight to your head, her fingers now gripping your hair as she pressed you more and more against her pussy. She always did that when her climax was near; her thighs were tense, and she pulled your hair as if she were going to rip it from your scalp.
“Oh my god! You eat me so fff-fucking well!” she screamed between moans.
Wanting to intensify her pleasure, you slowly inserted two of your fingers inside her, causing her to slightly twist towards her left side. Her moans grew louder, and her hands went to her breasts to squeeze them as you quickly pumped in and out of her.
“Just like that just like that just like that! OH FUCK!”
Those were her last words before exploding in your mouth. Her hands lifted from her breasts and went straight to the bed sheets again, crumpling them so hard that she even pulled them from the bottom edges of the bed. Her body still trembled, as you scooped up every delicious drop of her fluids with your tongue; at this point you began to think that so much pressure on each side of your head was somewhat dangerous, but there was no need to worry, because Momo released you from her constriction after a few seconds.
You stayed tasting their delicious nectar until you made sure you had it all; then you crawled over to her, her flushed face inches from yours. Her gaze was lewd, but you could tell that under all that desire and passion, there was a deep love for you.
She leaned up, cupped your face in her hands, and captured your lips in a fiery kiss. You let your weight fall on her, supporting your hands on either side of her as you felt her breasts against your chest. You didn't part until she felt the tip of your hardened cock brush against her slit.
"I hope that thing keeps filming, because I'm going to ride you so hard that you won't be able to feel your pelvis tomorrow."
"It doesn't sound like something I'm going to complain about," you smirked, laying at her right side.
Momo rode you like a cat on her prey and pressed her legs on either side of your hips; then she lowered herself onto your cock, rubbing her wet pussy slowly against it. Your hands went instinctively to her tits; you squeezed them between your fingers, and then you raised one of your hands to her face; you caressed her lips with your index and middle fingers, and she put them in her mouth, sucking them sensually.
"God, stop playing and fuck that cock already," Momo loved being teased, but you weren't that patient.
Momo took your fingers out of her mouth to answer you.
"Do you need my tight pussy that bad? I thought the fuck you gave me in the kitchen last night was enough."
She smirked devilishly and leaned in to caress your cheek, still rubbing against your cock.
"Say you love Me."
"I love you, Hirai Momo."
"Mmm not like that."
"God..." you took a deep breath. "I love you with every fiber of my heart and soul, honey."
"Just like that."
Momo planted a small kiss on your lips and took your cock with one hand, aligning it with her slit; she rubbed it a few more times, until finally she impaled herself inch by inch on your throbbing cock. You both let out a long groan.
"Holy fuck…" the japanese girl closed her eyes and pursed her lips, adjusting to your thickness. Her pussy, extremely warm, wet and tight.
Your hands went to her waist, gripping her tightly with your fingers. Momo had total control over you; she leaned in again to kiss you, her boobs pressing against your chest as she began to move her hips up and down.
She moaned against your lips, and then added her tongue to the equation, invading your mouth to show her dominance over you. You responded to it, and soon your tongues were engulfed in a fiery, sensual dance.
Her hip movements were a bit slow at first, but you decided to kick up her motor a bit with a strong spank on her left cheek. Momo gave a little squeak and dug her nails into your shoulders, but it worked; soon her butt was crashing hard against your pelvis, as you filled her pussy with your full length in each thrust.
Momo broke away from the kiss and hunched up, her narrowed eyes fixed on you as she moaned loudly. Her boobs floated and bounced in a mesmerizing way a few inches from you; you leaned up, to capture one of them with your mouth and then give her ass another spank, this time on her right cheek.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Momo pulled her breasts away from your face and rested her hands on your chest, starting to grind her hips against your cock. Her new position did not prevent you from playing with her breasts, you grabbed both with your hands and gently pinched her nipples with your fingers.
There were few things Momo knew how to do as well as move her hips. She wasn't using you for her own pleasure, but she wasn't just concentrating on yours either, it was the perfect balance for both of you to feel great.
Your hands moved from her breasts to her thighs, you caressed and squeezed them, closing your eyes as Hirai Momo destroyed your pelvis with each clap of her butt against it.
Her moans flooded the room and your ears, as did the sound of your dick moving in and out of her soaked pussy. Her nails dug into your body again, this time into your chest, scratching it a bit. You let out a small grunt of pain, and punished her with a quick slap on one of her tits.
The slap made Momo stop for a second, time that you took the opportunity to pull her towards you and wrap your arms around her body, pressing her hard against your chest to plant your feet on the bed and take control, ramming her pussy frantically. Momo didn't even have time to resist, she dropped her face on your neck as she moaned loudly, caught in her growing orgasm.
“I-I-I’m… I’m gonna… A-ah! Ahhhhh!”
Momo held tight to your shoulders as her ecstasy exploded; her pussy almost crushed your cock, due to the exaggeratedly strong contractions that her body suffered as she navigated her orgasm. She nibbled on the pillow on the side of your head, drowning out the last cries of pleasure from her before her body relaxed.
You had slowed your thrusts considerably as your girlfriend climaxed, until you stopped to gently caress her hair. Both of your chests rose and fell uneasily. A few minutes passed when Momo raised her face to rest against your chest, which she caressed with her fingertips.
“Know? The first time I saw you I didn't think I was going to be like this with you. I thought you were going to be one more fan of the bunch, that I would forget as the months went by.”
“Let me finish, idiot!” she gave you a little smack on your chest. “Anyway... there was something in you, I can't even say what. But you got my attention. And it's not just because you’re cute”
“It could be two things... or my face of an idiot in love made you pity, or you saw my dick with your x-ray super power.”
"Maybe both," she replied with a giggle, lifting her head to see you.
"You know this is being recorded too, right?”
She turned to your phone on the nightstand a short distance from the corner of the bed. You noticed a smile on her face, before she hit her own ass with both hands. She then saw you again.
“I know. Now, do you want to fill my pussy with your big thick load, or not?”
“You don't need to ask me. But I want to do it by making love to you.”
Momo's face lit up with a smile; She left a little kiss on your lips, got up from your cock, which hit your abdomen, and lay down on your left, her back facing you.
“Come here my dear”
She raised her head, and you put your arm under it to serve as a pillow. Then you turned on your side, sticking your chest to her back and consequently, your cock to her ass.
Momo turned her head and cupped the side of your face to bring you closer to her lips, which soon found each other again in a kiss full of affection and tenderness. That was the most intimate position of all for you, chest to back, and lips fused in a dance of love.
Your free hand traveled over her body, feeling the delicious layer of sweat that covered it with the palm of your hand; every part of her was perfect: her boobs, her waist, her abdomen, her thighs. You really had a beauty goddess for a girlfriend.
Placing your hand on the back of her knee, Momo caught the track and lifted her leg, holding it herself so that you could slide back into her wet pussy. You moaned against her lips. Momo caressed the hair on your nape and lowered her leg, that gave you the green light to be able to hold her in your arms, pushing in and out of her at a slow but intense pace. Your movements were sensual, careful, and deep. You didn't want to be tough right now, you weren't having sex right now, you were making love to the woman you loved.
You stroked her soft cheek with your thumb, then let your hand slide slowly up her neck, ending up on her boobs, which you squeezed hard. Momo moaned softly against your lips, and placed her hand over yours, inviting you to continue playing with her mound.
The thrusts inside her continued, but you didn't speed up the pace at any point. You were treating her like the princess that she was, with a love and tenderness worthy of the most beautiful girl in the world.
After about two minutes Momo broke the kiss, her cheeks flushed.
"Wait... let me return the favor," she said, with one hand on the lower part of your abdomen to stop you from moving any further.
She settled down a bit next to you, leaning on her elbow to move her ass against your cock, fucking herself with it. You put your hand on her waist while she did the work; the climax that a few seconds ago seemed not so close, now approached with the intensity of a tsunami. You looked into her eyes, and she looked at you.
"Give me your load, honey. Fill me with your cum, come on."
That was your delusion.
"Oh my god baby... just like that. I'm going to... ah fuck!!"
A few more thrusts from her ass against you, and your cock exploded like a poorly constructed dam inside her. You closed her eyes and clung to her with your arms, burying your face on her back as you poured jets of semen into her pussy. You moved your hips involuntarily, dominated by the immense pleasure.
It wasn't until you spilled your last drop inside her that you were able to take a deep breath and lighten the force with which you held onto her body. Momo lay back on the pillow, next to your head, looking at you with a tender smile.
"I love you"
"I love you too, little peach," you managed to say despite your heavy breathing.
"Shoot a close-up of what just happened, quick, go," she gave you a peck on the nose, and you struggled to get up to grab your phone and record a close-up of her pussy. Your thick load was soon out of it, slowly spilling onto the mattress. You recorded for a few more seconds, until you finally cut off, leaving the phone in an empty space on the bed.
"That's it. I'll send you the video tomorrow morning, it will be a very good backup material for the next few months. Now I just want to sleep."
"Let's sleep then, but wrap your arms around me again, will you? It feels so cute."
So it was. You returned to the same position as before with her, but this time you buried your face in her nape, making her feel your breath. You closed your eyes, and smelled the scent of her hair once more before relaxing your body.
"Rest well, darling," she whispered.
"You too, my love," you answered back.
After a few minutes, you both fell fast asleep.
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Rarepair headcanons because I am ignoring my problems
Izuku reenacts the Spider-Man movies with Sero. Izuku is MJ. They also alternate being Spider-Man sometimes
They skate together
They get very protective when people call their boyfriend “plain”
They play dnd together
Sero tries to make sure that izuku gets some rest
They’re both kinda insecure, izuku more than sero, but still; and they make sure to reassure each other as often as possible
Sero likes listening to Izuku’s ramblings and finds them cute. He has told izuku this, only for the poor boy to imitate a tomato
After Izuku has been particularly reckless, Sero takes advantage of his quirk, wraps Izuku in bubble wrap, and tapes it there
Jocknerd bf and goth bf, we love to see it
Tokoyami teaches izuku how to sword fight
They start a dnd club at U.A.
Izuku talks to dark shadow a lot, Dark Shadow approves of him, and has claimed the spot of best man at their wedding
Izuku comes up with ideas to help Tokoyami gain control with Dark Shadow
Dark Shadow is very protective over Izuku, no matter how many times Tokoyami tells him that he can take care of himself, Dark Shadow will put himself between Izuku and any form of danger as often as possible
Dekoyama??? Aoyama/izuku:
Aoyama gives him makeovers, obviously
Aoyama drags izuku to the mall and tries to revamp some of his wardrobe, but he actually finds the “pants” and “flannel” type shirts cute
They help each other train their quirks
Aoyama is trilingual, and teaching izuku English and French.
Izuku always brings Aoyama home some new cheese
Y’all, I love them so much. There needs to be more aodeku content
They have people watching dates. They come up with stories for the people they’re watching; their job, family, background, etc.
They judge people together
They call each other “love”
They’re both dramatic bastards, who will flop onto their lovers lap and proclaim their death due to a minor inconvenience
They jokingly sh*t-talk class A
Shinsou said “I love you” first, and it was because Monoma brought him coffee to class
Like monoshinsou, they’re both dramatic bastards, who will flop onto their lovers lap and proclaim their death due to a minor inconvenience
They go shopping together and pick out the most dramatic pieces of clothing for each other
I love them so much, please 😭✋
They have tea parties every week, where they sh*t talk everyone else and gossip
They are both fancy bastards, and they wear the most exquisite outfits to go grocery shopping, and the outshine everyone
They both actually make clothing, they’ll go fabric shopping together. Gift exchanges are often articles of clothing that they’ve made for each other
They work on gear together!!!
Momo makes sure that mei gets some sleep
Mei helps redesign momo’s suit
They often work together with izuku to work in gear and such
They actually got together after izuku introduced them. He had been working on gear with mei, and studying with momo and he thought they’d hit it off. He was correct
Dude they’d be so cute
Tsu is a vent gremlin, and you can’t change my mind. So she and shinsou will play a game where they try to find each other. Tsu is in the vent and shinsou is in the classrooms. Shinsou will try to find whichever vent she’s in, or she’ll find whichever classroom he’s in, in 20 minutes or less
I always headcanoned tsu as a dog person, so they’d have two cats and two dogs, and a bunny that they named Deku
They like comparing their friends to animals, hence the bunny, Deku
Kaminari is a flirt, and izuku does n o t know how to handle it
Kaminari likes listening to izuku’s ramblings, and can keep up with them. He’ll ask questions on things too, and Izuku has never felt more appreciated
I don’t know why I feel like they’d have so many animals, but I do. They’d have so many, man. Three cats, two dogs, four sugar gliders, a hamster
Adhd power couple. They hyperfixated on complimentary things at the same time one time
Kaminari tutors izuku in English, and izuku turots kami in some other subjects. He’s also teaching kami JSL on the side. Kaminari has a live of languages
Study dates, Momo asks ochako to quiz her a lot
Ochako takes to floating momo’s things when she wants attention. Especially when Momo is studying. She makes a game out of how many things she can float until the other girl notices
Uraraka’s confidence does wonders for momo’s. Uraraka always makes sure to reassure momo that she is strong and that she can do this
Momo makes Uraraka whatever her heart desires. Uraraka blushes all the time, and momo takes great pride in getting her girlfriend to blush
Mina clings to everyone, but especially to toru
They give each other stuffed animals so often. They’ll go to the store to get food, and come back with three stuffed animals that reminded them of each other
Please, they’re so cute 😭✋
They will play hide and seek, I stand by this.
Mina helps toru design a new costume. I hate hers, it’s horrible, and sexist, and not suitable for a fucking child
Toru says that pink is her favorite color
They flirt with each other all the time. Half the class thinks it’s cute, half of them used to think it was cute.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, but study dates. they quiz each other, and it actually gets pretty competitive
They also have rage room dates. I will not budge on this. Iida tried to murder someone, and I am excited to see momo finally snap. She deserves it
They alternate paying for dates, don’t try me.
The go hiking a lot
They started liking each other after one late night, both having nightmares. Momo had tea, and offered some to Iida. They talked until the early hours of the morning
They can’t flirt. They try. But they’re horrible at it. They’ll compliment each other all day long, but they cannot flirt.
Y’all,,, y’all, I love them so much
They train together, obviously
They ran into each other one night in the common room after both having nightmares. They talked about middle school, how they were both bullied, izuku’s quirk coming in late, katsuki being abusive, kiri being bullied because his quirk wasn’t “cool.” After that, they were practically inseparable.
They started going on dates, not that either of them knew they were dates. The entire class knew, so did the teachers, so did the rest of U.A. Kirishima picked up on it first after a comment from Mina, he had is realization.
So, he started courting Izuku. Not thag izuku realized this. He brought him flowers on most ‘dates,’ he bought him hero action figures whenever he could, he complimented him until Izuku was red in the face (which was honestly very easy.) Still, izuku remained ignorant to the fact that he was indeed dating Kirishima.
The final tipping point, was due to Uraraka’s help. She was quite tired of watching the two of them pine for each other. It was amusing for the first couple months, watching Kirishima try so hard, and Deku being totally oblivious. However, she took pity on her friends after a while.
So, Uraraka devised a devilish plan to get the two together. She involved Mina, Sero, and kaminari in this plan. What was the plan, you ask? Oh, simply to trap the two in one room until they broke through izuku’s obliviousness.
Kirishima finally “straight” up admitted his feelings, to which Izuku had the sudden realization of “oh my gods, have we been dating this whole time??” Yes, Izuku. Yes you have.
They have two anniversaries after that.
Let’s be honest, they are really, annoyingly, horrifically lovey dovey. Kirishima brags about having “the manliest and bestest boyfriend in the world.” Izuku flaunts his many PowerPoint presentations on how talented and incredible Kirishima is
Uraraka doesn’t know if she did the right thing by helping them. She is so tired
Jirou makes playlists for tsu
The few sane ones in class A, I swear
They go on walks in the rain as often as they can
They go for dates in the bookstore too. They each pick out an album and a book for the other to listen to and read
Y’all, they make so much sense togetherrrrr, I’m love them 🥺
Jirou started liking tsu after the crew saved bakugou. Jirou sat with tsu after momo, Iida, kirishima, Todoroki, and izuku apologized and sat with her. They had movie night, and Jirou joined the Bakugou saving crew and tsu with taking well into the night. She just appreciated how much tsu cared
Tsu started liking Jirou after she helped Iida, momo, and izuku try to keep the class in order. She appreciated how diplomatic and calm she was
Jirou would talk to izuku all night long about how gay she was, and how adorable tsu was. So, izuku decided to try and suggest ways for Jirou to ask her out.
She did not end up getting to ask her out though, as Tsu walked up to her the next morning f and asked if she wanted to go on a date. Jirou said yes. Izuku cried
They make playlists for each other
They go for runs on the beach a lot
They both have insomnia, and often spend time making blanket forts and talking, or FaceTiming and listening to music
Jirou walks into the common room once a week looking for new music. She started liking Izuku after he made a playlist for her for one of these occasions.
They’re both quite awkward when it comes to romance, but neither of them will shy away from facing the truth. So, Jirou made izuku a playlist filled with love songs that reminded her of him and sent it to him. Sadly, izuku is dense as hell.
So, then Jirou wrote a love song and told izuku that the song was for him. Sadly, izuku is dense as hell.
So, then Jirou write analysis about izuku’s quirk for him. Sadly, izuku is dense as hell
So, then, after thinking that Jirou had done so much for him, izuku made her a playlist filled with love songs. Jirou took this to mean that izuku had finally picked up on her feelings, and accepted them.
So, they started to go on dates. Not that izuku knew this, as he is dense as hell. All leading up to izuku finally confessing his feelings on one of their ‘dates,’ to which Jirou responded, “dude, we’re already dating? Aren’t we? I- I thought that was obvious??”
May this awkward couple be forever blessed
Goth/prep boyfriends, we love to see it
At least once a day, Aoyama will proclaim that Tokoyami “shines almost as bright as he does, in his fabulous emo way”
They sword fight, and come up with really dramatic scenarios and scenes that they’re in
They bond over being in the izucrew and their shared love of swords. Aoyama took fencing classes in middle school, and Tokoyami got into sword fighting after watching it in pirates of the Caribbean as a young child. He is self taught and watched countless videos on the art of sword fighting
Tokoyami asked Aoyama our by dramatically presenting him with a dagger and going “will you accompany me on a formal outing as my lover?”
They flirt constantly
No really, it’s getting quite annoying. Someone please stop them.
They both plop down in random areas and proclaim their deaths, the difference between them, is that Aoyama will burst into shinsou’s room, and yell “love, I’ve been murdered. Mourn for me” while plopping down on shinsou’s lap. Shinsou can be found laying face down outside aoyama’s door, and when Aoyama goes to open the door, he just goes “I’ve been murdered.”
^^ one time, shinsou did a very fun Halloween prank for this, where he poured fake blood all over himself for Aoyama to find him an hour later, asleep.
Nap dates. Aoyama get glitter all over shinsou’s room
Aoyama enjoys making Iida blush, obviously. But he takes joy in doing it specifically when class is about to start. Aizawa is tired of his shit
Here is how I think an iiyama conversation might go:
Aoyama: I ask for one thing in this relationship-
Iida: Aoyama, you know that’s a lie-
Aoyama: for my boyfriend to carry me around all day-
Iida: Aoyama, I cannot feasibly do this with class-
Aoyama: and I don’t think that’s too much to ask for 😤
Anyway, Aoyama got carried around all day that day, despite Iida’s blush and Aizawa’s eye twitch
Everyone in the izucrew is close, but Iida and Aoyama started to get close after Iida told the crew about Stain. Aoyama wanted Iida to know that he wasn’t alone, and that he wanted to help him. So he started packing extra cheese for lunch and giving it to Iida. Iida was very confused at first. But this was Aoyama trying to court him. This was only made apparent by momo and Jirou telling Iida that this was aoyama’s attempt at expressing romantic interest.
Aoyama flirts with everyone, that’s just who he is. But with Iida? Oh it was tenfold. The poor boy was red in the face constantly. Aoyama was a persistent little bugger too, following him around and calling him ‘mon amour’
My dearest traffic light trio, I’m love them
They train together, and kiri and kami always appreciate izuku’s analysis snd ideas
Kiri falls even more in love with izuku and kaminari when they go off on rants. Izuku rants and kami can keep up with him so he asks questions about it. Kiri loves to watch his boyfriends go on rants, I don’t make the rules, but I do enforce them
They started to get closer after kami and kiri found bakugou causing a ptsd flashback (could be on purpose of an accident, up to the reader.) they stated with him and tried to talk him through it. After this, izuku started to tell them about having been a “late bloomer” and being bullied, etc. (I don’t know, man; I tend to over share after flashbacks and after panic attacks)
Izuku tutors them in several subjects, but kami tutors them in English. Kiri just falls in love with his smart boyfriends
Izuku is teaching kami JSL and kami is helping izuku with English and Italian (personal headcanon that Italian has been one of kami’s special interests) kiri loves to listen to them, and finds it relaxing and calming to hear them do this. When he has panic attacks, he’ll ask them to tutor each other in different languages
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httpdabi · 3 years
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Run away
Summary: Your relationship was going down, and instead trying to fix it, you found yourself falling for your boyfriend’s best friend. Well, at least it was worth it.
Word count: 6.8k
Genre: romance, smut, maybe angst, I don’t know if it qualifies as it lmao
Warnings: 18+(minors dni), fingering and eating out (public), a little bit risky sex, cheating, toxic relationship, dom!dabi as always.
,,But Kai, I really wanna go there tonight’’ you whined loudly, snuggling yourself closer to your boyfriend. One of your friends was preparing a party, and sadly, your boyfriend had better plans, playing games with his best friend the whole night.
Sometimes you really wished that you could hate his friend, but yet there was something about him that you couldn’t put a finger on it. Maybe his sense of humor ? His jokes are always top tier, you can’t deny that. Or maybe the way his voice sounds ? Deep, yet gentle.
You have no idea, but the only thing you knew was that your boyfriend was selling you out everytime Touya would send him a message. At one point you even started to ask yourself if he’s in a relationship with you or with him.
,, Babe, I already told you that I have plans tonight’’ Kai muttered under his breath, focused on some weird ass Netflix show. Well that was incorrect, he changed the plans in last minute, but you didn’t want to discuss about it with him anymore.
,, Whatever, have fun, I’ll go on my own’’ you said, not even trying to hide the anger in your voice. Was it that hard to cancel a gaming night ? Was that so necessary ? He could just ask him to come with you, if Touya is so important.
There were nights where you thought about all of it. It wasn’t just Touya, it was about everyone. All of his friends, from Touya, to Shiggy and Keigo. How many times did you make plans, only for them to end up being canceled because Keigo suddenly wanted to go grab a beer, or because Shiggy wanted to go watch a soccer match with him.
You rolled your eyes when you heard the doorbell. Ignoring them, you changed into the outfit you prepared for the night, and started doing your makeup. Well, it’s not like you aren’t capable of having fun on your own. Heck, you’ll make sure you have best time of your life.
From [Nejire]:
,, Shall we meet at the park ?’’
You replied to her, before you finished your look with your favorite lipstick. You actually didn’t drink for a long time, so maybe it would be nice if you got a little wasted with your best friend ?
It won’t hurt, right ?
Once you were done, you took your bag and made your way downstairs.
,,Heyy doll, nice to see you’’ Touya said, pulling you into a nice and warm hug. If he only knew how much he was pissing you off today, he wouldn’t lay a fucking finger on you.
,, Heyyy, you too. But I gotta go now, yeah! Bye! Babe bye!’’ you said fast, as you rushed out of the apartment. Fuck both of them.
The moment you met Nejire, your mood got much better. When you told her about getting drunk a little, she was all up for it, saying how she was thinking about exactly the same thing. Usually the two of you would grab a cocktail or two before the party, but since it was already pretty late, you made you way to Shindo’s house.
,, I didn’t expect so many people to be here, what did he invite the whole collage or something ?’’ Nejire shook her head, as the two of you were looking for Momo and Mina.
You found them in the living room, sitting with Denki and Kiri. All of them already having their drinks and talking about God knows what.
,, There’s my favorite giiiiirl, looking like a whole ass meal’’ Denki screamed, pulling you into a tight hug.
,, Where’s Kai ?’’ he asked, not giving you even a chance to greet them properly.
,,He’s busy’’ you smiled, trying not to show any sign of the anger you felt because of it. Sure, you already told Nejire about it, but not everyone has to know about your so called relationship problems.
,,Again? ‘’Denki pointed, raising his eyebrow. He definitely didn’t mean it in a rude way, and you were pretty sure that he didn’t have intention to hurt you or make you upset, but yet that one small word took your breath fucking away. Was it that visible that your boyfriend never had time for you ?
Ignoring his remark, you and Nejire made your way to make yourself a drink. Thankfully Nejire was there to fix your mood once again, jumping around and singing with you, as the two of you mixed Vodka and some cheap ass energy drink.
,,Look who we have here’’ you heard a familiar voice, and instead of replying to him instantly, you just drowned your drink.
,, Heyy, Keigo, what’s up?’’ you faked a smile, making yourself another drink.
,, Ohh nothing much, how’s my homeboy Kai doing?’’ he asked, placing his arm around your shoulders.
,, Ehh, I’m pretty sure you already know how’s he doing, since you are in contact with him more than I am ‘’ you laughed, as you finished mixing your drink. Instead of waiting for his answer, you simply took Nejire’s hand and made your way back to the room where your friends were.
,, What the fuck is he doing here ?’’ Nejire asked irritated. Your problems were her problems, if you hated them all in the moment, she hated them too of course.
The two of you ignored all of it for the rest of the night, dancing like there was no tomorrow and drinking glass after glass. At the beginning the two of you mixed more of energy drink and less of vodka in your drinks, only to switch it up later.
,, FUCKKK YOUUUU AND YOUU AND YOUUUUUUU I HATE YOUR FRIENDS AND THEY HATE ME TOO’’ you screamed around, who would thought that this stupid song would be hitting you that much in the moment.
,, THIS THAT HOT GIRL BUMMER ANTHEM TURN IT UP AND THROW A TANTRUM’’ Denki screamed, biting you cheek hardly. Dude was drunk as much as you were and it showed.
,, Jeez, you don’t have to sing with all your 32 teeth, I ain’t a fucking dentist’’ the two of you laughed loudly, only for the laugh to be cut with you almost vomiting there.
You rushed outside to hide in the dark, as Denki followed you, ready to hold your hair. Unusually you were laughing loudly as you were vomiting your guts out.
,, Shit, I drank a lot ‘’ you laughed. You were super thankful that he was there tonight, since you cant deal with vomiting on your own.
,, Vomit one more time ‘’ he said, telling you how you’ll feel much better after it. When he realized that you can’t do it, he placed his hands around your stomach, pressing it so hard that it made you throw up the dish you had last Christmas .
After you had your small detoxing season, the two of you sat outside. Denki rolling you a cigarette while you just enjoyed the fresh air.
,, Ah thank you so much, I’ll make it up to you’’ you giggled, taking the cigarette he rolled for you and lighting it up.
,,Yeah, you say that every time’’ the two of you laughed.
At your surprise, you noticed a very familiar car parking in front of the house. If you weren’t drunk as fuck you would probably ask yourself what the fuck is he doing here and your mood would probably be ruined. But well, in that very moment, you didn’t give a single fuck, all that mattered was that you were having fun.
,, Dabi my man, whats uppp?’’ Denki greeted him, while you were too busy sitting on the stairs and puffing on your cigarette.
,,Heyy, nothing much, just here to pick up this doll’’ Touya said, and your eyes widened.
,, Excuse me ? ‘’ You laughed. What the fuck ?
Touya told Denki to tell your friends that you are leaving, ignoring your complains.
,, Did Kai sent you ?’’ you asked, suddenly nothing was funny to you anymore.
,, No, but Hawks sent us this video of you having some really nice time while vomiting in the dark. ‘’ he pointed, as he placed a cigarette between his lips.
,, I can go home on my own, and you can go fuck yourself together with my boyfriend’’ you hissed, trying to stand up, only to end up tripping a bit.
,, Woww, watch your mouth doll’’ Touya muttered under his breath, grabbing your arm right on the time. It migth have looked like you were about to fall, but it was just a small trip, and you were pretty sure how he’ll just use that against you in that exact moment.
,, Yeah, I see how you can go on your own’’ he added, as his grip only got stronger. Maybe if you weren’t drunk like that, you would think before speaking, but the fact that Keigo sent a fucking video of you vomiting around, and instead of your boyfriend to come pick you up, his best friend does.
Heck, you shouldn’t even be mad at Touya, in fact you should be thankful that he came at all. But what could you do ?
Toyua didn’t give you a chance to protest that much, but he did take his time with you. Well, it’s not like he could force you into his car and just drive you home, even tho that would be much easier. No one on his right state of mind would freely deal with drunk as fuck you.
Once you found yourself in the car, you didn’t really dare to speak. Was it shame that you felt ? Probably. But there was no way in the hell that you would apologize to him. After all, it’s not like you asked him to come pick you up, it was his own choice.
,, Please don’t take me to Kai’s place’’ you said, well, more like whispered, not sure if it was a right thing to say at all. He’s Kai’s best friend, he can easily tell him how you didn’t want to come back for some unknown reason.
,, Doll, you can’t spend the night alone looking like that’’ Touya grunted, looking at you from time to time, like he was trying to make sure that you are okay.
,, Dabi, it’s not the first time I am drunk, just take me home please’’ you begged, not really sure if your little speech was understandable. Every time you get drunk, you either way talk too slow, or too fast, making it hard for everyone else to understand.
At the end, Dabi didn’t ask you more about it, he didn’t ask why you didn’t want to go to your boyfriends place. Maybe he felt sympathy, or he simply didn’t want to stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. He simply got you home, he even helped you get in your apartment, and even tho you hated him more than anyone that day, you simply couldn’t deny the fact that going upstairs, with his help it was much easier. Heck, you were pretty sure if he wasn’t there, you would probably give up half way and end up sleeping on the stairs, surviving the walk of shame the next day as your perfect neighbors told their children how they have to study good if they don’t want to end up like you.
An extremely strong headache woke you up, making you almost regret your decision about getting drunk. Checking your phone, you instantly wished you could get drunk again, the regret you almost felt long gone. Text from Nejire, Denki, from everyone, but not one of them was from your boyfriend. Not even a single how are you, or are you okay text. And it’s not like he’s sleeping at this time.
How many times did you end up taking care of him when he got drunk with his friends. It wasn’t Touya, Shiggy or Keigo that bought him the package of painkillers in the morning. It wasn’t them helping him get in a fucking shower to help him come to himself. None of them spent their night sleepless, too worried about him, worried he’ll fucking choke in the night. It was you, and God knows how many times that happened. God knows, how many times you went to the work, not mentally prepared for the morning shift, with dark circles under your eyes.
Instead of getting those painkillers that were in the small box in your living room, you called Nejire. She didn’t answer, she was probably in her deep sleep, surviving her hangover. You know that she has a rough one, everyone knows that.
,, First of all, are you okay? Last night was really something haha if you need anything tell me. Second, maybe you were right about Kai.. He didn’t even bother to text me ‘’ you sighed, sending the voice message to your best friend. She told you many times before how your relationship isn’t really healthy and how you deserve better.
,, Denki probably told you about last night, Dabi brought me home. I thought that Kai sent him, but noooo, he simply doesn’t give a fuck, even tho that bastard Keigo sent them a video of me vomiting, while Denki is holding my hair hahahh’’ you continued, laughing as you tried to hide how hurt you felt.
,, And why the fuck did Touya have to come ? He should have stayed with Kai instead. Hey, maybe they are gay.. I never thought about that.. I mean, Kai would sell me out for him without thinking twice. Ah fuck them all, maybe I should simply break up with Kai.. ‘’ you continued, sending the voice message to her.
You wanted to cry, you really did, but yet, you didn’t have any power for it. How many times did you think about breaking up with him? Probably too many, only to end up giving him another chance. Saying how you are probably the one overacting, and how things will get better. Thinking of all the good things he did for you. Did he do much for you? Nah, not really.
Forcing yourself, you stood up. It felt like you were shoot, the headache was huge, but at least you didn’t have to vomit anymore. Anything is better than that.
,, AHHHH’’ You screamed loudly as you saw someone sitting on your couch.
,, What the fuck ?What are you doing here ?’’ you screamed once again, taking one step back, like it would help you.
,, Well, someone had to stay in case you had to go to hospital because of alcohol poisoning. ‘’ Touya said, his eyes focused on his phone, not even bothering to look at you.
How much did he hear ?You didn’t really try to be quiet as you were nagging about him and your boyfriend. Heck, if you knew he’s here, you would definitely keep your mouth shut.
,, God, I’m sorry. ‘’ you apologized, sitting on the edge of the couch as you covered your face with both of your hands.
,, For what exactly ? For last night, or alking about me few moments ago ?’’ he asked, looking at you lazily. Well there it was, a clear answer to your question. You didn’t know what to say. What could make this whole situation better ?
,, You know doll, next time simply tell me if you are having plans with him. ‘’ he laughed, making your blood boil in just one second. Was he for real? Was that all funny to him ? Does he really think that every time you want to do something with your boyfriend, you will tell him first, just in case he was thinking about ruining it ?
,, That is not how a relationship works ‘’ you pointed, trying not to sound so irritated.
,, Of course it’s not, but how can I know that you are having some silly plans with Kai ?It’s not my fault he says he’s not doing anything special when I ask him to do something’’ Dabi exclaimed. You weren’t sure if he was doing that on purpose. Was he trying to make you mad ?
You always had mixed feelings about him. He was always way too good to you, making it hard for you to hate him, but now, it was like he was trying to piss you off. Like he was trying to prove your stupid point.
,, Ah, you know what. Forget it, this doesn’t concern you at all. Thank you for taking care of me last night, but I would be really grateful if you could just leave now. I’m having a headache’’ you said, as you stood up to take those painkillers. Not sure if you should be surprised that he left immediately, you just thanked him once more before he left.
You didn’t want to text Kai, or go to his place. You honestly just wanted to see if he even bothered to text you at all.
The whole day passed and there was no message from him. The tears you were thinking about in the morning were fully back, and ready to wet your cheeks.
Only on the evening you ended up getting a call from him. If you were being honest, you didn’t feel happy about it at all. All you felt was disappointment, even after he told you that he wants you to go on the infamous beach, where his parents had a vacation cabin. You should feel happy about it, thinking how he realized that what he’s doing ain’t right. But you couldn’t force yourself into believing in that.
And you were so fucking right. You were so fucking glad that you didn’t bite it, since you would end up being only more disappointed than you already were.
Of course he had to invite his friends too, not just Touya or Shiggy, but all three of them. They were there even before the two of you arrived, chilling on the beach with beers in their hands.
You were in your own world the whole time, trying to ignore them the best you can. You didn’t even try to hide the bad mood you had. Fuck them and fuck Kai, they should see that they ain’t welcome. Heck, not even Kai was welcome to you in that moment.
Hiding in the shadow and far enough from all of them, you were giving your best as you were blowing the air into the inflatable flamingo. Weird how in small stuff like that you notice how better would it be if you simply stopped smoking, since you had to take a break every minute.
,, Someone’s in a bad mood’’ Touya popped up, hopping onto the towel you prepared for yourself. You wanted to tell him to sit somewhere else, since he was ruining the peace you were trying to have.
,, Let me guess, he didn’t tell you that we’re coming too ?’’ he added, looking slightly up at you. Instead of saying anything, you simply nod your head.
,, You really deserve better’’ Touya continued, standing up and leaving you confused once he realized that you don’t want to hold any type of conversation. How far did your relationship with Kai get, that even his best friend was telling you how it sucks, in your fucking face.
Once the Flamingo was all done, you made your way into the water, deciding to float around a little. And that’s the exact way how you spent your time for the rest of your day, a perfect mixture of floating around and hiding in the shadow.
At the evening, Kai and others decided to go watch a soccer game in the nearest pub. He did ask you to come with them, of course, but why the fuck would you ? He knew very well that you never gave a single fuck about any kind of sport.
What surprised you was, that Touya also didn’t want to join them. Saying how he’ll rather stay and play something on his switch, saying how the water made him way too tired to go anywhere.
,, So doll, what we gonna eat ?’’ he asked, as he hopped onto the closest chair to you, while you chopped the chicken.
,, Curry’’ you simply said, trying to keep your focus on the meat, instead of him, wanting to keep all ten of your fingers.
,, Nice, need any help ?’’ he asked casually, hopping off of his chair and suddenly standing next to you, ready to help you with anything you needed. Realizing that you weren’t about to speak up, he took a knife on his own, and started chopping the vegetables that were on the counter.
Touya didn’t want to make anything harder for you than it already was. He understood how you felt, and he didn’t want to put the salt on your wound at all, he just wanted you to feel at least a little bit comfortable if possible.
He played the song Ophelia on his phone, hoping it will help with the tension that was in the air. Sure, he didn’t want to force himself onto you, but he did want you to simply put your guards down and enjoy yourself a little bit. He wanted to show you that not everything is bad as it seemed, he wanted to show you that he isn’t so bad as you pictured him to be.
You would lie if you said that he didn’t look cute, chopping those vegetables and humming the melody of the song. The song he played wasn’t something you were expecting him to have on his playlist. It was weird that he was spending his time with you, preparing the dinner, it was something you didn’t expect at all, yet there he was.
,, Do you cook often ?’’ you asked, focused on the work.
,, Not really, I’m not that good at cooking. Why ?’’ Touya asked back, a little confused.
,, You look like you’re enjoying it, so relaxed’’ you said genuinely, making him smile for some reason.
While eating the food, Touya tried to keep the conversation going. It was really visible that he was giving his best, and because of that you really tried to cooperate there. You weren’t stupid, you understood that he was trying to make you feel better, but you couldn’t really say if it was out of a pity or something else.
What surprised you the most was when he asked you if you wanna go swim with him, saying how the water is the best in the evening. You did think about it a bit, thinking if it will upset Kai, but then, when was he ever upset ? Something small shouldn’t upset him at all actually.
,,You don’t have to be shy, I already saw you in your underwear” Touya said, once he noticed how you’re trying to hide your body with the stupid flamingo. Oh how he wished he could take a picture of your face when you heard him say that.
,,Huh?” You we’re confused, heck, even more than confused.
,, Doll, who do you think helped you change the Night you got drunk? “ he tried to hold his smile back, but your reaction was way too cute. The way your cheeks got red so suddenly almost make him laugh loudly, you were simply too cute.
,, Oh god, I’m sorry. I caused you so much trouble” you whined, embarrassed of the fact that he was literally changing your clothes. How could you forget that ?
You were using your Flamingo as a support, as you moved yourself with your legs, while Touya was swimming next to you. Once you were far enough, you hopped over it, enjoying the small waves.
,, How long are you with Kai together ?’’ Touya asked, holding the head of the flamingo, as he let his body float under him. You could feel his legs under you, touching your stomach, but it didn’t upset you or anything.
,, 1 year. Do you have anyone ? I never heard you talk about any girl honestly’’ you smiled when you saw him roll his eyes playfully.
,, There’s one girl that got my attention, but I’m pretty sure she only sees me as a friend, if not even less.’’ He confessed, placing his head on the flamingo.
It was true what he said, the water was really beautiful. It was somehow warm, and it went beautifully with the air that was getting just a little bit fresh for the summer weather.
,, I hope you’ll get her one day’’ you said, moving your legs a bit.
,, Anyway, tell me about your first date with Kai. I’m curious where did he take you out and so ‘’ Touya smiled. If he asked you this question two hours ago, you would probably tell him to fuck off, yet you found yourself comfortable enough to tell him about it.
,, He took me to some forest’’ you laughed out. Thinking about it, he didn’t really put any effort into any of your dates.
,, Forest ?’’ Touya asked confused, raising his eyebrow as he waited for you to explain.
,, Yeah, a forest. We walked a whole fucking hour. I was honestly expecting him to show me something special, maybe a place he used to visit when he was a kid, or whatever, you know how it goes. But he was only showing me some trees, thinking it was romantic’’ you explained, spitting word after word. ,, All I could say was, yeah I love nature’’ you added, making Touya laugh loudly.
,, That’s so fucking weird’’ he laughed. Well, true, that was really weird as fuck when you think about it.
Trying to stay on the flamingo, you somehow managed to change your position, laying on your back. The moment you calmed yourself down, Touya hopped out of the water, placing his upper body over your stomach. The position was pretty weird and close, but in that moment you didn’t think about it at all, all you did was laugh with him.
,, But honestly, I have no idea what you’re doing with him. You can do much better’’ Touya said, placing his head just under your chest.
,, I don’t even know anymore.’’ You sighed, as you played with the water. You could feel the small drops of the water rolling down your chest, and that’s exactly what made you realized in what position you were.
,, I think Kai will be pretty mad if he sees you on top of me like this ‘’ you pointed.
,, You think I give a fuck about him ?’’ Touya said, pushing his head up a bit, to make eye contact with you. You didn’t know what to say, deciding it’s better to stay quiet. It was weird how you didn’t push him away yet. It was weird how you were enjoying how close he was to you, the skin on skin contact. It was weird how handsome he was, and it was weird how you didn’t notice that before.
,, Did you ever think about running away ?’’ You asked casually, enjoying how the waves were moving the both of you away from the beach.
,, How do you mean?’’ You could hear confusion in his voice.
The air was getting a bit colder as the moon exchanged his position with the sun, but having Touya on top of you, you didn’t feel that cold. The thought of being in the water when it’s dark outside was always terrifying to you, yet with him, you didn’t feel scared at all.
,, I mean, running away from everything. Leaving everything behind, and just running away.’’ You explained yourself, as you watched the dark clouds move slowly.
,, No.. did you?’’ His body was now completely over you, head beside your neck, arms hanging over yours, and legs between your own.
,, I did.. I was really close to leaving everyone behind, but I’m kinda scared.’’ You said honestly. How many times did you think about it, you don’t even know anymore.
Instead of saying anything, Touya found himself doing something so risky. Risky for himself, for his friendship and risky for you. He didn’t know how you’ll react, he couldn’t be sure you won’t freak out and push him away, but he still leaned in and placed his lips on top of yours.
At his surprise, you didn’t react how he thought you will. In fact, you didn’t react at all, which made him kiss you once more. Pushing the limits, he knew it. But he needed you, he wanted you to be his.
Fuck Kai and everyone else.
,, We shouldn’t do this’’ you whispered, as he pulled back.
,, Why not ? Fuck him’’ Touya breathed out. You couldn’t believe that you didn’t stop him the first time he kissed you. In fact, you couldn’t believe that instead of hating yourself for letting him do that, you found yourself enjoying the feeling of his soft lips on top of yours.
,, You have someone else’’ you managed to say somehow.
,, doll, I was talking about you’’ Touya confessed. ,, I was hoping you’ll kinda get that’’ he added, face still close to yours. He didn’t wait for you to say something, he couldn’t. Instead, he kissed you again, and surprisingly you returned the kiss, connecting your fingers with his hair.
No words were needed there, and he didn’t want to hear anything. He didn’t want to break the kiss, afraid you’ll start talking about Kai again.
Who would have thought that you would end up kissing your boyfriends best friend ? You always thought he was cheating on you, yet at the end you were the cheating one.
Touya suddenly pulled away, placing small kisses all over your neck, still careful not to leave any marks. Hopping back into the water, he pulled you down a bit, rubbing your tights slowly. The moment his hands stopped on your panties, one look was enough for you to nod your head.
Pulling them down, he didn’t waste any time, immediately moving his middle finger over your clit, only to enter your core with it. Not giving you any time to think, he started moving it, making you ache your back on the stupid flamingo from the sudden contact.
After few pumps, he added another one, moving them slowly as he watched you. The feeling of pleasure and horror mixed because of the possibility of being caught was written all over your face.
He was getting faster and faster, giving himself the right do dive in between your tights and lick the wetness you were trying to hide from him.
Placing your hand over your mouth, you moaned loudly, as he started licking your clit so fucking slowly. It was a huge contrast to the pace he was moving his fingers at.
The moment he felt your walls getting tighter, he started sucking you almost aggressively, trying to give you the orgasm you deserved so much in his opinion. And it didn’t take him long to get you there. Moaning loudly, you came all over his fingers and tongue, immediately looking around, scared Kai or someone else might hear or see you here, with his best friend between your legs.
That night you couldn’t spend the night with your boyfriend, saying how you need some space. He didn’t expect that at all from you, it was unusual that you were even thinking of something like that. But what else could he do instead of giving you the space ?
In the other hand, the regret you felt was long gone when he told you to do whatever you want. Normal boyfriend would ask if something is wrong, if something is bothering you. He would ask himself if there is something going on, or perhaps if he did something wrong.
Instead of thinking about Kai, you found yourself thinking about Touya. Rolling from one side of the bed to another one. It was clear enough that one sleepless night was in front of you. Was the kiss that opened your eyes, or were you so attention starved that all it took was that one kiss to mess your head up even more ?
You thought about the night, when he took his time to help you. It was clear that he did it on his own, he even told you that Kai didn’t send him. Thinking about it, it wasn’t the first time he actually took better care of you than Kai.
Small things count, like that one time when you were sick, he was texting you more often than Kai, asking if you are feeling better and asking if you need anything. Even when he visited Kai, he would simply bring something for you, like chocolate. Maybe that’s why you couldn’t hate him, and now after the kiss and the little intimacy,you opened your eyes.
After what he told you, the reason why he did all that for you was more than clear now. Your feelings couldn’t change for Kai simply over night, but everything that is happening in your relationship didn’t only start yesterday. It’s probably already two months since he stopped giving shit about you, if not even longer.
You tried to sleep, you really did, but both with closed or opened eyes all you could picture was Touya’s face. Him laying on top of you while the waves move your body.
A quiet knock on your door took you back to reality. Pushing yourself up, you made your way to the door to open it, not even surprised when you found shirtless Touya standing in front of you.
,, Let’s run away doll, you and me.’’ he whispered, making sure no one beside you could hear him. Oh how did your heart skip a beat when you heard those words. How many emotions did you feel at that moment, no word in the whole vocabulary could describe it, and that was the exact reason why you grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. Why would you tell him how you felt about it, when you could simply show him.
You could feel him smile into the kiss, as he grabbed your hips, carefully pushing you back into the room and shutting the flimsy door behind him. Not breaking the kiss, he somehow managed to lock the same door.
,, I couldn’t stop thinking about you’’ you confessed, managing to whisper these words between kisses, making him smirk, glad that he was on your mind instead of that bastard Kai.
He didn’t plan for things to go this way, he simply wanted to give you a offer, but once he saw you in nothing but oversized shirt, his dick got hard in less then a second and the kiss didn’t make it any better.
Once you realized that he was about to take his sweatpants off, you grabbed the edges of your shirt and pulled it over your head, before you were pushed down on the old bed. He didn’t waste his time, immediately grabbing your panties and ripping them apart. Parting your legs apart, he climbed on top of you, connecting his lips with his own. The kiss wasn’t gentle like the one on beach, it was hungry and desperate for more.
,, Think you can keep quiet ?’’ He breathed out in between the kisses. He couldn’t help but smirk again once you nod your head, immediately rubbing your clit with his middle finger, while the only things that were coming out of your mouth were quiet whines and mumbles begging him for something. You didn’t even know what you were begging for, yet you still did it desperately.
You could feel tip of his painfully erected dick, brushing against your entrance, making you move your hips a little as you tried to give him a sign to fuck you already. Without a word, Touya placed a hand over your mouth before he thrusted himself into you, forcing a moan out of you. Thankfully the palm over your mouth was just enough to muff the noise you made as he started rocking his hips.
Deep breaths, your muffed moans and skin slapping filled the room and you could only hope that everyone else was in deep sleep, because anyone walking by could definitely tell what was happening in the room.
Once Touya pushed himself fruther up your body allowing himself to get even deeper, all you could do was grab the sheets and squeeze your eyes shut. Touya couldn’t let that slide, squeezing your jaw as he forcing you to open your eyes again.
Touya couldn’t help but groan quietly, your walls were warming his cock just perfectly, finally getting that attention it’s been needing the moment he took your panties off as you were laying on that damned flamingo.
You could feel him throbbing in between your walls, and the way he was dragging his hips back, his dick nearly pulling all the way out, made you feel every vein of his dick. Talking about it, Kai’s dick was nothing to be compared to Touya’s. In fact it would be a shame to disrespect Touya’s dick with that compartment.
Touya thrusted back into you, making you toss your head back into the pillow. He picked up his speed, hand still over your mouth, head hanging low beside your neck, trying to keep his groans to himself. Both of you gave your best in keeping yourself quiet, but the only problem was the stupid bed that couldn’t stop cracking with every move he did.
Touya lightly bit your neck, nudging the same spot with his nose right after it. As if you were nothing, Touya span your body around, entering you once again as he pushed your face deep into the pillow, making sure you’ll stay quiet as you promised.
His hips once again picked up some speed, never faltering the hardness of his thrusts. His hand in your hair, keeping you in your place, as he fucked you into the mattress. Tears started to form on the edges of your eyes, as you felt the tip of his dick hitting your g-spot again and again. Grabbing the sheets one again, you started clenching around his dick, which made Touya almost curse behind you. You were whimpering into the pillow as you were getting closer and closer to your orgasm.
,,Come on doll, cum for me’’ Touya groaned, rubbing your clit forcefully. ,, Cum all over my dick’’ he added, and that rub was more than enough for you. You breath started hitching as you fought the urge to scream into the stupid pillow. Once your walls started squeezing him as you were reaching your high, Touya’s dick started spilling inside you, painting your walls white, before he collapsed on top of you, fighting for his own breath.
That night Touya couldn’t spend the night with you, even tho he wanted it more than anything in this world. But he did clean you up, he did ask if you are ok and if he was too rough, while placing gentle kisses all over your face, telling you all about what you will do once you run away from everything and everyone.
The next morning, the first thing you did was check if there were any visible marks on your body. Sure, the decision you made about breaking up with Kai didn’t change, but there was no need for him to know how you got to that decision and who was your biggest push to it.
The boys were already in the kitchen once you got downstairs, chit-chatting about the last night’s game and planning when is the best time to go home today. Kai noticed your sudden change, he noticed how you were more dreamy, and not moody anymore, but once again he didn’t question anything.
,, I think we should break up’’
You couldn’t hide the smile when you heard those words coming out of his mouth, once the boys were in the other room, busy enough to give you enough time for small talk. Clear irritation was written all over his face when he realized that you aren’t heartbroken as he expected you to be.
,, I agree.’’ Nodding your head, you tried to hide the smile. Maybe he heard something last night? If you and Touya tried to be quiet, the bed surly didn’t.
,, Also, maybe you should go back home with Touya.’’ He added, rubbing his hands together uncomfortably. He did hope for you to say how you don’t want anything of that. How he’s your boyfriend. He thought you’ll end up crying if not making a scene at the end. He didn’t think you’ll agree so fast, leaving him in the kitchen all alone as you asked Touya if you can drive home with him when the time comes.
,, Sure doll, anything for you’’ Touya grinned, giving you a sign that he overheard everything and not hiding the fact that he was more than pleased with how fast everything happened.
The two of you didn’t run away at the end. There was no need for it. But you knew very well that if you felt like it, Touya would do it with you. He would run away with you, wherever you want, and whenever you want.
He was willing to run away, to the other side of the world, as long you were by his side.
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mypimpademia · 3 years
— MHA in Squid Game
Various characters. No reader.
TW: Mentions of death, swearing, possible squid game spoilers
Note: haven't written in awhile, just a lil somethin bc I finished squid game yesterday
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Gets eliminated within the first game, and most likely one of the first to go.
⇶ MINETA, Aoyama, Koda
The ones that vote to end the game after the first round
⇶ IZUKU, URARAKA, Momo, IIDA, KIRISHIMA, Sero, Mirio, Tamaki, HAGAKURE, Mina
The ones that voted to continue the game after the first round. (Probably to give themselves a challenge, because they have nothing to look forward to when they get out, or they just really want the money).
⇶ BAKUGO, Shinso, Todoroki, SHINDO, Monoma
Voted to end the game, but came back because of the harsh reality they faced (or other reasons).
⇶ URARAKA, IIDA, Momo, Kendo, Jirou, Mina, Shoji, Sero, Izuku
Passes through games with sheer luck, or has a strategy that's actually good but always narrowly escapes.
Gets eliminated while saving others (most likely in the marble game).
⇶ SHOJI, Sato, Asui, OJIRO, Tetsutetsu, Mina
Gets eliminated during the "surprise game"
⇶ MONOMA, Hatsume
Makes it pretty far, but sadly gets eliminated (most likely in the glass bridge game, or honeycomb game).
⇶ SERO, KAMINARI, MOMO, Tamaki, Mirio, SHINSO, Tokoyami, Jirou, Uraraka
One of the final people.
⇶ IZUKU, BAKUGO, Todoroki, iida
If they won they wouldn't be able to use the money out of guilt for the way they won it.
⇶ IZUKU, iida
If they won they'd use the money as they pleased so everything they went through wasn't a waste, but the guilt would haunt them forever.
⇶ BAKUGO, Todoroki
Was behind all the games, but played along with the contestants.
The VIPs.
⇶ THE L.O.V, ENDEAVOR, Midnight
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dadsbongos · 3 years
Katsuki Bakugou having an airhead gf for about 1130 words
Movie/Game/Show: My Hero Academia Dynamic: Katsuki Bakugou/Reader Warnings: airhead shit ig, I just got diagnosed, so I gave you ADHD because :D Summary: Katsuki never thought he’d be a fan of airheads, but here he was - holding one in his arms like he’d lose her anytime. ~~~
“Why the wide smile, dork?” Katsuki side-eyed his girlfriend.
“Because,” (Y/n) giggled, squeezing tighter at her boyfriend’s - admittedly sweaty - hand, “you came with me! You don’t usually do that.”
“Whatever,” he gruffed, “I just wanted to spend time with my girlfriend, that a damn crime?”
“No! You should do it more often,” the girl smiled, “Like all the time.”
“Maybe you’ll start training with me, hah?” the blond teased.
“No way,” (Y/n) immediately pouted as the couple walked down the street from their dorms, “Your training’s crazy! I think I'd die…”
“You wouldn’t die, dumbass,” Katsuki huffed, “I didn’t date you just to kill you.”
“I’d hope so,” the girl mumbled quietly.
Tracing over the hand laid against her stomach, (Y/n) closed her eyes with a small smile as Katsuki pressed his cheek to her shoulder. Fresh slivers of golden sunlight peeked through the boy’s blinds as morning arose to wake the couple. Katsuki, for as much as he wanted to deny it, found it hard to sleep without (Y/n) - without her warmth and comfort. Something in the body he could hold so close to his was inexplicably soothing.
Neither party was asleep anymore, simply basking in the glow of morning as soft sheets spread over their lackadaisical bodies. (Y/n) turned the hand over her midsection to face palm-up and began gently running her fingers over the firm flesh there as well.
“You have pretty soft hands, Kacchan.”
“It’s some shit with my Quirk, I don’t get it,” he mumbled, “Don’t get me started on the suppository shit, that made me so pissed to find out.”
“What’s the suppository stuff about?” (Y/n) quirked a brow, looking to her boyfriend despite his eyes being closed.
“Anal fissure rectification,” Katsuki pressed his lips into a thin line, knowing he’d have to rephrase or his girlfriend wouldn’t understand, “Tears in your asshole get healed with nitroglycerin and since my sweat’s so similar, I bet it’d work too.”
“Gross,” the girl fake gagged, still drawing circles in her boyfriend’s palm, “That sucks. I’m sorry you had to learn that.”
“Helps with chest pain too, so it’s not complete shit,” Katsuki huffed, shifting so he was even closer to his girlfriend, “But that was horsecock to find out.”
“I love the way you phrase things.”
“I try.”
“Man, Bakugou,” Denki murmured, watching as (Y/n) and Momo battled on the other side of the gym, “I didn’t know (L/n) was so strong. Kind of inspiring, now I wanna be more like her.”
Katsuki’s brows furrowed, he loved (Y/n) - dearly - but, “I saw her drop a pizza and cry about it for thirty minutes last night.”
“If I illegally download a movie in the Bahamas, does that make me a pirate in the Caribbean?” (Y/n) suddenly asked as Katsuki was doing his homework.
Pausing, the blond turned in his chair to look his lover in the eyes, blinking at her twice before sighing, “Did you take your Adderall today?”
“I hope I get run over,” Katsuki grumbled, reading off the pairings for the newest team-building exercise.
“Aw, don’t say that!” (Y/n) cheered, patting her beau’s back, “Kaminari isn’t all bad, he’s super nice!”
“You’re just lucky you got Ponytail, she’s the only useful extra here,” the boy huffed.
“Hey,” (Y/n) puffed out her cheeks.
“Stop whining,” Katsuki rolled his eyes, ignoring the calls of his name from a certain electric blond, “You’re not an extra, I don’t see why you’re pissed.”
“I’m not?!”
“Fuck no, I wouldn’t date a nobody.”
“If a whole zoo escaped, what would be your top priority?” Mina suddenly blurted out.
Just as (Y/n) went to say ‘ducks’, Katsuki answered, “Tigers and lions, duh.”
“Right,” the girl nervously chuckled, “Obviously.”
“What?” the boy turned to his girlfriend, slightly disturbed as she never called him by his proper legal name since realizing she didn't have to.
“I’m scared,” (Y/n) fiddled with her fingers, “I threw a boomerang a few years ago and it didn’t come back, what if it hits me and knocks me out while I’m in class? Or while I’m on a mission?”
Katsuki’s face dropped into a deadpan, “Are you joking?”
“Alright, come here, I’ll tell you a secret,” he waited for her to come closer, “I destroyed the boomerang,” at (Y/n)’s shocked face, he nodded solemnly, “It came in while you were sleeping a few weeks ago, I didn’t say anything cuz I knew you’d flip the fuck out.”
“Wow!” (Y/n) smiled brightly, taking her boyfriend into a tight hug, “You’re so cool, Kacchan!”
“I know.”
Looking over her study guide for the upcoming economics unit, (Y/n)’s brows furrowed, “Inflation? Isn’t that like… a kink?”
Katsuki’s head snapped over to his girlfriend as she sat at her desk, “Tell me you’re joking right now.”
“If I was hiding from a killer, I’d just hide in the pantry!” (Y/n) beamed, “That way, I could eat while hiding, it’s simple.”
“Yeah, then the killer could hear you opening loudass chip bags, it’s genius,” Katsuki sighed.
“I hate everyone in this school,” Katsuki grunted.
(Y/n) frowned, “Even me?”
“I said everyone, (Y/n), not every ten.”
“Someone’s gotta talk to Denki about the birds and the bees,” Hanta shook his head, “Not gonna be me.”
“Huh?” Denki queried a brow, “A talk about what and who?”
“I’ll teach you about the birds and bees,” (Y/n) nodded sadly, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder, “They’re disappearing at an alarming rate.”
“The recipe says to beat three eggs,” (Y/n) read off the box of brownies.
“At what?” Katsuki snorted, “Hand-to-hand combat?”
“Has to be,” his girlfriend seriously replied, “Aizawa banned Quirks in the kitchen.”
“Wanna hear a sad joke, Kacchan?”
“Why fuckin’ sad?”
“Oh, autocorrect, I meant dad.”
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed at (Y/n), “This is a verbal conversation.”
(Y/n) looked up from the bed sheets in the nurse's room, “You can call it a near-death experience, Recovery Girl, but I call it a vibe check from God.”
Katsuki immediately shook his head, “Stop… please stop.”
“Stress is not good for the baby!” (Y/n) shouted, gripping at the sides of her head.
Katsuki looked over, “What baby?!”
“Me!” the girl sniffled slightly, looking on the verge of tears with her study guide and notes spread out on her desk, “I’m the baby.”
Awkwardly looking away, Katsuki clenched his eyes shut before throwing his arms open and wrapping them tightly around his anxious girlfriend, “Tell me when the stress levels are down, you big baby.”
“Thanks, Kacchan.”
“Whatever, nerd.”
“Hey, does it smell like gas in here?”
(Y/n) pat herself down before pulling out a lighter and igniting it, “Nah.”
Katsuki’s eyes widened as his girlfriend casually placed the lighter back in her coat pocket, “Oh my fucking God.”
“Careful with my emotional baggage,” (Y/n) reminded Eijiro as he loaded her things into the trunk, “It’s designer.”
“He knows,” Katsuki rubbed at the bridge of his nose, “You say it every time.”
(Y/n) nodded, as if her boyfriend was stupid, “Because it’s funny every time, Kacchan.”
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