#sanji week day 7: free day
nyahobi · 7 months
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based on fall out boy's album cover obviously
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moozyfreak · 7 months
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nonoel-art · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Sanji!! 🥰 ~ Sanji Week Day 7: Sanji Day/ Free Prompt
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oprarepairweek · 4 months
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Buckle up everybody because the (un)official One Piece Rarepair Week is sailing your way! 🎉
Posting begins June 17th, 2024 and will continue through June 23rd. If you're late, that's okay! Content will be reblogged long after the week ends, so take your time and have fun with it!
Please use either the #oprarepairweek or #oprarepairweek2024 tags so that we can find your post! You can also directly tag this blog (@oprarepairweek) as well.
All forms of media (art, writing, videos, etc.) are welcomed! (AI generated media is EXCLUDED.)
Sensitive content (i.e. NSFW, gore, violence, etc.) is allowed as long as it is tagged/censored appropriately.
This event is only being hosted on tumblr and AO3, but feel free to share your work on any platform!
AO3 users may add their works to the official collection.
Please note that this event is for rarepairs only. See the list under the cut for examples of ships.
Day 1: First Meeting | First Kiss
Day 2: Laughter | Tears
Day 3: Dancing | Sleeping
Day 4: AU | Clothing Swap
Day 5: Season | Festival
Day 6: Flirting | Jealousy
Day 7: Future | Free Day
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! The askbox is open 24/7 💖
As mentioned previously, this is an event for rarepairs only, so please try to avoid creating content for the more popular/well known ships in the fandom if you can! Below is a list of some of those ships to give you a general idea of what should be excluded from the event.
Guidelines for what is considered a rarepair and what isn't is very loose, so don't worry too much about it if you aren't sure (and again, you can always ask!) If you happen to make something for a more "popular" ship I promise you won't get in trouble. We're just taking out the really obvious ships in order to let the less popular ones get their chance to shine ✨
And as for some of those less popular ships...if you need examples, here's a whole bunch!
...And tons more! This list doesn't even include any poly ships, so just use your imagination and go wild ;)
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Happy Sanji Day everyone!!!
Sanji week finale, Day 7: Free prompt
Ofc I had to draw everyone hehe
Closeups under the cut!
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dragonsbluee · 6 months
It's Usopp day!! So here are some quick headcannons I've had bouncing around for a while:
Usopp is, hands down the best gift giver of the crew. One of his main love languages is acts of service, you know he's always ready for the crew's birthdays! If he can't find it, more often than not, he'll make it, so when his birthday rolls around, it's all hands on deck.
Contrary to popular belief, Usopp doesn't drink coffee that often. His anxiety plus caffeine isn't a great mix. He doesn't really have a preference between coffee or tea, he's more of a sweet drinks person.
At least twice a week, he and Robin spend some time caring for their plants together. He's working with Robin and Chopper to see if he can cross-breed pop greens with other plants.
Usopp journals pretty consistently. It's a habit he picked up from his mom when she was bedridden and trying to keep occupied and awake. He likes to write down his to-do list, ideas, and first sketches as they pop into his head. It's always somewhere on him or nearby, but no one is allowed to look through it.
(Its definetly not because he loves making little sketches of the crew as they go about their day)
Usopp's sketchbook is where he drafts out his blueprints and works on complex drawings. That's usually in his workshop, and he and Franky communicate on projects through little notes left on pages.
He and Nami are the most consistent writers of the log book. At first, Nami kept it up to date, but Usopp got involved to add more flare, and now it's their little ritual.
Usopp is a little touch starved, and especially after the whole water 7 debacle, starts seeking out comfort and physical affection from his crew mates. Evening cuddles with Luffy and Chopper quickly becomes a regular thing.
Brook and Usopp have a religiously scheduled time one day a week, dedicated to hair care. Neither usually care too much about the shower schedule, but Wash Day is sacred. They pull out all their products and shamelessly hog the bathroom. Sanji brings them snacks and drinks as needed. Sometimes, Chopper joins them when his fur needs a good clean. Brook and Usopp experiment with different styles on Ussop's hair if they have the time and energy. Both of them will never admit just how important it is to them, but they know.
It's not a grudge, per say, but Usopp definitely has some repressed anger towards Yasopp. He loves his dad, respects him, and looks up to him. He also socks him across the face before hugging him when they finally reunite.
It takes Usopp a few hours to wind down if he pushes his observation haki too far. His haki is strong, and it backfires a little, leading to a painful case of sensory overload. He has to lie down in the dark and built himself a wieghted blanket just for occasions like this.
Once, when he got a little too tipsy, and had spent a little too long staring at Kabuto upgrades, Usopp may have considered - very passionatly, out loud - how well Luffy's skin would work as a last ditch replacement for the rubber straps of his slingshot. It took them an hour to convince Luffy to come down from the rigging.
Usopp is not allowed to experiment with explosives on the Sunny unless he is manning the cannons. This is absolutely because of an incident when Ussop was on watch, sleep deprived, and experimenting with new ammunition. Luffy, Nami and Zoro have a pact to ensure Usopp and Buggy never interact with each other.
Speaking of sleep deprivation, when Usopp gets like that, he scares the crew and never even ends up remembering it. All of his intrusive and unhinged thoughts take over, and he loses any filter he has. He's tried to collect Chopper's fur to make a coat, made Jimbei sit still so he could colour match the exact shade of his skin, watered Zoro's head in the middle of his nap, started debating the worst ways to die and why with Robin and made a detailed plan to kidnap and train a news coo to get Nami free newspapers.
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snippychicke · 1 year
It's Just Business-- Part Two
Ya'll have seen that gifset of this man's smile, right?
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Fandom: One Piece (LA mainly)
Rating: Teen so far
Pairing: Sanji/Reader
Warnings: No real warnings, but god, I hope you like pining
Summary: You felt like you had known Sanji forever, considering your family had been the main merchants Zeff used to supply the Baratie. You had a small crush on him, but knew it was hopeless considering you were the one woman he didn't seem to pine over. 
It was fine. Or so you thought until you ended up on the Going Merry as a bookkeeper and supply manager. Being around him 24/7 was a lot more difficult than just a few days a week.  
(Please note 》°《 denotes a scene in the past while -*- will be a regular scene break. Because yeah, I like my non-linear story telling.)
Masterpost | Ao3
You had been raised on a ship. Solid land was unnatural to you compared to a swaying wooden deck. And you were well aware Sanji was the same, except one crucial thing: the Baratie was free-floating for the most part. Sailing and navigating had not been a large part of the chef's education. 
And looking at Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp, you had your doubts it had been theirs. None of them struck you as experienced sailors. "Do any of you know how to sail?" You bluntly asked as you watched them prepped their ship to leave the Baratie after Nami. 
You definitely hadn't followed Sanji down to the docks, your stomach in knots because he was leaving the Baratie. And joining the upstart pirate crew that had both fought the legendary Mihawk and the infamous Arlong. It didn't bother you. You weren't worried at all. 
It was bullshit and you were fuming underneath all the fear you couldn’t shake. There were too many emotions that it was far easier to just bottle them up and focus on the problem at hand.
As you suspected - and feared - none of the men looked completely confident as they shrugged their shoulders. "Kinda?" Was the general consensus between the three men you didn’t know, which is not what you wanted to hear. 
You looked at Sanji, who had already stepped onto the deck. But he was hardly helpful considering he simply shot you an impish smile as if he knew what you were thinking and was all for it. The look in his eyes was virtually daring you. 'Come on. You know you want to.'
Granted, you weren't even sure what you were doing. Or why. (You did, you just didn't want to admit to it.)
You groaned as you rubbed your forehead. Men. "Okay, follow up question. Do you even know where Arlong's base is?"
Luffy lightened up at that question, giving you a moment of hope. "I don't, but Binky does!"
To your horror, the wanna-be pirate captain led you along with the others into the cabin where a black bag sat on a table. Before you could even question what was going on, Luffy pulled a decapitated head out of that bag. "Bendy knows where Arlong is, and will tell us as long as we get his body back!"
You had a moment of severely doubting Luffy’s sanity before the head moved. And spoke, glaring up at Luffy. "The name's Buggy. Not Bendy, not Blinky, Buggy."
The only reason you didn't fall over or bolt was Sanji's arms suddenly wrapping around you as soon as you screamed, pulling you close in an attempt to reassure you. 
The clown's grin grew, amused by your reaction. "Hello to you too, gorgeous. You boys didn't waste any time replacing the redhead, did ya?"
"She's not replacing Nami," Luffy stated firmly, which was at odds with his smile. "But she's going to help us rescue her, right?" 
Rescue. Right. Because that is what comes jumping to your mind when you heard Nami apparently left with the towering fishman of her own volition, as well as a map to the Grand Line. Why was no one else freaking out over the living bodiless head?
"She's one of the best sailors I know," Sanji said, his grip tightening slightly around your waist. "And could punt your head off the deck like a ball if you insult her again." 
Oh. You felt a blush rising to your cheeks despite yourself. "And she is right here and able to talk for herself. Besides, I know where the Conomi Islands are, it's just that most avoid it like the plague since Arlong took over." Including yourself. Because you liked living.
Gods only know why. 
Which is how you ended up as the in-term navigator of the Going Merry, and seriously considering jumping overboard after just a day of sailing with the Strawhat pirates.
Luffy was both obnoxiously optimistic and bullheaded. It probably wouldn’t be too awfully bad if he wasn’t determined to find out what your dream was, and the fact he was absolutely certain you were now part of his crew. 
You never agreed to anything of the type. You just didn’t want the idiots - mainly your idiot - getting lost at sea. 
Zoro was decent on his own, except he was also being rather bullheaded for an idiot that was just on death's door days earlier. Either he was green with seasickness, or from the combination of blood loss and pushing himself too far. And then there was the fact that when he was around Sanji the two were constantly moments away from throwing punches. Well, kicks and swinging swords, to be more accurate.
Usually you would instantly be on Sanji’s side, but considering Sanji was currently smitten with Nami you were about ready to take one of his skillets and knock some sense into him as well. 
You knew he flirted with girls. Ever since you were both teenangers, he'd been a massive flirt with every female-presenting person that walked through the doors of the Baratie. Every week you heard the stories that were romanticized by Sanji, incriminating from the rest of the crew, with the truth probably somewhere in between.
But you had never seen it up close like this. Usually it was an hour or two at kost before he moved on to the next. 
Nami was beautiful; there was no denying that. You had met her briefly while you helped Zeff stitch Zoro up - being a merchant meant pirate attacks, which meant first aid was a necessity to survive - and you could get why he was infatuated. But god, it made you ill to hear Sanji be as determined as Luffy that she had done nothing wrong and was incapable of being a traitor. You weren't jealous. Not at all. Nope.
Then there was a talking head of Buggy that was thankfully usually handled by either Zoro or Sanji. And actually, Usopp was pretty decent other than either being a compulsive liar or just enjoying telling tall tales. Sailed the East Blue by himself? You called that bull within seconds of watching him trying to manage the sail. You'd be surprised if he had more than a week's worth of sailing experience.
You managed the helm, noting the direction of your trusty compass when a shadow fell over you. Your stomach twisted, hoping it wasn’t Luffy again asking how much longer. 
"Figured you could use a little afternoon snack," Sanji offered when you looked up, causing a moment of relief. There was no denying the warmth that filled your chest at seeing him, or to see an assortment of finger-foods --each more appetizing than the last-- on the small plate he offered.
"I shouldn't… I'm still pretty full from lunch." Yet they looked so good, and smelled even better. But god, you had eaten so much at lunch, far more than you usually did. One of the perks of having a chef aboard instead of deciding how much energy you wanted to expend on cooking. 
Sanji didn't seem convinced as he leaned closer so he could faux-whisper: "If you don't accept them, I'm pretty sure Luffy will inhale them before you get a second chance." 
Fair. The boy had an appetite more legendary and unbelievable than his gum-gum fruit abilities. He was thin as a rail, but you had seen him eat more than his own weight already.  
As if sensing your waivering judgment, Sanji picked up one of the treats and held it to your lips. You hope you didn't look as red as you felt as you hesitantly opened your mouth to accept. Especially when you glanced up at his eyes while you did so. It did nothing well for you seeing that pleasant faint smile on his face as he fed you, his fingers brushing your lips slowly and softly. 
"I'm glad you're with us," He confessed as he pulled his fingers away. "I'd hate to have to rely on a clown for directions." 
You smiled despite a full mouth, taking your time to enjoy your treat - and maybe enjoying watching him relax against the nearby rail, indulging in one of the finger-foods himself. Seeing him relaxed and set against the open sea, wind teasing his blonde hair was quite the sight if you were to be honest.
"Well, that's what friends do," you offered once.you were finished. "Back each other up even if the other is being incredibly stupid." 
His eyes narrowed though his expression was playful. Which did not help your heart fluttering any. 
Oh yes, this was a very stupid idea. On both parts. 
You were not going to join once they got their navigator back. No way. You couldn’t stand being around him day in and day out. 
You frowned as you saw Sanji leaning against the railing overlooking the main floor of the Baratie, the young teen looking like a love struck idiot. You adjusted the plastic tote of used dishes and silverware in your hip as you approached, looking over the railing.
A group of girls - probably a few years older than you - sitting at one of the center tables. Dressed in beautiful gowns, hair sleek and shiny, and all laughing as they talked amongst themselves. 
It had been the running theme since your parents left you in the care of Zeff while they sailed to Logue town for some convention - apparently not trusting you enough to take you to one of the largest cities of the East Blue. 
You weren't bitter. Not at all.
"You'll just make a fool of yourself," You sighed as you returned to clearing the empty table from the lunch rush, well aware of Sanji's eyes glaring holes into your back. 
"What do you mean by that?" He shot back as he followed you, setting out new dishes and silverware from his own tote. 
"I mean exactly that. If you go down there and even try to talk to them, you'd end up making a fool of yourself. They'll be laughing their heads off." 
"They would not," He defended hotly. "And I would not make a fool of myself. I'd be absolutely charming." 
You laughed at that. Stuck between a kid and a teen, Sanji was anything but charming in your eyes. He had reached a growth spurt, losing some of the baby weight from when you had met him, but now looked like a bean pole with gangly limbs. "Sure, Sanji. Be honest, you haven't even kissed a girl before. How are you going to sweep them off their feet if you have no idea what you're doing?" 
It was fun to watch him turn bright cherry red as he spluttered. "You haven't exactly kissed anyone either, I bet!"
You could feel your own cheeks brighten as you huffed. "That's besides the point! You're the one doing the fawning, not me." 
There was a lull of silence as you worked until the rest of the tables were cleaned and ready for the dinner rush. "You know," Sanji said as you both surveyed your work. "There's an easy solution to our problem." 
You frowned as you looked up at him. "Our problem? I wasn't aware we had a problem." 
There was a pink tinge to his cheeks as he avoided your gaze, itching his neck nervously. "The fact we've never kissed anyone." 
You blushed as you looked away. "I think that's more of a you problem, more than anything." Still, your stomach twisted with butterflies at just the mere thought.  Surely he wasn't implying what your mind was jumping to. 
"I'm just saying if we kissed each other, then that's one less thing to worry about." 
Nope, he was. 
Up until this point, that was something that you had never worried about. Yet here you were, questioning if that was something a girl your age should be worrying about. You hadn't been around a lot of other people in your age group, except Sanji really. 
Did those girls down there already have their first kiss? Were they talking about their boyfriends or girlfriends or whatever? 
You screwed your eyes shut, annoyed at the sudden onslaught of questions your own mind was coming up with. 
"Fuck it," You swore - your parents were going to regret letting you live on the Baratie for a few months because of your new colorful language. 
You sharply turned towards Sanji, grabbing his tie and tugging him closer to press a kiss to his mouth
 Well, you were aiming for his mouth, but being as flustered as you were, it was equal parts his lips and cheek. But it still counted, right? 
"There, happy?" You bit out despite the burn in your cheeks as Sanji stared at you. It didn't help that he looked as startled as you had ever seen him.
"Y-you…"  He stammered for a moment before his brain finally started to work, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "You call that a kiss?"
"My lips touched yours!" You defended huffily. "So yes, I do."
“That was not a kiss,” He argued. “At least, not one that counts.”
“Oh? And who made you the kissing expert?”
As if you weren’t feeling flustered enough, Sanji stepped closer as he cupped your cheek, pinning you with those light blue eyes of his. You couldn’t move as he leaned in, gently pressing his lips to yours. And, okay, it wasn’t bad, but you still didn’t quite see the appeal of it as he pulled away. Granted, the way your heart was pounding painfully in your chest didn’t help matters much.
“That’s a kiss,” He murmured after a moment.  
Your anger rose to protect your honor as you took a step back, “Same thing as what I did. Just slow, like yourself.” 
The soft expression on his face changed as he crossed his arms, “Are you saying you didn’t enjoy it?” 
You shrugged your shoulders, “I mean, it was nothing special.” Honestly, him touching you had made your heart quicken more than the actual kiss itself. It was nothing like the earth-shattering experience your books made it out to be.
“Let me try again,” He insisted, causing you to scoff. 
“No,” You stated, already turning away. “You got two kisses, that’s more than enough.” 
Sanji whined your name as he followed you back towards the kitchens. “C’mon. You’re practically saying I’m a bad kisser!” 
You smirked to yourself as you shot a look over your shoulder. “Well, I mean….” 
The stricken look on your face made you laugh. “I’m kidding, Sanji. It wasn’t bad. I just don’t see the appeal. You’re a playboy, so of course you’d like it. I’m just different from you.” “I’m not a playboy,” He huffed. “Finding women beautiful does not make me one of those. Once I find the one, that’s it. I just… have to find her, is all.”
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Cw: flashing images
Sanji Week
Day 7: Free Day
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vinshippingweek · 4 months
Vague summary of this year's Vinsmoke Shipping Week!
Day 1 - Meet cute / MortalxImmortal
Overall, Yonji (most shipped with Cosette this day) took over, followed closely by Reiju (with Perona) Niji and then Ichiji, both of whom had very diverse shipping!
Day 2 - First date / DetectivexCriminal
Apparently people decided that that day was ReijuxTashigi day, and it makes sense lmao, Yonji takes second place and Niji and Ichiji share third!
Day 3 - Meeting family-friends / DevilxAngel
Yonji's day again! (Mostly with Sabo this time), closely followed by Niji (with Uta), then Ichiji, and Reiju and Zosan share fourth place.
Plus a surprise Judge w Sora in their younger days!
Day 4 - Red String of Fate / HeroxVillain
Ichiji really took over this day! (With Katakuri), then was Niji (with Usopp), Yonji took third place and last came Reiju (with Kiku) and then we got surprise Sparking Red X Sora Warrior of the Sea!
Day 5 - Love Letter / RoyalxKnight
Another Yonji day! (With Cosette), second place is shared by Reiju (with Tashigi), Niji and Ichiji (with Ace), plus some Sanami at the end!
Day 6 - Jealousy / CelebrityxFan
Ichiji, Niji (with Uta) and Reiju (with Tashigi) share first place! Yonji takes second and we got some Acesan in last.
Day 7 - Free day!
Ichiji sweep! (With Ace) Second place to Sanji (with Zoro), third for Yonji and fourth for both Niji and Reiju. And some surprise SoraxZeff!
There were some extras too! Mostly for the quadruplets and specifically the terrible 3!
Now, what ships did we discover this week?
In order from the ones we saw the most to the least.
From eldest to youngest!
Sora X Judge
Sora X Zeff
Reiju X Tashigi
Reiju x Kiku
Reiju x Perona
Reiju x Uta
Reiju x Nami
Reiju x Kalifa
Reiju x Zoro (the single dude to get shipped with Reiju! Congrats Zoro!)
Ichiji X Ace
Ichiji X Katakuri
Ichiji X Nami
Ichiji X Koby
Ichiji X Law
Niji X Uta
Niji X Usopp
Niji X Cosette
Niji X Page 1
Niji X Yamato
Niji X Yamato X Kiku
Niji X Luffy
Niji X Law
Niji X Sabo
Niji X Galette
Niji X Hawkins
Sanji X Zoro
Sanji X Ace
Sanji X Nami
Sanji X Apoo
Yonji X Cosette
Yonji X Sabo
Yonji X Luffy
Yonji X Sabo X Koala
Yonji X Drake
Yonji X Yamato
Yonji X Pudding
Yonji X Robin
Yonji X Zoro
Lots of ships had equal or nearly equal quantities of posts.
I was surprised by many ships! And what a lovely surprise they were, everyone is so creative!
I hope I'll be seeing you all (and more!) next time!
And special mention to Vinsmoke Luniju and her boyfriend Law!
This blog won't exactly be dormant, it's purpose is, after all, to celebrate ships of/with the Vinsmokes, although I will only be rebloging posts in which this blog is @
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Sanji Week - Day 7: Sanji Day/Free Prompt
Happy birthday to my favorite Straw Hat and the bestest and most handsome of boys, Sanji!! Decided to take it easy this time and just draw him in one of my favorite outfits of his ^^ Love u honey, you deserve the world 💙💙💙
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vinnoa-articles · 1 year
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[Image by Eiichiro Oda]
Habit Substitute Drabble Series! This will be 7 out of the 8 drabbles I will be writing, because, why not? Some characters like certain things on a daily. But what if you were there?
Here are the links for the others.
[Luffy] [Zoro] [Usopp] [Sanji] [Law] [Smoker] [Crocodile]
Rating: Everyone
Word count: 2,124
Type: Fluff, some angst, flirting
Characters: Crocodile, reader (AFAB)
Trigger warnings/content: Some threatening words, pet names like "doll", swearing, mentioning of death/trauma about the marines
“Hm,” as he sits on his throne, looking down at those pure eyes. Kneeling before his steps, pledging her allegiance to him, her soul, her body, her loyalty, everything to him, it bored him to just watch everyone do the same thing, quietly fearing him, glancing over their shoulder to see if he was there, to take his orders without hesitation. “So…” ah…another one of these, thinking as he gently scratched the armrest with his hook. Same shit, different people, every.single.day. Slipping into the same routine, not wanting to go out of the habit of the ordinary, because what is the reason? There was none. Everything was boring, it was not fun, no point, it didn’t give him a challenge, no goal in sight, no reward at the end, not even gratification.
“Go help out the others, do what you want, just don’t cause issue fo’me  just get out of my sight.”
“Did you want me to pick up some cigars from the village?” Her voice smooth as sand, another futile attempt to kiss his ass, typical of new recruits.
“Do what you want,” avoiding even looking at her. She was merely another pawn within his empire, no one really notable in his mind. Other than his rivals, no one stuck out, it was the same people, interacting with him day in and day out, passing the days as if it was clockwork as days turn into nights, nights turn into weeks, weeks into months, with people coming and going, dying or being taken away. The gentle shuffle of her getting up, bowing as her outfit harmonized with the sound of sand kicking up.
“I see sir,” her voice velvety, soft, gentle like those calm nights. “I shall come back in a few hours to give you a report then.” Typical, just a worthless pawn that won’t be of use to him. Other than a pretty face that can maybe get some money from the village, there was no way she had any potential at Baroque Works. A yawn, and rolling his eyes as he waves his hand before leaning on that same hand, his jaw resting as he stares up at the hole in his ceiling. The blue sky overhead with no clouds in sight, it was bright out, a bird or two flew over, as free as ever. Resting his eyes would only pass by some time before maybe someone brings paperwork, maybe a civilian, treasure, who knows at this point. Rubbing his cheek, the finger running along his scar, breathing in and out, the taste of musk, dust and tobacco flow through his lungs. Slowly ensuring the steady flow of oxygen with the intoxicating taste of bitterness pulsing his veins. 
“Boring…” muttering under his breath, his words breathed out with the exhale of smoke. “Hm…what to do now…” his mind wondered what he could do, it’s been awhile since he had any action, both fighting and just touch. Sure, he could take anyone in the village, but many feared him. Though it turned him on to see people trembling in others arms, it was more so how they ran to their partner for comfort, wiping the tears with their fingers as they soothed their emotions by stroking their hair, and yet it wasn’t enough for him to pursue. If only they would melt in his arms, instead of fearing him, he wanted someone to run into his arms for comfort, inhaling in their scent, kissing the top of their head to show protection, knowing their place as they are useless and they have to rely on him. Yet, not one person ran to him for protection, rather, they always ran to him to warn him or tell him something, quickly running away in fear of his reaction, which was overbearing as he was a warlord, now serving under an emperor that he could easily overthrow.
“Sir?” Fluttering his eyes open, the new recruit was before him, her figure in a tight near black navy blue dress. Thin straps decorating her shoulders, doing nothing to hold up the tight dress that hugged her body, the subtle musk, floral perfume, lips dusted with dark red like wine, hair moving subtly as her head tilted up at him as she kneeled on both knees, those lips so sinful that maybe he didn’t see it earlier when she was bowed down earlier. “I got you a gift from the village,” holding a tan satchel, with a purple string tying the top together. “A gift for letting me join.” Humming, there was a lot of doubt this was a true gift to create a simple connection, instead to butter him up to get a higher status.
“Open it then,” his cigar falling from his lips as it dissipates as it hits the ground. Grabbing another cigar from his coat, a simple box adorned with gold as he places another cigar between his lips, lighting it. That addicting taste of tobacco that he craves every waking moment. The crown of her head moves, as she opens the box so seductively, her fingers gently tugging, pulling, her lips parting to softly gasp as the bag opens up. Grabbing a box, she sets the satchel down on the ground gently, opening it with a black lighter with some silver accents. Lighting up his cigar and holding the lighter palm up to offer it to him. Raising his eyebrow, she places it right on his knee, something so casual, yet different. Another item she pulls out, a simple fabric that she runs through her fingers, finally letting it stop on her palm, a silk pale yellow sash that she folds, paying attention to her fingers with every pinch she does with the silk. Standing up, she leans closely, but he doesn’t falter, staring at her face as she moves, steadily breathing to breathe in the familiar scent of his, but that hint of roses twinged his nose. Her arms wrapped around his neck, feeling the sash go around his neck as she tied it. There was a small mark on her upper arm that he definitely did not see earlier, she was trembling, typical of this fragile thing to fear him. He really thought she was different.
“I think it suits you,” her hand tying it and tucking it into his dress shirt, then moving some loose bangs behind his ear. Making sure he was uniform, yet he didn’t protest, no one dared to touch him without asking. Her smile was soft, but he was done with her kissing his ass.
“A'right, what do you want?” Grabbing her wrist with force as her nails trail his sideburns. Her eyebrows arched in question, it irked him that she was toying with him at this point. “If you fear me, then leave me, no need to do such trivial things.” A chuckle, a laugh, it was brighter than the sun above, it was more refreshing than water, his lips felt dry.
“Me? Fear you?” The trembling in her body was no more, he could feel her steady pulse through his palm. “I am smitten with you, it’s only normal for me to follow you with my heart instead of fear.” His grip softened, looking at that wound on her upper arm, it was fresh. His hand grasping her wrist, trailed up to touch it, it was wet, deep, warm, twitching under his touch, he could see fear flash in her eyes.
“Who?” Silence, her demeanor did a complete 180, her eyes darting around. “Tell me the true reason why you are here,” running his thumb over the wound, smearing the blood, but seeing if it pained her. She didn’t speak, getting up to put his hook under her chin, the sash fluttering to the floor, the lighter clattering and opening on the rocksand, tilting her head up. “Stand,” moving immediately to his calling, making her meet his cold eyes that even marines feared. “I said, who?”
“T-the marines sir. They killed my village.” “So you seek a criminal?” Scoffing, it was like a contract with the sandman, an evil that no one wanted, yet she seeked it. “You do know I can crush you easily, dispose of you where no one could ever find you.” Relaxing into his touch, she leaned forward, letting her body lean against his torso, her breath making his abs feel hot. 
“The marines killed with no purpose, they pillage for money-”
“As do I,” growling to see her weak explanation as to why.
“Sir…” her face didn’t move, her nose pressed against his abs, without realizing his hand wrapped around her shoulder to hold her in place. “Though you seem to have everything, it seems you do some things because you still don’t want to lose some companions. Marines still hire anyone, yet you pick out people you want by your side.” Her skin was soft on her shoulder, he wanted to dig his fingers into her shoulder to see her reaction, but part of it was stopping him. He didn’t want her to fear him, she wanted asylum, something many did not want before. “If the marines are corrupt enough to hire pirates to do their dirty work…” He could see her eyes open, her jaw gently resting on his body, her lips peeking into a smile as her lashes opened and closed to keep her tears from pouring out. “Pirates are just doing things to survive, yet you aren’t a savage, you have your reasons for keeping the people you have.” 
“Okay lil’ doll, but how do you know I won’t get rid of you like the marines did?”
“Because, you looked at me and let me in here. The marines…they didn’t even look at anyone when they were killed, they feared their leader and feared for their own survival.” Those words sent shivers down their spine. Was that how his underlings viewed him? It made him smile unexpectedly, turning quickly into a frown. Crocodile took a deep breath in, letting the cigar taste burn his throat, letting that taste linger as long as he could. “Plus, maybe we can shake things up a little sir.” Her doe eyes got him, hook line and sinker, literally. Only then did he realize, he was inhaling his cigar at this point, that it was almost a nub already.
“And how on earth would a little fragile doll like you do that?” Her finger curled, beckoning him to come closer. There was something odd, taking orders from someone else, but with her, it felt like first nature, instinct as you will. He leaned in, his face past hers, almost resting on those small shoulders of hers. Her voice is a soft whisper.
“Come closer, I don’t want anyone else to hear,” groaning, he could feel the heat radiation off her cheek onto his cold skin. A wet peck on his cheek, as she stole his nub of a cigar from his lips. Turning, she stole a quick kiss, that warm beckoning smile plastered on her face like a wanted poster. “Maybe I can give you a reason to keep me around, maybe a level head to make sure you aren’t bored like you were earlier.” As if she read him like a book, though this small woman could be easily crushed within his grasp, it felt like she knew him for years, reading his body language, his facial expressions, every groan, rolled eyes, shape of his eyebrows, twisting of his torso, to the angle his face, she knew what he felt. No fear in her heart for him, something that wouldn’t run away from his fingers, being finally careful he wouldn’t break this figure of glass. He stood upright, towering over her, looking at the hole in the ceiling with the sun tinting the sky pink.
“Al’right doll face,” turning his face away to avoid her sunny face. “I’ll work you like a dog.”
“Alright alright Sir, loud and clear,” giggling as she buried her face in his chest, her arms around his waist, hopping back to wave at him, then bowing as she left the room. Things wouldn’t be the same, just maybe he could get used to having something to do, just anticipating that woman’s next move was a mystery in itself, and he was ready to dive in head first, stepping out of bounds just to find out. “Well,” his hand went into his coat to grab his cigar box, only to pull it out and look at it, putting it back into his coat pocket. Glancing at the sash on the floor, hooking the sash with his gold hook, while picking up the black lighter, flickering it on. “Things just got interesting.”
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hiiii I hope you're doing okay! I would like a urgent request with Itadori, Levi and Sanji please? Btw, it's pretty heavy topic, i know it's what your urgent requests are about but still-
The headcanons with a gn!s/o that got new prosthesis legs? (Fluff/comfort please)
I lost both of my legs at 5 years old because I had a heart tumor and oxygen levels problem and my legs didn't had enough oxygen so I eventually couldn't move them anymore so they amputated them and I got my first pair of new legs at 7 years old, the heart tumor came back at 9, 12 (this one gave me cancer) and 17, right now I'm tumor free (im 19) but I still stay in the hospital all the time since my oxygen level is still low, I've never lived outside the hospital for 14 years, I mostly made friends with everyone at the hospital and I love playing with the youngest patients but it's been really hard on the mind and sometimes I have to get IV because I can't eat because of it, 2 weeks ago I got my new legs and I'm super happy about them, obviously, but it's been a bit hard to adapt to them and for the mind since it's a lot, I can't even look at the scars, I also spend a lot of time in the psychology block to help me cope and get better
So please, can I have headcanons where s/o gets new legs but have a bit of difficulty walking in them and mentally? Thanks! <3
By the way, I love your blog and thank you for these requests, I love your writing and you're amazing!
Itadori, Levi (AOT), and Sanji Support You When You Get New Prosthesis Legs
Pairings: Itadori x Gn!Reader, Levi (AOT) x Gn!Reader, Sanji x Gn!Reader
Warnings: mentions of amputations, prosthetic limbs, mental struggles, health issues
Genre: Comfort, Fluff
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: In they comfort you when you struggle to walk in your new prosthesis legs, along with the mental struggles you face
[A/N: Hellooooo <3 Idk if you're new to my blog or not, if you are, then welcome, glad you found me, but if not, then I'm glad to hear from you anyway! Can I just start off by saying how amazing you are? I complain about things in my life so much when I probably have it easier than so many others out there. You're a true fighter and I'm so proud of you for getting through everything you'd faced thus far. I'm so glad you're alive and tumor free in this moment. I pray it remains that way so things get easier for you! As for these headcanons, I did as much research as possible to make this accurate, I'm probably still way off, but I did my best :( I'm still confused on when to use Prosthesis vs Prosthetic, BUT hopefully I did okay. I hope these hc's provide you with some comfort! You asked for fluff so I assumed that meant these were romantic?? Please let me know if that isn't the case, I can always edit everything and make it platonic! Anyway hope you enjoy <3 I'm here if you ever need anything <3]
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Itadori was always in the hospital visiting his grandpa after school, so it’s only natural that he eventually met you
He noticed you had two prosthesis legs, which made him curious–that’s how he first approached you
After learning your story and seeing you more often, he eventually fell for you and asked you out, which you hesitated at first. How could a relationship like that work? Did he really like you or was he just feeling pity for you?
Yet it did work out, years after Itadori’s grandpa passed away, he continued to stay by your side through everything, showing you all his love and support
So the day you received your new legs, he was right there with you, glad to see you happy with them, though there was always that hint of frustration and sadness behind your eyes
You had trouble walking in them at first, they were heavy and different from the ones you had before, you knew it would take time to get used to, but struggling to walk was very frustrating on you
Thankfully, Yuuji was always there to help you out
He’d take your hand and slowly walk with you in the hospital hallways, helping you regain your balance whenever you lost your step
“You’re doing great,” he smiles, squeezing your hand
There was never a moment when he wasn’t encouraging you and cheering you on; he knew what you’d been through and what you’re still going through, so the least he could do was bring some positivity and happiness to you whenever he could
On harder days where you were mentally exhausted, he’d continue to be there for you
It was hard for you to look at the scars on your legs, a reminder of the amputation that had happened all those years ago. Wishes of having a different life like all the other people your age, it was tough
“You don’t need to look at them if it’s hard. They’ll always be there and we can’t go back in time, but I love you as you are and you should too, Y/N. You’re a fighter and I’m sure so many of the younger kids in this hospital who are going through similar situations, look up to you. You’re so amazing and I love you so so much. I’m proud of how far you’ve come and how you continue to fight for yourself.”
He knows there isn’t much he can do for you. After all, he didn’t know what it felt like to lose both legs at a young age. He had no clue what it was like to be in a hospital your whole life because of a heart tumor that continued to return and left you with low oxygen levels, he had no idea
But what he did know, was that he wouldn’t let you go through it alone anymore; he stayed by your side years ago when he first met you, and he’d continue to remain there, doing anything and everything in his power to bring you joy and love you to the fullest
“You’ll get the hang of it, don’t worry. I’ll be here for you no matter what,” he says, kissing the back of your hand as you continue to practice walking in your new legs, with Yuuji by your side
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Levi frequented the medical ward due to all his comrades and friends that passed away or got gravely injured during ventures into the outer walls and later in the areas within the walls that harbored titans
So he was bound to run into you at some point, and when he did, it was when you were playing with the younger kids in the medical ward, you had a bright smile on your face, yet he noticed your prosthesis legs, knowing you’d probably been fighting your own battles
He’d catch himself watching you every now and then whenever he found himself in the medical ward, you were attractive and your spirit also seemed to draw him in, he couldn’t help it
Sometimes he’d even show up at the medical ward when no one he knew was there, he just hoped to catch a glimpse of you
This continued for a while until one day you met eyes with him and he awkwardly looked away, but figured he’d seem a little weird if he just left, so he approached you and made small talk with you
He enjoyed talking to you more than he thought he would and eventually you naturally got closer, leading to being together romantically 
It was now the day when you received your new legs and Levi quietly sat in a chair in the corner of your room, watching the doctors set you up in them
Levi is a man of few words, so he just carefully watches their every move, listening to their instruction before they leave to give you some privacy
He stands as you stand to get used to your new legs and hovers by your side, his arms ready to leap out incase you need the extra support
Let’s just say even though he isn’t very verbal with his care for you, he’s super attentive and shows you he cares through his small actions
Frustration is written all over your face as you struggle to get used to them, you felt tired of your situation at times since it was mentally exhausting and Levi understood that well
As a soldier, he’s lost so many comrades and friends along the way, feelings of helplessness and wanting to give up deep inside him; he assumed you felt the same at times in regard to your situation, but he wanted to make sure you knew you had him around if you needed him, you weren’t alone in this
“I know it must be hard dealing with this all the time. Though, you’re braver and stronger than half the soldiers on my team, Y/N. Despite everything that life has thrown your way, you’ve faced it and moved forward, I really admire that…” He says awkwardly, yet in full honestly. He wasn’t used to opening up like this verbally so often…
He’s ready to help in any way he can, and at night when the doctors are gone and the lights go out, he pulls a chair next to your bed, as his hands trace patterns on the skin above where your prosthesis start, leaving gentle kisses to the skin, his eyes shining with love and admiration for you
He loves all of you, even your prostheses and he wouldn’t change you for anything
Levi always makes times for you at the end of the day when training is over and he has nothing else to work on
Drinking tea with you in your room and reading together or listening to you speak is the highlight of his day, you bring a light to him he never had before, and he’d do anything to protect that
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Being part of the Strawhats was always a wild ride, but how did you get here?
Luffy and the crew had visited your island and he was instantly amazed by your legs, yet seeing you stuck in a hospital room felt off to him, so he invited you to join the crew to go on all their adventures, giving you the opportunity to see the world that was out there
After all they had a doctor on board, so you were in very capable hands with Chopper who always did his best to care for you
And of course this was how you met Sanji who was drawn in by you the second he saw you
It didn’t take long for him to ask you out repeatedly which you refused several times, until you realized that his feelings for you were actually genuine
Only then did you become a couple and he treats you SO WELL
He treats you like a delicate flower, making you the best foods that are easy to eat, yet still provide you with all the nutrients you need to live (whenever you do have the appetite to eat)
Franky had just finished making your new legs, thanks to Choppers detailed instructions of what you’d need and it was time to try them out and of course Sanji was there with you
“Careful with that, can’t you be more gentle?”
This man is so protective over you, poor Chopper is getting fires of questions thrown at him as well as Franky, as Sanji questions whether this is really the right fit, and if it’ll do you good
 He just wants the best for you, especially with these new legs, but once he sees your smile as you try them on, he relaxes a little
You have a hard time walking in them at first, needed to get used to the new shape and weight of them, and being on a rocky ship didn’t exactly help either, but Sanji is right there to help you whenever you need it
I think he’d even be a little too clingy at times; one hand around your waist as his other holds one of your hands…he just doesn’t want you to lose your balance and fall
Sometimes he sees your frustrations and holds you close to him whenever you have mentally draining days where things are just extra difficult for you to face, but at least you know you have his support
“Everything’s going to be okay, my love. I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you, but I swear I’ll do what I can to make it easier to bear”
And of course the way he knows to comfort you the most is through his hugs, kisses, and with his cooking of course
Warm soups are probably your favorite, they’re easy to eat and comforting as you sip on them, but he’ll make you your favorite treats as well if you’re ever craving them
Sanji does worry a lot about you, but he’d never let you see it. He just wants you to be happy and healthy, so always seeing you on oxygen in Choppers office pulls at his heart strings, but he’ll put on a brave face for you and give you all his love and attention
If you need anything at all, just tell him and he’ll get it for you, even if it’s just something as simple as wanting to hold his hand…he’d run to you in a second to make it happen <3
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Posted: 08/12/2023
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soullistrations · 2 months
First Lines
I was tagged by @mithrilwren to share the first lines of my last ten fics! Thanks again for tagging me! I....really have not written a lot so my last ten is most of my fics. also included the two fansongs I uploaded bc...poetry right?
Recipe for Disaster (Sanji and Zoro get kidnapped by fine-dining pirates)
“That is not a fucking loquat.”
2. War Paint (double drabble about sokka, suki, and eyeliner. i'm sensing a dialogue theme)
“Ow!”  “If you weren’t fidgeting, I’d be done by now.”
3. coordination (and other 'c' words) (Sun Xiang/Jiang Botao/Zhou Zekai threesome fic. They have sex. For teambuilding reasons.)
Sun Xiang is beating himself up again. He’s doing a good job of hiding it — he has his head down, scribbling notes as Jiang Botao shares his observations on the day’s scrimmage. Nobody’s noticed the tightness around his eyes, or the grimace when Jiang Botao praises him for breaking free of the others’ encirclement and rejoining his team’s formation so quickly. Nobody, that is, except Jiang Botao.
4. Reignite (one of two songs on this list--this one is for Zhang Jiale, and though the sound mixing on the track really sucks it's one of my favorite things i've made)
Is this all there is? Six years, and I’m going out with a whimper, not a bang - and here I thought we’d be eternal
5. burning up (for you, baby) (Caleb/Essek, the M9 have a beach day and Essek gets a sunburn)
The successful completion of a world-saving quest calls for a week in the sun: relaxation, rejuvenation, relocation (while the heat of Trent’s still-ongoing search dies down). With amulets slung over bathing wraps and under wide-brimmed hats, the Mighty Nein make their way back to Nicodranas, pay their respects to a grateful Yussa, and hit the beach.
6. The Way Back Home (ostensibly a collection of SPN songs I've written over the years...but i've only posted one so far)
I once saw you looking at the stars and you told me they were friends that you once knew. Well, I've been looking at the stars Wondering if one of them is you, Wondering if one of them is you.
7. because you're by my side (a very ampersand-y Chu Yunxiu & Su Mucheng fic where cyx has seasonal depression)
Thursday was phone call night. It always had been, since just after the first Season Four match between Misty Rain and Excellent Era, when Chu Yunxiu insisted on showing one of the only other girls in the league the best spots to eat in Suzhou. That next Thursday, Su Mucheng had called to complain that Chu Yunxiu had ruined her on jianbing, because how was she supposed to find any that tasted as good as the ones they had last weekend? And ever since then, it was a weekly tradition.
8. even if we're just dancing in the dark (lookit i was jamming to the song of the summer before it was cool on tumblr) (jk but this one was a lot of fun) (it's a magic au where Zhang Jiale gets rescued from prison by Ye Xiu)
Ping! Twenty-eight. Ping! Twenty-nine.
9. pics or it didn't happen (oh my god this fic was so long ago) (Outsider POV fic where Baozi opens a knock-off McDonalds and chaos ensues)
Happy’s Brawler spotted working at McDonald’s knockoff! Posted by ExcellentAutumnLeaf at 23:48 L-O-f*cking-L, it looks like Team Happy’s finally collapsing under the weight of its own shamelessness!
10. i am no icarus (I invented so many Italian nobles for this fic) (Princess Isabella and Countess Livia get together to upend the balance of city-states in Northern Italy.)
Vicenza had clearly spared no expense when it came to decorations, Isabella thought, watching the streets of the city pass by the window of her carriage with a sardonic eye.
This was a fun look back, thank you! I'm tagging @bisexualshakespeare, @granny-griffin (hi this is theetwinkleboy) and anyone else who wants to participate!
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nehswritesstuffs · 11 months
Baratie: Home to Chefs, Strays, and the Occasional Sword Goblin - Part 7
Still not dead--just running into a couple plot blockers while busy turning another maladjusted Northern lad into an accidental dad. When all is said and done, this is going to be a bridging chapter (so not filler, but also not too plotty), but I figure a reward for your patience is warranted.
First chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Prior chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
A letter arrives, a snail call is made, and comfort is offered. [3269 words]
Sitting on the balcony outside his bedroom, Sanji read quietly in the warm sun with Asido cuddled into his side. It was a day off for him, so he was spending quality time with his nephew, the boy presently tuckered out after pushing himself hard during training. For not having a directly-altered Lineage Factor, he certainly was unnaturally athletic and capable of learning quickly. Even his little body had limits though and he was now snuggled into his uncle’s side as he slept. Sanji idly scratched at the boy’s scalp, which pulled out a content squeak. He braced the book against his leg as he turned the page one-handed, not wanting to disturb the kid’s nap. Actually, this was nice… admittedly.
Eventually, Sanji’s ears caught the News Coo coming on the wind. When it was in sight and clearly headed towards him, he put the book face-down and waited for the bird to glide his way. It gave him a letter and waited shiftily, not leaving until it got a bit of the crisps Sanji had been munching on. He looked at the handwriting on the front and knew this was something he couldn’t let slide—Reiju had replied to him, after weeks of nothing, despite the inherent risks involved. Opening it carefully, Sanji checked to make sure that Asido was still sleeping before going over his sister’s flowing script.
‘Thank you for letting me know you received the azuki in a timely manner. I was not entirely certain who to gift them to, but I’m glad to know I chose well. Beans like the azuki are said to be auspicious and extremely versatile. I hope they only bring good things to the Baratie.
‘I do not know when it is that I can visit, though it is something I would like to do sooner rather than later. Father is planning future campaigns now with Notice as a physical base, monetarily, militarily, and socially. That much is public knowledge and assumption, making me free to write it. What they do not know—details I’m sure you recall so I do not compromise them—is that I am already going through much of the same treatments Mother did; Father is trying to build his Perfect Germa, and now there’s nothing I can even take to ward him off. All my future children will be perfect in his eyes. He has even taken me off active duty for the duration of the treatments and the lack of things to do is… unnerving. I was placed in Mom’s room; you know the one.
‘Please do not tell Zeff of our correspondences—I know how much he distrusts me. That much is something I would not blame him for, as I’m not exactly the center of charming stories. I think every day of what I have done to you, both in the past and now, and I shall likely never stop. If I could hold you in my arms and never let go again, I would. I wish you could have been at the wedding, that I might be at yours one day, and that they would have both been performed out of love. For now, I guess I shall have to learn to live with being pen pals, in a way.
‘Until the next letter,
Sanji carefully stuffed the letter back in its envelope before placing it in his book as a bookmark. His blood boiled at the thought of Judge torturing his sister—let alone anyone else—with his Lineage Factor experiments, but to keep her hostage in their mother’s old room while doing so? The threat was unspoken but clear.
One wrong move and she would meet the same fate as Sora did all those years ago.
After taking a deep breath to steady himself, Sanji gently shook Asido awake. “Azuki bean, time to get up.”
“I don’t wanna…” the boy murmured.
“You won’t be able to sleep tonight if you keep going,” he said. Asido rolled out of the chair and flopped onto the balcony floor, making his uncle roll his eyes. “Come on—we can visit with the geezer in the meantime.”
That got Asido perked up and the boy jumped to his feet, seemingly awake in an instant. Sanji shook his head and sighed before following his nephew through his room and over towards Zeff’s.
“Grandpa Zeff! Grandpa Zeff! Uncle Sanji taught me a lot of stuff today!” The boy nearly skipped into the old man’s bedroom, coming to a stop at the foot of his bed. He tilted his head, staring at him. “Why are you back in bed? It’s early.”
“I just feel like it, azuki,” Zeff bristled. He let out a wheezing cough and Sanji paused.
“I don’t like the sound of that,” he frowned. Now that he got a look at him, Zeff was pale, the bags under his eyes more prominent, and the book seemed too heavy for his hands.
“It’s just how I’ve been coughing the past few months.”
“No… that’s how you were coughing when I first dragged Chopper over here,” the younger man said. He checked Zeff’s temperature with a hand to his forehead and hissed—he was hot to the touch. “Shit. I’m getting the fever reducer.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re sweating through the sheets you fucking stubborn old coot.” Sanji pulled a bottle from a nearby table and poured two pills from it into his hand before shoving them into Zeff’s along with his water glass. “Take this.”
“Fussing over nothing,” Zeff grumbled. He took the medication, however.
“I’m fussing because I’m not ready to lose my dad just yet,” Sanji replied icily. Zeff looked away—that was probably the only word that Sanji could use that could get him flustered—and muttered something under his breath. “Hmm? What’s that, shit-geezer?”
“I’ll go when I’m good and ready you prissy little eggplant!” Zeff snapped. Sanji rolled his eyes and glanced over at Asido, who was fidgeting nervously.
“You should have seen him when I first rolled back into here,” he scoffed, trying to seem aloof for the boy. “Don’t worry; part of why we’re here is so that the old man gets better.”
“Yeah. Now stay here and make sure he doesn’t move while I get some more of the medicine he was on before.” Sanji ruffled Asido’s hair, ignoring Zeff’s grumbling about how he wasn’t going to take the shit anymore. It was all a bunch of hot air, the younger chef knew, and gave his nephew a wink before heading out into the corridor. It was just his luck that Zoro nearly ran into him by the stairs, causing him to jump in surprise. “Ah, fuck, marimo. Perfect timing.”
“What the fuck do you want?” the swordsman grumbled. “It’s my day off.”
“Yeah, and the old man just took a turn,” he said, motioning back towards the door with a flick of his head. “Go watch him as I grab some medicine. Kid’s in there now.”
“Fuck,” Zoro huffed. “I thought we were watching the kid, not traumatizing him with elder care.”
“Just shut the fuck up and make sure they’re both fine,” Sanji snapped. He quickly descended the stairs and went into the geezer’s office where he was storing the rest of the medicine since it generally stayed cooler than the rest of the ship. Bringing it upstairs, he had to dodge a few of the other cooks before he had Zeff’s room in sight. The geezer was still coughing profusely, while Zoro had collected Asido in his arms so that the boy could hide his face in the moss’s shoulder.
“I don’t need that shit,” Zeff wheezed between coughs. Sanji ignored him and began to pour a spoonful of the lime-green liquid into a spoon.
“Don’t be a fucking pussy,” he scowled. Sanji waited until it seemed like Zeff recovered before jamming the spoon in his mouth without warning; it worked and Zeff took the stuff. “There. Was that so bad?”
“Could’ve been better,” Zeff cringed. “Can’t the reindeer make medicine that tastes decent?”
“You know that if there was a way, he’d’ve found it by now.” Sanji deposited the spoon and medicine both on the nightstand and looked over his shoulder—Zoro wasn’t there and neither was Asido. “Alright, now get some fucking sleep and I’ll come check on you for dinner.”
“I’ll just stay here then, wondering if I should murder Patty and Carne when I see them next.”
“Not only you wouldn’t, but you couldn’t.”
“Just wait until I get better and fucking watch me.”
Sanji simply rolled his eyes.
The thing was: Zeff didn’t really improve, let alone get back to where he was before.
He was still coughing a lot, his heavy wheeze reminding Sanji of how he’d get on particularly rough days, making him glad he was attempting to cut back on the cigarettes. A fever would come and go—sometimes high and sometimes barely there—and he was sweating a lot. Between Sanji, Patty, Carne, and Zoro, someone sat with the old man most of the time, only giving him a reprieve if they were all asleep. After nearly a week Sanji had enough of his yoyoing and left the moss-brain in charge of Zeff while he slipped into his room with the Den Den.
It rang. And rang. And rang.
“Hello!” Ah, it was Chopper’s bright and cheerful voice—the last time Sanji had called, Kureha answered. That had been an… experience to say the least. “Who might I ask is calling?”
“Hey, Chopper, it’s Sanji.”
“Oh, hi Sanji! Ah! There’s your eyebrow! The snail must be slow to copy today. Are you calling to give a report on Zeff’s progress?”
“That’s almost why I’m calling,” he replied. “The old man’s having a relapse; started almost a week ago and although it’s stable, it’s not getting any better.”
“Huh… that’s an interesting development. It should be something we can work with, though. What are his current symptoms?” Sanji told him and the snail nodded along. “Has he stopped any of the rest of his treatment?”
“Not that I’m aware of; even put him back on the original shit you left us with.”
“Then that makes this all the more interesting. It might be a delayed immune response by his specific blood type. Instances are rare, but they’ve only been observed in normally-healthy people under thirty-five.”
“Is the medicine still effective?”
“Yeah—there should be no reason for it to have waned in efficacy. I’m just wondering what could have triggered this response.” Sanji could see the snail’s face scrunch as Chopper pondered the situation—he was always such a professional when he got into Doctor Mode. “Have you been giving him additional fever reducer?”
“Yeah, like you showed me before you left,” Sanji replied. “It seems to work for the fever fine, but he still has his cough, and if the shit wears off then it gets real bad before the next dose kicks in, so I’m technically overlapping.”
“It’s good that he’s responding to that at least. At the amount prescribed, he can’t overdose or find his tolerance messing with it, not for a long while yet.” Chopper went quiet for a moment, the only sound being a shuffling of papers. “Do you think you can keep him under control like that for a bit longer?”
“I can do my best.”
“Excellent; I’m going to be coming over in a couple weeks. Robin and Franky are scheduled to pick me up and the five of us will make the trip together. We can make it a pit stop before we see Usopp, Kaya, and the girls.”
Sanji had to think for a moment. Oh yeah, that’s right, he wasn’t the only one in the crew who had found themselves thrust into parenthood over the past few years. “Hey, uh, Chopper? Can I ask you something?”
“Anything!” Sanji could hear the cheer in the reindeer’s voice, which honestly broke his heart.
“Can you make sure you bring along the right equipment to give a young kid a checkup?”
That piqued Chopper’s interest. “Is Usopp dropping the girls off with you early? I know they’re due for one and that you had offered to take them.”
“No…” Sanji bit his lower lip—there was no going back from this. “There’s a young boy I have here, nearly five, and I don’t know the last time a doctor looked him over. You’re the best there is.”
“I see.” The line went eerily quiet as Chopper contemplated the new information; he honestly preferred when the reindeer blushed and swore at such a compliment. “Can I ask how he came to be under your care?”
“You can, when we’re not speaking over a tappable line.”
“Fair. Is he there now?”
“No, he’s with the moss.”
Another pause.
“Zoro’s there…?”
“Live-in babysitter and geriatric’s companion extraordinaire, that one,” Sanji scoffed. He frowned when Chopper didn’t respond. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing—I just have a lot to prepare for,” the reindeer said.  “You know, Luffy’s going to freak out when he learns about this.”
“No one’s seen Luffy in years—he’s going to freak out about a lot of things, to be fair.” They shared a bit of silence, where Sanji could tell his old crewmate was attempting to not panic. “I cut back because the kid’s around, if it’s any consolation.”
“You did?!” The snail’s face brightened again. “That’s great! How often do you go through a pack now?!”
“I dunno… about a week? Five days?”
“That’s already an improvement!” Chopper marveled. “You used to chainsmoke for months straight; being near a pack a week is impressive!”
“Well, let’s say I have some pint-sized motivation.”
“That’s good! That’s good!” There was another voice in the distance—probably Kureha—and the Den Den cringed. “I’ve got to go! I’ll send you some extra medicine by Coo and I’ll see you in a couple weeks!”
The Den Den clunked off and the imitation of Chopper vanished from the snail’s face. He left a snack for the snail and left his bedroom, heading out into the corridor the same time Zoro was exiting Zeff’s room.
“Patty’s turn,” the swordsman grunted. He caught the look on Sanji’s face and raised an eyebrow. “What’d Chopper say?”
“He’s sending more medicine via Coo, but he’s not coming for a while yet,” Sanji replied. “Apparently this shouldn’t even really be happening… not to the old man, anyhow.”
“We’ll get there.” Zoro awkwardly placed a hand on Sanji’s shoulder. “You know we will.”
“Yeah.” Sanji did not brush Zoro’s hand away, although he did walk out of his grasp, heading over to Asido’s room. He found the boy reading at his desk, legs kicking merrily in the air as he jerkily pulled his pointer finger over the varying speech bubbles, sounding the words out quietly. “Hey, what’cha got there?”
“Oh, just Sora,” the boy replied. He held the tankobon up and beamed. “I don’t have to ask for a lot of help with the words! Isn’t that neat?!”
“It is,” Sanji agreed. “Hey, listen: I just got off the phone with another old crewmate of mine. He’s a doctor and is going to come here to check on Grandpa Zeff. Have you met a doctor before?”
“No. What’s a doctor do?”
“A doctor tries to make sick people healthy, or make sure that healthy people don’t get sick. Have you ever been sick?”
“Nope! That’s when you don’t feel good, right? Like Grandpa Zeff? Is that why your doctor-friend is coming over? So that he can make Grandpa Zeff better?”
“He is, and while he’s here, he’s going to make sure that you and Zoro-oji and I are still doing alright, to check and see if we caught anything.”
“Really-really; his name’s Chopper, and you’re going to love him. He’s a reindeer.” Sanji watched as his nephew’s eyes grew in wonder and a million questions raced through the boy’s mind. Asido’s mouth couldn’t keep up with his brain and the boy began to stutter, only making vague noises instead of words. “He’s not coming for a few more weeks yet, so don’t get too excited.”
Too excited? The boy was practically bouncing off the fucking walls.
It took a while to get Asido calm again, Sanji only really able to do so with promise of updates on when Chopper was scheduled to arrive. With the boy somewhat placated, his uncle slipped back out into the corridor, only to see that Zoro was still standing there with his arms crossed and leaning against the wall.
“Don’t you have anything else better to do?” Sanji sniped. He closed the door behind him, hopefully shielding Asido from whatever fight was about to happen. “Well…?!”
Zoro did not answer, instead remaining where he stood.
“Your room’s that one, if you were wondering,” the blond sniped. Fuck, of all people, it was the marimo he had to put up with. He made a move to head down the stairs again to start on dinner when Zoro pushed himself off the wall and grabbed Sanji’s hand. Before he could react, Zoro had yanked his arm and pulled him close for a hug. Sanji tried to get away, but the idiot’s grip was too tight.
“Calm down,” Zoro grunted sourly. Okay, so at least he wasn’t completely cracked.
“What the fuck is this about?” Sanji hissed through grit teeth.
“Take a breath,” the swordsman said. “You’re doing that thing again.”
“What thing?!”
“That thing where you’re going to keep fussing and stressing until you drop.” Sanji kept struggling, not wanting to use a kick in such tight quarters. “It was shit when we were with the crew and it’s shit now.”
“You can’t tell me what to do, shitty marimo.”
“No, but I can tell you that the kid’s beginning to pick up on your pissy habits,” Zoro warned. “I’m glad he’s not like your shitty-ass family in the emotional department, but this is going to mean you’ll have to watch it.”
“My nephew, mossball, not yours.”
“…that you want me to help you watch, so put a fucking cork in it.”
Sanji sighed and let himself grow limp, resting his forehead against Zoro’s shoulder and allowing his own arms to fall to his sides while the idiot held him up. There was no fucking use in fighting this, so he closed his eyes and breathed in deep through his nose—at least the marimo had showered recently.
“Alright, alright, I’ll try not to stay so fucking wound up, for the kid’s sake if anything.”
“Good.” Zoro gave one final squeeze before he let Sanji go, the blond pushing away from him with his face flushed pink in embarrassment. “I don’t care how weird you are about it: I will get your head out of your ass if you get it stuck again.”
“I’m not that limber; find a better turn of phrase.”
“If I have to put something else up your ass in order for you to calm down, I will.”
Sanji’s face went from pink to red as he almost ran to the staircase. Stupid fucking marimo saying stupid fucking inappropriate things outside his nephew’s door… worse yet, outside Zeff’s door. He did his best to calm himself down the the time he entered the kitchen, though it still felt as though all eyes were on him.
This was exactly the shit he wanted to avoid with Zoro there, and yet it was happening anyhow.
He was gonna kill Usopp.
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shirohige-pirates · 1 year
Birds of a Feather
CisFem Reader x Marco
CW: Violence, blood, language, adult themes and scenes. 18+ only
Summary: Life has not been kind to you. After a string of bad relationships, you're a little jaded and a little depressed in all honestly. The worst day of your life seems to be the turning point, but the roller coaster ride that follows could either throw you soaring free, or have you caged forever?
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Chapter 7: Motor Running
That weekend, and the week after, went by slower than any other week before, as far as you were concerned. You and Marco met for lunch a couple times, but usually he had an appointment, or you had a meeting. Even when you had time enough to share a quick meal, it was indeed a quick meal. You both talked about work more than anything – you had tried to wheedle some details about the date out of him, but he was teasingly tight-lipped on the matter.
None of your time together had been uncomfortable, but aside from kissing the top of your hand at the end of dinner, Marco kept his distance. It wasn’t like he was avoiding you, but you weren’t sure if he wanted to take things slow, or if he was giving you the lead. Kid, and most everyone else you’d dated, were pretty physical.
It wasn’t like you got yanked into a dark corner and slammed against the wall all the time, or that you even needed that level of painfully obvious desire. It was just different from what you had become used to.
But Marco wasn’t in the city just on business. He wasn’t visiting from the ocean’s depths, and he wasn’t loud, or angry, or crass. There was passion there, unmistakably, and it had lit up his eyes more than once since you’d known him.
Maybe he was worried that if he came on too strong, you’d break and run. Whatever the case was, you weren’t going to worry about it for now. You weren’t going anywhere any time soon as it was, especially with your car still in Kid’s care.
Buggy dropped you off at home, and by that, he had the Bubble he’d ordered detour to your place before taking him home. Bon-bon and Ivankov had been taking you home for the most part, and you’d only stayed over at the office one day this past week. You’d taken a couple Bubbles to get into work, and one early morning Sanji gave you a lift.
You were going to be happy to have your car back.
Your phone rang shortly after you got home, and you recognized the shop’s number.
“Hey Red, what’s up?”
There was a short grunt on the other end of the line. “Got the body restored, waiting on a few more parts to come in before she’ll be ready. I called to see if you wanted a different paint job, you little shit.”
You laugh. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Hm, a different color…”
“I’m bringing in that long-nose artist to do the actual bird, so don’t worry about sticking with stock colors if you don’t want to.”
“Oh, when’s he coming in?”
“Sunday, it’s a personal project for him, so I’m trying not to tie him up during usual work hours. He should be in around 9am.”
“Hmm… Usopp opens up a lot of options.”
“Heh, he does. Guy’s got a good eye for things, even if he’s a little skittish.”
“Around you Kid, everyone’s a little skittish.”
“You aren’t, calling me by that stupid fuckin’ nickname.” He grumbles.
You grin. “I just don’t have the sense to be afraid of anyone.” He grunts, and you continue. “You remember that blue Killer was using for his welding mask?”
“Can you base coat her with that? I want to come by Sunday and talk about options with Usopp, but I know you need to let the base coat set before he starts.”
“Going with a whole different color scheme, huh?”
“The rust and the red went well together,” you muse, chuckling. “But if all the rust is gone, then it’s time for something different, right?”
Kid grunts, but doesn’t say anything.
“Something on your mind?”
He clicks his tongue, grumbles under his breath and then finally lets out a big dramatic sigh. “I feel like I’m the one being replaced.” He finally admits angrily.
“You’ll always be my unreasonable asshole ex-boyfriend turned marginally reasonable asshole best friend.” You say, a playful edge in your voice.
“… I better not be your best friend.”
“I mean, it’s between you and Buggy, and you’re more stable.”
Kid scoffs and laughs. “You’re kind of shit at making friends.”
“Pot and Kettle, I suppose.” You grumble back before laughing along with him.
There’s a beat of silence after you both settle down and Kid sighs a little. “That Vet does anything to hurt you, you tell me.”
“Pfft, I can bring him with me Sunday, maybe, you want to tell him to his face or something?”
“Fuck no. I ain’t gonna let him raise his guard like that!” Kid snaps before huffing. “Shop’s a public place though, I’m not saying he’s barred or anything.”
“Alright, I don’t know what his Sundays are like, but if I need a ride I’ll give you a call.” You say with a smile. “You’ll enjoy getting a look at his car up close, I bet.”
“I don’t need to see the inside of a ’72 SEL.” He grumbles.
“Not even one that’s washed three times a year? That engine was immaculate.” You tease.
“… You’ve been under the hood?”
“Mm, speaking of, if you have some custom hydraulic lifts, the hood lift’s busted. He hasn’t had any luck finding a replacement.” You mention it nonchalantly, but you can hear Kid’s mood shift before he even speaks.
“I’ll see what I have lying around.” He clears his throat. “I could probably make something in the next two days that would work.”
“Metal geek.” You tease.
“Book whore.” He shoots back.
“Greaser guzzler.” You’re barely able to keep yourself from laughing especially when Kid starts to cackle.
“Leaving me low hanging fruit. Ah, but I know, you’re going to end up that Vet’s pet, little mouse.”
“I’m not a mouse,” you insist.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re more like to hunt mice than be one.” You can picture him waving his hand dismissively.
You laugh. “Talk to you later, Kid.”
“Mm, later.”
You end the call and take a moment before you opt to send a text.
You: Sneakers or heels for tomorrow? Also are you available Sunday morning?
You peeled off your work clothes while you waited for a response. A shower before putting together something for dinner seemed like a good idea. You were going to work a couple hours tomorrow, but you’d decided to bring a laptop home vs going into the office. Going over some of the packets while you had breakfast and coffee was a good way to start your morning, and you wouldn’t have to worry about getting caught up at work and losing track of time.
Marco: I’ll show you my emo phase, if you show me yours. 😉
You laugh when you read the response.
You: It was more a punk phase, but sure.
Marco: I’m free Sunday, what’s up?
You: Kid’s getting the base coat down on my old firebird, and I need to go in Sunday to work with the detail artist for the final design and colors. I could use a ride, but Kid and the crew would love to see your SEL. (Also he might have an arm for your hood).
Marco: That’s doable. We can talk about it more tomorrow.
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hedonistic-peacock · 1 year
Family Ties
Fem Reader x Donquixote Doflamingo
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations 18+ only
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Chapter 7: Imagination
Zoro's friend Usopp showed up, with Zoro, at 10am on Saturday. You all sat down and talked about options and modifications and what Usopp could and couldn't install. When you started asking him about possible off-the-record modifications, Usopp seemed to get uncomfortably nervous about the idea, so you let it drop.
By the end of the conversation, you'd agreed to a few things, and had set a date for Usopp to come back, along with Zoro again, to get it all installed. Usopp left and Zoro stayed behind for a little while.
"He seemed completely determined to not once be in the house with me by himself." You muse, handing Zoro a beer and sitting in the recliner.
"I told him about the time the jack failed in Eustass' shop and you lifted the car off Wire." Zoro says. "I think he's worried you'd break him in half. He's a good guy, but he's skittish."
You laugh, half-grumbling about it, "Eustass wouldn't shut up about it for a month, and I swear my arms were noodles for a week after. I couldn't do it again though. It was pure adrenaline and nothing else. But that's why there's a strict multi-jack policy in place at the shop now."
"Still," You muse putting your own drink to your lips and taking a gulp. "I can't imagine people being afraid of me. I barely clear 60 inches, Eustass calls me mouse, for fuck's sake."
"(Y/N)." Zoro is giving you a look.
"Yeah, okay. I get it, I get it." Zoro had almost joined Pops' crew, and he was best friends with Luffy. You knew each other because you grew up around the boys – specifically, you grew up around them learning how to fight and as such had learned how to defend yourself. Thatch said you could've made money doing MMAs and boxing if you'd wanted, but while you didn't dislike fighting, you didn't have a passion for it.
"Besides, Eustass only calls you Mouse because he's half a mountain on his own."
You almost choke. "Yeah, I used to think the only person who had more presence was Pops, but Zoro if you ever get to meet this Donquixote guy, he makes Eustass look short."
Zoro raises an eyebrow. "Gonna let someone new in?"
"Eh." You shrug and take another drink, a ring of the doorbell gets your attention and you set your drink down and go to answer the door. "I suppose it has been a long time."
A young man with blonde hair in bike shorts, a tight t-shirt, and heels is standing on the porch with a suitcase. You tilt your head at him in confusion and he smiles.
"Young master said to deliver this package to you, Miss (Y/N)." He states cheerfully.
"Oh! Oh, right. Yeah, thank you, uh?"
"Dellinger, Miss (Y/N)."
"Dellinger." You smile. "Killer heels, kid, sweet outfit too."
Dellinger's face lights up and he bounds off the porch and back to the bike he'd apparently ridden to get here. Kid had legs like Sanji's. Well, less hairy, but he looked like he could knock someone senseless with a well-placed kick.
Zoro raises an eyebrow after you close the door.
"Tomorrow I am being repaid for saving the latest stray." You explain, tilting your head up and putting on an air of haughtiness. "I kept refusing, and this was the compromise – he gets a day of my time, and I'm sure I'm going to get a couple free meals out of it." Setting the suitcase on the floor, you pop it open and look inside.
"Clothes?" You mutter, holding up a pair of new comfy looking sweatpants. "I guess tomorrow has a dress code, and he wanted to be sure I could comply. Ah, a letter."
Miss (Y/N),
I was unsure if your recent uninvited guests had damaged anything you may need for our time together tomorrow, so please forgive me for ensuring you would have the items required.
Below that was a list of things included and when you were expected to utilize them. A shirt and sweatpants set for a relaxing breakfast, a swimsuit with an additional note that you didn't need to participate in swimming if it would be uncomfortable. There was a nice dress for an evening dinner, and all the required accessories along with it.
You took out the dress and held it up against yourself, standing up and giving it a look over. It was modest and quite beautiful, a gradient lavender that deepened into dark purple at the bottom. The accents and embellishments weren't over the top, and it was the right length.
Zoro lets out a low whistle.
"Right?" You agree. "Man's got taste, I'll admit." You carefully return it to the suitcase. "I'm not even going to be surprised if this all fits like a glove either."
"It's not at all unsettling?"
"Honestly, no it's not." You shrug. "It's almost flattering to be paid attention to so closely. Now, if things go south and I want to leave and he turns into a stalker, then it'll be less flattering." You clarify. "But if it gets to that point, I have a good idea of what he's capable of and I'll be able to plan what I need to do more effectively."
Zoro grunts, and you assume he's agreeing with your point.
"Hm?" You look back down at the letter and realize there's more on the back after the list of items and the notations beside them. Laughing, you read it out loud, doing your best Doflamingo impression.
"If anything isn't up to your exacting standards, my dear, please call the number below and I'll be sure to meet your requirements." You laugh. "My exacting standards, huh? What a delightfully smarmy bastard."
Zoro doesn't say anything, but you catch the smirk he tries to hide behind his drink.
"Shut up." You quip.
"I didn't say anything."
"You pantomimed with that smirk. I heard it – er, saw it." You grouse, and then your face splits into a devious grin. "I wonder what dear old dad would think about this." The dripping sarcasm in your voice makes it obvious you're not referring to Pops.
Zoro was quiet for a moment. "When's the last time you talked to him?"
"It's still been fifteen years." You admit. "If he even knows I'm alive, I'd be surprised."
"You're not worried about this 'Mingo guy sorting out who he is?"
"No." You sit back down now that you've tucked the suitcase back into its original state. "If things get serious I was going to tell him anyway. Besides, what good would knowing do? My father would shoot me through the head if it resulted in just one more criminal off the streets.
"Besides, Pops and the boys are better family, even if it's all unofficial."
You finished your drinks quietly before Zoro leaves. It's mid-afternoon, and you find you'd pulled yourself into a downer of a mood reminiscing about your biological father. You pull out your phone and turned it over in your hands for a moment, wondering who you could call to distract yourself, when you smile.
Typing in the "Unknown Caller" number that had appeared last night you sent a text.
(Y/N): I commend your taste in attire, and graciously accept your altruism.
You smile as you hit send, you feel like 'altruism' isn't a word often associated with Doflamingo. The cover company Smile does have some charity donations done on its behalf, but almost every business does that nowadays to at least seem caring.
You save his number into your contact under 'Trouble' and get a reply shortly after.
Trouble: I am hardly altruistic.
Chuckling, you notice more coming in, so you give him a moment to continue.
Trouble: If I were truly altruistic, I would've accepted your desire that I leave your debt unpaid.
(Y/N): Ah, so tomorrow is for your own selfishness as well?
Trouble: Indeed, though I believe you will enjoy it.
(Y/N): Not much of a payment if there's that much pleasure for you.
You grin at your own cheekiness. The one drink wasn't enough for you to be able to blame it on the alcohol, but ruffling this guy's feathers was fun even while sober. The longer you interacted with him the more you wanted to push him off his game. He was too calm, too collected, too aggravatingly cool.
You wanted to hear him stammer or see his jaw go slack just once. Maybe twice.
Trouble: Then I will simply have to try harder after tomorrow to see you repaid properly.
Okay, one drink on an empty stomach might have been too much, because you could feel yourself sober up at the implication of his text. It took you longer to form a reply than you had liked.
(Y/N): Proper repayment would've been no repayment. Tomorrow is the compromise.
His only response was the sunglasses emoji, and the lop-sided smirk on the simple graphic seemed to say far more than intended. You could feel yourself being hunted, and you weren't entirely sure you wanted to evade it.
If you didn't cool your jets before tomorrow, you were going to be a mess of sensitive skin and red cheeks. You had been glad to know that while some of your more embarrassing toys had been discovered, they hadn't been tossed like everything else. Whoever Doflamingo's traitor had been, gods rest his corpse at this point you're sure, they had at least had the good sense to leave your battery-operated boyfriends alone.
Because of that, you were certain that whoever tidied up in here had also had the good sense to be discreet or leave the box alone completely. Either way, you were relieved to find that everything was how you had left it.
After an impressive number of rounds you extracted yourself from the bed and went about cleaning up yourself and the toys. you weren't sure it had the desired effect, however, since you kept hearing his voice rumble in your ears while you were failing to imagine any other scenario. You even tried to picture Law instead. You hadn't done anything like that together, but he was good looking.
Okay, he was hot, he was super-hot, and if he wasn't a cranky over worked bastard with his own family ties, you probably would've done something like that at some point. But while your imagination had started out the right way, you very quickly found yourself in the clinic room with Doflamingo, already shirtless, managing to look delicious even under harsh light.
Even your own mind is betraying you.
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