#saml vs oauth2
codeonedigest · 1 year
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brondra · 5 years
Auth - vse
OAuth2, OpenID Connect (OIDC), SAML -------------------------- OAuth 2.0 is a framework that controls authorization to a protected resource such as an application or a set of files, while OpenID Connect and SAML are both industry standards for federated authentication.
OpenID Connect is built on the OAuth 2.0 protocol and uses an additional JSON Web Token (JWT), called an ID token, to standardize areas that OAuth 2.0 leaves up to choice, such as scopes and endpoint discovery. It is specifically focused on user authentication and is widely used to enable user logins on consumer websites and mobile apps.
SAML is independent of OAuth, relying on an exchange of messages to authenticate in XML SAML format, as opposed to JWT. It is more commonly used to help enterprise users sign in to multiple applications using a single login.
OAuth - obecný framework na prava (authorizace), OpenID implementace nad ním pro authentikace (poda ten token), SAML mimo, FIDO novinka
OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication layer on top of OAuth 2.0, an authorization framework.
Oauth (code flow - frontend + backend, implicit flow - jen frontend js)
Authentication - KDO Authorization - CO
IdentityServer is an open-source authentication server that implements OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 standards for ASP.NET Core
Active Directory is a database based system that provides authentication, directory, policy, and other services in a Windows environment
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an application protocol for querying and modifying items in directory service providers like Active Directory, which supports a form of LDAP.
Short answer: AD is a directory services database, and LDAP is one of the protocols you can use to talk to it.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol or LDAP, is a standards based specification for interacting with directory data. Directory Services can implement support of LDAP to provide interoperability among 3rd party applications.
Active Directory is Microsoft's implementation of a directory service that, among other protocols, supports LDAP to query it's data.
Kerberos is a network authentication protocol. It is designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography. Clients authenticate to Active Directory using the Kerberos protocol.
AD je ta db, kerberos je protokol (kerberos vs openid jde porovnat - obe protokoly) Azure Active directory - je ta db v azure, včetne services, je to identity provider - umi pres openid snad Identity server je framework co pouziju pro napsani serveru, ale nema to tu spravu dat co ma AD a ui, to si musim poskladat
---- Oauth flow Implicit - uz nedoporucovana, jen ciste spa The application opens a browser to send the user to the OAuth server The user sees the authorization prompt and approves the app’s request The user is redirected back to the application with an access token in the URL fragment *****
Code flow The application opens a browser to send the user to the OAuth server The user sees the authorization prompt and approves the app’s request The user is redirected back to the application with an authorization code in the query string ****** The application exchanges the authorization code for an access token ******
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
6 Tips for a Smoother Marketing Technology Integration Process
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/6-tips-for-a-smoother-marketing-technology-integration-process/
6 Tips for a Smoother Marketing Technology Integration Process
Integrating marketing technology has long been a challenge for marketers. They were struggling with it back in 2015, according Scott Brinker’s Chief Marketing Technologist Blog. Today, integration remains one of the most important parts of marketing operations and technology, as cited by chiefmartec.com this week: organizations must evaluate, integrate, operate and maintain MarTech systems at a global level, according to a report by Brinker.
And while vendors, service providers, integrators and even digital agencies play a role in integrating marketing technology, the onus is ultimately on the marketer and brand itself to get the job done. After all, the average enterprise has a MarTech stack consisting of a staggering 91 tools, according to Brinker, which is making integration a reality for all. 
Related Article: Martech Bloat? How Much is Too Much?
Integrations are Big Business
Before we offer some tips, let’s explore the integrator landscape. While your vendor may provide integration services, the reality for many organizations is partnership with an integrator specialist. And buyers are seeking their services. According to Forrester’s “Now Tech: Integration Strategy And Delivery Service Providers, Q1, 2018” report (fee required), integrators like Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, Deloitte, IBM, TCS and Wipro have integration services revenue of more than $600 million. And players like HCL, Infosys, LTI, Perficient, PwC, Tech Mahindra and Torry Harris Business Solutions have revenues from integrations in the $70 million to $600 million range. 
These vendors help organizations “craft an integration architecture for digital transformation, establish better structures and processes for integration, and establish agility for business change,” Forrester author Randy Heffner wrote in his report.
Take Features Inventory, Document APIs
One of the first steps when integrating marketing technology is to take inventory of features, according to Ellen Feaheny, CEO of AppFusions. Note APIs on each side of different systems, such as CRMs, SEO reporting (if not native), existing dashboards, blog platforms, other business intelligence, plugin points and support. Define integration use cases and funding of the implementation, as well as ensure that authentication protocol that supports (OAuth2, SAML, etc.) are in place. 
According to Feaheny, organizations should note that software-as-a-Service (SaaS) vs. on-premises integrations are very different development models and that building an integration plugin is different than an integration service, running always. He also shared that they should get staging environments of the tools at play. “Ultimately, the challenge is not about martech,” Feaheny said. “It is about any platform integration. If the vendor does not have an active development relations program, then it’s tricky to get off the ground. Every integration that is deep and worth anything are initially based on either a strong Independent Software Vendor (ISV) program or savvy integrators, or focused and aligned objectives with the vendor. And even with those, they can fail if there is a weakness in any of those, not to mention in the technical requirements,” he said.
Related Article: MarTech Sandwiches: A Tasty Approach to Integration Mapping
Remember Voice of the Customer
While the IT and business teams that are assessing vendors from tech, procurement and cost perspectives, marketers need to ensure that the voice of their target audience segments are heard, according to Robb Hecht, adjunct professor of marketing at Baruch College in New York City. Marketers, he added, need to ensure the company’s target audiences are understood by technology and procurement teams early in the buying process. “The audience target behaviors must be mapped to both the technology possibilities, as well as the follow-through marketing messages and engagement programs,” Hecht said. “If these pillars are not brought together, the technology will be useless in meeting the marketer’s objectives in building relationships and experiences with customers.” 
Understand the Depth of Necessary Integrations
Marketers need to understand customizations before an integration begins, since customizations may delay the project, according to Jenna Erickson, marketing manager at Codal. “Once an integration is complete,” she said, “you don’t want another long to-do list.”  So, when evaluating marketing technologies, take the time to know how custom the integrations will be with each vendor, said Jon Phillips, vice president of product management of Certain. Ask these questions:
Does the vendor have native, out-of-the-box integrations with technologies you already use or does each integration require a one-off custom build? 
Are there tools the vendor provides that make integration simple and easy to configure? 
Does your vendor provide reporting and dashboards that allow you to monitor how data flows into and out of the system? 
“Ask to view any web interfaces to the specific tools the vendor provides to get a better understanding of the reality on the ground,” Phillips said. “You can ultimately save you and your team a lot of headaches and time finding and utilizing technologies that have out-of-the-box native integrations and monitoring solutions.”
Understand Vendor Support Programs
Erickson reminds marketers to look at the vendor’s support team and programs before they integrate a new platform and tool. “Sometimes,” she said, “integrations can be difficult to successfully complete on your own.” So, understanding this can help you avoid any hidden development costs or timing issues.
Related Article: How to Future-Proof Your Martech Stack
Set Timelines and Get the Right People in Place 
People vastly underestimate how long integrations with marketing technology tools can take, according to Whitney Meers, strategist of Concrete Blonde Consulting. A martech vendor Meers recently consulted with promised a company a three-month integration, but the founders of the company struggled to understand why it took so long to implement from both a technical perspective and a tool exploration/use perspective.
Understand you need someone with the bandwidth to be the main point of contact and to develop some level of mastery of the tool during the onboarding process. Allow ample time for testing and realize they will not get the most value out of a tool if they rush the process.
Develop a timeline and appoint a key point person who can dedicate a significant portion of their week to handling the integration (at least eight to 10 hours, Meers recommended). Also, have a developer who has bandwidth to support on this initiative. The key point person should have regular contact with the SaaS provider point of contact, and the development team should understand that this is a high priority. Post-integration, continue to allocate a key point person to design tests and optimize tool use.
Make Data Analysis a Top Priority
KN Kasibhatla, an independent consultant, encouraged marketers to step back and do some analysis before integrating new marketing technology. What is the goal of putting this data together? What are the “use cases” that describe these goals and how to go about them? “For example, if one were to measure the time it takes from Quote to Cash, we need lead data as well as order data, provisioning data and billing data,” Kasibhatla said. “This kind analysis is the first step in integrating systems.” 
Configure your API strategy, the kind of end points and the type of integration. Determine the kind of data and the frequency of data and the strategy to be used in designing the integration. 
Plan out your data discovery for data mapping and data transformation. “This is where the traditional data warehousing strategies come into play,” Kasibhatla said. “The challenge here is what is the ‘truth’? All systems that touch a customer or a prospect think that they ‘own’ the relationship. So how does one discern the truth of the customer interaction? This becomes critical when you are trying to predict whether a customer will churn or a prospect will decline the offer.”
Source: https://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/6-tips-for-a-smoother-marketing-technology-integration-process/
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codeonedigest · 2 years
YouTube Short | What is Difference Between OAuth2 and SAML | Quick Guide to SAML Vs OAuth2
Hi, a short #video on #oauth2 Vs #SAML #authentication & #authorization is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel. Learn OAuth2 and SAML in 1 minute. #saml #oauth #oauth2 #samlvsoauth2 #samlvsoauth
What is SAML? SAML is an acronym used to describe the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Its primary role in online security is that it enables you to access multiple web applications using single sign-on (SSO). What is OAuth2?  OAuth2 is an open-standard authorization protocol or framework that provides applications the ability for “secure designated access.” OAuth2 doesn’t share…
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codeonedigest · 2 years
(via YouTube Short | What is Difference Between OAuth2 and SAML | Quick Guide to SAML Vs OAuth2)
Hi, a short #video on #oauth2 Vs #SAML #authentication & #authorization is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel. Learn OAuth2 and SAML in 1 minute.
 #saml #oauth #oauth2 #samlvsoauth2 #samlvsoauth #samlvsoauth2.0 #samlvsoauth2vsjwt #samlvsoauthvssso #oauth2vssaml #oauth2vssaml2 #oauth2vssaml2.0 #oauth2authentication #oauth2authenticationspringboot #oauth2authorizationseverspringboot #oauth2authorizationcodeflowspringboot #oauth2authenticationpostman #oauth2authorization #oauth2authorizationserver #oauth2authorizationcode #samltutorial #samlauthentication #saml2registration #saml2 #samlvsoauth #oauth2authenticationflow #oauth2authenticationserver #Oauth #oauth2 #oauth2explained #oauth2springboot #oauth2authorizationcodeflow #oauth2springbootmicroservices #oauth2tutorial #oauth2springbootrestapi #oauth2withjwtinspringboot
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brondra · 5 years
Ignite 2018
afinita - pri load balanceru - stejny klient chodi na stejny server, možná i jako geo u cache apod? retence=napr u zaloh jak stare odmazavat webjob= WebJob is a feature of Azure App Service that enables you to run a program or script in the same context as a web app, background process, long running cqrs = Command Query Responsibility Segregation - zvláštní api/model na write a read, opak je crud webhook = obrácené api, zavolá clienta pokud se něco změní (dostane eventu)
docker - muze byt vice kontejneru v jedné appce, docker-compose.yml azure má nějaké container registry - tam se nahraje image (napr website) a ten se pak deployne někam např. app service, ale jiné image nemusí container registry - není veřejné narozdíl do dockeru, někdo jiný z teamu může si stáhnout
azure functions 2 - v GA
xamarin - ui je vlastne access k native api, ale v csharp projekty - shared, a special pro ios a android
ML.NET - je to framework pro machine learning
hosting SPA na azure storage static website - teoreticky hodně výhod, cachování, levné hosting
devops - automate everything you can
sponge - learn constantly multi-talented - few thinks amazing, rest good konverzace, teaching, presenting, positivity, control share everything
powershell - future, object based CLI to MS tech powerShell ISE - editor - uz je ve windows, ale ted VS code cmdlets - mini commands, hlavni cast, .net classy [console]::beep() function neco {  params{[int] Seconds} } pipeline - chain processing - output je input pro dalsi atd dir neco | Select-object modules - funkce dohromady, k tomu manifest
web single sign-on = fedaration - nekdo jiny se zaruci ze ja neco muzu a ze jsem to ja federation=trust data jsou na jednom miste SAML - security assertion markup language, jen web, složité API Security - header Authorization Basic (username, heslo zakodovane) OAuth2 - misto toho tokeny (vstupenka) openid connect - id token, access token - všechny platformy, code flow doporučené, jiné implicit flow? fido - fast identity online - abstrakce uh wtf, private public key pair per origin - nejde phising ldap. kerberos - jak to zapada?
httprepl - cli swagger
asm.js - polyfil pro web assembly, web assembly je native kod v browseru - napr .net = blazzor
svet bez hesel windows hello - windows login - face nebo fingerprint ms authenticator  - mobilni apka - matchnu vygenerovany kod FIDO2 - novy security standart - mam u sebe privatni klic, server posle neco (nonce), to zakryptuju privatnim pošlu zpátky - přes veřejný rozšifruje a má potvrzené, pak to samé s tokenem
cosmos db transakce - jen pouzitim stored procedure, single partition default index na vše, jde omezit při vytváření kolekce change feed - log of changes, in order trik jak dostat rychle document count - meta info o kolekci a naparsovat key-value cosmos - vyhody globalni distribuce, eventy, multimodel, pro big data asi
AKS - container - appka, orchestrator - komunikace mezi kontejnery, správa kontejnerů, healthchecks, updates AKS - orchestrator - nejčastější orchestrátor, standart, extensible, self healing představa něco jako cli nebo klient - řeknu jaké kontejnery, počet apod uvnitř se to nějak zařídí - api server, workers atd.. - je to managed kubernetes v azure, customer se stará jen o to co nasadit a kdy - ci/cd aks = azure kubernetes service
dev spaces - share aks cluster for dev (ne ci/cd), realne dependency (bez mock jiných service apod) extension do VS, pracuju lokalne, sync do azure, využíví namespace v aks (každý má svojí verzi service) - normalne frontned.com, já mám ondra.frontend.com a svojí api, pokud se zeptá na url tak se koukne jestli běží lokálně, když ne tak se zeptá team verze respektive je to celé v azure, ale je tam moje verze aplikace
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event notification patern - objednávky do fronty, ostatní systémy zpracují, co nejvíce info v eventě event sourcing - ukládat změny - inserted, updated, updated, updated, místo get update save, jde také udělat přes event, materialized view - spočítání stavu podle těch event, jdě dělat jednou za čas event grid - event routing
azure function - zip, z něj to spustí (vyhneme se problemu při update file by file), přes proměnné, nyní default ve 2.0 je startup, kde je možné připravit DI a funkce pak přes konstruktor už se dá kombinovat s kontejnery, aks atd durable functions - složitější věci s návaznostmi funkci, long running, local state, code-only, orchestartor function - vola activity function, má vnitrni stav, probudi se dela do prvni aktivity, tu spusti, spi, probudi se checkne jestli dobehla, pokracuje dal logic apps - design workflow, visual azure function runtime jde teoreticky hostovat na aks? v devops pro non .net jazyky potreba instalovat zvlast extension v2 - vice lang, .net core - bezi vsude, binding jako extension key vault - v 2008 ani preview funkce hosting - consuption = shared, app service - dedicated microservice=1 function app, jeden jazyk, jeden scale api management = gateway - na microservices, jde rozdělat na ruzné service azure storage tiery - premium (big data), hot (aplikace, levne transakce, drahy store), cold (backup, levny store, drahe transakce), archive (dlouhodobý archiv) - ruzné ceny/rychlosti, soft delete - po dobu retence je možnost obnovit smazané, data lifecycle management - automaticky presouvat data mezi tiery, konfigurace json
hybric cloud - integrace mezi on premise a cloudem - azure stack - azure které běží on premise někde use case: potřebujeme hodně rychle/jsme offline, vyhovění zákonům, model
místo new HttpClient, raději services.AddHttpCLient(addretry, addcircuitbreaker apod) a pak přes konstruktor, používá factory, používání Polly (retry apod..) - pro get, pro post - davat do queue
people led, technology enpowered
service fabric 3 varianty - standalone (on prem), azure (clustery vm na azure), mesh (serverless), nějaká json konfigurace zase, umí autoscale (trigger a mechanism json konfig), spíš hodně interní věc - běží na tom věci v azure, předchudce aks, jednoduší, proprietární, stateful, autoscale apod..
důležitá věc microservices - vlastní svoje data, nemají sdílenou db principy: async publish/subscr komunikace, healt checks, resilient (retry, circuit breaker), api gateway, orchestrator (scaleout, dev) architektura - pres api gateway na ruzne microservice (i ms mezi sebou) - ocelot orchestrator - kubernetes - dostane cluster VMs a ty si managuje helm = package manager pro kubernetes, dela deploy, helm chart = popis jak deploynout standartni
key valut - central pro všechny secrets, scalable security, aplikace musí mít MSI (nějaké identity - přes to se povolí přístup)
Application Insights - kusto language, azure monitor search in (kolekce) "neco" where neco >= ago(30d) sumarize makelist(eventId) by Computer - vraci Comuter a k tomu list eventId, nebo makeset umí funkce nějak let fce=(){...}; join kind=inner ... bla let promenna - datatable napr hodně data - evaluate autocluster_v2() - uděla grupy cca, podobně evaluate basket(0.01) pin to dashboard, vedle set alert
ai oriented architecture: program logic + ai, trend dostat tam ai nejak
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