#sam and rose
gretavanfan · 1 month
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fefairys · 8 months
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these two gifs always entrance me.. the ways she physically picks the card like it is a leaf on a tree, and that makes it just Turn Into the item. like this is a physical thing in space she is interacting with
and then the way the cord stays attached across the two cards with the hub and the laptop like that as they both move around. so fucking cool to me i love early homestuck i love sylladex shit
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willstardis · 2 years
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nautilidea · 6 months
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i love them so much
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morganaconda · 7 months
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freshmoviequotes · 1 year
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The Idol (2023)
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filmaticbby · 5 months
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The Idol (2023)
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itspapillonnoir · 7 days
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ALAN WAKE II Night Springs Expansion Launch Trailer
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“I don’t think i’ve ever seen an environment so embracing, so caring of everyone in it.” — Emma Hayes.
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fadedday · 9 months
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Evelyn Rose by Sam Livm
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fefairys · 7 months
this is one is important as fuck i see so many people not understand this and it drives me crazy
"Sburb ruins, mythic challenges, and personal quests generally tend to come off as shallow busywork, stage props, or set pieces in a spurious Hero's Journey. Rose either faintly glimpses this truth at this early stage, or she's just hitting her rebellious teen stride. Either way, she doesn't take the surface value of the quest seriously at all, and only wants to smash it apart and loot the secrets. My sense is that the average reader reacts to this impulse unfavorably. Because readers watch the formula play out so often, they are trained heavily to respect the journey of the hero, to anticipate and crave its fulfillment, to see it as something verging on contractual in their relationship with a story. So a gut-response to this recklessness is like, "ROSE, NO! STOP THAT! You simply must complete your quest and play the rain!" What comes with this view is the feeling that her evolution as a character is only being delayed for a bit while she gets some anti-narrative foolishness out of her system, and then we'll get down to business and watch her do her quest, play a whole BUNCH of rain, and reap the narrative satisfaction. There's just one problem: she never does that. This candy-coated Kiddie Kwest is at no point ever taken seriously by Rose or the narrative itself, nor should it be.
When trying to parse character arcs, we look out for certain beacons. So when we hear "play the rain," we're like, ah, GOT IT. That's Rose's arc. Once she finally gets over this destructive teen bullshit, she can wise up, play the rain, and her arc will be finished. Wrong. This is almost a red herring arc. Her quest on this planet, its patronizing presentation, its intrinsic shallowness, is a mirage surrounding her that represents a fully regimented series of milestones for achievement and personal growth, much as society dubiously presents to young people in many forms. The true arc-within-the-arc is actually an upside-down version of what it appears to be. What Rose is doing now, which seems to be misguided recklessness taking her further away from the truth of herself, is actually better seen as a good start to her real journey: breaching the mirage of regimented growth, exposing it for the charade it is, and pulling the truth out of it. The real conflict in her arc comes not from the fact that she refuses to take it seriously, by destroying it and taking shortcuts. It's the opposite. It's that, upon trashing her planet, she continues to have this nagging sense that she should be taking this quest seriously, much like how a young adult may have a nagging sense of guilt that they aren't "being an adult right" by the time they approach adulthood. And this nagging, unanswerable guilt arises from the truth that the regimentation of adulthood is completely fake. It was always a mirage. Learning this, making peace with it, is part of the growing process for many, and it is for her too." -Andrew Hussie
intrinsically queer as fuck, too, btw
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castielsprostate · 1 month
season 17 of supernatural and they're celebrating sam's birthday!!!! dean and cas tried to bake sam a cake that looks like him.... it went horribly wrong so they got a back-up sheetcake. jack got sam soooo many gifts like socks and underwear and 75 tonnes of canned "vegan" beans. eileen got him a book he mentioned he wanted to read (the book is haunted), rowena got him a starter witch kit with a how-to wiki article on how to turn someone into vermin, crowley got him a stanford gift card with "leave and go back" scraggly written on it.
anyway dean dies because the original cake exploded (castiel put C4 in it), jack and eileen are sucked into the haunted book, rowena turns crowley into a mouse because he called her dress fugly and gets bit and also turns into a mouse and castiel blue screens.
sam has the best night of sleep ever and couldn't have wished to spend it with anyone else than his family
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hipsternumbertwo · 4 months
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The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals Soundtrack on Spotify [Black Friday] [Nightmare Time] [Nightmare Time 2] [Workin Boys] [Nerdy Prudes Must Die]
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ksturf · 4 months
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storytelling. it's a gift ;)
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aflawedfashion · 1 month
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Ghosts 1x13 | The Vault
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freshmoviequotes · 1 year
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The Idol (2023)
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