#sapiosexual moment
dihalect · 2 years
ok future me is gonna hate me for saying this but the geoguessr guys skills are. kind of hot. like have you seen the ones where he guesses after seeing like, half of the screen upside down in black and white for .2 seconds.
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marsixm · 8 months
i cant ever really be a pirate at sea but maybe i can like. idk have a mystery machine van and go to the beach a lot or something
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elisaenglish · 2 years
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-John Koenig, Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows-
I always feel like I need some time with this—with you—as it licks my heart intrinsic...
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smileysuh · 1 year
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🌙 staring. Seungcheol x afab!Reader 
🔮 preview. “You’re a beautiful, bright, young woman, and you’re agreeing to be a companion to some middle aged psych nut who hardly has enough time for you-” you both laugh a little at the way he refers to himself, “compensation is a must.”
cw/ tw. daddy kink/issues, size/shoulder/back kink, contractual relationship, unspecified age difference, unprotected sex, choking, semi bondage, multiple sex scenes, fingering, squirting, oral (m/f receiving), baby oil massage, praise, dirty talk, hair pulling, overstim, dacryphilia, slight orgasm denial, hand kink, etc... I pet names. his: daddy. hers: gorgeous, angel, darling, my love, pretty girl, etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 18.6k
🍭 aus. psychologist au, non idol au, sugar daddy au, aged up/soft dom cheol, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. dont fuck your psychologist, fuck a psychologist... and try to get a cheque while you do it 👀 (sapiosexual: the attraction to intelligence and broad af shoulders)
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1: Wednesday
“I’m here to meet someone- under the name Choi?”
The hostess nods politely. “Mister Choi has been expecting you, right this way.”
Your heart lurches in your chest at her words. While it makes sense that the man you’re meeting for your date had let the host know he’d have a plus one joining him, there’s something in the woman’s diction that suggests a certain kind of familiarity. 
The restaurant you’re in is an expensive one, and the previous man you’d met through the online sugar dating website had made something of a show of being a part owner of a place such as this, treating the staff in a way that demanded obedience- 
You really hope, for everyone’s sake, that the person you’re meeting tonight is much kinder than the last.
The hostess takes you through the main dining section of the establishment and to a more secluded area, where she motions with a hand to the one occupied table by the windows that overlook the city. 
“Your server will come by for your drink order shortly,” she tells you, giving you a quick nod and something of a knowing smile before she returns to her post, allowing you to make the final distance to the table yourself.
The man sitting with his back to you hasn’t turned around, and you take a moment to collect yourself, swallowing thickly. Your eyes scan over his broad shoulders, taking in the pretty tweed suit, the colour of charcoal, and neatly styled black hair. 
You take a deep breath and begin forward.
“Sorry I’m late,” you apologize as you reach the man you’ve been in contact with just under a week- “you know how traffic can be-”
Your words feel jumbled in your mouth as Mr. Choi stands to greet you- because, although you’d been expecting a handsome man, you hadn’t been expecting him to be godlike-
The photos he’d had on the sugar dating site had been ten out of tens, but the man in front of you is a scale breaker. 
He’s even broader up close, and tall too- looking down at you with an amused expression, eyes practically twinkling-
“It’s alright,” he tells you smoothly, voice sexier than you could have ever imagined, “I’m glad you’re here now.”
“Me too,” you breathe, blinking up at him, etching his angelic features into your brain-
“You look beautiful,” Mr. Choi says, taking in the dress you’d spent three hours picking out-
His eyes don’t linger anywhere in particular, they’re quick to move back up to your face, and part of you almost wishes he’d stared at your chest just a little longer-
“Thank you,” you say, remembering you’ve yet to respond to his compliment.
“Would you like to sit?” he asks next, and you realize you’ve been staring too long, quickly tearing your gaze from him to give a curt nod. 
The two of you take your seats, and you adjust in your chair, letting out a shaky laugh. “I’m also sorry if I’m a little awkward- I feel like my social skills took a hit during the pandemic.” 
The man in front of you nods. “That’s understandable. The aftereffects of global isolation during covid is something that’s going to be studied by psychologists in depth in the coming years. You’re not alone in your feelings, believe me.”
You blink, thinking through his words. “Thank you-” you stutter, “for the reassurance, I mean.”
“Of course,” he nods again. “I think you’ll find I can be very reassuring, if need be.” 
Your skin tingles, and you can’t believe that you’d nearly let your best friend talk you out of this date.
‘Psychologists can be dangerous!’ Seungkwan had insisted, ‘One moment you think he’s your boyfriend, the next he’s hypnotized you to cover up a murder-’
You’d told him to stop rewatching Hannibal.
But you have to admit… Mr. Choi, or Seungcheol, as he’d called himself when he’d first messaged you, he definitely looks like Hannibal. 
Broad, handsome, tweed suit and all-
���I can see you’re thinking hard about something,” the man sitting across from you notes.
“Sorry, I was just-” you bite at your lip, “was just thinking that you’re probably really good at your job.”
His brows raise at this, and then he’s smiling, “Oh?”
“Yeah, you erm- you have a really calming voice and presence, and I mean- obviously you know what you’re talking about-”
“Are you in the market for a psychologist?” 
“No-” you answer quickly, “I mean, I don’t think so- that’s not why I matched with you at least.” 
The amused smile remains on his face, and it’s making it hard for you to look at him- 
He keeps his gaze so fixed on you, and he exudes confidence on top of the calm- 
Confidence that’s making your heart thump louder and louder in your chest-
“Hello, Mr. Choi,” the arrival of your waiter breaks the building tension you’re feeling. The question “How has your evening been so far?” confirms that Seungcheol knows the staff, and the pleasant way in which he responds tells you that you’re on a date with a good man. 
After a brief back and forth, Mr. Choi orders himself an Old Fashioned, and you ask for a gin and tonic.
Then, you’re once more alone with the man whose gaze is enough to have your pussy clenching with interest-
“I saw you were new to the site,” Seungcheol notes, and you can’t believe he’d bothered to look for that information on your profile, let alone remember it. “How’s your experience been so far?”
You take a moment to collect your thoughts before responding. “If I’m being honest, I talked to one person for a while, and when we met, he turned out to be- just- not a good person. So when you favourited me, and I thought you looked nice, I told myself it would be better to meet up in person without too much back and forth first.” 
“That sounds logical,” he agrees. “I’m sorry your first experience wasn’t what you thought it would be, but there is a silver lining, you’re here now.” 
“I’m here now,” you echo with a smile, and the waiter returns with your beverages.
Seungcheol had invited you for drinks and dessert. Seungkwan had insisted that meant drinks and sex, but your view of things is proved to be correct when Mr. Choi orders the ‘dessert tasting menu’ and the waiter scurries off again. 
“Should we make a toast?” you ask, allowing your eyes to trail over Seungcheol’s handsome face- his strong brow and pretty lips-
“We should,” he confirms, grabbing his glass and lifting it, “what would you like to toast to?”
“Being here now.”
“To being here now.” Seungcheol allows the lip of his glass to clink gently against your own before bringing it to his mouth, and you each drink to the moment.
“So,” you say when you set your cup down, “why drinks and dessert instead of dinner?”
“Dinners can be long, and full of expectations,” he tells you. “Drinks and dessert allows you to leave earlier, if you’d like to.”
“You seem like the kind of man who has everything figured out,” you muse.
The side of his mouth quirks into a charming half smile, and he leans forward slightly in his chair, assessing you with dark eyes- “Does that excite you?”
“Yes-” the word slips out before you can stop it.
The man in front of you leans back, satisfied. 
“What, exactly, are you looking for right now?” he prompts. “Your bio was… somewhat vague.”
“I guess-” you take a sip of your drink. “I guess it depends on who it is.”
“How about you start by telling me your thought process behind creating an account,” he suggests.
You’re momentarily distracted by the way his thumb rubs up and down the side of his cup- dragging through droplets of condensation gathered on the glass-
“My best friend loves Marilyn Monroe,” you find yourself saying.
This is clearly not the answer Seungcheol had expected, as he quirks that inquisitive brow of his at your words, and you’re quick to continue. 
“His favourite movie of hers is Gentlemen Prefer Blondes- and I’m not kidding, he’s been bleaching his hair since the tenth grade because of it- and there’s this quote- something like- ‘it’s just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor man.’ And I just sort of thought- I’m tired of putting a lot into relationships with people who give nearly nothing in return. At least with something like this- I’d be guaranteed something- you know?”
“It sounds like you’ve spent a lot of your life trying to make other people happy,” he notes smoothly. “I can understand why you’d want to be on the receiving end. Everyone deserves reciprocation.” 
He pauses, swirling his glass, but you can tell there’s something else on his mind, and you wait on the edge of your seat for more.
“From what you’ve said,” his thumb runs up the glass again, “it sounds to me like you’re looking for a contractual type of situation, moreso than a verbal agreement. Something with that added stability.”
“That’s correct,” you nod.
The last man hadn’t ever brought up contracts or boundaries or any of the things that are mentioned when you’d looked up what sugar babying entails. 
You’re enthralled by the professional way Mr. Choi is handling himself, and you’re enjoying his crystal clear communication.
“What-” you lick your lips, “what are you looking for?” 
“As you know, I’m a psychologist,” he states. “The job comes with a lot of responsibility. I take care of a number of people with quite severe conditions, and unfortunately, regardless of my intentions, this means I’ve had less time and energy to give to people in my own life.”
He pauses to take a breath and a sip of his whisky before continuing.
“I had a fiance for a time, but it became clear to me that she wanted a child. At the time, I wasn't ready to give up my work to be present in the way a developing mind would need. I’ve been looking for a sugar baby who would understand my lifestyle. Someone to meet with once or twice a week, who would provide happy company and the emotional closeness all human beings desperately need, without some of the… expectations that traditional relationships have. Does this sound like something that could interest you?”
You find yourself quickly nodding.
“Good,” he smiles warmly at you. “I’d love to explore the exact details of a contract over drinks, and we can choose a day to do that, but for now, if you don’t mind, I think I’d like to switch the topic and focus on you a little more.”
“On me?” you blink- 
Mr. Choi’s grin widens, and the warmth meets his eyes. “Yes, you. I think it’s safe to say we’re both physically attracted to each other, but I want to know more about who you are, inside that pretty body of yours.”
You can feel your skin heating from his compliment, and you avert your gaze, grabbing at your drink to take a sip and cool yourself. “What do you want to know?”
“Let’s start with the things that make you happiest.”
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2: Thursday
“Look who finally decided to answer,” your best friend sighs loudly when you put him on speaker, and you can imagine his classic Seungkwan eye roll.
“I was sleeping,” you tell him, which only succeeds in earning you a scoff.
“And I have been waiting for details about your date since last night!” 
“I sent you a text saying it was good!”
“And then you put your phone on silent you whore!” your best friend screams, making you laugh at his antics- then his voice dips. “Did you fuck him?” 
“No, of course not-”
“You sound like you’re lying.”
“I’m not, I promise-” you roll onto your back and look up at your ceiling, letting out a breath. “Drinks and dessert literally meant drinks and dessert.” 
“Did he at least- I don’t know, feed you some of the dessert?”
“Oh.” The line is quiet for a moment. “Well that’s anti-climactic.”
You laugh. “First you wanted me going on dates with sugar daddies, then you were weird about Seungcheol, now you’re wishing I had fucked him-” 
“Well- did you enjoy yourself?”
“Was he hot?”
You groan. “So fucking hot you don’t even know-” 
“Then I do wish you’d fucked him- you’re my best friend, and you deserve to get laid,” Seungkwan says plainly. “Also- I was only weird about this Seungcheol guy because he’s a therapist-”
“Same thing- the point is, he’s a guy with power and a brain- that can be a deadly combination.” 
“I thought I told you to stop watching Hannibal,” you smile, enjoying the way Seungkwan turns everything into life or death.
He scoffs at your words, disregarding them. “So tell me about your date.”
“Like I said, it was good. I got there, we ordered drinks, he’s obviously like- super smart. We talked a little bit about why we’re on the site-”
“Why is he on the site? If he’s hot, rich, and smart?” Seungkwan asks. “Shouldn’t he be with- I don’t know… someone his own age? How old was he again?”
“Mid to late thirties- and there’s a reason for it actually. He mentioned a fiance who wanted kids- I think women ‘his age’ are all looking for a family, but he’s very… invested in his work,” you explain.
 “Oh. Huh.” You listen to the cogs in Seungkwan’s brain turning. “So- I guess he just wants a sugar baby to work around his busy schedule?”
“He’s looking for a companion-” you say, “but, you know, someone who can handle the fact that his work comes first.” 
“Right.” A beat, then; “So did you guys talk money?” 
“What!?” he yells back. “Quit beating around the bush!” 
“He didn’t just- whip a wad of cash out and give it to me,” you laugh. “He paid for everything of course, and we agreed to discuss a contract over drinks-”
“Actually-” you look down at your phone, which has just buzzed, scanning the new text. “Coincidently, he’s texting me now.”
“Oooh! What’s he saying?!” 
“He said, ‘I really enjoyed your company last night. Would you like to join me for drinks tomorrow at eight?’” 
“Wow, this dude works fast- are you sure you didn’t suck him off or anything?”
“I just mean- two dates in three days- this is fast.”
“Yeah well,” you shrug while texting out a confirmation response for Seungcheol, “if you’d seen Mr. Choi in person, you’d be hoping things go fast too.”
“Is he really that sexy? This isn’t just- your old man kink?”
“I dont have an old man kink-”
“Sure you don’t.”
You groan. “Seungkwan, just trust me. This man-” you swallow thickly, “he could choke me out- and I’d say thank you daddy.”
“Right, but let’s hope he doesn’t though.” 
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3: Friday
Part of you isn’t surprised that Seungcheol has a study in his home, but another part of you wonders if this man is really someone you should be entertaining, with his shelves of psychology texts and autobiographies written by renowned people in his field- and the framed degrees and papers of certification-
Seungcheol is the real deal; it’s clear as day and reflected in his home.
He gives you a tour of the main floor, moving from the study to the dining room, and despite your ardent attempt at listening- it’s hard to focus. 
If he’d been godlike in the charcoal tweed suit when you’d first met him- well, you don’t even know how to describe how well he fits into a plain white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to expose strong, bulky forearms- and then there’s the way the material stretches over his deliciously broad shoulders every time he turns his back to you-
“Now that I’ve given you a small tour, why don’t you take a seat,” he says as you enter his kitchen. “And I’ll grab us drinks. What are you feeling? Wine, water, beer, champagne-”
“Whatever you think is best,” you tell him, a little overwhelmed by the effect his home is having on you- 
The effect he is having on you. 
“I think I’d like to give you champagne,” he says, turning his back to you to open his fridge.
You find yourself nearly drooling at the brief moments you’re able to gawk at his shoulders again- and when he faces you, your eyes immediately zero in on his hands as they begin to fiddle with the bottle-
“Has anyone ever talked you through opening a bottle of champagne before?” he asks.
Your eyes meet briefly and you feel your skin heat when you admit, “not really- is there a specific way to do it?”
“I’m not sure if there’s one specific way,” Seungcheol chuckles a little, looking down at his task. “At ceremonies, sometimes they’ll use a sword and knock the top of the neck clean off- but for our purposes, and to avoid breaking anything with the cork if it shoots off, I prefer utilizing the cork cage,” he runs his fingers across the metal contraption on top of the bottle. “The trick is to unwind it most of the way, but keep it on so when you manuever the cork up-” his thumb runs along the seem, working at it- “it pops,” there’s a loud sound, “but it gets caught by the cork cage, and then, both are easily removed.”
He’d done the motion so professionally- a man who’s opened many a champagne bottle in his time. 
Seungcheol seems to be an expert of everything - a true wealth of knowledge - and it’s one of the sexiest things you’ve ever experienced. 
You watch him pour two glasses of the bubbly liquid, and then he gingerly slides one across the marble island countertop, “I think you’ll enjoy this.”
He watches you with an amused expression while you raise the champagne to your lips, and when your eyes widen at the taste, he grins.
“It’s really good,” you say, toying with the stem of your glass. 
Now it’s your turn to watch him take a sip- and you’re blown away by how sexy he can be while simply drinking- his adam’s apple bobbing-
You wanna lick his neck.
You wanna lick his neck so bad-
“Should we get down to business?” he asks.
You wanna get down on something- and it’s not business. 
“Er- yes, we should,” you agree, shifting the way you’re seated on the bar stool at his counter-
Your panties are sticking to your core and it’s a little uncomfortable- 
You have no idea how this night is going to pan out, no idea if you’ll actually end up in his bed- so you’ve worn a beautiful, silky, matching set- its one drawback is the way the material sticks to  you when you’re even slightly aroused- and you’ve been aroused since the moment Seungcheol opened the door to his home and invited you in.
“Since this is a contract we’re making together, I held myself back from writing one up,” he explains. “I was thinking we could discuss it verbally, and I’ll write up a copy of what we’ve talked about after you go home tonight-” 
You feel your expression fall a little and Seungcheol pauses, expert eyes assessing you. 
“Is something wrong?” he asks.
“No,” you assure him, swallowing thickly and averting your gaze, “that sounds like a good idea.”
There are a few more moments of silence, and then Seungcheol rests both hands on the countertop, leaning forward, voice dipping when he says, “Darling, as much as I’d love for you to stay over tonight, I promised myself I wouldn’t fuck you until the third date.” 
Your skin feels electrified, and you gawk at the gorgeous man, who looks down at you with an amused grin.
You nearly shock yourself when the words “why not?” tumble past your lips, and his affectionate smile widens at your question.
“We’ve hardly discussed expectations,” he answers smoothly. “It would be… unwise for me to skip those important steps, to give you time to consider your options.”
“My options?”
“I am older than you,” he points out, “and there’s still a chance you might decide you want someone who can give you more of his time. I want you to be sure about all of this.”
“I am sure,” you insist.
“You think you are,” he muses, bringing his champagne to his lips, “but until you see a finalized document, you shouldn’t be agreeing to anything.”
“You won’t hurt me-” you tell him, “I trust you.”
“Although we only just met,” he points out. “If you trust me at all, trust in this process, okay, Sweetheart?”
You swallow any words of insistence that threaten to bubble up out of you, nodding and taking a sip of your own drink.
“So,” he lets out a sigh, “we discussed a few of my expectations when we first met, do you remember what they were?”
“You were looking for a companion of sorts, who could manage you being at work frequently,” you respond, feeling pleased when he nods and smiles at you. “Someone to meet up with once or twice a week.”
“Very good, Angel,” he praises you. “While it’s implied, I’d like to solidify what you might call a key condition.”
You’re practically on the edge of your seat, waiting for him to continue, your interest piqued.
“Any contract you’d sign would come with a loyalty clause.” He pauses for a moment, eyes searching your own. “Do you understand what that entails?”
“I think so,” you nod. “It would be an agreement that while I’m seeing you, I wouldn’t be entertaining anyone else. We’d be exclusive.”
“That’s my smart girl,” he smiles. “Even though I don’t have much time for you, I’d provide for you to live comfortably when I’m not around, in the hopes that, when we are together, we’re both committed to making the best of it.” 
You love the way that sounds.
“Which brings me to my next point,” he continues, “monthly allowances. I’ll cover your food, rent, utilities- anything you need, and provide extra spending money for clothing, jewelry, etcetera.” 
“Wow, that’s-” you feel your eyes widening, “that’s very generous of you.”
“It’s really not,” he insists. “You’re a beautiful, bright, young woman, and you’re agreeing to be a companion to some middle aged psych nut who hardly has enough time for you-” you both laugh a little at the way he refers to himself, “compensation is a must.”
You have to stop yourself from happily chirping an ‘if you say so daddy’ at the man that is so close to becoming everything you’ve ever wanted for yourself-
“On top of our one-on-one interactions,” Seungcheol says, “I’d also like for you to accompany me to professional events, but I’d need you to be discreet. On top of a loyalty clause, I might have you sign a nondisclosure act- how does that sound to you?”
You consider it for a moment. “I’m not the type to go tell people about my personal life- and other than my best friend, no one even knows I was on the sugar site-”
“Your friend who loves Marilyn Monroe and bleaches his hair?” Seungcheol asks with an amused expression.
“You remembered-” you laugh, heart warming to know how many details he’s held onto in regard to your first meeting.
“The NDA can exclude your close friend, we all need a confidant.”
“Thank you,” you swallow, “I think- if it allows me to talk to Seungkwan, signing a NDA would be okay.”
“Perfect,” Seungcheol nods, drinking the last of his champagne. “We’ve covered a few of the most important parts of an agreement, so I think maybe now is a good time to grab another important document that I need you to look over.”
“Stay here for a moment, I’ll be right back,” Seungcheol assures you, flashing you a quick wink before exiting the kitchen.
It’s almost torturous to be alone anywhere in Seungcheol’s home without him, and part of you is inclined to follow him around like a lost, needy puppy-
You finish your drink while you wait, taking breaths to calm yourself, afterall, he’d said he wouldn’t be fucking you tonight- therefore, there’s not much for you to worry about.
Seungcheol returns shortly, holding a dark leather file folder, which he offers to you.
“What’s this?” you ask, not wanting to open it without being prompted to- but your curiosity is as high as ever.
“Separate from our sugar agreement, this is a bdsm contract. It has a list of kinks and other things, as well as a section for you to fill out, detailing what you’re comfortable - and more importantly - what you’re uncomfortable with. I’d like you to take it home, look it over, and if you have any questions, let me know.”
“Right-” you stand up, holding the file folder to your chest-
Any words that you were thinking of saying disappear when you look up at Seungcheol, once more marveling at your size difference and how beautiful he is-
“You’re easily distractable,” he grins, pinching at your chin gently, “aren’t you, Angel?”
“Yes sir,” you mumble-
Easily dazed too.
“My driver will take you home now,” the (much too sexy) psychologist tells you. “His name is Seokmin, you’ll probably have to remind him to give you his number. He’ll be available to you from now on if you need to go anywhere.”
“You have a driver?” you blink- shocked at how he’s able to afford all of this-
You realize he must come from old money- and you’re appalled you hadn’t noticed it before.
He doesn’t carry himself in the way a man who’d made a name for himself would- he has an air of confidence- a confidence that runs deep and is backed up by family money.
“Yes, darling,” Seungcheol grins, “we have a driver.”
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4: Saturday
You’ve always loved having movie night with your best friend, but tonight, he’s not interested in movies. Seungkwan is easily distractable - a little like you, you suppose - and when you’d arrived over an hour ago, he’d immediately insisted on knowing every detail about your experience with the man he now refers to as ‘Psych daddy.’
On top of being distractable, Seunkwan is easy to please, and you manage to avoid mentioning the BDSM contract for a good long while, instead focusing on Seungcheol’s hot driver, who Seungkwan finds on instagram within five minutes.
“No way- first Psych Daddy is a ten out of ten, and now his driver is hot too?” Seungkwan bellows while mad scrolling through Seokmin’s profile. “Are you sure we’re not in some weird porn dream? You’re not gonna get tag teamed are you?”
“Seungkwan!” you scream, gently smacking him across the shoulder in shock.
“We were both thinking it!” he insists, shoving you back.
“I’ll have you know that we were not both thinking it,” you state with just as much certainty. 
“But you mentioned how nice the guy was when he dropped you off last night and we called for like five minutes before you hung up on me to go to bed!”
“Yeah, in the context that Seungcheol is really nice to everyone that works for him, despite being-”
“One of the youngest, sexiest psych daddies in the city, yeah, yeah-” Seungkwan waves his hand, “Stop rubbing it in.”
“Have you been researching my boyfriend again?” you ask, thoroughly amused.
“Boyfriend?” Seunkwan eyes you up and down, sneering. “Is that what we call dom daddies now?” 
“If he makes you sign a loyalty clause and a NDA, I think I can call him whatever I want, can’t I?” you point out. “And you avoided my question- you’ve definitely been googling Cheol again.”
“Been googling myself to pictures of pysch daddy-” Seungkwan says suggestively before asking, “He made you sign an NDA?”
“Not yet,” you sigh, “and don’t worry, we’ve discussed it and it will exclude you- I can tell you anything I want to.”
“Shit, did you tell him my name? Do you think he’ll accept me as a patient if he knows I’m your best friend?”
“Since when do you need a psychologist?” you laugh.
“Uh,” Seungkwan’s brows raise, “Bestie, have you seen my life? I definitely need someone to confide in who knows what the fuck he’s talking about.”
“Ouch,” you touch your heart, pretending to be wounded. “Since when did you not like crack gremlin advice?”
“Since you put down your crack gremlin hat and became a sugar baby to a hot psychologist,” Seungkwan sighs, taking one last look at Seokmin’s grinning face before he puts his phone down and focuses entirely on you. “But go back a few steps and talk to me about this loyalty clause- psych daddy sends you home with a ton of papers to sign, huh?”
“More than you could imagine.”
Your best friend looks you up and down with suspicion, brow raising in a silent prompt for more info.
When you remain quiet, Seungkwan sighs. “Fine, don’t tell me,” but after a beat, he asks, “Was it a sex list or something?”
You’re always stunned by how intuitive your best friend can be.
Upon reading your reaction, Seungkwan’s eyes widen and he grabs at your arm, nearly jumping with excitement. “No way!” he yells in your ear. “He did send you home with a sex list! Show me, show me, show me!” 
You look to your bag and before you can even reach for it, Seungkwan is darting past you and retrieving the papers. “Holy shit-” he breathes, scanning the document with eyes full of something like perverted excitement. “A checklist for kinks?”
“Choking, yes. Spanking, fuck yeah- bondage-” he grins at you, “looks like someone’s a little slut for psych daddy.”
“Oh my god,” you groan, reaching for the papers, but he launches himself off the couch to evade you. “If you’re gonna be like this, I don’t want to show you.”
“Fine, I’ll be nice,” Seungkwan says, but he’s still reading the list, and his voice is lacking any real sincerity. “Okay so most of these are straightforward-”
“You watch way too much porn,” you sigh.
He practically growls at you. “As I was saying- most of these are straightforward, and you’ve filled out the ones I would have expected you to- but some of these are things even I have never heard of- like, what the fuck is…” he carefully sounds out the next word, “Quirofilia?”
“Honestly- the ones I didn’t know about, I just sort of skipped over, hoping maybe you would know- but…” you can’t stop the sly grin that works its way onto your lips, “I guess Cheol did say I could call him if I had any questions…”
“At this point, it’s almost like this list is purposefully vague on some kinks-” Seungkwan sighs, joining you on the couch again. “I bet Psych daddy has been waiting for you to call him for extra clarification.”
“We could google it,” you point out.
“Definitely not,” Seungkwan says quickly. “Call daddy, and put him on speaker.”
“Oh, so he’s just daddy now?” you tease, pulling out your phone. 
“Call him.”
“Hmm… maybe I’ll text,” you decide. “He could be busy.”
“That’s no fun,” Seunkwan whines, pouting out his lower lip.
“Too bad,” you tell him, typing in a quick message. “I said, ‘hey, whenever you have time, I have a few questions about some of the terms on the kink list.’”
“Add a smiley face,” your friend urges, “so he knows it’s like- good questions.”
You add a happy emoji, and hit send. Then you put your phone down, reaching for the papers from Seungkwan. 
“He might not answer anytime soon-” you say- just as your phone buzzes the familiar ringtone that you’ve only given to one person.
Both you and Seungkwan stare at your ringing phone, and then your best friend grins at you. 
“This guy is so whipped for you it’s crazy- are you sure you haven’t sucked his dick?”
“Oh my god stop!” you groan, “and be quiet or I can’t answer-”
“I’ll be quiet,” he insists, pretending to lock his mouth shut and throw away the key.
With one final warning glare, you turn your focus to your phone, answering the call. “Hello?” 
“Hey, gorgeous,” comes Seungcheol’s unmistakable smooth drawl- god, he makes your mouth fucking water- “So you got around to looking at the kink list.”
He’s so god damned confident- and when you look up at Seungkwan, you see he’s just as shook by your new lover as you are.
“Uh, yes,” you clear your throat. “There are just a few terms I’m unfamiliar with, and- I know I could look them up, but you said to call you if I had questions-”
“Of course Angel, I’d love to help talk you through it.”
Your panties are wet.
They’re wet, and your best friend is nearly falling off the couch from how seductive your new sugar daddy is.
“What kinks are you unfamiliar with?” Seungcheol prompts, and you can practically hear him smiling at the way he’s taking your breath away on a freaking phone call- 
“There’s this one,” your eyes scan over the word Quirofilia, and you do your best not to mangle it the way Seungkwan had when you relay it to Cheol.
“Quirofilia,” he repeats, teaching you the proper pronunciation with the calm, pleasant tone you’re starting to fall in love with. “It’s another term for a hand kink.”
Now it’s your turn to echo, and you say “A hand kink,” while blinking at your friend.
“Yes, angel,” Seungcheol chuckles on the other end. “If you check off the box for receiving, you’d indicate that you’d be more than comfortable with me touching you frequently. For lack of a better term, it goes hand in hand with a number of other kinks- spanking and choking for example, or finger sucking.”
“And for giving?” you question, having already checked off a yes for what he’s just described.
“For giving…” he clears his throat, “well, you’d let me pay for you to get manicures- maybe let me choose the colours and styles-” there’s another pause, then “I have to admit, I did notice that you have nice hands the first night we met.”
“Really?” your heart lurches in your chest and Seungkwan grabs a pillow to bite while listening in on a conversation that’s getting sexier and sexier- “What did you like about them?”
“They’re smaller than mine, for one. I’m sure we can both imagine how pretty they’d look wrapped around something… substantially bigger.” 
Your best friend spasms, practically screaming into the pillow, and you can’t help the way your own jaw drops at the statement- 
Are you about to have phone sex with Cheol in front of your best friend?
Do you need to get a room?
“We can discuss it in detail when I see you next,” Seungcheol says, cutting off your horny thoughts. “Are there any other kinks you’ve had trouble with?”
“I mean-” part of you wants to go through the whole list and pretend not to know things just to keep him on the phone- “if we’re going to discuss these all in detail when I see you next- maybe I should just wait till then?”
You can’t believe you’re cock blocking yourself just because Seungkwan is here.
“We can do that,” Seungcheol says smoothly. 
In the background, you hear someone say his name, and you find yourself asking, “did I catch you at a bad time?” suddenly worried you’ve interrupted something important.
“Of course not, angel, I wouldn’t have called you if I couldn’t step away for a few minutes.” There’s a pause then, “I’m at a conference this weekend, flew out this morning.”
“Oh,” your heart deflates a little.
“I was tempted to invite you,” Seungcheol says, calming the uneasiness you’re feeling. “But seeing as you’ve not signed anything, and I already had plans with colleagues, I figured this wouldn’t be the best first trip to take you on.”
This excites you again. “Do you have somewhere specific in mind for a first trip?”
“Somewhere warm,” he answers smoothly, a small chuckle following a moment later. “Anyways, I won’t be that available tomorrow, you caught me at a good moment tonight.”
“Well… will you be back on Monday?” you question.
Another small laugh, then, “Are you that eager to see me, gorgeous?”
“Maybe.” You eye Seungkwan who’s still screaming into the pillow. “But I mean- I remember what you said about needing a sugar baby that fits your schedule, so, I don’t want to pressure you to see me the day you get back from a work conference-”
“That’s very thoughtful of you, angel,” his smooth voice calms your anxieties. “I do have quite a busy week, a few things aren’t pinned down yet, can I let you know when I have more details?”
“Yes, of course-” you bite at your lip. “I should let you get back to your colleagues- thanks for calling me and talking me through uh- Quirofilia.”
You hear him take a deep breath, and then, Seungcheol lets out something like a groan- “I’m tempted to ask what you checked off for it.”
His words go straight to your pussy and after a moment of silence you ask, “Do you want me to tell you?”
“No,” he responds, “It will give me something to think about tonight if you don’t tell me.”
“Okay,” you grin at the way he’s toying with himself- ego fuelled by the idea of him thinking about you- “I’m excited to talk more about this with you when I see you next.”
“Me too, angel.”
“Have a great time at your conference daddy.” 
You slap a hand over your mouth, eyes widening at the way the term of endearment just slipped out of you-
Seungcheol lets out a deep sigh that betrays how much the word has affected him, and he sounds less composed than normal when he says, “Thank you, precious, enjoy your evening.”
You hang up, and as soon as you have, Seungkwan goes ballistic, practically pouncing at you while screaming, “That was too sexy! You guys are too sexy, what the hell!?”
Laughing at his antics is easy- pretending your panties aren’t ruined is another story.
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5: Sunday
The ringtone that makes your whole body tingle with anticipation is becoming more and more familiar, and you practically launch yourself across your bed to answer your phone.
A small chuckle, and a breath, then, “Hey you.”
“How's your conference going?” you ask, having not expected to hear from Cheol today.
“Good. It’s over, we finished the last meet up just before dinner. What are you up to?”
You grin to yourself, playing with the book in your lap. “I’m reading your most recent publication.”
“My most recent publication?” you can hear him smiling now too, and you enjoy the way he teases your choice of phrase. “Since when were you going out and buying my books, darling?”
“Since I saw how many you’ve done- when you showed me your library. I went out this morning and got two.”
“You could have asked, and I would have given you them for free… with a detailed note from the author.” 
“I was eager to begin reading,” you admit. “And you’re so busy- I’m still not sure when I’m seeing you next.”
“That’s actually why I called. I took a look at my schedule, and I’ve got options for you.”
“Ooh! I love options.” 
Another smile you can hear through the phone, and your heart beats a little faster. 
“I can see you alone on Friday, it’s the earliest day I have available- but if you’d like, you can accompany me to a get-together with my work colleagues on Wednesday. I know you haven’t signed any papers and we haven’t discussed anything in detail yet but… I have a good feeling about you, angel, and I’d enjoy having you there.”
“Then of course I’ll go with you to the get-together,” you announce, grinning like a school girl at the inklings of praise he bestows on you.
“That’s wonderful news, gorgeous.” - you love it when he calls you pretty pet names - “I’m sorry that this call can’t be longer- but I’ll see you Wednesday- and I’m sure I’ll find a reason to call you before then.”
“Yes, please.” 
He laughs, and the sound has your core buzzing with interest- how the hell is Seungcheol so sexy without even trying?
“Have a good night, angel, and don’t read too much of my book- they’re all depressing.”
“They’re informative,” you insist. “Have a wonderful night Cheol, and thanks for calling.”
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6: Monday
You’ve gotta stop answering your phone with a full grin- but every time Seungcheol calls you, you can’t help but get warm and fuzzy all over.
“Hi, angel.” 
And wet. Wet all over. 
Wet where it counts.
“I was just thinking about you,” you confess, toying with the page of his book that you’ve been reading.
“Funny, I was just thinking about you,” he responds, “and I have been, all day. It’s quite distracting actually.”
“Really?” Your heart leaps again.
“I was thinking about getting you something to wear to the party on Wednesday- was going to get Seokmin to drop it off at your place, but then… I realized how much I’d rather see you and give you the dress in person, to see your reaction.”
This man gives you full on heart palpitations- and it takes everything in you to clear your throat and ask, “so does this mean I’ll see you before Wednesday, or?”
“I mean… I don’t want to assume you’re free every night- but if you’re not otherwise busy tomorrow-”
“I always have time for you daddy,” you smile, “and I’ll sign a contract to prove it.”
He lets out a shaky breath, and you love that you’re having an effect on him. “That’s good to hear sweetheart. I’ll move a few things around. How does seven sound?”
“Seven sounds perfect.”
“And it will be a longer stay this time. I know I kept our last interaction at my home brief- but if you bring all the documents I gave you, we can…” he clears his throat, “discuss them in full, tomorrow, if you’d like”
“I’d love that,” you admit.
“Seokmin will be at your place to pick you up at seven then, angel. I can’t wait to see you.”
“I can’t wait either.”
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7: Tuesday
Seungcheol is a man who strives for perfection. From his home and work, all the way down to the pretty present he’s gotten for you, the box wrapped in a golden bow-
And when you open your gift to reveal an expensive red fabric just itching to be touched- you think there’s a possibility that you might very much be in love with the psychologist already.
“It’s beautiful-” you breathe, pulling the silky garment from its box to assess the length and style.
“You were wearing red when we first met,” Seungcheol tells you, “I thought to myself that I’d never seen such a gorgeous girl- when I invited you to the gettogether tomorrow, I knew there was only one colour I truly wanted to see you in.”
Your heart is having palpitations, you swear- 
“Do you-” you swallow thickly, looking up at him, “do you want me to try it on for you now?” 
It’s his turn to take a shaky breath, and after a stagnant pause, he shakes his head, “No. I think I’d like to be surprised tomorrow- besides, after we get done looking over the papers and contracts, I feel as if we’d both prefer you to be taking off clothes rather than putting them on.” 
He’s right about that.
You only wish you’d known about his affinity for the color red before you’d chosen a black lingerie set, knowing that tonight would be the night he’d finally strip you bare-
You can’t wait for him to fuck you. You honestly can’t- and all these paper signings- they’re just a formality for you. 
As far as you’re concerned, Cheol is the one- or at least, he could be the one. 
Or maybe he’s just the ‘for now,’ but regardless, for now, you want to be ravenously fucking him-
“My easily distractable darling,” he gently pinches at your chin, pulling you from your dirty thoughts. “Let’s see the papers.”
After putting the dress back in its box, you grab the purse you’d arrived with. It’s large enough to hold the folder with the documents, which you pull out next, setting it down on Seungcheol’s kitchen counter. 
“I see you’ve printed out the other documents I sent you since we last met,” he says, and you can hear the pride in his voice that you’d gone a step above and beyond what he’d asked of you. 
After your last date, wherein you’d gotten the kink list, he’d sent you an email with a link to a contractual pdf. Once you’d gone over the contract in detail on your computer, you’d printed it out, eager to sign your name- but you’d been patient, knowing he’d probably want to witness your signature being jotted down on the dotted line.
“I’m ready to sign them,” you tell him, also pulling a pen out of your purse-
“Eager angel,” he smiles, taking the seat on the barstool next to yours. “Are you sure you don’t want to read it all over one more time?”
“I’m sure,” you tell him, angling your body towards his and fiddling with your pen. 
“Alright,” Seungcheol nods, rolling up the sleeves of his white button-down, his forearms flexing. “How about you let me sign first, then you can do your own signature.”
You hold out your pen, which he accepts, and you watch the way he adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose when he looks down at the contract. His eyes scan over the document, and a moment later, the ballpoint pen is gliding languidly across the dotted line, his signature solidified in a binding agreement. 
“There we go,” he says smoothly, holding the pen out for you to take.
Within seconds, two signatures are on the contract, and your heart is racing just a little faster in anticipation of what’s to come next.
“And now to look over your kink list,” Seungcheol breathes, moving the signed papers to the side. 
Your heart lurches when he picks up the sheet you’ve filled in, and you stay silent while his eyes move over each line of information. 
“As much as these all interest me,” he says, “I’m pleased to see you’ve checked off giving and receiving for quirofilia.” His large hand moves to rest on top of your thigh, and he gives you a gentle squeeze, eyes shifting from the paper to your own. “Will you allow me to book a manicure for you tomorrow? In preparation for the get-together?”
“Yes, please,” you rest your hand on top of his own.
“We’ll have to get your nails matching your new dress,” he tells you smoothly, setting the paper down in favour of pushing a strand of hair away from your face, his index finger gently gliding past your cheekbone. “And there will be another present for you tomorrow.”
“Another?” you’re nearly dizzy from how well he treats you-
“Another,” he confirms, taking off his glasses to set down before standing from the bar stool. 
“Are you going to tell me what it is?” you ask, allowing him to prompt you to your own feet, both of his hands gently capturing your own.
Seungcheol gives his head a small shake, a smile on his lips when he responds with a “no.”
Something inside of you deflates slightly at the fact that he’s withholding information from you, and you can’t help the way you pout your lower lip out - just a little - in an effort to perhaps make him change his mind-
“Come on, angel,” Seungcheol laughs, pinching your chin and forcing you to look up at him. His dark chocolate colored eyes are swimming with adoration, and his small half smile is breathtaking- “you can be patient for one more day, can’t you?”
“Depends what for,” you admit, reaching your free hand out to hook your fingers in the front of his belt, pulling yourself closer to the man who’s as solid as any brick wall you’ve ever seen-
“Patience for the next present,” he clarifies, gaze dipping down to your lips as you move even closer to him- “not for anything else.”
“Promise?” you ask, pushing onto your tip toes- mouths even closer-
“Promise,” Seungcheol says, finally closing the distance between you.
His lips are soft- he’s a gentleman, and his hand moves from your chin to be cupping the nape of your neck, the other smoothing down to the small of your back. 
It’s chaste kissing- too chaste for you, and you wrap your arms around the back of his own neck, pressing your chest up against his.
You don’t want any more distance between you, and you especially don’t want to wait any longer for this man to fuck the ever-loving shit out of you.
“Cheol-” you groan, allowing him to tilt your head and slide his tongue along your lower lip.
“Yes, angel?” His voice is so deep and sexy, the vibrations of it going straight through from his chest to your own and then down to your tingling core-
“Daddy, please-” 
“I would ask you to use your words, but now that you’ve filled out your kink list-” he swallows thickly, gently pressing his forehead to yours, “I think I have a pretty good idea of what you’d enjoy.”
In the back of your mind, you remember that you’d said yes to most of the kinks on the list- so you’re not sure how - exactly - he’s going to narrow it down and decide on what to do to you today- but there’s another part of you that trusts him fully.
Tonight is going to be a night to remember, regardless of what kinks he fulfills for you.
“Wait-” your hands move from his strong shoulders to the front of his dress shirt, toying with the buttons there, “I never saw your kink list.”
“Would you like to?”
You nod.
“Another time then,” Seungcheol says smoothly, “tonight, I want to take care of you. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds good,” you admit, tugging on his shirt in an effort to pull him closer.
With a smile, Seungcheol concedes, lips finding yours again. 
Instead of being as chaste as he had at the start, with each brush of your mouths against each other, he’s becoming more bold, gently testing your limits-
Little does he know that when it comes to him, you have no hard limits.
He could talk you into just about anything- but part of you knows he’d never really try to talk you into much, which is one of the reasons why you’re so open for him.
As he kisses you harder, and you tug him even closer, you realize you’re practically trying to climb him- and in one motion, Seungcheol bends down and lifts you into his arms bridal style, being mindful of the black dress still adorning your body.
“I’m going to take you to my bedroom now,” he tells you, and you take the opportunity to begin speckling his neck and underjaw in kisses, your hands tugging and toying with the fabric covering his broad shoulders. 
It’s so easy to become lost in him- his gentle, calming aura truly overtakes you, and now that you’re contractually under his protection - both financially and romantically - nothing else does matter- 
Nothing except him.
You want to make Seungcheol happy- and you note his reactions, note the way he releases a shuddery breath when you find a sensitive spot just under his ear- your tongue dipping out to taste his skin while you press kisses there-
“Okay, angel,” he sighs, “time to set you down.” 
He places you gently onto his bed before straightening to look at you. 
Seungcheol has always been tall and broad- but towering over you at the foot of his bed while you lay there with soaked panties takes him to new heights - literally - and you find yourself practically drooling- sitting up in an effort to get close to him again-
“Nuh uh uh,” he tuts, pressing one knee onto the mattress between your legs. “Lift your arms so I can take this dress off of you, and then lay back down for me, yeah?”
You follow through with his request gladly, allowing him to strip you of your dress before you flatten against his bed again, looking up at him with a lustful wonder that you’ve never truly experienced.
“There’s my pretty girl,” Seungcheol says smoothly, discarding your dress before looking down at you with appreciative eyes- eyes that finally take in some of your best features, gliding across your breasts and the lingerie set you’re wearing- “You dressed up for me,” he notes.
“Of course, daddy,” you sigh, reaching for him when he presses his other knee onto the bed, “wanted to look good for you.”
“You always look good,” he tells you, flattening his form over your own, one hand pressed to the mattress next to your head while the other gently grasps your jaw. “My pretty little angel,” he says, breath fanning across your skin before his lips find your own.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer and looking for friction between your thighs-
A moan slips out of you when you feel his cock, pressing against the front of his pants deliciously-
Seungcheol chuckles into your kiss before pulling away from you, his lips moving to your neck- 
“So sensitive, baby,” he says, rutting forward ever so slightly- cock dragging past your panty-clad core and making you groan again. “When was the last time you were properly touched?”
“It’s been a while,” you admit, swallowing thickly and lacing your fingers through Seungcheol’s hair while he kisses down to the swell of your breasts, still captured in your bra. 
“Well, we’re going to change that.”
“We better,” you retort, back already arching off the bed to give him access to the clasp of your bra- which he undoes with deft fingers. “Take it off- please-”
The garment slips off of you easily, and Seungcheol tosses it to join your dress on the floor before his large, warm hand is cupping your breast, lips attaching to one nipple while his fingers toy with the other.
Small gasps of ecstasy escape you, filling the room with your whimpery sounds of need.
Your new lover focuses on your breasts in a way that begins to make you frustrated, your pussy clenching with untouched desire- and the feeling of Seungcheol’s muscled shoulders is almost too much for your hands, which can’t help but explore his body-
“Please-” you moan, shifting your hips up, eager for him to grind down on you again-
The hand on your breast is removed, and it slips between your bodies, two fingers pressing to your pussy through your panties. 
You release a whimper, body shuddering at the small stimulus on your clit-
“Your panties are soaked, angel,” he says, releasing your breast in favor of looking down at you again. “Do you really need me that much?” 
“I do,” you tell him sincerely, once more tugging at the front of his shirt. “I need you so bad-”
Your fingers begin to undo his buttons, but your motions are shaky, especially as he rubs your core harder, teasing you through your panties-
“Please- just take them off,” you groan. “Take it all off-”
Seungcheol grins, “If you insist,” and then he’s pulling away from you, leaving you cold and desperate, your hands trying to follow him-
But then you stop, zoning in on the way his own nimble fingers undo the buttons of his shirt-
And then he’s shrugging the fabric off, revealing a chiseled torso and an abdomen that you could wash clothes on-
“You’re so-” you groan, unable to even believe you’d found a man like this on a sugar dating site.
“I’m so…” he looks at you with a cocked brow, kneeling between your legs, his hands finding your thighs and smoothing down against your skin.
“You’re everything,” you tell him, unable to think through much else.
The complement works, and Seungcheol’s smile widens. “Thank you, angel,” he says. “Daddy’s going to eat you now.”
You’re so overwhelmed- in the best of ways- that you hardly even hear Seungkwan’s voice in the back of your mind screaming ‘hannibal the cannibal, bitch!’ 
Your best friend had been so wrong about Seungcheol- who gets down onto his knees at the foot of the bed, dragging you closer before hooking his fingers in your panties-
You lift your hips, allowing him to tug the fabric from your form, leaving you completely naked-
Seungcheol releases a breath that fans over your pussy, his lips pressing a wet kiss on your inner thigh.
“You’re so perfect,” he says, teeth grazing past your skin before he finally brings his mouth where you need him most.
You can’t help but reach down and tangle your fingers through his hair, determined to keep him between your thighs-
And he doesn’t disappoint, tongue licking you up and down, pressing through your pussy lips and dipping into your core, nose brushing by your clit-
“Cheol-” you whimper, toes curling at the sensation.
You’ve been eaten out before, but you’ve never been as into a man as you are with Seungcheol, and every brush of him against you has you practically whining and tingling with ecstasy.
You’d never thought sex could be this good- and he hasn’t even fucked you yet.
His tongue is nothing compared to what his cock is going to feel like- but his mouth alone is bringing you shockingly close to your high, devastatingly fast. 
Seungcheol releases a groan against your pussy, pulling away just enough to ask “close already, angel?”
“Mmm- yes,” you whimper, tightening your grip in his hair on an effort to bring him back to your pussy.
“You can cum, just- let me know,” he tells you, tongue returning to your aching hole, lapping at you for all you’re worth-
You find your eyes closing, your head resting back against his bed while his ministrations work you closer and closer to the edge-
One of your feet drags along his strong back, your legs threatening to close around his head as your sounds of pleasure begin to tumble out of you uncensored, filling the room-
Seungcheol presses his face against you even harder, lips wrapping around your clit-
“Cheol- I’m gonna-” you whine, breaths becoming irregular as you get closer and closer to cloud nine- “oh my god-” you reach the peak of pleasure, and a gasped “daddy” escapes you as you’re consumed with your orgasm, quivering legs trying to close around Seungcheol-
But two hands land on your inner thighs, forcing you open for the man who eats you through your high like he’s been starved- 
Perhaps you both have.
You haven’t felt something this good in- maybe ever, and all you’re able to do is tug on his hair, moan loudly, and rut your hips against his face while you feel him tingling through every fiber of your being.
Seungcheol works you through your entire orgasm and then some, until your legs feel like jelly from being tensed, and you can hardly breathe correctly. Then, he pulls away from you slowly, pressing kisses along your inner thigh-
You open your eyes to look down at him, and you’re met with a visual that has you getting wet all over again. 
The gorgeous man between your legs, wipes his thumb across his lower lip, collecting what’s there and slipping it into his mouth, releasing a groan that has you practically twitching- 
His pupils are blown with interest, and he’s breathing just as heavily as you are.
He stands up, towering over you once more.
Seungcheol swallows thickly, running a hand through his hair. “I’m guessing from the way you checked off cum play and breeding kink that you’re on some sort of contraceptive?”
You release a small laugh- no man has ever used the word contraceptive in the bedroom with you before. Cheol is so sexy with his fancy words-
“Hey,” he gently taps your inner thigh again, “are you alright?”
“Yes, I-” you take a breath, “sorry, I’m just-” you can’t help but reach for him, making something like grabby hands in the air.
“I’ll give you a second to come down a bit more,” he concedes, returning between your legs, holding himself just over your body while you attempt to latch onto him, ankles crossing behind his back to lock him in- “You really haven’t been properly touched in a while,” he notes, brushing your hair out of your face and behind your ear. 
“No,” you agree, “I haven’t.” 
You cup his face, eager for his lips to be on yours, but he holds just out of your reach, grinning down at you. “Almost ready to answer my question?”
You nod, taking a breath before telling him, “I’m on the pill.”
“Lucky us,” Seungcheol says, bypassing your lips in favour of pressing a kiss to your neck, just above your fluttering pulse point. “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” you admit, letting out a deep sigh- “needy.”
Seungcheol releases a small groan, and he pushes his hips forward, teasing your bare core with the front of his dress pants- “Yeah?” 
“Please-” you tug gently at his hair, “stop teasing me.”
“Just trying to let you take a breath,” he retorts.
“I don’t want to breathe,” you say stubbornly, “I want you.” 
He lets out a chuckle, and you find yourself wanting to prove how much you want him. 
There’s no way in hell that you’ll be able to dominate Seungcheol, he’s as sturdy as a bear laying on top of you, but when you push at his shoulders, he relents, allowing you to roll him onto his back so you’re now the one on top.
He blinks up at you, lips parting-
“Didn’t expect this, did you, daddy?” you ask, placing your palms flat on his chest while adjusting the way you’re seated, capturing his cock between your bodies-
Seungcheol sits up abruptly- and you almost think he’s going to say something, but instead, he presses his lips to yours, capturing the nape of your neck with his hand so you can’t move away. 
His kiss is hungry, tongue gliding past your own and earning a mewl of pleasure- your hips rock slightly, and you’re immediately aggrieved to be reminded that he still has pants on.
“Want you naked,” you tell him between kisses, “want to taste you-”
Now it’s his turn to let out a groan of eager delight, and he lets go of his hold on your neck, pulling away from your lips to look you in the eyes while he grabs a fistful of your hair, tugging ever so slightly to have your head arching back- “You sure about that?”
“God, yes-” you moan, licking your lips-
“Then go ahead, angel,” Seungcheol says, releasing you. “Do whatever your heart desires, and if you get tired, let daddy know so he can take over again.”
You’ve never been wetter in your life. Nor have you ever shimmied down a man’s body and wrestled with his pants so quick, but with Seungcheol, that’s precisely what you do, and within no time at all, you have your mouth wrapped around the head of his cock.
He’s girthy- and you can just imagine how good the stretch of him is going to feel- 
You’re practically drooling on him, bobbing your head up and down while he pushes your hair out of your face, releasing a groan and a “that’s it, angel” that eggs you on even more.
You’re aware that you don’t want to make him cum like this- this is just you returning the favour before riding him- 
God, you want to ride him so bad- like you’ve never wanted to ride any man in your whole entire life.
It’s the first swearword you’ve ever heard come out of Seungcheol’s mouth, and it goes straight to your pussy, which clenches around nothing, your mouth slipping down far enough on his cock that you choke-
“Careful, darling,” the hand in your hair tugs you off his cock, and you take a gasp of air, sneaking a glance up at the man who has you going feral-
“I wanna ride you.”
“Like I said, do whatever your heart desires,” comes his almost casual response-
This man is going to be the death of you.
Death by psychologist cock.
Before you can even think a coherent sentence, you’re straddling Seungcheol’s hips, adjusting his cock to fit snuggly against your core, and sinking down on him, filling yourself inch by delicious inch until you’re sat atop him like a queen on her throne.
His hands find your waist, and you both release sounds of pleasure, your eyes closing to enjoy the feeling of being perfectly full for just a moment before you begin to move-
“Feels good, huh?” he prompts, squeezing your hips gently.
“Feels fucking fantastic,” you tell him- swear words be damned.
Your hands find his strong chest, and you lean over him, connecting your lips while you take a test thrust, bouncing just slightly on his cock-
The feeling is enough to have you both groaning into each other’s mouths, Seungcheol cupping the side of your face while he gently bites at your lower lip-
You’re not used to being on top- and it feels obvious in the shallow way you’re riding him, too distracted in kissing to give either motion your full attention-
But that doesn’t matter, because Seungcheol is rutting up to meet you, matching your slow pace and helping you find a steady rhythm with the hand still on your hip, guiding you as you begin to bounce.
It feels like heaven to be fucking Choi Seungcheol- feels like nothing you could have ever imagined. 
You find yourself getting lost in him, working on autopilot with one destination in mind: orgasmic pleasure, and with each thrust of his hips to meet you, he helps you get closer.
“Fuck, Cheol-” you groan, tearing your lips from his to take a breath, burying your face against his neck while your thighs burn from effort- “Daddy, please- please, fuck me-”
That’s all you need to say to get him to take over, flipping you onto your back so he can regain the top position. He captures your hands, raising them over your head where he can lock your wrists together in his strong grip, then his free digits slip between your bodies, seeking out your clit-
“Oh my god,” you moan, eyes closing as you’re overwhelmed in the sensation of him-
“Close already, sweetheart?” he questions, letting out a smug, sexy, little chuckle. “Feels that good?”
“Yes- feels so good,” you tell him, ready to say anything he wants you to if it means he fucks you harder-
His fingers draw small quick circles on your clit, and your legs twitch where they’re wrapped around his waist.
“I’ve hardly even fucked you- you can hold it a little longer, can’t you darling?” he prompts, nosing at your cheek. “For me?”
“I can-” you groan as he fucks you harder, “I can try- but- my clit-”
“Is this making it difficult for you?” Seungcheol smiles, relenting ever so slightly and then removing his hand all together in favour of wrapping it around your throat. “There, is that better?”
He squeezes your airway, and you’re simply unable to speak, unable to do anything but moan like a whore in heat while he fucks you closer and closer to an orgasm you’re desperately trying to hold off for him-
“You feel-” he lets out a groan, “unbelievable.”
No, he feels unbelievable, and you can’t even touch him with your hands still pinned- 
You think if you could graze your fingers across his strong shoulders you’d cum instantly, so maybe it’s a good thing he has your wrists in his grasp-
“I think I want you to cum now,” he decides, and you’re thankful- only for him to release your throat and rub your clit, which has you whining loudly all over again- “You’ll cum with me, right?”
“God, daddy- yes!” you whimper- the coil in your stomach clenching as tightly as ever-
Then he releases your wrists, anchoring a hand against your abdomen to keep you down while he works you over the edge- and your own fingers immediately seek out the shoulders that have you dizzy with lust, core clamping down on his cock as you’re high hits you full force.
“Cheol-” you whimper, delighted by the way he immediately presses his lips to yours, eagerly eating up your sounds of pleasure and returning them with grunts and groans of his own while fucking you through one of the best orgasms of your entire life.
His tongue dances by yours, teeth teasing past your lip-
Your fingers are in his hair and you can feel him practically everywhere, your entire body alight with wonderful sensations of bliss-
It starts to slow too soon, but every up must have a down, and as his hips lose pace and your sounds lessen, you realize you’re truly, madly, deeply in love with Choi Seungcheol.
And you’ve known him for less than a week.
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8: Wednesday
“Are you settling in okay?” Bora’s voice pulls you away from your daydreaming, and you tear your eyes off of Seungcheol to focus on the woman whose house you’ve been enjoying for much of the evening.
She’d been introduced to you as Seungcheol’s colleague’s wife, and you’ve yet to get any one on one with the very pregnant hostess, whose husband, Mingyu, has been circling her like a puppy this entire time. 
“Yes,” you respond, finding your voice, “you have a very easy home to settle into.”
“I appreciate that,” she smiles, taking the free seat on the sofa next to you, one hand settling over her protruding stomach in a maternal way that makes your heart soften. “I’ve been meaning to have a chat with you since you arrived, but both of us seem to have a plus one that’s attached at the hip.”
Now it’s her turn to look over at Seungcheol and Mingyu, who are huddled around another psychologist friend of theirs, Wonwoo, and his wife, their attention fixed on the youngest member of the housewarming party, a six-month-old baby named Yumi.
“I feel as if I’m the plus one,” you say.
“Don’t be modest,” Bora brushes it off with a smile, “Cheol has had his hand on the small of your back for most of the evening. As much as they like to pretend they’re big shot psychologists, we’re the crutches that get them through the evening.”
You take a moment to consider her words. 
This is the first event you’ve gone to with your new beau, and for much of it, you’ve been as intent to stick to Cheol’s side as he has been to yours.
“Trust me,” Bora continues, “give it a few minutes and they’ll migrate over here to be close to us.” She pauses, then, “Mingyu has to get used to being in the living room, a pregnant woman like me needs a good, comfortable seat.”
You both laugh at the way she touches her belly again, pushing it out and relaxing back on the sofa. 
“How far along are you?” you ask. 
Despite already having had dinner and discussion for an hour or two, much of the focus has been on the home and various publications that the four university friends have been working on, with Wonwoo’s wife Minji having arrived with Yumi only a short while ago. 
“Eight months,” Bora sighs, continuing to stroke her baby bump. “I’m just about ready to pop. But enough about me and my belly, you’ve hardly spoken about yourself- and Cheol is always so focused on work, I’ve yet to get many details out of him, other than the fact that you’re worth skipping book club for. Did you two have a hot date last night?”
Your skin heats with embarrassment- “I didn’t know he’d skipped book club for me-”
“It’s a loose arrangement, Tuesdays at seven, I’m only teasing you,” Bora leans over to nudge you with her shoulder, offering you a sweet smile. “How did you two meet?”
The nondisclosure agreement pops into your mind like a red warning sign. 
“Erm…” you swallow, “Cheol hasn’t told you?”
“Like I said, he’s very tight-lipped about it,” Bora explains. “But- I’ve never known Seungcheol to be a fan of changing his schedule- and the pearl necklace you’re wearing- the dress, your lovely nails- they all seem like gifts to me. Am I right?”
Her husband might be a psychologist, but Bora has just as much of a critical eye. She sees right through you.
“Fine, don’t tell me,” Bora waves your silence off, “I know I’m right. I’ll figure you two out.”
“Are you being nosy again, Mrs. Kim?” Vernon, the fourth and quietest man of your new lover’s friend group joins you in the living room, taking a seat on the single chair to your left.
“Always,” Bora responds with a smile. “Wait, Vernon, maybe you know more about this. Y/N is being no fun- Cheol must have told you where and when they met-”
Vernon’s mouth opens in something like recognition-
“Ah ha!” Bora exclaims, leaning closer to you, sandwiching you in while she presses for more information. “So you do know!” 
“I do, but-” Vernon looks at you, then he leans in too, his voice dipping to something near a whisper, “Are we allowed to talk about this?”
“Allowed?” Now Bora is even more hooked on finding the truth than before, and her gaze darts between you and the man on your left, who obviously knows at least a few details about you and Seungcheol’s ‘origin story.’
Due to the NDA, all you can do is sit there like a fish out of water, and you find yourself looking to Seungcheol, hoping he’ll see you in distress and come over to sort things out-
“Let’s just say-” Vernon sighs, giving in to the pregnant woman’s need for information, “Y/N, you seem like a great girl- as kind, calm, collected, and smart as Seungcheol told us you were- but, I am shocked he found you on a dating site.”
“A dating site?” Bora’s eyes have widened, and she shuffles closer to you on the couch, jaw dropped. “Stop- when I told him to try online dating after his last girlfriend I was honestly joking- everyone knows Tinder is hookup central these days.”
Bora is as inquisitive as anyone you’ve ever met, and she checks you and Vernon for your reactions, easily picking up on the shift of energy-
“Wait, not tinder?” She pauses, waiting for an answer. When it becomes obvious neither you nor Vernon are going to elaborate, she sighs and sits back a little. “Now that I think of it, tinder is an app, not a site- the only dating sites I can think of online are-”
It’s like a lightbulb goes off atop her head, and her jaw drops a little more- then she’s inching in close to you again, whispering as Vernon had done earlier, “You know what? Now that we’re discussing it- a sugar daddy site would be perfect for Cheol.”
Vernon groans, throwing his hand over his eyes and leaning forward. It’s clear he’d expected to be able to talk to you in something of vague code without Bora picking up on it- but it seems he’s underestimated the astute woman next to you. 
“You guys are horrible at keeping secrets,” Bora grins, sneaking a glance at Seungcheol, who’s now picked up baby Yumi- “This is so interesting.” 
“The plot thickens,” you offer, unable to say much more than that.
“Oh my god, stop,” Bora says playfully, poking your arm. “Obviously there’s some… agreement that’s been made between you and Cheol, so I’ll try not to prod you for much more information,” she promises, “but I’ll talk to Cheol and the next time we meet, you’ll be able to speak more freely.”
“The next time we meet?” you ask, wondering how the woman can be so sure of herself in every regard.
“We’ll meet again,” she tells you. “Trust me, anyone watching you and Seungcheol- well, anyone who knows him, can tell he really likes you.”
Your heart skips a beat. “You think?” 
Bora smiles at you. “Sweet girl, it’s obvious. Trust me, Seungcheol doesn’t bring around just anyone to parties with us, and like I said, he doesn’t often change his schedule for girls either. I don’t care what site you met on, you have that man whipped.”
“Bora-” the psychologist on your left groans.
“Vernon,” she retorts with the same tone. 
They exchange a glance, a battle for dominance, and Bora wins, Vernon releasing a sigh before leaning back in his chair.
“You know what is surprising?” he asks.
“Tell us,” Bora mirrors him, relaxing back against the couch.
“How good Cheol is being with Yumi tonight.” Vernon is watching his friends and the baby again, and soon all three of you are.
“That’s a good point, Vernon,” Bora grins, nudging you a little with her elbow. “I wonder why that is?”
You think her intuition has finally run dry. She can’t be insinuating that you’re partially the reason behind Seungcheol’s apparent baby fever- 
And if she is, she has another shock coming for her when she finally talks to Cheol and finds out that ‘no babies’ was one of the clauses of your dating agreement.
“I think, Cheol’s the kind of man who likes seeing people happy, and Yumi is very expressive” you offer. “People can like babies without wanting one for themselves.”
Bora lets out a scoff. “Right, Mingyu and I always thought we just ‘liked babies,’ and now look at me. Liking babies is always how it starts, and before you know it, nine months have gone by, you’ve turned into a balloon and are buying a new home big enough to raise a family in.”
You are envious of her position, but at the same time, you’re acutely aware that you and Cheol are extremely new to each other. He’s not the kind of man to be hasty- or at least, you’d thought he wasn’t, but as Bora had mentioned, Seungcheol doesn’t introduce just anyone to his friends. 
You’ll have to talk with him about this and you know it, but until then, it’s enough to just sit between his friends and watch him play with Yumi, who seems to give everyone in the vicinity a serious case of baby fever. 
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9: Thursday
“Hold up-” Seungkwan says, interrupting you with a wave of his hands, and they land on your knees, “wait a minute- so he makes you sign an NDA, and then invites you out with his friends, and one of them like- bombards you for an hour about him-”
“It wasn’t an hour-”
“And she wasn’t bombarding,” you correct.
“Ok, fine, yeah, whatever- but then-” Seungkwan takes a deep breath, “he also has a thing about no babies, and in the first week- straight up rubs a baby in your face for an entire night-”
“Yumi was only there for an hour or so before we left-”
“And then!” your best friend interrupts you again, “on the car ride home, instead of discussing it with him like adults- ya’ll put up the separation between you and his hot as fuck driver, and nearly fucked in the back seat-”
“Oh my god, stop-” you groan, “I told you, it was just kissing-”
“With you straddling the man!” Seunkwan yells back. “And all of this, after he switched his schedule to fuck you on Tuesday night- even though you said it would go slow-”
“Actually, he told me he wouldn’t fuck me till the third date, and if we didn’t meet Tuesday, the night with his friends on Wednesday would have been the third date, so-” 
“I swear to fucking god, I have whiplash,” Seungkwan tells you, looking as serious as ever. “Ya’ll make me sick! Sick I say! What in the ever-loving fanfic is this bullshit-”
“Have you been writing more Hannibal and Will love stories again?”
“Are you going to write a fanfic about Will and Hannibal based on me and Cheol?”
“Well don’t tell me juicy stories if you don’t want them getting thrown in a sex fantasy! Ya’ll nearly fucked in the back of a car with a hot chauffeur-” 
“I told you-” you begin to defend yourself again, only to be cut off by your phone buzzing.
Both you and Seungkwan look to your cell, placed a foot or two away on the coffee table.
“Daddy,” you both say in unison, and then you’re lurching for your phone.
“Seungkwan stop!” you screech, grabbing onto his sweater when he latches onto the device first.
“Put him on speaker!” Seungkwan declares, holding your cell just out of your reach while it rings.
“Yeah- I’ll put him on speaker-” you fold easily, “just give me the phone!”
Instead of handing it to you right away, your best friend answers the call and hits speaker, then thrusts it towards your face.
“Hi, daddy!” you blurt out, flustered from the small dust up you’d just had with your friend over the entire situation.
There’s a chuckle on the other end of the line, then “Hi, sweetheart. It sounds like I’ve interrupted something.”
“Just-” you grab the cell back from Seungkwan, “just had trouble finding my phone is all, was worried you’d be sent to voicemail.”
“I’m glad I wasn’t. It’s good to hear your voice.”
Your heart swoons, and Seungkwan grabs a pillow to scream into. “Good to hear yours too.”
“I’m just calling to see if we’re still on for tomorrow.”
“Right, yeah- do you still want to see me? I know you were very specific when we met about meeting up once or twice a week, and I’ve already seen you twice in the past three days-”
“Once or twice a week, plus the occasional group event,” Seungcheol clarifies for you. “I’d really enjoy having you over tomorrow, if you haven’t already made plans. I won’t hold it against you if you have, I can see how there might have been a small miscommunication- especially after my… erratic behavour this week, fitting you in on Tuesday- scheduling will almost always be smoother than it has been these last few days.”
“I’d love to see you tomorrow- I haven’t made any other plans.”
“Good.” You can hear him smiling. “Since it’s a Friday, and I don’t have any specific work engagements on weekends, how do you feel about bringing an overnight bag?”
Seungkwan drops his pillow.
“I would love that, too-” you say.
“Perfect. Should we say pick up at seven?”
“Sounds great.” 
God, he makes everything so easy-
“Can’t wait to see you again, angel. Have a good evening, you deserve it.”
You deserved to get dicked down.
“Have a good night too, Cheol.” 
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10: Friday
When you exit your building, you’re shocked to find a different car - and an entirely different driver - waiting to take you to  Seungcheol’s home.
The man himself is standing aside a sleek, black, two-seater sports car, dressed in his usual suit aesthetic that shows off the broadness of his shoulders- 
You go feral nearly immediately, and it takes everything in you to stop from practically drooling as you close the distance between you and the man who pulls you into a hug that takes you off your feet for a greeting.
“Hey there, angel,” his breath tickles your hair and he sets you back down. He takes your hands gently, holding them out to the sides so he can get a good look at your outfit, a red dress you’d chosen, knowing it’s his favourite colour. “You look gorgeous.”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you grin, playing with his fingers.
One quick motion has him spinning you like a dancer, and you find yourself giggling like a schoolgirl.
“Ready to go?” he asks when you’ve come to a stop in front of him again.
“Uh huh,” you nod, giving your head a little shake to pull yourself from a lust-fueled daze, “sorry, I was just- I wasn’t expecting you to be the one picking me up.”
“I gave Seokmin the night off,” Seungcheol tells you, opening the car’s passenger side door and holding out a hand to help you in. “Hope that’s okay,” he leans down and presses a quick kiss to your cheek before taking your overnight bag and closing you into the vehicle.
He puts your bag in the back trunk, then slips into the driver’s seat.
Seungcheol’s hand finds your thigh, and he squeezes gently, offering you a small smile. “I know we’re planning on having you stay the night, but if you decide you don’t want to sleep over, I can always drive you home later.”
“Cheol,” you rest your hand on top of his, “I think we both know I’m not going to take you up on that offer.”
“Sure, but I figured I’d put it on the table regardless.” 
You smile, leaning in to steal a kiss to his cheek, as he had when he helped you into your seat. “You’re too sweet to me.”
“You deserve it,” he insists, giving your thigh another squeeze before reaching for the ignition. 
The car revs to life. 
It’s hard not to stare at Seungcheol while he drives, and luckily, his hand returns to your thigh, giving you something to focus on. You take to playing with his fingers, marveling at how handsome every inch of him is.
“Vernon called me yesterday,” Seungcheol says, dragging your attention from his hands.
“He admitted to slipping up and giving Bora ideas.” Seungcheol lets out a small chuckle, “said you looked like a deer in headlights when he arrived to the conversation- she was pressing you for details, huh?”
“Not in a bad way,” you tell him, wanting to defend the woman who you’re already coming to think of as a friend. “She was just- curious.”
“It’s my fault for not being specific with you about the NDA, or with Vernon for that matter- the NDA is primarily for when we go to work events outside of our inner circle, which is why your best friend is mentioned on the form you signed- it seems both Vernon and Mingyu were under the idea that I wanted to be highly secretive about us- but I’ve explained to them the nuances of it all. The next time you see Bora, please, feel free to discuss it with her, or Vernon, or Mingyu, Wonwoo, Minji- as long as you’re not too specific with Yumi, you can consider the baby a confidant as well.”
He’s obviously joking about the baby, but the mention of the child brings those same warm fuzzy conflicted feelings that you’d experienced last night at the get-together. 
There will be a time to talk with Seungcheol about his seemingly dualistic baby fever and baby aversion- but tonight is not the night for it.
You’re thankful he’d even brought up the topic of Bora and the NDA, and already, what little anxiety you’d felt about this whole thing has been substantially dwindled.
“I really liked your friends,” you admit, thinking back to how pleasant the evening had been. Despite Bora’s teasing and prying, she’d been nothing but a courteous host when Seungcheol and Mingyu had predictably rejoined you in the living room.
“They liked you too, angel. I knew they would.” He lets go of your thigh in favor of gently taking your hand. 
You can already feel your panties beginning to get wet- 
No man’s hands have ever had this effect on you before- and maybe it has to do, in part, with the whole ‘quirofilia’ thing-
Or maybe, Cheol is simply a man made by the hands of god himself- after all, how could he be this perfect without something like divine intervention?
Before you know it, you’re at Seungcheol’s house, and he’s pulling into the underground garage, where he parks next to the rolls-royce you’re accustomed to being driven in. 
Ever the gentleman, Seungcheol makes sure to come around and open your door for you, your duffle swung over his arm. He refuses to give it back to you, insisting on carrying it up to his home, where the two of you head to his bedroom instinctually.
He sets the bag down, turning to look at you, opening his mouth to say something-
But your patience has already run thin, and you all but launch yourself at the broad man, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and pressing your lips to his while his hands find your waist.
He laughs into the kiss, and you think he must not have been expecting you to jump him like this. 
Doesn’t he know the effect he has on you?
“Cheol-” you groan, moving your lips to his neck-
“Eager, angel?” Seungcheol reaches down to cup your bum, prompting you to jump and wrap your legs around his waist. “It was hard being close but not able to properly touch you at the gettogether-” he says, taking a few steps back and collapsing down onto his bed, steadying you on top of him, “Could hardly even get work done today-”
“Was I that distracting for you, daddy?” you coo, teeth teasing past his earlobe.
He releases a groan, hands digging into your hips, forcing you down on his cock, which presses up against his dress pants, caught between your bodies. “Always.” 
“How can I fix it?” you wonder out loud, hands already going for the buttons of his shirt. “I wanna make you feel good.”
“You do, angel,” Seungcheol tells you, “make daddy feel so good.” 
“Wanna make you feel even better-” Then an idea comes to your head, “How about… a massage?” you suggest, thinking back to a paragraph you’d read from his book yesterday. “Aren’t you the one who claims relaxation time, such as stretching, massages, and the like, can be just as beneficial to the mind and body as activity itself?”
“Look at you, quoting my own work at me,” he releases a deep groan. “Are you sure that’s what you want to get up to tonight?”
“Just to start,” you tell him. “We have the whole evening- and tomorrow morning- why not start the night off with something like a massage? And work our way into…” you swivel your hips, “harder things.” 
“I like the sound of that, angel,” he confesses with another sigh of pleasure as you kiss the sweet spot just under his ear. “But you’ve got to let me get up so I can grab massage oil.”
You’d forgotten about that part, and the idea of letting Seungcheol leave you - even for a moment - brings out a bratty side of you that you’ve never truly experienced. 
It takes all your willpower to concede, getting off of the man who sits up and runs a hand through his hair. “You okay?” he questions, seeing the shift in your energy.
“Yeah,” you nod, “just hurry.”
He laughs, reaching out to gently pinch your chin between his thumb and forefinger. The kiss he places on your lips is as chaste as your first had been, and it leaves you tingling with potential, even as he stands and heads to the ensuite bathroom.
In his absence, you begin to take off your clothes, removing everything down to your bra and panties, and then, just for good measure, you settle onto your knees on the foot of his bed, trying to be as patient as possible.
You’re rewarded when Seungcheol appears in the doorway again, having stripped himself of his shirt. There’s a bottle of baby oil trapped between his teeth, and his hands are working on his belt and pants- 
When he sees you sitting on the foot of his bed, like the best girl there ever was, he lets the baby bottle drop from his mouth, catching it easily in one hand- “look at you,” he breathes, scanning your form. 
“Like what you see, daddy?” you tease, skin heating from the attention he gives you.
“Love it,” he tells you. “How good are your reflexes, darling?”
You open your mouth to respond, only to have him toss the bottle of oil at you. 
Unlike him, you don’t catch it gracefully, the bottle almost slipping out of your hands- there’s a small fumble but your digits wrap around it-
Seungcheol laughs at you. “With butter fingers like that- should I be getting us a towel to put down?” 
You hate that it’s a legitimate question.
And you doubly hate that the answer is a resounding yes, which you verbalize to him, annoyed that he’ll be leaving again-
But then you’re graced with a full view of his beautiful back when he turns to head into the bathroom again, and you decide to be a good, patient girl for just a few more moments.
Seungcheol returns, and you bite your tongue while you watch him set the towel down, but as soon as it’s settled, you find yourself saying - in something like a command - “on your stomach first,” you’re quick to adjust to your tone, “I wanna work your back out a little to start.”
“How could I say no to that?” Seungcheol grins, following through and laying flat on the towel.
You nearly drool while watching him adjust his arms, propping his head up with both hands under his chin. His biceps are bulging and your mouth is definitely beginning to water again, prompting you to lick your lips-
“Have you given many massages before?” he asks, as you straddle his hips, continuing to marvel at the shape of his perfect form-
“Erm- define many?” 
He chuckles, and you flip the cap of the baby oil, allowing the liquid to pour into your palm. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“It can’t be that hard,” you tell him, bringing your hands to the muscled back that has you wet like the ocean every time you see it.
“Tell that to my chiropractor,” he says, a joke that makes you both laugh.
You begin to work away at his muscles, both hands smoothing up and down his back, focusing in on the shoulders you love so much-
“Feels good,” Seungcheol groans, releasing a deep sigh of relief that has your ego shooting through the roof. 
“That’s good daddy,” you tell him, leaning over him and applying more of your body weight as pressure for your hands. “You deserve to relax.”
He chuckles slightly, and you realize you’re picking up on some of his diction. Hasn’t he been the one telling you what you deserve thus far? 
All it takes is you being on top and you begin to emulate his mannerisms, the soft dom tendency towards praise. 
You can tell he’s enjoying it, and you are too, your panties getting wetter with every second your hands are on his broad shoulders-
 “Can you flip now?” you prompt, knowing it hasn’t been that long that you’ve been working on his back- but you miss his face, and you’re eager to get your hands on his chest-
With a grunt of affirmation, Seungcheol begins to turn, and you lift yourself off of him enough to allow the movement. Once he’s on his back, you settle down again, capturing his cock between your bodies as it strains against his pants.
“You like this position, huh?” he asks, smiling up at you with an expression that exudes adoration. 
His hands find your thighs, rubbing up and down while you get more oil on your palms. “Not always,” you tell him, beginning to massage his chest, “top can be fun to start, in some cases, but- I really liked being under you the last time we were in your bed.”
“Oh yeah?” 
You avoid his gaze, knowing your skin is heating from what you’d just admitted. “Uh huh.”
“You’re cute,” he breathes, rubbing circles on your thighs, “getting all shy while sitting on top of me like this.”
“I’m trying to focus,” you tell him, trailing your fingers down to his abdomen. 
“You look a little dazed, darling,” he presses, “are you sure you don’t want me to take over?”
“I’ve hardly massaged you yet-” you go to argue, but Seungcheol is already making the move to sit up.
He grabs a fistful of your hair and tilts your head back the way he had last time- his breath is hot against your throat, and he trails his nose up under your jaw, bringing his lips to your ear. “What if I don’t care about the massage anymore?”
“Then-” you swallow thickly, pussy throbbing when his free hand unclasps your bra behind you, “then, okay.”
“Okay?” he chuckles. “My love, I don’t think ‘then, okay’ is a sentence.”
“Fuck me?”
“Not too sure that’s a sentence either, but, your wish is my command.”
It seems like the easiest thing in the world for him to discard your bra and flip you onto your back, lips finding your own, tearing your breath away.
Your legs tighten around his waist, and his oiled chest slides against yours, your newly freed nipples pebbling at the direct contact-
One of his hands, slides between your bodies, skimming over your breast and cupping it, squeezing. You release a moan of pleasure, hips bucking, pushing up towards him-
Your own hands slide over his slippery shoulders, and you mentally kick yourself for having lubed him up- there’s hardly anything to grasp onto, so you latch onto his hair instead, kissing him harder.
He releases your breast, hand slipping down and under the waistband of your panties. When his fingers find your core, they tease past your clit, and you can feel the silkiness of the baby oil on his digits, which glide into your wet hole as easily as ever. 
“Cheol-” you moan desperately, wanting to push your hips up- to get closer, but he holds you down with his large body, lips moving to your neck.
You realize, as his expert fingers crook up and find your gspot, that the last time you’d fucked, he’d never fingered you. You’d gotten to experience his tongue and his cock, but the middle and ring fingers that explore your pussy have something like trained exactitude, hitting the spot that has your toes curling with deadly precision. 
“Oh my god-” you whimper, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck, looking for an anchor while he begins to thrust his digits into you with enough force that your hips begin to rock-
The palm of his hand applies pressure to your clit, rubbing you through the rough manhandling that has you achingly close to an orgasm within no time-
“Gonna cum?” he prompts in your ear, hot breath making your skin tingle.
“Yes, daddy-” it’s the most you can do to hold onto him and clench your eyes shut, an intense feeling of euphoric pressure erupting between your legs-
“That’s it gorgeous, let it all out-” he groans, fingers unrelenting-
You can hear your pussy, squelching sinfully around his fingers- and you can feel wetness gushing between your thighs-
In the back of your mind, you realize you’re squirting, cumming completely undone on his hand, but you’re too lost in the feeling of it to care.
He finger fucks you to the point of overwhelm, until your whines and whimpers are hoarse and tears well in the corners of your shut eyes-
And then he’s pulling his hand out of your panties, and the soaked material is left to cling back to your sopping hole.
Your arms go slack, landing on the bed next to you, and Seungcheol pulls away from your body, making you moan desperately, eyes opening to watch him-
“I’m not going anywhere, angel,” he promises, pushing his own pants down before kicking them to the side, then he goes to tear your panties off, and you see, for the first time, how truly ruined they are. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone squirt this much,” he tells you, discarding the fabric so he can rejoin you on the bed, the both of you fully nude. “Did that feel good?”
“So good-” you whimper, hardly able to form sentences in your delirious, sex induced brain fog-
Seungcheol slots himself between your thighs again, cupping the side of your face, thumb brushing away the tear that’s escaped your eye. “Do you need a moment?”
“No!” you’re quick to protest, locking your legs around his hips. “Fuck me- daddy- please-”
You don’t think any cock has ever entered you as smoothly as his does, aided by the copious amount of wet arousal still dribbling out of your hole.
Seungcheol tucks his face against the crook of your neck, supporting himself above you with two hands buried into the pillow on either side of your head. His lips are feverish against your throat, and the groans he releases as he begins to fuck you make you as horny as ever.
“You feel so fucking good,” he moans, rutting into you with a pace and power that increases with every slap of skin on skin- “so perfect for me-”
“Daddy-” you whine, clawing at his back while he ravages your insides.
“So responsive-” his teeth graze past your neck and you shiver, whole body tingling with delight.
“Harder-” you moan.
“Harder?” he releases something like a laugh, and then you hear him swallow, adjusting his position so he can dig his elbows into the bed, hooking his forearms under your own shoulders, which props you up ever so slightly- enough to change the angle and allow him to follow through with your request.
You release a squeak at the feeling of being completely at his mercy, completely wrapped in Cheol while he’s wrapped in you- the perfect combination really.
The sounds escaping you aren’t something you can hold back, and each rough thrust has his cock hitting a spot deep inside of you, a spot that has you becoming a mewling, moaning, whimpering mess for him.
“Just like that-” you tell him desperately, grabbing at his hair, eager to hold onto something while you get fucked into oblivion-
“You close, gorgeous?” he asks, and all you can do is moan, which makes him chuckle, “yeah you are,” he breathes. “Squeezing daddy so fucking tight- you were made for this, weren’t you, angel?”
“Made to be fucked-” he growls, rutting into you even harder-
You’re not sure where sweet, soft dom Seungcheol has gone, but you’re more than happy to be decimated by the man fucking into you like an animal, and his sinful praisings go straight to your pussy, which clenches around him even more.
“That’s it angel, that’s it-” he groans, “just a little more-” one of his hands moves to grab your thigh, hiking it higher on his waist-
He hits a spot that has you seeing stars, and you gasp loudly, crying out-
“Cum for me,” he instructs, and before your mind has even registered his words, your pussy is following through with the command, clamping down onto him while the biggest orgasm of your life slams into you like a freight train. 
Seungcheol lets out delicious sounds of pleasure, gasping against your throat, fucking you through your orgasm while coating your insides with his own release-
You’re completely surrounded by him.
There’s nothing else, only you and Cheol… and perhaps the ruined towel below you, dragging against your back with each rough thrust.
His motions begin to slow, and he comes to a stop, collapsing some of his body weight down against you while you both struggle to catch your breath. 
Neither of you say anything, too lost in the aftershocks of pleasure.
But with Cheol, you don’t need to say anything. You’re completely safe with him, completely content to rest in his arms, knowing there’s not a single place in the world you’d rather be.
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11: Saturday
Waking up in Seungcheol’s bed, you immediately stretch in search of him- only to find the bed empty.
Sitting up, and wrapping the quilt around your nude body, you look around, blinking away residual grogginess. 
The man who’d fucked you silly until the late hours of the morning is nowhere to be seen, and you can’t help the way annoyance floods through you. But you remind yourself that Seungcheol likes his schedules, and a quick check of the clock next to the bed shows you that it’s eleven am, so you suppose you can’t be mad at Cheol for not staying with you while you slept half the day away.
Getting out of bed, you’re surprised to find just how sore your body is. 
Your thighs burn- and you suppose a round number five riding session may have not been the best idea last night.
You find the simple black sleeping shirt Seungcheol had given you before deciding to tear it off of you for round six, and you enjoy the way it dwarfs you. 
Sometimes you still can’t believe how big and broad Cheol is- 
Finding your overnight bag, you take out a fresh pair of panties, and decide to head off in search of Seungcheol in the simple shirt and underwear look. It’s doubtful you’ll be wearing it for much longer regardless.
It’s not hard to find your psychologist lover, after all, you simply have to follow the smell of food to the kitchen. 
Your sugar daddy is standing at the stove, one hand holding a spatula while he cooks eggs, the other propping up a book that he’s quietly reading.
He’s so sexy and smart- and sexy… and smart.
You can’t help but tiptoe towards him, latching onto his back and pressing your cheek against the space between his shoulder blades, releasing a groan of pleasure to finally be connected to him again.
“Morning, angel,” Seungcheol greets you, setting his book down before adjusting you, tugging you so you’re in front of him and he can meet your eyes. “Did you sleep well?”
“Better than ever,” you beam at him, leaning up to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “And you?”
“Never better,” he returns your smile, and your heart practically melts. “Hungry?”
“Definitely- are you my master chef today?”
He laughs. “I’m not sure I’m that good, cooking is a hobby I’ve only truly picked up in recent years.”
“Right,” you say, turning in his arms to look down at the pan in front of you. “Very hard ingredient, eggs.”
Seungcheol releases a cross between a chuckle and a sigh behind you, poking at your ribcage. “I can make more than eggs. I just figured, I don’t really know what you like when it comes to food, so I’d make something safe and healthy. Besides, I wasn’t sure when you’d wake up.”
“So this is just for you, is that what you’re saying?” you tease him some more, enjoying the domesticity of this- it’s as if you’ve done this a hundred times before, or at least, you have the peace that comes with familiarity.
“If I had known you were such a brat-” he begins, but you cut him off with a squeal and turn to face him again, insisting “I’m not a brat!”
He simply looks at you with a smile.
“You’re being mean to me,” you pout, cupping the back of his neck and getting closer to him. 
Seungcheol scoffs, shaking his head slightly. He’s quick to change the subject. “Eggs are done, are you going to come sit with me at the table?”
With a sigh, you release the psychologist, allowing him to move the eggs to a plate- and when you turn to head to the table, you see a tray of fresh fruit and other breakfast items.
“There’s orange juice in the fridge, water, or I can make you some coffee,” Seungcheol says, following you to the table where you both take your seats. 
“I’m okay for now,” you tell him, grabbing a particularly tasty-looking piece of fruit to gnaw on. “Thanks, daddy.”
Seungcheol smiles, looking down at the healthy fruit options. “You know,” he says, moving a few pieces of cantaloupe and honeydew to his plate, “I’ve been wondering about you and your daddy kink.”
“Just that- we’ve never discussed it, not explicitly- I guess, being a sugar daddy, the term is in the name, but… you took to it very easily,” he explains.
“Are you suggesting I have inherent daddy issues?”
“Not suggesting, merely… wondering.”
“How about this,” you set your fruit down, “I’ll talk about my daddy issues when you tell me why you think you’d be a bad father.”
Seungcheol looks at you quizzically. 
“I know you say it’s about your work and not having enough time, but- you’re settled in your career and reputation. You have this big house, a chauffeur, a group of smart psychologist friends who are popping out babies right now- and I saw the way you were with baby Yumi. looking at all of that- the only reason I can think of for why you’d be… adverse to babies, is that you have some personal reasons to think you’d be bad at it.” 
The man across from you stays quiet, leaning back in his chair, but a smile works its way across his face. Then, he sighs, “touche.” 
“So I guess neither of us will be talking about our daddy issues at the breakfast table,” you conclude, picking at your fruit again.
“How did I ever find a girl like you on a dating site?” Seungcheol says. “So pretty, and smart-”
“How did I ever find you on a dating site?” you retort, “so sexy, and smart-”
“Maybe finding each other was destiny.”
“Do you believe in that sort of thing?” you ask, cocking your head to the side. “Many men of science that I’ve heard of tend to lean towards atheism.”
“Maybe I used to, but then- let’s just say, I found an angel, and my world’s been flipped upside down ever since.” 
Your heart leaps in your chest, and you avert your gaze, looking down at your fruit. “You’re too sweet to me.”
“As I’ve told you before, angel,” Seungcheol reaches his hand across the table, placing it over your own, “you deserve it.”
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! this fic was never supposed to be this long- i don't know what came over me- it was very self-indulgent :) hope you liked it!
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. You can’t believe how easy it is for Seungcheol to get you quaking for him- but you suppose, in some sense, you’re always quaking for your sugar daddy, who’d turned the entire trajectory of your life around the moment you’d met.
cw/ tw. oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, daddy/breeding kink, bickering like an old married couple, praise, semi-bondage, size kink, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.3k I teaser wc. 370
🌙 staring. seungcheol x afab!Reader  
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bonus teaser
“Are you checking your book sales again?” you groan, leaning over the back of the sunlounger chair to look over Seungcheol’s shoulders, your hands smoothing down his bare chest-
“No,” your psychologist lover says, closing his laptop and setting it on the side table next to him. 
“Liar,” you grin, moving around the front of his chair so he can see you and the red bikini adorning your body- one of many sets you’ve accumulated over the two and a half years you’ve been dating Seungcheol. 
You have no actual intent of going into the private pool behind you.
Seungcheol’s eyes eat you up, and the smile of appreciation that works its way onto his lips is as bright and full of affection as it’s always been. “Look at you, angel. I’ll never get tired of seeing you in red.”
“Ass kisser,” you tease, watching him stand up from the poolside chair. “I thought we agreed no work on our honeymoon.”
“It’s true that I promised that- but… checking sales on my new book isn’t work, it’s… checking sales on my new book, and besides, you were asleep,” your husband grins, hands finding your waist and tugging you to his chest. “What if you pretend you never saw me on my laptop.”
You roll your eyes. He’s gotten cheekier the longer you’ve been together, and this playful side of your relationship isn’t something you’d trade for the entire world. 
“You always get up to naughty things while I’m sleeping,” you tease, playing the part of an upset wife.
“Come on,” Seungcheol prompts, leaning down to kiss you, “say you love me.”
“I’ll say I love you when you fulfill your other promise.”
“You know, we’re what, three days into this vacation?” Seungcheol pulls you closer. “Who’s to say I haven’t already pumped a baby into you?”
“Me,” you grin, hooking your fingers in his swim trunks. “I don’t feel full at all right now, in any way, shape, or form.”
“Well then, let’s see what I can do about filling you up sufficiently,” he smiles, leaning down to kiss you one last time before throwing you over his shoulder and taking you back into your private vacation villa..
God, you fucking love this man.
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muntitled · 9 months
𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙮 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨
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Jung Woo-Young x fem!reader
Being forced by his label to learn English fucking sucks but his tutor makes it just a little more bearable
Warnings: Wooyoung as his own warning, Language, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Idol x English!Teacher, Sapiosexual!Wooyoung, Slight!Jealousy, Academia Talk, Humor, Teasing, Smut (+18), heavy make out sesh, Slight Pervy!Wooyoung, Whimpering!Wooyoung, Dirty Talk, Degradation Kink, Praise Kink, Dry Humping, Grinding, Brattiness, Self Degradation, Neediness, Slight Dub/CON, Dom/Sub undertones
Ft. Wooyoung and his canonical degradation kink
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"What you need to understand is that Shakespeare used a significant amount of his time cautioning his audience against the perils of this mortal coil." Despite your vexation warming the pits of your stomach, you're thankful that your voice does not relay how utterly irritated you actually are. Your back is straight, giving nothing away of your exhaustion as you point to your copy of a Literature textbook.
"So, maybe I should've initially explained that the biggest theme of this sonnet is grief," you explain, drearily, letting your fingers knot into your curls as you soldier on through the text.
You could almost hear your coworkers discrediting you right now. How could one manage to hit the holy grail in getting chosen to tutor a bunch of stars and utterly fail at it in the process? Your PhD is mourning her sorrows.
"That is bad tutoring on my part, I apologise, Mr Jung, Sir," it is virtually impossible to bend into a full on bow in your current position on the chair adjacent to his bed so you settle for a quick nod of the head while skilfully avoiding eye contact.
"That's okay," Wooyoung lazily waves a hand in front of his face, "I just nearly threw up from hearing you call me 'Mr Jung'. Girl, I cried during Frozen 1 and 2... I am not the one you should be calling Mr Jung."
His ears visibly perk up just a little higher at the sound of your unprofessional, slightly airy chuckle. It has him practically scrounging for the need to hear you laugh like that again, to see your head be thrown back in a careless guffaw that only he is able to see.
But the moment ends as quickly as it began and you're visibly punishing yourself for your unprofessionalism by assuming your stoic academic role demeanour more.
"I think Mr Jung might be a little bit more professional." You finally look up at the boy sitting lazily against the headboard of his impressive king sized bed. Out of all the members you taught, you had only ever been permitted to see the inside of Wooyoung's bedroom - under the guise that he simply cannot function by being forced to sit on uncomfortable dining room chairs.
You sit opposite the bed, on a chair, to maintain some semblance of your dwindling professionalism,
"Mr Jung is so boring though!" He exclaims, throwing his head backwards and letting it sink into his mountain of fluffy pillows, "Wooyoung is completely fine! Or perhaps Baby. Or even Sexiest Man You've Ever Had The Pleasure Of Seeing," his lips curl into a smirk, "Your choice."
The text book is long forgotten amongst the dispersed sheets as Wooyoung glances up at you from his perch against his pillows. Of all the members, Wooyoung is also especially difficult to work with, not in any academic capacity, just in the sense that his advances are endless. And whether he actually means it - whether that twinkle in his eye accompanied by that cheeky grin was really real, or just endless teasing due to his innate flirtatious design. You might never really know.
"I can't in good conscious refer to you by that last option." You reply with a light shrug before crossing your legs in front of you, "I've met Choi San, and I'm not in the business of lying to you,"
"Oh! That's how we're gonna play now!? You're just gonna bring up another man in my presence? I thought the relationship we had was something special?"
"I'm an underpaid, mediocre teacher," You forget yourself and snort through a chuckle, "I have no time to forge special relationships."
He is stunned and slightly turned on by your cool commitment to the banter, not expecting you to hit back with such a quick jest.
As Wooyoung watches you from behind the few loose strands framing his face, his long hair loose, he realises he enjoys associating you with that forbidden word, even if it is just in his head.
"I'm not really into that negative self-talk." He says, watching you intently, "You're a good teacher."
"You're just saying that," You swat at the air in front of you, before burying your chin into your chest - that shy streak of yours rearing its head. He noticed that every sliver of a compliment led you to the involuntary need to disappear and Wooyoung wanted to correct that as best as he could.
"I say some stuff sometimes to make people feel better, yes," you finally look up at him from your scattered notes. His eyes are characteristically bright and his glistening lips are pulled into a small smile, "But this is not one of those times," He forces out, fighting against a familiar warmth pooling in the depths of his stomach.
"Right," you clear your throat, before assuming the role of tutor once again, "So… Sonnet 71 -"
In your periphery, Wooyoung raises his hand. Without looking up from your notes you reply, 'I know what you're gonna ask, Wooyoung but no, unfortunately you cannot refer to it as 'Sonnet 71'. Not many people care nowadays but the ones that do, want you to refer to the poem by its full title: 'No Longer Mourn For Me When I Am Dead.'" there's a bravado that graces your tone as you settle into your tutelage. It allows you to assume an almost elevated role as your eyes scan the text while simultaneously stringing a web of tantalising words together.
Wooyoung tries to focus on exactly what it is you're actually saying, he really does, but soon, you're stifling a quiet yawn before stretching your left arm over your head. He does not believe you intended for your breasts to push up from the low dip of your v neck, but that's exactly what happens and that pool of lava that has been welling in his stomach slowly rushes to his cock. Needless to say, Wooyoung slyly grabs the textbook onto his lap.
"So Shakespeare's great caution is that of grief. It's okay to mourn your loved ones but not to mourn them in routine, because that then can become a second death, equally as detrimental. Are you listening, Wooyoung?" his head snaps up from your chest, to the sound of the light scolding in your voice and he can instantly conclude that he is hard. He's not sure why, but your tone has his resolve weakening, and his head spiralling further into a fog.
"Please tell me, you're listening, Wooyoung. This is very important," He nods slowly with his shoulders hunched, and his eyebrows curved into crescents. He did not trust himself to speak, not when your words had him imagining you scolding him petulantly while he plowed into you from behind. Screaming at him to stop being so bad while he forced his hard cock deeper and deeper. He can vividly imagine your tight walls gripping his cock like a fucking vice while his fingers squeezed your nipples until they ached.
"Look, Wooyoung, I've been trying to be nice but it's been 3 hours and we're still on the first sonnet," he stopped his head from nodding profusely at the degradation that wants to seep into your tone while he watches you with darkened eyes. His fingers curl slowly into the ends of the open book on his lap, as he pushes his textbook into his lap. "We've done this long enough, Wooyoung," you continue with your ample chest beginning to rise and fall and the first signs of your bra strap, peeling from underneath your top. "You should know this, Wooyoung"
"Fuck," He involuntary groans, while he moves his textbook slightly, enough to create friction but not nearly enough to achieve the friction he actually desires. Before he gets completely ahead of himself, he stills his movements, opting to distract himself by speaking, instead.
"O-okay but if this is a poem about grief, why the hell am I seeing him talk about summer."
Wooyoung nods, humming. "This man is talking about summer," he says, pointing to the book on his lap.
"Wooyoung…" You instinctively get up from your perch on your chair, advancing on him. Wooyoung visibly swallows as you plop yourself next to him, shoulder to shoulder as you peer over into the book on his lap. While your eyes frantically scan the printed ink, Wooyoung watches you from the side, trying to pen your face to memory, especially from having you so close.
"Wooyoung, this isn't the right poem!"
He watches you with slightly hooded eyes, completely unaware to anything outside of the tone of your voice
"It isn't?" He shakes his head, agreeing instantly with your scolding but not really hearing what you're saying. His words are slurred and his tone is distracted.
"Oh my gosh- you've completely missed the entire poem."
"I have?"
"Jesus, you haven't been listening to me, have you-"
He's already shaking his head as he leans in, muttering a quiet, "I haven't," as the tips of his fingers find the underside of your chin and drags you towards him. Dazed.
You're utterly dazed as soon as your lips connect with his. Somehow, the entire concept of space and time and everything in between seems utterly useless, the words on the page seem frivolous and everything outside of this moment feels like it shouldn't have the right to exist. He is kissing you and soon you are kissing him back, filling the boy with an unprecedented sense of elation at having his attraction to you validated. He is so elated in fact, he pushes off his text book and, without breaking the kiss, manoeuvres you onto his lap instead.
You're gasping into his mouth as soon as you feel his bulge connect with your core, "I know, I know, I'm sorry," He murmurs drunkenly into your kiss, taking the time to push his tongue into your mouth and brush up desperately against yours. The tone of his voice steals all composure, and soon you're pushing against him, rushed and hurried, like a raging fire before the embers set. You and Wooyoung are absolutely unstoppable as his hands travel up and down the sides of your body, hungrily searching for any sliver of skin, needing to feel your body heat searing into him.
The very moment your hands slither into his thick, grown-out hair, he is utterly done for, bucking into your hips until his bulge was brushing hungrily against your core. A torrid moan espaces your throat when Wooyoung dips into the crook of your neck, nuzzling into the softness of your skin and the comfort of your perfume while hands travel down your hips, urging you to move in tandem with him.
"So good," He mumbles against your skin, "You feel so good, baby." But your mind is flooded with a tempest of conflicting feelings and emotions as you pull lightly on his strands and follow along with his movements.
"Wooyoung…" you're panting breathlessly, suddenly painfully aware of how much your body responded to him.
"God, I love it when you say my name," He slurs as he continues to push up into you, finally settling into a needy but effective flow of movements.
Your panties are utterly soaked underneath your silk maxi skirt as the boy below you splays wet, lascivious kisses along your collar bones. Once he sees you're moving in tandem with how he needs you to, he releases one hand on your hip to paw desperately at your breasts.
"You've been-" your head is spinning as you try to formulate your sentence, "You've been sitting here with a hard on, my entire lesson?" Your words only spur his movements as Wooyoung clamps down around your torso, pushing you further down against his cock. "Fuck!" He screeches almost involuntarily at the delicious friction created by the heightened speed.
"So bad…" He murmurs drunkenly, as he begins to push up against your clit in a dangerous display of desperation, "I.. b-been so bad- m'sorry," Your head is thrown back into a moan stuck deep in your throat as you listen to the boy's needy whines, "m'so sorry, you're just so pretty," your hops move faster against his, not quite sure if this is a dream and too freaking terrified to find out as you hunt down the remnants of your oncoming orgasm.
"Wooyoung- you're gonna m-make me-"
Your hips are utterly restless against his, as you begin to grind down with immense passion. Wooyoung's head is spinning with the inevitability of making you cum. All he wants to do is make you happy. Think of how proud you'd be if he made you cum without even touching you really. You'd be so freaking happy you might just let him slide his cock inside your wet, slippery folds...
"O-Oh God, fuck- I'm cumming!" His hips rut erratically against yours, pushing agaisnt your clit until you're sent hurtling into your own orgasm. You're both moaning, whimpering messes as you grind against each other, Wooyoung clutching against your torso, with his head buried in your chest as your fingers pull mindlessly at his hair. He is in utter heaven, surrounded by the softness of your curves, with his head against the roundness of your chest. There is nothing better than this. Everything else is secondary.
"Fuck, I hate Shakespeare's but I'll read a 1000 of his poems if it means I get to do that again," he is the first to speak amongst your ragged, loud breathing.
"Shakespeare only wrote 154 poems,"
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lo1k-diamonds · 4 months
Unique 💜 (Part 1)
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PAIRING: idol!Namjoon/OC
SUMMARY: After overhearing something he shouldn't have, Namjoon promises to make it up to the bride by keeping her bridesmaid company during the rehearsal dinner party. What was supposed to be an unremarkable night became something so much more.
GENRE: strangers to lovers (bonus: Yoongi has a secret)
RATING: R (explicit)
WARNINGS: explicit, first meetings, light angst, Namjoon is a communication and consent king, protected sex, oral, fingering/handjob, toys, sapiosexuality, body worship, dirty talk, mouth riding, I think I can say switching (+ BTS being chaotic around RM and making him all embarrassed 😁)
(You can also read it on AO3, originally posted there in March 2023)
A.N. Part 1 stands as a one-shot so I'm going to post it here to complement all the snippets from Part 2. I just love this one bad and I'm not even sure I can do it justice in the sequel 😩
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Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost. ― Khalil Gibran
“When’s the last time you’ve seen her?”
Jimin’s voice echoed in the corridor as the other six men followed him.
“Before the tour, definitely,” Hoseok answered with a grin.
“Right?” Jimin asked, glancing at the others for confirmation.
“She didn’t even wait for us to have a bachelorette party,” Jin whined.
“Of course she couldn’t, she couldn’t wait until the eve of the wedding,” Taehyung scoffed.
“Why not?” Jungkook pouted with a raised eyebrow. They all stopped in front of the apartment door. “It’s what they do in the Hollywood movies, right?”
“She can’t attend her wedding with dark circles and a hangover,” Yoongi scoffed at their silliness. “That’s a Hollywood invention.”
“But she could have waited for us,” Jungkook pouted.
“And deal with BTS at her party?” Hoseok shook his head with a smile.
“Yeah, this is way better, guys,” Namjoon finally intervened. Jimin rang the doorbell. “This way we have a nice drink with her before the big party, and it will be just us remembering old times.”
“That’s right,” Hoseok agreed with a warm smile.
Jimin turned with a grin, “Maybe this is the time she’ll tell us all about the cream incident—”
“Uhhhh, won’t you look at the time—” Yoongi suddenly stammered, turning around with the intention to walk away.
Jungkook and Jin grabbed him, blocking him while everyone smirked. They teased him about it, but it was short-lived. The door opened and they all turned to greet the woman they wanted to meet.
“There’s our bride!”
“Our Hyejin is glowing!”
“Wow, you look so beautiful!”
“So pure and fresh!”
She giggled with a wide grin, pulling her long dark hair behind her shoulders. “I spent the day at the spa,” she boasted, stepping away for them to come in.
They complimented her complexion and radiance for a hot moment before she shooed them over to the living room.
“Wait there, I’ll be with you in a second.”
Namjoon was the last one in, and he stood around while the guys sat on the sofa and chairs in the dining room. Their chat was nice until they noticed Hyejin was taking way too long.
“I’ll go check on her,” Namjoon offered. He was already standing anyway.
“Bring alcohol,” Jimin asked playfully, making the others laugh.
Namjoon grinned and shook his head at their goofiness, but before he could enter the kitchen, he froze.
“We should finish our conversation,” a female voice said. What shocked him was not that he didn’t recognize it, but that it spoke in English.
“No, we should leave it for tomorrow. The friends I grew up with just arrived,” Hyejin’s tone was soft and hopeful. “I would like you to meet them.”
Whoever it was puffed, “I don’t speak Korean, you know that.”
“Besides, don’t you think you should think about this before getting married?”
Hyejin released a deep impatient breath, “We shouldn’t speak of it right now—”
“It’s in English, they won’t understand anyway,” Angie dismissed dryly.
Hyejin was pressing her lips, “You’d be surprised. Actually—”
“Stop trying to dodge the issue.”
Namjoon took a deep quiet breath, he should probably announce himself before—
“I’m no one's reference in this, Hyejin,” Angie sighed. “But you should obviously find what works for you, not try to fit someone else’s ideal.”
“You say that, but you’re every guy’s ideal.” 
Namjoon’s eyebrows twitched; Hyejin sounded upset. He wondered what they were talking about.
Angie laughed bitterly, “That is so far from the truth!” Unbeknownst to Namjoon, she was shaking her head with a sour smile. “Sure, in theory, every guy wants a girlfriend that enjoys and wants to have sex, but none like it when she has a bigger libido than they do.”
Namjoon’s eyebrows skyrocketed.
“How big exactly are we talking?” Hyejin suddenly perked up. She was very persistent when she wanted to. “No, let’s put a number on it. How many times have you had sex in the last month?”
Angie snickered, “Exactly zero.” 
Hyejin was taken aback for a second, then she nodded, “Of course, you’re single.” 
Angie raised her eyebrows, “That’s not why though…”
“Alright, then how many times did you masturbate in the last month?”
“Month??” Angie’s brown eyes were wide. “How am I supposed to count? Ahm, I guess…”
Namjoon was blushing, he rubbed his face to hide the embarrassment. He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but he wasn’t moving. 
“Forget it then. What about… in the last twenty-four hours?”
Namjoon raised his head, that was a fast answer.
Angie rolled her eyes.
“Oh my god, just go and have sex,” Hyejin smirked. “Let’s go out, I'll be your wing woman.”
“It’s not about that,” Angie’s voice was strained. “What I truly crave is intimacy. That’s why once is not enough, the orgasms feel thin as if something is missing. And to have sex, well… You know me, I need to trust the guy, to be able to have a conversation…”
“You’re too picky,” Hyejin had a playful tone.
“And here I was thinking I wanted the bare minimum…”
Hyejin laughed and suddenly gasped. She had crossed the kitchen’s archway to find Namjoon just standing there, out of sight, with his back against the wall. His eyes widened at being caught, his cheeks were red as tomatoes and he opened his mouth to surely stutter an apology.
“I’m going to bed,” the voice from the kitchen said, and Hyejin turned back to look at her best friend.
She glanced at Namjoon for a split second then smiled, “You know I got your back, right?”
Angie smiled, “Of course, and I got yours. You’re right, let’s talk better tomorrow,” she rubbed her face and pulled her sandy-colored hair back. “I’m too tired. At what time for brunch tomorrow?”
“Eleven,” Hyejin smiled after giving Namjoon a stink eye so he would stay where he was.
He was closing his eyes with his lips between his teeth, cursing his stupid curiosity. Hyejin was going to kill him.
“Perfect, I need to sleep my jetlag off. It’s the only hope I have to look like a human being tomorrow.”
Hyejin chuckled at Angie’s playfulness and waved her goodbye. Angie left through the opposite archway to reach the corridor that led to the bedrooms.
Then Hyejin turned to the red elephant in her dining room with a harsh look.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop—”
“I can trust that that conversation will—”
“I’ll take it with me to my grave.”
“And the other guys?”
“Won't ever know about it.”
Hyejin released a deep breath, then eyed Namjoon from head to toe. The instant she saw him she cursed her luck that the only BTS member who was fluent in English was the one who happened to overhear their conversation. But now… maybe that was actually a blessing in disguise.
“Do you really regret it?” She asked with a cocked eyebrow.
“Yes, of course!” He sounded pleading. “I should have never—”
“Namjoon! Oh—” Jin stumbled on them in surprise, “What is taking you so long?”
Namjoon opened his mouth, not sure of what to say, but Hyejin answered first, “He’s helping me with drinks. Soju?”
“And beer!” Jungkook yelled from the living room.
Jin grinned at the maknae’s request, then turned back to the two of them. “I’ll help—”
“No, Jin oppa, it’s okay,” Hyejin smiled. “I was talking with Joonie…”
Jin’s eyebrows raised, “Well, and I can’t hear it?”
“It’s important,” her tone was sweet as she pouted, and Jin sighed.
“Fine, I’ll leave you two be.”
Jin shrugged and left them, telling the others they’d bring drinks soon. Namjoon and Hyejin were close, it wasn’t weird that she wanted to speak with him alone.
She turned to Namjoon, “Make it up to me. To us.”
He frowned slightly, but then nodded, “Sure. What can I do?”
Hyejin licked her lips but then decided. “I would like it if you could be with Angie at the rehearsal tomorrow night and at the wedding.”
“Be with her?” He repeated, confused.
“Yes. Well, you speak English fluently and I don’t want her to be left alone and uncomfortable.” Hyejin released a deep breath, “I know it’s a lot to ask, but I can’t think of anyone else. Truth is I was going to ask you about it tonight anyway.”
“It’s not a lot to ask…” He answered, scratching his chin. “I’m more concerned about the tabloids.”
“It’s my wedding, Joon. No freaking tabloids or media,” her voice was harsh and he immediately regretted mentioning it. He knew how sensitive she was on the subject. “Plus you don’t have to be with her only, stay with the guys too. Just don’t leave her alone.”
He nodded with a small smile, “I can do that, don’t worry.”
She smiled happily with one less worry. “Consider it your wedding gift,” she playfully said, waving at him to follow her into the kitchen. They did need to get drinks.
Namjoon laughed, “No way, we already arranged something else.” His cute dimples were showing and she felt reassured. “Just don’t stress about it.”
She started getting the bottles and cans out of the fridge and putting them on the counter when she suddenly remembered. “Also… I’ll just say it to be sure. Don’t leave her alone with my brother. He has always had a thing for her and I’m afraid of how it could escalate.”
Namjoon’s eyebrows jumped up and a couple of thoughts ran through his mind. A look at Hyejin told him she could read him like an open book, and before he could apologize, Hyejin smacked him.
“Just because she has a big libido, it does not mean she’ll sleep with anyone,” she pointed out with frustration. “My brother included. He’s just a playboy and he’s married. Do not let him get near her, do you understand? He’ll harass her and I don’t want fights at my wedding.”
Namjoon, feeling deeply regretful again for his callous thoughts, just nodded and promised to be good company for Angie over the weekend.
He just didn’t know how to do it. He had never met her, not even seen her. He hoped he would get a glimpse of her before leaving, but throughout the night it was just them and Hyejin. 
He kept playing the words she said in his mind, and he wondered what kind of person she was. She was definitely the type to be good friends with Hyejin, otherwise, she wouldn't be staying at her house or have her request that favor of him. 
His mind was already contemplating how he should approach her: should he apologize, should he give her some advice, should he be her wingman, should he just play it cool? He kept wondering about all those things and by the time he entered the rehearsal dining hall with the rest of BTS the next night, he hadn’t made up his mind.
Hyejin was at the entrance with her fiancé, whom BTS knew well, and they greeted each other.
"So about that track—"
"No work talk at my party please," Hyejin interrupted quickly, making her fiancé smirk and step back from Yoongi.
"Yes, dear."
Namjoon got close to her and hugged her, "You look so beautiful."
She hugged him back closely, and he knew she was nervous and overwhelmed.
"You'll do what I asked you?" She asked with a hint of anxiety in her smile.
"Of course," he assured her with warmth, rubbing her arms once soothingly.
She nodded, "Thank you. She'll be here soon. Just be yourself."
He chuckled and scratched his neck, "About that…"
But he didn't get the chance to ask, as other people arriving pushed them in after a rushed photo with the bride and groom.
From then on it was a mess for a while. Lots of people he knew approached him and the others for a chat, and he couldn’t say no but he wasn't there to talk about work or pamper them. It was a celebration and he had made a promise, he couldn’t disappoint Hyejin and stress her even more.
The guys ended up splitting between the dancefloor, the bar, and their dining table. He ended up grabbing his whiskey and going to his spot on the table by himself. He sat down and sighed; parties were not his thing, and he got tired quickly.
He placed his glass down and then noticed the names on the cards next to him: on one side, Jin, on the other Angie Wagner. He blinked and leaned closer to see it. She'd sit next to him?
"So," a female voice he recognized sounded from behind him and made him turn. "On a scale of one to ten, how much did you understand the conversation last night?"
She pulled the chair to sit down next to him and he just stared. She was sitting in Angie’s spot, and he recognized her voice, so… Angie?
She was wearing a light lilac string dress that fell all the way to the floor. Her sandy blonde hair was braided in a hairdo, letting a few strands fall around her face and neck. Her eyes were brown and shiny, they looked incredibly astute and he suddenly had the feeling he would not be able to hide anything from her.
She raised her thin eyebrows quizzically and he stammered, “I— Well—” For a second he considered pretending he had no idea what she was talking about, but then he gave up on it. “I believe most of it.”
She nodded, “Meaning all of it.”
He pressed his lips and looked down in clear regret, “How did you know?”
“Hyejin can’t lie to save her life. It was obvious she was looking at someone, despite her attempts to deny it.” Angie sighed, looking around at the card names on the table. “And I heard you speaking in English before.”
She waved back at the bar, and he nodded while pressing his lips in nervousness. He guessed she could connect the dots.
“So are you thinking I’m just a promiscuous Western woman or can I still save some face?”
His cheeks were becoming pink, but he chuckled, “I don’t think being Western has anything to do with it. You’re just freer to talk about it in Western countries, which I find a healthy thing." He looked at her, who was just attentively listening to him. Hyejin told him to be himself so he'd risk it. It was only fair after having learned such intimate secrets. “You’d find equally promiscuous women here, they probably just hide it more.”
She pursed her lips, intrigued by his words, but they were interrupted by a waiter with champagne flutes. She took one with a small head bow.
“Besides, if I understood correctly, you’re not that promiscuous.” He pressed his lips, was he really going to talk about this? “Something about having standards…”
She laughed and his dimples appeared. He was flustered and hot, but it was pleasing to speak with someone so earnestly.
“So you did understand everything!” She didn't look mad, she was grinning and sounded playful. “Can you tell that to Hyejin, though? I have a feeling she wants to ‘help me’ somehow when she doesn’t seem to understand the situation.”
His eyebrows puckered, “How does she plan on helping?”
“Something about a guy babysitting me tonight,” she shrugged. “I’m sure she means well, but it’s not how these things work. Although I must admit I’d be bored out of my mind if you weren’t here.”
“How so?” He laughed to take away from his embarrassment, realizing immediately he was the 'babysitter'. He didn’t know how to feel about it.
“Well, I wanted to make sure you’d keep that conversation private and now I’m pleasantly surprised that not only are you fluent in English, but you can actually have a conversation. I don’t see a way to be bored now.” He nodded with his warm cheeks marked by his dimples. “And with a bit of luck, I can escape the so-called babysitter. I'm not sure I trust Hyejin's taste in men to meet my standards.”
He tried laughing but it came out dry. Did he understand it right? Hyejin had implied to Angie that they'd… and she didn't trust Hyejin to choose someone, but it was him so—
“Do you want some tiramisu?” She interrupted his thoughts after downing her champagne. He looked at her, confused, and she pointed at the walking dinner on the tables at the other end of the room. “I’m starving.”
He nodded and went with her, grabbing not only tiramisu but also other small bites. He made a judgment call then to keep his mouth shut about being the person Hyejin had chosen to 'babysit' her. That way Angie wouldn't feel imposed on and they could keep chatting amicably.
They went back to the table with their food and continued chatting. Some of the BTS members noticed this.
“Wow, Joon made a friend,” Taehyung pointed out from the dancefloor in surprise.
Jimin turned and gasped dramatically, “Really?! Let’s go meet her—”
Hoseok stopped them both by getting in their way. “Oh no, you don’t. Let him be.”
“But he made a friend, I want to know her too,” Taehyung pouted playfully.
“Guys, he’s talking to a girl,” Hoseok repeated, playing with his eyebrows.
“He talks with girls all the time,” Taehyung pointed out, confused.
“Ohhhh, I see what you mean,” Jimin smirked with a nod.
“It’s a wedding weekend, people do crazy things,” Hoseok smiled intently at Taehyung.
“So? Are you implying that our Joonie will sleep with that girl?”
“Joonie will sleep with a girl?!” Jungkook’s shocked gasp came from behind Taehyung and Jimin quickly hushed him.
“Shh, we don’t know that,” he told him, making Jungkook truly puzzled. Why was Jimin shushing him, the music was so loud!
“But he’s so shy, there’s no way—”
“Let’s give him the opportunity,” Hoseok interrupted Taehyung.
“It won’t hurt,” Jimin pointed out.
Jungkook pouted his lips, “It will if she hurts him.”
The other three men shook their heads with a smile. “He’s old enough, let him decide that for himself,” Hoseok pointed out, and the other three agreed.
Namjoon was truly intrigued to be talking with Angie about women's emancipation and the feminine movement. It was a topic he had sought to educate himself about but that he rarely got to talk about. He was interested in learning the perspective of a woman, or should he say a Western woman.
“The thing is that it’s not because I believe in equality that I don’t like things like chivalry or an actual man,” she pointed out with a short deep breath that contained her frustration. “In what dating is concerned, I would like a partner that doesn’t fall into extremes and I feel that’s happening more and more.”
“What kind of extremes?”
“Like the woman is always right and can do no wrong, or women are bitches that don’t accept men for who they are. I’ve seen both, I hate both,” she pointed out cleanly, then shrugged. 
“That really happens?” He asked, surprised while they ate.
“Oh yeah. You try to date for a few months and it just becomes insufferable,” she chuckled, but he could see there was an inch of bitterness. “I truly just want a partner, an equal partner. I believe this to be a good standard, but then none of my friends understand why it’s so hard.”
He nodded, he sort of understood her. He didn’t hope to find someone who could stand by his side easily, and he wasn’t eager to put anyone through that, but if he could choose, he’d prefer to have someone by his side, not beneath or above.
“Like my friends say I expect too much, that I should just date a genius from work.” Her tone was despairing yet scornful. “And it’s precisely why I’ll never ever date any of them. I mean, I know I’m smarter than most, but I don’t want a genius by my side. I don't consider myself a genius, despite popular belief.”
He was looking at her with wide and intrigued eyes. He opened his mouth, then backtracked — there was so much information to unpack there he wasn’t sure about what to ask first.
“Look and behold, Mr. Namjoon,” she opened her arms with a cocky smile as if presenting herself. “You’re talking with the youngest professor of Quantum Physics at MIT.”
His jaw dropped and his eyes widened even more, “Really? Wow!”
She chuckled, closing her arms again and finally reaching for the tiramisu. “I know, I get that a lot. I'm surrounded by people who are pure geniuses in every sense of the word but lack everything else required for socialization. And me being a woman in the middle of men should sound fun, but it really isn’t.” She sighed, with a spoon of dessert in her mouth. She didn’t look very happy. “Everyone thinks I'm at a buffet, when in reality I wish I could go to a Michelin-star restaurant and have that one gourmet meal.”
She was expecting him to laugh at her analogy, but he nodded with a small smile that overflowed with sympathy.
“I get you… I sometimes feel like the Michelin-star meal, only I’m behind a glass and I can’t interact with anyone.”
She raised an eyebrow, “You consider yourself a Michelin-star meal?”
Her tone was playful but he choked on his spit, blushing a strong shade of red. “That’s a way of speaking,” he tried saying through coughs.
She giggled and tapped his back soothingly, “I’m messing with you.” She waited for him to calm down before taking a deep breath, “That must suck balls.”
He laughed, a bit more relaxed. “It does, and it doesn’t. I know I inspire a lot of people, as they inspire me. That’s why I… you know, Michelin meal—” She was looking at him with a mocking smile, so he coughed to clear his throat. “Anyway. It’s lonely.”
“What do you do?” She asked, cleaning her tiramisu cup with her spoon.
His eyebrows twitched for a second. She didn’t know? She was friends with Hyejin and she didn’t know? Should he not tell her? But she surely knew who he was to Hyejin, so should he tell her?
He licked his lips. Be yourself.
“I’m a music producer.”
She whistled, “Like Hyejin’s fiancé, then?” He nodded. “Right, you must work with her father. I keep forgetting that she comes from a music background.” She laughed to herself. “But anyway, lonely? How can that be?” Her pitch was high again and playful. “I imagine you have at least one girl every day trying to make a move on you to fall in your good graces and get that record deal.”
He laughed awkwardly, “I don’t and I would hate it if I did.”
“Because you’re not into women?”
“Because I’m shy,” he answered quickly and seriously, looking into her eyes. 
Her features slowly lost their teasing glim and sobered. “I wonder about that… you’re talking pretty okay with me.”
He nodded, “There are… reasons for that.”
“Such as?”
“You’re Hyejin’s friend and you don’t want a music deal.”
She laughed giddily, “How do you know? Maybe this is just us scheming or something.”
He couldn’t help the smirk on his lips, “She could get you something just as easily as I could.”
Angie hummed playfully and leaned into him, and he didn’t move away. “But maybe I'd prefer to be associated with the genius Kim Namjoon?”
He held her eyes with a raised eyebrow. He felt hot and proud at her words, which was unusual for him. Normally, he’d be the first to say he wasn’t that big of a deal, he wasn’t that great. He was truly nobody. As the seconds ticked, this truth came to light in his mind. He had to be truthful with her.
“I’m really not that great.” She tilted her head with a smile of who wonders about that. “I’m just a poet,” he added. He tried ignoring the burn on his cheeks, why was that happening? Maybe even that was untrue? “I… I just appreciate art. In all its forms. And try to do something with my thoughts. That’s it.”
He quickly reached for a sip of his whiskey, and then took a deep breath. He felt like he was stammering or vomiting his thoughts without reflection, what the hell was he doing? Why was he oscillating between being relaxed and so freaking nervous?
She smiled warmly, “I’m just teasing you.” She straightened herself and he felt weirdly upset at being able to breathe freely again. “So art. What’s your favorite kind of art? Excluding poetry and music?”
“It’s very difficult to choose,” he confessed. He looked at the table for a moment of absolute focus before answering. “I feel like right after hearing, my eyes are the next sense I rely on. So I’m inclined to say anything visual. Anything that invokes things in me that reflect deep thoughts.”
“Interesting,” she said, creasing her forehead a bit. “Would you say it helps with your music?”
“It definitely does,” he agreed instantaneously. “It has helped me a lot to see my struggles reflected and shaped by the hands of so many artists. To see it given color or texture through other means than sounds, or words.” He smiled, “I could never do it, but I recognize it because our struggle is the same, it’s human. It’s very freeing in a way.”
Angie smiled softly. She was now totally focused on the man in front of her, sitting turned to him and supporting her head on her hand.
“I wish I knew more about art,” she confessed. His eyes locked with hers for a moment before he looked away with a smile. He was shy, she could see that. But he was also very intriguing, definitely the best kind of surprise that night or trip could offer her. She wondered if he understood what she meant to imply with her words.
“It’s an infinite subject. Even I am still learning about it after years of interest,” his smile was kind. He licked his lips and looked at her again, “I could show you a few things.”
Her lips curved immediately, “I’d like that.”
And he pressed his, looking away again. “I went to Europe once to do a tour around many museums.” He turned to her with a smile, “I was in Switzerland for a few days and visited so many exhibitions, then Paris too. I can show you pictures if you’d like.”
She smiled, “That sounds nice. I would have loved to see it myself.”
He sighed, “Yeah. I couldn’t see everything I wanted, I didn’t have the time. I wish I could just go and spend a month or two there, really take in the places. The cultures, they’re so close to each other, but they’re so different. I hiked Mount Rigi last time, but there’s still so much to see in the Swiss Alps, and also in other countries.” 
He was so invested in sharing his thoughts his eyes were shining. They were close now and he didn’t mind, quite the opposite. He was normally quiet with his entourage about such things, but with her, he felt accepted. She wasn’t scorning or being derisive, she was drinking his words out of interest for new things.
“You should go and do it. Take time off, pause, and do what you truly want to do.” Her tone was serious. “Life is short. Everyone always told me I’d have to fight tooth and nail to get somewhere, and that I’d get there in my old age. Well, I’m nearly thirty and I feel like I’ve reached that place already. And it sucks,” she shrugged in sorrow, reaching for her drink. “It should feel fulfilling, but it’s empty. I look behind me and see what I’ve missed, what I sacrificed. I realize I’ve won the race, but there’s really nothing to celebrate. And for as much as I may have gained, I became fearful of heights. Because now that everyone knows my potential, everyone would be disappointed if I didn’t meet the quota for just one day. And then… the real loneliness would start.”
A hint of sorrow passed through her features quickly before she downed another champagne flute, and he just nodded solemnly.
“There must be something to celebrate. Though… the responsibilities… they follow us,” he said quietly. “Even if I wanted to pause and go, it’s just not possible.”
“I’m telling you it has to be, Namjoon.” Her eyes were shining, but she didn’t hide them away. “There has to be more to life than grinding, burning out, and chasing the idea of success.” She put her glass down, “I keep convincing myself that this is what I wanted, that it was an opportunity all along, that I’m doing something great with myself, but am I?” She seemed to contain her tears of frustration. “I mean sure, there is an importance to what I’m doing. to what we’re doing. I’m teaching and shaping young minds, and I’m involved in projects that will advance our technology and understanding of the universe significantly. You’re doing music people love and inspiring them, like you said. Surely, all of it has meaning. But then why do I feel spent?”
She looked away with an anxious breath and her eyes fell on Hyejin laughing at the entrance of the party. That was what happiness looked like.
Her eyes turned back at him and his serious expression. She chuckled, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be bothering you with my existential conundrums.”
“Not at all, I feel like… we’re different, but similar in many ways.”
She looked at him and they stayed in silence for a moment. The party and music were developing all around them while they found some sort of empathy in each other’s existence.
“Maybe,” she acceded, with softening eyes. Her lips curved gently, “It’s not every day I get to talk about this.”
He was going to ask why but he never did.
“Ahh!” A yell sounded from behind them that had them both turn. The beautiful and glowing Hyejin placed her hands on their shoulders with a smile that could rival the sun. “I’m so happy you found each other!” Namjoon smiled politely, but Angie was furrowing her brow quizzically. Hyejin squeezed her shoulder, “See, I told you you would like him.”
“What do you mean?”
Namjoon opened his mouth, but Hyejin spoke first. “Well, I know you didn’t want a ‘babysitter’, but I chose the best as your company.”
Angie’s eyebrows jumped as her features changed just a little. She smiled with a hint of bitterness, “Indeed.”
Angie cursed herself mentally as she tried not to give her thoughts away. She should have figured the ‘babysitter’ would be the same guy who eavesdropped, though she had thought more than one of her friends would speak English fluently, hence they could have been different people. Honestly, she just wanted to make sure he’d stay quiet about what he heard, but maybe the fact that he was cute and interesting clouded her judgment. Maybe she did have unattainable standards, she didn’t seem to be that bright herself if she was going to let something so simple happen right under her nose.
Her eyes shifted from Hyejin when she was called away to Namjoon, who was looking worried. That was guilt, wasn’t it? He knew about it, he just played dumb. He could have told her he was the guy Hyejin wanted her to meet, but he decided not to probably because he wasn’t interested and didn’t want to embarrass her. Well. She still was.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” Hyejin smiled, seeing she couldn’t avoid whatever problem was calling for her.
As soon as she left, Angie dragged her chair back as Namjoon spoke. “I can explain.”
“A bit too late for that,” her voice was stoic as she got up. “If you’ll excuse me.”
She turned to leave without a second thought. That was freaking embarrassing, and utterly disappointing. Maybe she got too tipsy and confident? Maybe. Either way, she never had to speak with him again, so—
She glanced at him, surprised he had followed her out of the party to the elevator lobby of the hotel, but she didn’t stop. She pressed the button to call the elevator.
And he stopped next to her, “Wait.” He swallowed, and she finally glanced at him. She was showing no emotions on her face and it twisted his stomach even more. “I didn’t know what to say. The way you spoke of it made me feel like it was something bad.”
“Bad?” She knew she wasn’t tipsy, she just had to respond to such a silly idea. “I told you I would never be bored with you, how is that bad?”
“It isn’t.”
“Then why not tell me?”
“I didn’t want to pressure you. That’s why I chose to be the other guy. I wanted to be the guy you chose to come and find and chat with, not the one Hyejin asked to babysit you and that you didn’t want to meet.”
She stepped inside the elevator, pressed floor seven, and then looked at him. She looked confused and hurt and he just stood there waiting for her to say something.
“I guess you’re neither now.”
The elevator doors started closing and he felt a rush. Time slowed, he had a decision to make. He never got to be with someone who understood him. He was always afraid of the backstabbing and image issues, everyone was watching, and it was too risky to do anything. Everything relating to dating had been relegated to the last spot on his priority list, the furthest corner of his mind and heart. But right there he could reach for something that resembled what he always wished he could experience.
So he stepped inside at the last second, squeezing through the doors. Her eyebrows jumped in surprise.
“But I could be both,” he finally said.
The elevator started moving and she raised a skeptical eyebrow. He tried not to feel disheartened. For the first time, she was looking incredibly cold and unapproachable, and it saddened him.
Despite her detached tone, he felt alive. “I could be the guy you came to find and that stuck around you because you’re interesting and captivating.”
Her lips twitched in skepticism, “You don’t have to work that hard, Mr. Kim Namjoon. I know Hyejin told you to look after me, but I’m going to my room where I’ll be perfectly safe by myself.”
He didn’t hesitate. “I’m speaking the truth.” 
“Are you? You haven’t exactly been the most truthful.”
He pressed his lips and looked down — that hit him. Hyejin had told him to be himself and lying was not something he ever did. Being dishonest was not like him, and it felt off. 
Angie exited the elevator without another word and Namjoon followed her all the way until she reached for a card to unlock her room door.
“Then let me,” he asked. She entered her room. “Let me be truthful.”
She stopped and turned to him. She was holding the doorknob in her hand and the doorway was the line separating them. She considered his words for a moment, then nodded. It couldn’t hurt to hear him out, she already felt humiliated as it was.
“I’m not just a producer,” he said, and she frowned very lightly. He was sure then she truly didn’t know who he was. “I’m an idol. Do you know what that is?”
“People that sing and dance and are idolized by teenagers?” She seemed confused.
He grimaced, “You get the gist.” He sighed, “We are very well known, so our lives are scrutinized and it gets lonely.”
She shifted the weight on her legs, “So that’s why you’re here? Because you’re lonely?”
He let out a tense breath. “I’m here because you are enticing. Your words, your mind. You’re so captivating I could just talk to you all night to learn your ideas about everything the world has to offer.”
“You want to chat?”
He opened his mouth, unsure about what to say. She removed her high heels and threw them inside, then heaved a deep breath.
“I don’t know what to think of you right now.” She admitted, then shrugged. “I figured you didn’t say anything because you didn’t want to give me the impression you were interested in that way, and that’s fine. But then why follow me here?” He became flustered, and she just shook her head. “You’re worried about me complaining to Hyejin? I won’t. Are you feeling guilty? You’re forgiven. Let’s just forget about all of this—”
“That’s not it,” he managed to get out.
“Then what is it?”
He opened his mouth and fought his words multiple times until he just let go. “I don’t want it to end.”
“Our talk. Our interaction. You said you didn’t get to talk about these things, well, I don’t either. And it’s so much more interesting because you’re not a musician or an artist, and yet we feel things in the same way,” he closed his fist as if he could grab the moment, then threw it down. Was he conveying the message properly? “What I mean is that there’s a potential for a unique connection, for a unique moment. I want to seize it, just like I want to go to Europe and hike the Swiss Alps. Like you said I should. Just pause and do what I really want to do.”
She observed him in silence for a moment as she went over what he said.
“But why didn’t you tell me before? You could have just said it.”
His cheeks warmed up, “You seemed to imply that Hyejin chose someone to… to sleep with you. I didn’t want to scare you away, so I thought it would be best not to mention it.”
Her eyebrows puckered in confusion, “But whatever reason Hyejin uses to choose you has nothing to do with you, you could have still just said it.”
He smiled and rubbed his face, he was embarrassed but sort of happy. “You’re right, I should have.”
She wasn’t smiling. “All of this just because you don’t want to sleep with someone; just say it next time and avoid the trouble.”
“You heard me,” she groaned mutely. “Now if you’ll excuse me—”
“No, that’s not it.”
She raised an impatient eyebrow, “I got it wrong again?”
“Yes,” he said confidently, which intrigued her.
“Explain it to me then.”
“I never said I didn’t want to sleep with you.” He didn’t know where he got the courage to say those words, but maybe it was because he didn’t want any more misunderstandings. Her eyebrows jumped. “I said I didn’t want to pressure you, I said I didn’t want our talk to end, I said I followed you because you’re enticing. I said I didn’t want to scare you away. I didn’t want you to think anything we were doing was coming from a place of 'she's just promiscuous and we'll sleep together anyway'.”
Her lips twitched as she tried to deduce something. “Then…”
“I wanted it to just be genuine,” he shrugged. “If you were interested and I was interested, then cool.”
“Are you interested?”
He smiled despite looking at the floor, “I followed you all the way here, didn’t I?”
She blinked as her features morphed into surprise and realization. “You did.”
He gave her a moment before asking, “Are you? Interested?”
She finished her line of thought in which she decided she no longer had reasons to feel embarrassed. His lie had come from a good place, and although she disliked feeling deceived, she was willing to forgive him.
“I am.”
They stared at each other with a lighter atmosphere. He felt warm and sort of happy, but he didn't want to push anything. He was happy they sorted things out. It didn’t feel awkward or anything, he just didn’t feel any need to rush it.
“That’s… that’s good,” he smiled. “Then, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You’re not coming in?” She asked almost in surprise. He was confused and she turned around to enter the room. “Only if you want to, of course.”
She dropped her handbag on a chair and turned to see him still in the same place. He had his hands on the doorframe as if stopping himself, and she just raised her eyebrows. He looked down, but dropped his hands and entered the room, closing the door softly behind him.
She smiled, “I’d offer you a drink,” she opened the mini-fridge. “But I don’t want us to get drunk.”
He was smiling too, he felt lightheaded. “That’s okay.”
“How about a coke?”
“Sounds good,” he agreed, accepting it from her.
She also opened a can and sat on the bed with her legs bent by her knees. 
"Didn't you have something to show me?" She asked, then took a sip. He just stared at her. "Photos of your trip?"
He pulled his phone out of his slack pocket and sat next to her. She leaned in to check his phone, but her eyes quickly moved to what risked captivating her more than any work of art he could show her. That tight dark blue suit made his shoulders look broad and firm. He was taller than her, even in heels, and he looked pristine and lean under all that haute couture. She could of course appreciate a man that could talk well and look good, but to find a devoted artist and poet under all that was… like straight out of movies or novels. 
She nodded and listened to his explanations about the art pieces and exhibitions attentively. He was light and free when speaking of such things, and she could not see an idol or famous person. He was too real, too grounded, too connected with his inner self to appear shallow and superficial. She didn’t have enough of that in her life, she was always with people who were analytical, cynical, and skeptical, much like she was. That fresh outlook on life, on a human’s soul, on feeling was so touching she wanted to interact with him just to know what it was like.
He was explaining this painting of a fallen angel and the catharsis and redemption themes in it when she got up from bed to put their empty cans away.
“What do they say? To be able to fly you have to learn how to fall?”
He eyed her from head to toe, with her back turned to him, and nodded quietly. He never thought a physics genius could be so empathetic and understanding. She had a caring soul that transpired in every single comment, even when she was rational about the themes he was trying to explain. He felt like she could be an anchor, a defined line around his countless smudges of color. He should feel contained, maybe underestimated, but instead, he felt elevated. He felt like they were mutually showing the other how they perceived life, and it was incredibly unique. He knew that could happen after a few minutes with her, but now after maybe more than one hour, he was completely certain.
“It’s getting late,” she commented and he nodded, putting his phone down.
“You’re right, we need to get some sleep for the actual wedding tomorrow,” he got up with a gentle smile.
“Would you help me with my hair?” She asked, then turned around. “They put so many pins in, could you take them off?”
“Sure,” he immediately acquiesced, throwing his phone on the bed and nearing her. But then he pressed his lips, eying the braided hairdo. “I’m afraid I might hurt you.”
“You won't, don’t worry about it. You should be able to see them pretty well.”
He was still eying her hair nervously, but it was true he could see the black hairpins among her blonde threads. So he risked it and reached for the first one very slowly. He gained more confidence as time passed and they had a few giggles when a few proved too stubborn to come out on the first try. 
Then suddenly her braid fell over her back and his smile dropped. He was incredibly close to her, he could smell her orchid perfume perfectly. Her skin looked smooth and delicate, the line of her neck was a feminine invitation. Her hair was beautiful and soft and now he didn’t have an excuse to touch it anymore.
She pulled her braid over her shoulder to open it and pass her fingers through it quickly. She glanced over her shoulder at him, “Thank you.”
Their voices were both low and warm as they eyed each other. She was wondering what she could do to give him a hint, whereas he was fighting his urges. He shouldn’t go too fast and she hadn’t expressed clear consent, so—
She suddenly grimaced and pressed her neck, and he spoke without thinking, “Are you tense?”
She nodded but immediately closed her eyes, her senses overcharged. His fingers were pressing and gently massaging her tired muscles, first on her neck, then her shoulders and spine. Her lips parted in absolute satisfaction at his dexterous hands, could he get any better?
Eventually, his fingers slowed in rhythm and stopped and she turned her head to the side, “Don’t stop.”
Her tone was low and pleading and he looked at her profile with his hands still on her delicate shoulders. She was truly beautiful, like a nymph out of a painting from the masters. He was inevitably attracted by her elegant curves, her dainty lines echoing everything in him from desire to devotion. He felt like any of those foolish men who would wish to lose themselves in the purity and nurturing embrace of such an ethereal creature, and he had to take a deep breath to catch himself.
She turned around and their foreheads connected as he swallowed. He was heartily eager to have her despite knowing that he could lose himself and disappear, just like Hylas once had in that ancient myth.
She touched his jaw gently and leaned in slowly, and he let her. Their lips touched and brushed briefly, and his breath hitched. He was immediately curious and chased her lips so he could feel her better. Her kiss was just as delicate as her and he was filled with this want to discover more, to know more, to partake, to dive in.
His hands were supporting her neck and jaw when she pulled away just enough to speak. “Are you comfortable continuing this?”
He almost chuckled; he was sensible enough to just smile, “Yes.” His tone was sure. “Are you?”
Her hands moved over his shoulders, “Oh yes. Yes.”
She leaned to capture his lips again and he smiled through their kiss, so incredibly happy that he would have the opportunity to touch her, to kiss her. 
He of course wanted more than that and as their kiss built up, he started losing his grip. Their kisses were sloppy as their tongues played, his body was spiking with heat at her hands exploring his chest and pulling his blazer off to firmly squeeze his shoulders. His hands which had been respectfully on her waist became curious and decided to palm her curves. Those sensual curves that the dress failed to express vividly enough, thankfully. 
She reached for his belt and he swallowed, trying to catch his breath as she kissed his cheek. That was happening, he thought. He looked at her, whose brown eyes were shining with desire while she breathed heavily. He had one second to decide before—
Her hand entered his pants and he closed his eyes, feeling her explore his erection. She was observing his reaction; she found the right angle and pulled his hard-on out. He was utterly absorbed in the sensation of her gripping him firmly and she wondered for a split second if it was genuine. He looked like a thirsty man who had just found an oasis, and she would think this odd if he was a famous idol that millions of people desired.
His hands pushed her to sit on the bed gently. He kneeled on the bed by her side and she eyed him. That man was the reincarnation of Adonis, there was no doubt in her mind about it.
“Can I touch you?”
Her features softened, “You have to touch me.”
His hands grabbed her lilac dress that covered her legs and pulled it up anxiously. She helped him do it all the way to her waist before she leaned back with him half over her. He reached her lips as his hands traced her legs, and the higher he went the more she started losing grip. Still, before he could touch her, she reached for his erection again to pump him gently. He grunted quietly and she smiled slyly, incredibly proud that she could make him sound like that.
Quickly a sigh was escaping her lips when his fingers reached her center over her panties. There was no doubt in her mind that he’d be able to get that and more out of her.
“You’re so warm,” he whispered against her lips, descending then to her neck. 
Her hand on his erection was making it hard to process, but his fingers quickly pulled her panties aside to feel her and damn. She was so wet and ready that his cock twitched. She moaned quietly with his touch exploring her folds and core, and he felt it in her neck as he kissed it. She would surely make the most beautiful music for him if he played her correctly, and he intended to.
His fingers reached her clit to rub it gently and she gasped, completely frozen by it. He pulled away enough to observe her expression with agape lips, squinted eyes, and knitted eyebrows.
“Like that?” He asked, his voice tense.
She looked up at him, an expression of pleasure so sensual he had a hard time thinking. 
“Yeah,” she sighed and restarted moving her hand. 
His fingers were too fucking good, or maybe she was just that turned on. Her core was clenching around nothing despite the simple gesture of his digits, but she knew it was more than that. He was an attractive and attentive man observing her through desirous but respectful eyes. Like she was worthy of his praise, attention, and care, and that adoration was really spiking it up for her.
So she tried making it last by focusing on her hand on his erection. It had been a while since she had last done that, but what mattered was reading his cues. He preferred a firm grip instead of light, he preferred the tip instead of broad all-encompassing movements, and he preferred slower and intense movements rather than fast and light. Soon he grunted and she smiled yet again.
“That feels very good,” he managed to get out with closed eyes.
“I’m glad,” she whispered.
They had reached a balance and they could see it in each other’s eyes. So when her lips curved in a playful smile, so did his.
Then he grunted mutely at the view of his hand between her legs. He was imagining what she would feel like, but there was nothing better than finding out. His fingers slipped in and she moaned.
“You’re so tight and warm,” his voice strained at the thought of replacing his fingers with his twitching cock.
She was pulsating around his fingers, “Imagine how comfortable you’d be… inside me.”
He looked at her, and she was already eying him back. Her expression tensed when he reached his thumb over her clit, her jaw clenched. She couldn’t find it in herself to be annoyed, every single touch of his felt better than the one before and she would melt for him every time he would like her too. 
Suddenly he looked down at her hand on his dick with thin lips. “Do we have condoms?”
She tried thinking rationally for a second, then cursed under her breath. “I don’t.”
She felt irritation spring from deep inside her chest, that was very stupid of her. She couldn’t have known she would meet someone interesting and get involved with him, but fuck should she be better prepared just in case she did.
She took a deep breath, “Don’t worry about it right now, we can have fun in other ways.” She smiled playfully to ease him, but quickly his fingers reached somewhere deep inside her that stole her breath. “Is that okay?”
“That’s okay…”
He was sad he wouldn’t be able to feel her all the way as he intended, but that was for the best. He was already out of his mind, excited that all of that was happening anyway.
He hardened his movements and leaned on her neck, “I want to know what you sound like.”
She tried repressing a moan, his rough movements on her were making it very challenging. “If you keep doing that you’ll find out soon enough.”
He smirked at her teasing and decided to go rougher, though not faster. He instantly knew he made the right choice because her hand on him became sloppy as if forgotten, and her legs started spreading as if to give him more space. He prioritized his thumb over her clit in wide rough circles and her waist started bucking. He pulled away to look at her and surely enough she was close to falling apart. 
She looked at him through puckered eyebrows almost pleadingly and he licked his lips, wishing for nothing but the moment when it would happen. Suddenly she gasped and arched her back, then a roll of moans echoed from deep inside her throat. He fucked her with his fingers, completely absorbed by the sensual sounds her beautiful self was producing, and when she calmed down, he couldn’t contain his pride. He made her fall apart, he played her correctly and created that music through her. He felt honored and happy and extremely turned on, and she knew it because she immediately tightened her grip on his dick and hastened the movements.
“Did you like it? How I sound when I come?”
He opened his eyes which had closed momentarily to look at her pink cheeks and shiny eyes. She looked satisfied and hungry at the same time. His lips pulled — nymph was the right word for her.
“Definitely, yes,” he groaned quietly.
“I know you did,” she smiled and looked down. He was covered with precum, it was the perfect lube for her hand. “Have you wondered what I taste like?”
He blinked, his brain freezing for a second, and then he moved the hand covered in her slick still in her core. He could find out.
But she quickly stopped him, “No.” His hand stopped, though his mouth was open and waiting. “Not yet, you can find out after.”
Then she reached for his glistening hand and guided it to her mouth. She licked his wet fingers and sucked on them all while she kept pumping him. 
He groaned. “Is it good?” He asked, completely beside himself.
She chuckled, “You’ll find out in a minute.”
“I will?”
She smiled teasingly, still playing with his fingers and her tongue. “If I’m lucky.”
He groaned through a smile; he wanted to lick her and find out. He wanted to discover everything tonight.
“Where do I come?”
She smiled, “Make my hands messy.”
He looked down at her hands on him, on his tip and base working on him perfectly, then at her body, her lean legs, female curves, the line of her chest in between her modest cleavage, and then at his hand on her chin, now fully cleaned as she looked at him with hunger. He felt a prickle of embarrassment, she was looking at him making faces, but she looked absolutely invested. He dared think she was really into him, that a beautiful nymph like her would look at him twice and be interested in his pleasure, and that pushed him over. The thought of being with her and her wanting to be with him was enough to make him grunt deeply and pop. He grabbed her hands around him so he could slide in them pleasurably as his warm cum collected there and dripped on the sheets. 
When he finished, he took a deep breath with his eyes closed. He didn’t see her smile, nor was he bothered when she got up and went to wash her hands in the bathroom, he just sighed. That felt good, being there was good. He craved that satisfaction though he very rarely attained it. He sighed again.
She came back and laid on the bed again, prompting him to do the same. Their breaths were normal now, but whereas he was still processing, she was smiling playfully.
“Not having condoms sucks,” she puffed and he nodded. “But we can still have fun.”
He adjusted the pillow under him, wanting so much for that to be so when he suddenly gasped.
He got up and reached for his wallet in his blazer on the floor, and opened it. It took some effort, but very safely hidden was a wrapper that he waved victoriously. 
She grinned, “Good job! That’s a nice party trick.”
He smiled in embarrassment, “I didn’t even remember about it, it’s been there since—” His voice died when he turned the wrapper around, and then he closed his eyes.
“What?” She asked, curious. She sat up and took it from him since he wasn’t reacting, and when she saw it, she fell on the bed and burst out laughing. “Oh my god, I can’t!”
He was blushing in embarrassment, “It’s really been there for years, I don’t even remember when I put it there…”
She was still laughing, “Clearly! I mean, how long do condoms stay good? Five years?”
He tried taking it from her by leaning on her, “Well, we don’t have to use it, forget I—”
She hid it between her hand and her chest and raised her eyebrows, “Are you joking? Using an expired one is better than nothing, we’re using it.” Her voice was so firm he stopped in his tracks. “Unless you don’t want to, of course.”
“I want to,” he breathed immediately, eying her under him. He didn’t even realize he was shamelessly admitting to wanting her that badly, he was just enamored by the sight of her smiling teasingly.
“Then we have that to look forward to,” she smiled, putting it aside on the bed before raising her hands to feel his torso through his shirt. “How tired are you?”
“Not tired,” he murmured.
She grinned and her hands reached his back, “How fast do you recover?”
His cheeks warmed up wildly, “I… it depends…”
“Tonight. How much can I hope to have from you?”
Her hands on him mixed with her words were making him hot and unable to think. “I don’t know, it’s been a while since I… needed to perform like that.”
Her smile softened, “Let's find out together then. For now… I want to strip you.” His eyes roamed down her lilac dress for a second before trailing back up to find her tongue between her teeth. “Is that okay?”
She sat up, forcing him to move out of the way. Every yes of his sounded like a sigh, almost like happiness or relief for her having taken the initiative. She had no problems with that, but she would love it if he would relax. Maybe he would as they got comfortable.
Being naked always meant a significant amount of vulnerability and they were both aware of that. They kissed slowly while comfortably sitting in bed as they helped each other take off each piece of clothing at their own rhythm. He took most of his off first, starting with his waistcoat, shirt, inner tee shirt, then his slacks but not without getting rid of his shoes and socks first. She giggled when he made his shoes flip in the air with how fast he tried taking them off, and he smiled at her. He laid back down in bed and traced her uncovered legs. She still had her dress on and he pecked her cheek almost reverently before asking, “Where’s the zipper?”
She smiled, he was so cute. “On the back.”
She got up from the bed and turned her back so he could take care of pulling the zipper all the way down. He traced her back skin softly as he guided the strips to fall from her shoulders, then contoured the bands of her bra.
“Can I take it off?”
“I was hoping you would.”
He unhooked the hook quickly and traced her skin again slowly, this time leaning in to nuzzle it softly as he pulled everything off. She felt goosebumps all over, a wave of warmth invading her as she forgot how to breathe. He was so delicate and reverent that she felt like the most precious person he ever touched, and she was into that. It turned her on like crazy to be treated adoringly and he was hitting all the right keys.
She turned to him so he could push her strapless bra off and fully lay her bare, and he didn’t disappoint. He gently pulled it off along with the dress that fell to the floor, and his eyes roamed her body hungrily. She was so beautiful and elegant that he was totally hypnotized. 
He didn’t ask for permission and just dove for her chest, lowering himself to reach those wonderful perky nipples and take one in his mouth and another in his hand. He truly didn’t know how long his body would take to react or how he would perform, but he was happy that just seeing her naked immediately pumped him up. He sat on the bed and pulled her by the waist to continue the ministrations of his tongue, lips, and teeth on her chest while she moaned breathlessly and petted his hair. His hands lowered to the small of her back, then to her ass and he squeezed, feeling his hard dick throb inside his trunks. That was the finest offering he could ever have had and he wanted it.
“You’re so beautiful,” he told her in between switching nipples in his mouth, with wet traces and suckling sounds. His hands squeezed her asscheeks again, making her moan. “So beautiful. I need to have you,” he admitted, tracing his hands to pull her panties down.
His lips descended to her stomach before his hands pulled her to support her knees on either side of him. Suddenly, though, he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her so he could lay her in bed under him. She giggled when her hair splayed over the bed and she looked down at him.
“It looks like you’re ready again,” she pointed out.
He didn’t need to look at the tent in his trunks. “I am, but I want to taste you first.”
Her lips pulled in amusement as he leaned to trail down her body with kisses, focusing on her mound and inner thighs to her delight. She was trembling involuntarily when his lips brushed hers and she squirmed in both want and shyness. He licked her across her slit, taking in her flavor, then he chuckled, unsurprised.
“Of course, you’d be delicious too,” he muttered before getting down to business.
Angie moaned breathlessly and more and more as his tongue circled her clit. Her eyes were closed as she gripped the sheets, so completely focused on what he was doing. She cursed herself for having had one orgasm already because that would make it harder right now for him. He didn’t look like he wanted to give up, but she didn’t want to tire him.
“You’re so sexy,” he still encouraged her, which invariably kept on melting her. “Make that sound again,” he asked as he suckled on her clit. 
She did the sound he wanted but gritted her teeth. She was needy. “I want you,” she asked, as soon as she could breathe.
He smiled with glistening lips as he used two fingers to feel her tightness. “That’s a good idea… I was hoping to make you come first, though…”
God, he was so freaking adorable she couldn’t handle it. “Give me a second.”
She reached to stop his hand and gently move him away, and he let her. She got up and reached for something in her bag — a black cloth bag. She grabbed it and then threw it on the bed.
“What’s this?” Namjoon reached to grab it and immediately figured it out. “Oh, I see.”
She hopped on the bed next to him. “Don’t take this the wrong way,” she pleaded, suddenly worried. He looked let down despite his smile. “You’ll get me there, but since I already had an orgasm, you’ll probably lose the ability to move your jaw and you might need it tomorrow.” He chuckled at the way she put it and she felt confident in touching him again. “You were doing it wonderfully though,” she smiled, looking down. “And I’m more than happy to return the favor.”
He pressed his lips, “That’s— Only if you want to, you don’t have to.”
She smiled and reached for the vibrator, “You in my mouth will be the exact thing to make me come. So will you?”
“What do you mean?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Would you… let me blow you while I pleasure myself?” He raised his eyebrows further in surprise. “I mean, you can of course control the toy if you want, I just mean… that would turn me on and push me to come.”
“I can use my fingers,” he seemed to think out loud.
She tilted her head, “You can if you think you can focus on two things at once.”
“Fair point,” he chuckled again. “Multitasking is not my thing.”
She bit her lip, “Actually, if you would be into it, you could fuck my mouth.” His mouth opened. “I mean, you know, only if you’re into that.”
“I’m into that, I…” he rubbed his face to clear out his surprise. “You just keep on surprising me.”
“In a bad way?” She asked, fearful.
“No, in a good way.” He reached for her hand, “We’re actually talking about what we want and expect before doing anything, which is great.”
She smiled, “I agree. It’s… very easy to talk to you, in fact.” She looked at their hands, then at the tent in his trunks. “And it doesn’t kill your mood, which is so refreshing,” she admitted. “I love it when I can communicate what I want and like without feeling like everything is ruined.”
He chuckled, “You almost got me… but you want to include me, so that’s okay.”
“What do you mean? Almost killed your mood?”
“Yeah…” He shrugged, “When the girl you’re with seems to prefer a toy to you, I mean…”
“Wow, are you crazy?” She jumped to her knees. “I’m freaking done with toys, so done,” her tone was laced with exasperation and he smirked. She was getting on his lap and he supported her waist to sit there. “I’m one hundred percent into you,” she underlined her words softly, lacing them with want. 
Now straddling his lap, they were close and personal. She grabbed his erection through the cloth to position it so it would rub on her nicely as she moved her hips. She had to lean back and support herself on her other hand, making her a sinful view. 
He was supporting her waist while eating her with his eyes and drinking her soft moans before she sat back up. He then dove on her chest again, ravishing the flesh in range of his mouth while she moved her waist to grind his cock so slowly and gently, but enough to help him draw those lustful moans out of her. 
She gripped his hair, “Did you feel how wet I was?” He hummed while flicking his tongue on her nipple. “Then you know how much you turn me on.”
The more she moved her hips, the crazier she became with the thought of that hard cock inside her. His mouth on her chest was not making it easier.
“Fuck, I want to ride you.”
He hummed, “You want a lot of things.”
She giggled, “I do, it’s all your fault.” She bit her lip strongly and then decided to push him to lay back on the bed with her over him. “Take some responsibility, Namjoon.”
He smiled, “I will. Tell me what you want.”
She was lying completely on him and straddling his cock now felt even better. She moaned over his lips, “Stay like that and let me ride you until I come on your cock.”
He groped her hips to help her move, “That sounds doable.”
She grinned, then reached for the condom. “I hope you can resist because it’s up to you how much we can get done.”
He chuckled, “You’re giving me too much responsibility.”
“I know, I’ll try my best to make it easy for you,” she sassily said, getting off him. He removed his trunks so she could cover him with the condom. “Feel free to tell me if I feel so good you’ll burst,” she added with a sly smile, before moving onto his lap again.
“You’re very confident,” he teased, supporting her on top of him again.
She leaned on him and aimed his cock inside her, “Oh, I am.” She made it a point to take him in slowly and in stages all while nuzzling his nose and seeing his reactions. His lips were agape and eyes closed, and with every inch, his nails sank on her hips. “How long has it been since you felt a tight cunt around you?” He was trying not to groan and it rilled her up. “All dripping just waiting for you to force yourself in?” Her voice was taunting, but laced with lust. “When was the last time you had a woman like me riding your hard cock?”
He bottomed out and she could feel him twitching inside her, which had her taking deep breaths to stay calm. The fact that she was the person getting to fuck him egged her on. That sexy, interesting, and sensible guy was a treasure that she was more than willing to have.
“I can’t recall,” he admitted, panting. “But I certainly never had one with a mouth as sassy as yours.”
She giggled as he smiled. She nuzzled his nose, “I gave you a chance to fuck this sassy mouth.”
“It’s still in my plans,” he admitted, finally looking at her.
“Perfect. Now let me milk you right,” she whispered sensually before adjusting her angle to move.
He was so deep inside her that by controlling her hips reaching an orgasm would be a piece of cake. That dirty talk with him had totally turned her on and him stretching her where it counted was taking her there.
“You feel so good,” he let out, still gripping her hips as if ready to stop her at any moment.
“I know,” she cooed, kissing his cheek. “How lucky are you that I’m riding you right now?”
“Very lucky,” he breathed.
“Very fucking lucky indeed,” she groaned, biting his cheek softly. “Will you give me your cum?”
“Oh yes.”
She cursed, grinding her clit in an angle that would get her there before she fell apart in moans over his mouth. He focused on feeling her around him, taking deep breaths to take in that sensation without letting it unfocus him. Then he hugged her body and kissed her when she searched for his lips. She was blushing and glowing and it filled him with pride to see her smile.
“See how into you I am?”
He chuckled and stayed calmly in place, letting her recover from her high.
“How much would you like to fuck me right now?” She was pecking his jaw and eying him with mischief.
“A lot,” he admitted, nodding his head in confirmation.
“I do deserve it after riding you so well, no?” She nibbled on his neck and he stretched while grabbing her asscheeks.
“Oh yes, absolutely.” He couldn’t stop smiling as if he had hit a jackpot.
She bit his earlobe before sitting up and getting off him. They both noticed how absolutely covered in slick he was, and then she got all fours.
“Show me how much I deserve it,” she asked sensually, moving her blonde hair over her shoulder. He sat up and touched her hanging boobs. “Hmm, show me how much you appreciate being able to fuck me.”
He leaned to kiss her as he groped her breasts, making her puff in between their kisses, then he moved to get behind her. He groped her asscheeks, spreading them for him, and licked his lips. She looked so fucking good, like a temptation, and he wanted to bury himself balls deep.
He aimed his cock at her core and slid in quickly, grunting with the sensation. She was so tight it caused an electric wave to go up and down his spine. He moved his hips a few times and shuddered, trying to collect himself.
“Are you ready to admit I was right?”
Her tone was mocking, but he only grunted, “I can admit that you deserve a nice pounding.”
She chuckled at the way his voice was tense and his nails sank on her hips. “If you want to spank me, you can.”
He leaned in and kissed her back with a smile on his lips, “Aren’t you full of surprises?”
“Aren’t you very lucky?” He smacked her ass, making a thin moan escape her throat. “Does it change anything?” He eyed her as he fucked her slowly. “Does it change the fact that you’re dying to fuck my tight cunt?” He smacked her again and she giggled right after a moan. “I’d love for you to mark me, don’t be afraid.”
“I don’t get you… You want to be worshiped, but you also want to be used?” He cleaned the sweat off his brow. He needed to understand to be able to decide on how to go about it.
“You might use me, but it had to be me.” She was biting her lips at the pleasure shooting from his pounding cock. “You might do whatever you want to me, but the point is that you want this pussy. Only I will make you feel this way. It will always be a form of worship.”
“You do feel very good…” he admitted, then slapped her ass again. “You take my cock very well.”
She moaned between words, “Your cock is so good… I’m fucking happy I didn’t miss out on this.”
He chuckled and leaned forward to grab her tits, fucking her so deep that her moans got to a higher pitch.
“Fuck, you’re deep.”
He groaned, “You're taking me so well…”
Too well, in fact, and he straightened back up and calmed his rhythm. 
She giggled, “Too much?” He struck her asscheek so hard it echoed in the room, yet she giggled. “You’re so my type I can’t control it, I’m sorry.”
He passed his fingers over her asscheeks, “I’m your type, huh?”
She wiggled her ass as if she wanted him to move his fingers. “Cute, attentive, sexy, and smart.” He wasn’t sure where, so he moved his fingers away, but she whined. “No, touch me. You can use me, Namjoon. I talk big but I want you to fuck me so bad,” she whined, moving her hips against his for him to fuck her deeper.
He was tempted to, but first, he slid his fingers between her asscheeks, and she trembled. She incentivized him with her bucked movements until he rubbed her asshole, making her moan deeper.
“You like that?”
She moaned again and he decided to rub it at the same rhythm he fucked her. Her asshole started twitching, and when it did he felt it around his cock too. She was getting tighter and wetter and he was completely up to his limit.
“Am I milking you right?” She asked in a breathy voice.
“Yeah, I’m close. I’ll stop playing with you and fuck you now, okay?”
He didn’t see the way she paused and blinked her eyes, confused. “Wh—?”
He positioned himself better behind her and unleashed his energy. He didn’t care how or what he was doing, as long as his cock was ramming right into her every time and hitting deep. Her thin moans were uncontrollable and music to his ears. She wanted to milk him, she deserved a good fucking, and he was going to give it to her.
Her face landed on the pillow as she started losing grip and he angled deeper. She could not think with the fast pace he was entering her, and all the sloppy sounds and slaps were just the icing on top. She never got to shut her brain off, but just there that’s exactly what happened and it was bliss. Her hand darted to her clit, which was covered in her juices, and she moaned desperately for her release. She wasn't planning on it, but she was beyond being organized and structured; that kind of pleasure was not premeditated or controlled, it was imposed.
He leaned on her and was talking to her but she couldn’t really register. 
“Yeah?” She finally caught him saying. “You want it? Come for me. Come on my cock with me.”
Her brain lit up like a firework popping and she moaned in a frenzy, cumming so hard he had to hold her hips in place or she would have fallen apart away from him. Her pleasure rippled and rippled until she was left a void drooling mess and it was… odd. Satisfyingly so.
He got off her and laid next to her, pulling her to fall to the sheets by his side gently. “Are you okay?” He asked with a hint of concern as he pulled her hair out of her face.
She was still panting with her mouth open, and she blinked. It took her a moment to react.
“What… What the hell was that?”
“You— how did you—?” She opened and closed her eyes. “I’m so mind-blown right now.”
He grinned happily as they tangled their legs together. “In a good way, right?”
She was still shocked, “You— You’re good. My god, are you fucking good. That had never happened to me before.”
“My brain shutting down like that,” she shrugged, hugging herself in bewilderment.
He scooted closer and hugged her, “It was good then.”
“It was awesome, it’s what it was.”
Her tone was so firm he just smiled, “I’m happy.”
She reached to trace his jaw with her hand. “You really are something.”
He tapped their foreheads and looked deeply into her eyes. “So are you.”
They were left sweating and calming down, but eventually, the lethargy became too much. As if on automatic pilot, she got up to pee and he took care of the condom and did the same. In minutes they both threw themselves in bed and snuggled together to sleep relaxedly.
Despite her sluggishness, Angie eventually woke up and looked around, confused. She thought it was the jetlag still messing with her after three days. She reached for her phone: 5h53. She sighed deeply and put her phone away, she could still sleep.
Then someone moved behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist, and she closed her eyes. For a split second she thought she had dreamed of him, but that fresh, citrus, and woody scent reminded her that it was all real. She turned, still under his arm, and he leaned to unite their foreheads, still in his sleep. She looked at him with a small smile, feeling so relaxed. She didn’t know how he managed to make her like that but it was certainly something to be praised.
She closed her eyes, ready to fall back asleep, when his nose started nuzzling hers softly. She sighed and hugged him closer — she was awake, and they could do whatever he wanted. His lips fell on hers gently and she smiled at his delicateness and gentlemanly actions. They kissed slowly and softly for a while before she moved her hand to trail his torso. She was getting hotter and she felt like there was still so much of him she hadn't explored.
He seemed to get hot as well and reach for her to come closer, taking equal opportunity to touch her. She squeezed his shoulder in incentive for him to do as he pleased and couldn’t contain the moans as he did. He felt and groped her curves firmly, and when she evaded his mouth so she could breathe out a moan, he quickly caught her neck skin in between his teeth. She scratched his skin and grazed his scalp in approval and rolled with him immediately once he got on top of her.
His kisses were more demanding, but she was completely on the same wavelength. She wanted him to take her, to touch her, and handle her however he saw fit. He had earned that.
He trailed down her neck and quickly made his stop on her chest. His tongue and mouth were warm and wet and she squirmed with want, opening her legs instantly. He bit her once, twice and it only vexed her more; she was already so ready for his touch.
His fingers brushed her folds before searching for her wetness and she stopped breathing, completely focused on what was going to happen next. He was eying her attentively, feeling that shift on her chest. He removed his fingers, which made her raise an eyebrow, but his intentions immediately became clear. He gave her one last kiss before moving down so that his mouth could now reach her mound, and she trembled.
His lips brushed hers softly and increasingly with more pressure until his tongue opened her up and started licking her. She gasped for air with the way he seemed to want to lick her slit clean, knowing perfectly well that was the way to just make her even wetter. His hands grabbed her hips to stay in place when his mouth moved over her clit and he was not gentle. She writhed under him with whiny moans, she could feel his smile on her as he licked her clit deliciously.
She couldn’t stop squirming and trying to escape it while simultaneously being annoyed whenever he lost contact with her bud. She started moving her hips and her moans dragged.
“Use your lips,” she pleaded, and the sensation became less wet but firmer. “Yeah, like that.”
She was unaware of his eyes on her seeing her oscillate with her pleasure hungrily. He was trying to keep a steady pace for her, but she was making it hard.
Then she suddenly propped on her elbows, “Let me ride your mouth.”
He raised his eyebrows and gave her one last kiss. She seemed to realize what she had just said while he licked his lips and sat up.
She was blushing hard, “I mean if you’re okay with that.”
He was already lying down, pushing the pillow away. “I’m more than okay with that, come here.”
She took the hand he was offering and got on her knees. She then passed a leg over him so she would sit on his belly. She was trying her hardest not to just jump on his glistening mouth, out of respect, but he incentivized her by pushing the small of her back in his direction. That along with his hand still holding hers for support just pushed her to raise and sit where she wanted to with a deep sigh.
She cursed, “Tap me if you need me to stop, okay?”
His hands felt her hips firmly before he moved so his lips could disappear under her and she gasped. He felt too fucking good, she would come in a literal minute if he kept—
She sucked in a moany breath and started bucking her hips as gently as she could. He was a fucking sin with the way he managed to suckle on her clit every time it passed his mouth, just to escape it seconds later. And yet every time she did her circular hip movement, he was right there waiting, pressing her hips down so that the rub would be as intense as possible. She was too turned on, too far off, so when his nails sank into her skin to keep her close, she only needed a few seconds to fall apart.
He licked her and mouthed her roughly as she came, keeping her core as close to his mouth as possible. She had to whine because of the overstimulation, and only then did he let go. She stumbled back, completely alienated on how to control her own body, but he had her. He quickly reached to support her back so she wouldn’t just fall and instead helped her sit back on his lap graciously. 
He sat up and brushed her hair away from her red hot face, “You make the most beautiful sounds.”
She opened her glistening eyes to him and chortled, “You make me do them.”
He grinned happily, “I do.”
She was still recovering from the hastened heartbeat in her chest, but she reached to kiss him nonetheless. His mouth tasted of her and it burned her. She bit his lip, clenching around nothing. She shouldn’t feel possessive, but she couldn’t help it.
“Remember my sassy mouth?”
He cupped her neck and kissed the corner of her mouth, “I do.”
“I don’t think I can articulate much yet, but how about doing what you planned?”
He chuckled at the hint of neediness in her voice. “You mean you blowing me while you pleasure yourself?”
“Or you fucking my mouth, whichever you prefer,” she sighed, nuzzling his nose.
He brushed his nose back on hers and hummed for a moment.
“We can start with you and see how you feel.”
She pecked his lips and immediately moved away. She grabbed a pillow and threw it on the floor before kneeling on it, then she tapped the edge of the bed.
“Come here.”
He moved to sit there with his legs around her and she drew closer, leaning down to kiss his crotch and belly before nuzzling her way down to his balls. 
He grabbed her hair out of the way without any pressure whatsoever and just stayed with his mouth agape looking at the way she was licking and nibbling his balls gently. She was soft and mindful of hurting him, but quick and sloppy as if she was hungry and it filled him with anticipation. 
By the time she licked up his shaft, she was already drooling and she looked up to see him, to make sure he knew that. She wanted that, she wanted to taste him, to drive him wild into coming and giving everything he had.
She took his tip in and remembered well how he liked pressure there more than speed, and she got to it immediately. She sucked hard on his head while she bobbed her head in short movements, making her best to keep that pressure constant. The way he groaned and tightened his grip around her hair melted her and gave her even more energy. His girth was wide enough that her jaw would hurt for sure after the fact, but that would not be the thing to make her stop.
She added her tongue to the mix, flicking it and searching for the place that made him moan the hardest while she suckled on him.
She must have done something right because his taste hit her taste buds and she moaned. He tasted sweet and delicate and she guessed then that if she wanted the full taste she had to go for it. She was drooling with how much she wanted it and she didn’t realize how much she was pushing him until he groaned loudly and put one hand on her neck to gently guide her out.
She raised her head with a pop of her lips, keeping his hard dick pointing at her with her hands. Its glistening reddened tip was tempting her and she couldn’t look away.
“That was close,” he mumbled, and she finally looked up.
He was panting and he reached to wipe the thin coat of sweat off his brow. He looked down at her and she could only curve her lips in amusement.
“Why did you stop me? I was having a blast.”
She sounded playful and he chuckled, “Well, you never told me where to come. Plus,” he moved away from her to reach for something on the bedside table. “You wanted to pleasure yourself.”
She lowered her eyes to his open hand and saw her vibrator.
She grimaced in disbelief, “You stopped our fun for that?”
“I want you to feel good,” he smiled sheepishly.
Her eyebrows jumped, “How do you think I’ve been feeling so far?!”
He grinned with a hint of shyness, and pride, and she bit her lip down hard so she wouldn’t bite him.
“You said me in your mouth was the thing to make you come… and I don’t want to steal that opportunity from you.”
Her chin dropped in shock, then she shook her head. “You’re unbelievable. We’re taking care of you right now and you’re still worried about me?” She reached suddenly for his lips and he supported her through their kiss with gentleness. “You can’t be real,” she whispered, nuzzling his nose before going back down on her knees. “You just can’t be.”
He didn’t know what to say, and she didn’t give him the time to think of something.
“You should come in my mouth,” she told him, grabbing the egg-shaped vibrator. “I need to know how you taste. You can get up and fuck me whenever you want, just please don’t do it too harshly because I gag easily.” She spread her legs a bit so she could accommodate the vibrator. “And if I start coming, do not stop. In fact, I might get sloppy, so take matters into your own hands.” She raised an eyebrow, “Did I forget something?”
“No, ma'am.”
He was smiling in a tease and she pursed her lips before looking down. His cock twitched under her gaze and she looked back up. He didn’t need to ask for attention, so she guessed it was involuntary, which made it even hotter.
She sighed as she took him inside her mouth again and she made sure to take him all the way in comfortably a few times to show him where he could go. He didn’t fit completely in, so despite his moans she hoped he had paid attention.
Only then did she turn on the vibrator and hummed instantly. She was not going to last, she was certain. She was immensely turned on, any nudge in the right direction was enough.
She bucked her hips on the toy and used that same rhythm in her mouth. It was harder to stay focused and she started moaning quickly out of the sheer pleasure shooting through her. He had such a good fucking cock that fit in her mouth perfectly and would spray her full soon. He couldn’t help himself, she would blow him just right until he would pop. He knew deep down that he had no choice. He wanted to come for her, to fill her up, he was helpless. If she wanted it, he had to give it to her, and if he tried holding back, she would blow him and ride him until he blew.
Thoughts like those drove her insane, and his dick in her mouth was exactly what brought to life all of her fantasies. In minutes her whines gained a pitch and he should know by now that meant she was right on the verge of her orgasm. Her hand on his base lost grip, and her lips became less taut, allowing for her drool to drip down his shaft, and he knew what to do.
He got up and she moved with him, allowing him to grab her head and gain complete reign over everything. She let him do it and in seconds her orgasm invaded her, making her moan deeply. And he grunted with those sounds because he could reach her throat that much easier, interrupting them with every thrust. It was so fucking hot that he had no problems in just leaping through it as soon as he could confidently say her orgasm was done.
Then she hummed as his cum started dripping on her mouth and her lips became taut again. She sucked him neatly and swallowed him dry as he did his best efforts to contain his hips jerking. He was still holding her hair and head, and her mouth felt so wet and tight he had to take a deep breath, mastering himself until the end.
He sighed as the pleasure dissipated gently, then let her head go. She pulled out and looked up at him with a sly smile.
“You… are fucking great.”
He broke down laughing quietly and she did the same, holding his hands to get up and stand tall. He immediately supported her lower back and neck and drew her in for a kiss. His tongue licked hers and danced with hers, not bothered in the slightest by his own taste. 
He pecked her nose and she sighed. “I could sleep a bit more.”
He smiled, “Me too.”
He let her go just enough for the both of them to get under the sheets again and snuggled her when she came closer, hiding her face on his chest.
They drifted off asleep almost instantly, and so it felt like in the same breath they woke up. They were startled by the knocking loud sounds on the door and she pulled away to blink at him in bewilderment. He had a quizzical eyebrow raised and she had her brow creased, completely dumbfounded.
A woman started yelling in Korean and Angie’s expression became almost comical as she sat up, trying but unable to understand a single word. Namjoon sat up too.
“Late! Late!”
“I’m coming! One minute!” Angie finally yelled, and then it quieted down. It had worked, whoever it was left. “What the—”
“She says you’re late, the bride is asking for you.”
She turned to him, then blinked — of course he understood that. She frowned and searched for her phone, “We just drifted off a minute ago, how—”
She gasped and jumped off the bed in two seconds. She had missed calls, and Hyejin had sent her a roll of messages. She played the last audio.
“Angie! Where are you?! I don’t know if I should be concerned or angry, should I call the police?! I need my bridesmaid, I’m almost done and you’re not here! I’m going to cry, please don’t disappear on my wedding day!”
“Shit, shit, shit.”
Indeed it was almost ten in the morning. She turned to Namjoon, who was now getting up with his phone in hand.
“They’re looking for me too.”
“How the heck did my alarm not ring?” Angie groaned.
“It doesn’t matter,” he reminded her, holding her arms. “I’ll leave you to get ready and go and do the same.” She shuddered and nodded. He was so fucking sexy just calming her down like that and focusing her on what mattered. “Will I… see you later?”
She smirked, “If Hyejin doesn’t kill me or kick me out, yes.”
He smiled and turned to search for his clothes and put them on. She grabbed her phone and tapped to record an audio.
“I’m so sorry, Hyejin, my alarm didn’t go off. I’m going to shower and I’ll be there in ten minutes. Stay calm, I love you.”
She sent it quickly and turned to the man in her bedroom. She felt butterflies in her stomach and swallowed them. She probably shouldn’t, she was an adult and she knew how those things went. Still, he wasn’t out of the room yet and she was too tempted. 
So while he bent over to put his shoes on, she walked up to him and held his jaw for him to rise back up. She kissed him softly and he stood up by himself, supporting her arms as he did.
Then she pulled back with a small smile. “I’ll see you soon.”
Namjoon nodded and saw her disappear into the bathroom. He shook his head to get the image of her lean back and perky ass out of his mind and turned to leave. Her shower started just before he closed the door behind him.
He rushed down the corridor and used the stairs to go up to his room. He was super fast and ignored the people in the corridor, even though the chances that they were any of the guys were high. He needed to get ready quickly, he also didn’t want to stress Hyejin or miss anything. It was a special day for her and he definitely wanted to be there, they were close friends.
He showered and got ready as fast as he could. He was putting on his gray blazer when someone knocked hastily on his bedroom door and he ran to open it.
On the other side, Jin had wide shocked eyes. In fact, six pairs of eyes were gawking at him.
“Hi guys—”
“He’s here!” Jin yelled, despite the others being equally aware.
“He wasn't here before,” Hoseok frowned, confused.
“Where were you?!” Jimin asked with a scoff.
“Were you hiding somewhere hyung?” Taehyung asked.
They were barging in the room as if searching for something and he had no chances to say anything.
“Where would he hide?” Yoongi whined, with a puff. “Let’s just go, the wedding is in thirty minutes.”
“Yeah, I want to catch breakfast,” Jungkook rubbed his hands together.
“We just had breakfast,” Hoseok raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, right, you missed breakfast,” Jin turned to Namjoon and pointed it out with a shrug.
“Well, you know, second breakfast,” Jungkook said slowly.
“What are you, a hobbit?” Jimin laughed coming from the bathroom with Taehyung. Were they looking for something?
“No, but these things always drag on,” Jungkook pouted.
“That’s very true,” Jin agreed. "We're going to be hungry."
“We’re going to be late,” Yoongi groaned, rubbing his eyes.
“Where were you anyway, hyung?” Jimin asked, seemingly confident he couldn’t find anything suspicious in his room.
“What do you mean where…” Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck while heading for the door. “Let’s g—”
“Why is your bed still made?”
The room quieted down and everyone turned to look at Taehyung, who was standing right beside the bed eying it suspiciously. They all could see in an instant that he was correct, his bed was perfectly made.
Namjoon scoffed, “What do you mean? I always make the bed when I wake up.”
“That’s true,” Jungkook murmured and Yoongi nodded.
“But this perfectly?” Taehyung insisted.
Jimin jumped on the bed and raised something above his head with a victorious chant, “Ah! The chocolate is still under his pillow!”
Everyone then turned to Namjoon to complain.
“It would have melted.”
“What melted, it would have fallen.”
“You should have eaten it.”
“No one leaves the chocolate there.”
“The bed is too perfect, just me jumping on it made more of a mark than your sleep.”
“If you were here before, why didn’t you respond when we came to call you for breakfast?”
“And why did you not answer your phone?” Jimin added, remembering it suddenly.
The room quieted down for a few seconds and most eyes fell on Namjoon, who just frowned in confusion. 
Thankfully, Jungkook rubbed his chin and tried, “Maybe he was in the shower…”
“For an hour?” Taehyung scoffed.
“His hair is wet right now, you just showered right?” Jin smirked playfully.
Jin’s question was the last straw and Namjoon just sighed, turned, and walked out the door.
“We’re going to be late.”
The guys whined after him, with Taehyung closing the door behind them all before yelling across the corridor, “Where did you sleep?!”
Namjoon’s eyes widened in a second out of sheer embarrassment before he groaned and turned to go down the stairs with the other six trailing him. He could not be stuck with them in an elevator right now and he needed to burn the energy that stress was causing.
It’s not like he couldn’t tell them, he thought, as they exited the staircase towards the lobby. He quickly rushed to the balcony of the hotel that led to the garden where the wedding ceremony would be held. There, fortunately, the class and formality of the event quieted the others down. He hoped it would distract them enough as he walked quietly to the beverages table and got himself a coffee. 
He could tell them, but he wondered if it was correct to do so. He didn’t kiss and tell, that would be rude of him. Additionally, she would be there at the party and if they met her, it could be weird if they knew. What if they said stupid things or insinuated something, he would die with the embarrassment not to mention he wanted to see her again. 
I’ll see you soon.
He blushed and it wasn’t from the hot coffee. He wanted to see her again.
“Seriously, hyung.” He turned and Taehyung was there, reaching to grab a coffee too. “I won’t tell anyone, but the curiosity is killing me.”
Namjoon licked his lips and looked around them. There were definitely too many people there, so he started walking as if nonchalantly wanting to walk the gardens. Taehyung followed him.
“Hyung! Trust me, I just—”
“I wasn’t in my room, alright?” Namjoon turned suddenly, almost spilling both their drinks but Taehyung stopped in his tracks before they could clash.
Taehyung grinned widely, “Ah, I knew it!” He was so giddy he would be jumping right now if it wasn’t for the drink. “Who is she? We saw you with a girl yesterday, you guys were talking.” Namjoon groaned and pressed his temples. The lack of sleep was making his head hurt. “Is it her?”
“Excuse me.”
Both men turned, one with panicked eyes, the other with a pout.
“We’re rounding up everyone for the ceremony to start,” the lady told them politely with a bow.
Namjoon bowed back and took the opportunity to drag Taehyung along, “Not a word of this. I’ll tell you, but not now. Please, let’s keep it quiet.”
He gave him a pleading look and Taehyung smiled, “Not a word, hyung. You can trust me.”
They went straight to their seats on the bride’s side, second row, all to themselves. Most people were already there and ready.
“Where were you?” Jin whispered in a scolding tone.
“Coffee,” Taehyung answered sheepishly, sipping on his paper cup. Jimin eyed him suspiciously, but Taehyung had the most angelical expression on.
Namjoon was unaware of this however because his eyes were avidly searching for someone. And luckily for him, he didn’t have to wait long. Music started to play and people started making their way down the aisle. He nodded at the groom and some groomsmen he knew. Everyone bowed when the parents of the groom passed, then the mother of the bride. And finally, there was someone that passed that stole his breath away.
Angie was wearing a dark blue dress that delineated her curves beautifully. Her blonde hair was falling on her right shoulder in delicate waves and her cleavage was deep, though not too flashy. She was smiling the whole time, and the corners of her lips twitched when her eyes finally fell on him. He had no idea what kind of face he was making, but only when she passed by him did he blink and break the spell. 
Hyejin was of course stunning and nearly crying in happiness as she passed by her friends and family, and Namjoon felt his eyes wet at the sight of her. He glanced to check on the others and everyone was smiling the same, only Yoongi looked down for a moment while Hyejin was left by her dad to her fiancé at the altar. 
The ceremony was beautiful and everyone cheered and whistled when they finally kissed as husband and wife. The tables for lunch had been set on the other side of the garden and everyone made their way there after passing by the bride and groom to congratulate them.
As people who stood up front, BTS were one of the first to approach them. Namjoon was behind Yoongi in line, who seemed to want to avoid the moment, but Namjoon wasn’t having it. He knew Yoongi hated feelings, but it was an important moment for Hyejin and—
“You look beautiful,” Namjoon heard Yoongi say quietly. 
Namjoon thought it was weird that was all Yoongi said, instead of congratulations and lots of happiness on your marriage. His eyebrows jumped at the way Yoongi and Hyejin were just staring into each other’s eyes, and he looked away quickly. Whatever story they might or not once had just ended, and he felt for Yoongi. Namjoon knew he would never say anything, no matter the words that crossed his mind right now. 
He looked up in time to see Yoongi’s pressed lips as he walked away, and then Hyejin’s eyes filled with tears. Namjoon stepped in quickly to hug her and hide her from the world, and she took the opportunity instantly.
“It’s okay,” he whispered against her head, kissing it. She was grabbing him for dear life. “You look stunning, like the brightest of stars, the most perfect flower.” She sobbed once in his chest and he kissed her head again. “We’re all happy for you. We support you no matter what.”
She chuckled and pulled away, cleaning her tears quickly. “Yeah.” She swallowed, “I’m just emotional today.”
He nodded and reached for her hand then kissed it. “We love you, don’t forget that.”
Hyejin smiled, but her lips trembled. Namjoon was ready to move along but Hyejin tightened her grip on his hand and pulled him to lean in, “I’ll say this quickly before I lose the chance to. You and Angie are my closest friends. You guys are a match made in heaven. Don’t hurt her.” He pulled away with wide eyes and she smirked, “Don’t worry, I told her the exact same thing.”
She squeezed his hand and then let it go. He pressed his lips as he processed all those emotions and walked to join the rest of the members at their lunch table. 
The party dragged on, and by the time everyone was celebrating and having lunch together, the seat to the right of Namjoon and the left of Jungkook was still empty.
“Who the hell is ‘Angie’ anyway?” Jungkook read with a stutter.
Namjoon pressed his lips as they all dug into the food. He wasn’t sure how to answer that—
“Hi again.”
All seven men stopped eating to see the woman dragging the chair to sit down. She smiled at them with individual nods, smiling a little wider to Jungkook as she sat beside him. Namjoon pressed his lips at this, he wasn’t sure how to take that smile—
“Did you have any trouble making it in time?” She leaned in to ask in his ear, and he immediately felt a blush creep in on his cheeks.
“No, I was fine,” he whispered back in English, trying not to combust. Fortunately, none of the others could understand them. “You?”
Angie puffed as she got ready to taste the appetizer, “Hyejin almost bit my head off.” She hummed at how good it was then smiled. “I hope you don’t mind, I had to tell her.” She looked worried as she waited for his reaction. “It was a survival instinct.”
He grinned, “I understand. She sounded… authoritarian when she, uh… commented about it.”
Angie’s eyes widened, “Oh no… Did she…?” He nodded and Angie sighed. “I'm so sorry. Damn it, I didn’t imagine she would bother you about it.”
He chuckled, “She told you the exact same she told me.” Angie tried eating a bite as she pondered on what to say. “She seems rather protective of us.”
She grinned, “She does, doesn’t she?”
They were interrupted when celebrations started among tables with people giving their speeches and Angie stayed quiet. Despite being a bridesmaid, Hyejin knew why she didn’t want to do a speech — she didn’t speak Korean. She was there to support her best friend, but she knew she wouldn’t really partake in the party.
Namjoon was sweet and translated most of what was happening so she wouldn’t feel left out, and she was thankful. She could sense the other guys’ eyes on her and she decided to become even more invisible.
She lost track of time, they were waiting for dessert when the man on her right side drew her attention.
“Who… are you?”
His English was probably not good, but she smiled at his effort. “I’m Angie,” she answered, bowing shortly.
“I’m Jungkook,” he answered, with a hand on his chest. “Who…” He looked over at Namjoon and she opened her mouth, then closed it.
Her Korean was truly rudimentary so she tried remembering. She knew the word for friend, but she was stomped on how to explain—
“You can say it, I’ll translate,” Namjoon offered with a smile.
“I don’t want to bother you,” she answered with a pained smile.
“You’re not.” 
His eyes didn’t rest on her like she hoped they would, and she tried not to feel discouraged. 
“I’m Hyejin’s friend. We were roommates for six years in college, so we became pretty close.”
He translated it and all the guys hummed. Another one asked something.
“Jimin asks if you’re also a physician.”
“No, I’m a physicist.” She smiled, then chuckled at their confusion. “Close, but not quite the same.”
She asked about them and was surprised to find they were all singers and idols. They were all very good-looking, but then again so was everyone in Hyejin’s entourage. It made sense because her father and now husband worked in the music industry, but it was always shocking to meet someone seemingly normal but who was truly so rich and famous.
Which reminded her of who she had slept with last night. She kept chatting with them while in the back of her mind, she considered this. Namjoon was too great, it was hard to believe, but then again not that much. He was smart, sensible, polite, hot, and a good lover. She almost scoffed in disbelief, how was he still single? But he had to be, if not for Namjoon not saying anything, at least Hyejin would have when she told her they had spent the night together. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your names,” she smiled. “Jungkook,” she pointed at the man on her right, who smiled.
One by one they presented each other and she tried not to give it away, but her eyes fell back on Yoongi. So that was the famed Yoongi. She didn’t mean this musically, of course, she didn’t know anything about that.
They chatted and when the party progressed and they got up to get drinks, she smiled and let them go. She was surprised when Namjoon came back with a flute of champagne for her.
“Thank you.”
He nodded with a smile and sat back down.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah,” he answered, sipping on his wine.
“Do you know anything about Hyejin and that guy, Yoongi?”
Namjoon raised his eyebrows, “Well… I mean, I know something but…”
She leaned towards him and whispered, “Will you tell me? It’s a big mystery to me, it’s the only guy she ever spoke about in college.” Namjoon raised his eyebrows. “She clearly liked him, but when she came back here I guess she chose someone else. It always confused me.” 
Namjoon looked down and nodded as Angie smiled at Hyejin dancing with her dad.
“This is a secret, I think I’m the only one of the guys who knows,” he started and she zipped her lips closed.
“My lips are sealed. You and I are the only ones that know about this, then.”
He nodded. “We grew up together, she’s Jungkook’s age.” He eyed Angie, suddenly realizing that she was also Jungkook’s age. She raised her eyebrows questioningly, and he shook his head. “Yeah, so I have known her the longest since I was the first to join the company, and she reminded me of my younger sister, so we became close. Then Yoongi joined and she was struck. She was only fourteen but she crushed on him hard. For years, she hung out with all of us, but she was head over heels for him.”
Angie chuckled, “You mean getting all quiet and red around him?” He nodded. “I’ve seen that, but only in passing. She dated in college, but it was never really serious. She was always hung up on someone from here,” Angie continued with a sad shrug. “One time she got drunk and wailed about the ‘cream’ incident.”
Namjoon was shocked, “You know about that?” She nodded. “You have to tell me!” Her eyebrows jumped. “No one knows what happened, Yoongi never said anything. It’s probably the only secret they both kept from us. Or at least from me.”
She eyed him with squinted eyes, “Hmm, are you trustworthy with such sensitive information?”
His jaw dropped and then he sat up straight, “I thought we were sharing secrets…”
She grinned, “We are… You’ll keep it a secret?”
“I’ll take it with me to my grave.” He promised with a hand over his chest, then his eyebrows puckered. He had said that before.
“It’s silly, really. Basically, when she was eighteen, before she came to the US, she found Yoongi in the kitchen with a can of whipped cream. I think they played for it or something, but it basically exploded on them and covered them up. She was really worried about upsetting him, so she tried to clean him up and I think things got heated. She might have removed her shirt, or his, I don’t remember, but I do know that he grabbed her by the shoulders and firmly pushed her to stand away, then he ran off.” Her smile vanished as she remembered Hyejin telling her this. “She regretted never confronting him about it, or telling him how she felt.” Namjoon stayed quiet. “She saw that as a rejection, but she never had the guts to confirm it.”
“We never knew about that. We only ever saw them covered in cream and they both refused to say anything about it. We even thought they were dating, but they both denied it.”
“I don’t think they ever dated,” Angie commented, glancing at Yoongi sipping on a drink at the bar. “Otherwise she would be marrying him.”
Namjoon nodded with a degree of sorrow, “I agree… I never saw anything that made me believe he might have feelings for her until today. I think he’s suffering in his own way.”
She sighed after they stayed quiet for a while, “That’s so sad… She’s the one that got away…”
“So is he…”
“But why? I mean, they’re both adults,” she frowned, turning to look at Namjoon. “Why did she not go for it when she came back? Was he dating someone else?”
Namjoon’s lips pulled in an attempt at a smile, “No, he wasn’t. He still isn’t.”
Her eyebrows jumped, “Wow, then why? Hyejin knows better than to suck it up—”
“He’s an idol.”
He pressed his lips and looked down, “It’s just too complicated. They’d never have a normal relationship, and it would be a lot of pressure for her.” He raised his eyes and he wished it wasn’t hurting him that much to say those things. “She probably never asked because he would have to say no. Even if he wanted to say yes.”
Angie’s expression was pale as one of her eyebrows was lowered in subtle disagreement. She could understand what he was trying to say, but she refused to buy it.
“I’m sorry, but that’s bullshit.” Her tone was soft. “Look at him, do you think it was worth it? We talked about how success turns into emptiness. I told you that not all sacrifices are worth it, and I’m not a renowned billionaire star.” She paused. She was frowning despite not wanting to be harsh on him. She just utterly refused that thought. “If it’s like this for me, I can’t imagine how it is for him.” She looked away at Yoongi and then at Hyejin. “I hope no one else goes through the same thing.”
She dragged her chair and got up, and he stuttered to say something but was too late to stop her. He saw her walk away in between all those people and he felt powerless. What could he say? Maybe she was right. Having seen Yoongi and Hyejin grow up together, he surely would have wished it was them getting married today. In a parallel universe, maybe they were. And it was sad to think Yoongi was not as happy as he could have been, but—
“She’s pretty.”
Namjoon turned to see Yoongi sitting on Jin’s spot. Namjoon passed his hand through his hair but nodded. There was nothing to say other than agree.
“And she seems interesting too,” Yoongi mused quietly. “Otherwise you wouldn’t spend hours talking to her like no one else exists.”
Namjoon pressed his lips, unsure of what to say. “When did I—?”
“Last night,” Yoongi answered. “And today, but you said something that upset her.”
Namjoon puffed and rubbed his face. What the hell was happening with him lately?
“We were discussing you, actually,” he admitted, eying his hyung.
“Yes. And Hyejin.”
Yoongi held his eyes then looked down at his drink and Namjoon reached for his. He wouldn’t say more than that, they were discussing secrets after all.
“I love her.”
Namjoon almost choked and Yoongi scoffed.
“Don’t act like you didn’t know, you were probably the only one who ever noticed.”
Namjoon nodded slowly, “How are you?”
“Miserable,” he answered with a smile, then downed his drink. “I’m burying my heart today.”
Namjoon grimaced but didn’t know what to say. “Things could have been different.” Yoongi scoffed and pushed his empty glass away. “Do you regret it?”
Yoongi heaved a deep breath, “I always wanted to be successful, to have a legion of fans. To have money and comfort. To be recognized for the genius I am.” Namjoon hid his smile with his glass. “But losing her… might be the only regret in my life.”
Yoongi’s eyes were intense and had a pain contained in them that made Namjoon instantly worried. He didn’t remember ever seeing his eyes like that, though it was true that Yoongi was the most reserved of them all, especially emotionally.
“So be confident,” Yoongi told him with half a smile. “Whatever you feel or want to do, be confident. You can do it.”
“Guys, you’re not dancing!” Taehyung neared them with the rest of the gang.
“I’m not dancing,” Yoongi scoffed.
“Me neither,” Namjoon agreed with a forced smile.
Angie got back to the table and sat in her spot after giving them a small smile. The guys restarted chatting, but Namjoon couldn’t pay attention. He hadn’t turned to see her or talk to her, but her quiet presence there burned his back. There were things left unsaid between them, he just really didn’t know what he could say.
“You have something on your neck.”
He frowned at the male voice speaking in English and turned back. All men did, in fact, only to see someone familiar talking to Angie.
Jin tried to call him, “Taesun!” 
But he was dismissed quickly with a nod. Jungkook muttered something about him being in his spot, and Taehyung agreed quietly.
“What does he want?”
But Namjoon let out a deep breath. He knew exactly what he wanted. Hyejin had asked him to make sure he wouldn’t harass Angie so he should have expected it.
“I’ll be with you guys in a minute, okay?” He gave them a half-caustic smile before turning back to Angie in English. “Did you notice? Right here.”
He meant to reach the skin where her shoulder met her neck and she leaned back to dodge his hand with a frown. By doing this she almost bumped into Namjoon, who caught her shoulders gently. She felt supported by his touch, but that was her fight and she shouldn’t bother him.
“Sorry,” she bowed quietly without looking at him before turning to Taesun. “Yes, I know.” Her tone was dry as if she was being bothered, which she was. 
He smiled, maybe choosing not to see it. “Did you hit it somewhere by accident or something?”
Her lips curved, “No, I’m pretty sure it was intentional.”
Namjoon had decided to turn halfway towards his bandmates, who were listening to the conversation unapologetically despite not understanding it entirely. He couldn’t help a smile at the snarky tone of her voice, and he hid it under his hand.
“Will you dance with me?”
Namjoon’s lips pressed at the wanton tone of Taesun’s voice, and he closed his eyes. After the last words between him and Angie, he would understand it if she accepted and—
“I’m sorry, I really can’t.” Namjoon’s eyes jumped to her head, unable to hide his interest. “You see, last night I hit more places than my neck, so it would be really uncomfortable to move.”
His hand was covering his face, but anyone could tell he looked concerned. Did he hurt her somehow?
Yet Taesun chuckled and shook his head, “I got it, I got it. It’s a pity, but maybe you’ll change your mind later.”
Her lips curved in a polite smile, but she turned away quickly to grab her drink and dismiss him. The others might have not understood a word, but body language and tone of voice spoke volumes. Jungkook immediately moved once Taesun stepped away to occupy his rightful place beside Angie, and Taehyung followed him. They both leaned worriedly and quietly asked her if she was okay. Taesun was married, and his attitude was really distasteful.
Jin and Hoseok immediately bit the bullet and jumped at the opportunity to distract him. 
Yoongi was supporting his head on his hand when he asked quite loudly, “How’s your wife doing?”
Taesun only gave him half a smile before excusing himself.
“How can Hyejin share the same tree branch with him,” Hoseok wondered aloud.
“I need another drink,” Yoongi said, getting up.
The others seemed to decide to follow when they eyed Namjoon, who was staring at the table in front of him while trying to decide something. He was the only one not moving away and Taehyung smacked Jungkook’s shoulder amicably so the youngster would be assured that leaving them alone was okay.
Namjoon reached for Angie’s hand on her lap and she turned to him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she assured him with a quick smile.
“Did I hurt you?”
“But you just said you’re uncomfortable moving.”
He was fully leaning into her now, fixed on her glistening eyes and quite alienated from the rest of the party.
“Yeah, I am with him.” She underlined with clear aversion before her features softened. “I would be comfortable with you, however.”
He smiled and it reached his heart. His dimples were showing.
“I can’t. Too many eyes.”
“It’s just a dance.” Her smile was fading as she understood what was happening.
“I doubt I could keep my hands off you.” His mouth spoke faster than it should have, but it was truthful. He was nothing but himself, he was confident.
“I wouldn’t want you to.”
Their eyes were locked as they let the silence surround them. His hand was still holding hers on her lap, he was definitely too close not to be obvious to any bystander and life… He only had the one.
“When are you leaving?”
“The day after tomorrow.”
He nodded with a sad smile, he only could have hoped.
“Would you… have time to be with me?”
He was caressing her hand before he looked up to her eyes.
She was grinning, “Hyejin is leaving on her honeymoon tomorrow. I have all the time in the world until Monday.”
He nodded, “Then stay with me.”
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Asteroid Lust
Asteroid Lust (4386) it represents our deepest darkest desires. As Lucifer would say “What do you desire?”. It doesn’t refer just at the sexual aspect but also to what we want to do in excess or what do we find attractive. Please read the sign and the house as well, since I’ve notice it most of the times will work 50/50 on how much it resonates.
Lust in Aries/1st house You may be an adrenaline junky, you like to test the limits that your body has. You like to dominate your partners, if someone massages your head it may turn you on. You are attracted to risky places, maybe you are an exhibitionist. You like when your partner is confident.
Lust in Taurus/2nd house You like to connect yourself with all the five senses. You may have a tendency to have excesses when it comes to food. You love lavishing and exquisite meals. You may like to be sense deprived during intimate moments. You may be attracted towards partners that have a sensual voice.
Lust in Gemini/3th house You are attracted and like to have your brain stimulated. We can say that you are a sapiosexual human. In the bedroom you may like to role play and dirty talk. You may also make a lot of obscene jokes. You may have an on and off sexual desires.
Lust in Cancer/4th house You need comfort and protection. You are attracted towards partners that makes you feel safe. You may have an obsession with decorating your house. You may like to be intimate when the Moon is full and also somewhere near water spots. The bust and hips are very sensitive.
Lust in Leo/5th house Deep down you want to be famous or know for your talents. You’re attracted to fun and spontaneous partners, does that can activate your inner child. Your stomach is very sensible and praises are a must in the bedroom.
Lust in Virgo/6th house You like to add value to someone or the community. You enjoy being of service. Probably you like to be submissive in the bedroom. You may have fantasy that implies doctors or nurses. You may try holistic medicine in order to increase or stimulate your partner’s pleasure.
Lust in Libra/7th house: You may express your sensual part more when you are in a relationship. You may also have the tendency to stay way to long in a relationship or to never take a break from dating. You are in love with romance more than anything else. You may like being touched around on the back, hips and lower back especially.
Lust in Scorpio/8th house: You like to merge yourself with your partner. You may enjoy inflicting pain; you may like playing around the fine line of pleasure with pain. You may channel kundalini energy or activated it without realizing it. You need to transform yourself through sex. You may have more extreme taste in love making.
Lust in Sagittarius/9th house: You may be attracted to foreigners or have a think for accents. You may want to experiment outside of your house or country. You need space to explore your sexuality. You are willing to try anything at least once. You may like more rough intercourse.
Lust in Capricorn/10th house: You are attracted to status and power. You may have a domination fantasy. You may also use sex-appeal to climb the leader of social status. You have high stamina and enjoy having all night sex. Usually, your very selective to the people you go in bed with.
Lust in Aquarius/11th house: You may want to be polyamorous or have more than 1 partner. You don’t like conventional settings. You need freedom to express and explore yourself. You may enjoy cosplay and role plays. You may be one that prefer having friends with benefits.
Lust Pisces/12th house: You have a desire to a soulmate and to end all the pain in the world. You project your fantasies into your partner. You may have a hunger for sexual encounter that feel etherical or that merges your souls together.
Do not copy my posts or you will be sued for copyright infringement. All it takes is copying me a few times and it is considered illegal due to the copyright claim written at the bottom of my posts
Do not rewrite/copy my observations and post them to your Tiktok, Tumblr, Instagram
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joshanniesworld · 1 year
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note: this is a list of fics I enjoyed reading and wanted to recommend! there aren’t any social media aus and all smut will be marked with an M (which is most of the list tbh). I plan on updating this list and maybe making another one. the members that don't have any fics are because I couldn't find the ones I liked. happy reading! <3
✧ seungcheol
lover [M] 15.7k words, sugar daddy au, smut, fake dating
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve read this a couple of times. Genuinely so good!
after class [M] 1.6k words, college au, smut, read warnings! This one has two other parts!
pocket money 1.7k words, fluff, humor, cheol mistakes reader as a carat, awkward first encounter
sapiosexual [M] 18.6k words, sugar daddy au, read the warnings! don't fuck your psychologist
one of my favs!
✧ jeonghan
two kids 3.9k friends to lovers, fluff, university au, reader and jeonghan are both idiots
my guardian demon sucks at his job (not clickbait) [M] 23.6k words, demon au, fluff, humor, jeonghan is a little shit but in a good way
the selfish dilemma 6k words, angst, unrequited love, jeonghan don't be stupid
can't wait for part 2!
playboy [M] 18.8k words, sugar daddy au, smut, strangers to lovers
✧ joshua
to you [M] 15k words, fluff, angst, poly relationship with dk, college au
gentleman [M] 21.2k words, sugar daddy au, angst, strangers to lovers
✧ jun
the claw 600 words, fluff, arcade date, Jun is adorable
✧ hoshi
just me, just you 635 words, fluff, hoshi being cute, university/neighbors au
habit [M] 3.1k words, college au, angst, hoshi's a fuckboy, has multiple parts!
my favorite at the moment!
you changed everything 10.6k words, angst, fluff, get hoshi a dog
✧ wonwoo
blown up love 7.1k words, university au, gamer wonwoo, fluff
19 signs you're unofficially dating 3.2k words, childhood best friends to lovers roommates with benefits [M] 6.4k words, college au, roomate au, fluff
one of my favs! <3
✧ woozi lavender mist fluff, short, sweaty Jihoon wants a hug
the perks of being that guy [M] 14k words, strangers to lovers, smut, fluffy hair jihoon
I need more jihoon fics, please
mwah 2.9k words, fluff, romance, friends-to-lovers
✧ dk
yuck [M] 7.62k words, romance, fluff, smut, university au, has a part 2!
✧ mingyu
like a cowboy [M] 5.7k, cowboy mingyu, smut, none modern setting reckless driver [M] 10k, street racer au, angst, romance
I realized after reading this how much I needed more racer svt content.
✧ minghao
none yet!
✧ seungkwan
do it 4.5k words, friends to lovers, fluff, same bed trope, watching a scary movie leads to more
don't go bacon my heart 2.5k words, fluff, blind dates
honestly, this one is so cute! I want a date like kwan
favorite [M] 3.6k words, boyfriend! kwan, dom kwan, pwp
✧ vernon
none yet!
✧ dino
none yet!
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sluttyten · 2 years
morally gray area
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Yesterday <- || -> Kinktober Masterlist
Day Nineteen: Role-Playing & Uniforms w/ Hendery
Word Count: 8,217
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Once, during your second semester of university, you’d taken an elective class titled Good and Evil in Literature. You’d learned lots about the gray space between morality and immorality, about right and wrong, abuses and imbalances of power. It had been a few years since then. You’d changed majors twice, briefly taken a semester off to travel abroad, yet still you found use in your daily life to apply what you’d learned about the morally gray space.
He was a gray space. 
A rather large one, or perhaps a small one, teetering right on the very narrow border between right and wrong.
The young professor was handsome and funny. He was smarter than some of his colleagues gave him credit for, and kinder than most of them as well. 
You were at last in the final semester before you would graduate university, moving on into your professional life, and this is when you enrolled in a course taught by Professor Huang Guanheng, or Hendery, as he insisted on being called.
Quickly it became clear that Hendery was very intelligent. He brought up current topics from around the world at the beginning of every class, encouraging his students to weigh in. He spoke multiple languages--Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, English, a decent bit of Japanese--and was well-traveled. He was an ace in his field, having already achieved a doctorate degree even in his early twenties. 
Maybe you were a little in love with him.
You certainly weren’t alone in becoming enamored with the young professor. Hendery was charming on top of everything else, and frequently he wandered around campus or had open office hours, during which there was bound to be at least one student seated in the chair across from his desk or a couple students walking beside him across campus. 
You couldn’t help your attraction. His intelligence is what drew you in the most. Sitting there in class listening to him, you would just get lost in it, forgetting to take notes as you just listened to him explaining things in his smooth voice. Admittedly, more than once in those early weeks, you got wet sitting there in class.
You’d heard the term sapiosexual before, and at the time you’d thought it was ridiculous. It was something pretentious asshole men said to women who they thought were stupid---”I’m a sapiosexual, I like intelligent women”---but sitting there in Hendery’s classroom, you at last truly understood it. 
It was sexy listening to someone talk about something that they’re passionate and knowledgeable about. 
You spent your fair share of time sitting in Hendery’s office during his open office hours, folding yourself into that seat across from him or at least gathering in the doorway on the more popular days. You’d walked with him on campus, sitting down for lunch with him and a few other students several times. 
Sometimes you liked to deceive yourself into thinking that Hendery might have a crush on you too. The way he would smile softly at you while you were sitting across from him, your feet up on the seat, your knees to your chest as you told him all about this topic you were researching for your mid-term paper. There were times he would catch your eye during class, flash a smile at you, and hold your gaze for a moment longer before moving on. 
Momentously, there was a rainy day when you were leaving the building at the same time as him, and Hendery had lended you the dry space beneath his umbrella. He’d accompanied you to the bus stop, waiting there with you beneath his umbrella, talking and laughing about an anime you’d both been watching. 
You wanted Hendery to like you as more than just a student. You were of a similar age, so there was nothing inappropriate in regards to that. But the touch of the morally gray space is what held you back from making your feelings known to him. He was your professor, you were his student, and as much as you might want to believe otherwise, a difference in power came into play. So you often did your best to eliminate that distinction when you were alone with him.
On a sunny yet chilly Wednesday afternoon just past the mid-point in October, you were seated in Hendery’s office. You’d brought two lattes from the campus coffee shop, a paper you wanted his feedback on, and your delightful presence, hoping to get him in a relaxed mood. The week was winding down, and this weekend held an extra day, which almost everyone was excited about.
“Are you doing anything fun this weekend, Hendery?” You ask, sipping your latte, watching him through the thin veil of rising steam. You’ve got one leg crossed over the other, your foot bouncing along to a song that’s playing quietly from his laptop’s speaker. 
He’s scanning through your printed copy of your paper, the tip of a pen held between his teeth as he holds it ready in his hand to mark anything he thinks needs changed. “Hmm?”
“The extra-long weekend.” You lean forward, sitting your cup down on the edge of his desk as you scoot your seat closer. “An extra day for fun. Will you be having any?”
Hendery glances up then, his teeth release the pen. “That’s this weekend?”
You nod. “And the following weekend is the department’s Halloween party. Are you coming to that?”
Hendery drops the pen completely, leaning back in his chair to regard you instead of your paper. “I’m pretty certain I would get in trouble if I skipped. Everyone’s been telling me I have to go. Costumes are mandatory. Hangovers the next morning are also probably mandatory.” He lifts the second latte that you brought just for him, and he takes a sip before he asks, “Are you going?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t miss it. There’s a series of bonfires that burn all night, which is from some old superstition about warding off spirits. Usually there’s someone screening a horror movie.” You have memories of the past few Halloweens flashing through your mind as you tell him, “There’s dancing and awards, photo ops, and alumni come in from out of town for it, so it’s great for networking as well.” 
Hendery nods. “What’s the dress code? Like, what are you wearing for a costume?”
You consider making up a costume, but as Professor Hendery lowers his gaze back to your paper and he takes a drink of the latte you brought for him, you decide to tell him the truth.
“I’m going as a naughty schoolgirl.”
Hendery chokes and spills the rest of his latte all at once. He coughs and hits his fist against his chest as the mouthful of latte suddenly goes down the wrong way. You sit there, watching a blush rise in his cheeks, as he hurries to grab a handful of tissues to wipe up the spilt coffee. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes. 
The copy of your paper sitting on his desk is a sodden mess now, but you don’t mind. It was an excuse to be in his office anyway. 
Hendery mops up the coffee with a second handful of tissues, dumping them all in a small trash bin beside his desk. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes again. “I, um… What did you say?”
You laugh.
He’s avoiding looking at you for the moment, pretending to be drying a spot on the desk that was never even touched by the latte. 
“I said, a school girl,” you smile as you say it, taking note of the way his eyes flick up toward yours. “There really isn’t much of a dress code for the party, just nothing that’s too revealing, you know. They still have to pretend like there are some standards.”
Hendery nods, dumping the last of the tissues (and after a final look at your ruined paper, that as well) into the trash. He clears his throat. “So, my idea of a Chippendale probably wouldn’t fly?”
Now it’s your turn to choke on your drink, though you burst into laughter rather than just choking. Hendery laughs as well, his eyes following you as you fall back in your seat. You’re still laughing as you say, “I would love to see that. The faces of the department heads when you walk in wearing that!” 
The visual image of the other professors’ faces makes you laugh until your stomach hurts, but the sobering thought is when you actually imagine what Hendery would look like in a Chippendale costume. You can just imagine him, shirtless in a tiny black pair of shorts, the cuffs and collar of a nice shirt with a little black bow tie all that adorns him. 
Your laughter tapers off, and suddenly you realize you’re looking at him, and he’s looking right at you. And you’re thinking about him half-naked. 
“Um, I should probably get going. I have a night class to get to.” You quickly stand up, scooping your bag off the floor and grabbing your latte from where you’d sat it when your laughing fit began. “I’ll see you tomorrow for class, and I’ll bring you another copy of my paper. Try not to spill a latte on it next time,” you tease. 
Hendery smiles, a smile that’s soft around the edges, warming his eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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You can’t get the image out of your mind. Hendery in his tiny Chippendale outfit. 
It doesn’t help anything that after the weekend there’s a rumor circulating the department that a small group of students spotted Hendery at a nightclub. You try your best not to listen to it (mostly because you don’t want to hear about him grinding up on some pretty girl at a nightclub), but you can’t help overhearing the gossip. 
Which leads you eventually right back to your seat in Hendery’s office. 
He has the finished feedback on your paper, and as you sit in the rest across from him, you find yourself fidgeting a lot more than normal. You can’t look at him because every time you do you either picture a bare chest with a little shirt collar encircling his neck, or you just visualize him in a club with another girl’s lips on her throat. You can actually see a hint of a hickey peeking out from beneath the collar of the sweater he’s wearing today. 
Hendery clears his throat, and as you look up at him, he tugs at his collar a little, pulling it higher in an attempt to cover the mark. 
“The paper’s good. You’re detailed, thorough. You hit all the points.” Hendery slides it across the desk to you. “I didn’t really have many notes, but I did mark them in there. Uh,” he laughs a little, sitting back in his chair and running his fingers along the back of his head. “I’m really not sure why you thought you needed feedback on this, it’s pretty much perfect the way it is. It’s a really great deep-dive into the topic, with some really interesting perspectives I’ve never considered before. Have you thought about pursuing this more?”
Your chest goes warm. 
“I have, actually.” You smile and pull the paper from the desk, holding it in your lap and flipping through the pages for any signs of Hendery’s blue ink markings. “It took me a few years, some traveling abroad and discovering myself, and then a tiny bit of failure, but I landed in this major.” You spot some blue ink, but it’s just Hendery starring a section and a scribbled compliment. “I realized how much I love this area, like it’s a big interest of mine.”
You could talk about it for ages. This paper is just a condensed version of what you would really like to write, but this isn’t your graduate thesis, so you decided a very, very abridged version would suffice. Though as you sit there in Hendery’s office, you do expand more on the topic. 
To your delight, Hendery asks questions. He mostly just sits and listens, smiling and nodding along, watching the way you light up as you talk about this. 
By the time you’re wrapping up, you’ve forgotten about the mental imagery of him in a skimpy outfit or at a club. You’re just replaying him sitting across from you, excited to listen to you talk about this topic that you’re deeply passionate about. 
You don’t even realize how late it’s gotten until your phone buzzes, and as you glance at the notification on the screen, you catch sight of the time as well. 
“Oh!” You sit up straight. “It’s already after six. I didn’t even realize—“
Hendery too has straightened in his seat. Already he’s reaching to close his laptop, grabbing his phone. You’re on your feet, rolling his notated copy of your paper tightly and squeezing it into your bag. 
“I should get going. I’m sorry, Hendery. I didn’t mean to use up all of your office hours today. You probably had actual work to get done.” You’re not looking at him, just trying to get this damn paper in your bag, but it keeps jamming up against something and not going in. 
And then you feel his fingers touch your elbow. 
As you turn your head, the rolled paper slides right into your bag. Hendery is standing right there at your elbow. He’s come around his desk, his bag over his shoulder, jacket draped over his arm, keys and phone in hand. “It’s alright,” he tells you with a smile. “I would much rather listen to you talk than worry about grading freshmen papers.” He glances towards the door and then back to you. “Can I walk you to the bus stop? It’s getting dark out.”
You agree, appreciating that he cares enough to not let you walk in the dark across campus. 
It’s nice walking side by side with him. With night falling, a cool breeze rustling the leaves of the trees that line the campus paths, you feel much more relaxed than normal with him. Without a desk between you, without the confining walls around you, you feel freer to just talk with him without the idea of professor-and-student there. 
“Have you decided on your costume for the party next weekend yet?” You ask him. 
Hendery makes a thoughtful noise. “I don’t think so. Maybe I’ll just be a professor.” He looks sideways at you, a look that you’re not sure how to interpret. 
“Well, that’s boring,” you tease, bumping your shoulder against his arm. 
“How’s it boring? You’re going as a student! That’s what you are.” His argument isn’t as sound as he thinks it is. 
You shake your head. “It’s not quite the same. I’m going as a school girl. A naughty school girl, remember.” Hendery’s gaze only touches briefly on yours now, staring absolutely forward as you keep walking. “The Chippendale dancer idea wasn’t bad, maybe keep that option available.”
Hendery laughs. 
“I heard that you were at a club over the weekend,” you blurt out before you can help yourself. “Seeking inspiration for the Chippendale character?”
Again, Hendery laughs, but it’s not quite the same as the last one. This one is a little tense. “No, my friend invited me. The club just recently opened, and his friend is a DJ for the club, so he got us in for free.” When you look over at him again, he’s tugging once more at his sweater’s collar, pulling it up over the bruise on his neck. He clears his throat. “Are you really going dressed as a school girl? Like the little uniform and everything?”
This is where the barely-there layer of formality entirely fades away. Hendery turns his head to the side, looking right at you. 
You tilt your head. “Mm, maybe. Guess you’ll just have to see at the party.”
Up ahead at the end of the path is the bus stop, and your bus is sitting there, a few people climbing on. You’re going to have to run if you want to make it in time. 
“Thanks for walking me, Hendery!” You start to jog away, calling over your shoulder. “See you tomorrow!”
He stands there, rooted to the spot, watching after you as you make it to the bus and hop on just in time. 
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You spend pretty much the entirety of the day leading up to the department’s Halloween party to get ready for it. 
You go out to buy some last minute necessities for your outfit, you spend quite a while trying on various iterations of the costume, and finally as the hour draws near, you check yourself out in the mirror hanging on your apartment wall. 
This probably borders on inappropriate. 
A cropped button-down that’s tight over your tits ends about two inches above your navel. Your skirt is a pleated solid gray, just long enough to cover your ass. And then you spend a little extra time deciding between fishnets, thigh highs, or foregoing them altogether. 
By the time you walk out of your apartment to head to the party, you’ve got your hair fixed in two little pigtail braids. You topped your outfit with a full-length blazer that stretches down to about mid-thigh, offering some modesty while you’re on the bus. You went with the stockings that leave just a few bare inches of thigh beneath the skirt, some cherry red lipstick, and a pair of heels just to really add to the sexiness and the provocative theme of the costume. 
The night is nippy. A sharp breeze cuts right through the shield your blazer provides, completely freezing your bare legs, and as you walk from the bus stop to the site of the party, you begin to wonder if you made the wrong choice. Sometimes avoiding hypothermia is a better option than being sexy. Even if a hoe never gets cold, you think a hoe might just get a little chilly. 
As soon as you arrive at the party, you feel better. Bonfires ring the area, putting off a lot of heat, and in the press of the crowd, bodies packed in together, alcohol flowing, there’s no such thing as the cold. 
The lawn that stretches out in front of your department’s building on campus has been transformed for the event. In addition to the bonfires, there are a few trees as well as a fountain topped by a statue of a man who holds some mysterious significance to the university. Lights are strung through the tree branches, a temporary bar/snack area has been set up under the safety of the lights, and there’s even another smaller firepit there. There is an inflatable theater screen at one side of the lawn, and as you arrive, there are already a couple dozen people stretched out on blankets or chairs in front of the screen as a horror movie plays. Some people are dancing, some are just talking and networking.
You find your friends first.  
For the last few semesters since you transferred to this major, you’ve grown close with some of the students you’ve shared most of your classes with. A few guys and girls, but most notably Mark and Renjun. 
Mark’s dancing with a girl, whispering something in her ear that has her giggling. Renjun stands a few feet away, arms folding with a mildly disgusted look on his face as he pointedly doesn’t look at them. But when he sees you his eyes open wide, mouth falling open. You let the blazer fall open to reveal the tight and short outfit inside. Renjun looks at you in total disbelief. 
“Look at you!” He calls out at your approach. “Is it wishful thinking or an actual costume?”
You’re not the only one dressed in scandalously little, and everyone follows right along the borderline of the parameters. But, to be fair, you’re dressed like a slutty schoolgirl while you’re surrounded by professors, which does seem a bit more like toeing the line of propriety than the slutty nurses and slutty vampires you’re seeing. 
But something about your costume just feels right. Like Renjun said, maybe it’s more of a wishful thought than just a costume. 
“Very sexy,” Renjun says, and even Mark pulls away from the girl he’s dancing with to look at you. Their frequent tag-alongs, in the form of Jeno (who is Mark’s childhood best friend) and Haechan (who would have the world believe that they’re in a love triangle) and freshman Jisung (who idolizes them) are there too, each of them ogling you a bit. 
Jeno and Jisung have the decency to pretend like they’re not looking, but Haechan checks you out openly, even going so far as to suggest that since he’s dressed as a police officer, he should punish you in private. 
You want nothing to do with that, so you leave them all behind to go in search of something to drink. 
This party is such an interesting thing, you think as you walk around. To have professors and students mingling, alcohol, music and dancing all together just seems like a situation begging for disaster. 
You can’t entirely help yourself as you search the crowd for Hendery. 
You highly doubt that he actually would come to this dressed as a Chippendale dancer, but you’re excited to see him regardless. You pass other professors, even stopping to chat with some of them. Classmates and strangers alike check you out in your costume, especially once you lose the blazer, leaving it safely in Renjun’s care when you cross his path again. 
It’s been over an hour that you’ve been wandering the party when you finally see him. Hendery is standing beside a bonfire at the far end of the lawn from everything else, and he’s busy talking to two other professors, so he doesn’t see you at first. But you take your time looking at him. 
Tonight, he’s dressed as a policeman. The dark navy outfit is fitted perfectly to Hendery’s frame, tight on his ass, hugging his shoulders. There’s even a pair of handcuffs glinting on his belt. 
As you walk around the fire, waiting for his conversation to wrap up, you hear a distant announcement from a speaker. Something about a costume contest, possibly. 
Party-goers begin to walk away from this bonfire, away from the other bonfires around you. You watch as the party begins to draw in toward the center. Hendery and the other two professors begin to make their move as well. He lags a step behind them, his head swiveling side to side as he walks, and you move quickly up behind him, you give the handcuffs a quick tug.
Hendery spins around. 
You hold your hands up in surrender, quickly saying to him. “My apologies, officer. I just had to see if they were real.” Over his shoulder, you see the other professors drawing further and further away without noticing they lost their colleague.
He smiles as he looks you up and down. “You really did come dressed like this. Aren’t you cold?”
The couple of drinks you’ve already had since you arrived at this party have loosened your lips a bit, perhaps more than they should’ve been. You smile, leaning in closer to him, as you whisper, “And what if I say I am cold? Will you warm me up, Professor?”
Hendery’s throat bobs. He looks around quickly to see if anyone is paying attention.
They’re not. There’s not so many people out at this end of the lawn anymore, and the few that are out here aren’t doing a lot of people-watching.
When Hendery turns his head back around to face you, his gaze seems drawn down to your bare belly, then a little higher to the low cut of the top, unbuttoned down over your tits. You take a small step closer to him. 
“Or should I call you Officer?” You ask, reaching again for the handcuffs. “I like a man in uniform.”
Hendery tips his head back, staring up at the sky, or maybe praying for forgiveness. But with his head tipped back like this, you can clearly see the remnants of that hickey low on his throat, barely even concealed by the collar of his uniform. 
You badly want to press your lips to it, to remake that mark as your own.
You’ve almost definitely loosened up a little too much, inhibitions thrown to the wind as you fully act on your thought, leaning in and just brushing your lips over Hendery’s throat.
Hendery gasps, but he doesn’t push you away. He doesn’t make any move to get you to stop, only wraps an arm around your waist. Actually, he probably pulls you even closer instead of putting any amount of distance between you and him. 
It’s probably at the same moment as you remember who you are and what you’re doing that Hendery recalls the exact same thing. You’re a professor and a student, touching in ways that a professor and a student shouldn’t.
Yet you tilt your head back, leaving the skin on his neck cold as your lips move away. 
“Do you like me, Hendery?” You ask, and your hands clutch at the front of his police costume. You can feel his heartbeat, and you stare into his warm brown eyes, waiting for an answer. You want to kiss him, more so than you did even a moment ago because now his lips are right there in front of yours. Pink, inviting. If you just pressed forward on your toes, you could do it.
“I like you.” He says, but he says it in the way anyone might say it. I like you as a person. I like you as someone I have a professional relationship with. 
You sigh. “But not the way I like you?”
“I didn’t say that.” His throat bobs again, his lips twitch. Hendery’s tongue dips between his lips, wetting his bottom lip. “I like you in the only way I can right now. You’re my student, I’m your professor. There are professional boundaries I don’t think I can cross, no matter how much my subconscious tries to push me over them.” 
Can you even blame it only on the alcohol? Maybe it’s just you getting tired of holding all of this wanting inside you?
You tug on his shirt at the same time as you press forward on your toes, crushing your lips against Hendery’s.
He kisses you back.
It’s wrong and you both know it. Wrong, but you’re not entirely sure why. You’re both consenting adults. You both want each other, you’re of a similar age, neither of you is committed to anyone else. But there’s the power he holds over you, the rules of conduct (written and unwritten). So, you find yourself in the confusingly gray space between morality and immorality. To do it, or not to do it? That is the question that weighs heavily on you at that moment. 
Though, not heavily enough that either of you ends the kiss.
Hendery’s arms both press against your back, pulling you in so you’re held against his chest. The handcuffs at his belt dig against your hip. 
A sudden explosion of voices from the crowd in the center of the party is what finally draws you and Hendery apart. 
You stare at each other for a moment, tangled together.
“I shouldn’t have—” Hendery starts to say, but you kiss him quickly again to make him quiet. “You can’t just—” Again, you kiss him to shut him up, and this time Hendery smiles as he kisses you in return. His hand comes up behind your head, and you think he’s just going to kiss you deeper, but instead Hendery tugs at one of your pigtail braids.
This time, when you open your mouth to speak, he’s the one to dip in and kiss you. You push at his chest, and Hendery backs away only enough to give you room. “Should we go somewhere else? We’re a little exposed out here.”
“You’re the one that started it.” Hendery’s hand falls away from your head, fingertips trailing down your arm to your hand, which he picks up in his. “I don’t know–Do you think we could maybe put a pause on it? I’ve never done this with a student before, and, honestly my head is reeling a little right now. If anyone sees us, if you’re just drunk right now, if the board of directors finds out….”
You don’t know why, but you put your hands to Hendery’s cheeks and bring his mouth down to yours. 
The kiss seems to calm him a little bit. 
“I’m not drunk,” you whisper the words against his lips. “Or maybe I am a tiny bit, but I swear to you, Huang Guanheng, that I would’ve kissed you a hundred times sober. What’s the saying? Drunk actions are sober thoughts, or something like that.”
Hendery laughs a little. “I don’t think that’s quite right.”
“No, but it’s true.”
Movement over Hendery’s shoulder catches your eye, a shadow passing in front of the next bonfire along the outer ring of the lawn. You push him lightly backwards, and Hendery must be able to read it on your face because he immediately drops back fully. 
“Your office,” you tell him as you quickly walk by him, “Meet me there in, like, ten minutes.”
You don’t wait to hear Hendery’s answer. You don’t look over your shoulder at him, nor do you look in the direction of the bonfire where you’d seen a shadow passing by. You don’t look to see if anyone else could have possibly witnessed what just occurred between you and Hendery. 
Straight for the building, you’re confident that you’ll be able to get inside. They have the doors facing the lawn unlocked for people to use the restrooms inside during the party, so no one looks twice at you for walking through the doors of the building, and you do make sure that no one’s watching as you slip through the door of the stairwell. 
Hendery’s office is on the third floor, and you make it there with still several minutes left in the ten minute window you gave him. The door is locked, but you once watched him reach above the door lintel for a secret key when you met him for his office hours. Stretching up on your toes now, brushing your fingertips just barely along the dusty edge of the doorframe, your fingers brush against a cool piece of metal, knocking it to the floor. Your fingers are shaking a little, though you don’t realize it until you’re trying to fit the key in the lock, but you somehow manage, and you even replace the key in its hiding spot before you slip inside and close the door behind you.
You consider turning on the light or leaving the room dark. You wonder if you should sit in your usual seat, maybe sit in his seat, or just pop yourself right up to sit on the edge of his desk. 
You’re nervous, excited, very much liking where this is going. You had hoped that Hendery had feelings for you too, and even if his feelings are just sexual, you don’t really care. You can do just sex. You’ve done that with guys before that you had feelings for. You’re almost used to the one-sidedness of love, so if that’s what this turns out to be with Hendery, well, there are only a few weeks left in the semester before you graduate, then you won’t have to see him again if this doesn’t work out.
You’re still fidgeting around, unsure of where to sit or how to position yourself, though you did finally decide to turn on the desktop lamp to offer at least a little bit of light, when the door finally opens.
All at once, your confidence floods back in, and you drop down to sit on the edge of his desk, crossing one leg over the other as you lean back on your hands. 
“Hello, Professor.”
Hendery steps inside, never pulling his gaze away from you as he presses the door shut behind him. He leans back against it. 
“You’re really playing it up, aren’t you? The naughty school girl.”
You smile at him, trying to look your most coquettish as you say, “And what if I am? Are you going to pretend that you don’t like it, sir?”
Hendery pushes away from the door, coming closer until his knuckles fold against the desk top on either side of your thighs. His lips are a breath away from yours. “No. I like it a little too much, if I’m being honest. I don’t know how you knew about it, sweetheart, but I have a thing for little outfits like this. Anything with a short skirt, tiny tight top.” His thumbs stretch out from his fists to brush along your thighs. “So imagine my total surprise when I turned around and saw you tonight like one of my wet dreams in the flesh.”
You shiver. “Have you dreamt about me, Professor?”
Hendery makes a noise in the back of his throat. “Too many times. You’d think I’m gross if I gave you even a ballpark number. How many nights I’ve dreamt of having you right here on my desk, spread out in an outfit too similar to the one you’re in right now.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” Your voice comes out breathy. You tilt your face up, wanting him to kiss you again, and Hendery’s eyes flick back and forth, trying to read any sign in your eyes of this not being exactly what you want. “Pretend like you’re dreaming, Professor, what would you do with me?”
The first thing he does is kiss you again, his hand flying up to grip your little pigtail braids both in his hand as he kisses you roughly. Hendery presses you flat onto your back on the desk, and you slide your hands over his chest, one hand sliding up to his shoulder, the other down to where he’s got his shirt tucked into his pants. 
“You know, I like uniforms too,” you tell him as Hendery’s mouth drifts away from yours to kiss along your jaw. “Authority figures are very sexy.”
Hendery makes a small sound, his hand sliding up the outside of your thigh. You eagerly spread your legs apart, and he sinks forward. His hand reaches up under your skirt, flicking it up to expose your panties, and that’s when you reveal, to Hendery’s absolute delight, that you’re not wearing any panties. 
He stands up straight to look down at you. “You’re actually a little fucking slut, aren’t you? To wear such a short skirt like that in public without any panties. Any perverted boy could’ve seen your pussy, sweetheart.”
“Are you going to charge me with public indecency, sir?”
Hendery makes a little face of confusion, and then he laughs. “Am I roleplaying as a cop, or do you want me to be just your professor?”
You think about it for just a moment before you decide. “You are my professor, but tonight you’re a cop. I wanna see your baton.” Boldly, you paw at the front of his pants, fingers snagging at his belt. 
Hendery grabs your hands, and you let him push your arms above your head, pinning them against his desk. “Well, as your arresting officer, I can’t let you lay hands on me. Or else I will have to show you my weapon.”
“Oh, God, please do.” You rock your hips up off his desk, and with the way that your skirt is flipped up and your pussy bare to Hendery’s eyes, there’s no hiding how much you want him. 
Hendery slides one hand down to your pussy, fingers sliding between your folds. “Do you submit to a strip search?”
You nod. “Of course, anything for an officer in uniform.”
Hendery’s hand leaves your wrists above your head, the other hand still spreading your slick around. His fingers make quick work of the buttons on your blouse, though to be fair there aren’t many of them. Soon your top lies open to either side of your chest, revealing the pretty bra beneath that pushes your tits up nicely. 
Just two days ago you sat in this office chatting about your developing ideas on your study topic until that conversation spun off into talking about anime with him. Sitting there then; you hadn’t even imagined you would find yourself like this, exposed beneath Hendery’s eyes, spread out on his desk, his fingers plunging into your pussy. 
How are you ever going to sit in this room again and just have a casual conversation with him without thinking of this. Without vividly remembering the feeling of Hendery’s fingers curling against your walls, his thumb at your clit, the press of his cock through his pants against your leg. 
“Is that your baton, sir?” You moan. “I wanna see it.”
Hendery, clearly amused by you begging to see his cock, gives in. He undoes his belt, unbuttons his shirt, and then he undies his pants as well. “You want to see it so badly, sweetheart, here it is.”
When he drops his pants, you lift up on your elbows to get a good look. Much like he’s dreamt about you, you’ve spent hours fantasizing in class about him. 
Seeing his cock, you’re well-pleased. 
He’s exactly what you’d hoped for. 
Exactly as over-the-top as your fantasies would have let you believe. Hendery’s packing a big cock, above average, swollen and heavy as he wraps his hand around it right now. He moves closer to you, and when he taps his cock against your clit, your thighs jump, a surprised whine spilling from your lips. 
You’re a little too intoxicated on the idea of fucking Hendery to even think about the repercussions of unprotected sex. You know you’re both likely sexually active, that even with your birth control there’s a risk of pregnancy, that if he cums inside you it’s gonna be messy on top of those other two issues. But at the moment, you don’t really care. 
You just want him. 
You reach for him, forgetting what he’d said just moments ago about not touching him. Maybe he forgot too, because when you wrap both of your hands around his cock, Hendery doesn’t voice a single complaint. 
His fingers return to playing with your pussy, and you stroke his cock with both hands. 
The tip of his cock still glides right against your clit, your pussy growing wetter and wetter, each stroke of his fingers inside you making more of your arousal leak out. 
Hendery’s head is lowered so you can’t see his face, but you know he’s just watching your hands on him, watching his fingers disappearing inside your sweet pussy. He grinds into the circle of your fingers, thrusting forward to meet your downward strokes. 
“Officer, shouldn’t you check to make sure I’m not hiding anything deep inside?” You spread your legs a little wider on the desk. 
Hendery looks up at your face then. 
“You sure about that, sweetheart? Offering yourself up, I could charge you with attempting to bribe an officer too.” Hendery brushes your hands away from his cock, his fingers leave your pussy as well. “Though, I suppose I’d better do a really thorough search, hadn’t I?”
His hands take over from yours, slicking his cock with his arousal beading from the tip. 
You moan, sitting up on the desk just enough to slide your arms out of your shirt. The material flutters down over the edge of the desk, and as soon as it’s out of the way, Hendery pushes his hand gently against your sternum, pressing your back flat to the desk again. 
The lamplight falls right over your face, casting a decent glow up at Hendery’s face and body above yours. You like this angle. Seeing his bare chest, his toned abdomen, and of course that blessedly big cock. 
“Fuck me,” you beg quietly, not really meaning for him to hear it, but of course he does. 
Hendery teases his cock along your slit, and he leans down over you, holding himself above you with one arm to the side above your head. His fingers brush the top of your head as he lowers his face over yours. “Maybe I’ll let you go on good behavior. No charges for your indecency or bribery.”
“Yes, Officer.” You breathe in, taking a deep breath as Hendery rolls his hips forward, impaling you with his cock. You groan a little, perhaps a bit underprepared, and Hendery pauses, but you bring your hands up to his sides, squeezing against his ribs. “Just give it to me.”
Hendery’s the kind of big that just fits so snuggly and perfectly inside you, not leaving a single spot inside your pussy untouched. He’s really a perfect fit, his lower abdomen right there against your clit, his cock fully buried inside you as he grinds in small circles and just lets you get used to him. 
“Fuck, ‘Dery,” you mumble, sliding one hand to his elbow, squeezing. “This. Good. Should I have made a move months ago?”
He laughs a little, resting his forehead against yours, and he starts moving, pulling his hips back just to snap forward, driving his cock into you with shallow thrusts. Hendery pushes up, lifting himself up so he’s looking down at you as he fucks you. 
He wants to see the way your tits bounce in your bra, wants to see your pretty pussy sucking around his cock. Hendery wants to look at you in this pretty hazy golden lighting, looking like a dream of his made real. 
Since he fits inside of you so well, it’s like constant stimulation, and when Hendery actually starts to thumb at your clit again, it’s almost too much. 
For tonight, you’re more than happy to just lie here on the desk and take it. His cock has you feeling boneless, feeling good, and maybe some day in the future you’ll be able to take a more active role, but tonight you’re finally fucking the man you’ve spent the last few months lusting after, so you’ll take the insane satisfaction his cock is giving you. 
Your hands press against Hendery’s sides and his back, nails scraping and digging in. Hendery hisses and groans, thrusting in harder each time your fingernails bite into his skin. 
The constant friction against your clit and the matching spot inside your pussy soon has you feeling close. You want to cum, you want him to cum with you. 
You want to feel the pulses of his cum deep in your belly, feel your pussy throb around him as you cum. You want Hendery to mark you up, and you want to leave your mark on him too. Let people see it and wonder if you gave them to each other. 
You don’t have to wait much longer for your wish. Hendery’s orgasm comes up faster than yours. He bows his head, and pulls out of you. 
With one hand Hendery grabs at your skirt, pulling it down into place, but holding the front of it up so that as he jerks himself off, as his orgasm hits, Hendery shoots strings of cum across the inside of your skirt, over your pussy, upper thighs, and your abdomen. 
Hendery drops his cock, pushing his fingers back inside your pussy, working fast to get you off too, his fingers paying special attention to stimulating your sweet spot. 
The pleasure busts inside you, flooding through you, and your hips lift off the desk with the force of it. You can feel yourself squirting as you cum, dribbling over Hendery’s hand, leaking down onto the desk. 
He lifts you up before you’re done, pulling you off the desk onto unstable legs. 
“Can’t let you get your skirt too messy,” he murmurs as his fingers stroke you through the last waves of your orgasm. Your body is twitching, legs barely holding you up, only Hendery’s arm around your waist really keeping you upright. 
You press your cheek against his chest, catching your breath, giving yourself a moment to recover from the intensity of that. Hendery just holds you, though after he pulls his fingers away from your twitching pussy you do hear him reach for the tissues in his desk, cleaning up his hand and arm and probably the surface of the desk too. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble. 
“For what?” Hendery’s tone is soft, distracted as he tries to clean up one-handed. 
You don’t want to turn your head to see the mess, but you twist around anyway. “I made a mess. Feel like it’s not fair to make you clean up after me.”
“I don’t mind,” Hendery laughs a little. He runs his one hand up and down your back. “I thought it was sexy, kinda cute how you couldn’t handle my cock.”
“I could handle it!” You push at his chest, leaning back to frown up at him. 
Hendery smiles, bumping his fingers beneath your chin. “Sure you did, sweetheart. Lying there all boneless, moaning like a whore for me, and all I could see was the whites of your eyes. My cock that good?”
You frown. “I think I need to knock you down a peg, Professor. Who let your ego grow so big?”
He just smiles at you affectionately. “Maybe next time you can prove to me that my cock doesn’t make you dumb. But if I’m right and you turn a little cock-dumb for me, then we continue private lessons, my sweet schoolgirl. If you’re right, and you can actually handle my cock, I’ll do whatever you like.”
You think about it, trying to think about what you want from him. But deep down you know, it doesn’t matter what you decide on, because he’s right. You’ll just default into a cock-dumb whore when you have him again. 
“I’ll accept that bet.” You break out of his arms, putting a little distance between you and him, holding out your hand to him. “Shake on it.” 
Hendery is all smiles as he takes your hand and shakes on the bet. 
After that, you each pull your clothes back on. You start to grab a tissue to wipe at the mess of his cum inside your skirt and at the top of your thighs, but change your mind, deciding to wear it like a badge, a little secret present from your favorite professor. And besides, when your skirt is down, you can’t really see the splatters of his cum dried on your thighs unless you’re really, really looking for it.
“You might still want a tissue,” Hendery tells you when he notices you withdraw your hand. When you give him a questioning look, he points at his face and then at yours. “Your lipstick. You look a little like a clown, but I mean that in as kind a way as I possibly can.”
Hendery has a small mirror hanging on the wall of the office, and when you walk over to look into it, you see that your lipstick is smeared all around your lips. How Hendery’s face isn’t totally smudged with it, you don’t understand. 
You wipe at it with a tissue until you’re satisfied that you’ve taken all of your lipstick off, but Hendery still watches you with a tender smile. He leans in, thumb wiping at the corner of your mouth, and then he kisses you again. His thumb presses lightly to your chin, tilting your mouth up against his. 
“I’ll see you down there.” He murmurs, pressing one last kiss before he’s turning away, disappearing through his office door. 
You wait a few minutes before you follow. You lock the door behind you, stop in the bathroom on the ground floor just to double-check your lipstick clean up and to pee, and then you rejoin the Halloween party. 
It’s still going, and you don’t think anyone has missed you even though you were gone for a while. You walk with a little bit of swagger in your step, feeling the night air tickle against your bare pussy, the sticky feel of Hendery’s cum drying against your inner thighs. 
You find your friends again lounging on the grass in front of the horror movie screening. 
Mark is making out with the girl from earlier on the next blanket, and as soon as you arrive Renjun happily hands over your blazer. “I saved this from being used as their pillow,” he tells you, nodding over at the couple. “Where did you disappear to?”
“I was just making my rounds. Saying hi, talking with some of the alumni.” You sink down onto the blanket with Renjun, Jeno, and Haechan, though you use the blazer to keep yourself covered up. “I had a lesson on the gray space between what’s moral and immoral.”
All three of them look curious, but at that moment, the gray space himself walks by. Hendery winks, and you just smile to yourself, excited already by the thought of what your next time will hold. 
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deepmochi · 1 year
Mercury in synastry in 1st house what does meaning ? 🐣Thanks
Mercury in the 1st house synatry
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☆° Depending on the aspects, this synastry can be enemies to lovers (harsh aspects) or besties at first talk (easy aspects).
☆° The Mercury person likes to see the 1st house person express themselves and share their knowledge with them.
☆° The house person sees the Mercurian as an intelligent individual who teaches a lot of things.
☆° The Mercury native could be older than the 1st house. There is an age difference, but the partnership still works out.
☆°They are Sapiosexual individuals. Sapiosexual means a person who is sexually or romantically attracted to intelligent people
☆°At first, the house native feels like they don't grasp the planet native.
☆° A lot of times, the house person sees the Mercurian as a cute rambling creature.
☆°Their first encounter is an unexpected one, and the one who initiated the moment was the Mercurian.
☆° The 1st house person thinks the Mercurian is social due to their encounter.
☆° The Mercurian may feel judged at first, but then they try to continue the conversation.
☆° In a romantic connection, the mercurian will try to pursue the 1st house the right way. They have a convo, and it's an instant click.
☆° The house individual values how the planet person listens to them, even in discussions.
☆° They don't fight; they debate, so you will see them talking heatedly about something.
☆° They usually can read each other body language.
☆° They can have communication problems, especially from the Mercurian side. Since they read the house person so well, they may feel pressured or scared to share their ideas.
☆° This synastry involves some kind of physical interaction. Either they bumped into each other, or they touch the other for whatever reason. Maybe they tap the 1st person on the shoulder because they drop something. It's a possibility.
☆° They are good team, but the 1st house would take the lead. They are bolder, and the mercurian will mediate things.
☆° Usually, one is more grumpy looking (sometimes 1st house person) than the other.
Take care, loves
Fuente: deepmochi
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yeehawbrothers · 1 year
Wrench. 11th doctor.
Decided to scroll through my notes and found this gem of a prompt, how could I resist?
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Prompt: "Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?" "Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak?"
Enjoy- A.
A rare silence had fallen over the console room of the TARDIS. 
After the last adventure, Amy and Rory decided to head to bed for awhile.
Which of course was fine, as you and the Doctor understood that humans needed much more rest than timelords.
They had gone to bed a few hours ago, but you and the Doctor remained under the console, working in the mess of wires together.
“Didn’t I tell you before that these needed to be cleaned up a bit!?” You groaned exasperated, as he fell from his sling of sorts after being shocked once again by two wires touching that definitely should not have touched.
He sighed, sitting up and looking towards you with a face of defeat.
His hair was sticking up all around, grease coated his face, and his goggles hung halfway off his head.
You let out a loud laugh before quickly turning away, trying desperately to choke down your laughter.
“Well I’m glad my pain is amusing to you.” He grumbled, standing and wiping his hands on his trousers.
“That’s enough for me today.” He said, taking off his goggles and throwing them across the room.
“You better pick those up.” You said, giving him a look.
He waved his hand in dismissal, “Eh, maybe later. I think i'll go check the TARDIS pantry for something to eat. I’m quite hungry.”
You nodded in understanding. 
He offered you a hand, which you grabbed and stood from your seat. Taking your goggles off and stuffing them into your hammock of sorts.
“I think i'll take a shower, maybe pop down to the library.”
He nodded, his bright eyes shining as he smiled down at you. 
You both turned, walking up the stairs to the doorway. 
“Meet back here later?” He said, turning his head towards you, brown locks of hair falling across his elegant features.
You smiled, brushing them away and softly running your hand through his hair.
“Of course. You could always come join me in the library once you're finished.”
He grabbed your hand from his hair as you spoke, bringing your knuckles to his mouth, kissing them gently. 
“Of course, anything for you."
You felt your face heat up involuntarily.
 No matter how long you’d been with him, he always got you blushing like a school girl.
“Then, until later my love.” You leaned up, tenderly kissing his cheek before turning and walking down one of the many hallways to your room.
He stood for a moment, lost in thought with a dopey smile plastered across his face until you left his line of vision. 
Before turning and heading the opposite way towards the kitchen.
Quite a few hours later, you found your eyes beginning to hurt from the strain of reading for so long.
You had a large stack of books set on the coffee table in-front of you, all ones you had read during that time.
You read a few more chapters before sitting up and stretching, feeling your back crack multiple times in varying places.
Sitting for a moment, you admired the fireplace before you.
The Tardis was kind enough to give you your own personalized section of the library.
A large brick fireplace, with small knick knacks from various planets lining the mantle, was set with two large loveseats. 
A soft circular rug sat beneath them, one you loved to run your feet across when you were sat reading for hours on end.
On one side of the fireplace, was a beautiful alcove.
Large windows overlooking an artificial garden with rays of fabricated sun shining down were framed with light grey curtains.
Many days, if you felt you didn’t need to grasp for the warmth of the fire, you found yourself under a warm blanket, leaning against a soft pillow as you watched the simulated birds fly from one tree to the next.
As you sat, staring into the fire, you realized the doctor had never come to check on you.
‘He probably got distracted, or set the kitchen on fire.’ You thought to yourself, a blissful smile crossing your face at the mere thought of the man.
You figured you’d might as well finish the book you were reading, since you only had a chapter or two left.
Now, non-fiction books were definitely not your first choice, but after losing 7 games in a row to the Doctor you’d decided to do some reading on chess tactics.
After getting through a few more chapters, one of which depicted how to tell if someone was letting you win, a thought occurred to you. Which you just had to get an answer to.
Deciding to just head straight to the console room, assuming that Amy and Rory had probably woken up and decided they were ready for an adventure. 
As you approached the doorway, you heard Amy and the Doctor’s muffled bickering. 
“No! Not that one!”
“Well I don't know! You didn’t specify!”
You laughed quietly to yourself, she must be trying to help him repair something.
As you stood in the doorway, you saw Rory sitting in one of the flight chairs, watching Amy try to hand the Doctor something over the railing without dropping it on his head.
“Hey guys.” You spoke, announcing your presence as you descended down the stairs.
“Oh thank the stars your here! You can help your boyfriend now. He’s driving me insane.” Amy exclaimed, apparently forgetting she was holding a large wrench above the Doctors head. You heard a small clunk before hearing the doctor shout out in pain. 
Amy turned towards you, eyes wide. 
“Sorry.” She said quietly, sparing a glance down at the Doctor.
You walked towards the railing, looking down below. 
“You okay?” You asked, looking down at the Doctor, who was now rubbing his head where you assumed the wrench had hit. 
“Bloody brilliant.” He turned to look up at you, hand still holding his head. 
You smiled down at the child of a man, who held a pout in distain. 
He rubbed his head a moment more before turning back to his work.
“Let me just get this fixed, and we’ll be off. You know I heard of this planet where-“ He began his description, as per usual.
You straightened up and went to sit down on the floor beside the control panel, floors were always better to sit on. 
You had decided that a long time ago after the whole, ‘bee fiasco.’ But that was a story for another time.
Amy, who now sat beside Rory on the flight chair, turned towards you.
“So, where’ve you been? You must’ve been doing something important if the Doctor would rather my help than interrupting you.” 
You looked up from watching the Doctor through the clear flooring, a small smile on your face.
“Oh just reading in the library.” 
She nodded wordlessly, before turning to observe the Doctor as-well.
Silence fell for a moment, before you spoke up, suddenly remembering your question.
“Do you think letting someone win at chess counts as sapiosexual bottoming?”
Amy turned to you, eyes wide, before Rory spoke up in exhaustion.
“Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak?”
You laughed loudly before turning to see the Doctor walking up the stairs towards the console.
He headed over to you, looking down at you from where you sat, leaning against the console.
“What would make you ask that?” He asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.
“I don't know, I was reading a chess book so I could win a game-“ you spoke,  as you stood up to lean against the console next to him, “-against you but in one of the chapters it spoke about letting you know if someone was allowing you to win a game, one thing led to another and well, got curious I suppose. Anyways- where are we off to today?”
You turned to look at the Doctor, an amused smile on his face. 
“You were reading a book on chess, so you could beat me?” He asked smugly.
“Excuse me, are we just gonna ignore the fact that they just asked about sapiosexual bottoming???”
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smileysuh · 8 months
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works. 11 I words. 109.8k
solo works. 6 works featuring other members. 5
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Devil's Girl - Seungcheol
⚔️ preview. “Three hundred years ago, one of your ancestors promised me a descendant as my prophesied betrothed. A girl of her bloodline who would bear my hybrid offspring, children with the power of demons and witches, bodies unrestricted by the laws of heaven or hell. A witch who would be identified by the mark of the Devil, drawn through with three lines.”
tw/cw. foreplay, fingering, oral (f receiving), Cheol is low-key pussy obsessed, overstimulation, 5-inch long demon tongue, invisible demon bondage magic, the demon magic can also vibrate her clit a little, bdsm themes, slight choking, squirting, wet kink, massive cock cheol, pussy stretching, impreg/breeding/cum kink, dirty talk, service dom Cheol, consent is a must, begging, multiple reader orgasms, unprotected sex, hand job, dream/incubi threesome with Mingyu & Wonwoo, double fingering, degradation, dacryphilia, etc… I pet names: (hers) little/my sweet, pretty girl, good girl, whore/slut (1), baby, little love, etc. (his) sir, daddy.
👻 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 7.2k
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Night Terror - Seungcheol
⚔️ preview. As much as you love being a mother, you think some of your favorite moments might just happen when the kids are asleep. Seeing Seungcheol with Hana and Daehyun is one of the great joys of your life, but you have needs too, and after a long day, you really need something to help you relax.
tw/cw. unprotected sex, bathroom sex, mirror sex, dirty talk, praise, fingering, blow job, deep throating, mentions of masochism, loud sex, your kid hearing you scream during sex and then your husband lies to her and says it's night terrors when really it's him - he's the night terror, etc… I pet names: (hers) princess.
👻 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 4.2k
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Blood Moon - Seungcheol
⚔️ preview. “You know,” Cheol’s lips are feverish against your skin, and he kisses from your collarbone to your breasts, his hot breath driving you wild, “in some cultures, the blood moon is a sign that the moon needs to be worshiped.” His hand moves between your legs, deft fingers rubbing you through your panties while he lets out another groan of need. “Werewolves worship the moon,” he continues. “It’s what makes us who we are, but after I met you…” his other hand tears the front of your dress down, and his teeth graze by your nipple, “let’s just say, you’re all that matters to me now. And I’m going to worship you as if you were the moon.”
tw/cw. blood/claim biting, a/b/o, alpha cheol, big dick cheol, pussy worship, pussy eating, unprotected sex, fingering, squirting, exhibitionism, sex where his pack can hear it, praise, multiple positions, breeding kink, size kink, overstim, slight dacryphilia, sex on a car & the ground & under the blood moon, wet pussy kink, knotting, rough sex, dirty talk, hair pulling, etc… I pet names: (hers) princess. (his) alpha.
👻 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 5k
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Sapiosexual - Seungcheol
⚔️ preview. “You’re a beautiful, bright, young woman, and you’re agreeing to be a companion to some middle aged psych nut who hardly has enough time for you-” you both laugh a little at the way he refers to himself, “compensation is a must.”
cw/ tw. daddy kink/issues, size/shoulder/back kink, contractual relationship, unspecified age difference, unprotected sex, choking, semi bondage, multiple sex scenes, fingering, squirting, oral (m/f receiving), baby oil massage, praise, dirty talk, hair pulling, overstim, dacryphilia, slight orgasm denial, hand kink, etc... I pet names. his: daddy. hers: gorgeous, angel, darling, my love, pretty girl, etc...
👻 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 18.6k
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Imagining - Seungcheol
⚔️ synopsis. Your boyfriend is away shooting a movie on Halloween, and you’re feeling his absence. Good thing he’s just a phone call away.
cw/ tw. phone sex, dirty talk, praise, degradation, multiple orgasms, mutual masturbation, guided masturbation, toys, bdsm mentions, dom/daddy/sir cheol, bratty!reader, daddy (5), etc…
👻 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.9k
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Trust me - Seungcheol
⚔️ synopsis. in preparation for your wedding to the love of your life, whom you met teaching abroad, you’re studying Korean, and your fiancé is doing everything in his power to help you learn 
cw/ tw. dubious study techniques, oral (f receiving), praise, fingering, protected sex, grinding, etc…
👻 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.3k
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Cam Baby Series - Seungcheol I ft. multiple idols
⚔️ preview. Your heart is racing in your chest from the effort of wiggling down against Seungcheol’s thigh, and you can’t believe this is how he wants you to cum- but now that you think of it, this is definitely something Cheol would do. He has something to prove- everyone who fucks you on cam does. What says ‘I know cam baby best’ better than making you cum practically untouched? And fully clothed at that?
cw/ tw. cam sex, wrist restraint, size kink, thigh riding, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, dirty talk, panty gag, fingering, squirting, some daddy kink, pussy slapping, praise, etc... I petnames. (hers) sweetheart, baby, etc... (his) daddy, cheol.
👻 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 5.2k I 1 part
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Penance - Seungcheol I ft. Mingyu & Wonwoo & 95's
⚔️ preview. You’re hyper-aware of the fact that all four of your lovers are just outside the confessional, that they’re listening in- it’s making your mouth dry, your palms becoming sweaty as you rub them against your dress. “When you last confessed, you mentioned greed and lust as your sins. Would you care to elaborate more on that?” The priest asks. “Maybe it will be easier, now that you’re amongst… friends.”
cw/ tw. unprotected sex, orgies, 3some, 4some, 6some, creampies/filling kink, cum play, dirty talk, praise, degradation, fucking in weird places (a tank & church & outside & bathrooms), multiple sex scenes, choking, rough handling, manhandling, blow jobs, deep throating, oral, squirting, anal, double penetration, triple penetration, masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, multiple orgasms, dacryphilia, overstimulation, possessiveness, sir kink, powerplay, free use subthemes, getting horny during confession, sins: lust/greed, fingering, sex as punishment/penance, jealousy, dubious consent/inclusion of a new person, spit-roasting/Eiffel tower, finger sucking, spanking, spitting, etc... I pet names: (hers) baby, beautiful princess, kitten, whore/slut, good girl, dirty girl, etc. (cheol's) sir. (gyu's) puppy. (others) etc...
👻 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 21.2k
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Ice Cold, Cabin Fever - Seungcheol I ft. Mingyu
⚔️ preview. "come on, let’s just go back to snakes and ladders and you can pretend we’re not snowed in with no firewood and a dude you hate locked in the bathroom."
cw/ tw. threesome, daddy issues, mean/tsundere cheol, wet dreams, spanking, marking, dirty talk, choking, unprotected sex, pain kink, dacryphilia, breast play, praise, degradation, fingering, oral, hand job, blow job, multiple orgasms, overstim, edging, orgasm denial, manhandling, size kink, cumplay, finger sucking, spit roasting, hair pulling, voyeurism, I petnames. (hers) princess, bitch, whore, baby (s.coups) cheol, douche, dick, daddy (mingyu) gyu.
👻 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 25.9k
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Clowns - Seungcheol I ft. 95 line & Mingyu & Wonwoo
⚔️ preview. you’re a sad, blue, crazy, tulle’d clown - corset and all - riding one of the most beautiful men you know, on the hood of his best friend’s car, exposed to the cool night air, under the full moon on a Halloween night while four more men watch... what could be better than this? 
cw/ tw. dark content, group sex, 6some, orgy, degradation, praise, manhandling, size kink, dirty talk, oral (f/m receiving), dacryphilia, deep throating, protected sex, fingering, squirting, parking lot exhibitionism, voyeurism, marking, horror/clowns, choking, dumbification, etc...  I pet names. squeak (50), silly/sad/stupid/messy/little clown (19+), daddy (6), etc...
👻 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 13.3k
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Cuff 1 - Seungcheol I ft. Vernon & Wonwoo
⚔️ synopsis. You and Vernon have been together forever, and your relationship is almost perfect… but it’s missing something. When the young member mentions wanting to spice things up a bit in the bedroom, his hyungs Wonwoo and Seungcheol are more than happy to give you and Vernon some in-person lessons. aka: You and Vernon want to try bdsm, S.coups and Wonwoo help.
cw/ tw. vouyerism, toys, vibrator, power dynamics, unprotected sex, Vernon’s the only one who gets his dick wet, etc...
👻 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 4k
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✘ masterlist
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titleleaf · 1 month
If Hannigram do end up having sex in s4 or s5, do you think Will is going to dom Hannibal?
On the one hand: I don’t think there’s going to be a s4/s5 at this point and I’m fine with that. I don’t enjoy a lot of what’s been floated as planned for future seasons and I’m skeptical of how much of that was ever really going to be on the table just because of how making a TV show works. Idk what we’ll see or not see there. On the other hand: that means I and every other writer/artist/fan has a blank check for what they would want to see in that time frame. I can’t say what I think we would see but I can definitely hold forth at length about what I would write if I were somehow in charge of the Official Hannigram Paddling Sequence.
The thing that makes any kind of dominance/submission dynamic between them so fraught is of course all the very unsimulated betrayal and violence, but a lot of things could conceivably happen after that game changer s3 finale. So taking it for granted that they finally recognize that they do in fact want to fuck each other, and in the alternate universe where they’re permitted to fuck nasty, I do think Will could and would dom Hannibal — but it would be with their customary level of 4D-chess mind games in play. Hannibal submitting to anybody (and I do think he has wonderful subby moments, especially with Bedelia) is always like one of those optical illusions where the silhouette of a vase is produced by the negative space between two faces. They both know what he’s capable of and what he’s done in the past, so what he’s not doing is as important to the scene as what he *is* doing.
So without further ado, because I did 100% ask for weird Hannigram sex asks, here are some thoughts on yaoi weird Hannigram sex. (Content note: discussion of risk-aware consensual but undernegotiated kink, sex, elements of consensual non-consent, hypothetical consent issues/canon-typical mental cruelty.)
I do think Will would have a lot of complex emotions and desires to unpack in a sexual encounter where a consensual(ish) exploration of fantasy is the whole point, and that Hannibal would be receptive to that — one of my favorite flavors of dom!Will is with Hannibal really gratified by and getting off on the darker emotions Will would be more hesitant to explore during a sex/kink scenario with someone who, bluntly, he didn’t feel on some level deserved it. (Or as Hannibal might prefer to frame that, was worthy of those emotions.) He has a lot of real anger to tap into and I think the exploratory and experimental space of kink would allow him to express and come to terms with some of his more contradictory impulses where Hannibal’s concerned. That kind of kinky theatrical engagement lends itself to dialogue and exploration, kind of a horny improv comedy situation where two people conspire together to bring each other pleasure and catharsis, which I think Will might, if he could get past all his turbo guilt, enjoy. The fact that Hannibal enjoys the *thought* of Will hurting him physically (up to the point of… yk, murder) precludes that being really satisfying as pure revenge, but it also gives Will a kind of permission to get pretty wild with it while still feeling love and tenderness for this guy. I also think Will’s weird reciprocal powers of imagination and empathy would make a funky feedback loop between him and a partner with appropriately complicated kinks — identifying what gets somebody off and why, then getting off on getting them off on a deep and intimate level. It’s the more benign version maybe of getting satisfaction out of perceiving what will hurt Hannibal most (in the unsexy, unwanted, non-negotiated sense) and then doing exactly that. Sapiosexuality but for only being able to get off on probing the inner workings of very conceptually complicated fetishes.
The real impediment besides Will’s own guilt (and any painful emotions he might have surviving that s3 finale) would be Hannibal’s irresistible need to poke and prod at other people’s brains. I don’t love the way people use the pejorative sense of “topping from the bottom” — too often it’s so ill defined that it gets into ugly essentialist territory and I think overstepping the bounds in a kink scene can go in any direction, it’s not fine when a dom oversteps either — but Hannibal is not really great at respecting limits and he’s fully capable of going too far and inflicting unwanted mental cruelty even if he’s totally physically immobilized. (In fact, it’s kind of the character’s thing, arguably.) So getting Hannibal to play nice long enough for Will to play with him at all would be tough, but not impossible with the right incentives.
If they can engage in that dynamic as sort of co-conspirators and collaborators instead of being genuinely adversarial I think they could both get a lot out of being on either side of the equation. (This goes for sex in general, I think, I don’t see either of them as a die-hard exclusive top or bottom. Hannibal would have pretentious thoughts about this and about the complexities of power and pleasure while I think Will, under ideal conditions, would enjoy the flexibility of switching roles and exploring different sides of himself.) Hannibal has a whole worthy-opponent thing which is very wonderfully horny so I think he’d get off a lot on being forced/yk, “””forced””” to submit if that meant similarly forcing/“forcing” Will into being brutal with him (with whatever level of real vs. play-acted resistance) and Will would get off on having a designated space (if never exactly a safe space given Hannibal’s a dangerous guy) to explore his capacity for violence without the fear of losing control of himself or of hurting somebody who’s not fine with being hurt under those conditions. I uhhhhh have a fic where post-s3 Will consensually hunts down Hannibal for sport and fucks him when he catches him so I have lots of thoughts about how they could conceivably bone. Either of them can perform their dominance of the other purely verbally but I feel like this pairing/dynamic combo pairs well with rough body play/impact play, verbal humiliation of a horny variety, ruined orgasms, orgasm denial, rope bondage, and de facto honor bondage/compelling him to endure uneasy positions of anticipation and expectation. (“Hold perfectly still while I shave you even though you know I could fully cut your throat with your own stupid expensive straight razor” 👌👌👌👌) Lots of emotions and skirting different types of edgeplay. Invoking the real nuclear option(s) in terms of their respective relationship insecurities/traumas would escalate things in an unsexy way neither of them would enjoy, but Hannibal enjoys being seen by Will and Will could get a strong reaction out of him without even laying a hand on him. Or while laying hands on him very sparingly. Special Investigator Graham, you must simply edge 👏 that 👏 man. 👏
It’s always a touchy situation between them and I don’t think it would get any less touchy with them on the run together, but I can imagine lots of possibilities for the two of them to explore their complicated feelings for each other through the time honored medium of bossing a hot older man around sexually.
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kandisheek · 3 months
Amuly is not only a master of smut, but also of unique and interesting concepts. I'm constantly in awe of how varied their writing is. There are a ton of fantastic fics on their AO3, but I'm going to have to limit myself, otherwise I'd probably want to rec all of them, they're just that good.
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
Shower Rocks
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,268 Tags: Domestic Fluff, Sam is a Good Bro, Steve vs the Future
Summary: Steve decides it's time to stock his shower up with some of Tony's bathing supplies. Even if one of those supplies is a strange, scratchy rock.
Reasons why I love it: First off, the Sam and Steve friendship in this really warms my heart. Steve is such a considerate sweetheart, Tony should hurry up and put a ring on that. This fic is sweet as hell, so go and get yourself a little treat!
Fairy Godmother
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 5,186 Tags: Peggy is Tony's Aunt, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Alzheimer's Disease
Summary: Auntie Peggy has been telling Tony stories about Captain America his whole life. Only problem is, the real thing just about measures up to the stories. Which means, of course, that Aunt Peg has to go to work, because an Aunt's work is never done.
Reasons why I love it: Peggy is so sweet with Tony. Thank god for her, honestly, considering how Howard was. And her playing matchmaker is amazing. I love the moment she sees Steve again for the first time, and it's so heart-warming to see Tony visiting her later on in life. I wish we'd gotten that in canon. This fic is wonderful, and I really hope you check it out for yourself!
Close Shave
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 4,123 Tags: Shaving, Bathroom Sex, Porn with Feelings
Summary: Steve and Tony are stuck in a hotel room waiting on an AIM arms deal. Tony makes fun of Steve's straightedge razor, Steve thinks Tony's LASER hair remover couldn't possibly do as good as a job. Steve offers to show Tony exactly how close a shave his razor has to offer. Obviously this leads to sex.
Reasons why I love it: This fic is so fucking hot! I could cut the sexual tension between them with a knife, and shaving as foreplay is something I've always loved in fanfic, so this is right up my alley. Plus, the hints of possibly something more than just sex are fantastic. I love this one so much, please go and check it out!
Gold “Member”
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 3,004 Tags: Extremis, Sexual Humor, Bottom Steve
Summary: Tony realizes one night that the golden under-armor he pulls out of his skin with Extremis can be pulled out to cover only very specific parts of his anatomy. Namely, his penis. He decides he really needs to share this with Steve.
Reasons why I love it: This fic is hilarious in concept alone, so I was surprised how much the feels actually hit me while I was reading it. Steve and Tony give off major old married couple vibes, their love for each other is palpable. Plus, the smut is really hot – Steve being a sapiosexual made me smile. I love this fic, so I hope you check it out!
Sheriff's Watch
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 2,646 Tags: Marvel 1872, Blow Jobs, Western
Summary: Steve and Tony enjoy each other company in Tony's home of technological marvels. But there's something out there, and Steve's beginning to take notice.
Reasons why I love it: I really love the descriptions of Tony's house with all of its inventions. And the smut is so fucking hot, my god. Steve discovering the wonders of sex is always fun, and this fic definitely does the trope justice. I love it so much, and I bet you will too, so please go and check it out for yourself!
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lil-ms-darkness · 9 months
Alucard- Vlad Tepes (Hellsing) dating headcanons
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Considering his past, I can’t picture Alucard lying with a man. I picture him as being gynosexual- and sapiosexual.
Alucard does not love easily, or quickly for that matter. The last time he attempted to find himself a woman, he was staked by Van Hellsing and his kingdom was destroyed once again. 
Alucard also has some difficulties even considering relationships due to his self image- he is a monster, after all, and why would a monster be allowed to have a love life? If he wanted one, he would merely take it. Who would stop him? Really?
Then you came along. 
At first, he didn’t see you as anything beyond a “coworker”. Someone tasked with the responsibility of assisting his master and defending the headquarters. 
But then, shortly after an attack on the Hellsing organization, he saw just how brave you were. You were unafraid to die, and you fought with a pride that he once fought with, himself. It was refreshing to see. 
And then he noticed you taking late night walks, or stepping out into the gardens when you couldn’t sleep. 
When you spoke to him, you were unafraid, and spoke to him as if he were another person in your mortal life, and not an entity of mass destruction and power. 
But it wasn’t any of those trivial things that drew him to you, no. 
It was the intelligence you hid. The conversations the two of you had, and the kindness you showed him. He enjoyed the opinions you shared, and the way you spoke about the things you were passionate about.
It took a long, long time before he accepted his feelings for you. He took his time to get to know you, inside and out. He learns your dreams, your passions, your quirks, your childhood, your traumas, your hobbies, the little things your face does when something happens. He makes a note of your fears, and elects to protect you from them all.
The more he learns about you, the more he realizes just how human you are. And somehow, in brief moments of comfort, he almost feels human, himself. Almost.
When you two finally start dating, Alucard is relatively distant, even then. 
His means of showing affection to you are different, to put it into words.
He is not the type to wrap an arm around you, or bring you dinner, or court you anymore than he is to walk through a field of daisies. 
His means of affection is treating you as a true equal. He knows he could destroy you if he wanted, but somehow, when you stand your ground against his taunts, shoot little jabs back, or even playfully shoot him in the knee with a smirk, he knows no matter how human you are, there's a depth and a purity inside you that he desires more than anything. His own personal sunlight.
Speaking of sunlight, that's his nickname for you. Because your smile brightens up any room you're in. Whether you're reserved or a social butterfly, spotting your smile from across the hall is the most beautiful to him.
Late at night, when you go to visit him, he will taunt you endlessly, but when you finally get tired, he will motion you to his throne. He allows you to sit on his lap, sipping his wine, and once you're asleep, he will lift you and carry you to your room.
He lays you in your bed, and examines your sleeping face for a moment, and he wonders if perhaps you are the human he has waited for. The human who will finally be able to end him. And that thought alone makes him love you all the more.
A/N: This has been in my drafts for way longer than I want to admit. Truthfully, I'm not a fan, but oh well. You all deserve Alucard, since I posted both Integra and Seras. Hope you enjoy!
- Lil_Ms_Darkness
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syrma-sensei · 2 years
→ Blow My Mind.
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pairing: Jake Lockley x college student!reader.
rating: explicit.
word count: 2.1k
warning: established relationship, sapiosexuality, fluff, bad boy x nerd girl cliché, sub/dom dynamics, daddy kink, fingering, domestic life.
tagging: @wysteria-clad
→ masterlist | ao3
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Jake Lockley still can't understand how the hell he got so lucky; having a brilliant woman like you as his girl. You're perfect, just perfect in his eyes. So damn smart and intellectual that keeps him always wonder how you, such a shrewd woman, accepted to be his girlfriend, the light of his life.
With a low grumble, Jake clicks the door of your shared apartment open and steps in with Chinese food bags in his hand.
“Cariño, I'm home,” He rumbles deeply through his chest as he shuts the door close with his foot.
No answer; Jake scowls for a moment, then sighs.
Clicking his tongue disapprovingly, he wriggles his coat off of him and hangs it with his hat on the top of it, and throws his black gloves on the coffee table after he slipped them off. He aims to the kitchen and empties the takeout on the table, sprucing it up adroitly before he heads up to your study room.
Without knocking, Jake opens the door slowly and immediately spots you sitting at your desk in a very strange position; your back is overly lopsided over the surface, and one of your legs is curled up to your chest as your chin rests on your knee, while the other is dangling over the chair.
A mix of sweet swooning and strange arousal coil at the tip of his stomach. But he got used to it, nevertheless. The thrilled sparks searing his abdomen whenever he sees you scanning a book while wearing your cute reading glasses, or when you babble about scientific facts within your study fields to which he only nods politely and smiles at you even though he understands nothing of what you say. It is odd though, he gets little to nothing of what you normally say when it comes to academic research and things of the sort, but it — you turn him on when you do that. His smart little girl. The one who's thriving for a Master degree in biological anthropology, and dedicating everything she's got in order to obtain it. Jake admires this about you, admires your eagerness and passion for your ambition and your non-stop hard work to reach your dream.
However, and as much as he loves seeing you doing that, he hates how frazzling and tiring it is to you. The ungodly amount of caffeine you consume daily, the dark circles adorning your adorable face, your lack of healthy nutrition, and perhaps worst of all —to Jake at least— him seeing you falling asleep on your books and papers in a crooked sitting position almost every night he comes home after work. Recently, he's added carrying and tucking you safely in bed into his to-do list of the day. Not that he complains about the act itself rather the reason behind it. Today though, he finishes his work on Chicago's streets earlier than the usual, and stops by your favourite Chinese place and grabs your favourite Ramen. Tonight, he's going to talk to you about this at the dinning table with the most serious face he can muster, and he knows how intimidating he can be when does that. It's not like he didn't, he certainly did, but non of it could stop you from harming yourself. You left him no choice.
“Jake!” You squeal cheerfully the moment you turn your head to see your boyfriend, “Babe, you're early!”
Unsurprisingly, Jake almost melts on his spot when he hears your delightful voice calling him ever so sweetly. For a moment he falls numb when he sees your face; the red reading glasses —his favourite— resting on the bridge of your nose so cutely, and the curious look in your eyes that never fades, and he'd be damned if he let anything take that from you, from him, all make him fall in love with you again.
Joder. How the hell is he going to fake a stoic façade to talk to you now?
Jake's face softens as he gazes at you, the love his life, and strides forwards to your chair, “Sì, mi amor,” Once he's behind your chair, you curl your neck backwards, laying your head on the headrest, “Finished early tonight, so we can have dinner together.” He grins widely, trying to hide his promise of admonishment, “Hope you're in the mood for Chinese food.” He pecks your lips tenderly.
“Jake Lockley,” You say when you part your lips, “Have I told you how much I fucking love you?”
“Yes, you have. But will gladly love to hear you say it again,” He kisses your forehead, “And again,” Then he slips your glasses off to kiss your nose, “And again,” Then your chin, “And again...” He slides up and presses his lips to yours again.
You giggle at his playful gesture, and kiss him back, heads upside down, while caress his curls gently.
You sigh when he pulls away, “As much as I'd love to join you instantly, love, but I have to finish this.”
That draws a groan from Jake. So, you pout prettily at him and he sighs, “How much time do you need?”
“Fifteen minutes,” You exclaim.
“Can handle it.”
You pat his sharp cheek softly as he gives your glasses back before adjusting your position again on your chair. However, Jake doesn't leave, he's still standing behind you, looming and radiating with warmth and heavy scent like a sweet, hazing cloud for you.
You pick up the pen again and re-focuse on your current subject; the evolution of human emotions. However, you feel Jake's large hands set themselves lightly on your shoulders. Moments later, you feel his nimble fingertips pressing skillfully on the stiff spots of your muscles. You chew your lower lips to prevent the relieving sigh escaping from your lips. But alas, the bastard knows what's he's doing. So, you sigh longingly, your head tilts to the side a bit.
When was the last time you and Jake had sex? It's been a while, you guessed. Because the way your body is overly sensitive under his sinful touch gives it away. Oh, how you've missed it; the hot, intimate times with Jake. When he has you under him naked, gasping and mewling his name in the most obscene sounds that you never dreamt of producing. When he grinds into you in the most sensational rhythm while he huffs and utters the dirtiest profanities in Spanish. Or when he has you on all four, smacking your ass red for being a brat while he's plunged inside of you, hitting spots you never imagined they exist.
When he fucks you, he just fucks you right... and good.
So, you lean into his touch, intentionally or not, you want this... need it.
Jake's magical palms and fingers continue to massage your sore neck and shoulders, and you moan in relief, shamelessly, unabashedly. Because he taught you, to never stifle the needs of your flesh from him, to never hide what truly you want. And thus, your body became his; he knows where to touch and where to press, he's aware where to lick and where to kiss. And you never feel vulnerable around him, or maybe you learnt that it's okay and safe to be exposed with Jake. He just gives that sense of security and tranquility.
Unsurprisingly, the effects of his touch sneak to your lower regions, coiling and fluttering in desire. His mere touch stirs your urges.
“Jake... please...” You whisper pathetically, “N-Need more.”
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” He drawls with his accent into your ear; wet mess pooling between your thighs, “Use your words, mi amor,”
You press your thighs together, “Need you, Papi, por favor.”
And that's it.
Jake grasps your nape as if you're a tiny kitten, and perhaps you are to him, with a single hand. And with the other, he drags your belongings up the desk and leans you down on the wooden surface. You whimper again as he shoves your sweatpants and knickers down, pooling them around your ankles.
He soothes your buttocks before smacking them playfully. “The evolution of human sex behaviour, huh?” He chuckles, “Some nasty stuff you're studying, querida,”
You look forwards and the title of what you've been studying spurts at your face; heat smears your ears red, and you cover your face between your arms.
Jake chuckles again, “Now, now, gatita, we've done things a hundred books can't even cover,” He snickers, “With me, it's only about practical science, sì?”
Jake traces his fingers on your dripping folds, playing languidly with them, smearing your cunt with your own wetness, drawing pretty and pathetic sounds from your throat, “You fuck my mind and I fuck this pretty tight pussy of yours,”
Then he shoves two thick digits into your hungry drawers, your head snaps as he hits the bundle of nerves immediately.
“Jake, please, please,” You cry, hands shaking their way to the desk edges to grab on them, “Oh God, Papi, please!”
Jake brushes your hair away from your neck, then he showers your skin with the most affectionate kisses. He curls his fingers inside of you, and the act renders you motionless.
“Papi, please, wanna cum,” You whine weakly, “Can I cum, p-please?”
Ow, his nerdy girl never forgets her manners and asks for permission to cum. He taught her well, his precious, smart princess.
“Cum for me, princesa,” He whispers lovingly in your ear, “Good girl, so good to me.”
The ever soft tone of his deep voice tickles your sensations.
“Jake... Jake... Jake...” You whisper weakly as you shiver your orgasm out. Jake, however, doesn't pull away, your walls clench around his fingers ardently.
“I'm here, princesa, I'm here,”
You fumble for his hand and he brings it to your cheek and caresses it. You grab his larg hand and kisses it affectionately. Jake smiles softly, and cradles your chin tenderly, petting your skin with the pads of his fingers.
“Missed you so much, babe,” you murmur as your head lean into his touch.
“Missed you too, bebita,”
It's a silent apology, silent words of how sorry you are. Because since you embarked on your Master degree, your time with the man you love shortened, your meetings decreased, your dates almost vanished. You felt pressured but he's here for you, always. Never has he complained about your lack of your attention, never has he given any signs that he's upset or annoyed. You only found support and love from Jake. And damn how lucky you are, having him as your man. Your strong, handsome and loving man.
You always feel proud that you have such an amazing partner. Your college peers always wonder how a sweet and delicate girl like you ended up with a man like him. But you know better. You know that underneath the stoic face a warm, welcoming soul, that underneath that intimidating, even scary, persona a loving man who would do anything for you. He's harsh but not with you, he has a profane tongue but you like it, he scares people even better you don't like people yourself, he doesn't give a fuck and does what he wants and perhaps that's the most alluring trait you like about him. With you though, he's almost unrecognisable, he allows himself to be open with you. He's never timid about anything, what's on his mind is on the tip of his tongue. He praises you, indulges you, pampers you like you're the only woman on Earth, and you are to him.
After few minutes, Jake tells you to stay still and wait for him as he goes to fetch a towel to clean the mess you two did.
Once done, he slides your underwear and pants up and kisses your forehead affectionately. “Te amo,” he whispers.
“Love you too,” you whisper back.
He adjusts your stuff on the table, before clasping your hand and heading down to the kitchen.
You shriek in delight when you see the ready table and kiss his cheek.
“Oh my God, Jake, you're the best.”
You hurry to the table and catch a box and open it.
“Wait, princesa, it's cold—”
“Don't care.” You say as you slurp your delicious noodles.
“A'right,” He chuckles, petting your head playfully before sitting at the head of the table next to you.
As dinner passed, you end up patting your stomach full and satisfied.
Jake gazes at you, a wide grin adorning his handsome face. You catch him looking at you and you smile back. “What?”
“Nothing,” He chuckles delightfully, “You just blow my mind.”
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