#samantha jones rip
spnscripthunt-inactive · 11 months
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For every $10 you donate to RIP Medical Debt, you will 1) be erasing about $1,000 in medical debt and 2) be entered in a raffle to win one of the items listed below. The more total donations we receive, the more scripts will be made available as prizes.
If donations reach $5000+ total ($500,000 in medical debt wiped out nationwide), we'll add:
9.22 'Stairway to Heaven' - Production Draft signed by Misha Collins at Creation Tour: Atlanta 2023. Includes Blue Pages and Day 3 call sheet. Note: production draft is missing pp. 32-35
11.13 'Love Hurts' - Production Draft signed by Jensen Ackles at Creation Tour: Washington, D.C. 2023.
Art Department Appreciation set: 11.13 "Love Hurts" - 11 pages of concept art and 14.10 "Nihilism"  technical package.
Set: 12.14 'The Raid' - Production Draft (REPRO) signed by Adam Fergus and David Haydn-Jones at Salute to Supernatural: Orlando 2022; Rick Worthy at Crossroads 6 (Brighton, UK). Includes 4.05 'Metamorphosis' - Call Sheets & Sides: Day 8 of 8, 8.18 'Freaks and Geeks' Day 8 call sheet & sides and 9.12 'Sharp Teeth' 2nd Unit Day call sheet & sides.
14.13 'Lebanon' - Yellow Draft signed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan at Creation Tour: New Jersey 2023; Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins at Creation Tour: Chicago 2023; Samantha Smith at Salute to Supernatural: San Francisco 2023. Includes green pages and technical package.
15.07 'Last Call' - Blue Draft signed by Jensen Ackles at Salute to Supernatural: Nashville 2023. Includes Pink, Yellow, and Green Pages.
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trashogram · 4 months
Proof I’m a Woman and not a girl anymore: I’ve watched and enjoyed Sex and The City
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annachum · 6 months
Some HP characters' styles
. Harry Potter : Basically often in a ' effortlessly put together ' style with track suits, t shirts, denim jackets and sneakers
. Ron Weasley : Similarly with Harry but often more colorful and eclectic. Defo tried to wear something inspired by Freddie Mercury at least once ( he was a teen in the 1990s. Come on now )
. Hermione Granger : Preppy academia styles with often earthy tones
. Ginny Weasley : Bold athletic and trendy styles with often bold colors and sneakers
. Luna Lovegood : Eclectic, soft fairy core styles with soft pants and skirts, and often butterfly hair clips
. Rolf Scamander : Athletic trendy styles often with dragon themed elements ( he becomes a dragon racing world champion and later dragonologist )
. Neville Longbottom : Preppy yet effortless styles often with cardigans and t shirts
. Hannah Abbott : Soft boho styles with often splashes of yellow ( kinda like Phoebe Duffay's styles in spades lol )
. Fleur Delacour : Elegant, sophisticated styles often with French touches ( similarly with the styles of Vanessa Paradis and the styles in Parisianvibe btw )
. Daphne Greengrass : Glam goth styles often in splashes of green, with some Russian touches ( similarly with the styles of Amora in Earth )
. Astoria Greengrass : Soft goth styles which often mix and match darker shades with pastel shades ( kinda like how I imagine Anna Pavlova may dress like in a Modern AU )
. Draco Malfoy : Basically preppy goth styles with starry elements often
. Blaise Zambini : Oceancore goth styles with often gold accessories ( kinda like How I imagine Namor's human world styles may be like in spades )
. Bill Weasley : Cool rocker styles often with earrings and ripped jeans and such. Fleur thinks his style is ' tres cool ' btw.
. Gabrielle Delacour : Preppy and girly styles with often knee high boots and cardigans ( kinda like Gwen Stacy's styles in spades )
. Angelina Johnson : Edgy/grunge styles with athletic kick, often with sneakers and statement accessories
. Percy Weasley : Often in preppy, clean cut styles with often suits and dress shoes
. Audrey Scamander ( older sis of Rolf and eventual wife of Percy ) : Edgy glam styles with often pant suits and silver/gold accessories ( kinda like Samantha Jones from SATC's styles in spades )
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thecrimecrypt · 2 years
Crimes That Shook Britain (London)
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Murder of Nisha Patel-Nasri Special Constable Nisha Patel-Nisri, 29, was stabbed to death outside her Wembley home in May 2006.  It was assumed she’d interrupted a burglary. Her husband Fadi Nasri made an emotional televised appeal for information. But, six months later, police found the murder weapon - a knife missing from the Nasris’ kitchen - in a nearby drain. 
CCTV footage showed a silver Audi - traced to a nightclub bouncer - pulling up to the drain. The bouncer claimed his friend Jason Jones, 36, of disposed of the knife.  Jones’ phone records connected him to drug dealer Rodger Leslie - and also to Nisha’s husband Fadi Nasri. Officers charged all four with murder. At the February 2008 trial, it was revealed Nasri had been having an affair with a Lithuanian prostitute, was £100,000 in debt. 
Nasri had paid Jones £15,000 to kill his wife for her life insurance - a deal set up by dealer Leslie.  The bouncer was acquitted, but Jones, Leslie and Nasri were all found guilty and sentenced to life. 
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John Christie On 9 March 1950, Timothy Evans was hanged for murdering his daughter Geraldine. Police believed he’d also killed his wife Beryl at 10 Rillington Place in Notting Hill, London. 
Evans claimed the downstairs neighbor John Christie killed Beryl in a botched abortion, but Christie was a prosecution witness, and the jury believed him.  When Christie moved house three years later, another tenant stumbled across three bodies in a hidden alcove in Christie’s kitchen. A total of seven bodies were found in the house and garden - including those of Beryl and Geraldine, plus Christie’s wife Ethel.
Christie was arrested and confessed to murdering seven women. Most were raped and strangled.  On 5 July 1953, Christie was hanged by the same executioner who’d hanged innocent Timothy Evans. 
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Killing of Rachel Nickell The sexual assault and killing of Rachel Nickell, 23, on Wimbledon Common in July 1992, was one of Britain’s biggest unsolved cases.  The model was stabbed 49 times in broad daylight. 
Heartbreakingly, her son, then 2, was found clinging to her, covered in blood, begging her to wake up.  A local man was charged, but the trial collapsed. 
In November 2004, after a DNA breakthrough, killer and rapist Robert Napper became prime suspect. He was already in psychiatric hospital Broadmoor for murdering Samantha Bisset and her daughter Jasmine, 4, in 1993.  Napper finally admitted killing Rachel and, in 2008, pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. 
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Death of Baby P In August 2007, 17-month-old Peter Connelly, known as Baby P before his full name was released to the media was found dead in his cot in Haringey, north London, with a catalogue of injuries. 
His mother Tracey, her lover, Steven Barker and his brother Jason Owen had inflicted the unimaginable violence.  Prior to Peter’s death, doctors and social services had noticed injuries, yet Peter was always returned to his mother. 
Just days before Peter’s death, a social worker failed to spot further injuries - disguised by chocolate deliberately smeared on his face.  When he died, little Peter had a broken back, fractured shin, his ear was ripped, a tooth knocked out and his head was gashed. 
The distressing case left the nation horrified. Connelly, Barker, and Owen were convicted of causing Peter’s death, and jailed. Owen and Connelly were released but since returned to prison for breaching parole.  Haringey council apologized for its failure to save the life of little Peter Connelly. 
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Dennis Nilsen In February 1983, residents of 23 Cranley in Muswell Hill, north London, complained of blocked drains and a sickening stench.  In the outside drain, a technician found bones and rotting human remains. 
In the filthy attic of Dennis Nilsen’s flat, police found dismembered, decaying corpses. Nilsen had been luring young gay men to his flat, then strangling them.  After cutting them up, he’d boil the skin off their bones and hide body parts in the house. He’d flushed limbs, flesh and organs down the toilet and sink. 
Three men were killed at Cranley Gardens, 12 more were murdered at Nilsen’s previous flat in Cricklewood, where he’d burned remains in the garden.  Nilsen was serving a whole-life sentence for the murders when he died in 2018 from a pulmonary embolism. 
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Murder of Stephen Lawrence On 22 April 1993, Stephen Lawrence, 18, was killed in Eltham, south London, in a racist attack - David Norris, Gary Dobson, and three other suspects were arrested and Norris and Dobson were charged with murder, but the case was dropped due to insufficient evidence. 
In 2005, laws preventing suspects being tried twice for the same crime were scrapped. New DNA evidence was found on Dobsons’ and Norris’ clothes and, in 2011, they were re-tried, found guilty of murder and jailed for life. 
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Invasion of the Pod People (2007)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Even for The Asylum - a collection of talentless producers and directors who shamelessly trick the visually impaired into buying or renting rip offs of bigger films - Invasion of the Pod People is a low point. For a brief instant, I considered awarding this film an ironic star and then decided against it. There is one scene with some unintentional comedic value but to reach it, you've got to dig through a lot of manure… by hand.
After a strange meteor shower, Melissa (Erica Roby) notices odd behaviour from her co-workers. Her boss, Samantha (Jessica Bork) keeps insisting Melissa bring this bizarre plant home. Could it be connected to the ever-growing number of imposters living among us?
This movie is literally the same thing as Invasion of the Body Snatchers. In the past some of the feeble efforts from the studio have featured what could be described as “original stories” but this is just the same plot we saw before in 1956, 1978 and again in 1993 but under a different name and with none of the suspense or horror. You’ve got the entire plot figured out from minute one - including the ending. Before you argue the same could be said about all the other remakes, keep in mind each new take mixed things up a bit. By being made during the Cold War, the alien invaders in the original represented the red scare. In another decade, the doppelgangers made us think about conformism. The updates featured top-notch special effects or added new elements to the mythology.
To be fair, director Justin Jones does have one noteworthy addition to this now-familiar story: gratuitous lesbian sex scenes. Melissa shows no hints of being attracted to women until four pod ladies start making out inside Samantha’s apartment, tearing off their clothes in a scene that should be erotic but instead makes you feel dirty, like you just watched a real-life hidden camera couch porno. Don’t these women know these images will be out there for display… forever?
The filmmaking is best described as “pathetic”. The lighting is poor. The dialogue is even worse. It’s delivered by non-actors, some of which are clearly reading the script on their lap. You wouldn’t think a low budget would harm this plot. As if on a dare, Invasion of the Pod People proves you wrong. The plant everyone keeps trying to push on Melissa is clearly a big chunk of ginger stuck inside a random pot. They couldn’t even paint it green or something? Do they think we’re too stupid to notice? If you HAD to save money somewhere, cast twins instead of wasting your money on a crappy screen double effect that barely conveys the information you want it to. Human beings don’t act like human beings in this movie, which makes you kinda glad the sinister figures are painfully obvious. Well, I say “glad” but that’s in theory.
Like so many Asylum films, Invasion of the Pod People is an inept waste of time. The scene were the lesbian pod people try to seduce our protagonist makes for some decent jokes about “the homosexual agenda” but that's hardly worth the effort needed to stop yourself from walking away from this ordeal. It’s been a long time since I seriously considered taking the DVD out of my machine and snapping it in half like I did today. (On DVD, December 13, 2019)
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tilbageidanmark · 1 year
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Movies I watched this Week #121 (Year 3/Week 17):
This week I watched more “Foreign” films (19) and more films by female directors (15) than usual. The best ones were: Lynne Ramsay's 'Gasman' and 'Ratcatcher', 'All night long', and 'Summer 1993'.
Carmen Jones squarely belongs to the beautiful Dorothy Dandridge, for which she was nominated for Best Actress Oscar, first for an African-American. Harry Belafonte played the sap who falls for her, is betrayed by her and who finally kills her in a jealous rage. The song numbers were all done in single shots, and the opening title sequence was the first one created by Saul Bass.
RIP, Harry Belafonte.
“About my own life, I have no complaints. Yet the problems faced by most Americans of color seem as dire and entrenched as they were half a century ago.”
Scottish Auteur Lynne Ramsay X 7:
She only made 4 feature films and before this week I’ve only seen her most recent one, the dark and ‘Taxi Driver’-violent ‘You were never really there’, which did not speak to me. But because I keep reading that she’s one of the most important female directors of our time, I wanted to check out the rest of her work.
🍿 Morvern Callar, her second feature, took a while to get me. Driftless, precarious supermarket worker Samantha Morton seemed to have no center. One Christmas morning she finds that her boyfriend had killed himself on their kitchen floor, and like Meursault in ‘The Stranger’ by Camus, she’s overwhelmed by her inability to process her emotions. But he left her a manuscript of a novel, and she replaces his name with hers and sends it to a publisher mentioned in his suicide note. Another modern classic it resembles is Antonioni’s ‘The Passenger': As she reinvents herself with his persona, she travels from her small Scottish town south to Andalusia, and eventually finds herself in the middle of nowhere, on a dusty mountain road without any plans, or idea what to do. By the ‘Dedicated to the One I Love’ ending, it all falls into place.
🍿 Her early, 15-minute masterpiece Gasman became an immediate favorite. A poetic gem without a single unnecessary frame or word. An 8-year-old goes to a Christmas party at the local inn with her dad and brother, and on the way they meet a woman who leaves 2 other children with the dad. The way the story discloses that the girls are half-sisters is silently and unbearably heartbreaking - 10/10!
🍿 “The very thought of you”...
Things left untold in the haunting short Swimmer, pure cinematic poetry in motion, all exquisite allusions without any explanations. 8/10
🍿 All her early shorts won prestigious awards and established her as a superb visual filmmaker. Small deaths was her film school graduation short. It captures a young girl’s pain. 
🍿 But only when watching her poetic debut feature Ratcatcher, that I understood why Lynne Ramsay is considered to be one of world cinema’s best visionaries. Not knowing anything in advance about it, I was not prepared for its visual gut punch. Beauty and misery among “the garbage and the flowers”. The non-redeemable, poor children of the working class neighborhood in 1973 Glasgow. Mesmerizing pain, transformative guilt, transcendental grace - one of the best well-made movies I ‘ever’ saw!
🍿 I was reluctant to finish with the depressing We Need to Talk About Kevin, since I’m not big on dramas with Omen-like psychopath children, school shooting tragedies and damaged, long-suffering mothers. Throughout the movie, mom Tilda Swinton is washing blood out, trying to atone. Disturbing and not a pleasure trip for sure.
🍿 All her films are about parental abandonment and existential sadness. Now that I’ve seen them all, I can understand her appeal. So meanwhile, here’s Tony Zhou, of ‘Every Frame a Picture’, talking about The Poetry of Details of Lynne Ramsay (From 2015).
And I can’t wait for her next feature “I feel fine”.
Ang Lee’s 2nd feature, The Wedding Banquet, part of his early “Father Knows Best” trilogy. Surprisingly, it’s another unapologetic mainstream story about a gay couple, done more than a decade before his ‘Brokeback Mountain’. It tells of a young Taiwanese immigrant in Manhattan, whose parents want him to marry a nice Chinese woman, not knowing that he's been living with his boyfriend [Roy Lichtenstein’s real son] for the last 5 years. Like Peter Weir’s Green Card, he agrees to fake-marry a nice woman who needs a green card, but his parents come and throw him a huge party. It gets a bit implausible.
2 surprising Othello adaptations:
🍿 My second intelligent enigma by forgotten British director Basil Dearden! A week ago I discovered his seminal gay blackmail Noir ‘Victim’ about closeted barrister Dirk Bogards, and I promised myself to look for other works by him. His very next All Night Long did not disappoint.
It re-creates Shakespeare's ‘Othello’ in a 1962 Swinging London jazz jam. Patrick McGoohan is drummer Johnny, a scheming, pot-smoking Iago who prowls the party stirring up jealousy and fear to tear the interracial couple of regal bandleader Aurelius Rex and his wife Delia apart, so that Delia will sing with Johnny when he leaves Othello's band.
It’s a superbly tense tragedy that takes place in one location and in the course of one evening, It mixes a thriller with authentic jazz performances and score, and it casually presents Race (2 mixed race couples are treated in matter-of-fact way) as well as marijuana usage which is part of the plot, but used without any comment.
With young Richard Attenborough and several prominent Jazz musicians including Dave Brubeck and Charles Mingus. There’s also the majestic performance of black lead actor Paul Harris as ‘The Moor”: Magnetic and unforgettable!
The trailer. 9/10!
🍿 Desdemona, one of the earliest screen adaptations of Othello, a silent film from 1911. It was directed by August Blom, a pioneer of Danish ‘golden age’ of erotic melodramas. Hard to figure out what’s happening, but what great hats the dames wore.
My first by Danish director Martin Zandvliet, A funny man (”Dirch”). It’s a traditional bio-pic about legendary local comedian and actor Dirch Passer. I loved the way it depicted theatrical life in Copenhagen of the 50′s and 60′s. With good performances by current stars of the Danish screen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Lars Ranthe and Lars Brygmann. A solid, personal 8/10.
The 2 award-winning Catalan dramas made by Carla Simón:
🍿 Alcarràs, a Spanish drama about a family of Catalan farmers, whose peach orchard which they had tended for 2 generations is sold from under them to be uprooted and used as a solar farm. Played convincingly by non-actors, especially the little girl Iris was pitch-perfect. Some scenes (like the family singing) were superb. 7/10. (Photo Above)
🍿 Her debut feature Summer 1993, was a heartbreaking story about a 6-year-old orphan who has to live with her uncle’s family in the country, after both her parents had died of AIDS. It’s a tender and intimate description of small gestures and inner turmoil. Tremendous “acting” by two little girls, the main subject, as well as her new 3-year-old step-sister.
100% ‘Fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes from 97 reviews. This film is also auto-biographical, as Simón’s real parents also died from AIDS when she was 6, and she had to live with her uncle's family in Catalonia. 9/10.
Fat, Bald, Short Man, my second Colombian film (after the masterful ‘Embrace of the serpent’). A singular animation feature, using minimalist, nearly abstract, rotoscoping. A story of an invisible middle-age salaryman, Antonio Farfán, who is hampered by his ordinary looks and low self-esteem. 5/10.
2 more by Sarah Polley:
🍿 Her debut feature, Away from her. Adapted from the Alice Munro short story, another difficult topic: Julie Christie suffers from Alzheimer's and must be put away in a home. There’s no surprise here, and it goes only in one direction.  
🍿 Take this Waltz, a standard Ménage à trois romantic comedy whereby Michelle Williams is happily married to chicken cookbook author Seth Rogen, but falls in love with the rickshaw driver / hipster-artist across the street. It’s hard to take husband Seth Rogen seriously, and even the Leonard Cohen montage doesn’t elevate the story to more than what it is.
Now that I’ve seen all four of Sarah Polley films, her documentary ‘Stories we tell” is the only memorable one, in my eyes.
“The gorillas beat him to death before the zookeepers could gas them all...”
“Frag Waving” Team America: World Police, one of the few action movies I can stand, a vulgar satire of Bush’s militaristic war on the “Terrorists”, and a parody of cliches for everything from Hollywood to politics to American values. The version I saw did not have the complete X-rated puppet sex scene I remember from before, but oh well. Still 7/10.
Also: “You are worthress, Arec Barrwin!”
2 by french director Rebecca Zlotowski:
🍿 Grand Central, my 14th infatuated film with Léa Seydoux (who seems to have a permanent clause in all her contracts that she must have at least 2 crying scenes in each - not that I mind). She starts a lukewarm romance with some block, an unskilled laborer with no personality, while living with the guy’s supervisor in a trailer next door. At the same time, they all work at a French nuclear plant, as manual sub-contractors, without having any qualifications, and get exposed to dangerous radiations all the time. Two arbitrary and unconvincing plots that fell flat. 3/10.
🍿 Zlotowski’s latest drama Other People's Children was better, because it had a more ‘normal’, adult story. A childless 40-year-old woman falls in love with a divorced man who has a four-year-old-daughter, and tries, unsuccessfully to fit in their lives. 5/10.
I was the biggest Beatles fan there was in the 60′s, but I never saw the reconstructed, cheesy Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band with Peter Frampston (?) and the Bee-gees before. Embarrassing and Disneyland-style kitschy, it made me ashamed to be alive during the excessive 70′s. Many atrocities involved (George Burns ‘Fixin’ a hole’, Donald Pleasence as a pimp, Steve Martin in Maxwell Silver Hammer, Aerosmith ‘Come Together’, nearly every other “parody” song), with zero redeeming qualities. 1/10.
Cracks, the only film directed by Jordan Scott, Ridley Scott's daughter. The genre of British period films about Boarding School for Girls is not my strong cup of tea, and neither is this one. A lesbian love triangle and sexual jealousy between a teacher and her two students on the diving team ended up clichéd. With young Juno Temple and neurotic Eva Green. 2/10.
Re-watch: Play it again, Sam, an early and typical Woody Allen comedy, written by him, starred by him (together with past and future girlfriends), but directed by Herbert Ross. 50 years later, it’s dated and unfunny. 2/10.
Should I now re-watch ‘True Romance’, my favorite Tarantino film, in which he based Val Kilmer’s Elvis on the Bogard character from here?
There were already 70 Covid-19 films, according to Wikipedia. Of the ones I saw, ‘Bo Burnham: Inside’ and ‘Locked Down' were my favorites.
But the new Life upside down is not. I only watched it because it was directed by a woman, and starred Bob Odenkirk. But these 5-6 shallow LA-characters were tiring and uninteresting. The only innovating aspect of this boring film was disclosed during the end credits: The fact that it was shot remotely over Zoom. 2/10.
(My complete movie list is here)
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forensicated · 4 months
02x03 - Lost
TW: Racist language
Yorkie is circulating the description of a 'child' they're looking for from the front desk -a 15 year old skinhead with tattoos. Taffy gets told off for Tom for booking his train journey home in work time on the work telephone and the boys are excited by June having to claim for a new work skirt that was ripped in the course of duty. "What was his name?" "Barbed wire."
The Superintendent assigns Roy to deal with bomb hoax phone calls at the local Town Hall. Could the rank of officer dealing be anything to do with the fact he plays golf with the chief exec of the council? Charles wants an obbo placed on the call box where the call came from and Roy thinks only an idiot would return to the same call box to make another threat. Ted has found out that a recent spate of other bomb hoaxes were made to councillors who voted against kicking the chief exec out. He wonders if it's a revolt from a disgruntled rate payer. Given his 'interest', Roy places Ted to watch it in the obbo van. "Go easy on the scotch you might have to see straight."
Reg teases Taffy for going back to Wales for his nephew's christening. Yorkie asks if he's going to be the godfather and Reg scoffs and says the real reason for him returning is because of 'Mary Evans.' "...Jones." Taffy corrects with a sigh. "Yeah well, it's all the same!" Reg insists.
Taffy takes a call about a lost child from the headmaster of a primary school. June gets mobbed as soon as she arrives by the children until she's rescued by the headmaster. Samantha isn't the type that would normally play truant so he's very worried about her.
"Van rations!" Ted insists, coming out of a newsagents. "Are you sure you'll manage to survive?" asks Jim, nodding at the bag of food.
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"More likely to die of boredom." Mike sighs, claiming Roy likely has it in for Ted giving him this job. Ted explains that the Super had him on the carpet, causing Jim to literally snigger out loud. "Never have grown up, have you, Jimmy?" Ted sighs. As they return to the van, one of the local wags has used the dirt on the side to write 'PIGS'.
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Jim wipes it off but doesn't do a very good job. As Jim drives them over to the location, Mike asks what the flavour of crisps are that Ted's eating. "Can't see." "Can't you tell by the taste?" "No." Jim parks, walking away with a bang on the side. "Have a nice day!"
Samantha hasn't reported being bullied and her mum says there's nothing at home that could have caused her to run away. She is in a hurry to get home though as she's trying to get through to her husband at the bus station where he works. June tells her she'll be over late to collect a photograph. The head reads Samantha's recent report which says Samantha has been becoming slapdash over her work for a term and is quiet in class. She has a new friend from an Irish Catholic family. June speaks to the friend, Theresa. Theresa says they've never gone anywhere they shouldn't or spoken to anyone that they don't know. Samantha lives in a run down block of flats that is covered in graffiti and rubbish. Her mother hands June a photograph of Samantha but the husband/father is so far still nowhere to be seen. June rings Social Services to ask them to do a search just to see if they'd had any involvement with the family.
In the van Mike spots 'lovely Rita' , a traffic warden approaching. "We could invite her in, she could share your pork pie." "Do you ever stop thinking about sex?" "Do you ever stop thinking of your stomach?" 2 minutes and 50 seconds later, Rita returns to write a ticket for the van but the boys have their own bit of fun waiting for her.
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Reg warns Taffy that he wants to watch his returns home and meals with Mary's parent's as the next thing he'll be hearing is wedding bells. Old Reg is definitely very different from what he became!
Yorkie is concerned about a family who are being subjected to abuse and racist graffiti outside their home. The 15 year old skinhead Yorkie was trying to trace earlier is the aggressor. Yorkie was going to speak to the education welfare officer but Bob suggests speaking to the boys dad first.
The head teacher of Samantha's school arrives with Theresa to talk to June. Theresa thought that telling June what had really happened might be a sin. She explains that a man flashed them when they were walking home. She was so scared that she didn't tell anyone and neither did Samantha. She can't tell June what the man looked like so June asks gently prompting questions instead to work out the specifics one at a time.
Taffy calls to the van to tell them to return to the station ASAP and report to Roy. The MISPER investigation has now become a potential abduction and everyone available on shift has been called in to help. The dog unit are also helping and June has to liaise with the mother - which also means telling her about the flasher and that they think Samantha has been abducted. June arrives at Samantha's home and hears her parents having a raging row. Her parents blame Theresa for Samantha's work slipping, claiming she gave her nits too!
Roy and CID are looking for the flasher whilst uniform are searching primarily for the little girl. The description is not brilliant but Roy asks them to make a list of any known sex offenders in the area that match it and then to visit them. Mike and Ted check up on 2 sex offenders in particular that jump out at them. An attractive neighbour tells them that the first one has gone away last minute and that it's the first time she's known him to go away since he moved in. Both are quite taken with the neighbour...
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Mike reports that Terrance Lowe, the first suspect, is not at home and asks for officers to keep an eye out for him.
June gently explains to Samantha's parents that they've had a report that both Samantha and a friend were flashed at. The father looks out the window and spots them checking the nearby rubbish dump. "It's normal procedure." June says reassuringly "For you, maybe!" He tells his wife to shut up when she apologises for him snapping at June and shows her to Samantha's bedroom. June has a quick look round and can't see anything out of the ordinary. Samantha's favourite bunny is waiting for her on her bed for her return - complete with chewed ear. Her father tells June that he promised to take her back to St Katharine's Dock, the subject of one of her many drawings around the room and that the picture of him and Samantha on the bedside table was taken in Margate. They notify Kent police and Roy has sent a couple of officers down to St Katharine's Dock to see if she's there. Charles tells Roy to start notifying press and TV and at the same time a telephone call comes through to tell him that a bomb hoax has come through but it's not at the Town Hall this time. It was at a Turkish bath where the council leader was having his weekly steam - something Roy and Charles can't help laughing at.
Ted and Mike call at the second suspects (played by Norman Lovett - aka Holly from Red Dwarf) address and find his mother home. She tells him that her son has got a job at the cab garage and that he left for work at the normal time of 8.45am and his boss tells them he arrived at 9.15am as usual. At the station, the second suspect is initially more offended about being accused and brought in rather than being helpful with his whereabouts at the time of the girls potential abduction.
Jim and Abe speak to the boat owners as they attempt to locate Samantha. A drunken old man claims he saw Samantha and that she was wearing a tartan skirt that reminded him of the tartan from his Blackwatch Uniform. Unfortunately before he can be questioned further he collapses. They bring him in and Roy tries his hardest to talk to him to get him to tell him the full story of what he can remember. Roy is very gentle and uncharacteristically patient with him, even holding his coffee for him to drink.
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June tells Bob that Samantha's parents aren't coping. She also thinks Samantha had been crying in her bedroom before she left because she found a hidden handkerchief with her bunny.
Roy asks the drunk if he remembers if Samantha was with anyone. He says there was a woman with a spotted coat but he doesn't know if they were together or not. Later Roy gives Ted a gentle warning that he could be heading the same way with his drinking.
The helicopter unit is brought in to search for Samantha. The full length edition of the theme plays in the background through a montage of police divers and uniform officers getting ready to search the entire Dock for Samantha. with Viv, Pete and Abe stopping cars nearby and a police car with speaker system repeatedly reading out the description as it drives round. Ted wonders why neither of the girls felt like they could tell their parents they were flashed at.
The incident room are getting multiple calls - but they're spread far and wide and some in unlikely places for it to be Samantha travelling between them given the timings. For mug watch fans Bob has his Arsenal mug out again.
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Reg says he could do with a cup of tea and June suggests that he go get it himself, especially as she's trying to ring the school headmaster. "I only asked, bleedin' feminist paranoia!" June asks if she can go into the school to speak to Theresa again but the head tells her that she's not at school. "Don't tell me she's been abducted too!" Reg the helpful adds. A couple of minutes later he puts his foot in it again by saying 'The trouble with West Indian's is that they have too many kids!" in front of Abe.
June heads to the flats and Theresa opens the door. June asks why she isn't at school and if she's home alone. Theresa remains silent. Later June has gotten Theresa to tell her that she was too scared to go to school. She won't tell her why but June asks her if she's told a fib. Again there's no response. June tells Roy that Theresa won't tell her either way but she's sure that she is lying about the flasher.
Yorkie asks Taffy how 'his girl' felt about being stood up the night before. "Not too bad all things considered... especially as she was waiting for me for 2 hours at Bangor station!" It was his sister who gave him hell for not going!
Bob receives a phone call telling him that Brighton Police have arrested their first missing suspect. He updates Roy and then arranges for Mike and Ted to pick him up and return him to Sun Hill.
Sun Hill receive a telephone call about a woman in a spotted mac with a girl matching Samantha's description shopping in a toy shop. Roy picks up on it immediately. "Come on, Ackland. I'll buy you a teddy bear." (It's impossible not to ship Roy/June!) Roy shows the shop assistant a picture of Samantha and she says she's sure it is her as she remembers the blue anorak. She bought a colouring book and some felt tips and that Samantha seemed to be OK. She paid by credit card so Roy checks the receipts to find a name, Luba Cheska, and then rings Bob to get him to chase it up. Yorkie recognises the name as the wife of a Polish man who was murdered in a hit and run accident. They get the address from the bank and then Roy and June drive over. As soon as the door opens, June and Roy identify themselves and hurry inside before they can be pushed out by Cheska. June hurries into the kitchen and finds a happy and smiling Samantha helping her bake some cakes. As soon as June tells her she has to go home the smile disappears and she looks sad.
Charles receives a telephone call from the Chief Exec of the council again who says he understands they had to focus on the missing child but he's received another call about a bomb and so he's going to complain about them to CIB. "I wish somebody would bloody well blow him up." Charles growls, hanging up. He hears Ted and Mike outside and initially shouts at them for not being around and then apologises when they tell him they'd driven to Brighton to interview the suspect before being told that it wasn't necessary once there! Charles tells them the Council's Chief Executive has had another telephone call and is going to report them to the complaints bureau for not stopping them.
Viv sits in and takes notes as Roy interviews Cheska. She says that she thought Samantha was lost and that she wasn't going to school because she found her at the Dock watching the boats. Cheska explains that she also goes there to people watch and talk to strangers as she's lonely since her husband died.
June returns with Samantha and takes her up to her parents. Her mother instantly grabs her and slaps her round the face, asking where the hell she had been. Her father shouts at his wife that she shouldn't hit her and the parents start rowing again, dragging Samantha inside and slamming the door on June who visibly regrets taking Samantha back to the chaos of her parents where she was so unhappy. With smacking legal in the 80's, there's nothing she can do.
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itsrattysworld · 8 months
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Record June O'Sullivan's Mask Of Sanity Reveal Psychopath Wants To Be Remembered As Disruptive Influence Got Rid Of Karen Walker Women In Leadership 2013 MBE 2014 Sanctions Discrimination BIB Label UURICA-LE Ex Mental Health Nurse Use Richard Harty MIC For Fetish Hold Power Over Fe/Male Drag Queen Storytellers Neil King Rashid Iqbal Resigned Or Sacked David Stephen Demoted Scotland Set Up MIC Conor Bathgate Jump Ship Bright Horizons Data Breach Just Another Bungle Met Police Involved In Refer To YouTube Offer To Volunteer Restore Trusts A New Met For London Will Be Judged By Sir Mark Rowley Sign Book A Strong Jamaican Woman Who Is Victim Of Housing For Women Samantha Gibbs Coerced Deborah Gilchrist Starts April 2022 Invite To ASB Meeting Housing Ombudsman Service Neil Coyle Aware Of 23 Years Hate Crimes Martin Luther King Reggae Month I Write About Brother Died Jail LinkedIn Stolen 3 Accounts 1st 69 Publications Oxeyes Weebsite Did HMCTS CPS CJS Think They Get Away With Criminal Need ERT Violent Nuisance Unlawful Injunction Threats Imprisonment Eviction Writer Therapy Father Stricken Parkinsons I Will Be At County Court Clerkenwell Shoreditch 14/2/2024 44 Years Ivan Sandyman Nembhard Laid To RIP Home GaGa Street Neice 58th Birthday Collaborators Wanted Chronicles Of Arnold Tomlinson Came To UK February 1956 2/2/24
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Name A-Z Of Abusers After June O’Sullivan Sanction Discrimination BIB Nursery Fronted Ofsted CEO Long Service Award HMCTS CPS CJS IOPC JCIO SRA BSB MOPAC HMPPS CLCC CCMCC Miscarriages Of Justice Judges Freer Simler Kernaghan Jones Shanks Booth Doyle Dight Parfitt Sterlini Rand Zimmel Bell Party To Metropolitan Police Attempts On My Life 30/10/ 2017-2024 Section…
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docrotten · 2 years
[HORROR NEWS] SEPTEMBER 26, 2022 – Hellraiser Reboot, Wednesday, Scanners TV, and more
Welcome to HORROR NEWS RADIO for September 26, 2022. JOIN US FOR horror news for CLOVERFIELD 2 and SCANNERS on HBO, along with trailer news for HELLRAISER 2022 and KNOCK AT THE CABIN. All this, and more, coming up next…
I am your host Doc Rotten and this is HNR, the official GRUESOME MAGAZINE HORROR NEWS podcast. Back with me again this week is Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6dead6irl.
Director Babak Anvari boards Bad Robot's CLOVERFIELD 2 as it officially goes into development Babak Anvari ("Wounds") is set to direct. J.J. Abrams is producing. Previous films in the series: Cloverfield (2008), 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016), The Cloverfield Paradox (2018). Source: Variety
David Cronenberg's SCANNERS returns with an HBO Series. William Bridges (Black Mirror "USS Callister") is the writer and showrunner. Yann Demange (Lovecraft Country) is set to direct.
Synopsis: Two women living on the fringes of modern society are pursued by relentless agents with unimaginable powers and thus must learn to work together to topple a vast conspiracy determined to bring them to heel. Source: The Hollywood Reporter
NETFLIX finally drops the WEDNESDAY premiere date and we're "thankful" - WEDNESDAY debuts on NETFLIX on November 23, 2022. The series is directed by Tim Burton and features Jenna Ortega in the title role. Source: Deadline
Lena Headey teams up with Nick Frost for the comedy/thriller SVALTA for XYZ Films, directed by Steffen Haars and Flip van der Kuil and written by Nick Frost.
Synopsis: a family begin their summer vacation to a remote island with a dark past. There, they discover that a serial killer is on the loose and that unfortunately for them, the hostile locals have no interest in helping them. Source: Deadline
Storm Reid joins Bonnie Aarons in THE NUN 2 with Taissa Farmiga in talks to return. Michael Chaves (The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It) is set to direct. Ian Goldberg and Richard Naing are currently adapting the script from a screenplay penned by writer Akela Cooper (Malignant). THE NUN 2 is currently set to debut on September 8, 2023. Source: Collider
Michael Beihn heads to Australia to film THE RED along with Tess Haubrich (Alien: Covenant) and Angie Milliken (Elvis). The director is Ryan Coonan and the creature effects come from Toby Barron (Thor: Ragnorok).
Synopsis: A young sheriff (Haubrich) obsessed with living up to her dead father’s legacy finds her mettle tested when locals are found ripped to shreds. She must finally face up to her past and work with her eccentric Vietnam veteran uncle (Biehn) to defeat the beast responsible for the murders before it kills everyone in town. Source: Deadline
HELLRAISER reboot drops on HULU October 7, 2022 Director: David Bruckner Writers: Ben Collins, Luke Piotrowski, David S. Goyer Based on the book by Clive Barker Cast: Jamie Clayton, Odessa A'zion, Goran Visnjic
Universal teases M. Night Shyamalan's KNOCK AT THE CABIN coming February 3, 2023 Director: M. Night Shyamalan Writers: M. Night Shyamalan, Steve Desmond, Michael Sherman Based on the novel by: Paul Tremblay Cast: Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Rubert Grint, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Abby Quinn, Kristen Cui
RLJE wants to party with KIDS VS ALIENS for early 2023 Director: Jason Eisener Writers: John Davies, Jason Eisener Cast: Dominic Mariche, Phoebe Rex, Calem MacDonald
NETFLIX provides first look at THE MIDNIGHT CLUB coming October 7 Creators: Mike Flanagan, Leah Fong Cast: Samantha Sloyen, Zach Gilford, Igby Rigney, Heather Langenkamp
Lionsgate doesn't want you to forget that PREY FOR THE DEVIL is coming to theaters this Halloween Director: Damian Stamm Writers: Robert Zappia, Todd R. Jones, Earl Richey Jones Cast: Virginia Madsen, Jacqueline Byers, Nicolas Ralph, Colin Salmon, Ben Cross in his final role
Check out this episode!
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candydarlings · 4 years
And Just Like That...
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outtagum · 3 years
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The cast of SEX AND THE CITY pay tribute to co-star Willie Garson who sadly passed away at 57 from a private battle with cancer. RIP Stanford Blatch x
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For every $10 you donate to RIP Medical Debt, you will 1) be erasing about $1,000 in medical debt and 2) be entered in a raffle to win one of the items listed below. The more total donations we receive, the more scripts will be made available as prizes.
If donations reach $2000 total, we'll add:
3.07 'Fresh Blood' - Production Draft signed by Jared Padalecki at Jus in Bello 13 (Rome). Set includes Blue and Pink Revisions.
4.07 'It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester!' - Production Draft signed by Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins at Creation Tour: Minneapolis 2023.
12.01 'Keep Calm and Carry On' - Blue Draft signed by Mark Sheppard at Salute to Supernatural: Vancouver 2023; Samantha Smith at Salute to Supernatural: Nashville 2023.
12.17 'The British Invasion' - Production Draft. Proxy cover signed by Adam Fergus and David Haydn-Jones at Salute to Supernatural: Chicago 2022 (original cover page is missing); Jake Abel at Creation Tour: Charlotte 2023. Includes 3.11 (aired as 3.12) Jus in Bello' Day 5 call sheet.
13.10 'Wayward Sisters' - Writer's 2nd Draft signed by Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster at Creation Tour: Atlanta 2023; to be signed by Kathryn Newton at New York Comic Con 2023. Includes the 8.18 'Freaks and Geeks' shooting schedule and 13.08 'The Scorpion and the Frog' - Story Arena (both extras are unsigned).
15.14 'Last Holiday' - Studio & Network Draft signed by Alexander Calvert at Salute to Supernatural: Vancouver 2023.
Raffle closes November 5, 2023 at 11:59pm (EST).
To see the complete list of prizes, click here.
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oofjaemin · 4 years
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⌠ NAM JOO-HYUK, 25, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, JAEMIN ‘ JAE ’ WOO! according to their records, they’re a SECOND year, specializing in DRIVER’S ED + COVERT OPS; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( lipstick stains on shirt collars, sweaty sprints at dawn to start the day, being shirtless for no apparent reason, soft smirks when he’s up to no good ). when it’s the ( cancer )’s birthday on 7/17/1995, they always request their HAEJANGGUK from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
i’ll do a proper graphic / maybe add to this when it’s not 7am buuuut.... here’s jae — i just wanna say i now have four muses on the torres floor so that’s automatically the best floor x
some of his character parallels: 
stirling archer | archer - 96 %
samantha jones | sex and the city - 96 %
lucifer morningstar | lucifer - 95 %
barney stinson | how i met your mother - 95 %
maeby funke | arrested development - 93 %
chuck bass | gossip girl - 92 %
anyways. he a massive Hoe. i feel it had to be done after 3 of my muses coupled up 
his fam are part of The Spy Life, actually used to be very good friends with a certain mr steven park’s family until jae kinda... was jae and they split the bond, rip xx
he didn’t do anything major but the parks really didn’t want him around their sons, but jae doesn’t listen to rules or authority and said fuck that, i do what i want ?? plus he was hella close to both steve n andrew so he legit didn’t care what their parent’s wishes were and that kinda forced their hand to put a stop to it
he’s just very very impulsive, chooses fun and pleasure above all else and isn’t the most mature, a chaotic neutral.... jeez wonder why the parks wanted better for their kids JHSBJHBS
anywhoooo he actually gets on well with his own family !! has a sister who is very obedient, hard working and polite ( maybe i’ll do a wc ?? ) and while his parents do want him to succeed and focus in life.... they’ve known jae all his life and frankly they’re tired of repeating themselves and have found it’s better to just let him be as he’s much worse when he rebels
you’d think a twenty five year old would be less childish but ???? fuck age norms
he is actually very intelligent ?? sometimes 
his family have a tradition of attending university before a spy academy, to sort of prove your worth, intelligence, hard work, determination etc and it’s a bit of security to fall back on if anything were to happen to the family, their ties in the spy world, or themselves as individuals — plus it can be used as a something of a cover too ! plus... if you don’t do this step, the family consider you inadequate and you won’t get any money !!! 
it was a big incentive for jae who likes expensive cars and jetting round the world without a care so he studied law at cambridge and part of him thinks about ditching the spy world all together and becoming a lawyer but he’s dissuaded by the difference in potential money jhbjshbjs
his dad wanted him in weapons training but he said ‘ no x ’ and chose driver’s ed instead bc he likes to skrr skrrrrrr but don’t let him in ur car bc he might wreck it... not bc he can’t drive but he’s just a bloody idiot and will try and see if he can flip it or something
he’s a massive dick to his hook ups, tho not so much intentionally, but defo the type to be less than interested in you as soon as he’s finished jsbjhbjhbthe classic ‘ you’re still here ? ’ if he’s woken up and you’re beside him — but he can be quite a gentleman beforehand to ensure he sleeps with you, so i’ll apologise now for him xxx
has a lot of ‘ friends ’ but probs only a small few of people he’d actually put before himself ( imma say steve exclusively ) 
he’s just a bit of a mess about, likes to play and doesn’t really care who’s expense it comes at as long as it’s not his but he’s not like a full on dick or outwardly mean for the sake of it, he just does what he wants and what he wants can change quite quickly so he’s not one to be sentimental or put the effort in to ensure you’re not offended or hurt
drinks a lot, smokes a bit, other drugs occasionally 
pansexual but defo Het Energy bc he’s probs only slept w girls im p sure
was in the chess club at cambridge like a loser
he 6′2 : ) 
brain kinda empty but i think i covered everything ??? 
some connections i’d love 
defo hook ups plssssssssss, even if it’s ex ones or a one night stand kind of thing, i feel if he continuously hooks up w someone they defo know he’s not keeping up the act of being polite n courteous so ??? can either be mutual or a thing they clash on — i’d say he probs has a preference for feminine peeps but only bc he’s never explored the other side of things but he’d be down to, for sure, i just do not think he’s a bottom so JHBHSJHB
some fitness friends, he really loves going for runs and jogs and wouldn’t mind a buddy to do it alongside him, same with just general gym buds or sparring partners !! 
family friends / enemies / neutral ? the woos are fairly known in korea, obvs they’ve cut ties w the parks so it could have some collateral w other families !!
someone he annoys the hell out of, bickering 24/7 ???? sign me tf up !! maybe they’re just as immature as he is or literally can’t stand him at all !! 
ok i think thats it but may add to when i wake up : ) pls either like dis, react when i post it in discord, or simply message me for plots n ideas !!! i will probs post an open tho if u wud rather see the vibe n chemistry !!! 
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
Dear Evan Hensen
Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - June 24, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Olivia Puckett (u/s Alana Beck) NOTES: Excellent HD capture with no obstructions. This was shortly after Ben Platt's 2017 Tony win for Best Actor and Best Musical Award. The cast and show are still in wonderful shape, energy and speaks for itself. A- Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - August 11, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Lee Brown (u/s Evan Hansen), Garrett Long (u/s Heidi Hansen), Olivia Puckett (u/s Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of Understudies going on for the three lead roles. Michael does a terrific job filling Evan's shoes, bringing his own interpretation and power. A Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - November 3, 2017 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Garrett Long (u/s Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Highlight running about 57 minutes; ends right before Disappear, youtube rips filmed in portrait on a phone. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - November 19, 2017 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Poorly recorded from a mobile device, about 9 minutes of clips of the show.  Ben is outstanding in his final performance. C- Words Fail, the Or Did You Let Go? scene, and the Finale only.  Ben Platt's final show Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - December 8, 2017 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MOV (HD)  CAST: Noah Galvin (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Ben Levi Ross (u/s Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Highlights of Ben Levi Ross's first performance as Jared. Includes: Waving Through A Window, Sincerely Me, For Forever, If I Could Tell Her, Disappear, You Will Be Found, Words Fail and a few others. Filmed Vertically. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - January 31, 2018 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Taylor Trensch (e/c Evan Hansen), Nicole Van Giesen (u/s Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Ben Levi Ross (u/s Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Highlights: Waving Through a Window, Sincerely Me, 'Helping the Murphys' scene, Good For You, Words Fail Taylor's second show as Evan Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - September 30, 2018 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck) NOTES: Starts a little bit before "Requiem" but is full from there. Small obstruction on bottom right of the screen for some of the show, and camera can be jumpy at times. That aside, the picture quality is beautiful, and pretty much all of the important actions are caught. The master obviously knew the show well. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - December 29, 2018 (Highlights) (bluebird's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), Nicole Van Giesen (u/s Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (u/s Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck) NOTES: Act One only! Gabrielle is a wonderful Zoe and really gives the role her all. Filmed from the center mezzanine, with obstructions in the bottom of the screen, filmed between heads. Lots of washout, especially in the brighter scenes, but definitely watchable. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - December, 2016 (Highlights) (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Act One only! A nice capture with no washout and just one quick dropout during the scene after Waving Through a Window. There is one head that blocks part of the front of the stage, but it’s worked around generally doesn’t do more than block the actors’ legs. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - February, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Barth Feldman (Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck) NOTES: Due to a sick audience member, the last 2 minutes of Act One are from a performance a few weeks prior with Michael Lee Brown. This is the fixed version. This is also the last known video capture of Michael Park and Jennifer Laura Thompson in the role of Larry and Cynthia Murphy before they depart on August 4. The version with February, 2018 in the menu should not be shared. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - January, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jordan Fisher (Evan Hansen), Jessica Phillips (Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (Zoe Murphy), Christiane Noll (Cynthia Murphy), Ivan Hernandez (Larry Murphy), Dan Macke (t/r Connor Murphy), Jared Goldsmith (Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe (Alana Beck) NOTES: The video starts just after Anybody Have a Map. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - June, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Asa Somers (s/b Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck) Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - June, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Roman Banks (u/s Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (u/s Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Asa Somers (s/b Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Samantha Williams (Alana Beck) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of Roman in the titular role, with Gabrielle and Asa as Zoe and Larry respectively! Filmed from the left orchestra, this is a very Roman-centric capture, filmed with a mix of wides, mediums, and many closeups. Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - November, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. In the long journey to Broadway, the show still lives up to all it's hype and greatness. The cast gives amazing performances and leaves it all on the stage. A Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - September, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Roman Banks (u/s Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (Zoe Murphy), Ann Sanders (t/r Cynthia Murphy), Ivan Hernandez (Larry Murphy), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Samantha Williams (Alana Beck) Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway - September, 2019 (2) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Michael Lee Brown (alt Evan Hansen), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Gabrielle Carrubba (Zoe Murphy), Ann Sanders (t/r Cynthia Murphy), Ivan Hernandez (Larry Murphy), Roman Banks (u/s Connor Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Samantha Williams (Alana Beck) NOTES: If this is your first time watching Dear Evan Hansen, or if you are just a casual fan this video may not make sense. The seat location for filming is not great and the video starts during “Waving Through a Window.” This video is very much focused on Michael Lee Brown/Roman Banks/Ann Sanders. While other people are speaking and singing you will get close ups of their acting choices. Never to be posted publicly on any social media site. Don't post screenshots on twitter. Gifs on tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't link anything to the actors. Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - October 18, 2018 (Matinee) (Preview) (Highlights) (thehouseonsunset's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stephen Christopher Anthony (alt Evan Hansen), Jessica Phillips (Heidi Hansen), Maggie McKenna (Zoe Murphy), Christiane Noll (Cynthia Murphy), Aaron Lazar (Larry Murphy), Marrick Smith (Connor Murphy), Jared Goldsmith (Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe (Alana Beck) NOTES: Most of Act one. There were a lot of difficulties during the show. Master had to leave unfortunately so they couldn't get the entire show. Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - November 17, 2018 (Highlights)
FORMAT: video CAST: Stephen Christopher Anthony (alt Evan Hansen), Jessica Phillips (Heidi Hansen), Maggie McKenna (Zoe Murphy), Christiane Noll (Cynthia Murphy), Aaron Lazar (Larry Murphy), Marrick Smith (Connor Murphy), Jared Goldsmith (Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe (Alana Beck) NOTES: Highlights include: You Will Be Found, Sincerely Me, Requiem, Anybody Have A Map?, Good For You, Words Fail.
Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - December 30, 2018 (Closing Night) (Highlights)
CAST: Ben Levi Ross (Evan Hansen), Jessica Phillips (Heidi Hansen), Maggie McKenna (Zoe Murphy), Christiane Noll (Cynthia Murphy), Aaron Lazar (Larry Murphy), Marrick Smith (Connor Murphy), Jared Goldsmith (Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe (Alana Beck)
NOTES: Highlights running around 30 mins, includes: Waving Through A Window, For Forever. Sincerely Me, Requiem, If I Could Tell Her, You Will Be Found and Only Us.
Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - October 26, 2019 (Matinee) (myroadofgoodintentions's master)
CAST: Sam Primack (alt Evan Hansen), Jessica Sherman (Heidi Hansen), Stephanie La Rochelle (Zoe Murphy), Claire Rankin (Cynthia Murphy), John Hemphill (Larry Murphy), Noah Kieserman (Connor Murphy), Alessandro Costantini (Jared Kleinman), Ciara Alyse Harris (Alana Beck)
NOTES: High quality boot shot with an HD camera. Some shakiness and jumping around and quick zooms in and out to find the action as master was less familiar with this show. Really great captures of faces and mix of wide shots and zooms.
Dear Evan Hansen - First National Tour - December 8, 2019 (Closing Night) (mynewfavoriteday's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD
Matthew Edward Kemp (u/s Evan Hansen)
, Jessica Sherman (Heidi Hansen), Stephanie La Rochelle (Zoe Murphy), Claire Rankin (Cynthia Murphy), John Hemphill (Larry Murphy), Noah Kieserman (Connor Murphy), Alessandro Costantini (Jared Kleinman), Samantha Williams (Alana Beck)
NOTES: Matthew Edward Kemp’s debut as Evan! Excellent HD capture of the second year cast of the National Tour and first known video of Samantha on tour. A perfect capture of the final performance in Dallas with minimal washout, obstructions, and no noticeable dropouts. There are only a few instances where the camera doesn't focus completely but the show is filmed just as a well as any fan would want it to be. Jessica cuts off one of Matthew's lines and Claire almost misses an entrance, but overall it was just a perfect performance with a perfect audience. It’s filmed in 16:9 from the far right mezzanine, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call.
Dear Evan Hansen - West End - November, 2019 (Preview) (queenofthedead's master)
Marcus Harman (alt Evan Hansen)
, Rebecca McKinnis (Heidi Hansen), Lucy Anderson (Zoe Murphy), Lauren Ward (Cynthia Murphy), Rupert Young (Larry Murphy), Doug Colling (Connor Murphy), Jack Loxton (Jared Kleinman), Nicole Raquel Dennis (Alana Beck)
NOTES: Shot from very high up which gave my camera a hard time focusing on faces in bright scenes which is shown. Action on the far left side of the stage (to us) gets missed. The bar sometimes obstructs but not massively. Would recommend it for checking out the cast more than for if you want to see the projections. Marcus’ 4th show as Evan.
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 years
books (in the time of corona)
Let’s get real--we’re all going fucking insane.  
Therefore, I’m recommending some books with which you can kill time.  I’m breaking them into categories--the romance category including several subgenres but by and large covering books that focus more heavily on the romance than anything else.  These will all be adult books; I’m doing a separate page for YA recommendations.
I’ll be adding to this list as I finish books that I feel belong here.
A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux.  A young woman is abandoned by her scoundrel of a boyfriend, only to find a literal medieval knight in shining armor.  Pure 80′s cheese, a classic in the time travel subgenre long before Outlander ever happened.
The Circle Trilogy by Nora Roberts.  Six sexy people, three men and three women in Roberts fashion, travel across time and parallel dimensions to fight an evil vampire and her undead army.  Come for three fun romances, stay in particular for the “virgin bookworm queen captures the heart of the formerly evil 1,000 Irish vampire” ship.
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne.  Rival coworkers who’ve always hated each other compete for the same job--until maybe?  They start?  Hooking up?
From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata.  A down on her luck singles figure skater pairs up with the pairs champion she’s always despised... Unless they in fact, in a STUNNING TWIST, do not hate each other?
Pestilence by Laura Thalassa.  A BIT ON THE NOSE RIGHT NOW, but I promise that this tale of a hot virgin Horseman of the Apocalypse spreading his plague and the one woman brave enough to fuck him is WORTH IT.  As is the sequel, War.
My Lady’s Choosing by Kitty Curran.  A literal choose your own adventure novel, but the adventures bodice ripping Regency romance plots!!!
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang.  A sweet and smart woman on the autism spectrum hires a male escort to teach her to be good at sex.  Shit goes DOWN from there.
The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary.  She works days; he works nights.  She needs a cheap place to stay, and he needs a roommate.  So they share a flat and even a bed (sleeping on opposite sides and never at the same time) only communicating through post-it notes throughout the apartment.  What could go wrong?
Marriage for One by Ella Maise.  She can only get her inheritance if she’s married.  Good thing a glacial attorney has offered to marry her out of nowhere, only for paper purposes.  What could go wrong???
The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa.  Lina is a wedding planner who was left at the altar.  Max is the younger brother of the man who left her, and apparently convinced him to do the leaving.  What happens when they work together?
Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert.  Chloe suffers from a chronic illness, which means that she’s never had a life--and so she compiles a list that will help her get one.  On the list?  Meaningless sex.  Which she won’t have with her building’s superintendent, even though he’s really down to help her cross off all the other items, riiiight?
Passion by Jude Morgan.  The dramatic and intense height of Romantic England, told from the perspectives of Caroline Lamb, mistress of Lord Byron; August Leigh, his sister and lover; Mary Shelley; and Fanny Brawne, fiancee of John Keats.
Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier.  Impoverished Griet becomes a maid in the household of the painter Vermeer, becoming his muse after he realizes that she has a natural eye--much to the dismay of his wife.
Snow Flower and The Secret Fan by Lisa See. In nineteenth century China, best friends Lily and Snow Flower follow each other through emotional and cultural revolutions, communicating through the secret language of fans.
The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George.  Cleopatra recounts her life story, from her earliest memory, through her affairs with Caesar and Antony, and her end.
Mistress of Rome by Kate Quinn.  In Domitian’s Rome, a Jewish girl rises from the position of lady’s slave to the emperor’s mistress through wiles and scheming.
The Tiger Queens by Stephanie Thornton.  The rise and fall of Genghis Khan’s empire, as told through the women of his family--from his favorite wife to a clever daughter-in-law.
At the Water’s Edge by Sara Gruen.  A socialite follows her incompetent to Scotland as he struggles to find the Loch Ness Monster and redeem his ancestor’s name--finding herself and questioning her life in the process.
A Year of Ravens.  A collection of short stories by different authors, all centering on Boudica’s rebellion through the eyes of her countrymen and her enemies.
Feast of Sorrow by Crystal King.  A slave becomes a chef in the treacherous household of a social climber struggling to gain the favor or Caesar August.
Fatal Throne.  Six authors tell the stories of Henry VIII’s wives, all from their differing perspectives.
Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid.  The rise and fall of a 1970s rock band is charted through the recollections of its members--as they recall what drove them apart, and in particular the intense relationship between the leader singers.
The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre.  A woman with murderous impulses locks herself in her apartment to keep the public safe, making a living as a camgirl.  She’s left torn between morals and impulse when she begins to suspect that one of her “fans” is dangerous.
Little Deaths by Emma Flint.  In 1960s America, a single mother finds her personal life and image called into question when she’s accused of murdering her two young children.
My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite.  A nurse covers up her beautiful sister’s murders, only to be caught between loyalties when the doctor she loves falls for said sister.
The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine.  A plain “nobody” transforms herself in order to steal a high society housewife’s husband, only to deal with more than she bargained for.
The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen.  A woman obsesses over her ex-husband’s new fiancee, leading her to disturbing lengths.
The Other Woman by Sandie Jones.  After meeting her ideal man, a woman must contend with his possessive mother, who will do anything to maintain her hold over him.
Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman.  A couple on their dream honeymoon find something in the water that will change the course of their life together.
The Au Pair by Emma Rous.  The day Seraphine and her twin brother were born, their mother flung herself off a cliff and their nanny disappeared.  Decades later, Seraphine discovers a photo taken of her parents just before her mother’s death--with only one baby.  The only person who holds the key to the mystery?  The au pair.
My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing.  A couple keeps the spark alive through murder.
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager.  A young woman takes a job apartment-sitting in a high-end Manhattan building.  Shortly after she befriends another sitter, the girl goes missing--with everyone else acting like nothing is amiss.
The Wives by Tarryn Fisher.  Thursday is one of her husband’s three wives, though she’s never met the other two.  When she finally does meet the third wife, she discovers a woman far different from what she expected--and covered in bruises.
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier.  Sorcha is the youngest of seven children in medieval Ireland.  When her stepmother curses her six older brothers to live as swans, Sorcha agrees to weave them shirts of painful thistles, all the while remaining silent, to break the spell.
Black Pearls by Louise Hawes.  A collection of dark fairy tale retellings.
The Incarnations by Susan Barker.  A man receives letters from an anonymous source, detailing his supposed past lives throughout historical China.
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust.  A dark Snow White retelling, with a stepmother whose goals extend far beyond the princess.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo.  Alex Stern is discovered as the sole survivor of a brutal multiple murder, and is promptly scooped up by a group charged with monitoring the occult societies at Yale.  Now disguised as a university student, Alex must figure out who’s been murdering locals, while also hiding what happened the night she lived.
The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell.  A young widow in Victorian England is sent to her husband’s country estate to wait out her pregnancy, and is not alarmed to discover a “silent companion” (a painted wooden figure) in the house.  But when the figure’s eyes begin following her, she is sucked into a history beyond her imagination.
Circe by Madeline Miller.  The story of the woman who would seduce Odysseus, from her beginnings as a plain witch born of Helios and a mother who couldn’t care less.  A classic rise to power story.
Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal.  Down on her luck Nikki takes up a job as a creative writing class instructor for the Punjabi widows in her West London neighborhood.  It turns out that the widows thought she was there to teach them to write in English--which leads to the class becoming a place for them to share their stories orally instead.  And it turns out that they’re a bit... erotic.
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones.  Upwardly mobile newlyweds Celestina and Roy have their lives upended when Roy is falsely accused of a terrible crime and sent to prison for twelve years.  When he’s released early after five, he returns home to find that Celestina has changed completely, and their marriage is entirely unknown.
Stay With Me by Ayobami Adebayo.  A young Nigerian couple has always been against polygamy; but after the wife fails to get pregnant, her in-laws show up on their doorstep with a second wife.
Harem: The World Behind The Veil by Alev Lytle Croutier.  An examination of the Ottoman Empire’s harem culture, focusing on the women within.
Love For Sale: A World History of Prostitution by Nils Johan Ringal.  Not really a GLOBAL history of prostitution, but a good introduction starting with ancient times and going into the cases of more recent madams in America, with a strong case for legalization worldwide.
Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire by Amanda Foreman.  A readable biography of the famously scandalous and tragic duchess, to be read while you kill time rewatching “The Duchess” starring Keira Knightley.
Lucrezia Borgia: Life, Love, and Death in Renaissance Italy by Sarah Bradford.  A fair but none-too-precious assessment of one of Renaissance Italy’s most controversial women, and an analysis of her relationships with her father and brother.
The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn by Eric Ives.  While you’re quarantining, you might as well read the definitive Anne Boleyn biography, yes?  This one is responsible for much of the modern attitude on Anne.
Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution by Caroline Weber.  A fascinating analysis of Marie Antoinette’s political life through her clothes.
The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi.  An analysis of the infamous, unsolved “Monster of Florence” case.  One of the most gruesome serial killers in Italy’s history, the monster’s crimes were pinned on several different men, and even investigated by the prosecutor who botched the Amanda Knox case.
The Forger’s Spell: A True Story of Vermeer, Nazis, and the Greatest Art Hoax of the Twentieth Century by Edward Dolnick.  An examination of the case of Han van Meegeren, a painter who forged and sold many Dutch master fakes, and the pretentious art world that let him get away with it for years.
The Secret History of the Mongol Queens: How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire by Jack Weatherford.  A study of the women in Genghis Khan’s family, and in particular those that kept his empire from falling to ruin after his death.  A good companion read with Stephanie Thornton’s fiction novel Tiger Queens mentioned above.
Chasing Aphrodite: The Hunt for Looted Antiquities at the World’s Richest Museum by Jason Felch and Ralph Frammolino.  How did the Getty Museum end up with so many stolen artifacts?  This book aims to find out.
The Creation of Anne Boleyn by Susan Bordo.  A different kind of Anne Boleyn book, studying her portrayal in culture and fiction--complete with input from Natalie Dormer following her portrayal of Anne Boleyn on The Tudors.
Blood Sisters: The Women Behind the Wars of the Roses by Sarah Gristwood.  An examination of the women of the houses of Lancaster and York during their famous, long-running conflict--and how these women had an impact on battles and politics alike.
The Dragon Behind the Glass: A True Story of Power, Obsession, and the World’s Most Coveted Fish by Emily Voigt.  The author delves into why people are so obsessed with the arowana, a rare and exotic fish, to the point that they’ll commit murder--and becomes wrapped up in the fascination herself.
The Rules Do Not Apply by Ariel Levy.  Over the course of a month, Ariel Levy watches everything she held true in her life--her financial security, her career, her marriage, and her pregnancy--fall apart.  Levy must confront what it means to live an “unconventional” and “free” life, only for that to become meaningless, and pick up the pieces.
From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to find The Good Death by Caitlin Doughty.  Doughty recounts her global travels to observe and study different funerary and death rituals, recounting and analyzing her experiences with respect and personality.
Lady Killers: Deadly Women Throughout History by Tori Telfer.  A collection of female serial killers, analyzing why they did what they did and the cultural legacy they left behind.
Severed: A History of Heads Lost and Heads Found by Frances Larson.  A history of decapitated human heads, and what different cultures have done with them.
From Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home by Tembi Locke.  Tembi Locke was never truly accepted by her husband’s Sicilian family, as a black American woman.  But when Saro dies young of cancer, she finds herself more deeply entwined her in-laws, as she works to pick up the pieces.  (Warning: one of the most achingly romantic books I’ve ever read; but it will destroy you.)
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I just got home from seeing Juno Steel and the Train From Nowhere Live, and I have SO MANY EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS AND THINGS I WANT TO TELL YOU GUYS 
so full reaction under the cut. Obviously, massive spoilers for the live show, so don’t read if you plan on buying the recording and want to experience it for the first time that way. 
Something you guys should know: AS I WROTE THIS, Alice Chuang (whom I met at the show) DM’ed me on Twitter and we have been chatting back and forth for a while now, I am LITERALLY TEXTING ALICE CHUANG AS I WRITE THIS. 
Okay. Holy cow. First of all, the obvious: the show was amazing, the actors were all crazy talented, the energy of the crowd was great, I had a fantastic time and am so happy I went. The music, sound, and lights were really cool, minimalist, but conveyed the show tone beautifully. 
And THE COSTUMES!! Not sure who picked them, but they were perfect. Joshua had the same trench coat/white shirt/jeans combo from the last liveshow, but for Dahlia Rose he wore a lacy white blazer that also had pink flowers on it. It looked very good on him and his face when Juno says “You bought me clothes?!” was hysterical. Engstrom and Valencia were elegant and totally creepy. M Sutherland had a red and grey suit and waistcoat; he also had eye makeup but it was a little more subtle. Valencia was in a gorgeous shiny red dress and lounge singer black gloves up to her elbows. Those were all cool, but nothing is EVER gonna top Noah’s Nureyev outfit, which was a pair of black pants, white shirt, black tie, and a black and white striped corset with the tie tucked into it. You may be thinking, “oh, HG, that just sounds like a waistcoat” nope!!!! It was like actually a corset! He also had killer eyeliner. For most of the show he wore a black blazer, but as Duke Rose he wore this crazy glittery golden blazer covered in sequins. It was gaudy and he rocked it, it suited Duke so perfectly! 
Those four made up the main cast, but there were two other actors - first of all, Kate Jones, obviously, as Miasma. She had ghostly white makeup and covered her face and head with a white shawl. That, plus the fact that the lights turned red whenever she stepped on stage, made the perfect creepy vibe. She had a lot more lines in this than the original - Juno would refer to her voice in his head a lot, and every time, she came out and said something creepy. She was on a little raised stage behind the rest of the cast so she was glaring down at him and it was just asdggkfj;fldj a it was so cool. 
Then there was another cast member I totally did not anticipate - Melissa DeJesus (Quanyii) played the Ruby7! She also worked props, so when Juno was talking about Nureyev’s coat, she held it up, when the bell rang during the card game she rang it, and she also played Miasma’s assistant pointing the gun at Nureyev (it was a cardboard rifle, they also used it when Juno had to shoot out of the car). For the Ruby7 she held a steering wheel and stood in front of Joshua and Noah making the car noises into a microphone or with a whistle. Also she had a necklace shaped like a license place that said “Ruby7″. It was such a cute way to show the car, which some of you may remember was something I was speculating wildly about when I first bought the ticket. Every time Nureyev mentioned how great the Ruby7 was she would vamp and at one point she blew him a kiss and he blew one back it was so adorable.
i’ve been typing for a half hour and I haven’t even gotten into the actual show yet
Before the show even started, there was amazing energy. I bought two posters from Kat Buckingham, who was working the merch stand, found a great seat, chatted with the people sitting near me, and just felt the excitement. There were so many amazing costumes, and like a third of people were wearing ear cuffs with chains in honor of Peter (I was among this number). Kevin Vibert made some announcements about emergency exits and whatnot, and then the lights dimmed. There were two curtains on opposite sides of the performance area, Joshua and Noah FLIPPED OPEN the curtains on different sides and just did this power walk to the mics in the middle while all of us audience members screamed and cheered for a solid minute, it was glorious. 
Almost immediately I noticed a change to the script - they added a subplot about an additional Martian artifact Miasma had stolen, called the Key of something I don’t know how to spell, which apparently locks away any concept, like locking away sound around a person (this was revisited during the assassin bit). When Nureyev mentioned the key Juno said something like, “Wait, I don’t think that’s how this is supposed to happen” which was a cute way to acknowledge the changes they were making. Then he started mentioning some Season 2 stuff (”I dreamed I only had one -” “We all  only have one life, detective!”) and Nureyev cut him off and then launched into a recap of the events of 2Murderous2Mask. He brought up audience members to reenact it, and it was really funny and I loved it a lot. 
One of my favorite changes was that a couple of times when Juno was internally monologuing, Nureyev would be there too. At one point Juno acknowledged it like, “I do this thing where I just talk, and usually it’s just me.” Nureyev was really energetic, Noah got super into those parts and would take the mic down from the stand and be gesturing and hopping around while Juno watched. They also went into a lot more detail about the Throne of Arkuthusis (I probably spelled that wrong) and Samantha Carthwright (now called Sammy), who was played by an audience member. Juno explained that anyone who sat in the chair could have infinite knowledge and people would ask them questions. Nureyev then asked the audience member a bunch of questions in different accents which A.) was really funny B.) was crazy because apparently Noah can do an insane range of accents C.) cute because Juno just let him do it for a while before cutting him off. It had a very “petulant married life” vibe when Nureyev shared Juno’s monologues, and I’m not sure if it was supposed to be some significant commentary that Nureyev was “in Juno’s head” or just fun staging. Either way, I loved it. 
For the card game, there were a few changes. Engstrom asked Juno if he knew how to play Rangian Street Poker and Nureyev-as-Duke said “Don’t say no!” through his teeth right as Juno said “nope.” and then an explanation followed. After a while Juno lost track and got annoyed and before Engstrom could get mad back or explain the whole thing again Nureyev-as-Duke covered Juno’s mouth with his hand and then when he pulled his hand away he fucking caressed Juno’s cheek with his knuckles while Juno glared at him and the audience went feral. 
Hey by the way Noah Simes? Is just fucking incredible like his mannerisms as Duke were so over-the-top but amazing, when he reverted back to Nureyev there was an IMMEDIATE shift just in the way he talked and the way he stood, like with Duke everything was all exaggerated and he drew out all the “you’s” (So in the phone call he basically went “See youuu SooooOOOOnN!!! :D”) but then for Nureyev he was a lot more reserved, and he had this smug little half smirk for most of it. Just like, what does it feel like to be that talented, wish I could relate. 
They didn’t actually play cards, but Noah did rip a piece of paper to be the dueling wargoats card. Even so, the tension was strong and you could feel the suspense even if (like me) you knew exactly what was coming next. Also, I forgot to mention, there were a lot of sound effects! When Juno heard someone’s thoughts (he heard Valencia’s and Nureyev’s a few times) that would be a voiceover, the train noises were all played, gunshots, etc. The assassin wasn’t actually shown, but you could hear the voiceover for that as well. 
You’re all probably wondering: THE DOODLES. They were actual crumpled balls of paper that Juno pulled out of Nureyev’s coat; later when they were back in the hotel room, Nureyev took off his jacket and said he was going to bed (Noah just kinda stood there with his eyes closed) and Juno threw one of the notes at his head and literally went “Nyeh” as he threw it. We all laughed for quite a while. 
Jupeter jumping through garbage chutes was great, Noah sort of pushed Joshua and then they pantomimed jumping down - but apparently I’m supposed to believe that Peter backflipped into the garbage chute, from the way Noah gestured, and I’m HERE FOR THAT, he’s just that much of an extra bitch. (Nureyev was very much an extra bitch throughout this entire show, as you know if you have ever listened to The Penumbra Podcast).
The whole getaway chase was awesome. Not sure if I mentioned this yet, but they had one mic that could be taken away from the stand and walked around, which is how they did the phone calls, the person on the other end of the line would stand off to the side with the wireless mic and perform like that. Once Juno, Nureyev, Valencia, and Engstrom got on the train they did all of those lines, but a nice new addition to the script was Valencia threatened Juno with a gun and Nureyev pushed Juno slightly behind him with a hand on his chest (actually I can’t remember if this scene happened here or in the casino, suffice it to say it happened and it was gay and wonderful) and said basically “if you even so much as warm his skin” and followed that up with a threat, I forget exactly what. Then when Nureyev pumped the brakes of the train he grabbed Juno and pulled him to one side, and Valencia and Engstrom’s actors left. 
For the tight room they ducked into to hide, Noah and Joshua sort of pressed together back to back and tilted the mic stands so they were still able to talk into the mic. There was a great line where Juno said something like, “Is there a reason why you keep shoving us into tight spaces together?” and then they got out and Noah took the wireless mic and went up to one of the curtains on the side of the stage, then he sort of fell through with a shout and Juno was locked in the room with Valencia. She took the other wireless mic and circled him, which was soooo creepy and really cool, especially with the moody lighting they had over the whole scene. When Juno pretended to faint Joshua just like,,,, threw up his arms and dropped to the floor in the most dramatic swoon possible it was great, and when Valencia died she fell through the curtain on the side of the stage and someone caught her. 
The showdown with Engstrom was tense and great. M Sutherland has a great presence and because he’s really fucking tall he seemed very menacing next to Jupeter (especially earlier when they were in their crazy suits and he was just all polished). With his suit and beard and eyeliner he sort of looked like a younger president Snow ala The Hunger Games, perfect villain vibes. Nureyev did the whole pin-him-by-the-arms thing as Juno described it in his monologue and oh god Noah did the most PERFECT fox smile throughout the whole thing, but what’s weird is I can’t actually remember how Engstrom’s death went?? I assume he fell through the curtain but I just,,, genuinely can’t remember?
Right after that they seemed to have a technical issue with the train sound effects so Joshua and Noah adlibbed it for a few seconds, then it started working again and they grabbed each other’s arms and did the whole jump-off-the-train thing. When Juno asked where the Ruby7 was, Melissa DeJesus came out with her arms tied in ropes, I guess to show the car had been captured and then BOOM KATE JONES AS MIASMA. She’s so scary and intimidating, and her voice sounds even cooler live than on the show. 
Then!!! The gun is pointed at Nureyev!!! and oh god Noah’s face in this scene first he looked a little panicked, but then resigned, and the lights went BACK AND FORTH BACK AND FORTH from regular to Juno’s monologue, and this super scary layered clip of Miasma saying “I will have what I want” played and oh god it was just so totally incredible and I loved it and by that point I was aware the show was about to end but I never wanted it to, I wanted to sit there and watch this forever, and I knew I couldn’t which made me a little sad. 
and oh wow wow wow...
then we got to the part where they got in the car, and Juno had his monologue, and Nureyev was watching him for the whole thing with the sweetest loving smile on his face, and then he told Juno not to give up on him yet and then Noah and Joshua reached into the space between the microphones and took each other’s hands, so they were holding hands and the crowd went WILD. Obviously this episode didn’t have a kiss, but the ROMANCE of that moment was just PEAK it was so freaking phenomenal, and when Miasma said the whole “There it is, your final resting place,” they didn’t even look at it, for a while they were just looking at each other for a few long seconds, and then they both turned to look at the tomb and they just stood there holding hands looking ahead all resigned and determined, and then the lights went down and it was over. 
(the cutest thing about the whole hand holding though was Noah kept glancing over like either he was trying to show Peter’s intense desire to hold Juno’s hand or else he wasn’t sure when he was supposed to grab Joshua’s hand and he was trying to make sure they did it at the same time. Either way it was sweet and looked really good.) 
They did the curtain call, I screamed so loudly for each actor, and then anyone who wanted to meet the cast went and lined up in the hallway outside the theater. The staircase by this hallway was also the staircase into the bar, so all the bar and restaurant, so all the restaurant patrons were very baffled to see the Penumbra-goers in our cosplays, (and me wearing the pride flag around my shoulders.) While I waited to meet with the cast I got to chat with Kat Buckingham! I also talked to her when I bought merch, and I told her I thought she was talented - she said “I bet YOU’RE really talented!” and I almost cried, then she told me I was free to DM her, also encouraged me when I told her about my podcast, and was all around just the sweetest. 
The cast were at a table, sort of like a convention, and we just went down the line and got our stuff signed. I got to talk to all of the actors and they were SO! VERY! SWEET! I hadn’t thought at all about what I was gonna say, so I just kind of mentioned whatever. I told Noah that I write Jupeter fanfiction and said, “So that means I have your voice in my head a lot”, and he said like “That’s... somewhat unusual to hear, as I’m sure you can imagine.” I told him he was really talented and he signed my poster and was very friendly, thanked me for coming even though literally I was thanking him because HOLY FUCK HE WAS SO AMAZING. Also, Kate Jones asked me what my shirt said (it said “I am too emotionally attached to fictional characters” and thought that was cool. 
I told Joshua, Sophie, and Kevin that this podcast inspired me to start my own podcast, and they were so incredibly encouraging and supportive about that! Joshua asked if I had fun (as if I could have not had fun!) and thanked me for coming - like both of these amazingly talented stars of this hit show are thanking me for coming to see them, that’s so humble and kind and ugh I just stan this cast so much. @rudzik-art made some amazing artwork, which I turned into prints to give to Sophie and Kevin, and they really loved it! Sophie even signed both my poster and the one I got for Robin, even though their rule said only one item per person. Then they both thanked me for coming, and I headed out to catch my train home.
Overall, this show was phenomenal. There was only one thing in the whole production that I disliked: they took out the “It’s not polite to tell someone his gift means nothing to you” line, and I’m not really sure why, because that line forms a lot about the characters? But artists’ choice, of course. Personally, I would have loved to see it, but the pacing was just as good without it. 
I’ve been looking forward to this for so long, and now that’s it’s over I’m experiencing some pretty strong post-show depression, not gonna lie. I just want to come back and see it again every night for the rest of my life, even though that would not be good for the cast. I want to go out and make art and share my work and maybe someday inspire someone anywhere near as much as this inspired me. 
If you weren’t able to make it to either live show and you have some questions about it, feel free to send them to my inbox!
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