#sam drake oneshot
wingsofwrath · 4 months
Finding Common Ground | Uncharted
Elena feels the explosion behind her more than she hears it.
Sam collides into her before they both hit the deck hard, blown back by the force of the blast. It rattles the hull of the half-collapsed ship, the deck shaking under them. Finally, it splinters, and the other half of the galleon breaks away. In the back of her mind, Elena thinks she hears a scream. It takes a moment for her to break through her daze and sit up. Sam groans and rolls onto his back, taking his weight off her.
But where’s Nate?
“Nate!” She’s on her feet at once, scrambling to the edge of the deck where the rocket hit, but there’s nothing. “Nate?!”
Sam is slower to get to his feet, but once he’s shaken off the shock of the explosion, he’s right there with her. “Shit, Nathan?!”
“Over there! Get them!”
They don’t have time to search for him. The Shoreline mercenary with the rocket is loading another one up. Elena goes to reach for her gun and swears under her breath when she realizes it’s not on her. Her eyes scan the deck for any sign of it, but she’s not quick enough.
Sam is though. He pops off a shot at the merc’s head, and it’s enough to knock off his helmet. He staggers, still gripping the RPG, and finally mounts it onto his shoulder once more, aiming at them.
Another shot hits him in the shoulder. The rocket falls from his hands and he collapses with a grunt.
“Come on, we gotta go!” Elena shouts, seeing more mercenaries converging on them. She finds her gun, loads another clip into it and jumps over the side of the ship onto the rock face below, stumbling a bit. Sam follows soon after and they take off towards the shore, heading through the foliage to stay hidden.
After walking for what feels like hours, Elena’s mind has time to settle and her thoughts drift back to Nate. She didn’t see him go down with the ship, that’s a good thing, right? There’s a chance that he could be okay and not…
She shakes her head. With his luck, he probably got washed ashore along the beach somewhere. He’s probably wandering around near their side of the island. It wouldn’t be the first time he unwittingly found his way back to her.
It also wouldn’t be the first time we ended up in a situation like this… Elena glances at Sam as he walks behind her.
After Nate mentioned the story about Alcazar, she almost wanted to punch him in Sam’s stead. Talking Nate into this little secret adventure would’ve been enough on its own, but he had to act like his life was in danger to get Nate to come with him? She couldn’t imagine Nate ever stooping that low.
For brothers, Sam and Nate are remarkably different. Elena wasn’t sure what to expect when Nate had awkwardly introduced Sam. Looking at him now, the deeper lines in his face, the tattoos, the smell of smoke that lingers around him, everything about him is alien to her. Sam doesn’t have Nate’s awkward charm, his excitability, or his decency. Being here with him doesn’t feel right to her, not after he convinced her husband to lie to her and risk his life on yet another desperate treasure hunt. Now here they all are, on an island full of ancient deathtraps and gun-wielding mercenaries who want them dead.
Elena sighs. Some things never change.
“We should go back and look for Nate,” she finally says, stopping to look at Sam. “I’m kinda worried.”
“Yeah,” Sam says, rubbing absentmindedly at the wound on his arm. “I’m…I’m sure he’s fine, ya know?”
Elena nods. “He’s gotten out of worse scrapes than this, trust me.” She tries to sound confident, but the look on Sam’s face tells her she’s not very convincing.
“Yeah…Yeah, I know.”
As they start backtracking, every little noise or movement catches Elena’s attention. The birds rustling in the tree tops, the water rushing down the river nearby, every small shift in the jungle has her on edge and she’s not sure why.
She keeps one hand near her holster as she scans the area around them.
“So, uh…how long’s it been?”
Elena stops walking. “Uh…w-what?”
When she turns to look at Sam, he’s standing a good distance behind her, his hands tucked casually into his pockets. Despite the mud caked onto his clothes, the small cuts and bruises on his face and arms, and his disheveled hair brushed back out of his face, she can definitely see the resemblance in that moment.
The squint in his eyes as he stares off into the distance and the way he purses his lips are all Nate. He has this detached, faraway look on his face, like he’s imagining something much grander and exhilarating than their trek through the jungle. When he focuses on her again he smiles, awkwardly.
“You and Nathan, how long’s it been?”
“Oh,” Elena says. It’s not something she was expecting to hear from him, especially with everything that’s happened over the last few days. She wants to ignore the question and tell him to get a move on, but before she can stop herself she’s counting off the time in her head.
“Seven years; married for four.” She holds up her left hand where the wedding ring glimmers in the sunlight. She finds herself staring down at it. Hoping. Worrying.
To her surprise, Sam chuckles. “Never took Nathan for the marrying type.”
It’s such a simple comment, but it stabs at her in a way she can’t explain. She drops her hand back to her side.
“Neither did I,” she says, sounding annoyed as she looks at him again. “Guess there’s a lot I don’t know about him.”
Sam’s face falls, and he can see the hurt in her eyes as she turns away. “Hey, Elena? I…I didn’t mean…I wasn’t trying to—”
“Let’s just find Nate and get the hell out of here.”
The last thing she wants to hear is an excuse from him. He’s the whole reason they’re here, after all. Part of her feels irritated with herself for even wanting to divulge anything about the life she and Nate share, when she still knows so little about Sam. It seems unfair, in a way, and the more Elena thinks about it the more she realizes that Sam is still a stranger.
She clenches her jaw and keeps walking, hearing Sam’s footsteps as he hesitantly follows.
About 20 minutes later, Sam picks up his pace, rushing up ahead until he’s standing directly in front of her.
She looks up. “What?”
“Hey,” Sam says. “I know we kinda got off the wrong foot, and believe me, this isn’t at all how I was planning to meet you—”
“This isn’t about me, anymore, Sam. This is about Nate,” Elena cuts him off flatly.
Sam sighs, exasperated. “Yeah, I know, we need to find him, and we’re going to, but I just wanna explain—"
“Explain what? How you lied?” she says, staring hard at him. The words cut into him like ice, and he freezes. “Yeah, I know about the Alcazar story.”
Sam winces. “You—you don’t understand.”
Elena scoffs. “What is there to understand? You manipulated your brother into coming along on this little family reunion. You lied to him, to all of us.”
Sam holds up his hands. “Hey, you got it all wrong, I didn’t put a gun to his head—”
“But you’re his brother. You think if there was even a chance that your life could be in danger that Nate would say no? How was he was supposed to turn you down? You didn’t give him a choice, Sam. And yeah, I know it takes two to tango. I’ve sorted everything out with Nate. But you? You’re not off the hook, not by a long shot.”
Sam glances off to the side, then down at his feet. “I did this for us.”
“You did it for you, because you’re willing to risk anything and everything to find that treasure,” Elena says pointedly.
“Hey,” Sam’s voice is firm as he looks up, staring back at her. “Nathan’s family, and we’re in this together. You don’t know what it’s like for us, what’s it’s been like. After everything we’ve gone through, I’d never risk his life over something like this.”
They stand there in silence for a long time, and Elena doesn’t move.
There are a dozen ways she can respond to that, with biting sarcasm or just throwing it back in his face. Instead, she takes a deep breath, and decides to let this be a teaching moment. Watching his face carefully, she responds, “Then walk away from this. Help me find Nate, and then we can all leave together.  You, me, Nate, and Sully, we’re all a family now, like it or not. No more bullshit, Sam. No more secrets. Let’s just cut our losses and go.”
Sam watches her for a long time before tearing his gaze away. He rubs the back of his head, staring off into the distance, firm and focused this time. It’s not until he looks back at her again that she realizes what he’s been looking at the entire time. Before he can open his mouth to speak, an explosion rings out in the distance.
Towards the mountain. Towards Nate.
When they find him, all of Elena’s anxiety melts away. She hugs him, tighter than she’s ever hugged him. She makes a crack about Sully saving his ass again, and they all smile.  For a moment, it feels like she, Nate, and Sully are all back on that boat, sailing away from the island where they’d found El Dorado all those years ago.
But that’s in the past, she realizes, looking at the scrape on Nate’s forehead, the lines in his face, and the gray around his temples. There’s only so many times she can stand to almost lose him. Back when they were younger, and the thrill of adventure and the adrenaline brought them together, it was easy. There were no attachments at first, no strings. But over time she grew to love him, and it got harder and harder to watch throw himself into danger. That time was over, they had to be smarter, safer, they’d decided. Because Elena didn’t want to think about what would happen if she actually lost him this time.
But seeing Sam come around the corner, sheepish and awkward as he approaches them, she also realizes she’s not the only one who loves Nate.
It only becomes more apparent when Nate goes after him. She can’t bring herself to be angry. She wants to stop him, to tell him that Sam’s not worth saving and they need to leave while they’re all still breathing, but she lets him go. She had tried talking sense into Sam, but in that moment, she knows the only one who can really get through to him is his little brother.
Maybe she really doesn’t understand, she thinks as she sits across from them on the plane later. Nate is huddled off to one side, sleeping away and completely oblivious to Sam as he lights up a cigarette, looking just as tired and worn out. He eyes her lazily from his seat.
“Hey, if you’re still mad, I get it.” Sam glances over at Nate. “Dummy should’ve just left me back there, I wasn’t worth it, not after I dragged him into my shit.”
Elena sighs. Finally. “Did the little brother finally talk some sense into you?” she asks, teasingly.
“Nah,” he says, looking back at her. “I was actually thinkin’ about what you said back there.” He sits up, pulling the cigarette from his mouth. “About me, the whole ‘selfish, manipulative jackass’ thing.”
“I didn’t call you a jackass,” she says patiently.
“I know,” he says, grinning. “Almost wish you had punched some sense into me.”
“I wanted to,” she admits, and smiles a little.
Sam smiles back, then flicks his eyes over to Nate. Taking another drag from his cigarette, he asks, “So, I take it he told you about how we ended up becoming two-bit, no good thieves?”
“Yep. He explained everything when I found him.” She doesn’t relish the memory, but she remembers hearing Nate talk about the old woman, all the artifacts in her home, and when she found them…
“It’s why he hates that I smoke, too,” Sam says quietly, looking down at the floor. “He’s never said it, but I always suspected that’s why.”
Elena nods, watching him sadly. “That must have been so terrible for you two.”
After a beat, he straightens up and smiles at her, but she can tell it’s a bit forced. “Anyway, enough about me, what’s it like being the wife of notorious treasure hunter Nathan Drake?” he asks.
Elena just smiles, shaking her head. “You got a couple of hours?” “Well, it is a pretty long flight home. Indulge me.”
“Where do I even start…”
Sam smiles.  “Start at the best part.”
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saphushia · 9 months
I know very little about the DCU but everything about DP but for some reason your fic recs intrigued me and now I’m in dcxdp hell and I was wondering if you have more recommendations especially for finished fics 👀 you have opened a can of worms in my brain and I must feed them
ok but i literally got into this shit the same exact way aubdskjfg. literally fell ass deep into this from sheer curiosity barely knowing fuckin anything abt batman and now i've read more batman comics than i ever thought i would in my life.
anyways! yeah i think i've got a couple! apologize if there's a couple duplicates from my last recs i can't be bothered to go check it lmao
⭐= my absolute favorites
Late Night Talkin' [danny/dick] there-was-only-one-bed get-together wheremst danny n dick r hero partners
The Stiches That Bind Us Together [danny/dick] dick's not feeling well, so danny shows up at his apartment to take care of him. and danny knows well enough what hero-ing injuries look like to take a well-educated guess
Consequences danny + fear gas. bad combo
the case of the serial killer dick befriends wierd homeless teenager danny
It's a Small World Afterall [tim/danny] tim convinces danny to take him to amity on a date. he of course then gets kidnapped- by technus, of all people
Can You Fly Without Wings? circus gothica episode but danny gets taken all the way to gotham with freakshow
Cold nights and warm hands danny's sick, so dick of course invites him to stay at the manor, and they relax together
⭐Hollow the bats encounter one danny masters at a gala, and they're all immediately concerned about how blank the boy seems. danny's missing something, something important to him, and he's missing too much to even know what
Baby it's Cold Inside [tim/danny] danny unknowingly gets hit with cuddle pollen, and tim fulfills his boyfriend responsibility of providing snuggles
Surprise Halloween Haunting jason gets kidnapped to be a sacrifice in a ritual, and hijacks it to dial up a friend
4 Times Dick Grayson met Tim Drake's Partner +1 Time He Met Them All Together [tim/danny/tucker/sam] cute tim dating all the amity trio and confusing his brothers. also furry convention scene <3
⭐Bait and Switch thanks to a cult, danny ends up possessing jason, and neither are very happy about it
Last year, I starved. This year, I devour without guilt [danny/jason] danny takes one look at jason and decides he's in need of urgent ghost medical care, so he takes matters into his own hands
The Misadventures of Cosplay Man danny gets stuck in the DC universe for a little bit, so he goes around befuddling every villain and hero he comes across, with the power of bad cosplay.
⭐Satiate jason runs into danny while danny's having a little 'nice to meet you' ravenous brawl with the spirit of gotham. as ghosts do.
Vacation Crashers the fentons' camping trip goes south for all the usual ghost reasons, and that's before the batman crash lands in the middle of all of it. cue a teamup between jazz, danny, and all the bats, to take down vlad
Wanted: Dead and Alive tim rescues an injured teenager he found in a glowing green vat in an unknown experimental facility. proceeds to lose the injured teenager. loses his shit trying to find said teenager who is hiding way too effectively for a guy whose guts were on the floor a few days ago.
ok i'm only like halfway thru my bookmarks but i'm tired now kdsjbfgjkdsfg have fun~
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unchartedperils · 1 year
Hi. I’m back into Tomb Raider after 4+ months away. And do I have yet another WIP Fanfic in the works:
As you know, I love to kidnap my video game women. Including one certain Lara Croft. 2013 gets too much hate for it (even if they sorta went overboard first 20 mins with Torture Lara Croft Simulator 2013), but Lara eventually toughens up enough to save her friends and destroy the curse that is Yamatai and it’s Sun Queen.
When I finally played 2013 last year, some bad plot and aged/broken at times gameplay aside…it’s a brilliant and unique game that begins the road to this new Lara Croft being A SURVIVOR who still wants to honor her father, but in the right way.
In particular did I really love her surrogate father-daughter relationship with Conrad Roth, a English Royal Marine turned sailor and freelance treasure hunter. Roth was her dad’s best friend and bodyguard, promising to look after Lara upon Richard’s death. He’s watched Lara grow up into a young woman who’s too set for adventure. But his Endurance Expedition and it’s unfortunate marooning will not only test their relationship, but their bonds with the rest of the crew as well.
In essence, Conrad Roth is Lara Croft’s counter to Victor “Goddamn” Sullivan and his relationship with Nathan Drake.
With all of that said, let’s get to the fic setup: this is a planned Tomb Raider 2013 Fix It/AU. As usual with most of my fics, expect “Damsel Whump” a tad more often or two than even 2013 showed. Aka more Lara Croft and you guessed it: She WILL be properly BOUND AND GAGGED (likely too alongside her best friend Samantha Nishimura in THAT SCENE included).
But it’s not just damsel whump I want to feature: I want to do what 2013 unfortunately failed to do beyond certain dialogue and a very few select moments (unfortunates over half of Lara’s development in the Survivor Trilogy is via her Survivor comics set before and in-between 2013/Rise+Rise/Shadow) and that is CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. I want to tell more about Lara and Roth’s bond as well as the rest of the gang, including Lara’s best friendship Sam and how she is always doing her best even in the face of danger to boost Lara’s fragile confidence up.
Btw I will go ahead and spoil one plot point in which I want to do: I want Roth to LIVE PAST 2013 and INTO RISE. Granted, thanks to the events of my current WIP (crossover with Uncharted post-Lost Legacy featuring Sam Drake and Chloe Frazer), Roth will still perish. But I feel like he deserves more time to shine before his eventual demise in Lara’s arms.
And I will give one more major plot point I want to develop: Lara’s other mentor in 2013 is Dr. James Whitman, an American archeologist who to not say too much…doesn’t have the most outgoing or caring personality. How does he get to this point and will his and Lara’s bond ever be repaired? Find out already in this opening chapter!
With all that said and done, here’s Chapter 1 of Tied Up Tomb Raider 2013: Bondage of the Sun Queen! Chapter 1 alone contains creepy behavior including non consensual touching and oogling, kidnapping, non consensual bondage, and implied rape. But expect in future chapters the strong language, violence with blood, gore, and featuring of major character deaths through the fic to come along with of course more non con (won’t do explicit rape compared to many of my darkest stuff here, but for those fans of my darkest stuff: I’ll likely do some oneshot stuff or even short chapter AUs of Lara, Sam, and maybe even Joslin Reyes having their way with 😈)!
Oh and PS, hope you enjoy the manips down below too in addition to our opening chapter. PPS, now I’m wanting to write a weird out of left field crossover between Tomb Raider 2013 and Grand Theft Auto down the line. Read the captions and you’ll tell the potential plot bunny. 😏
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months
staring is rude but so am i
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ij9DltE by Imshookandbi Sam knows she's staring, and she knows it's rude. But Bruce Wayne's youngest son looks like a green-eyed, unscarred version of her best friend and suddenly some things - like Danny's general avoidance in mentioning his previous home life - is starting to make sense. And then it stops making sense, and it starts getting angering. Words: 7100, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Series: Part 2 of just frame the halves and call them brothers, Part 2 of Starry's Danyal Al Ghul Aus Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Sam Manson, Sam Manson's Parents, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake Relationships: Sam Manson & Her Parents, Sam Manson & Damian Wayne, Sam Manson & Danny Fenton Additional Tags: Protective Sam Manson, Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne are Siblings, Older brother Danny Fenton, danny doesnt make an appearance but he IS mentioned, Oneshot, Older Sibling Danny Fenton, Socially Awkward Danny Fenton, Implied/Assumed Abandonment, Sam Jumps to Conclusions, Phone Calls, Mild Swearing, Standard Rich Socialite Event, Jumping to Conclusions, The Manson Parents A+ Parenting, Sam and Tucker don't know that Danny is an ex-assassin, they DO think he used to be part of a cult though, Mild Angst, Mild Language, Cross-Posted on Tumblr, Originally Posted on Tumblr, Misunderstandings, &lt;- this is not as bad as it sounds i promise sam just jumps to conclusions, with the limited information she's got. its sound logic its just the WRONG one, Danny Fenton is Bad at Feelings, Danny Fenton is a Little Shit, Not Beta Read we die like Danny Fenton, Not Canon Compliant With Any Particular DC Timeline read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ij9DltE
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gamergirl-niffler · 4 years
This nice idea was reguested by @rafeadler-kingofwealth​! Nathan mocking Rafe about his wealth.
I hope you will like it!
@arthurbristow​ thank you for being my Nate once again! ♥
The Drake brothers have a meeting with their new acquaintance who has to help them get to the Saint Dismas Cross. When the older brother is fine with Adler’s idea, the younger one has a lot of concern about the matter.
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Rafe Adler didn't like strangers in his house. He was only letting  trusted people in. 
Was it paranoia? Maybe a little, but he rather called it cautiousness.
He didn't like the idea of letting Drakes in as well. The truth was he just wanted to use them to get the treasure but they had to plan stuff together. He ran on too many dead ends lately. "Take your boots off and to Samuel - don't you dare to smoke inside," Adler informed them briefly, pointing at Sam who only raised his hands and nodded in agreement.
Nathan threw a brief glance to his older brother and untied his shoelaces. 
“I remember you telling us you’re a heir of a fortune, but I never thought about such wealth, though…,” Nathan exclaimed, rubbing back of his neck. “You have a beautiful house.”
"Thank you. Of course it's beautiful. I have money so I take care of it. I won't live in some small, old apartment when I can live in a mansion," Rafe said proudly, presenting his house to men. He was rich so there was nothing he could be possibly ashamed of. "You can go to the kitchen, I will go grab some stuff I need."
Nathan nodded looking at the short man and went in the direction pointed by Adler, along the long corridor. He watched all the paintings that adorned walls. He whistled once he spotted a huge oil painting, showing a naked woman in the embrace of demonic creatures. “His taste is debatable though,” he stated and looked at his brother above his shoulder. “Don’t ya think, Sam?”
Sam shrugged. "I think it's a matter of money. The more expensive the better, it's Rafe after all," he said, looking at the painting. "Now c'mon before he breaks our necks for sightseeing."
Nathan shrugged his arms and sighed at the comment of his older brother; Sam always was rather a preservative person, and Nathan sometimes couldn’t understand his way of thinking. The same situation happened a few seconds before.
Not wanting to cause any kind of trouble, Nathan followed older brother to the beautifully furnished kitchen. Not being sure whether he should sit or not, he leaned his hip against the kitchen worktop.
Rafe collected all the stuff he needed to show materials to Drakes.
He walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen, he hoped that they didn't steal anything. "If we want to get to that old prison tower, we need to get to the actual prison," Adler explained, placing all the papers on the table.
“HA!,” Nathan laughed loudly but quickly covered his mouth with a curled palm as glances of two other men fell on him. “I mean, you’re kidding, right, Rafe? To the prison? And how do you think we can get in there? I bet there are guards and the facility is guarded. Have you at least parsed this so-called idea in your little head?,” he asked, crossing arms over his chest.
Rafe flinched and watched Nathan talking. He talked too much and it wasn't the first time when he spoke without permission. Adler frowned and took a deep, sharp breath. "Imagine that guards there are easy to talk to. The head of guards is ready to let us in and get us to the said tower. I just need to pay him," Rafe explained. "I give him money, he helps out and we have an easy way both in and out."
Nathan furrowed his brows a little and scratched the back of his neck. “Isn’t it a scam? It doesn’t sound good to me, it’s too easy though. If this is true then why don't you have the cross by now already?,” younger Drake pointed out.
"Because it may be hidden in the tower. We need to find it first. Have you ever seen a prison guard climbing the tower during his lunch break?," Adler almost growled. "We need to bland in."
“Fair point though,” Nathan shrugged his arms and gave a look to Sam.
His older brother knew this glance very well. Nathan was always looking at him when he wasn’t sure of something. This time it wasn’t different; Nathan was pretty unsure about the entire Adler’s idea but fuel to the fire was added when Rafe mentioned they will have to become inmates.
"So this is easy. One of you will take care of getting the cross," Adler informed you simply, pointing at both men. "I don't care which one of you will do it. Just do."
Nathan once again looked at his older brother. “Can we have a minute, Sam?”
Sam looked at his little brother and nodded. "Yeah, sure," Sam said and pulled Nathan aside. "What is that?"
Rafe only rolled his eyes and waited.
“Sam, listen, I don’t like this. This dude seems a bit psychopathic though… He seems like the only thing he cares about is this goddamned cross, it’s unhealthy. We can quit it now, Sam. Mom was telling me that I should never trust wealthy people because they scam others in the first possible moment,” Nathan shook his head.
"C'mon, I know this all but we need this cross, if we won't get it - there will be no treasure for us. His money will help us get the cross and then we will vanish. We will be gone on our way to  fortune," Sam whispered. "I don't like him but we need him right now."
Nathan shrugged and turned to the other man. “Seems like we’re in, Mr Privileged.”
Rafe took a deep breath, trying to not growl at Drake again. "I haven’t considered you not being in," he said proudly.
“Yeah, I could say that by the bottle of fucking expensive champagne you brought with you here before,” Nathan claimed, smiling a bit too wryly.
"It's not for you," Adler summed up quickly. "It's for me. You can have some tap water if you need."
Sam chuckled, looking at his younger brother.
Nathan hung his mouth open, blinking. He already knew that Adler was a vicious, little bean full of rage and iniquity but he didn’t think that anyone can be that mean. “Thank you for your courtesy but I don't want to outstay your hospitality though.”
"You are so kind. I will gladly show you where the door is. I don't want you to get lost in here, I bet you are used to one-roomed flat," Rafe said with a wryly smirk on his lips.
“Whatever,” Nathan waved his hand at the wealthy man. “Samuel, what the hell are you waiting for?”
Sam blinked and followed Nathan. "Since when are you calling me Samuel, Nathan?," He asked.
“Since you sold your soul for gold that we can’t be sure even exists,” Nathan summed up as he opened the door and walked outside the mansion. “This dude is deluded, you’ll see it by yourself when it’s going to be too late to step out of the shit. Now, can we have some McDonald's? You promised me once we’ll be done with visiting this guy, you’ll take me there. So I want a strawberry shake and double cheeseburger,” Nathan winked at Sam.
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
Whether a Surprise Or a Hoax || Sam Drake x Reader
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Summary: You're trying to find your birthday gift, unfortunately, every attempt ends in a debacle. Is Samuel Drake trying to startle you?
Warnings: none
Words: 926
Authors: Cass & Bear
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Lighting another cigarette and inhaling the smoke deep on his lungs, Sam observed how furiously you were digging the hole in the ground. "I'm telling ya, babe, you ain't going to find it, I guarantee. You think I'd perform all of the prevention things to let you find it so easily?," Sam chuckled softly. "Put the shovel down, darling. You'll destroy our garden."
You pointed the shovel at him. "I will dig through the whole garden, Sam. I will find this gif, you will see." You informed him with a smile.
He shook his head and smirked. "You ain't gonna find it, love," after these words Sam sat on the wooden steps leading on your porch.
"Oh c'mon now! Sammy please!" You put the shovel down and followed him. "Tell me where it is, I can't wait any longer."
"Two days. Two days and you'll get the treasure," he promised calmly and reached his hand to place the palm on your knee where he stroked.
"You are annoying," You muttered and hugged arm. "I bet Nate or Sully have it." You added soon, looking up at him.
"You're mistaken, just like I was in the temple week ago," Sam couldn't help but chuckled.
You laughed softly and nodded. "Yup, but let's be honest. Sam Drake first do and later think, you should be thankful I was there with you," Taking his hand you let out a quiet sigh. "If not me, you would have your ass impaled on those spikes. I don't know if I would be able to lose you once again... For good this time."
"You know, wrong ones always survive," he teased and got back on his feet. He dropped the end of cigarette in the ashtray.
You shook your head and laughed again, following him inside. "You are impossible sometimes. You know that?" You purred, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Snuggling from behind? You know what I like," Sam chuckled as he stopped in front of the fridge. He opened it and peeked inside. "I'd like to have a piece of the cake you baked yesterday."
You hummed something as your hands roamed his body but soon you pulled away, looking at the little box that you found in his pocket. "This is not a cigarette bag for sure, Samuel." You said slowly.
He frowned and turned to you so quickly that he almost caused you fell to your butt. He attempted to pull the box out of your hands.
You smiled but didn't give it back to him. "Hey, hey, hey. What's so important there, huh?"
"Nothing," he almost hissed. "Give that back, Y/N, ain't it funny."
"Hey, if it's nothing then why you act so angry now, hmm?" You teased him.
Sam lustrated you with his eyes and sighed. "Open it, go ahead."
You looked at the box and then back at him. "Well, if this is my gift," you hummed and walked to him and put the box back where you found it. "I just wanted to know where it is, not what it is."
"It's not the gift, actually," he shrugged. "But taking that you found it... I think I won't be waiting these two days..."
Sam pulled little box out and slowly knelt down on one knee.
"Okay," nodding slowly, you watched him. You weren't exactly what's going on and what you should do now.
Sam cleared his throat and slowly opened the box. Inside, there was a little piece of paper.
"Uhm, Sam?" You asked, looking at the piece of paper and then at Sam. "Really?"
"Will you get on another adventure with me?," He asked in serious voice. "I booked the flight already so if you'll say NO, we just lost thousand bucks."
You just blinked looking at him in disbelieve, letting out a heavy sigh you rubbed bridge of your nose. "I will go pack my backpack and our duffle bags." You muttered before walking away to your shared room to pack.
"Wait!," Sam screamed after you as he got back to his feet. He followed you.
"What? We can't go not prepared, and know you I will have to pack half of the pharmacy." You said turning to him.
Sam knelt once again, this time he reached into pocket of his flannel shirt. With free hand he cupped your palm. Once again he pulled the box, smaller than the previous one and opened it. "I wanted to make it in more romantic way but you didn't let me. Will you marry me, Y/N? So we can step into another adventure as a fiancé and fiancée?"
You frowned looking at him. "Are serious Drake? First you pull me out god know where and I need to watch your ass and now this?" You tried to sound offended but you couldn't help and giggled. "Okay I am a terrible lier. Yes... Yes! I will marry you, Sam."
Man placed the ring on your finger and got up to kiss your lips softly. "Now you can go pack. And pack me my socks."
You slapped his shoulder. "Maybe you would move your ass and for once pack yourself, huh? Oh! And thank you! I won 100 bucks from Nate and Sully."
Sam stopped as he was reaching into his pocket to pull cigarettes out. "What?"
"Well, they were so sure that you won't propose to me that each of them put 50 bucks on it." You giggled, grabbing your backpack. ”And now they are mine!”
Sam blinked and watched how you climbed up the stairs.
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Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson​ @grossograsso​ @thewildgardensstuff​ @leven-and-ashley​ @la-verdura​ @bearded-steve-rogers​ @sebbystan-plantlover​ @atuckyismylife​ @krispyjellyfishzombie​ @personality-within​ @haseki-huricihan​ @choppedgardenwhispers​ @vroobelek​ @lattimelka​ @chris-beamz​ @hidden-secrets69​ @purepearls​ @volcanoxxx​ @kastrup-sofie​ @mikkal-akasaki​ @withoutashadowofhope​ @radbluebirdeagle​ @smutloversblog​ @buquete​ @super-psycho-love69​ @tanglesss​ @peter-sommer​ @baysidewest​ @vegemania​ @philip-stan​ @chodiusmmm​ @tykorclint​ @dagger-dragger​ @kurant​ @oxfordkipem​ @deliciousbouquet90​ @tuptuptup​ @hellenna80​ @karina-marina9​ @latimeriaaa​ @bratko​ @wurld89​ @scott-evans​ @kiss-me-rouge​ @ovonel-espaniol​ @dancing-tacco​ @ratugadhi​ @white-tiger-shangrila​ @axn69​ @eternal-life-awaits​ @mrs-laura-harmon​ @artsy-inside​ @gleeeeees​ @darkllaama​ @jatut​ @agawux​ @fuzzy-tigrrr​ @jrjohnsson2​ @maaargoshaaa​ @dontgetmewrongman​ @einexx​ @nwmtagsb​ @secretlygrantaire​​ @kyloren-supreme-ben​ @infinity-stones-seeker​ @thehappyspider​​ @wings4life​​ @huxyluxy​​ @dontbeafraidchild​​ @misafiryanki​​ @electronicpatrolcollective​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @aulika​​ @hidden-secrets69​​ @a-happy-wolf​​ @creative-seahorse​​ @biologyforliving​​ @stareyedplanet​​
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randomfandomimagine · 7 years
With All My Heart (Teenage!Sam x Reader)
Character: Teenage!Sam Drake
Fandom: Uncharted (4)
Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader
Title: With All My Heart
Requested by anon:
Could I please get an Uncharted imagine with teenage Sam where he sneaks you out of the orphanage and takes you on adventures and stuff until one day you get hurt and he blames himself but uses it as an opportunity to tell her he loves her? Thanks a ton :)
A/N: Sorry if the characterization wasn’t as good, I feel like I know Nate much better than I know Sam. But hope you enjoy reading nonetheless!
I sighed as I lied down in my hard bed. I was tired, but not that type of tired.
I was fed up with this orphanage, with my dull routine and my boring life.
The only thing that made it all better was Nathan. He was my only friend in there, and we used to hang out together many times. But he was getting in a lot of trouble lately and we couldn’t meet because he was constantly grounded.
Sam, on the other hand…
He was Nate’s big brother, we were introduced one day and he’s the best. Sam was a sweetheart towards me since day one, and even went out of his way to make it better for me and not only to go with his brother.
Nate might have told him about me, about how I was constantly sad and Nate himself was the only thing that kept me from dwelling in my misery. Nate used to be the only person who made me smile ever, until Sam came to my life.
At first it started with little gestures – bringing me sweets or a teddy bear, a small present to make me happy.
Then we began talking more and more and he was there for me when I needed to vent, he was a shoulder to cry on, even more than Nate had been despite our friendship. But Sam was older, and he understood things better than his little brother did sometimes.
And lately we went on little adventures. Maybe he was bored, maybe he needed to keep himself busy somehow or maybe he truly did it for me. I didn’t know the reason. All I knew was that every day I went to sleep with hope filling my heart. Hoping to hear a soft whisper calling me or a tap on the window.
I heaved another sigh of resignation and closed my eyes, trying to get as comfortable in the bed as I could. I knew I wouldn’t fall asleep for at least another good hour, but I could always let my imagination run free with beautiful and impossible fantasies.
A gasp arrived to my lips when a sound startled me all of a sudden. A tap on the window.
My lips instantly curved up in a broad smile as I threw to covers off me.
“Y/N?” A soft whisper came too, so I quickly stood up and ran to the source.
I saw Sam standing there, crouching at the other side of the window not to be spotted by the nuns.
“Sam” I chuckled when our eyes met, but I opened the window nonetheless.
“Hey, have you seen Nathan?” He asked me lowly, not to wake my mates up.
I bit my lip hard, not really wanting to tattle on him. I didn’t want to get him in more trouble than he already was.
“Grounded again, huh?” Sam found my silence to be very eloquent.
“What are you doing here?”
“Wanna go on a little adventure?”
I cautiously looked over my shoulder before I said anything, making sure everyone was fast asleep.
There were no lights on and the only sound audible was the one of people breathing softly and snoring.
I turned back around to see Sam was holding his hand up. I smiled at him and took it, so he gently pulled at me to give me a support while I climbed over the open window.
The night breeze welcomed me as soon as I stepped outside, and it felt freeing and refreshing.
“How are they treating you?” Sam asked me as we walked over the roofs.
He would look over his shoulder to me every now and then as we did, to check on me and make sure I didn’t trip or anything.
“I guess I can’t complain” I shrugged, having to lean on his shoulder when I lost balance.
He was so used to it that he didn’t even flinch. Even though I had told him how clumsy I felt compared to Nathan and Sam’s nimbleness, he wasn’t bothered by it and had gotten used to me using him as a support when I tripped.
Sometimes, if he really saw me struggle, he would offer me a hand or just simply hold me by the waist to keep me in place.
“You and Nathan doing okay?” He asked, focusing on the way down.
“Yeah” Or as okay as we could be in an orphanage.
When Sam jumped down from a height, we both knew he would have to help me down. I was much smaller than him, and not as nimble. So I just crouched down at the edge and prepared to be lowered by him.
“Good” He said with a strained voice as he placed his hands under my pits and easily helped me down. “You two look after each other”
I nodded, and he gave me a dazzling smile that already made my night.
His witty and upbeat attitude was a great change from the melancholic and quiet vibes from the orphanage. It was one of the many reasons why I loved to be around Sam, as well as the fact that he spoiled me a little and always took me on adventures.
With one more jump down, we were finally on solid ground. The streets at night were deserted, and the only light and noise was that coming from the street lamps and a noisy flickering one up ahead.
“We’re almost there” Sam casually took my hand and brought me to the other end of the street.
We ran and laughed, excited for our newest adventure, as we got there where Sam wanted to take me.
“Check it out!” He let go of my hand to motion over to something.
I was surprised and impressed when I saw what it was.
“You got a motorbike!” A cool looking one, too, which would take us anywhere without us having to walk or run everywhere like the old times.
“Care for a ride?” He sat down coolly, obviously smug about his new vehicle.
“Sure” I sat behind him, securing my arms around his stomach. “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise” He started the engine and we drove off.
I held on tighter to him as he navigated the streets, resting my chin on his shoulder. I was beyond thrilled.
The evening was one of the best I had in a long time, even if I always had a blast whenever Sam took me places.
This time he took me to a museum. I agreed because I had never been in one and I was curious, but feared that it would be boring. However, it wasn’t with him.
Especially since we had to break in without sounding any alarms, as it was obligatory whenever Sam took me anywhere. The thrill of going whenever we wanted after the place was closed and had to walk around wielding flashlights always made my heart race in a good way, making me feel alive.
The terrible feeling of peril, of getting in trouble and being discovered had faded off after the first times. Which didn’t mean that I was less scared or on edge, though, but I felt safe with Sam and knowing he would protect me.
But he knew so many things! He would tell me all about the artifacts there, and I had no idea how he knew so much. Where they came from, what period they dated from, who they belonged to.
I always knew the siblings were extremely smart and ingenuous, but I never realized they were so cultured too! Even when Nate would always tell me stories about pirates, which happened to be Sam’s favorite too.
After the museum we walked, taking a detour in our way back to the orphanage. Chatting with him was always cool, especially when he joked around so much and made so many puns to make me smile.
Once we got back to the building, we started climbing as usual. It was always the worst part, because it was much easier dropping off than climbing up. Not to mention that I was already tired from the hectic evening.
I was climbing after Sam, watching where he put his hands and feet and using that as a reference to do the same. But suddenly, my foot slipped and I lost the grip in my hands because of the force with which the gravity pulled me down.
I screamt as I felt myself falling, and landed painfully on my arm. I had scratched my elbow and it stung and ached.
“Y/N!” Sam shouted, looking down to me from his high perspective.
He nimbly dropped down to the floor and immediately went to my aid. My friend kneeled down next to me and watched in horror.
“Y/N, I’m sorry… Oh God… It’s all my fault”
I tried to look brave and power through the pain not to worry him. I knew he was blaming himself, but what he didn’t see was how happy he made me.
Even though our little getaways could be dangerous, I didn’t mind. They were the highlight of my week, and every time I heard Sam’s voice calling me to pick me up my heart sped up in anticipation and delight.
“I’m okay” I assured, even though my grimace of pain gave me away.
However, Sam knew me well enough to know I was lying through my teeth.
He gingerly picked my arm up and examined it, frowning in concern, so I took a look too. My elbow was bleeding there where it had landed. Because of the friction that stopped my fall, my skin had peeled off.
“No you’re not! You’re bleeding, and you might have a broken bone!” His brow furrowed with concern even more, staring me up and down to analyze the damage.
“I-I’ll be fine” My voice had sounded strangled, however.
I realized I was shaking because of the scare and the impact. He definitely noticed this as well.
Urgently, Sam wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him in an attempt to comfort me.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N… I love you so much, it’s gonna be okay…”
“You… love me?” I uttered against his shoulder, completely shocked.
“With all my heart” He chuckled next to my ear, like it was no big deal.
Like he hadn’t just confessed he actually loved me.
“Sam, are you for real?” I gently pushed him away, needing to see his face and meet with his eyes.
“Why do you think I do all this?” The sweet smile that he gave me next was reassuring and welcoming. “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t love you”
I chuckled too, trying to ignore the pain in my arm.
We sat there, awkwardly and putting up with the heavy silence that settled. I took my time until my body recovered from the fall and from the scare.
“Did it hurt?” Sam suddenly said, even if I couldn’t understand the sudden smile on his lips, since it was almost a smirk.
Since he made a pause –despite the fact that he obviously wanted to say something else-, I gave him a glare. Of course it hurt, we had established that! I was about to reply when he piped up again.
“When you fell… from… the roof?” He grinned and shook his head. “Heaven sounds much better, huh”
That actually made me laugh really hard. It was probably his intention, to make a silly joke to lighten the mood. Well, he accomplished his goal.
Sam chuckled too, glad that I was back to my bubbly self.
“C’mon, let’s treat that” Careful not to touch my bruise, he pulled me up to my feet again.
I didn’t have to ask to know Sam would go into the building and heal my bleeding bruise even if that meant being in danger of being discovered by the nuns. And I didn’t have to try to know asking him not to do it would be useless, he was so pigheaded.
So we just went inside together, even if we could hardly get your eyes off of each other.
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buryustogether · 3 years
sorry i’ve been laggin lately - i had to quit my job, been lookin for a new one, got sick from my covid shot... it’s been a fat minute y’all-
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late night work
request: it’s my first time making a request 😅 what about fluff oneshot/imagine about the s/o falling asleep on his lap or shoulder meanwhile he has some work to do. I hope its okay, best wishes for this blog :)
warnings: none
The only thing you could hear was the click-clacking of keys. Letters, the space button. Click-clack. Click-clack. That, and the sound of Sam’s heart beating soundly, steadily, in the confines of his chest.
Lord, it had been a hell of a day. Your boss was at the end of her wits with your coworker (who you could hardly stand, either) and took her frustration out on you in the morning, then you were bustling about your store for at least an hour fetching things for a customer - who didn’t even end up buying anything. Your windshield cracked on the way home, your feet hurt like someone had fried them, and your brain was a sizzling mess of what it had used to be.
Until you were in his arms.
Here, everything was alright. God knew he had his fair share of trials and falls throughout the day that everyone else did, but in this moment? It seemed like he was some kind of godsend, like he deserved a million dollars for just being alive and himself. Well, Sam thought that every day, but it was a special occasion when you shared his claims without him having to tell you.
It would have almost seemed laughable, the position you were in. But there was no one around to laugh, and neither of you really had the energy to make a crack about it either. You had yourself stretched between Sam’s legs, arms snaked securely around his waist and face buried in his naval, in the spot where his stomach met his hip. His computer was situated comfortably on your back so that he could continue working. He had recon he needed to finish by tomorrow, yet when you said you didn’t have to cuddle, he had insisted yes, you did.
Sam was a man that took his cuddles very seriously, as anyone could tell.
Eventually, your heartbeat fell in time with his as you listened to the steady rhythm, fingers tangled in his shirt on his back and every inhale bringing you the gift of his scent. This was a smell you would never tire of; just... naturally, favorably, exquisitely, him. Nicotine and cigarette smoke. An equal mixture of soap and sweat. A musk that only came from him, some alluring, comforting scent that you could recognize anywhere. It was him.
You weren’t sure if you happened to nod off or if you had lost track of time, but your eyes fluttered open when he exhaled deep and shut the lid of his laptop. Since he got out of prison, it was still taking him time to get used to modern day technology; so far he had mastered his phone, computer, and the television. The car radio and Bluetooth still had yet to be conquered.
“Go back to sleep, baby,” he murmured in a low, gravely voice that only made its appearance late and night and early in the morning. It made your stomach turn and tumble.
Sam settled deeper into the pillow behind him and cleared his throat, then placed one arm beneath his head and the other around your middle. It was tight and secure, but in a cool, relaxed way that made you feel at home. Cared for.
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maki-matsurra · 3 years
Hi!! If you're still taking requests could you write a Rafe x Sam (Uncharted) Fic, please?
Hi Anon! Of course! I can totally do that! To be honest, I'm more of a Sam x Nadine shipper myself, but I can actually see why this would be a cute ship, in fact, Rafe does seem to care somewhat about our stupid treasure hunter boy :) I did my very best at this, so I hope you enjoy! Alive and Somewhat Well
Summary: Why did Rafe really get Sam out of that prison? Warnings: Some swearing, but hey, it's Uncharted. So you probably knew that already Word Count: 965 Want to send in a request? Start Here!
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"Who's the new Prison warden?" The man questioned as he looked down at the old Spanish prison. The lady who was working with him, Nadine, looked away from the cork board littered with different colored strings and images. "José Escarrá, he was apparently close to the old warden before he was murdered in his office... Why?" "Hm... Just curious." Rafe mumbled as he pulled out his cellphone. "Prison number still the same?"
"What are you planning?"
Pale blue eyes glanced up from the phone, looking at the dark skinned woman as she looked back with questioning hazel eyes. His office got quiet, the only sounds coming from the cold wind howling outside the window behind him. "I'm not 'planning' anything. I was just thinking we could use some extra help." He admitted, shrugging as he placed his phone down. "I knew this guy, Samuel Drake. He's good with this Henry Avery bullshit, and he's our best guy." "Drake... is him and that other person you worked with related? What was his name... Nate?"
"Yeah, his older brother. Him and I were... on good terms." He explained, which was not a lie. The two met at an auction, and he would never forget the day he met him.
Rafe was watching some dumb auction go on downstairs, his parents somewhere lost in the crowd. Probably schmoozing with other rich guests. 'Figures... Pricks.' Rafe thought in his head as he glanced down at the document in the case. It was a letter from Henry Avery, and it was currently on bid by his own parents. He begged for them to let him bid on it, but they refused, saying; "Why are you so obsessed with this pirate?! You already have the Adler fortune waiting for you, isn't that enough?" No... It wasn't. Ever since he was a kid, he never wanted to be known just for some bullshit inheritance. He wanted to make a name for himself, become a legend, become a-
His face turned into confusion as he turned in the direction of the muffled voice, but that was probably a mistake, he collided with someone as the window broke, thankfully the sound being muffled by the loud music, he was knocked to the ground on his back, wheezing a bit before he glared at the man. "What the hell?! What in gods name are you fu-" He stopped once the man looked back up at him. He had to be at least 8 years older than him, he had somewhat long, fluffy hair and icy blue eyes, he chuckled nervously and got off of the frozen man. "Sorry..." He apologized and cleared his throat. He helped the man up and brushed off his suit from shards of glass. "Nice Party... Samuel Drake." He held out his hand. Rafe looked down at it then back at the man. He felt something grow in his stomach, which he knew what it was. This Sam character was pretty handsome, and before Rafe knew it, he grasped the man's hand and shook it. "Adler. Rafe." "Dude, your hands are so soft." "...What?" He raised an eyebrow at that, completely baffled at what the older man said, he chuckled a bit. "Sorry it's just, I never knew a man's hand can feel so soft. You obviously haven't worked a day in your life, huh?" Rafe ripped his hand away after that, glaring at the man who held his hands up, mock surrender.
"Sorry, didn't mean to upset Prince Adler." "Don't." Rafe warned, his voice cold, almost sending shivers down Sam's back as he swallowed. "So uh... Do you know what the current item is? For the bidding." "An old letter from Henry Avery. Talking about riches of paradise in a Spanish prison-"
"-Spanish prison."
The two looked at each other as they finished the sentence together. Rafe's eyes widened as he pointed to the man. "You know about Henry Avery?" "Know? Please, our mom practically told me and my brother bedtime stories about him." Sam chuckled. Making Rafe chuckle as well. "So, is that why you're here? To get that document?" "Pretty much. You gonna stop me?" He thought about it, shrugging a bit. "No... If you let me in on whatever you're doing..." The older man winced at that. "Eh, sorry. No can do." He apologized, turning away, but Rafe stepped in front of him with a glare. "I could easily call security on you. You wouldn't make two steps down there before you'll be full of holes." "Listen, Kid. This isn't any prissy store robbery. You would not last five seconds with us out there-" He paused once he heard a bullet being loaded in a gun chamber and something cold pressed against his abdomen, he looked down to see his own gun being pressed against him. He looked back at Rafe, who had a smirk on his face. Sam smirked back. "Call me impressed soft hands... not a bad pickpocket." "Thanks... So... About that document... I can help out money wise... could possibly bribe someone to let us in that prison..."
The older man smirked at that. "Well, how could I say no to a pretty face like that?"
Rafe smiled softly at the memory before turning back to Nadine. "Trust me... He's the person we need on our team right now." "How do you even know he's alive? I thought you said-" "I just know... Please." Rafe growled... Nadine sent him a look before going to recite him the phone number, which he put in the phone and waited.
"¿Hola?" (Hello?) "Hola, me llamo Rafe Adler... ¿Escuché un rumor de que tienes un prisionero llamado Samuel Drake?" (Hello, my name is Rafe Adler... I heard a rumor you have a prisoner named Samuel Drake?)
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Finders, Keepers
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Sam Drake/Reader
The story on how Sam learned a certain phrase in a foreign language. Minor spoilers for Uncharted 4.
Rating: Mature/Explicit (light, but still possibly NSFW)
Word Count: 1,825
On Ao3
(picture source)
The afternoon sun shines on the beautifully aligned apples at the counter of the market stand in Rio. You know this area well, the market is not far off from your home and you had just considered to get a few things to prepare dinner but had involuntarily stopped at the fruit vendor’s stand, the temptation of the shiny red apples too strong.
As you take an apple to inspect it, you hear a man shouting in the very back of the market, and it sounds nothing like the vendors’ peaceful shouting. Desperately he calls out for the man running ahead to stop, but it proves useless. You turn around, the fruit still in your hand, trying to find out where the rumble and shouting is coming from as you see a man rushing between the stands, knocking several over - as if on purpose - in the process. By the look of his fashion choice and pale skin, you can tell he must be a foreigner. He runs into your direction, and you startle a little, turn your back on the stand, apple set back down, and face him. You see the minor signs of mistreatments on his face and realize he must have been beaten up. He looks into your eyes for a mere second, then you both hear the shouting and approaching of the local man from before again.
“Quick” you say and point towards the stand, hinting at the empty space behind it, the vendor gone for the time being. “Hide” His gaze comes to the spot you are pointing to, then he raises a finger, gesturing as he looks back at you. “Good thinking” he replies and within a split second is hidden safely behind it. You turn your attention back to the shouting and see a man running into the market section opening, swearing as he barely makes it over the thrown over stalls that now act as barricades. As he slows down and stops, checking around at the stalls, you are quick to react and point away from you, down the other side of the market, telling him in your shared native language that the stranger on the run went that way. First confused, he finally nods and turns around, running off to where you pointed. “Why, that was--” the stranger starts, coming forth from behind the wooden crate of the stand. “Come, follow me” you interrupt him and grab his arm in preparation to walk further, away from the market but in the opposite direction of where you send the Brazilian man off to. Only for a moment the foreigner watches you, hesitating, but with a nod he decides to run where you lead him.
A few turns and a fair bit of a slow run later, you end up in a dark side alley.
“Now what?” he asks, still out of breath from his previous running, hands settled on his thighs as he leans over. “You’re not with them, are you?” “With whom?” you ask curiously, catching your breath, then leaning with your back against the wall of the building, facing him. He comes up to stand straight again, a heavy sigh parting from his lips before his breathing normalizes again. “Never mind.” He waves it off with his hand, letting out another deep breath. “I am Sam, by the way. Sorry to have gotten you into this.” His hand stretches out to meet yours for a handshake, you chuckle before you take it and shake his hand, then introduce yourself with your name. “Sam. That sounds North-American” you remark, pushing yourself off the wall. Your interest is piqued, if only for the foreignness. “Well, technically it’s Samuel.” he admits. “Oh, Samuel is common here. It means the name of God, doesn’t it?” “Someone has been attending their bible studies I see” he replies with a grin. “Anyway, thank you. I will have to--” “Why was he after you?” you ask before he has the chance to bid you farewell. He freezes, then waves it off again. “Long story. Believe me, you don’t wanna get involved.” he answers. “You’re badly beaten up.” “It’s nothing... it's just scratches compared to--” He grows silent as you approach him dangerously close and let a finger trace the side of his face. He is young, maybe in his mid or late twenties, dark eyes showing a hint of amber when the sun rays expose them. “I have some ice in my apartment, and something to treat your wounds. I can patch you up there.” you suggest. He stares at you and it takes him a moment to reply. “I didn’t know that was an option.” he says. A smile follows. “Gladly, then. Lead the way.”
The casual conversation between you in English lasts the whole way to your place. All 24 stairs up to your apartment you are left wondering what he means by being here on “business”. “What sort of business would that be?” you ask when unlocking the door and entering. He closes the door behind you before he answers. “Just... business. Work. As I said, the less you know the better.” he answers while stepping further inside, watching you reach out for the cooling pad in the freezer and placing it on the counter. As you pass him by, you advice him to sit in the living room, wash your hands and get the disinfecting treatment and lotion from the bathroom.
While he presses the cooling pad to one side of his face, you sit beside him on the couch, disinfecting the few open cuts. “You’re not a thief, are you?” you ask him quietly chuckling, your leg leaned casually against his as you sit so close to him. He does not seem to mind or at least he is not flinching. “Do I look like a thief to you?” he replies with a weak smile, then hisses at the sensation of disinfectant on his wounds. “Oh, I don’t know.” you answer again with a chuckle. “Your English is very good by the way.” he comments. “And you don’t have any idea of my language it seems.” you answer with a grin, biting your lip at your own remark. He does not reply, and as you look into his eyes, you realize his gaze is stuck on you.
“Maybe it’s time you learn something useful to keep you out of trouble” you suggest, your eyes back on the wounds you treat. “Oh yeah? What would that be?” He sets the cooling pad down, so that you have full access to his face. “Quando seu marido volta para casa?” “What does that mean?” Sam asks curiously. “How long until your husband gets home?” you translate. Sam laughs out quietly. His gaze comes back onto you while his head is tilted in a questioning manner. “You think that's what got me into trouble?” “That or you stole something.” you state, your gaze lifted to watch his eyes in reaction. He looks at you and chuckles but remains silent until you continue with the patting on his face, layering a hint of ointment on the disinfected parts. “What was that? Quando seu marido ...?” “... volta para casa” you nod and repeat. “Quando seu marido volta para casa?” he says after you. “Yes, good.” you praise him but he grins. “I was asking you that.” he explains in a serious tone and you suddenly stop in your movements. You set the cotton pads and treatment onto the coffee table and look at him.
“You’re done?” he asks as no further reaction comes from you. “No” you reply and climb on top of him, straddling him. With your hands cupping his face, it only takes him a second to register what is happening - then his arms are around your waist, your lips are on his and you are kissing him slowly, but longingly. “This is your idea of treating my wounds?” he rasps quietly while your lips barely part from his. You look down at him, your hand running through his hair as you nod. “I am taking good care of you, no?” you ask with a smile, and he smiles back. His hand comes to cup one of your breasts. “What kind of woman are you? Letting a stranger into your house” he asks looking up at you with an uninterrupted gaze. You move on top of him, your hips brushing against the fabric of his pants. His hands come to your behind to hold onto you, then one hand slaps your ass. “I’ve asked you something” he reminds you in a sensual whisper, his eyebrows raised. Only his barely visible smile reveals the enjoyment he takes from the situation. You do not answer, only bite your lip as his hands start squeezing your ass. Your lips meet his again and you lose yourself, grinding your hips against the bulge in his pants as if your life depends on it.
In a matter of seconds his hands are running up your thighs, pushing up the fabric of your dress and fingers come past the seam of your underwear to tease you. Instantly you become wet, then you get up and tug at his shirt, leading him first towards your bedroom and then out of his clothes. Swiftly your own dress is pulled up by him, you sit on the bed and lie down as he crawls on top of you. You become fully undressed, and so does he - your hands run along his upper body and reach down to his already hardened length. From the drawer nearby you take what you need, then he is already inside you. You throw your head back against the pillows as you feel him stretching you. He is vigorous, lively - by the way he holds onto your hips you can tell he is eager for the release, and equally eager to take you there.
“You want to come?” he breathes while on top of you, his slow yet deep thrusts never fading. “Yes, I want to-- ah--” you answer, and with it come in ceaseless moaning. A few moments after you, he sighs deeply and comes as well, then lies down beside you on the bed. “You still don’t want to tell me when your husband gets home?” he asks. “Well, you don’t want to tell me what you took from that man” you counter and sit up, slowly crawling on top of him, your hips aligning with his. “His wife or his things?” “You’re the kind that always needs to be in control, aren’t you?” Sam chuckles, one arm crossed behind his head as he looks up at you. “You’re very much the same.” you answer. “Takes one to know one?” Sam asks and you nod with a grin. “Exactly.” Your hands run over his chest casually and you think of how you need to remember that expression. “But I think... you can stay for a while.”
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nims91 · 4 years
Nathan Drake x Fem-Reader! Pt.2
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Takes place in uncharted 2: among thieves, just when Nate and Sully come out from the underground tomb, and chloe runs off only to come back with Flynn and some soldiers.
Nates POV
I watch as Chloe runs ahead to look out for any of Lazarevics men. "You wanna give me a hand, Nate?" Sully calls from below. I turn to him and reach down, helping him out and standing to his feet again. "This way!" I hear a man yell from the distance. "Oh goddamn it." Sully sighs. "C'mon." I say quickly heading for the opening archway. "Harry! In here!" Chloe yells as she enters, having a gun pointed at me. "It's Drake." She yells back to Harry. "What the hell-?" I start to say before she interrupts me. "Get your hands up!" She demands. I shake my head and do as she says. Sully doing the same. "You sure know how to pick 'me." Sully states. "Shut up Sully." I quickly say as Harry and some guards come up behind Chloe. "Should've know it was you." Harry speaks as he comes up to me. His British accent coming through. "And you. Victor 'goddamn' Sullivan. You still dragging this tired old sack of shit around?" He chuckles. I let my hands drop and step up to him. Sully gets in between us. "Easy Nate." He says. My blood was boiling. I glared daggers at him in pure anger. "That's pretty ballsy for a guy who spent the last three months behind bars." Harry states looking from me to Sully. "Better than pissing away three months in the jungle with out a clue." I spat at him in an annoyed tone. He was pissing me off. "Found the ship's, though, didn't I?" He speaks confidently. "You couldn't find your own ass with both hands." I state before Sully jumps in. "And a map." Harry sighs slightly annoyed. "They came from down there." Chloe now says as she comes up to search me. Chloe pulls out the document that leads right to Shambhala. Or the next step at least. "Speaking of maps." Harry cockily says looking at it. "Between India and Tibet... one temple will reveal a-" he slowly reads. "Pathway to Shambhala. Jesus Flynn, while we're young." I finish for him. "Oh now. Dont be such a bad sport." He pouts sarcastically. "Take them to Lazarevic." He folds up the document in his hands. "You're gonna wish you stayed in prison mate." He says before making his way to the opening in the ground. "Move." Chole sternly says. I walk forward, Sully walking beside me. Two guards join us at our sides. "C'mon keep moving." One of the guards shouts, shoving me forward. Then Chloe knocks one of the guards in the head before turning to face the second one who shoots at her, a bullet grazing her arm. Sully quickly grabs his gun before Chloe shoots him then turning to the first guy shooting him. "Ah shit." She says holding her arm. "Are you alright?" I ask walking up to her. "Yeah well, it'll make it look more believable. Now, I'm going to try and buy you some time." Chloe grabs the dagger handing it to me. "Chloe you have to come with us." I state to her. "No." She give me a kiss on the lips. I could just melt into it forever but just at that thought she pulls away. "Just meet me in Nepal. Now run." Chloe states before making her way back to the others. "Let's go." I state and start to run off with Sully. "I like her." He speaks very enthusiastically. "Yeah I bet you do." I shake my head chuckling softly.
We quickly run around the corner before I take a look back. I quickly look in front of me again and stop abruptly seeing a women in front of me. She stops abruptly too stumbling slightly. She looked up at me almost immediately. "Y/n?" I ask in absolute shock. "Nathan, nice to see you too." She spat in an annoyed tone. "Well sorry to cut this reunion short, but I'll be taking this and be on my way." She says in the same tone before quickly grabbing the purba dagger and making her way quickly down the path. "Hey! I shout and run after her. Gun shots ring out and I start to run faster, Y/n still in front of us.
Your POV
You quickly made your way up the path towards the archway you seen about an hour ago from a different spot in the jungle. You looked down slightly at your watch before you quickly looked back up almost to run into someone. You look up immediately at the face and smirked, chuckling sarcastically. "Nathan, nice to see you too." You voice dripping with annoyance. "Well sorry to cut this reunion short, but I'll be taking this and be on my way." You speak in the same annoyed tone before running down the path you just came from. You heard Nate call out to you but didnt look back. They started running as gun shots rung out. You could see the small gap up ahead with nowhere else to go. "Adios asshole." You yell back at him before jumping of the cliff and into the water.
You panted hard as you pulled yourself onto land still having the purba dagger. You panted hard. Not a second later the sound of water splash was heard. You look over to see the two men crawling out of the river. You were not impressed. "So now your following me?" You scoff and shake your head. "Y/n, what the hell are you doing here alive?" Nate asks you, as he walks up to you. "Searching for Shambhala." You state. "But I watched you die. I watched you get shot." He shakes his head. "Well after that doctors patched me up. Then I escaped, about 3 months ago, giver take." You explain coldly. "Why didnt you come back for me or sam?" You ask sadly. He looks up to you and shakes his head. "What do you mean? I checked everywhere. Everyone said you were dead." He confessed. "Well they told me you hated me and never wanted to see again. That I was worthless to you. Every single day for around the past 10ish years." You shout slightly. He sighs and shakes his head. He stops and looks at you. "Is Sam alive?" He asks. "I dont know. After the attempt we pulled escaping and killing Vargus, Most of my time was spent in the hole. Only got to go out when everyone was in their cell. Didnt see anyone." You sigh. You then start to walk away. "Hey hey hey, where are you going?" Nate asks. "To go to Tibet and find Shambhala." You state. "So that's it. This is all were gonna talk about?" He runs up to you. "What's there to talk about?" You got two girls tied to your hip. Chloe and Elena, was it?" You ask cockily and annoyed. "Wait you dont understand.." Nate try's to says. "Oh I understand it all, hotel security is always a joy." You says. Nate slightly freezes knowing now that you seen him in Chloe back at the beach. "Look Nate. I dont wanna be made at you but, I am, okay." You say. "Now I'll shall head on my way.
The journey continues. You went to Tibet. Ran into Nate again. Decided to team up. Run into Elena. Then go rescue Chloe. Almost die on a train, multiple times. Finally get to the steps of Shambhala and have to run for your lives. You get to the temple and see the supposedly, chintamani stone. It was magnificent. "Wait this isnt sapphire. Its resin." Nate states. I look at him confused then around the temple to see a tree. "You've got to be kidding me." I state walking to the other side of the temple. "Y/n!" Nate yells and sighs "It's not a sapphire. It's a metaphor. That's the chintamani stone." You point to this humorous tree. You shake you head and sigh walking back into the temple. You look and see Harry limping, holding a grenade. You stopped in you tracks not wanting to have him pull that pin. You were to focused on the grenade to here them speak. You watched as he pulled the pin. You gasped and went to retreat only to feeling unimaginable pain run through your entire body. Everything was fuzzy, from words to sight to speaking. You feel your body being pulled up and lean against someone you imagine is Chloe. "I have to end this." Nates voice rings in your ear. "No you cant." You wince. "I just only got you back. I cant loose you again." You state before he gave you a kiss on the head. "I'll come back I promise. Chloe get her out of here." You whimpered and hissed at the pain before crying slightly. "C'mon deary, you can do it." Chloe encourages you.
You dont know when and how but somehow you showed up at the steps of Shambhala. She rests you down on a slab of rock and sighs. You let out another whimper. "I know I know, it'll be all over soon." Chloe speaks. Your drifting in and out of consciousness. Your open your eyes and see Nate, but a blurry version of him. Hes talking to Chloe and then looking at you and then too Chloe. "Its alright. Your gonna be alright. Your good, alright." Nate says as he combs your hair back to perfect. You finally close your eyes and darkness consumes you.
Days and days would go by as you laid there in bed. Some days were worst then others. Especially when you had to get the shards of the grenade out that was embedded in you skin. Soon as days went by, you got better. You sighed as you sat up wincing slightly. You stood up and put on some clothes before heading to the door. Sully stepped in front of you before you got outside. "Sully, I swear if you dont let me outside, I will shoot you in the leg." You chuckled and he shook his head. "Fine." You linked your arm with his as he helped you down the steps and towards Nathan. He turned to you and smiled brightly. "Shes one hell of a patient." Sully spoke making you chuckle. You switched arms from Sully to Nate. "Ah which way did Chloe go." He asked. Nate shook his head as he pointed in the direction. "Your a dirty old man Sully." You yelled out to him. You and Nate then started walking towards the grass patch under a tree that showed a beautiful veiw. "So about that vacation?" You asked. "We're still going to do it." He looks at you. "Mmhm sure." You smiled. "I promise." He spoke softly making you face him. "You better." You smirk and he sighs in defeat. "Come here." He shakes his head as he pulls you into a passionate kiss. You smile into the kiss and when he breaks off, you rest your head on his shoulder. "So on a scale of one to ten, how scared were you that I was gonna die." You asked. "A three." He spoke blankly. "A three?" You ask and he nods. "You were so an eight." You chuckled. "An eight, those guardian things were an eight." He confesses. "Then what's a 10?" You asked him shocked. "Clowns." You scoffed and shook your head. "Clowns, over my death?" You ask. "Wow" he smiles. "Ok I'll give you a four." He gives in a little. "You though I was gonna die." You say. "No I didnt." You smile now. "Yes you were bawling." You chuckle. "I was not. Its was raining, you were unconscious." He defends. "It was sunny and you were crying. I have your tears in a jar." You state. You both laugh and smile as you watch the sunrise.
This is part one if you havent read that yet. I suggest you read it first.
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unchartedterritoria · 4 years
Sure! Let's start writing another chapter to a one shot we wrote 3 YEARS AGO!
It's-It's not like I have anything else to work on, or try to finish, right?!
Like the novel you started at the EXACT SAME DAMN TIME??
Creativity, you are one crazy hoe.
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lordfries · 5 years
“Marry me” - Sam Drake prompt
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Heyo I whipped this up for @piratesoflibertallia​
I’m also taking prompt requests uwu
“Hold up,” you pant, gripping a tree branch and adjusting the backpack strap that had been digging into your shoulder for a good twenty minutes. “Are we almost there?”
Sam turns around, pushing his hair back.  “Uh… Yeah.” Scratching his head, he turns on the spot, rubs his chin and turns back to face you.  
He doesn’t look sure.
“Are we lost?”  
“Psh. No. No, no – I know where I’m going. I’ve done this track before.” Sam nods in reassurance.  
Mostly to himself.
“If you say so.” You chuckle, pushing off the tree and picking up the pace again.
Sam had a job; he had to track down a fugitive gang member – or something – who had some invaluable information on Sully’s next big gig. It was a favour this time. And Sam, who had refused to bring you on any of his journeys to date, decided to let you come along. On the condition that you stayed the hell where he told you to and carried a 9mm at all times. You were so stoked you didn’t blink to accept the conditions and jump straight onto the plane to the East coast of Australia.
Unfortunately for you - and your asthmatic lungs - Sam’s other condition was to take you hiking for a day. Some warped and tortuous definition of romance, huh?
“It’s okay,” he had reasoned before you left to the airport. “You can bring your asthma puffer thing, right?”
Asthma puffer thing. Nice one.
“This way.” Sam rounds a corner and you are both met with a stunning sight – the city glowing in the dusty illumination of the bright lights.  It’s breathtakingly beautiful, and as a cool breeze sets in the air, you go to stand beside him, slipping your hand into his pocket to hold his hand.
“It’s beautiful,” you remark, and Sam nods in agreement.
After a long moment of appreciating your surrounds-
“Marry me.”  
You blink.  
“Marry me, (Y/N).”
“You really should’ve seen this coming,” he chuckles and turns around to open his backpack. You stay still, heart racing and unsure of what to do with your hands – so you cross your arms and tuck them into your armpits.
What the hell was he doing?!
Sam retrieves a small felted box and brushes off some dirt from the top. “There we go.” He opens it, revealing an encrusted emerald ring within, sparkling in the evening light. “Tada…”
His goofy grin makes a sharp pang of ‘oof’ in your chest and you can’t help but cover your hands with your mouth. All this time, and he was carrying it around? You know you should be glad, but something irks you and Sam notices.
“It’s… It’s not what- what you… Want?” His hazel eyes bore into you, searching your face for a message, for anything.
You think for a moment to articulate your meaning. “It’s… It’s beautiful. I was just expecting like…”
“I hope you weren’t expecting something bigger,” he chuckles nervously. “A guy can only steal so much.”
“Sam!” You give him a smack and he forces his smirk down. “It’s- it’s perfect but this-“ you gesture to the trees, to the sky, the city landscape. “I was honestly expecting something more Sam. Y’know. Like putting it in my food and me breaking a tooth or something nasty.”  
“You. Uh. Want that?”
“No! Jesus. I’m not ungrateful; you’re usually just a little more predictable. This is so un-dorky. Un-Sam. It’s weird! But it’s cool. I’m cool with this.” You grin and bite your lip.
Sam shakes his head in disbelief. “Having a go at me for trying hard while I’m trying to woo you into a proposal. And you’re calling me weird…”
“Shut up and put it in me- ON me. On me. Christ.” Hearing the cringe repeat in your head, you screw your eyes shut and put your forehead in your hand.
“Oho,” his eyebrows perk as he retrieves the ring from the box. “Is that what we’re gonna be up to tonight, doll?”
He slides it onto your finger, drawing your eyes down, fingers grazing the soft skin of your hand.
“Eat my ass, Sam.”
“That too, if you like.”
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months
staring is rude but so am i
by Imshookandbi Sam knows she's staring, and she knows it's rude. But Bruce Wayne's youngest son looks like a green-eyed, unscarred version of her best friend and suddenly some things - like Danny's general avoidance in mentioning his previous home life - is starting to make sense. And then it stops making sense, and it starts getting angering. Words: 7100, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Series: Part 2 of just frame the halves and call them brothers, Part 2 of Starry's Danyal Al Ghul Aus Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Sam Manson, Sam Manson's Parents, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake Relationships: Sam Manson & Her Parents, Sam Manson & Damian Wayne, Sam Manson & Danny Fenton Additional Tags: Protective Sam Manson, Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne are Siblings, Older brother Danny Fenton, danny doesnt make an appearance but he IS mentioned, Oneshot, Older Sibling Danny Fenton, Socially Awkward Danny Fenton, Implied/Assumed Abandonment, Sam Jumps to Conclusions, Phone Calls, Mild Swearing, Standard Rich Socialite Event, Jumping to Conclusions, The Manson Parents A+ Parenting, Sam and Tucker don't know that Danny is an ex-assassin, they DO think he used to be part of a cult though, Mild Angst, Mild Language, Cross-Posted on Tumblr, Originally Posted on Tumblr, Misunderstandings, &lt;- this is not as bad as it sounds i promise sam just jumps to conclusions, with the limited information she's got. its sound logic its just the WRONG one, Danny Fenton is Bad at Feelings, Danny Fenton is a Little Shit, Not Beta Read we die like Danny Fenton, Not Canon Compliant With Any Particular DC Timeline via https://ift.tt/ij9DltE
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uc-fakeadoption-au · 2 years
chapter 23 is out!!
watch out for the new added tags my dudes
read on ao3:
chapter count: 23/36
rating: teen and up audiences
category: gen
warnings: no (archive) warnings apply
relationships: Nathan Drake & Victor Sullivan, Nathan Drake & Samuel Drake, Samuel Drake & Victor Sullivan
additional tags: fake adoption au, alternate universe - canon divergence, also titled just a dad and his two sons, young nate, young sam, aka hes not balding yet lmaoo, “young” sully, team as family, fluff and angst, pretty good amounts of fluff tbh, family bonding, accidental family acquisition, there will be headcanons, content warning for sully bc he’s young and hot, dare i say…dilf sully?, yes beta we don’t die (like sam!!!), place-filler ocs (they don’t mean shit to the story i just needed someone for certain roles), other additional tags to be added, fix-it of sorts, father-son relationship, parental victor sullivan, (can't believe I forgot to tag for this like ???), canon-typical violence, whump, fake character death
chapter summary: have some whump, as a treat
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the-drakeboys · 4 years
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Summary: Sam can’t tear his eyes from you. Overwhelmed by everything he’s feeling, and unsure if he can go through with it, all he can do is sit there and look at you, hanging onto your hand for dear life. 
Pairing: Sam Drake x Reader (Oneshot)
Word Count: 1,678
Warnings: FLUFF. Oh, man. This one’s... This one’s fluffy.
He called you darlin’. 
And heaven help you, you loved it. He drove you crazy on a constant basis, made you want to tear your hair out by the root, he was a heartache and a headache and never listened to a thing anyone said - but when he called you darlin’, something about it just melted you down until you were putty in his hands. 
For him, it was your eyes. He couldn’t get enough of the looks you gave him. You’d hold him in place with a quiet gaze and he’d forget to breathe just standing there. Your eyes caught him across a crowded room, all that time ago, and from that moment on, it was all he could do to make sure he got to see them again. 
He could sing… Beautifully, actually. But you were the only one he really sang in front of. He sang to you all the time; in the middle of the night, his lips pressed against your ear, his arms around you and pulling you into his grasp. While you were cooking at the stove, his voice bursting with him through the kitchen door and nearly shocking the wooden spoon out of your hands, his laughter warm as you smacked him away with a hand over your heart. He sang for you on every adventure, as your boat rocked over steady waves, as your jeep rumbled through the desert, as your ropes swung you from cliffs to trees to ancient ruins. He sang because you made him want to, because it was easier than saying everything he felt for you in plain words. Because he loved you. 
He loved the way you sunk into his arms after a long day, resting your head on his shoulder and asking him to distract you with something - anything. He loved how you listened to him, how all the history he’d loved all his life seemed to mean just as much to you, seemed to be just as fascinating and exciting to you, as it was to him. He loved how clumsy you were, and how after a stumble, you’d just pick yourself back up and keep going. He loved your wit and your coy smiles and the way you chewed on the ends of all your pens when you were immersed in your work.
He loved how much you loved his family. His brother, and his sister-in-law, and his friend, who had long ago become much more, had become like a father. 
And that night, as he sat beside you at the table with his family, his gaze was stuck to you like glue, and his heart was overflowing. He was overwhelmed by your laughter and your stories, by your scathingly playful banter with his brother, and by the soft-hearted look in your eye as his sister showed you ultrasound photos of their baby on the way; he was having a hard time putting it all together. 
You were so involved, so tightly wound in a trance, with what she was showing you, that you didn’t feel him fighting to tear his eyes away from you. It wasn’t until he touched your hand, his own clammy and warm and… was he shaking?
You turned, letting your eyes land on his. Your heart skipped a beat - what was that look? 
“Sam?” you murmured, your smile tender as he took your hand and held it tightly. “You okay…?” 
He glanced over across the table, Nate giving him a nod of encouragement in your direction as he picked up his phone and pressed record. Sam cleared his throat, watching Elena hurriedly shuffle the photos out of the way and Sully lean forward in his chair, an excited, knowing grin on his face. 
You reached out, your palm turning his cheek until he faced you. “Hey,” you chuckled. “You still with me?” 
He softened then, his nerves buzzing quietly under the surface, leaning into your touch and remembering that it was, after all, you. 
And you were everything. 
“Yeah…” he grinned, pulling himself together. “Yeah, I’m… I’m good.” Slowly, Sam shifted out of his chair, and lowered himself down onto one knee in front of you, his hand still clasped tightly to yours. 
The confusion in your eyes melted away quickly to understanding, and then to joyful panic. “O-Oh my god,” you bumbled. Your breath caught in your throat, looking down at him, feeling him hold tight to your hand. 
Elena could hardly contain herself beside you.
“Darlin’,” he started, his free hand carefully pulling something from his pocket. You felt yourself sink down into the chair at the name, emotion welling up in your eyes as your hand went up over your mouth. “I uhm… I’m not too good with words all the time. I don’t always know what to do, or say. All I know is… there’s no one, on this whole entire Earth, for me, but you. You’re my girl. Where... where would I be without you, huh?” he mumbled, that beautiful Boston accent of his shining through his every word. He held up a ring then; a small, simple, elegant ring that was completely and utterly you.
“Oh my god, Sam,” you sputtered happily, wiping helplessly at the tears streaming down your cheeks. His heart was aching in his chest, beating so wildly that he was sure you could hear it where you sat. 
“So, what, uh… Whaddaya say to spendin’ the rest of your life with me?” he finally asked. 
You wasted no time, falling forward into his arms and burying your face into the crook of his neck. Warm, happy laughter filled the room in every direction as he held onto you, his words echoing in your ear, “Is that a yes?!” 
“Yes!” you laughed tearfully, “Yes, it’s a yes, are you crazy?!” You pulled back and looked up at him, and in an instant, his lips were on yours. Your arms went around his neck and you kissed him with every bit of joy and passion you had, your fingers curling around the sides of his shirt. 
“Okay, you two, okay!” Nate shouted from where he sat at the table, grinning from ear to ear as you gingerly pulled back and fought off a blush.
Sam wouldn’t ever admit it, but his eyes shone with tears he’d never let drop, overwhelmed by happiness. You both looked down as he gently took your hand and slid the ring onto your finger. 
“Jesus, Samuel, that sure took you long enough, didn’t it?” Sully quipped from the other end of the table. 
“Hey, watch it, old timer,” Sam jabbed back, a grin still ever present on his face as you each stood on your own two feet. You went to sit back into your chair, but Sam just pulled you tightly into his arms, and you happily wrapped your own around his middle. 
“I mean, he’s got a point-” Nate started, stopping as Elena nudged him with her elbow. 
“Alright, guys, I think he’s had enough,” she said, rolling her eyes as Nate laid his arm across her shoulders and brought her into his side. She couldn’t help leaning into him, smiling knowingly over at you as you wiped a few more happy tears from under your eyes. Her hand came to rest over her small baby bump, Nate pressing a sweet kiss to her temple and sneaking a glance at the ultrasound photos on the table. 
“Oh, the hell he has,” Sully retorted, sitting back in his chair and bringing his cigar back up to his lips, “We’ve still got plenty to give ‘im hell for.” 
“Alright,” Sam said, feeling in a charitable mood as you both released your hold on each other, “Name somethin’. I want both of you two off my back for good, so whatever I gotta do.” He reached over, pulling your chair out for you and sending you a sly wink as you sat down. 
The wicked glint that immediately grew in Nate’s eyes worried you. Oh boy. 
“Okay…” he started, watching his brother sit down in his chair next to you. “Why don’t you sing for us?” 
“Oh, no, no, no,” Sam waved away the suggestion, his hand absentmindedly going to hold yours. “...Absolutely not, Nathan, keep dreamin’.” 
The warm conversation slowly faded into the background as you looked around, seeing your family - the people in this world you loved the most. Sully, with his dirty old jokes and the cigar he insisted on holding, even if it wasn’t lit for the benefit of Elena; Nate, with his sarcasm and his heart of gold and his stories of constant near-death experiences; Elena, whose wisdom and loving nature had kept you sane from the beginning and quickly made her one of your dearest friends; and Sam. The man you’d give everything for. The man who had swept you off your feet years ago and refused to put you down ever since. 
You loved them all more than you could say - and now, as your eyes drifted to the beautiful ring on your finger, you realized that now...you’d get to spend the rest of your life with them. 
That you’d spend it in Sam’s arms, hearing him sing and laughing with him in the kitchen and swinging through lost cities together with reckless abandon.
He leaned over then and stole a soft kiss from the corner of your lips, bringing you back to him and out of your haze. 
“Where’d you go?” he whispered, smiling warmly at you and reaching up to brush some of your hair from your face. You just gave a small shrug. 
“Nowhere…” you mumbled. You leaned forward and captured his lips in a slow, loving kiss, feeling him thread his fingers tightly through yours. “I love you,” you spoke into the kiss, feeling your heart soar with him so close to you. 
Sam pulled you close, his gaze stuck on those beautiful eyes of yours, and murmured against your lips. “Love you, darlin’. More than you know.” 
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