#oauth2 authorization server
codeonedigest · 2 years
YouTube Short | What is Difference Between OAuth2 and SAML | Quick Guide to SAML Vs OAuth2
Hi, a short #video on #oauth2 Vs #SAML #authentication & #authorization is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel. Learn OAuth2 and SAML in 1 minute. #saml #oauth #oauth2 #samlvsoauth2 #samlvsoauth
What is SAML? SAML is an acronym used to describe the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Its primary role in online security is that it enables you to access multiple web applications using single sign-on (SSO). What is OAuth2?  OAuth2 is an open-standard authorization protocol or framework that provides applications the ability for “secure designated access.” OAuth2 doesn’t share…
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gobernadoraph · 11 months
I am happy to announce that MochiDex is now officially public and you can now invite it to your servers. The bot allows you to catch, collect, and trade mochis.
Each mochi has its own card that includes art, their stats and their ability. Currently around half the mochi's have original art in their card, but eventually every mochi will have art! The art has been made by many different artists in the fandom and I hope you enjoy their work .
Right now we have added 64 mochis, but we don't plan on stopping until every Hetalia character is in the bot . Only 29 of these mochis were designed by Himaruya, so we have had to design mochis for most of the cast.
MochiDex Setup:
Click this link that allows you to invite the bot: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1151205638521770035&scope=bot+applications.commands&permissions=537193536
Once the bot joins the server an admin needs to do the "/config channel" command to choose in which channel they would like the mochis to spawn
After doing that you just have to wait! The mochis can take around 45 to 55 minutes to spawn, they can spawn even earlier, it all depends on server activity!
4. Whichever mochi spawns depends on it's rarity, each mochi has a rarity which decides its chance to spawn. Some mochis like America are very rare, and others like Latvia are very common. Keep that in mind when trading
Oh and by the way, currently until November 3, the bot is having a Halloween event during which you can get rare "spooky" variants that change the card's theme.
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We also have a discord server where you can find the rarity list, see updates and make questions/suggestions! Feel free to join!
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hindintech · 11 months
You can learn NodeJS easily, Here's all you need:
1.Introduction to Node.js
• JavaScript Runtime for Server-Side Development
• Non-Blocking I/0
2.Setting Up Node.js
• Installing Node.js and NPM
• Package.json Configuration
• Node Version Manager (NVM)
3.Node.js Modules
• CommonJS Modules (require, module.exports)
• ES6 Modules (import, export)
• Built-in Modules (e.g., fs, http, events)
4.Core Concepts
• Event Loop
• Callbacks and Asynchronous Programming
• Streams and Buffers
5.Core Modules
• fs (File Svstem)
• http and https (HTTP Modules)
• events (Event Emitter)
• util (Utilities)
• os (Operating System)
• path (Path Module)
6.NPM (Node Package Manager)
• Installing Packages
• Creating and Managing package.json
• Semantic Versioning
• NPM Scripts
7.Asynchronous Programming in Node.js
• Callbacks
• Promises
• Async/Await
• Error-First Callbacks
8.Express.js Framework
• Routing
• Middleware
• Templating Engines (Pug, EJS)
• RESTful APIs
• Error Handling Middleware
9.Working with Databases
• Connecting to Databases (MongoDB, MySQL)
• Mongoose (for MongoDB)
• Sequelize (for MySQL)
• Database Migrations and Seeders
10.Authentication and Authorization
• JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
• Passport.js Middleware
• OAuth and OAuth2
• Helmet.js (Security Middleware)
• Input Validation and Sanitization
• Secure Headers
• Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
12.Testing and Debugging
• Unit Testing (Mocha, Chai)
• Debugging Tools (Node Inspector)
• Load Testing (Artillery, Apache Bench)
13.API Documentation
• Swagger
• API Blueprint
• Postman Documentation
14.Real-Time Applications
• WebSockets (Socket.io)
• Server-Sent Events (SSE)
• WebRTC for Video Calls
15.Performance Optimization
• Caching Strategies (in-memory, Redis)
• Load Balancing (Nginx, HAProxy)
• Profiling and Optimization Tools (Node Clinic, New Relic)
16.Deployment and Hosting
• Deploying Node.js Apps (PM2, Forever)
• Hosting Platforms (AWS, Heroku, DigitalOcean)
• Continuous Integration and Deployment-(Jenkins, Travis CI)
17.RESTful API Design
• Best Practices
• API Versioning
• HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine-of Application State)
18.Middleware and Custom Modules
• Creating Custom Middleware
• Organizing Code into Modules
• Publish and Use Private NPM Packages
• Winston Logger
• Morgan Middleware
• Log Rotation Strategies
20.Streaming and Buffers
• Readable and Writable Streams
• Buffers
• Transform Streams
21.Error Handling and Monitoring
• Sentry and Error Tracking
• Health Checks and Monitoring Endpoints
22.Microservices Architecture
• Principles of Microservices
• Communication Patterns (REST, gRPC)
• Service Discovery and Load Balancing in Microservices
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unogeeks234 · 5 months
Oracle Apex Oauth2 Example
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OAuth2 in Oracle APEX: A Practical Guide and Example
OAuth2 is a contemporary and secure authorization framework that allows third-party applications to access protected resources on behalf of a user. By implementing OAuth2 in Oracle APEX, you can provide controlled access to your APEX application’s data and functionality, enabling seamless integration with other services.
Why use OAuth2 with APEX?
Enhanced Security: OAuth2 offers a robust security layer compared to traditional username and password-based authentication. It uses tokens rather than directly passing user credentials.
Fine-grained Access Control: OAuth2 allows you to define specific scopes (permissions) determining the access level granted to third-party applications.
Improved User Experience: Users can conveniently authorize applications without repeatedly sharing their primary credentials.
A basic understanding of Oracle APEX development
An Oracle REST Data Source (ORDS) instance, if you want to integrate with ORDS-defined REST APIs
Steps for Implementing OAuth2 in Oracle APEX
Create an OAuth2 Client:
Within your APEX workspace, navigate to Shared Components -> Web Credentials.
Click Create and select the OAuth2 Client type.
Provide a name, ID, client secret, and any necessary authorization scopes.
Obtain an Access Token:
The method for obtaining an access token will depend on the OAuth2 flow you choose (e.g., Client Credentials flow, Authorization Code flow).
Utilize the Access Token:
Include the access token in the Authorization header of your API requests to protected resources. Use the format: Bearer .
Example: Accessing an ORDS-based REST API
Let’s assume you have an ORDS-based REST API endpoint for fetching employee data that requires OAuth2 authentication. Here’s how you would configure APEX to interact with it:
Create a REST Data Source:
Go to Shared Components -> REST Data Sources.
Set the authentication type to OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow.
Enter your OAuth2 token endpoint URL, client ID, and client secret.
Use the REST Data Source in Your APEX Application:
Create APEX pages or components that utilize the REST Data Source to fetch and display employee data. APEX will automatically handle obtaining and using the access token.
Additional Considerations
Access Token Expiration: OAuth2 access tokens usually have expiration times. Implement logic to refresh access tokens before they expire.
OAuth2 Flows: Choose the most suitable OAuth2 flow for your integration use case. The Client Credentials flow is often used for server-to-server integrations, while the Authorization Code flow is more common for web applications where a user is directly involved.
You can find more information about  Oracle Apex in this  Oracle Apex Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for Oracle Apex  Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
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phulkor · 6 months
Petit recapitulatif du flow OAuth2
OAuth2 permet a des 3ce partie d'acceder a des données utilisateurs sans reveler leur mot de passe via l'échange de tokens.
client: celui qui désire acceder à une resource
resource owner: l'utilisateur qui possède une resource
auth server: serveur qui authentifie les utilisateur et emet des jetons
resource server: héberge une resource protégée
Oauth2 flows
Authorization code:
le client désire acceder à une resource a nom de l'utilisateur
l'utilisateur est dirigé vers l' auth server pour login et donner les accès au client
ensuite l'auth server envoie un code d'authorisation au client
le client envoie le code d'authorisation à l'auth server en échange d'un token courte durée
le client contacte le resource server avec le token qui lui donne accès
Client credential:
le client désire accéder à des resources qui lui appartiennent
le client s'authentifie au serveur via ses credentials (clientId + clientSecret)
l'auth server envoie un access token au client
le client peut utiliser ce token pour accéder les données
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interlytutorials · 8 months
🚀 Best way to increase your server activity
Come check out our new bot Interly a powerful bot filled with minigames, events, and a shop system.
How It Works: Once you invite Interly into your server, users can start grinding on minigames with: /winter-evening, /battle, /guess-the-cookie, and /event-currency-drop
Where after each successful completion of a minigame, they will earn event points! Those points can be spendable inside your custom /shop, filled with whatever unique items you come up with.
This allows you to make things fun in your own discord servers, helping increase your server activity.
Invite Bot: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=983914571154731008&permissions=8875158552&scope=bot
Support Discord https://discord.gg/GfTtXz2aBN
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nextbrain · 1 year
Top Advantages of Hiring a Java Spring Boot Developers For Your Business:
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Hiring a Java Spring Boot developer for your project can bring numerous advantages and benefits. 
Listed below are some of the top advantages of hiring a Java Spring Boot developer and explain why they are valuable for your project.
Robust and Efficient Development: 
Java Spring Boot is a powerful and mature framework that provides a comprehensive set of features for developing enterprise-grade applications. Hiring a Java Spring Boot developer ensures that your project will benefit from the robustness and efficiency of the framework. Spring Boot offers built-in support for many common tasks, such as dependency management, configuration, and auto-configuration, which accelerates development and reduces boilerplate code.
Rapid Application Development: 
Spring Boot promotes rapid application development by providing a convention-over-configuration approach. It reduces the need for manual configuration and eliminates much of the boilerplate code, allowing developers to focus on implementing business logic. With Spring Boot, developers can quickly set up a project, leverage the extensive library of reusable components (such as security, database access, and web services), and build applications rapidly.
Microservices Architecture:
 Java Spring Boot is well-suited for developing microservices-based architectures. Microservices promote the development of loosely coupled, independently deployable components, which can be beneficial for scalability, maintainability, and fault isolation. Spring Boot provides the necessary features for building microservices, such as embedded servers, lightweight containers, and easy integration with other Spring projects like Spring Cloud and Spring Cloud Netflix.
Broad Community and Ecosystem:
 Spring Boot has a large and vibrant community of developers, which means there is ample support, resources, and knowledge available. The Spring community actively contributes to the framework's development and provides valuable libraries, extensions, and integrations. By hiring a Spring Boot developer, you gain access to this extensive ecosystem, enabling you to leverage existing solutions, troubleshoot issues effectively, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.
Robust Testing and Debugging Capabilities: 
Java Spring Boot encourages the use of test-driven development and provides excellent support for testing. The framework includes testing utilities, such as the Spring Test Framework and JUnit integration, which allow developers to write comprehensive unit, integration, and end-to-end tests. Additionally, Spring Boot's built-in logging and debugging capabilities aid developers in diagnosing and resolving issues efficiently.
Scalability and Performance: 
Java Spring Boot applications can be easily scaled to handle increased load and demand. The framework supports horizontal scaling by deploying multiple instances of an application, and it provides integration with cloud platforms, containerization technologies like Docker, and orchestration tools like Kubernetes. Spring Boot also offers features like caching, connection pooling, and asynchronous processing, which contribute to improved application performance.
Security and Reliability: 
Spring Boot emphasizes security and provides robust mechanisms for implementing authentication, authorization, and secure communication. The framework integrates well with industry-standard security protocols and frameworks, such as OAuth2, JWT, and Spring Security. By hiring a Spring Boot developer, you ensure that your application follows security best practices and can withstand potential threats, thus enhancing the overall reliability of your project.
Maintenance and Support: 
Java Spring Boot promotes maintainable code by encouraging modular and well-structured designs. It follows established design patterns and coding principles, which simplifies future enhancements, bug fixes, and maintenance tasks. Furthermore, the Spring community provides regular updates, bug fixes, and long-term support for major releases, ensuring that your application remains compatible and secure in the long run.
Cross-platform Compatibility: 
Java Spring Boot applications are platform-independent and can run on various operating systems and environments. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) allows Spring Boot applications to be deployed on Windows, Linux, macOS, and other platforms without the need for major modifications. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that your application can reach a wide audience and adapt to different deployment scenarios.
Industry Adoption and Job Market: 
Java Spring Boot is widely adopted in the industry, and many organizations rely on it for their critical applications. By hiring a Java Spring Boot developer, you align your project with a proven technology stack that is trusted and supported by numerous enterprises. Additionally, from a hiring perspective, there is a considerable pool of experienced Java Spring Boot developers available in the job market, making it easier to find skilled professionals for your project.
In conclusion, hiring a Java Spring Boot developer brings a multitude of advantages to your project, including robust development, rapid application development, support for microservices architecture, a broad community and ecosystem, testing and debugging capabilities, scalability and performance, security and reliability, ease of maintenance, cross-platform compatibility, and industry adoption. These advantages contribute to efficient development, high-quality applications, and the ability to adapt and scale as your project evolves.
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palettey · 1 year
Palettey is a Discord bot created by Tadeas Jun in PHP. The bot generated color palettes based on an input color. It uses multiple generation algorithms.
The bot can be invited to a Discord server using this link: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1111650904563798017&permissions=0&scope=bot%20applications.commands
The source code for the bot can be found on its GitHub page: https://github.com/Tadeas-Jun/Palettey
This blog posts some of the nicer palettes <3
Support the project on PayPal (https://paypal.me/TadeasSalvatoreJun) or hire the author as a freelance coder through their portfolio website (https://www.tadeasjun.com/).
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freecodespot · 1 year
Hey there! If you're a developer building web applications with ASP.NET Core, you know that authentication and authorization can be a complex and challenging aspect of the development process. Luckily, there's a solution that can simplify this process: Identity Server.
Identity Server is an open-source framework that provides a secure and flexible solution for implementing authentication and authorization in your ASP.NET Core applications. It allows you to implement single sign-on (SSO) and access control in a centralized manner, reducing the amount of code you need to write and maintain.
One of the biggest advantages of using Identity Server is that it supports a wide range of authentication protocols, including OpenID Connect, OAuth2, and SAML2. This means that you can easily integrate with external identity providers like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, giving your users a seamless and secure experience.
Identity Server also provides a variety of features that make it easy to customize the authentication process to fit your specific needs. For example, you can create your own implementation of the interfaces provided by the framework to add custom authentication schemes, or customize the UI of the login pages to match the look and feel of your application.
Another advantage of using Identity Server is that it provides comprehensive documentation and a supportive community of developers who can help you if you run into any issues.
In conclusion, Identity Server is an excellent solution for simplifying authentication and authorization in your ASP.NET Core applications. If you're working on a project that requires user authentication, be sure to check out Identity Server and see how it can streamline your development process!
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codehunter · 1 year
Oauth for Google API example using Python / Django
I am trying to get Oauth working with the Google API using Python. I have tried different oauth libraries such as oauth, oauth2 and djanog-oauth but I cannot get it to work (including the provided examples).
For debugging Oauth I use Google's Oauth Playground and I have studied the API and the Oauth documentation
With some libraries I am struggling with getting a right signature, with other libraries I am struggling with converting the request token to an authorized token. What would really help me if someone can show me a working example for the Google API using one of the above-mentioned libraries.
EDIT: My initial question did not lead to any answers so I have added my code. There are two possible causes of this code not working: 1) Google does not authorize my request token, but not quite sure how to detect this 2) THe signature for the access token is invalid but then I would like to know which oauth parameters Google is expecting as I am able to generate a proper signature in the first phase.
This is written using oauth2.py and for Django hence the HttpResponseRedirect.
REQUEST_TOKEN_URL = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken'AUTHORIZATION_URL = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken'ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetAccessToken'CALLBACK = 'http://localhost:8000/mappr/mappr/oauth/' #will become real server when deployedOAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY = 'anonymous'OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET = 'anonymous'signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, secret=OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET)client = oauth.Client(consumer)request_token = oauth.Token('','') #hackish way to be able to access the token in different functions, I know this is bad, but I just want it to get working in the first place :)def authorize(request): if request.GET == {}: tokens = OAuthGetRequestToken() return HttpResponseRedirect(AUTHORIZATION_URL + '?' + tokens) elif request.GET['oauth_verifier'] != '': oauth_token = request.GET['oauth_token'] oauth_verifier = request.GET['oauth_verifier'] OAuthAuthorizeToken(oauth_token) OAuthGetAccessToken(oauth_token, oauth_verifier) #I need to add a Django return object but I am still debugging other phases.def OAuthGetRequestToken(): print '*** OUTPUT OAuthGetRequestToken ***' params = { 'oauth_consumer_key': OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, 'oauth_nonce': oauth.generate_nonce(), 'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1', 'oauth_timestamp': int(time.time()), #The timestamp should be expressed in number of seconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. 'scope': 'https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/', 'oauth_callback': CALLBACK, 'oauth_version': '1.0' } # Sign the request. req = oauth.Request(method="GET", url=REQUEST_TOKEN_URL, parameters=params) req.sign_request(signature_method, consumer, None) tokens =client.request(req.to_url())[1] params = ConvertURLParamstoDictionary(tokens) request_token.key = params['oauth_token'] request_token.secret = params['oauth_token_secret'] return tokensdef OAuthAuthorizeToken(oauth_token): print '*** OUTPUT OAuthAuthorizeToken ***' params ={ 'oauth_token' :oauth_token, 'hd': 'default' } req = oauth.Request(method="GET", url=AUTHORIZATION_URL, parameters=params) req.sign_request(signature_method, consumer, request_token) response =client.request(req.to_url()) print response #for debugging purposesdef OAuthGetAccessToken(oauth_token, oauth_verifier): print '*** OUTPUT OAuthGetAccessToken ***' params = { 'oauth_consumer_key': OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, 'oauth_token': oauth_token, 'oauth_verifier': oauth_verifier, 'oauth_token_secret': request_token.secret, 'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1', 'oauth_timestamp': int(time.time()), 'oauth_nonce': oauth.generate_nonce(), 'oauth_version': '1.0', } req = oauth.Request(method="GET", url=ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, parameters=params) req.sign_request(signature_method, consumer, request_token) response =client.request(req.to_url()) print response return reqdef ConvertURLParamstoDictionary(tokens): params = {} tokens = tokens.split('&') for token in tokens: token = token.split('=') params[token[0]] = token[1] return params
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gslin · 1 year
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designwithai · 2 years
Creating Stunning Images with Midjourney AI Bot: Your Ultimate Guide
Step 1: Sign up for a Discord account
1.1. Go to the Discord website and click on the "Sign Up" button located at the top right corner of the homepage.
1.2. Fill out the required fields such as your email address, username, and password.
1.3. Click on the "Continue" button and follow the instructions to complete the sign-up process.
Step 2: Create your own server
2.1. Once you are logged into your account, click on the "+" icon located on the left-hand side of the Discord window.
2.2. Select the "Create a Server" option from the dropdown menu.
2.3. Choose a name for your server, select a region, and click on the "Create" button.
Step 3: Invite the MidJourney bot to your new server
3.1. Go to the server where you currently have the MidJourney bot.
3.2. Right-click on the MidJourney bot and select "Server Settings" from the dropdown menu.
3.3. Click on the "Authorize" button located at the bottom of the "OAuth2" tab.
3.4. Select the new server you just created from the dropdown menu.
3.5. Choose the appropriate permissions for the bot and click on the "Authorize" button.
3.6. The MidJourney bot will now be added to your new server.
Step 4: Open the MidJourney bot
4.1. Go to your server where you have added the MidJourney bot.
4.2. Type the command "/imagine" in the chat to activate the image generation prompt.
Step 5: Enter the image prompt
5.1. After selecting the image model, the bot will prompt you to enter an image prompt.
5.2. Type in a description of the image you want to generate with ‘Catgut can be anything from a specific object or scene to an abstract concept.
5.3. For example, if you want to generate an image of a cat, you can type " create a beautiful car ,background dark, highway surface, cyberpunk, realistic, neon,—v 4".
Step 6: Wait for the image to generate
6.1. After entering the image prompt, the bot will start generating the image.
6.2. This process can take a few minutes depending on the complexity of the prompt and the image model you are using.
6.3. Once the image is generated, the bot will post it in the chat for you to view and you scale it.
Step 7: Download the image
7.1. To download the image, right-click on the image and select "Save Image As".
7.2. Choose a location on your computer where you want to save the image and click "Save".
Step 7: Upload your image as reference
 Find the option to upload a photo by clicking on the"+" sign.
 Select the photo you want to upload from your gallery.
 Add a caption or description to your photo if desired.
 Click the "Post" or "Share" button to upload your photo.
Notice:Make sure you have a stable internet connection to successfully upload your photo during your mid-journey.
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fw3d · 2 years
How to Create your Own Discord Bot
Discord bots are a great way to add a little extra spice to your Discord server. With a few lines of code, you can make your own bot to respond to messages and do some fun stuff. In this blog post, we'll go through the basics of creating a Discord bot using Python and the popular Discord.py library.
Getting Started
First, you'll need to install Discord.py, which can be done with pip install discord.py. Then, create a new Python file where you'll write the code to control the bot.
Next, create a new Discord bot by going to the Discord Developer Portal and clicking the "New Application" button. Name your bot and click "Create". Once you've created the app, go to the "Bot" tab and click "Add Bot".
Finally, click on the "OAuth2" tab, select "bot" under "Scopes" and click "Copy" under "Bot Permissions". This will give your bot all the necessary permissions it needs to run.
Writing the Code
Now that we have the necessary components in place, it's time to write some code.
The first thing we'll do is create an instance of the Discord.Client class:
client = discord.Client() `</pre> This will create a new client object that we can use to interact with the Discord API.
Next, we'll need to create an event handler. This is a special function that runs whenever a particular event occurs on the server. For example, the on_message event is triggered whenever a new message is sent in the server:
`@client.event async def on_message(message): # Code goes here
This event handler takes one argument, which is the message object. This object contains all the information about the incoming message, such as the author, content, and more.
Now we can start writing the code to actually respond to the incoming messages. In this example
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dvas0004 · 2 years
Lessons Learned: How to avoid getting asked for tokens in MS Azure console apps
Lessons Learned: How to avoid getting asked for tokens in MS Azure console apps
Microsoft has been migrating most of Azure’s functionality to the “Microsoft Graph API”, which is fantastic as that allows us to automate a bunch of things within the Azure cloud. However, the Graph API is secured behind an OAuth2 flow, and if you’ve ever dealt with OAuth2 you’d know that it revolves around “tokens” which are issued by a central authentication/authorization server for any given…
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tastebanana · 2 years
Start swagger editor on server
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Designed for REST: Swagger is really easy to use, because it’s a single-purpose tool for documenting REST Services.It also means that the API user has probably already experience with Swagger, which dramatically reduces the learning curve. This means that it’s already used in real production APIs, so you don’t have to be the beta tester. Industry Standard: Swagger is the most widely adopted documentation and specification standard for REST Services.There are 5 good reasons for using Swagger: Why use Swagger?īut why not use another standard (like RAML) or simply open your favorite word processor and start hitting the keys?
The real power of the Swagger standard comes from the ecosystem of powerful tools that surrounds it.įor example, there’s Swagger Editor for writing the Swagger spec, Swagger Codegen for automatically generating code based on your Swagger spec, and Swagger UI for turning your Swagger spec into beautiful documentation that your API users will love to read. Note that if using multiple servers, the resources specified by relative URLs are expected to exist on all servers.Swagger is the most widely used standard for specifying and documenting REST Services. # Relative URLs to OAuth2 authorization and token URLs Moreover, almost all other URLs in an API definition, including OAuth 2 flow endpoints, termsOfService, external documentation URL and others, can be specified relative to the server URL. For example, if the definition hosted at specifies url: /v2, the url is resolved to Relative URL resolution rules follow RFC 3986. This is useful in on-premises installations hosted on your customer’s own servers. In this case, the URL is resolved against the server that hosts the given OpenAPI definition. The URLs in the servers array can be relative, such as /v2.
Deprecated but still functional endpoints.ĭescription: File upload and download operationsĭescription: Override base path for all operations with the /files pathĭescription: Override base path for the GET /ping operation Relative URLs.
Different base URL for file upload and download operations,.
This is handy if some endpoints use a different server or base path than the rest of the API. The global servers array can be overridden on the path level or operation level. api.staging # Staging server SaaS and On-Premise servers:ĭefault: # SaaS server Regional Endpoints for Different Geographical Areas servers: Production, Development and Staging servers: The second example explicitly sets the HTTPS server as default, whereas the first example does not have a default server.
Single API definition for SaaS and on-premise APIs.ĭefault: https Note: These two examples are semantically different.
Regional servers in different geographical regions (example: Amazon Web Services).
SaaS (hosted) applications where each customer has their own subdomain.
Specifying multiple protocols (such as HTTP vs HTTPS).
Variable description is optional, but useful to have and supports Markdown ( CommonMark) for rich text formatting. In any case, a default value is required, which will be used if the client does not supply a value. Variables can have arbitrary values, or may be restricted to an enum. Unlike path parameters, server variables do not use a schema. Variables are indicated by in the server url, like so:ĭescription: Customer ID assigned by the service provider If the servers array is not provided or is empty, the server URL defaults to /:Īny part of the server URL – scheme, host name or its parts, port, subpath – can be parameterized using variables. Note: Server URL must not include query string parameters. If the server URL is relative, it is resolved against the server where the given OpenAPI definition file is hosted (more on that below). WebSocket schemes ws:// and wss:// from OpenAPI 2.0 are also supported in OpenAPI 3.0. The host can be a name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). Server URL format follows RFC 3986 and usually looks like this: You can also have multiple servers, for example, production and sandbox:ĭescription: Production server (uses live data)ĭescription: Sandbox server (uses test data) Server URL Format Each server has an url and an optional Markdown-formatted description. servers replaces the host, basePath and schemes keywords used in OpenAPI 2.0. In OpenAPI 3.0, you use the servers array to specify one or more base URLs for your API. For example, assuming the base URL of, the /users endpoint refers to. API Server and Base URLĪll API endpoints are relative to the base URL. If you use OpenAPI 2.0, see the OpenAPI 2.0 guide.
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stealingrobotatoes · 2 years
(updated tutorial! trust me, it's super easy!!)
Pretty much every Discord bot tutorial I’ve seen is either outdated, way too complicated, or a video... so I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands and make my own tutorial!!!
So here’s how to make a response bot with Python and Repl.it, step by step, with pictures. NO CODING EXPERIENCE NEEDED
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Seeing as you’re here, I’ll assume you know what discord is and have an account. I won’t explain this bit to you (:
Repl.it is where your bot’s code is gonna live, so you need to make an account for it!!
Now you’re gonna go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and make an application!
Once you’re there, click that blue “New Application” button and make a new application!
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Once you've done that, you should be here
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Now go to the bot section and click add bot
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Congrats! You've got the beginnings of a robot! Do not close this tab, we'll need it later!
Now, you need to add the bot to a server so you can use it! 
Go to the “General Information” page of your bot/ app, and copy the application ID by clicking the handy little copy button
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now, replace where this link says [YOUR CLIENT ID HERE] with your client ID and go to said link:
https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?scope=bot&client_id=[YOUR CLIENT ID HERE]
(example: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?scope=bot&client_id=714083849235333161)
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Authorise it and bam! It's in your server!
This bit is REALLY easy, because I’ve made you some base code, so you don’t have to do much!!
Go to: https://repl.it/@stealingpotatos/tutorialbotbase1
Now click the "Fork" button and you've got your own copy of the code!!! Well done!!
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Here comes the actual coding! Replace "trigger word" with whatever you want to trigger the bot, and "response" with the-- well I'm sure you can work it out!
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But your bot won't work just yet!
Back in the Discord Dev Portal, go to the Bot tab and click "RESET TOKEN" and then copy it!
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Back on repl.it, click the lock icon to enter the Secrets tab
Once you're there, add a new secret called "SUPER_SECRET_BOT_TOKEN" and make the value your copied bot token!
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AND THATS IT!!! You have a working bot!!
I'm so proud of you!!!! :D
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Have fun botting!!
Because of the “keep_alive” function, your bot will continue to be online for about an hour after you close the tab.
But if you want it online all the time, here's a tutorial I made a while back on keeping your bot online 24/7!
Super simple!! 
If you want multiple triggers for the same response, copy & paste the “(””) in message.content.lower()” part of the statement, + add an or
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Like that!
And for adding another trigger/response entirely, just copy & paste the statement entirely, and change the “if” to an “elif” if you don’t want both things to trigger at once.
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Like this!!
If you don’t already know python, I’d very much recommend learning it if you’re going to be doing more bot coding!!
Thank you for reading, and if you have ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL, my askbox is open (and has anon if you think the question is kinda dumb and don’t want your name on it. It’s not a dumb question, ask me!)
Also if you have any questions about adding new functions, I’ll try to help you too! This blog is gonna be all abt that!!
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