#sano manjiro x gender neutral reader
Calling Them With a Nickname/-chan Honorific
SUMMARY: Basically the title; calling various Tokyo Revengers characters with the -chan honorific (and a nickname, sometimes) WORD COUNT: 1.2k
WARNINGS: Angst in Kazutora (oops), Hanma being a flirty bastard, you being flustered in like half of them, you being hella confident in the other half, generally just fluff, fluff, flustered guys, probably OOC.
CHARACTERS (Because there are a lot): Mikey/Sano Manjiro, Draken/Ryuguji Ken, Baji Keisuke, Matsuno Chifuyu, Hanemiya Kazutora, Mitsuya Takashi, Hanma Shuji, Shiba Hakkai, and Kisaki Tetta (phew that’s a lot-)
A/N: I dunno I keep jokingly calling the characters in Tokyo Revengers -chan to show affection for them (totally not to make fun). And I thought I should share my thoughts on how they would react to you all (lol). Some of them, it's by accident, and some you know exactly what you're doing lmao- Also, you aren't dating in these, just friends (crushes??). Sometimes (like half of the time) it's a nickname paired with chan because that's cute lol- A/N Part 2: Hope they aren't like super ooc?? Lmao- oops- I mean I don't know a lot of them that well so- I tried by reading a bunch of fanfics (lol) A/N Part 3: Kisaki is scary- Like I don't know what you guys are talking about, I wasn't able to write him fully because he's terrifying lmao- A/N Part 4: Also feel free to use these nicknames for any fic-writing that you do- cause these are adorable </3 A/N Part 5: Also this is my first time writing in this format so. Uh- yeah. It was fun though, it combats my inability to write long fics lol- A/N Part 6: Originally posted here.
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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Mikey/Sano Manjiro
You were frozen, eyes wide as a soft blush grew over your cheeks. You hadn't meant to call Mikey with an honorific—chan, no less—and you were worried on how the other would react.
"I- I'm sorry, Mikey, I didn't-"
"Call me that again."
"...What?" You stuttered slightly, not sure on what to say.
"Say what you called me again." He blinked, staring at you.
Was this a punishment...? "M-Mikey-chan...?"
You watched as Mikey's face brightened, smiling softly at you. "I like it when you say that... Say it more. Mkay, [Y/N]-chan?"
You felt your cheeks grow hot. "All right... But, one question."
"What is it?"
"Why didn't you yell at me when I said it the first time- I mean, we don't know each other and all..."
The male let out a soft huff before shaking his head. "Well, because I like you. And, I like being called nicknames by you. So." He shrugged slightly.
"...Okay..." You were confused, but a faint smile grew over your lips as you watched him.
"C'mon, let's go to a cafe- I want to eat the parfait there!"
"Wait- I thought you already ate one today?"
"It's a different store, [Y/N]-chan!"
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Draken/Ryuguji Ken
"Ryu-chan! You look really pretty today!"
You were met with a blank stare.
You stammered a little as you gazed into his eyes, hands raised placatingly. "Hey- Didn't mean any harm, I just wanted to see how you'd reac-"
"Yeah. I don't care."
Truth be told, he did care... And he spent a while in his bedroom, flustered at the fact that you called him with a nickname.
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Baji Keisuke
"You can't just keep on beating people up like that, Baji-chan." You pouted softly at him, prodding his chest lightly. "Seriously. What's your reason this time?" You were too caught up with scolding him that you didn't notice the nickname that you said.
Baji was... 48% confused, 43% surprised, 8% annoyed, and 1% flustered. His thoughts were racing inside his head- did you actually call him a nickname, or was he just imagining it?
He just let out a soft huff, interrupting whatever trivial thing you were saying—probably telling him to stop being so reckless and stupid—before he picked you up, much to your surprise.
"Wh-what are you doing? Where-"
He just plopped you down on his bike, putting his helmet on you before sitting down. "Hang on tight, I'm taking you on a date."
"Wait why-"
"Because you called me 'Baji-chan.' And it was cute. And I like you."
"...This is a confession? Wait, when did I call you Baji-chan anyway-"
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Matsuno Chifuyu
"Fuyu-chan- Can I have one of your romance manga?"
Double punch to Matsuno Chifuyu—wait no, triple punch. Firstly, you had called him with his first name. A nickname, at that. Secondly, there was the affectionate 'chan' honorific. Thirdly, a romance manga? One of his romance manga? Was this a sign for him to confess? All of his shoujo manga that he had read hadn't prepared him for this.
"Wh-which one?" He asked, flustered.
"Any- you know there was one you were recommending a while back. About a forward girl and a shy boy?" A smile tugged at your lips as you leaned closer. "I remember thinking that it sounded kinda like our relationship, mm?"
Chifuyu let out a soft huff, trying to ignore how close you were, how flustered he was. "Yeah... I have it somewhere."
You let out a soft laugh before grabbing your phone, quickly taking a picture of him before he could react. "Baji-san was right, you did get super flustered-"
"What- hey- you better not send that to Baji-san, he'll laugh at me for days-"
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Hanemiya Kazutora
"Kazu-chan. Look at me. You are not the horrible person you think you are."
Kazutora let out a soft huff. "Yeah, you're just obligated to say that."
Your nose scrunched up slightly. "No, I'm not. Don't be so dense, Kazu-chan." You gently bopped him on the nose. "Seriously. You deserve love, affection, friendship."
Kazutora shook his head. "But-"
"Shut up and listen to me, Kazutora."
He paused slightly. "...You stopped calling me that."
"Calling you what?" You blinked slightly.
"...Kazu-chan..." You watched as his cheeks flushed a soft red before feeling your cheeks heat up as well.
"Shit- I'm so sorry- didn't mean to-"
"Nah, it's okay. It's the only thing that makes your argument worth listening to."
"Well then, guess I'm gonna have to keep calling you Kazu-chan until you believe what I'm saying. Because you deserve everything good that this world has to offer."
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Mitsuya Takashi
It wasn't any surprise when you called Mitsuya 'Taka-chan.' Probably because you were always with him and Hakkai.
Still, what surprised Mitsuya was the fact that you had done it on purpose.
His heart skipped a beat, a faint smile on his lips as he watched you.
"What's with the smile?" You asked teasingly.
"Nothing... I just like it when you call me 'Taka-chan.' It's cute."
"Really?" You let out a soft laugh, wrapping your arms around him. "Well, I'm glad. Though, you're smiling a bit more than when Hakkai-kun calls you 'Taka-chan'~ Any reason for that?"
"Mm, I'll tell you... If you kiss me first."
"All right, then."
"Wait no I was kidding, [Y/N]-chan-" Cue a flustered Mitsuya.
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Hanma Shuji
"...Shu-chan? Did you just call me that?"
You tensed slightly, backing away. "N-no-" You stammered, eyes wide as a faint blush grew on your cheeks.
"You did, didn't you..."
You shook your head slightly before a soft squeak left your lips as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug. You felt your cheeks burn as you just hugged him back. "...You're touch-starved."
"What- No I'm not, love."
"Yes you are. And it's not like you're in love with me-"
"But I am-"
"...What." You blinked slightly as you watched him.
"[Y/N]-chan- It's true! So call me Shu-chan more." He pouted softly at you, and you could only relent, eyes softening a bit as you watched him.
"Fine... Only to calling you Shu-chan, though."
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Shiba Hakkai
Watch Hakkai literally freeze.
"Hakkai-chan?" You ask again, an innocent look on your face. "Can you please help me with my homework?"
You watched in amusement as his cheeks flushed brightly.
He knew what you were doing, how you were trying to make him more flustered and unable to speak than usual. He was pretty used to being around you, to the point where it was fairly easy to talk to you, but... Still, when you wanted to be flirty, it broke him.
He looked away from you, pressing his lips together as he didn't look you in the eye, feeling his cheeks heat up even more. "Wh- what..."
"It's for math. Help-" You got rid of the teasing look, poking the male gently.
"O-oh..." He mumbled, looking at the papers.
"...Wait, [Y/N]- I thought you were the smart one here."
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Kisaki Tetta
Welp. You were dead.
That was the thought that flashed through your head, as well as regret and a tiny- tiny- bit of fear.
After all, you had called him Tetta-chan- either he would think you were making fun of him, or that you were flirting- neither of which you wanted to think about.
Before he had the chance to reply, you just dashed off, sprinting as fast as you could.
By the time Kisaki had processed your words enough, you were long gone.
"Well..." He shook his head slightly with a soft sigh, feeling his cheeks heat up. "They're the only one allowed to call me that."
Hanma just let out a soft snort. "Tha has a nice ring to it, don't ya think, Tetta-chan~"
"Shut up."
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kisakis-boyfriend · 3 months
imagine stroking Mikey under the blanket while watching a movie with the Sano siblings and making it extra hard for him to be quiet by edging him :)
Mikey will not make it out with his sanity, unfortunately. You're going to edge him until there's zero thoughts up in his little head.
At least Shinichiro suggested turning off the lights to make it "an authentic theater experience", so the lewd expressions on Mikey's face won't be quite as noticeable. His siblings aren't any the wiser when Mikey covers his mouth; eyes rolling back into his skull as you stroke him just how he likes, only to stop right before he cums. The movie is juuust loud enough to cover the sounds of his heavy breathing and choked moans as you edge him throughout the entire film.
Of course, you're not going to let him cum right next to his siblings. That'd be way too embarrassing! How thoughtful of you to wait until you're alone later that night—or maybe not until tomorrow morning—to finally allow him the release that's been building up overnight. How kind you are to clear his mind of nothing except thoughts of you bringing him over the edge however you'd like.
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airbendertendou · 3 months
bonten men seeing you with contacts for the first time.
[ glasses version ] no pronouns used / gender neutral. lowercase intended. cw : sanzu touches your throat non-sexually / non-threateningly , mentions of acne in kakuchos , reader wears a gloss / lipstain in kokos
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
— MIKEY! ♥︎
it wasn't ideal, your current situation. putting on your most expensive jewelry ; practicing your laugh ; extending your vocabulary just in case — it wasn't something you did often.
however, your biggest investor was invited to a gala, therefore you were meant to join in aswell.
letting out a breath, you enter the ballroom turned meeting area. you blink, squinting lightly at the twinkling lights before relaxing your eyes. with a small nod to yourself, you put on your prettiest smile before turning left and beginning your evening of socialization.
your feet feel numb ; your voice is aching with use ; your eyes have long since dried out — and you hadn't even seen mikey yet. he was the entire reason you were pushed to this gathering. settling your back against a wall, you let out another breath, convincing yourself to stay for just a little longer.
"you look nice."
the voice gets your attention immediately as you straighten up. mikey stands alone, just a little ways in front of you. he tilts his head and you swear his lips tilt up the slightest bit. you smooth sweaty, trembling hands over your outfit before speaking. "i've been looking for you, mister sano."
mikey's eyes call to yours — you really can't look away. he lets out a huff — you'd never say he laughed. "we're past the mister sano bit, aren't we, [name]?"
"i guess." your eyes drop to the floor briefly, just to get away from his heated gaze. a small tsk is heard before your chin is held in a gentle grasp, pulling your eyes to his once more. "mikey?"
"better." his hand drops but your face is still warm from his touch. "let's talk somewhere privately, yeah?"
— SANZU! ♥︎
a movie you don't even know the name of plays in the background as you eat your chosen snack. all day you've tried to ignore him and his pearl-blue eyes that wouldn't look away from you.
you click your tongue, turning to send a glare his way. "you are staring, sanzu haruchi—"
with a squeal, you find yourself on your back. you let out an astonished laugh as sanzu's knees go to either side of you, caging you beneath him. you gape up at him in shock, "haru!"
"let me look at you." his voice is gentle ; tender in a way you hadn't heard before. sure, it'd been years since you spoke, but he wasn't known for being soft. your eyes widen at the thought — sanzu lets out a sigh, his body slightly sagging into yours. "there we go..."
you blink a few times, begging for your contacts to stay in place as they begin to feel dry at the edges — crisp the longer you keep your eyes open. you can't help but induldge him, though, let him look at you for however long he wants.
“how dare you hide this from me,” haru caresses your cheek softly. “can't believe you’re so pretty.”
"i've always been pretty," you reply with a small frown.
sanzu grins wickedly, his hand trailing down to your throat before laying it there. "yeah... always pretty."
you're avoiding him. really, you're avoiding everyone in the office at this point. with a frown, kakucho gathers a handful of blank or useless sheets of paper, slipping them into an empty folder before heading over to your office.
"just leave it in the bin!" your hand stretches out, pointing to the blue, overflowing tray. your back is turned to him, hunched over as the sound of keys clicking meets his ears. his frown deepens before the back of your chair is grabbed and spun so you now face him. you gasp, "kaku—!"
he's kneeling in front of you before you can blink. a long, relieved breath escapes his chest as he settles his forhead on your knee. "god, i—[name], i thought something was wrong with you. thought i did something to upset you."
your bottom lip is chewed through, but you continue to nibble on it anyways. "...sorry."
kakucho raises his head so that his chin sets on your knee now. gone is his work exterior and in its place is the softened, lovesick daze he shows only to you. "they look nice on you — can see you better this way."
you let out a groan, throwing your head back before looking down at him once more. "i'm breaking out so bad right now! only thing people can see is that!"
he wants to reassure you — really, acne is normal and you're still beautiful with it — but he's so enamoured by you. the way your eyes are a little glassy because of your contacts ; the frown on your lips ; the way you've been stroking his hair mindlessly just because you could—
kakucho sweeps in and steals a quick kiss. you gasp again — kissing during work hours?! he was a horrid man. kakucho grins before patting your thighs and standing.
the feeling of guilt creeps up as koko's doorbell rings. his hair is tossed into a bun, white strands falling into his eyes as he opens the door. you stumble in, halfway through a sentence as he offers you a pair of house slippers.
"—and, really, you're doing me such a favor!" you plop down onto his couch unceremoniously, letting out a huff as you do. "this was the worst night for me. your call was a blessing."
kokonoi blinks as he stands frozen in front of you. with a frown, he bends at the waist and simply waits until you're looking up at him. you tilt your head, phone open on your notes app as you stop mid-way through your sentence.
sharpened eyes drift down the rest of your attire. wrinkle-free clothes ; your nicest shirt ; your lucky socks? all combined with the contacts you're wearing and the gloss staining your lips— kokonoi stands straight and crosses his arms. "where have you been, exactly?"
"a date." you let out another sigh, rolling your eyes at his rigid posture. "not a good one, i assure you! had the audacity, asking to see me again — after chewing with his mouth open and spitting his food all over mine! i can never look at tortellini noodles the same."
kokonoi taks a seat beside of you, the work he called you for out of his mind as he gestures for you to keep talking. "you called just when he was going to put his number in my phone." a sneaky, proud grin grows on your lips. "i have your bonten tattoo as the picture, so that really scared him off."
while you talk, you scroll on your phone until his contact photo is shown. it's true — his side profile is fully in view. what catches his eye, however, is his name. a simple haji with a spinning heart emoji sends his own heart into a frenzy.
at kokonoi's grin, you sense trouble. you clear your throat, taking your phone from his view before scrolling on it again. "what was it you needed from me, exactly?"
an arm is thrown over your hips as kokonoi pulls himself close. his nose bumps against yours before he slides just slightly away. "for you to not go on anymore dates. unless they're with me, of course."
—— tried another one of these silly ones <3 if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any tokyorev content, let me know! ♥︎
🍓FOREVER TAGS : @star2fishmeg ♥︎
🍓 TOKYOREV TAGLIST : @night-shadowblood-writes2 @chrofeisnightmaregf @natsumesakasakisupremacy @emperorsnero
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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mytaiyakeylover · 1 year
i just want to cuddle.
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synopsis: all your super clingy and adorable boyfriend wants is for you to give him some attention.
pairing: mikey x gn!reader
a/n: this is my first time writing something on tumblr. i’ve only recently begun to use this platform, but i hope you’ll like this little one-shot🥰
warnings: none, just plain fluff and mikey being his usual overly dramatic self.
word count: 1.1k
series masterlist | next
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Manjiro sighed, a pout slowly forming on his lips. It had already been four hours. Four goddamn hours and you still haven’t as much as glanced in his direction. He just couldn’t help it. Did you not love him anymore? It sure as hell seemed to be that way considering the amount of time you were willing to spend doing math.
The boy groaned loudly, hoping to get your attention. He then closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh that conveyed his utter agony. Two minutes passed, then five, and finally six.
Manjiro peered at your silent figure through his lashes, his right eyebrow twitching in annoyance at the lack of attention he was receiving. How could you be so indifferent? After all, your boyfriend was lying sprawled on your bed in the same room where you were doing homework, and all you had to do was ask him if he was okay.
The blond puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at you. Another set of five minutes went by without any progress. You just continued to stare at that stupid, demon-like book, filled with evil spells and, perhaps, even guides on how to steal a gang leader's lover.
“(Y/n)-chan~!” The boy whined, hitting his knuckles against the soft cushion, looking very much like a five year old. You hummed in response, not quite acknowledging him so it seemed.
That’s it. Manjiro couldn't tolerate it anymore. It was seriously starting to get on his nerves. All the blond wanted was for you to come and cuddle him, not lying on this cold and empty bed as some cursed book was stealing all your attention from him. It was about time you made a decision.
Muttering a few curses for having to leave the comfortable bed, he quietly padded towards you, who seemed far too occupied with studies to acknowledge him. Carefully placing his chin atop your shoulder, he wrapped his arms around your waist and peered curiously over the worksheets. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't interested in the content in the slightest. The blond simply wanted to know what could have been so interesting that it made you ignore him for several hours straight.
He nudged your cheek, quite similar to the way a dog would whenever it wanted some attention from its owner. However, his nudge seemed to be a bit more awkward since his nose wasn't as long, causing his forehead to hit you slightly as well. You sighed at his stubbornness, tilting your head slightly to his side to make eye contact.
Manjiro was sporting his famous puppy dog eyes, a look reserved only for you and Ken. He released his grip on your waist and reached for the fabric of your hoodie, giving it a gentle tug. His pout deepened, and his bottom lip jutted out to make his point.
“Jiro~,” now it was your turn to whine. “I'd love to cuddle with you, but you know how important school is to me.” You blinked your eyelashes at him innocently, trying to coax him into waiting just a few more minutes. Manjiro could easily tell by your expression, as well as the lilt in your voice, since it was just slightly more sugar-coated than usual.
The boy shook his head in defiance, refusing to fall for that act again. You literally said the same thing an hour and a half ago. Did school really mean that much more to you than him?
“Forget school (Y/n)-chan,” he huffed, ignoring the appalled look you gave him as those words left his mouth. “Am I not more important?”
Manjiro was looking at you expectantly, eyebrows arched as he awaited your reply. The fact that you took so much time to answer did not deter him whatsoever, as he found the confusion in your pretty (e/c) eyes too adorable to make him angry. You were obviously taking his question very seriously, which you should, as Manjiro himself was not joking around. He did, in fact, want an actual answer from you.
“Of course you are, Jiro,” you spoke softly, eyes tinged with a hint of guilt that made Manjiro’s heart skip a beat. Perhaps you had taken his question a bit too seriously. Your hand went up to cup his cheek, eyebrows furrowing while doing so.
“I just want to achieve a stable future. I'm sorry if I've accidentally neglected you,” you said as the blond leaned into your soft, yet cold palm. He sighed contentedly, despite the coolness of your fingertips against his warm skin. Your hands always seemed to be so cold, even during the hottest days of summer.
A smile soon grazed his lips, onyx eyes twinkling with mischief. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, peppering it with kisses as his hands once again snaked around your waist. Giggles escaped your lips as the boy suddenly lifted you, forcing a squeak out of you in the process.
Manjiro laughed at your reaction, finding it exceptionally cute. The blonde continued swaying with you back and forth until you both ended up falling onto the mattress. Snickers filled the room, your cheeks equally flushed as if you were completely drunk on each other.
Then he tightened his arms around you slightly. His forehead resting on yours as he held you trapped against the bed. “Jiro, get off, you’re heavy,” you gasped, words mixing with giggles.
“No more school, you got me?” He asked instead, that same pout from before reappearing on his face. Then, the boy repositioned both of you on the bed, laying you down more comfortably beside him. His arms were still securely wrapped around you, preventing any escape.
Manjiro closed his eyes after that, sighing dreamily as he inhaled your heavenly scent. Lips quirked up slightly as he felt your thin nimble fingers stroke his long ash blonde locks. Your angelic voice reached his ears as you started humming some song you had recently heard and grown to love.
As your lovely singing began to fade, Manjiro’s heart finally found a steady pace. For the first time since he had entered your room, did he realize that those four hours were worth the wait. Well, as long as he would get to keep you in his embrace afterwards.
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rindouspuppygirl · 4 months
i would love to request mikey (and more toman characters if you write multiple) x tall reader?? nsfw but idm sfw or anything you prefer
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mikey x gender neutral! tall! reader nsfw headcanons as requested by anon~ (may revisit this later, too!) bottom/unspecified position reader and not too kinky:
hes creative and likes to switch up positions in bed, keep you both comfortable - more than - with the height difference!
youve tried taking him in every way imaginable... you on a table edge, him standing...
his favorite way to fuck you is holding you up, though... hes strong, yknow? especially pressing you against a wall, door... works great for spontaneous fucks, which is good, because mikey isnt patient
that said, he fucking loves going down on you. his fav way it to kneel on the ground while youre perched on the edge of the bed
i imagine mikey is preeetty sloppy with his oral, spitty and messy but the enthusiasm makes up for it
he probably moans and huffs as he goes down on you, so cute...
at first mikey struggled to figure out how to breathe during oral but he was so determined, he thinks its so sexy. your smell, taste, being surrounded by your gorgeous long legs...
ugh he loves playing with your chest, but his dirty little secret is he likes having his chest played with just as much!
hed probably be so clingy.... almost too much. youve had to leave SEVERAL group outings because he slides his hands down your sides, or touches your back, maybe runs his hands over your hips and your pelvis...
he loves picking out pretty outfits for you and buying you jewelry, often he even gets matching sets... its a way to show youre his and spoil you, all in one
and ruining you in an outfit he handpicked? well, thats nice...
he actually adores your height. you might think itd make him feel self conscious but he finds it hot, more than anything
top!reader and/or more kinky:
though, if you prefer topping (or just wanna try it out - be it strap or what) he is veeeery curious. maybe even a little embarrassed by how much he wants it
yeah lets not pretend he doesnt like fingering himself and have a collection of pretty gem anal plugs (or bunny tails~)
even if you dont penetrate him he doesnt mind, but he loves to show off... speaking of, he reaaally likes wearing lingerie
costume play/dress up in general is a huge kink for him
ohhh and if YOU can pick him up? god thats mikeys dream. hot as hell to him, tall people are so his type (just be careful or you might be giving him piggy back rides...)
he loves having control taken away... albeit, its hard. but he melts into it after a bit of back talk
if you dom him it might become his fav thing, subspace is like a dream for him and he is always the leader... finally just being a good boy and taking instructions? oh yes
that said, sub mikey is a total brat... at least at first. he likes to disobey, wants to see if you can handle him, if youll still punish bad behavior
he loves exhibitionism - as a sub and a dom
biiig into sex toys in general
if youre at work and he isnt busy, he might just leave some spicy voice memos, videos or pics.. be careful~
mikey is the type who loves shows of possession - you or mikey wearing a collar underneath high collared shirts when you can? fuck yes
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niilue · 2 years
congrats on 1k!! as for ur event.. i have a pet mikey request gender neutral- mikey (tr) prompt (13) content: overstim, pet name, just breathy whines moans plz
‧₊˚ ⊹ sub mikey x gn! dom reader
prompt: "don't want you to be gentle. i want you to break me."
cw; drabble, dom reader, gender neutral, overstimulation, pet names, whiny mikey. words; 388 1k event
over and over again. you felt mikey's ass slap against your bare skin. how you held him by his tiny waist as you buried yourself in him.
standing by a window you were fucking with the adrenaline of being seen.
"maaaah, hmmph, so good.... i love it." he moaned in a trembling, high-pitched voice.
"how cute you are mikey, whimpering like a kitten."
you massaged his hair while still penetrating him. now kissing his naked back and leaving marks on the pale skin.
you felt mikey clinging to your hips as he was being forcefully moved by your thrusts. his mouth open and whimpering. only his muffled moans could be heard.
so lustful your pretty boy.
"i feel it's haa! a lot" he said watching as his cock began to spurt translucent liquid. watery and little.
"what's wrong princess...can't you cum anymore? we just started." you said running your hand over his crotch as you massaged his balls.
"(name), aaahg, too much. i can't. i can't." he moaned in mouthing. 
you came out from inside him and turned him face to face. you saw his face and crying, as he was still trembling from the recent orgasm.
"shhh it’s okay little kitty, a little more."
mikey whimpered loudly clenching his fists and looking shamefully at his hard red cock. 
"i don't want to mnggh~ (name), it hurts, i've already cum so much." he whimpered.
you kissed him slowly and made him lean back from the window. you looked at his member while licking your lips. 
"spread your legs mikey~" so he did sitting against the window while with his hands he held his legs so his hole was ready.
you entered again listening to him moaning like crazy with each penetration. you breathed hard feeling all the heat in the room, it made you frenetic.
"mmhg! mas, (name), don't want you to be gentle. i want you to break me." he moaned every word and looked you firmly in the eyes.
with your hands you grabbed his head to support you and began to pound him hard and frenetically. mikey's screams, the loud crashing of their bodies together. mikey's face was so broken by the pleasure, it was exquisite. how he reflexively stuck out his tongue as if he needed something more.
"heheh~ whatever you want baby."
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kei-luv · 1 year
hey kei i was going through your propmt list and saw "aw is my baby having trouble reaching that shelf" and immediately thought of mikey so can i have that + mikey 👉👈
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. 𝗪𝗣
Note: Of course! I was actually thinking about Mikey when I wrote this one, so I'd be more than happy to do this prompt for you!!
tw: Mikey being salty about his height, making out?? genre: fluff? reader: gender neutral characters: sano manjiro
word count: 564 writing prompts masterlist
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Waking up in the Sano household, [Name] turned to their side in hope of looking at their lover's face, only to realize he wasn't in bed with them.
With a huff, [Name] sat up on the bed, stretching their arm out, and remained there for a few more minutes before turning their focus to the door after hearing a loud thump.
'The hell is that?' Another loud thump was heard, causing them to furrow their brows as they stood up from the bed, quietly opened the door of their shared bedroom, and quietly walked to where the source of the sound was coming from.
When [Name] entered the kitchen, they never expected to see their lover, Manjiro Sano, struggling to reach the kitchen shelf in search of the snack that [Name] had placed there.
Leaning against the doorframe, [Name] watched as their boyfriend struggled to reach the shelf, grumbling quietly to himself as he stood on tiptoes, his finger barely reaching the shelf's top.
"Aww, is my pretty baby having trouble reaching up that shelf?" [Name] enquired teasingly, a light chuckle escaping their lips as they walked over to Manjiro, a smug grin on their lips as they stood behind him, effortlessly grabbing the snack from the shelf.
Manjiro only gave them a wide-eyed, gaping stare before his eyes began to wander toward the snack in [Name]'s hand, prompting the blonde to puff out his cheeks and huff angrily.
"[Nameeee], give it to me..!" He whined, turning his body to face them as he attempted to take the snack from their hand. [Name] responded by raising their hand higher, grinning teasingly as they watched Manjiro leap to reach it.
"Eheh, nope♡" Manjiro continued to berate the [h/c] to give him his snack, and they grinned as he sighed in annoyance and lightly punched them in the stomach.
"[Name]! I want it!" He complained as [Name] hummed, trying to come up with a way to irritate the blonde even more, and an imaginary lightbulb appeared over their head, and they started to stifle a chuckle.
"Alright, I'll give it to you." [Name] watched the blonde's eyes quickly light up as they slowly lowered their hand. "But, you have to kiss me first."
And with that, Manjiro froze, his face gradually turning a dark shade of red as he felt his heart pounding wildly. Naturally, Manjiro would feel embarrassed because [Name] had always taken the initiative in situations of that nature, never Manjiro.
Inhaling sharply, Manjiro grabbed [Name]'s shirt collar, pulling them down as he captured their lips in his own. His eyes were tightly closed as he held tightly onto [Name]'s shirt.
[Name] started to move both of their lips together, and the two quickly found their rhythm. Manjiro let out muffled groans as he was pushed against the kitchen counter, [Name]'s hands on either side of him.
As the two panted heavily after breaking off the kiss, Manjiro hid his face in the crook of your neck, his face red from the passionate encounter.
"Alright, here's your snack." As soon as [Name] handed the blonde his snack, Manjiro opened the packet, took a sizable bite, and hummed with satisfaction. He then promptly forgot about the kiss as [Name] lightly shook their head.
'What a dork.' Leaning against the counter, they contemplated while watching Manjiro eat, a small smile appearing on their lips.
'My dork.'
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AN: Tbh, I'm kinda cringing at that last line, but whatever. Anyways, I hope this is what you wanted :]
©KEI-LUV. please do not translate or repost any of my work on any other platform, or claim any of it as your own. 2023
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ghostlyforxst · 1 year
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Greetings, welcome to the Tokyo Revengers material list. Listed below are the stories I've writen and if you have any desires you'll like to summon, you more than welcome to curse my inbox or messages with them! As more is requested, or comes to mind, more characters will be added.
☆ - NSFW
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𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊MANJIRO SANO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SHINICHIRO SANO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊KEN RYUGUJI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊KAZUTORA HANEMIYA₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊KEISUKE BAJI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊CHIFUYU MATSUNO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊MITSUYA TAKASHI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊NOHOYA KAWATA (SMILEY)₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SOUYA KAWATA (ANGRY)₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊TAIJU SHIBA₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SEISHU INUI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊IZANA KUROKAWA₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊HARUCHIYO SANZU₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊KAKUCHO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊RAN HAITANI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊RINDO HAITANI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊WAKASA IMAUSHI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SHUJI HANMA₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊HAJIMA KOKONOI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊TAKEOMI AKASHI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SOUTH TERANO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊NAOTO TACHIBANA₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
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A Birthday Date With Mikey
SUMMARY: How Mikey spent his birthday with you ♡ WORD COUNT: 1.4k (phew)
WARNINGS: Toman Mikey (lil 15 year old guy lol), semi-suggestive at times, lots of domestic fluff and kisses, mild angst/panicking near the end because apparently I need my angst in every single thing I write for myself.
A/N: Since it is our favorite Mikey’s birthday today (the wording in that I’m-), I thought I’d write a little something (instead of doing my summer homework lol- school starts in a little over a week, I should be doing it-). But anyways! Hope you enjoy! (Can’t believe the guy is turning 32... Lol.) A/N PART 2: This is probably chaotic and OOC but! I wanted to write a fic for Mikey. So yes <3 Also the ending is a mess but I don’t want to change it soooo- yeah. A/N PART 3: Originally posted here
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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Mikey let out a soft yawn, rubbing at his eyes a bit as he answered the door. “[Y/N]...?” He mumbled before he wrapped his arms around you, clinging to you happily.
“Hey, Mikey.” You smiled softly as you wrapped a gentle arm around him, rubbing his back. “Sleepy?” You laughed a little as you pulled away slightly to look at his face. “You really need to get more sleep... Maybe you should have the meetings end earlier.”
“No- A gang needs its meetings to be at night.” He huffed softly at you, dark eyes almost begging for you to understand. 
You rolled your eyes a little. “Yeah, yeah, I get it, Mikey. Now, c’mon, let’s go to your room.” You were probably the one to have remembered his birthday, Mikey himself didn’t think too much of it.
You hummed softly as you held Mikey’s hand, walking to his room. Well, it was mostly full of Shinichiro’s stuff, but... It was nice. You had been friends with Mikey and knew Shinichiro that way... It was comforting to see that his memory still lived on. You then shook your head slightly to clear those thoughts. Today was for Mikey. Though, the birthday boy seemed more asleep than anything.
“Mikey, love...” You gently poked his cheek. “You need to wake up. I have some stuff planned for today; c’mon.” You sat down on the bed, dragging him down beside you. “Would a kiss wake you up?”
That got his attention. He leaned in to you, tilting his head slightly to the side. “Mhm... Lots of kisses.”
You laughed softly before leaning in, peppering gentle kisses over his face before kissing his lips. “Good enough?”
“One more.” You smiled softly before indulging him. 
“Now wake up, c’mon.” You ran a hand through his hair, smoothing it slightly. “I’ll do your hair for you, too, while you try to wake up more.” 
He nodded sleepily before just letting you, which you soon finished (it wasn’t the first time you fixed his hair up for him—and probably wouldn’t be the last).
“There. All done. You can change out of your clothes, can’t you?” You raised a brow as you watched him. “‘Cause we’re going somewhere today.”
“Really?” He blinked up at you, almost like a small child before he grinned playfully. “You sure you don’t wanna see me changing?”
You rolled your eyes with a soft laugh, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly. “I would, but I know that if I do that, we’ll never be able to go out. So shush and go change. I’ll wait outside.” And with that, you walked out.
Mikey quickly got himself dressed, wondering what was going on. Now that he thought about it, you had dressed yourself up a bit differently than usual... More pretty. He shrugged to himself before walking out, rubbing the last bits of sleep from his eyes. “[Y/N]-channnn- where are we going?”
You gave him a smile as you grabbed his hand, almost skipping as you walked out. “You don’t remember what today is?”
That made him pause. What was today...? But before he could think of it any more, you started running, forcing him to run after you. 
He quickly caught up to you, but you just continued to sprint, soon reaching a cafe—one that you knew he liked. “Here we are,” you panted a bit, but soon caught your breath. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, was just as normal; a little run didn’t tire him out.
“Why are we here, though?” He blinked slightly at you.
“Well, if I told you everything, that would ruin the fun.” You blinked back at him before a teasing look flashed in your eyes. “And that would make things boring.” You shrugged slightly before walking inside, grabbing his hand as you did so.
You hummed softly as you ordered two parfaits, a happy smile on your face. Your boyfriend was just confused, but happy to see you happy—and that you had remembered him saying that he loved parfaits here. Last time he went, the cup had been filled completely. And also? It didn’t cost too much, either.
As you got the two parfaits, you nudged him toward a booth. “Go sit.” You followed after him as he sat down, placing the parfait in front of him before sitting down in front of him. 
You watched fondly as he started eating, a content smile on your face as he let out soft exclamations of happiness. It was cute, after all.
After you both had finished eating, you brushed a finger over his nose, getting a bit of cream. “...Anyways. I just wanted to give you something, since it is your birthday, and all.” A faint smile flickered over your lips as you watched his eyes widen. 
“It’s my birthday??”
“Yes, you dumb child,” you laughed softly, poking his cheek. “It’s your birthday. Do you think I would do all this without reason?”
“...Yes. You would.”
“I’m not like you, love.” You shook your head in amusement, before letting out a soft sigh. “I just, wanted to give you this.” You pulled a small box from your pocket, before giving it to him. “I dunno... I just thought we should match.”
Inside the box, there was a small silver bracelet, with both of your initials surrounded by a heart. You watched his reaction, uncertain—was this too much?
Before your thoughts could spiral down, he looked at you with a soft, almost uncertain smile. “I... I love it...” He whispered, glancing down at the bracelet again before sliding it on. He marveled at it. “Must’ve cost a lot...”
“Mhm... But, but, that doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy.” You smiled a little at him, searching his gaze; was he really happy, or trying to placate you?
“I love it. [Y/N], don’t you dare try to think otherwise.” He let out a soft huff before getting up, walking to your side and sitting next to you, giving you a small kiss. 
Your eyes softened as you nodded. “Mkay...”
“Now, put yours on.” He let out a soft grumble as he waited.
“Okay, okay.” You laughed softly as you grabbed yours, putting it on your wrist. “There, happy?” 
He nodded slightly before grabbing your hand, placing a gentle kiss on your bracelet before moving to the palm of your hand, licking it a tiny bit—just enough to make you squeal. A playful glint was in his eyes as you pulled your hand away. 
“Mikey- Ew!” You laughed again, shaking your head. “Don’t do that-”
“We’ve done worse-”
“No we haven’t, stop trying to act like we did something.” You let out a soft huff, shaking your head a little. “And anyways, if we keep on being this loud, we’ll get kicked out.”
“Oh hush.” You rolled your eyes a little before leaning in, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Anyways. Happy birthday, Mikey.”
“Mm... Thank you.” He paused for a moment. “..Would you laugh at me if I said that I almost said ‘happy birthday to you too’ to you?”
You let out a soft snort. “Mikey, I-”
“You’re laughing-”
“No I’m not-”
“You are-”
And with that, chaos ensued and you were yelled at/almost kicked out. Though, you had a fun time, and that’s what counts, right?
Hina and Emma were watching over the two of you with a happy smile.
“See, I told [Y/N]-chan that they’d be okay.” Emma shook her head slightly. “Mikey’s head-over-heels in love. They could literally punch him and they’d be fine.”
Hina winced slightly as the memory of her slapping Mikey came up. “Well... I mean, he wouldn’t hurt his friends, and [Y/N]-chan is also a friend...?”
“True, true, but [Y/N]-chan is special. Like, anything is okay.” Emma let out a soft laugh. “C’mon, I got some good pictures... Let’s give them to the guys, yeah?” Her eyes glimmered mischievously.
“Emma-chan, I don’t think that that’s-”
“It’ll be fine, Hina-chan! He won’t do anything, don’t worry.” Emma smiled happily before getting up, grabbing Hina’s hand and skipping away. Thankfully, Mikey didn’t see them go... Though he definitely was confused when people started complimenting his partner that they were “really going for it” and that they “were a good partner for him.” Like- where did that come from? (Someone (probably Mitsuya, Takemichi, or Draken) eventually showed him the pictures of you two... That did not end well-)
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kisakis-boyfriend · 17 days
Can't stop thinking about taking afab!mikeys virginity.. i wanna see his reactions to being eaten out for the first time and how he'd react if you didn't stop after he came and overstimulated him on that very first. god.
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Pairings: Mikey x reader
Warnings: GN!reader, dom!reader, sub!Mikey, trans Mikey, eating out, overstimulation, worship, use of the term 'tdick'
Genre/Format: Smut; Oneshot
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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You swear that the person lying on your bed right now is an angel. A divine being sent from heaven itself, sent to grace you with his beauty and affection. You were dating an angel.
This celestial being lay here on your sheets, his head surrounded by a wavy halo, with those gorgeous eyes nervously trained on your face — searching for something to calm his nerves.
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At this, Mikey shook his head. It was clear as day that he was, indeed, fidgeting with his sleeves as you stood above his delicate form; like a demon waiting to corrupt him, and strip away his innocence.
You were oh, so gentle with him, making sure that Mikey was comfortable before you even so much as kissed his lips. Physically, he was so far from being considered "fragile". He's the leader of a gang; very well respected and even feared by the smart ones. There wasn't any need to treat him like a glass sculpture—ready to crack into a million pieces from the slightest bump—and yet, here you were, trailing one hand down his side, to his hip, with all the care in the world. Like he was almost too precious to touch, even.
A hand between his legs had Mikey moaning into your mouth, squirming while you touched him for the first time. He became wet so, so easily. That wetness coated your fingers even through his underwear, urging you to break the kiss sooner, so that you might taste another part of your lover.
“God you're beautiful...” You breathed, while pulling Mikey's pants off to expose his entrance. His legs instinctively closed, clamping his thighs together so that you had to hold them apart if you wanted to have access to him.
Your lips connect with Mikey's thighs, pressing little kisses along the insides. They were so soft, but you knew that Mikey could probably suffocate you if he really wanted to — you've seen him fight before, and surely his thighs were rather powerful to allow him to move the way he does.
One look into his eyes as you ask him, “Ready?” and, with his confirmation, you delve down, connecting your tongue and his cunt. You start out slow, so as not to overwhelm your partner. Lapping at the sensitive area first, then pushing your tongue inside a bit.
Mikey's hips jerk the first time you suck his tdick, which soon turns into him trying to fuck your mouth with the length he has. It's adorable — the way his hips thrust up, almost mindlessly so, as your lover chases anything that makes him feel good.
Soon enough, Mikey's moans become more frantic; he's getting close. One hand flies down to your head, pushing you deeper into his heat. You take this as a signal to keep doing what you're doing; licking and sucking while Mikey bites his lip hard enough to make it bleed, eventually adding your fingers to help your partner get off.
With one adorable squeal, your lover cums in your mouth. His hips rise off of the bed and his hands fly up to grasp at the sheets-
“Mmmhaah!! Aah~ ” Mikey's eyes glaze over as the sound of his own panting fills his ears. Everything becomes hazy, until it registers in his mind that... you're still going at it.
Despite the intense first orgasm he just experienced; you haven't stopped eating him out yet. Your lips are practically suctioned onto his pussy.
When he realizes that you don't plan to stop anytime soon, Mikey tries to wiggle away, attempting to push your head back with his hand. All it takes is one arm to pin down his hips, the other to hold his wrist, and Mikey isn't going anywhere.
Fully intent on keeping your partner here until you're satisfied, you moan into Mikey's cunt, keeping up the assault until he can no longer do anything other than whimper and buck his hips pathetically.
After all; if you're lucky enough to pleasure an angel, why not get the most out of it?
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gojo-simp69 · 2 years
Comforting you because of your parents- Mikey, Draken, Baji
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Summary: you’re so tired of trying meet your parents expectations and your boyfriend notices.
Warnings: panic attack, toxic parents, sleep deprivation
Angst! Comfort! Fluff! Gender neutral reader! Gender not stated!
wc: 1.1k
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You were so tired from studying nonstop the past week for a big test. Your parents expected 100% and you had to deliver or else you would bring shame upon them. It was beyond stressful and time-consuming so you've been canceling hangouts with your boyfriend without any explanation.
Of course, it pained Mikey; he thought you were falling out of love with him so here he was now…outside your window. Too busy in a book, you didn't notice the small pebbles hitting your window every second until the blonde ran out of small rocks. "How mad would she be if I threw a giant stone?" Mikey mumbles under his breath before he thought of your face fuming with anger.
"On second thought, I won't." And Mikey began climbing up to your window. At first, it was gentle knocks on your window so you thought it was a branch until Mikey got frustrated and gave 3 loud knocks.
Now that scared the shit out of you. Closing your book shut, you grabbed a bat from your closet and slowly approach the window before opening it quickly ready to swing til you noticed familiar blonde hair. "Mikey? What are you doing here?" Your boyfriend fell onto your floor and sprawled like a starfish on his back.
"To see if you still love me since you're blowing me off." Mikey pouted but then he notices your eye bags. "Cutie, have you been sleeping? You look," he fully takes in your slightly disheveled appearance before looking over at your desk that had a lamp on and a cup of coffee "busy." Mikey finished before standing up.
"I'm just studying for my test in a couple of days. It's my last grade of the year and I need to ace this test-"
"Y/n, when's the last time you slept?" Mikey gently snatched your wrists to stop you from rambling. "I...I haven't been..." the second those words left your mouth, Mikey threw you over his shoulder and turned off your lamp before laying you on your bed.
"M-Mikey! I can't!" You harshly whispered as Mikey straddles your figure. "Sleep, Y/n. I know for a fact you'll do great but you need to rest." Mikey cooed before laying next to you and pulling you to his chest. "Can we talk?" You softly asked your caring boyfriend. "Of course. Spill."
"I just don't wanna fail my parent's exceptions....especially my dad. He's worked so hard to put me through school and I can't disappoint him. It just would've been a waste of hard work for him." Tears prickled in your eyes but then Mikey wiped them away.
"He's going to be proud of you, both your parents will. You're going to do amazing on this test like you do on every other. I don't doubt you for a second." Mikey gives you a charming smile; his voice showing no hint of a lie.
"You mean that?"
"Of course."
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After all the nights you've stayed up to finish your English report, you got a 99% and your parents argued with you. Their words kept ringing in your head as you and your boyfriend rode around the city on his motorcycle in the night.
"It should've been 100!"
"You disappoint us, Y/n!"
They played in your mind like a mantra, making your arms tighten around Draken's torso and your eyes clenched shut as you started to shake from an incoming panic attack.
His black irises searched for a secluded place to park and he sighs in relief when he spots one and parks his vehicle. "Babe? You okay?" Draken asked while he turned his motorcycle off. He forced your arms off him momentarily so he could turn around and wrap you in a hug. "What happened, Y/n?" Draken's large palms rubbed the sore muscles of your back as he waited patiently for you to answer.
You rubbed your face in Draken's warm chest, the tears from your eyes staining his white shirt but he didn't care. Finally removing your face, you lifted your head and placed your chin against his chest to look up at him. Your (eye color) teary eyes and quivering lips made his heart melt instantly. "I-I got a 99 on my English report instead of a 100! My parents are mad at me!" Crying out in shame before sniffling and laying your face against Draken yet again.
Your muffled vocals spoke, "I'm such a failure!"
Draken wanted to cry at your state. He hated the stress your parents put on you and he believed you should live up to your expectations, not theirs. "Baby, you're not a failure. You're the smartest person that I know." Draken's large hand held your chin to lift your head up so your bloodshot eyes met his gaze.
"Not to mention the most beautiful." He leaned down to place a soft kiss on your lips. "Let's crash at my place as a reward for doing great on your report." Draken smiled and an even bigger grin spread on your lips.
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Writing down your notes in your bed, Baji tried to get your attention. "Babe! Babe! Y/n! Y/nnnn!" He dragged out your name while rolling around on your bed like an antsy toddler. "I'm busy." You stoically spoke, eyes never leaving your notebook.
"You're always busy. I feel unloved!" He dramatically fell back as if he was fainting. But yet again, you didn't respond. Baji childishly grumbled before he got an idea and began throwing your stuffed animals at you.
He kept throwing them until he ran out and went back to whining for your attention. "Keisuke!" Your eyes snapped over to him in a glare and he halted his actions. "Can you please stop?!" Crying out in frustration; tears prickled in your eyes. "Y/n?" Baji softly asked, rushing over to you and hugging you while you cried in his neck.
"What's wrong? Talk to me." He pulled your head away and held your face. "I'm just nervous about this test. My teachers are strict and my parents are even more strict about it! I-I just-...I don't want them wishing they had another kid." You hiccuped, crying even harder but Baji wiped your tears as they poured each time.
"Shh! Baby, it's okay! You're like the smartest person in school- not like, you ARE the smartest person in school. If your parents say they're disappointed in you, I'll kick their asses! No offense!" Baji gave you a serious look as he rambled about beating anyone's ass who would hurt your pride.
You interrupted his rambling, "I'm so lucky to have you, Kei." Speaking with a smile on your lips; Baji grinned as well. "I'm luckier!" He chuckles before suddenly connecting your lips.
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clovers-garden-co · 2 years
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲?
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everything changed the night manjiro decided to show up at your window. you were still shaken up from past events but, the two of you were always there to comfort each other. that’s why you jumped slightly in your bed when you heard a knocking on the glass.
when you looked, there he was, peering into your window. “..Mikey?” you blinked. shuffling over to open your window. "Mikey why are you here?" 
"Just let me in, okay?" You sigh, but nod, stepping to the side so he can climb in. You watch as he sits down and takes in a deep breath. "Was there.. something you needed?" You ask. 
He shakes his head. "Not something I need, but something that I wanna say to you." A bead of sweat trails down your face nervously, and you nod, urging him to continue. 
"I wasn’t planning on telling you this, but I felt like it would be better if I did.. I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to my promise." he mumbles the last part. "..what do you mean promise?"
Mikey watches you. "I’m not gonna be here for long, y’know?" 
You pause, giving him a weird look. "and why not?" 
"I’m.. planning on running away."
This was news to you. You could understand that the weight of everything from Valhalla to the loss of his sister.. and every other thing that basically got fucked up could’ve been stressful, but you never guessed that he’d actually… run away. 
But you don’t judge him for it. "Why? What happened?" is all you ask. 
And he shrugs, shuffling in place awkwardly. "….you know." His voice starts to tremble when he speaks, and his eyes begin to gloss up (if that’s even a term.) "you might not get it.. but I really don’t want to hurt you guys.. especially you." 
You sit beside him on your bed, slightly leaning towards him, "do you want to talk about it?" eyes scanning over him as he thinks for a bit. "..I would, but I don’t know how you’d think of me after. it doesn’t really matter anyways.."
You shake your head, "we’ve really just.. got each other now y’know? I’ll happily listen to what you have to say."
he hesitates. 
"you sure?"
Mikey nods, "..you remember what happened at bloody halloween, right?" you let out a sharp exhale, "vividly." 
"when I punched kazutora?" he says, and you hum. "Yeah, what about it?" 
"I have… no recollection of punching him. Only when it was over did I realize what I was doing." he sighs. 
you nod, sitting quietly for a few seconds to register what he was saying. "so you just tapped out?" 
"I guess..? But I’m scared if it’ll happen again.. to you guys especially."
"well.. what do you want me to do?" 
Mikey goes silent before shaking his head. "Nothing. I just wanted to tell you before I go. I don’t think… I don’t think you’ll ever really see me again." his gaze travels down to the floor. "And that’s my intention anyways." 
You begin to think. This, is definitely a serious problem. But he doesn’t seem to want or consider therapy because if he did, he would’ve been going already. There’s also a high probability of your life being put in grave danger. So you shrug, "I’ll go with you." But your proposition gets shut down with a firm no. 
"And why not? ..I could help you and.. I don’t want for you to just be going through whatever you’re dealing with alone!" 
" [name] I don’t want to potentially end up killing you." You go silent, so he chooses to continue with his reasoning. "you’re the least person who I want to hurt out there.. it’s dangerous.. I want to keep you safe no matter what because you’re the only one I have." He then stands up, walking back to your window with the intend to leave. 
"If anyone asks where I went, pretend you don’t know anything." 
"Can I just go with you?" you plead, hoping he’d change his mind. "You’re not even thinking about how I’d feel about this, you’re just leaving me!" your eyes begin to water. "I just.. don’t want you to leave." 
He wraps his arms around you, in some attempt to comfort your cries. "I know.. and im sorry for not telling you sooner." you wrap your arms around him tighter, feeling his warmth. "please.. please just let me go with you." you laugh dryly, "if I y’know.. end up dying, you could say I told you so."
" [name] .. you know I don’t wanna do that."
You wipe your tears away, shrugging. "So? why are so you sure that I’ll end up dying?.. if you don’t want to hurt me.. would you still do it?" 
"probably." He lets go of you, crossing his arms together. "I’m just warning you. If you come with me, your safety won’t be guaranteed." Your eyes widen, surprised that you were actually able to change his mind. 
"so you’ll let me go with you?" 
"do what you want.. but whatever happens to you won’t be my fault." He stares directly into your eyes this time. "Understand?"
nodding, you smile softly. "I do.. and I wouldn’t blame you for it either way."
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filledwjunx · 10 months
Illustrations of warm memories (sano manjiro x artist! reader)
kinda short tbh
+ angst ?? idk if it'd make sense but YEAH !!! reader isn't referred to by any pronouns other than "you" or smth (from 2nd pov because ??? i mean???) i REALLY don't know how to tag and ??? just read it already MIGHT MAKR A PART 2 W FLUFF??
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Manjiro had never been one to cherish artwork, let alone understanding the meanings behind them.
but your paintings felt.. special. He could feel them, the emotion behind your brushstrokes. whether it be sadness, and coldness of memories, or the warmth and happiness of cherished ones, somehow, he always felt it. despite the likeliness of him being bored inside an art museum, he'd rather go to one filled with your creations. your ethereal pieces, crafted by your own hand.. and paintbrush, of course.
"..whoa, [name].. that looks amazing," Mikey had just finished acting as your muse for a new painting of yours, it went.. disastrously, due to Mikey being unable to sit still for a long period of time -- but your painting went smoothly, as he tries his best to cooperate.
"seriously, what did they feed you as a kid? canvases and watercolors?" Mikey teased, smiling as he admires the painting by your side. "maybe I'll get used to sitting still more if you treat me after each time I do this~"
..and you did, you two always went out to treat yourself (and Manjiro included) to little rewards for each other. many sweet, and unforgettable memories were made as time passed by,
..Of course, not everything stays as you'd like it to.
Ever since Toman fell apart, it never felt the same. Everyone parted their ways, and left. And so did Manjiro. you weren't ready to leave yet, this was all too sudden. now there was no one to turn to.
they were the closest friend's you've made, even going so far as to always paint the memories you experienced with the gang. the purpose of those paintings were to never forget the warmth you've experienced with them, but now all it does is stab you like a thorn in your heart.
your will to pick up a brush faded, your motivation to paint wasn't even there anymore.
each time you pick up your brush, a single stroke was enough to eat away your motivation. you couldn't bring yourself to paint, nor to draw. you already gave up your brush, as well as your never-to-be-finished canvas. 
You hid your paintings away, trying to forget those memories. the sight of them made you feel.. sorrow, and you hated the feeling of it. 
..And there will always be one left longing for the other,
Manjiro found himself looking through crowds of people, hoping one day, something would bring him back to you. even if it was only you, it'd be enough to give him at least a bit of happiness, but it would never be enough.
he still gets flashes of your moments together, but it's already been a long while since he'd last seen your face, he could barely remember. but he still remembers your smile as bright as day, and your paintings as vivid as a memory from yesterday.
Manjiro missed watching you paint, how your hand works magic alongside a paintbrush, creating masterpiece after masterpiece. How your eyes stay focus on him, and the painting, as you carefully planned each stroke you made.
There will never be a way to relive the memories, even if you so wished for.
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kazumiwrites-old · 2 years
A Birthday Date With Mikey
SUMMARY: How Mikey spent his birthday with you ♡
WORD COUNT: 1.4k (phew)
WARNINGS: Toman Mikey (lil 15 year old guy lol), semi-suggestive at times, lots of domestic fluff and kisses, mild angst/panicking near the end because apparently I need my angst in every single thing I write for myself.
A/N: Since it is our favorite Mikey’s birthday today (the wording in that I’m-), I thought I’d write a little something (instead of doing my summer homework lol- school starts in a little over a week, I should be doing it-). But anyways! Hope you enjoy! (Can’t believe the guy is turning 32... Lol.)
A/N PART 2: This is probably chaotic and OOC but! I wanted to write a fic for Mikey. So yes <3 Also the ending is a mess but I don’t want to change it soooo- yeah.
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Mikey let out a soft yawn, rubbing at his eyes a bit as he answered the door. “[Y/N]...?” He mumbled before he wrapped his arms around you, clinging to you happily.
“Hey, Mikey.” You smiled softly as you wrapped a gentle arm around him, rubbing his back. “Sleepy?” You laughed a little as you pulled away slightly to look at his face. “You really need to get more sleep... Maybe you should have the meetings end earlier.”
“No- A gang needs its meetings to be at night.” He huffed softly at you, dark eyes almost begging for you to understand. 
You rolled your eyes a little. “Yeah, yeah, I get it, Mikey. Now, c’mon, let’s go to your room.” You were probably the one to have remembered his birthday, Mikey himself didn’t think too much of it.
You hummed softly as you held Mikey’s hand, walking to his room. Well, it was mostly full of Shinichiro’s stuff, but... It was nice. You had been friends with Mikey and knew Shinichiro that way... It was comforting to see that his memory still lived on. You then shook your head slightly to clear those thoughts. Today was for Mikey. Though, the birthday boy seemed more asleep than anything.
“Mikey, love...” You gently poked his cheek. “You need to wake up. I have some stuff planned for today; c’mon.” You sat down on the bed, dragging him down beside you. “Would a kiss wake you up?”
That got his attention. He leaned in to you, tilting his head slightly to the side. “Mhm... Lots of kisses.”
You laughed softly before leaning in, peppering gentle kisses over his face before kissing his lips. “Good enough?”
“One more.” You smiled softly before indulging him. 
“Now wake up, c’mon.” You ran a hand through his hair, smoothing it slightly. “I’ll do your hair for you, too, while you try to wake up more.” 
He nodded sleepily before just letting you, which you soon finished (it wasn’t the first time you fixed his hair up for him—and probably wouldn’t be the last).
“There. All done. You can change out of your clothes, can’t you?” You raised a brow as you watched him. “‘Cause we’re going somewhere today.”
“Really?” He blinked up at you, almost like a small child before he grinned playfully. “You sure you don’t wanna see me changing?”
You rolled your eyes with a soft laugh, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly. “I would, but I know that if I do that, we’ll never be able to go out. So shush and go change. I’ll wait outside.” And with that, you walked out.
Mikey quickly got himself dressed, wondering what was going on. Now that he thought about it, you had dressed yourself up a bit differently than usual... More pretty. He shrugged to himself before walking out, rubbing the last bits of sleep from his eyes. “[Y/N]-channnn- where are we going?”
You gave him a smile as you grabbed his hand, almost skipping as you walked out. “You don’t remember what today is?”
That made him pause. What was today...? But before he could think of it any more, you started running, forcing him to run after you. 
He quickly caught up to you, but you just continued to sprint, soon reaching a cafe—one that you knew he liked. “Here we are,” you panted a bit, but soon caught your breath. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, was just as normal; a little run didn’t tire him out.
“Why are we here, though?” He blinked slightly at you.
“Well, if I told you everything, that would ruin the fun.” You blinked back at him before a teasing look flashed in your eyes. “And that would make things boring.” You shrugged slightly before walking inside, grabbing his hand as you did so.
You hummed softly as you ordered two parfaits, a happy smile on your face. Your boyfriend was just confused, but happy to see you happy—and that you had remembered him saying that he loved parfaits here. Last time he went, the cup had been filled completely. And also? It didn’t cost too much, either.
As you got the two parfaits, you nudged him toward a booth. “Go sit.” You followed after him as he sat down, placing the parfait in front of him before sitting down in front of him. 
You watched fondly as he started eating, a content smile on your face as he let out soft exclamations of happiness. It was cute, after all.
After you both had finished eating, you brushed a finger over his nose, getting a bit of cream. “...Anyways. I just wanted to give you something, since it is your birthday, and all.” A faint smile flickered over your lips as you watched his eyes widen. 
“It’s my birthday??”
“Yes, you dumb child,” you laughed softly, poking his cheek. “It’s your birthday. Do you think I would do all this without reason?”
“...Yes. You would.”
“I’m not like you, love.” You shook your head in amusement, before letting out a soft sigh. “I just, wanted to give you this.” You pulled a small box from your pocket, before giving it to him. “I dunno... I just thought we should match.”
Inside the box, there was a small silver bracelet, with both of your initials surrounded by a heart. You watched his reaction, uncertain—was this too much?
Before your thoughts could spiral down, he looked at you with a soft, almost uncertain smile. “I... I love it...” He whispered, glancing down at the bracelet again before sliding it on. He marveled at it. “Must’ve cost a lot...”
“Mhm... But, but, that doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy.” You smiled a little at him, searching his gaze; was he really happy, or trying to placate you?
“I love it. [Y/N], don’t you dare try to think otherwise.” He let out a soft huff before getting up, walking to your side and sitting next to you, giving you a small kiss. 
Your eyes softened as you nodded. “Mkay...”
“Now, put yours on.” He let out a soft grumble as he waited.
“Okay, okay.” You laughed softly as you grabbed yours, putting it on your wrist. “There, happy?” 
He nodded slightly before grabbing your hand, placing a gentle kiss on your bracelet before moving to the palm of your hand, licking it a tiny bit—just enough to make you squeal. A playful glint was in his eyes as you pulled your hand away. 
“Mikey- Ew!” You laughed again, shaking your head. “Don’t do that-”
“We’ve done worse-”
“No we haven’t, stop trying to act like we did something.” You let out a soft huff, shaking your head a little. “And anyways, if we keep on being this loud, we’ll get kicked out.”
“Oh hush.” You rolled your eyes a little before leaning in, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Anyways. Happy birthday, Mikey.”
“Mm... Thank you.” He paused for a moment. “..Would you laugh at me if I said that I almost said ‘happy birthday to you too’ to you?”
You let out a soft snort. “Mikey, I-”
“You’re laughing-”
“No I’m not-”
“You are-”
And with that, chaos ensued and you were yelled at/almost kicked out. Though, you had a fun time, and that’s what counts, right?
Hina and Emma were watching over the two of you with a happy smile.
“See, I told [Y/N]-chan that they’d be okay.” Emma shook her head slightly. “Mikey’s head-over-heels in love. They could literally punch him and they’d be fine.”
Hina winced slightly as the memory of her slapping Mikey came up. “Well... I mean, he wouldn’t hurt his friends, and [Y/N]-chan is also a friend...?”
“True, true, but [Y/N]-chan is special. Like, anything is okay.” Emma let out a soft laugh. “C’mon, I got some good pictures... Let’s give them to the guys, yeah?” Her eyes glimmered mischievously.
“Emma-chan, I don’t think that that’s-”
“It’ll be fine, Hina-chan! He won’t do anything, don’t worry.” Emma smiled happily before getting up, grabbing Hina’s hand and skipping away. Thankfully, Mikey didn’t see them go... Though he definitely was confused when people started complimenting his partner that they were “really going for it” and that they “were a good partner for him.” Like- where did that come from? (Someone (probably Mitsuya, Takemichi, or Draken) eventually showed him the pictures of you two... That did not end well-)
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imvriix · 2 years
Hiii!!! May I request a wolf keum (weak hero) with a reader who is like Mikey (Tokyo revengers)? Maybe how they met and how more :> (both are delinquents so yk)
𝔦𝔪𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔰𝔢 .
summary ;; — you were childish, yet scarily strong, but he finds that you may not be that bad to be around.
featuring ;; — wolf keum x gn! mikey! reader
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                 ⋆*・゚:     :✧*⋆   ・゚
you and wolf met because of his three second rule.
you were minding your own business when you noticed a few desserts on display in a sweet shop. you stare past the people in front of it, analysing each sweet as you salivate. your sweet tooth was massive, iyou adored any type of cuisine, especially the decorated desserts you were staring at blankly.
you failed to notice the few people noticing you staring at their direction, most ignoring your gaze, except one purple headed bastard.
he had a three second timer going down in his head, not noticing how your attention was elsewhere.
you turn away from the direction of the display, lightly pouting as you realise you didnt bring any cash on you as it was just meant to be a quick walk. you make up your mind to treat yourself the next time you go out, taking a few steps forward before feeling someones fist coming towards you.
" holy fuck, the hell is this about? " you mutter, confused, as you quickly dodge. there were barely any people around, the few people that were there left quickly.
your left with no response, relying on pure instinct to dodge his punches due to being attacked so suddenly, you had to take a few seconds to gather your thoughts. you frown, " i was only trying to go home. " you think to yourself, now growing tired of dodging and wondering what you even did wrong.
you decide to get it over with, fed up with the day already. first, you cant buy yourself a well deserved sweet, then some weirdo comes and tries to beat you out of nowhere.
you get out of his punching range as you swiftly lift up your leg, hitting him on the neck before quickly regaining balance, you considered punching him as well for good measure but went against it.
until he got up and tried to go at you again.
you were both pissed and amused, most people would be out cold by now, but you really just wanted to go home. you got some punches and more kicks in and got him to his knees, not even mad, just upset because you were being held up from having a nap.
he's pretty much glaring at you now, which you have no clue why. " why the hell are you mad at me? aren't you the weirdo who attacked me out of nowhere? " you whine. he continues glaring as you stare at him, yet you notice how he seems mouth the numbers from 1 to 3 before trying to land more hits.
purple hair, glasses, three second rule..
" ah! your wolf keum ! " you announce as if he didnt know that already, proud of your discovery. " i dont know what gave you the confidence to think you could take me on, but ill let this go, kay? since i dont think i was even looking at you in the first place.. talk about a misunderstanding. " you grin.
" and who the fuck are you? " he asks, not so politely as he straightens himself up. " im y/n l/n. "
his blood runs cold.
hes overheard that name during assemblies, mostly from donald or kingsley. it was just his luck to run into you. but what the fuck was he meant to make of this anyway? who, that has so much superiority in the world of delinquents, would just befriend the guy that fights them out of nowhere?
you laugh, " what you did wasn't very nice. " you shake your head. " i dont want to create more problems for donald, poor guy has a shitload to deal with as it is. so, how about this! ill forgive you if you do one thing for me. "
he just stares at you, unsure of how to react. he couldnt just beat you, he tried and saw how that ended. but then again, anything would be better than donald na finding out about how he tried to take on y/n l/n of all people, and then get his ass pretty much beat.
" go on. "
" buy me that. " you say, pointing at the sweet in the window.
and so, he does. he's a bit confused but kind of thankful that it wasn't something impossible. you now leave the store with a white plastic bag in your hand, a packaged and fancy box with the said dessert in it. you look behind you and at him, " thanks. consider yourself forgiven, see you. " you grin as you quickly turn the corner and head out of sight.
seconds later, you reappear in front of him, bending your upper body towards him as you smile, " we're friends now. " you state before leaving without giving him a chance to reply.
he doesnt know what to do besides sigh.
" what a creep. "
you met again because of the union, specifically because of donald na himself. you weren't exactly apart of the organisation, but you were allies with it and helped out here and there. mostly just because you were friends with donald, as strange as it may sound.
you'd have attended ganghak after being asked to help keep ganghak in check, meaning you'd have to talk to and be with wolf a lot.
he found you a nuisance, yet he wouldn't voice it due to it being donalds orders, and maybe also because you were pretty strong and he doesn't want to risk it, but he'd never admit that either.
because of you considering the two of you friends, you seemed pretty happy with talking to him and lingering around him. he couldn't exactly go against this either.
yet, he learns to get used to you quickly as your strange friendship seemed to become apart of a routine.
you ate lunch on the rooftop while he smoked, the food making you tired as you had your daily nap. he'd considered leaving you there before reluctantly shaking you awake, to which you whined and said you were hungry.
" stop falling asleep everywhere before i lock you up here for good. "
" eating makes me sleepy. " you grumble, " .. im hungry. "
" you just ate, dumbass. "
" sleeping makes me hungry. "
your little bickers seem to go on for forever, sometimes it feels like hes parenting you due to you being an airhead at times. he has more than once had to give you a piggy back ride to your place after you refused to wake up.
would also get you desserts.
but the change from having everyone intimidated to someone being comfortable around him was nice.
he'd never admit it though.
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nian-7 · 1 year
Hey!! For the event, how about Manjiro Sano with day 6? (gn!reader)
hello! please enjoy!
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Watching the Sunset
Manjiro (Mikey) Sano x gn!reader
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Peace. A rare thing for Mikey to say the least. On the rare occasion you both got out and away from others, that was when he felt most at peace. It was always just a quick ride on his motorcycle to your favorite spots.
Stopping at an ice cream shop before continuing the ride into a secluded area where the both of you could just sit together. It was hard to find such an area in the city other than a building so you both would usually climb to the top of the apartment building you both resided at.
You both ate the ice cream you had bought earlier as you both try to catch the sun as it sets over the horizon, giving the city a warm glow. Well, it wasn't amazing since the many lights of the city were likely overpowering most of the sun's fading light as it slowly darkened.
" Hey, gimme a bite of your ice cream. " Mikey leaned over to where you were sitting, his spoon going straight for your bowl of ice cream.
" What? No! I bought this so it's mine! You have your own! " You pointed over to his bowl, seeing it was nearly empty.
" It's almost all gone thoughh- Just give me a little taste! " You stretched your arm that was holding the ice cream away as he leaned closer to it.
" Hands off! Finish your own, Mikey! " You scolded him as he sighed and went back to his own, sulking slightly. " Your pouting won't get you any either! "
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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