#samuel westerns
lirhyapetitpain · 11 months
You know Samuel Sterns but have you heard of...
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Samuel Westerns
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(btw I beg you to watch Old Henry and the Ballad of Buster Scruggs) (the autocorrect mistake is from a friend account so I'm allowed to make fun of them haha)
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kacievvbbbb · 3 months
You know what? the best supernatural spin off would have nothing to do with the Winchesters and instead would be about Samuel motherfucking Colt because dude absolutely had something going on. And was tripping absolute balls all the fucking time
Dude not only builds a literal kills almost all gun (that no one knows how it works exactly), he also built a fucking devil’s gate and the series of railroad tracks that formed a giant devils trap in the middle of fucking nowhere Wyoming that was somehow also a great fucking hotspot to talk with Lucifer in the cage. Why the fuck would he build a devil’s gate and then the devil trap protecting it? Why could this dude not be normal? Not to mention He also fought a Phoenix!!! A Phoenix! The only Phoenix that has ever been reported to exist and whose ashes are the only thing that can kill the literal mother of all monsters. Which he somehow mails to Sam and Dean in the future using a phone from several years in the future that he literally just got earlier that afternoon.
Dude was on some serious shit. Man was definitely receiving the most violently random prophetic visions from god. Dude literally went, it came to me in a dream and built a weapon that’s literally still confounding people generations later and would function as a key to a fucking devils gate that would literally be the first step in so much shit going down in so little time generations later . Wouldn’t have even surprised me if they also said he was responsible for Ruby’s knife.
He also, most importantly, is from the wild wild fucking west!!! How cool would a show about that be? A fucking genius inventor hunts monsters in the Wild West while some being he knows nothing about but deeply suspects is giving him blueprints for big, wild things and weapons for how to stop them, or at least slow them down.
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nihillist-blog · 9 months
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The Hateful Eight (2015)
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pedroam-bang · 5 months
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The Hateful Eight (2015)
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arthurmorganson · 10 days
More OC art! A little art dump collected from my finished sketchbook :)
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handeaux · 3 months
Your Great-Grandparents Huffed Laughing Gas, And People Paid To See Them Trip
For the height of entertainment, early Cincinnatians enjoyed dropping by one of the local museums to watch their fellow citizens get stoned. The intoxicating agent was not cannabis or opium or shrooms, although all were readily available, but nitrous oxide or “laughing gas.”
The Western Museum started the trend. Founded in 1818 as one of the earliest scientific museums in the United States, the Western Museum is the ancestor of our Museum Center at Union Terminal. Regardless of its heritage, the institution struggled throughout its existence. Although stocked with fossils, minerals, Native American artifacts and animal specimens, the most popular attractions were grotesque wax figures and monstrosities like two-headed piglets and eight-legged lambs.
The museum directors, Robert Best and Joseph Dorfeuille, soon learned that lectures on scientific topics sold more tickets if they tacked a laughing gas demonstration onto the end of the program. An advertisement in the Liberty Hall and Cincinnati Gazette [30 November 1822] is typical:
“Messrs. Best and Dorfeuille will lecture on various departments of Natural History, and Natural Science, the latter to be illustrated by a great variety of amusing and instructing experiments; among others, they will frequently repeat the administration of the Nitrous Oxide, which has always proved in so high a degree interesting.”
By 1834, the Western Museum had replaced laughing gas with a waxworks replica of Dante’s Inferno, and found a young man to spice up the infernal regions with flashpots and fireworks. His name was Samuel Colt, and he would later build a huge firearms company. While he lived in Cincinnati, however, Colt was a 20-year-old hustler fascinated by laughing gas. He billed himself as “the Celebrated Dr. Coult of New York, London and Calcutta,” and pumped nitrous oxide into anyone who paid for a ticket. His on-stage antics here made news far away. The Albany, New York, Argus [30 July 1833] reported:
“A certain Dr. Coult is administering the nitrous oxyde gas at Cincinnati, and by way of making the entertainment ‘peculiarly attractive,’ the gas is inhaled by a ‘curiously deformed black man.’”
The Daily Cincinnati Republican & Commercial Register [6 November 1834] assured readers that Dr. Coult’s exhibitions at Frederick Frank’s art gallery on Front Street contained “not the least shade of impropriety,” and insisted – no matter how entertaining the effects – this was all about science:
“Dr. Coult’s exhibition presents some of the most pleasing and laughable scenes one can well imagine. – Although the peculiar effects of Nitrous Oxide keeps the audience in a state of almost continual merriment, yet there is a great chance for the learned and curious to exhaust all their wits in sober contemplation of the effects of Nitrous Oxide upon the human system.”
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Although nitrous oxide had been known and described by English scientists in the 1700s, the gas remained a psychotropic curiosity until its anesthetic properties were discovered in the 1840s. Its potential as an pain reliever was discovered during an on-stage performance by a medical school dropout named Gardner Quincy Colton. Although Colton later built a dental empire by promoting laughing gas for tooth extractions, he stuck with his profitable stage shows for years. In October 1847, Colton filled the auditorium of Cincinnati’s Melodeon Hall over several nights and the Cincinnati Commercial [2 October 1847] reported on the effects of his laughing gas on some selected subjects.
“The effects were different upon different individuals. “A. after the gas bag was removed from his lips, he stood for a moment, staggered about the stage, and finally fell to the floor. “B. commenced dancing a regular hoe-down with arms and legs in the most violent motion, leaping with all his might into the air, and exhibiting the most tremendous strength. This he continued until the excitement wore off. “C., a young merchant on Liberty street, of slight build, at some imaginary insult became enraged and commenced a furious battle upon those on the stage. Small as he was, it took five or six stout men to hold him until the effects of the gas passed away.”
Another subject was rendered “wonderfully polite and self-complacent” and wandered about the stage, rubbing his hands and bowing to the audience, while the next man up erupted in “silly laughter” while staring dumbly at the assembled onlookers. One young lawyer inhaled deeply, then stood in the most erect posture and recited a poem by William Cullen Bryant. According to the Commercial:
“The effects of the Gas lasted from two to five minutes, and seemed to pass off suddenly, dropping the taker of it down from the highest heaven to earth in an instant. We do not know why this gas should be called laughing gas. Most of the persons who took it on Tuesday evening were most solemnly serious. The whole performance passed off remarkably well, nothing occurring of the least unpleasant nature.”
Twenty years later, Doctor Colton was quite successful with his dental franchises, but still presented public demonstrations. On his 1866 tour through the Queen City, Colton not only recruited women as his subjects, but used them to promote his dental practice. An advertisement in the Cincinnati Gazette [17 April 1866] provides a rather shocking description of his show:
“On the above occasion, after the lecture, twelve ladies will inhale the gas, showing its amusing effects. Breathed in small doses, it exhilarates and develops the character. After which Dr. C. will administer it to several ladies in larger doses, producing profound anesthetic sleep during which he will extract their teeth without their knowledge. He will demonstrate that he has ‘a blessing’ to offer to the citizens of Cincinnati.”
Inevitably, once society latches onto some new exhilarant, reports emerge that insanity lurks within the depths of recreational chemistry. Call it the “Reefer Madness” effect. A Mrs. John Boyer of Cumminsville was sent to Cincinnati’s Longview Hospital for the insane in 1871 after weeks of increasingly erratic behavior were attributed to getting a tooth pulled by a Sixth-Street dentist using laughing gas. In 1867, the death of a Mrs. Bolum on Accommodation Street was found, on the result of autopsy, to have been caused by a strangulated hernia, but her family insisted it was dental nitrous oxide. And the Cincinnati Star [30 September 1876] carried this squib:
“There’s a young woman living in Glendale who, her relatives say, has become mildly insane by the use of laughing gas.”
Wasn’t that the whole point of huffing it anyway?
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morgandr · 2 months
Shortly after getting married, you and your husband buy a beautiful farm where y’all have plenty of animals and live out the rest of y’all beautiful marriage in the slow country.
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(Tommy Lee Jones X Reader)
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The Hateful Eight (2015, Quentin Tarantino)
The Hateful Eight is a 2015 film, written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and starring Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Demián Bichir, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Channing Tatum and Bruce Dern.
This is Tarantino's second western film after Django Unchained. The film was announced in November 2013, only to be canceled a few months later when its script was leaked online. Tarantino later rewrote part of the script, changing the ending, and started production, which began filming on December 8, 2014 in Telluride, Colorado.
Distributed in the United States by the Weinstein Company, the director opted for a limited distribution starting from December 25, 2015 in Ultra Panavision 70mm film, a format that has not been used for about fifty years. It was distributed digitally and on a large scale on January 24th, while in Italy the two release dates were respectively January 28th 2016 for the film version and February 4th for the digital one.
It was well received by critics, but did not surpass the box office records of its predecessors Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained. The soundtrack was entirely composed by the Italian composer Ennio Morricone, who received an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA and a Critics' Choice Awards for this work.
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cemyafilmarsiv · 1 year
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The Hateful Eight directed by Quentin Tarantino
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escapismthroughfilm · 2 years
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nine-frames · 1 year
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The Hateful Eight, 2015.
Dir. & Writ. Quentin Tarantino | DOP Robert Richardson
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Samuel Baruch Hallé (German, 1824-1889) Das kleine kokette Mädchen, 1863
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pasta-pardner · 1 year
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THE PROPOSITION (2005, Australia)
ARTHUR: He's right, Samuel. A misanthrope is one who hates humanity. SAMUEL: Is that what we are? Misanthropes? ARTHUR: Good Lord, no. We're a family!
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audiemurphy1945 · 1 year
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I Shot Jesse James(1949)
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movie--posters · 3 months
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arthurmorganson · 7 days
YES!!! I have full lists on foretelling with all my OC details (and half of them aren’t written up yet) but i’ll give you the gist of all of them basically! The main idea is that at one point all their stories intersect and they form a gang (which has a subsequent fallout too). this all takes place around the 1870s-1880s and up. the characters are below the cut!
Elijah Beckett - young, skittish drifter with a knack for maps and traveling. he has a scar that splits his lip open, generously gifted by his drunkard father in a fit of rage. he got his outlaw status by killing his dad in self defense and running away, relying on petty thievery and pickpocketing to make do throughout his travels. he’s a nervous young thing, who doesn’t know that he’ll end up taking after his father, turning more to melancholy than to violence
Marion Lloyd-Wheeler- the pretty lady that asks you if you want to have a good time for a price in the corner of the saloon? that’s a con-man, and he’ll get you drunk and steal all your valuables. he’s also not exactly a man, after playing this persona for so long, feeling conflicted about separating his “job” from his identity. closed off and wonderfully suave, he can talk a dog off a meat wagon.
Jacob Montgomery- the most stubborn man you’ll ever meet. A calculated, skilled bounty hunter whose own ego led to his subsequent fall into outlaw status. Priding himself on managing to kill all his bounties in a timely, efficient manner, he neglected the part where he had to bring multiple people in alive, in turn getting into a kerfuffle that escalated to the point where his partner ended up dead. ever since, he’s gone into hiding, breaking into his stored funds to cope for a year, at the bottom for a bottle. though he soon cleans up his act when a gang comes and takes him in
Wyatt Doherty - a mountain of a man who could crush your head like a watermelon. why would he, though? he hates violence. and yet he finds himself in a troubling predicament, having to illegally take up underground boxing for money to send back to his folks and younger brother in Ireland. a family man through and through, he feels conflicted having to deal with such violence when he promised his parents that he’d go to America to find good, clean farm work and send back every bit of money he makes. a sweet, slightly dim man, but full of love
Dalia Ladrón Ruiz - keep an eye on your horse whenever she’s around because she won’t hesitate to gently coax it away and take it to the nearest livestock market or horse auction and make a pretty penny off it too. a notorious horse thief driven out of Mexico because she stole the wrong person’s horse(s, plural), she finds herself with a rather sizable bounty on her head as she flees towards the wild American west. a strong, determined woman, with an abrasive sense of humor and brutal honesty
Samuel Jude Orson - it’s a miracle a man like him manages to enter his late 40s. a once-notorious outlaw, he managed to flee and leave his past life behind, finding work at a ranch who’s owner asked no questions, and was just happy to have a diligent, working man helping him with daily tasks. quiet, closed off, and blind in one eye, he doesn’t make for a particularly good (or disarming) conversationalist. he will soon realize he has a lot more to deal with when he manages to connect and bond with the ranch owner’s daughter, and finds his own past coming back to haunt him
Willow McCarthy- respective daughter of the ranch owner. a sweet, hardworking farmgirl putting in the work and the muscle to help her dad out at any given occasion, jovial and kind to the bone. she talks the ears off all the helping hands around the ranch, especially one named Samuel. she finds his stories fascinating, but opts to not tell her dad the full extent of her knowledge of Samuel. little does she know her life will shift entirely from what she is used to, getting falsely accused of a crime she knows she didn’t commit. she ends up on the run with her acquaintance-turned-mentor, Samuel, learning to toughen up, and cope with her new outlaw status.
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