#santa maria ship
illustratus · 6 months
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The First Voyage, Christopher Columbus bidding farewell to Queen Isabella I on his departure for the New World, 3 August, 1492.
by Victor A. Searles
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I always wonder what it would've been like if Betty chose Michel. If she would regret it. If she would still end up with Armando.
Tbh I can’t see it! I’ve tried reading BxMD fanfics but I always drop them cause I can’t see them ever being an item. Betty was never romantically interested in Michel and he was always pushy, doing things that made Betty uncomfortable. I’ll never forget how he tried kissing her, she was so uncomfortable! I’m surprised they continued being good friends cause if I were her I would’ve kept my distance 😬
Idk how people ship them maybe they see something that I don’t.
I do remember reading a fic where they both end up married with a child. It was a good marriage since they had a great friendship and she loved her child but deep down she did regret her decision of not getting back together with Armando. The love she had for Armando was one of a kind and knew she would never be able to love anyone the same way. It was a sad ending, she loved her family but yearned for her lost love.
Whenever I think about Betty and Michel together I always think about that fic. I just feel like this pair would never work and tbh for me there’s no other pair than Betty x Armando. They’re soulmates they’re meant to be. I don’t think they’ll be able to love others the way they love each other. Even if they didn’t end up together at the end of the series I feel like they’ll reunite years later.
Sorry it’s just that I’m a hardcore Betty x Armando shipper😔✊🏼
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thickthighenergy · 2 years
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Sunday Stamps: The Colour Yellow
…is the theme for today’s Sunday Stamps Guyana – 1987 Santa Maria, Columbus’ Flagship Guinea – 1971 Vulturine Guineafowl Bulgaria – 1961 Folk Costume Finland – 2022 Drying Laundry Outside – Spring Greetings Romania – 2006 Yellow Empress Tulips Malaysia – 2007 Chinese Hibiscus Turkey – 2010 Carnation on patterns of marbling Canada – 2022 Canada’s Ukraine Support stamp with a donation to…
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michael-rosskothen · 1 month
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Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta of Christopher Columbus
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the-delta-42 · 2 months
Kleeware - Ships of History - Part 5 - Complete Model Building Video
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athenafire · 3 months
@dragvnsovl "Maiden name May Fables, dunno who she married before I was born. Never asked." Not a no but maybe.
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goldfishsumice12 · 5 months
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instacarma0798 · 28 days
Four times you almost admit your feelings for Natasha, and one time you do
Summary - To you, Natasha was an angel, to her you were just a friend.
Words: Just over 3k
Warnings: Blood
A/N: Idk if anyone will, but I need writing ideas, so if y'all have any feel free to send them over
You were known around SHIELD for your tact, or lack thereof, when it came to someone you liked. Throughout your ten years there, you had become a level eight agent, one of the high ranking. While most SHIELD agents worked in groups, strike teams, you preferred to work alone - it was faster and easier. One of the most infamous teams was Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff, two of your friends.
The three of you, plus Maria, Bobbi, Coulson and Laura sat on couches in the Barton's house. Nate squealed as Clint swung him around, pretending to be a rocket ship and threw him on the couch next to Laura.
"Again!" he cried happily, clapping his hands together, "Again!"
Laura laughed, the sound soft and filled with a certain motherly love. You hoped you could laugh like that one day. Subconsciously, your eyes drifted towards Natasha. Her red hair was let down, cascading just past her shoulders as she tilted her head back to take a swig of beer, her green eyes sparkling with enjoyment that could light up a thousand dark rooms. She noticed you looking at her, smirking at you with those red lips that always seemed to be twisted into a smirk when she looked at you.
"Time for bed mister," Laura growled playfully, snatching up Nate, "You guys start on presents, I'll be back."
"Woo!" Clint let out a whoop, a more carefree side shown of him when around friends and family, but it could also be attributed to the few drinks he had. Maria rolled her eyes, swatting him on his shoulder to sit him down. She herself was without a drink, instead choosing to sip on the occasional water. Coulson held him down affectionately, gently taking the drink from him and placing it on the table.
They had done secret Santa this year, everyone secretly getting assigned their own person for gifts. Bobbi went first, giving her gift to Maria, which was a gun holster, matte black with blue accents. Coulson had Bobbi, having gotten the woman a brand new set of batons. Maria had Clint, getting him a pair of earplugs, an inside joke that caused a laugh throughout the room. Clint had you, giving you a mug that said, "Best Partner", to which Natasha scoffed since you weren't even his partner. And you had Natasha.
You gently placed a small box into her palms, seeing little scars littering them. She took it carefully, smiling at you as you returned to your seat. Her slender fingers untied to bow as you waited with baited breath, and she pried open the box.
Just a few weeks ago, you had gotten it for her, considering it a present when you would tell her you liked her, and yet you chickened out, giving it to her now instead. It was a gold bracelet with an hourglass symbol as a charm in the center. She took it delicately in her hands, flipping it over and her eyes examining it.
"I love it," she declared, looking up at you with a soft grin.
I love you, you nearly said, but held back at the audience. Despite that, Maria was looking at you with a knowing look, her brows slightly furrowed.
"Thanks," you swallowed, "I'm glad."
The world felt fuzzy as the blackness behind your eyes cleared, bright lights shining down on you. You blinked, trying to clear the blinding white that seared into your pupils. After a brief moment, the lights dimmed and were replaced with an angel.
At least, she looked like an angel. Natasha stood above you with a soft, teasing smirk, and muscular arms folded across her chest.
"Hey," she greeted, leaning back, her red hair swaying as she did so, "How you feeling?"
"Good," you slurred, your mouth still sore from getting your wisdom teeth removed, "drugged."
Natasha laughed, the sound lighting up the room and bringing a sparkle to her eyes, "Well duh," she rolled her eyes playfully at you, "You're still on some painkillers." You grumbled, words hard to form right now with your back gums so sore, "Steve went out and got smoothies, I brought yours up here," she held up a smoothie cup filled with pink liquid.
She reached to your bedside table, grabbing her own drink as she passed you yours. Her lips wrapped around it, slurping up the last of the drink. You drank your own, faintly aware of Natasha's eyes on you. A small groan escaped your mouth, the smoothie was absolutely divine.
"That good?" she teased.
You nodded your head, loose strands of hair brushing against your cheek. Reaching forward, Natasha brushed it back behind your ear, a soft smile on her face. A fiery brush lit up your cheeks, one that caused Natasha to smirk once more.
"I'll leave you be, call if you need anything ok?"
"Nooo," you whined in your drugged state, "stay with me."
A laugh burst from her mouth once more as she stood from her seat, "I can't, I have stuff to do."
You pouted, a few words on the tip of your tongue, but I love you. You barely refrained from saying them, a clear bit of sense holding back. Natasha sauntered out of the room, taking the brightness with her.
Your legs burned as you weaved through fallen bodies, victims of the whirlwind that you, Natasha and Clint were. As your fingers reloaded your gun, depositing the empty cartridge with practiced ease, even as your heart raced inside your ribcage, you pressed your index finger into your comm.
"Romanoff, Barton, come in?"
Static answered you, the sound crinkling in your ear. You cursed, positioning your hands on your gun as it was reloaded, rounding the corner carefully. More bodies greeted you as they scattered the floor with Hydra logos decorating their helmets and gear. Blood wept from their wounds, a silent testimony to their ruthless death.
"Romanoff?" you called again.
Only now did you realize how hoarse your voice was from smoke inhalation and screaming over the gun fire, words scrapping against the walls of your throat. A wound bled from the base of your leg, seeping into the pools on the floor. Ignoring the pain, you tried again on the comms, this time receiving a voice.
"Y/L/N?" Natasha voice was shaky, one of the rare times you heard it like that, "Where are you?"
"Romanoff?" your fingers pressed the comm into your ear, "Where are you? Where's Barton?"
"Clint's calling evac, I'm on the west side near the exit."
You stumbled over a body, your legs losing their speed as your lungs burned, "Understood, on my way."
The corridors tried to lead you the wrong way wherever you went, and despite how morbid it was, you simply followed the trail of bodies. After what felt like forever, although probably just a couple minutes, you caught a flash of red hair.
"Romanoff!" you called, forcing your legs to pick up.
As you rounded the corner, Natasha whipped around, her red hair brushing against her face and scrunching around her cheeks. It was a mess; stray strands having fallen out of her ponytail that sat atop her head.
"You're ok," she breathed, rushing over to grab your shoulders. You ignored the flutter in your stomach at her touch when she grabbed your cheeks softly and turned your head side to side. "Are you hurt?" she asked, staring into your eyes.
"No," you scoffed, regretfully batting her hands away, "I'm fine. Are you hurt?"
You ignored the sting in your leg as you did a quick check on her.
"No," Natasha shook her head, "Come on, let's get out of here."
She turned around ready to leave, her slender fingers grasping your hand, tugging you along. Before either of you could take a step, a gunshot echoed throughout the corridor. You barely had time to think before you shoved Natasha to the ground, forcing her out of the way of fire.
You gasped as you felt blood drip down your back and front. Your fingers came up to grasp your stomach as another gunshot came off. Natasha had a snarl on her face as she had her gun raised and pointed at the attacker. Faintly, you heard a body fall behind you, smacking onto the concrete floor - just another victim of the Black Widow. Scrambling off the ground, Natasha caught you before you fell. A strangled gasp of pain escaped you when her hands pressed on the wound in the center of your back.
"Sorry," she whispered, lowering you to the ground, "sorry."
You whined as the gunshot was pressed onto the hard floor, pushing on the bleeding skin and leaving an imprint.
"It hurts," you whimpered.
While you were a high level SHIELD agent, it wasn't often you got wounds like this.
"I know," Natasha soothed, her hands pressed down on your front, "I know. Hang ok? Clint's got evac coming. Talk to me, what are you doing this weekend?"
The corners of your vision turned blurry and black while you processed her words. Rather than answering her question, you reached down to grab one of her hands, looking at it carefully. Blood coated her pale skin and perfect nails, your blood. It dripped down to the bracelet on her wrist, the golden one you got her for Christmas, coating the sparkling chain in a sticky layer of blood.
"Hey," she pulled her hand away, "Don't look."
Your eyes fluttered shut before you regretfully opened them when Natasha shook you.
"Alright," she said, removing her hands from your wound, "Put your hands there." She ordered. You did as she said, pressing your hand onto the gunshot.
Natasha placed one hand under your leg, and the other under your back, coating her arm in the blood back there. You winced, almost crying out in pain as she lifted you up bridal style. The redhead grimaced at your pain, readjusting you to be more comfortable. Your head fell onto her chest, eyes drooping shut.
Her breath was warm as she muttered, "You stupid idiot, why would you do that?" She glanced down at you with a scowl, one that forced your eyes to open all the way.
"Because your my friend." you muttered, eyes falling shut. While really all you wanted to say was, 'Because I love you.'
"Stay awake," she ordered, her footsteps steady as she carried you.
"Don't want to." you grumbled, eyes falling shut once more.
A sleek dress fit your form as you laughed, leaning back onto the couch. Tony stood atop the coffee table, iron man gauntlet in hand as he chugged a shot, whooping and hollering. The rest of the avengers, plus Maria and Pepper sat around you, their laughter echoing.
Your gun wound had healed nicely, leaving two lumpy scars on either side of your body.
Tony jumped down, his grin crazed and hair wild, "You know what?" his tone was louder than necessary, "We should play Spin the bottle."
It was met with a round of groans, yet Clint grabbed an empty beer bottle and placed it onto the coffee table where Tony once stood, spinning it first. Clint grinned as it landed on Maria, the look teasing - almost like a younger brother.
Maria grimaced, "No." She shook her head as Clint neared her, sticking her hands out, "Not happening." Clint batted her hands away, leaning in and giving her a quick peck on her cheek.
Making a disgusted face, complete with a scrunched nose and furrowed brows, Maria shoved Clint to the floor. The archer fell with a grunt, pouting up at Maria as she wiped her cheek with the back of her hand.
"Your turn!" Tony crowed, gesturing eagerly at Maria. He once again held a new drink, a glass cup filled the brim with some alcoholic substance, "And it has to be on the lips now!"
Pepper pulled Tony down when he had stood, forcing him to sit on the couch. While she rolled her eyes, Maria still spun the bottle, the glass stuttered to a stop with the nose pointing towards Natasha. The brunette raised a brow at the assassin, looking for permission, and when the redhead shrugged, Maria gave her a peck on the lips. There was the slightest blush on Maria's cheeks as she walked back to her seat.
"I guess that means it's my turn," Natasha shrugged as she spun the bottle loosely.
It spun slowly around the table, the nose slowing to a stop right in front of you. You twisted in your seat when Natasha did the same, your knees brushing together. The redhead looked at you questioningly, making sure it was ok. You nodded. Heat creeped up the back of your neck, tinting the tips of your ears.
The redhead leaned in, a faint smirk on her thin lips. She placed a chaste kiss on your lips and you could faintly taste her lipstick. It ended all to soon when she pulled away, leaning back into the seat. By now you felt like your neck was on fire. Tony laughed, cackled really, as he took a sip of his drink.
"Someone got a crush?" he asked, gesturing towards you, his words slurring slightly.
"No!" You protested, crossing your arms, "I do not!" You really did.
Tony made a disbelieving noise and Maria looked at you skeptically. Ignoring them, and the fiery blush on your cheeks accompanied by Natasha smirk, you spun the bottle.
The Hulk roared as he was set loose, strands of Bruce's clothing flying. Bullets wiped around you as he took off, smashing the turrets that fired at the group. Dirt coated your face, mixing in with the blood as you sat crouched behind a dirt hill, pistol in one hand and a knife strapped to your side. Natasha sat panting next to you, her suit stained in blood that would once again wash out.
Steve and Tony were no where to be seen and Clint wasn't here. Steve was most likely already in the base, having attacked from the other side. This was supposed to be simple, take out a base and leave, but you had received the wrong information and walked into an ambush. Beside you, you could heard the click of her gun as Natasha reloaded and checked her widow bites.
"How many do you have left?" you asked. Your voice was breathy as you heaved for air.
Natasha took a minute to reply, "Five widow bites and ten bullets."
"Take this," you tossed her your spare magazine.
It was probably a stupid thing, but you still had a full one in your gun. You would manage. Natasha scowled at you, but didn't argue. Well, she didn't have time to argue because you launched yourself over the hill the minute gunfire paused. Sliding down, your feet carried you forward, body ready for a fight. The Hulk bellowed ahead, destroying all the turrets that stood in the way. Natasha was hot on your heels, catching up quickly. The battle field was eerily empty, sure you had The Hulk, but it was odd it was this empty. Faintly, there were gunshots that echoed through the valley, and finally you caught sight of Tony flying above you.
"Tony?" You pressed your finger into your comm, firmly securing it back into your ear from when it had fallen out.
"Y/N?" he responded, and you saw him glance down at you and Natasha, "How are you guys holding up?"
Natasha had passed you by the time you responded, "We've been better."
"Speak for yourself," Natasha scoffed playfully.
"Steve is working on securing the other side of the base, I'm going to go help him."
"Copy that."
While he was out of sight, you could still hear The Hulk smashing small shelters around the base. You and Natasha skidded to a halt when you came face to face with large metal doors, looming ominously above you, burrowed into a large hill.
"Wouldn't it be nice if these were just unlocked?" you joked, catching your breath.
Natasha rolled her eyes, tugging at the doors. They opened with a creak and Natasha glanced at you with a confused look, causing you to shrug helplessly. The two of you entered cautiously, guns and widow bites ready to fire. Yet, nothing came. A cold chill blasted into your faces as you crept through the door. The hall was dark, illuminated only by a few lights on the concrete walls. There was a single door at the end of the hall.
"Well this is ominous."
You received no response as Natasha crept forward, with you following behind.
The door in front of you burst open, vines sprouting forward and encompassing the walls. Natasha scrambled back, shoving you with her. The vines, coated in brown thrones, tore through the room, just barely missing you. A woman, really a girl, stood in front of the destroyed door. A collar was wrapped around her neck and her eyes dazed. She eyed you and Natasha with horror, her hands shaking.
"Leave!" she cried, "It's a trap! Please leave!"
"Hey," you soothed, "It's ok." You raised your hands in a gesture of peace as you slowly crept forward.
"Y/N." Natasha warned behind you, her gun raised.
"No!" the girl screamed, taking a step back, "Leave!"
"We can help," you told her.
Before you could comprehend what was happening, there was a sharp pain in your stomach. You glanced down with strangled breath. A vine, coated in bloody spikes, slowly slid out of your stomach. The girl let out a cry of pain as you slumped to the ground. Blood poured from the wound as you heard Natasha call for backup.
She sprinted past you. Your vision blurred. You heard Tony whizzing in as blood pooled onto the ground around you. Coughing, blood splattered on your chin. You weren't sure how long it was before Natasha kneeled next to you.
"Hey," she whispered, pulling your head into her lap, "Hey look at me."
You blinked, trying to focus your vision, "I don't want to die." Tears welled in your eyes.
"You're not dying," Natasha said harshly, "You're not."
Coughing once more, blood splattered onto her.
"I don't want to die," you cried, clinging to her as she pressed her hands on the wound, "Please Talia."
You weren't ready to die. You still hadn't told Natasha you loved her. You didn't want to die. You didn't want to die.
"Tony!" Natasha screamed, "Do something!"
Tony stood off to the side, staring at you in horror, "Nat..." he trailed off.
"No," she shook her head violently, "You're going home."
You looked at her green eyes, shining with tears as she looked down at you. Her face was still coated in dirt, little specks of blood from when you coughed. The world felt so fuzzy. Your mind cleared; you were dying. You were going to die and there was nothing she could do about it.
Shaky fingers reached up to cup her face, catching some her beautiful red hair in you bloody fingertips, "I love you," you whispered.
She freezes her frantic movements. With wide eyes she moved her eyes from your stomach to your face.
"I-" she hesitated.
"Don't just say it back cause I'm dying," the words were forced past your lips, just barely making it through your wheezing breaths.
"No," she said harshly, "Don't say, you're not dying."
"I love you."
The words were all you needed to succumb to blackness edging the corners of your vision and blur in your brain. Natasha screamed your name, pain lacing her tone as your eyes closed.
She pressed her head to your chest, searching for a heartbeat, and yet she only met with the sticky feeling of blood.
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vestaignis · 1 month
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Коломарес – самый фантастический замок Испании.
Испанский замок Коломарес – недавняя постройка, которую возвели в честь пятисотлетия со дня открытия Америки. Причем, строительство, начавшееся в 1987 году, возглавил доктор медицины Эстебан Мартин, который, как это ни странно, не обладал специальным образованием. Вместе с несколькими помощниками, которым ранее приходилось заниматься только кирпичной кладкой, он соорудил замок за 7 лет и в ходе работы освоил все премудрости строительства, это уникальное сооружение, позволяет проследить путь знаменитого мореплавателя через Атлантический океан. Автор проэкта и его помощники запечатлели в камне «Санта Марию», «Пинту» и «Нинью» – три корабля, которые приняли участие в плавании Колумба. Результатом столь кропотливого труда стал большой ажурный замок, площадь которого составляет не менее 1,5 тыс. кв. м. На сегодняшний день он является наибольшим памятником Колумбу не только в Испании, но и во всем мире. Любопытно, что при создании замка кроме кирпича были использованы мрамор, камень, стекло и даже древесина, из которой выполнили ряд элементов декора.
Это строение стало великим шедевром архитектуры, в смешанном стиле: византийском, римском, готическом и мавританском. И подобное смешение не простое совпадение, оно символично, потому что рассказывает об этапах развития страны и о многообразии культур, некогда населявших ее народов. Доктор Эстебан Мартин гармонично объединил в своем грандиозном сооружении элементы трех основных культур Испании времен Средневековья: христианства, иудаизма и ислама. Красота этой изумительной достопримечательности испанского курорта на Средиземном море в городе Бенальмадена, привлекает на отдых множество путешественников из разных стран мира.
Кроме того, архитектор символически отобразил и другие события испанской истории. Например, «Фонтан влюбленных» посвящен королевской чете – Фердинанду Арагонскому и Изабелле Кастильской. Эти монархи после долгих раздумий одобрили планы Колумба по снаряжению морской экспедиции.Еще одной составляющей Кастильо де Коломарес в Испании является часовня Santa Isabel de Hungria in Colomares, сооруженная в честь Св. Елизаветы Венгерской и числящаяся в Книге рекордов Гиннесса как наименьшая в мире церковь. Площадь этой капеллы составляет не более 2 кв. м, поэтому во время мессы в ней помещается только священник.
Colomares is the most fantastic castle in Spain.
The Spanish castle of Colomares is a recent construction, which was erected in honor of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. Moreover, the construction, which began in 1987, was headed by the doctor of medicine Esteban Martin, who, oddly enough, did not have a special education. Together with several assistants, who had previously only had to deal with bricklaying, he built the castle in 7 years and during the work mastered all the intricacies of construction, this unique structure allows you to follow the path of the famous navigator across the Atlantic Ocean. The author of the project and his assistants captured in stone "Santa Maria", "Pinta" and "Nina" - three ships that took part in Columbus's voyage. The result of such painstaking work was a large openwork castle, the area of ​​​​which is at least 1.5 thousand square meters. m. Today it is the largest monument to Columbus not only in Spain, but also in the whole world. It is curious that in addition to brick, marble, stone, glass and even wood were used to create the castle, from which a number of decorative elements were made.
This building has become a great masterpiece of architecture, in a mixed style: Byzantine, Roman, Gothic and Moorish. And such a mixture is not a simple coincidence, it is symbolic, because it tells about the stages of the country's development and the diversity of cultures that once inhabited its peoples. Doctor Esteban Martin harmoniously combined elements of the three main cultures of Spain during the Middle Ages in his grandiose structure: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The beauty of this amazing landmark of the Spanish resort on the Mediterranean Sea in the city of Benalmadena attracts many travelers from different countries of the world to rest.
In addition, the architect symbolically displayed other events in Spanish history. For example, the "Fountain of Lovers" is dedicated to the royal couple - Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. After much deliberation, these monarchs approved Columbus's plans to equip a sea expedition. Another component of the Castillo de Colomares in Spain is the chapel of Santa Isabel de Hungria in Colomares, built in honor of St. Elizabeth of Hungary and listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest church in the world. The area of ​​this chapel is no more than 2 square meters, so only the priest fits in it during mass.
Source: //kidpassage.com/activity/ispaniya/kosta-del-sol/zamok-kolomares?,/alandalus.ru/andalucia/provincia-malaga/benalmadena / castillo-monumento-colomares/,://balttur.spb.ru/countries/spain/ zamok-kolomares.html,/kuku.travel/country/ispaniya /dostoprimechatelnosti-ispaniya/kolomares-samyj-fantasticheskij-zamok-ispanii/,/portal.azertag.az/ru/node/20093, //www.tripadvisor . ru/Attraction_Review-g562812-d669392-Reviews-Castillo _ Monumento_Colomares-Benalmadena_Costa_del_ Sol_ Province_ of_ Malaga_Andaluci.html.
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octuscle · 9 months
Life-changing cruise experience
Daniel had been warned time and time again: Leaving the ship without a cruise line-licensed guide is dangerous to your wallet and health. Daniel thought that was silly. After all, Salvador de Bahia was not a slum in a civil war-torn country. Yes, Brazil was not without danger. But nothing had happened in Maceio and Recife either. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, Daniel only packed a little cash, left his wristwatch on board and took an old cell phone with him, which was certainly unattractive to pickpockets. At the pier, he took a cab and was driven directly to the old town.
Salvador de Bahia was incredibly beautiful. Yes, it was full of tourists. But luckily Daniel arrived in the old town before the buses. And in his simple clothes, he didn't look much like a cruise tourist, who were always easy victims. He enjoyed strolling through the alleyways and lost himself deeper and deeper in the labyrinth. The colorful baroque buildings became fewer and fewer, you could hardly hear any English and only what Daniel thought was Portuguese. The attacks from street vendors became more frequent and Daniel began to feel increasingly uncomfortable. And when he saw a knife flash at one of the nasty-looking guys, Daniel intuitively jumped into the nearest doorway. He had ended up in a capoeira school. He looked anxiously at the street where the mugger was looking around. Fearfully, he looked into the school, where a couple of guys were standing, not looking very trusting either. Suddenly one of the capoeiristas started grinning at him, shouted something to him in Portuguese and handed him one of the typical combat pants. Of course, Daniel felt silly putting these on. But returning to the street seemed much less attractive to him. So he put the pants on and joined the other students.
The movements seemed infinitely complicated to him at first. He didn't understand what it was all about. Until he realized that the teacher had obviously switched to English. At least Daniel understood the instructions, but he was still incredibly clumsy. The training was exhausting. Daniel lost track of time. He got better and better. The movements became second nature to him. The drum beats were incredibly familiar to him. He knew the strengths and weaknesses of his opponents. How long had they been training together? For as long as Daniel could remember. Even as a child, he had watched with fascination how elegantly the boys danced and moved their well-trained bodies. He had always wanted to be able to do the same. And with a certain amount of modesty, Danilo could say that he had become one of the best at his school.
Hehehe, he had never been able to say that about his real school. Sitting still and learning had never been for him. Fortunately, in addition to his talent for capoeira, he had dazzling looks and a stunning charm. Even if he could only talk to the tourists in broken English, that was enough to collect plenty of tips at his shows at Santa Maria Fort.
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Danilo's specialty, however, was his private shows, which he performed either in the back room of the bar where he danced or in the hotel rooms of the gringos. And it didn't matter whether he was fucking the white ass of an American tourist or getting a blowjob from a German pensioner. His services were in demand. And expensive. Danilo loved his life!
Pic found @xq28-xq28-xq28, inspiration by @curioustoseewhatsup
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illustratus · 6 months
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First Landing of Christopher Columbus on the Shores of the New World
by Dióscoro Puebla
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allthegeopolitics · 1 month
Trinidad and Tobago is redrawing the island’s coat of arms for the first time since its creation in 1962 to remove references to European colonisation – a move lauded by many in the eastern Caribbean nation.
Explorer Christopher Columbus’s three ships – the Pinta, the Nina and the Santa Maria – will be replaced with the steelpan, a popular percussion instrument that originated on the island.
Prime Minister Keith Rowley first made the announcement on Sunday at a party convention for his governing People’s National Movement to a standing ovation, saying the changes will be made by late September.
“That should signal that we are on our way to removing the colonial vestiges that we have in our constitution,” he said. [...]
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Tagging: @vague-humanoid
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At Sea
Guyana – 1988 Tall Ships: Left French four-masted sailing ship “grande Francoise” (1535) Center and Right Santa Maria, Columbus’ flagship. Left Republic of Upper Volta 1976 Bicentennial of American Revolution; Battle of Cape St. Vincent Top Right Republic of Upper Volta Sailing Ship “Scawfell”. Bottom Right 1988 São Tomé E Principe Sailing ship, dirigible and zeppelin. Canada – Eskimo hunter on…
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ltwilliammowett · 9 months
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It's almost done, just one night and it's Christmas Eve. But that also means that the calendar is coming to an end for us. That's why we're delving into the world of films today in the 23rd door and I have two beauties that we know from the Hornblower movies - HMS Retribution and HMS Hotspur
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HMS Hotspur and behind HMS Restribution
Here is more about the two and who is actually behind them:
The Earl of Pembroke was built in 1945 in Pukavik, Sweden, under the name Orion and was used for timber transport in the Baltic Sea until 1974, when she was laid up in Thisted, Denmark. She was transferred to the United Kingdom in 1980, where her complete restoration began in 1985. As part of the restoration, the ship was converted from a schooner to a barque (to resemble the famous HMS Endeavour, on which Captain Cook discovered Australia) and renamed Earl of Pembroke. From then on she served in various films in different rigs, but is best known as HMS Hotspur. Unfortunately, she had no further use in recent years and was completely scrapped in 2022.
The smaller Restribution is actually the Phoenix of Dell Quay, a brigantine. She was built by Hjorne & Jakobsen at Frederikshavn, Denmark in 1929, originally as an Evangelical Mission Schooner. Twenty years later she retired from missionary work and carried cargo until her engine room was damaged by fire. In 1974 she was bought by new owners who converted her into a brigantine before being purchased by Square Sail in 1988. A first aid over-haul enabled her to sail back to the UK where she underwent a complete refit. During 1991 she was converted to the 15th century Caravel Santa Maria for Ridley Scott's film 1492: Conquest of Paradise. She has also worked in: In the Heart of the Sea, Poldark, Taboo, Hornblower and Frontier. At the moment she is for sale.
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the-delta-42 · 4 months
Kleeware - Ships of History - Part 1 - Santa Maria - 1/240 - Model Building Video
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