#saint mark’s eve
boringsideeffect · 5 months
It’s St. Mark’s Eve. Happy Raven Cycle Day if you celebrate! 🖤
Don’t forget to go to your local cemetery/churchyard tonight to watch over the corpse road. You never know, you might meet your one true love!
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elviehun · 5 months
happy st. mark's eve to those who celebrate
(that's all there is) 🐦‍⬛
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vintrage · 1 year
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ur telling me a saint marked this eve?
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Dydd Gŵyl Dewi hapus i bawb!
That's right! It's WALES' BIRTHDAY*!!! Yaaaaayyyy today you are all Welsh. Enjoy your 24 hours of perfect harmonisation ability and utter disinterest in any celebrities. Watch out for the dragons.
*It is not Wales' birthday
I have decided to revive an old favourite of this blog to mark the occasion - prepare for a classic Pick The Fake Welsh Word Poll! And to super charge the Welshness today we are assessing the glory that is the daffodil - the national flower of Wales (lol not really, our national flower is the leek. And that's why queen Lizzie Two had to get coronated with a leek on her dress because we refused to let them use the daffodil even when the palace designer begged. Iconic.)
(But the daffodil is still a symbol of Wales, so it counts here.)
So! Let's go! Etymology at the end.
Etymology Notes
Croeso'r Gwanwyn - they flower in March! Hence the St David's Day link. One of the first flowers to bloom in spring.
Clych babi - the trumpet bit looks like a bell, I suppose, and has similar (make a noise' connotations. Why a baby? Dunno. Maybe a spring link again.
Gwayw brenin - the leaves are definitely spear-like, and the petals look a bit like a crown
Pibell felen - 'pibell' usually means a pipe in the sense of music, so another trumpet reference. Except we didn't have trumpets in Wales, so pipe it is
Gylfinog - the trumpet again. The word is often used for animals (morfil gylfinog is beaked whale, for example). Cognate with Cornish gelvinek, Irish gulba, etc.
Cenhinen Pedr - Peter is probably the saint. The leek is otherwise a Welsh emblem
Lily pengam - the angle of the flower head, maybe, makes it 'wry-headed'? And then the lily link, which turns up a few times
Melyn Clamai - yellow is obvious. Clamai is a corruption of Calan Mai - May Eve. Another reference to the time of year
Lili Clamai - lily again, Calan Mai again.
Dwndili - a corruption of the English word 'daffodil', and the lili again
Daffidondili - further corruption
Daffitwndili - corruption but with hypercorrection of the d to a t! Can you tell these ones are dialectic?
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Thu, 1 Aug 2024
Also known as Lammas, Lughnasadh is the first of three autumn celebrations in the Wheel of the Year. Lughnasadh is celebrated on August 1, which is in the sign of Leo, when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Leo.
2024 Wheel of the Year (Sabbats)
Pagan Wheel
Feb 2 – IMBOLC (also called Candlemas, Imbolg, and Saint Brigid’s Day) It is midway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This sabbat reminds us that the light is growing stronger and that the harshness of winter will start to fade. To celebrate the growing light, many Pagans will light candles on this holiday.
Mar 19 – OSTARA /Spring Equinox: light and darkness are in perfect balance on this day. Moving forward, daylight will continue to grow as we head into Spring. It is a time to celebrate balance and the arrival of Spring. It represents new beginnings and the freshness of a new day. What’s past is in the past and past and it’s time to move forward.
May 1 – BELTANE (also known as May Day) (pronounced BELL-tain) This is an exciting and energetic holiday that celebrates sexuality, fertility, and all of the life that comes with Spring. It is a time of great joy and celebration! Feel the creative energy of the Universe. It is a time of renewal and rebirth … a time to grow as a person and reinvent yourself if you so desire.
June 20 – LITHA / Summer Solstice The Sun is at its maximum strength … it is the longest day of the year. This is a season of growth, fruitfulness, abundance, and strength. It’s a great night to perform spells for money, abundance, and financial security … and the strength to do what you need to do to be successful.
June 23 – Midsummer’s Eve: the night before Mid-Summer (June 24). It is considered a night of potent magick. Many Witches will be performing rituals and casting spells on this night. It is also a night when fairies roam the land. If you work with the fairy realm, this is an important night for you!
Aug 1 – LAMMAS (also known as Lughnassadh) the first harvest festival. It celebrates the first grains harvested for baking bread. Celebrate by baking or buying a loaf of bread and sharing it as a celebration.
Sept 22 – MABON / Fall Equinox: the light and darkness are in balance on this day. But it marks the change from the light half of the year to the dark half of the year. Moving forward the darkness will grow longer and the daylight will grow shorter. It is a celebration of the second harvest festival and is celebrated by feasting and visiting with family and friends.
Oct 31 – SAMHAIN (pronounced SAH-win) (as known as Halloween) This is the Witches’ New Year! The veil between worlds is thinnest and the dead are thought to return and visit. It is a night to communicate with the spirits, spirit guides, and ancestors. It is also a night to work with Tarot cards and Crystal Balls!
Samhain is also a time when we come to terms with death and are openly encouraged to let go of our fears of it. It is a time when we acknowledge the hard moments of life that we usually don’t think or talk about. If there are things we need to let go of, Samhain is a good time to release them!
Dec 21 – YULE / Winter Solstice: The real reason that this time of year was celebrated .. before christianity existed. We are halfway through the dark part of the year. The darkness is at its peak…moving forward the light begins to grow stronger and days become longer. You can see why the newly formed cult of christianity, which is what it was at the time, choose this time of year for the birth of christ…the light grows strong and brighter…the Sun is reborn. Yule traditions include burning a Yule log, kissing under mistletoe, and placing an evergreen tree in your home to represent the sustaining of life during the winter.
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cheerfullycatholic · 6 months
I feel terrible because I've been trying to stop a particular sin and I was doing well for months, but today I did it again. Whenever this happens I feel like I don't have a right to just pray to God like normal and ask for forgiveness. I worry that a part of me isn't afraid enough of sinning if I can just go to confession and ask God to forgive me. To be clear I don't like this sin. It makes me feel gross. But I thought I was passed it. And I'm scared of thinking I can just sin because I will be forgiven so what does it matter? And I don't want that. I want to be a saint and I want to make God happy with me. But I feel as though I haven't done enough to start praying again. Like I'll cheapen prayer or treat it flippantly.
This idea that you can't immediately go back to prayer is quite literally from the devil. (Generally speaking) what did we used to do when we were kids and got hurt? We would run back to our parents because they could help us and make us feel better. That's exactly what God wants from us in these moments. The devil doesn't want us to receive help, so, like with Adam and Eve, he tries to make us hide from God
St. Mark Ji TianXiang was an opium addict. He tried his very best to live a good, devout life. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't overcome his addiction. Because of this, his priest denied St. Mark absolution and he was unable to receive the sacraments for years. But he still did everything he could to live as holy a life as possible. He died a martyr along with his family and has been canonized a saint not just for his martyrdom but for his decades of striving to follow Jesus while carrying the cross of addiction
You're actively trying to avoid this sin, falling for it occasionally doesn't cheapen your prayer or turn confession into a tool to keep sinning. Fighting our fallen human nature is so damn hard, and sometimes we become numb to it. This is why prayer and confession and being disciplined enough to continue to go back to them despite how we feel is so powerful and valuable
Don't lose hope, don't stop trying. Even if you're never able to overcome this, God knows better than anyone how hard you try
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ariesmusingz · 6 months
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ╱ one syllable name masterlist ( below the cut is #181 one syllable first names. they are a mixture of feminine, masculine and neutral names, but please use as you see fit. please like / reblog if you found useful. )
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lesorciercanadien · 17 days
Folk Ways for an Acadian or French Canadian folk practitioner
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I want to start an ongoing list of Acadian and French Canadian religious and popular folk ways that I've been learning about for the last two years. My references will be at the end for further reading!
Blessing a candle on Candlemas (Feb. 2) with holy water will allow you to have a light whenever there is sickness and storms hitting your home. Traditionally on Candlemas, the light is lit and guided through every room in the house to bless all its corners for the year. It was even paraded in the farmer's fields. (Dupont)
The 25th April, on St. Mark's Day, is the ideal day to bless your fields or garden before putting in the first seeds. This ensures the growing food to be blessed by this saint. (Maillet)
Animals have been known to speak in human tongues on Christmas Eve. (Maillet)
If you feel that nothing is going right in your day, your homemade bread sours, or general bad luck assails you, simply boil some holy medals. (Dupont)
The first three days of the month of August, the ocean waters are known to have healing properties, and it wouldn't hurt to dip your feet in it. (Chiasson)
It was customary to trace crosses on windows using holy water when a storm would hit. (Lacroix)
To find a lost object, simply toss a rosary or a pocket metal rosary over your shoulder. The foot of the cross will point in the direction where your lost object might be located. (Dupont)
To have good weather on your wedding day, be sure to hang your rosary on your clothes line the day before. (Dupont)
Maillet, Antonine. Rabelais et les traditions populaires en Acadie. Les presses de l'université laval, quebec. 1980.
Lacroix, Benoit. Folklore de la mer et religion. Editions Leméac, 1980.
Dupont, Jean-Claude. Héritage d'Acadie. Collection Connaissance, editions Leméac, 1977.
Chiasson, Père Anselme. Chéticamp: histoire et traditions acadiennes. Editions des Aboiteaux, 1972.
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fatehbaz · 7 months
The [...] British quest for Tahitian breadfruit and the subsequent mutiny on the Bounty have produced a remarkable narrative legacy [...]. William Bligh’s first attempt to transport the Tahitian breadfruit [from the South Pacific] to the Caribbean slave colonies in 1789 resulted in a well-known mutiny orchestrated by his first mate [...]. [T]he British government [...] successfully transplanted the tree to their slave colonies four years later. [...] [There was a] colonial mania for [...] the breadfruit, [...] [marked by] the British determination to transplant over three thousand of these Tahitian food trees to the Caribbean plantations to "feed the slaves." [...]
Tracing the routes of the breadfruit from the Pacific to the Caribbean, [...] [shows] an effort initiated, coordinated, and financially compensated by Caribbean slave owners [...]. [During] decades worth of lobbying from the West Indian planters for this specific starchy fruit [...] planters [wanted] to avert a growing critique of slavery through a "benevolent" and "humanitarian" use of colonial science [...]. The era of the breadfruit’s transplantation was marked by a number of revolutions in agriculture (the sugar revolution), ideology (the humanitarian revolution), and anticolonialism (the [...] Haitian revolutions) [as well as the American and French revolutions]. [...] By the end of Joseph Banks’ tenure [as a botanist and de facto leader] at the Kew Botanical Gardens [royal gardens in London] (1821), he had personally supervised the introduction of over 7,000 new food and economic plants. [...] Banks produced an idyllic image of the breadfruit [...] [when he had personally visited Tahiti while part of Captain Cook's earlier voyage] in 1769 [...].
[I]n the wake of multiple revolutions [...], [breadfruit] was also seen as a panacea for a Caribbean plantation context in which slave, maroon, and indigenous insurrections and revolts in St Vincent and Jamaica were creating considerable anxiety for British planters. [...]
Interestingly, the two islands that were characterized by ongoing revolt were repeatedly solicited as the primary sites of the royal botanical gardens [...]. In 1772, when St Vincentian planters first started lobbying Joseph Banks for the breadfruit, the British militia was engaged in lengthy battle with the island’s Caribs. [...] By 1776, months after one of the largest slave revolts recorded in Jamaica, the Royal Society [administered by Joseph Banks, its president] offered a bounty of 50 pounds sterling to anyone who would transfer the breadfruit to the West Indies. [...] [A]nd planters wrote fearfully that if they were not able to supply food, the slaves would “cut their throats.” It’s widely documented that of all the plantation Americas, Jamaica experienced the most extensive slave revolts [...]. An extensive militia had to be imported and the ports were closed. [...]
By seeking to maintain the plantation hierarchy by importing one tree for the diet of slaves, Caribbean planters sought to delay the swelling tide of revolution that would transform Saint Domingue [Haiti] in the next few years. Like the Royal Society of Science and Arts of Cap François on the eve the Haitian revolution, colonists mistakenly felt they could solve the “political equation of the revolution […] with rational, scientific inquiry.” [...]
When the trees arrived in Jamaica in 1793, the local paper reported almost gleefully that “in less than 20 years, the chief article of sustenance for our negroes will be entirely changed.” […] One the one hand, the transplantation of breadfruit represented the planters’ attempt to adopt a “humanitarian” defense against the growing tide of abolitionist and slave revolt. In an age of revolution, [they wanted to appear] to provide bread (and “bread kind”) [...]. This was a point not to be missed by the coordinator of the transplantation, Sir Joseph Banks. In a letter written while the Bounty was being fitted for its initial journey, he summarized how the empire would benefit from new circuits of botanical exchange:
Ceres was deified for introducing wheat among a barbarous people. Surely, then, the natives of the two Great Continents, who, in the prosecution of this excellent work, will mutually receive from each other numerous products of the earth as valuable as wheat, will look up with veneration the monarch […] & the minister who carried into execution, a plan [of such] benefits.
Like giving bread to the poor, Banks articulated this intertropical trade in terms of “exalted benevolence,” an opportunity to facilitate exchange between the peoples of the global south that placed them in subservience to a deified colonial center of global power. […]
Bligh had no direct participation in the [slave] trade, but his uncle, Duncan Campbell (who helped commission the breadfruit journey), was a Jamaican plantation owner and had employed Bligh on multiple merchant ships in the Caribbean. Campbell was also deeply involved, with Joseph Banks, in transporting British convicts to the colonies of Australia. In fact Banks’ original plan for the breadfruit voyage was to drop off convicts in (the significantly named) Botany Bay, and then proceed to Tahiti for the breadfruit. Campbell owned a series of politically untenable prison hulks on the Thames which he emptied by shipping his human chattel to the Pacific. Banks helped coordinate these early settlements [...] to encourage white Australian domesticization.
The commodification and rationalist dispersal of plants and human convicts, slaves, the impoverished, women, and other unwilling participants in global transplantation is a rarely told narrative root of colonial “Bounty.”
All text above: Elizabeth DeLoughrey. “Globalizing the Routes of Breadfruit and Other Bounties”. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History Volume 8, Number 3, Winter 2007. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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kingofbodyrolls · 5 years
BTS fic recs: 2019
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I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fics post 💜
BTS fic rec index 💜
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, personal favorites = 💯. 
⭐Inside my Mind 💯 by @jimlingss
// knj x f.reader // high school!au // 🥰🥵😂
📝 You’re safe in the confines of your mind. Free to think whatever, free to fantasize to your heart’s content. And your imagination tends to quite a wild turn when you’re dying from sheer boredom. But when some GUY IN YOUR CLASS CAN FUCKING READ MINDS - YOU’RE NOT SAFE ANYMORE! WHAT THE FUCKSKDKASDFGHJKL—
⭐Sugar, Spice, and everything Nice 💯 by @dovechim
// pjm x f.reader // established relationship, witch!reader, pregnancy!au // 🥵😂
📝 You and jimin have been trying for a baby for the past six months, to no avail, but then you realize one crucial mistake: you’ve been neglecting your witchy heritage. What ensues is a month of trial and tribulation… for Jimin at least. 
⭐Locked in Love 💯 by @parkmuse
// pjm x f.reader // brothers best friend!jimin, Christmas!au // 🥵🥰
📝 Getting locked in the mall on Christmas eve isn’t ideal, but getting locked in the mall with your brothers best friend that you haven’t seen in a while? Well, it might have been alright if you didn’t have feelings for him.
🗨️ This is one of my absolute favorites, and I re-read this around every Christmas 🥰
⭐Snow, Don’t Tell 💯 by @stutterfly
// pjm x f.reader // neighbors!au, f2l // 🥵🥰😂
📝 Jimin is the sweetest boy around, no comparison. Always ready to listen to my stories, visits me regularly and tells me all sorts of tales about those friends of his. Might as well adopt them all, I know so much about them! Jiminie’s the best grandson anyone could ask for, really, a little angel, and his little gang of friends is quite the hoot. He’s been a little quiet about himself lately, though. Kept going on and on about that neighbor of his, how cute she always looks and how he likes to help her with her groceries, but I think maybe I teased him just a little too much about that crush of his. Maybe he’ll figure out a way to get closer to her this holiday season, because who knows how much longer he’ll pine over the girl if he doesn’t. 
🗨️ This is one of my absolute favorites, and I re-read this around every Christmas 🥰
⭐What you Deserve by @jiminniethemarshmallow
// pjm x f.reader // bf2l // 🥵
📝 (no summary, sorry).
⭐About Last Night by @sehunpeachy
// pjm x f.reader // e2l // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 You had promised yourself; if you were to ever hook up with that asshole park jimin, it would be just a one night stand.
⭐Upstream Colour by @honeymoonjin
// kth x f.reader // s2l // 🥰🥵🌩️
📝 Escaping to Venice for a break from your strenuous job was meant to be simple. Go there, decompress for two weeks, and return feeling invigorated. But the soulful gondolier you meet on the docks in Saint Mark’s Square has you wanting to never leave at all.
⭐Bulls Eye by @gguksgalaxy
// jjk x f.reader // f2l // 🥰🥵🌩️
📝 A summer weekend isn’t complete without Jungkook coming to seek you out at your job at the beach club to bless you wish his smile. A smile that quickly fades to anger one night, when he catches your ex trying to get your attention.
⭐In the Dark 💯 by @jksangelic
// pjm x jjk x f.reader // threesome, f2l, mxm  // 🥵😂
📝 “I can’t get a signal on my phone, the car is dead, and I’m fairly certain we are out of matches.”
⭐The CEO’s Son by @honiboyyoon
// jjk x f.reader // office!au  // 🥵
📝 Your relationship with your boss’ son was never one HR would approve of…
AN: I am posting this in august 2023, but dating the post back to some time in 2019 😆
Borahae 💜
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tansyuduri · 5 months
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E4
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. We're on THE POISONED CHALICE
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OKAY so @catsconflictscopicsandchamomile our resident Old English expert explained to me something really interesting. the spell used by Nimueh draws its power from the Spear-Danes, the semi pagan culture featured in Beowulf (Who had their own lake lady in Grendel's mother who was likely a priestess of the old religion And linguisticly called Disir) There is more though The first lines of the spell also seem to be Nimue saying she owes her magic to the spear Danes (that Grendel the monster in Beowolf ate) At this point I'm wondering if its meant to establish she is saying HEY MY SPELLS ARE PAGEN This will not be the only Beowulf reference in this episode. (Its never referenced or quoted after this episode) I'm wondering if the translators threw this in as a joke or easter egg Or in my freind's words "fuck it. lets canonize Beowulf in this universe real fast" (Okay I just discovered one of their choices I'll talk about later and HOLY FREAKING SHIT)
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Mercia is traditionally thought of as a kingdom formed during the anglo-saxon settlement of Britain (Which occurs post Merlin acoirding to Merlin having saxons of enemies in later seasons) The historic king Arthur if he existed was said to have fought against the anglo saxons but this is just a footnote as we are focusing on Merlin Universe) HOWEVER a 13th century text says "“Pagans came from Germany and occupied East Anglia, that is, the country of the East Angles; and some of them invaded Mercia, and waged war against the British.” 
British here being Original pre-saxon inhabitents. SO it is possible that a Mercia existed before The Anglo-Saxons. This could also be the Historian using the name he knows. Bayard is not a recorded later King of Mercia either so good choice in name if we want him to be a Britonic king from a Mercia founded before the Anglo-Saxons apear. Fun fact Mercia also resisted leaving paganism longer than any other Anglo-Saxon kingdom! BUT Anyway in Merlin Mercia is a thing, Its ruled by Bayard, and its color is blue. It would be in the midlands of England most likely.
Also he was at war with Camalot, but now is not. I wonder if that has to do with Uther having not inherited but taking over the kingdom! Uther: The treaty we sign today marks an end to war and the beginning of a new friendship between our peoples
I also think Uther as a peacemaker is interesting, especially as we see this more than once. It might be why some people view him as "A good king."
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So this at first glance SEEMS like it hints more toward paganism. Beltane is a Gaelic May Day festival. But its renamed version May Day was not exactly Christianized. See most other big Gaelic festivals (usually religious) Were kinda taken over by Christianity when it came. Yule became Christmas Samhain became All Saints Day (All Hollows Eve) ETC. Beltane was also celebrated in some places ALONG with Christianity until the 1800s. (Scotland did this specifically) In modern times Beltane is VERY Pagan. And it is very possible this hints further toward the Camalot is pagan or just nonreligious side of the entire debate. (Despite people using words like god or hell.) But it's not quite as conclusive as many other type of references would be.
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(For context despite it saying we've Arthur here is talking about Merlin, who just announced his cup was poisoned, exclusively which is interesting!) See slow gin is a type of alcohol made with juniper berries and blackthorn fruits. It was traditionally brewed (With a lot of home brewing) in October and November and used as a warming drink in the depths of winter. AS you can tell this episode does not take place in winter. I think there are two possibilities for Arthur picking this drink specifically to mention despite that. The first is that as a prince perhaps the drink is available to him year round if he wants it and he doesn't know that is not true of most people yet. The second is he is so panicked at the prospect of the trouble Merlin is in his mind latched on to the first drink that popped into it.
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Okay, so Mort means death in Latin. And the ending suffix here Usually makes the word an adjective from proper or place names BUT often appears in flower naming. So basically this plant is named The "Death Flower" Flower or "Capital D Deathly" Flower
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Gaius: it can only be found in the caves deep beneeth the forest of Baloch The flower grows on the roots of the Mortaeus tree.
Uh okay. THERE IS SOME SHIT GOING DOWN with this plant. First of all, flowers growing from the roots of a tree is just weird. flowers are basically there to attract things to pollinate a plant usualy. If a tree has flowers they do not grow from the roots. Second of all its kinda weird for flowers or trees to grow in DEEP caves. Sunlight cannot read them there. I would give it a pass if it did not say deep because if there were cracks in the ceiling of the cave that could put light though. It does kinda explain why they can ONLY be found there though. If its so odd and specialized it might be the only place it can grow.
This flower is either innately magical in some odd way or does not conform to evolution. So at this point I am pretty sure it was bred/engineered/magiced into being but some sorcerer. Likely specifically for poisoning people. and that person wanted to limit the people who knew of it and thus kept it in once set of caves. BUT SOMHOW news got out about it. Ok so I also looked up Baloch. In Welsh it can mean dig or sorry. In Irish it means boy and in scottish the same thing. So no info to be gleaned from that
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Gauis: A cockatrice-- it guards the forest. Its venom is extremely potent, a single drop would mean certain death. OK first of all I'm doubling down on there being some past sorcerer, Because they were FOR SURE using these as guard dogs. Second of all I LOVE Merlin paying fast and loose with magical creatures from folklore because I can too in my fics A Cockatrice in folklore was a monster created when a toad or snake egg was hatched beneath a chicken. It could kill with a look, or a breath, or a touch, and was basically a two-legged dragonish creature with a rooster head. In the Merlin world it is very diferant. We'll see one soon! "Few who have crossed the mountains of Isgard in search of the Moraeus flower have made it back alive." Yeah can't find any meaning behind the name Isgard! BUT HAVE I MENTIONED I THINK A SORCER ONCE LIVED IN THE CAVES/FOREST.
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Okay I think this is a reference to the actual historical job of taster. Basically important people (ESP royalty) would hire someone to taste all their food before thay ate it. That way if it was poisoned the taster would die instead of them. It was viewed as a pretty plum gig because poisoning didn't often happen (ESP if people knew there was a taster) and the taster got to eat REALLY good food and get paid for it. I think its also an interesting character detail that while this kinda implies that Uther might have someone (At least for his private food and not banquets) We see multiple times that Arthur in fact does NOT. It is quite possible he managed to put his foot down and get out of this somehow because he believes it to be wrong. Which not gonna lie is a very Arthur thing to do.
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(Context: Arthur talking about how Gaius said they can save Merlin if they get the leaf so it is not a fools errand) Waiiit is this trying to imply that Gaius was the one who brought up the idea that one could use the old religion to give Uther a son? I mean we knew he was the messenger. but HOLY SHIT. And if that is true, Uther somhow forgave him? Why would Uther forgive him? The only thing I can think is if Gaius talked about how magic had tricked him and gave Uther something else to blame. This is all conjecture though. Uther could be referring on how Gaius is close to Merlin or something else. It just feels like it might be a nod at what all went down around Arthur's birth.
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Okay so this is Merlin quoting Beowolf here. A Poem that is yet to be written down but might have had some oral tradition and actually takes place at the traditional time Arthur is said to have lived. Merlin is basically talking about how Arthur/Beowolf is endowed with honnor. This happens right after Arthur decides to ride out to save Merlin.
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Magic Rule Established: Potions/Poisons can be more potent if magic is used in their preperation
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Okay MORE Beowolf
Merlin says Arthurs name then basically talks about a young man doing good deeds.
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Playing hard and fast as I said. LOOK Dinosaur!
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Okay so more Beowolf At this point I am 99.99% sure the people hired to write the spells at the time where having the time of their life. Let me explain
This line talks about gifts of treasure (the light) he conjuress to help Arthur. Fine. BUT then it mentions Arthur being under his father's protection. Expect Merlinto protectg him. The spell writers used a freaking old english poem to let Merlin call himself Arthur's "daddy" I am not sure what I am expected to do with this knowledge. (It might have been chosen so they could use the next line of the spell but THEY DID NOT HAVE TO DO THIS) The next line (Which is actually also the next line in the poem) says something about how so that when Arthur is older his companions can stand with him when war comes.
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Okay so yeah turns out there is no tree or roots. I'm chalking this up to he said she said. STILL GOING WITH THE SORCERER.
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OKAY so it a potion is made using magic the antidote may ALSO need magic
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Oh look our first hint Merlin is immortal. I find his brand of immortality intersting. HE CAN DIE he just comes back after a bit.
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thejournallo · 9 months
Explain the basic: The Sabbats
first things first! Happy yule to everyone who celebrate it!
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Taking advantage of the fact that today is one of the sabbats, we are actually going to learn what exactly the sabbats are.
I will do part two with all the things associated with the Sabbats and what we can do to celebrate them.
Disclaimer: Not every witch celebrates the Sabbats or is forced to do so. Also, I will do some parallelism and example with the Christian's holiday, because some Christian traditions are "stolen" from the paganism and some are revisited. Christians and non-Christian religions have their own versions of every celebration for different reasons; let's respect each other because no religion is bad.
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The pagan sabbats refer to the eight seasonal celebrations observed by many modern pagan and Wiccan traditions. These festivals mark important points in the solar cycle, celebrating the changing seasons and agricultural cycles. The sabbats are divided into two groups: the four Greater Sabbats, also known as the cross-quarter days, and the four Lesser Sabbats, which coincide with the solstices and equinoxes.
Greater Sabbats (Cross-Quarter Days):
Samhain (October 31st): This marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It's considered a time when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is thinnest, making it a time for honoring ancestors and reflecting on mortality. This Sabbat is more popularly known as Halloween, and the association really changes depending on the costumes. For example, in Italy, in some restricted beliefs guided by ignorance, Halloween is associated with the devil and comes before the Day of the Saints (1st November) and the Day of the Dead (2nd November), and only the younger generation started to celebrate it.
Imbolc (February 1st or 2nd): Imbolc celebrates the return of spring and the growing light. It's associated with purification and new beginnings, often symbolized by the lighting of candles and the goddess Brigid.
Beltane (May 1st): Beltane heralds the arrival of summer and is a fertility festival celebrating life, growth, and the union of the god and goddess. It's a time of joy, dancing around maypoles, and honoring fertility. In Italy, we have Fogheraccia is a typical Romagna folklore celebration held every year on the evening of March 18th, on the eve of the spring equinox, when the Bacchanalia took place and the Dionysian rites to propitiate fertility as well as the beginning of the new Roman year, from which its pagan origin can be traced. With the arrival of Christianity, the event was renamed Saint John's Day.
Lughnasadh/Lammas (August 1st): This marks the first harvest, celebrating the fruits of labor and the bounty of the earth. It's a time to give thanks for the abundance of the season. The name Lammas is also used, taken from a later Christianized Anglo-Saxon festival that took place at the same time and may or may not have the same origin. As the name indicates (from loafmass, "festival of loaves"), it is a celebration of thanksgiving for bread, which represents the first fruit of the harvest.
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Lesser Sabbats (Solstices and Equinoxes):
Yule (Winter Solstice, around December 21st): Yule celebrates the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. It signifies the rebirth of the sun and the return of light, often symbolized by the burning of the Yule log. In this modern day of celebrating Yule, it's like celebrating Christmas; the symbols are the same but the meanings are different. In Yule, it is used to decorate three with candlelight and sweet biscuits to keep Fae and Gnome away during the celebrations. The Krampus was transformed into a bad creature when in reality it was our "Santa Claus," but let me explain. It originated in Norway when the native pagans used to worship Thor, who was said to travel in a chariot that was drawn by two goats. During the Yule celebrations, the pagans would visit homes wearing goatskins and a goat head. When the country became Christian, the tradition was also absorbed into the new faith. Initially, the Julebukk was a goat slaughtered at Christmastime to celebrate the end of the agricultural work year. With time, it meant a person who led a costumed procession from house to house to entertain the residents and be rewarded with food and drink. In the early 19th century, the Julebukk also became the bringer of presents, the predecessor of the Julenisse, equivalent to Santa Claus in English.
Ostara (Spring Equinox, around March 21st): Ostara marks the vernal equinox, a time of balance when day and night are equal. It's a celebration of fertility, growth, and new life. Ostara is the Sabbat associated with Easter and celebrates the coming of spring. For Christians, it is the celebration of the coming back of Jesus.
Midsummer/Litha (Summer Solstice, around June 21st): This celebrates the longest day of the year when the sun is at its peak. It's a time for revelry, honoring the sun's power, and acknowledging the abundance of nature. The early Christian Church designated June 24 as the feast day of the early Christian martyr St. John the Baptist [22], and the observance of St. John's Day begins the evening before, known as Saint John's Eve.
Mabon (Autumn Equinox, around September 21st): Mabon marks the autumnal equinox, a time of balance before the descent into winter. It's a time for gratitude for the harvest and preparation for the colder months.
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These sabbats vary in how they're observed and celebrated, with rituals, feasts, ceremonies, and specific customs tied to each one. Different pagan traditions may have variations in the names, practices, and specific dates for these celebrations, but they generally revolve around honoring nature's cycles and spiritual significance.
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). and have a wonderful day or night!
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byzantine-nectarine · 6 months
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From an ancient homily for Holy Saturday:
The Lord's Descent Into The Underworld (attributed to Saint Epiphanius of Salamis) Something strange is happening - there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep. The earth trembled and is still because God has fallen asleep in the flesh and He has raised up all who have slept ever since the world began. God has died in the flesh and Hell trembles with fear. He has gone to search for our first parent, as for a lost sheep. Greatly desiring to visit those who live in darkness and in the shadow of death, He has gone to free from sorrow the captives Adam and Eve, He who is both God and the Son of Eve. The Lord approached them bearing the Cross, the weapon that had won Him the victory. At the sight of Him Adam, the first man He had created, struck his breast in terror and cried out to everyone, “My Lord be with you all.” Christ answered him, “And with your spirit.” He took him by the hand and raised him up, saying, “Awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. “I am your God, who for your sake have become your son. Out of love for you and for your descendants I now by My own authority command all who are held in bondage to come forth, all who are in darkness to be enlightened, all who are sleeping to arise. I order you, O sleeper, to awake. I did not create you to be held a prisoner in Hell. Rise from the dead, for I am the Life of the dead. Rise up, work of My hands, you who were created in My image. Rise, let us leave this place, for you are in Me and I am in you; together we form only one person and we cannot be separated. “For your sake I, your God, became your son; I, the Lord, took the form of a slave; I, whose home is above the heavens, descended to the earth and beneath the earth. For your sake, for the sake of man, I became like a man without help, free among the dead. For the sake of you, who left a garden, I was betrayed to the Jews in a garden, and I was crucified in a garden. “See on my face the spittle I received in order to restore to you the life I once breathed into you. See there the marks of the blows I received in order to refashion your warped nature in My image. On My back see the marks of the scourging I endured to remove the burden of sin that weighs upon your back. See My hands, nailed firmly to a tree, for you who once wickedly stretched out your hand to a tree. “I slept on the Cross and a sword pierced My side for you who slept in Paradise and brought forth Eve from your side. My side has healed the pain in yours. My sleep will rouse you from your sleep in Hell. The sword that pierced Me has sheathed the sword that was turned against you. “Rise, let us leave this place. The enemy led you out of the earthly Paradise. I will not restore you to that Paradise, but I will enthrone you in Heaven. I forbade you the tree that was only a symbol of life, but see, I who am Life itself am now one with you. I appointed cherubim to guard you as slaves are guarded, but now I make them worship you as God. The throne formed by cherubim awaits you, its bearers swift and eager. The Bridal Chamber is adorned, the banquet is ready, the eternal dwelling places are prepared, the treasure houses of all good things lie open. The Kingdom of Heaven has been prepared for you from all eternity."
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Today's Saint Agatha's - Agate Deuna in Basque - Day eve, time to sing!! Tradition asks the singers to mark the rhythm with sticks called makilak; and that’s exactly is the most interesting part.
Agate Deuna is nothing but a remain of the ancient pagan tradition of waking the earth up after winter. That’s it: we literally hit the ground with sticks. Christianism couldn’t get rid off this tradition and came up with the idea of singing to Saint Agatha instead of to Amalurra (Mother Earth), but the tradition survived.
The song is very powerful and these male choirs - very popular in EH - are always a complete delight to listen to.
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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2024 Wheel of the Year (Sabbats) Pagan Wheel
Feb 2 – IMBOLC (also called Candlemas, Imbolg, and Saint Brigid’s Day) It is midway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This sabbat reminds us that the light is growing stronger and that the harshness of winter will start to fade. To celebrate the growing light, many Pagans will light candles on this holiday.
Mar 19 – OSTARA /Spring Equinox: light and darkness are in perfect balance on this day. Moving forward, daylight will continue to grow as we head into Spring. It is a time to celebrate balance and the arrival of Spring. It represents new beginnings and the freshness of a new day. What’s past is in the past and past and it’s time to move forward.
May 1 – BELTANE (also known as May Day) (pronounced BELL-tain) This is an exciting and energetic holiday that celebrates sexuality, fertility, and all of the life that comes with Spring. It is a time of great joy and celebration! Feel the creative energy of the Universe. It is a time of renewal and rebirth … a time to grow as a person and reinvent yourself if you so desire.
June 20 – LITHA / Summer Solstice The Sun is at its maximum strength … it is the longest day of the year. This is a season of growth, fruitfulness, abundance, and strength. It’s a great night to perform spells for money, abundance, and financial security … and the strength to do what you need to do to be successful.
June 23 – Midsummer’s Eve: the night before Mid-Summer (June 24). It is considered a night of potent magick. Many Witches will be performing rituals and casting spells on this night. It is also a night when fairies roam the land. If you work with the fairy realm, this is an important night for you!
Aug 1 – LAMMAS (also known as Lughnassadh) the first harvest festival. It celebrates the first grains harvested for baking bread. Celebrate by baking or buying a loaf of bread and sharing it as a celebration.
Sept 22 – MABON / Fall Equinox: the light and darkness are in balance on this day. But it marks the change from the light half of the year to the dark half of the year. Moving forward the darkness will grow longer and the daylight will grow shorter. It is a celebration of the second harvest festival and is celebrated by feasting and visiting with family and friends.
Oct 31 – SAMHAIN (pronounced SAH-win) (as known as Halloween) This is the Witches’ New Year! The veil between worlds is thinnest and the dead are thought to return and visit. It is a night to communicate with the spirits, spirit guides, and ancestors. It is also a night to work with Tarot cards and Crystal Balls!
Samhain is also a time when we come to terms with death and are openly encouraged to let go of our fears of it. It is a time when we acknowledge the hard moments of life that we usually don’t think or talk about. If there are things we need to let go of, Samhain is a good time to release them!
Dec 21 – YULE / Winter Solstice: The real reason that this time of year was celebrated .. before christianity existed. We are halfway through the dark part of the year. The darkness is at its peak…moving forward the light begins to grow stronger and days become longer. You can see why the newly formed cult of christianity, which is what it was at the time, choose this time of year for the birth of christ…the light grows strong and brighter…the Sun is reborn. Yule traditions include burning a Yule log, kissing under mistletoe, and placing an evergreen tree in your home to represent the sustaining of life during the winter.
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acediathemelancholy · 8 months
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So Prometheus was the one who stole fire from the gods to give to humanity in Greek mythology, which allows human civilization to begin. Tetsu spends the majority of his time in the demon of pride's space searching for fire. While the only potential source of light is gripped in the immortal's hands.
Prometheus' story is closely connected to the story of Pandora. Both are Greek myths concerning the origin of human civilization. On top of that, most of the versions of the story have Zeus sending Pandora down as revenge for Prometheus' deception. Pandora is supposedly the first woman sent to tempt humanity to open her jar (mistranslated later as a box) that contains all the evils of the world.
In some versions, Prometheus himself accepts Pandora as his wife and in others his brother Epimetheus marries her. Either way, the evils are unleashed on the world, but elpis (hope) remains in the jar. Later, these stories often were interpreted in conjunction with biblical creation myths, like Adam and Eve.
This confrontation between Tetsu and the demon of pride occurs at the same time as Pandora ravages the city. Algernon helped unleash Pandora on Tokyo as part of a scheme to get revenge Saint Germain, whose deception stole the life/fire of a child he truly cared about.
Anyway, this is probably why when Saint Germain lists possible relationships he could be to Kuro, he included lover. Prometheus and Adam are both mythical figures associated with the beginnings of human civilization. "Adam" as in Kuro is the first servamp and whose creation marks the beginning of Servamps's timeline. Because Saint Germain is Pandora, the sometimes wife of Prometheus, and Saint Germain created the concept of an Eve, named after the wife of Adam.
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