#same in britain
communista-cymraeg · 9 months
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Same applies in Britain. Or said employer tells you that you're clearly overqualified and to "go back to University". ((true story!!))
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blackfilmmakers · 1 year
Why did I already see two posts talking about how weird it is that Pavitr and Hobie are besties despite Pavitr’s clear resentment towards the British?
Like what parallels do you people even conjure up between White monarch colonizers stealing Indian possessions vs a Black anarchist punk?
Y’all just stay calling Black people colonizers for no reason
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
melanie worked as a camp counselor once as a teen and viscerally hated it and this explains 90% of her personality. martin worked as a camp counselor for many years in a row at a really understaffed camp and almost never had days off and this explains 90% of his personality. do you see the vision.
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loaklvr · 1 year
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chaiaurchaandni · 2 months
israeli terrorists shoot Palestinian man carrying aid until he dies
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inna lillahi wa inna illayeehi raajiun
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pallanophblargh · 4 months
Good things: I've been invited to partake in a certain exhibit regarding a certain author since I've had the privilege of illustrating the covers for the UK edition of a certain fantasy series.
Not so good things: I've lost most of the scans for the 8 illustrations (I think I only have 3? 4?) so that means I need to figure out WHERE I stashed the originals. I know I HAVE them, so that's some comfort. But I have so many stashes. And it's been... 10+ years and two moves. On top of that, they may need retouching. Fun times!
A minor "conundrum": I finally need to decide where I would like to offer said illustrations for print. I have a society6, but it is rather dusty these days. That aside, the print quality seems pretty decent (I have not seen with my own actual eyes, but considering I've yet to hear otherwise, I'd say they go over well.) That said, if anyone has opinions/experiences on print on demand storefronts, I'd love to hear them. I'll say in advance I would prefer to not handle printing them myself. If you know, you know.
So yeah: Things! Winged horses abound, and the search for my old art begins. If you are a fan of the old Green Rider series illustrations, watch this space?
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londonfoginacup · 7 months
Y’all through the weirdest combination of circumstances imaginable I’ve just had dinner with a woman from York and we got all the way to dessert before she said that she specifically lives in Doncaster
And like an IDIOT i went “oh I know doncaster!”
(; ̄ェ ̄)
Then of course I have to tell her WHY I know doncaster. And I couldn’t think of a lie fast enough so I admitted to being a 1D fan. Mortified.
Anyway lmao she said “he came from the posh side of town didn’t he?” Louis u’ve been called OUT by this Doncasterian
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benevolenterrancy · 1 year
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I know it's not brought up often in the comics, but Cacofonix singing so badly he makes it rain is a joke that i still think is hilarious and adorable
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I love Kristen Applebees with all my life but if I ever had to interact with Kristen as an Aguefort student I would join the rat grinders.
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kanouseis · 11 months
listening to morgan's np lines after having played lb6.2 is soooo. like this woman has been misunderstood by Everyone her entire time as a queen, but she's always said it. she's always said that she won't save the fairies. after centuries of having banished calamities and then having been mistreated by the fairies – "this is the dream of destruction i kept seeing" – she has given up. the fairies will never change. she sealed off the paradise – "nobody may pass"; or how the inscription says, "only those without sin may pass" – all fairies are beings of sin ("you can only die a sinner's death"). she has held onto her words. "there is no retribution, no salvation". she won't take revenge, she won't save them again. there is no point, because fairies will never change. she will forever sit alone on her throne. the fairies don't have to be scared, they don't have to hope ("there is no fear nor hope"). morgan is there. she always will be there. she has given up on trying to change things. it's pointless.
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kurozu501 · 8 months
*thinks for 2 seconds about morgan's death scene* that was so fucked up. that fucked me up. i need to lie down.
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the-busy-ghost · 5 months
Minor throwaway sentence in a book on corruption I've just finished was talking about 1930s gangsters and about certain organisations in Chicago which the author stated were more ethnically diverse than the Italian mafia, and whose members were said to have included 'Irish, Welsh, Italian, and Jewish' gangsters.
Now call me sheltered but I've seen MANY Italian American gangsters immortalised in film, I've heard of the Jewish mob, and the police Irish American gangs but I have yet to see a movie about the Welsh mob. As a rule I don't go in for gangster movies but I feel there's an unfilled niche here and also I need more info.
#Might delete this in a bit#On a more serious note given the context of the Great Depression and slumps in the coal mining districts of Britain#I can see why Welsh people who emigrated to America might be form an impoverished immigrant community targeted by organised crime#And possibly my surprise comes from outdated national stereotypes and the fact that popular stereotypes of 1930s gangsters#Rarely include immigrant groups that are largely Protestant (at least in the US- in Glasgow and London it's a different story)#Makes me wonder if all those Catholic Aesthetics that directors who make movies about Italian and Irish mobsters are so fond of#Would play the same with Meredith Davies who may be a crook but at least he regularly attends the Methodist chapel#And is a teetotaller and a fixture in various choirs#Welsh accents are often quite soft too I think I'd be fucking terrified of a Welsh gangster in a movie tbh#To be fair real life organised crime obviously encompassed people from all walks of life I'm more interested in movie depictions here#'More Welsh representation!' 'Ah yes how about as gangsters?' 'Er...'#Less surprised if I come across Scots because eventhough they're privileged in the US English media does seem to view Scottish accents#As threatening so Scots often get roped in to play tough guys and gangsters and villains in all sorts of media#And often they will get an Englishman to play a Scot and Scots to play Eastern Europeans which is also weird#But that's off topic; I am not however used to Welsh villains
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puppyeared · 5 months
as someone who also had to learn way too much about canadian confederacy in middle school you can't just drop That and not expect my interest to be piqued
it sounds like you had way more fun with it than I did
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i dont even remember anything abt the confederation
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random-ln-stuff · 2 years
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melrosing · 1 year
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British people always trying to articulate the essence of ‘Britishness’ and then an Irish book does it in half a paragraph lmao (exciting times by Naoise Dolan btw)
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the-uber-goober · 9 months
uhhhhh funny doodles (flag edition)
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gourmand is italian coded
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hunter as an australian just feels right
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thinking of that one post with british artificer
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