theantsocialmom · 1 year
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🌼 Exhausted but Empowered 🌼
Today was another whirlwind of juggling endless tasks, soothing tears, and nurturing little hearts. 🏠 Being a stay-at-home mom is a labor of love that knows no bounds. 🧡 To those who say we deserve a break, they may not fully grasp the constant demands we face, from dawn till dusk.
👶 It's not just about the physical exhaustion, but the emotional energy poured into every moment. The job of mothering is a 24/7 commitment, an eternal dance of care and concern. How can one take a break when the needs of our little ones never pause? 💕
So here's to all the SAHMs who keep going, who find strength in the smiles and milestones. 🌟 Remember, it's okay to feel tired, to long for a moment of respite. Self-care is essential, even if it means stealing moments during naptime or finding solace in a warm cup of tea. ☕️ Just know, your dedication is seen and your love is immeasurable. Keep shining, supermoms! ✨💪
The Anti-Social Mom
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*insert It’s Been Awhile by Staind*
I honestly forgot about this platform, which is surprising because I used Tumblr a lot as an angsty teen. I have been in the mood lately to write, but I have been so busy I have continuously put it on the back burner. I am going through a huge change in life because I am...almost 7 months pregnant. 
This experience has been life-changing and I know it’s obviously only going to be crazier when my baby is finally here. I feel as though time has slipped by and I’m so nervous to give birth. As a first time mom, I know these feelings are absolutely normal and expected. 
The changes I have experienced in the past 7 months are endless. I feel as though I’ve grown so much as a person. I have an entirely new purpose in life. I remember before I got pregnant, I felt sad and questioned what exactly my purpose was. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, that all changed. I became amazed at the what my body is capable of doing. That amazement has continued to grow and my body has grown and changed for this life inside of me. It isn’t always easy to look at my body and see all of the purple/red angry stretch marks. But I am fueling my mind with positive thoughts. My body is meant for this. My body is stretching to make room for this baby and that is more than okay.
Anyways, I plan to come here and write when I have the time, which should be much more frequent soon. I will be working until the end of March and then I get to start my journey as a stay at home mom!
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
welcome welcome welcome!
most of y’all have already been following me, but for those of you who are new or haven’t seen me in awhile....my name is Tiffany.
I am a mother of 4, wife, and servant of God. I love music, basketball, sarcasm, and my life consists of breastfeeding and kid shows. I am a MAJOR introvert.
I came back to tumblr because I missed blogging. I missed finding out different things, and sharing thoughts with you all. so....here I am! lol.
this is my first post in like, 3 or 4yrs, so I may be a little rusty. bare with me though. I promise to get back into the groove of things!
much love,
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raisingryderperez · 6 years
If you’ve found this blog, welcome! I am going to write and share all about my life raising my son, Ryder. I am a 34-year-old married stay-at-home mom who used to teach high school and intermediate. I don’t miss it at all, and absolutely love being home with my little one. I enjoy working out, reading to my son, taking stroller walks with my family and dog Bella, and movie dates with my husband. I have had many jobs in my life besides being a teacher, but I will say that being a mom is the hardest job I’ve ever had. While my son is just 4 months old, I have faced many challenges adjusting to life as a mother. From my birth experience to breastfeeding to dealing with fluctuating hormones to getting my body back after having a baby, this blog will detail my experience becoming a mother to Ryder. Stick around! 
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anxiousmamawitch · 3 years
Intro to Me
I don’t even know if Tumblr is still a thing, but I figured it would be the safest place for me to start this little blog journey to see how it goes. 
As I’m sitting at my desk staring at the computer screen full of work for me to do, I can’t help but drift over to my phone and watch TikTok videos or think about blog ideas or journaling or photography or anything other than working. So, here goes nothing. Work can wait a bit longer. 
My name is Corinne. I am married to my loving husband, Scott, and am currently 37 weeks pregnant. We live in a mobile home in Arizona with our seven cats and two dogs. I will make a separate post about the fur-children in the near future. I consider myself a witch, and enjoy reading tarot cards, making spell jars(I have an Etsy, but haven’t really made any profit or anything off of it), journaling, manifesting, etc.. I would like to get back into photography, as it used to be one of the few things I found myself to be okay at. I am a stay at home mom who does transcription work online to make some side income for our family. I dream of travel and experiencing the world and all it has to offer. 
I have severe depression and generalized anxiety, and just started therapy at the beginning of this year. The panic attacks have subsided since, and I have gained a better control of anxiety, but the depression still hits quite hard most days. I have a lot of relationship trauma that I hope to share on this blog to possible help others in realizing they are not alone. I hope to open up about my mental health in general for the same reason. It has been such a long journey, and I am still far from healed, but I am on my way.
My husband and I have been together for four years, married for two as of this October. We’ve gone through a lot, as well, to get this far. And we are still not perfect, but we are working through our own journeys together. Our rainbow baby will arrive in October, too, and we are so excited to meet her. I am absolutely terrified to become a mother, but it is one of the things I have so strongly wanted my whole life. 
I’m not sure yet exactly what this blog will be about, or how often I will come to it. But I hope for it to be a sort of release for me, and possibly a connection to others. I hope to write about my mental health journey, my traumas, my pets, my husband, my pregnancy, my baby, my work life, my daily accomplishments and struggles. I realize this little introductory post is probably not as interesting as you may have hoped, if you have read this far, but maybe I’ll see you and connect with you in my future posts.
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singlemamamarried · 4 years
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I have seen so many different post about taking this time to rediscover yourself. And if you don’t come out of this improving, whether it be a new skill, idea, self reflection, a project, more knowledge, or productive, that you lack discipline of some sort. . . In my opinion, I think it’s complete bullshit. Because there are people out here who have live their life in survival mode for years and this maybe an opportunity for them to finally be still. Because they felt like they are in this race of life. Well let me be one of the first to say.. You are not lazy, stuck or unmotivated, you are exhausted! And since the world slowed down a lil bit you suddenly feel like you can slow down too! . . This makes me think of the time when #Tupac was in jail, and how he said he came out of their writing noting. No songs nothing! And the fans was in shock that Tupac didn’t have any new material for them. He shut down. Do you know where that stems from? That kind of shutdown comes from fighting. Someone who mental battles and always fighting within themself. It’s called #MentalHealth . . If you come out of this pandemic sane. It is all that matters. Never compare how you come out of anything to someone else life. Social media will lead you to believe you ain’t doing shit but you have, you are maintaining. . . #RevealingMotherhood #PPD #PostPartumJourney #MentalHealth #SingleLife #SingleMomLife #Married #WasMarried #MarriedSingleMom #MomBlogger #MarriageGoals #Depression #Anxiety #MotherhoodUnplugged #SAHMBlog #SAHM #MotherhoodBlog #PostpartumBlog #NewMom #NewPodcast #WomensPodcast #WomenSupportingWomen #HealthAndWellness #TravelingPodcast (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_HNZGMAl22/?igshid=u4urvbl5vogv
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🤘🏼😈 Still cool.
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modernlyretroblog · 6 years
“One Day in December” by Josie Silver
“One Day in December” is another recently hyped book that I decided to use an Audible credit to listen to. Unlike my last read, the narration for this one was delightful. I actually made a sad noise (think “awwwww maaaannnnn”) when it seemingly abruptly was over.
Laurie is a refreshingly normal main character. We come into her story as she’s riding a bus in London one day in December. There is a dreamy man at the terminal, and Laurie makes intense eye contact with him, but the bus leaves without them being able to speak.. but it’s too late. Laurie is head over heels in love. This sounds cheesy, and it is, unapologetically so.
Click here to read my full review!
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
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thank God for being able to grow REAL, healthy nails.
for the longest time when I was younger, I used to want fake nails. why? well....
1) I was impatient about growing my real nails out when they would chip/break.
2) I thought they looked "cool."
3) I wanted to be like everyone else.
4) I didn't see the value in being able to  grow my own real nails.
isn't this how we are with a lot of things when it comes to ourselves? we don't see our OWN value, and we want to change things about ourselves to fit in with everyone else. this is something I had to learn how to break out of as I got older. I had to find the value in MYSELF and the way GOD made me.
so....be patient with yourself. know your worth. be happy with who YOU are. and know that God made YOU special.
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
don't look at rebuilding as failing; look at it as God giving you a chance to build something GREATER.
mama T.
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
word to the wise: your words are NOT always wise.
mama T.
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singlemamamarried · 5 years
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I get more and more excited as the date gets closer, I surprisingly have been asked more than a dozen times when my podcast is coming out which mean the anticipation is there! But right now I just dropped an updated #BonusTrailer 3/2/2020 Tonight! 🥰 . Y’all have no idea how stoked I am about the content that will be share. #support is so important to a broken spirit. Everyone don’t know how to approach #depression and everyone isn’t as brave initially. Some are still in denial and ashamed but that’s okay! This is why I created this #Podcast to cater to the women who is still privately struggling in their #shame which in turns become a self inflicted mental prison and some get so stuck deep that it makes it even harder to get out that hole. I’ve been there! 🙋🏻‍♀️ . Sometimes we need a lil push sometimes we need to hear another woman having gone thru that exact same shit we’re currently going through right now to get out this funk. . Which is also the reason why I decided to categorize the subjects so that is easier to navigate thru. And listen to only what you identify with. . I’m even more excited about the VLog on the interviews that’s taking place. This is not my story this is your story #Herstory I’m simply just a relatable host. My goal is to spread #MentalHealthAwareness and talk about shit no one actually like talking about how depression is unbiased, my passion to aid women along the way is my only focus I just want an outlet for women to go to in the privacy of there own home. This podcast will talk about the issue at hand but focus on the behaviors steps that the guest took to finally be at peace with the decisions they made or have gone through. . Coming Spring 2020 ❤️ . #PodFest #RevealingMotherhood #PPD #PostPartumJourney #MentalHealth #SingleLife #SingleMomLife #Married #WasMarried #MarriedSingleMom #MomBlogger #MarriageGoals #Depression #Anxiety #MotherhoodUnplugged #SAHMBlog #SAHM #MotherhoodBlog #PostPartumBlog #NewPodcast #WomenPodcast #Therapy https://www.instagram.com/p/B9OGyUZg_vz/?igshid=1vnv8hxr4way3
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