#sands of time is just a temple themed escape room
birdsong-18 · 2 years
i would love to see an irl mcc where…
this is ace race:
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this is survival games:
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this is hole in the wall:
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this is parkour tag:
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this is parkour warrior:
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this is sands of time:
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this is big sales at buildmart:
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and, of course, this is dodgebolt:
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and i just want to see mcc irl with streamers who are sweaty gamers, and i wanna see who the buff ones are
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Angela’s “Baby Shower” - a The Rookie Fanfic
At 35 weeks pregnant Angela was over it. She was sick of always having to run to the bathroom.  She was done with the fogginess in her brain interfering with her work. She was over the sore back and hips and feet that came from carrying an extra 30 pounds in her abdomen and she was tired of being so tired after being unable to find a comfortable sleeping position. But mostly she just no longer wanted to feel so different. She hated being too exhausted to go out with her friends after shift and even if she was feeling up for it she always had to get water while everyone else got their cocktail of choice. She was frustrated at being unable to bend down easily when investigating crime scenes and having to rely on others to find all the evidence. She also disliked the attention she got because of her pregnancy. Everybody always seemed to be looking at her belly, asking her when she was due, how she was doing and cooing about the joys of parenthood. She was excited about the baby and couldn’t wait to meet her little bundle of joy but she also craved normalcy, to just feel like herself and be a part of the group instead of sticking out like a sore thumb. So when Wesley pitched the idea of a baby shower to celebrate her and their little one, yet to be born, she vetoed that idea fast and hard. When she shared her reasoning her Fiancé nodded.
“I understand where your coming from but you actually gave me a really good idea for a baby shower that I’m sure you’ll love. Do you trust me?” he asked.
She had nodded and agreed to let him throw her a baby shower with the caveat that she could pull the plug at anytime.
Which brought them to the day of the baby shower, a Saturday, two weeks later.  
Wesley had kept the entire thing a surprise so Angela was thoroughly confused as she watched him unpack a number of crates and garbage bags from the truck and bring them into the downtown park where she sat.
“What is all this?” She asked. 
“You’ll see,” he replied giving her a wink. “Once everyone gets here.”
20 minutes later everyone was there. Lucy, Jackson, Tim, Nolan, and Harper. Grey wanted to come but had to work.
“Welcome everyone,” Wes announced, “today we will be competing to see who is the most badass pregnant person.” At this point everyone including Angela was looking at Wesley like he had grown a second head but he pushed on. “There will be three challenges: an escape room, laser tag and a contraction simulator and you will be divided into two teams. Angela as our guest of honour you get to pick your two teammates.”
“Nyla and Lucy,” Angela said immediately. She still didn’t really understand what they were doing but she had the feeling girl power was the way to victory.
Lucy and Harper excitedly moved over to Angela, giving each other high fives.
“Guess that means we’re a team,” Nolan said draping his arms around Jackson and Tim’s shoulders.
“Great,” Tim replied rolling his eyes. Angela wasn’t sure if he was mad because she didn’t choose him or because he wasn’t on the same team as Lucy either way she was looking forward to kicking his butt.
“OK now the last thing to do before we start the competition is to pregnify everyone,” Wesley stated.
“I feel like I should make some sort of joke about how babies are made but I think I’ll wait to see where you’re going with this,” Nolan offered.
“First everyone put one of these on,” Wesley said as he reached into a garbage bag and brought out a handful of wrap baby carriers which he handed out. Once everybody had theirs on he opened the lids of several storage containers.
“Now everyone, come grab a balloon and put them in your carrier.”
“Wow these are heavier than I expected. What’s in them?” Jackson asked as he lifted a balloon out of the tub.
“They’re full of water and some sand,” Wesley answered, “and they each way exactly 30 lbs, the average amount of weight gained in pregnancy. I weighed them myself.”
“Is that why you asked me where the scale was the other night?” Angela asked
Wesley confirmed before moving on. “Next everyone grab a hoodie to put over your bundle of joy,” he said opening another garbage bag.
“It’s at least 80 degrees we don’t need hoodies,” Tim complained.
“It’s to replicate the heat generated by a growing baby,” Wesley replied, “plus I had a lot of fun with them.”
Tim rolled his eyes but obediently put on the last hoodie.
All the hoodies were bright neon colours (Lucy pink, Harper purple, Jackson green, Nolan yellow and Tim blue) and had pregnancy announcements written on the front in thick black letters: ‘Baby on Board’, ‘Coming summer 2021’, ‘Eating for two’, etc. 
“There’s one for you too if you want it Ange, but you don’t have to wear it,” Wesley said. “Now the last thing, well things,” he added bringing out a bottle of Benadryl and stack of medicine cups, “since I can’t give you brain fog I’m just going to make you drowsy. Everybody take a medicine cup and wash it down with one of these,” he said opening a cooler lid to reveal a stack of 1L water bottles, “the whole thing.”
“I’m going to have to pee so bad,” Lucy joked as she started to drink her water.
“That’s the idea,” Wesley replied.
They spent the next 20 minutes finishing their waters, waiting for the Benadryl to kick in and admiring their new ‘bellies’.
Angela laughed as Jackson yelled “belly bump,” while running then jumping towards Lucy who met him in the air before the force knocked them both off their feet. She laughed even harder watching them try and fail to get up on their own until Wesley came to help them. She happily accepted a belly bum from Jackson once he had taken them down a notch (or several) as did everyone else but Nolan who was excessively protecting his fake fetus, shielding his stomach with his arms and body whenever anybody approached. Angela watched her friends, thoroughly entertained by their antics. She was especially enjoying the effect a visibly pregnant Lucy was having on Tim.  He was constantly stealing glances at her and when she smoothed her hoodie over her stomach and asked him how she looked his cheeks flushed and Angela was pretty sure she heard him stutter. This was confirmed by Nyla who had come up beside her and after a quick poke at Tim started reminiscing about her own pregnancy with Lila, which got the two woman talking and comparing notes. She was vaguely aware of Lucy who had taken her phone out and was now taking pictures and videos of everybody but didn’t fully turn her attention back to the others until Wesley said it was time for the first challenge: the escape room.
They walked to the escape room place which was only about a block away with minimal whining and a lot of perplexed looks from passers by. Once they got there they split into their teams and went to their respective rooms. The girls’ room was sorcerer’s lair themed and overall they got through it pretty smoothly. They had a few bumps in the road: by 20 minutes in they were all crossing their legs trying to hold their pee, Lucy fell asleep once while sitting at a table trying to decode a message and Nyla debated trying to use one of the magic wands in their room to pop her balloon. “Now I remember why I only had one. This was not easy,” she said as she slid down the wall to sit on the floor. But overall they worked together really well and had a lot of fun just talking about anything and everything as they solved all the puzzles and escaped the room. 
 When the girls were done, after a quick trip to the bathroom, they joined Wesley in the control booth to watch the guys via video and they seemed to be having a much harder time.  Jackson was trying to decode the message Lucy had but was becoming visibly more and more frustrated as he rubbed his temples and verbally demanded and pleaded with his brain to work. Nolan was trying to bend down to open a trap door (Angela had opened theirs with a broom handle) but couldn’t quite reach it without nearly falling over. After many failed attempts he eventually used the chair as a support bar to lower himself to the ground then push himself back up once the door was open. Meanwhile Tim kept swearing under his breath as he accidentally knocked various things off shelves and tables with his fake belly when he forgot how far out it reached. Luckily one of the things he knocked off opened when it hit the floor to reveal a key they needed to escape the room, which Nolan was able to retrieve with his new chair technique. Shortly after, Jackson succeeded in decoding his clue and from there they proceeded to finish the room pretty quickly and easily.
After another bathroom break they headed to the food trucks for a quick lunch where they mostly sat in content silence as everyone happily shovelled food into their mouths. This silence was only punctuated by the occasional comment that was either gloating or trash talk or by Tim barking “What are you looking at?” at people eyeing the group.
Next they headed to laser tag. Which Wesley had booked privately, so they had the whole place to themselves. The rules were simple every time you shot a member of the opposing team your team earned a point. First team to 30 won. Everybody seemed to have a good time. Angela laughed at her friends as they tried to sneak up on or out run each other, both techniques that were being significantly impacted by their fake pregnancies. Nolan at one point declared that the more aggressively you waddled the faster you could go and spent the rest of the game darting around like a mad penguin. He was ultimately successful in getting 6 points for his team using this technique which was significantly more than the 1 point he got before implementing it. Jackson on the other hand found a good hiding place in a high traffic area and would shoot the opposing team anytime they came by. Although initially this strategy was very successful and he quickly racked up 10 points, once the ladies realized their vests always lit up red when they passed that area they made a plan and were able to all find and corner him in his hiding spot. By the time he got away they had got 10 points themselves. Tim tried to use a lot of the same techniques he used at work or at paintball but unfortunately for him, although  they were efficient Lucy knew all of them and was able to use that knowledge to her advantage. The girls took a different approach and worked more as a team. They used some techniques from work and also had fun designing and implementing crazy plans, including one of them acting as bait to lure the guys in and the other two blind-siding them. When all was said and done the guys won 30-29. The girls attributed this to Tim and Nolan’s height advantage. They were able to see over all the obstacles but it could also be that the girls were having a little to much fun making elaborate plans that weren’t necessarily the most practical (the gun tricks looked cool but significantly decreased their shooting accuracy). Nonetheless, Angela had the greatest total points with 16. 
Following laser tag everybody was really happy but also extremely exhausted and they outright refused to walk the ten minutes back to the park despite the fact that because they were downtown it would take twice as long to drive their in traffic. While everybody went pee again Wesley walked back and brought the van. 
“I call middle row,” Harper yelled as Wesley pulled into the parking lot. 
“Me too,” West added. 
Angela took the passenger seat which left Nolan, Lucy and Tim to squeeze into the back row. Because Lucy was the smallest she was forced to take the middle seat but it didn’t seem to matter to her as she fell asleep almost immediately and spent the 20 minute ride leaning against Tim, head on his shoulder. They woke her up once they were back at the park but only after they had taken a couple pictures. 
Once they all got out of the van Wesley told them they could take off their hoodies and fake bellies. Tim and  Nyla quickly took off their stuff and helped Wesley set up for the labour simulation. Meanwhile the three newly minted P2’s goofed around. Nolan pretended to be giving birth taking quick breaths and squeezing Lucy’s hand as he pushed his balloon out the bottom of the carrier where Jackson caught it. Then working together the three of them lifted the balloon above their heads and belted out ‘The Circle of Life.’ Following the end of their song they too quickly shed their layers then went to join the rest of the group gathered in front of a folding beach chair that had been set up. 
“Alright everyone welcome to the final and tie-breaking event,” Wesley announced.
“Tied?” Angela questioned. “We beat the guys by at least half an hour in the escape room and they only beat us by one point at laser tag. We are winning.” 
“That’s not how this works babe. But don’t worry because you will be sitting this one out because you have to go through real labor in a couple weeks, I will be taking your spot and I will make sure your team wins.”
“You better,” Angela replied teasingly.
“Alright this is the labour simulator,” Wesley explained holding up a small device, “We stick these electrodes to your stomach and this machine will deliver electricity which will result in fake contracts that range in intensity from 1-10,” he pointed to a dial on the machine. “According to the instruction book 1 is like mild period cramps, 4 is Braxton-Hicks contractions, 8 is full blown labour and 10 is just full blown torture. Whichever team can tolerate the highest combined score wins. Oh and tolerate means experience that setting for at least ten seconds without ripping the leads off your body. Any questions?” When everybody shook their heads he continued. “Who wants to go first?”
“I will,“ Jackson offered making his way to the chair. Wesley stuck the electrodes to his abdomen then he was ready to go. 
He jumped initially on the first setting since he had no idea what to expect but after that he was pretty calm just clenching his jaw as the pain was increased. That is until he got to 6.
“Can I hold somebody’s hand?” he asked, “That’s a thing, right?”
Both Lucy and Nolan immediately stood up.
“How about two hands,” Nolan suggested seeing this.
“Even better,” Jackson replied intertwining his left hand with Nolan’s and his right with Lucy’s. 
This was enough to get him through 7 and 8 as he channeled all his pain into his friends, crushing their hands, but one second into 9 and he immediately pulled the leads off.
“Great job Jackson,” Wesley said as everyone patted him on the back, “Who’s next.”
Lucy went next and didn’t so much as flinch until 5 at which point she decided she was going to try meditation. This helped her through 6 and 7 at which point she too wanted hands to squish. Although both Jackson and Nolan offered, Lucy’ teammates decided it was their job. Between crushing her friends hands and focusing on her breathing she got through 8 rather easily. She clearly struggled more with 9. Jackson, Nolan and Wes were counting down. “Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven,” Angela felt Lucy’s grip loosen in her own. She was going to pull off the leads that is until Tim spoke up, “Come on Chen. You’ve got this. You’re strong,” he said and Lucy’s grip tightened back around Angela’s. “Three, Two, One, Done.” Everybody cheered as Lucy released her team mates hands and opened her eyes. “Sorry team but that’s enough for me I’m not trying 10,” she said as she removed the electrodes from her stomach.
“You did great,” Angela said and patted Lucy’s shoulder.
Tim went next. Rather than closing his eyes he fixed his glare on the machine in Wesley’s hand as if he could intimidate it in to giving up.  He also refused to hold anyone’s hand and instead gripped the armrests of the chair. By the time he got to 8 he was gripping so hard he broke the arm of the chair but still some how managed to maintain a near neutral expression throughout the entire experience. At this point Lucy insisted on holding the hand that had broken the chair. When he pointed out that he was worried he would hurt her she stubbornly grabbed his hand in both of hers, “I’m strong, remember.” With Lucy’s help Tim too made it through 9 and like his former rookie decided to end it there.
Harper went next. Although she was clearly in pain she was able to do 10 by focusing on her breathing, holding her friends hands and thinking about Lila. 
“How did you do that?” Jackson asked awe in his voice.
“When I was in labour with Lila I had contractions that were at least the intensity of 8 that lasted a minute each for like eight hours. One ten second one is a piece of cake.”
“You didn’t have an epidural?” Nolan asked
Harper shook her head, “I was being stubborn. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.”
“You’re very impressive, but I have nothing to prove to anyone. I’m getting an epidural,” Angela offered. 
“You do what’s right for you,” Nyla replied patting her friend on the back, “ You’re going to do great.”
Nolan went next. He was practically jumping out of the chair by the time it got to 6 and at 7 he was writhing around so much he actually managed to tip the chair over. The fact that he ended up in a tangled mess on the ground was probably the only reason he made it through 7 without ripping the electrodes off. He did his best on 8 but despite having everyone around him either holding his hand or holding him down he only made it five seconds.
“OK the guys got 7+8+9 that’s 24. We already have 19 so all you have to do is get through 6 babe,” Angela said to Wesley.
It should have been easy. The pain wasn’t that bad, but it was in his abdomen and it was just a little too similar to the pain he experienced when he was stabbed. He was starting to get flashbacks but he wanted to do this for his fiancé, the love of his life and mother to his unborn child. He was going to do this for Angela even when she told him it was OK, that she understood, that he didn’t need to push through this trauma for her but he wanted to. So despite the fact that his whole body was pale, we was dripping with sweat, dizzy and short of breath with tears streaming down his face he pushed through his ten seconds at 6 with steely determination. At this point Angela pulled off the electrodes for him then pulled him into a hug. All her friends wrapped themselves around the couple and they stayed like that until Wesley was feeling better. 
“I didn’t get any prizes so bragging rights will have to be enough,” Wesley admitted.
“The day was prize enough,” Lucy offered, “I had a blast, we should do stuff like this more often.”
“Does that mean you’re not going to rub it in?” Jackson asked.
“Not a chance,” she replied.
“How about because we won we get to meet the baby first?” Nyla suggested.
“That’s fair,” Angela agreed, “but what do I get?”
“Presents,” Nyla said handing Angela her baby shower present. 
After Angela opened her presents which mostly consisted of clothes and books and toys for the new baby everybody headed home to get some rest.
“Thank-you,” Angela said giving Wes a quick kiss, “For today. I really needed it.”
And she meant it. She had been feeling alone, helpless, and inadequate. But today reminded her about all the people who love her, about the strength that comes with working together. It reminded her that it’s ok to be imperfect, stressed, struggling but also to be goofy, to let loose and have fun. After today she finally felt like her self again and that woman was going to be a great mother.  
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thelovelylolly · 4 years
Savior (Part 2)
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Part 1
Summary : You and Obi-Wan started a secret relationship after your first interaction in your penthouse. You two flew between your planet and Coruscaunt to visit each other. But as the war picks up, you and Obi-Wan start to drift apart until one day everything went downhill. The jedi were killed and so you assumed Obi-Wan was dead, grieving him privately. But when the Empire plans on blowing your planet to shreds, you are sent away. What happens when you crash land on Tatoonie?
Warnings : Very lightly mentioned adult themes, typical star wars violence and (sadly) death, angst (?), and kind of a happy ending
Note : Thank you to @lilbabyhoneypot​ for the story idea! Hopefully this is a good ending! Sorry if this isn’t what you expected.
Your relationship with Obi-Wan was so amazing, but it had to be a secret. At first, it was hard to keep up making excuses to travel to Coruscaunt for your father but once he retired and gave the throne to you, it was easier. Of course, you requested Obi-Wan and his apprentice to attend your coronation. You and Obi-Wan “celebrated” later that evening.
You allowed him to continue to call you ‘princess’ since you were obsessed with him calling you that. Obi-Wan didn’t mind at all. You spent a lot of your time in Coruscant, for Obi and for political reasons, so after a long day, Obi-Wan would walk into your penthouse and collapse onto the couch. He would call you over and you almost always had tea ready to go. It was just a peaceful, quiet relationship.
But all good things must change.
Obi-Wan was always hopping planet to planet, fighting battles with his clone squadron. You sent him short holo-videos of yourself to cheer him up, which he treasured. He sent you videos as well, but they were short and inconsistent. You didn’t mind, but you missed him so much. 
Obi-Wan was currently on Utapau, hopefully defeating General Grevious and getting very very close to ending the war. You were excited because after the war, you could relax a bit. Get a break from all the politics. The only thing that bothered you was when Obi-Wan left. Usually, he would spend the night before with you, doing whatever you wanted. In the morning, you two would eat breakfast together with tea (of course) then he was off on his mission. But this time, he just sent you a message when he was on his was to Utapau. It was eating at you, was he trying to distance himself from you? Did he start to lose feelings?
Standing on your balcony, you took a breath of crisp Coruscant air to try to clear your mind. It was night time, which meant lights were on everywhere. Your eyes were watching speeders zoom by below you when something unusual caught you eye. You shifted your gaze to the jedi temple and saw smoke escaping it. In a panic, you quickly grabbed your red cloak and raced down to your speeder in the garage, speeding off to the temple.
You parked your speeder on a small dock, getting out to walk into the temple. But you were stopped by clones. “What’s going on? What happened?” You asked.
“The jedi have been declared enemies of the republic, you need to leave, ma’am.” One clone explained. Suddenly, a young padawan jumped over them and started to deflect the blaster shots with his lightsaber. You watched in horror as the padawan got shot in the abdomen multiple times. 
“No!” You exclaimed, crouching down and pulling the dying child into your lap. You watched as life slowly escaped the padawan, his eyes staying open as his took his last breath. You sighed sadly and closed his eyes, laying him down gently. You stood back up. “What have you done?! He was a child! Where are the other padawans?” You yelled.
“General Skywalker took care of them.”
“Anakin....what? No...”
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” The clone paused for a moment to aim his blaster at you, along with the others. “It’s time for you to leave.”
You nodded and quickly went back into your speeder, taking off. 
You had called Bail Organa to your penthouse since he also went to the jedi temple. You sat on your couch, you mind going into dark territory since you thought Obi-Wan was dead. “Bail, we need to get the senate to stop this.” You spoke up.
“No, we need to find any surviving Jedi to see what they want to do. I think the Chancellor ordered this to happen.” Senator Organa replied, sitting down next to you.
“I don’t think any survived.”
“Were you close to any of them? I noticed you always requested Obi-Wan to be your jedi guard.”
“Promise not to tell?” Bail nodded in reply. “Me and Obi-Wan have a secret relationship, but with the clones turning on the jedi, I don’t think he survived. His own apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, killed younglings at the jedi temple.”
It went silent, the only noise being the busy city outside. “Return to your planet, I’ll do what I can here. You need to be there in case someone or something wants to attack.” Bail said, breaking the silent.
You both stood up, embracing each other, then Bail left. You began to pack up your things. Before you left, you wrote a quick note in case Obi-Wan did survive and came looking for you. Then you boarded your usual ship and went home to your planet.
Years passed and the Empire rose to power. Bail Organa didn’t contact you, but the sith lord Darth Vader did. He forced you to put your planet under imperial rule, which basically meant you were just a puppet for Vader. You were sick of it. 
You laid awake in your large bed at night, moon light slipping in through a window. You stared at your ceiling, your covers feeling cold. You were haunted by things. Obi-Wan being presumed dead, that padawan dying in your arms, watching the temple burn and hearing of the Empire rising. Your bed felt empty without Obi-Wan next to you, but you didn’t know what else you could do except try to move on and serve your planet. You father had passed due to age which left you alone. Alone in a galaxy that seemingly hated you.
The next day, Darth Vader himself decided to visit the planet. Usually, it was a high ranking imperial but this time, Vader wanted to come. You were dressed in one of your usual extravagant dresses, your crowing sitting on your head. You kept your chin up, you weren’t intimidated by a sith lord. “Darth Vader, what brings you to my planet?”
“I came to check in on things, some of my men have heard of protests against the Empire here.” Vader replied.
You crossed your legs and leaned back. “I haven’t heard of such things, I’m sure my people are obedient to me, their ruler.” 
“Must I remind you that the Empire rules this planet.”
“I’m not useless, Vader. It’s my planet, the throne is my birth right, you can’t change that.”
“I suggest you don’t speak like that. I know how you used to act in the senate, Obi-Wan used to support it, didn’t he?”
You shot up from your throne from the name of your old lover. “You shall not speak of Obi-Wan to me. Leave. Now.” You ordered. Darth Vader simply turned around and started to walk out, but stopped to talk to a imperial that was apart of your council on your planet.
“Ready the Death Star. We will destroy the planet tomorrow.” And with that, Lord Vader left. You looked beside you at your advisors, confused.
That night, you met with your council (minus any imperials) to discuss how to avoid people’s death. They decided that you would leave first, then they would start evacuations of everyone else. You were to pack that night then depart at first light. So that’s what you did.
You and a few other higher ups boarded a ship and were to be flown to a different planet that wasn’t on the Empire’s radar. It was supposed to be a easy and safe trip. Key words : supposed to be.
You were flying over a sandy planet when imperial tie fighters began to shoot at your ship. “We’re going to have to crash land, your majesty!” The captain yelled. 
You were shoved into a safe room while everyone else braced for impact. The safe room was essentially a escape pod in case the ship crashed, which was going to happen. But due to the impact, you blacked out.
When you woke up, you slipped out of the little pod to be met with so much sand and sun. You looked around for anyone else but saw the ship covered in black smoke. You couldn’t bring yourself to go look for anyone, you already lost so much. You didn’t know how long you were out but you decided to start walking. To where, you didn’t know, you just needed to make some sort of progress. You flipped up your brown cloak’s hood and started to walk in the hot sand.
It had to be hours since you started walking and you saw nothing. It was hard to walk since you were in a simple dress. You felt like someone was watching you while you walked by a small group of mountains, but you couldn’t bother to investigate. The heat was overbearing and you felt dehydrated, your steps became slower and you felt like your feet were on fire. You couldn’t keep going so you just let you body take the wheel. Your body hit the sand as your vision blurred. You slowly closed your eyes, accepting the worse.
You opened your eyes but you weren’t in the desert anymore. You were in a sandy little house, on someone’s bed. Your head hurt, causing you to groan and close your eyes again. You heard someone walk in and over to you. “I brought you something to drink, hopefully it’ll help.” A voice said, helping you sit up and drink a cool liquid, most likely water.
You easily drank the entire cup. “You are lucky you fell where you did, anywhere else you sand people would probably take you. What are you doing out in the desert, princess?”
Your eyes shot open and there in front of you was Obi-Wan, well and alive. His hair and beard had grown a little bit with a few bits of white mixed in. His eyes were just as gentle as the last time you saw them. You quickly pulled Obi-Wan in for a hug, which he gladly returned. You two held each tight and close. 
“Obi, I missed you so much. I thought you were dead. Bail Organa didn’t contact me after the jedi temple was burnt down and I left. I-” Obi-Wan cut you off by kissing you. It was sweet and deep and passionate. You tilted your head to deepen the kiss, but after a few moments you two had to separate for air.
“You didn’t answer my question. What are you doing on Tatoonie, princess?” Obi-Wan asked.
“The Empire destroyed my planet, or at least planed to. My council decided it was best if me and a few other higher ups escaped. But we were shot down and crashed down here, I was the only one who survived. Why didn’t you contact me?” 
“Because the empire would come looking for me. Padme gave birth to twin’s so be and Senator Organa each took one into hiding from Anakin. I gave his son to the Lars who live not too far away. But Anakin turned to the dark side and was the reason all of this happened.” 
“Wait what? I thought Anakin died. Darth Vader told me that when I asked about him.”
“Oh dear, Anakin became Darth Vader. I- I watched him burn on Mustafar. It scars me to this day.” Obi-Wan sounded like he was on the verge of crying. “I thought- I thought I lost you in the chaos. Bail told me you were sent back to your planet but we didn’t know if you were safe. I’ve been so alone for so long.”
You cupped Obi-Wan’s cheek in your hand. “Obi, I’m so sorry. It looks like I don’t have anywhere else to go, maybe now we could continue our relationship now. I love you so much, I don’t want you to feel alone.” 
Obi-Wan gave you another kiss then a hug. “Thank you.” He said, muffled by him putting his face in the crook of your neck. 
After that, you and Obi started to a have a peaceful life. You and him were able to openly have a relationship, even though there wasn’t anyone to show off to. Sure, both of you had those nights where you had nightmares or stayed up crying, but you had each other now. Sometimes it would lead to you falling asleep in each others arms, other times it would lead to other things. Even with the empire ruling the galaxy, as long as you had Obi-Wan, you would be fine.
“Hey, Obi?”
“You do know I love you, right?”
“Yes, I do. I love you, too, princess.”
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dany36 · 3 years
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not me crying throughout the entire ending of skyward sword 😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧❤️ it’s gotta be one of my favorite zelda endings ever. more junk thoughts about the whole game below:
soooo i finally finished skyward sword. last time i played it was the year it came out...so in 2011. playing it again after 10 years was just pure joy. it reminded me why i love zelda games and why above all, i am a zelda fan at heart.
i know ss is not very liked within the zelda community, but idk, despite its flaws, i still love it. it just felt so good to play a zelda game that ACTUALLY felt like a zelda game. so first, i'll talk about the things i DID like:
- the story. i think SS has one of the stories that has hooked me the most in zelda games. even though i already knew what was gonna happen, it still kept me wanting to play to see all those sweet, emotional-heavy cutscenes. seeing how much link and zelda mean to each other right from the beginning is just something you don't find in any other zelda game. there are just so many fucking good cutscenes in this game, it's hard for me to pick a favorite: meeting impa for the first time and her berating you for being late, impa and ghirahim fighting at the gate of time as they try to escape, zelda explaining to link who she is and her going into a deep slumber (one of the best cutscenes in all of the series in my opinion...link's emotions when zelda seals herself away are unmatched!!!), zelda waking up and reuniting with everyone only to be interrupted by ghirahim and link being FURIOUS!!!, and well, just the entire ending sequence itself (more on that later). like holy shit, the game might be linear as fuck but every cutscene within the story just had me glued to the tv. skyward sword just does so well in actually showing the characters' emotions, i really really hope we see more of that in the botw sequel or i will be severely disappointed yet again in this area.
- the music. SS might not have the strongest OST in the series, but man, it still has some gems. fi's theme, island in the sky, lanayru mining facility (<3!!!!!), and lanayru sand sea are some of the songs that just evoke some deep emotions within me, ESPECIALLY lanayru sand sea. i already mentioned it before but that song is one of the reasons why i love playing through the sand sea portion the most. it's such an effective song at actually immersing you in the environment, and honestly has got to be one of my favorite songs in any area of the series.
- the motion controls. yes, i actually love the motion controls and i played it on the switch with the motion controls the entire time. i just loved it whenever i had to use the bow by pulling back on the left controller to mimic pulling the string of the bow. also i find that aiming the clawshots, bow, slingshot etc. with the motion controls is more enjoyable/easier than the control stick. it's one of the reasons why i love the metroid prime trilogy on the wii, i just can't imagine playing that with a traditional controller set up after playing it with motion controls! also, not sure if i'm remembering wrong, but i think botw also let you aim the bow with the motion controls, and honestly i just love that lol.
- the dungeons. they were a bit easier than i remember them being, but again, it felt good to play through these dungeons because they actually felt like your typical, zelda dungeon. my favorite ones were the lanayru mining facility and the sandship, my god especially the sandship. i had forgotten how freaking great that whole dungeon is. the mining facility's music has the best dungeon music in my opinion, and the theme of switching between the past and the present to solve puzzles (with the music changing!!) is like having the spirit temple from oot on crack: it's just so damn good, and the fact that we get TWO dungeons centered around this theme is just perfection. also loved the concept of the last dungeon and having to shift the rooms around to get to the triforce pieces.
- the silent realms. honestly i remembered them being way harder haha, but i guess i just really sucked back then. i was dreading playing through them but after getting past the first one, they weren't that panic-inducing as i thought! i had a lot of fun doing them and were a nice change of pace from your typical dungeons. i think i only died once in all the silent realms and it was a dumb death, so yeah, i was actually sad when i got to the skyloft silent realm since i knew it was gonna be the last one!
- the characters. i guess this kind of ties into the story point above, but maaaan i love all of the main characters in this game, and even some NPCs had their time to shine (skipper best npc ever?). i won't go into how great groose's character development is because people have articulated it better than i could ever have, but seeing how his character becomes an important part of the plot just never ceases to amaze me at how well it was done. the zelda in this game has to be one of my favorite zeldas ever (up there along with ST Zelda and TP Zelda), and past impa is just so fucking badass and her design is AMAZING. fi's comments throughout the game would get annoying but her ending cutscene redeemed her for me. ALSO granny. who DOESN'T love her???
- the ending. wow i didn't expect to cry at the game's ending but there i was, sobbing like a fool. just everything about it was perfect: fi's emotional goodbye (😭😭😭😭😭), zelda giving impa her bracelet and then realizing that granny is in fact impa from the past!!! (i remember this blowing my fucking mind when i first beat the game), groose's devastating reaction to granny's...death?, everyone reuniting outside the temple and just being so happy...it's like, i think most zelda games have a rather bittersweet ending, and while SS's ending did have its sad moments, there was still plenty of happiness to go around. like, tp's ending with midna breaking the mirror of twilight and link leaving ordon and ilia behind, or oot link being sent to the past AND navi leaving him, tww's ending of hyrule flooding, link's awakening's entire ending wtf...but instead here we FINALLY get what we set out to do in the first place: link and zelda finally being together at peace and just being so happy to be with each other at last!!! aldjflaskjdf. oH, and the bit of them showing what zelda went through when she reached the surface.... A++++++. had completely forgotten about that part but it was just so cool and interesting to see it from zelda's POV! AHHH honestly i could talk go on and on about how much i loved the ending aldjflasjdfasdf.
ok! now for the things i didn't like:
- how linear it is. probably the game's biggest weakpoint. i don't mind playing linear games, but the lack of freedom to explore in the game is so strange given how important that has been in past zelda games. people have talked about this so much so i won't go too much into it, but yeah, sadly this has become the most pointed out flaw in the game, i think.
- the dragons. my god were they disappointing. i had forgotten that Din even existed, and their appearance in the game was an utter joke compared to Faron or EVEN Lanayru. i don't know what it is about nintendo not being able to properly insert dragons into the plot to actually make them stand out (botw's dragon appearances sucked ass as well), but they just haven't gotten it right. i seriously laughed at how short and stupid and just insignificant din's appearance is in the game...they didn't give them ANY sort of quest to go through (like helping lanayru recover or both times you encounter faron), and i think they appear for like 3 minutes tops in the game. seriously a joke. i have no idea if SS's development was rushed but this portion sure felt like they ran out of time to give Din something meaningful to do in the game.
- lake floria. i guess this ties into how linear the game is, but man, this section was so short and so uninspiring, it was just unsatisfying and to play through. at least lanayru gorge was fun (timeshift stones saving the day yet again), but swimming through lake floria with nothing else to explore around it was boring and brought nothing new or exciting to the table.
- lack of caves/puzzles to explore. one of my favorite things about tp's overworld (and other 3d zelda games, hell, even the wind waker with its tiny islands!) is the caves and puzzles within them that are scattered throughout: that one cave where you have to push the ice blocks, the section where you use the iron boots to jump down through a series of magnets to get to the end, and the area where you use the spinner along a series of rails are some of my favorite pieces of hearts to get in that game. sadly, skyward sword has none of those fun moments. instead we just get some rather obvious goddess cubes to get to easy-to-reach treasure chests in the islands in the sky with really no effort or puzzles behind them.
- the islands in the sky. this ties back to how linear the game is and the lack of places to explore, but the islands in the sky are just a sad sight to behold, especially knowing that even though tww also had small areas like these scattered throughout the great sea, the islands still had something unique/fun to do in them, but here they are just pieces of land that have treasure chests out in the open with really no challenge behind them. oh well. at least the music that plays in the short while you're there is gorgeous to listen to.
- the reused portions of eldin volcano. so SS makes you go through its three main areas three times throughout the game: once while searching for zelda, then when powering up the sword, and finally when getting the song of the hero or whatever. the faron revisits were alright, and lanayru's were the best, but eldin's was just.....what? climbing the mountain three times in different ways? like i get what they were trying to do but it's like oh wow, i have to climb the mountain YET again? first normally, then with that robot, and then when you lose your weapons. just felt kind of tedious overall to me and were the sections of the game i enjoyed the least.
- the harp. i know 3d zelda games have been big on having instruments as part of the plot, but i think the harp has to be the weakest entry thus far (or maybe tied with wolf link's howling...idk). when compared to the wind waker, the ocarina of time, or even the spirit flute, it just pales in comparison. the melodies are weak (can't remember a single one), you don't really use the harp outside of major plot points (goddess walls are optional so i don't really count them), and strumming back and forth just isn't as fun as the other instruments that have been in the series. so the harp gets a big meh from me.
ok whew! had a lot of thoughts about this game that i felt i needed to pour out, but like i mentioned, despite the flaws of the game, i would still much rather play through SS than botw again: the characters, story, and dungeons are enough to make me want to replay it. it's still a game i enjoy very much and will always hold a special place in my heart. if ss and botw were to have a baby, it'd be such a perfect zelda game, i think. with that said, time to think about what game i will play next!
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twisted-imagines · 4 years
Sup! Can you write headcannons about silver and a s/o with insomnia if you’re not busy?
Yay! First requests! Hehe I'm happy~
A small scenario and general headcanons are coming your way, precisely because I have a lot of free time right now~ There's not much information on Silver right now, but I tried my best. Thank you veeery much for requesting, I hope I was able to write this piece to your liking. Please enjoy!❤ (You can also send me anonymous asks now, in case any of you feel more comfortable that way.)
Silver and a s/o with insomnia
There it was again. Your mind was buzzing with thoughts like a beehive again, despite your body being near it's limits after the long day. Even though your eyes were hurting as if they were thrown at least a kilo of sand at, you still couldn't close them and rest. Instead you were looking at the face of your dear boyfriend, quietly sleeping beside you. You spent your free day together, mindlessly walking through the college grounds, eating at cafeteria, watching birds at the square, listening their joyous songs and just enjoying each other's company. It was a perfect date, you couldn't help but smile a little remembering it and how Silver almost fell asleep several times. You used to be offended, it made you question whether you were that boring, but with time you learned that there was nothing malicious behind it and started to admire this trait of his.
Maybe you were even a tad bit jealous of it, as you lay in the bed in his room, where he invited you to absentmindedly at the end of the day. He didn't lie, about how he wouldn't attempt anything, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows, which left only you wide awake and unable to sleep.
Silver was very pretty like that, you had to note: his chest was rising in steady rhythm; soft lips, you kissed them today plenty of times, permitted only the quietest of snores out; his face completely relaxed. If you didn't know better you would think a silverhaired angel was sleeping near you. Your restless mind grew quiet just a bit observing Silver, but that wasn't satisfying at all, not if you wanted to get up to your classes tomorrow. You signed crestfallen, and shifted for ninth time that night to try and find a better pose, that would hopefully allow you to sleep.
Maybe it was the sound of your distress, the movements on the bed or his own intuition, but Silver woke up from his dreams to see you frowning and fidgeting, clearly not sleeping at all.
"Hey, [Name], are you asleep? "
His voice was nothing more than a whisper, but your eyes snapped open instantly, and that's when he knew something was wrong. Still groggy from waking up at the middle of the night, the boy moved closer to you, his hands slowly hugging you to his chest. You felt a warm peck on your forehead.
"Why 'r u 'wake? Nightmare?"
His words were slurred, said in a sigh, but they held comfort and care like none other.
"Can't fall asleep. I have nights like that often."
Your own words sounded harshly to your ears, not like your boyfriend's feather light questions, who grunted in response to let you know that he heard what you said. For a few moments there was a complete silence, and you, somewhat sadly, thought that he had fallen asleep once again, but instead Silver rose up together with you. You could see how he was struggling to chase away the sleep and it definitely didn't sit right with you.
"What are you doing?! If you wake up right now, you may not fall asleep later!"
You whisper scolded him, since it was not in your plans to make one more person suffer from lack of sleep that night.
"Heh, believe me, that's the least likely to happen with me of all people. "
With you in his firm, but gentle grip, Silver sat on the bed and looked curiously at the clock on his nightstand.
"Wow, it's already so late... Early? If you hadn't fallen asleep by now, remaining in the bed won't help. Let's go~"
The boy yawned before getting up and taking his coat from the chair. To your unvoiced question "Where to?" he replied:
"Outside. I remember reading it from somewhere, that a walk and fresh air can help sometimes. Come on, give me your hand."
The warmth of his hand encompassing yours, and his caring worlds nearly made you, so tired and frustrated, cry, but you followed his lead out of the room and to the hallway.
It was considerably colder there; not enough to make you freeze, just to freshen up a little, not to mention the cozy coat that Silver has thrown on your shoulders when you exited his room. The Diasomnia dorm was a different sight at night, still as solemn and majestic, with mysterious atmosphere, but the magic curling at the empty corridors, crawling on the floors, slipping around the corners, evading the green light of magical lanterns was almost palpable. Were you alone, you would scramble back to the room, the oppressing aura of the dorm was too much for you, and that meant something coming from the person, who lived in the infamous Ramshackle dorm. But with Silver at your side, your hand in his, you felt more at peace, not as fearful of descending further into the darkness of Diasomnia hallways.
When the boy stopped walking and moved to open the window, you understood where you had been led to it. It was a spacious balcony in one of the towers. It had a spectacular view, allowing you to take in the image of dorm grounds at night.
You could never imagine it to be so grandiose under the moonlight. The scenery looked straight out of a fairy tale. You neared the window in awe, your tiredness and bad mood were taken away with the heavy blow of wind. You shivered a little, but soon felt warm hands embrace you from behind. Silver's torso was against your back, and his chin was resting on your shoulder. He didn't say a word, most likely slowly falling asleep, just like he always did when he peacefully held you in his arms. You were his haven, a person who brought peace to his heart no matter what, with whom he could always feel himself comfortable and relaxed and he genuinely wanted for you to experience it too.
"Does it happen very often?"
His question was nearly carried away with the wind, before you heard it thought the state of serenity you were currently in. A deep sigh escaped you.
"Almost every night. Even if I fall asleep fast, I wake up at night and just wait for the morning, it's impossible to return to sleep. It's very tiring..."
It pained him to no end to see you so distressed, he couldn't bear to see his loved one hurt. He asked you a few other questions, determined to pry more details.
He made a resolution to learn more about the ways he could help you, maybe about remedies not traditional to you, especially in the field of magic. If he, a wizard from the Diasomnia, couldn't help you, surely an immense mistake was made in the dormitory's description, and it didn't hold the most proficient at magic personalities. Silver hugged you even closer placing a kiss to your temple. His voice was like a lullaby in your ear.
"When you're in pain, or struggling with something, I want to know about it. So, please, from now on, tell me about it, okay? I want to help you in any way I can. I'm your boyfriend after all."
His last replica embarrassed you to no end, even more than the following kiss to your cheek. So cheesy, yet so sweet, you didn't manage to keep yourself from laughing out loud. Compared to how nonchalant he sounded before, you could hear how bashful Silver became right away. You wanted to see his face so bad at the moment, but he prevented you from turning around, tightening his grip even more.
"Suddenly laughing like that...Was it so funny to you? Geez..."
A thud at your shoulder inspired an even funnier picture in your mind of a white cat burying it's head in it's paws. Nobody said anything anymore, relishing in the presence of the other. Calming melody of the wind and Silver's warmth started to lull you bit by bit. Your eyelids became just a bit heavier, mind pleasantly silent for a change.
"Think you can rest now? Not like you have left a lot of time, but it's better than nothing."
You heard Silver's voice and nodded. One way or another, tomorrow will be a hard day for you, but this impromptu walk improved your mood quite a bit.
"Sure. Let's head back. But before that-"
Silver, who was half-asleep at that point could only smile at the feeling of your lips on his.
"Thank you, Silver."
The boy in question only grumbled, before his weight started to slowly slide down on you.
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• No need to mention, how exhausted you were, after Silver refused to wake up at any cost and you had to drag him back to his bed. You fell asleep from the complete lack of energy that night, and while it was not what Silver intended, you were able to survive at least to the end of morning classes.
• The boy himself was present at his own classes only on physical level, though nobody was surprised enough by that sight to question what he was doing at night. Gladly, he recovered enough energy to spend it on something he swore to do last night - learn more about your insomnia.
• He browses through books, internet resources and goes as far as asking Malleus and Lilia about the ways he can help you.
• While he does gain a lot of useful(and a few misleading ones from Lilia) advices, he still integrates some classic habits to his routine with you: he prepares beverages like hot cocoa or milk for you, cuddles and massages you when you stay at his room.
• He doesn't mind you shifting in bed or causing some noise when you sleep together, but he's also not best at keeping you company at night time, even if he sincerely wants to sometimes.
•He tries to help you with your studies as much as he can, searching for his old notes or revising the material together with you. Though it sometimes leads to you reading and explaining your exam themes to a completely clocked out Silver... You don't hold it against him.
• While he's your complete opposite in sleeping routine, he's very sympathetic and worries about you. Silver is completely understanding of how you may not have energy for anything at times, your health takes priority to him.
• If he notices your insomnia getting worse he won't shy away from using the spells Malleus shared with him. As long as it's of any benefit to you, he's not going to withhold it. But those are still drastic measures, and he discusses it with you prior.
• Being the one awake most of the time, you help him to stay conscious at crucial moments, and search for him, when you suspect that he has fallen asleep somewhere he shouldn't and he's thankful for that.
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js116 · 3 years
Silent Planet’s Everything Was Sound
22 May 2021
A wee bit of background before we get to the main event:
Silent Planet is an American post-rock metalcore band from California headed by retired psychologist/therapist Garrett Russell, and Everything Was Sound is their second studio album. Released in 2016, this concept album did nothing short of blow my mind; the total runtime is 41 minutes, but it took me a couple hours to write out everything I picked up from each song. 
Everything Was Sound has thirteen tracks, standard, so that is the album I listened to for this review! For the purpose of sticking with the album’s story concept, I’ll be adding my standout lyric quotes with the description of the song, rather than sticking them at the end. 
- I want to post a warning before I get into this album: this one covers topics some may view as disturbing. There are mentions of death, suicide, war, several mental disorders including depression and eating disorders), politics, and generally dark themes. This is where you should stop reading if any of these will bother you. -
The concept for this album revolves around the idea of the “panopticon,” which describes a circular prison surrounding a central guard tower. There are bright lights shining down from the tower so that the prisoners cannot see into the tower, where they are told there are guards watching them constantly. The prisoners are isolated from the guards and each other, being unable to see into the tower or other cells due to the walls and the lights. This setup removes the autonomy of the prisoners, and the paranoia that the guards are constantly watching (whether there are truly guards in the tower or not) removes the will to try to escape or act out. 
This concept is introduced in the first track of the album, Inherit the Earth. This first song begins by referencing the events of the previous album’s last track (Depths II from album The Night God Slept, in which the viewer has a vivid vision in the forest before falling asleep) as having happened only a few hours before, and now the viewer is waking up in the woods to find it is starting to rain. The viewer (us) stumbles through the rain and the forest under they find a structure: the panopticon. They enter the prison to escape the weather, and so we are pulled into the story of the album -- a metaphor for the human condition. 
“We inherit the earth, we inherit the war / I inhabit the wound, I dwell in the harm / Oh how far we fall: We’re casualties of time / Oh how far we fall: Forgive existence.”
The second track, Psychescape, (and each subsequent song, except the last one) introduces us to the contents of one of the cells: Schizophrenia. The theme of this song is paranoia and delusion, and the tower’s lights and watching guards are revealed to us; there are two distinct, conflicting voices. 
“I waited on the tracks of reason / But my train of thought never came / It never came.”
“Scrawled across the walls the suffering saint cries out: / ‘Is it madness to retreat from the myopic gaze that holds us captive?’”
Dying In Circles, the third track and second cell, holds the prisoner Organized Religion. Heavily rooted in Biblical principles, I was surprised to find this track used those principles to highlight and call out the hypocrisy of the modern church; the gatekeeping, neglect of those in need, the isolation of outsiders. Silent Planet calls on systematic religion (particularly modern Christianity) to return to its original purpose: to care for others, rather than turn them away or determine their worth as an organization. They are charged with trading their religious superiority for the awe and compassion for humanity they once had; to return to being a religion about the life of God, rather than being solely about his death. I really do love the idea of the “Image of God” being represented by a homeless person sleeping on church steps. 
“Beside the shadow of a frozen chapel / Under the marriage of cross and crown / Outside the privilege of the ‘chosen ones’ / The Image of God is sleeping on the ground.”
“We are the eulogy at the funeral of God.”
“Trade your certainty for awe.”
The fourth track took me for a spin, personally, as I’ve encountered the prisoner described here myself. Understanding Love as Loss opens with a few brief lyrics outlining the suicides of writers Sylvia Plath (“Searching for solace in a toxic temple--” death by toxic inhalation), Earnest Hemingway (“Fragments of lead climbing through your head--” death by shotgun to the skull), Virginia Woolf (“Stones load your coat as you wade through the winter current / Dancing with the dead on the riverbed--” death by drowning), and David Foster Wallace (“Wanton hanging of the wise pale king.” death by hanging). 
The line immediately following the deaths of these writers stuck out to me, as a fellow writer who has struggled with depression: “And I see myself.”
The title of the song explains that love is sacrifice; you lose a piece of yourself when you love someone else. Lose that piece, Silent Planet urges in this song; lose that piece to another person instead of losing yourself to your suffering. 
Lead vocalist Garrett Russell: “[Sometimes with depression,] the world feels like there’s no color. Even if you can’t see the color, be bold enough to ask someone to describe the colors of the world to you.”
This song was my favorite this far into the album, for its bare, unflinching honesty on the subject. The footnotes for this song in the album booklet include the number for the National Suicide Hotline. I respect that. 
The fifth track, Tout Comprendre, draws its title from the first half of a French quote, and translates loosely to “To Understand All.” This song is an interlude, meaning it does not contain any lyrics, and it is the first of two interludes on the set. 
Immediately following Tout Comprendre comes Panic Room, a track that tells the story of a veteran who has come home, but is mentally haunted by the war. The lyrics take us to bloody battlefields in desert sands, and lay out the plague of terror-memories. Panic Room’s prisoner is PTSD, and it delves into the American treatment of returned veterans and their struggles with armed-conflict trauma. 
“Praise me for my valor, lay me in a crimson tower / Justify my endless terror as my ‘finest hour’ / Treat me as a token to deceive the child / Whom we fatten for this scapegoat slaughter / I learned to fight, I learned to kill, I learned to steal / I learned that none of this is real, none of this is real / None of this is real, NONE OF THIS IS REAL”
Just after this verse, there is a brief, almost total silence, before the song resumes. There are several breaks like this in the music; periods of calm between the intense music. 
We move on to the fifth cell and seventh track, REDIVIDER. This song threw me off at first; I thought the words were being reused and rearranged before I realized the song is a palindrome. About halfway through, the lyrics flip to mirror the first half of the song. 
“Death ran away then life flooded in world / This I am: Imbalance, beautifully so / Hands connected, perhaps… / Then dead reflections saw you / I did, didn’t I? / I didn’t, did I? / You saw reflections dead then / Perhaps, connected hands… / So beautifully imbalance: Am I this world? / In flooded life then away ran Death.” 
The fifth prisoner is Bipolar Disorder. 
Nervosa is the name of the eighth track; this one disturbed me the most out of all of them. My first impression of this song was, if you’ll excuse my Irish here, “Holy sh*t.” None of the imagery prior to this song was nearly as vivid and disturbing as it was here. The clean vocals (singing instead of metal-screaming) are very well done, capturing the desperation of the situation in a very raw way, which is fitting for the theme of the song -- this cell’s prisoner is the deadliest of psychiatric disorders, bulimia nervosa. The entirety of the lyrics are well-written (although, again, vividly disturbing), so I chose the most poignant of them.
“I am not my own reflection / I am not myself, I am not myself / I am haunted by a non-existent lover / The spectre, the ghost, the self-starving host / I am haunted by a non-existent lover / I was gifted with the vision but cursed to be the witness.”
This song, too, contains links to help services for eating disorders in the footnotes of the album booklet. 
We come now to the second interlude, C’est Tout Pardonner, titled after the second half of the French quote, the entirety of which translates to “To understand all is to forgive all.” The prisoner held in the two of these is ignorance. 
Just as C’est is the second, contrasting half of Tout, which was followed by war-themed Panic Room, so Orphan, the second, contrasting half of Panic Room, follows C’est. 
Orphan relays the perspective of orphans of war, the prisoners of this track. Particularly focusing on crimes against peaceful civilians (especially in the Middle East), Orphan also describes the reunion of two brothers on opposite sides of war. 
“I’m finding the violence -- it looks like me.”
“Terrified little son, encumbered by your sword / You can hide your fear, but won’t shed the weight of your humanity -- Humanity / You can face me toward the mountains / Where I meet our mother’s gaze / Too blinded by this hatred / To recognize your brother’s face.”
The eleventh track, No Place to Breathe, was both ahead of its time and should not have had to be written in the first place. The prisoner in this eighth cell is fascism, specifically within enforcers of the law. It dives into how easy it is to turn a blind eye to issues like systematic racism, police brutality, and inherent injustice, if these things do not affect us personally. There are three murder victims, (Eric Garner [2014], Hernan Jaramillo [2013], and Kelly Thomas [2011]) all killed by police, whose last recorded words are attributed in the song: “I can’t breathe.” 
Does that sound familiar from more recent news? This album was released in 2016, to give some perspective on how things have changed. 
“We shout at fascists, hands fixed on asphyxiating those in need / Place your hands to the pulse of this city / Keep your ear to the ground / Hear him gasp, / ‘I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.’”
The ninth and final cell is explored in the twelfth track, First Father (which is the partner of a song called First Mother from their previous album). The final prisoner is the grief over losing a loved one. Switching between a rushing, loud tempo and a low-toned quiet of guitars and vocals, the song captures the process of moving forward through personal loss. 
“‘You pulled me through time,’ through the edgeless night / I’ll learn to love as you learned to die / I’ll begin to feel again and finish the chapter you couldn’t write / Candles in the dark, defiant to the night / Defiant to the shadow / You pull me through time, through the edgeless night / I learned to love as you learned to die.”
With the thirteenth and final song, we’ve literally come full circle and are finally at the prison’s central tower, where we discover we are the guard watching the prisoners. Titled after a line from the first track’s lyrics (”We inherit the earth[...] We inhabit the wound”), Inhabit the Wound tears down the guard tower, freeing the prisoners from the confines of their situation or disorder. Each of the nine prisoners reaches into themselves and retrieves a seed, which is planted in the place of the tower. The album closes with this image:
“The earth, with a final gasp, shook free from our inventions. Grace and nature reconciled as I heard ‘it is finished.’ The final seal was broken, the concussion blew me back -- I teetered on the edge of re-creation and the wrath. The nine lovers stumbled out of their shells of brokenness, they reached inside their wounds to find the seeds borne from their suffering. Coalesce upon me to plant the tree of life inside the heart of the machine. Reach inside -- heal the wound -- make us whole.”
I found this album to be an absolute masterpiece, and metal isn’t usually a preferred genre of mine. I’ve got to give this one five out of five symbolic and vivid frogs. Well done, Silent Planet, both in composition and in raising awareness about different types of struggle.
Next week I’ll be reviewing an album that was recommended to me, and that was released today: Twenty One Pilots’ Scaled and Icy.
Thanks for listening with me!
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bb8sworld · 4 years
what can’t be spoken
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
summary: it is said that we will fall in love three times in our lives, with the third one being our greatest love. but how can we be certain?
word count: 2.5k
a/n: this is my first proper obi fic, so i hope you enjoy! the title is inspired by this song from les mis. this isn’t exactly a song fic, but some themes were written when listening to it (if that intrigues you). there’s a rollercoaster of feelings here, so be prepared for that. also, it’s a weird hodge-podge of fluffy plot at the start and angsty introspection towards the end, but i hope you give it a chance anyway!
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You had snuck into Obi-Wan’s quarters as you usually do when quiet sets over the Jedi Temple and the sun takes reprieve in the sky. The two of you greeted each other with a sweet kiss as you used the Force to close the door behind you. (“How frivolous,” he told you with a playful smirk before you shut him up with your lips on his once more. There were no critiques about your use of the Force after that.)
Excitement coursed through his veins at finally being able to hold you close to him after being separated for what seemed like an eternity (though it was only a couple weeks). With both of you being Jedi, it was common throughout your relationship to be separated for weeks at a time as you were sent on different missions. It was never easy to be so far apart for extended periods of time, but this, this coming home reunion, this well of love between you two, this devotion and understanding of what you just faced, was enough to keep you both going through the distance. It became your drive to make it out of each battle alive. To live to see another day. To come home. And finally, you had gotten back from your mission earlier that day and you were in his arms once more where he could keep you safe and protected (though you hardly needed his protection in the first place).
There was a usual routine any time either of you came back from a mission: you would meet in one of your rooms, catch up over a cup of tea, and fall asleep in each other’s arms. Though, if the tea happened to get cold before either of you finished in favor of reacquainting yourselves with the taste of the other and tenderly mapping the lines and curves of your bodies through gentle caresses, then that was neither here nor there.
You were sitting on the couch in Obi-Wan’s quarters, staring over the back of the couch at some spot in the kitchen as your lover dug through the cabinets. As he muddled around finding the kettle, two cups, and the tea each of you preferred, Obi-Wan noticed that, instead of your usual chatter of how your mission went or your familiar questioning over what he did when you were gone, you were silent. It looked like you were pondering over something and that whatever it was had deeply consumed your thoughts. Through the Force, he nudged at your mind gently, quietly reassuring you that you could talk to him if you wanted.
Your eyes flicked away from the space you were staring at in the kitchen to meet with his eyes. A moment of silence had passed before you smiled softly at him.
“You know I love you, right?” you asked.
At your question, he nearly laughed at how out of the blue it was. But he held his laughter in and traded it for a fond smile that he sent your way.
“Of course I know, my dear. I am as sure of your love as I am sure that there are two suns on Tatooine or that Anakin hates sand or that you adore when I wear my cloak,” he replied earnestly, the very laughter he held back underlying some of his words. By now he had filled the kettle with water and had left it to start boiling.
You gave a laugh at his comment. “I do love you in your cloak,” you remark quietly before you sigh. “But I’m serious, Obi-Wan. If something were to happen to me, I don’t want you to have the slightest doubt that I love you.”
The familiar drop in his stomach occurred at the thought of something happening to you—at you getting injured, being in pain, or dying. Maker above, he doesn’t know what he would do if something were to happen to you. Of all the things in his life, you are what matters most to him, and if you were to suddenly not be there anymore, well…he doesn’t like dwelling on that possibility. But still, he pushes away that unbridled fear of you dying and responds with as steady of a voice as he can muster.
“And I don’t have any doubts. I know that you love me and I hope that you know that I love you,” Obi-Wan walks away from the not-yet-piping kettle and empty tea cups to make his way over to the couch. He sits by your side, grabbing onto your hand tightly with one of his own, the other going up to caress your cheek. “You’re the only one who has ever made me feel deeply like this and I don’t regret being with you, loving you, or being loved by you.”
He watches as your entire demeanor softens and tears fill your eyes, but they dare not spill. You pull him to you and softly press your lips against him in a kiss that has him reeling. There’s so much you’re trying to convey in the soft act, so much he picks up on, and he’s almost overwhelmed at your feelings. There’s so much to sort through, but not enough time to investigate before you two separate. He can just barely hear the trembling in your breathing as you exhale. Clearly there’s something more to this that you’re not mentioning, and while he hates forcing you into conversations when you’re feeling uneasy, he thinks it may be worth a shot to try and prod.
“Why are you bringing this up, my love?”
He’s answered by silence, at first. Your free hand grabs his which is still caressing your cheek and you hold on tightly, as if for support. You kiss the back of his hand before pulling it on your lap so you can hold both of his hands in yours. You swallow thickly before you respond, “My recent mission. During one of the battles, I had a brief moment where my life was at a crossroads,” you trail off. Your grip tightens on his hands as the next words come out, “Obi-Wan...love, I almost died.”
Suddenly the hands you were holding onto cling to yours. You both are holding on with a white-knuckled grip as you process what's been said. Obi-Wan swears his heart stops at this knowledge. You had nearly died on this mission, and he would’ve been none the wiser until the report came through or someone contacted the Temple. Despite the clear despair written in his eyes, you mush onward, “Before the fighting outbreak happened, I was approached by some locals and they started talking to me about their lives on their home planet. One thing they kept bringing up was their ‘great loves’ who had fought in battles prior and died,” you pause, choosing your words carefully before continuing, “They explained that their people believe everyone falls in love three times and that the last of these is our greatest love.”
Despite not knowing where you’re going with this, he responds with a quiet “Oh?” to let you know that he’s still listening. 
“And they told me that each love is special. They have different purposes or meanings, I guess. The first is infatuation and idealism. The second, hard and hurting. The third, everlasting…all-consuming…,” again, you pause, “It got me thinking.”
“About?” Obi-Wan asks.
“You,” you state plainly, simply, as if the answer was right there the whole time. You can’t help but smile at him as you continue, “You may be the only man I’ve ever truly loved, but I know that you are my greatest love. And if I were to ever die, I don’t want you to doubt for a second how much I love you or how you mean everything to me.”
It’s as if you’ve punched all the air out of his lungs, and he can’t help but stare at you in disbelief. Sometimes he is jarred by the mere presence of you and how effortlessly you can use your words. He never fails to be in awe over how even the everyday words which fall from your lips seem to turn into pure poetry to his ears. And every time you tell him you love him it’s without hesitation. It’s bold but heartfelt, as if you’re simply stating a fact known by all and not dropping a bombshell that could get both of you kicked out of the Order without a second thought.
That’s one of the many things he loves about you: the way you are so attuned with your feelings and how you use them to your benefit, instead of your demise. You grow from your love, and you’ve taught him how to grow alongside you. How to appreciate the little things. How to be unafraid of this tender, precious thing between you two. Privately, he thinks loving you even makes him a better Jedi, but he has yet to say this aloud. You have completely turned his life upside down and while he was afraid at first, he is no longer scared and relishes in every gentle touch, whispered word, and longing glance sent his way by you.
Though he may be the Negotiator, Obi-Wan always finds himself tongue-tied at your sweet and loving gestures, but he’s come to learn that the best way to express his feelings to you when words aren’t enough is through action. And so, as he stares deeply into your eyes, he can feel tears welling up in his own as overwhelming emotion courses through him. He releases his grip on your hands to pull you close and kiss you, his own hands shaking as he caresses your face.
When the two of you finally do part, he swipes quickly at his cheeks before catching your eye again.
“And you are my greatest love,” Obi-Wan whispers, as if scared to break this moment between the two of you with anything louder. “You have… stolen my heart. Words cannot describe all that I feel for you, my darling.” A deep breath. “But I know with absolute certainty that I love you more than anything else.”
A couple tears escape your eyes and you lean forward, leaning your forehead against his as you both breathe together, absorbing this moment for as long as you can. A few beats later, the kettle finally goes off and the two of you pull back and turn your heads in sync to stare at it before sharing a laugh. Obi-Wan gets up from your side and places a soft kiss on your forehead before going to retrieve the screaming kettle.
As he pours the water into your tea cups, he can’t help but spare a quick glance at you on the couch. You’re looking at him this time. He feels his heart stutter in his chest and his cheeks turn a light pink at the look of absolute love and fondness that you send him. It’s an image he wants nothing more than to have ingrained in his head, a treasured memory to turn to when it looks like the chips are down and he stares at death in the face. Something happy and cherished and beloved to think of before he passes, should that time ever come like he fears it will during the Clone Wars.
And stay with him it does, but instead of it being something he thinks of fondly, it haunts him as he stews in his regret and heartache.
It’s all he can think about tonight as the wind blows in the cold night as he sits alone in the dunes of Tatooine, darkness clouding his vision and an inky blackness covering all feelings within him aside from the residual numbness. He has only been here on Tatooine for a brief period of time—a couple weeks, maybe a month, he can’t remember anymore—but he finds that the days bleed together on this godforsaken planet.
He’s haunted by the faces of those he once held close. A young Anakin hopping aboard the ship alongside Qui-Gon, bright eyed and eager to go to Coruscant and become a Jedi. Padme standing in her office discussing with him the senatorial address she was preparing, the bright sun illuminating her silhouette, giving her an ethereal glow. The voices of his men, the very clones who betrayed the Republic and the Jedi, teasing at his ears when he first wakes up as if he’s back on his ship surrounded by them.
But it’s you who haunts him the most. Unlike Anakin, Padme, his men, and those who he found at the Temple before he went into hiding here, he has no idea if you survived Order 66. He’s tried reaching out in the Force several times, hoping against all hope that you’d be reaching out for him as well, but he’s only met with emptiness. Silence. His own fear.
Although you’re no longer by his side, he swears visions of you follow him, haunting him like a ghost. He’ll be going about his day only to have his eye play tricks on him when he looks off into the distance, telling him that you’re there, you’re alive, you’re going to stay with him, but once he rubs his eyes you disappear. Or similarly, he dreams at night that none of this happened and he’s still on Coruscant, you tucked in his arms, only to wake up to a bed that was cold from the very moment he laid in it.
It’s the small memories of you that echo at him the loudest. Your smile, big and gorgeous when laughing at some awful joke he made in the early hours of the morning as you cuddled in bed before one of you took off for the day. Your eyes, twinkling in the night, impossibly brighter than any of the stars in the galaxy, as you excitedly tell him about something new you learned or witnessed that utterly fascinated you. Your tender hands playing at the edge of his mind as he recalls the absolute adoration and love that you two shared when thrown in the pits of passion.
You may be alive for all he knows, but he grieves you nonetheless. He’s not sure if this pain will ever go away—if it can ever go away—but he can’t help but ask for forgiveness from you every time he thinks of you. Forgiveness that he lives and you most likely are gone. His apologies are coated by sorrow that you were killed and utter regret that he couldn’t protect you better.
He thinks your words from that night haunt him the most: You may be the only man I’ve ever truly loved, but I know that you are my greatest love. You were undoubtedly his greatest love...he only wishes he could’ve conveyed that better. Oh the irony of you being worried that he didn’t fully understand your love for him when now it’s him who worries if you truly understood the depth of his feelings towards you. That very worry seizes at his chest and causes tears to well up in his eyes more often than he’d like.
But here in the dark night on Tatooine, he allows the tears to fall freely. He stares up at the stars that always paled in comparison to you and whispers out into the silent night, hoping that maybe somehow through the Force you’re listening.
“How incredibly lucky I was to love and be loved by you.”
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arts-butthound · 4 years
Sense and Salarian Ability Chpt. 2
(Also read on  AO3 if you prefer, leave me a kind kudos if you like my work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22537765/chapters/57317959#workskin )
After filing the paperwork for theft with C-sec, a week passed with no discernible action. Walking through the ward, to and from work, Lau would scan the mob of people for familiar faces. At times, he’d imagine he’d seen her, weaving through a crowd of much taller adults or disappearing into a vent. But when he’d turn to confirm the vision, she was gone with the steam and smoke of the vendors. A wisp of air passing through nothingness.  
             Lau shouldn’t have cared enough to still hunt for her. Despite the vulnerable feeling of being robbed, had he actually lost anything of value? It was a hunk of dried dirt that had escaped his grasp to make into anything. Yet he dreamed of it, vividly; the mediocre and stale curves that had taken him too long to piece together into a feeble attempt of replicating waves on the sea.  Lau had hated even looking at it. He asked himself why he still looked for its shards. He should be over this by now. A better salarian would have put the ordeal behind him. A better salarian would have given up on ineptitude and worked toward something more attainable. A respectable salarian would have…should have…
Lau’s fingers tightened around the handle of his mug.  He only half listened as his sister nattered on over the vid-com about one thing or another, adding only small confirmatory remarks if she asked for his input.  In front of him, on the table, several holo pads held shipping manifestos, bills, and requests from eager artists wishing to be displayed and sold in his gallery. None of it caught his interest, but he flipped through the paperwork to appear busy while in front of Nalano. She continued her tirade of a chore list to him and Lau turned his head toward the window, watching the blurred, colored lights of traffic whizz pass. “You’re going to be here, right Lau? Appearance is everything at events like this.”
“Yes, Ano. I’ve already made the arrangements.”  Lau took a drink of his tea, overlooking an artist’s plea for validation.  Being a turian upstart didn’t hurt, with the scarcity of the species style outside of turian space. Lau made a note to email the artist about further examples of his work.
             “Good. Zejaa will have you entertain some of our business partners. I expect you to be busy currying favors.” Since their mother had died a few years back, Lau’s boss of a sister had taken charge of their branch of the family. Wielding her feminine power with an iron will and steel forged words, she had further built their branch’s influence in clan politics. Now that their cousin was formally becoming the clan’s Dalatrass, Nalano’s power would grow tenfold. The two had been as thick as the dense jungle trees that wove around one another since childhood.
“-as is custom, I know.”  Lau droned. “Relax  Ano, things will go off without a hitch on my end.”
Nalano smiled and Lau got the feeling that if she could pet his cheek, as their mother had done when she was pleased, Nalano would have done so. “Dependable Lau. You never make trouble for me. Azik may not be able to come at all because of his partner and I still need to find a back up babyitter.” She paused for a moment with a cleansing breath. “ I’ll speak further with you another time.” Nalano hung up, leaving Lau in the abrupt silence of his dark apartment. He closed the holo-pads and stowed them in his work satchel. Standing up, he moved into the kitchen to replenish his tea, robotically.
Dependable Lau.
He decided against more tea.
Looking at the clock, Lau grabbed his satchel and gazed into the hall mirror. Clean faced, suit nearly without flaw, Lau flattened his collar with a flare of gravitas and feigned importance. He stared into his own eyes, avoiding the dark uniformity in his peripheral vision. Today was a new circle. Lau locked the front door behind him. It was a brisk, cool, walk to the Nasurn Gallery, consisting of fifteen, maybe thirty minutes on a bad day.  Lau’s focus remained on the crowds and the pavement, intent on not looking for the ghost of the duct rat that he’d never see again. It felt good to stretch his shoulders and his legs this morning.
When he walked through the back door, Lau was greeted by a hellish heat and the rhythmic and scattered ringing sound of a hammer meeting steel. Behind the wall ahead, Eramanthe cursed loudly as the ringing ceased once again. The salarian rolled his eyes as he flipped on the ceiling venting system. She always forgot about the fans on her work days.  Lau wondered if she’d been born on an arid world far off in Asari Space. Walking up behind her, he could almost see it. As a young girl, she would be a sun burnt baby-building sand castles in a desert long after she should have gone inside to her mother. She could have been a chubby little thing, running with wild abandon just to feel the sand rush in between her toes. Maybe her family went on beach trips to escape the heat by way of a breeze coming off the water. The intense temperatures hardly seemed to bother the woman.
The work shop was empty today, with the other sculptures pushed far into the walls in order to give the asari room to work. The forge burned with a blinding yellow, illuminating the massive metal behemoth beside it that had stolen Eramanthe’s sleep for weeks now. She twisted the arms of the galactic community together and in the center of their outreaching palms, Eramanthe planned to plant a miniature of the Citadel. The theme was a little predictable for Lau’s taste, but her results were worth a bit of cliché. With metal and her biotics, Eramanthe’s figures felt like they could move and breathe on their own. They had the soft bend of skin and muscle that caressed the viewer’s attention.  Of life’s soft and tender emotions, Eramanthe caste them in metal and polished them to a mirror shine.
Her sculpture still lacked a hand or two, missing the drell, turians, and vorcha. Why Eramanthe insisted on putting the vorcha in there was beyond Lau. It wasn’t as if they added anything to galactic culture. On the work bench laid the disembodied hand of the turians. “I like what you’re doing with the seams there, Era. But this looks a little aggressive compared to the others.” Lau quipped, looking at the hand from over her shoulder. She nursed a small burn on the outside of her thumb and groaned in miserable agreement.
“I think some of real life is bleeding into the piece.” Eramanthe collapsed into a nearby chair with her eyes closed and head tilted back. “Maybe I just need to…step back for a while.”
Lau moved closer to the metal hand. The iconic turian talons were uncut and vicious looking, unlike most of Eramanthe’s works in which they were trimmed with a rounded edge. The hand was flexed as if it were a predator that was about to strike. “Fighting with Cassias?” Lau mused, watching as Eramanthe ground her palms into her temples.
“I think we’re going to break up, Lau. He’s just…so….so-” Her hands flexed and clawed at the air, veins popping from the skin.
Lau inched away from Eramanthe’s rage. “Uncompromising?”
The asari sunk lower into the chair, crossing her arms and legs with sharp angry movements.  “He’s too conforming. Too restrictive! Imagine what he’d do to our girls with that kind of attitude! He’d ruin them!”
“If he lived long enough, that is.” Lau said to himself. Eramanthe shot daggers at him from her seat; her entire face looking like she’d tasted something sour. “Hey-look at me.” the curator defended, jabbing a finger into his abdominal hood. “I get to make that joke! Besides, Cassias isn’t a young man anyway. You can do better, age wise.” Lau retracted said finger as Eramanthe transferred her glare from him to the ceiling. He scratched the back of his neck, averting his eyes back to the metal hand on the table. Quietly, he said “The hand should be salvageable. You only need to loosen the fingers and cut down on the talons. It should be fine.”
Eramanthe stretched out of the seat, pushing it to its two back legs. “I want babies, Lau. I want them real bad.” She rocked back and forth on the chairs legs.  
Lau briefly ran his hand across the metal arm on the table, feeling its heat slowly ebbing out into his palm. He turned to face her, “I mean, you can get kids without keeping the father around. Isn’t that what you asari do?” Lau snickered as Eramanthe threw her balled up sweat rag at his head. It was a bull’s-eye mark, hitting Lau square in between his horns.
“Been digging up cultural weaknesses to report back to your Union, salarian?” Eramanthe grinned toothily; brows narrowed. “Or is it just for a busy-body Dalatrass?” The two smiled at one another from their opposing sides of the room, Eramanthe’s eyes a bit brighter than they were a minute ago. She was prettier when she smiled.  Lau found that glowering only made Eramanthe’s particularly round face look like a withering gourd, melting and squashing into unintelligible shapes. Yet, the way she held herself was still slumped over. She hugged herself, hands wrapped around her elbows and a clouded faraway look in her eye.
Lau placed a hand on her shoulder and returned the sweat rag to her expecting hand. “Personally, I don’t see the draw.” He said, “But you’re determined enough, Era. You’ll be putting aside all your passions and career to raise a brood of crass girls in no time.” Era shook her head, ignoring the salarian’s distaste of the idea.
             The tinkling of the bell above the door in the parlor rang and the two shared a glance. The sound of the bell was more of a whisper; like a shameful, slow outcry that begged not to be heard and hoped to go unnoticed.  Though not unheard of, it was rare for patrons or guests to come to the gallery before noon. When Lau didn’t hear the sound of the door closing behind the bell, the pores of his skin tightened around the base of his bulbous skull. His feet led him cautiously to the front room, with a straight back and stern countenance. There he saw, mirrored in the glassy flooring, two very unwelcome duct rats. They stared wide eyed at him, crouching over some foreign object on the floor. One held the door slightly ajar, just enough to slip back through without sounding the bell once again. Letting out a small growl, Lau lurched toward the girls. He wrenched the door from the asari’s hand and slammed it shut before the two could escape his grasp once again. A sickly, burning anger broiled in his belly.
“You two” Lau spat “are in very big trouble!” The human girl with the pale eyes started fidgeting spasmastically, her hands flying around her face and chest while her mouth opened and closed like a fish left out in the sun. She constantly looked back at her companion, who quaked in fear as she tried to pry the door open. The human’s hands clawed toward Lau in a beseeching manner. Her mind was slower than an elcor’s walk in the garden, it would seem, as her mouth had nothing to say but the smacking of a dry tongue. Lau watched her in disgust. The little pest who had been a blight upon him for too long did not measure up to the scheming, malicious whelp that he had pictured; but rather was a simpleton with less to offer of herself than a vorcha mercenary.
“N-no.” the human sputtered out, finally clutching and pulling at her shirt as if something were missing in her pockets. “No. I’m sorry…uh-uh-uh. Vey…” the sounds were strangled in her throat before she could get them out.
Eramanthe came into the room, looking at the two children and then meeting the fire in Lau’s eyes with the surprise inside her own. “Lock these two down, Era. I’m getting C-sec down here.” Lau ordered. He leaned his weight against the door to keep the two in and pulled up his omni-tool. The human child looked as if she were about to cry, her breathing shallow and fast.
“Wait, old man!” begged the young asari, beginning to wrestle Lau’s arm away from the fingers that threatened her freedom. “She just came to say sorry. That’s all! Don’t call the blues!”
“Lau” Era interjected slowly, gliding across the floor.
“What are you waiting for, Era? Use your biotics on these degenerates already!” the salarian ordered.
While Lau fought against the younger asari, Eramanthe’s attention was trained on the human. The girl bit at her lip and looked as if she were chastising herself, her gaze intent on trying to tell the salarian anything. When the human grasped at the small object on the floor, Eramanthe’s mouth slid up into a small smile, “Lau, hang on a sec.” With quiet panic, the human girl carefully shoved a piece of board into Lau’s chest. The girls stumbled back as he let go of the asari child, steadying each other.
It was his worthless piece Lau realized, looking at the clay turning and swirling upward from the board. It had been patched back together with cheap craft clay, nary a crack showing…despite the differing shade of color of the clay he’d used and what she’d used. There were juvenile fixes to curves and shapes that…actually worked. The edges had been softened where he had made sharp turns, not to a fantastic degree, but enough to make a difference. There were unfortunate blobs of dried glue in places-but there had been an attempt to hide them with similar clay blobs in varying places. They almost looked like bubbles-in an amateur sort of way. Lau stared at it in silence. He refused to believe that a duct rat, with no form of education outside of anything but ducking the law, could have put together the pieces so intuitively. Despite himself, the salarian found himself impressed.
“Sorry I broke it.” The little human said, drawing the attention of the two adults once more. “I tried to fix it.” She toyed with one of her fingers, not making eye contact with anyone in the room.
             Eramanthe pawed at the sculpture from around Lau’s arm. “You did a good job blurring the lines where the old material and new meet.” She drew her hand away, rubbing her fingers together. The brownish coloring had stained her skin-a sign of cheap mock clay. It smelled mostly of salt.
“You did this?” Lau sounded more like he was accusing her than asking. The girl nodded slowly, nervously. The asari child had started inching toward the now unattended door.
“What’s your name, sweetie?” Eramanthe squatted down to meet the duct rat’s eye level. She held out her hand warmly toward the girl. Lau looked at his friend as if she were crazy.
“Um…uh-Tegan” the human looked at Eramanthe’s offered hand as if she were offered credits and tentatively reached out-
Her hand was snatched out of the air by her companion, who whispered a firm “Come on.” before turning towards the adults with a tight, polite grimace. “Sorry, we gotta go now. We won’t bother you again.” She pulled the human girl with her, the two scurrying out the door before another word could be spoken. The human’s eyes caught in the glass window.
Lau passed the rest of the day in uneasy silence.  The duct rat’s appearance rattled his core, as did the sudden appearance of his failed bobble-fixed and childishly improved.  In a corner of his office, sitting on an aged couch, Eramanthe had resumed toying with the small sculpture after having called it a day on her own piece.  He only found irritation in watching her curious twists and turns and Lau’s jaw tightened until it threatened to never move again.  Lau found himself actively looking at his hand to avert his gaze from her-watching the tendons and muscles flow underneath his copper-toned skin as hands flew across his keyboard in feeble attempt of distraction. Answering these emails was always how he ended the day. But today, the hollow weight of routine threatened to crush Lau beneath it.
“You know what, Lau?” Eramanthe purred, finally setting the sculpture down in her lap. To Lau’s chagrin, she continued to pet at it absently. His head turned toward her like rusted machinery. “This is actually pretty promising now! It reminds me of some of some of your old college work that you’ve showed me-”
Lau pressed the palms of his hands to the desk, in a knee jerk reaction. “WHAT?” he hissed, “It looks absolutely nothing like my old works!”
“I mean energy wise, you angry little squit.” Eramanthe waved off his reaction. “Look at this, really I mean!” Reluctantly, Lau watched it from the corner of his eye. The form was a confusion of will and intention. It drew upon a ghost of a memory before Lau shoved it back down into the dark recesses of his mind. “There’s so much enthusiasm!” Eramanthe continued to cheer.
“It looks like its being pulled apart by different ideas of what it’s supposed to be.” Lau muttered darkly.
“Sure. But that shouldn’t bother you of all people. I mean, that kind of look helped you graduate, right?” Eramanthe’s shrug caused boulders to fall upon Lau’s spine. He stared intently at wood grain of his desk. She continued to speak but he chose to tune her out.
Pushing the chair back, Lau walked to Eramanthe and took up the sculpture, his fingers threatening to crack the wooden board. “It’s hardly even my work anymore. So it has nothing in common with what I used to do.” He opened up a cabinet, shoved the thing deep onto a shelf, and closed the door. The offensive object finally out of sight, Lau felt he could breathe again.
“Oh, squirt lube up your cloacae and loosen up, man.” Eramanthe crossed her arms and scowled. “The kid did good work.”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” Lau returned to his desk, resuming his evening work.
“I think she has potential worth nourishing!”
“She’s not an orphaned varren whelp, Era. Leave it be.”
“When she comes back, we should see what else she can do!”
“ERA! STOP!” Lau shouted. Her enthusiasm was too much for Lau. He collapsed back onto his chair, resting his head on the cool wood of his desk. Eramanthe was on her feet, glaring daggers at him. “Just…please.” the salarian took a deep breath, trying to clear the tight muscles in his head. “Yes. Admirable though it is that she came back, it doesn’t change what happened. Now I’d appreciate it if you let this finally drop. Period!”
             The quiet between the two hung stagnant in the air. Suffocating. Claustrophobic. The unrelenting automated clicking sounds of Lau’s haptic keypad signaled that the salarian was done talking. Eramanthe scowled as she stood, readjusting her clothes. “Okay, Lau.” She padded towards the door, her boots hanging from her shoulder on laces tied together. “I’m going home. You should too. Sleep off that attitude, maybe.”
Alone again. Lau hung his head in his hands, clicking off from his emails. What a disaster.
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jackbabewang · 5 years
At first sight...
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Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader Genre: College au, Fluff, That library crush theme Word Count: 2,554
It can be hard to seduce someone in total silence.
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Final exams are approaching, so now you are spending a great deal of time in one corner of your room at a clustered study desk, constantly reviewing notes, and grumbling. There are just too many distractions to interrupt you at the dormitory. The residents above are deliberately harassing you by stomping on the floor, classical music blasted from the room next to yours making your unit feel like some strange musical theater of the absurd and then there is your bed. So so inviting. You have enough points going into the exams to pass easily, but the pressure has not lifted because you are keen to scoring the highest possible marks. Well, that is just you being you. To pry yourself away from disturbance, the university’s library seems to be the ideal place for better concentration. And so, your routine begins.
Day 1
Unknowingly excited. Your nerdy self got a seating in a booth that offers the most privacy. Though the library is crowded with students studying frantically, it is still quiet. Your body sinking into the cushioned padding, laptop opened, bookmarks orphaned on tables, highlighters and pens began their labour. 
Day 3
Still going strong. Probably. You need some fresh air and a break from your studies. After a couple of hours sitting hunched over books, you are worried that you can even try out for the role of a hunchback. You decide to take a walk outside on the campus park. You miss warmth, the heat of the sun on your skin, needing the light for some kind of photosynthesis.  
By the time you return to the library, there sits a paper cup on top of your table with a square note beside it written, ‘Hey little fighter, soon things will be brighter!’ There is no name, no initial that gives away the identity of the alleged person who left it there. A small smiled etches on your lips as you reach for the source of warmth, the tip of your fingers have turned icy cold the second after you walked in. A string of white steam escapes through the small opening, turns into vapour around your nose, kinda dumb of you to take a sip without hesitation. The intense heat burns your upper lip and you wince in reaction. “Fuck!” 
Day 5 
Your enthusiasm surely died down. Two days away from the first paper, you are feeling the tension in your shoulders, in the air, when you come across topics that you are unsure of. The ink runs out in your flimsy pen, the cheapest in Target, and your writing fades away into almost invincible marks on the paper, until you reluctantly switch for another. Consequently, you are feeling numbness in your head after reading, with pressure in temples. Faintness and migraine give you a ready-made and honest reason to excuse yourself from the books momentarily. A short walk to the water fountain or the upper floor toilet will do. 
It seems like deja vu all over again when you come back to the same paper cup but with a different note this time, ‘Wish you luck for whatever you’re struggling with :)’ Kinda creepy… not going to lie. The idea of someone watching you has the hair on your neck prickles. However the ever encouraging words compensate for your terror. 
Fifteen minutes prior to closing time, the librarian makes an announcement and requesting patrons to leave. The sun has already set, and the moon is slowly peeking in the darkened sky. That is when you realize you have been staying in for approximately eight hours.
You make your way out immediately, the drink from an anonymous individual in your hand left untouched and disappointingly you have to throw it away. 
Your hand stops in mid air, head turns to the rippling voice. A guy in gold rimmed glasses jogs over. With a closer look, he has a strikingly handsome face and you are left wondering what exactly did you associate with a fine man like him. 
“Glad I caught you,” he says, panting slightly. His eyes flitting nervously back and forth between you and the paper cup. “Do you… Do you not like hot drinks? I’ve got you hot chocolate this time since you weren’t drinking the coffee…” 
 “Oh.” So he is the secret delivery guy. 
There is an uneasy silence in the air. He rubs his collarbone and then the back of his neck, looking almost embarrassed. “I guess you don’t.” 
“No, no! That’s not it. I just- Don’t get me wrong. I don’t wish to catch myself heart attack cause I had two shots of coffee earlier.” Well, the pounding of your heart should be stopped by now but it does not seem to. Weird. “And this… hot chocolate?” You pause for confirmation and is rewarded with a nod. “Is kinda too sweet to my liking and it’s not such a great idea to get jazzed when I’m wracking my brain.” 
He chuckles, mumbling coherently to himself that he has understood girls wrongly. Little did he know, you are no ordinary girl. You are a girl of determination; a girl of the new millennium. Sugary-sweet desserts work no effect, and you do not fawn upon pick up lines and impassioned gestures. You are too, too difficult to please.
“So…” You look everywhere except in his eyes, feeling awkward in the presence of this stranger, a hot stranger to be frank.
“I- I was asking if you wanna have… dinner with me?” Gulping so loudly he can hear himself, enough for you to hear it too, and you can see his Adam’s apple moving rapidly. 
“Sorry… I’m going back now, though…” And have yourself a bowl of bland oatmeal with fresh-cut fruits. Now, however, your stomach grumbles on cue, reminding you that you have not been eating since morning. 
He chuckles again, a pleasant throaty sound, and humiliation nips your skin like sand fleas. ��Let’s go. I believe it can’t wait.” 
This is just odd. What has gotten into you to come into agreement with someone you have known for less than an hour. Anyone else will figure you are a pair of couple just by walking together shoulder to shoulder, and if anyone among your circle of friends were to find out, they are definitely going to be nosy about it.
“Hey, I may be strange, but not weird! There’s a difference.” Jaehyun is his name, and he sure has the balls of steel. Let us put it that way. That is cause the guys in your classes are incomparable, they get intimidated by you while he does not even flinch in the face of the wolf (for some reason they gave you the nickname). 
As much as you hate to admit it, the more time you spend with him, the more you enjoy his company, his wit, and his willingness to discuss anything—whether it be politics, Ironman versus Captain America, or Joji’s latest track. He is courteous, ambitious, and attractive, and he can dance with the best of them. Most of all, he does not seem to mind your independent ways of thinking. 
“Are you going now?” He is probably pushing his luck, since he certainly does not want you to leave just yet, but he has to ask. 
“I am.” You can swear you see disappointment flickers in his eyes and if you are not mistaken, his bottom lip sticking out slightly in a pout. But it is gone so fast when, “I can stay for… a bit longer.” 
“Great. Follow me.” 
Without another word, he turns and stalks up the stairs. On the third floor landing, he stops and looks back to make sure you are still following closely behind. An amused smile emerges as he watches you panting breaths, and a blush blooms like hothouse roses in your cheeks. Past the hall and into the narrow passage, thence leading to what you assume is the back door which he has already broke open with a flexible plastic ruler. Flipping the light switch, turning on the lights, illuminating the space, and you come to realize it is the abandoned classroom where you attended tutorials for Business Communication last semester. 
“We could’ve taken the elevator!” 
“It won’t be fun then.” 
“You mean, it won’t be fun if you don’t have me to laugh at.” 
“Besides, nobody saw us. We can’t be seen in here.”  
He proceeds to scramble around like he has done it before, maybe not a lot, but a few times at least. He connects his phone to the stereo system and soft, soothing music drifts lazily on the air from hidden speakers. He then joins you at the table, sitting beside you, closer than your very first meeting. 
“I didn’t know this was possible until now.” 
“Oh, they’re a lot I haven’t shown you yet,” he says, wriggling his eyebrows lasciviously and giving you a cocky grin. You just have to have a pep talk with yourself that if Jaehyun is not hinting something else—you can imagine. 
“Do you always bring people here?”
“What do you mean?”
You shrug your shoulders, turning sideways and lean against the chair back with him mirroring your posture. “You know… Girls… Is this how you impress them with your lockpicking skills?”
“Are you, perhaps, a wee bit jealous?”
You scoff at such a ridiculous prospect. In fact, you might get salty if you figure you are just one of the chicks he brought over this place. You are not going to fall for him and his antiques like the stupid bitch they are. 
“No. I never bring women here. I don’t bring anyone here. You’re a first.” 
Your interested gaze transfers to him. “You don’t?”
He shakes his head. 
“But… why?” 
“Policy.” He glances at you, sees you frowning and says, “Don’t worry about it, okay?” 
Yet for long the study session is either neglected or long been buried and forgotten, the mood of the times is a very different one. You continue to talk, and really got to know each other well, not romantically but just as good friends. Suddenly your conversation is broken with the sound of keys jingling, followed by a quick turn of the knob coming from the far side of the corridor. 
It is the security guard patrol. 
Immediately you scutter about the classroom, switching off all the lights, locking the door while he runs to unplug his phone, making sure to return the place to its original state. You find yourselves under the table and stealing glances out of the small window and the crack beneath the door until it passes. 
Though the guard has already left, it does not seem as if Jaehyun has any intention of moving an inch. He is too close—so close you can smell the musk of his cologne, and he smells so damn good. He is too close—so close you can feel the heat of him, and your backside is all but paralyzed from the uncomfortable position. It is dark, but you can still make out the twinkle in his eyes. The tall guy seems fascinated by you, looking you up and down, then openly studying your face. 
The thought must have form in both your minds at the same time because your eyes flutter shut as he leans forward, kissing you gently on the lips. A deep, lingering kiss that have you wanting more. This kiss is so soft that it’s like a memory of a kiss, so careful on your lips that it is like someone running his fingers along them. Slowly, gently, the tip of his tongue traces your mouth, outlining your lips with exquisite, excruciating care. A growl of pleasure escapes him when you part your lips in welcoming at the first prod of his tongue. The lemon drop he had before adding flavor to a kiss that is already the sweetest of your life. 
One of his hands settle at your waist, the other cups the side of your throat. His thumb slides beneath the neckline of your jacket to stroke the hollow beneath your collarbone. On a soft moan, you plunge into the mindless whirl of your senses and allow yourself to feel. Just feel. For the first time in your life, you finally understand that one kiss can helplessly seduce. And if your heart has not been racing earlier, it now goes into overdrive, hammering against your chest.
Jaehyun knows he should not be kissing you. He has told himself he cannot let it happen so soon. But something about you calls to him. Every rational thought vanishes as he gives in to the sensations rampaging out of control. He holds you close, relishing the feel of your breasts crushed against his chest. Sliding his hand down your back to where your skirt has ridden up, pushing his hand beneath the fabric, gliding it up your thigh. A firm squeeze on the curve of your flesh making you yelp and jolt. The loud collision when you banged your head against the desk above bringing you both to your senses. 
“Shit, sorry.” He is breathing hard, his eyes fierce with arousal, his lips red and moist and a little swollen from that hard kiss. You believe yours appear just the same as well. 
Deep in the foggy recesses of your mind, Jaehyun has crawled from under the table and turned away with downcast eyes as he seemingly adjusting the sudden tightness in his pants. 
What just happened? 
“Are you coming out, or not?” He offers his hand, you blink before sliding your shaking one around his. 
Talk about awkward. His shirt is a wrinkled mass from your gripping fingers, your hair swept to the side still you can feel his delicate touch on your skin, both your faces flushed a luscious crimson from the passionate moment.
“I- I should get going…” You nervously clear your throat. Actually, you are ashamed of yourself about it all. You have never thought of yourself as needy, thereto committing to the blind decision of having a hookup with an incredibly gorgeous man. God must have sent a guardian angel to knock out your head before it takes on another level.
However all these thoughts are gone when he says, “May I see you again?” 
“… Sure.”
“Tomorrow?” Boy, he sure is eager.
“Right, that’s why I said tomorrow. I want to see you again in another hour. But I’m willing to wait.” 
Has he always been this sweet and smooth? His words, eye contact, and all body gestures operate in the fashion of sweet talking and alluring you, to really basically falling for his suave, smooth ways. This has never been you. 
Unfortunately, the following days should not be possible because you have to keep your mind active and your sanity intact. 
“After finals?” 
He lets out a deep guttural groan. On a second thought, he wants to take back his words, he is not willing to wait for a week, let alone a day. He wants to greet you with a kiss on the back of your hand and a bouquet of fresh flowers, he wants to take you out for a proper date at an exclusive cafe, he wants to pay for the meals— The list goes on. 
“Right. After finals.”
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koderenn · 6 years
A mortally wounded Kylo Ren is laying in the arms of Rey amidst the battlefield. "You can't escape fate, Rey," Leia had once said to her. "Just make sure that in the end, when everything has come to play, you will have no regrets."  
Kylo Ren studied the woman draped in a long blue dress on his holopad. Her speech was dated at least twenty years ago, but he remembered the dress and their visit to Hosnia as if it were yesterday. He had spent the morning with his father wandering around the capital on Chewbacca’s shoulders. She was supposed to join them in the afternoon for a walk at a theme park and dinner.
The data disc he was looking at was given to him along with many others by the old man at the Archives. Neither of them were talkers so Ren’s short questions were mostly addressed with equally short answers. He had provided Ren with generous information concerning under the table deals and credit laundry that had gotten the First Order in its current position. All of them initiated by High Officials, General Hux being one of the shiniest examples, and supported by Snoke’s unreserved blessings. A part of him, he did not wish to acknowledge, was disappointed to realize that the First Order’s motto of order and conformity was nothing more than a means for exploitation.
The Archives’ keeper had also provided him with footage of Senate meetings adjourning during the New Republic. That gesture on itself verified Ren’s suspicions of the keeper’s ulterior motives. He had cross checked his identity with the ship’s logs only to discover that the old man was indeed old enough to have served under Darth Vader himself. He had been stationed aboard the Death Star when Alderaan, Leia Organa’s home planet, was reduced to nothing more than stardust.
Ren raked his fingers through his already messed up hair and scratched the back of his head. Why the keeper was so invested in Ren catching up with history, was beyond him.
Initially he had just cast the data discs concerning his mother aside, but after a week of going through old reports on the First Order he reached for the first one on the stack and set it in his holopad, He tried not to think about his action too much as a much younger version of his mother came on screen.
It appeared to be a Senate meeting, debating the funds that were to be given on worlds that had been exploited by the Empire or destroyed in the recent wars. His mother was fervently supporting a much larger sum than was initially granted and trying to include worlds that were not considered valuable enough to be taken into consideration. Interestingly enough, Jakku had been one of them.
Of course Rey would haunt me even in my studying.
Kylo Ren rubbed his eyes, ran his hand down his unshaven face and stretched his legs, trying to situate himself more comfortably on his sofa.
It seemed like the New Republic could not afford further funding and promised Senator Leia Organa that if she could raise credits for her cause, then it would be open for discussion.
That evening, his mother never came to dinner with them and extended their stay for an extra week. He remembered her hand on his hair later in the night and a kiss on his cheek, along with a whispered apology about being late. He never opened his eyes and pretended to be asleep, as she padded out of the room, her dress shuffling lightly around her steps. Ben was nine at the time and he never forgave her.
Still couldn’t.
Ren shut the holopad and tossed it on the table next to him, crossing his arms in front of his chest and staring out the viewport. He wondered if she was ever able to raise the credits.
“Are you coming to bed?” Neesha’s voice came from his bedroom’s entrance. Ren glanced at her as she yawned and stretched her body. She was wearing one of his black tunics again.
“In a bit,” he frowned and turned to look out the viewport once again.
He wondered if any of the funds ever reached Jakku.
   Sweat dripped from her temples and her shirt was damp from practicing forms in a storage room lost somewhere in the Titan. Rey found her thoughts straying towards the man she had abandoned, twice. Maybe three times, if she took into consideration Starkiller base.
She brought her sword up in that backslash way she had plucked from his mind and twirled quickly around herself bringing it down.
Her focus was waning. She would at times find herself roaming the corridors of the ship unable to remember where she was headed. It frustrated Finn to no end, who quick witted as he was couldn’t handle her absent mindedness. He claimed her behavior had changed since Crait. That she had become more reserved.
Rey tried the backward flip she had seen the assassin perform, but ended up flat on her back, the wind knocked out from her lungs. Luckily she was able to switch off her sword before severing an arm. She lay there trying to catch her breath. The image of him running his finger down her cheek, sprang into mind again, brown eyes turning liquid as they shifted to her lips.
She swore under her breath, pulling herself up and resting her hands on her knees, chest still aching from the fall. Definitely from the fall.
I should try meditating again.
Yeah, that would go smoothly…
Her stomach grumbled in protest, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since, well, this morning. She had actually skipped a meal again.
Rey picked up her towel, dabbing the sweat from her neck and closing her eyes in an attempt to chase away her haunting thoughts.
A shift in her awareness stilled her.
A thought planted itself on the surface of her mind.
The attack will take place in Coruscant.
Rey should have let things be. Let the owner of those thoughts shrink back to his cave, but she was tired and hungry and he was not getting away with this.
Kylo Ren appeared before her, close enough to touch. Not a single muscle moved as he stood with an unfathomable look in his eyes. Dressed in what she assumed were his nightclothes. No boots. No stifling collar. No armor. Only a soft charcoal tunic revealing a glimpse of smooth chest and a pair of loose fitting pants.
“Is this a trap?” she asked. Attention snapping to the matter at hand.
“No,” he stiffly replied looking at some spot over her head.
That habit of his was infuriating.
“How can I believe you?”
“I have never lied to you, Rey,” he slid his focus to her, his intensity as scalding as always.
“But this isn’t just about me anymore.”
He glanced to the side a small smirk gracing his lips, which did not reach his eyes.
“This is the information I am handing you and your precious Resistance. Take it or leave it.” He turned to look at her again. “My advice is to take it, notify General Organa the invasion will be taking place a standard week from now. She will know what to do with the warning,” he added.
Something was different about him. His presence always emanated a tangle of emotions that threatened to consume her if she came too close, but this time there was a hardness surrounding him, almost like an armor.
“She will ask me the same question.” Rey could practically hear Leia’s stern interrogation.  “You are the Leader of the First Order and yet you betray its strategies. You wish to wipe out the Resistance, but you save their General from an assassination. You can’t be on both sides of the war,” she objected with a shake of her head
“I am still their Leader. That hasn’t changed,” his eyes hardened. ‘But the First Order will change. I can use it to unify the galaxy under my rule. Make the changes the New Republic was unable to do.”
“One man cannot rule a galaxy!”
“A hundred men cannot do it either if they spend their day arguing with each other!” He countered raising his voice to match hers.
Rey turned her back at him pacing a few steps away. This conversation was way out of her league. She knew nothing of politics and there was no point in trying to change his convictions. She had been naïve enough to try once and failed.
“And does one man know what is best for every planet?” She stood a few feet away from him regarding him coldly.
“He can have advisors and representatives.”
“Why not a Senate then?”
“The Republic has failed. Twice.” He brought two fingers up to mark his words. “It harbored too much flexibility and indecisiveness to make a real difference in the galaxy. A stricter regime in needed to ensure peace and order. One that can …”
“And what will happen if one of the planets does not go along with your wishes?” Rey interrupted him, setting her hands on her hips as he worked his jaw in annoyance. “Will you march there and make it obey or blow it out of the sky? Like the Emperor did with Alderaan and Snoke did with the Hosnian System? Too much blood has been shed. ”
Rey paused for a moment, her fury drowning her voice. “That is not peace and order.”
“You come from Jakku.” He evaded, lifting his chin in that contemptuous way of his. “A planet forgotten by everybody. Didn’t you ever wish for food and water and shelter and security? The Republic never provided for any of it.” She noticed him taking slow measurable steps towards her with every word. “Did you know the Senate discussed funds that never reached your planet?” He concluded, standing a mere foot from her, eyes burning with a feeling that made her shiver.
Yes, she was very much aware of the meager help that had reached Jakku, years ago as portions and medical supplies. A school had even been set up and she had tried to attend it long enough for her to read basic. But it wasn’t enough. Nothing would ever be enough for Jakku.
“They reached it all right. Unkar Plutt, the local crime lord took hold of them,” she bitterly informed him. “Don’t you see? An unimportant planet stays that way, whether it’s an Empire or a Republic that rules.” Sand was the only thing that planet had to offer and neither the Republic nor the First Order would ever be willing to buy it.
How can I make him understand?
She stepped closer to him lifting her head to study him. Ren tensed under her gaze, eyes darting at her with apprehension.
“I have lived under one man’s rule. He had ruthless enforcers working for him and scavengers along with many others were prey to his every whim. You might turn out to be a fair and compassionate ruler, but that doesn’t mean your successor will. An entire system was obliterated because one man wished it. This is what the First Order has been created to do. You can’t change it.”
He stared at her painfully long, as if her words had struck a nail on the surface of thin ice, its cracks webbing all around him. She immediately regretted uttering them.
“And you need to stop wanting to change me,” he answered a few heart beats later in a low voice.
“I am not…”
“Yes you are.  Ben Solo the man you so desperately want me to be no longer exists.”
“Neither does the monster you claim to be.”
He paused again. And she held on to her breath. But the answer she was hoping for never came.
“Inform Leia Organa.”
No. She was not giving him the easy way out. Time for him to take responsibility for his actions.
“You need to speak to her yourself. She won’t believe me otherwise. No one will.”
“Absolutely out of the question!”  
Rey grabbed his forearm in an attempt to make him see reason, but he flinched away as if burnt by her touch. His withdrawal stung in a way that was hard to explain.
“If you are doing this,” she carried on, “if you are helping Coruscant defend itself, you have to take it all the way. Speak with General Organa. In private if need be.”
She took a step towards him, being careful not to touch him again and unnerve him further.
Her eyes found his for a long moment. None of them willing to look away. A need warped itself around her chest squeezing her breath away. It called for her to lay her hand on his heart and feel it thud beneath her fingertips. She watched him swallow, a hint of color creeping on his pale cheeks.
“There you are!”
Rey startled, as if being caught with her hand in a foreign ion engine. She turned to see a relieved Poe approaching her in his graceful stride.
“I thought you stole a shuttle and disappeared again while in hyperspace,” he commented lightheartedly. “You’re the only one besides me who could do it, anyway,” he added, hugging her from behind and planting a kiss on her neck. “What have you been up to?”
“I… nothing” she stammered, looking towards Kylo Ren wishing desperately for some reason that he wouldn’t witness this through the bond. But his darkening eyes said otherwise.
“Poe…” she started, dragging her gaze away from Ren and smiling uncomfortably at the man next to her. “I was just finishing going through some forms and realized I was hungry. I was about to…”
“…Come and find me. Yeah, yeah... Now come on. You’ll sweat yourself to starvation.” Poe said taking her hands in his and back stepping towards the exit.
“No wait!” she uttered. Rey turned to where Kylo Ren stood, taking in his clenched fists and wrecked eyes, right before he disappeared.
  He was done. He was so done with that scavenger girl and her misleading behavior. Wrapping him up around her little finger and puppeteering his emotions to her liking every chance she had. And all this time she and that pilot…
Damn her.
He bit the inside of his cheek and flung a droid out of his way and over the platform he was now crossing. His dark mood was gathering around him like a storm since their little chat last evening and that was an ominous sign itself, as he furiously made his way to the Conference room, where his bristling Commanders awaited him. It was only a matter of days till the invasion began and part of him wanted to call everything off. He was fed up with Rey, the Resistance and the First Order. This galaxy was a total mess about to implode and he wanted nothing more than to simply drop everything and disappear.
Fucking hells.
He cursed and stomped in the elevator that would take him to the bridge and the young officer already occupying the lift shrunk to a corner, hugging her holopad tightly on her chest. At least half of the lights sputtered and broke at his entrance, and he ignored her squeak of fear as he barked for her to get out. She quickly complied and the elevator thankfully began its ascend.
The Conference was already in commotion when he crossed the hissing doors, a red faced Hux and the Commander of the Absolution already arguing over battle strategies. The voices slowly died out at Ren’s thunderous presence and all heads turned to regard him with emotions ranging between distaste to flat out terror.
“We will be entering hyperspace and heading for Coruscant it three days time from now,” he growled upon entry.
General Hux strode towards him from around the oval table.
“Supreme Leader if I may, the changes you have commanded are not to the Order’s best choice,” he began in his disdainful voice. But Ren was having none of that. Not today.
“No you may not. And the changes I have made remain as are.”
Hux scowled and took a step towards him, clasping his hands behind his back and stretching his body to his full height.
“A lot of the Commanders you have assigned are inexperienced in battle and have never led ships of this magnitude before. If we are unable to coordinate our offense properly than this whole strike might be pointless.”
“I also need to trust my Commanders to carry on my orders while I am planet bound and not fire hell upon Coruscant as most of you wish to do,” Ren snarled behind clenched teeth. His emotions were spiraling out of control again.
“The Dreadnought…”
“The Dreadnought will remain in Captain Phasma’s hands for the time being and you will remain on the Finalizer. The warship’s orbital guns will only be used to eliminate certain areas of Coruscant’s defenses.”
“Sir,” the Commander of the Vigilance intervened. “A good number of us do not understand why you wish to be so lenient with the capital city when it has so adamantly mocked the Order and what it stands for.”
“And what does it stand for, Commander?”
“Order and conformity.”
“To whose benefit?”
“The galaxy’s of course, sir. With strict control all systems and especially the less fortunate ones will be able to progress and…”
“And fill your pockets with their hard labor as you spend it in Canto Bight?”
The man paled, and opened his mouth for a response. But Ren silenced him with a gesture.
“Oh, I know Commander… I am very much aware of a lot of First Order transactions.”
“Leave us,” Hux ordered as he looked around at the grim faces of High Officers. The men and women sitting on edge around the polished oval table quickly got up and one by one filed out of the room.
An uncomfortable silence fell inside the empty room as the two men appraised each other.
“Ren, what are you doing?”
Kylo Ren chuckled darkly. One more regime hungry for power and profit. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. His sunshine of a girl was so right with her clear logic and simple wisdom.
“You wouldn’t like it if I told you,” he quipped.
Hux narrowed his eyes to slits.
“I suggest that you and you rabid knights continue with whatever work preoccupied your time under Snoke’s rule and leave the governing for those who know a thing or two about it.”
“Meaning you.”
Hux’s lips tugged into a tight smile.
“Certainly not you.”
The Force wrapped around the man’s throat before Ren even realized his rage had slipped through his control. His patience had just snapped without warning and Hux was now writhing under a choke, frantically tugging at the invisible hand on his throat.
I can do it.
End him and all of his kind. Rid the Order of every single one of these high ranking hypocrites.
But it would only be temporary. Because corruption always spread from the head to the body and others would eventually rise to take their place.
Kylo Ren released his hold on Hux.
And the General collapsed on his arms and knees, struggling for breath.
“Consider this a warning,” Ren added coldly, as he stepped over the body that was now retching on the spotless opsidian floor and headed for the door.
“You’ll pay for this,” were the hoarse words he heard as the door slid shut behind him.
  Rey escorted Leia down the ramp of the shuttle, lending the General her arm for her to lean upon, as she stepped on the spaceport’s docking ground. They wouldn’t be staying long at the supply station on Arkanis. Leia was to meet with the planet’s Chancellor later on that evening.
She could sense unrest on the young girl since this morning, when she entered the bridge to find a brooding Rey looking out the viewport, hand clasped tightly around her saber and brows furrowed, reminding her too much of  her own son’s.
Poe did not seem to be in the best of moods either, as he stared at a holopad unmoving for the better part of the hour that Leia hovered around the bridge going about her usual business. Which she had never seen Poe do. Ever.
Their steps splashed the wet ground swiftly as they tried to take cover inside the nearest shop. Leia had taken her precautions, familiar with the planet’s weather conditions, and wore a water resistant cape. But the poor girl had been drenched to the bone in a matter of seconds.
It was very busy inside the shopping center, workers and buyers rushing to and forth to complete their business and she saw Rey press her lips together, from the corner of her eye. She could no longer avoid it.
“Rey, what’s on your mind? You seem very agitated.”
Rey looked surprised at her acknowledgment.
“It’s nothing really. Too many days of travelling inside a spaceship, I believe.”
That wasn’t far from the truth. Leia had practically lived on ships all her life and still had trouble adjusting to the closed space. Rey had grown up under a blistering sun and surrounded by endless dunes of sand. She could believe that.
Only she didn’t.
Finn had approached Leia a few days ago, concerned about Rey and her dour moods. Poe had told her she was mostly just sad, but had witnessed a couple of spurts of rage, which were very much out of character for her.
A whistling worker passed by them at that moment, pushing a very heavy load of containers that rattled and shook, when the one on top of the stack slipped and landed two feet ahead of the two women, smashing into pieces.
“Hey! Watch it!” Rey yelled at the man.
And in the blink of an eye, she had stretched her hand out levitating the worker as he clawed and choked at an invisible grasp on his throat.
Leia’s eyes grew wide at the realization.
She’s choking him with the Force…
“Rey, no! Stop!”
Leia grabbed her arm, but was unable to break the girl’s concentration.
Force gathered on her palms as Leia shoved the Jedi away, releasing the hold on the man, who he fell unceremoniously on the ground. He looked at them panting and quickly scrambled to his feet to get away.
She walked up to the fallen girl, who was looking up at her with terrified eyes.
“You need to tell me what is going on,” Leia stated calmly, but eyeing her with firmness.
Rey slowly lifted herself up, patting the nonexistent dust from her clothes and remained silent, gaze glued to her boots.
“There is a bond between me and your son,” she began to speak, voice low and hesitant. “A literal bond that connects our thoughts, our bodies and our feelings. It’s growing stronger as time goes by.”
A what?
“You have a bond with my son?”
Am I hearing right?
“He says it’s a Force bond, something extremely rare.”
“You have a Force bond with Ben.” Leia repeated. Her train of thought clearly stuck at such a revelation.
Is that even possible?
“Yeah. Neither of us know how it happened. Snoke said he created it himself, but I believe…”
“Wait. Snoke?” Leia cut in again. “Snoke did this?”
The nightmares that abhorrent creature had created never seemed to end.
“I don’t believe he did it. And from what I sense from him, neither does Ben.”
“Hold on.” The implications of this bond were more serious than they seemed. “What exactly do you mean when you say sense? Are you in contact with him?”
Could he hurt her? Could he hurt people around her? And what about the Resistance. Would he use Rey to extract information regarding them all?
“It doesn’t work the way you think. I’ve told you before, he’s not the monster you make him to be.”
“Are any of us in danger?’
Rey stepped closer as all her apprehension dissipated and her usual determination started shining through. Leia’s eyes widened as Rey took her hands in hers.
“Leia, your son and I share a very unique Force bond. It is something that just came to be and we are just beginning to control it. It seems to be growing stronger because his emotions are starting to filter through and part of his senses. It requires effort from me to block him out.”
Rey sighed bringing her hand up to rub her forehead. This bond was obviously causing her a lot of distress.
“I feel his anger, his hate, his pain, his self loathe. All these feelings and senses are starting to flood my mind and they hurt. Gods, Leia, he hurts. And I don’t know how to help him.”
Leia watched Rey unravel before her, too shocked to say a word. None of this made any sense, but the girl before her was clearly suffering because of it.
“Is there a way to stop it?”
“Not that we know off.” She looked at Leia, barely containing her emotions.” I don’t believe there is anyone left to tell us how.”
That insufferable brother of hers would know what to do. Only he was gone taking away with him whatever knowledge was left of the Jedi.
What would he do?
Leia took a deep breath emptying her mind as she took Rey’s hands. She held them softly in hers and patiently waited for Rey’s emotions to pass through her and disperse into the Force.
Rey’s pants slowed down after a few moments and her focus returned. She stared at Leia as if she had just unveiled the secrets of the universe.
“How did you do that?”
Leia squeezed her hands assuredly before letting go.
“You can’t keep your emotions bottled up inside you as if you own them. Learn to diffuse them.”
Rey blinked at her.
Leia smiled. “Luke taught me that trick years ago. It took him a while to figure out too,” she winked. “It has served me a lot in difficult situations. My son, however, was never able to use it,” Leia trailed off.
Too much darkness in him.
“I’ll teach him.”
Leia looked at Rey. There was so much light in this girl and fierce kindness. And a sentiment emanated from her every time she spoke of Ben. As if she cared. For her son.
And perhaps he…
She shook her head. A mother’s hope.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. Try to master it first. And this discussion is not over yet,” she said smoothing out her dress and settling her cloak on her shoulders. “Now let’s move on and get you a change of clothes. You look like a drowned rat and I don’t want you catching a cold.”
   Synchronized steps echoed in the cavernous hangar bay of the Finalizer as Kylo Ren and General Hux walked through the endless impeccable rows of Stormtroopers standing in rigid attention. Not a single helmet was out of line, as the pair inspected the First Order’s finest battalions.
Hidden in the shadows of his hood, Ren side eyed the concealed smirk on Hux’s face.
Of course he would be proud of his grandiose show of power.
Captain Phasma was standing still as a statue at the end of the rows, back turned to the numerous TIE fighters positioned in neat columns along the hangar’s walls. Not a single sound was heard apart from the rhythmic footsteps and the sweeping of Ren’s cloak on the polished black floor.
“As you can see, Supreme Leader, we are ready for the attack,” General Hux commented smugly.
Kylo Ren was loathe to admit it, but the General was right.
“Indeed,” he said, his deep voice filling the vast hangar.
Another pair of steps resounded heavily as they swiftly made their way towards the two men. Kylo Ren halted, recognizing one of his knight’s presence approaching him and he turned to greet him. Khol dressed from head to toe in his black armor stalked towards them, his massive body easily spotted between the rows of white armored Troopers.
He came up to Ren, completely ignoring the General by his side, and kneeled in front of him.
“Master,” his distorted voice came through his helmet’s modulator. “There is something you need to know immediately.”
Kylo Ren studied him for a moment before nodding.
Khol removed his helmet with a hiss revealing his ebony skin marked with hieroglyphics from his home planet. The man leaned in Ren’s ear and whispered a few words that churned his guts.
This was not good.
“On whose authority?” He asked in a low voice.
“In Coruscant, a few days ago.”
“Was it…”
Khol gazed at him steadily for a moment.
“They escaped.”
Kylo Ren fisted his hands. Valek was becoming very brash.
He shut his eyes in an attempt to reign in his rising anger. He tapped into the Force for Rey’s much needed assistance, knowing that a fit of rage was not an option at the moment. But he felt his surroundings shift and move, and a low vibrating resonance shook him enough to make his eyes snap wide open soon after.
A loud explosion made his ears ring and he looked up just in time to see an immense wall crumple before him. He threw his hand out to stop a pile of stones heading his way, but the Force did not respond to his will as it should. The moment suspended in time as he realized that the stones’ trajectory wouldn’t change. That they were coming his way in an inevitable and final descend and he was powerless to stop them.
“Kylo?” He felt a light touch on his arm and jerked back into reality. Cold sweat was running down this forehead and his breath was coming out in pants.
“Are you all right?” Khol asked, voice laden with concern.
Ren looked around at the helmeted faces staring his way.
He glanced at his chest where he could have sworn just a second ago was crushed by a humongous stone, but it seemed intact. There was breath in his lungs and a heartbeat in his ears.
He closed his eyes partly relieved. But partly not.
What was that?
Ren desperately tried to remain calm amongst the troops. But he needed to get out of there. Now.
“Supreme Leader, is there…”
“Carry on,” he interrupted Hux and his semblance of concern.
Kylo Rem crossed the endless hanger bay with swift strides, opening the doors with a wave of his hand and stumbling out. He clutched at his collar and removed his hood.
A Force vision.
It had been a Force vision.
Of my death...
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dfroza · 3 years
fear not.
this is a common theme in the Scriptures. because there is no fear of this world in eternal Love. but we have to find grace to truly know this.
Today’s reading from the New Testament is the 21st chapter of the book of Luke:
And then He turned His attention from the religious scholars to some wealthy people who were depositing their donations in the offering boxes. A widow, obviously poor, came up and dropped two copper coins in one of the boxes.
Jesus: I’m telling you the truth, this poor widow has made a bigger contribution than all of those rich fellows. They’re just giving from their surplus, but she is giving from her poverty—she’s giving all she has to give.
Some people were impressed with the temple’s opulence—the precious stones and expensive decorations—but Jesus countered their observations.
Jesus: Go ahead, look around, and be impressed; but days are coming when one stone will not be left standing on another. Everything here will be demolished.
Crowd: When will this happen, Teacher? What signs will tell us this is about to occur?
Jesus: Be careful. It’s easy to be deceived. Many people will come claiming to have My authority. They’ll shout, “I’m the One!” or “The time is now!” Don’t take a step in their direction. You’ll hear about wars and conflicts, but don’t be frightened at all because these things must surely come, although they don’t signify the immediate coming of the end. You can count on this: nation will attack nation, and kingdom will make war on kingdom. There will be disturbances around the world—from great earthquakes to famines to epidemics. Terrifying things will happen, and there will be shocking signs from heaven. But before any of this happens, they will capture you and persecute you. They’ll send you to synagogues for trial and to prisons for punishment; you’ll stand before kings and government officials for the sake of My name. This will be your opportunity—your opportunity to tell your story. Make up your mind in advance not to plan your strategy for answering their questions, for when the time comes, I will give you the words to say—wise words—which none of your adversaries will be able to answer or argue against. Your own parents, brothers, relatives, and friends will turn on you and turn you in. Some of you will be killed, and all of you will be hated by everyone for the sake of My name.
But whatever happens, not a single hair of your heads will be harmed. By enduring all of these things, you will find not loss but gain—not death but authentic life.
Here’s how you will know that the destruction of Jerusalem and her temple is imminent: Jerusalem will be surrounded by armies. When that happens, there’s only one thing to do: if you’re in Judea, flee to the mountains; and if you’re inside the city, escape; and if you’re outside the city, stay there—don’t enter— because the time has come for the promised judgment to fall. How sad it will be for all the pregnant women, for all the nursing mothers in those days! All the land of Israel and all her people will feel the distress, the anger, falling on them like rain. The sword will cut some down, the outsider nations will take others captive, and this holy city, this Jerusalem, will be trampled upon by the outsiders until their times are fulfilled.
There will be earth-shattering events—the heavens themselves will seem to be shaken with signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars. And across the earth the outsider nations will feel powerless and terrified in the face of a roaring flood of fear and foreboding, crashing like tidal waves upon them. “What’s happening to the world?” people will wonder. The cosmic order will be destabilized. And then, at that point, they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and blazing glory. So when the troubles begin, don’t be afraid. Look up—raise your head high, because the truth is that your liberation is fast approaching.
(continuing with a parable) Look over there at that fig tree—and all the trees surrounding it. When the leaves break out of their buds, nobody has to tell you that summer is approaching; it’s obvious to you. It’s the same in the larger scheme of things. When you see all these things happening, you can be confident that the kingdom of God is approaching. I’m telling you the truth: this generation will not pass from the scene before everything I’m telling you has occurred. Heaven and earth will cease to exist before My words ever fail.
So be careful. Guard your hearts. They can be made heavy with moral laxity, with drunkenness, with the hassles of daily life. Then the day I’ve been telling you about might catch you unaware and trap you. Because it’s coming—nobody on earth will escape it. So you have to stay alert, praying that you’ll be able to escape the coming trials so you can stand tall in the presence of the Son of Man.
Through this whole period of time, He taught in the temple each day. People would arrive at the temple early in the morning to listen. Then, at day’s end, He would leave the city and sleep on Mount Olivet.
The Book of Luke, Chapter 21 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 29th chapter of the book of Job where he reflects upon his life before tragedy struck:
Job continued.
Job: Ah, that I were as I once was, months ago
during the time when God oversaw me,
When His lamp shone above my head,
and by His light, I walked through the darkness.
Ah, to be in the ripest time of life once more—
when the intimacies of friendship with God enfolded my tent,
When the Highest One was with me
and my children encircled me,
When my steps were bathed in milk
and the rock poured out rivers of olive oil, showering my body,
When I went up to the gate of the city,
when I took my seat in the town square where the elders meet.
There the young saw me and made room for me, in deference to elders.
The old rose and stood out of respect.
The leaders stopped talking
with their hands over their mouths.
The voices of nobles fell to a hush;
their tongues stuck to the roofs of their mouths.
Every ear that heard me blessed me,
and every eye that saw me testified to my greatness.
After all, I rescued the poor when they cried out for help
and assisted the orphans when they had no one else.
The dying spoke their blessings over me,
and the widows sang their joyful songs honoring what I did.
I adorned myself in righteousness,
and it covered me;
my justice fit me like a cloak and turban—
conveying both my dignity and my authority.
I was the eyes for the blind,
the feet for the lame,
A father for the needy,
and I sought for the cause of whom I did not know.
I broke out the fangs of the wicked
and wrested prey from their jaws.
Then I said, “I will pass from this earth in the comfort of my nest.
My days will be more numerous than a beach’s grains of sand.
My roots will grow deep, spreading out to the water’s edge,
and in the night, the dew will come to rest on my branches.
Respect will be accorded me every day,
my skill with the bow always new in my hand.”
People used to listen to me,
the sense of expectation visible on their faces;
they waited in silence for my advice.
And when I finished, they did not hurry to speak again.
They waited while my words dropped like dew upon them.
Indeed, they waited for me as one waits for a good rain,
and they opened their mouths as if to catch spring showers on their tongues.
I smiled upon them when their confidence flagged,
and they took comfort in my beaming face.
I led them in their way.
I sat as their leader.
I lived like a king among his troops.
I was as a happy man spreading comfort among the mourners.
The Book of Job, Chapter 29 (The Voice)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, may 6 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about enduring hope and testing, along with suffering with patience, and surrender:
We are being educated for eternity, and the life of faith is a long lesson in obedience -- learning to suffer God's will, to accept whatever happens, and to endure in hope. Practically speaking this means "laying aside" your desires and surrendering yourself -- all that is within you -- in trust of God's plan for your life, even (and especially) in the most harrowing of moments... Indeed, in light of suffering, what we really need is perseverance, or what the New Testament calls "hupomone" (ὑπομονή), a word that means "remaining [μένω] under [ὑπο]" the Divine Presence while being tested (the word "suffer" comes from the Latin word sufferre, from sub- (under) + ferre, to carry, and therefore denotes "bearing under" difficulty). Laying aside our desires is a form of suffering that calls for patience and wisdom as we learn to endure our own frailty and to trust God for what is best...
For the child of God there are no "disappointments" in life, since God directs our steps and uses every circumstance for our ultimate good: "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down..." (Psalm 37:3-4). To plead with God for some deliverance, to beseech him for the life of a beloved child or spouse; to cry out from the depths for mercy in the face of loss, as when beside a fresh grave - and to there affirm the threefold affirmation of kaddish: "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21) - is to learn the lesson of obedience - surrendering to God's will, refusing to despair even in the midst of our sorrows....
Therefore we suffer to learn obedience, for what is obedience that is not tested and refined by suffering? "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one" is the mantra of the Jewish heart (Deut. 6:4). The Shema is an invitation to "show up" by refusing despair; it is an affirmation that God’s loving providence is in control of all that is essential for our lives.
The flesh needs no lesson to cling to its life and desire its pleasures, of course... God allows suffering in our lives as an opportunity to grow -- to affirm what is good in the midst of loss and to trust in God's direction and purposes. We do not learn obedience apart from the test of faith, and therefore obedience cannot be taught apart from the struggle to believe. We wrestle to surrender, with groans and sighs we utter: "not my will, but thy will be done."
Recall the Serenity Prayer: ”God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Serenity, or inner peace, comes when we surrender our will and our lives to God's care, and wisdom comes when we realize that such surrender of the heart makes all the difference. As Kierkegaard once said: “This is the key to finding rest in your suffering. There is only one way in which rest is to be found: to let God rule in everything. Whatever else you might come to learn only pertains to how God has willed to rule. But as soon as unrest begins, the cause for it is due to your unwillingness to obey, your unwillingness to surrender yourself to God.”
In the midst of his lament, from within the whirlwind of dark passions, indignation, confusion, and struggle, God spoke to Job, and there Job learned the lesson of surrender before the overmastering beauty and glory of the LORD. "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes" (Job 42:5-6). Through his suffering Job learned the lesson of obedience - he had to forsake his "own dark counsel" and "words without knowledge" (Job 38:2-3) by turning to the Lord in his brokenness and need. Job repudiated his reckless accusation that God was unjust and unloving. In Hebrew the phrase "therefore I abhor myself" might better be understood as "I recant what I said in my ignorance." Job found comfort (nacham) in turning back to God in trust, notwithstanding his ordeal. Whatever happened to Job was the miracle of grace, wherein he was able to forsake his own understanding - his own "demand" to understand - in trust that God is really his friend, and this consolation was more than enough....
It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing (John 6:33). It is impossible for the human heart to believe that God is gracious to him, and yet the very greatest danger is despairing of grace... Faith and grace are therefore intimately connected, for God's acceptance and forgiveness is for those who believe... We do not find God's heart by relating to him through the law - that is, by appealing to him as our Judge - but by relating to him through grace - that is, by believing and receiving him as our Savior. Despair comes from our own spirit trying to reason or bargain with God's acceptance; but salvation comes from hope imparted by the Holy Spirit, which is to say, by means of the miracle of God.
We are not without God's help in our suffering, friend. Yeshua promised that the Ruach HaKodesh (רוּחַ הַקּדֶשׁ) would be "called alongside" (παράκλητος) to comfort us on the journey. The English verb "comfort" literally means "to give strength" (from com- ["with"] and fortis ["strong"]), an idea similarly expressed by the verb "encourage," that is, to "put heart [i.e., 'core'] within the soul." In Hebrew, the word courage is expressed by the phrase ometz lev (אמֶץ לֵב), meaning "strong of heart," denoting an inner quality of the will rather than of the intellect. Ometz lev means having an inner resolve, a passion, and a direction.
The walk of faith requires courage, that is heart... The human mind reasons and therefore fears, but the heart is the center of our being, the core of who we are. The heart does not reason its way to love but instead allows love to inform and direct reason. Therefore God asks our hearts to trust in him, and he does not allow calculated human reason with its fears to move us on the way (Isa. 55:8). When we receive grace to faithfully suffer, we hear the Spirit whispering back to us: "Be not afraid..." "Live in me..." "Walk in the light..." "I am with you always..." "You are loved..." [Hebrew for Christians]
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Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
May 6, 2021
God Is Triune
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” (Matthew 28:19)
The foundational plank of Israel’s worship was Deuteronomy 6:4—“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.” Even the great apostle James acknowledged, “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble” (James 2:19).
Some have suggested that the Old Testament does not teach the Trinity and that the New Testament is making a “god” out of Jesus to foster the new religion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Both sections present the triune God.
The Father is named in Malachi 2:10: “Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us?” Jesus Himself insisted that we pray to the Father. “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name” (Matthew 6:9).
The Son is clearly declared in both Testaments. “The LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee” (Psalm 2:7). Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30), and the apostle Paul insisted that the Lord Jesus was “all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9).
The Holy Spirit is hardly a stranger to both Testaments. King David knew that “the Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my tongue” (2 Samuel 23:2). And as the Lord Jesus was preparing to go back to the Father, He promised that “the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26).
This much is clear: There is one God, who is manifested to us in three Persons. HMM III
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travelworldnetwork · 5 years
Escape the rat race on Macedonia’s serene Lake Ohrid. Photo: Alamy
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Lake Ohrid, Macedonia
This secret lake in the southern Balkans is a rival to its Italian or Swiss counterparts.
THE EXPERIENCE Lake Como too crowded with Clooney-watchers, and purse strings too tight for Lake Geneva? Try Lake Ohrid. Considered too beautiful to belong to one country alone, it is the jewel of both Macedonia and neighbouring Albania. Even though the western Balkans are as calm as they've ever been, the main occupants of the lake's many, many cafes and sultry beach clubs are predominantly bikini-clad eastern Europeans and expatriate Macedonians, including Macedonian-Australians. The UNESCO World Heritage-listed lake's three-million-year-old waters run deep – they plummet to 300 metres – and are genuinely crystal clear.
The best place to base yourself is Macedonia's major lakeside town, Ohrid, with its cobbled streets, geranium-lined windows and two-toned Byzantine monasteries set on the water's edge, all crowned by a 10th-century castle. Each July, this fortress's gloriously crumbled ramparts and amphitheatres host the month-long Ohrid Summer Festival, which draws opera singers, orchestras and actors from around the world.
IDEAL FOR Lovers of European history and spectacular lake views.
PRICE Intrepid's Western Balkans Uncovered trip costs from $2925 a person; intrepidtravel.com; exploremacedonia.com.
– Belinda Jackson
LIKE THIS? Croatia's Plitvice Lakes are fed by cascading waterfalls and the national park that surrounds them regularly appears on lists of Europe's most beautiful; croatia.hr.
Hong Kong, China
Districts that remain undiscovered by tourists are coming into their own.
THE EXPERIENCE The original home of the world's cheapest Michelin-starred restaurant, Tim Ho Wan, Hong Kong remains one of the world's great foodie destinations. Still relatively tourist-free, the Sham Shui Po district in Kowloon is the perfect place to eat like a local and try dishes such as pineapple buns (which contain no pineapple), walnut cookies (which contain no walnuts), rice rolls, and egg noodles with shrimp roe.
Hong Kong Foodie Tours leads small groups through the area, stopping off at a different venue for each dish. But you'll also discover local culture at markets, traditional medicine stores and the buildings that house the city's infamous "cage homes". The recently relaunched Ovolo Central hotel is in a great location while offering some respite from the bustling crowds of downtown. It also features a new vegetarian restaurant, a rarity in Hong Kong.
IDEAL FOR Foodies and shoppers.
PRICE From $HK2035 ($365) a night; ovolohotels.com. The Sham Shui Po food tour costs from $HK770 ($138); hongkongfoodietours.com; discoverhongkong.com.
– Craig Platt
LIKE THIS? Macau is a short ferry ride from Hong Kong and offers more than just casinos. The Portuguese influence from its colonial days can still be seen in Macau's architecture and, especially, its food – a Macanese egg tart is a must-try; visitmacao.com.au.
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Mak Kwai Pui, the co-founder of Tim Ho Wan in Hong Kong. Photo: Supplied
Britomart, New Zealand
Britomart has shed its seedy past to become one of Auckland's swankiest enclaves.
THE EXPERIENCE Venture down the once-insalubrious cobbled lanes and streets of Britomart and you'll fi nd buzzing restaurants like Amano from the happening Hip Group, plus chic galleries and legendary ice-cream from Giapo. It's also home to local fashion legends Karen Walker, Zambesi and Trelise Cooper, as well as the SO/Auckland hotel, housed in the former Reserve Bank building. Designer Benny Castles has incorporated a volcanic theme that runs throughout the decidedly unconventional 130-room hotel. This extends from the staff's burnt-orange jackets teamed with sneakers through to the wallpaper and neon art installations. Need a drink? Visit the whimsical Mixo Bar, with its impressive "Mega Chandelier" by Marcel Wanders, or head to the rooftop Hi So Bar and gaze over your cocktail towards Rangitoto Island.
IDEAL FOR Design and food aficionados.
PRICE From $NZ469 ($450) a night; sofitel.accorhotels.com; britomart.org.
– Sheriden Rhodes
LIKE THIS? Try the Oasia Hotel Downtown Singapore in the lovely, gentrified Tanjong Pagar port district; oasiahotels.com. visitsingapore.com.
San Francisco, USA
The California city is still a hub of artsy cool, but is constantly reinventing itself.
THE EXPERIENCE All hail hilly San Francisco. Not just for its many architectural icons – the Golden Gate Bridge, the Coit Tower – and its host of historic bohemian neighbourhoods such as Haight-Ashbury, but for its rising status as a destination with a gold standard in museums, galleries and international cuisine. Blending old and new as effortlessly as the city itself is the Proper Hotel in the historic mid-market area, an easy walk to upmarket Union Square, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Asian Art Museum.
Proper guests beat the queues snaking around the block every Friday and Saturday night and catch the lift straight up to its chic rooftop lounge, Charmaines, for some of the best cocktails and views in the city. Built in 1906 and meticulously restored in 2017, the Proper is now one of the hippest places in the city; book well in advance.
IDEAL FOR West Coast culture vultures.
PRICE From $US365 ($515) a night; properhotel.com; sftravel.com.
– Greg Callaghan
LIKE THIS? Try San Diego, with its compact CBD bursting with museums and galleries, Mexican-influenced cuisine and one-third fewer rainy days; sandiego.org.
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The rooftop lounge, Charmaines, at San Francisco's Proper Hotel. Photo: Proper Hospitality
Myeik Archipelago, Myanmar
Experience amazing underwater encounters in an unspoiled and under-the-radar tropical location.
THE EXPERIENCE The temples of Bagan and the floating gardens of Inle Lake have joined the ranks of Asia's top attractions, but Myanmar still has a few surprises up its sleeve. Foremost among them is the Myeik archipelago, a collection of 800 islands in the Andaman Sea that is a magnet for divers. Live-aboard boats are a popular choice for those keen to plunge in and meet nurse sharks and manta rays amid colourful corals. For those who would rather sleep on terra firma, the eco-chic Wa Ale is the lodging of choice.
Guests stay in tented beach villas or treetop houses and can choose from a range of individual excursions that includes jungle hikes and kayaking through mangroves, as well as snorkelling and diving. Don't miss the opportunity to meet the local Moken people, also known as the sea gypsies. These nomadic seafarers possess extraordinary skills, including the ability to free-dive to remarkable depths.
IDEAL FOR Scuba divers and Robinson Crusoe wannabes.
PRICE Rates at Wa Ale from $US400 ($563) a person a night twin share, including full board, transfers and select activities; waaleresort.com; tourism.gov.mm.
– Ute Junker
LIKE THIS? The Philippines island of Palawan ticks all the most compelling tropical-island boxes thanks to its white-sand beaches, lush jungles and soaring mountains; experiencephilippines.org
Vienna, Austria
The reigning "world's most liveable city" is an irresistible mix of history and hot spots.
THE EXPERIENCE Vienna's reputation for the traditional – ballroom dancing, quaint coffee houses, Christmas markets and grand architecture – precedes it. But there's also a hipness to the Austrian capital that manifests in cool neighbourhoods, galleries and boutiques, and an eclectic (and often electric) nightlife. The new Park Hyatt Vienna plays to both sides of that coin. Dubbed the pearl in the group's crown, this art deco palace started life a century ago as the Bank of Austria's HQ and pays elegant tribute to that heritage.
The cavernous former banking chamber also houses a popular restaurant and bar with a separate entrance that invites the city's nightlife inside. The spa and swimming pool occupy the old bank vault, and the building's scale and elegance continue into its 143 rooms, including 35 suites ranging in size from 35 to 170 square metres, Austria's largest.
IDEAL FOR Ball and concert attendees, high-end shoppers and cocktail sippers. PRICE From €430 ($689) a night; hyatt.com; wien.info.
– Andrew Ireland
LIKE THIS? Try Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme in Paris, a favourite of locals and visiting celebrities, where the real luxury is discretion; hyatt.com; en.parisinfo.com.
Taketomi Island, Japan
The home of Japan's newly anointed Dark Sky Park is a cultural treasure lost in time.
THE EXPERIENCE In the countdown to the Rugby World Cup later this year and the 2020 Olympics, all eyes are on Japan, which is what makes this destination in the East China Sea so appealing. More than just geography separates it from mainland Japan. For centuries, this tiny island was part of the Ryukyu Kingdom, a peace-loving nation which adopted Buddhism from the Chinese while also inventing karate. Hoshino Resorts quietly inserted itself into this timeless landscape in 2012 with its "village" of 48 Ryukyuan-style bungalows and program of traditional arts and crafts.
There are bullock cart rides through bougainvillea-shaded villages and traditional weaving with local artisans in this "blue zone" – the term for places where many people live longer lives (often beyond 100). Finish the day with a degustation dinner served against a backdrop of glittering constellations.
IDEAL FOR Slow travellers, astronomy fans, been-there-done-that types.
PRICE From ¥51,600 ($654) a night; hoshinoya.com; visitokinawa.jp.
– Belinda Luksic
​LIKE THIS? Try Fogo Island in Newfoundland, where the striking Fogo Island Inn was designed in harmony with the island's traditional way of life; newfoundlandlabrador.com; fogoislandinn.ca.
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Take a bullock cart ride through shaded villages on Japan's Taketomi Island. Photo: Courtesy of Hoshino Resorts
Downtown New York City, United States
The historic heart of the city is now its most vibrant part.
THE EXPERIENCE Anchored by two stunning architectural landmarks – Santiago Calatrava's Oculus transportation hub at the World Trade Centre site, and Renzo Piano's new Whitney Museum of American Art under the High Line – the in-between of below 14th Street is an urban wonderland teeming with essential restaurants, galleries and sights. On the Lower East Side, a newly invigorated art scene pulses on weeknights. Come the weekend, Tribeca's dining scene hums. And the tiny boutiques and European-inspired cafes of the West Village are charming just about all of the time.
The Four Seasons Downtown, housed in one of the city's tallest and most interesting residential towers and designed by Robert A. M. Stern, is an appropriately chic home base. It boasts one of New York's biggest indoor pools, a destination spa beloved by locals and, from the Gotham suites on the 24th floor, large step-out terraces. Plus, a short walk away from its front door is almost every useful subway line.
IDEAL FOR Foodies, barflies and art appreciators.
PRICE Four Seasons Downtown rooms start from $700.
–​ Amelia Lester
LIKE THIS? Hong Kong's frenetic energy is a close approximation and the Upper House a superb urban retreat; upperhouse.com.
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The Four Seasons Hotel, Downtown New York. Photo: Christian Horan
To read more from Good Weekend magazine, visit our page at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Brisbane Times.
from traveller.com.au
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galacticbugman · 5 years
My Coastal Trip Part 2.
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The next day we only spent the morning at Padre Island National Seashore my goodness it was amazing. One of the first creatures we met was this Gray Sea-star. You might think that old “stubby” (here what we named him for he was missing part of the top arm) was dead. I had a shovel with me in the back pocket of my pants and I scooped him up being careful not to touch him just in case I had something that might make him sick if he was alive; and sure enough by the time I got him on to my shovel he began to squirm around. I was able to take him back where he belonged and put him back in the water. My guess was that there was a feeding group the night before and he got stranded. That was my first oceanic animal rescue. I have saved baby turtles at Lake Arlington in Arlington Texas a couple of time but to be honest I don’t make that many animal rescues. I do a couple but not as many as you can think. Some time it is best to leave nature be. However I knew that more beach goers would possibly find this guy and I didn’t want him hurt anymore than he had been. It was just a judgement call I had to make on my own. I could have left him out there but I didn’t and put him back where he needed to be to feed another day. 
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As we walked along the beach I spotted out in the distance; some Sanderlings that were out on the beach feeding in groups of around six or seven individuals. there were a bunch out there and they were all in tight bunches. I watched them as they were feeding this one deiced to feed all on his own and was moving as fast as his little legs could carry him to the next best feeding area. These guys are just a touch bigger than the Least Sandpipers that we get all the time at Lake Arlington during the winter months. That is still pretty darn tiny. These guys are totally dwarfed by humans. If you are right on them they look even smaller compared to you. They are just so cute as they scurry about the sand looking for tasty morsels in the sand. They mainly feed on Periwinkles, bugs, and some other forms of mollusk. 
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  Some Royal Terns were out on the beach resting but one decided it would be best to take to the sky. Some of the in-flight shots were hard to get back when I had that Nikon Coolpix L830. I still have it and it still works but with the Canon EOS Rebel T6 it is much easier to get some of the better in-flight shots now that I have a camera with a viewfinder or what I like to call the Eye-piece. I can now lead a bird and get some of the shots that I have never been able to with just the screen. The screen was hard to use; I often lost the bird and it would hardly get into focus but with a much faster camera it gets those hard to get in-flight shots perfectly. I have only had it a couple of months now so I am still getting used to it. I had my other camera since 2015 and it took me a while to master that one. So there is a lot of stuff that I am still learning to do with this camera. Just after these shots were taken early in January at River Legacy I went and took their free camera course on how to use DSLR cameras. I really like the idea that River Legacy has that kind of class for people that have advanced cameras or who are thinking about getting an advanced camera. Some of the best things are free and that class was amazing. 
I know I am going on another off track topic but still it helps to talk about other things too. So on the beach there were a few things out and about but not much. Soon the time was up on us to head back so we went to the car and went off to a souvenir shop. We love to go to shops down there and help out local businesses. 
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I bought this cool fridge magnet that is in the shape of a Great White Shark Tooth. I am just gaga over sharks. Ever since I saw the movie Jaws for the first time back in High School I have been totally into sharks and want to learn all I can about them. I have become quite the fan of the annual Discovery Channel Shark Week that happens every summer. I just bought a new Shark bedding set that is cool. My aunt bought me a shark bank not too long ago to spruce up my new room, I also have shark figures and toys on top of my dresser. So you can say I am a shark junkie. I also have a shark tooth necklace took. I also have a few shark shirts as well. I have the one Jaws shirt and then I have two gray button downs with hammerheads on them. My grandmother used to say to me that I dress like an old man. I do wear a lot of button downs with print on them I just like the beach style. The button down open, a tee shirt under that, the shark tooth necklace, bucket hat, and sneakers and on occasional flip flops. Normally on my adventures I wear jeans and hiking boots but sometimes it is okay just to think of waves and the island style. Still I think sharks are amazing creatures. I have always liked sticking up for the misunderstood creatures because they get such a bad reputation for being labeled as evil mindless monsters. I think that shark deserve respect and don’t deserve to be feared. People need to understand that when you go into the water you are on their territory. Human ego say this land is my land and I can go into it and everything goes my way; but in the real scheme of things humans need to learn that the water or that forest is their land and I am in their world and need to be aware that there are things that might be potentially dangerous so I need to be alert and be aware of my surroundings. Wish that is the way it is but some people just don’t understand.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway on the way back home we decided to stop off at innerspace Caverns to see if they had another tour but their last tour had just ended. My brother is not totally into what I am into. He is into more complex things like extinct ice age animals which I do admire a lot; he is also into video games. So there is still much work to be done with him. he doesn’t really like fossil collecting, birding, or photography like I do. No he is only into certain things. He also spends a lot of his time watching espionage films and he does like Star Wars but he is not totally into what I am in which is fine so we try our hardest to find things on trips that would appeal to him. So we decided to go back down the next day to George Town Texas and go on a tour through the cave. We also made plans to go to a place I have always wanted to go called Waco Mammoth National Monument. So we went on home but the next day we were ready for more adventure.  
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A shot of me about to embark on the cave tour. My goodness was this cave cool! there was a lot of neat things to see. I have not been in a cave in a long time. The last time I went to a cave was at the Cave Without a Name in Boerne Texas and that was a really long time ago. I have only been too a limited amount of caves but I am really looking forward to going to more when we have the time and the means of getting to them. The things you can see in a cave are just phenomenal. I may not be much of a geology nerd but I do find fossils, minerals, and rocks to be very cool. My family have always been Rock-hounds. We collect all kinds of rocks and things to make edging for flowerbeds, rock gardens and who knows what else. I am still trying to get a display case for all of my fossils in my collection. Right now most of my rocks and fossils are in collectors Whitman’s Chocolate Tins with some drawer liner. Hey I go for the cheap end of the deal when it comes to things. I make do with what I have and make it work. Sometimes I wish I had a tool cabinet to put them in but I have a long way to go before I can get one of those. I have to make priorities. So yeah more of my rock nerd is coming out with that last bit. I am always wanting new equipment and stuff for my nerd hobbies. Being a naturalist can be very inexpensive but when your in a little deeper you start dreaming of some bigger major league toys. 
In this cave there are many interesting an beautiful rock formations to observe and to gawk at. Here are a few of my personal favorites that I was able to get good shots of. The light was very dim and it was hard to get everything in the gloomy lighting situation in that cave which was okay I still got what I wanted for the most part. 
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 Here is one that our tour guide called the Cave Shark at a place called the imagination station. It was pretty neat how the rocks all looked like a sea theme. This Cave Shark looked as if it was coming straight out of the wall. It looks just like a shark which made me very happy as you can tell from the earlier part about the magnet. This was my personal favorite from this part of the tour. 
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What is a cave shark without a Cave Squid? This Stalactite looks just like a Squid wouldn’t you agree? I think it does and so did our tour guide. Some of these caving guides get really creative when engaging with people about the caves while having fun along the way. Some of the people I know are not into nature one bit but my goodness they don’t know what they are missing. They totally miss out on all the cool things they could be seeing that they don’t often get to see. Traveling under ground is fun you find all kinds of funny things under there in the caves. One thing about it there is a funky smell that goes with it and the humidity too! You think caves are cool try this cave on for size you will be one sweaty hiker by the time they are done with you. I am not complaining but there is a strange aroma that comes from all the minerals and water and bat guano that really is one funky smell but we’re naturalists and we don’t mind it one bit. 
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This little scene which is just off of one of the paths to the right that is really cool. It reminds me of two things the desert southwest from the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote cartoons or a scene straight out of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom like where they are first entering the Thuggee temple just after escaping the spike room which was connected to my personal favorite Indy phobia scene which was of course the bug tunnel. That scene was crazy; I find it funny how nature always bring back flashbacks of Star Trek, Star Wars, Men In Black, Jurassic Park, Pokemon, Battlestar Galactica and many other different show and movies. I am sorry I can’t go a day without making some crazy reference to something. I guess when you are a nerd it is what you do. I don’t just think of science fiction and nature for nothing. Their is a reason why I call myself Galactic Bugman on some things and then Galactic_Naturalist on others for nothing. Those my are my prominent two obsessions nature and science fiction and cartoons. So there a big reason why I make that my screen name for many things. It is just who I am and that is my story and I am sticking to it. 
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Checkout this beautiful room right here! Ah the glorious Lake of the Moon. Okay that sounds a lot like a Pokemon Sun and Moon reference to me. The place where you get Lunala. I know again with the crazy references. Anyway this room really had me at first sight. It is amazing and so beautiful. The water is so clear and the formations are just so wonderful to see. If you go you have to take the easy tour in order to see this thing of beauty. This was the highlight of that tour. The shark totally got blown out of the water with this one (Hint: that was a Jaws Reference) the shark was pretty Jawsome! (Okay everyone hates puns I get it) but this was even more astounding. This was a really nice room of the cave. I am so glad I got to see this natural wonder and get it all on camera. Just look at some of those reflections that is how clear the water was! My golly it was amazing. 
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Another shot of just the water at the Lake of the Moon before we all turned around and headed back to the mouth of the cave. It this trek was pretty fantastic. I will have to make another trip out there and do one of the more advanced hikes which would require more squeezing into tight spaces and other things but heck I have always wanted to do some spelunking just too see what I could find and gain some more new memories and put some more experience points under my belt. 
We eventually made it back to the gift shop and I bought two things at this stop and boy where they neat. 
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I got this neat patch for my vest that I was wearing that day in fact. 
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And my new favorite fossil to my collection which is the partial tooth fragment of a Megalodon.  These things can go for so much more other places but this fragment only cost me twenty bucks which was not a bad price for one of these suckers. It is a pretty good sized piece of a tooth. It is also in really good condition even if it is just half of a fossilized tooth. I am not complaining I saw this and I was like yep that would make a good conversation piece to have in my collection. So again with the shark stuff. I am just bonkers about such things but heck that is what makes me, me. You can either take it or leave it. 
So the next thing on our Whirlwind tour around Texas we went to the Waco Mammoth National Monument. This was a great place to go for my brother. Both the cave and the Waco Mammoth site were good places for my brother for he really liked them a lot. As for me I was totally in science la la land. It had felt like I had stepped into the TARDIS and went back in time to a time when everything was different than today’s world. 
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When you go inside the building that protects the site you don’t quite know what you are going to expect when you walk in. This was the first thing I saw just before I saw the massive bone pile that was in this building. This mural shows what may have transpired on this site thousands of years ago. The story this site tells is of a flood that came through the land trapping a nursery heard of Columbian Mammoths, and a few other creatures like a Prehistoric Camel (Yes we did get a species of extinct camel in Texas at one point. It sounds a little far fetched but heck there was even Giant Ground Sloths at one point) and a few Saber Cat. Notice how some paleontologist say Saber Cat that is because calling them Saber Toothed Tiger is wrong because they are not anywhere nearly related to the Tigers of today. Not trying to be critical I am just saying you will hear this a lot from people like them. 
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Okay so the bones shown here are from the only male found on the site. His official name is Mammoth Q or as a term of endearment they call this big fellow Quincy. This guy has quite the story to tell. Look how big and massive his tusks are. They are amazing to look at but you notice that his skull has been totally smashed and crushed in the bottom picture. This is really dramatic and this must have been one heck of a bad way to go down. They say that he must have gotten stuck in the raising waters and fell and in the panic of all the other animals trying to get to safety that his head got trampled on and crushed. You can kind of make out somewhat of a footprint shape. Notice that I circled something rather interesting in the rib cage of this animal. There is a knot in his bone. They said that he might of got that while fighting and may have been a cause of illness for it not healing right and that weakened him but we don’t really know for sure. That is all paleontology is the science of prehistoric forensics and speculation! Still a very neat set of fossils if I do say so myself. This guy was quite massive. 
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   Here is a mural to give a rough estimate of what Quincy could have looked like. It is not to full scale the mural should be a few inches taller but the lights got in the artist’s way. Notice that he hair on his body looks much like the hair of an American Bison. It could have very much been the same for of the moderate temps of that time period to keep him warm at night but to not be too hot in the summer time. Remember these are not Woolly Mammoths so they didn’t need a lot of hair on their bodies since we did have a lot of moderate temps. And just look at that size. I am so glad this is just a painting and not the real McCoy or I could run the risk of getting flattened like a pancake standing this close to this guy. I knew elephants are big but my gosh they make me look tiny. Still a pretty good size comparison if you ask me. I like that the artist had some sense of humor and gave him a Three Stooges Moe hairdo or just a Chili bowl hair cut. It think that is kind of funny even though he probably didn’t look a think like one of the Three Stooges but heck I think that artists need to have a little fun while doing their job. I love added flair to artist representation. 
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 Here is another Mammoth that they have on site. This one is called Mammoth W or Wanda. She is one of the oldest females that was part of this heard. One of her tusks was removed to keep it from getting damaged further. Some of these bones are very fragile and had to be treated with kid-gloves. Still another fascinating animal to look at as the guide showed her to us. When I am dealing with a fossil site if it is one I am allowed to dig on or like this it doesn't really matter which; I always try to imagine myself at the exact same time period as these creatures were. My representations may not be as accurate as how they sound in my mind but I always try to picture how life must have been for the creatures by visualizing the animals of today and then thinking back further to these guys and try to visualize them doing what they did to survive like how they may have hunted or how they did other things. As  Captain Jean Luc Picard said on Star Trek First Contact “Sometimes touch came make something more real.” I believe that a lot. Now I was not able to touch these fossils but I went out to Mineral wells Fossil park a few years back and was able to touch the fossils and feel of them and that gave me more a visual aid and a better understanding. Sometimes it is hard but study the landscape and the topography and listen even you can hear faint echos of the past like a distant cry from earth’s past. You can almost feel what they must have been going through. When I first walked into this place I was blown away. It was almost like the reaction Ellie Sattler, and Alan Grant gave when they saw their first live Brachiasaurus. It was almost like that except they were just the skeletons of what was once living. It took me back to a place that I could only dream of touching. I is very moving to be in a place like this and to feel how life was then. Sometimes if you let your imagination work with you when experiencing places like this you will get a better understand of how life was back when things were a little bit different. 
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   This was the only known Camel on site that they found. Poor Flood which is what they named her was all broken up and scattered. Her bones were not intact and were just in a pile. Her skull had to be moved back with the rest of her. It may seem kind of funny (not ha ha funny) but just kind of odd that they would do that. This site is still being excavated for more fossils and they have a lot more to do once they get a paleontologist on board. So who knows what they will uncover next. This concludes my winter vacation posts. I hope you enjoyed my photos I took and I hope you had fun reading about my experiences and I hope that you will start you own nature adventure and explore the world of nature like I am currently doing. It is amazing to see new things and travel to wonderful places. I think that nature is very important and I will continue to write more about my life’s experiences on this blog site to help inspire and give you a little window of my life and how crazy cool it can be. I may not be an expert but I don’t have a problem writing myself field notes and sharing them with you. I hope you will continue reading my blogs and following my material. I am opening this Blog up to not just insects but to birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fossils, and everything that is nature. Until then take care of yourself and I will see you on the trail. 
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pinelife3 · 8 years
What is a labyrinth for?
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I've been reading House of Leaves for the last ~7 months. I'm interested, but not engaged: all those months of toil and I'm still only 300 pages in (it is really tempting to just read the Wikipedia summary). The book is about a house which is bigger on the inside than on the outside. People find a mysterious passage which leads to endless hallways, rooms leading to more rooms. An expedition is mounted and the group spend close to two weeks exploring the insides of the house's walls. It takes them four days to descend a staircase. They never find the outside, the house never ends. And as the story goes on the house becomes increasingly hostile and it’s driving people crazy, floors are spontaneously opening up and swallowing unsuspecting alcoholics down into bottomless pits.
Throughout the book (or, really, throughout the bit I've read so far - haha how many book reports have been authored by people who have only read a fraction of the book?) there are lots of references to labyrinths and their purpose. Such a cool word - what's the meaning of 'lab'? Labyrith = misspelt start to labia? That would be interesting. Fingers crossed that that's an upcoming twist in HoL. Okay: the etymology - Online Etymology Dictionary:
c. 1400, laberynthe (late 14c. in Latinate form laborintus) "labyrinth, maze, great building with many corridors and turns,"figuratively "bewildering arguments," from Latin labyrinthus, from Greek labyrinthos "maze, large building with intricate passages," especially the structure built by Daedelus to hold the Minotaur, near Knossos in Crete, a word of unknown origin.
A word of unknown origin... Spooky. They go on:
Apparently from a pre-Greek language; traditionally connected to Lydian labrys "double-edged axe," symbol of royal power, which fits with the theory that the original labyrinth was the royal Minoan palace on Crete. It thus would mean "palace of the double-axe." But Beekes finds this "speculative" and compares laura "narrow street, narrow passage, alley, quarter," also identified as a pre-Greek word. Used in English for "maze" early 15c., and in figurative sense of "confusing state of affairs" (1540s). As the name of a structure of the inner ear, the essential organ of hearing, from 1690s.
This is definitely irrelevant, but in Homer, Odysseus’ stock epithet is ‘cunning’ - the first lines of The Odyssey are: “Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns.” Is this twists and turns because he’s cunning and able to confound people with his ‘figuratively bewildering arguments’ - or is this twists and turns because he’s a terrible navigator and we’re about to hear all about his epic, decade-long journey home from Troy?
Anyway, kind of feels pointless to tell the story of the Minotaur and his labyrinth because you definitely already know it, but just briefly:
Tale as old as time, True as it can be, Blah blah blaaaah  Beauty and the beast
After some funny business between Poseidon and Minos (the king of Crete), the queen (Minos’ wife - and also the daughter of Helios, the sun) falls in love with a bull which was originally given to Minos by Poseidon under the proviso that he (Minos) would sacrifice it to honour Poseidon (sweet deal). Anyway, the queen is totally besotted with this bull and decides she wants to kick things up a gear sexually so she has Daedalus (of wax wings fame) make a hollow fake cow so she can get banged by the bull (what could go wrong?). She winds up pregnant and gives birth to the Minotaur - the queen tries to raise him right but he is savage. Because he’s a monstrosity, he had no natural food source and settles upon humans as his food of choice. 
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Minos commissions Daedalus to build a labyrinth (I presume the Cretan royalty had some kind of family discount plan) and they shove the Minotaur in there. Why didn’t Minos just kill the Minotaur? The oracle at Delphi said not to. Plus, I guess it might have upset his wife a bit. Why didn’t Minos just kill Daedalus? That’d be too easy. It seems like at the core of most myths there’s a kernel of morality tale:
For Daedalus: just because you can doesn’t mean you should - be more careful about the stuff you build. And don’t enable bestiality 
For Minos: don’t sass Poseidon
For the queen: typical Greek stuff - all women (even the daughters of the sun god) are depraved liars with bizzareo sexual leanings. Even though it was a curse from Poseidon that gave her those impulses, her shame echoes through eternity (which is weirdly her only cosmic punishment - besides, I guess, being separated from her one true love, the bull... actually, I’m not sure what happened there. One assumes that after the Minotaur thing she decided to hit the brakes on her relationship with the bull but maybe they grew old together, lying in the sun in grassy pastures for the rest of their lives)
If you were hoping that this was the only tale of lady/bull romance from ancient Greece, you are shit out of luck. In another story from Crete, ya boy Zeus takes a fancy to a woman named Europa. Rather than woo her using any of the conventional means, Zeus transforms into a huge white bull and abducts her, taking her to the island of Crete. She becomes Crete’s first queen and has some kids with Zeus - it’s unclear whether this goes down with Zeus in bull or human form. It transpires that one of the kids born from Europa’s affair with Zeus is Minos. So Minos’ mother and wife both had unsavoury relationships with bulls. 
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That was a long detour - getting back to the Labyrinth: it was built in Crete to house the Minotaur. The idea was that the Minotaur would never be able to escape, and that anyone who entered the Labyrinth wouldn’t be able to escape either. Why not just lock the Minotaur in a prison? Doesn’t have the same ring to it, I guess. It’s a weird idea though, isn’t it - making a really complicated (but still solvable) puzzle and putting something you never want found or freed in it. Why not just make something actually unsolvable?  
So that’s the first/most famous labyrinth. Herodotus, a Greek historian who was kicking around in the 5th century BC also wrote about one in Egypt. He wrote a book called Histories which Wikipedia bills as the founding work of history in the Western literary canon (I initially misread this sentence and thought that they were saying it was the founding work overall and I was about to be all ‘ah, beaucoup problemo, Wikipedia.’ But a quick reread saves me from from making an embarrassing mistake). ANYWAY, in the second volume of Histories, Herodotus recounts his travels around the far flung and exotic land of Egypt. According to Herodotus:
This I have actually seen, a work beyond words. For if anyone put together the buildings of the Greeks and display of their labours, they would seem lesser in both effort and expense to this labyrinth… Even the pyramids are beyond words, and each was equal to many and mighty works of the Greeks. Yet the labyrinth surpasses even the pyramids.
Ancient Origins dot net says:
It was named ‘Labyrinth’ by the Greeks after the complex maze of corridors designed by Daedalus for King Minos of Crete, where the legendary Minotaur dwelt. Yet today, nothing remains of this supposedly grand temple complex – at least not on the surface. The mighty labyrinth became lost to the pages of history.
It was actually a mortuary temple, not a labyrinth in the traditional sense of looking like a maze, but it was sprawling, complex and difficult to navigate.The only other Greek historian to see it was Strabo. He was kicking around ~500 years after Herodotus but also reported that the labyrinth was pretty crazy, calling it a “great palace composed of many palaces.” He said:
[I]n front of the entrances are crypts, as it were, which are long and numerous and have winding passages communicating with one another, so that no stranger can find his way either into any court or out of it without a guide.
Apparently the temple was lost over time - Wikipedia is blaming Ptolemy II (who apparently married his sister so that gives you a sense of his respect for preserving the integrity of things like historical sites and the integrity of blood lines) for its ‘demolition’ but he died in 246 BCE so, if he’d destroyed it, how would Strabo have been able to see it in the 1st century CE? It may not have been completely destroyed - it sounds like they perhaps just removed a bunch of limestone columns and blocks.
Fast forward to 1888: a British archaeologist named Flinders Petrie is excavating the site - of his findings he writes: there was nothing but a “vast field of chipped stone, six feet deep... All over an immense area of dozens of acres, I found evidence of a grand building. From such very scanty remains it is hard to settle anything." Petrie also apparently found a bunch of papyrus scrolls - including some which contain parts of the Illiad!
So there was definitely something there. Imagine this though: people found Herodotus’ writings ages ago and are searching around in the sand based on 2,000+ year old testimony from a man who many of his contemporaries considered at best a gullible exaggerator and at worst a liar. 
There was an expedition in 2008 - they have a website talking up their geophysic surveys of the area but they might not have found much because the results page of their website was never completed.
There’s a really weirdly specific Wikipedia article dealing with the (figurative) presence of the Minotaur in HoL - obviously some HoL superfan wrote this article (and it is interesting) but I don’t know why it warrants its own stand alone article - it’s not unusual to have a separate article discussing the themes and motifs of a major text on Wikipedia, but this is a whole article discussing a single motif. ANYWAY I like the analysis in the article about how if the house is the labyrinth, the Minotaur is the awful thoughts that crowd around you as you explore the endless hallways - obviously these are different for everyone. SO the Cretan labyrinth was built because Minos didn’t want to kill the bull - that was its purpose. What is the purpose of the labyrinth in the house? (That’s really why I’m still reading.)
UPDATE: have given up on House of Leaves - it’s on the bookshelf and never coming off. I am a quitter. Feels amazing.
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danielanduranb · 6 years
Complete Guide to Plan a Family-Friendly Trip to Rajasthan
The opulence of Rajasthan consumed my attention and made me relive the historical era. Returning from my Rajasthan trip, I couldn’t stop myself from recalling the beauty and richness of such a royal state. I must say one thing, no matter what, Rajasthan has never failed to captivate the travellers from colours and sheer splendour. Filled with invincible forts, marble temples, waves of sand dunes, splendid palaces and lovely lakes are some of the reasons to travel to Rajasthan ones in a lifetime. So, are you looking forward for a family vacation to Rajasthan? If yes, then the only question that must be revolving around at the back of your mind – How to plan a family-friendly trip, what to see and do in Rajasthan? If this is the case, then this blog will assist you to get the best tips for planning a perfect family trip and help you know the top best things to do in Rajasthan. Please continue reading the step by step guide that I have curated just for you.
Step 1: Decide Where to go and When to Visit Rajasthan?
Where have you decided to go on for a family fun in Rajasthan? Confused? No worries. The state of Rajasthan has a number of places to visit that are perfect to family holidays. Depending on your interest, schedule, family size, and age of the family members, you can choose the right place for your Rajasthan tour from some of the given below destinations:
Udaipur: Udaipur – The City of Lakes or a Romantic City. Good to go and best place to visit in the Monsoon Season i.e., July to September. Your trip to Udaipur would take maximum 2 days and if you manage to wrap up visiting the places in just one day then you can even move forward to Chittorgarh which is just 113 km away from Udaipur.
Jaisalmer & Jaipur: Jaisalmer – The Golden City & Jaipur – The Pink City and The Capital City of Rajasthan. Are considered to be the best places to visit in the Winter, i.e., late October till February. The time period of 2-3 days is enough to explore the ‘Golden City and Pink City of India.’
Jodhpur: Jodhpur – The Blue City. Can be visited at any time of the year. Travelling to Jodhpur you would require 2 days that would be enough to get through the major sightseeing places and enjoy amazing food.
Mount Abu: Mount Abu – Rajasthan’s only hill station. Best Place to visit in Summer and Monsoon. 2-3 days would be enough to cover most of the places along with enjoying the beautiful mornings and evenings in the hill station.
Bikaner (a day or 2 would be sufficient to help you explore and enjoy your Bikaner Tour) and Bharatpur (best place to visit with kids and family during the monsoon season, so you would require to plan a trip of 2 nights 3 days).
Narlai, a beautiful village of Pali district in Rajasthan which is located at the Jodhpur-Udaipur highway is one of the most ethnic towns in Rajasthan and is best place to visit during the monsoon season. You can extend a day to visit Narlai when visiting Jodhpur or Udaipur, but make sure you book you book your stay at Rawla Narlai to get the Rajwadi experience.
Plan your escape to Ranthambore (October-April) which is a vast wildlife reserve near Sawai Madhopur that would take you maximum 3 days to explore the deep jungles and Ranthambore Fort, and enjoy safari rides, birdwatching, and so much more.
For international tourists, who are visiting India for the first time with family, consider taking the “Golden Triangle Tour?” This consists of a luxury train tour (Maharaja Express or Palace on Wheels Train) to the major destinations of India: DELHI-AGRA-JAIPUR (5 Nights 6 Days). The tour provides a full-fledged glimpse of rich cultural heritage and history of India. So, get ready to taste the British, Mughal and Rajputana Royalty in just one platter.
Other than these, there are a number of travel places for your family holiday in Rajasthan. Considering the factors I mentioned above, you can plan a trip easily. Need help in learning more about the tourism places in Rajasthan? Well you must take help of our Rajasthan Travel Guide, which has detailed information on all the must-see destinations in the state with important insights on best time to visit, top attractions, accommodation options, and how to reach.
Step 2: Learn How to reach the Selected Destination?
Once you are all done deciding the city for the family vacation plan in Rajasthan, the next thing is to decide the best possible means of traveling. In the sense, it could be either by airways, by railways or by roadways. Take a look at the brief insight on the major means of transport in Rajasthan:
By Air: Rajasthan is a well-known tourist hub both for domestic and international tourists. Whether you are about to travel from within the country or from outside India, there are hosts of options for airlines connecting all the states of India. The three major airports of Rajasthan are Jaipur (International), Jodhpur (Domestic) and Udaipur (Domestic).
By Train: Rajasthan has a good network of rail if you are travelling within India. There are several routes which you can opt for a train that connects to different cities of Rajasthan. For instance, Jaipur and Kota are the hubs connected to other major cities of India like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata and others.
By Road: Planning to visit Rajasthan by road? With over 20 national highways, which encompass an overall span of 6373 kms, amongst which NH-8 is the most preferred one as it is the gorgeous road to be travelled on. The state has commendable bus service that is regulated by the state government with over 56 depots of buses which connects states like Gujarat, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Delhi.
Wait… have you planned to go on a family adventurous road trip by car? You can either hire a taxi that would be charged per kilometer or if any of the family members wish to drive by themselves then nothing to worry as the roads are convenient and easy to navigate. You’ll find numerous ‘dhabas’ that can do more than justice to your appetite too. With some good music and snacks, the road trip would turn out to be the best and memorable with your kids and family.
Step 3: Book Your Hotel
Once you enter the land of Rajas and Maharajas, it’s now time to experience the stay in luxurious palaces to the modest havelis in Rajasthan. The royal hotels and resorts of Rajasthan give the feeling of princely state in a very rich and beautiful setting. You can choose to book your stay stay in one of Asia’s best and luxurious hotels that I have mentioned below:
In Udaipur: Book your stay at the Udaivilas, Leela Palace, Taj Lake Palace and The Lalit Laxmi Vilas Palace to get a Royal Rajasthani Experience.
In Jodhpur: Experience a completely unique taste of royal life at the world’s largest private residence turned hotel Umaid Bhawan.
In Ranthambore: If you want to explore a walk-through nature and desert safari then staying at Oberoi Vanyavilas or Aman-i-Khas.
In Jaipur: you can again get to stay and enjoy your perfect family holidays in Rajasthan by booking your stay at the Raj Palace, Rambagh Palace and Jai Mahal places which are beautiful and decorated with arched gateways and breathtaking murals & frescoes.
In Jaisalmer: Without any second thought, you can book your luxurious stay at Suryagarh, and Jaisalmer Marriott Resort & Spa.
Or, if you want to save on accomodation and manage it on some other activities, then we have brought to you few budget-friendly hotels which is no less than providing you an amazing experience of vintage rooms that would impress you with its quality services. So here we go-
In Udaipur: Book your stay at Hotel Raj Palace, which is a good option to stay with family. Also, the Madri Haveli is the most preferred by tourist when looking for a budget-friendly stay in Udaipur. The rooms have modern decor and historic architecture. You can even look for Jagat Niwas Palace Hotel and Mewar Haveli. If you are planning for a family vacation on a budget, then you should start planning it Check out other popular staying options in Udaipur.
In Jodhpur: Shahi Heritage Haveli, Juna Mahal Boutique Homestay, and Singhvi’s Haveli are some of the best options to stay with your family. Find out more hotels in Jodhpur here.
In Ranthambore: Hotel Ranthambore National Resort and the Sher Vils are the most preferred budget-friendly options to book your stay. Check out more such places to stay in Ranthambore.
In Jaipur: Stay at Hotel Sarang Palace, where every room has a unique theme and the ceilings of some rooms are painted in Traditional Rajasthani themes or you can even look for Surya Villa and Krishna Palace. Check out popular hotels in Jaipur.
In Jaisalmer: Hotel Deoki Niwas Palace would be an ideal choice to book your stay in Jaisalmer. Find out other places to stay in Jaisalmer.
In other cities and town in Rajasthan that are appropriate for a family getaway, there are plenty of staying option both in luxury and budget category. In case you are planning your own holiday, you can find good deals on accommodations, on our site, Tour My India. We have a manicured list of hotels that offers brilliant facilities and services to its guests.
Tip: If you are planning for a family vacation on a budget, then you should start planning it 3-4 months in advance with the best tourism company for holiday packages suiting your needs.
Step 4: Choose the places for Sightseeing Tour, Food and Shopping
So, the last time when I visited Rajasthan in the month of November, 2017 for an exotic holiday with family, it was a 7-day trip to Jaipur and trust me, it was super fun and amazing! Although there is a lot to share but I thought of coming up with the basic things. In order enjoy a hassle-free trip, you should prepare an itinerary in advance and then follow it religiously to make things work smooth as silk. Pen down all the places you want to visit (you know where to find all the information, Pssst…on Tour My India website!) with your family by keeping in mind the top tourist attractions that are convenient for both you and your aged family members to travel and enjoy the trip in a peaceful and a hassle-less way.
Sacred and Religious Places
If you have decided to enjoy the summer vacations in Mount Abu then you must definitely go on and seek blessings at the Dilwara Jain Temple which has beauty that is indescribable in words. Similarly, if you go to Jaipur, then you must see the Birla Mandir Temple which is beautifully structured with white marble. Visiting the City of Lakes? You should definitely take your family to Jagdish Temple to watch out the beautiful carvings, decorated ceilings and steep steps. And yes, above all- the BLESSINGS of Lord Vishnu!
Explore the Sightseeing and Heritage Attractions
Enjoy boating and feel the breeze in Nakki Lake of Mount Abu. The Lake Pichola in Udaipur has a very clean and relaxing atmosphere that makes the sightseeing very calm and peaceful. Oh! Don’t miss the visit to Jal Mahal- a palace that is built on water which is awesome sightseeing place in Jaipur. Keoladeo National Park (Bharatpur) is a must-visit place during the monsoon (best time to visit is between 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.). You can spend 3-4 hours that would be enough to explore the park or if you wish, you can even spend your whole day.
Also, make sure you don’t miss out on visiting the Mehrangarh fort while visiting Jodhpur.
Food Exploration: Don’t leave Rajasthan without tasting the authentic food
Want to try the Rajasthani Food? Then it’s a must that you should opt for Dal Baati Churma and other authentic Rajasthani food. Ah, I just cannot stop myself from drooling over these yummy dishes while typing about them. Dal Kachori, Pheni & Ghewar, Smoked Laal Maans (Red Meat Curry), Gatte ki sabzi, Ker Sangri ki Sabzi, Pyaaz ki kachori (made of mouthwatering masalas and golden-brown onions) and the list will not end. What makes the food so delicious are the use of dried beans, lentils, milk and buttermilk which are common in their cooking.
Shopping Spots in Rajasthan
So what strikes your mind while thinking about shopping in Rajasthan? The leather goods, spices and royal jewellery and trinkets, all make for some enticing pieces to be bought from the colourful bazaars of Rajasthan. Here is a list of shopping places that will help you get an idea of where to shop in Rajasthan’s popular destinations.
Johari Bazaar (Jaipur)- Shop the classic and typical Jaipuri ornaments
Bapu Bazar (Jaipur)- If you are in search of many choices, go ahead
Clock Tower Market (Jodhpur)- Get a variety of spices, flavoured-teas, antiques and so on
Nai Sarak (Jodhpur)- Grab the best of Rajasthani fabric: Bandhani suits, pagris and leather goods.
Mahatma Gandhi Road (Bikaner)- Your search for amazing mojris and handicrafts ends here.
And again, the list is endless as Rajasthan is vast and due to such rich culture, traditions and heritage, there is plenty to buy in the state. So, do not restrict yourself while exploring the markets, ask the locals about the popular bazaars and do visit them for that authentic shopping experience in Rajasthan.
Step 5: Add an additional Destination for Kids and the Elderly Family Members
As a kid, I was never interested in knowing the history of monuments and the culture. All I wanted to do is- perform activities that attracted me the most. Similarly, I believe, your kids might feel the same, so in order to not to make them feel restless or uninspired throughout the trip, you should add additional kids-friendly destinations or activities in your travel itinerary. Since Rajasthan is a destination for all, the state has a lot of things stored for the little guests as well. Some of the top attractions for kids in Rajasthan are mentioned below.
Puppet Making Workshop (Jodhpur), specially developed for families traveling with children.
Safari in Ranthambore National Park (Ranthambhore), bring the Children’s favorite Jungle Book to life and travel through the Indian Jungle on a Private Jeep Safari.
Boat Ride on Lake Pichola(Udaipur), your kids would love to enjoy boating around the shimmering water and watch out the activities being held all around.
Along, with your children, pamper your parents with the taste of royalty. There are a number of places that are perfect for your elderly parents to visit in Rajasthan. Below are some of the important ones:
The City Palace in Jaipur is one of the most visited and recommended place when visited with the elderly folks of the family. Experience the warm welcome with turbans and garland that best describes the traditional rajasthani royalty.
The Lake Pichola (Udaipur) would give an amazing sightseeing experience, with the building all around. Take them to Jag Mandir, which is situated on the Lake Pichola itself. Take a simple tour in the car and watching vibrancy of the city and cultural shows happening all around.
The Kalbeliya Dance on Rajasthani music in Jodhpur is a must visit with the age-old ones. Trust me they would love the unique way of dancing which is also called snake style dancing.
A visit to the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary (now Keoladeo National Park) is not at all a bad idea.
A visit to the The Thar Heritage Museum located in the backstreet of the Jaisalmer can also be planned to not miss out on the preserved history and culture of Rajasthan.
Other than these, seeking Allah’s blessing in Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti’s Dargah in Ajmer and Ranakpur Jain Temple in Udaipur.
Step 6: Choose a Travel Agent
Even though, the steps for planning your family trip in Rajasthan discussed by me in this blog are quite comprehensible, I feel sometimes it gets too hectic to plan everything on your own, especially when one is travelling with family. In such cases, booking your tour with a trusted travel company like Tour My India who are experts in organizing such trips in the country, is a good idea. Travel experts not only offer you trips in a budget of your choice but can also impart valuable suggestions that will certainly make your trip even more fun. The itineraries are well-curated where each member of the family has something or the other to enjoy. Transports are arranged and the best hotel in your budget is also booked along with arrangements of activities and sightseeing tours that will be enjoyed by all the family members. Therefore, it is a good idea to book with a travel company, when planning a family trip.
Well, I hope this mini 6-step guide was of some help to you in planning your family vacation in Rajasthan. In case, Step 6 felt most convenient to you, don’t hesitate to contact us for Rajasthan Tour Packages at +91-9212777225 or you can drop us an email at [email protected]. Also, please share and like this blog, in case you found it helpful.
The post Complete Guide to Plan a Family-Friendly Trip to Rajasthan appeared first on Tour My India.
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curatedglobaltravel · 7 years
Last Minute Holiday Getaway Ideas You'll Love For A Fabulous Winter
Do you need to end your year with something spectacular? Or find that guaranteed fabulous start to your new year? Scouring every corner of the globe, our experts have hand picked amazing destinations to escape to this winter! The perfect cure for those January blues! You’ll add a few more pages to your bucket list after reading our top destinations around the world, starting with...
 South America - Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia
Feel the rhythms shake through your bones at the carnivals in Brazil. Explore the depths of the jungles of Peru, Ecuador, and Columbia. Experience and learn about the world’s biggest rain-forest, the Amazon. Really get people’s eyebrows raising when you tell them you’re going to spend the holidays in South America! Have a completely new winter holiday experience by basking in the sun on soft white sands and mesmerizing blue seas. Not a snowflake in sight! You’ll swap out your thick coats and big boots for light short-sleeve tops and sandals, whilst lapping up the luxuries of this unspoiled nature retreat on the water. Your family will love these adventure-packed destinations!
Quebec City, Canada
Still love wrapping up warm and heading out into the crisp winter days? Quebec City is full of Christmas delights that will fulfill your holiday spirits. Get lost in the popular German Christmas markets and villages, blanketed by the warm scents of honey roasted chestnuts and sweet treats. Learn to ice skate at Place D’Youville for that perfect winter photo. Explore one-of-a-kind UNESCO World Heritage treasures on an exciting carriage tour. To top it all off, stay in the most talked about hotel in the city, Hotel De Glace, an ice hotel that oozes frosty fantasies. Unique to North America (the only one of its kind), choose from 44 themed rooms and suites that have been injected with colorful lights. After a day of sightseeing and Christmas shopping, relax in the hotel’s many hot tubs and saunas. You’ll be totally whisked away into another world this Christmas.
 Sedona, Arizona
Stunning Sedona scenery awaits your itchy traveller feet! Escape the hectic Christmas scenes from home to a land where peace, healing, and wellness are set centre stage. Lose yourself gazing at the vast canyons and mesa’s. Find contentment at the healing spas. Be enlightened in the vibrant arts scene. Once you have found calm, energize yourself with horseback riding, rafting, biking, and other activities! You’ll be surprised how much you can do over this Christmas!
 London, England
London is electric at Christmas! Home to the most flamboyant shopping displays that provide passers by a theatrical show, you’ll be mesmerized by the energized department stores that Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Selfridge’s, and Liberty’s all create. Marvel at the sheer amount of Christmas lights on every street you turn, juxtaposed upon the quintessential old buildings of traditional London. Really take all this energy in by ice skating at Somerset House, joining in by candlelight with the carollers at the Royal Albert Hall, and sinking into a comfy seat watching The Nutcracker at The Royal Opera House. Families will love the many museums with great kids activities too! The V&A Museum is forever a popular choice, with The Science Museum right next door. Love Christmas? Love London!
 Tuscany, Italy
Get the best of Italy this Christmas without all the crowds. Experience a more peaceful Italy this December at the Toscana Resort Castelfalfi. Located in the heart of Tuscany, you’re never far from Italian culinary delights and fine wines, which can be grouped together with tours and tastings. You’ll also have the luxury to choose from unlimited golf and spa packages, to Christmas and New Year’s Eve specials that include live music and exquisite, romantic accommodations.
 Central America - Costa Rica, and Panama & Mexico
Jump on over to a culture rich destination paired with the some of the world’s most beautiful beaches! See the fascinating Chichen Itza in Yucatan, then venture down to Ek Balam for the well-preserved sculptures and carvings on the walls and temples. All that exploring needs the perfect sun, sand and sea treatment, so stretch out along the stunning beaches of Celestun and Progreso. Your family albums will be full of great memories from this trip!
 South Africa
Escape to The Cape! Often overlooked but never to disappoint, South Africa has sunshine, beaches, culture, food, and the world’s best safaris! See enormous elephants, lounging leopards, rumbling rhinos, and lions yawning ferociously in their natural habitats!
 The Caribbean
There are still many stunning islands open to visitors! Turks & Cacaos, the Dominican Republic, Grenada and more have announced that they are welcoming many back to vacation, with lots of spaces left! Dip your toes into the bright, turquoise seas lined with the whitest sands you’ll ever see!  Did you know you can volunteer your vacation time and help the many thousands in need? Just let us know and we can arrange one of the most rewarding excursions of your life! 
 Northern and Eastern Europe
Finland and Sweden, Estonia and Croatia, and many more! These countries are gear up to what they really do best; Christmas markets! Unmatched by their twinkle, shine, hot chocolates and sweet treats, these destinations are sure to dazzle your family! Pick up exclusive, traditional and local gifts for a surprising holiday season.
Fancy escaping more than the country this season? Try flying into a totally different world! India is sure to give you those fascinating stories to tell your close friends and family, as well as incredible photos to stick to your refrigerator door or frame on your desk at work. Begin in the fast-paced, hilariously chaotic, and bustling cities in the north such as Mumbai and New Delhi. Connecting New Delhi is Jaipur and Agra forming the Golden Triangle, creating a stunning and energetic tour of some of India’s best known sights. Take a trip down south where the vibe is a lot more chilled out. Reflect on your vacation by laying down on one of the many picturesque beaches along the coast.    
Israel and Jordan
Spirituality is a powerful and euphoric feeling, matching it with the joyful communities and bustling market streets of Israel and Jordan and you’ll have a vacation you’ll never forget!
The deep and colorful scents of magical Morocco will move you down into the narrow market streets, overflowing with vibrant, locally made goods. When the sun dips below the horizon, Morocco shimmers as night lights illuminate plazas, cafes, and restaurants with a warm golden glow. You’ll be speechless at Morocco’s incredible beauty.
 South East Asia and The South Pacific
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Tahiti, and The Islands of French Polynesia! Big, bustling cities to quiet, calming, towns. South East Asia has a wide variety of destinations catering to both sides of the spectrum. Your family will love trying the vast variety of foods and spices available throughout this region. Scorpion on a stick anyone??
 USA - Southern California, Hawaii, Florida
Fly like a bird this December and migrate south to avoid those harsh winter temperatures. Warm up those feathers on the sunny shores of Florida. Get an island vibe without leaving the USA by heading over to Hawaii. Take back breath-taking photos with you from a tropical paradise Christmas. There’s almost limitless choices for you to enjoy, from snorkeling to taking a cruise around Kealakekua Bay and other scenic wonders , to touring the rain forests of Hana and the eye-opening sea cliffs of Maui via Maverick Helicopters. Outdoor enthusiasts can opt for a whale-watching kayak tour while those seeking a restful spa vacation can find the perfect retreat. Getting a golden tan this season is totally possible! Explore your backyard parts of the USA for a straightforward but relaxing vacation! Leave your heavy coats in the wardrobe this December! 
 BONUS - UNESCO sites?!?!
We’ve Got ‘em! Are you are eager to get your world heritage tour started?. Contact us now for a free travel planning consultation and we can begin to map out your bucket list!
Click here now to book your adventure with Curated Global Travel!
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