#sanses are so easy
wr-n · 1 year
guys i swear i love papyrus
i just-
his head shape is determined to bury me underground
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU - Reunion
Fun fact. I was planning on going through these drabbles to see where I still had a bit of a blank spot timeline and story wise. and I did NOT get far.
Because I realised. I never made a tiny drabble about how I pictured the guys reuniting to go back to Nightmare!
So. That is this! (also yes i am hinting at bad sans poly but we will see where that all ends)
First and Prev Drabble (with the original prompt by @spotaus ) Next Drabble
Cross frowns as the knife once again can't cut through the universe.
This... is an issue.
Cross had managed to get close but for some reason the knife could not connect with Nightmare's universe and castle.
Had... had Nightmare banned him?
Cross hopes not. He knows he had been stupid for running away but he had just! He needed! He had just needed a moment for himself!
Cross tries to take a deep breath and relax. It is fine! Think! Think there is probably another reason!
NIghtmare had been shrinking and losing his form... maybe he is just tired and resting and that affects the universe he is in? Maybe?
Cross wishes Dust was here, Dust knows so much more about magic stuff than he does. Sadly Cross was an idiot and just went out on his own without saying goodbye.
He looks at his phone and opens the message screen again. He clicks Dust's contact and considers typing a message.
Just a quick one to ask for help getting back?
He sighs and puts the phone away. No. This is his mess up and he can fix it himself! He didn't need them or Nightmare to fix his messes!
Cross shakes his skull and looks to the notes in his phone. He finds the right one. It is a small list of items that should help connect him to Nightmare's universe.
When he first started working for Nightmare the god had told him that the castle and the universe it is in can be hard to find or connect to because of his magic. The items would help the magic in his knife, or the teleportation crystals, locate it and focus on it.
Cross pulls out the list and reads it again.
seven candles, unscented
autumn leaves
a very sweet apple
a dreamcatcher
a way to light a magical fire
be in an universe as close as possible
Cross checks his list and bag and groans. He had only managed to get the apple and the leaves so far. this stupid universe only had a few very small and old towns and it is honestly getting on his nerves!
Cross had just been nervous about leaving this universe. He didn't know this one and just because he managed to jump to it didn't mean he would be able to do it again.
The phones had an extra feature to make it known to them if they were near the castle. it had lit up at this spot after quite a few universes that didn't do it.
Meaning he was not leaving it!
Agh. he could ask if Horror is having more luck and-
Cross looks back over his shoulder and sees Horror walk past.
Cross doesnt think and rushes after the large skeleton "Horror! wait up!"
horror blinks and looks over "Oreo?"
Cross pulls a face at the nickname but catches up to him "What are you doing here?"
Horror looks slightly sheepish as he rubs his neck "You know... regret... trying to get back..."
Cross frowns "Get back- wait... did you leave as well?!"
Horror frowns at him "As well?" then his sight finds Cross' bag and cross can see Horror take note of the items in there. Horror looks back at him with a frown "You can't make the jump either?"
Cross feels both better and worse. Maybe he isn't banned! Or at least he isn't alone in being banned! which just makes him feel like a jerk. He nods and groans "not having much luck with getting the things i need. only got the apple and the leaves..."
Horror blinks but gets a small half grin on his face which Cross thinks should be criminal with how goo- OKAY he is stopping that line of thought.
Horror calmly gets his phone and turns it to enable Cross to see the items in his inventory. a lot of foods and- oh! a sweet apple. and unscneted candles!
Horror keeps grinning "Seems like we are getting close."
Cross grins and nods as he walks with the taller skeleton "Any idea why we can't get in?"
Horror shrugs "multiple options. dunno which."
Cross nods as he looks down "Yeah i figured."
They walk and search together before a loud gasp and Cross is suddenly tackled form behind. Cross yelps as he loses his balance. The only reason he doens't fall over is because Hroror manages to catch both him and whichever idiot rushed into him.
"Criss-Cross! H!"
Ah. nevermind. Cross knows that idiot. Cross glares over his shoulder at the grinning Killer "Why would you tackle me?!"
Killer grins but the grin turns sharper then just friendly "Had to make sure you guys didn't up and leave again without a single fucking word Criss-Cross!"
Cross winces and looks to the side "Yeah... I guess..."
Horror looks guilty as well before looking at Killer "Why are you here? instead of at the castle?"
Now it is Killer's turn to look away and he shrugs "After all of you guys left I figured i would try it myself. the whole solo-rouge-vagabond dealio. I didn't like it. So I am going back ot Nightmare and see if he needs a right hand still...." more thoughtful "or maybe babysitter? If that whole shrinking thing kept up."
Yeah and that line causes more guilt than before. because they really just all left Nightmare alone to deal with whatever was affecting him. Instead of at least offering help as they should have as his henchman and teammates. Nope! instead they all just left!
Cross rubs his arm "Yeah... we are on our way back too... You got stuff for the ritual?"
Killer sighs "Only the lighter. But that is because i already had one."
Horror frowns at Killer "All of us? Dust too?"
Killer nods "Just walked away. not a word or grabbed anything as far as i know."
Cross covers his face "We are the worst. terrible people." thankless, untrustworthy, unloyal. Cross can think of quite a few more words to describe them.
"We knew that already."
Cross, and Killer for that matter, curses as he jumps back. Only to see Dust standing by them, hood up but face visible with his bored expression.
Killer is by now standing behind Horror and glares at Dust "Don't do that! My soul is already fragile!" the soul shaped floating soul wiggles but stays steady.
Dust raises a brow and looks unimpressed "Don't talk about others then."
Horror chuckles and smiles "Good to see you dust. join us?"
Dust nods "Can't make the jump. what are we mission still?"
Cross takes out the list and after comparing what they have they realise they are only mission the dremacatcher, which Dust pulls out of his pocket.
Cross gasps "Where did you find that? I checked every store!"
Dust shrugs "stole it."
... right. that is also an option.
They take the items outside of town and get it ready.
The dreamcatcher as base with the candles all around it. The leaves used to wrap the apple, the only use one and Horror eats the others as they work.
Killer holds up the lighter and after focusing for a moment flicks it. instead of the normal yellow flame a bright pink flame appears. Killer lights all the candles adn waits for a moment until the smoke circles one another. Last Killer lights the leaves enclosing the apple without disturbing the smoke trails.
The new smoke trail joins the other seven and the whole pile bursts into flames but no heat comes off it. the flame remains pink for a moment before turning purple and then turning black.
Killer grins and looks at Cross "cut away!"
Cross nods and cuts right above the flame and the universe shimmers. The smoke finds the small slice and fills it, moments later the flame and fire travels up towards the slide using the smoke and it opens a black portal, still smoking.
They rush through it and manage to get through it before the portal burns up.
Cross looks over his shoulder "And there shouldn't be anything left?"
Dsut shrugs "small pile of ash."
Killer grins "it burns up very quickly as soon as a portal is established."
Cross frowns as he looks around. they are in the late autumn forest around the castle. He can see the shadow of it in the distance. He starts walking and the other three join him.
Cross huffs "Still think it is a deceptively easy list..."
Killer shrugs "People don't expect there to be an easy way. Not like they will just test things until they hit jackpot." Then Killer grins wider "Not that anyone knows about Ngihtmare's sweet tooth. and no one knows about the apple, hell we don't even know it."
Cross nods as they walk through the forest. Cross can't help but feel like it feels... empty. Whcih is weird because Cross always knew there was nothing else in this universe or forest but them. but still it feels...different.
Horror seems to notice too as he glances around "feels weird..."
Dust nods immediantly "magic is different."
Cross nods as well "I noticed too..."
Whatever is going on it is big... because either it is affecting the universe, it is affecting nightmare enough that it affects the universe. or Nightmare is affected enough that he made these edits.
Hopefully they can clear all this up once they see Nightmare and apologise to him. The exit the forest and spot the castle in the distance.
Time to go talk wiht him.
First and Prev Drabble Next Drabble
And as we all know, Nightmare wasn't there. woops. turns out that apology will have to wait a bit Cross.
And the tiniest bit of Bi-panic for Cross (I believe he canonly is Bi in like Xtale so he is still Bi here) ((And yes I am slightly hinting at BSP because I like them but They are kinda too busy to really focus on that in these drabbles but there some interest! but it can also be seen as pureply platonic with just some curious interest honestly *shrug* It is june after all!))
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scashu · 1 year
Uploading all of my TikTok’s onto here so I have an extra platform to try take over, also just incase the TikTok ban happens, I’m not from the states but most of my followers are
They’re so gay
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llamagoddessofficial · 2 months
You mention the moth Bad Sanses would like their wings to be brushed. Can we brush each of the of the Bad Sanses’ moth wings?
Despite being arguably the most physically intimidating and least approachable-looking of all of the bad guys, Horror is the easiest to brush. Why? Because he likes you. You're one of his select few people in his mind that belong in the category of 'family'. His instincts are very very strong, and from the moment he first laid eyes (eye?) on you, his instincts said that he liked you and trusted you - so nothing else matters. You reach toward him, and where someone else would lose a hand, you just get happy hums and grateful nuzzles. You could walk right up to him and start combing his wings, and he'd just sit down wherever he was stood, purring and nodding off to sleep.
Brushing Horror's wings won't be easy. They're old, matted, thick, a visual sign of his mental decline. But any effort you make will be appreciated more than you could possibly know.
Dust, though he absolutely likes you, takes time to warm up to having his wings brushed. He'll let you touch or pet, after he's made his interest in you clear, but mutual grooming is something loved ones would do together and as much as he secretly craves your affection it might be a while before he's ready to feel that way again. It's a big step in a relationship, and a big emotional trigger.
Give him time. He melts slowly. Let him come to you, let him play with your hair, braiding or twisting or just petting. Let him get comfortable with establishing that kind of connection again - let him spend nights holding you and realising you aren't going anywhere. He's likely to ask you while intoxicated, or very very tired.
It's the only time you'll hear him purr.
If you asked Killer if you could brush his wings, you'll find yourself witnessing an extremely rare sight - Killer unsure of what to say. He stands there, looking at you blankly, it appears for a moment there's a tiny white light in one of his sockets. Though he quickly tries to cover his tracks, agreeing and making some kind of flirtation out of it, it's obvious your gentle inquiry has deeply shaken him in a way you weren't expecting. He's more than willing.
You're gonna have black dust from his wings all over you. On your hands, on your face, on your brushes, everything. But you'll be recompensed with the rare delight that is a quiet, flustered Killer, blushing a vibrant crimson and sitting totally still. You might notice he keeps positioning himself to try and cover his chest; his Soul is wobbly, visibly pink, and distinctly heart-shaped.
If you have the guts to ask Nightmare, the vicious prince of moon and darkness himself, if you can brush his wings... he most likely will politely and gently decline. Just like Dust, his losses have made him unwilling to reopen to such care and attention. It'll take months of officially being together before he'll even consider such a thing.
... But your request alone will mean so, so much. Nightmare's wings are a sore subject to him. They are all at once a point of pride, a point of shame, a beauty and a terrible eyesore - the way they've changed over the years reflects how he has changed. His old wings were much prettier, much more delicate, sometimes he looks in the mirror and expects to see his old uncorrupted wings and the sight of the new ones sickens and confuses him. He's got a lot of mixed feelings. You expressing an innocent genuine desire to groom them is something he didn't realise he needed so badly to hear.
He'll think about it. He'll think about it a lot.
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anger-sama · 5 months
UNKNOWN HORROR Part 2 Made By Anger-Is-Flawed
 Dream went back to get his stuff ready and the other two came in and asked what he’s up to. Dream says nothing and says he’ll be back soon. As soon as Dream made it to the destination, Nightmare appeared and saw an easy opportunity to take out his brother for good. Nightmare quickly attacked Dream without warning, but Dream dodged swiftly. They started their battle and it lasted for a while. Nightmare suddenly took a couple hits from Dream’s arrows. Nightmare was now on the floor weakened and struggling to move from the light arrows. Dream prepared his next shot to strike Nightmare down. Before that could happen, Horror took his chance and striked Dream on the back of his head with the blunt side of his axe. Now it was just them two. Horror slowly made his way towards Nightmare to finish him off. Nightmare threw his tentacles at Horror. His tentacles were slower than usual, so Horror could dodge them easier. Horror jumped onto Nightmare and shoved his hands into Nightmare's body. He finally found his soul and pulled it out of his body. Horror took one last look at Nightmare before shoving Nightmares soul into his mouth. Nightmare's body slowly disappeared and Horror teleported, leaving Dream’s body there. Ink and Blue finally make it and quickly go to his aid. Horror makes it to his room and falls to his floor. His body starts stretching and his hand begins to change shape. Drool-like corruption begins to flow out his mouth and nightmares eye forms on his vacant eye socket. Dust and Killer come inside Horrors room and ask where Nightmare is. Horror slowly turns to them and they both instantly go on the offense and attack Horror. After a little bit of fighting, the other two fall on the floor and Horror looks over them. Horror tells them he doesn’t want to kill them yet and he has a plan for them. He calls in Insanity and surprisingly, he comes inside immediately. Killer looks shocked and Dust looks confused. Horror tells them that Insanity will be working with them from now on. Horror immediately sends them on a mission to take out a sans in a random AU. While they do that, Horror makes his way to low level AUs to feed on. Horror would kill and devour one monster and let their friends and family suffer and feed off the negativity. Horror continues to do this until everyone in the AU is gone. He would do this to many other AUs to satisfy his hunger while the other three went to complete the mission. Going through different AUs, he would find different variants of Nightmares and defeat each one. When he devours one, an eye would sprout from his tentacles. While he was doing that, the trio was busy trying to complete the mission they were given. Suddenly, they ran into the Star Sanses and Dream was leading them. Dream commands them to tell him what happened to Nightmare. Insanity immediately goes and attacks the trio by himself. He just joined the team so he’s inexperienced in synergy. All three of them attacked him at the same time and sent him flying. Now it was just two on three. Killer and Dust fought them off for as long as they could. Both sides were injured but Killer and Dust fell in defeat. Dream asked them one more time where his brother was. Unknown Horror appeared behind them and instantly the trio turned around quickly. Unknown Horror told them that Nightmare has been somewhat replaced. Ink had a bad feeling about this and told the other two to follow him as he went inside a portal he made. Blue quickly grabbed Dream and slowly went towards the portal. Before they stepped through, Dream looked back at Unknown Horror and saw him mouth the words “Thank you”. He immediately gets a wave of fear, then the portal closes. 
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Art Made By @wyllaztopia My Good Buddy Design/Ideas Help By @heartstitched My Good BUCKO
Part 1
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mothiepixie · 5 months
Little Lies
Horror x Motti, Bad Sanses x Motti
Word count: 951
Horror ruminates.
Their arrangement is all casual, or it was supposed to be. They all agreed upon it that their relationship was simply to get out of Nightmare's face and to dump the three at Motti's place when he had enough of their antics. Neither of them anticipated it growing more than just a place of repose. However as time went on things changed and mostly for Horror. 
He wouldn't dare admit it to anyone, let alone to Motti. He's still not sure where he stands with her and part of him is afraid to know, yet, here he is with her laying on his chest like his body was made to caress hers.  
His phalanges combed her hair as gently as he could, but she didn't seem to mind the occasional bump or tug.
He liked this. 
He wants more of this. 
Just the two of them together alone and living in domestic bliss, but even Horror laughs at his own desires. Him? Playing house? Is he even allowed that?  But if not, then what have they been doing all day? She cooked him a full meal and he helped lift the couch so she could vacuum under it. He attempted to help dry the dishes but broke a few, and now they're cozy up to each other watching a dumb B-rated thriller. 
It tugs at his soul and his head pounds from the thoughts swarming. Motti and him used to be at each other's throats; the very sight of each other could ruin their day. He is not at all sure when that changed. All Horror knows is that it began to irritate him when Motti would neglect herself from overworking and then putting Killer or Dust above her own needs. What a stupid girl. 
He gets irritated at those thoughts, his brow furrowing and he has to stop himself from growling. He can't deny that if Killer or Dust was out of the picture Horor would be a lot less territorial, a little easier to deal with, but he's nowhere near ready to open up to Motti about how he feels or what he really wants. 
Everytime he catches a glimpse of himself he gets an ugly reminder of what happened to him and, truthfully, he doesn’t understand how Motti can stand looking at his face. Some days he can’t even look himself in the eye as he’s just constantly reminded of how different he is from his old self. 
A yawn causes Horror to steal a glance down at Motti and watches as she tries to keep her eyes open. He sighs and runs the tips of his phalanges along her arm. 
He wants to laugh at himself, he really does, because he knows that if the core didn’t shut down and caused the magic in the underground to go haywired he still would have been his charming, pun loving self. Now look at him. A massive beast with an unsightly hole in his head and a former shell of who he used to be. 
He hates having to think how Motti would have instantly liked his old self and she wouldn’t have met this jaded old bastard. It would have been so easy to sweep her off her feet, just a pun here or there, casually dropping hints and making her feel like he was her everything. But no, instead, Motti got an insidious freak with a quick temper and more LOVE than he ever thought was possible. She would not feel so safe curled up on him like this if she really knew what he had done or what his hands were stained with. 
Even if he never ate a human Horror can’t bring himself to tell her the truth. The thought of her eyes looking at him with disgust causes his old bones to ache with a feeling he can not yet discern. It’s kind of pitiful that Motti can wear her heart on her sleeve and opened up to him more than he has even graced her with. Yet, he has resolved to himself that he will keep it that way as long as he can. If he can continue to make believe and fool himself that he’s all she wants, he can live with that. Live with the lies and live with the love she gives. 
He’ll tolerate Killer and Dust for now.  Since he has yet to tell Motti he doesn’t want to share because then that would mean he would have to admit that he cares for her in a manner that he hasn’t felt like for some time, if ever. Would she even look at him as a partner? He doesn’t particularly believe that even with how she treats him now. Maybe it’s because neither of the other boys are here to keep her entertained… 
His soul drums against his ribcage, his anxiety spiking. That’s got to be it. She got tired of being irritated by him because Killer and Dust can’t be around all the time. Even if they do mundane things together that she doesn’t really do with the others, it must because he’s just a massive heap of bones. How can she give and receive any sort of affection from him? 
Maybe he is just the placeholder after all. 
Horror growls loudly while his eye forms into a slit and his mouth pulls into a harsh snarl. Motti becomes alert, snapping out of her drowsy state and goes to look at Horror but her world spins as she’s dropped to the floor. “Wha-” Before Motti can finish her sentence Horror shortcuts out of her apartment. Dazed and confused, Motti just stares at the spot where he once was. 
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stellocchia · 30 days
My brain's mush today, so here's a few more incorrect quotes from This Generator (it's the one I always use and it's great). (Also, if anyone wants to try and do the additional colors, This One is a very easy tool to use). This time we're getting the Epic Sanses and all of Nightmare's henchmen. Because I love the idea of Killer leaving and dragging all his little guys he has become responsible for with him. HE GOT THE KIDS IN THE DIVORCE!
Cross: What are amphetamines?  Delta: Drugs that can go on land and water.  Cross: Ohhhh.
Delta: I’ve invited you here because I crave the deadliest game...  Killer, nodding: Knife Monopoly.  Delta: I was actually going to play Russian roulette, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is.
Color, pointing to the wall: What color is this?  Cross: Gray.  Horror: Grey.  Color, turning to Epic: Now tell them what color you think it is.  Epic: Dark white.
Dust: Hey, I say we go down there, kick Color’s door in, and let him know that we’re in town.  Horror: That ain’t the way we do things here. We may have to go in there and run a con, drop a bug, do the smooth-talking.  Dust: Okay, you come with me, you do the smooth-talking, let’s go.  Horror: No, we just can’t go in there and kick down Color’s door. We need a plan.  Dust: Well who makes the plans?  Horror: Killer.  Dust: Killer, what's the plan?  Killer: You guys are gonna go down there, kick Color’s door in, let him know you’re in town.
Cross: You know what the problem is? You're really cute, so no one ever told you to shut your pie-hole.  Epic: You think I’m cute?  Cross: SHUT YOUR PIE-HOLE!
Color, looking at the squad: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Epic: Hey! Wanna hear a joke?  Dust: Sure.  Epic: Your life!  Dust: Actually, my life isn’t a joke, jokes have meaning.  Epic: Dust, no.
Delta: I don’t need any more friends. I already have six.  Horror: Don’t you mean seven?  Delta: *looks directly at Killer*  Delta: No, I’m pretty sure I meant to say six.
Cross, walking into Color's and Killer’s bedroom in the middle of the night: I had a bad dream.  Color: What was it about?  Killer: No, don’t ask him that!  Color: Why not?  Killer: Cause he’ll answer!
Color: Would you slap Killer-  Delta: Yes.  Color: I didn't even finish!  Delta: Sorry, continue.  Color: Would you slap Killer for 10 dollars?  Delta: I would do it for free.  Killer: Rude...
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pokegalla · 1 year
Bestie- I need this ok?!
Bad sanses with an S/O that absolutely DEVOURS energy drinks, like, 3+ a day- and they are still tired-
(I just described me fr-)
Ok gotchu✨
Sorry about late response! I thought I had finished your request…..
Then I look at drafts 🙃
I hope you enjoy!!!
The Bad Sanses (+ Cross) with an tired S/o who always drinks energy drinks!
* How are you alive man? Like not radioactive and shit-? That is a LOT of energy drinks. And you can’t fool this guy. He’s very observant so he’ll immediately notice that you still get tired.
* He honestly might just teach you the bad causes of drinking too many. Nah really he will sit you down with all the research he did to explain everything. (Quite endearing really. He really wants to make sure you’re ok❤️)
* Now he’s not gonna force you to stop. It’s really up to you in the end. But he will still be making sure you are ok. And he suggests healthier options too! See? Now you can enjoy what you love but in a much healthier way!
* He’s not very talkative but the way he shows how much he cares for you is very sweet. Don’t worry your skellie too much! He’s quite the Worrywart!
* Boyo is always trying to take a sip from your can. He’s just curious on why you love it so much. So much that he is literally giving you puppy eyes so that you’ll give him a sip (which I know you succumbed to the cuteness-). He found it pretty cool!
* And yet…..you still cannot get away with saying “Oh I’m not tired! Just waiting for it to kick in! 👀💦” yeah sweetie Horror is also very observant. He’ll make you get sleep. And you can ONLY get an energy drink if you get proper sleep in!
* He knows you love the drinks but he’d rather you get proper sleep first! Then you can have any you like! Why drink to get energy when you can just sleep Y’know? That’s what he thinks anyway. But he wants you happy too so you always wake up with an energy drink ready for you! ☺️
* He just wants you to be happy and healthy!
* Bruh. You know DAMN well he’s probably the one supplying you the damn drinks- if you thought you was bad? Think again- he literally has an unlimited supply in god knows where in that room of his…..
* Let’s be honest: He drinks WITH you. Both of you happily drinking together on the couch watching anime or playing games. But he’ll drop a few hints about “Heh might wanna slow down…”
* Now just because he kind of (is) a bad influence, doesn’t mean he won’t keep an eye on you. If he sees how it affects you, he’ll try to moderate how much to give you. Because he may be a lil shit….but he cares about you a lot.
* You can always be guaranteed to have fun with this guy but also taken care of no matter what!
* Glitchy boi would be a straight up dick talking about you have an addiction meanwhile he’s on his 15th chocolate bar himself- I’m pretty sure he steals your drinks too-
* And you can bet he’s taking those drinks away if you’re overdoing it. He’ll have multiple excuses for keeping it from you…..but really he just wuvs you and doesn’t want you feeling all sluggish because he worries for you 🥺. Will he admit that? HA! No-
* Though he will easily give in with a little….convincing. Puppy eyes and promising more chocolates? He’ll eventually give in. But he also makes you promise to at least take it easy with the drinks.
* Grumpy hobo man may be a lil sassy but he means well!
* He’s probably the only one who doesn’t see why the hell you like these drinks. It tastes like battery acid…..(says the guy drinking black coffee-). He didn’t really care at first but the MOMENT he sees how groggy you get? Oh you fucked up-
* He’s immediately hiding your stash and you WILL be scolded if you ask about it. And he’s dragging your ass to bed to make sure you get proper sleep. Right after he makes sure you are properly hydrated first.
* I can imagine even as his S/o, these moments can be quite unexpected but he was like…..mother henning you. And the way he stays by your side to make sure you’re ok makes your heart melt❤️
* Even the king of negativity can have a sweet side!
Cross (Lil bonus boi✨):
* Well he does like a few energy drinks himself especially for a game night or during morning training. He can drink as much as you without really realizing it then feels guilty about it but laughs it off.
* But it’s definitely a different story when he notices how sleepy you still are especially after the amount you drank. He gets a little concerned and asks if you’re okay. When he learns the energy drinks don’t work on you, he thought of a few ideas…..
* He looked for alternatives that could help you wake up much better. Like working out with him and eating a few healthier meals! But you both do have days to splurge on your favorite drink. It’s only fair!
* He didn’t want you to miss out on what you loved! So he helped you find a balance! He just loves you so!❤️
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sociopathicartist · 3 months
Heya! I was wondering if you could do UT, US, and UF Sanses and if they would prefer boobs, butts, or legs with their S/O??
Btw I absolutely LOVE your writing smmsjfhfjg
hey! sorry i took longer to get to this. i got another request for this same exact topic a day or two after yours, so to whoever requested the same thing, i’m doubling yours with this one since they were the same request.
also, these headcanons will be short since the request is short. thank u for requesting :3
Headcanons below the cut since this is mature !!
UT, UF, & US preference headcanons
Undertale Sans - (classic) -
So, as for Sans, I feel like despite his love for thighs- your thighs, and how easy they are to hold onto and trace patterns into your soft skin, he’d probably be a fan of boobs. The concept is just so odd to him, almost funny. What do you mean they’re just… there? And what do you mean they can make milk? What the fuck? Besides the funny concept of them, he just likes how soft they are. They’re warm, and he likes to lay his skull on them whenever you guys cuddle since they’re practically built-in pillows. That basically sealed the deal for him. He’s also the perfect height for boob hugs ;3
‘Sans, I told you, breastmilk only happens whenever you give birth, and we can’t even reproduce since we’re different species, so no, they will not leak.’
‘okay. can you shoot the milk out like laser beams?’
Underfell Sans - (fell) -
I feel like it’s almost painfully obvious that he’d probably be an ass guy. They just look nice, they compliment your legs, and holy shit does it look good if you wear any skintight dresses or outfits. He also likes that they’re not painful like he’s heard boobs can be sometimes, so he doesn’t have to worry if he wants to grab onto you or give you a smack anytime you bend over to get something, just to snicker at your scoff and unamused expression whenever you whip your head to look at him.
‘sweetheart, don’t give me that look. i barely touched ya.’
‘Sans, we are in walmart. Control yourself.’
Underswap Sans - (Blue) -
It was an internal battle to think about what this man would like. Unlike Fell where I feel like his preference would be obvious, or Classic where it just made sense since the concept of boobs is funny to him, I really couldn’t tell since Blue isn’t vulgar or suggestive in any way. After a long mental debate, I feel like he’d be a fan of thighs. While he likes every inch of you and thinks you’re beautiful everywhere, he just really likes being able to rest his hand on your thigh whenever he drives, or putting sunscreen on them whenever you both go out swimming. The skin on your thighs just looks so nice, very visually appealing to him for some reason. He also likes that while it can be a bit suggestive for him to trace his hand along your thighs, it isn’t always that way, and he can just mindlessly rub his hand up and down your leg while you’re watching a movie without any further intentions, unlike your other body parts.
‘Did- Did you draw the solar system on my leg???’
‘How do you accidentally draw the entire solar system?!’
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derangedanomaly · 10 months
how about Bad sanses x Artist male reader?
Yay! Sure thing :D
(Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Cross, Error)
Nightmare was the last one to find out about your hobby, and that's just because he's too busy to notice. :(
He was about to tell you about some important mission, when he bumped into you drawing a portrait of him.
He couldn't even speak at that time, he was so... confused. But also felt prideful you were drawing him.
Definitely takes it to his room so he could stare at it longer.
"You have a great talent Y/n, such a beauty should be hanged so it could be admired by many." Himself. He was talking about himself. "Do you mind if I took it with me on the way out?"
If you answer positively, he'll just take it. No questions asked. But if you answer negatively... he'll just steal it behind your back. 💀
Look, he just really likes whatever stuff you draw, and the fact you drew him, awoken something in him. He needed to take the portrait with him! (Bro is thirsty as hell 😂)
In all seriousness though, he really admires your skills. Even though he never really says it.... The portrait you drew of him is his motivation, which he also won't admit. Since positivity doesn't do him any good....
Loves to watch when you draw. But wait...you thought he was looking at what you're drawing? Nah.. he's looking at YOU.
In his words, he finds you more breathtaking then any artwork. But it's not like he doesn't like your drawings! He loves them, he just loves you more. ;)
He thinks your face looks really mesmerizing while you're drawing.
Sometimes likes to give you 'some tips'. (Don't listen to him, his tips are actually really bad 😨)
"Use black for shading, it's gonna look amazing! I'm speaking from experience." He's not. Literally has zero experience, just said that so he would impress you. 💀
Sometimes sneaks up on you and runs away with your art supplies. (Annoying as hell.)
Overall a pain in the ass most of the time, but he's your ass. 😂
Admires your talent, and wants to know everything about it. 'What things do you usually draw? What type of artist are you? Can you show him some of your artwork?' he's actually so cute...
After he learned about your talent, he returned day after to your sleeping quarters, and showed you his new knowledge, about your hobby, last night.
Also gives you tips, but unlike Killer, Dust's are actually useful.
You actually learn many new things/tricks that you never knew about!
He's a total sweetheart, keeps checking on you to make sure you won't get lost in your hobby too much. He knows how easy artist's get taken lost in their artwork and don't sleep or eat.
If you'd ask him to model for you, he would in a heartbeat. But it would probably be the most boring pose ever.
Hands in his pockets and shit. 😂
Gets irritated by Killer's wrong tips, and immediately leaves the room once he starts spitting them. He just can't stand the stupid bullshit Killer says every time. 💀
"Oh, you can draw? Can you draw food too?" Was his first question when you told him about your hobby.
He's always hovering over you when you draw, which can be nerve-wracking at times...
So to get him distracted, you suggested that he could draw with you. After thinking your question over, he decided to try it out, so he agreed.
After this, he found out that drawing with you made him relaxed....so he made it his daily activity with you!
He doesn't mind how his drawing looks like a child drew it compared to yours. He isn't really competitive when it comes to these type of things.
He just likes spending time with you ^^
Likes to ask tons of questions. (He finds your voice soothing)
Overall, he just found his excuse for spending time with you! (And a way for him to relax)
Your hobby reminds him of Ink... which he shudders at and... avoids you for awhile. 😢
But you could always sense that he, more than once, glanced at your art.
After getting over his emo sappy phase, he finds the courage to talk to you again.
Wants to compliment you so bad, because it actually looks great, but he's just...shy.
He doesn't know much about your hobby, so he won't give much tips. But if you ask him for an honest opinion, then you can count on that!
He's just a sweet little guy 🥰
His immediate response to your hobby is just: "Oh great...another Ink!"
He isn't exactly 'thrilled' about it. But he doesn't mind it, as long as you don't bond with Ink over it. (Jealous)
Doesn't know much when it comes to creation, but he likes to knit next to you while you draw. It brings you two closer! ^^
Definitely defends you though when someone insults your artwork. Deems that it's just cause you both enjoy artistic hobbies. (Knitting and drawing) but he's really just a big fan of you and your awesome abilities!
If you need any art supplies, they would already be waiting for you on your desk by tomorrow morning. (Stole them from Ink 💀)
Doesn't like it when you're being pessimistic about your skills. He thinks you're awesome as hell!! Why're you bringing yourself down?
He's overall just happy to be able to peacefully enjoy his hobby next to someone he can trust. (Cutie patootie ❤️❤️)
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
You know, I was thinking about the ways that the Multiverse as whole might further contribute to Killer’s (specifically Stage 2) already preexisting dehumanization, demonization and objectification treatment he’s already received from Nightmare and Chara.
Being viewed and treated as something like a pet, or an asset, or a weapon. Something distinctly other from most people.
His SOUL is rather unique. The most likely people to have that shape and color is more than likely a variation of himself. He’s full of enough DT to be able to Reset, he seems able to understand the Humans in various timelines and universes in a way most can’t.
He can keep going beyond all reason and damage, his SOUL and codes are all deformed beyond recognition, he has knowledge he shouldn’t be able to know, physical strength he shouldn’t be able to have combined with his own experience, mindset, and skills that were all presumably required during..whatever made him what he is now, and he can be controlled simply through his SOUL.
And on that matter, what even *is* he? He’s not a monster. Not human. Not human AND monster. If he’s neither, then what is he then?
If Killer can’t give a satisfactory answer, people will either come to their own conclusions or seek to find out themselves.
The mad scientists types are definitely ones he’ll have to keep an eye out for, probably even rely on Nightmare’s fickle protection because no one would likely come looking for him should he disappear one day to be locked up in a lab for study. They’d be glad knowing he isn’t out there to be turned on them.
There might even be people out there determined to get rid of him and those like him, with strange SOULS or being soulless, because they’re seen as a threat or dangerous or just out of pure fear.
Imagine the sense of uncanny valley the rest of the Bad Sanses must experience by looking at him, let alone interacting with him. He is not a normal, stable functioning person and it shows. And yet he’s pretending to be.
Something is always..off about him. His eyes are too dead and empty to be something truly alive. His face never makes the right expression to match with his tone.
Any emotion that might show in his tone or face or body language is dismissed because..he can’t actually feel. He’s just pretending, to trick, to manipulate, surely.
And it makes it easy for most to either avoid him, completely ignore him as if he isn’t there, or be completely indifferent to any harm that comes to him or any opinions he has because..he isn’t like them. He doesn’t even seem alive or real most times..like he’s a shell to be filled.
Especially if he’s so easy to manipulate and control into doing absolutely horrid things through a simple SOUL keeping him complacent. Or at least that’s what the rest of the Multiverse has observed.
There’d be many chomping at the bit to claim and possess Nightmare’s living weapon as their own and use him for whatever goals and benefits they have in mind.
There’d probably be such casual dehumanizing, objectifying talk about or to him that most won’t even realize they’re doing it. But there are so many “justifications” people could use to treat him like that.
Maybe Nightmare uses this possibility to further keep ST2 loyal & with him. He offers protection, the rest of the Multiverse would love nothing more than to kill, experiment on, or use him.
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Caught
As promised! The next drabble in the series :D (or the next one made in between the series? You guys get it. also thanks @spotaus for the original post which gave me the idea/inspiration to start this whole thing)
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Okay the links should all work now and go to the right places.
Usual warning, unedited and unbeta'ed. We are just here to enjoy our time :D
Cross groans as he leans against a wall and resists the urge to bonk his own skull against it "How can we not have foudn him!?" It has been three weeks of them searching at this point! Which means that Nightmare had been out and about for a month now!
Killer leans against the wall next to him "Chin up Cross. We don't want to make a scene and make people realise something is up."
Cross sighs but pulls away from the wall and pulls himself together. Killer is right, a sentence Cross does not use often, and they need to keep a low profile if they want to find Nightmare wihtout anyone realising it.
Dust joins their side and shakes his skull. Okay. Good news and bad news in one go. Good news, no one seems to have heard or seen anything about Nightmare. Bad news, no one has heard or seen anything about him!
Cross sighs and looks at Dust "Horror?"
Dust shrugs. he must see the unimpressed look on Cross face as Dust seems to think a moment longer "Horror is making a second round. No traces of him foudn just yet. but he wants to be sure."
Cross nods. Horror is by far the best tracker out of the four of them and if Horror can't find anything none of them will.
Killer nods as he pulls out his phone "Okay. this universe was also a burst. We don't need anything right?"
Cross shakes his skull "We got our supplies." which is nice about staying on the move, you can travel very light.
Killer nods as he considers the list he made "Okay. We are still searching for that universe. but we are near a split again. We can either go for the sciency universes or the more magical ones. I think the magical ones will lead to our end goal quicker..."
Cross thinks it over. It would be nice if they get to Dreamtale quickly to make sure Nightmare isn't there. It had been a goal until now and the only reason they had been making small jumps and going from universe to universe is because they wanted to be sure Nightmare wasn't in one of those or anyone heard of what happened.
It had been Horror who had offered that they should check everything. After his own accident and his own magic being difficult he had lost some of his more natural abilities. If Nightmare lost his own magical powers he may also lose his ability to travel through the mulitverse. meaning he could get stranded somewhere.
So they were making tiny jumps to neighbouring universes for now. and checking each one that they stopped it. The job they had with Nightmare is actually very helpful for this and trained them as at this point they are able to search about three universes a day.
They know how each universe is suposed to feel and are able to spot key differences or elements that don't belong thanks to all the exposure they have had. Meaning they should in theory be able to spot Nightmare as soon as they see him. or the traces of him.
Cross is still worried. They all already agreed Nightmare would most likely go back to the way he was before. the tiny skeleton from the storybook. But the image of the babybones with his skull smashed open keeps haunting cross. What if that wound returns as well? Would that mean that Ngihtmare is just somewhere heavily injuried with no help? could that have meant that nightmare just... died?
When Cross first asked Killer about it he had just huffed. said that boss is tougher than they can even imagine. and that if he had already died that Killer doubts the castle or the universe it had been in would have still been as stable as it had been when they visited.
Which, Cross knows Killer is right. Cross had seen what happens to a universe that grows too instable and gets destroyed. He had lived in it.
Still. the worry remains and-
"Nothing." Horror joins them again "where too next?"
Killer looks over at Horror "We are at another branch. Science or magic."
Horror frowns as Dust finally speaks again "Both can be promising or worrying. Both have ways of knowing about the multiverse and them..."
Horror nods "Meaning, which way do we think Nightmare would pick if he had to make small jumps. and which could he get stuck in if a large jump misfired?"
Killer frowns as he looks back at his phone and the copy of the general multiverse map he made. Cross looks over his shoulder and frowns with him. Cross can see what makes Killer hesitant to pick either. both paths look promising.
Dust tilts his skull "Which universes are in both paths? And which is saver for a babybones."
Cross turns to Dust and knows so are Killer and Horror.
Dust rolls his eye lights "We know who he is. He knows that. The multiverse at large? Does not. their story isnt known. either way. If nightmare remembers everything and he is going where we think he is going. He will pick the path off least resistence as he knows he is..." a glance around before softer "fragile. if he does not remember. He will take the path of least resistence because trauma and past injuries. So. Which is safer for a babybones?"
Killer blinks before looking back at his list and removing universes. Most Fell universes go straight out. so fo the Mafia stuff. Blaster AUs are next to go. any Genocide endings are out as well and Killer reconsiders the map.
Killer frowns "There is no clear path anymore. a lot of zigzagging. But! I think i see a path which could be seen as safe." he snorts and wiggles his eyebrows, how he does it Cross never figured out, "We can go by a Lustverse."
Dust looks wholly unimpressed and Horror looks disapproving "Focus. Adn are you sure?"
Killer snorts but nods "Yeah. Lustverse is originally build on having a children wish and that not working correctly or something. I don't remember they details but if they see a child they will 100% protect him." he nods and looks at Cross "Knife ready?"
Cross nods as he pulls out his knife "Where to?"
Killer joins his side "We are going to a pacifist upper tale thing. just aim east and slice and it should connect." Cross does as told and the portal fuzzes for a bit before a clear rift opens. On the other side green grass and sunshine.
Cross waits until the other three entered before looking around them quickly. No one near. good. and he goes in.
Nightmare is not a fan of this.
The market is too open and there are too many people.
Good side about it is though... a lot of them will give you free samples and food if you are a kid.
Nightmare walks around another stand and stops by one with all kinds of fruit. it is a lot harder to look over the edge and see all of it but he makes it work. He still hasn't eaten today and really should.
He can't quite remember how much food he needs and when. For now he just gets food whenever he gets really hungry. Just a tiny snack to keep him going. He had been having meals every day or other day. that is good right?
Sure he feels hungry a lot but that is probably normal. If he ate each time he got hungry he would be eating throughout the day and that just seems like a lot.
Nightmare considers the food and how much gold he still has. He had been lucky so far and hadn't been moving to a new universe yet. He had eben here for three days now instead of his normal two.
"Oh hello again friend!"
Nightmare flinches and has to stop himself from ducking away. He looks up and sees the man behind the stall smiling. "... hello..."
The man grins "Good to see you back again little friend. we had been worried when no one spotted you. Would you like to help me test some of the fruits? I can only sell the best stuff of course!"
Nightmare... knows he is just trying to ease him into accepting it. even though he knows it... it works. his soul swells a bit at the idea of helping and being seen as helpful. Nightmare isn't sure why. Ever since he finished shrinking it has become hard to understand himself.
He looks to the side but nods "okay..."
the man nods and considers the fruit "well. I personally think the grapes may be a bit off." he grabs a cluster of grapes and holds it out.
Nightmare holds his own hands under it and the man releases the grapes, never touching him. which is probably because Nightmare can't stop flinching and backing away when people raise their hands or voices.
Nightmare picks one off and eats it. it tastes so good! Sweet and refreshing. nightmare takes his time to eat the tiny treat before looking back at him "It is good." he holds the grapes back out to give back.
The man nods as he taps his chin "that is good to hear. you mind finishing those all and come back if any of them tasted off? We need a good sample size of the tastetesting." he says it as he calmly places a box full of grape clusters ready for sale.
Ngihtmare immediantly pulls the grape close again and nods "Sure..." he doesn't promise it. He isn't an idiot to make promises to strangers. but this man has never been difficult about him having to pay much more than a taste test. Nightmare figures it is something else pity he just pities him but Nightmare just.. can't focus as easily on those things anymore. it is harder too focus on certain stuff and if he tries to force himself to focus or think certain ways it just causes his skull to ache.
So he tries to stay in the now and reacts and thinks only to what happens or are direct threats.
He walks through the market as he eats his grapes. one by one. enjoying each one.
Nightmare is very disappointed when the cluster is all gone and takes a moment to find a trashcan to throw it away. some woman coo and mutter about such a good mannered child and Nightmare feels himself blush and feels the need to hide. it isn't that big of a deal! H just threw soemthing away! be good for nature and stuff and don't throw it just on the ground!
Nightmare quickly leaves the area and starts to make his way back to where he left his stuff. He needs to relax. maybe he can read his book for a moment and nap.
He walks between people and makes sure to not touch anyone. letting his eye lights look around the crowd.
Then he freezes.
Was that white?
probably not right?
Nightmare still strains his eye lights to search the area he saw it. Then he spots him.
And Nightmare cna see that Cross spotted him at exactly the same time.
Neither of them look away from each other for a moment. Nightmare feels his soul pick up the pace as the need to run rises by the second. It is fine. It is fine! Cross... cross probably doesn't even realise he was here! It is just a coincidence.
Cross turns his skull a tiny bit but his eye lights don't break eye contact. Cross is saying something to someone and Nightmare breaks the eye contact to glace.
That is Killer.
Ngihtmare doesn't think as he turns and runs right into the crowd.
Yup! That is Cross! Nightmar keeps running.
He goes between people and dives under stalls as he uses the crowd for cover. he makes a turn and glances back only to see Cross a lot closer.
He makes another sharp turn and spots an possible escape. He rushes into an alleyway and dives behind a dumpster and stays very quiet.
it only takes a few seconds before he hears running steps. he sees a flash of white between the opening of the dumpster and the wall.
the footsteps don't pause and Cross keeps running.
It takes a while but eventually it goes quiet again.
Nightmare waits for a while longer before wiggling his way out of the enclosed space. he checks the area as he jumps out and goes back into the market. He pulls the hood of the hoody back on and puts his hands into his pockets.
He can't hide the skeleton feet as he isn't wearing socks or shoes but this will have to do for now.
He is such an idiot! He should have kept moving instead of staying in the same universe for so long! Nightmare nods to himself. He will go to his little hidey place. grab his things. and make a jump.
He cuts through the market and finds the building with the empty storage he had taken over. he climbs in through the window and huffs as he lands hard in his little hidey place.
Nightmare leans against the wall and lets out a breath in relieve. okay. he is fine. he is fine. he is-
"Ah!" he gets picked up and is suddenly held back against a much larger form.
"Finally. we have been looking everywhere."
Nightmare freezes because that is Dust. Then he starts to struggle and fight more to be let go.
Dust runs over the roof tops as he easily keeps up with the small form in the market. Cross on the ground not far behind.
To say they are relieved would be an understatement. They had actually found boss.
How is he so tiny? Are all six year olds that tiny? Or is he just that tiny because of... well everything?
Dust isn't sure.
When Cross had frozen they had all turned to him to see what had been wrong. He had motioned that he had found Nightmare. Only for Nightmare to start running.
Which, rude. What the hell Nightmare?
Killer had been quick to step up to the job or right hand and gave them orders. Cross would follow on foot. Dust would go over the rooftops to make sure we didn't lose him. Killer nad Horror would go around the market and go to the other end to corner him if necessary.
Dust watches Nightmare dive into an alleyway and hide. Cross follows the path but once he can't spot Nightmare he keeps running right back out. only a moment later Nightmare comes out of hiding and goes back the way he came.
Dust follows him from the rooftops. making sure to stay quiet as he does so. He does take a moment to take his phone out and text the others that he still has eyes on Nightmare and is following him.
This does imply that Nightmare doesn't remember him. Why else would he freak out at the sight of Cross? Cross of all skeletons?
But if Nightmare doesn't have his memories and only remembers Dream as fellow skeleton... maybe that could explain why he freaked out?
Or it is because all of you betrayed him and he knows you can't be trusted the voice of papyrus is not welcome at the moment.
Dust glares as he keeps following Nightmare "shut up. you don't know shit."
he laughs oh? Cursing already? You will infect your terrible manners unto the tiny babybones. unless of course you just do what you should and kill him.
Dust slowly moves to the next roof "I already told you. I am not killing him."
A huff Then what will you do?! He is useless like this! Offers nothing!
Dust hisses his own answer back "He is a child. He doesn't have to offer anything."
a laugh so now he is a child? While before he was just your weakened boss? Which is is sans?
Dust ignores the ghost as he watches Nightmare disappear into a building. Dust is quick to silently follow him. Nightmare pants as he leans against the wall under the window that Dust is perched on. Dust scans the room before anything else. It is empty and looks old. in the corner he spots a backpack that looks a lot like one of Cross's anime backpacks. it lays on a thin blanket of some kind. otherwise the room is filled with boxes and other junk.
Nightmare looks calm and Dust acts quickly as he scoops Nightmare up as he lands inside the room.
Dust lets out a breath as tension leaves his body "Finally. we have been looking everywhere." They found him. they did it.
Nightmare is frozen for a moment before he starts to wiggle and struggle "let me go!"
Oh fuck that voice is so much higher than before. also shit Ngihtmare is slippery!
Dust groans as he tries to tighten his hold on the small skeleton but he is unsure how to do this without hurting the other. he is so much tinier than he thought he would be. Not to forget most likely much much more fragile. How does he hold Nightmare like this?!
Dust tries to change his handhold but alost drops Ngihtmare "Calm down Nightmare. it is just me." maybe he just didn't recognise him? please remember him.
more laughter What now you are scared he forgot you? Like he ever mattered to you! Hah!
Dust wants to snap at the voice but stops himself. If nightmare really doesn't know who they are than talking out loud to something no one else hears is not the right way to introduce himself.
Nightmare does not stop struggling and Dust keeps having to change his hold on the other.
In the end Dust decides to just sit down under the window and roll up around the tiny babybones- Nightmare. around nightmare. He ahs to remind himself it is Nightmare.
But... nightmare is a babybones now. or was always a babybones.
... mental and moral problem for later with how he will deal with that.
At least Nightmare stopped struggling. instead jjust panting harshly in his hold. No doubt tired from first trying to escape them and then struggling to be freed.
Dust just hugs the other tighter. do not relax his hold and give the other a chance to escape.
He is so tiny! so much lighter than Dust expected him to be. Also thinner as most of his form seems to be just the hoody. Wait that is his old hoody.
Dust isn't sure how to react to this. How to react to the feeling of having this tiny babybones against and with him.
Well good job. you have captured a babybones. are you going to kill him like you killed me? remembering how i was as babyboned never stopped you from killing me after all.
Dust feels his hold tighten on Nightmare. No. he is not going to hurt nightmare. Dust can be a good... a good.. henchman. and henchman help their boss. even if their boss is now tiny and easy to hold and so so thin and feels warm against them and Dust can feel the tiny fragile soul slowly calm down as they are close enough that Dust can feel it pulse and beat in the other.
Dust sighs as he struggles to find words "That is better." he makes sure one of his arms has a tight hold on Ngihtmare before he grabs his phone. He opens the group chat and types a message 'I got him. Just have to get back to you guys. See you outside of town, south side.' and he sends it. only a moment before he gets celebratory emojis back for the news.
Dust puts the phone away and stands "Time to go." he turns to the window.
Nightmare immediantly starts to struggle "no! My stuff!"
Dust frowns down before looking back. It shouldn't matter. They can just grab stuff he wants from other universes and they did that before... then again. If anyone understands how you can unreasonably attached to objects it is Dust, he still has Papyrus' scarf after all.
Dust nods and walks over to the corner of things. He holds one arm around Nightmare, holding him against his shoulder and partly over it. as he packes the stuff laying around with his other hand.
Thin blanket, backpack just holds a book, a lighter, a pocketknife and some gold. Not a lot but if this is all NIghtmare had to make his way through the multiverse for the last month it is all the more impressive.
Dust can't help but ask "Why not take more things?" he finishes packing and puts the backpack on Ngihtmare's back before taking a tight hold on him again as he easily lifts him.
Nightmare grumbles but mutters and answer "Too heavy... travel light and find what you need."
Dust freezes. He hadn't expected an answer. but if... if Ngihtmare answered then... "Ready... to meet up with the others?"
Ngihtmare freezes and wiggles for a moment before going lax with a sigh "you four met back up?"
Dust feels his soul relax. He remembers them. He rememebrs them! Oh this makes everything so much better!
Dust grins as he checks outside the window "Of course." of course they would emet back up to find him. obviously. Now. To get to the tohers and get the hell out of here.
They are going to have to figure out how to manage this child after all.
They had aqcuired the child! now they just need to figure out how to be parents lmao. I am sure they will be fine :) They only lightly traumatized Nightmare here by stalking him, hunting him, intruding on his safe space, and forcefully moving him :D
They are fine you all :D
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This one was fun to write! so mcuh fun! i love getting them all to interact and do things :D
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qin-qin16 · 16 days
Harsh like a cat's tongue
Summary: All Color had to do was turn his back for Killer and Delta to jump on each other's vertebrae, but things ended up getting out of control in this not-so-friendly game.
words: 1.4k
cw: Color x Killer, queer platonic relationship, hurt/comfort, Killer is our favorite punching bag, Delta is here, but not for the comfort part, violence (the girls are fighting!), protective Color… 
note: Consider this a belated birthday present. Happy birthday again @howlsofbloodhounds! Hope you enjoy this one (since it was inspired by one of your posts lol)
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"Look, I won’t be able to be by your side all the time, so try not to get into trouble, okay? I can sort it all out later, just… don’t start anything.” He can almost feel Color’s fingertips gently brushing down his face, cleaning the remnants of black lines left around his eye sockets.
The words echo in Killer's mind, and he barely registers the same sweet, patient tone from Color that he first heard. So why? Why is Killer ignoring this simple request? Is it just for fun? Or is he indifferent to the impending danger because he misses that despair?
Yes, he grins, perhaps that’s the reason. 
Killer barely manages to dodge the punch Delta throws close to his face. It’s clear that Killer must be rusty, as he didn’t notice the orange figure as easily as he used to.
Color may have eased his defenses, but that doesn’t mean the others — especially the other Sanses — will be equally merciful with him. Not after everything he has done.
“Over my dead body! I’ll kill you before you even think about living here!” Another punch is thrown in his direction. Luckily, this time he manages to dodge it more effectively, paying closer attention to Delta’s aggressive and impulsive attacks.
“It shouldn’t be too hard to step over a pile of dust,” Killer retorted, his mocking smile widening further at Delta’s furious snarl. 
They had been in this aggressive dance for a while now, and although Killer felt his bones vibrating with excitement and his magic simmering with anticipation, he continued to focus solely on dodging. It was unusual for him to be on the defensive side, rather than the attacker.
But no less fascinating.
“Ha! You’re the one who’ll end up as a pile of dust!” Delta, too, seemed to be enjoying the furious dance between them, even if all that hatred was coming from him alone.
As for Killer, the round target on his chest made it clear that this was all just an experiment for his amusement: how much longer could Delta tolerate Killer’s presence in the Omega Timeline?
The results were hardly surprising. As soon as Color left, they both went at each other's throats, or at least tried to. Until then, they hadn’t made physical contact — only attacking and dodging in tight circles, confined to the small area around them.
“I wonder what Color would think if he saw his little friend beating up his roommate. Poor little Color,” Killer said with a scoff, raising a barrier of bones just in time to deflect Delta’s kick. Without the blue magic, it would have definitely landed squarely on his ribs.
“It’s not like he’ll miss Nightmare’s pet!” Delta sneered, watching Killer’s smile waver. “What’s wrong? Did I hit a nerve?” He chuckled.
How could Color be friends with someone like this? As Killer pondered this, a gap in Delta’s defense suddenly appeared. Seeing an opportunity for an easy defeat, Killer summoned one of his bones behind the skeleton with orange gloves, poised for Delta to make a mistake and impale himself on it.
How could Color be friends with someone like this? Color. Color's friend. As the thought crossed his mind, the newly summoned bone vanished in an instant, leaving behind only a brief wisp of gray smoke.
Killer staggered back, still bewildered by his own instinct to consider the consequences of Delta’s death. Would Color forgive him, or would he see him as the ruthless killer everyone claims he is? Before Killer could dwell on the question, the tip of Delta’s shoe struck his jaw with a sharp impact.
“Don’t be daydreaming on me now!” That was the last thing Killer heard before a hellish buzzing filled his head, mingling with Delta’s harsh curses and death threats.
Killer didn’t even attempt to brace himself as he fell, accepting the inevitable impact with the dirt floor. Delta was clearly someone you couldn’t afford to let your guard down around, not even for a moment.
He felt something lodged in his throat and, struggling, began to cough. He turned his face to the side, spitting out the vile black goo onto the floor, along with what little dignity he had left. The buzzing in his skull persisted, a relentless, irritating monotone like the beeping of a dead heart monitor.
It echoed and echoed, filling his mind with its insistent, rhythmic drone.
Even without the single eye light in one of his eye sockets, Killer felt the pain twisting through him, spreading from his jaw and radiating through his skull like a slow, agonizing shock. For a moment, everything went dark. Then, the faint glow of his soul illuminated his vision, casting everything in a crimson red.
Before his vision fully returned, Killer first felt something on his face — an unknown gentleness, caressing and touching him like he was made of glass. He tried to speak, to push it away, feeling he didn’t deserve the pity of whatever was comforting him. But all that escaped his teeth were a few incoherent grunts.
“It’s okay, I’m here,” a voice assured him gently, urging him to stay quiet.
Killer felt all his bones relax instantly, and his soul, which had been twisting in agony, finally settled in front of his chest. He recognized that voice, so sweet and familiar.
“What happened to you?” Color murmured, carefully wiping the black streak that dripped from between Killer’s teeth, as if even the slightest touch might cause him pain.
Don't talk to me like that, Killer hissed in his mind. Don’t be gentle after I broke your promise.
“Shit, Color, I ca-”
“Shut up.” Killer had never heard Color growl with such controlled intensity, as if he were suppressing a hidden rage to avoid frightening Killer more (even though that anger wasn’t directed at him).
“I don’t want to hear a single word from you, or I’ll say things I’ll regret later.” Killer’s vision shifted from a yellow light to a brief flash of orange, before settling into a soothing light blue.
He then realizes that the light is coming from the fervent flames emerging from Color’s skull, casting a beautiful display of colors that illuminates both his face and the surrounding area.
Killer didn’t hear any response from Delta; he was either as stunned by Color’s aggressive stance or had simply decided to comply with the harsh order. Either way, Killer didn’t care. What mattered was seeing Color’s eye light focused on him only, carefully scanning for any additional injuries on his face.
“Can you talk to me, Killer? Please?” The aggressive tone from before melted away, replaced by a pleading and patient voice — the one Killer knew so well.
Wanting to reassure him, Killer managed a smirk, despite the pain in his jaw and numbness on his tongue, “I’ll survive— ouch!”
He chuckled, “Heh, if you’re already talking nonsense, then it can’t have been that bad,” Color said, half-jokingly, though his voice carried a note of genuine concern.
Killer simply grunted as Color’s hand moved to his spine, traveling down to his shoulder blades before helping him into a more comfortable sitting position.
Even though he turned his face away, trying to hide the shame he felt for disobeying Color’s "order" — even though, deep down, Killer knew it was just a request — he couldn’t help but imagine the disappointed expression on Color’s face.
“Look, I know I messed up, okay? You don’t have to look at me like that…” he whispered, fearful and aware of the consequences he might face for ignoring such a simple request as avoiding a f-
“It’s alright,” Color said, with a calmness that surprised Killer. He looked back to see concern in Color’s eye and the blue flames on top of his skull glowing more gently. “We’ll talk about this later. First, we need to take care of you, okay?”
Killer trusted those words completely. He allowed himself to be comforted by Color’s promises, lightly headbutting Color’s face as a simple, silent apology.
He felt Color’s hand give his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, as if he understood Killer’s remorse — not for getting into the fight or for getting hurt, but for breaking one of the few promises he had made to Color.
“We’ll talk later, Delta. Don’t even think about running away from me.” Killer couldn’t help but smile smugly, imagining Delta’s anxious expression, clearly terrified of the lecture he would face later.
Tagging the people who want to throw rocks at me for this
@toffeebrew @unamzi @what-have-i-unleashed
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thegrinningkitten · 4 months
Hello, sorry if you have already answered this question, but I'm curious, and I did not see an answer to it in your FAQ. You wrote that you don't have a favorite Undertale au, but do you have a favorite "Sans" (doesn't necessarily have to be a "Sans" ex. Dream and Nightmare)? (Unless you put "Sans" under the umbrella of Undertale AU) Because I saw that you often draw Ink and I suppose you wouldn't participate in this Inktober thing if he wasn't somewhere up there in your favorites.
And if you do have a favorite one, what is the reason you like that Sans? Because of how easy to draw that Sans is, because of their story, etc?
I don't really have a favorite. Ink just happens to be one of the more relatable characters for me, so I tend to gravitate towards drawing him. As in, he's sorta... one of the easier characters for me to write, I guess?
As for how easy characters are to draw... Most Sanses and Sans-adjacents are easy to draw, unless they have a ton of details added.
(Overall, the characters I draw the most are generally the characters I have the most story ideas for.)
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always-sleeepy-headd · 4 months
Nightmare? Dream? Fuck that I choose Error
Swap's smarter. Better. Stronger.
But they don't need to know.
Until he's fed up and bored at least.
Inspired by https://archiveofourown.org/works/49249111 By https://archiveofourown.org/users/ReikoNatsume/pseuds/ReikoNatsume
Swap wasn't like them.
Hell, even the Bad Sanses.
He was smarter.
That's why he walked the halls of both places without the other even batting an eye.
That's how he always does things.
He'll win no matter the cost.
Win what you may ask?
Attention, excitement, entertainment.
The multiverse is his playground, and he was gonna put it in its place.
Per usual, Swap was walking down the winding halls of Ink's forever changing house in the Doodle Sphere with no intent other than to ame the halls with boredom heavy in his eyes and soul. He walked for about a mile before ending up right where he began, just to see the path had changed again, he almost liked the ever changing nature of the Doodle Sphere, it calmed him in a strange sense.
"Oh! There you are Swap!" Ink giggles and runs over to him.
"Hi Ink! What's up?" Swap asks, mentally sighing at how strained he sounded. Ink didn't seem to notice of care though.
"Well, I was looking for you but you disappeared again! I don't understand how you know this place better than me, you walk around and just find the exact place you want to go!" Ink pouts, "It's absolutely no fair."
Swap laughs slightly, and then pats Ink's head a little. "I have just as much trouble, I just don't care where I'm going most of the time."
"UGHHH It's so annoying-" Ink seems to remember something and he ruffles through his scarf to find it. "Aha! I wanted to ask you how it went at Nightmare's?"
"I haven't gone yet Ink, he expects me there in..." Swap looks at the time and realizes he lost track when wandering. "Oh! Ten minutes from now, I guess it's a good thing you found me because I totally would've just kept wandering."
"Jeez, that could have been bad- Anyway are you sure you don't need help figuring out what to tell them? You always make it up on the spot and I imagine that can be scary..." Ink says, Swap had been spying for The Stars for a while now.
When Nightmare came up to ask him to spy for him in the Stars he told Ink and Dream, he quickly thought about how easy this would make everything for him.
So now he's 'spying' for both sides, Ink and Dream have no idea how he does it without getting caught and how quickly he gained Nightmare's trust is startling.
"Uhh, well I don't make it up on the spot, I have a very complicated system in my head that'll give them some information that is correct but a leave out parts of our plans that make it look like I had no idea about it and you or Dream are just acting impulsively." Swap sighs slightly, "It is a little stressful but it's really easy to lie to someone who thinks both of you are so incredibly stupid."
"Oh! Huh, I guess that makes sense. ... Actually! That's really smart! So they'll expect things to go one way while you still are trusted!"
"Yeah! Exactly, but I should get going now, Nightmare hates tardiness."
"Oh, alright! Be careful!"
Swap waved his goodbyes to Ink and climbed through a portal, Ink startles as he isn't used to Swap using portals to get around.
Sure was good that Nightmare taught him how though.
Swap enters the almost baren AU that the Bad Sanses reside in. It is covered in forest and at the center of it is a large castle where Nightmare's office is located, and it's where he's supposed to be three minutes from now.
He really needs to manage his time better.
Swap begins to sprint down the the trail that leads to gigantic and terrifying castle that the Bas Sanses call home, then he realizes he could just teleport.
I guess this is why Error calls him so many names.
catches his breath instead of spriting there and teleports outside of the office with a minute to spare, then decides it would be funny to bust in there at the very last moment, even if it costs him his life.
Right when the clock turns he shoves the door of Nightmare's office open, not realizing Cross trying not to laugh at him from around a corner.
Cross was pretty sure Nightmare was gonna kill Swap and Swap could have easily prevented it and just not stood in front of his door until the last second.
Luckily for Swap, he survived.
"... Hello Swap." Nightmare says, Killer was standing next to him with his usual pissy smile.
"You sure came in at the last moment." Killer says, his smile only growing more manic by the second.
"... I suppose." I say, as I have to be careful around someone as unpredictable as Killer.
Nightmare lets out a sigh, "Your report of what has happened with the Stars?" He says, going straight to the point.
"Something big is happening, I almost considered coming here sooner because of it." Swap says, weaving a lie so easily not even Nightmare would be able to tell. "I decided it would be okay to wait though... Nightmare, Dream plans to turn the tides of the war completely using this new AU, it was named a copy of Haventale and it's copy code is HGRJ3792. Haventale copies usually give large amounts of positivity anyway, but this copy seems to be different. It's inhabitants seem to have no emotion whatsoever, so when Dream went to scope it out his positivity gave them emotions that they have never felt before and they came to consider him a biblical God. Ink decided he wanted to milk this and turn things there way by using the inhabitants as missionaries, this will not only make the multiverse view Dream as all knowing but will completely drown out any other Gods of the multiverse, as if Dream was the main and most powerful. This would make it so much easier to spread positivity but also to make you look completely irrelevant."
Nightmare's face as Swap said this was absolutely priceless, even Killer seemed a little startled.
"... And how do you suggest we prevent this...?" Nightmare asks.
"Well, the plan has not yet been set into motion due to Dream's reluctance to use others for his own benefit, but Ink is utterly thrilled about this and I'm certain even if Dream refuses Ink will go behind his back and make it a reality. So simply you just need to eradicate the universe, these people are dangerous though, they've gotten a taste of freedom and would die for it." Swap says, Nightmare's shoulders untense slightly at the easy solution.
"Good, it seems you've thought a lot about this." Nightmare starts. "But won't Dream and especially Ink not only notice what we're doing and try to stop us, plus this will put you in a bad position?"
"Hm, well, quite simply I'll be fine, Dream and Ink suspect nothing of me. But it'll be hard to prevent them from attempting to stop you." Swap states then pauses. "I don't suppose I could make a distraction hm? It's quite easy to pull Ink's attention away from things... besides..." Swap smiles in a uncanny way that Nightmare blinks at, it slightly surprising him. "I have the perfect thing~"
"Well then," Nightmare smiles evilly, I suppose we'll need to set a date then."
Swap smiles as he leaves through his portal, it startles Nightmare slightly and it annoys him that Ink and Dream are just going all willy nilly and teaching everyone to use portals, it sure worked out for him in this case though.
Dream greets Swap as he gets back, and Swap realizes his still is doing the evil smile thing an laughs slightly.
"Hi Dream! I can't help but get into character when I'm over there." Swap says rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh it's fine! I'm just glad you're okay, I always get worried when you go there..." Dream says.
"Nope! Perfectly fine here! There is a BIG problem though!" Swap says, flinging his arms out to insinuate how bad it is.
"O- Oh? What is it?" Dream asks nervously.
"It's pretty bad, where's Ink?" Swap asks.
"He's over here." Dream says, grabbing Swap's arm and pulling him into the living room.
"Oh! Swap, you're back!" Ink says jumping to his feet.
"Yep! And Nightmare is planning something BIG!"
"Uh oh, what is it?" Ink asks, sitting back and down, he is quickly followed by Dream and Swap.
"Nightmare is planning a big attack on a Haventale AU copy, normally this would be mostly fine but this is a special Haventale. It's the communication hub for all Haventale's and Haventale has always been a big source of positivity right? So they plan to send a message to a bunch of Haventale copies that have contact with them and basically scare them ALL."
"What?!" Ink and Dream both say.
"I- I wasn't even aware that was a thing." Dream says.
"Me neither! But it's actually real I checked just to make sure." Swap says, he CAN'T let this plan fail, not after all his hard work.
"Well, do you know when?" Ink asks.
"Yes actually!"
Today was the day, Swap COULDN'T mess this up, he was counting on him.
He had gotten the message from Nightmare that they were leaving, Swap NEEDED Ink and Dream to be there NOW.
He rushed down the hall and into the living room where Ink and Dream were getting ready.
"We need to go NOW!" Swap says, and opens a portal to HGRJ3792.
Ink and Dream pile themselves into it, expecting nothing.
The Bad Sanses find themselves in an AU covered in forest.
"We just need to find where they're residing and destroy every last one, we should have a lot of time, Swap seemed very confident." Nightmare says, but Cross can't help but feel a lump him his throat, something was off.
They walked for a while until they heard feet pattering on the forest ground, someone was there.
"It smells like it's just two of them... I think we can take them..." Horror grumbles.
Nightmare was about to respond but the two forms leap out from the bushes with their weapons pointed at them.
"Nightmare! Stop this madness!" Dream yells.
Ink is standing with his Brush out next to him.
"What in the world?!" Nightmare hisses. "Is this some sort of set up?!"
"No? You were going to try to destroy this communication AU!" Ink yells.
"Communication AU?" Cross mumbles, startled.
"Yeah! You aren't going to spread negativity this way!" Ink says.
"You're trying to manipulate monsters into thinking you're their savior!" A pissed Dust yells.
"What... are you talking about...?" Dream asks lowering his weapon a little.
"What are you talking about?!" Killer yells.
"But... Swap said..." Ink mumbles.
"Boss.. do you think..?" Cross asks wide eyed.
"We've both been played..." Nightmare says in amazement, Swap had been tricking BOTH of their sides... but why?
"But- but-" Dream looks around. "Hey... where did Swap go?!"
"He tricked us both Dream, it's quite impressive.."
"NO! Swap would NEVER!" Ink says.
"Swap agreed to spy for me already behind your backs." Nightmare says.
"We knew about that! He didn't betray us, he spun the truth around to make it so he could lie to you while making it look like I was just changing plans!" Ink yells.
"Yet he's gone, and he lied, I don't feel any other lifeforms in this universe now that I've checked." Nightmare says. "You have to at least consider-" Nightmare was interrupted by a certain glitch.
"ThAt YoU'vE bEeN pLaYeD bItCh." Error laughs and everyone looks up in horror to see the God of Destruction with Swap holding on to his arm and giggling. "YoU sTuPiD fUcKs JuSt LiStEnEd ExAcTlY tO BeRrY wItHoUt EvEn BaTtInG aN EyE."
"Swap! I don't know what Error told you but it isn't true!" Ink attempts.
Swap giggles and hopped off the big branch he and Error were standing on to look cool.
"I've been working with Error this entire time silly! It's been fun messing with you though!" Swap says. "You made it SOOO easy, all I had to do is pull the innocent card and everyone just fell into my hands like putty!"
"No..." Dream whispered.
"Yep! I could control EXACTLY what you guys did and where you went! All had to do was make up some stories and have them so you guys collide while Error was busy at work!" Swap says.
"Doing what exactly...?" Cross slowly asks.
"Oh I an SO glad you asked, I distracted you so Error could easily keep the balance that you all keep destroying! It's a hard job for just one monster!" Swap can barely contain his excitement and Error's smile reflected just how much apricates Swap, even if it wasn't obvious to anyone there. "So, I guess you're wondering why we brought you here! Well, you guys have recently REALLY fucking up the balance, so you have two choices! This war ends right here and now by YOUR choice or by ours!"
"What are you talking about?!" Ink yells, his eyes darting back and forth from Error and Swap.
"Well, you dumbass's destroying things with your back and forth, so it's simple! No more trying to make more positivity and no more trying to make more negativity, also Ink, you need to stop making so many AUs and instead just let the multiverse take care of it." Swap says.
"So... you want us to have a... truce?" Cross asks.
"Exactly! I knew I liked you Cross." Swap says and Cross flushes in embarrassment, he isn't used to complement's at ALL.
"What are you going to do if we don't?" Dust asks.
"Kill you." Swap answered short and bittersweet.
Error snickers from up on his branch and jumps down.
"YoU fIlThY gLiTcHeS sHoUlD bE GlAd YoU HaVe BeRrY hErE pRoTeCtInG yOu, I wOuLd'Ve JuSt KiLlEd You." He says.
"It's your choice." Swap smiles in a controlling way, a way that you know that you better do what he says or he'll hurt you. badly.
Everyone looks around and then all come to an easy decision.
"I think we choose to live." Nightmare says, normally if it was just Swap saying this he'd laugh and laugh and laugh, but Error being in the mix meant that his words actually meant something, Error could easily kill all of them.
Dream and Ink nod.
"Good! I'm glad we could come to a decision as adults here." Swap smiles as Error wraps his arm around his waist and pulls him in for a kiss.
They loved each other and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
And that was exactly how they liked it.
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mothiepixie · 2 months
I’m really curious because a lot of the Sanses have a jealous/possessive streak to them, and Motti seems so free-spirited and kind to everyone… does that ever cause conflict in their everyday life? Whether it’s from her hanging out with or getting hit on by other attractive people or monsters or, I guess in terms of “the bad Sanses”, would they ever try to get back at one another at all for hogging extra time with her behind the scenes? And does Motti ever feel stifled or is she appreciative and see it as them looking out for her?
I guess in general what I’m trying to ask is: To what extent are each of the Sanses with that quality jealous/possessive over Motti and how might she react to their behavior based on whatever level they happen to be at?
A lot of it really depends on who openly displays jealousy versus who is seething on the inside. Many of the Sanses lean towards redirecting her attention back to them or even asserting themselves so the person who is flirting or getting too close to her will sense the tension and back off. 
Others will openly show aggression and rudely call out the person which will embarrass Motti. Motti doesn’t perceive people flirting with her quite a lot because she gives the benefit of the doubt that they’re just being friendly since that is the energy she gives. So it will come off unexpected and unwarranted if one of the Sanses reacts boorishly.  While Motti is generally really easy going she doesn’t stand for rudeness and will reprimand if need be. 
Boysen, Big Red, the Bad Time Trio, and Nightmare are perhaps THE worst of the bunch. They don’t hold back or care to be couth and it will cause a lot of arguments.
Boysen is 50/50 with either showing or keeping his jealousy to himself. He has a three strike system he follows and while he does feel secure in himself, he does not like sharing and doesn't like someone lesser than him to even dream of thinking they have a chance. His methods are more insulting the person's intelligence, or attributes before his mask slips and threatens them. Motti will wait until they're home to have a heated discussion. A lot of it will be Boysen pointing out things about their character and that they annoyed him which will make Motti so frustrated she can't explain other then huffing.
Big Red and Motti will butt heads and while she would like to have a proper discussion when they get back home, he does test her patience and sometimes her hot headedness wins. They will have it out right then and there.
The Bad Time Trio see Motti like a cute kitten when she is upset and reprimanding them. It really doesn’t phase them in the slightest (mostly Dust and Horror), Killer likes to act like a kick puppy and try to use cuteness for her to forgive him (he’ll just learn to be more discreet and take care of the person out of view). If jealousy is amongst the three, then it’s one upping the other, smacking the other when Motti isn't looking, or even full on brawls. 
Nightmare doesn’t care in the slightest how upset or long Motti goes on a tangent about how he should act. He has made his claim on Motti and he’ll be DAMNED if he lets some nobody even think they can breathe her air. 
Other Sanses that keep to themselves when they are jealous try not to let it affect the quality of her life. Many of them genuinely know that their jealousy is indicative of their own personal gripes about the fear of losing her. 
Sans, Farmer, and Passive will simmer on the inside then be the kind to redirect Motti back to them, or display affection more so they feel more secure with her. 
Blue cares for Motti so much that if she chose another he would not stand in that person’s way because he cares for Motti’s happiness over his own. He will be the shoulder for her to lean on, but he will always pine for her. 
Dream is a conflicted and complicated fellow. He spends so much of his time giving every piece of himself to others, but also keeping everyone at arm’s length. So when he finally allows himself to love Motti, there are times he doesn’t want her to get too close because he struggles to accept her love for him isn’t due to his powers. However, when someone else gives Motti attention he may feel malcontent and unwilling to share her attention. He won’t ever admit he feels a sense of possessiveness, and will try to ignore his own feelings to make her happy. Lots of forced smiles. He could only share or allow someone to flirt with her if he has complete trust in them not taking her fully away from him. -cough- maybe someone like Blue-cough-
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