#sams face in the first one especially is so important to me
submarinerwrites · 1 year
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pilot sam and dean you will always be famous
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ughhfgghdhdhdhd HOW am I supposed to wait a whole WEEK for another new episode of ACGAS???????? *cries*
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The Most Innocent Sinner
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Summary: For everyone, she's the shy, pure, little Y/n. Dating Dean Winchester is like going on dates with the complete opposite of her. So it is a very nice surprise when Dean learns how kinky she actually is by finding her collection of sex toys.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F!Reader
Rating: 18+
Content warning: Sex toys, masturbation (male and female), dirty talk
Square filled: Dildos for @spnkinkevents / “Now that’s something you definitely shouldn’t try at home.” for @jacklesversebingo / masturbation for @anyfandomkinkbingo / “Unfortunately, I’m turned on by that.” for @anyfandomgoesbingo
A/n: Finding a title is so hard. I got stuck on this one for way too long. Big thanks to my friends that helped me!
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From the outside, Y/n looked like a Saint. Cute, she wasn't very tall and almost sickly shy, and her social anxiety didn't help her case at all. 
Since she didn’t have many friends, Y/n spent her time at the library surrounded by stories that made her forget how alone she felt. The characters on these yellowed sheets would never judge or criticize her, it was a comfort in which she really liked to immerse herself, especially after a hard day.
It was also where she met the Winchester brothers for the first time.
For someone like Y/n, the complete opposite of popular, invisible to people even when she was in the same room with them, the Winchesters were the pinnacle of perfection. Bodies built like gods, well-defined faces, piercing eyes, they gave off a strong and dominating aura that attracted the gaze of everyone in their path. And Y/n was no exception.
The moment the two brothers walked near her table at the library, there was no longer any need to read. Her book closed by itself in front of her, as she no longer held it open, her eyes fixedly stuck on the two men. Following their directions with her gaze, she turned her head, almost hurting her neck.
The colors around her suddenly seemed more vivid. The sounds, sweeter to the ear. She strained her ear to better listen to their conversations. And it was then that the stories she loved reading so much... Became reality.
Y/n had always had a habit of making herself fade away. Not wanting to attract attention, remaining discreet and making herself as small as possible. But the moment she saw them, it was like a light bulb went on inside her, and filled her with a life she had never really felt. And she decided to change that.
She didn’t want to hide anymore.
It was an adventure awaiting her, just like in her books. Filled with villains, monsters, but also angels, laughter, food and finally, a place where she belonged. It didn't take long for her to take part in their lives, quickly becoming a full member of their families. Although she wasn’t trained to be in the field hunting monsters, her lifelong experience of extensive reading was too vital and important to refuse her help.
Initially, Y/n was assigned to research. It was perfect for her, she could show them how efficient she was at this task so they would give her more to do eventually. Quickly, she climbed the ranks in the Winchesters' trust and became closer to them.
Everything about her personality was perfect to fit with Sam's. And yet, as the months stretched into years, she inevitably grew closer to Dean. Some will say that opposites flock together, and they are not wrong. Dean was the opposite of Y/n, stubborn, he didn't hesitate to say what was on his mind and loved seeing the adorable expression that invaded her face when he made inappropriate or worse, sexual comments. Immediately, Y/n would disappear from the room almost like magic, or she would become so embarrassed that he took pity and immediately changed the subject.
Y/n had a purity that Dean never had, and it was one of the reasons why even after all this time knowing her, he was still reluctant to let her come with them on hunts. Or even to involve her in anything that could endanger her or defile this purity. If he could keep her from losing that sparkle in her eyes, he would, no matter the cost.
After a few months of dating, Y/n finally agreed to live in the bunker with them. Dean helped her move in, putting her things in a room other than his, and although not sharing the same bed disappointed him a little, he understood why. She wasn't ready, and he insisted on her comfort. He was willing to wait for her as long as it took.
“If I had known you had that many boxes, I would have brought in extra hands,” Dean huffed, placing yet another heavy box on the ground. Straightening up, he raised his arms above his head to stretch his back.
“Sorry, all my books,” Y/n shrugged and lowered her head, embarrassed.
With a quick wave of his hand, Dean signaled that it was nothing. “It only takes a little longer but it’s no problem,” he quickly said to reassure her, so she wouldn’t feel bad about having so much stuff. After all this time knowing her, he knew how important her books were to her.
Her 500 books which weighed bricks to transport…
“I'll go get another box,” she accepted Dean's answer and as she passed him on her way out, left a quick kiss on the cheek. It was Dean's turn to react, his face quickly turning red.
“Okay, in the meantime, I'm going to start…” Glancing at the mountain of cardboard, Dean sighed again. “Cleaning a little…”
Sam wasn't there. Although he proposed his help for moving her stuff in, Dean's ego was more powerful. As a boyfriend, he had to take care of his girlfriend himself. Without help. Showing her that he was there for her, and that she would always be his priority.
Dean had been in several relationships in the past. And he loved each woman with all of his soul. But each time, his work, his family or the apocalypse had forced him to leave. It had been a very difficult task each time, but he had done it.
Just the thought of leaving Y/n had the same effect as losing a limb. It was unthinkable.
Ah shit. He was in love.
Him, in love?
It was the first time.
… Wait a minute.
He was in love with her.
This realization hit him harder than he expected. Dean took a few steps back, his head spinning quickly. He was in love. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Never in his entire life had he felt this kind of thing for someone, feelings so strong, so true. When they were together, he felt so good, like he had finally found the thing he was missing. The person he needed.
Dean took another step back, and inevitably, his legs encountered a box. He lost his balance and, trying not to cause a landslide, had to hold himself against the nearest thing… Another box.
This one was strangely and unfortunately lighter than the others and failed to stop him from doing damage. Luckily, Dean kept his balance and avoided the embarrassment of falling on his butt, but the box fell to the ground.
“Son of a bitch,” he grumbled as he hurried to pick it up. As he took it, he noticed that it was not closed properly. It was definitely not his plan to go through Y/n's personal belongings, but when he opened the box to close it better, he couldn't help but see what was inside.
And it wasn't his fault. The first item on top was a box that displayed the inscription of its contents, and his curiosity, well… took care of the rest.
“What the…” taking the item in question, Dean examined it. His hunter's eye detected every detail, inscriptions, the wear on the cardboard and even the place where the packaging had once been sealed before opening. The sticky paper seemed to have been removed so quickly, the color of the cardboard remained stuck on it. It was exactly as if its owner, eager to have the object, hadn’t been concerned by the breakage of its packaging.
SO. It was still possible that the contents were not what was written in black and white on the packaging. It was still a possibility. Dean understood, it was his duty to get to the bottom of it once and for all. Otherwise, the question would haunt him for the rest of his life.
Heart racing for no good reason, Dean placed his fingers where the paper was torn off and pulled the tab. Then, breathless, he opened the box and peered inside.
“Son of a bitch,” his mouth breathed along with the last of his oxygen. No... he couldn't believe it. As if he needed further proof that his eyes had already given him, Dean reached into the box and pulled out the object.
It was still in its bag, but an opening proved its frequent use. Both soft and very hard, it was of regular size and of a pretty pink shade. Dean didn't need to take it out of the bag to know that underneath was the little hole to get charged, the wire still in the box.
In his hand, Dean held the thing he never thought he would hold… Let alone find among his girlfriend's stuff. The sweet, pure, shy Y/n.
Scared that she would come back and see him like this, Dean quickly put the pink dildo vibrator back in its box. A thousand questions swirled through his mind and his heart still hadn't stopped pounding in his ribcage. In his eagerness and nervousness, Dean almost dropped the box, so he had to pull himself together to put it back exactly where he had found it.
And that was when he saw them.
There were plenty of them. A dozen even. Some had their original packaging, others had boxes without inscription. Curiosity rose in Dean who forgot the presence of his girlfriend and owner of these toys in the bunker. It was like suddenly he was alone in the world as he began to pull out everything he had in front of his eyes, his pupils dilating with each new discovery.
Small portable vibrator. One that looked like a butterfly, insertable and vibrant. A… dolphin? A flesh-colored dildo, including ball and base with suction. A magic staff. Purple, pink, black, the colors were added one after the other. And then suddenly...
Dean came across the largest box.
It was curiously and surprisingly big for what was inside. Dean couldn't help it. It was heavy, there was no doubt about the contents, but he had to see it with his eyes, hold it in his hands, and absorb reality.
It couldn't be that big... right?
And oh my god.
“Now that’s something you definitely shouldn’t try at home…”
Examining it from every angle, he still couldn't understand. The words “bad dragon” were forever imprinted in his brain along with the image of that purple and blue hued dildo. It was imposing, as tall as it was wide, and the different textures were strange but pleasant to the touch. And inevitably, his brain went in that perverse direction he imagined...
Her moans filled the room and the echo was carried throughout the whole bunker. Sounds of pleasure? No. Of frustration. She moaned as she tried as best she could to get the dildo into her entrance, which was still too tight for such a monster. But her determination only grew with her goal, and the idea alone of being able to have all those inches inside her was so exciting that she almost didn't need any lube.
“Oh fuck,” breathed through her lips as the head of the toy finally pierced the breach. Her head tilting back, she wiggled on the dildo to widen her entrance to accommodate the rest. Kneeling over the toy made it easier for her to maneuver her body and part her lips for guidance. And when finally the dildo was inside her, a long sigh of relief mixed with the pleasure of having succeeded hissed between her lips.
“I love the view…”
Dean hadn't missed a single thing. Standing in the doorway, he watched, admired, and nourished himself with the magnificent view before him. Kneeling on the bed facing him, she knew he was there. Even though her eyes were closed, she felt his presence, heard his heavy breathing. And then there was the rustling of his clothes every time he adjusted his position or reached for his swollen crotch.
It was one of the hottest things she had ever experienced. The desire was so strong it was palpable. The smell of sex filled the room. A moan passed her lips as she opened her eyes to look at him, her breath leaving her lungs, making the air almost unbreathable because it was so saturated.
"Oh. No."
The sound of a heavy object hitting the ground brought him back to consciousness. Then it took him several seconds to realize the voice that had spoken just before the impact, what it had said and who it belonged to. Turning towards the door, Dean's eyes were wide open, the green almost disappearing from his irises because his pupils were so dilated.
Her face was not in any better condition. As her eyes, wide with fear and shame, moved between what he was holding and the box behind him and finally settling on him, Dean could see the embarrassment quickly filling her being.
“What is this?”
Still shocked by his discovery and what it implied, these words were the first and only ones that had managed to escape his lips. Obviously, he knew what it was, and what it was for. However, he needed to hear it from her mouth. To confirm what his eyes had already understood.
His question only made her more uncomfortable.
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” she muttered under her breath, lowering her head and crossing the distance between them to grab the dildo and remove it from the hunter’s hands. All this to hide the evidence that had already been consumed, unfortunately. “Please, forget about it,” she pleaded, still refusing to meet his gaze. Her hand resting next to Dean's on the dildo, she tried to take it back, but was surprised to see that he didn't want to let it go. “Dean?”
“It’s impossible,” his voice was low, almost a breath lost in the tension of the air. “Unfortunately… I’m turned on by that. And here I thought you were all pure and shy…” Taking a pause in his words only made the state Y/n was in worse. Next to Dean, she felt his breath against her cheek, and the heat of his body. It was heavy, his chest moving in time with his harsh breathing. As if he had to do everything to hold back. “I waited for you to be ready, and I'll still wait but… Y/n…” As she still refused to raise her head and meet his gaze, Dean took his other hand, the one that wasn't holding the dildo, to gently lift Y/n’s chin. “Thinking about you touching yourself with that… oh fuck, it’s hot, sweetheart.”
“Yeah?” A shy smile appeared on her lips, her eyes watering at how she was embarrassed but still... Very excited by this idea.
“Oh yeah,” Dean swallowed, his green eyes darting from Y/n's lips to her eyes, then back to her lips. Like two magnets held too far apart, but at the same time too close, it was inevitable.
Dean pressed his mouth to Y/n’s, kissing her forcefully. The dildo was quickly put aside, both needing their hands to touch the other. Dean placed his on Y/n's waist, and her around his neck. Her nails scratched the soft part of his neck, leaving red marks he would never see. It was intense, they almost devoured each other with an insatiable appetite. Opening her lips, Y/n stuck her tongue out barely, just enough to give access to Dean who was quick to push his tongue into her mouth. The kiss became languorous, messy, even, and Y/n backed into a box and almost fell. Dean broke the kiss to ask if she was okay, but she silenced him by replacing her lips on his to continue the kiss.
Their mouths didn't leave each other as clothes flew around the room, some getting stuck on boxes while others fell to the floor. Eventually, they managed to maneuver through the mountains of boxes to get to the bed. Y/n plopped down on the mattress and laughed against Dean’s mouth which only took a second to find its way back to hers. Now both were shirtless and their hands explored each other without stopping.
Finally, Y/n broke the kiss to speak.
“I want you to watch me.”
“What?” Dean was panting, his erection so painful in his pants he was afraid it would explode at the slightest touch. Like a hungry lion demanding its prey, he tried to grab Y/n's lips but she refused him access by placing her fingers between them.
“I want you to watch me use the toy…” If she was an angel a few moments ago, the Y/n he had, lying under him on the bed, half naked, was a little devil hidden under the appearance of a Saint.
Just the thought of seeing her in real life masturbating with the monster he had found made Dean gulp and push himself up so he was on his knees. His face was so red, he had trouble understanding how there could still be blood in his length.
“Are you sure? I mean, I… I can’t say no to that, fuck, but… I don’t want you to feel forced or…”
“Dean,” she interrupted, a smile tugging at her lips. “I really want to. And I know you want it too.” Y/n took a deep, slightly shaky breath before continuing. “So… Bring me the one you want me to use… And get comfortable.”
Dean swallowed and looked at his girlfriend's face. Since he had known her, they had never been this far in their intimacy. And he would never have imagined that she had this in her. Obviously he was surprised, but it was a very pleasant surprise. Like an excited child on Christmas morning, Dean rushed to the box of adult toys and once again admired all the choices presented to him. Each of them infused an image, each more erotic than the other, into his mind. For a moment, he hesitated to take the monster he had found shortly before, but decided that for now, this view was better in his mind. And he didn't want to embarrass Y/n even more than she was, what she was proposing was very intimate, very sexy, but also terribly hard to do. To open up like this, to show yourself like this...
Dean returned to his girlfriend, a box in hand. “This one,” he held out the box, knowing full well what it contained. Y/n took it, hesitated for a few seconds while staring at it in her hands. Just as Dean was about to repeat that she didn't have to, that they could continue to just makeout and that was okay, she opened the box and took out the toy.
It was a simple one. No vibration, just a flesh colored dildo with suction at the bottom. It wasn’t the biggest she owned, but it was still big, almost as big as Dean’s cock. So to see her use this, he could easily picture him in her…
Just the thought sent another wave of arousal down his pants.
“Do you need a moment, or lube or…” Dean was still standing up near the bed as she was on her knees on the mattress. For the first time, he was clueless and didn't know what to do. And yet, it was not his first time, nor the last, that he had more kinky moments with his partner. But Y/n was different, she wasn't just his sexual partner, but the woman he loved. And the prospect of getting even closer and more intimate was worth more than any sex he could have.
“I want you to watch the whole thing,” Y/n replied, lifting her ass off the mattress just enough to undo her pants and pull them down along with her panties with just one hand. In an almost expert manner, she finished undressing herself with one hand, her other never letting go of the toy. “You can sit down, you know,” she laughed when she saw Dean still standing where he was, stiff as a stick.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” he sat on the edge of the bed and turned his body towards her. It was like he was back at 15 with the most popular girl in school, ready for his first time. Nervousness filled his entire being, along with excitement, and if he wasn't so experienced years later, his erection would have disappeared or he would have come prematurely in his pants.
Dean silently thanked all the girls he had in the past that strengthened his stamina.
“How do you want me to use it?” 
Dean could see how nervous she was. It was the first time she was completely naked in front of him, and her body was shaking ever so slightly, shivers that covered her soft skin in goosebumps. But yet, through that nervousness, she was freaking sexy. Still kneeling, she was slowly stroking her intimacy with the toy, coating it with her wetness. And without asking, Dean knew she wouldn’t need any lube.
“Just… Like this, you can ride it…” The words got out of his mouth by automatism. Truth was, Dean was half there now, so excited and focused on her, a part of his mind was shut down. It was so hot, he couldn’t detach his eyes from her body, the way the toy rubbed through her lower lips, how her hips rocked back on it, and her face, so soft, so cute, so embarrassed… With eyes burning in a strong passion.
“Okay,” she whispered. Time seemed to slow down. Dean could feel his heart beating in his head and in his crotch, the intensity growing with each movement she made. Straightening up, she placed the dildo behind her, careful to align it with her entrance, and opened up her legs to let Dean continue watching. 
And he could see it all.
It was better than everything he could ever imagine.
The toy was big, but she was probably very wet and very used to it, because it didn’t take long for her to lower down on it. Inch by inch, the dildo disappeared into her entrance until it was almost completely gone. Her body was bent back, her chest glistening with sweat and the cutest moan left her lips.
“Fuck,” Dean groaned. It was too much, so he rushed to open his pants, just enough to free his aching cock. The simple touch sent thousands of electrical shocks of pleasure through his body, but still, his eyes were fixed on her. “You’re so hot, I don’t think I’ll last long,” he held the base of his cock stronger to avoid his climax.
“I don’t think I’ll last long either,” she whimpered. She had started moving already, slowly, up and down on the toy. Since she was on the bed, the succion was useless and she had to hold it with one hand. Dean could see how wet she was on the dildo, and imagined how warm it had to be inside.
Another groan whistled through his teeth.
“Hmmm,” she moaned, picking up speed. “It feels so good… Dean… Look at me…”
He didn’t notice, but his gaze was so focused on the toy and her pussy, he didn’t even look at her face. Blinking hard, he looked up, and when he saw her face, twisted in pleasure, he couldn’t help it.
His hand started moving on his cock at the same rhythm as her.
“Can’t wait to be inside of you,” Dean muttered through his rashing breath. “Must feel so warm in there, and you’re so wet, fuck, sweetheart, you’re killing me.”
As an answer, she moaned and closed her eyes for a second. But quickly, she set her gaze on him again, even if it had to be the most embarrassing thing she ever did. She wanted to watch him watch her, watch him stroke his cock, watch him cum with her. “Soon… I promise, soon, you’ll have me, you’ll fuck me as much as you want, whenever you want… I'm ah... All yours, Dean..."
"Y/n." Dean could only say that. Again and again, moaning her name as she continued moving on the toy. "Y/n..."
"Dean, I’m gonna cum, oh my god, I’m…”
It was stronger than her. Never before did she come with only a dildo in her, it always took her hands or a vibrator on her clit to reach the end. But right now, in front of her boyfriend masturbating with her, it was too much. It felt so good. 
In an explosion of pleasure, her orgasm ripped through her in a scream. She closed her eyes, her body shaking, her wetness flooding under her and on her bed. But she so didn’t care about this right now.
It took a few moments for her to regain her hearing back, and a few more moments to open her eyes. It was strong, and she suddenly felt so tired, like the world came crashing back on her. Feeling like she could sleep for a whole day without waking up.
Y/n landed her eyes on the man in front of her. Dean had his head bent back, eyes closed, mouth parted. Lower, his cock was still a bit hard, and his release was covering his hand.
“Oh,” she said sadly, realizing she didn’t see him cum. At least, they came together.
“Oh,” Dean repeated, finally opening his eyes to land them on her. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and done,” he admitted, a silly smile filling up his face. So he was too, drunk on pleasure.
“Yeah,” she admitted, feeling her face flush with embarrassment. Wow. They did it. They actually did it. Her joy, thought, left her face quickly as she realized something. “Fuck.”
“What is it?” Dean immediately went on protective boyfriend mode when he heard the change in her voice.
“I think I…” Y/n’s voice was small, so small and shy as she lifted herself from the spot she was in, removing carefully the dildo from her, and looked at the mess she made. “It never happened before, but now my bed… I don’t think I can use it anymore… Oh no…”
“Sweetheart,” Dean rushed to her side, quickly putting himself back in his pants even if he was messy with his release as well. “It’s alright. There’s plenty of other room in the bunker, with other beds.”
“But,” she stammered, her gaze looking down at her hands. “What if I want to… Use your bed, with you?” 
Y/n ended up looking up at him, their gaze meeting.
A soft kiss on her lips answered her question, and all of her insecurities washed away.
“My bed is yours, sweetheart. We can always use this room for your books, I’ll ask Sam to help building shelves and-”
Another kiss, this time, more powerful, interrupted his sentence. “God, I love you so much.”
The words he never said back before.
Dean thought they would be hard to say. Impossible, even. But he surprised himself with how easy it actually was.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245 @eevvvaa​​ @wickedinspirations​@fictional-affairs @awkward-and-indecisive​​ @peachyaliien @katbratsupernaturalwhore
Supernatural Tag List: @peachyaliien @sexyvixen7 @stixnstripesworld @charred-angelwings @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @lyarr24 @fiftyshadesgrl @this-is-me19
Dean Winchester Tag List: @akshi8278​​ @kazsrm67​​​ @wtrpxrks @deanwanddamons @thoughts-and-funnies​​​ @charred-angelwings @jensendreamland​ @deanswaywardgirl​​​ @happyt0exist @waynes-multiverse​​​ @djs8891 @mimaria420 @this-is-me1​​​ @syrma-sensei
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lesservillain · 11 days
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v. i want to hold the hand inside you
summary: a collection of moments through the holiday season. also a little bit of insight into eddie's pov. cw: smut (not with eddie), male masturbation, sexual fantasies, two idiots in love trope, eddie's mental anguish a/n: hi i'm back. missed you all and this series. hope it lives up to the hype. around 12.5k words. please continue reading after the fic for an important message regarding this series.
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Shuffling down the stairs, you're greeted by the smell of coffee brewing and bacon frying in the kitchen. The grumbling in your stomach reminds you that you’d eaten way too much candy the night before, and that real food was much needed if you were going to get through the day.
When you rounded the corner into the kitchen, you were expecting to be greeted by the master chef Charles at the stove. But instead you were greeted by Tonya’s beautiful, slightly confused face. With a rag slung over her shoulder and spatula in hand, you watched her attempt to flip what looked like a very, very fried egg.
“You need some help?” You ask. Tonya jumps, hand on her chest as she catches herself. Clearly she had been in the zone, focused on the task at hand. Although, that didn't seem to keep help her in her food making endeavors.
“Jesus, can you be a little louder when you walk in the room next time?” 
“Sorry Tonnie,” you laugh, moving around her to get a drink from the fridge. “Been working on walking around as quiet as possible so I don’t wake Ed—everyone up when I’m working.”
Tonya's whole demeanor suddenly shifts. After plating the eggs and setting them aside, she turns her whole body to face you. Your eyes go wide as she takes the stance you know so well; the one she takes before she’s about to lecture you.
“While you’re working?” She asks, an eyebrow quirked in a suspicious fashion.
“Y-yeah…" you respond, not liking the way she starts to slowly saunter towards you. "Okay, can we skip the games, please? What’s wrong?”
“Why was there a red cape in your car last night?”
You feel like the room is going to spin. Not wanting to fuss with it you had thrown the costume cape in the back seat when you left Eddie’s last night. By the time you got all of your overthinking in, you’d completely forgotten to grab it and bring it inside. 
“Wha—I, uh—”
Tonya says your name to cut off your babbling. 
“If you wanted to go out and spend Halloween with Sam you could have just told me that.”
“What? Oh, god no.” Your nose scrunches in offense at the mere suggestion until you remember that it’s probably normal to want to spend time with the guy you’re dating. “I mean…I didn’t spend Halloween with Sam.”
“Okaaaay?” She draws the word out, head bobbing as she waits for you to explain yourself. You breath in, looking at her carefully before exhaling with a sigh.
“Promise me you will listen to what I have to say before coming to any conclusions.” 
Tonya says your name with a serious tone. You can see the anger starting to brew in her, and you can only hope that once you tell her everything that’s been going on for the last two months that she’ll understand. The need to rip the band aide off was becoming more apparent, especially when you needed her guidance on some of the thinking you had done.
“Promise me?” You say again, not backing down.
“Ugh, fine.” She walks over to the table and sits down, motioning for you to take the seat across from her. 
“So, I think the first thing I need to clear up is that…I don’t actually have a night job. At least, not in the sense that I’m getting paid. It’s a volunteering position.”
You watch the way her mouth tightens, nostrils flaring as she expresses all her unspoken words with her face. But, she doesn’t say anything so you keep going.
“It’s something that I signed up for at the very beginning of the semester. Granted, it wasn’t supposed to be an overnight thing...but the person I’m taking care of needed overnight care and I just—I couldn’t say no, Tonnie.”
Air blows out between her lips like steam, and you can tell you need to get the rest of the information out to her before she can’t hold it in anymore.
“The reason why I even hid any of this from you is because the person I’ve been taking care of was turned down by everyone else at sign ups…because he was a murder suspect.”
“Oh, no. No, no, no.” Her hands wave in front of her and she shakes her head. “I’m really hoping that I did not hear you right. Because there’s no way you’re telling me that, you, of ALL PEOPLE, have been spending the last two months babysitting a MURDERER?!”
“He didn’t actually murder anyone!” You shout back. Tonya’s eyes roll as she throws her hands up dramatically. 
“What does that even mean?!”
“Eddie was accused of murder, but he didn’t actually do it!”
“Eddie?! Eddie who?!”
“His name is Eddie Munson,” you say, “he was actually framed by the real murderer. The guy tortured him, Tonya! His…his body is covered in scars and…and he ended up loosing his leg. Like, from the knee down. And he was so sick when I got there. He’s come such a long way since then…”
Tonya’s face is like stone, blinking slowly as you go on about Eddie and all the things you’ve helped him accomplish in the last two months. You hadn’t even realized that you’d been rambling until the sound of her bedroom door caught your attention.
“Charles is here?” You ask her quietly after the bathroom door closes. You're shocked when she confirms that he had stayed the night. He'd never stayed the night before, at least while you were there.
“We had a fun night,” Tonya says with a sly smirk. “He’s probably feeling it this morning.”
“Ah, I see,” you nod. The sound of retching coming from the upstairs bathroom had the two of you giggling. Tonya leans in towards you, resting her chin on her hands as she looks at you.
“So,” she starts, “Can I ask you a side question before we get into this Eddie guy?”
“Sure,” you say suspiciously.
“Is Sam real?”
“What?” You chuckle. “Yeah, he’s real. Why do you ask?”
“Well, I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t a lie you made up to go see your little criminal boyfriend.”
You reel back, shocked by the accusations of her statement.
“Eddie’s not my boyfriend,” you assure her. But the look on her face tells you she’s not buying it.
“Really? Because you just talked more about this guy in the last 20 minutes than you’ve talked about Sam since you two started dating.”
“Well…I spend five days a week with him, so of course I have more to say about Eddie than Sam. But…”
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“What bit you in the ass this mornin’?”
Eddie stirs his coco wheat's mindlessly as the Andy Griffith’s Show plays on the TV. If you were to ask Wayne, he’d say Eddie was acting like a cat after it got caught in the rain, all pissy and ready to swat and anyone who looked at him.
“Nothin’,” Eddie grumbles, not bothering to look at his uncle as he spoke. Wayne sighed, grabbing the TV remote and turning it off. He shifts forward on the couch cushion until he was sitting on the edge.
“Did somethin’ happen at the Trick r Treat thing?”
Eddie exhaled, slumping back in the recliner dramatically before finally facing his uncle.
“Nothing happened. I just—Did you know she has a boyfriend?”
Wayne’s head tilts to the side. “What? No she don’t? Told me when she started.”
“Well, she must have lied to you because she told Harrington last night that she was seeing some guy named Sam from her school.” Eddie’s arms cross over his chest like a child with an attitude.
“Why’d she tell him that?”
“Because, in typical Harrington fashion, the guy flirts with any girl that crosses his path.”
“So she told him she had a boyfriend?”
“Maybe she was lyin’ t’em.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up. He hadn’t thought about that. He just assumed you hadn’t told him because you knew he liked you by now and didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
“But what if she’s not?” Eddie’s voice is soft in his vulnerability. He’d told Wayne about his growing feelings for you about a month ago. About how he thought you were beautiful from the first time he’d seen you, but he’d stuffed those feeling down immediately. 
He tried his best to push you away, hoping that you’d run with your tail between your legs after how rude he’d been to you. But you didn’t seem to budge, so he tried to ignore you instead. That obviously didn’t work out either. His hopes went up when you saw him on the floor that faithful night. He thought that you’d be so repulsed by him that you’d turn and run on the spot. 
But, of course you didn’t.
You looked at him as if he wasn’t a broken man who’d been beaten and almost eaten alive by supernatural bats. Who’d been abused and almost murdered by hospital staff who were supposed to be in charge of his life. Who was sent home to a place he didn’t know, with barely anything to his name after the Upside Down swallowed his trailer whole.
In hindsight, he almost wishes you had ran. Because this feeling that he’s had every day since has been more painful than any of his scars or shredded limbs. He wishes you had been shallow and vapid, because he would have a reason to hate you, rather than feel lonely whenever you weren’t around. 
And maybe he’d feel less bad about the times he’s touched himself while thinking about how your body presses against his when you help move him to his chair. Or the way your chest brushes against his shoulder when you’ve put your arms around him while you watch their DnD games. 
Shit, he’d only agreed to do physical therapy in the first place because you’d leaned in front of him and practically begged him. Did you know that he could almost see perfectly down your shirt when you did that? He was glad he did it, though, because the strength that’s slowly being restored to his hands was making it easier to jerk off to the thought of you.
Eddie tried to pushed those thoughts back. He didn’t want to feel that way about you. Well, not in this gross, perverted way at least. You didn’t deserve that. 
“If’n she’s not lyin’, then…well…” Wayne settles into a silence. Eddie feels himself getting upset, head titling back to push the impending tears away before they could spill over. 
It wasn’t fair for him to feel this way. He wouldn’t have had a chance with you even before everything that happened to him, so why was he getting all worked up as if you’d ever seen him as anything other than a pitiful shell of the man he used to be. No matter how much you poured into him, he would never have enough to return the favor.
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Eddie had been distant the last few weeks. Not back to his grumpy self, but more closed off than he had been with you lately. Any time you touched him unprompted, he would pull away or make an excuse to move away from you. He still talked with you, but that teasing banter that he would throw your way was few and far between. 
It hurt to feel like you were being locked out again, but you didn’t question it. Eddie didn’t owe you any explanations anyway. But you still couldn’t help to over analyze his behaviors every night before falling asleep.
Even now as you sit with him and Wayne and sort through old pictures that Wayne had found after going through their storage unit. Wayne is doing most of the talking, with Eddie chiming in here and there to give short interjections.
“Eddie, you’re joking,” you gasp.
It was just a shoebox, but it was filled to the brim with pictures of Eddie when he was little. The picture in question that you were absolutely gushing over was of Eddie and a woman that you’d assumed to be his mom by their matching chocolate button eyes. Her hair was wild like Eddie’s; long red curls teased to high heaven that framed her delicate face. Toddler Eddie was on her hip in a Christmas themed outfit, a huge, baby toothed grin plastered on his face as beamed at his mother. The back of the picture read ‘Eddie & Flo Christmas ‘68.’
“I’m not,” he says with little enthusiasm. “Unfortunately, I look just like my dad, besides my eyes. Wish I looked more like her, though.” 
“No, look,” you say, pointing at his moms smile. “You have her smile, too. Dimples and all.”
“Hold on,” Eddie says, taking the box and sifting through the pictures. It took him a few minutes to finally pull out a picture before handing it to you. 
What you weren’t prepared to see was a picture of a man who looked practically identical to Eddie, sans the long hair and clad in a military uniform. Next to him was a younger Wayne Munson, dressed in a leather jacket and with a much fuller head of hair. You studied the picture a bit before flipping it over.
‘Allan and Wayne April 1970 Day of Departure’
“Your dad was in Vietnam?” You ask, looking at the picture again, still mesmerized at the resemblance.
“Yeah, he got drafted and shipped out a month before my 5th birthday,” Eddie said with indifference.
“I thought you could be excused from the draft if you were married with kids?”
“Al and Flo weren’t married,” Wayne interjected. “And Al was dead set Eddie wasn’t his so he didn’t even show up to his birth. I’s there, though, cause I knew Flo wasn’t like those other girls he was chasin’ after. And when I tell you I wanted nothin more's to kick my brother’s ass as soon as I saw that little face for the first time.” 
Wayne grabs the box from the coffee table and shuffles around it a bit until he found a picture. He looks at it for a moment before handing it to you. “Poor Flo did all that time cookin’ that one there for him to come out lookin’ exactly like his daddy.”
The picture was of Eddie’s mother in her hospital bed, wild red hair tied up and looking exhausted. But her smile was wild, and she was flashing a peace sign at the camera. An even younger Wayne was holding a bundled up new born Eddie proudly in his arms, holding him up in a way that shows off Eddie’s chubby baby face. He really did look like his dad, the Munson genes definitely being more dominant.
You flip the picture over to read the back.
‘Florence, Wayne, and Edward May 13th, 1965.’
Wayne fished out more pictures of Eddie as a baby, and you cooed over every single one, much to Eddie’s dismay. Through this you discovered Eddie’s middle name was James after his late grandfather that passed on the strong Munson genes to his father.
You couldn’t help but feel bad for Eddie’s mother, though. She was only 17 when she had Eddie, and her strict parents kicked her out because of it. Thankfully, Eddie’s grandparents took her in and Al apparently came around and stepped up when he held Eddie for the first time. 
They stayed living all together until Al was drafted. But not long after, Eddie’s mom got really sick. She had been hiding it, hoping that it would go away on it’s own, until it had suddenly gotten worse. Wayne moved back home to help raise Eddie when his mother started getting sick. She died in 1971, a week before Al was set to come home from Vietnam. 
“That’s when he started gettin’ in trouble. Flo had whipped him into shape in a way not even the military could accomplish. And when she was gone before he could say goodbye—”
“Can I go outside?” Eddie’s hand wipes over his eyes harshly. He scoots to the edge of the chair and reaches out for his wheelchair. You jump up at his request, getting his chair situated for him before helping him into it. He clung to you for a moment longer than he normally would, but you didn’t mind.
“Let me get your coat,” Wayne says, pushing off the couch. When he’s just out of earshot, you look at Eddie, his eyes glassy and downcast as if deep in thought, and tap him on the shoulder.
“Hey, do you think that when you have kids they’ll be clones of you, too?”
Eddie’s posture straightens, his eyes wide when he meets yours. 
“What? I, um, I don’t—” He clears his throat and shifts in his seat. “I haven’t really thought about it. Didn’t really plan on kids anyway.”
“Oh, really? I guess that’s understandable. Not everyone wants kids.”
“Do you?”
“Hmm, maybe one day,” you shrug. “Not really rushing to have one right now or anything. More focused on school and taking care of you.” Eddie smiles, but ducks his head to hide it from you. 
“Well, I guess I’m good practice for taking care of one,” he says.
“No, you’re way harder to take care of.” He barks out a laugh, rolling away from you to meet Wayne half way to the door. 
While the two of them go outside to smoke, you busy yourself in the kitchen putting away the Thanksgiving dinner you and Wayne had put together, with Eddie’s help on stirring duty. Ben had come by and ate with all of you, seemingly more comfortable being around while you were at the Munson’s residence with his more frequent visits.
It didn’t take you long to clean up. Wayne had apologized all morning for the dinner not being anything fancy, and you reassured him every time that you didn’t care. You’d been used to spending Thanksgiving with just your grandparents, and then just your grandma for so long that you’d never made much of a big deal out of the holiday like others do. 
Sam specifically told you on multiple occasions about how everyone in his family makes a very big deal about holidays. Apparently they were also looking forward to meeting you, which came as a shock considering he hadn’t even asked you to go, he just assumed you would. When you told him it felt like it was way too soon to meet his family, he seemed bummed but thankfully didn’t press further.
“Damnit, I told ya she’d be in here cleanin’ up, Eds,” Wayne hollers from the living room.
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it!”
“We’re gonna have to start paying her if she’s gonna start doing the maid’s job,” Eddie says, rolling into the kitchen and up to the fridge. He goes to grab for a beer, but you call for him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Eddie, if you have a beer this late you can’t take your pain meds.”
“That’s fine,” Eddie says, plucking the beer from the door and presenting it to you. “I wasn’t gonna take it tonight anyway.”
“What? Why?”
“Wanna try and get used to not having it.”
You want to argue with him, but he’s giving you that wet, sad look that he knows will get you to fold. And you do, snatching the beer from his hands and popping the tab open. 
He holds his hand out to grab it from you, but you decide to fuck with him a bit and take a sip of it yourself. It tastes like nasty cheep beer, but you do your best to remain as neutral as possible, even letting out an “ahhh” after you swallow.
Eddie looks up at you with pure shock, frozen in place like he was petrified. It makes you laugh as you place the can back in his hand, waiting a moment for him to grab it before letting go.
“Y-you can have it if you want,” he stutters, not moving.
“It’s okay, Eddie, I was just messing with you,” you say, placing a hand on his shoulder as you walk past him out of the kitchen.
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Eddie thrusts sloppily into his folded pillow, held together by his body weight as he lays on top of it. It took a lot of trial and error, but Eddie’s found this to be the most effective way for him to get off when his hands are too sore to just jerk off. 
He didn’t mind it though, because this set up made it feel more real to him. He didn’t have any frame of reference to know what it felt like to fuck a real pussy, but the friction of his pillowcase felt good enough that he was able to bypass the texture if he just focused on the fantasies in his head. 
All of them revolved around you, of course. He tries to stave off of giving into his urges. Especially considering he usually had to look you in the face at some point after. He felt like he was going to give himself some kind of pavlov response if he allowed himself to jerk off from any small domestic gesture that you threw his way.
Today was a bit too much for him, though. He’s happy you came over since he fully expected you to ditch him and Wayne for some other plans.
But you didn’t.
Not only did you come over, but you came over early, dressed up in an outfit that had Eddie fighting off a hard on from the moment you arrived. And basically acted as if you’d been part of the family for years rather than only knowing them for a few months. You were a natural addition to the Munson clan and that played on Eddie's mind a lot when he thought about you like this.
And when you took a sip of Eddie’s beer before giving it to him…Eddie was ashamed to even think about how much that affected him. Not only was it practically an indirect kiss, but he’d never seen you let loose like that, even if it was just a sip. You felt comfortable around him to blur that line of professionalism that you tried to keep up when you cared for him, and Eddie was letting the delusions run rampant.
“Haaa, fuck,” he whines into his other pillow as he ruts into the makeshift pussy that he desperately wishes was yours. He’s imagining you lying under him, his bare chest pressing into your back as he plows into you from behind. He thinks about how you’d be calling out his name. Are you vocal in bed, or would you be biting into his pillow like he is now to keep himself quiet?
Eddie pulls his shirt back up to his nose and your scent that rubbed off on it filled his nostrils, sending him over the edge. He cums suddenly with a low groan, spurts of white cum spilling in between the fold of the sandwiched pillow. His breath hitches, eyes going in and out of focus as he cums harder than he ever has before. 
After catching his breath, Eddie pushes himself over and onto his back. He lays there, waiting for the guilt to creep in like it always does. He thinks back to your conversation earlier, about him wanting kids. It kills him. 
Did you really think he would ever have the chance to have kids? Besides not knowing if his swimmers even work after what he went though, he would have to meet someone who would treat him with even a fraction of the kindness you give him. And then he’d have to convince them that he was worthy enough for their love and not a burden. 
You saying you want kids one day hurt even worse. It was a feasible dream for you, to start a family with someone you loved. Eddie had barely thought about kids, but now he’s laying here thinking about what a normal life would be like with you. A house with a white picket fence, two kids, a dog…
Tears rolled down Eddie’s temples and disappeared into his sweaty hair line. He grabbed the soiled pillow and pulled off the pillowcase, carefully pulling it inside out and tossing it into his laundry basket. He pulled his comforter over himself to hide away from the world. 
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The bed shakes as Sam lands on his back next to you. He says…something, but you’re too busy in your own head to catch it. The ache between your legs tries to get your attention as well, but you would rather listen to Sam speak than address that right now.
“Hey, are you okay?” Sam’s hand waves in front of your face and you force yourself to smile when you look at him. “Did I really blow your mind that much?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” you nod enthusiastically, probably overdoing it. You feel an ick wash over you when he smiles triumphantly. He leans in to kiss you and you turn your head so that his lips hit your cheek.
“I’m gonna go get us some water. Feel free to use my bathroom to clean up.” You lay still until Sam leaves the room, holding your breath until you’re sure he’s gone. 
Jumping up from the bed, you grab your clothes and quickly redress. You can’t find your tights but at this point you don’t even care, you just want to get out of there as fast as you can. Sam is standing in the hallway with a glass of water when you open the bedroom door. He looks at you up and down with confusion.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, I, uh…I forgot that I promised to help Tonya put up Christmas decorations tomorrow.” You move past him, but he grabs your arm to stop you.
“Do you have to leave right now?” He asks, a distressed look on his face.
“I’m sorry, but I probably should. Tonya likes to get up early to start the process and--”
“Okay, I understand,” Sam says, taking a deep breath in. “Can I, um, I want—I need to ask you something before you go.”
Your heart feels like it’s dropped into your stomach, nauseating you instantly. You have a sneaking suspicion that you know what he’s going to ask, but you really don’t think you can do this right now.
“Can we talk about it later? I think it’s supposed to start snowing soon,” you say, pulling your arm from his grasp. “Really want to get home before the roads get bad—”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
The reaction your body had to his question was similar to one you would have if you heard nails on a chalkboard. If the ground opened up and swallowed you whole right now you’d be thankful for a quick escape from this situation. 
You relaxed your body and looked at Sam. He’s a nice guy, truly, but after everything that transpired in his bedroom…
“Yeah?” His puppy dog eyes are making this harder than you want it to be.
“I….” You sigh, “I need to think about it. I’m going through a lot with finals coming up and taking care of Ed—I mean, Mr. Munson--”
“But you’re almost done with both of those? Christmas break is just around the corner, and I really would like you to meet my family.”
“Wait, what do you mean I’m almost done?”
“Well, you’re finals are, like, a week and a half away. And next week is your last week for the volunteer program so you won’t be needing to go to Hawkins anymore. We called all the families and let them know so that they could make other arrangements a week or two ago.”
All the air around you felt like it was sucked away. Wayne didn’t tell you that he had gotten a call. Was he even going to bring it up? Did he just expect you to up and leave him and Eddie?
“Sam, I really need to go,” you say with a strained breath. You don’t give him much of a chance to answer before you’re grabbing your coat and heading out his front door. Snow was already starting to stick to the ground as you got to your car. Sam stood at his front door, still in his boxers as you got in your car and drove off.
Driving on autopilot, your brain began to recall and process exactly what happened while you were with Sam. He had been off putting ever since you saw him after Thanksgiving, but you almost felt bad for him. All this time you convinced yourself that this really attractive guy was giving you attention and you just we’re being grateful for it. 
But today solidified for you that you couldn’t deny the way you were feeling anymore. Not when the whole time the two of you were having sex, you couldn’t get Eddie out of your head. Every touch, every thrust, you could only think about Eddie being the one on top of you making you feel good. You’re pretty sure you would have cum if it was actually Eddie.
The feelings you had for Eddie sat behind a glass wall inside your mind ever since you were able to pour your heart out to Tonya. But, no matter how much you wanted to, you knew you could never act on them. It would go against every code of conduct for you to have a romantic relationship with a patient. You could potentially get kicked out of nursing school if you were ever found out.
Not to mention you had no idea if Eddie would even accept your feelings. Sure, he has come out of his shell and let you into his life in more ways that you had imagined when you first met him. But, you didn’t want to delude yourself into thinking it was anything deeper than an appreciation for the care you’ve given him. Eddie and Wayne were good people, and you didn’t want to mistake that kindness for anything more than what it was.
But, fuck, did it suck to find out you might only have one more week to spend with them.
Between the thick snowflakes and the racing of your mind, you didn’t notice the way the road was getting icier as the snow continued to fall. A turn snuck up on you in the heavy snowfall and you slammed on the brakes to slow down, but your car continued to slide across the snowy road. 
Your car fishhooks before the back end whips around, sending you spinning into a ditch. It’s not a deep one, but the lack of traction under your tire sends them spinning with barely any movement from your car. You curse under your breath, all of your emotions bubbling up until you smack your steering wheel out of frustration.
After taking a few minutes to cool off, you take a look around you to assess your surroundings. It’s hard to see much, the back road you’re on has no streetlights and you’re not sure if you’d be able to see any house lights even if you were in someone’s yard. You start to panic, unsure of what you’re next move should be. You don’t have enough gas to wait out the night, but you should still have an emergency blanket in your trunk.
You have to hype yourself up to leave your car, moving as fast as you could to the back. As you went to open the trunk, fumbling with your keys lead to dropping them in the white snow at your feet. Your eyes stung as your tears began to gather, the cold wind instantly chilling them. 
Without a second thought, you let out a loud scream into the dark night sky. You felt around for your keys, the cold metal biting your already cold hands as you finally opened your trunk, only to find it empty. That’s when you remember that you had taken the blanket out of your trunk and thrown it in your back seat for the trunk r treat night.
The trunk of your car slams hard enough to make the car shake, and you practically rip the door off the hinge when you grab the blanket.
Just as you’re about to get back in your front seat whe a light comes into view from the down the road. Relief washes over you when you can see it’s a car coming your way. You jump up and down, waving your hands around to get the cars attention, the big truck rolling to a stop next to you.
“Are you okay, darlin’?” A little old woman’s voice calls from the rolled down window.
“No,” you yell with a pathetic sniffle. The driver side door of the truck opens and a little old man jumps out and rounds the front. He lets you inside and you slide into the bench seat between the two.
The couple apparently heard you scream from their house and came out to check what was going on. The snow was so thick you didn’t even realize their house was only a few hundred feet away from your car. The woman made you a hot drink as you used their phone to call for someone to pick you up.
“Hello?” Wayne’s gruff voice could have been intimidating to hear if it was anyone else calling the Munson house this time of night.
“Wayne, it’s me.”
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You thank the older couple profusely for everything before bounding out to the truck waiting for you in their driveway. It had taken Wayne almost 45 minutes to get to you with all of the snow, but he promised he would get to you even if it took hours.
When you pulled open the passenger door, you were surprised to see Eddie sitting there with a worried look.
“Eddie, I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Boy was worried sick ‘bout’cha,” Wayne calls from the other side of Eddie.
“Wayne,” he groans, scooting over on the bench seat to make room for you. 
“Aw, that was really sweet of you to be worried about me,” you tease, leaning your head on his shoulder to push his buttons a little bit more. Eddie adverts his gaze, mumbling a whatever under his breath making Wayne chuckle.
Wayne backs out of the driveway and starts the journey to Tonya’s. The conversation is light until Wayne asks what you were doing out so late at night during a snow storm.
“I was out with some of my classmates,” you lie, not wanting to bring up being with Sam. The thought of him only brought all of the thoughts you had earlier in the night to the forefront of your mind, and you were suddenly very aware of how much of your body was touching Eddie’s in this cramped seating arrangement. 
The chill of the night had been cut by his natural body heat against you, making you subconsciously curled into him at some point during the drive. You went to pull away, but his body started to move with yours until he was leaning into you.
“Sorry,” he said, trying to adjust himself, “I usually lean against the door to keep my balance.”
“Oh my god, Eddie, I’m sorry,” you say, moving closer to him again. “I would have sat in the middle if I had known.” 
“It’s okay,” he says quietly before you felt his body weight leaning against you again. 
The small talk dwindled into a peaceful quiet as Wayne drove the country road with ease. The snow has started to ease up, almost completely stopped by the time you saw the city marker indicating you were close to being home.
As you were leaning into Eddie’s shoulder, you felt a bit of weight fall on top of your head, your vision slightly obstructed by curly brown hair that fell over your face. Eddie’s light snores next to your ear was all the confirmation you needed that he’d fallen asleep and was using you as a pillow. 
A warm, bubbly feeling filled you at the sudden closeness. Even a small interaction like this made you feel a million times more exultant than you’ve ever felt with Sam. Or anyone for that matter. 
“Wayne,” you called to the older man, wanting to distract yourself from your thoughts. He hummed in response, his hat covered head tilting slightly in your direction while his eyes remained on the snowy roads. “Tonight one of my…friends from class, they mentioned something about this week being the last week of our volunteer work.”
Wayne went rigid in his seat, shifting to sit upright again. He cleared his throat, visibly becoming more distraught with each passing second.
“Yeah, I guess that’s right, isn’t it? I, um…” Wayne ran a hand over his mouth, rubbing it back and forth against the stubble before it landed back on the steering wheel. 
“’ve been-- been trying, ya know, to get someone to take over nights. I thought about askin’ Hop, but he’s done enough for us. Plus he’s got family now, so s’not fair to ask him. Could come off the nights, but that shift diff is really gettin’ us by.” Wayne nods his head to the side, “Ed says he can stay home by himself, but I just…I can’t have em fallin’ and not bein’ able to get emself up. Lord forbid he fall and break his hip er somethin’.”
“So…it sounds like you haven’t found anyone?”
Wayne sighs, shaking his head. “Well, that’s not…” He pauses, letting out a huff of air through his nose. “There is someone who is willing to come a couple nights a week if we need ‘em…”
“But?” You press, curious as to who this person might be.
“But…I’ll just say he’s not my first pick to take responsibility for anyone.”
“I see,” you say, looking down at where Eddie’s thigh is pressed against yours, the end of his jeans smoothed over the amputation spot where you’d sewn the end shut for him.
“Can I ask why you didn’t ask me if I could keep coming over?”
Wayne was still, like he was holding his breath. 
“I, um, we…”
“It’s okay,” you cut him off. “I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that. If you don’t want me to keep coming I totally understand--”
“No, no! That’s not it at all,” Wayne says defensively. “We both kinda assumed that you weren’t…allowed to.”
“Oh…well I don’t think there’s anything that says I couldn’t keep coming over? It’s not like I’m being paid, so I don’t think I’m violating any of my school’s rules. And he’s been doing so well, it wouldn’t be any different than if anyone else came over to stay with him.”
The truck was quiet for a moment, except for the directions you gave Wayne as he turned into Tonya’s neighborhood. Once he pulled into the empty driveway, he shift the old beater truck into park and turned to look at you. You must have been quite a sight sitting there with his nephew practically on top of you as he snoozed away. But you still smiled up at him, even as he shook his head at the two of you.
“So, I don’t want you to say yes just because I told you I was havin’ trouble. Okay? Promise me if you say yes that it’s not outta pity.”
“I promise,” you say, crossing your fingers for him to see.
“Alright, well, if it’s not gonna cause you any issue, would you be able to keep comin’ down to stay with Ed at night? It doesn’t have to be every day. Like I said, I got someone who said he can stay a night or two a week if we need ‘em—”
“Can I ask who it is you’re talking about?”
“It’s, uh, it’s a guy Ed went to school with. He’s a little older--names Rick—they’ve been friends since Eddie was a freshman—”
“Rick? Like Reefer Rick?” You question, Eddie’s weight on you being the only thing keeping you from jumping out of your seat.
“Well, yeah, that’s him. I guess Eddie must’ve talked bout him by now.”
“He hasn’t told me much about him. But, he did come over one day after you’d already left for work when the boys were over.”
“Ah, yeah, I forgot Eddie told me he came by,” Wayne nodded.
“I guess I understand why you don’t want him to be the one to stay over.” 
“Yeah, he’s just…not a very responsible kid,” Wayne says with a shake of his head.
“That’s like…the nice way to put it, I suppose.” 
Eddie suddenly lifts his head from your shoulder, his tired, confused eyes scanning his surroundings before looking at you. He smiles, breathing in harshly as he stretches, one arm going forward and the other behind you. 
“Hi,” he breathes out, his voice groggy and low from just being asleep. It does that thing to you where it goes straight from your ears to between your legs. 
“Hi Eddie,” you giggle, looking up at his dopey, half asleep still expression. Wayne clears his throat and Eddie’s whole body turns to look at him, then all around once more as if he’s only just noticing his surroundings for the first time.
“Where are we?” He asks with pinched brows.
“My house,” you say, taking that as your cue to grab your things and exit the vehicle.
“Shit, that was a quick drive,” Eddie says running a hand over his eyes.
“Quick only cause you used that poor girl like a mattress while you slept,” Wayne quips. 
“I did? Damn, I’m sorry,” Eddie apologizes, his eyes wide as if panicked.
“Oh, I didn’t care,” you say as you opened the car door, the cold air hitting you straight to the bone and making you shiver. But even with the winter air trying to turn you into a popsicle, you still took your time getting out, not wanting to make Eddie lose his balance and fall. 
Once Eddie was situated back in the passenger seat, you gave the two men your goodbyes, promising Wayne to finish the conversation when you come by on Monday.
The Munson men waited in the drive way to make sure you got inside okay, waving back to you as they took off down the road.
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Every day for the next week felt like a rollercoaster. 
Sunday consisted of Tonya taking you to get your car and you ignoring phone calls from Sam. You and Tonya also decorated the house together, so you technically didn’t lie to Sam when you left.
Monday you were almost late to class, doing your best to wait until the last second to pull into the schools parking lot so as to avoid Sam in case he was waiting for you. You felt bad for not giving him an answer before you left him on Saturday. But after an all day conversation with Tonya that started with telling her that you couldn’t get Eddie out of your head while you were having sex with Sam and ended with you guys talking about what colours you think Eddie would like if you ever got married one day, you figured you should probably cut things off with him.
You were never good at telling anyone no, this much you knew about yourself. And if you were completely honest, you were a little worried that if you didn’t wait until the right time that Sam might puppy dog eye you into changing your mind. But, you had to be strong. If you could just get through until next Wednesday after finals…
Speaking of finals. After some discussion with the Munson men, it was decided that you would keep coming to stay with Eddie over night until further notice. Both of them seemed to be relieved, although Eddie did say he wanted to keep working on building his strength so that Wayne would feel comfortable enough to let him be alone at some point in the future.
Once that was settled, you immediately made a deal with Eddie, making him your personal exam study buddy. Every day he quizzed you, went through flash cards with you, and looked over your homework for you, handing it back if he didn’t think the answer you gave matched what the textbook said.
“I feel like I could be a nurse after all of this,” Eddie said, placing the thick deck of flash cards down on the side table. The flipping between the cards had been serving as a good exercise for building up his hand dexterity, but often left them a little sore by the time you’d gone through all of them.
“I think I’d pay good money to see you in one of my school’s nursing uniforms,” you tease, standing up to refill his cup.
“Good money, huh? Like, maybe a college tuition’s worth?” He calls back from his chair. You bark out a laugh.
“You’d have to put that uniform to good use for me to shell out that kind of cash, if you know what I mean.” Eddie howls at your suggestive words.
“Don’t know how good of a dancer I’d be with only one leg, sweetheart!”
After a long week of studying, Friday finally rolled around and it was time to fulfill your part of the bargain. 
With Eddie in the passenger seat, the two of you set off towards Castleton Square in Indianapolis. The roads were busy, full of people with the same idea as you and Eddie; last minute Christmas shopping. 
You’d lied to Wayne about where you were going per Eddie’s request. He knew that if he told Wayne where he was going that he would try and give him money to buy his gifts. 
But ever since his disability checks (finally) started coming in, Eddie had secretly been saving some on the side so that he could get some things for everyone for Christmas.
That included Wayne, and he wasn’t about to use the man’s own money to buy him a Christmas gift. So, as far as Wayne knew, the two of you were going to see Grant and his girlfriend's new apartment. 
“Damn, this place is packed,” Eddie said, head on a swivel as you tried to navigate the mall’s parking lot without taking out a pedestrian. 
“No kidding,” you say, pulling up towards one of the mall’s entrances. 
“I’m gonna let you out here,” you say, flipping on your blinkers. Once Eddie is situated in his chair, you wait for him to wheel inside the first set of doors before taking off to park. 
After 20 minutes of searching and briefly getting into it with a 70 year old over a handicap spot, you finally make your way to the mall entrance. It was just as crazy inside of the mall as you’d expected it to be with Christmas only a few more days away. People of all different background suddenly become unified by their arms being full of copious amounts of shopping bags. 
Eddie sat just inside the doors, eyes flickering across his surroundings, as if anticipating something. But as you enter into the crowded mall, his anxiousness seems to melt away as soon as his gaze meets yours. 
“You okay?” You ask, grabbing your purse from his lap. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, waving his hand at you. “I’m just…scoping the place out. For stores to shop in.” He saves himself at the last moment and you decide to let that excuse be enough for you.
To say the mall was pure chaos was an understatement. Many of the stores were restocking shelves at a record speeds, people fighting over toys and clothes and shoes that they HAD to have, lest little Tommy or Susie not get everything on their Christmas list. Every bench was filled to the brim with husbands and dads left in charge of bag duty while their wives wrack up their credit cards in the name of Christmas spirit.
Thankfully, no one wanted to be the person that's a dick to the guy in the wheelchair during the holiday season, so navigating the crowds was a little easier than you anticipated. The two of you bobbed and weaved through the stores, picking up a few things here and there for your respective friends and loved ones. Eddie was even brave enough to do a little shopping on his own while you ran to the bathroom.
Once the two of you regrouped, you took in Eddie’s haggard appearance and decided to call for a cookie break.
“Damn, what do they put in these things?” Eddie asks, his eyes closing as he takes another bite of his double chocolate cookie.
“I don’t know,” you say, sitting on the edge of a cement planter, not a single available seat in sight, “but whatever it is should probably be illegal. I could probably eat 10 of these things.”
“Mmm, agreed,” he says with a mouth full of cookie. 
The two of you sit and enjoy your treats in silence. Not out of neglect for the other, but out a mutual curiosity as you people watch.
 It was interesting to come to your own conclusions about people with only a snapshot of their lives like this, and it makes you wonder how people must be perceiving you and Eddie together. Are people assuming the two of you are dating? You couldn’t blame people for thinking that, but what else were they thinking about you? Do the two of you even look good together?
“Look mommy! What is that?”
The voice of a little boy catches your attention. A small pointed finger in your general direction makes you feel uneasy as you automatically assume the child must be pointing at Eddie. Sure, a man in a wheelchair has the potential to puzzle a child, but you didn’t know how Eddie would react to this kind of attention in a raw, childlike form.
“That’s called a mistletoe, dear,” the stressed mother answers, eyes looking your direction for a brief moment. Except, you notice her gaze lands just above you, prompting you to tilt your head back. And you’d be damned to find a small mistletoe handing from a thin string from the ceiling tile above you. 
“Huh,” you hear Eddie say next to you. The sudden realization that the mistletoe is hanging above yours and Eddie’s head has heat rising to your cheeks. You keep your head locked while your eyes shift to look at Eddie out of your peripheral. 
Sure enough he was looking at it, too. 
“Didn’t see that there before.” The words spill from your mouth without much forethought. Eddie clears his throat, and you steal another quick glance at him. His cheeks have an ever so slight pink tint to them, which only makes your stomach do flips.
Eddie has play flirted and said his fair share of raunchy jokes with you in the recent weeks. Never really giving as much of a hint of embarrassment in his actions, you assumed that he felt comfortable enough with your…friendship? That he didn’t care to treat you like one of his boys.
Given your newly realized feelings, it’s admittedly stung a bit. However, the reaction he’s giving now at being caught under a mistletoe with you is only fueling any delusions that you’ve ever entertained between the two of you.
“Me—me either,” he stutters, his eyes shifting down to the floor tiles beneath him. His bashfulness drives you crazy, and you have the sudden intrusive thought to just kiss him. And you almost consider it, if it wasn’t for the potential awkwardness that would result from your potential misreading of the moment.
“Have-have you, um, ever…you know?” Eddie chokes on almost every word, leg bouncing against the pedal as he speaks.
“I’m sorry, have I ever—?”
“Ever kissed. Like, under the mistletoe or whatever.” Eddie clarifies, gesturing to the decoration while still avoiding eye contact.
“O-oh, um,” you think for a moment of every kiss you’ve ever had in your life and suddenly blanking. “Maybe once or twice. In, like, middle school or high school. What about you?”
Eddie shifts in his chair, “No, no, it’s…I’ve not before. Not that I wouldn’t,” Eddie looks at you, then turns away again. “I mean, I’ve never been under one with someone before.”
“Do you want one?”
Eddie stills, blinking slowly as he processes your words.
“Do I want a kiss?”
You nod.
“I mean I guess I wouldn’t be against—”
Eddie is quieted by the sudden contact. You press your lips against his cheek, landing on the edge of the large scar. It’s only for a moment, but it feels like a lifetime to Eddie. 
When you pull away, you do your best to maintain composure. Giving him a forced smile, you rise from your seat to look at him straight on.
“There you go,” you say, hands landing on your hips. “Now you can say you’ve had your first mistletoe kiss.”
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“Eddie, Eddie, shhh it’s okay.”
Pulling him into you, you run a hand up and down his back soothingly in an attempt to calm Eddie’s still sleeping form. Screams of terror begin to fade out into small moans and whimpers the more you comfort him. 
Slowly he wakes, his arms wrapping around you as he begins to sob. You don’t ask him about his dreams, or rather, his nightmares. You’re sure that it would only make things worse, so you just let him cry himself back to sleep against you.
“—Oh, shit, sorry.”
Your eyes shoot open at the sound of Wayne’s voice. You hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep, still leaning against the head of Eddie’s bed as he snored in your lap.
“No, it’s okay,” you whisper yawn, gently lifting Eddie’s head until you could place a pillow under it. Tiptoeing out of Eddie’s room, you join Wayne in the hallway, who looks like he just got home.
“Sorry if I woke ya,” Wayne says in a low voice.
“It’s okay, really,” you say rubbing your eyes. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. He had another night terror so I was just trying to settle him down s'all.”
Wayne hums, a hint of disbelief in his tone. You thought about pressing the matter, but figured doubling down would only push Wayne into believing whatever he already convinced himself more. Besides, getting a couple more hours of sleep before the weekend officially started sounded like something you wanted to take advantage of.
When you did finally wake up, you did your normal Saturday morning routine before your morning shift at the coffee shop. After getting dressed, you place a full glass of water and a little cup full of his morning meds on Eddie’s nightstand and pull out a fresh pair of clothes for him to put on after he wakes up. As you go to leave, you glance over to the newly wrapped gifts that sit below the Munson’s Charlie Brown inspired Christmas tree and think about how you wish you had seen Wayne’s face when he saw them earlier. 
Your work day flew by. The nonstop in and out of shoppers getting their morning caffeine fix or their afternoon refill kept you constantly moving. And before you knew it, you were grabbing your own cup to go and heading out the door to trek the the almost 3 hour drive from work to your home town.
Once you made it to Anderson, you stopped by a local flower shop, one that you’d been going to since you were a kid, to pick out some nice flowers to leave at the graves of your parents and grandparents. The owner made some small talk with you, asking about school and how Tonya was doing.
The mentioning of your friend reminded you that you still needed to give her the gift you’d gotten her before she left to visit Charles' family for the holiday. You were thankful that the Munson’s asked you to join them Christmas day, otherwise you’d be spending the holiday by yourself for the first time in your life.
With your flowers in hand, you placed each bundle at the graves. You spent a good amount of time with each one, talking with the markers as if your loved ones were there and listening. You’re not sure how long you were there. But eventually the cold became too much and you had to leave. 
Driving out of the cemetery was always really hard. Your parents had been gone long enough now that you’d come to peace with them being gone. It still hurt, but didn’t feel as much like salt in a wound as your grandparents. But, the deep sadness you normally felt was lighter than usual. The thought of your next destination—back to the same mall you had spent the evening with Eddie in—made you feel like you had a purpose for the first time in a long while.
You’re sure he hadn’t noticed, but you had kept your eye on Eddie as he shopped around. Anything he took interest in as the two of you perused the mall you took note of, fully planning on returning to pick out some to gift him. You doubt that he go you anything, but that didn’t really matter to you. You wanted to get him things he wanted, knowing he wasn’t going to spend the money on himself.
“What’s W.A.S.P?” Tonya mumbles through a mouth full of sugar cookie as she flips a cassette case in her hand. Her eyes go wide as she reads the track titles on the back.
“They’re a metal band,” you say, grabbing it from her and centering it the middle of your wrapping paper. “Jeff gave Eddie a shirt of theirs, so I’m guessing he must like them.” 
“Girl, one of those tracks was called Ballcrusher,” she says with a concerned look that made you laugh.
“Hey, I’m not here to judge,” you shrug, wrapping the cassette nicely and laying it next to a few more that were already wrapped. “It’s cooler than the ovenmits you got Charles.”
“Excuse you, he asked for new mits.” Tonya points her half eaten cookie at you before taking another bite. “And I think they fit his personality very well.”
“They’re plain beige,” you say monotonally.
“Exactly,” Tonya nods with a smile. “Plain and beige, and safe.”
You tsk and roll your eyes, mumbling a little whatever as you organize your gifts. Some might say you went a little overboard for someone who you’ve only been taking care of for just shy of 5 months. But, it was hard to narrow anything down when you envisioned Eddie’s face as he opened all of his new possessions. It was enough to justify the…8…9…11 things you got for him. 
“Can I tell you something…”
You look over at Tonya, who seems to be unable to contain a smile as she waits for you to answer.
“Of course,” you say, turning to give her your full attention.
“Okay, so, I know it’s the holiday season or whatever, and I could totally be wrong. But…”
“But…” She takes a deep breath in. “...I think Charlie is going to propose to me at his family’s Christmas.”
You shoot up straight in your chair. A few months ago you might not have been so keen on this speculation, but the last few months Charles seems to have loosened up a bit. You also stopped caring about him taking your parking spot considering you were hardly here much anyway between school, work, and being at the Munson’s. 
“Oh my god. What? Why do you think that?”
“So, we went and did some Christmas shopping at that new outlet mall the other day. And while I was in the bathroom, he thought he would be slick and went into a jewelry shop. When I came out I saw him through the window and I’m, like, 99 percent positive he was looking at rings!”
The two of you gush and squeal over the prospect of Tonya’s future nuptials. Talks of colours and styles of dresses fill the room as the two of you talk for hours. 
“You know,” Tonya starts from the other side of the shower curtain, “Even if you are the maid of honor, I’m putting my foot down about one thing.”
“Oh, yeah,” you ask before spitting out your tooth paste into the sink, “And what might that be?”
“If you plan on bringing Eddie as a plus one, I have to at least meet him once before the actual wedding.”
You feel your cheeks heating up a bit. “I…I don’t see why that couldn’t be arranged—”
“Ideally, I’d also like the two of you to have confessed your love for each other by then, too—”
“Stoooooooop, you don’t know that he’s in love with me. This could be totally one sided.”
“Or,” Tonya pokes her head out from the curtain, “he could be completely head over heals for you and one of you just needs to make a move already.”
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“What the—do you need help?” Dustin moves towards you to help with the balancing act of carrying all your presents into the Munson house. He grabs a few gifts and ushers you inside. 
“Thanks Dustin,” you say, heading towards the Christmas tree that is filled even more so now than it was when you left Saturday morning. “It’s starting to look like Santa wont have any room to bring presents.”
“We’re going to take care of most of that tonight,” Jeff says with a smile as he pushes Eddie’s chair into the living room. 
 Eddie looked very handsome tonight in his red sweater and black slacks. It even looked like he took his time to properly do his hair today. You loved when Eddie would let you get his curls looking just right with a little product and styling.
“Hey,” he waved to you, more reserved than his normal goofy self.
“Well, hey there hot stuff. You look really nice tonight,” you say, leaning in to give him a hug. He went rigid for a moment before melting into the embrace. 
“About time you got here,” Mike calls from the kitchen, causing you to jump back. “You better hurry up and get some of this pizza before Gareth freaking eats it all.”
“Dude, I’m hungry!” Gareth shouts defensively. Will puts a hand on his shoulder to comfort him as everyone laughs them off.
“Where’s your friend,” you ask the room, scanning it for a new face. The boys said they had convinced their friend Lucas to finally come to a Hellfire meeting after several long months.
“He should be here soon,” Dustin says in an overly reassuring way.
“Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it,” Mike scoffs.
“You were there, dude. He said he would come.”
“He said he would think about it. Never said he was gonna show up for sure.”
“If Sinclair shows up, we’ll greet him with open arms,” Eddie speaks up, “And if he doesn’t…well,” the room stills,”...there will always be other Hellfire Club meetings.”
Before the game begins, the boys take turns passing around gifts to each other. You’ve never seen so many sets of colourful dice in your entire life, but they all seemed very excited to receive them. Eddie was given a few band shirts and some cool looking records as well. He was so grateful for each gift he was given, a constant roll of thanks coming from him.
For a moment, you thought he might be getting overwhelmed when you saw a him wipe away a tear. You rest your hand on his arm, but he waves you off and reassures that he’s just really, really happy. It made your heart feel full to see him in such a good place. The amount of growth he’s done in such a short time never ceases to amaze you.
Eventually the game started rolling. You took the opportunity to clean up the mess of wrapping paper that was littered across the living room. The boys tried to get you to join them, but you told them that you wouldn’t be as fun to play with since you’d ask so many questions.
But Eddie still managed to keep you returning to the table. A few beers deep, he decided to skip his nighttime pain med. This led to his hands starting to ache (allegedly), which meant he needed you to roll his dice for him. Even if you knew it was just his way of getting you to hang out and avoid the pile of laundry that was staring you down, you let him have his fun and played along.
“Another 20!” You shout, jumping up and down. Eddie laughs manically while the rest of the table groans and protests.
“Maybe it’s a good thing she didn’t play with us,” Dustin says shaking his head. You stick your tongue out at him and he makes a face back at you.
But the feeling of something touching your back pulls you from the playful banter. Looking around, you realize Eddie has his hand resting on your lower back, rubbing small circles there as he refocuses on the game. It’s not an unwelcome touch by any means, but it does feel very intimate all things considered. 
And it’s only made worse as his hand moves completely across your back, not stopping to trace back and almost hooking you around the waist. He pulls you closer to him until your bodies are flush, besides where the wheelchair separates you. His head rests against you, all of his attention on the game, making the action feel like a subconscious move. 
You weren’t going to make a scene about it, so you instead embrace the affection and let your hand rest on his opposite shoulder. From the corner of your eye you see the smile on his face grow until his dimples are on full display.
At the end of the night, the boys made their exit, leaving the pizza and drinks for you and Eddie to indulge in for the next day. Lucas never showed, but Dustin and Mike seemed determined to make him come out soon.
Once the boys were loaded up and down the drive way, you went straight to the sink to get to work on the dishes. But, before you could get passed the threshold of the kitchen, Eddie gently grabbed your wrist to still you.
“What’s wrong Edward?” You tease. His flush cheeks told you that he let himself go a little more than usually when he drinks.
“Shhhh don’t say my name like that,” he says with a slur of his words.
“Why not? It’s you’re name isn’t it?”
“Makes me feel like I’m in trouble or something.”
“Oh, do you feel guilty about something?”
You didn’t think that your words would hit any chords with Eddie. But the silly outward expression suddenly turned into one of shock. The air shifted in a spit second and you were instantly on damage control.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, fully facing him. Eddie looked like he was on the verge of tears, eyes getting glassier by the second. His body moves as a sob escapes from him, and any resolve Eddie had was gone as he lets everything go.
You crouch in front of him, hands on his shoulders as he begins to wail, body shaking as he lets everything out.
“H-he didn’t--did’t-didn’t show--show up because of me!” The shaky words come out, and you instantly realize the error of your wording.
You pull him into you, letting him cry into your shoulder as you pet his hair, holding him tightly to comfort him
“Shhh, Eddie, nooo,” you speak low next to his ear. “You’re not to blame for what happened. You were a victim, too, Eddie. There isn’t anything you could have done—”
“If I had just died—if Dustin had just left me there instead of finding Steve and Robin…They-they—” 
Eddie starts to hyperventilate. His head lifts from your shoulder as he struggled to get his breath. You jump to your feet and run to the kitchen to grab a paper bag that had been left from the gas station beers. You run back to him and instruct him to breath into it, coaching him to imitate you as you demonstrate taking deep breaths.
After a few minutes, Eddie is able to somewhat calm himself down. Tears still rolling down his cheeks, he leans back into his chair, running his hands over his face and through his hair. You can tell he’s avoiding looking at you. But you’re not sure if its out of shame or if he’ upset with you.
“Eddie?” You ask quietly. He flinches, but slowly lowers his head until he’s facing you, his eyes looking downwards rather than at you. But it’s good enough for you.
“Eddie, I’m sorry—”
“Don’t.” His voice is still wobbly, eyes closing again as he breathes in.
“No, Eddie, you need to listen to me. Okay?”
Eddie looks at you, almost through you, but you take the silence as the signal to continue.
“Eddie…I know it might be hard to understand. But…whatever happened back in March…it’s not your fault.” His eyes shift and he starts to blink rapidly, but he doesn’t speak. “I can understand why you think that your friend is mad at you, but I think you know he’s not. He’s just worried about your other friend, Max. And whatever happened to Max…you didn’t force that monster to do that to her. Nor did you make him hurt the other victims.”
Eddie takes in a sharp breath, coming out haggard as you can tell he’s trying to hold back from crying again.
“And whatever happened to you…” You take his hands in yours, looking at the scared skin that decorates it. You let your hands fall against his thighs, just above where his leg is amputated. “Was not your fault.”
“You’ll never understand,” he says suddenly, catching you off guard. “You don’t know what actually happened.”
“Then, tell me Eddie. Help me understand.”
Eddie’s eyes scan your face. Then his head shakes, his curls whipping around as he does.
“I can’t. Even if I wanted to I…I just can’t.”
You nod, “And that’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. Because I don’t think my mind would change even if I did know.”
“Can I go outside?” He asks, pulling his hands from yours.
“Sure,” you say with a smile. “Maybe we can get you showered and ready for bed after?”
“Yeah, okay,” he says, pushing himself to the door. 
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“Just hand me the lighter, asshole.”
Gareth’s hand reaches across the coffee table impatiently for Eddie to hand him the bright red lighter after the joint they were passing around had gone out.
“Nope, only people who tell the truth get to use my lighter,” Eddie says holding the lighter to his chest.
“Eddie, don’t press him. He doesn’t want to talk about it,” you say, taking a sip from your concoction of a drink that Grant’s girlfriend, Tina, made for you. You lean into him so that only he could hear you. “How would you feel if someone was pestering Wayne about Ben like that?”
That seemed to shut Eddie up. He finally tossed the lighter to Gareth, who wasted no time in lighting the joint back up.
“So, how did Christmas at the Munson’s go?” Jeff asks, plopping down on the couch next to Eddie, handing him another beer.
“It was, and I am not exaggerating,” Eddie starts with a slight slur of his words, “probably the best Christmas I’ve ever had. Like, this one right here?” He points his thumb to you. “I didn’t think I’d ever know what it feels like to be spoiled, but that’s definitely how she treated me.”
“Wait a second,” you scoff, “I did not spoil you. I just found some things that I thought you’d like and figured I’d get them for you.” You shrug, giving Tina, Grant's girlfriend, a look of feigned innocence as you turned to face her. The two of you had been doing quite a bit of chatting since you arrived, instantly clicking as you two seemed to have a lot in common.
She did ask you how long you and Eddie had been together, however. And you had to awkwardly explain that you were just his caregiver. It made you wonder what Grant had to be telling her about you and Eddie for her to think that the two of you were together.
“Did you get her anything?” Grant asks, nodding to you.
“Of course,” Eddie says with faux offense. “I bought her some of the lotion that she keeps in her bag, some of her favorite snacks, a copy of her favorite movie that she said she lost when she moved, and a study book for school.”
“You also got me a whole box full of snacks,” you say, nudging him.
“That was just because you are constantly talking about how you wish you had this or that when we’re watching a movie or something,”
“Are you sure you are not dating?” Tina leans in and asks you with genuine curiosity.
The guys laugh, but you reassure her that you’re not.
“When you spend as much time together as we do, you tend to pick up on each other’s interests. I’m sure you and Grant are the same way.”
“We are,” she says with an enthusiastic nod, “Because we are dating.”
“Shh, hey, the ball is gonna drop!”
The small TV in Grant’s living room shows that only 15 seconds remain until the ball is about to drop. You move closer to Eddie to see the TV better, and he wraps an arm around your shoulder to pull you into him. 
Everyone’s eyes are on the TV as the countdown begins. As the numbers go down, you rapidly reflect on 1986. 
The beginning half of the year seemed uneventful compared to the latter in the grand scheme of things. You recall all the highs and lows that you and Eddie have been in together since you first met, when you realized that what you were feeling was more than it should ever be and how you’ll likely never get the chance to do so. 
But you also reflect on the wonderful new friends that you’ve made, including Wayne, who you hoped was having a good night with Ben. And the younger boys, who said they were going to the hospital to spend the new year with Lucas and Max. 
Only a few seconds remain, so you turn to face Eddie, whose eyes were still on the small screen. An idea came across your mind. You pucker your lips, gearing up to plant a fat kiss on his cheek once the ball dropped. You were sure we would be embarrassed getting a cheek kiss in front of his friends, but doubted he could keep a grudge long. 
As the room cheered at the end of the countdown, you closed your eyes and leaned in. 
But you instantly knew something was off once your lips made contact. Instead of the textured skin you were expecting, you felt softness against your lips. 
And when you opened your eyes, you were met with chocolate brown ones looking right back at you. Eyebrows raised into bewilderment, it took you a few seconds to process what was happening. 
Then it hits you. 
You were kissing Eddie. And he wasn't stopping you.
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thank you for reading!
a/n: hello! I wanted to make all of the readers of this series aware that I have decided to change up the direction I’m going with it. I feel like I’m straying away from some important elements and I want to try and regroup starting from part 6 and onwards. I plan on keeping some plot points I previously had planned, but they may just be executed differently than I intended. I dont believe the changes will have an affect on the story so far, but still felt that I should mention it.
Again, thank you all for being patient with me and I hope to have the next part out here sooner than later <3
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [18] - Boundaries
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Family dinner can get tense.
Word Count: 2500
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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“Charm, how long are you going to keep this silent treatment going?” Bucky’s voice reached you and you kept your focus on Alpine, holding the toy as she smacked it with her paw. “I mean you were the one who went and met up with your ex—”
“A friendly lunch!” you said, lifting your gaze from Alpine to see him leaning against the door of his changing room, his arms crossed. Your heart skipped a beat but you pursed your lips, painfully aware of the petulant expression on your face.
“Does he know it was friendly?”
“What do you want me to do Bucky, make him sign a paper to acknowledge it?” you asked back and he rolled his eyes.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you,” he said. “Why did you two break up?”
You frowned. “What?”
“I mean I know how good you are at holding grudges, so being friends with an ex doesn’t sound like you, to be honest.”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Maybe he didn’t give me any reason to hold a grudge,” you said. “No wonder you wouldn’t get it.”
He gawked at you before running a hand over his face.
“I apologized like one thousand times—”
“You sent me a text couple of months later that said ‘you’re not still angry, are you’?” you corrected him. “Do you even know what an apology means?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh you do know,” you said. “I stand corrected.”
“No I mean, I’m sorry for that night.”
“Not accepted,” you deadpanned, scratching at Alpine’s head as she got bored of the feather and plopped down on the soft sheets. Bucky took a deep breath.
“Why did you break up?”
You lifted your head to roll your eyes at him. “Why is it important?”
“It’s important to me,” he said as he walked back into his dressing room, then came back with a pair of cufflinks. “Especially if he broke your heart.”
The idea of Bucky being angry at someone for breaking your heart was so absurd when he was the one who tore your heart out in the first place, but you chose not to comment on it.
“We just weren’t a good fit,” you said. “We were both idiots, to be honest.”
“You had him checked though?” Bucky asked, still busy with putting his cufflinks on and you shot him a glare.
“No Bucky, that was my first rodeo,” you deadpanned. “I just date civilians without making sure they can be trusted.”
 “And now?”
“I had him checked when he moved into the city and first made contact with me,” you said. “He still can be trusted.”
“That’s where we disagree, Charm.”
“Have you trusted anyone in your life, Bucky?” you asked, exasperated. “Except Steve and Sam, that is.”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders.
“I trust you,” he pointed out, making your heart skip a beat and you stared at him for a couple of seconds, then forced out a scoff.
“Yet here you are, questioning me about that lunch and him in general?”
“That has more to do with him than you, you know that,” he replied and you leaned back on the pillows, Alpine jumping to curl up in your lap.
“Either way,” you muttered and stole a look at him as he got into his jacket. “We have dinner at 8 tonight with your mom and dad, don’t forget.”
Bucky threw his head back with a groan. “I still think we should skip that.”
“It’s the second time Winnifred asked,” you reminded him. “We’re going.”
“Fun,” he grumbled as he came closer to scratch at Alpine’s head, then pressed a kiss on top of your hair, making you bite back a smile. “I’ll see you tonight then?”
“Mm hm, try not to kill anyone until then.”
“I’ll try,” he said and walked out of the bedroom, making you heave a sigh as you looked down at Alpine who was purring.
“Dinner with George and Winnifred,” you muttered. “Yeah. Should be fun.”
It wasn’t that having dinner with George and Winnifred was something new for you. You had spent your entire childhood with Becca, not to mention your families had been close since you two were little, so tonight was supposed to be just relaxing.
In theory, that was.
Yet, a mere minute after stepping a foot into the house you realized that would not be the case. Bucky had texted you saying he would be a couple minutes late, and while the food was about to be ready, George was still in his office.
“You know how they get with business,” Winnifred told you as you sat next to Becca on the couch. “I’ll just check the kitchen, excuse me.”
“No problem,” you said as she walked away and you turned to Becca. “Do you know what’s happening?”
“Apparently my father and your father had a very long phone call,” Becca said without lifting her gaze from her phone, texting who you could only assume was Leila. “I have no idea why Bucky is late, but I know for a fact that daddy won’t like that.”
You bit inside your cheek, crossing your arms.
“Great,” you muttered. “I’m guessing Ian keeps dripping poison in my dad’s ear and now George is getting affected as well.”
Becca let out a small laugh.
“It’s not like daddy can do anything,” she murmured. “Bucky took over already.”
“No but he can make things quite difficult.”
“Bucky is used to that,” Becca said and you turned sideways to look at her better.
“So you didn’t bring Leila?” you asked as if trying to tease her and she scoffed.
“Are you kidding?” she asked. “I don’t want them to scare her off.”
“Give her some credit, will you?” you asked. “That car chase didn’t exactly scare her off.”
“If it came down to choosing between a car chase and my parents, I’d say the car chase is much safer,” she told you, making you bite down a grin.
“I get what you mean,” you said as Winnifred walked back into the living room again.
“The food is ready,” she said. “Come on, to the dining room.”
Becca threw her arm over your shoulder as you both followed her to the dining room and you were just about to take your seats when George walked into the room as well.
“Aw my dearest girls,” he said, first kissing Becca’s cheek and then yours. “I missed you two!”
“Hi George.”
“Hi daddy!” Becca gave him a bright smile and Winnifred motioned at the table.
“Sit down, sit down!” she said. “The chef spent the whole day working on this, I hope you’ll like it.”
“I’m sure I will, I’m starving,” you said as you sat down and George looked around the room.
“And where’s Bucky?”
“He’s going to be a couple of minutes late,” you said. “He texted me just now.”
George stole a look at Winnifred, then shook his head.
“That boy needs to work on his time management skills,” he said, making you pull your brows together and Winnifred waved a hand in the air.
“He’s just busy with work,” she said. “It’s understandable.”
You shot them a smile.
“He’s just giving me the time to talk about him without him present,” you joked, making George chuckle.
“And how is married life, Y/N?”
“It’s wonderful,” you said airily. “I have nothing to complain, really. Which, you know how unlike me that sounds.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” Winnifred said. “You and Bucky…You two were explosive around each other until very recently.”
“Thin line between love and hate,” Becca said with a grin before sipping her drink and Winnifred shook her head.
“Bucky never hated you Y/N, you know that.”
You made yourself busy with your food and took your fork to your mouth, nodding.
“I know,” you said after swallowing your bite. “We just had um…history, in a way.”
“And isn’t it wonderful how it worked out?” George said. “As I’ve told Bucky before—”
“Hi everyone,” Bucky’s voice cut him off as he walked into the room and came straight to kiss you on top of your head before taking his seat beside you. “Sorry I’m late, something came up.”
George heaved a sigh of displeasure as if he was trying to contain himself, and Bucky raised his brows at him but Winnifred cleared her throat.
“Oh not a problem sweetheart, we’ve just started.”
“Thanks,” Bucky said as a maid filled his glass and turned to Becca. “You didn’t bring Leila?”
“I asked the same thing,” you said with a small grin and Becca made a face.
“No thank you,” she said. “I’d rather it if you guys didn’t scare her off.”
“Perhaps it’s better that Becca is taking her time,” Winnifred said. “To make sure she can be trusted. She is a civilian after all.”
Bucky tried to hide his smirk as he sipped his drink.
“You haven’t even met the girl yet mom,” he reminded her. “It’s a bit early for you to not approve.”
“It’s not that I don’t approve!” Winnifred said. “It’s just…perhaps it’d be better if Becca were dating someone in business, that’s all I’m saying.”
You tried not to roll your eyes but Becca shot her a look, then turned to Bucky.
“See? Exactly why my girlfriend is not here.”
“Nah, I agree that it was the best idea for this time,” George said. “Considering tonight’s topic at least. Bucky, we need to talk.”
Bucky frowned slightly and you sat up straighter, your stomach doing an unpleasant flip.
“About what?” Bucky asked and George licked his lips.
“What is this I hear about you letting Y/N get involved in the business?” he asked. “Arthur called me, he’s worried out of his mind.”
“Nobody is ‘letting’ me do anything,” you said, trying your hardest to control the defensive tone in your voice. “If my father talked to you, you can just tell me, George.”
Bucky vibranium hand covered yours on the table and you felt a fluttering in your stomach before you turned your attention to George who shook his head.
“Y/N honey, I get that you want to be a part of it,” he said with the same condescending tone your father tended to adapt whenever he talked about you becoming a part of the business and Bucky’s jaw clenched as you narrowed your eyes. “But it’s not the best idea. Bucky agrees, I’m sure.”
“I don’t,” Bucky pointed out without missing a beat. “And watch your tone while you’re talking to my wife.”
The warmth spread over your cheeks. “It’s fine, Buck.”
“No it’s not.”
 Winnifred cleared her throat. “Perhaps we could talk about it later on.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to work,” Becca muttered, leaning back to sip her drink and George put his fork down.
“Bucky,” he said like a warning. “It’s wonderful that you two are happy and in love, don’t get me wrong. But when it comes to my business—”
“I think you mean my business,” Bucky deadpanned and a silence fell upon the table, nervousness filling your system. You rolled your shoulders back, trying to decide whether you should step in or not, but George beat you to it.
“I didn’t put you to the top just so that you can ruin the business, Bucky.”
Your eyes widened as your jaw dropped and Bucky let out a furious breath.
“You didn’t put me anywhere,” he said, his voice almost a growl. “I proved myself over and over.”
“Why don’t we all—”
“And where would you be without me?” George asked him and a furious breath left your lips.
“Alright, this is enough,” you said with a click of your tongue and stood up. “We’re leaving. Come on Buck.”
“Y/N—” Winnifred started as Bucky stood up, still holding your hand.
“See you later,” he told Becca and his mom, and you both walked out of the dining room and made your way through the foyer to step out of the house. He followed you to the car and you told the driver to drive you back to your place, then got in with Bucky.
Bucky didn’t speak a word all the way until you two got home, clearly lost in his own mind and you didn’t want to push him before he was ready. You picked up Alpine who rushed to greet you, then kissed her and put her down again. Bucky ran a hand over his face and flung himself on the couch in silence, biting inside his cheek while you filled two glasses of whiskey. You handed one to him and he took it, trying to offer you a small smile.
“Sorry about that,” he rasped out and you made a face.
“Your dad is an asshole, it has nothing to do with you,” you said. “It’s my therapist’s favorite topic to be honest with you, I could write a book about it.”
He huffed out a laugh. “Yeah well…”
“Speaking of, we’re going to the couple’s therapy,” you told him, making his head snap up.
“What?” he asked. “Why?”
“So that we can make sure this type of situation isn’t going to happen when you marry your second wife and have heirs,” you told him and he heaved a sigh.
“Y/N…” he muttered and rubbed at his eyes again. “Fuck, my head is killing me.”
You pursed your lips, then kicked at his shoe slightly before walking to the window.
“Can you come here?” you asked and he shot you a look, but did as you asked.
“What are we doing?” he asked and you turned to him.
“Tell me what you see.”
He fixed his gaze on the skyline and shrugged his shoulders.
“The city,” he said and you shook your head.
“No,” you said. “What you’re seeing is the part of the city under your rule. Not George’s, not anyone else’s. Yours.”
He huffed out a tense chuckle. “Mm hm, the part he gave to me.”
“The part you took rightfully,” you corrected him. “No one would let you have it if they thought you didn’t have what it takes, Bucky. We’re not letting Ian take over because he’s not the right choice, do you seriously believe you’d be where you are if it was just George handing you things?”
That made him think for a moment as he swallowed thickly, still keeping his gaze on the skyline and you bumped his shoulder with yours.
“You’re frustratingly good at what you do,” you told him. “Which is going to be a problem when I take over my dad’s business and eventually will have to do business with you, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, it’s fine.”
That managed to coax a chuckle out of him and he turned to look at you better, that fond light playing in his bright blue eyes.
“Thanks Charm.”
Your heart skipped a happy beat and you smiled back at him, then cleared your throat.
“No problem,” you said and walked away from him to grab your phone off the kitchen island.
 “I’m ordering pizza by the way,” you called out, your stomach still filled with butterflies for some reason. “We stormed out in style but I’m still hungry. Want some?”
Chapter 19
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talaok · 1 year
Us | pt. 2
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Part 2 of this request because you asked for it and I can't say no to you.
Pairing: Joel Miller x pregnant!reader
summary: You decide it's time to tell Ellie you're pregnant, and she and Joel turn into overprotective babysitters until you give birth
It was time.
You had postponed it for too long and hiding your growing belly was starting to become impossible.
You had convinced Joel to invite Sam and Henry on the journey to Wyoming with you, but they didn't want to bother you anymore, which was stupid, they never bothered you in the first place... well maybe Joel a little bit, but he doesn't count.
Nonetheless, you had parted, and were now staying in an abandoned motel.
Everything was calm for the first time in a while, which meant it was time.
"Ellie we have to tell you something" Joel spoke. He might have looked and sounded calm, but you knew he was just as anxious as you.
"oh shit, who died?"
you forced yourself to smile through the nerves "No, it's not like that, it's... it's something happy"
Ellie raised her head, actually listening to you now.
"ok..." she said, urging you to go on.
You turned to Joel, suddenly unable to speak.
Why was this so hard? It's not like you were confessing to something awful.
Joel caught your look and understood he needed to help out.
"we're together," he said
There. It was out. Not all of it, but a part.
A weight lifted from your chest as Joel's hand intertwined with yours.
"yeah no shit" Ellie chuckled, making you freeze.
"you knew?" you spat out
"I mean you're kind of obvious" she grinned " especially you, man," he nodded to Joel, laughing to herself "You act like a thirteen-year-old around her"
The man shot her a look, but you could only smile.
"Alright Einstein, but that's not all"
She stopped smiling now, and instead, a frown took over her face as she looked up at you confusedly.
"It's not?"
"no" you shook your head "See, I..." you bit your lip as your heart started racing.
You had never said it out loud to anyone who wasn't Joel.
"Ellie, I'm pregnant"
Her eyes widened and then fell to your belly "shit, are- are you serious!?"
You nodded.
"wh-why didn't you tell me? Did Tess know?"
"We just... we wanted to be safe, and no, Tess didn't know"
"wow" she sighed eyeing you two "I mean- congratulations"
__ __ __
The journey to Wyoming changed from that point on.
Now instead of one person urging you to eat their food, you had two.
It was like they fed off each other's worry.
You must have carried your own backpack for just over five minutes total, the rest of the time, one or the other had forced you to let them hold it.
Neither of them left you alone if not to pee, and by the time you got to Jackson, you were just happy they could finally back off a little.
Turns out you were wrong.
They didn't back off, not at all, as you got more and more pregnant all it did was just make their apprehension grow.
It was funny really, watching as they fought for who could help you tie your shoes or make you breakfast.
The search for the fireflies became less and less important as you got closer to the ninth month, and by the time you had reached it, Ellie and Joel had decided they were gonna think about that only after the child was born.
Which wasn't long after that.
You woke up in stinging pain.
"fuck" you cried,
That was definitely a contraction
You let your fingers travel between your legs and found the sheets and your pants completely soaked.
"Joel" you mumbled, the pain only getting worse.
"Joel!" you called, gripping his arm.
He woke up with a gasp, immediately turning to you.
"It's happening?"
"mh-mh" you could only hum, nodding as your nails dug into his flesh.
He looked at you for a moment, a smile tugging at his lips, before he leaned in to leave a quick kiss on your forehead.
"it's happening" he whispered again
__ __ __
You had always thought the women in the movies were exaggerating.
But they weren't. They fucking weren't.
It was a miracle Joel's hand was still intact considering how hard you had squeezed it.
It didn't matter how many times he told you you were doing so good or how it was almost done, it felt like a year had passed until you finally heard a little cry coming from the doctor's arms.
"it's a girl," he said, handing the minuscule child to you.
You took her in your arms, scared to even breathe.
She was beautiful... actually, she was perfect, so warm and small she didn't even look real.
You couldn't stop the tears running down your cheeks, and when you looked up at Joel, you noticed a watery glint covering his eyes too.
"You did it" he spoke, his voice shaky
"we did" you corrected him "We did it"
"she's so small" he murmured, an incredulous smile tugging at his lips.
"I know" You nodded, looking at her.
You couldn’t help the sob coming up your throat. There it was, a light in the darkest night.
So many emotions took over you at the same time that all you could do was cry and then cry some more.
“Hey” Joel cooed, moving some hair out of your face “what is it?” he asked, laying down next to you.
You sniffled, looking up at him.
“What is it sweetheart?”
“I-” you stuttered, looking down at your daughter “I’m scared Joel” you admitted “I’m- I’m terrified. I thought the birth was gonna be the hardest part but...” you had to stop to breathe “Joel, What if I’m not a good mother?”
He smiled then, stoking your cheek “y/n, baby, you are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. You are smart, kind, funny and patient” he spoke without a single trace of hesitation “You are gonna be a great mom, I promise”
“How can you be sure?”
“Because I know you, and I know this kid is the luckiest girl in the world to have you as her mom” he said, causing a small smile to your lips.
“Thank you” you murmured, kissing his cheek “and Y’know, You’re gonna be a great father too”
He chuckled “with you by my side... I’m sure I will”
You laughed softly as both your eyes fell back to your daughter.
"you want to hold her?"
He hesitated a second.
"you ok?" you asked, noticing the shift in his look.
He looked at you, and that's all he needed. All the memories and fear melted away the moment his eyes met yours.
"I'm great" he smiled, taking the baby in his arms.
She looked even smaller when he was holding her.
Everything fell silent for a second, until, without so much as a warning, Ellie threw the door open.
"Finally," she said, "they said I could come in now"
"c'mere," you gestured,
"you ok?"
"did it hurt a lot?"
"it did" you nodded, "but it was worth it" you said, your eyes moving up to where Joel was still gently holding her.
Ellie smiled at the sight. He had never seen Joel being so careful.
"you ok there man?" she teased
And when Joel raised his head to look at her, a small tear fled his eye.
"I love you," he promised "all of you. And if it's the last thing I ever do, I swear I'll protect you"
— —
Pt. 1
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junicult · 1 year
So... don't know if you have this in the works after your last post, but what would it be like with the bachelors going down on reader for the first time? If you're comfortable with it, that is. 👀
!! the bachelors going down on you for the first time
contains ; soooo much smut. i got so carried away mb y’all LOL. nsfw (minors pls dni.) fem!farmer. oral (f!receiving). praise. established & unestablished relationships. fwb!shane. sexual guiding. inexperienced!sebastian. implied height difference in alex’s.
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- haha.
- i love this man.
- he is so (i cannot stress this enough) so affectionate.
- absolutely infatuated with you and everything you do.
- as a doctor, he has a lot of people he spends time thinking about: but you are somehow always the main thing on his mind.
- like, tell this man that you did something so minor like stubbed your toe, and he’s carrying you around, forcing you bedridden so he can take care of you.
- well, maybe not to that extent but you get it. you’re the most important thing to him.
- so it’s no surprise that translates to sex as well.
- he only cares about your pleasure, and how you’re feeling.
- before you had sex, he was a nervous mess.
- he wanted it to be perfect :,)
- he didn’t wanna plan it ahead, just kinda hoped it’d all come naturally but surprise he spent the entirety of the day thinking about it.
- it was just supposed to be a fancy dinner date, yet he managed to find you underneath him in his neatly made bed, lips already swollen from his doing.
- “have i told you you’re the most gorgeous woman i’ve ever seen?” it’s corny, cheesy, but oh-so true.
- his fingertips feeling your thighs up your dress, burning into your skin.
- like i said, he’s been thinking about how this night would play out for days. he wants it to be perfect.
- what other way for it to be perfect then him going down on you?
- i’m just saying, harvey on his knees, wide, soft eyes looking up and you while his lips press against your thighs and his cheek rests against your knee.
- his fingers reaching up to slide underneath the waistband of your underwear, doing nothing but tug slightly.
- 😇
- “may i? please?” he nearly whispers.
- and the moment you nod, his lips turn into a soft smile like he’s been waiting forever for that simple gesture.
- he wants you to watch him comfortably, so he props a couple pillows against the headboard so you can look at him.
- loves when you get flustered and tries to hide your face.
- he pays so much attention to your clit. knows how stimulating it is, and especially when he sucks it just right and your hips twitch a little.
- deffffffinitely moans into your pussy 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
- & ruts against the bed lollllll
- uses his fingers too. he’s so slow, and careful, all the while his movements still make your head spin.
- “please don’t stop, ‘m so close,” you whine, eyebrows pinching, and you hardly even realize your fingers that ravel and tug on his soft brown hair.
- he’s shaking his head, as in a silent way to tell you “fuck, i’ll never stop,” as long as he can hear you moan like that longer.
- he’s SOOO EAGER.
- wraps one of his hands around yours while the other lightly presses into your stomach to keep you still.
- doesn’t even care that u nearly suffocate him when your thighs wrap around his head—if anything, he’s in heaven.
- can’t take his eyes off of u. he might just die from the sight of you alone.
- he has to catch his breath when you finally collapse, head lulling to the side.
- he’s literally so hard it hurts.
- pressing into your thigh when he comes up to kiss you make out with you.
- “y’taste so good, don’t you think? so sweet, can’t get enough.” “you’ll let me get some more, right? please? want you, need you so bad.”
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- he’s blunt.
- just straight up.
- he’ll nonchalantly tell you if you have something in your teeth, and then pick it out for you.
- he’s the type to give you genuine input if you tried on a new outfit.
- like, “that looks amazing on you. turn around?” or “hm, it’d look better if it didn’t bunch up like that in the front.”
- zero shame. you know he’s not doing it to be rude, that’s just how he is.
- so, if he’s just lounging around at your house while you work, occasionally popping up to help you with easier tasks, expect him to be his same old self.
- and maybe even take you by surprise.
- you walk in during the evening, ready to change from your clothes and bathe after a long day.
- “hi baby,” he’s already smiling, greeting you with a kiss on the cheek and his hands wrapping around your waist.
- he doesn’t know what it is, maybe it’s the way your eyes were slightly lowered from tiredness, or the subtle earthy scent wafting off your body—but it made him much more excited to have you in his arms.
- “you always look so pretty when you finish work.” he sighs, his kisses pressing down the other side of your neck.
- “i do? please,” you snort, shaking your head to dismiss him like you always do.
- but this time, he wanted you to know for a fact just how gorgeous you are.
- “why do you never believe me when i compliment you?” he pouts, leaning to bury his face in your neck.
- it’s the way his soft gaze has your heart thumping a little quicker, and the slight tilt to his head makes your throat threaten to close.
- his lips wrap around yours before you can protest his comment, leaning into you to slightly dip your back over your bed until he’s dropping you both along the mattress carefully.
- “can i show you just how pretty you are? will you let me?”
- he can spend hours kissing you all over. if you have freckles or moles all around your skin, i can assure you he’s kissed every single one.
- i’d like to think that, despite him not being super experienced, he’s still a very loving guy.
- he doesn’t overthink, he’s very carefree, so if he wants to eat you out, he’s going to. obviously with your consent ofc.
- he may not be the best at it, but he does know a lot about you, and since he spends a lot of time with you, it’s easy to see what you like and what you don’t.
- he thinks ur cunt is so pretty. probably embarrasses you on accident by just staring at it LMFAOO
- he’s so gentle when he starts. pressing his hands into your inner thighs to keep them spread, and his tongue is the first to touch you.
- fingers your clit so he can really delve between your folds.
- “taste s’good,” he’ll moan into your cunt.
- btw he’s moaning just as much as you are, he can’t get enough.
- tell him what to do. he likes when you whisper, “just…keep doing that for a second,” or “wait move your hand ba—fuck, right there.”
- it makes him feel so good when he’s doing it right.
- another man who’ll rut against the bed, and may i be so bold as to say he might even cum just from eating you out?
- yes. yes i may.
- he’s so obedient too. i don’t think he has it in him to ever edge you, because he finds that he just can’t stop.
- will overstimulate you more then anything.
- when you cum, he’ll probably be panting just as much as you are. his breath against ur dripping cunt, making to shudder while you catch your own.
- cups your cheek to kiss you again, completely ignoring the fact that your slick is all over his lips.
- he’s in love.
- “thank you for being my girlfriend.” GNNNNN.
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- tbh, y’all probably had sex before u even started dating.
- more then once, at that.
- some of which you were both tipsy after a friday night, coming back to your farm to fuck him in every room of your house.
- you guys were definitely fuckbuddies at first.
- he went down on you a few times during these stages.
- but, as a guy who was a little drunk, horny, and honestly just wanted to get his dick wet—it wasn’t the best he could do. just enough to warm you up.
- he was completely fine with your situation, until he started to realize he was actually falling for you.
- that he wanted to see you outside of just hooking up. he liked when you’d stop by on his way to work, talk to him for a minute. he’d actually look forward to it.
- so when he ended up on your couch again, arms laced and kiss marks already littering your neck, he knew he was going to make this time different.
- your dress rode up just under your bra, his lips sucking your skin down your stomach while you propped yourself against the armrest of the couch.
- he was quick to loop his fingers underneath your panties, tugging them down your legs.
- “someone’s eager,” you tease, having no clue that you’re absolutely right.
- he’s almost desperate. like he has to show you he’s better then what he’s done in the past.
- his arms latch onto your hips, teeth gently biting down on your inner thigh to hear you let out a brief squeal.
- “stay still f’me, okay?” he asks, his breath hitting against your cunt that makes your stomach flutter.
- it’s the way he delves between your thighs that has you stuttering a gasp, instantly ignoring his one request so he has to use minimal strength to force your hips still and thighs apart.
- his lips sucking onto your puffy clit, causing your stomach to clench and immediately squirm under his hold.
- you’re looking down at him like you’re baffled behind pinched eyebrows and jaw wide—which is exactly what he wanted.
- so much so, he can’t even hide his smirk as his tongue slides between your folds to taste you properly.
- “o-oh, fuck me,” you breathe, head hanging back.
- you’re squirming so much, and he’s not having it.
- “can’t you listen to me?” he almost groans, hardly pulling away for his words to become intelligible so the vibration against your clit has you arching your back.
- he’s so messy, uncaring about the slick that’s staining his cheeks and chin.
- loves when you hide your face, mainly because it makes his confidence boost, but he’ll fs call u out.
- “nuh-uh baby, eyes on me.”
- he’ll gently nip at your clit if you look away.
- and he’s teasing you so much, you can feel tears prickle in the corners of your eyes.
- he’ll edge you just so he can start all over, and then overstimulate you so you’ll never forget it.
- will literally leave you breathless, collapsed on your bed after cumming for what felt like hours.
- and he has the AUDACITY to ask, “what? that’s all you got? c’mon, you can give me one more…right?”
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- spreading the inexperienced sebastian agenda one post at a time.
- he’s never gone down on anyone before. so genuinely, he has no idea what he’s doing.
- well, okay that’s a lie. he’s not an idiot.
- he knows how stimulating a woman’s clit is, and he knows where it is more importantly.
- but he’s never exactly had one directly in front of his face.
- he’s only ever seen pussy eating in porn, and that’s not the most reliable source. so he’s kind of just depending on you to help him out.
- don’t be shy, either. he wants to learn. he wants to make you feel good.
- his goal: to make you pass out, tbh.
- but baby steps first.
- you’ve already had sex many times before he even proposed the idea of going down on you.
- he’s fingered you before, but even then that’s still new.
- needless to say, you were taken off guard when he asks, “can i go down on you?” after a lazy evening.
- you’re both doing your own thing, with him on his computer and you cleaning some freshly harvested vegetables in the sink.
- “excuse me?” you laugh.
- until you realize he’s not kidding.
- “i wanna learn.” is all he says, before you’re grabbing his hand and guiding him to your bedroom.
- he’s gotten good at knowing how to kiss you, that enough has you warmed up pretty well. you didn’t even have to tell him to kiss his way down your neck, to your stomach before he’s spreading your thighs in front of him.
- he wants to start by fingering you, because he knows how to do that, plus he kinda wants to approach it confidently.
- like i once said. long, thin fingers. he also plays the keyboard…he’s skilled w his hands.
- rests his cheek on your thigh, watching the way his fingers disappear in and out of your wet cunt, and the occasional gasp you let out.
- “what do you want me to do?” almost breathless when he asks.
- when he feels bold enough, he subtly flicks the tip of his tongue against your clit, keeping his fingers moving inside of you while his eyes glance up.
- just the way your stomach clenched from that one simple action has him eager.
- wraps his lips around your clit and sucks.
- “s-shit, yeah, like that,” you weakly praise behind multiple stutters and pants.
- he can’t get enough of how your cunt squeezes around his fingers the more he does something your body appropriately reacts to.
- which he loves. it’s like you’re subconsciously telling him he’s doing so well.
- he never realized how much he loves when you tug on his hair until now, mainly because you unknowingly press him against your cunt so he has nothing better then to just lick.
- he doesn’t take his fingers out of you, but he does move them a little so he can finally get a taste of the entirety of you.
- whines.
- he’s practically drunk.
- wishes he wasn’t so nervous to do this beforehand, because fuck you feel so good on his tongue.
- “the prettiest pussy, tastes so fucking good,” he mumbles.
- you probably didn’t even hear him bc he made no effort to pull away.
- stuffs his fingers inside of you, curls them right when you’re about to cum.
- and when you do, he feels on top of the world.
- he’s never seen your body shake like that.
- and now he doesn’t wanna stop.
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- omfffffg.
- he’s a sweetheart, through and through.
- so doting and adoring the longer you get to know him and be with him.
- it’s rare you’ll wake up to make breakfast, or make dinner without his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin resting on your head.
- and he’s a little clingy, but that’s just because he loves you so much.
- ur first time having sex w him was early in ur relationship. probably the same day you made it official i’m ngl.
- but he likely didn’t go down on you until a few times after.
- not because he didn’t want to, but lowkey giving or receiving head isn’t his favorite part of sex. as a man w a lot of stamina, he’s fucking you to fuck you. not just eat you out.
- which is why you were a little shocked when you felt his kisses move down your torso, his hands gliding against the sides of your waist as he moves down.
- he also wraps his arms around your thighs to hold you still,
- mainly to show off his muscles.
- oh yeah, he’s not wearing a shirt btw. he never does.
- kinda laughs when you express your nervousness about him going down on you.
- “relax, pretty. just trust me. i’ll stop if you want me to.”
- kisses your thighs, and once he finally takes off ur underwear he’s suchhh a tease.
- like, to the point where you’re dripping, impatiently rocking your hips into him.
- “what happened, baby? not scared anymore? what’s the matter, hmm?” “all needy and i haven’t even done anything, hah.”
- i hate him (affectionately.)
- once he finally touches you where you need him, he’s so fucking slow.
- eyes on you the whole time, his little snarky smirk on his face watching you nibble onto the back of your hand to muffle your moans.
- he waits a minute before he fingers you while licking your clit.
- he feels so fucking good when you give up on staying quiet, letting your back arch and nearly scream out a moan.
- he’s so quick with it, his nice, thick fingers knowing just where to curl inside of you.
- “cum for me, c’mon, know you can do it.” he pulls away to speak.
- he needs to watch you entirely when you cum, so he replaces his lips with his thumb while he rubs your clit and fingers you until you’re sobbing.
- “i know baby, i know. just let it out.”
- he doesn’t stop just yet, but he’ll slow down until you nearly force him away from overstimulation.
- makes u lick his fingers loooolllllll.
- and he’ll make out with you so hard while you’re still trying to catch your breath.
- side note, i feel like he enjoys putting you in lots of different positions. if you weren’t flexible before alex, then u sure as hell are now.
- …probably ate u out once with u sitting on his shoulders against the wall. i’m sayin.
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- alright now.
- do i even have to say it?
- HE’S A MUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!
- if u don’t think he’s eating u out the very first time u have sex then ur just lying to urself. there’s no way he’d miss this step.
- if you don’t want him to, that’s a different story. he wouldn’t even dream of pressuring you.
- but if you do…u better believe.
- he’s so gentle and sweet, first of all.
- holding your cheek, cupping your jaw while your lips move so graciously against one another’s.
- he’s absolutely kissing his way down, but he’s taking his time, letting you squirm underneath him.
- “you’re just so perfect darling, look so beautiful.”
- kisses ur clit <3
- he’s so slow and gentle, licking you softly and listening to your quiet gasps.
- he swoons when he can hear your breath hitch the moment he starts to pick up his movements.
- he’ll position your thighs on his shoulders and laces your fingers together.
- he’s super responsive. loves when you praise him / tell him you like what he’s doing.
- especially when you feel so good you can’t really speak, so you end up roping your fingers through his hair and tugging it into a loose bun.
- that’s enough to drive him crazy.
- “nngh, c-can’t, s’too much,” you whine, back arches and eyes squeezed shut.
- but your words mean nothing in contrast to the way your hands press against the back of his head, keeping his close.
- he doesn’t even need to use his fingers to make you cum. his tongue is so skilled.
- sucking ur clit like a pacifier 🫡
- he’s also very vocal. he usually coaxes you through sex using his words, but since he can’t while he’s eating u out, he’s just left to moaning uncontrollably.
- and he can’t get over the vibrations making your body shudder every time.
- he gets so excited when you’re close to cumming.
- how you just kind of go silent, jaw locked in aisle nt scream with an occasional whimper pushing through.
- and how you immediately exhale the moment you finish, body nearly collapsing.
- he’s not stopping lol.
- wants you literally shaking, your overstimulation short circuiting your brain so you just fall weak.
- “i’m so proud of you, my love. did so good for me, tastes so good. think you can do it again?”
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bingwriterxo · 11 months
the shakespeare exhibit - part 8
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: in which you and tara both have things to talk about
warnings: mentions of stabbing, talks of substance abuse and verbal abuse
word count: 2700+
previous part | next part
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Finals season was in full swing at Blackmore University, sending its students into poor sleep schedules and even worse diets as they attempted to cram a semester’s worth of information into their brains.
You and Tara, unfortunately, were no exception. For the past week, the two of you had holed yourselves up in either the library or one of your apartments, your noses stuck in your books and your hands fumbling around for an energy drink whenever you needed a pick-me-up.
The only time you had taken a break was to celebrate Tara’s 20th birthday, but even then it was hardly a celebration. You had gathered all of her friends at her apartment, had a small party consisting of drinks and movies, and then went right back to studying, Tara in tow.
Safe to say, the stress levels were at an all-time-high, especially for Tara, who was experiencing her first round of finals in university. You had offered her a few studying tips, since you had already gone through the struggles of freshman-year exams the year prior, before immersing yourself in your own revision.
You were in the midst of reviewing for your Romantic Literature course--the last final that you had for the semester--when your mother called you, leading you to slip out of Tara’s bedroom and into the hallway to speak to her.
Tara sat at her desk, grumbling as she tried to study for her Introduction to Literature course. This is just as stupid as it was when I was studying for the midterm, she thought, eyes scanning her notes about Emily Dickinson. Maybe it’s even more stupid now.
Your voice broke her concentration as you walked back into her room, and she twisted her chair around to face you. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll ask her, alright?” You rolled your eyes and pointed at your phone, mouthing, she talks so much. Tara giggled softly, extending her arms for you to stand between, and you sighed as you slid into place, her fingers rubbing over your hips. “Okay. Yup. Yeah, okay. Yeah. Right. Okay, bye, mom.”
“What was that all about?” Tara asked when you hung up, throwing your phone onto her desk. “Did Eddie pull another prank on the Dylan Thomas statue again?”
You chuckled, thinking about the photo that your brother had sent you the week before—he had put a wig, makeup, and a shaving-cream beard on the statue of your grandfather’s late friend. “No, no. The statue garden has gone untouched this week.”
She shook her head, a grin on her face. “I still can’t believe you guys have a statue garden,” she said. But of course her family does. Because why wouldn’t they?
“Well, my dad’s always been big into statues. Like, when he was younger, he--” You cut yourself off. “That’s not important. Anyway, my mom invited us to spend Christmas at the house.” Tara’s eyes lit up, a type of joy that she didn’t know existed rushing through her. Us? she thought. I’ve been invited to family Christmas? “Do you want to go--”
“Yes!” she exclaimed immediately, nodding her head fervently. “Please, yes.” Shit, I’ll need to buy presents. What the hell do you get for kids who could buy anything they’ve ever wanted?
You giggled at her enthusiasm and tilted your head. “Are you sure you and Sam aren’t going back to California for the holidays?” you asked.
Back to California? Back to…Woodsboro? She furrowed her eyebrows, biting her bottom lip. “Why would we go to Cali?”
You squirmed a little where you stood. What’s she so nervous about? she wondered. “I just thought you might want to see your mom?” Your voice pitched on the last word, and Tara tensed, her arms falling to her sides. You frowned and reached out, but she pulled back, swallowing.
“No, there’s--we’re not--no,” she stammered out, her voice short. She shook her head. “I’ll be here.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
Tara wanted the conversation to be over, but your lips were pursed like you still had something you wanted to say. “What?” she asked.
You shook your head. “Nothing!”
She clenched her jaw and narrowed her eyes at you. “No, you look like you have something to say. What?”
“I just…you’ve never spoken about her. Maybe we could--”
That’s because there’s nothing to say.” She’s good for nothing, she thought. “I don’t like to talk about her.” I’d rather read Shakespeare, which is really saying something.
“No.” Her voice was stern, clear-cut, and she watched as you deflated a little, your eyes flitting around the room. She sighed, running a hand down her face. “I’m not doing this right now, okay? I’m not talking about her.”
“Tar…” The nickname came out as a coo, soft and careful and meant to be comforting, but it ignited a strange irritation beneath Tara’s skin, and something in her snapped.
“Listen, we can’t all have a perfect-fucking-family, okay?” she shouted, and you flinched, taking a step back, your eyes widening at her sudden outburst. “Just because you have parents who are there and who care doesn’t mean everyone does! I mean, Jesus, my mom didn’t even come to see me last year after--” After Amber stabbed me half-to-death, she finished in her head.
The air was tense, quiet. You stood in front of her, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, and Tara cursed herself when she noticed that your hands were trembling slightly.
“Baby…” She reached out for you, but her fingers met open air as you shook your head and crossed the room to grab your things from her bed.
“It’s fine. I--I shouldn’t have pushed,” you rushed out, your voice shaking. You threw your notebook and laptop into your backpack hastily before hurrying to the door. Tara stood, desperate to do something to stop you from leaving, but she didn’t get the chance as you said, “I’m sorry.” Of course she’d apologize when I snapped at her. “I’ll see you later, yeah?”
The door shutting behind you pulled all the air from Tara’s lungs, and she fell back into her chair, holding her face in her hands.
“God fucking damnit,” she groaned. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
* * *
Hours later--during which Tara had sat in her bed and moped--there was a knock on her bedroom door. For a brief second, she thought it was you. But there would be no reason for her to come back after I got mad at her, she reminded herself, and any hope she had disappeared when Sam walked into the room, a frown on her face.
“I thought Y/N was staying for dinner so you two could study through it,” Sam said, bringing Tara’s attention right back to the fact that you had left. She stepped into the room, her arms crossed over her chest, and asked, “What happened? You’re all”--she gestured at Tara--“sad.”
Tara huffed, glaring at her sister. “Nothing,” she grumbled.
Sam scoffed. “Oh, please. You and Y/N have been attached at the hip since the start of finals.” She shook her head. “Scratch that--since you two began dating. So, what happened, Tara?”
Stupid Sam, being a good older sister. Tara sighed and relented. “She asked about mom.”
“Oh.” Sam frowned. “And what did you say?”
“I--” Was a bad girlfriend and got mad at her for no reason, Tara thought, shame seeping into her veins. “I snapped at her. I didn’t mean to. It’s just…mom’s a tough topic, and it’s even harder because Y/N’s family-life is so perfect.” She clenched her jaw and glanced away, ignoring the spark of jealous lighting in her chest. “She’s got two parents who are there, and they have money, and she’s just…” Perfect.
Sam tilted her head, walking over and sitting beside Tara. “You know, it wasn’t easy for me to tell Danny about mom, either. He’s in the same boat as Y/N--well, not the super rich family part, but his parents are together and there.” She shrugged. “It’s hard not to envy that, but she’s your girlfriend, so you’ll need to talk to her about mom at some point. She deserves to know.”
Tara nodded, hanging her head. “I know. I feel horrible for getting upset with her.” She gestured lamely at her phone. “I tried texting and calling her, but…” She pointed across the room, where your phone still sat on her desk. “Obviously that didn’t work.”
Sam hummed. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, Tara. Maybe she just needed a minute.” She rested her hand on Tara’s shoulder. “Plus, she’ll need her phone.”
“What if she comes back and breaks up with me?” Tara asked, looking up at Sam with wide eyes. What if she never speaks to me again? she thought. What if this is it? What if--
“Every couple has arguments, Tara.” Sam smiled softly at her. “She’s not going to break up with you over this. That girl’s head over heels for you, even more than you are for her. It’s gonna be okay, okay?”
Tara bit the inside of her cheek. “Yeah, okay,” she said, not missing the sorrow in her own voice. “Thanks.”
“Of course.” Sam stood, her hands on her hips and her head tilted. “Now, should we get Chinese food or pizza?”
* * *
Sam was right: you did just need a minute.
It was as Tara was getting ready for bed that she heard a knock on the front door. Sam’ll deal with it, she decided as she climbed beneath her sheets, ready to lay in the darkness and wallow for a while. Just as she was reaching over to turn off her bedside lamp, a certain name caught her attention.
“Oh, hi, Y/N!” Sam said loudly from the living room, and Tara knew she had raised her voice so that she would know who was at the door. She sat up immediately. Y/N is here? What? There was some mumbling before Sam’s voice came again. “Yeah, she’s in her room. Go ahead.”
Moments later, there were soft knocks against her bedroom door, and Tara scrambled out of her bed, rushing across the room to open the door for you. There you stood, your lips pulled in a downturned smile and your eyes wide with worry.
“Hey, pretty girl,” you muttered. You were still wearing the same clothes from the day, and your backpack was still hanging off your shoulders. Did she not go home? she wondered, furrowing her eyebrows. You pulled your arm out from behind you, revealing a small bouquet of flowers. “Got you these.”
Tara blinked. She bought me flowers?!  “I--Thanks?” She took them from your outstretched hand. “What are you doing here?”
“I said I’d see you later, didn’t I?” you tried to joke, but your voice was strained, like you were trying to be careful, and Tara felt guilt prick at her knowing that she was the cause. “Could I come in?”
“Oh, yeah. Of course. Always,” she rushed out, moving to her bed to sit. She placed the flowers on her bedside table and watched as you sat in front of her, fingers playing with her blanket. “So, what’s up?” ‘What’s up?’ Really? That’s the best I can do?
You sighed, a shaky breath falling from your lips. “I want to apologize,” you said. “I didn’t mean to push you into talking about your mom earlier. I know she’s a touchy subject.”
Tara frowned. “Why are you apologizing? I’m sorry for shouting at you. I shouldn’t have done that.”
You shook your head, glancing up and finally making eye-contact with her. “No, it’s okay. You didn’t want to talk about her. And, that’s okay.” You shrugged and offered her a comforting smile. “You don’t have to tell me about her…ever, if you don’t want to.”
“I should, though. I mean, we should talk about her.”
“Tara, you really don’t have to--”
“No, I--I want to.” Want’s a strong word, she thought. But I should.
“Okay,” you said, nodding and giving her your full attention. “You have the floor.”
She sighed heavily. “Well, my dad left when I was 8. My mom started working more so that she could afford Sam and I, but it turned more into an obsession for her, I think. Next thing I knew, she was never there. Sam left home when I was 13, and it was just me.” She shrugged, glancing down and fiddling with her fingers. “Then, Sam came back after I was attacked, and my mom wouldn’t talk to her, so we made the choice to cut her off. I haven’t spoken to her since we moved.”
Tara clicked her tongue, looking back up at you. To her surprise, your face wasn’t full of the pity she was used to seeing after telling people about her past; you were watching her carefully, looking close to tears.
“So, that’s that,” she said awkwardly.
You inhaled sharply, blinking your glassy eyes away. “You didn’t deserve any of that, Tar, and I’m sorry that you had to deal with it.” You reached out, your hand cupping her cheek, and she leaned into your touch. “I’m so happy that you’ve found your family.”
Her heart fluttered at your words, her mind flashing to Sam and Mindy and Chad. “Yeah,” she agreed. “I am, too. I really love those guys.” And I’ve found you, too, she thought. You make it all complete.
You grinned, and she practically melted into her mattress. “Good. They’re good--all of them.”
She giggled. “C’mere.” She wrapped her arms around your shoulders and pulled you to lay down with her, your face nuzzled into her neck. She laughed at the feeling of your nose against her skin, and said, “I love you. Like, a lot.”
Your arms wrapped around her waist, and you squeezed lightly. “I love you, like, a lot, too.” You sighed into her. “And I’m sorry for leaving like that earlier. I just…I don’t do well with raised voices.”
Huh? Suddenly, she was on high alert. Why not? What happened? “Any particular reason?”
You twisted in her hold so that you could lay beside her, your gaze trained on the ceiling. She scooted down so that her head was level with yours and looked at you, tracing your side profile with her eyes. So pretty, she thought. Wait, stay on topic, Tara.
You clenched your jaw. “We’ve never talked about it, but, um, my dad…” You closed your eyes. “When I was younger, my dad had a big drinking problem.” Her eyebrows furrowed. Her dad? That man? Really? “He was never physical,” you said, shaking your head lightly. “But he had a temper when he was drunk, and everything I did was always wrong.”
“Oh, Y/N,” she sighed, intertwining her fingers with yours. Your grip was tight, like she would float away if you didn’t hold on.
“He’d yell a lot, at me, at my mom.” Oh, baby. Your thumb rubbed over the skin of her hand. “But he’s good now. He got better after the boys were born--got sober. He hasn’t had a drink since.” You turned your head, looking back at her.
“He’s not, like, obsessed with apples, or anything,” you said. What does that have to do with the conversation? she wondered. “But, he eats them a lot when we have parties. That was his thing--eat an apple when he wanted a drink. It stuck, so we keep the fridge stocked, and any time someone sees him even look in the direction of alcohol, we get him an apple.” You smiled. “He eats them begrudgingly, but he’ll never have an apple out of his own volition now.”
Tara chuckled softly. “I’m happy he’s better now, but I’m sorry you dealt with that. I’m sure it wasn’t easy.”
You shrugged, leaning closer so that your forehead rested against her cheek. “It’s okay now. I’m alright,” you promised. “Just…never buy that man an apple, alright?” you joked, easing the tension in the air.
“Deal,” she agreed, nudging your head up. She leaned in, kissed you, and said, “I guess no family’s perfect after all, huh?” when she pulled away.
“I guess not.” You grinned, leaning up on your elbow to hover over her. “But, maybe ours could be the first.”
Her heart practically stopped, and she couldn’t help the smile that took over her face. Ours? she thought. She felt like she wanted to burst from the amount of joy that came with that thought. Yeah. Ours.
“Okay.” She pushed herself up and kissed you again. “Ours will be the first.”
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scoonsalicious · 3 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 3, Unbidden - Pt. 3*
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of violence/killing, mildly predatory!Bucky (but Dear Reader is INTO it), poorly translated Russian, mentions of past trauma, EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT -Minors: GTFO; I don’t serve your kind here- (fingering, protected PIV), bad jokes (it's me, okay?) As always, if I missed something, please let me know.
Word Count: 2.9k
Previously On...: You woke the morning after the party to find Bucky had already left for his first Avengers mission. However, he's left you a note promising to tell you something very important when he comes home.
A/N: WARNING! SMUT! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! The entire part is smut and I am not sorry.
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @blackhawkfanatic @les-sel @marcswife21 @buckybarnessimpp @mrsbuckybarnes1917
The mission was only supposed to last a handful days, a week, tops, but he'd been gone for close to two weeks, and you hated it. He was with Steve and Sam, off to God only knew where, doing God only knew what, and as there was no need for your tech skills, you'd been left behind. It was almost disconcerting how difficult it had been to be sleeping on your own again, and you found yourself sneaking into his room late at night after you'd been tossing and turning for hours, just to hold onto his pillow and inhale the familiar scent of cedar and leather.
On the thirteenth night, you were lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling. A glance at your clock told you it was almost 2am. You were debating whether or not you should go across the hall to Bucky's room to try to steal a few hours of sleep there so you wouldn't be completely useless tomorrow when there was a knock on your door. You bolted upright-- no good news came at 2am, and especially not in person.
You quickly padded to the door on bare feet, heart pounding and mind reeling at the thought of what could possibly be waiting on the other side-- had the mission gone horribly wrong? Had something happened to Bucky? God, you didn't even know what you would do with yourself if something bad had happened to him... The last thing you were expecting to find on the other side was the man, himself, leaning on the door frame, breathing heavily, tac-suit disheveled and bloodied.
You flung the door wide. "Buck?" you whispered. "What happ--" With a single step forward and without a word, his mouth was on yours, hands grasping your face and pulling you toward him in desperation. There was nothing gentle or romantic about the kiss-- it was ravenous and frantic, as though your lips were the only thing keeping him tethered to the ground.
You gasped against his mouth and pulled away, stumbling back a few steps to put some distance between you as you tried to make sense of what had just happened. He was staring at you with an intensity that made you feel the urge to squeeze your thighs together. There was a hunger in his eyes you had never seen before, and it was directed at you.
"Bucky," you breathed as his eyes roved over your body from head to toe and back again.
"Is that my shirt?" The corner of his mouth rose in a smirk. You looked down. You were wearing one of his shirts, having gone and pulled it out of his dresser one night when you were sick with missing him. Unfortunately, it was all you were wearing. You certainly hadn't gone to bed expecting post-midnight visitors.
"Yes?" you managed to squeak out. He stepped further into your room and, without even turning around, kicked your door shut in one fluid motion.
"Pocket," he practically growled --and dear God, why was the sound of his voice making you wet?-- "I missed you. So. fucking. much. You have no idea." He was on you again, this time his hands going under your ass and hoisting you up as he kissed you.
This is a bad idea, you thought as you found yourself kissing him back, opening your mouth to let in his tongue. This is a terrible, very bad idea. Yet you wrapped your legs around his waist and carded your hands through his hair as he walked you back to the bed. Future!Pocket can deal with the fallout tomorrow was your last cognizant thought before you let yourself give in fully to the sensation of your best friend's lips on yours.
When he got you to your bed, he laid you down, so gently you could scarcely breathe. He rested his body next to you, eyes never leaving yours as his hands gently stroked your face, your arms, your sides.
"Bucky," you moaned as his hands found their way under the hem of your shirt to caress your hipbone, "what is this?"
He leaned down, trailing feather-light kisses along your jawline, your neck, your collarbone. "Two weeks," he murmured in between kissing you. "Two weeks without touching you, feeling how soft you are. All I could think about was how you danced, with Sam's hands all over you. Thought I was going to go crazy. And then all that violence. Killing bad guys is still killing, and I still hate it. Needed to come home and feel something good. Needed to feel you." You felt him slide his hands under the waistband of your panties, skimming his way across your pubic bone until he was cupping your mound. You hitched a breath at the contact, hips inadvertently pressing up against his palm on their own accord.
"We're friends, Buck." You let out a low moan as his fingers began inching slowly lower, toward your center, just out of reach of where you were surprised to find you wanted him to be. You knew if you told him to stop, he'd do so in an instant, but the look of wanting in his eyes, of the absolute need he had for you had short circuited your brain, and you were willing to give him anything he asked for in that moment.
"Mmmm," he hummed as he slipped a single finger between your folds, teasing you, testing you, seeing how far you were willing to let him go as you squirmed beneath him. "Best friends. And we can still be best friends in the morning, but I need this now, Pocket. Pozhaluysta."
It was the please that did you in. There was something about the vulnerability in his voice, the desperation, that had you opening your legs to him, a silent invitation.
He smiled at you, so beautiful and pure, that you couldn't resist leaning up to kiss him again, and as you did, he ran a finger through your slick, coating himself in you, before plunging it inside you up to his knuckle.
You gasped at the unexpected intrusion, arching your back and pressing your chest against his. The feeling of his thick finger inside of you was exquisite. The number of times you had been intimate with someone simply because you wanted to be, and not because you were forced to, were few and far between, and if you were being honest with yourself, if you could have picked an ideal partner, it would have been Bucky.
"You're already so wet, doll," he whispered, nibbling on the soft skin of your neck, just at your pulse point. He was going to leave a mark, but it felt so good that you couldn't care. Yet, the feeling of having his finger inside of you paled in comparison to when he began pumping that finger, strokes long and slow, the palm of his hand grinding on your clit as he worked you. After a moment, a second finger joined the first, and then a third, and he curled them as he stretched you, hitting that soft, spongy part of you that had you seeing stars.
"Bucky," you panted, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and pulling him closer as you gasped for air. "I'm-- I'm--"
"That's alright, doll," he whispered, the pace of his thrusting increasing as he brought you closer to the edge. "I want you to come for me, okay? Can you do that? Can you come around my fingers? God, you look so beautiful. Prosto otpusti menya, kukolka." Just let go for me, doll.
You couldn't even form a coherent word for him right now if you tried, in any language, so you just moaned and writhed, letting your body speak for you until you were coiling, coiling, coiling-- snapping and breaking, falling apart into a million pieces of light, internal walls fluttering around his fingers as a wave of euphoria washed over you, pulsating through every inch of your being with a ferocious intensity.
He kept working you through your release, prolonging the sensations, drawing out your whimpers and moans as your limbs shook with the aftershock.
"Good girl," he whispered, standing up, placing a chaste kiss on your forehead. "Such a good girl for me, and so pretty when you come, too."
You laid there, motionless as you tried to catch your breath. Did that really just happen? Did you seriously just get off on Bucky's fingers?
Propping yourself up onto your elbows, you opened your mouth to ask Bucky what this was going to mean for your friendship, but before you could get a word out, you were struck dumb by the sight of him before you. He had stripped himself of his tac-suit and was standing on the side of the bed in just his boxer briefs. You'd seen him shirtless before, he'd slept in only sweats often enough, but this was an entirely different level. The man was built like a marble sculpture. Even the jagged scars on his shoulder where flesh met metal were beautiful.
Bucky seemed to be moving in slow motion, and you weren't sure if he was being deliberate in his movements, or if you were just so rattled by the orgasm he had given you that time had become distorted, but you watched as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his boxer briefs and pulled them down over his thick thighs, until he was stepping out of them.
Your eyes followed his hand as it came back up and took a hold of his shaft, giving it one, two, three long, strong strokes.
"Yebena mat'," you whispered-- holy shit-- and he smirked at you; he always loved it when you spoke Russian to him. You'd always guessed Bucky was fairly well endowed, but you never imagined anything like this. He was long and thick, with a prominent vein snaking up the underside of the hard length of him as his hand traveled from base to tip, leaving a slick trail of pre-cum behind. His size alone was enough to make you shudder with need, and that combined with the way he moved around it -- like he knew exactly what he was doing and who he was doing it for -- made you feel as if you'd been thrown right back into that place of euphoria all over again.
Bucky closed the distance between you, his breath hot against your skin as he loomed over you. Your heart raced, anticipation coursing through your veins as he gazed down at you with intense desire in his eyes. You lifted yourself up, eager to explore every inch of his sculpted body with your hands and lips. As his hand ran along his length, you couldn't help but bite your lip in anticipation. "I don't know whether to be scared or excited," you whispered, aching for him in a way you'd never known.
With a soft smile, Bucky kissed the tip of your nose before retrieving a condom from your bedside drawer-- how did he even know where you kept them?-- and rolling it on his length. "There's nothing to be scared of," he reassured you in a low voice. "I promise, Pocket, I'm going to make you feel so good." And with that, he entered you, filling you completely and igniting a fire within you until you were begging to burn. His movements were skillful and deliberate, each thrust pushing you closer to an edge of ecstasy that seemed perpetually out of reach. With every stroke, he broke down your barriers until you were grinding against him in pure bliss, lost in a world of pleasure you could never have imagined he would create for you.
"You take me so damned well," Bucky grunted into your ear. "The perfect little Pocket for my cock to sit in."
He grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, pounding into you relentlessly, pushing past all your reservations and making you beg him for more. You never knew you could crave someone like this until now, and it was intoxicating. Pleasure coursed through your body as he took you to new heights, and you couldn't help but scream his name as he took you to the brink of ecstasy over and over again.
He kept thrusting until the very last wave of his own release was complete, before collapsing beside you. You laid there, breathless and panting, your head spinning with a million different thoughts and feelings. You couldn't believe that you'd just had sex with Bucky Barnes. You'd just had sex with your best friend.
Bucky shifted so that he was lying beside you, resting his head on the swell of your chest. "You okay, Pocket?"
You nodded, unable to muster up the words to express what you were feeling. Hell, you could barely process what had just happened between you.
"We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to," he said, pressing a kiss to your clavicle. "But I... Just... Thank you, Pocket. You have no idea how much I needed that. How much it means to me."
"We should talk about it, though," you said softly, almost regretting it as soon as the words left your mouth. But when it came to physical intimacy, you had too much emotional baggage to just act like this was nothing.
Bucky held perfectly still at your words. He wasn't looking at you, so you had no way of knowing what he was thinking, but you needed to be honest with him.
"That was..." you blew out a breath, "amazing. Seriously, well done. Five stars." You felt, rather than heard, him chuckle against your skin, and some of the post-coital tension between you dissipated. "But, I need to know what your expectations are going forward, Buck."
He tilted his head up to look at you, his eyes wide and open. "I don't have any expectations of you, Pocket. This can be a one-time thing, and we can pretend it never happened, or we can explore it. See where it goes. Whatever you want."
Whatever you wanted. What did you want? You loved Bucky with your whole heart. Probably more than you'd ever loved anyone, but did you love him like that? You'd never even stopped to consider it. You were attracted to him, obviously. You weren't blind, after all. But you were so damaged. You'd spent your entire adult life divorcing sex from your emotions, building a wall between the two. What if you tried this, and in the process, destroyed the best thing you'd ever had?
"I don't know how to do this, Buck," you whispered, and you knew he understood. Though your traumas weren't identical, they shared a foundation: forced into submission as your bodies were used for the whims and desires of others, against your will.
"Hey," he crawled back up to your face, planting small kisses along the tear stains on your cheeks. Shit. When had you started crying? "It's just you and me, okay? Just us. This," he motioned between your two bodies, "is something extra, a bonus. You told me a long time ago what your limits were, and I respect them. I understand them, and I'm not trying to make you go past them. We can have... what did Sam call it? A friends-with-insurance situation."
A snort escaped you as you swatted at him, relief washing over you at the knowledge that he knew you so well, that he wasn't pushing for more than you could give him right now. "It's 'friends with benefits,' you geriatric stooge." And then it hit you and you started to laugh.
"What?" Bucky asked suspiciously, propping himself up onto his metal elbow to look down at you.
"I just fucked a centenarian. Is that considered elder abuse?"
"I'm pretty sure I was the one doing all the pounding, so I think you're safe on that front," he said with a laugh.
That sound. God, you loved that sound. It was like a weight being lifted from your chest. You turned into him, resting your head against the hard planes of his chest.
"I don't want to ruin what we have, Buck," you confessed, your voice small and scared. "You're the most important thing in my life, and if I fuck up our friendship, I don't know what I would do."
He took a finger and placed it under your chin, tilting your face up until he met your eyes. "We're not going to fuck anything up, Pocket, I promise. This can be just sex, just another way for us to make each other happy." He ran his hand through your hair, cupping the back of your skull. "You always do such a good job of taking care of me, of making me feel good. Let me return the favor." He leaned down and kissed you again.
This kiss was softer, without the hunger he'd poured into the first time he kissed you, but no less consuming. You felt his tongue brush along the seam of your lips, so you opened your mouth, inviting him to deepen the kiss. He tasted like wintergreen gum.
"Just making each other happy," you whispered when you separated for air. "I can do that."
And in that moment, you actually believed it.
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holylulusworld · 5 months
All the pie in the world
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Summary: It’s Dean's 45th birthday and you will celebrate it.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of near-death experience, implied naughtiness, fuck canon, Dean is alive for my story
A/N: A short drabble for his 45th birthday. Take this canon. You cannot stop me!
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A single moment. One false step and you almost lost him.
You always feared this is how you are going to lose Dean. In a battle, killed by one of the many things that bump in the night.
It was a close call.
Since that day, you have tried to make the best out of every day you can spend with Dean. Especially when the day is his special day.
January the 24th – his birthday.
You are going to celebrate the day as if there is no tomorrow. When you live the life of a hunter, you never know what will happen next.
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“What is all of this?” Sam watches you carry another pie inside the library. You decorated the whole room with balloons, a huge banner saying Happy 45th Birthday, and garlands. “Y/N?”
“A pie for Dean’s birthday,” you quip and go back to decorating the library for the surprise party you planned for Dean’s birthday.
Not many of your friends are still alive, and the rest won’t make it in time for the party. But this didn’t keep you from cooking and baking all night to give Dean the best 45th birthday he could imagine.
“There are like ten pies on the table,” Sam furrows his brows. “Why did you bake so many pies? We are three people and an angel.”
“You only live once,” you shrug before going back to decorating the table. “Dean will get as many pies as he can eat. He’ll get all the pie in the world. I made one of every sort he loves. So, stop moping and help me decorate the room. Dean will be back any minute. He wanted to go for a ride and enjoy the snow is gone.”
“I hope he won’t have a heart attack after eating all the pie,” Sam jokes. “You know he won’t be able to stop eating a slice of every pie you baked for his birthday. His stomach will combust.”
You grin. “That’s the plan, Sam. I will feed my man with so much pie he’ll never complain about getting old again. Dean will be busy complaining about his stomach. I’ll give him belly rubs and—”
“STOP!” Sam raises his hands. “I don’t want to know what comes after the belly rubs.” He shudders. “Please don’t tell me more. No one deserves to hear about the things you and Dean do in the dark.”
“Aw, we don’t do it in the dark, sweet Sammy,” you pat Sam’s chest. “We do it in the morning, during lunch. Sometimes even while having lunch.” You smirk and continue. “Dinner is always special. Dean loves having a snack before the main course. Oh, and we leave the light on. I wanna see the stallion I call my boyfriend when I—”
“I didn’t hear a thing.” Sam puts his index fingers in his ears. “I hate you. Both of you!”
“Sammy! Sweetheart!” Dean calls for you and his brother. “I’m back. Damn, the ride was awesome, and Baby purred like a cat for me. I bet she knows it’s my birth—” He stops in his tracks to drink the decoration in. He hums and wrinkles his nose looking at the big forty-five laughing in his face.
“Happy birthday baby,” you jump in Dean’s arms, giggling as he easily lifts you and helps you wrap your legs around his waistline. “You look good today.” You peck his lips. “We have pie, homemade lasagna, beer, booze, and later…” You dip your head to whisper in his ear. “I’m going to put whipped cream on every important part of you and lick it off.”
“Uh-“ he swallows thickly. “Can we go to the whipped cream part first?” Dean grins when you shake your head. “What else do you have to offer.”
“Ten pies,” Sam says. He points at the table. “Your girlfriend lost her mind, but we still love her.” He says. “I’d hug you and wish you a happy birthday too, but you are occupied with cuddling.”
“We are not cuddling,” Dean grunts, and smirks at his brother. “Not yet, bitch!”
“Jerk,” Sam retorts as always. “Happy birthday man, you don’t look bad for your age.” He grins. “How about you open my present before you unpack something else.”
You let go of Dean and wrap him in a bear hug, whispering Happy birthday again. Sam takes your place when you step away. He hugs his brother and holds him for a moment.
They part after a few moments and nod at each other. Sam steps away and watches his brother sit on a chair.
“I want pie first.” You laugh at Dean’s words. “A slice of every sort!” He exclaims while hungrily staring at the pies on the table. “Damnit, I’ll need bigger pants after this birthday…”
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golbrocklovely · 8 months
a witching hour // sam golbach
A/N: so i actually thought of this fic as a colby fic first, but i needed a fic idea for sam and figured this one worked well for him as well. idk if you've ever seen halloweentown two, but there is a party scene where kalabar turns everyone into what their costumes are, and that's kinda what this one is like. except with a bit of sexy twist lol hope you enjoy and happy 13 nights of halloween !!
prompt: something is incredible off at sam and colby's halloween party. everyone is acting like their costumes, and nothing makes sense. and then you run into sam… dressed as a vampire. || fem!reader x sam golbach
trigger warning: vampire!sam, cursing, drinking, party scene, mentions of blood and killers but you don't see any of that, blood drinking obviously, crush-confession, twist ending?, manipulation powers used on reader, possessive language used by sam, also he's a bit of a dick in this lol but only slightly
word count: 3381
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I constantly run late to everything: meetings, work, important events, and on this night... parties.
It was Sam and Colby's annual Halloween bash. After yet another successful Hell Week, the boys were throwing an all-out banger with every influencer in sight. And I, like usual, ran late to the party.
I'm not sure if you can be late to a party like this, but my texts from Sam and Colby said otherwise.
My excuse this time? I couldn't figure out my costume. I couldn't decide between two costumes, so I ended up going as a witch. Basic, I know, but classic. I finally called an uber, after pregaming a little at my apartment, and headed over to their place. On the way over, a flash of green lightning lit up the sky for a brief moment, in the same direction as their house. I stared at the window, puzzled. There's no way only one flash of thunder would happen if it was going to rain. Especially being green. It must have been a light show or fireworks nearby.
I got dropped off at the front of their house, sending them a quick text that I was outside. As I got to their gate, where usually there would have been a line with a security guard, there was nothing. Maybe I wasn't late after all and instead was super early. Checking the flyer they sent out, that wasn't true. It was already after midnight, and the party started at ten.
I walked into their property, shutting the gate behind me. I expected to see tons of people out front, since that usually was the case; but there was no one. The music was still playing loudly in the house, so there must have been people inside. As I walked towards the front door, I passed by a pile of Barbie dolls.
Who would bring a bunch of Barbies with them?
I glanced at the dolls, bending down, and picking one up. She was very pretty, but her outfit was unlike other Barbie fits I had seen before. Something about it was very revealing for a kids' toy. Granted, the last time I played with Barbies was when I was 10 so maybe my memory wasn't proof enough.
I stared at the doll's face a bit longer. Something about it was so familiar. She looked like someone I knew in the eeriest way. Staring at it too long, I thought I saw it blink. I lightly dropped the doll on the ground, standing back up again.
Just when I was about to open the front door, a soft 'meow' echoed behind me. I turned around and saw two cats, one all black and then another one.... that was pink.
Who the hell would dye their cat pink?
I wanted to reach out and pet them, but they scattered from the noise in front of me. The front door had opened on its own. I stepped forward, walking into Sam and Colby's home.
The place was completely trashed.
Furniture was ripped up, the mirror was smashed in, tables flipped over, cups all over the ground. It looked like a stampede ran through the house. I walked over the broken glass, looking around for anyone. I could see out the back door that no one was there either. Or if they were, they were hiding.
"Sam? Colby? Guys?" I called out, trying to reach for a light.
"Don't do that!" Responded a soft voice from a closet nearby.
I turned around and saw a friend of mine, Sarah, dressed as Rapunzel. She waved me over, opening the door quickly. I jumped over the broken furniture and made it over to her.
"Sarah, what the hell happened?" I asked as she closed the door.
"I'm sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else. My name is Rapunzel." She smiled.
I rolled my eyes. "Okay, very funny, Sarah. But tell me. What happened? Did someone break into the house?"
"I don't really remember everything that happened. Everyone was outside, having fun. It was like the lantern festival! And then, a witch appeared on top of the house and yelled out something. It must have been a spell of some sort. And everybody started running." Sarah gasped, recounting the tale.
"How is that possible? And lantern festival? Why are you taking this costume to heart? I don't think this is the time for that." I glared, annoyed.
"This isn't a costume. This is how I always dress." She argued quietly.
"Rapunzel!" Someone yelled from behind the door. "Let me in! It's Velma."
"What's the password?" Sarah questioned, raising up a frying pan in defense.
Where the fuck did you get a frying pan from?
"Scooby snacks." Replied the voice.
"Oh okay," Sarah opened the door politely. "It is you Velma! I just had to be sure."
"You can never be too safe out there." Alice, another friend of mine, responded. I glanced up and down at her costume: Velma. From Scooby Doo.
I huffed, "Okay, you both seriously need to tell me what the fuck is going on?"
They both gasped. Sarah covered her ears lightly, in unison they hushed, "Language!"
"You're kidding me, right?" I deadpanned.
"Who are you?" Alice questioned.
"This is.... uh," Sarah started, then turned to me, smiling. "You actually haven't said your name."
"I'm Y/N..... we've known each other for like five years?" I scowled.
"We have?" They replied.
I rubbed my temples, feeling like my brain was going pop out of my eyes from how annoyed and confused I was. "Alright, can either one of you explain what is happening right now? Quickly."
"I can't remember much, but I've been searching for some clues while I was running around the house. What I remember happening was a witch of some kind appeared on top of the roof-" Alice began.
"Said some form of spell, and everyone started running? Yeah, 'Rapunzel' told me that already." I quipped.
"It wasn't just any spell, it was spell turned everyone into their costumes... whatever that means." Alice stated, putting her hands on her hips.
My face dropped. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Oh! Green lightning flashed over the sky when she said the spell!" Sarah jumped, excitedly. "She must have been an evil witch."
"Witches aren't real. It most likely was a trick of light, kind of like what magicians use to hide their tricks." Alice mentioned.
"I saw the lightning on my way over here...." I shook my head, sighing. "There's no way this is real. You guys must be pranking me or something. Is this Sam and Colby's doing?"
"I don't know who a 'Sam' or 'Colby" is." Sarah replied innocently.
"The guys that invited you to this party??" I pulled out my phone, pulling up a picture that one of them had posted on their snapchats. "These guys!"
"The vampire one went upstairs, and the pirate one is outside fighting a prince in the backyard." Alice pointed out, pointing to Sam, and then Colby.
"Fighting? What do you mean by that?" I furrowed my brow.
"With swords." Alice said plainly.
"Oh no! Your hand is bleeding!" Sarah gaped, gazing at Alice's hand.
"I must have cut it looking around for clues." Alice commented.
"What clues are you even...." I grumbled, trailing off and glaring up at the ceiling.
Sarah wrapped her hair around Alice's hand, holding it lightly. She then began to sing. "Flower, gleam and glow..."
Her hair began to light up slowly, starting from her scalp and eventually ending at the ends of her braided hair.
I can only imagine how expense that wig was.
Sarah pulled her hair away from Alice's cut... and it was gone.
I blinked. "I'm sorry, am I super drunk right now, or did your hair just heal her cut?"
"Jinkies..." Alice whispered, staring at her hand and blushing.
I took a deep breath, needing to get out of this closet. "I'm gonna go find Sam."
"He's a vampire, right? My mom warned me about men with sharp teeth. Be careful." Sarah informed.
"Right..." I opened the closet door, turning back around for a moment. "Hey Alice? I mean, Velma?"
"Yes?" She asked.
I grabbed her glasses off her face, dropping them onto the floor.
Sarah, Rapunzel, whatever, frowned dramatically. "Well, that wasn't very nice.
"My glasses.... I can't see without my glasses." Alice, Velma, whatever waved her hands around, trying to find where I dropped them.
"You don't even wear glasses! Oh my God, you guys are the worst!" I groaned, stepping out the closet and shutting the door.
I rushed over to the stairs, needing to get upstairs as soon as possible. As I reached the top, I gazed down over the railing. I watched as someone dressed as Ghostface ran after.... Britney Spears.
Britney Spears was at this party? Like 'Baby One More Time' Britney? There's no way. Maybe they weren't joking about the witch turning everyone into- NO. This is all some weird joke, probably pulled by Sam and Colby because of how often I'm late.
This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this is NOT happening.
I opened the bedroom door to what used to be Colby's room. I wanted to see the entire backyard from a safe distance. The room was dark, the only light coming from outside by the drawn curtains. I raced over to the windows, looking around outside. The backyard was equally as trashed.
A man-wolf monster stood on top of the slide for the pool, letting out a deep, animalistic howl. By the basketball courts, Colby was sword fighting with a guy dressed in a prince costume. Other people, or characters, were hiding around, peaking out occasionally from their spots. And I swore for a moment I saw someone fly away on a broom stick.
"What the fuck?" I whispered, my eyes widening at the scene.
"It's dangerous out there." A familiar voice rang out.
I jumped, a squeak leaving my lips as I turned around. In the shadows of the room was Sam, gazing at me mischievously.
"Oh my God, Sam. You scared the shit out of me." I clutched my chest, taking a deep breath. "What the fuck is going on?"
"A witch did this to us." Sam replied casually.
"That's what Alice and Sarah said. That a witch turned everyone into their costumes. Wait, how do you remember?" I inquired.
He shrugged, stepping towards me. "I'm just a generic vampire. So I guess I remember everything, and I'm still me."
"And since Colby dressed up as a pirate, he thinks he's a swash-buckler?" I joked half-heartedly.
"I guess so." Sam chuckled.
I questioned, "How long will this last?"
"An hour. So, in ten minutes it will be over." He confirmed, crossing his arms tightly.
I sat down on the edge of the bed, "Oh, well that's good. Since I think I saw Ghostface trying to kill Britney Spears."
"That would be such a waste of blood..." Sam's voice deepened.
I leaned away from his voice, "That was kinda freaky of you to say."
He smirked. "I can't help it. I'm a vampire."
"For ten more minutes. Maybe stay over there until this is all over." I hissed, uncomfortable.
"Why?" He leaned towards me, still far away, "You think I'm gonna bite you?"
"Probably." I teased.
Sam shook his head. "I would only do that if you asked me to."
“Well that's not gonna happen. So, let's stop talking about it.” I sassed.
"I think I can sit next to you though." His body appeared next to mine, sitting on the edge of the bed.
I jumped up, turning to him. "Jesus! You have fucking speed abilities?"
He hummed, "I guess so. You know what other powers I have?"
"No, what?" I jeered slightly.
"I can make people do what I say." He grinned wickedly, his fangs shining in the light.
I raised an eyebrow at him, "How do you even know that?"
"I told all the people hiding in this room to leave and go somewhere else. Some of them are outside in the backyard." He answered.
"Well, that was a little rude of you to do." I narrowed my eyes.
He scoffed. "This is my house. I'm allowed to kick people out of it."
"I guess you can. But maybe be a bit more conside-" I started.
He cut me off, his tone changed. "How would you feel if I drank your blood?"
"What?" I turned and looked at him.
His eyes caught mine, and suddenly I was entranced. "How would you feel if I drank your blood? Be honest."
The truth came out of me easily, I couldn't stop it from slipping from my lips. "I wouldn't mind it."
"And why is that?" He continued, standing up.
"Because I've had a crush on you for a while. Plus, vampires are really hot. And you as a vampire is, like, extra hot." I admitted in a daze.
"Wow...." Sam beamed, pulling his gaze away. "Now that's insane."
The moment I could think for myself, I spun around covering my face. "Oh my God, Sam! Why would you make me say that?!"
"I didn't make you say anything! I just made you tell the truth." He explained defensively, almost jokingly.
I whined, "Still! You didn't have to make me do that."
"So... do you want me to bite you?" He asked again.
I turned back to him, pissed. "No, I don't."
"Really?" His eyes somehow caught mine again, and I was lost. "Be honest."
"I would totally be into it," I squeezed my eyes shut as Sam looked away smugly. "Oh my God, you suck."
"Only if you want me to...." He teased.
"That's not..." When I opened my eyes again, his were already boring into mine. I felt lightheaded, and immediately could barely think. "Fun...ny."
"Get closer to me." He ordered.
My body moved without my permission, stepping up to Sam. I could feel his warmth radiate against my skin from how close we were together.
"Do you actually have a crush on me?" He queried.
I nodded my head. "Yeah, I think so."
"You think so?" His hands trailed up and down my arms, soothingly. "Would it be a bit stronger if I bit you?"
"It would." I revealed, unable to lie.
"Okay then. Good to know," he snickered. "Tilt your head and show me your neck."
I followed Sam's command, tilting my head to the side and allowing him more access to my neck. Sam's hold around me tightened, his mouth lowering down until he was almost against my neck.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, Y/N. I would never hurt you," his voice was just above a whisper. Sultry and seductive. "Also.... I like you too."
I exhaled, "Wha-?"
Suddenly his fangs sunk deep into my neck. A soft wince escaped my throat, my body tensing up. I gripped onto his arms, my nails almost digging in. It was a bit painful but exhilarating at the same time. I felt high, each breath feeling like a rush of dopamine.
Sam moaned against my neck, removing his mouth for a second. His tongue lapped at my skin, getting all of the extra blood that fell from his mouth. "Fuck, you taste heavenly."
"Sam, I think you shou-" I mumbled, my voice raspy.
He plunged his teeth back in, a harsh gasp falling from my lips. I thought of pushing him away, but instead my hands pulled him in more. My vision began to blur, and my legs could barely stay up on their own. I felt my legs give out, but Sam held me up, his torso crushing into mine.
"Don't worry, Y/N, I got you. I'll never let you go. You're mine, forever." He growled.
"S-Sam." I choked.
My eyes began to flutter, my breathing slowing down to an almost halt. And still, he continued to drink and drink. I felt like I was floating and falling all at the same time. And I didn't even care. It felt so good to be in his arms, to have him consume me.
I could hear a soft whisper in the distance. It sounded familiar but was muffled. It grew louder and louder by second, saying the same thing over and over again. Finally, as it sounded closer, I could make out what it was saying: my name.
And then like a freight train, someone screamed it. "Y/N!"
My eyes popped open, focusing immediately on Sam's face. He was looking down at me concerned, almost in a panic.
"Y/N, oh thank God. I thought we were gonna have to call 911 or something." Sam sat back on his knees, his chest heaving.
I glanced around as my eyes adjusted to the light. I was in Colby's room, but from an angle I wasn't used to. I tried to sit up, suddenly realizing I was on the floor. Sam propped up an arm around me sitting me up and leaning me against the couch.
"Wha... happened?" I uttered, rubbing my neck.
"Well, we were all downstairs partying, and you said you didn't feel good all of sudden. So we both came up here, and I went to use the bathroom. And when I came out, you were passed out on the floor." He responded, worried.
I squinted at him, confused out of my mind. "So... there wasn't a witch that turned everyone into their costumes?"
He blinked. "Should I still call 911? How hard did you hit your head?"
"No. No, I'm okay." Sam helped me up slowly, still propping me against the couch, "I must have had one hell of a dream when I passed out."
"Are you feeling okay? Tell me, seriously." He looked into my eyes.
I glanced away quickly, "Yeah, I'm... fine. I don't even feel drunk. What time is it?"
He checked his watch. "It's 1:05."
"After midnight..." I realized, muttering.
He furrowed his brow. "What?"
"Nothing. I'm okay Sam. Really. You know how I can get sleepy after I drink too much. Maybe that's what happened." I tried to reassure.
"Yeah maybe..." He trailed off.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I stated, standing up completely.
Sam stepped towards me. "Do you need help?"
"No, I'm okay." I grinned at his nervousness, "Seriously, I'm fine. Don't worry."
I trudged over to the bathroom, leaning against the sink to collect my thoughts.
So.... that was all a dream I had while passed out? Holy shit, I'm never drinking again.
I looked up, scanning my face slowly. I looked the same as I did when I left my house. Except, I had no recollection of how I got here. I mean, in the dream I took an uber... so maybe that's what happened? But God; that dream felt so real. It truly felt like Sam was drinking my blood and draining me. And holy shit, I confessed I had feelings for him!
I sighed deeply, looking over my face once more. My eyes drifted further down and widened at the sight. Two fang marks were right by my jugular, right where Sam had been biting me.
"Sam! Can you come in here for a second?" I yelled, my breathing speeding up.
A moment later the door opened, Sam entering. "What's wrong?"
I spun to him, glaring. "Why do I have two fang marks in my neck... like a vampire bit me?"
"What are you talking about?" He puzzled.
I pointed to my neck. "Right here! What are these?"
"Y/N, there's nothing there." He informed.
"Yes there i-" I turned around, looking in the mirror. He was right. The marks were gone. My skin was clear, as if they never existed in the first place. "Oh."
"Are you sure you're okay?" Sam wrapped an arm around me sweetly, rubbing my back.
I stuttered, "Y-Yeah. I must have just saw something."
"Must have. Because like I said, there's nothing there." His gaze met mine in the mirror, "Right, Y/N?"
"Right. There's nothing there." I said dreamily.
"Good," he smiled warmly. "Now, let's get back down to the party. If you're feeling up to it, of course."
I nodded, taking Sam's hand and leaving the bedroom, following him back to the party.
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Hi, I’m so sorry that you have been having a hard time and that you can’t graduate when you wanted to I know that must be hard but you’re taking the time to look after yourself and that’s the most import thing!!!!
If and when you’re up to it I’d love to see a part 3 of forgive me, also maybe with a bit of Sam included? I’m a strong believer that Sam would 100% be on Bucky and Y/n side
Forgive Me, Pt. 3 (Bucky x Reader)
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A/N: This request for a third part was from AGES ago, so I apologize for the long delay lol. On the plus side, I’ve finally graduated from college so that is no longer a worry! :) Anyway, this series will definitely be getting a Part 4. I couldn’t stop writing and coming up with more ideas lol. I hope you all enjoy!
“Hate” had always been such a harsh word to me. Of all the feelings that existed, that was the one that I never could seem to grasp fully. Perhaps my heart was too soft or my nature too forgiving, but I had yet to find a person that I truly hated.
I could not even find it in me to hate Steve Rogers, despite all that had happened. Forgiveness was still a work in progress, but perhaps one day I would forgive him completely.
It had been three months since Bucky had found me in our bathroom with an open medication bottle in my hand, and it had been equally as long since he had spoken to the rest of the team. While I found it impossible to hate any of them, Bucky could not stand to even look at them. We had moved out of the compound within twenty four hours of his confrontation with Steve and hadn’t been back since.
Our little apartment in the city was comfortable, but it was not home. I knew that Bucky felt the same, but he refused to admit it out loud. Several attempts to urge him to reach out to Steve had not gone well, and my heart ached as I witnessed his anger consume him. Bucky had reassured me that I was all he needed now, but I knew deep down that he needed his friends, especially Steve. This anger would destroy him if not confronted properly.
And that was why I reached out first.
I found myself in a quiet little cafe in the city on a early Tuesday morning, sipping on an iced late as I watched people make their way down the street to work. The chair across from me scrapped on the ground, and I looked up to find Steve Rogers taking a seat. His face was solemn, almost shameful as his eyes made contact with mine. It was a version of him that I was unfamiliar with. The weeks of sneering and secret glares had melted away into shame and regret.
Part of me thought I should be content, seeing him humbled in this way. But I could not find it in me to rejoice in this. Steve Rogers was doing just as bad as Bucky was, losing his best friend the way that he had. There had to be a way to remedy this.
“Good morning, Steve.” I spoke softly, watching him evenly.
“Good morning.” Steve nodded in response, looking a little uneasy. “Look, Y/N-“
“You know why I asked to meet with you.” I prompted, pushing past the need for small talk to get into what really mattered. I was also quite honestly not ready to accept his apology either, if that was what he trying to do.
“Yeah.” He sighed, looking away briefly. “I don’t know what else I can do. Bucky won’t respond to any of my messages and I wouldn’t dare show up uninvited to your apartment.”
“That would not have gone well.” I agreed, sipping again on my beverage. “But we need to fix this, Steve. I’ve never seen him like this before. He needs you.”
“No, he needs you.” Steve replied, his voice remaining even. “And I realize that now. I didn’t know how much he cared for you until that night. Hell, I’m surprised he didn’t tell me that you two got married.”
“That really surprised you?” I asked with a slight scoff. “After how you all treated me?”
“I’m not looking for a fight.” He held up his hands slightly. “I’m just wanting to fix things.”
It was silent for a moment, and I let out a small sigh as I nodded in agreement. We were both in agreement for at least this one thing. While I did care for Steve and the others like family before this mess, all I cared about now was making sure Bucky was cared for and supported. In order to do so, we had to work together.
“Is Sam in town?”
“He is.” Steve nodded. “I’m thinking he might be able to help best since he was nutural in this whole thing. Just talk things over with him. If it doesn’t work, we can figure something else out.”
“I agree.” I glanced at my phone, seeing a text from Bucky asking where I was. I began to rise from my place at the small table. “I have to go now. Let me know when Sam can come over to see him.”
“Wait.” Steve’s voice caused me to stop and I looked over at him. “I…I never gave you a chance to explain your side of things, and for that, I’m sorry. I should not have treated you the way that I did.”
I looked at him evenly, my heart aching in my chest at the memories of the day prior to my attempt and Bucky’s hospitalization. After a few moments of silence, I gave him a sad smile. “If you want to know what happened, look at the Tony’s camera feeds from that day. The journalist stopped me at the front entrance to the building so you should have clear audio. It’ll tell you all you need to know.”
And without another word, I grabbed my purse and made my way back towards my apartment.
Bucky’s POV
It had been odd waking up without Y/N by my side. That had been all but established as part of our routine, early mornings spent together in bed. But for some reason that had been broken on a random Tuesday, and part of me wanted to investigate why.
But her return only an hour later had washed all my worries away and our regular life routines resumed as normal for the next week. Part way through the week, Y/N had left the apartment to run a few errands so I was left on my own on the couch watching reruns of ‘The Office’. But a sharp knock on my door interrupted my plans of relaxation.
I approached the door, assuming that Y/N had forgotten her key inside after I had locked it behind her. But the familiar face of Sam Wilson surprised me as I found him on the other side. “Sam?”
“How’ve you been, man? “ Sam smiled.
“How do you know where I live?” I returned a smile hesitantly, wondering if the others had sent him as one last resort to connect.
“I saw Y/N on the street.” He replied casually, and my shoulders relaxed slightly. “She thought it would be a good idea for me to visit!”
“Of course. Come on in.” I stepped aside, letting him into our apartment and shutting the door gently. “I haven’t heard from you in months. Where have you been?”
“Long term mission abroad.” Sam sighed, sitting down on the couch. “It was quite an interesting experience. But not as interesting as finding out you moved out of the compound. What happened?”
I froze slightly at his words. “Did Steve send you?”
“Can’t I just be concerned about my friend?” Sam replied, scoffing slightly.
“I’m not saying you can’t.” I snorted, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch. “But this feels like an interrogation. I have had enough of those to last a life time.”
“I did speak to Steve, but he only gave me a few details. But I also don’t want to hear just one side. I want to hear from you.” Sam replied, glancing at me. “You two are incredibly close and now you live far apart from each other. What happened?”
All that had happened began to play again through my mind. The article published, the attitude shifts from the others, the gunshot to my shoulder, finding Y/N with the medicine bottle in hand. It was almost too hard to handle. But I willed myself to speak, telling my friend all that had happened.
“How can I forgive him for this?” I asked, my voice cracking slightly. “How can I forgive all of them for this? They did not give her a chance to explain herself, and made her feel like she was worthless. I could’ve lost her forever.”
“How does Y/N feel about this?” Sam prompted gently.
“She wants me to reach out to Steve.” I sighed, sinking back into the couch. “I don’t know how she can forgive him so easily, after all that has happened.”
“Y/N talked to me too, Bucky.” My eyes flickered over to Sam, surprised by his words. “She is worried about you, deeply. “
“I’m doing just fine.” I scoffed, but slightly concerned by his words. How had I not known she was worried about me?
“So you say.” Sam replied, almost skeptically. “Don’t you miss everyone? Steve at least?”
“Of course I have!” I bristle slightly, my metal fist clenching slightly. “But how do I move on from this?”
“I know you can’t immediately forgive the others for this, and that is understandable.” Sam spoke firmly. “But you can’t stay this angry forever. It will destroy you.”
“I can be as angry as I damn well please!” I snapped, glaring at him. “They almost caused her to end her life!”
“No!” I rose from the couch, a wave of rage flowing over me. “You don’t get it, and why would you? It wasn’t your wife!”
“No, but she is my friend!” Sam did not move, keeping his gaze steady with mine. “And she is scared that she is losing you, Bucky!”
“I need you to leave.” I shake my head, walking to the door and pulling it open. “Now.”
Sam clenched his jaw slightly but did not respond as he rose from the couch before walking to the door. Just as he was about to step through into the hall, Y/N appeared with a handful of grocery bags in hand. Her smile of greeting faded as she sensed the tension in the room. “What’s-“
“Please leave, Sam.” I repeated firmly, watching him leave before shutting the door behind him. “Why did you invite him here?”
“Maybe because he’s one of your friends and you could use a visit from one?” Y/N walked into the kitchen, placing the groceries on the counter before turning to me. “Why did you throw him out of our apartment?”
“Because everyone is insisting that I must forgive Steve!” I snapped, my jaw clenched. “I can’t even fathom how you can stand the thought of him!”
“Bucky, I still haven’t forgive him yet! It’s too hard!” I shake my head as I watched him through pained eyes. “But I’m not as angry anymore. You can’t let this anger consume you!”
“I heard the exact same thing from Sam.” I let out a bitter laugh. “I can be as angry as I want!”
“Did you coordinate this with Sam? Steve too?” I scoffed, not even hiding my anger anymore. “Why are you working with the people who want you dead?”
Y/N’s face went blank for a moment before her eyes filled with hurt. Deep hurt. I had never regret speaking as I quickly as I did in that moment.
“Alright.” Her voice was quiet, trembling slightly as she picked up her purse from the counter. “Dinner’s on the counter. I’m going to go stay somewhere else for the night.”
“Y/N…” My voice cracked as I reached out to grab her hand, but she slipped away from my touch and out the door, slamming it hard behind her.
I walked over to the couch, sitting back down quietly before the first tears began to fall. I could not remember when they stopped, if ever. Perhaps the anger had already destroyed me. And perhaps I had already lost the love of my life because of it.
TAGLIST (from the last part! If you wanted to be added or removed, just let me know lol)
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marvelouslizzie · 8 months
sooo, i read your fic "like someone i know" and it was absolutely hot AND amazing. i am obsessed with miscommunication of how they thought they hated/were against each other but not. 😭
if you do take requests, could you write a drabble or something of them finally dating and bucky still teasing the reader but obviously in love now? JBJDJSHS maybe make the entire class confused bc they're aware of their rivalry. i just LOVEEE the fluff after enemies/rivals to lovers plots. 🥹
if you don't take requests, it's okay!!! your fic was amazing and now i shall read more of your work to my heart's content!!!
Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️
Oh, I absolutely love this! I tried to write a cute drabble and I hope this works for you.
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summary: Set after Like Someone I Know. You and your former academic rival, Bucky, begin a secret romantic relationship. What happens when you two have another exam?
pairing: College!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
warnings: None actually. Pure bickering and a bit of fluff + no mention of y/n.
word count: 842
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission.
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Another day, another test. You feel stressed by the number of lessons you had to study for this one. There were so many things, even though you went through all of them, you feel like you remember nothing. Nothing at all.
You open your bag and reach for your notes while your back rests against the cold wall. Maybe you will feel confident enough if you go through them one more time. Refreshing your memory does not hurt, right?
You start to read and repeat the most important info in your mind, trying to remember where and how you wrote them so you can use them during the exam, but it’s hard to concentrate. Especially, when Bucky’s voice is booming through the hallway. His laugh is so loud, and it annoys you because he isn’t laughing like that because of you. He’s just messing around with Steve, Sam, and Natasha, as usual. You are pretty sure Natasha is the one that made him laugh this loudly, and jealousy takes over you. 
“For the love of god, just stop talking for a sec! Some of us are trying to study here.” 
No one bats an eye. They are so used to you two bickering before and after exams, but Bucky immediately turns to you. You see the mischievous spark in his eyes. He’s so amused by the comment.
“Do you mean yourself, princess? Because I don’t see anyone else besides you studying right now.”
You make a sour face when you hear him calling you princess. That’s new. He usually calls you doll.
“Does it matter?”
“Matters to me.”
“Fine. I’m trying to study. Shut your mouth, kay? Bye.”
You try to turn back to your notes, but no, Bucky is not done bickering with you. Of course, he isn’t.
“Don’t worry, you will get a good grade. You always do.” It could’ve been such a sweet encouragement if his tone had been different. It just feels like he’s patronizing you.
“So what? I should stop studying?” 
“Yeah. Give yourself a break, doll.” He stops for a second, then dramatically adds. “Live a little.”
“Studying first, living later.” That kinda sounds like a promise, but no one but Bucky gets that.
You think you can finally read again, but Sam doesn’t let go of the conversation for some reason. He always likes to interject.
“Are you worried Bucky will get the best grade?” 
“Oh, come on, Sam!” Steve sounds tired already.
“I would like to see him try.” After years of being rivals, your answer comes automatically. You forget there’s no need for this anymore.
“I got the best score last time, remember?” Luckily he doesn’t sound offended. Maybe he just missed your usual bickering.
“And I will make sure that doesn’t happen again.” You give him a fake smile. You really want to get the best score, even if that means beating your boyfriend.
“You always say that, but…” Suddenly he stops talking, and you wanna know how that sentence ends.
“But what?” 
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Come on!” You challenge him. He shouldn’t stop himself from voicing his thoughts just because you started to date a while ago. Your rivalry is still there. He should be free to say whatever he wants. “Say it.”
“Maybe later.” He resists.
"Come on, Barnes! Since when are you afraid to speak your mind?" Your taunting works like a charm.
“You always say that, but I never saw you upset because I beat you.”
You can’t help but smile. If someone is gonna get the better grade, it has to be Bucky. Any other option is simply not acceptable.
You feel the stares of Steve, Sam, and Natasha on you. They didn’t expect this turn of events. They have been holding their breaths to see your reaction. Are you gonna get mad? Snap back at him? Shove his flirtatious comment up his ass?
“If it's not me, then it has to be you, right?” You watch Bucky’s smile grow while others mumble with confusion.
“If not my girl, then who else?”
Oh, he really went there. He didn’t miss the opportunity to claim you, and even though you wanted to do that very differently, you can’t help but feel giddy about it.
You don’t say anything at first, slowly walking towards him. You stop right in front of him, staring into his pretty blue eyes. He doesn’t know what to expect, so you can see how puzzled he is. You stand on your tiptoes and gently place a kiss on his cheek. 
“Good luck, baby,” you whisper into his ear, then you just turn on your heels, like nothing happened. “See you after the exam.” You don’t look back, but you hear others talk.
“What the fuck just happened?” 
“Did she just-” 
“I told you they would eventually fuck, Rogers! Pay up!” 
“Language, Sam! We don’t even know…”
“Oh, they definitely did.” Natasha sounds rather amused.
“Oh, come on! You betted on us?” Bucky’s charming voice is the last thing you hear before entering the classroom.
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Is it okay if i request how yan!twisted wonderland characters act on how to handle f! Yuu when she got her period and practically in pain, i woild be happy too if you can do the teachers and staff but platonic yandere but if you don't want to it's fine
(This idea just comes to mind while i was in pain in my period right now, also sorry if my english not good)
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Period Pain | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Riddle Rosehearts
“What could constitute that you have to lay around all day!?”
*Whimper* “Becasue the pain is actually unbearable…”
“Oh…I didn’t realize you were suffering. Ace, Deuce, why didn’t you offer to help them before!?”
“But we just found out!” 
“Quick, it is on the Queen’s orders that we care for our lov–I mean friends! Get them soup immediately!” 
His various studies done in his childhood will probably include the female anatomy at one point
But he’s never witnessed it until now
And learning what your like during this time not only is this an awesome learning opportunity 
(Which he’s telling if anyone asks)
But this is the perfect time to take care of you
And flex his husband bone a bit
Directing your friends and the students of Heartslabyul to help with various tasks you need to get done
He’s worried for you 
More than usual 
Treating it like a sickness if your debating if you should go to class
“I suggest that you take the day off! While I know more than anything that you don’t want to miss assignments but your health is of utmost importance.”
And if you do decide to stay
He’s checking on you after and in the middle of class 
Often asking for your ratings of pain
When it comes to more comfort he’s hesitant
Mostly because he’ll burn up in a blush the moment he makes contact with you
Don’t even think about if you show your slightly upset with someone
It's not even in your control but Sam just so happens to run out of your preferred pain medication
Face redder than your blood
you can usually count on the dormleader’s anger scaring who ever bought the last pack into offering it for free as long as he doesn’t burn the building down
At the end of the day he’s pleased that he can provide for you…
“In the future…Let it be known that you can call me at any time. It’d be concerning if I couldn’t do this..”
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Trey Clover
Probably informed by Ace complaining about your odd behavior he’s hurriedly rushing into action
Even though his sister is still young Trey is the type of guy to just know that this happens 
Showing up with your favorite treats specially baked by him
“Figured you were feeling a little under the weather–so I brought some of your favorites.”
He’s not going to invite everyone to help him out like Riddle
Taking into account your integrity and privacy 
He’ll keep it between the two of you
Heating pad, pain relief, tampons, pads he’s got it if he suspects you need it
Observing your behavior puts him ahead of everyone else
“It's alright (Y/n), you can rest on my shoulder. I’m sure its rough going through that by yourself.”  
He offers himself as someone you can confide in especially more than usual
Willing to be a bit bolder the more you rely on him
He’s willing to give you a massage or to rub your tummy while you doze off
It gives him so much more leeway than his typical…drugging scheme plans 
“There’s no need to worry (Y/n), I’ll be here for you the whole time.”
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Cater Diamond
“Whoa this is like the worst thing ever, for you I mean!” 
He gives you a hard time at first but ultimately he’s there to help
But don’t expect him not to document the whole thing
You can’t tell me Cater isn’t going to heavily allude on his socials that your dating
‘Going to buy painkillers for Pumpkin-bae’
If you at some point bring it up, he’ll just say that's a nickname he uses for you it doesn’t mean anything it does
He’s more than willing to rub your back and tummy 
But beware should you find yourself sleeping off the pain he’s taking so many pictures
With no regard to the fact that you just feel your worst 
he’s archiving and posting like this is Crewlchella
“Ah, isn't my babycakes the cutest!?”
Despite his willingness to share online all about you he’s hesitant to let the curious but helpful students in to help. 
When he does he’s secretly mulling with a smile on his face
But believe him when he finds a way to casually dismiss everyone
Being sure to be your sole confidant at one point or another
“Well well aren’t you miss popular? No worries you’ve got me all to yourself and I’m definitely made of boyfriend-material!” 
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Deuce Spade
“Oh? Oh. OHhhh!” 
Either you or one of his seniors is going to have to spell it out for him
And even when he gets it he still doesn’t understand
Acts like your bleeding out 
Trying desperately to stop the internal bleeding that isn’t happening
“I-I got you ice! I hope this will help. Its what my mom would give me when I was in pain.”
He doesn’t understand your mood swings but he’s going to back you up nonetheless
Yelling at someone randomly he’s either hopping on your rage train or just standing out of your way
He’s really confused but he wants to help 
And he’s willing to throw punches if it comes down to it
If you need something from him you’ll have to ask 
He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed
“I’m here to help (Y/n), just tell me what you need!” 
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Ace Trappola
“Uhhh that's gross!” 
“Sorry sorry, fine we’ll help you.” 
He’s willing to help if only to avoid your wrath  
He starts acting fussy when Deuce or anyone else gets asked to help
Or when you flash a thankful look at anyone but him
That's when he starts really putting in the work
And that is truly what gets him motivated to help
Bragging rights and something to hold over you head
But when its boiled down to it and you two were all alone
He’d sigh before offering to rub anywhere in particular
His hands may wander but for the most part he’s there for that insatiably warm feeling that burns his insides when you genuinely thank him
“H-hey y-you know you owe me right? Okay, okay fine, you don’t but at least let me do this…it’d be a pain if you came out of this and thought I was a jerk right?”
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Leona Kingscholar
“Don’t bleed all over my bed, herbivore!” 
He probably knows it's here before you do 
Groaning as he starts making preparations for you to keep laying in bed
Just because nature decided to beat you up doesn’t mean cuddling is going to stop
No no in fact it's going to increase because on the worse days your bed-ridden anyway
He’s hardly leaving your side but he’s not taking actual care of your needs
That's Ruggie’s job
But he’d be darned if he let your scent spur any of his students into insubordination
“She’s mine. If you really want to test that out I’m more than happy to leave you incapacitated for the rest of your life. Grr!”
He’s comforting in that he is a literal heater pack,
That holds you tight while wrapping his arms possessively around you
He makes a bigger deal of ‘hating’ it when your on your period
He doesn’t really care, blood isn’t going to stop him from having a good time~
He’s more annoyed with the fact that he has to relentlessly drown you in his scent so you don’t get unwanted trouble
He’s no doubt willing to personally bully whoever to get you your comfort foods 
“C’mon herbivore be grateful I thought of you on the way over.”
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Ruggie Bucci
“Eek! Already!?”
He does keep track though 
He includes you in his monthly budget
Prepared to satiate whatever you may need during this time
Especially some painkillers that will help you cart through the day without him
He’s a busy hyena
He typically won’t be able to drop everything for you
But no doubt when the moment arises he’s got groceries and anything you need
“Take it easy (Y/n), you’ll be more able to score more deals if you're actually not fighting cramps. So just rest.”
He’s really respectful 
And he may not have the luxury of staying over the whole time
But if not the night than the early morning
After all he has to take care of Leona 
“Geez you’d think I should pay for my services with how often I’m doing this.”
“But you already do…”
“Then where's my paycheck?”
“Uh you get yours in hugs and kisses?”
“...okay with interest, right?”
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Jack Howl
“I am prepared for this! Steel yourself (Y/n)! Hold out just a little bit longer.”
Once again may have picked up on it much sooner than you
Will be especially vigilant, fully taking the environment into account
He’s not going to scent you directly unless he outright asks
Otherwise major guard-dog energy
Such a cheerleader
He realizes there isn’t much he can do other than offer his body heat and general comfort
“So this is the true power of being a woman? Truly admirable!” 
He’s getting whatever you need by any and all means necessary
That's his job as your mate
He must be your protector, your provider
“Leave it to me (Y/n)! I’m here for you. As I’ll always be.” 
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Azul Ashengrotto
“I-i see uhm I’ll uh-help you with that. Contrary to belief I am prepared for this.”
He’s really not lying
Upping his own research about women and how to impress them 
Left him with a quite a lot of knowledge about the female anatomy
He’s fretting all throughout the day as he prepares a little care package
His anxiety is on an all time high as he debates if he should give this to Jade to deliver
But true to nature he’ll laugh and come up with some arbitrary excuse
Forcing Azul to do it himself 
Red in the face as he's stumbling over his words he’s truly not used to seeing you so vulnerable
But once he pushes down his initial embarrassment 
He’s more than happy to do whatever you wish because he likes being useful to you
“Hey Azul can you pass me–”
“The heating pad? Already have it.”
“Oh thanks!”
He does get a little concerned when others help more than him 
So he might just buy or threaten for whatever someone is bringing you so that he can officially hand it to you himself
“Just know I’m more than capable of doing this and so much more. S-so be at ease around me okay?”
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Jade Leech
”Oh my! Well I guess it is that time after all.”
Pretends this is a surprise when he finds you hunched over somewhere
He totally keeps track 
But he thinks it's amusing to see you struggle with handling your mood and dealing with the cramps
He’s helping all the while 
With front row seats to your most vulnerable moments
He’s enjoying it until he’s pulled away or you begin relying on everyone else
Working in the Monstro Lounge during your week of pain has him stinking up the place with his terrible mood
Bordering Floyd levels of strangulation encounters 
he’s relentlessly trying to burn off his explosive anger from being away from you during this time
Call him instinctually motivated but the moment he gets the chance he slinking back to your side
“Don’t stop me from going to them…otherwise I will stay…and see exactly how fragile your ribcage is.”
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Floyd Leech
“And you’ll just be laying around because of cramps? That sounds boring!”
He’s not much help in the realm of comfort 
Unless your yelling at him during a particularly intense pain cycle 
He’s not going to do anything
But he is in a bad mood
“My shrimpy won’t talk to me…They’re in such a bad mood…it puts me in a bad mood!”
Watch out without you there to maintain some semblance of balance he’s practically on a rampage
No one is safe
And in that mentality everyone is catering to you so you can entertain him for a short awhile
He won’t completely abandon you if you very seriously explain or your crying from the pain/frustration
“Shrimpy…you're really hurting aren’t you?”
Only for you
Only for you will he settle himself down to cuddle you 
Holding you tight against him 
No one will bear witness
And if they do they will wish they hadn’t
“It's not so boring laying with my shrimpy…and it certainly won’t be boring when you’re not breathing.”
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Jamil Viper
“I have just the recipe for this.”
He’s a caretaker 
Has been all his life so this is no hard feat
Although he’s not used to caring for a girl on her cycle 
he's still one of the best
He’s cooking for you, giving you a heating pad, massaging you if you’ll allow it
He’s more than willing after all you’ve done so much for him
Yes, he’ll have to juggle Kalim but he can handle that just fine
This is you and he actually doesn’t mind caring for you
Afterall it further proves how capable of a man he can be for you
“I’m here for you, (Y/n). Obviously It’d be most convenient if you just married me.”
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Kalim Al Asim
“Oh my gosh are you bleeding!? We have to call the teachers!”
Jamil has to sit him down and explain it to him
And even then he still has a hard time grasping it
But he’s more than willing to drop everything to provide whatever help he can
Which is mostly just Jamil actually relieving your discomfort
His way of helping is just buying the highest products 
And then trying to somehow “Party up” your period
“Hey (Y/n)! Let’s try playing a game to distract from the pain!”
He’s really trying 
And even when you or Jamil kick him out for awhile 
He feels the pressure of how many others are successfully helping you 
And decides he needs to get better
Or at least have a better understanding
So he will ask you about your ailment
Lending a listening ear whenever you want to ramble, rant, or complain
“Tell me all of it (Y/n). I can’t ever get tired of you.”
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Vil Schoenheit
“Oh dear…well I guess it can’t be helped.”
He was aware that this time would come 
And while he’s not usually one to indulge in endless cuddling he will do it if only to satisfy you and him too
Already there with the best products 
Heating pads, painkillers, and whatever high quality products that will come on short notice
He is definitely verbally bullying who ever came to help
He might insist on putting make up on you if your not a fan of it
What are you going to do, when you’re busy curled up in pain
If you try to get him to go away or not see you because he is a supermodel celebrity
He’s shutting that down real quick
“Don’t think I’d let you rely on some potato when I’m the one who cares.”
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Rook Hunt
“Right on schedule madamoiselle!”
Totally kept track and if you didn’t come open the door he let himself in
He’s actually really amicable with anyone who wants to help 
Saying ‘it's a beautiful display of friendship and love for Madamesoile Trickster'
Comfort food? he’ll get it
Massage? He’ll do it
Pain Relief….the natural way? PLEASE LET HIM
“Blood is not deterrent for me, muya lyubov.”
You’ll have to get him to leave with how…unafraid he is with your blood
Need to insert a menstrual cup? He avidly volunteers
Have to change a pad? He’ll help you change into a new one
No? Fine. He’ll throw out the other one for you
It never even made it to the trash
He fully is able to get whatever size you prefer
You never told him
You really didn’t have to though
“Rest easy Madamemoiselle Trickster! I will happily take care of you with great pleasure for it is an honor to see your beauty uncontained!” 
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Epel Felmier
“I’m on it! Leave it to me!”
Doesn’t really understand but he’s here to help
While I’m not confident he’s going to really know what he’s doing
He’s trying with that determined look on his face
This actually makes him quite happy 
He can provide for you without having insane muscle mass
At least your mood can be a bit better when Epel concocting an apple tea that fills the space with such awesome smells
He’ll now start trying to keep track of it 
Showing up at your house hair pulled bag and care package filled to the brim
Hiding behind his determination to grow he’s absolutely ecstatic on the fact that you have to rely on him
“I..want to be really good at this, (Y/n)! So please let me help!” 
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Ortho Shroud
“I’ve scanned my archives and have deduced that this will be the most effective during your menstrual cycle.”
The moment you groan in pain he is on it
What kind of little brother would he be if he couldn’t do this at the very least
Portable heating pad, Massager, personal pharmacist
You name it he’s got it
After all as your future little brother it's only natural he help you with that stuff
“No worries (Y/n)-san, I’ll take care of you during this major happiness debuff!”
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Idia Shroud
“This is…the prophesied otome nightmare! The period!” 
He’s not coming near you for awhile 
This is uncharted territory for him and he’s debating if he wants to challenge that
He no doubt sent Ortho to help if you 
Now the question is does he end up making an appearance
On one hand he’s sure to build up on relationship points if he goes
But if he doesn’t go his rivals will no doubt up their statuses with his absence
He’d still be watching on all the cameras, so he’d know if they really were making any progress
But what about you? 
For the possibility that you look at him or thank him for helping
Even going so far as maybe leaning on him!?!?! 
Your touch alone could boost his morale significantly 
Not to mention sending him in an absolute frenzy
In the end he’ll stick it out…if only Ortho enters with him
“From my research, something that's helpful for dealing with pain is a distraction…so would you want to watch me play?”
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Malleus Draconia
“Child of man? Are you…dying?!”
He’s very confused and incredibly scared
Whether you're clutching your midsection in pain or having bled through your pants
He’s in hysterics
Weren’t you supposed to live longer!? 
He’s in a panic teleporting you to a teacher or the Diasomnia dorm 
Where he’s urgently informing Lilia and staff about your situation
If your not already crying from embarrassment he’s eventually told the reason why this is happening
“You’re not dying but you’re still in pain? How…peculiar of the human body to plague you in such a way.”
If your period was a person he would have brutally murdered them a long time ago
Sneering at the mention of it while your groaning about it
Don’t let him know about how to make it stop
Otherwise your going to have a hard time convincing him this isn’t worth getting you pregnant for
A good way to is to give him another way to help
Maybe removing the pain with pleasure?
“If this spares you the pain of that wretched cycle then I will give you everything you desire.”
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Ah, that time is here. Well then guess I should be making you my special recipe!”
“No, please! Anything but that!” 
He’s one who may not keep track but he’s able to notice the signs
You’re so vulnerable he can get away with so much!
Like every situation that involves you he is amusing himself
He’ll help you with remedies he’s experienced through his many travels
Providing exotic painkillers that magically transform all your pain into something alse
Uh oh! Now you have something else bothering you, oh what will you do?
“Oya you seem to be struggling. No worries! I’m more than prepared to help you with this pleasurable side effect. No worries, I'm no stranger to blood!”
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Silver Vanrouge
“Bleeding!?!?! Stand back! I need to put pressure on the wound!”
As soon as you get him to stop trying to put pressure on your…yeah
You’ll have to specifically explain the science behind your cycle 
Alas his support is immediately garnered
“Alright! Fath–Lilia said I could aid you in this endeavor. Saying it’d be a good experience for my future as a guard to Master Malleus.”
He’ll do all that he can with due diligence
And he’s more than happy to curl up to take your naps with you
But when all's said and done you’ll try and send him away
Keyword: “Try”
“Okay thanks for all your help Silver. Have a good night.”
“Are you heading to bed?”
“Alright then.”
“So you're not going to leave?”
“Of course not. My job is to guard you after all, I can’t possibly let you go through this on your own as your suitor”
“Oh oka–wait suitor?”
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Sebek Zigvolt
He’s alarmed 
He knows humans are fragile but to be bleeding so much with no prior warning
Your akin to glass
He’s ultimately going to ignore your reservations until your loudly explaining the science of your cycle to this man
Eventually he will so gracefully take it upon himself to provide his help to you
Doesn’t matter if you never asked he’s helping
You’re so much weaker than him it's natural that he expertly help
With no surprise to you he’s quite bad at this
Misusing your pads/tampons/other 
Throwing away your pain killers because they were ‘weak person’s crutch’
And overall just not making this a good time
So you’ll have to explain everything to him 
Every tool, every step has a meaning so if he wants to help he’s following your lead
And for you to be so stern and serious…
“I no doubt misjudged your expertise!! Show me your ways so that I may aid you in our future together!”
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Dire Crowley 
“Oh…uhm, right…what does that mean again?”
He’s trying…kinda
You need to ask him for permissions to deal with it anyway 
And it would be especially gracious of him to supply everything that you need
…so that you’re not bleeding everywhere
It’d be concerning if that were that the case 
So he’s totally following your lead with this one
Even though he’s not a fan of the fact so many of the students are swarming around you during this time
For all he knows you may need many people to help you deal with it
He really doesn’t like seeing you in pain so if you do at some point complain about it 
He’s frantically sending you home
“Whatever you need (Y/n). I’m so gracious I shall help you with your condition.”
“It's not a condition, it's a natural bodily function for me that just so happens to come every month.”
“E-every month?”
“Yes…don’t look at me like that! It is entirely normal and healthy!”
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Crewel Divus
“Do you have everything you need? I wouldn’t be surprised if Sam didn’t have that.” 
He’s on top of it like Donkey Kong 
Making sure you have everything you need 
The only problem is the various boys that are ‘willing to help’
“I should have had Jack install those removable boards on Ramshackle’s windows…now the unruly curs will slink in.”
He’s wordlessly setting some magical traps for those who want to reach Ramshackle
His puppy is vulnerable and they’re surrounded by a bunch of other pups that are much bigger and rougher
If anyone asks about you he’s misleading them so hard
“Stay away from (Y/n) pups especially this week!”
“Good boys. Now let’s continue working.”
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Mozus Trein 
“I see. How’s your pain tolerance? Will you still be able to attend class?”
Seasoned veteran right here
He’s not freaking out because he knows you probably know best
But if you couldn’t get something on campus or in the town he’s willing to do what he can
He’s mostly being the reasonable voice when everyone just doesn’t understand
Depending on your own situation he’ll give you a written list of remedies he’s followed
While silently sending Lucius to watch after you
And I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually joined Crewel in putting protections on Ramshackle 
“For once we’re in agreement. I doubt the students will be able to comprehend, let alone actually be of service to her.”
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Ashton Vargas
“What, why would that stop you from exercising? Don’t you know pushing through the pain is how you look like me!?”
“No no you don’t understand this pain is much different.”
“I fail to see why you should stop even still!”
“If you don’t get me off this field I’ll bleed all over it.”
“O-okay. To the nurse you go!” 
“Thank you.”
He’s not sympathetic because he doesn’t understand
And unless you phrase it as some type of training or exercise he will cheer you on
“Ace that period, (Y/n)!! You’ve got this!”
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“Well that’s why I just stocked up on it, just for you!”
Really the MVP when it comes to comfort
He likes to pretend he doesn’t need to but he definitely did research about it
He wasn’t about to turn his favorite baby sis-student away unsatisfied
He also knows your harem will probably come soon and he can’t wait to play matchmaker
“And here’s that (f/f) you ordered in advance and for you some (h/f). Happy eating or rather gifting.” 
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itsgrimeytime · 23 days
i found a home in you (part one) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x f!Winchester!reader (SPN)
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker @zomb-1-egutzz @deadgirlrin
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|| Crossover between TWD and SPN ||
Requested by @twostepandhalf
Summary: At the start of the apocalypse (one of many you'd been a part of), you and your brothers got separated. So, you roamed the new world on your own, searching for them. You just knew they were alive, so you kept yourself alive too. That and looking for them were your main priorities. Well, until you run into a group and meet a man you can't quite get out of your head.
TWs: cursing, anti-john winchester, lil bit of misogyny, injuries, blades, guns, threatening someone's life, all things TWD and SPN.
[[A/N: so this is my personal trifecta. I am in love with this concept. This is so exciting for me, it's all my favoritesssss. I hope the audience who will read this enjoys :))) ]]
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Personally, you'd always thought if the world went to shit, you would be with your brothers. It just seemed natural, the three (recently four) of you against whatever monster of the week it was. You'd kind of gotten used to it, to them.
When you were growing up, John (he was never a Dad, especially not yours) dropped you off at Bobby's. Not in the every once in awhile way, like your brothers, he left you there. Something about you being a little girl, like he could condition Sam and Dean, but not you. Because you were a girl.
(Despite what John thought, Bobby did teach you the way of a hunter. After letting you be a kid, though.)
You saw your brothers a lot when you were young, mostly because John disappeared and would drop them off while he did... whatever the hell he did. Hunt, supposedly. And yeah, it got spotty when you were older, Sammy going to college, and Dean stuck to John's side.
But, then, the fateful day came.
"Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."
It all started from there, the three of you stuck like glue. You'd seen their highs and lows, and they had seen yours right back. Your group grew to include a few more faces, and then maybe it shrunk again because of... because people didn't last forever.
All that to say, when the world went to shit, you were with them. Always. Every time. (Even sometimes when they didn't want you to be.)
Except for now.
You'd gone out on a solo hunt. Maybe to clear your head? You couldn't remember. Sam and Dean didn't want you to go, but they were overprotective, big brothers, they never wanted you to go. You told them you'd be fine and would be back in a few weeks, at most.
Long story short, the world went to shit, and you were far away from the bunker. Far away from your brothers.
The thought of it all still made you sick to your stomach. At first, you thought you could make it back to the bunker -just kinda on instincts. Follow the road sort of thing.
And then, your car ran out of gas.
You liked to think that you'd know the land of one state from another, but after a few days of endless trees and the stretch of pavement, you realize that you 100% didn't.
So, your priorities shifted, and you readied up for the long haul. Because somewhere in your chest, you could tell this apocalypse might just be the one that sticks.
With your luck anyway.
You tugged on the thin tree branch, snapping it off the trunk. Your eyes skimmed across the sky, trying to track the sun -the hours of sunlight were important now. Sometimes you missed sleeping in though, you'll admit.
Letting out a long sigh, you gathered up your wood collection and shoved it into your backpack -one you'd spotted in a strip mall. Otherwise, you had your duffle, full of all the... other stuff. Hunting stuff.
Surprisingly, you didn't need a lot of it now. Just an old army knife, kept in your pocket was reminiscent of that life. Dean gave it to you, a long time ago.
Huddling into the little shack you'd found by the road (well, in between a shack and a barn really), you put them all down and pulled out some matches.
It was the hot, humid kind of season then, but still, the night got cold. And if there's one thing you couldn't handle right now, it was getting sick. So, you made a fire -despite the heat feeling a little like it was stuck to your skin. Like maybe you'd never wash it off.
You didn't really think you'd wash any of this off.
Satisfied with the fire, you pulled yourself against the worn wooden walls, tilting your chin up to the sky. Your eyes flicked across the rusted metal roof -eying the scratches and buffs. And with a breath, you closed your eyes for a second.
That was the thing, living in this new world, you were always on edge. Survival mode. Before with Sam and Dean, you had a safe place. Motels, the bunker, Baby. And even if you didn't have a roof over your head, you had them.
They wouldn't let anything hurt you, just like you wouldn't let anything hurt them. And it made you... Without them, it made you afraid. For the first time in a long time, you had no one to watch your back.
So, you lived everyday with heightened senses and numbness to everything that wasn't hunger. You actually don't think you've spoken in weeks, it was a little like you reverted. Like you were how humans were in the beginning, primitive, hunter-gatherers. The shit you see on the nature channel.
On that thought, you opened your eyes back up and pulled your backpack forward -digging through the pockets. Gnawing at your lip, you eyed your rations. It wasn't a lot, you'd probably have to be on the look for more soon. That, or you could spread what you did have over the next few days.
Without another thought, you pulled out a can and with the ease of a breath, pried it open. It was some sort of beans, you didn't really care at this point. Food was food.
Quietly, you ate.
Every time you did though, you missed Dean's food. When he'd cook for everybody. It wasn't just some can of beans-
You turned the can in your hands, eying the label. Not one you'd ever seen before, but yeah, some sort of beans. Baked beans. The kind of stuff you get at a barbecue. You could nearly hear the squeaky styrofoam plates and the smell of charcoal. (The whole thing sent something through you that felt a little like nostalgia and a little like grief.)
Briefly, you wondered if they were healthy. If Sam would tell you they weren't and try to convince you to eat something else. Maybe he'd even snatch them from you.
Would they have even left the bunker? Was that not the safest place in the world?
Well, by now, they would have. You'd been gone for months at this point. Or you think so anyway. (You had been counting, but just lost the point of it.) And realistically, they probably went out to look for you after maybe two weeks. If that.
God, you could imagine them now. Those pinched faces they get when they're worried, Dean ready to kill everything in his way, and Sam with his ever-present hope. You could really picture what Dean was probably saying at this point.
"We're in a damn zombie movie, Sammy!"
You laughed at that, swirling your spoon (you had a few) around your can.
Sometimes, if you focused hard enough, you could perfectly picture them. Dean nursing a beer, flicking through channels in his 'Dean-cave', Cas beside him (trying to follow along with his explanations), and Sam, with at least 5 books on the table in front of him, engrossed in whatever case he'd found.
That was the nice thing about the bunker, the quiet little things and at the same time the hum of people, of family.
You missed it now.
As you sat by your fire, in walls that weren't the bunker's, eating something that your brother hadn't made, you missed it.
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supernatural-dreamer · 6 months
The Unnatural and Unexpected (Embry Call x Black! Reader) Pt. 4
A/N: Hiya everyone! We're baack with another installment. School just started back for me and it's been kicking my butt so apologies for any delays. This part changes focus a little from the main character and is little bit of a filler, but rest assured it's getting juicy... Enjoy! Cheers!
This is set during Eclipse around newborn battle. This is tailored for a African American/Black female reader specifically, however all are welcome to read..
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Imagine being Embry’s imprint and tagging along with the wolves to their newborn training session. However, you’re always in for an unexpected surprise when you’re around Bella..
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Unfortunately she was right. The wound was deeper than anticipated. No wonder why it was hard for you to stop the bleeding. As much as you cared for him, you were silently cursing Embry and Jasper every which way. 
Damn superhuman strength.
Not even fifteen minutes after she walked in the door, Emily had your wound disinfected, helped clean you up, and even started heating up leftovers she brought over. Bless this woman.
“Just one more stitch, I’m almost done, hon. Hang in there.” You winced in pain as she covers up your fresh stitches with a bandage dressing. 
“I at LEAST owe one of them a slap for the fight. This is crazy.” Sitting up gently from the living room couch, Emily helps you into the kitchen. 
“Deal.” She pulls out a small bottle of vodka from her bag with two shot glasses and places them on the counter. You raise an eyebrow, smirking. 
“This is JUST for now until I can get you some painkillers tomorrow. Unfortunately, you’re out of Tylenol and the drugstores are closed.” She shrugs her shoulders at your slight shock and amusement. 
“Being an ex-nurse has its perks. Food’s almost done, you hungry?” 
After finishing up eating and graciously accepting the little alcohol. It was only then you remembered the days earlier events.
As much as you wanted some time, you thanked your lucky stars that the one person you probably needed showed up at your doorstep.
“Sorry about how I answered the door earlier.” Sheepishly, you start to look down at your kitchen floor.
“Nothing to apologize for. Sam told me everything that happened and I came straight over and don’t worry, they don’t know I’m here.” 
“I appreciate it. How’s Embry holding up?” Sighing heavily, Emily places her plate and yours in the dishwasher. 
“Sam, myself, and their partners let him have it after finding out he hurt you. Is he justified in his anger, yes, but he shouldn’t have let it get the best of him.” At this, you bury your face in your hands. This is such a mess. You didn’t mean to cause any of it.
You hear her shuffle to sit next to you as she gently pulls your hands from your face. 
“Hey, NONE of this is your fault. You never asked to be in this situation. The only people at fault here are Embry and Jasper. Jasper chose to keep it from you and both of them hurt you. As much as I love the pack, they do not get to decide anything for their imprints, especially after they hurt them.” It was then you looked up at her. The fluorescent light of the kitchen made the darkness outside look endless.  For the first time, at least to you, her scar was more prominent on her skin. 
“I made the choice to stay with Sam, but you don’t have to. As much as I’m not a big fan of the vampires, I value yours, and the other imprints, well-being above all else.” She pats your shoulder. 
“Now, for the most important question, Comedy or Rom-com?” 
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tags: @fckwritersblock , @zoexme , @abluejay-comments , @solar2solstice
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