#same for Gwyn
romanticatheartt · 7 months
I mean at this point, it's inevitable even for me who has filtered, unfollowed and is staying away from the dramas that's happening in this fandom, to not know what's going on even if it's vaguely.
But I noticed one thing from this whole situation. And that's how every week ever since acosf there's a new theory from that side of the fandom...
Even tho I wasn't here since 2021 I've seen people's theories from then and what's clear to me is Gwynriel's and Elucien's theories never changes. They're solid, they're based on the text and they don't need to make thing up.
All I'm saying is even their prediction for hofas mostly came true... And that's all I have to say :)
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guardian-angle22 · 5 months
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911 LONE STAR REWATCH 2024 -> 3.08 parallel for @goldenskykaysani
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the-darkestminds · 5 months
Elriels suggesting that shipping Gwyn with Azriel is disrespectful to real SA victims is without a doubt the worst take I have ever seen in my life lol
“Stop shipping Gwyn with ANY man without her consent”
LMFAO WHAT SHE AINT REAL 😭 how tf do I get her consent?? Do I need a permission slip from SJM??
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fourteentrout · 5 months
I say we stop or at least combat the gwynriel elriel discourse by completely 180-ing and shipping Azriel with every available MALE character. Azris? superb. flawless. no notes. im obssessed. lets go futher. Azriel x Tamlin. This one I'm genuinely considering. Hell, Azriel x ANY of the unmated High Lords. I've seen people suggest Beron (though I personally would never be able to like him, maybe getting dicked down by the hottest torturer of all time could spark a change of character). Azriel x Keir if we're sticking with the route of villain crackships. Azriel x Lord Devlon. Azriel x Jurian (shooting someone in the heart with a weapon sure to kill them can be very romantic actually). Azriel x Thesan AND his lover. Double wing duty for the Dawn Lord. Azriel x Graysen, elain's shitty ex fiancee. Shit, just give Az all the shitty ex fiancees. He can fix them, probably. or at least use them to help himself. Let my boy get some man power, maybe he'll stop practically jizzing his pants every time he smells elain if he's too busy getting railed til the walls come down.
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yennas-stuff · 22 days
As a huge Percy Jackson fan, I decided (totally unprompted and unasked) to devide Acotar characters into their cabins.
Acotar characters as demigods:
Cabin 1 - Zeus, the god of the sky, lightning, and thunder
Zeus' children are known to be natural leaders because their father is the king of the gods. They are extremely ambitious, persistent, intelligent, and goal-oriented. They are often labeled as "control-freaks" because they like to be in control of every situation. They are friendly most of the time, but when angered, they erupt like a storm. Children of Zeus are often drawn to storms, finding comfort in the sounds of lightning and thunder, and the intense emotions they evoke.
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Demigods: Rhysand, Nesta
Cabin 2 - Hera, the goddess of marriage, family, and birth
As the goddess of marriage, Hera upholds her union with Zeus, which prevents her from having any demigod offspring.
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Demigods: none
Cabin 3 - Poseidon, the god of the Sea, Storms, Earthquakes, Droughts, and Horses.
Poseidon’s children are known for having a deep passion for water. They usually love the ocean and anything that involves being close to water. They tend to not like following rules or obeying just because they are told to, just as the ocean does not like to be contained. They are friendly, loyal, and usually have a good sense of humor. Poseidon's children can also experience mood swings and be unpredictable, just like the sea. They also tend to have an outgoing and welcoming personality, but hey, do not try to irritate them: testing their patience is ill-advised, for it is not inexhaustible, and the consequences may be regrettable.
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Demigods: Gwyn, Tarquin
Cabin 4 - Demeter, the goddess of harvest and agriculture
Demeter’s children are known for loving nature. They are free-spirited, kind, patient, competent, nurturing, and loving. They usually have a shy personality, but they can be fiercely protective when their loved ones are threatened. Their connection to nature infuses them with a sense of peace and harmony, and they often find solace and joy in the beauty of the natural world. They are usually seen as motherly figures, people usually seek comfort in Demeter’s children. 
While their generosity, patience, and kindness are admirable traits, it is wise to avoid intentionally provoking them. Otherwise, you may wake up to find poison ivy flourishing in your sleeping bag.
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Demigods: Elain
Cabin 5 - Ares, the god of war
It is easy to recognize a son or daughter of Ares. They tend to exude bravery, power, and confidence wherever they are. The children of Ares are known for their immense courage and strong temper, and they are typically assertive, energetic, and independent, with a natural inclination towards impulsiveness and courage. They thrive on competition, displaying honesty and passion in their pursuits, but may struggle with patience and impulsivity. Adventurous by nature, they eagerly embrace new experiences and challenges. They tend to think they are naturally better than others. Children of Ares can be hot-headed, arrogant and stubborn. They don't take things lying down, they aren't afraid of practically anything, they hate taking orders and tend to start fights for silly reasons. Still, they are very protective of those they love and would do anything to keep them well. Ironically, since their personality is usually quite the opposite, they tend to get along very well with children of Aphrodite.
If you want advice, try to stay in a good position with these demigods, or you might end up with a spear pointed at your face.
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Demigods: Cassian, Feyre
Cabin 6 - Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war
Athena's children are known for their intelligence, strategic skills, creativity and courage. They tend to be trustworthy, like to lead groups, and have good ideas. They are also proud people and do not like to admit to their mistakes. If they do not excel at something right away, they get frustrated and give up on what they are doing. They can be messy at times, but they accept the mess they have created and can function well in it. While they may seem distant from society at times, it is not because they lack social skills. Rather, Athena's children are just selective about their interactions and prefer meaningful companions for their life. In fact, if they are called upon to discuss a subject they like/understand, an endless discourse on the subject will ensue.These people also tend to work well under pressure, they hate being ignored, they always want to show their responsibility (even unconsciously), and some people may have the impression of them being stuck up.
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Demigods: Amren, Eris, Jurian
Cabin 7 - Apollo, the god of archery, art, medicine and the Sun and light
Apollo's children are known for their aptitude for art, especially music and poetry. They also tend to be quite sociable and communicative. Furthermore, they love helping and advising their friends, always indirectly bringing insights from their own lives. Apollo children tend to act on emotion rather than reason. They are extremely emotional people. Apollo kids always use sarcasm in all dialogues. They also have a special connection with sunrises and sunsets because they resemble a beautiful painting and obviously, showcases the sun (they take pictures of it whenever they can). They also love quality time with their friends and value nature around them. Children of Apollo tend to get along with children of Hermes, as Hermes was the inventor of Apollo's precious lyre.
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Apollo: Tamlin
Cabin 8 - Artemis, the goddess of hunting and wildlife
Artemis has made a vow to eternally remain a maiden, which means she has no children. Generally, her cabin at the camp remains unoccupied. However, the goddess is accompanied by a group of gifted followers with excellent ranged capabilities and hunting skills called the Hunters of Artemis, and occasionally these young women visit Camp Half-Blood. Whenever this visit occurs, there is a traditional, not-so-friendly capture the flag game. The Hunters are currently leading the Campers roughly 47-0 in the capture the flag game (ouch!).
If you're a girl, of course, and you think your destiny is to become a hunter of Artemis, it is important to keep a few things in mind as you seek her out for recruitment. Huntresses must show bravery and a good heart. Furthermore, you have to promise eternal loyalty to Artemis, which means no boys. Ever. Additionally, you gain immortality upon being recruited.
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Demigods: Emerie
Cabin 9 - Hephestus, the god of blacksmiths and fire
The children of Hephaestus have a natural gift for building things; they are true mechanics. They have a more reserved personality and prefer to be alone, or in the company of a machine. If they could choose to be alone for all their school work, they would. Despite this, they have a friendly side. They are good listeners and can be very funny, but only the people closest to them tend to know this. They are also friends for life, who can always be counted on. Hephaestus' children are truly passionate about robotics or architecture, and since they were children they liked building toys and more complex things. They also always feel out of place, as if they do not belong. Hesphaestus' children are quite peaceful and do not like violence.
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Demigods: Nuan
Cabin 10 - Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty
For the children of the goddess of love, socializing is essential. They usually take a long time to get ready and they value beauty and love more than anything. They often fall in love quickly and enjoy being the center of attention or “the hot topic in other people's conversations.” They are sometimes considered “frivolous” because they care a lot about their appearance and love to gossip about who is dating who, but many have admirable characteristics, such as a good heart that genuinely helps to increase the confidence and self-esteem of those around them. they. Aphrodite's children are often underserved or underestimated, but be careful, Aphrodite started the Trojan war and her children have a strong power of persuasion. They usually get what they want.
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Demigods: Mor
Cabin 11 - Hermes, the god of trade, wealth, thieves, and travel
The children of Hermes are known for loving to travel. They are true explorers of the world and are very extroverted. They like to play pranks on others and tell jokes to brighten up the atmosphere. These people are usually more “street-smart” and have a mischievous personality; they see no problem in lying a little, but sometimes they end up abusing this philosophy. The children of Hermes believe that the more friends the better.
Important advice: Hold your belongings tightly around them, after all they are children of the god of thieves. And, if you spend a night with them, do not be surprised if you wake up with a face full of shaving foam.
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Demigods: Lucien
Cabin 12 - Dionysius, the god of wine and parties
Dionysus' children are known for being the life of the party and great extroverts. They are extremely communicative and persuasive, due to their father being the God of the Theater. These demigods tend to get along well with the cat family---after all, their father is also the god of big cats. Dionisio's children are also seen as "drama queens and kings”, as they often exaggerate all situations in their daily lives and are often sarcastic. These people appreciate all products made from grapes.
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Demigods: Helion
Cabin 13 - Hades, the god of the dead and the king of the underworld
The children of Hades tend to be introverted and some even prefer to completely isolate themselves. They do not know how to deal with their own feelings properly nor are they very communicative, but are exceptional listeners. Furthermore, they are loyal and like animals. They often use dry sarcasm in dialogue, hate being the center of attention and get very nervous about it. The children of Hades also have their greedy and ambitious side, being particularly intelligent and resourceful. It is not always easy to unveil a son of Hades: they are discreet and don't let their deepest emotions show easily. Furthermore, they are overthinkers by nature and usually do not have a regulated sleep schedule. These demigods are also very stubborn and hate admitting they are wrong. Lastly, they do not fear their own death.
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Demigods: Azriel
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gwynniethenymph · 8 days
I'm a bitch for gwynriel angst and it's causing harm
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sneez · 4 months
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some parallels i noticed on my most recent rewatch which made me explode [id in alt text]
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acourtofthought · 5 months
Not an anon writing disgusting comments like this to @works-of-heart -
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While the author of the books they are reading wrote this:
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Sorry Nesta and SJM! You both go to horny jail by the Morality Police because Azriel did not verbally consent to Nesta imagining him like that! He has shown zero romantic interest in her! Nesta borderline r*ped Cassian's best friend in her mind!
Oh! And we can't forget, Az is guilty of borderline SA. He jerked off to his headache powder and thoughts of Elain for AN ENTIRE YEAR before getting her consent. Thank god Elain didn't realize she was about to share what she thought would be a simple kiss with such a creeper!
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bonecarversbestie · 3 months
It's not that I don't think Elain could "handle Azriel's darkness", it's that Elain is described as "a bloom of color and sunshine" and it is not her job to singlehandedly cure the darkness in Azriel's life.
Being with someone like him would drain the light and warmth out of her.
She needs someone to bring light into her life too.
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romanticatheartt · 1 day
You know what I want- no what I need in Gwynriel book?
For Azriel to realize to have a love and relationship like his brothers you don't have to be with your mate. I want him to realise, his brothers being mated to the love of their lives, it's a bonus. I want him to get to this point of his friendship/relationship with Gwyn where he's like "I don't care if Gwyn isn't my mate, she's my person and the only one for me". The very thing he didn't do with Mor and Elain.
In the books we keep reading how he is waiting for a bond to snap with Mor. He's not even trying to get to know her on deeper level, form a friendship or create a safe space for her to be vulnerable with him. Because somehow he delude himself into believing she's his mate and is waiting for it to happen. He's not even trying to be close to her and prove himself a worthy partner, if it gets to that point. He thinks having a mating bond is deal done for his mate to accept him for who he truly is.
With Elain is also the same situation. He's thinking she should've been his mate, why the Mother gave his brothers 2 of the sisters but "the third" to another? He thinks he can claim her because yet again he delude himself into believing she is his mate, even he and literally everyone else knows the shared bond between Lucien and Elain is as real as it gets. In his head being mated to Elain makes sense just like being mated to Mor did, even tho it literally doesn't. It shows he's desperate, he really wants that bond because he genuinely believes no one will want him, unless there's a bond (not specifically love, I don't think he believe in someone actually falling in love with him. And he doesn't know what love is lol).
So with Gwyn I want something absolutely different. He already doesn't see her as a potential anything lol. He genuinely just sees her as Gwyn and not his possible mate or lover. We even have him say he doesn't even consider her a friend, which people think it's bad thing but I think it's a perfect opportunity for Azriel, to have no expectation from that person. To don't wait for a mating bond to happen. To get to know Gwyn and she gets to know him and Azriel being himself. Because he always hid parts of himself from Mor and Elain. Specially Elain.
I want to see him unguarded with Gwyn, open in a way he never was with any of those two. And we saw how he can be, in bonus chapter. The way we learn a very personal thing about him that we have never known throughout the whole series, and Gwyn being the one to receive that information says a lot. So I can't wait to see a completely new Azriel that he never shows to anyone in his book.
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doomspaniels · 2 months
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Another routine vet visit, another chance to play fetch with my Spaniels in a new place while the eye vets occasionally interrupt (for probably important reasons), Tristan waggily gets cooed over by everyone, and Gwyn gets so much praise for taking treats from strangers in a brand new place. Success! Nice and relaxed, a little exhausted, on the way home!
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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nyxreads · 1 year
"Elriels are the one copying Gw/n!"
I'm sorry, but before Gwon existed, Elain was the one who stabbed and killed the KoH
Before Gwon, Elain was the one who kicked a beast barefoot while Azriel is holding her up
Before Gwon, Elain was the one who murmured "Beautiful" while looking at Azriel's hand
Before Gwon, Elain was the one who tracked the Suriel
Elain was Nyx's aunt and she's an Archeron
Before Gwon, Elain was part of the planning during the war even go as far as volunteering herself so the humans could have shelter on human land
Feyre said Elain was good at secret keeping, Nesta noticed that maybe Az the spymaster or the twin spies are training her.
AND guess who's the only one Azriel trusted his dagger to? Not Gwon honey but ELAIN
So no, Elriels never copied Gwon. We only post what's canon. We never said Elain was going to cut ribbons or help Merill on her research.
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not-poignant · 2 months
👀 may we sneak a peek at that scent masterlist...?
Sure! I don't have every character worked out yet but here we go (no betas mentioned because betas don't have scents in the same way):
Peak Alphas
Augus Each Uisge - Torn leaves and fresh water.
Crielle ferch Fnwy - Gardenias and blood.
Gary Konowalous - While drinking heavily each night, he has a strong overlay of red wine tannins, with a base scent of wood or wood shavings. When he scales back on the red wine, the woodsy scent rises up.
Gwyn ap Nudd - Brittle, bright, like melting metal.
Temsen Ohlo Ohlo - Green and astringent. It's more grassy.
Anton Valenosk - 'Warming,' or like warming spices, like spice cake.
Caleb Crawford - Caleb's scent is earthy and clove-like with occasional glittery spikes, almost like the sensation of poprocks.
Christian Smythe - Woodsy and soft, and gently appealing.
Eran Iliakambar - Faint charcoal, earthy, occasional flashes of neroli.
James Visser - A richly green forest floor, with faint top notes of citrus.
Janusz Bodanowicz - A little metallic, with overtones of sharp fruits, like berries or currants.
Kadek Setiawan - Tea tree
Michael Henton - Apple and pear. It's not an overbearing scent.
Alois Flitmouse - Faint and astringent, a little like black tea. Once he starts having healthy heats again, it turns sweeter and warmer, and Anton compares it to mead.
Efnisien ap Wledig - Extremely non-distinct (usually just 'chemicals') while dosed on all the drugs Crielle gave him. As he becomes healthier at Hillview, a distinctive scent appears which is oceanic, and makes people think of the sea. Many people don't realise it's him.
Lucien Beaumont - Lush and creamy, hints of tonka.
Mosk Manytrees - Astringent and tangy.
Nate Prince - Mild and fresh, like rain. It's very subtle, but can feel smell like a storm when he's stressed.
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sea-solaire · 5 months
One of the most primal, all-encompassing fears that we experience is that of change. It is connected to our other primal fears - death, the unknown - in an amalgam that looms over our every waking moment if we allow it to. It finds itself in a great many places, but, in this case, in two works of fiction in particular, where it fuels hierarchies that try their hardest to bring time to a shuddering halt by means of sacrifice and abuse and pain. The “rabble” doesn’t know just how futile it is, this house of cards that they help hold steadfast. But up and up the line, we find the most tightly controlled “puppets”, those who abuse and are abused for the sake of keeping everything exactly the same. Among their number, a stranger who is dragged in all too quickly, chosen by something between being in the wrong place at the wrong time and deliberate effort; a supporter who, at least at first, leads them as a lamb to slaughter; several others ranging from fencers to the disgruntled who nearly see through the system but cannot bring themselves to act against it; and at the very top, a man. Half-dead, half-alive, and very, very scared. 
Even in his absence, however, the machine marches onward, looping over and over - not in time, but in something else, reset but moving ever forward and ripping itself apart in the process - until someone puts a spoke in the wheel and ends it once and for all. Or, alternatively, if the right person leaves, the system may very well crash and burn on its own. 
Guy who has only played Dark Souls and Guy who has only watched Utena is a combo I would say I wouldn't wish upon anyone if I didn't want more people to suffer the way I have suffered
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the-darkestminds · 6 months
Let’s just revisit the bonus chapter and follow it through from start to finish, focusing on Azriel’s perspective/state of mind.
He encounters Elain. They finally have a moment alone together. They step closer. She says “yes” to him kissing her, he smells her arousal, he wants her so much it seems almost painful. He has negative thoughts about himself, like he doesn’t deserve her, his hands are bloody and have done awful things that Elain must not know about if she is letting him touch her. 
They are clearly into each other, and then suddenly, Rhysand interrupts. We are drawn out of the moment. Azriel leaves Elain on negative terms: he says it was a mistake, she apologizes, she is clearly hurt and embarrassed. He feels guilty, but disappears into the shadows. He has a tense conversation with Rhysand, in which he sinks into the icy depths of his rage. He feels angry that Lucien is Elain’s mate, he says Lucien will never be good enough for her (although based on Az’s own thoughts, it seems like he feels the same way about himself).
He leaves the conversation with Rhysand. He goes to sit outside in the frigid night air, he lets the “frost in his veins match the air around him.” And then: “Until he felt nothing. Was again nothing at all.” These are all very negative feelings. We see that he is in a bad place emotionally.
He decides to go to the training pit so that he won’t do something he regrets (such as seeking out Elain again). His reasoning: “giving in to the need to work off the temptation, the rage and frustration and writhing need.” 
He stumbles upon Gwyn, his shadows not warning him of her presence. At first he seems reluctant to interact. They talk, they lock eyes and he remembers their first encounter at Sangravah. He knows she was remembering it too. He notes how different she is now. She says “happy solstice” in dismissal. Instead of leaving he engages her further. He smiles at her, but there’s no indication of any real emotion behind it. 
She takes him by surprise, asks him if he sings. “He couldn’t help his soft chuckle.” His mood is turning around. He is grateful for the distraction of this impromptu lesson. At the end: “Azriel dipped his head in a sketch of a bow, something restless settling in him. Even his shadows had calmed. As if content to lounge on his shoulders and watch.” We see here that he has been thoroughly distracted from the negative feelings he was having before. He is calm. His mind is no longer on the rage and frustration he feels at the situation with Elain. 
He leaves and finds that Elain has returned the necklace. Not necessarily a big deal, because who knows how much meaning it really has. But he decides to give it to Gwyn instead. He thinks to himself that he does not really consider Gwyn to be a friend. But when he hears that it might bring her joy, something sparks in his chest. He can picture her teal eyes lighting upon seeing the necklace. It brings a smile to his face. He stuffs the image deep down where it glowed quietly. “A thing of secret lovely beauty.”
Okay. There is no romance between Gwyn and Azriel in this chapter, that much is clear. What we see is a potential fork in the path of Elain and Azriel. The chapter begins with Azriel and Elain, an interaction that ends poorly, with both of them hurting. And by the end of the chapter Azriel is in a good mood, he is smiling, thinking about Gwyn. To suggest that “gwynriels” lack reading comprehension and are stupid/silly to even ship this is, for one thing, extremely rude. It is also somewhat naive. This chapter offers an out to Azriel’s feelings of frustration over Elain. Is it a guarantee? Of course not. Elain and Azriel could very well be endgame. But this chapter creates another path. It is has yet to be explored, and is clearly only a small inkling of something new, but it is there nonetheless. I would encourage everyone to not hurl personal insults just because you feel passionately about a certain ship. It’s annoying and rude and makes you seem immature.
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